Online Gerrymander calculator (partisan asymmetry)

Enter the by district vote counts below and hit submit to calculate the amount and direction of gerrymandering.

To see how the numbers are calculated click: view source.

Enter district votes (one line per district):
Democratic votes Republican votes

SetImageBorderType('plain'); $plot->SetPlotAreaWorld(0,0,1,1); //Set titles $plot->SetTitle("Seats-votes curve"); $plot->SetXTitle('% votes'); $plot->SetYTitle('% seats'); $plot->SetPlotType('lines'); $plot->SetDataType('data-data-yx'); $plot->SetDataValues($example_data); $plot->SetDataColors(array('red','blue')); //Turn off X axis ticks and labels because they get in the way: $plot->SetXTickLabelPos('none'); $plot->SetXTickPos('none'); //Draw it $plot->SetPrintImage(false); $plot->DrawGraph(); echo "EncodeImage() . "\">\n
\n"; echo "
Total partisan asymmetry:".$total_asymmetry."

\n"; } include 'footer.php'; ?>