v±á+ALAND10N AR_RESULTNAWATER10N CD12_DEMNCD12_REPNCD_2000NCD_2010NCD_BDNCD_FVNCD_FV2NCD_FVHNCD_NOWNCD_NYTNCD_SMNCONGRESS_FNCOUNTYFP10NCOUNTY_NAMCCTYFP_FULNFUNCSTAT10CGEOID10C INTPTLAT10N INTPTLON10N LSAD10CMTFCC10CNAME10C#NAMELSAD10C0POPULATIONNPOP_ASIANNPOP_BLACKNPOP_HAWAIINPOP_HISPANNPOP_INDIANNPOP_MULTINPOP_OTHERNPOP_TOTALNPOP_WHITENPRES04_DEMNPRES04_REPNPRES08_DEMNPRES08_REPNPRES12_D50NPRES12_DEMNPRES12_R50NPRES12_REPNSLDL_BDNSLDL_NOWNSLDU_BDNSLDU_NOWNSTATEFP10NVAP_ASIANNVAP_BLACKNVAP_HAWAIINVAP_HISPANNVAP_INDIANNVAP_MULTINVAP_OTHERNVAP_TOTNVAP_TOTALNVAP_WHITENVTDI10CVTDNAMEC0VTDST10C 908363161149665114 17.265360012747845 50.011245418743883301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045002 30.2143758-89.4393136V2G5240Ansley Ansley Voting District 197 4 5 0 4 0 2 0 197 182 28.46257962 102.4259601 21 10621.005379716244622 21.83041401109.85905131055539 105.544086104 92164528 4 5 0 2 0 0 0149.92162352887615 145 134AAnsley Voting District 002 492494041 242621 0 287.46341463414632201112111 37Franklin County 28037N28037203 31.4690963-90.9395271V2G5240Meadville Meadville Voting District 747 0 145 0 5 3 3 0 747 591 71.75187536 359.014438 79 361 75.70732207505148 78.68090017353.28301031828187 339.4070127 45 91503628 0 109 0 4 1 1 0 559.0077605321508 610 495AMeadville Voting District 203 1606479571 916062 0 274.76422764227642201112111 37Franklin County 28037N28037401 31.5383747-90.7863206V2G5240Eddiceton Eddiceton Voting District 714 0 108 0 2 1 2 0 714 601 50.86208886 334.1519422 56 33653.665949823282375 55.77380265328.81742785368624 315.9023719 45 91 03628 0 72 0 2 1 2 0 534.3126385809313 540 463AEddiceton Voting District 401 954745191 0 0 79.658536585365852201112111 37Franklin County 28037N28037201 31.5699407-90.8775582V2G5240Pine Grove Pine Grove Voting District 207 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 207 202 1.0196787500766629 7.144964885952649 0.8868094701240136 8.0279594137542280.7537487936184278 0.7833540000947012 8.091159508702733 7.773360727576099 45 91503628 0 2 0 1 0 1 0154.90576496674058 161 157APine Grove Voting District 201 419570871 524697 0 571.07859078590792201112111 37Franklin County 28037N28037302 31.4645615-90.8632319V2G5240Bude Bude Voting District 1484 0 808 0 16 4 14 0 1484 642 421.4287363 308.2949467 464 310 444.6607271209426 462.1257934 303.373222123815 291.4575455 45 52503628 0 578 0 12 3 4 01110.5321507760532 1069 472ABude Voting District 302 1265642231 2191598 0190.872628726287272201112111 37Franklin County 28037N28037502 31.3999785-90.8695044V2G5240Whittington Whittington Voting District 496 1 46 0 2 1 4 1 496 441 30.88055395 266.5259539 34 26832.582898112147554 33.8626659 262.2710437331815 251.9697491 45 52503628 1 32 0 2 1 2 1 371.1751662971175 374 335AWhittington Voting District 502 818678031 226613 0 170.47696476964772201112111 37Franklin County 28037N28037503 31.4055409 -90.77286V2G5240Cains Cains Voting District 443 0 79 0 7 1 0 0 443 356 53.58684362 200.8889653 59 20256.540911425941076 58.76168494197.68190603913962 189.9174974 45 52 03628 0 63 0 4 1 0 0 331.5133037694013 338 270ACains Voting District 503 1160992191 122166 0231.279132791327922201112111 37Franklin County 28037N28037403 31.5078604 -90.698774V2G5240McCall Creek McCall Creek Voting District 601 0 113 0 1 0 8 0 601 479 58.12810156 263.5424545 64 26561.332514090624194 63.74148875 259.3351738332665 249.1491922 45 91 03628 0 80 0 1 0 5 0449.75055432372505 466 380AMcCall Creek Voting District 403 1046402271 144298 0245.902439024390252201112111 37Franklin County 28037N28037501 31.3867913-90.6881544V2G5240Bad Bayou Bad Bayou Voting District 639 1 10 0 7 3 0 0 639 618 25.43104443 336.1409419 28 33826.832974916452223 27.88690133 330.7746744883257 317.7827432 45 52 03628 1 3 0 5 2 0 0478.18736141906874 510 499ABad Bayou Voting District 501 650614081 0 0128.146341463414642201112111 37Franklin County 28037N28037404 31.5501673-90.6574131V2G5240Lucien Lucien Voting District 333 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 333 292 19.98153491 166.0814713 22 16721.083051720756895 21.91113676 163.4300906095234 157.0110003 45 91 03628 1 30 0 0 0 0 0249.19623059866962 263 232ALucien Voting District 404 2192882691 238274 241.4519203548174408.454279513069761131111441 15Carroll County 28015S28015114 33.2894441-89.7492607V2G5240East Vaiden East Vaiden Voting District 1199 0 597 0 3 0 15 0 1199 584 277.0250368 327.7129677 297 349 281.5667431731915 292.6259205368.66786921165976 354.1875961 6 47261328 0 445 0 3 0 11 0 940.6894404076626 938 479PEast Vaiden Voting District 114 725274701 812465 81.15523261300368 137.28696800981411131111441 15Carroll County 28015N28015112 33.3665108-89.8493451V2G5240Salem Salem Voting District 403 0 248 0 5 1 4 0 403 145 11.0502629676485214.509458235793481 14.604832037067682 14.938275690882012 14.06965286898037 14.6222706399966914.37998931060568913.815182366605988 6 33261328 0 187 0 1 1 2 0316.17835236387657 308 117ASalem Voting District 112 1591324751 256180 213.86316882136452 361.78352363876571131111441 15Carroll County 28015N28015113 33.3598699-89.7991496V2G5240West Vaiden West Vaiden Voting District 1062 0 555 0 4 1 4 0 1062 498 216.3966618 211.2762686 232 225219.94439194840137 228.5832106237.67985832596318 228.3444387 6 33261328 0 458 0 4 1 2 0 833.2044918373125 875 410AWest Vaiden Voting District 113 1404656221 1376073 112.57016136642446 190.4303104652261131111441 15Carroll County 28015N28015111 33.3362499-89.9707669V1G5240430 School Voting District 430 School 559 0 366 0 3 1 0 0 559 189 261.1683849 96.71758073 280 103265.45012825672126 275.8762887108.80455735034234 104.5310097 6 33401328 0 266 0 3 0 0 0 438.5699726337643 426 157AVoting District 430 School 111 1462458791 1637315 169.76144191752383287.178446730206641131111441 15Carroll County 28015N28015108 33.4152887-89.9213517V2G5240Fire Tower Fire Tower Voting District 843 0 493 0 5 0 17 0 843 328 330.191458 207.520246 354 221335.60480499722485 348.7864507 233.4544387139882 224.2849821 10 33261328 0 363 0 4 0 10 0 661.3854864584316 652 275AFire Tower Voting District 108 819053771 503010 96.25856374445598 162.83665188260831131111441 15Carroll County 28015N28015110 33.3492807 -90.089318V2G5240Black Hawk Black Hawk Voting District 478 0 86 0 5 2 5 0 478 380 49.43544428 171.8380318 53 18350.245917123654955 52.21944035193.31295146343123 185.7201435 6 45401328 0 71 0 5 2 3 0375.02047749363027 368 287ABlack Hawk Voting District 110 1237109871 1724088 182.64961781636313308.980843634991061131111441 15Carroll County 28015N28015109 33.4186681-90.0968545V2G5240Gravel Hill Gravel Hill Voting District 907 1 98 0 7 0 0 1 907 800 51.30093274 369.0292158 55 393 52.14198946903311 54.18998527 415.1474859842675 398.8416197 6 45 51328 1 74 0 7 0 0 1 711.5974332358214 736 653AGravel Hill Voting District 109 831894951 499238 188.69095026894405 319.20071718410871131111441 15Carroll County 28015N28015107 33.4927326 -90.038007V2G5240West Carroll West Carroll Voting District 937 14 85 0 20 5 12 0 937 801 45.70446735 415.0404921 49 442 46.45377244252071 48.27835052 466.9088773238881 448.5699641 10 45 51328 11 60 0 11 3 7 0 735.134283287723 726 634AWest Carroll Voting District 107 109180611 193500 75.11390016042276127.067094460696421131111441 15Carroll County 28015N28015106 33.5206192-89.9339982V2G5240Carrollton Carrollton Voting District 373 0 31 0 1 1 4 0 373 336 21.45311733 230.995387 23 24621.804831962226736 22.66126657259.86331186131747 249.6565864 10 45261328 0 22 0 1 1 2 0 292.6415023119751 308 282ACarrollton Voting District 106 747765021 1167458 240.8477871095593407.432292158157961131111441 15Carroll County 28015N28015104 33.5391145 -89.919056V2G5240North Carrollton North Carrollton Voting District 1196 4 447 0 28 0 6 0 1196 711 260.2356406 362.4561763 279 386 264.502092045544 274.8910162407.75300150717885 391.7375705 10 45261328 4 319 0 20 0 5 0 938.3357554024724 905 557ANorth Carrollton Voting District 104 1269083021 2195121 140.96442389355477238.463716146079071131111441 15Carroll County 28015N28015105 33.5163617-89.8232514V2G5240McCarley McCarley Voting District 700 0 276 0 3 2 3 0 700 416 140.844379 202.8252178 151 216143.15346201831844 148.7761414228.17266404288702 219.2106612 10 33261328 0 197 0 2 2 3 0 549.1931678777013 537 333AMcCarley Voting District 105 526730021 0 56.58714730584128 95.726148910068891131111441 15Carroll County 28015N28015103 33.6371461-89.8185358V2G5240Calvary Calvary Voting District 281 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 281 268 1.865488463 106.1076371 2 113 1.89607234441595 1.970544919119.36810669254469 114.6796515 10 45261328 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 220.4618288194772 221 214ACalvary Voting District 103 535813911 1203737 52.15683684061527 88.231574974049271131111441 15Carroll County 28015N28015102 33.6372979 -89.879335V2G5240Jefferson Jefferson Voting District 259 0 65 0 2 0 5 0 259 187 37.30976927 128.6437724 40 13737.921446888319004 39.41089838144.72062488483604 139.0363916 10 45261328 0 49 0 1 0 3 0203.20147211474946 213 160AJefferson Voting District 102 2818179711 4620434 281.92884778710953476.927432292158131131111441 15Carroll County 28015N28015101 33.6147057 -90.00351V2G5240Ray's Shop Ray's Shop Voting District 1400 0 85 0 20 2 7 2 1400 1284 70.88856161 764.3505894 76 814 72.05074908588169 74.88070692 859.8729098768896 826.0994362 10 45 51328 0 68 0 8 0 2 01098.3863357554026 1101 1023ARay's Shop Voting District 101 1047512951 18667 0318.249322493224952201112111 37Franklin County 28037N28037102 31.4744696-91.0756935V2G5240Roxie Roxie Voting District 827 0 517 0 0 0 4 0 827 306 286.0992499 177.0209694 315 178301.87096774994956 313.7276399174.19494694390787 167.3530423 45 52503628 0 338 0 0 0 2 0 618.8747228381375 577 237ARoxie Voting District 102 1308824201 731410 0 98.899728997289972201112111 37Franklin County 28037N28037101 31.3787542-91.0944942V2G5240Knoxville Knoxville Voting District 257 0 114 0 1 0 1 0 257 141 70.84362377 83.53798556 78 84 74.74900154403927 77.68493941 82.2043569790348 78.97559299100 96503628 0 78 0 1 0 1 0192.32261640798225 185 105AKnoxville Voting District 101 1100683341 2521496 0 73.116531165311662201112111 37Franklin County 28037N28037301 31.4001858-90.9855673V2G5240Wesley Chapel Wesley Chapel Voting District 190 2 131 0 0 0 1 0 190 56 82.6508944 31.8239945 91 32 87.20716846644214 90.63242931 31.31594551929239 30.08594019 45 52503628 2 87 0 0 0 1 0 142.1840354767184 136 46AWesley Chapel Voting District 301 1290019781 0 0 185.48509485094852201112111 37Franklin County 28037N28037103 31.554065-91.1000022V2G5240Hamburg Hamburg Voting District 482 0 327 0 1 0 0 0 482 154 192.5493364 66.63148848 212 67203.16395294022715 211.1436815 65.56776091768214 62.99243726 45 52503628 0 222 0 1 0 0 0360.69844789356983 329 106AHamburg Voting District 103 1439154251 88713 0 268.60704607046072201112111 37Franklin County 28037N28037202 31.550348-90.9856673V2G5240Antioch Antioch Voting District 698 0 335 0 4 1 7 0 698 351 1.724116337325000145.560631736935484 2.2516129032258063 50.942741935483872.2593773428420736 2.348119551531451753.360288287808935 51.26444101645161 45 52503628 0 243 0 2 1 7 0 522.339246119734 517 264AAntioch Voting District 202 1149383101 16631222 65.24039829302987 39.590327169274541131111541 55Issaquena County 28055N28055104 32.986686-91.0567902V2G5240Addie Addie Voting District 196 0 133 0 2 0 0 0 196 61 142.5906736 57.89010989 160 48127.36365006846353 132.3661485 41.45231003099463 39.82417582 78 53 62228 0 103 0 2 0 0 0156.82788051209104 150 45AAddie Voting District 104 178532851 0 155.11237553342818 94.12802275960171131111541 55Issaquena County 28055N28055103 32.8889255-91.0248948V2G5240Mayersville Mayersville Voting District 466 0 410 0 4 0 1 0 466 51 140.8082902 13.26648352 158 11125.77160449673188 130.7115717 9.49948771604345 9.126373626 78 50 62228 0 344 0 4 0 1 0372.86628733997156 396 47AMayersville Voting District 103 2975015011 27499317 64.57467994310099 39.186344238975821131111541 55Issaquena County 28055N28055102 32.819641-91.0614303V2G5240Tallula Tallula Voting District 194 6 78 0 1 0 0 0 194 109 70.40414508 113.3681319 79 9462.885802238743864 65.35578584 81.17744048690591 77.98901099 78 53 62228 4 64 0 1 0 0 0155.22759601706971 163 94ATallula Voting District 102 5619834021 29182895 98.52631578947368 59.789473684210531131111541 55Issaquena County 28055N28055101 32.6119959-90.9325561V2G5240Valley Park Valley Park Voting District 296 0 152 0 0 0 0 0 296 144 80.20725389 109.75 90 91 71.64205318155211 74.45595855 78.58667110866764 75.5 78 53 62228 0 92 0 0 0 0 0 236.8421052631579 212 120AValley Park Voting District 101 775053121 194007 84.54623044096728 51.305832147937411131111541 55Issaquena County 28055N28055105 32.9703498-90.9634898V2G5240Grace Grace Voting District 254 0 132 0 1 3 1 0 254 117 81.98963731 144.7252747 92 120 73.23409881101618 76.11053541 103.6307750878954 99.56043956 78 53 62228 0 98 0 1 2 1 0203.23613086770982 204 102AGrace Voting District 105 3023444571 32652945 230.7020943739367 83.740383675225371131111541151Washington County 28151N28151104 33.0633958 -91.049502V2G5240Glen Allan Health Clinic Glen Allan Health Clinic Voting District 851 0 438 0 22 1 9 0 851 381 173.3414207 277.7167166 197 228 201.5641684328783 209.4810618211.29712945483135 202.9979518 78 50 62128 0 307 0 16 1 3 0 612.409801122475 650 323AGlen Allan Health Clinic Voting District 104 432587791 5250245 87.73240459809409 166.00179479509420021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057105 34.4086412-88.3812662V2G5240Ryan Ryan Voting District 667 1 0 0 3 2 4 0 667 657 108.9069098 199.7379616 81 224 63.80208857867513 66.30806142 224.9426670283513 216.1075297 91 18 3 428 0 0 0 3 2 4 0 513.0835007050981 521 512ARyan Voting District 105 916907101 49673 130.61211059356438247.136105294645520021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057101 34.4464716-88.2987389V2G5240Copeland Copeland Voting District 993 0 1 0 17 2 6 0 993 967 100.8397313 316.5490017 75 355 59.07600794642507 61.39635317 356.4939588605356 342.4918439 91 18 3 428 0 1 0 9 2 2 0 763.85594632708 739 725ACopeland Voting District 101 1122049791 88097 194.14247254390838 367.34430152557580021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057102 34.3910084-88.1990255V2G5240Pineville Pineville Voting District 1476 1 0 0 28 2 3 0 1476 1442 138.4865643 431.5766671 103 484 81.13105090975478 84.31765835 486.036834038623 466.9466266 91 18 3 428 1 0 0 24 2 2 01135.3991709755994 1152 1123APineville Voting District 102 409107031 0 39.98598350497842 75.658988932096920021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057503 34.3378088-88.2813353V2G5240Mt. Gilead Mt. Gilead Voting District 304 0 0 0 10 4 6 0 304 284 21.25795440736161 73.12849365003595 27.537023723939612 72.5578720345075527.454257955315594 28.532586680086265 72.12254422833435 69.28976647591661 91 20 3 428 0 0 0 6 1 3 0 233.8491517456519 223 213AMt. Gilead Voting District 503 36710421 0 117.98495790778172223.243793000299120021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057505 34.2761173-88.399978900G5240Fulton Dist.5 Firestation Fulton Dist.5 Firestation 897 6 169 0 15 1 21 0 897 685 313.2754319 401.2592979 233 450183.52946464057965 190.7380038 451.8937507107995 434.1445909 91 20 3 428 5 130 0 6 1 14 0 690.0088457758216 705 549AFulton Dist.5 Firestation 505 262244601 454401 312.7850946540746 591.83248579120550021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057401 34.2438801-88.390021500G5240Fulton Dist.4 Am. Legion Fulton Dist.4 Am. Legion 2378 17 144 1 29 1 14 2 2378 2170 237.9817658 787.3599113 177 883139.41937877165267 144.8953935 886.7159597056431 851.8881639 91 20 3 428 14 102 1 23 1 4 01829.2542199051322 1924 1779AFulton Dist.4 Am. Legion 401 172739231 0 33.67240716208709 63.712832784923720021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057103 34.3726537-88.3057376V2G5240Pleasanton Pleasanton Voting District 256 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 256 253 32.26871401 88.27704554 24 9918.904322538622313 19.64683301 99.41662515845765 95.51181 91 20 3 428 0 0 0 3 0 0 0196.92560147002266 196 193APleasanton Voting District 103 257810101 0 9.996495876244605 18.914747233024230021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057504 34.3211993-88.2371748V2G5240Bounds Bounds Voting District 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 76 12.10076775 31.20905651 9 35 7.089120953186126 7.3675623835.147291717324926 33.76680151 91 20 3 428 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58.46228793641298 57 57ABounds Voting District 504 657247651 173203 181.5153198581257343.451989231229450021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057502 34.3261906-88.3624639V2G5240Armory Armory Voting District 1380 0 66 0 40 7 7 1 1380 1259 133.1084453 298.7152551 99 335 77.98033048504739 81.04318618336.40979221547855 323.1965288 91 20 3 428 0 35 0 28 6 4 01061.5520704243409 1041 968AArmory Voting District 502 201500411 3108095 180.9891884962181 342.4564762189650021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057104 34.3150349-88.408067800G5240Fulton Dist.1 Courthouse Fulton Dist.1 Courthouse 1376 6 237 2 16 1 8 2 1376 1104 24.20153551 148.0200966 18 16614.178241906372252 14.73512476 166.6985836431887 160.1511158 91 20 3 428 6 234 2 12 1 6 21058.4751079013718 1222 959AFulton Dist.1 Courthouse 104 478648761 3723665 24.596641169180803 46.540233323362250021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057201 34.3893993-88.4179442V2G5240Ozark Ozark Voting District 187 0 0 0 4 1 2 0 187 180 10.756238 79.36017226 8 896.3014408474903805 6.548944338 89.37454180470263 85.86415242 91 18 3 428 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 143.8479979488056 136 133AOzark Voting District 201 539531091 83155 242.02042647750096457.935985641639260021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057204 34.3137295-88.4733673V2G5240Mantachie Mantachie Voting District 1840 5 27 0 8 2 5 0 1840 1793 164.0326296 634.8813781 122 712 96.09697291989836 99.87140115 714.9963344792563 686.9132194 91 18 3 428 3 16 0 2 2 3 01415.4027605657877 1394 1368AMantachie Voting District 204 677190861 0 151.6573650698688286.956625785222850021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057202 34.4361538-88.4807961V2G5240Kirkville Kirkville Voting District 1153 4 0 0 7 0 5 0 1153 1137 112.940499 321.8991257 84 361 66.16512889961119 68.76391555362.51920892691453 348.2804385 91 18 3 428 3 0 0 3 0 5 0 886.9344472458442 869 858AKirkville Voting District 202 245688841 6582 59.97897525746763113.488483398145380021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057203 34.400205-88.5156899V2G5240Ratliff Ratliff Voting District 456 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 456 452 30.92418426 119.486102 23 134 18.11664243485098 18.82821497134.56391686537376 129.2786115 91 18 3 428 1 0 0 2 1 0 0350.77372761847784 333 329ARatliff Voting District 203 274434311 136791 91.67838981240118173.468142387077480021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057205 34.3564086-88.5027795V2G5240Centerville Centerville Voting District 697 0 34 0 2 0 3 1 697 657 5.89879510423919 82.13202876577736 7.053357865685372 86.5639374425023 7.066824908136639 7.344390606826127 92.47206634330729 88.84001460331187 91 18 3 428 0 30 0 2 0 3 1 536.1607196273663 526 490ACenterville Voting District 205 376251191 1131510 108.77765907439853205.822315285671550021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057302 34.2570411-88.4500824V2G5240Friendship Friendship Voting District 827 0 17 0 3 1 2 0 827 804 18.442488261185183105.14272984402777 20.675 120.6041666666666718.706151744513253 19.44087860505556121.93411258779254117.14487164939816 91 20 3 428 0 10 0 2 0 2 0 636.1620016238622 615 601AFriendship Voting District 302 246722481 45795 140.08247510790136 265.05533951540530021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057206 34.3020373-88.5231925V2G5240Fawn Grove Fawn Grove Voting District 1065 0 3 0 13 3 4 1 1065 1041 92.77255278 207.7631476 69 233 54.34992730455294 56.48464491233.98054202383142 224.7904215 66 18 3 428 0 3 0 6 3 3 0 819.2412717405239 785 770AFawn Grove Voting District 206 235598091 42034 137.84641681979403260.824409213281460021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057301 34.2576787-88.5183425V2G5240Dorsey Dorsey Voting District 1048 1 3 0 15 1 0 0 1048 1028 91.42802303 426.2265431 68 478 53.56224720078161 55.66602687 480.0115840763324 461.1580321 66 18 3 428 1 3 0 9 1 0 0 806.1641810179052 788 774ADorsey Voting District 301 417765781 0 99.70189308149224188.649715824110070021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057303 34.2167892-88.4956783V2G5240Greenwood Greenwood Voting District 758 0 244 0 12 3 0 0 758 499 237.9817658 178.3374657 177 200139.41937877165267 144.8953935 200.8416669710122 192.9531515 66 20 3 628 0 166 0 5 3 0 0 583.0843981026452 545 371AGreenwood Voting District 303 753829731 2226825 45.115764283577626 85.365240801675140021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057307 34.1633757-88.4297611V2G5240Cardsville Cardsville Voting District 343 0 5 0 4 0 1 0 343 333 33.61324376 97.19391883 25 10919.692002652015713 20.46545106109.45870853303035 105.1594676 12 20 3 628 0 5 0 4 0 1 0263.84953634460066 266 256ACardsville Voting District 307 502483991 0 94.96671082432374179.690098713730180021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057304 34.1691574-88.4916948V2G5240Evergreen Evergreen Voting District 722 2 253 0 15 0 9 0 722 443 165.3771593 137.3198486 123 154 96.88465303329176 100.6900192 154.6480836145191 148.5739267 66 2023 628 2 176 0 8 0 3 0 555.3917353959232 531 342AEvergreen Voting District 304 389098771 157469 89.31079868381693168.988333831887530021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057305 34.114936-88.4758775V2G5240Carolina Carolina Voting District 679 1 82 0 2 2 4 0 679 588 112.940499 159.6120318 84 179 66.16512889961119 68.76391555179.75329194686253 172.6930706 12 2023 628 1 60 0 2 2 1 0 522.3143882740054 519 453ACarolina Voting District 305 200588571 64709 41.30131190974745 78.1477714627580021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057306 34.1188285-88.5287206V2G5240Bigbee Fork Bigbee Fork Voting District 314 1 7 0 4 0 0 0 314 302 69.91554702 57.95967637 52 65 40.95936551157409 42.5681382 65.27354176818118 62.70977424 12 2023 628 0 5 0 1 0 0 0241.54155805307465 225 219ABigbee Fork Voting District 306 334635021 415210 71.68539805991198135.638647921029020021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057402 34.1648146-88.3617165V2G5240Tilden Tilden Voting District 545 1 8 0 2 0 2 1 545 531 72.60460653 160.5037192 54 180 42.53472571911676 44.20537428180.75750032595514 173.6578364 91 20 3 428 1 8 0 1 0 0 0 419.2361437545404 414 404ATilden Voting District 402 304572821 2471676 35.908465450194434 67.943763087047560021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057409 34.1197601-88.3689096V2G5240New Salem New Salem Voting District 273 0 59 0 3 0 0 0 273 211 36.30230326 81.14354691 27 91 21.26736285955838 22.10268714 91.38295847961716 87.79368394 12 2023 628 0 51 0 2 0 0 0210.00269219264135 208 155ANew Salem Voting District 409 870106491 145553 181.64685269860263343.700867484295540021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057501 34.253952-88.3222924V2G5240Clay Clay Voting District 1381 1 9 0 24 8 4 2 1381 1333 155.9654511 477.0527209 116 535 91.3708922876483 94.9596929 537.2514591864907 516.1496803 91 20 3 428 1 9 0 15 7 3 0 1062.321311055083 1060 1025AClay Voting District 501 574561401 0 18.283064826289475 34.594077176189050021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057405 34.1659088-88.2781021V2G5240James Creek James Creek Voting District 139 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 139 134 9.411708253 48.15111575 7 54 5.513760741794635 5.730326296 54.22725008737771 52.09735091 12 20 3 628 1 0 0 1 0 1 0106.92444767317636 114 111AJames Creek Voting District 405 357335441 28204 17.625400623904962 33.349685910858510021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057403 34.0984573-88.3000856V2G5240Turon Turon Voting District 134 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 134 133 8.067178503 45.47605376 6 51 4.726080635136681 4.911708253 51.2146250750059 49.20305363 12 2023 628 0 0 0 0 0 0 0103.07824451946497 106 106ATuron Voting District 403 611455641 0 10.78569291910602 20.408016751420880021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057404 34.1337974-88.2282047V2G5240Hampton Hampton Voting District 82 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 82 79 5.378119002 30.31736918 4 343.1507204237451902 3.274472169 34.14308339027649 32.80203576 12 2023 628 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 63.07773172086663 71 70AHampton Voting District 404 292229141 41037 67.47634716465109127.674543822913550021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057406 34.2314497-88.2536054V2G5240Tremont Tremont Voting District 513 1 7 0 7 2 2 1 513 493 45.71401152 144.4533473 34 16226.781123605201838 27.83301344162.68175023090663 156.2920527 91 20 3 628 1 5 0 3 2 0 0 394.6204435707876 384 373ATremont Voting District 406 391984051 0 34.856202726379216 65.95273706251870021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057408 34.2717138-88.2280196V2G5240Oakland Oakland Voting District 265 2 8 0 6 0 0 0 265 249 28.684319325997578 18.7610456923821 34.030229746070134 20.76420798065296231.486738049698275 32.72345164594921 19.5161400468724618.749599044619107 91 20 3 428 1 3 0 6 0 0 0203.84876714670312 199 189AOakland Voting District 408 255531961 0 23.281312764411776 44.051450792701170021110331 57Itawamba County 28057N28057407 34.2201663-88.2061821V2G5240Wigginton Wigginton Voting District 177 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 177 173 16.13435701 49.93449041 12 56 9.45216127123557 9.82341650756.235666751883414 54.02688242 91 20 3 628 0 2 0 0 0 2 0136.15559164138284 133 129AWigginton Voting District 407 8011951 0 0153.606670736721442211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075301 32.3915268-88.7046021V1G52402 Voting District 2 551 0 148 0 6 2 6 0 551 389 89.6617603717391334.731747527173916 105.53260869565217 34.69565217391305 105.6383992733717 109.7875888293478334.152073549092584 32.81067280978261112 81453228 0 101 0 5 2 3 0 413.1487397366093 437 326AVoting District 2 301 67230941 20479 0 334.25480619478952211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075106 32.4336324-88.6495466V2G5240Marion Marion Voting District 1199 25 622 0 34 4 15 0 1199 499 186.8184818 169.3212134 242 168241.27264054162276 250.7491749166.99204500900353 160.4330508 74 82453028 14 422 0 13 3 3 0 899.0296532562514 848 393AMarion Voting District 106 50964431 0 01287.39674312555282211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075201 32.3840145-88.6874114V1G52406 Voting District 6 4618 17 4031 0 51 12 38 4 4618 465 132.7540292020173661.975798185163434 156.25255362614914 61.91138917262513156.40918811421483 162.552516432763 60.941420140449758.547806589767625 26 81453128 12 2718 0 26 8 21 1 3462.651325052018 3171 385AVoting District 6 201 579212621 379765 0 984.08629346756212211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075107 32.5011691-88.6248239V2G5240New Lauderdale New Lauderdale Voting District 3530 72 554 8 183 10 44 1 3530 2658 170.6069607 1106.635073 221 1098220.33575853142926 228.9899491091.4122941511177 1048.544582 74 80453028 61 425 5 155 9 32 1 2646.851272722742 2724 2036ANew Lauderdale Voting District 107 380555261 223222 0420.954760095189442211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075103 32.5037882-88.6513687V2G5240Andrews Chapel Andrews Chapel Voting District 1510 8 343 0 43 0 4 1 1510 1111 125.060306 549.2860791 162 545 161.5130899716167 167.8568857 541.7301458403485 520.4524563 74 80453028 6 242 0 23 0 3 1 1132.222499096697 1134 859AAndrews Chapel Voting District 103 589118921 29970 0 137.19492271962842201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806523 31.4672845-89.8093245V2G5240Green's Creek Green's Creek Voting District 507 0 136 0 1 0 2 0 507 368 60.45554558 231.3939394 91 249 83.88462880493339 87.17938931226.31973689447963 217.430512 99 89 94028 0 98 0 1 0 0 0 387.3046368222952 424 325AGreen's Creek Voting District 23 1000975301 77557 0228.928805958196532201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806513 31.544105-89.9240753V2G5240South Prentiss South Prentiss Voting District 846 1 570 0 5 1 2 0 846 267 92.86056216065724 64.58819137188499 139.77727065267 69.50251026928343128.84796114145863 133.90875928261067 63.17184674820364 60.69062809511638 1 89 94028 1 422 0 3 1 0 0 646.2716425082085 651 224ASouth Prentiss Voting District 13 300742151 22971 0 167.50228237366862201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806526 31.5147417-89.7526164V2G5240Bassfield Beat 2 Bassfield Beat 2 Voting District 619 0 278 0 14 0 2 0 619 325 130.2119443 192.3636364 196 207180.67458515680636 187.7709924188.14532346371803 180.7554859 99 89 94028 0 202 0 7 0 1 0 472.8630575798831 475 265ABassfield Beat 2 Voting District 26 130434301 127924 0286.583770448910462211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075108 32.4543201 -88.692332V2G5240Prospect Prospect Voting District 1028 1 169 0 19 1 3 0 1028 835 7.035516574009509 91.18419289207607 8.553090332805072 98.97147385103011 8.197633645252196 8.519614441426308104.79084135659984 100.6749415748019 74 83453028 1 111 0 17 1 1 0 770.8110788552348 871 740AProspect Voting District 108 400664771 141698 0 572.05242895054882211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075104 32.4633475-88.7389923V2G5240Bailey Bailey Voting District 2052 7 497 2 16 2 12 7 2052 1509 238.5409541 810.3229496 309 804 308.0712641391917 320.1714671 799.1762151771849 767.7867429 0 83453028 5 384 0 9 2 5 51538.6228928122002 1602 1192ABailey Voting District 104 511905891 987455 0 147.19477703990732211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075203 32.5545001-88.6767966V2G5240Daleville Daleville Voting District 528 0 348 0 11 0 4 0 528 165 163.6591659 77.60555612 212 77211.36280912598085 219.6645665 76.53802060830895 73.53181493 74 41453128 0 274 0 5 0 0 0 395.9029665715603 400 121ADaleville Voting District 203 436982191 104106 0 119.87643148874832201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806522 31.5176116-89.8011426V2G5240Carson Carson Voting District 443 4 152 0 7 0 3 0 443 277 64.44162551 175.6363636 97 189 89.41548345828541 92.92748092171.78486059455972 165.0376176 1 89 94028 2 111 0 6 0 2 0 338.4141106751021 351 230ACarson Voting District 22 515198231 52230 0 66.026747817730442201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806534 31.4673628-89.6247768V2G5240Melba Melba Voting District 244 0 46 0 6 0 3 0 244 189 15.94431971 52.04040404 24 5622.123418584541913 22.99236641 50.89921793890864 48.90003483 99 89214028 0 35 0 3 0 3 0186.39513093617362 182 141AMelba Voting District 34 454389021 170080 0 148.01897973892852201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806533 31.5186095-89.6273537V2G5240Good Hope Good Hope Voting District 547 0 210 0 6 1 3 0 547 327 38.664662471203876118.65215608481549 49.967937084089534 123.09981851179673 47.24555517450505 49.101232328312165121.03893256454197 116.2848518673926 99 89214028 0 142 0 3 1 1 0417.86121566429085 418 271AGood Hope Voting District 33 1024155441 169695 0 507.37767277969092201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806531 31.4903677-89.7004007V2G5240Bassfield Beat 3 Bassfield Beat 3 Voting District 1875 3 1364 0 17 0 11 0 1875 480 624.4858554 264.8484848 940 285 866.5005612679836 900.5343511 259.0406627368846 248.8662487 99 90 94028 3 962 0 10 0 6 01432.3396332185473 1379 398ABassfield Beat 3 Voting District 31 247759201 21292 0 77.392007687995522201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806511 31.5753504-89.7878118V2G5240Granby Granby Voting District 286 0 192 0 0 0 4 0 286 90 69.09205209 38.1010101 104 41 95.86814721251106 99.63358779 37.26549885351982 35.80181122 1 89 94028 0 131 0 0 0 4 0 218.4795387202691 212 77AGranby Voting District 11 1086246951 324166 0 710.04753242546192211112141 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075309 32.4172833-88.8669131V2G5240Suqualena Suqualena Voting District 2547 24 371 0 36 0 5 0 2547 2111 230.8211821 1216.492289 299 1207298.10132036605137 309.8099311199.7583230485577 1152.635073 0 83333228 19 276 0 26 0 2 0 1909.781923973038 1977 1654ASuqualena Voting District 309 662840431 8077397 0 589.33666413326522211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075303 32.5101845-88.7639936V2G5240Center Hill Center Hill Voting District 2114 5 182 1 14 4 13 4 2114 1891 98.04110411 683.3320396 127 678126.61828662129425 131.5915092 673.9321815245206 647.4619549 0 83453028 3 114 0 7 2 7 11585.1114987353758 1559 1425ACenter Hill Voting District 303 55692771 66197 01229.96847784104352211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075302 32.3870061-88.7252597V1G52403 Voting District 3 4412 22 3035 3 63 20 33 1 4412 1235 185.37403635114643336.22474369033415 218.18672261351716 335.8753184474749218.40544266116632 226.98381556241569 330.6131419422616317.62755521384685112 81453228 20 1990 3 45 14 17 0 3308.189182791144 3168 1079AVoting District 3 302 1075386291 4079166 0 552.81674786010642211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075206 32.5199657-88.5387617V2G5240East Lauderdale East Lauderdale Voting District 1983 3 601 1 30 5 12 0 1983 1331 185.2745275 572.4669595 240 568 239.2786518062388 248.6768677 564.5921520840792 542.416505 74 80453128 3 415 0 21 3 3 0 1486.885573317053 1519 1074AEast Lauderdale Voting District 206 152321771 179838 0 81.403172150857832211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075105 32.4896878-88.5457127V2G5240West Dalewood West Dalewood Voting District 292 0 39 0 1 0 0 0 292 252 17.75547555 138.077418 23 13722.930870793687767 23.83153315136.17803671120564 130.8293331 74 80453128 0 26 0 0 0 0 0218.94633757366591 235 209AWest Dalewood Voting District 105 403384421 171365 0 142.73432925081922211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075207 32.4334166-88.6134713V2G5240East Marion East Marion Voting District 512 0 148 0 11 1 2 0 512 350 44.00270027 166.2976203 57 165 56.82867980518447 59.06075608164.01004421270622 157.5681749 74 82453128 0 100 0 8 1 2 0 383.9059069784827 391 280AEast Marion Voting District 207 18076401 0 0 478.66180336651672211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075204 32.3704564-88.6940886V1G524014 Voting District 14 1717 4 1394 0 24 4 11 0 1717 280 68.32034176928322202.94376111981092 80.41358839050132 202.73284960422163 80.49419855777884 83.65579216644679 199.5566232507179191.71858080864115 26 81453128 4 1031 0 14 4 8 01287.4344575821383 1332 271AVoting District 14 204 9756601 0 0421.512316068825442211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075401 32.3791694-88.7058852V1G52404 Voting District 4 1512 2 1233 0 30 4 9 1 1512 233 61.475507462153494121.89849641459003 72.35716370002918 121.77181208053692 72.42969773135496 75.27453963956815119.86400661207294115.15607381686607112 81453128 2 874 0 21 3 3 11133.7221315458316 1084 180AVoting District 4 401 242586071 457000 0 363.95891727396492201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806512 31.5651948-89.8261747V2G5240South Prentiss South Prentiss Voting District 1345 4 561 0 9 8 10 2 1345 751 147.6329268393428102.68453592811501 222.22272934733 110.49748973071657 204.8469358572835 212.8927674173893100.43278235973276 96.48805530488362 1 89 94028 3 405 0 9 4 5 11027.4649635621047 1091 664ASouth Prentiss Voting District 12 411951051 62001 0157.219428205333542201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806553 31.6096861-89.9183055V2G5240Northwest Prentiss Northwest Prentiss Voting District 581 1 454 0 1 2 1 0 581 122 154.1284239 69.6969697 232 75 213.8597130191861 222.259542 68.16859545817056 65.49111808 1 90 94028 1 317 0 1 1 1 0 443.8343076799872 431 110ANorthwest Prentiss Voting District 53 819399681 18508 0352.052454552734842201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806543 31.6088029-89.7962507V2G5240Northeast Prentiss Northeast Prentiss Voting District 1301 0 961 0 14 12 3 0 1301 311 372.0341266 149.6161616 560 161 516.2131003380516 536.4885496146.33525153663032 140.5876001 1 90 94028 0 700 0 9 6 2 0 993.8527268359094 975 258ANortheast Prentiss Voting District 43 23658461 0 030.9443565367986932211112241 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075504 32.3717093-88.6686872V1G524017 Voting District 17 111 0 23 0 2 0 0 0 111 86 10.26908609132035710.112034556128352 12.086796422935297 10.10152551288795312.098912762204531 12.57412521162546 9.943264376070378 9.552719943503421 26 82453128 0 15 0 2 0 0 0 83.22960092697573 92 75AVoting District 17 504 570645741 55846 0117.644310437198642211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075202 32.3625215-88.4376935V2G5240Alamucha Alamucha Voting District 422 1 144 0 7 0 1 1 422 268 63.30213021 105.8257583 82 105 81.75353936312239 84.96459646104.37002807858306 100.2706567 74 80453228 1 107 0 2 0 0 1316.42244676742126 311 200AAlamucha Voting District 202 595792001 101418 0 303.03167167117282211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075517 32.3555728-88.5139782V2G5240Mt. Gilead Mt. Gilead Voting District 1087 1 272 0 29 2 15 4 1087 764 76.01117250263839 261.4824756499641 98.46297627606039 259.44212796549243 98.16703420206595 102.02276881991371257.88554465855077 247.7565005240834 74 80453228 1 192 0 9 2 6 1 815.0502361047083 811 600AMt. Gilead Voting District 517 76946251 0 0 84.19095201903792211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075510 32.3995472-88.5870006V2G5240South Russell South Russell Voting District 302 1 62 1 22 0 0 1 302 215 26.24722472 97.76284343 34 9733.897809001874634 35.22922292 96.41802596206274 92.63098764 74 80453228 1 45 0 14 0 0 1 226.4444998193394 224 163ASouth Russell Voting District 510 453895081 15110 0 81.721630495715542201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806551 31.7391758-89.8968911V2G5240Gwinville Gwinville Voting District 302 0 226 0 0 0 0 0 302 76 85.70071846 45.53535354 129 49118.91337493641487 123.5839695 44.53681570044837 42.78753048 1 90224028 0 165 0 0 0 0 0230.70217025706734 230 65AGwinville Voting District 51 409870781 0 0110.675983022343232201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806542 31.6536852-89.7893439V2G5240Mt. Caramel Mt. Caramel Voting District 409 0 365 0 9 8 1 0 409 26 140.8414908 11.15151515 212 12195.42353080927245 203.099236610.906975270392817 10.47857889 1 90344028 0 258 0 4 4 1 0312.44101865940576 288 21AMt. Caramel Voting District 42 415144541 0 0176.702730840073682201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806555 31.6762268-89.8817654V2G5240Red House Red House Voting District 653 0 479 0 3 0 1 0 653 170 176.7162101 100.3636364 266 108245.20122269906278 254.8320611 98.162777454353 94.30721003 1 90224028 0 322 0 2 0 1 0 498.8361495955794 477 152ARed House Voting District 55 517452171 19015 0 165.06686954432612201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806556 31.6643302-89.9383629V2G5240Whiting Whiting Voting District 610 1 496 0 0 0 9 0 610 104 207.2761563 58.54545455 312 63 287.6044416663994 298.900763457.261620177368904 55.01253918 1 90 94028 1 372 0 0 0 5 0 465.987827340434 461 83AWhiting Voting District 56 379695321 915774 0 264.83908747710592211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075209 32.421321-88.5115913V2G5240Toomsuba Toomsuba Voting District 950 0 426 0 6 0 2 0 950 516 158.2553255 192.5020938 205 191204.38384835969563 212.4114911189.85405114864582 182.3970994 74 80453228 0 321 0 5 0 1 0 712.3254133389815 732 405AToomsuba Voting District 209 147512631 0 0 74.433722480407672211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075308 32.5374486-88.7185851V2G5240Obadiah Obadiah Voting District 267 1 7 0 0 1 0 0 267 258 21.61536154 334.6109693 28 332 27.91584270912418 29.01230123 330.0080888868851 317.046267 0 80453028 1 6 0 0 1 0 0200.20093195948218 194 186AObadiah Voting District 308 611361921 603538 54.99074961303162153.657993661089420021110331145Union County 28145N28145102 34.5618352-89.2027534V2G5240Blythe Blythe Voting District 523 0 2 0 4 0 3 0 523 514 20.9239531 146.4074074 22 168 19.44528713768137 20.20904523163.80415285925835 157.3703704118 1251 228 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 388.2697722414683 403 398ABlythe Voting District 102 410368311 81848 115.81927094550937 87.804113719577860021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093202 34.9604783-89.3732697V2G5240Early Grove Early Grove Voting District 519 0 289 1 5 0 4 0 519 220 145.474858 71.52476433 164 80157.23169667786493 163.4073309 80.65403027462419 77.48615891118 1251 128 0 197 1 2 0 2 0 397.3960531983631 385 183AEarly Grove Voting District 202 484355051 0 0 92.545687515015622201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806541 31.727796-89.7805612V2G5240Clem Clem Voting District 342 2 220 0 0 0 0 0 342 120 75.07117198 80.84848485 113 87104.16442918772808 108.2557252 79.07557072856338 75.96969697 17 89344028 2 156 0 0 0 0 0261.25874909906304 262 104AClem Voting District 41 453072571 25065 0142.606951229278452201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806544 31.7174455-89.8292482V2G5240Williamsoms Mill Williamsoms Mill Voting District 527 0 236 0 1 0 0 1 527 289 88.35810507 170.0606061 133 183122.60061130142104 127.4160305166.33137290211474 159.7983281 17 90224028 0 169 0 1 0 0 1 402.582926243293 405 234AWilliamsoms Mill Voting District 44 360542451 0 0 56.826299351325382201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806552 31.7191662-89.9523478V2G5240Hebron Hebron Voting District 210 0 92 0 3 0 2 0 210 113 3.669008157579185517.526581264705882 4.355203619909502 19.638009049773757 4.379553053780371 4.55157000893665120.18957093773138619.396579398190045 1 90224028 0 74 0 3 0 1 0 160.4220389204773 178 100AHebron Voting District 52 34865401 148352 0 97.293517399484192211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075505 32.3623126-88.6768987V1G524018 Voting District 18 349 0 150 0 10 0 1 0 349 188 35.6319765448914713.501061301228162 41.939121228163046 13.487030174695606 41.98116286549854 43.6300689802011613.27572815475352812.754293591312862 26 82453128 0 99 0 8 0 1 0 261.6858623740048 279 171AVoting District 18 505 15120561 0 0112.905084661292532211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075406 32.3569874-88.6961769V1G524015 Voting District 15 405 0 339 0 4 0 5 0 405 57 13.196273064549377 79.68492273322147 15.532118887823586 79.60210930009588 15.54768897221613 16.158359989069993 78.35497881869111 75.2774079542186 26 81453128 0 207 0 3 0 1 0303.67557094977633 263 52AVoting District 15 406 861930981 109448 332.50619211716565 252.07732069782470021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093201 34.8426196-89.458078900G5240N. Holly Springs Dist. 2 N. Holly Springs Dist. 2 1490 2 1120 0 7 5 2 0 1490 354 510.9360867 135.8970522 576 152 552.2283982054532 573.9184306153.24265749160037 147.2237019118 451 128 2 747 0 5 3 1 01140.8865496446263 1060 302AN. Holly Springs Dist. 2 201 1175840501 1037157 787.080093689425 596.69577859142790021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093101 34.7868251-89.379659200G5240N. Holly Springs Dist. 1 N. Holly Springs Dist. 1 3527 4 2846 1 53 6 16 0 3527 601 1054.692721 130.5326949 1189 1461139.9298008904655 1184.703149147.19360523999967 141.41224118 451 128 4 2384 1 42 5 13 0 2700.608631272884 2993 544AN. Holly Springs Dist. 1 101 806227341 317915 145.27619534783545110.135795821667030021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093203 34.8739134-89.3896998V2G5240Hudsonville Hudsonville Voting District 651 0 362 0 2 0 3 0 651 284 202.2455343 92.08813407 228 103218.59040757889076 227.1760454103.84206398209163 99.7634296118 451 128 0 279 0 2 0 0 0 498.4678817574844 508 227AHudsonville Voting District 203 1200477921 619434 429.80330605212146325.839543398664660021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093502 34.6505782-89.3605759V2G5240Potts Camp Potts Camp Voting District 1926 1 596 0 94 0 21 0 1926 1214 324.6573051 424.6782882 366 475 350.8951280163588 364.6773361478.88330472630633 460.0740685118 1251 128 1 421 0 61 0 10 01474.7298621580874 1408 915APotts Camp Voting District 502 786558411 0 656.5323605427525 497.72582382080550021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093501 34.7244042-89.4629145V2G5240South Holly Springs South Holly Springs Voting District 2942 3 1774 0 35 9 10 6 2942 1105 922.5234899 551.6347449 1040 617 997.0790525024976 1036.241611 622.0442084999349 597.6120006118 451 128 3 1234 0 27 7 4 0 2252.67666379496 2207 932ASouth Holly Springs Voting District 501 464572761 48336 447.6559875080767 339.37389618780960021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093102 34.8128685-89.4883188V2G5240West Holly Springs West Holly Springs Voting District 2006 6 1746 0 11 1 8 0 2006 234 961.5533299 123.3802185 1084 138 1039.26316603647 1080.082602139.12820220316928 133.6636241 75 451 128 5 1298 0 7 1 5 0 1535.985515830282 1507 191AWest Holly Springs Voting District 102 1155139411 472323 240.7880411371958 182.54458324359250021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093405 34.7485755-89.5673754V2G5240Marianna Marianna Voting District 1079 1 593 0 32 2 11 1 1079 439 335.3018069 168.0831962 378 188362.39988634037013 376.6339701189.53697110529285 182.0924734 75 451 128 1 444 0 21 2 8 0 826.1856289037261 833 357AMarianna Voting District 405 612602231 70384 418.42222162395317.211393495584730021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093103 34.8228852-89.5772992V2G5240Redbanks Redbanks Voting District 1875 6 498 0 105 9 17 0 1875 1240 250.1457925 357.6238216 282 400 270.361819940721 280.9808983 403.2701514251651 387.4307946 75 1251 128 5 363 0 53 8 8 01435.6793829420633 1428 991ARedbanks Voting District 103 578918481 272479 216.68692117165625164.273206978246830021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093403 34.7939543-89.6699753V2G5240Watson Watson Voting District 971 1 323 0 67 2 10 0 971 568 173.8601962 168.0831962 196 188187.91105217648823 195.2916882189.53697110529285 182.0924734 75 428 128 1 258 0 42 2 4 0 743.4904964462631 771 464AWatson Voting District 403 202492781 58571 343.66411802713765 260.53629119104030021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093402 34.8383429-89.6673654V2G5240Warsaw Warsaw Voting District 1540 6 663 0 134 2 22 1 1540 712 258.1291688 182.388149 291 204 278.9903886837295 289.9483738 205.6677771789536 197.5897052 75 418 128 4 472 0 84 2 6 0 1179.171333189748 1120 552AWarsaw Voting District 402 158877601 59255 219.58798190824896166.472539306482870021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093401 34.8496436-89.6326318V2G5240Victoria Victoria Voting District 984 1 494 0 49 4 6 0 984 430 273.2088797 121.5920994 308 136295.28879627733863 306.8869386137.11185141793962 131.7264701 75 451 128 1 357 0 26 3 2 0 753.4445401679949 725 336AVictoria Voting District 401 555465261 47168 424.4475016153349321.779237561921150021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093302 34.9231341-89.6253958V2G5240Cayce Cayce Voting District 1902 10 869 0 50 3 9 0 1902 961 421.3448632 244.9723178 475 274 455.3966825362064 473.283428 276.2400537251972 265.3900943 75 5151 128 7 613 0 37 3 3 0 1456.353166056429 1427 764ACayce Voting District 302 804193031 125193 431.1422571613181326.854619857850540021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093205 34.9380225-89.5265899V2G5240Mt. Pleasant Mt. Pleasant Voting District 1932 1 504 0 22 3 9 3 1932 1390 252.8069179 508.7198863 285 569 273.2380095217238 283.9700568 573.6517903830411 551.1203053 75 1251 128 1 359 0 11 3 5 01479.3240361835021 1491 1112AMt. Pleasant Voting District 205 997775401 39562 239.67224854619857181.698686194270950021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093204 34.9320173-89.4489128V2G5240Slayden Slayden Voting District 1074 2 407 0 6 2 7 0 1074 650 235.9531234 272.688164 266 305255.02214223951972 265.0387197307.49349037581555 295.4159808118 1251 128 2 316 0 3 1 3 0 822.3571505492139 836 511ASlayden Voting District 204 415792331 146609 407.7106127503769309.090781822097770021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093206 34.949034-89.5848599V2G5240North Cayce North Cayce Voting District 1827 0 585 1 184 8 17 0 1827 1032 216.4382034 227.0911267 244 254233.93008537631277 243.1182241256.07654608107714 246.0185545 75 1251 128 0 382 1 113 7 10 01398.9259907387466 1334 821ANorth Cayce Voting District 206 813982191 215766 931.686813482662 706.3240361835020021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093301 34.9098978-89.6801918V2G5240Byhalia Byhalia Voting District 4175 13 1240 0 179 6 46 4 4175 2687 640.444192 735.811013 722 823 692.2029573973014 719.3908105 829.7283364641182 797.1388598 75 5118 128 10 890 0 100 5 25 2 3196.779426017661 3197 2165AByhalia Voting District 301 366497731 0 404.58639349558473306.722270083997440021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093303 34.9684679-89.6930662V2G5240Barton Barton Voting District 1813 14 141 0 86 2 10 0 1813 1560 68.74854969249525366.48005055756806 77.50316656111463 409.90563647878406 74.30459988688138 77.22308286212792 413.2567701956182 397.0251660949652 67 5118 128 9 113 0 56 2 5 01388.2062513461124 1514 1329ABarton Voting District 303 693796751 171500 345.895703209132 262.22808528968340021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093404 34.7238888-89.6829492V2G5240Wall Hill Wall Hill Voting District 1550 0 911 3 41 2 10 0 1550 583 464.8099122 98.34655095 524 110 502.3744455322181 522.10635110.89929162630716 106.5434685 75 428 128 0 675 3 24 2 5 01186.8282898987723 1150 441AWall Hill Voting District 404 778938201 524070 0104.993353087210692201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806524 31.4224158-89.8998407V2G5240Hawthorn Hawthorn Voting District 388 1 121 2 3 0 8 0 388 253 46.50426583 146.8282828 70 158 64.52663754225645 67.0610687 143.608507742452 137.9679554 1 99 94028 0 97 2 3 0 4 0296.39881476735803 323 217AHawthorn Voting District 24 12465671 0 0360.181158968864052211112421 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075404 32.3657735-88.7072665V1G524011 Voting District 11 1292 2 1088 0 14 1 10 0 1292 177 102.75422444738541123.57322794047772 120.94254357650097 123.4448030987734121.06378175467341 125.8188384605552121.51078678521947116.73817293518398112 81453128 2 826 0 8 1 7 0 968.7625621410149 1000 156AVoting District 11 404 184954051 769 0262.330085595743872211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075205 32.3744244-88.6034639V2G5240Odom Odom Voting District 941 3 377 0 14 0 3 0 941 544 142.0438044 212.6593811 184 211183.44696634950213 190.6522652209.73405649199077 201.4962721 26 82453228 2 273 0 8 0 1 0 705.5770673178754 707 423AOdom Voting District 205 677206451 164199 0 638.68036780005232211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075514 32.3239847-88.5658002V2G5240Vimville Vimville Voting District 2291 2 539 0 20 1 18 2 2291 1709 272.5079508 786.1342049 353 780351.93901699118334 365.7622262 775.3202088068062 744.8677357 26 80453228 2 373 0 12 1 8 11717.8289704837966 1729 1332AVimville Voting District 514 238289321 1290530 0 266.7905333848322211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075513 32.3585765-88.6445711V2G5240East Bonita East Bonita Voting District 957 34 294 0 24 0 4 1 957 600 85.68946895 179.399857 111 178110.66637644956062 115.0130513176.93204762863186 169.9826371 26 80453228 25 229 0 15 0 2 0 717.574126910953 783 512AEast Bonita Voting District 513 231579391 478859 0395.585963294750852211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075210 32.419176-88.5880128V2G5240Russell Russell Voting District 1419 3 558 0 12 4 6 3 1419 833 194.5382538 440.4367276 252 437251.24258441098385 261.1107111 434.3781169654682 417.3169237 74 80453228 3 386 0 9 3 4 11063.9892226610682 1068 662ARussell Voting District 210 934888201 94296 0120.710868292196712211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075211 32.5315633-88.4379754V2G5240Center Ridge Center Ridge Voting District 433 0 330 0 11 0 1 0 433 91 5.807315005315568 88.99006390598412 7.085086489013558 82.99672744273025 7.360164845403011 7.6492521405236085 80.69044144664217 77.52113995002338 74 41453128 0 225 0 10 0 1 0324.67042523766213 308 72ACenter Ridge Voting District 211 1421954661 414845 207.5374219254792157.336851173810030021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093406 34.6475306-89.6164289V2G5240Chulahoma Chulahoma Voting District 930 0 716 0 19 1 3 0 930 191 406.2651523 37.55050127 458 42 439.0982749425973 456.3448632 42.34336589651969 40.68023343 75 451 128 0 542 0 10 1 1 0 712.0969739392634 715 161AChulahoma Voting District 406 617133851 78444 89.70972431617488 68.010122765453370021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093407 34.5947513-89.5813513V2G5240Laws Hill Laws Hill Voting District 402 1 177 0 2 0 2 6 402 214 122.4117708 84.93565764 138 95132.30472043746803 137.5012907 95.7766609556701 92.01481371 13 1251 128 1 125 0 1 0 2 3 307.8096597027784 299 167ALaws Hill Voting District 407 1890291321 4249839 238.5564559552014180.852789144949380021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093505 34.6135824-89.4574337V2G5240Waterford Waterford Voting District 1069 0 446 0 5 0 7 2 1069 609 226.1956634 268.2178662 255 300244.47611380791625 254.0784719 302.4526135168297 290.5730959 13 1251 128 0 339 0 5 0 2 1 818.5286721947017 816 469AWaterford Voting District 505 791619671 250528 151.97095089381864115.211178117596380021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093504 34.5705023-89.3521381V2G5240Bethlehem Bethlehem Voting District 681 2 65 0 4 0 1 0 681 609 55.88363449 211.8921143 63 237 60.39998104710629 62.77232834 238.9375647188899 229.5527458 13 1251 128 0 53 0 4 0 1 0 521.4387518845574 493 435ABethlehem Voting District 504 507953231 351914 62.26122657764377 47.201055352143010021110331 93Marshall County 28093N28093503 34.5600706-89.2818517V2G5240Cornersville Cornersville Voting District 279 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 279 274 15.96675271 118.9099207 18 133 17.25713744752869 17.93495096134.08732534418343 128.8207392 13 1251 128 0 3 0 0 0 0 0213.62909218177901 224 221ACornersville Voting District 503 664051041 154559 0148.588666973997332211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075208 32.4529918-88.4381556V2G5240Kewanee Kewanee Voting District 533 1 260 0 20 1 0 2 533 249 82.60156016 110.8650802 107 110106.67839888257203 110.8684368109.34002944044137 105.0454499 74 41453228 1 188 0 10 0 0 0 399.652047694397 396 197AKewanee Voting District 208 21334741 0 0 649.27393129913662211112421 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075405 32.3681658-88.7169563V1G524012 Voting District 12 2329 5 2109 0 28 3 18 0 2329 166 131.4551617432221626.963740489400212 154.7237762237762 26.93571812802582154.87887823033964 160.962100130849926.51371479812282325.472328055355028112 81453128 5 1493 0 17 1 11 0 1746.321987017356 1671 144AVoting District 12 405 22770951 0 0 413.14897646428532211112421 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075501 32.3769128-88.7318309V1G52407 Voting District 7 1482 8 1006 0 19 2 8 1 1482 438 181.83259491008792 4.967908872429469 214.01841774801173 4.962745918794474 214.2329593345514 222.64744841741316 4.884994314550661 4.693124998749267112 82453228 8 696 0 10 1 6 01111.2276448088112 1114 393AVoting District 7 501 44046851 40069 0 614.98423892052182211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075502 32.3688976-88.7471141V1G52408 Voting District 8 2206 43 1395 0 32 6 20 0 2206 710 186.59839661670674 49.10271323477564 219.62780448717947 49.05168269230769219.84796913663592 228.48300056193912 48.28318736935334 46.38675483970352112 82333228 39 1015 0 21 6 11 0 1654.094591395572 1738 646AVoting District 8 502 351989711 91787 0 300.24389180299272211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075509 32.3851915-88.7827049V2G5240South Nellieburg South Nellieburg Voting District 1077 1 150 0 8 2 13 0 1077 903 74.88178818 370.8940864 97 368 96.70845510943164 100.5069007365.79209854654135 351.4247779112 83333228 1 132 0 7 2 5 0 807.5520738590349 901 754ASouth Nellieburg Voting District 509 659115381 44086 0 701.12663684728572231112141 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075304 32.4997884-88.8619888V2G5240Collinsville Collinsville Voting District 2515 17 317 0 35 7 21 0 2515 2118 185.2745275 1066.320498 240 1058 239.2786518062388 248.6768677 1051.652282839898 1010.346236 0 83333028 14 232 0 20 4 11 01885.7878047868828 1845 1564ACollinsville Voting District 304 445617341 460433 0389.174069597936752231112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075305 32.5558947-88.8552343V2G5240Martin Martin Voting District 1396 5 23 0 10 1 9 4 1396 1344 33.9669967 679.3005822 44 67443.867752832747456 45.59075908 669.9561803933985 643.6421203 0 83333028 3 17 0 6 1 5 21046.7434494960191 1007 973AMartin Voting District 305 117987131 9194184 0103.426633109480322231112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075306 32.5014916 -88.803862V2G5240West Lauderdale West Lauderdale Voting District 371 0 38 0 13 1 1 0 371 318 27.01920192 175.3683996 35 174 34.89480338881074 36.26537654 172.9560466015982 166.1628026 0 83333028 0 22 0 7 1 0 0278.18181931448646 263 233AWest Lauderdale Voting District 306 1979904561 296923 0 642.58325961550442211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075508 32.3041046-88.8601571V2G5240Meehan Meehan Voting District 2305 4 1030 0 9 0 13 0 2305 1249 88.00540054 380.9727301 114 378113.65735964885724 118.1215122 375.7321011661697 360.9743642 28 83333228 4 984 0 7 0 8 01728.3263976277394 2059 1056AMeehan Voting District 508 174454401 941 0274.317539028918132211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075403 32.3460808-88.7429237V1G524010 Voting District 10 984 6 795 0 23 0 7 4 984 149 159.41407105612134 76.8382515178765 187.63163596966413 76.75839653304442 187.8197262603952 195.1967752498375 75.55581865897213 72.58819120693391112 82 73128 2 504 0 12 0 3 2 737.8191649742714 654 131AVoting District 10 403 35298181 0 0 965.12939036393772211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075402 32.3582809-88.7389271V1G52409 Voting District 9 3462 11 2893 1 139 5 32 0 3462 381 161.0867183634103 104.1321992375666 189.60035523978686 104.02397868561279189.79041903447427 197.24487148641208102.39422947269688 98.37246209982239112 82 73128 10 1741 1 95 4 19 0 2595.863769452162 2209 339AVoting District 9 402 50312751 103315 0148.309888987179332211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075503 32.34094 -88.685927V1G524016 Voting District 16 532 7 115 0 48 1 4 0 532 357 83.97386063281795 3.452965090972569 98.83790523690773 3.4493765586034915 98.93698474213902 102.822960927082293.3953349926804637 3.26197545119202 26 82453228 4 83 0 37 1 1 0 398.9022314698297 428 302AVoting District 16 503 246853111 415515 0 240.30662463712142211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075407 32.3241035-88.7011211V2G5240Pickard Pickard Voting District 862 3 175 0 18 0 8 6 862 652 58.67026703 289.2570728 76 287 75.77157307037194 78.74767477285.27807683833686 274.0731284 26 80 73228 1 110 0 12 0 4 0 646.3415855770548 660 533APickard Voting District 407 302211281 47250 0 69.136940730865552211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075408 32.3062747-88.7850396V2G5240Sageville Sageville Voting District 248 0 108 0 16 0 1 0 248 123 46.31863186 61.47972628 60 6159.819662946748664 62.1692169260.634016323224174 58.25247676112 82 73228 0 92 0 8 0 0 0185.95442369270256 202 102ASageville Voting District 408 637110671 79406 0 514.06660769240352211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075516 32.2827236-88.6413423V2G5240Zero Zero Voting District 1844 8 153 0 35 3 14 0 1844 1631 94.95319532 751.8668165 123 746122.63030905430567 127.4468947 741.5241997127109 712.3991421 26 80 73228 4 108 0 17 3 8 01382.6611181021915 1391 1251AZero Voting District 516 153126921 177656 0231.106951072127172211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075507 32.2744087-88.6763742V2G5240Culpepper Culpepper Voting District 829 4 23 0 16 1 7 0 829 778 23.15931593 400.122153 30 39729.909831473374332 31.08460846 394.6181062787783 379.1185783 26 80 73228 2 18 0 11 1 5 0 621.5976501663323 607 570ACulpepper Voting District 507 266022221 42630 0113.741418621746552211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075511 32.3015825-88.7267714V2G5240Valley Valley Voting District 408 0 50 0 28 0 0 6 408 324 5.374584228771429 72.65000269971428 6.557142857142857 67.75714285714285 6.811723810853626 7.079269830942857 65.87432946292395 63.286964625 26 80 73228 0 31 0 22 0 0 0 305.9250196234784 313 260AValley Voting District 511 571179481 74345 0345.963481641145732211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075506 32.2408814 -88.709008V2G5240Clarkdale Clarkdale Voting District 1241 0 68 0 10 2 2 2 1241 1157 33.1950195 572.4669595 43 568 42.87075844581135 44.55460546 564.5921520840792 542.416505 26 80 73228 0 55 0 7 2 0 0 930.5219346880801 937 873AClarkdale Voting District 506 573877881 0 0251.736522096659662211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075512 32.252474-88.5543257V2G5240Causeyville Causeyville Voting District 903 5 45 0 7 3 1 0 903 842 27.01920192 349.7289347 35 347 34.89480338881074 36.26537654 344.9180928683718 331.3706465 26 80 73228 2 33 0 3 3 1 0 677.0840507843162 715 673ACauseyville Voting District 512 840201801 319126 0260.378639688017872211112221 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075515 32.2759234-88.4797419V2G5240Whynot Whynot Voting District 934 0 181 0 9 1 4 2 934 737 66.390039 371.9019508 86 369 85.7415168916227 89.10921092 366.7860987772777 352.3797365 26 80 73228 0 119 0 5 1 3 2 700.328353745904 709 579AWhynot Voting District 515 6164151 0 0 274.87509500255422211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075409 32.3759437-88.7093956V1G524020 Voting District 20 986 3 847 0 11 1 7 0 986 117 56.638825693372524125.55432123447355 66.66435061464458 125.42383752004275 66.73117792481372 69.35219744430785123.45881556607296118.60968843367183112 81453128 3 643 0 9 1 6 0 739.3187974234062 771 109AVoting District 20 409 161226391 178716 01002.20686261073252211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075109 32.4056706-88.7267937V1G524013 Voting District 13 3595 44 1389 0 37 4 20 3 3595 2098 175.13268001813773163.03218790646943 206.1325643597459 162.86275493146104206.33920081958775 214.44364449648944160.31117547386486154.01458768421932 74 82453228 39 880 0 22 4 10 12695.5893273196198 2763 1807AVoting District 13 109 81348501 42486 01210.17524077696522211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075102 32.3999225-88.6813032V1G52405 Voting District 5 4341 87 1938 0 62 11 23 5 4341 2215 165.88521978288748 35.89922841751377 195.24822974036192 35.86191974822974 195.4439552585946 203.12046326624704 35.3000691399915733.913578250236036 74 81453228 62 1251 0 45 6 18 1 3254.952230846862 3149 1766AVoting District 5 102 101956131 0 0 988.82551924346822211112441 75Lauderdale County 28075N28075101 32.4229163-88.6827242V1G52401 Voting District 1 3547 69 726 0 68 7 41 0 3547 2636 245.9513153816323222.23380384402563 289.48666429587485 222.00284495021336 289.7768585728403 301.1585069452525218.52471456895978 209.9416569909495 74 83453028 48 490 0 51 7 16 0 2659.598148540387 2726 2114AVoting District 1 101 662189101 22826 0122.311844318090822201112111 65Jefferson Davis County28065N2806525 31.4795541-89.9036788V2G5240Sons Academy Sons Academy Voting District 452 1 302 0 2 0 3 0 452 144 137.5197575 47.39393939 207 51190.81448530490437 198.3091603 46.3546449069761 44.53396029 1 90 94028 1 218 0 2 0 3 0345.28934091455113 326 102ASons Academy Voting District 25 319004961 0 0 44.843334276818572231112111123Scott County 28123N28123402 32.4578866 -89.582307V2G5240Clifton Clifton Voting District 171 0 17 0 0 0 2 0 171 152 15.88895522 57.30634872 21 59 20.23047643362268 21.02507463 56.7950000869091 54.56424666 84 74353328 0 13 0 0 0 2 0124.81354373054062 127 112AClifton Voting District 402 1112882501 160064 0475.444240022643672231112111123Scott County 28123N28123101 32.5284663-89.5113743V2G5240Harperville Harperville Voting District 1813 9 1006 0 46 1 11 0 1813 740 336.6945274 259.3355103 445 267428.69342914056074 445.5313433 257.0214410920843 246.9263366 84 44353028 4 722 0 28 1 4 01323.3155250495329 1325 566AHarperville Voting District 101 717295011 46494 0177.275403339937722231112111123Scott County 28123N28123401 32.5220967 -89.620258V2G5240Contrell Contrell Voting District 676 0 468 0 15 0 15 0 676 178 164.1858706 67.99058323 217 70209.04825647114563 217.2591045 67.38389840819724 64.7372418 84 44353328 0 307 0 13 0 8 0 493.4149448061138 466 138AContrell Voting District 401 793813491 438154 0 360.32012454005092231112111123Scott County 28123N28123505 32.5117762-89.4113861V2G5240Steele Steele Voting District 1374 0 767 0 64 21 16 2 1374 504 266.3291542 203.9717497 352 210339.10131921060963 352.4202985 202.1516952245917 194.2117254 46 74353028 0 525 0 34 15 8 01002.8877724313614 964 382ASteele Voting District 505 359847941 122375 0 379.46377016699692231112111123Scott County 28123N28123102 32.4652767-89.4990234V2G5240Hillsboro Hillsboro Voting District 1447 10 847 0 32 0 13 2 1447 543 424.4620896 349.6658566 561 360 540.4427274588332 561.6698507 346.5457632421572 332.9343864 84 74353028 6 619 0 24 0 3 21056.1707472403057 1050 396AHillsboro Voting District 102 616309391 129201 0 453.6781771865272231112111123Scott County 28123N28123504 32.4296356-89.4127288V2G5240Langs Mill Langs Mill Voting District 1730 1 470 0 205 3 12 2 1730 1037 141.4873632 378.804678 187 390180.14757585168465 187.2232836 375.4245768456703 360.6789186 46 74353028 1 330 0 124 2 5 01262.7335125955278 1240 778ALangs Mill Voting District 504 894647631 107966 0 548.60968015850552231112111123Scott County 28123N28123103 32.401912-89.4980313V2G5240North Forest North Forest Voting District 2092 0 1372 7 257 1 16 1 2092 438 475.1554229 57.30634872 628 59 604.9875808326741 628.7498507 56.7950000869091 54.56424666 61 74353028 0 892 7 167 0 5 11526.9586753467308 1421 349ANorth Forest Voting District 103 22070101 52819 0 5.7693178601754882231112111123Scott County 28123N28123302 32.361518-89.5305625V2G5240Northwest Forest Northwest Forest Voting District 22 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 22 14 1.513233831 1.942588092 2 21.9267120412973981 2.002388061.9252542402342068 1.84963548 61 74353028 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 16.05788281913388 10 8ANorthwest Forest Voting District 302 1537885121 632205 0 883.7545994905182231112111123Scott County 28123N28123301 32.3205187-89.6967966V2G5240East-West Morton East-West Morton Voting District 3370 8 857 5 493 6 47 0 3370 1954 292.8107463 747.8964156 387 770 372.8187799814245 387.4620896 741.2228824901696 712.1096598 84 74353328 7 631 2 337 3 11 0 2459.775686385508 2535 1544AEast-West Morton Voting District 301 207679811 0 0244.409283894707042231112111123Scott County 28123N28123503 32.3697335-89.4169749V2G5240Northeast Forest Northeast Forest Voting District 932 4 144 2 106 3 0 3 932 670 51.44995025 426.3980863 68 439 65.50820939448947 68.08119403422.59330566895534 405.9949878 61 74353028 4 98 2 74 1 0 0 680.2703085196716 737 558ANortheast Forest Voting District 503 676107791 104205 0 968.19643362581372231112111123Scott County 28123N28123201 32.3265376-89.5139831V2G5240South Forest South Forest Voting District 3692 8 1483 14 1071 13 25 1 3692 1077 484.9914428 545.8672539 641 562 617.5112091107292 641.7653731 540.9964415266297 519.7475699 61 74353028 7 1001 12 759 8 15 02694.8046985564674 2669 867ASouth Forest Voting District 201 1169659931 147580 0136.627936597792262231112111123Scott County 28123N28123204 32.2559533 -89.402198V2G5240High Hill High Hill Voting District 521 0 241 0 6 3 0 1 521 270 124.0851741 159.2922236 164 164157.99038736714252 164.1958209157.87084774084028 151.6701094 61 74353028 0 174 0 2 1 0 0380.27986130767056 386 209AHigh Hill Voting District 204 919215951 25206 0146.593121992640822231112111123Scott County 28123N28123205 32.273012-89.5075179V2G5240Homewood Homewood Voting District 559 0 157 0 10 0 3 0 559 389 36.31761194 176.7755164 48 182 46.24108898151549 48.05731343175.19813588213046 168.3168287 61 74353328 0 104 0 4 0 1 0 408.0162043589018 412 303AHomewood Voting District 205 772073601 17227 0 184.88041324653272231112111123Scott County 28123N28123303 32.2839722-89.5772079V2G5240Pulaski Pulaski Voting District 705 0 97 0 11 0 10 0 705 587 27.23820896 240.8809235 36 248 34.6808167337311 36.04298507238.73152576822397 229.3547995 61 74353328 0 66 0 8 0 3 0 514.5821539767902 528 451APulaski Voting District 303 480854481 35926 0163.114350410416082231112111123Scott County 28123N28123203 32.3195476 -89.362401V2G5240Lake Lake Voting District 622 2 308 0 8 1 4 0 622 299 102.8999005 160.2635176 136 165131.01641882746722 136.1623881158.83347481932205 152.5949271 61 74333028 1 224 0 6 0 0 0454.00014152278516 446 215ALake Voting District 203 230151221 26197 0 170.19487687517692231112111123Scott County 28123N28123202 32.3772065-89.3478469V2G5240House House Voting District 649 0 102 0 5 1 4 0 649 537 15.11800335133215 84.34788804357608 19.98105387803434 86.84073416222617 19.24886854861313 20.00491185195382 83.59524581944031 80.31185149248076 46 77333028 0 71 0 3 1 2 0 473.7075431644495 472 395AHouse Voting District 202 534429371 23648 0 287.15468440418912231112111123Scott County 28123N28123502 32.4285015-89.3486887V2G5240Salem Salem Voting District 1095 0 554 0 28 3 3 0 1095 507 30.024908063461854 39.42396220395499 39.68310441833526 40.589111368525565 38.22895754722955 39.7304872228198 39.0721793923405237.537530251696175 46 77333028 0 361 0 17 2 2 0 799.2446221341636 765 383ASalem Voting District 502 189800071 5368 0 607.87630908576282231112111123Scott County 28123N28123404 32.3793779-89.6489313V2G5240North Morton North Morton Voting District 2318 1 1015 1 569 4 30 2 2318 696 391.9275622 274.8762151 518 283499.01841865753784 518.6185075 272.4234749723226 261.7234204 84 74353328 1 703 1 419 1 10 0 1691.916926125106 1679 544ANorth Morton Voting District 404 849479541 0 0110.403764506085482231112111123Scott County 28123N28123403 32.455221-89.6441878V2G5240Forkville Forkville Voting District 421 1 15 0 7 0 1 0 421 397 12.86248756 233.1105711 17 24016.377052351027885 17.02029851 231.0305088281048 221.9562576 84 74353328 1 12 0 3 0 0 0 307.289484857062 335 319AForkville Voting District 403 478375111 0 0161.540900084913662231112111123Scott County 28123N28123304 32.2678754-89.6532826V2G5240Springfield Springfield Voting District 616 0 15 0 16 2 8 0 616 575 14.37572139 291.3882139 19 30018.303764392325284 19.02268657288.78813603513095 277.445322 61 74353328 0 12 0 12 2 5 0449.62071893574864 473 442ASpringfield Voting District 304 426025841 204703 0 190.38748938579112201112111123Scott County 28123N28123305 32.2588994-89.7069528V2G5240Cooperville Cooperville Voting District 726 1 31 0 10 0 4 0 726 680 17.40218905 236.0244532 23 243 22.15718847492008 23.02746269233.91839016763845 224.7307108 61 74353328 1 20 0 10 0 0 0 529.910133031418 556 525ACooperville Voting District 305 738681641 0 0 259.35706198697992231112111123Scott County 28123N28123405 32.4524874-89.7180357V2G5240Liberty Liberty Voting District 989 0 214 0 9 4 4 0 989 758 12.182056975343684 68.63567240625565 16.100693397648477 70.664154356346115.510699915505565 16.11991810262285 68.02323139424938 65.35146352190232 84 74353328 0 135 0 8 4 1 0 721.8748230965185 731 583ALiberty Voting District 405 1052243781 599318 0227.888055476931782231112111123Scott County 28123N28123406 32.5475626-89.7202368V2G5240Ludlow Ludlow Voting District 869 4 233 1 7 0 2 0 869 622 121.8153234 310.8140948 161 320155.10031929557437 161.1922388308.04067843747305 295.9416768 84 44353328 4 158 1 7 0 0 0 634.2863713557883 672 502ALudlow Voting District 406 680486321 122871 0224.216671384092852231112111123Scott County 28123N28123501 32.5358753-89.3724518V2G5240Sebastapol Sebastapol Voting District 855 1 89 0 30 0 6 0 855 729 11.34925373 317.6131531 15 32714.450340309730487 15.01791045 314.7790682991104 302.415401 46 77333028 1 57 0 20 0 3 0 624.0677186527031 631 550ASebastapol Voting District 501 1806793101 7548733 301.84256191828365 277.38949361097960131110431161Yalobusha County 28161N28161503 33.9478599-89.7217603V2G5240Coffeeville 5 Coffeeville 5 Voting District 1211 6 409 0 9 0 13 0 1211 774 230.1136147 411.1052922 273 455252.59539979506863 262.5166614 427.6514534842199 410.8544653116 2348 828 2 283 0 8 0 5 0 922.3391702161224 926 628ACoffeeville 5 Voting District 503 1630126771 718055 204.13629910080454187.598674869853280131110431161Yalobusha County 28161N28161101 34.0254991-89.6603521V2G5240One South One South Voting District 819 1 311 0 4 2 4 0 819 497 143.2941923 220.46086 170 244 157.2938387076275 163.4719137 229.3339662407311 220.3263506116 3248 828 1 225 0 4 2 1 0 623.7785139611926 618 385AOne South Voting District 101 593209881 868035 218.34358731661146 200.65499290108850131110431161Yalobusha County 28161N28161402 34.0130457-89.7685313V2G5240Coffeeville 4 Coffeeville 4 Voting District 876 0 669 0 7 2 6 2 876 190 361.6071089 83.12458655 429 92 396.9356282493936 412.5261822 86.47018399411317 83.0738699107 3248 828 0 494 0 2 0 1 0 667.1916706105064 662 165ACoffeeville 4 Voting District 402 1164152041 28917669 234.54488089604038215.543776620918120131110431161Yalobusha County 28161N28161301 34.1177609-89.7497213V2G5240Sylva Rena Sylva Rena Voting District 941 2 166 0 12 2 5 0 941 754 110.4208188 342.4371555 131 379121.20878159404624 125.9695335 356.2195623088668 342.2282249107 3248 828 1 122 0 5 2 2 0 716.6979018772677 747 615ASylva Rena Voting District 301 1397390341 140595 617.3939107114687 567.37718883104590121110431161Yalobusha County 28161N28161201 34.1120395-89.5740375V2G5240Two Water Valley Two Water Valley Voting District 2477 2 1373 0 21 9 18 0 2477 1054 720.6854967 374.9641676 855 415 791.0954828524607 822.1675659 390.0557212811873 374.7353914116 3248 828 2 991 0 8 9 3 01886.5682284271968 1787 774ATwo Water Valley Voting District 201 1630299201 8834119 81.25571856759741 74.672976810222440131110431161Yalobusha County 28161N28161502 33.9177308-89.5881119V2G5240Skuna-Vanns Skuna-Vanns Voting District 326 1 73 0 0 3 5 0 326 244 51.41732783 100.2916207 61 111 56.44073035639972 58.65756903104.32815678795144 100.23043116 2326 828 1 59 0 0 3 1 0248.29279066098755 278 214ASkuna-Vanns Voting District 502 334345551 57949 483.29705000788766444.143871273071450121110431161Yalobusha County 28161N28161102 34.1185085-89.6395046V2G5240One North One North Voting District 1939 5 484 0 28 2 19 0 1939 1401 251.1862901 574.6438809 298 636 275.7268466553473 286.5566487 597.772141497368 574.2932745116 3248 828 5 325 0 18 2 10 01476.8089604038491 1479 1119AOne North Voting District 102 749341411 6403781 433.19766524688436398.103170847136770121110431161Yalobusha County 28161N28161302 34.1672494-89.6327905V2G5240Three North West Three North West Voting District 1738 1 358 1 13 2 8 1 1738 1354 217.4700095 597.2320838 258 661238.71653165965728 248.092669 621.2694741372744 596.8676957116 3248 828 1 244 1 11 2 3 11323.7204606404796 1333 1070AThree North West Voting District 302 1751402541 18608915 395.81006467897146 363.74443918599150131110431161Yalobusha County 28161N28161401 34.0734688-89.8652575V2G5240Oakland Oakland Voting District 1588 0 761 0 47 5 11 1 1588 763 171.88943052711002112.42468135661427 203.92454655380894 124.42853688029021 188.682792539324 196.09374042931074 116.9495486582395112.35608785983072107 3248 828 0 555 0 28 4 4 1 1209.475311563338 1241 649AOakland Voting District 401 430471051 0 93.21975074932955 85.667770941788930131110431161Yalobusha County 28161N28161505 33.9786589-89.8874441V2G5240Tillatoba Tillatoba Voting District 374 2 63 0 3 1 5 0 374 300 44.67407172 160.8280044 53 17849.038667357261716 50.96477309 167.3010081421582 160.7298787107 2348 828 1 43 0 2 1 2 0 284.8512383656728 271 222ATillatoba Voting District 505 611050481 99249 96.95851080612084 89.103644107903450131110431161Yalobusha County 28161N28161504 33.9313778-89.8686124V2G5240Scobey Scobey Voting District 389 0 105 0 7 2 0 0 389 275 77.54744526 120.1692393 92 133 85.12372446122087 88.46715328125.00580945277964 120.0959206107 2348 828 0 86 0 6 2 0 0296.27575327338695 314 220AScobey Voting District 504 741985031 1689790 112.40032486709983223.727480803307743301113111 91Marion County 28091N2809118 31.0463363-89.8204463V2G5240Sandy Hook Sandy Hook Voting District 765 2 301 0 9 0 5 0 765 448 115.1804613 228.3280865 131 243125.22248713601898 130.1408865244.73419085803272 235.1216962 20 98 93928 1 198 0 9 0 2 0 569.231393975192 550 340ASandy Hook Voting District 18 2123731381 1810443 150.16095688127584298.888216184288243301113111 91Marion County 28091N2809123 31.0949783-89.7068751V2G5240Pine Burr Pine Burr Voting District 1022 1 227 0 16 6 2 0 1022 770 98.47489824 280.9469047 112 299107.06044697078032 111.2654907 301.1338398678596 289.3061201 37 98 93928 0 169 0 10 4 1 0 760.4633786178382 780 596APine Burr Voting District 23 875522471 2245682 133.55803307737744 265.84088895451863301113111 91Marion County 28091N2809121 31.1668835-89.7537629V2G5240Hub Hub Voting District 909 0 513 0 18 3 4 0 909 371 263.7720488 179.4677552 300 191 286.7690545062946 298.0325645192.36308831757378 184.8075884 20 99 93928 0 356 0 11 2 4 0 676.3808328411104 672 299AHub Voting District 21 576171241 2063274 321.62655050206735 640.18229474305963301113111 91Marion County 28091N2809122 31.2203485-89.7806877V2G5240East Columbia East Columbia Voting District 2189 2 1637 0 14 0 12 4 2189 520 690.2035278 241.482791 785 257 750.3790258538984 779.851877258.83410313651154 248.6678022 20 99 93928 2 1114 0 9 0 6 11628.8202894270526 1544 412AEast Columbia Voting District 22 310670141 98689 369.37832250443 735.22991730655643301113111 91Marion County 28091N280912 31.2690302-89.7776404V2G5240National Guard National Guard Voting District 2514 28 214 0 41 3 16 0 2514 2212 109.0257802 1157.614002 124 1232118.53120917027624 123.18679331240.7922763426022 1192.057324 20 99 93928 21 161 0 19 3 8 0 1870.650620200827 2033 1821ANational Guard Voting District 2 655091101 362460 0 266.46537753222842231112121101Newton County 28101N28101301 32.5453426-89.1786462V2G5240Union 3 Union 3 Voting District 817 1 139 0 4 8 4 1 817 660 58.80671224 300.8002736 83 321 82.36977309497209 85.60503418324.72798597806826 311.9735522 46 77333028 1 93 0 4 4 3 0 604.361832412523 617 512AUnion 3 Voting District 301 249984911 44077 0 264.83462246777162231112121101Newton County 28101N28101101 32.5324015 -89.109612V2G5240Union 1 Union 1 Voting District 812 5 534 0 5 0 11 2 812 255 184.2137974 103.0779754 260 110258.02579520480197 268.160348111.27750294001174 106.9068247 46 77333028 3 374 0 5 0 3 0 600.663167587477 568 183AUnion 1 Voting District 101 172296361 613 0267.117679558011052231112121101Newton County 28101N28101102 32.4685407-89.0936542V2G5240Decatur 1 Decatur 1 Voting District 819 3 252 0 9 0 9 0 819 546 61.64077067 250.1983584 87 267 86.33940071794845 89.730578270.10084819764865 259.4920201 0 77333028 3 168 0 6 0 4 0 605.8412983425414 610 429ADecatur 1 Voting District 102 1014161601 1329290 0 556.73977900552482231112121101Newton County 28101N28101302 32.4568789-89.1611799V2G5240Scanlan Scanlan Voting District 1707 4 462 0 13 15 14 2 1707 1197 124.6985705 449.7948016 176 480 174.663615237763 181.5239279 485.5745585107893 466.502508 46 77333028 3 398 0 12 10 10 11262.7241712707182 1384 950AScanlan Voting District 302 539499611 204842 0234.502578268876622231112121101Newton County 28101N28101203 32.4274696 -89.046982V2G5240Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Voting District 719 1 87 0 6 20 0 0 719 605 8.478254895677603 96.75418412933905 11.966238706609605 103.2515454113171711.875377916707631 12.341810524208274104.45067410440868100.34813516885401 0 77333028 0 68 0 4 8 0 0 531.8680018416206 516 436AChapel Hill Voting District 203 1025165201 89844 0 679.37255985267042211112121101Newton County 28101N28101402 32.352346-89.1874876V2G5240Newton 4 Newton 4 Voting District 2083 10 1017 0 19 2 17 2 2083 1016 304.6612803 553.8098495 430 591 426.7349690369666 443.4959602 597.8636751924314 574.381213 28 86333028 6 692 0 12 2 7 11540.8637661141804 1573 853ANewton 4 Voting District 402 530580511 64490 0221.782688766114182231112121101Newton County 28101N28101103 32.3882257-89.1226615V2G5240Decatur 1-A Decatur 1-A Voting District 680 1 305 0 5 1 4 0 680 364 104.8601616 189.2886457 148 202146.87622191541672 152.6451212204.34595998791303 196.3198054 28 77333028 1 217 0 3 1 1 0 503.0184162062615 506 283ADecatur 1-A Voting District 103 243687951 113346 0 573.37348066298342211112121101Newton County 28101N28101104 32.3474579-89.1273082V2G5240Newton 1 Newton 1 Voting District 1758 0 1503 0 25 1 11 1 1758 217 546.9732753 81.5253078 772 87 766.1381305031621 796.2299565 88.01038872487615 84.55357957 28 77333028 0 1049 0 16 1 6 0 1300.450552486188 1254 182ANewton 1 Voting District 104 283443231 23904 0390.728913443830552211112121101Newton County 28101N28101504 32.3100807-89.1362029V2G5240Newton 5 Newton 5 Voting District 1198 8 460 0 2 1 6 1 1198 720 112.6538222 349.5280438 159 373 157.7926978737907 163.9903667 377.3318964834038 362.5113239 28 86333028 8 321 0 1 1 4 1 886.2000920810314 959 623ANewton 5 Voting District 504 241536461 47841 0 308.53885819521182231112121101Newton County 28101N28101201 32.5581556-89.0802535V2G5240Union 2 Union 2 Voting District 946 1 54 0 9 2 10 0 946 870 38.96830329 382.3255814 55 408 54.5823797630037 56.72622747 412.7383747341709 396.5271318 0 77333028 1 45 0 6 2 3 0 699.7873848987109 712 655AUnion 2 Voting District 201 1171924051 13875 0435.411602209944762231112121101Newton County 28101N28101204 32.515856 -89.027187V2G5240Little Rock Little Rock Voting District 1335 1 69 0 2 1 6 0 1335 1256 48.88750777 601.6005472 69 642 68.47607643379892 71.16563083 649.4559719561365 623.9471044 0 77333028 1 42 0 2 1 5 0 987.5435082872929 1028 977ALittle Rock Voting District 204 1091719261 16851 0 308.86500920810312231112121101Newton County 28101N28101202 32.4823699-88.9525278V2G5240Duffee Duffee Voting District 947 0 71 0 5 0 2 0 947 869 36.84275948 358.8987688 52 38351.605159050582465 53.63206961 387.4480331710894 372.2301262 0 77333028 0 62 0 2 0 1 0 700.52711786372 725 660ADuffee Voting District 202 1910198361 725018 0 645.45285451197052211112121101Newton County 28101N28101502 32.3207375-89.0254597V2G5240Hickory Hickory Voting District 1979 1 506 0 37 2 15 0 1979 1418 201.2181479 693.4336525 284 740 281.843560923416 292.9136109 748.5941110374669 719.1913665 28 77333028 1 341 0 18 1 8 01463.9315377532228 1415 1046AHickory Voting District 502 1178549191 356257 0 581.85340699815832231112121101Newton County 28101N28101303 32.4567904-89.2591111V2G5240Conehatta Conehatta Voting District 1784 2 209 0 33 1010 22 0 1784 508 102.0261032 261.4432285 144 279142.90659431168447 148.5195774282.24021216041837 271.1545828 46 77333028 2 155 0 14 549 6 01319.6836095764272 1100 374AConehatta Voting District 303 2134393131 761028 1002.6823627461193177.280341702260641131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051402 33.0716642-90.1393407V2G5240Lexington Beat 4 Lexington Beat 4 Voting District 2614 3 2263 0 33 1 14 0 2614 300 978.0602704 217.3803967 1193 1901154.8611798575687 1200.220992 165.5757098070752 159.0723454 6 46402328 2 1585 0 18 1 6 01854.6355870403168 1879 267ALexington Beat 4 Voting District 402 1931115591 447134 908.3212834670278160.596728825919371131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051101 33.1283819-90.0176108V2G5240Lexington Beat 1 Lexington Beat 1 Voting District 2368 0 2128 0 12 0 14 1 2368 213 878.0406954 128.1400233 1071 1121036.7613774988379 1077.48255 97.60252366643644 93.76896149 6 46402328 0 1397 0 9 0 8 0 1680.098343577456 1595 181ALexington Beat 1 Voting District 101 399163471 225696 224.39524950515678 39.674445254714031131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051503 33.1330812-90.1220092V2G5240Lexington Beat 5 Lexington Beat 5 Voting District 585 6 270 0 1 2 1 0 585 305 137.7318738 265.4329055 168 232162.62923569741233 169.0168706202.17665622492532 194.235706 6 46402328 6 180 0 1 1 1 0415.05807896655904 449 260ALexington Beat 5 Voting District 503 2903445391 5422057 960.1048025836025169.752370038545681131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051502 33.2123762-90.2316839V2G5240Tchula Tchula Voting District 2503 4 2316 0 24 0 8 0 2503 151 1000.19575 113.2666278 1220 991180.9980207006863 1227.384417 86.27365931833734 82.88506418 68 47402328 3 1526 0 18 0 3 01775.8809771851234 1686 136ATchula Voting District 502 2039933061 589533 380.5129701010522 67.277008021668921131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051102 33.2478641-90.0480511V2G5240Acona Acona Voting District 992 0 910 0 3 1 12 0 992 66 390.2403091 35.46732789 476 31 460.7828344118544 478.881133327.014984225106698 25.95390898 6 47402328 0 616 0 3 1 6 0 703.8249817689342 680 54AAcona Voting District 102 1450552101 478725 1027.2315866236065 181.62079383269091131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051202 33.1113191-89.8401993V2G5240Durant Durant Voting District 2678 0 2142 1 12 7 13 5 2678 498 761.6244688 350.0968495 929 306 899.3009520581473 934.6230522266.66403791953786 256.1901984 6 46402328 0 1389 1 9 3 4 0 1900.043650380248 1836 430ADurant Voting District 202 501038551 127270 164.55651630378165 29.094593186790291131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051403 32.9815336-90.0107878V2G5240Beat 4 Walden Chapel Beat 4 Walden Chapel Voting District 429 0 400 0 4 0 0 0 429 25 127.8938828 8.008751459 156 7151.01286173277154 156.944237 6.100157729022167 5.860560093 6 46402328 0 274 0 3 0 0 0304.37592457547663 300 23ABeat 4 Walden Chapel Voting District 403 1478364701 153755 367.4711949161371 64.971142827377851131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051201 33.1997724-89.8596865V2G5240West West Voting District 958 0 694 0 6 5 7 0 958 246 275.4637476 167.0396733 336 146 325.2584712986039 338.0337411 127.2318612234606 122.2345391 6 47402328 0 494 0 6 5 2 0 679.7019481195958 709 202AWest Voting District 201 1071955821 735994 720.7498697781019127.432961766850711131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051304 32.9680027-89.9370141V2G5240Goodman Goodman Voting District 1879 8 1467 0 17 2 10 0 1879 375 465.6649066 114.4107351 568 100 549.8417015703211 571.437991 87.14511042203728 83.72228705 6 46402328 8 1042 0 11 2 10 01333.1523596207937 1426 353AGoodman Voting District 304 811395381 84956 121.59537451817897 21.498801958537351131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051301 32.9946054-90.2003538V2G5240Coxburg Coxburg Voting District 317 1 106 0 1 0 1 0 317 208 38.53213136 140.7252042 47 12345.497464742953404 47.28448165107.18848584877101 102.9784131 41 46402328 1 73 0 1 0 1 0224.91181373059695 243 167ACoxburg Voting District 301 1904052891 8786309 274.644442129388548.5588082091884561131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051401 33.0756502-90.3231888V2G5240Thornton Thornton Voting District 716 0 644 0 0 0 8 0 716 64 252.5084353 52.62893816 308 46 298.1535987144421 309.864262740.086750791014495 38.51225204 78 46402328 0 443 0 0 0 5 0 508.0027086154808 510 62AThornton Voting District 401 959234741 989 223.62808625898532 39.538806125638091131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051302 32.9590745-90.1221592V2G5240Ebenezer Ebenezer Voting District 583 0 448 0 8 0 3 0 583 124 74.29252782853746 38.42011187806183 96.01129607609988 39.8602853745541 90.78035336383525 94.34595921034482 39.192961066823537.653567949881094 6 46402028 0 313 0 5 0 3 0 413.6390769871862 426 105AEbenezer Voting District 302 506961331 795064 543.9187415355766 96.16814251484531131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051303 32.9252694-90.0109869V2G5240Pickens Pickens Voting District 1418 6 1211 0 11 0 0 0 1418 190 561.5853187 116.6989498 685 102 663.1013478217894 689.1461687 88.88801262943713 85.39673279 6 46402028 2 866 0 9 0 0 01006.0724033753517 1024 147APickens Voting District 303 22406871 0 109.02096869462493 217.00103366804493301113111 91Marion County 28091N2809119 31.2413517-89.8261654V1G52405 South Columbia Voting District 5 South Columbia 742 4 506 0 18 1 9 0 742 204 158.2632293 2.818865265 180 3172.06143270377677 178.81953873.0214097635509125 2.90273699 20 99 93928 3 450 0 16 1 9 0 552.1172474896633 675 196AVoting District 5 South Columbia 19 61579651 438211 217.8950088600118433.709613112817463301113111 91Marion County 28091N2809114 31.2367864-89.8430091V2G5240Courthouse Courthouse Voting District 1483 12 372 0 44 8 21 2 1483 1024 26.312504751431586 55.24305431588126 27.665666315191825 63.3904615135047524.453037510312306 25.41348644315841 61.8072669385355859.379645276064565 20 99 93928 8 251 0 23 5 6 0 1103.490401653869 1079 786ACourthouse Voting District 14 11616611 0 105.64161252215003210.274586532782053301113111 91Marion County 28091N2809111 31.2566781-89.8334394V2G5240City Hall City Hall Voting District 719 1 325 0 18 4 14 1 719 356 19.2735877141295225.000734940937765 21.920731707317074 26.607232968881412 20.9539583465839 21.77697294852817626.79711782231923325.744599778090834 20 99 93928 1 215 0 16 4 8 1 535.0031010041347 524 279ACity Hall Voting District 11 7561781 0 87.71633195510927174.595171293561723301113111 91Marion County 28091N2809120 31.262692-89.8300273V2G5240Jefferson Middle School Jefferson Middle School Voting District 597 0 538 0 3 0 15 0 597 41 239.1533243 2.818865265 272 3 260.0039427395443 270.21619183.0214097635509125 2.90273699 20 99 93928 0 348 0 3 0 3 0444.22371529828706 383 29AJefferson Middle School Voting District 20 799240011 167019 0258.311602209944742231112121101Newton County 28101N28101304 32.5375765-89.2773252V2G5240Prospect Prospect Voting District 792 0 28 0 2 2 5 0 792 755 5.420359072583201 70.25085678066561 6.589540412044374 76.25039619651348 6.315686621633988 6.563749647480191 80.73379995566836 77.56279545451665 46 77333028 0 19 0 2 2 0 0 585.8685082872928 578 555AProspect Voting District 304 1933051461 362349 0 439.65156537753222231112121101Newton County 28101N28101401 32.300601-89.2621998V2G5240Lawrence Lawrence Voting District 1348 11 685 0 13 4 17 0 1348 618 230.2672467 303.6114911 325 324322.53224410222316 335.2004351 327.7628269947828 314.8891929 61 86333028 7 479 0 7 3 8 0 997.1600368324125 1017 513ALawrence Voting District 401 363420911 17860 0 205.14898710865562231112121101Newton County 28101N28101403 32.3862248 -89.293799V2G5240Hazel Hazel Voting District 629 1 22 0 3 2 4 0 629 597 14.17029211 279.247606 20 29819.848138095637708 20.62771908 301.4608716900709 289.620307 46 77333028 1 16 0 2 2 2 0 465.2920349907919 469 446AHazel Voting District 403 407040561 39760 0 82.516206261510132211112121101Newton County 28101N28101503 32.2713705-89.0763032V2G5240Liberty Liberty Voting District 253 0 99 0 0 1 4 0 253 149 3.11634015648326817.557962708577026 4.118782031956587 18.0768766958094673.9678534667572376 4.12369997974072917.40129175201728316.717816249788964 28 86333028 0 76 0 0 1 0 0187.15244014732966 194 117ALiberty Voting District 503 1155776671 545642 0363.332228360957632211112121101Newton County 28101N28101501 32.3218227-88.9415174V2G5240Chunky Chunky Voting District 1114 1 34 0 95 0 5 0 1114 979 26.923555 348.5909713 38 37237.711462379787235 39.19266625 376.3202828458617 361.5394437 28 83333028 1 27 0 55 0 3 0 824.0625230202578 842 756AChunky Voting District 501 1013785951 1760776 174.52963850401085 30.857901864777581131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051501 33.3062593-90.2372097V2G5240Cruger Cruger Voting District 455 2 373 0 2 0 0 0 455 78 158.2276883 84.66394399 193 74186.83001479041394 194.1681906 64.48738171543023 61.95449242 68 47 52328 2 268 0 2 0 0 0322.82295030732365 336 64ACruger Voting District 501 169975591 83419 234.75195332847173 41.50557349723931131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051103 33.0879767-89.9039848V2G5240Lexington East Lexington East Voting District 612 0 537 0 0 0 0 0 612 75 139.371539 29.74679113 170 26164.56529802485244 171.028976222.657728706607042 21.76779463 6 46402328 0 389 0 0 0 0 0 434.2146056880925 453 64ALexington East Voting District 103 323041811 56491 34.90592770080217 6.1715803729555161131111441 51Holmes County 28051N28051104 33.1226539-89.9450472V2G5240Sandhill Sandhill Voting District 91 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 91 75 2.102326737686464 44.78043576912984 2.5138121546961325 47.19682320441989 2.518611799809669 2.617536034247238 50.41808280189188 48.43779737506906 6 47402328 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 64.56459006146474 69 59ASandhill Voting District 104 796224131 868113 329.56069108092146 655.97482279976372301112111 91Marion County 28091N280918 31.2105916-89.8985354V2G5240Foxworth Foxworth Voting District 2243 7 686 4 22 4 27 0 2243 1493 328.8358209 561.8938095 374 598 357.5054212428183 371.5472637 602.2676796316309 578.6122401 20 98 93928 5 468 1 17 4 11 0 1669.001329001772 1587 1081AFoxworth Voting District 8 552869141 20668 140.46367395156526 279.58623744831662301112111 91Marion County 28091N2809110 31.2279634-89.9965354V2G5240Stoval Stoval Voting District 956 1 418 0 17 5 3 0 956 512 244.4287653 199.1998121 278 212 265.7393238392923 276.1768431213.51295663120368 205.1267473 20 98 93928 1 291 0 11 4 1 0 711.3532191376255 683 375AStoval Voting District 10 510644911 29483 64.7954813939752128.972312463083282301112111 91Marion County 28091N2809113 31.2938306-90.0033182V2G5240Darbun Darbun Voting District 441 0 63 0 7 0 3 0 441 368 14.163698957692308 75.80647146153846 20.102564102564102 82.9230769230769219.152536194510482 19.90479582448718 82.21370302373565 78.9845719474359 1 99 93928 0 50 0 7 0 2 0 328.1451565268754 335 276ADarbun Voting District 13 662882701 943723 126.35853514471353251.510632014176022301112111 91Marion County 28091N280919 31.2866817-89.9344479V2G5240Morgantown Morgantown Voting District 860 0 1 0 2 0 7 1 860 849 6.201311152761072172.30679966320395 7.053034445051941 183.37889557135045 6.741973395097418 7.006779808201203 184.6875952184297177.43356783378894 20 99 93928 0 1 0 2 0 4 1 639.9202598936798 630 622AMorgantown Voting District 9 288087021 208999 121.50989367985824 241.85964264619022301112111 91Marion County 28091N280916 31.3130426-89.8335249V2G5240Cedar Grove Cedar Grove Voting District 827 2 267 0 20 2 5 0 827 531 154.0063583627281 43.83197142195632 196.4217768471433 43.044570744839966194.34999353716694 201.98353369808555 42.01212699828285 40.36200469650014 20 99 94028 2 192 0 11 1 1 0 615.3651801535735 617 410ACedar Grove Voting District 6 535736701 141967 73.02347903130537145.349748966331963301113111 91Marion County 28091N280913 31.261765 -89.681565V2G5240Union Union Voting District 497 1 16 0 6 1 2 0 497 471 1.556608150947862938.411907746955954 1.7704015544041452 40.8801813471502561.6923212664346081 1.758791051781088 41.17192636048841 39.55480485893782 99 99 93928 1 14 0 3 1 2 0 369.8143827525103 386 365AUnion Voting District 3 1446497511 151028 372.0230360307147 740.49409332545783301113111 91Marion County 28091N280911 31.3532515-89.7042816V2G5240Morris Morris Voting District 2532 2 862 0 7 2 9 0 2532 1650 463.3595658 782.7049219 527 833503.75763904583954 523.5438716 838.9447778631927 805.9933044 99 99 94028 2 624 0 3 2 4 01884.0443000590667 1934 1299AMorris Voting District 1 1180753911 362218 212.45865327820437422.888806851742462301112111 91Marion County 28091N280915 31.3693081-89.7942462V2G5240Carley Carley Voting District 1446 0 87 2 13 0 15 0 1446 1329 51.87516961 648.3390109 59 690 56.39791404488621 58.61307101 694.9242457207981 667.6295078 99 99 94028 0 58 2 8 0 4 01075.9589486119314 1100 1028ACarley Voting District 5 771541091 1534108 118.42439456585942235.718103957471952301112111 91Marion County 28091N280917 31.3575205-89.9078307V2G5240Goss Goss Voting District 806 3 147 0 2 0 3 0 806 651 65.06377205 358.9355104 74 382 70.7363667653899 73.51469923384.72617663514757 369.6151768 1 99 93928 1 109 0 0 0 1 0 599.7392203189604 613 502AGoss Voting District 7 532269421 786801 21.157708210277615 42.113408151210872301112111 91Marion County 28091N2809112 31.3656263-89.9883473V2G5240White Bluff White Bluff Voting District 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 144 144 2.637720488 59.19617056 3 63 2.867690545062946 2.98032564563.449605044977986 60.9574768 1 99 93928 0 0 0 0 0 0 0107.14943886591848 102 102AWhite Bluff Voting District 12 29045451 18573 37.92016110423528 680.93402697656862221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105N28105501 33.466639 -88.819622V2G5240Central Starkville Central Starkville Voting District 3106 56 1733 2 38 10 35 3 3106 1229 685.2525198 271.4562232 911 279 854.8584991637333 888.4350204 272.988223459838 262.2659871119 36461528 52 1207 2 31 10 15 22538.7613014201506 2474 1155ACentral Starkville Voting District 501 226476721 146606 7.496129722472782134.608336305091142221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105N28105102 33.4692947-88.9248394V2G5240South Adaton South Adaton Voting District 614 3 184 0 10 1 12 1 614 403 49.64507828 123.5660944 66 127 61.93266843708272 64.36521553124.26345654579491 119.3827253 58 22461428 3 125 0 5 1 5 1 501.8671729143504 454 314ASouth Adaton Voting District 102 212157631 96710 97.608399236433061752.75838560130892221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105101 33.4385304-88.8602073V2G5240West Starkville West Starkville Voting District 7995 206 2576 2 149 9 110 8 7995 4935 903.389985 1379.659227 1201 14181126.9868902840776 1171.2518761387.4455227547078 1332.950429119 36461428 159 1900 2 113 9 69 86534.8991000818105 6564 4304PWest Starkville Voting District 101 201771941 118837 81.419689119170981462.05699481865282221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105401 33.4171787-88.8120926V2G5240South Starkville South Starkville Voting District 6669 332 1692 4 146 10 75 9 6669 4401 806.3564229 1870.03176 1072 19221005.9366751306892 1045.4471371880.5855399451327 1806.721245 58 37441428 259 1197 4 103 10 36 3 5451.062176165803 5325 3713PSouth Starkville Voting District 401 471132441 355998 13.24641815778985237.866522623817422221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105103 33.428213-88.9269448V2G5240North Longview North Longview Voting District 1085 17 188 0 4 4 10 0 1085 862 130.1302809 438.8055794 173 451 162.3386611758227 168.7148831 441.2820386684797 423.9496781 58 34441428 11 134 0 4 4 3 0 886.8499716808961 826 670PNorth Longview Voting District 103 415890851 137623 4.4195422793732035 79.36191814730132221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105402 33.3799204-88.8965901V2G5240South Longview South Longview Voting District 362 0 94 0 2 1 1 0 362 264 48.89288012 121.6201717 65 125 60.99429467128082 63.38998499 122.3065517371527 117.5026824 58 34441428 0 72 0 2 1 1 0295.88911497556165 289 213PSouth Longview Voting District 402 443060031 231040 7.044408550271654126.496759035891842221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105104 33.4737059-88.9999524V2G5240Self Creek Self Creek Voting District 577 3 89 0 9 1 5 0 577 470 30.84012438 204.3218884 41 210 38.47332433052347 39.98445207 205.4750068851083 197.4045064 58 34461428 3 63 0 5 1 2 0 471.6243628201632 451 377PSelf Creek Voting District 104 631112231 98547 4.138742631788719 74.319586331312542021112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105404 33.3843221-88.9860156V2G5240Bradley Bradley Voting District 339 0 93 0 3 1 2 0 339 240 36.85770963 122.593133 49 126 45.98031444731661 47.78629638123.28500419351796 118.4427039 58 34441428 0 65 0 3 1 2 0 277.0895303224182 267 196PBradley Voting District 404 422869061 54130 5.213106500807619 93.61198632292172221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105105 33.4789801-89.0618483V2G5240Double Springs Double Springs Voting District 427 0 41 0 1 1 0 4 427 380 23.31814283 156.6467811 31 16129.089586691748593 30.23214669157.53083860497716 151.3434549 58 34461428 0 28 0 1 1 0 0349.01837595183656 345 315PDouble Springs Voting District 105 996025051 334508 17.702586478152337 317.88613622537812221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105201 33.5214384-88.7661512V2G5240Osborn Osborn Voting District 1450 0 945 0 14 0 15 2 1450 474 461.0974694 211.132618 613 217 575.2231174551143 597.81632212.32417387148843 203.9846567119 37461528 0 689 0 8 0 11 21185.1912063938244 1084 374POsborn Voting District 201 675651101 526292 41.265339514589584 741.00354513226072221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105203 33.4646296-88.7147257V2G5240Hickory Grove Hickory Grove Voting District 3380 19 1245 1 25 8 22 0 3380 2060 10.357423357158234 81.83566406350914 10.005382131324005 98.23466092572659 9.729762273327054 10.11192092287406100.35228418000548 96.41071887513455 95 37441528 17 935 0 17 8 9 0 2762.721570766294 2848 1862PHickory Grove Voting District 203 691970051 320216 6.165383566528917110.712068133666162021112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105303 33.5336306 -88.880993V2G5240Bell Schoolhouse Bell Schoolhouse Voting District 505 1 327 0 5 0 2 0 505 170 221.8984559 101.1879828 295 104 276.8202604304574 287.6930088101.75905104864188 97.76223176119 37461528 1 241 0 2 0 2 0 412.7734891233664 387 141PBell Schoolhouse Voting District 303 51608171 46504 39.95901071930524 717.54574059700872221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105202 33.464368-88.7848985V2G5240Northeast Starkville Northeast Starkville Voting District 3273 91 655 1 67 4 51 4 3273 2400 191.8105297 332.7527897 255 342239.28530989460205 248.6837873 334.6307256086411 321.4873391119 37461428 82 644 1 57 4 40 32675.2626334668876 3114 2283PNortheast Starkville Voting District 202 19108391 0 39.50728954710411 709.43416332780942221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105301 33.4569113-88.7958145V2G5240East Starkville East Starkville Voting District 3236 263 710 0 52 8 48 3 3236 2152 171.5011795 261.7266094 228 269213.94921819870655 222.3525627263.20369931253873 252.8657725119 36441428 230 688 0 49 7 42 32645.0198233727006 3125 2106PEast Starkville Voting District 301 571577781 281804 16.518344486165592296.620649870990752221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105503 33.4145638-88.7474076V2G5240Sessums Sessums Voting District 1353 14 948 0 1 1 4 1 1353 384 419.7265709 185.8356223 558 191 523.6125604322305 544.1786404 186.884411046875 179.5440987 95 37441528 9 684 0 1 1 3 11105.9060015523064 1032 333PSessums Voting District 503 1606557011 3594334 12.880157747897044 231.28956808122342221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105504 33.3137448-88.7991815V2G5240Oktoc Oktoc Voting District 1055 7 757 0 5 0 2 0 1055 284 263.2693545 149.8360515 350 154328.43081745334126 341.3306884150.68167172268528 144.7633047 95 37441528 6 581 0 3 0 1 0 862.3287743072308 835 244POktoc Voting District 504 435559681 251352 47.626061966394666 855.22332235531032221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105502 33.3985194-88.8254723V2G5240Gillespie Street Center Gillespie Street Center Voting District 3901 56 1566 0 52 1 56 8 3901 2162 541.5826721 565.2905579 720 581 675.6291102227206 702.1659876 568.480852479282 546.1524678 58 36441428 48 1103 0 48 1 38 6 3188.573031822282 3096 1852PGillespie Street Center Voting District 502 586637241 1507643 5.371819345094502 96.461999958045772021112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105304 33.5388396-88.9841123V2G5240Center Grove Center Grove Voting District 440 0 227 0 0 0 4 0 440 209 225.6594467 269.5103004 300 277 281.5121292594669 292.5691615 271.0313186511958 260.3859442 58 22461428 0 166 0 0 0 1 0 359.6442281470915 329 162PCenter Grove Voting District 304 202652681 103548 8.619328312810724154.777663569046182021112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105305 33.538781-89.0555036V2G5240Maben Maben Voting District 706 1 436 0 8 3 2 0 706 256 71.52828061906021117.43059866035739 71.95499669093316 128.9583057577763261.075148834352404 63.47401488510919131.59337425378627 126.424743738319 60 22461428 1 278 0 5 1 2 0 577.0655115269241 495 208PMaben Voting District 305 407670151 225576 3.125422164418619 56.123345430135722221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105403 33.3204043-88.9194348V2G5240Craig Springs Craig Springs Voting District 256 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 256 242 12.03517049 170.2682403 16 175 15.01398022396421 15.60368861 171.2291724736491 164.5037554 58 34441428 0 6 0 0 0 0 0209.24755092194417 205 199PCraig Springs Voting District 403 1484475151 247678 14.29636466614923256.720458979253642021112441105Oktibbeha County 28105S28105405 33.3616197-89.0327594V2G5240Sturgis Sturgis Voting District 1171 1 264 0 8 0 8 0 1171 890 130.1302809 430.048927 173 442 162.3386611758227 168.7148831 432.4759669775457 415.489485 58 34441428 1 214 0 7 0 4 0 957.1440708187367 934 708PSturgis Voting District 405 229108781 678968 5.200897820477858 93.392754504835222221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105N28105106 33.4848375-88.9014401V2G5240North Adaton North Adaton Voting District 426 1 148 0 7 5 0 0 426 265 36.85770963 92.43133047 49 95 45.98031444731661 47.78629638 92.95297932648135 89.30203863 58 36461428 1 115 0 4 3 0 0 348.2010027060477 342 219ANorth Adaton Voting District 106 89781001 0 21.450651339388727385.190304377923672221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105N28105204 33.4939313 -88.811954V2G5240North Starkville 2 North Starkville 2 Voting District 1757 40 1078 1 24 6 30 0 1757 578 455.0798842 176.1060086 605 181 567.7161273479434 590.0144757177.09988689957572 170.1438841119 37461528 33 828 0 18 5 13 01436.1247928509995 1381 484ANorth Starkville 2 Voting District 204 485662971 176569 4.126533951458958 74.100354513226072221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105N28105505 33.3586427-88.6834681V2G5240Southeast Oktibehha Southeast Oktibehha Voting District 338 1 193 0 1 2 5 0 338 136 77.47641004 44.75622318 103 46 96.6524976659103 100.4487454 45.00881103594137 43.24098712 95 37441528 1 140 0 1 2 1 0 276.2721570766294 246 101ASoutheast Oktibehha Voting District 505 279878971 101932 39.67821107172075 712.50340878101992221112441105Oktibbeha County 28105N28105302 33.4818352-88.8442628V2G5240North Starkville 3 North Starkville 3 Voting District 3250 39 1153 1 52 7 16 3 3250 1979 438.5315248 771.5583691 583 793 547.0719044810573 568.5594038 775.9127642771208 745.4370172119 36461428 29 773 1 28 6 10 3 2656.463048813744 2517 1667ANorth Starkville 3 Voting District 302 160621251 571242 318.3941228588305 633.7483018310693301113111 91Marion County 28091N280914 31.2695613-89.8336796V2G5240Popetown Popetown Voting District 2167 11 1065 2 19 0 17 2 2167 1051 320.9226594 445.3807119 365 474 348.902349545086 362.6062867477.38274272431477 458.6324445 20 99 93928 9 701 2 13 0 4 21612.4502362669816 1554 823APopetown Voting District 4 530274421 14540 165.58845245126994 329.59590962787952301112111 91Marion County 28091N2809116 31.1815043 -89.994683V2G5240kokomo kokomo Voting District 1127 7 247 0 12 1 13 0 1127 847 156.504749 374.9090802 178 399 170.1496389717872 176.8326549401.84749858349784 386.0640197 20 98 93928 3 196 0 11 1 2 0 838.5931777909037 824 611Akokomo Voting District 16 481344561 17620 137.5251033668045273.737152982870672301112111 91Marion County 28091N2809117 31.1446908-89.8977211V2G5240Pittman Pittman Voting District 936 0 19 0 1 2 9 0 936 905 13.18860244 438.8033596 15 46714.338452720503692 14.90162822 470.3327865850754 451.8593915 20 98 93928 0 13 0 1 2 4 0 696.4713526284702 670 650APittman Voting District 17 866703131 2153343 171.31866509155344 341.00162433549913301113111 91Marion County 28091N2809115 31.1307229-89.8519913V2G5240Balls Mill Balls Mill Voting District 1166 0 218 1 27 0 6 0 1166 914 136.2822252 433.165629 155 461148.16401143879014 153.9834916 464.2899670371559 446.0539175 20 98 93928 0 172 1 12 0 3 0 867.6128174837567 881 693ABalls Mill Voting District 15 154698811 7072809 28.400206203282067 60.355872497637263311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590311 30.4193732-88.5910085V2G5240Gautier A Gautier A Voting District 264 6 5 0 6 0 5 0 264 242 38.53371576 60.5203234 44 62 41.18945615568087 42.80726618 64.09367656591479 61.57625094 40111155028 3 3 0 4 0 3 0196.70899561818027 211 198AGautier A Voting District 0311 43085321 691455 101.55225248446315215.817968324884733311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590206 30.4137025 -88.568926V2G5240Griffin Heights Griffin Heights Voting District 944 5 371 1 29 7 6 1 944 524 211.9354367 303.5777512 242 311226.54200886586688 235.439964 321.5021517671586 308.87442 15109155028 5 268 1 20 4 3 0 703.3836813013718 769 468AGriffin Heights Voting District 0206 20607721 484444 155.1253687315634329.671091445427753311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590205 30.4110998-88.5519529V2G5240YMBC/Dantzler YMBC/Dantzler Voting District 1442 1 1001 0 12 2 19 5 1442 402 600.7756594 213.7734004 686 219 642.1810664823146 667.4041955 226.3954059703682 217.503209 15109154628 1 784 0 7 2 10 1 1074.448377581121 1150 345AYMBC/Dantzler Voting District 0205 89774941 2665764 165.883022596443 352.53316436119943311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590203 30.4272725-88.5377382V2G5240Rec Center Rec Center Voting District 1542 4 1209 0 19 1 7 0 1542 302 682.2219223 168.871225 779 173 729.2405987864374 757.8831899 178.8420329678847 171.8176034 15109154628 4 963 0 15 1 2 01148.9593607698255 1247 262ARec Center Voting District 0203 3553201 261850.322729615946387160.68586218747315063311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590111 30.4416108-88.5531401V2G5240Escatawpa A Escatawpa A Voting District 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0.976134248 0 1 0 01.0337689771382084 0.993165338 15108154628 0 0 0 0 0 0 02.2353294956611394 3 3AEscatawpa A Voting District 0111 1910741 0 9.46673540109402420.1186241658790833311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590204 30.4350863 -88.537844V2G5240Rec Center A Rec Center A Voting District 88 0 44 0 0 0 0 4 88 40 40.2852483 9.761342483 46 1043.061704166256206 44.7530510110.337689768259434 9.931653377 15108154628 0 37 0 0 0 0 2 65.56966520606008 73 34ARec Center A Voting District 0204 400586911 946652 462.90184580576795 983.75499756565573311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590110 30.4564043-88.5273877V2G5240Escatawpa Escatawpa Voting District 4303 24 1050 4 120 21 32 0 4303 3052 409.8586131 1125.482788 468 1153438.10603368561925 455.31364941191.9356298971636 1145.119634 15108155028 22 688 4 78 16 14 03206.2076066099607 3337 2515AEscatawpa Voting District 0110 1090651601128450613 194.60595841567144413.574899046309843311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590113 30.3227371-88.4311578V2G5240Orange Grove Orange Grove Voting District 1809 17 83 0 53 5 13 0 1809 1638 115.6011473 616.9168449 132 632123.56836842855432 128.4217985 653.341993326517 627.6804934 15108155028 15 60 0 33 4 10 0 1347.903685883667 1458 1336AOrange Grove Voting District 0113 630695201 513973 265.929203539823 565.15044247787613311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590109 30.4839145-88.4872723V2G5240Helena Helena Voting District 2472 15 165 0 61 2 36 0 2472 2193 98.08582194 896.09124 112 918104.84588841902165 108.9639503 948.9999207172644 911.72578 15108155028 12 104 0 47 2 12 01841.9115044247787 1945 1768AHelena Voting District 0109 332194401 3766633 0 03311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590112 30.495811-88.5991717V2G5240Escatawpa B Escatawpa B Voting District 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15111154628 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0AEscatawpa B Voting District 0112 426845091 3037063 196.54233611134978 417.69007217114873311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590507a30.5097944 -88.65512V2G5240South Vancleave A South Vancleave A Voting District 1827 5 45 3 31 13 20 1 1827 1709 63.93093752 570.062401 73 584 68.33705226572395 71.02114617 603.7210824488642 580.0085572 31111425028 5 38 2 16 12 11 0 1361.315662857634 1379 1295ASouth Vancleave A Voting District 0507a 227352621 2499898 20.762271959217575 44.123800727439363311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590106 30.5534185-88.5695025V2G5240Wade A Wade A Voting District 193 0 23 0 1 0 2 0 193 167 7.881896406 80.04300836 9 82 8.425116032193706 8.756031719 84.76905609827013 81.43955769 15108154628 0 13 0 1 0 1 0143.80619755419997 149 134AWade A Voting District 0106 699346791 1216074 366.7284202537446 779.36806569865683311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590102 30.5566082-88.6596444V2G5240North Vancleave North Vancleave Voting District 3409 21 263 3 57 31 50 5 3409 2979 210.1839042 1131.339594 240 1159224.66976088415774 233.49417921198.1382437308482 1151.078626 31111425028 15 209 2 40 25 24 12540.0794169029414 2537 2221ANorth Vancleave Voting District 0102 287965591 1562799 50.023090471690004106.308639058338343311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590102a30.5700606-88.6018763V2G5240North Vancleave A North Vancleave A Voting District 465 6 0 0 5 0 9 0 465 445 28.02452056 151.3008085 32 15529.955968111472984 31.13255722160.23419136274282 153.9406273 15108424628 1 0 0 3 0 6 0 346.4760718274766 340 330ANorth Vancleave A Voting District 0102a 53543821 146837 25.81836927571097 54.868974997852053311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590101 30.5990286-88.7091026V2G5240Hwy 57 Hwy 57 Voting District 240 8 0 0 4 2 8 0 240 218 6.130363872 78.09073987 7 80 6.552868025467198 6.810246893 82.70151815023901 79.45322702 31113425028 4 0 0 2 2 6 0178.82635965289114 171 157AHwy 57 Voting District 0101 880177581 474694 439.9880430735745 935.0587822550623311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590507 30.5110367-88.7322443V2G5240South Vancleave South Vancleave Voting District 4090 31 101 0 117 13 40 0 4090 3788 137.495304 1237.738227 157 1268146.97146858480122 152.74410891310.8190624033725 1259.333648 31111425028 27 70 0 78 11 25 0 3047.49921241802 2995 2784ASouth Vancleave Voting District 0507 1427926281 9319 749.2705916888622 1592.3433785834983311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590407 30.5401358-88.8335476V2G5240Latimer Latimer Voting District 6965 232 263 3 235 32 126 10 6965 6064 267.9844778 1550.101186 306 1588286.45394514654527 297.70507851641.6251349210577 1577.146556 31113425028 155 163 2 162 24 62 4 5189.689979093278 5068 4496ALatimer Voting District 0407 683206421 75891 56.04737663602257119.111399891170493311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590101a30.6200216-88.7432815V2G5240Hwy 57 A Hwy 57 A Voting District 521 0 11 0 7 4 8 0 521 491 13.13649401 172.775762 15 17714.041860055259859 14.5933862182.97710892639992 175.7902648 31113425028 0 7 0 5 4 5 0388.20222241315116 377 356AHwy 57 A Voting District 0101a 201150541 125722 44.536687000601425 94.648981871294783311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590509 30.6372904-88.6788411V2G5240Red Hill Red Hill Voting District 414 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 414 409 7.006130139 163.0144195 8 167 7.488992028830453 7.783139306172.63941913420018 165.8586114 31111425028 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 308.4754704012372 292 289ARed Hill Voting District 0509 186512071 83757 12.371301944611508 26.291383853137443311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590509a30.6556063-88.6641953V2G5240Red Hill A Red Hill A Voting District 115 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 114 1.751532535 44.90217542 2 46 1.872248007688717 1.945784827 47.55337292962169 45.68560553 31111424628 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 85.68763066701034 81 80ARed Hill A Voting District 0509a 1297936911 3621914 412.0181430248876 875.61739267405563311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590108 30.5526071-88.4695252V2G5240Big Point Big Point Voting District 3830 7 25 1 54 14 21 3 3830 3705 93.70699061 1416.370794 107 1451100.16526836852813 104.09948821499.9987853716336 1441.082905 15108155028 7 20 1 32 9 15 22853.7706561273876 2797 2711ABig Point Voting District 0108 564998931 320038 60.78652392947103 163.15144836272040021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139105 34.8897586-88.9310423V2G5240Tiplersville Tiplersville Voting District 581 0 241 0 12 1 6 0 581 321 173.6240945 131.7214934 151 148128.34331575953257 133.3842928149.16512977167574 143.3063284 49 336 128 0 185 0 9 1 1 0 433.5286523929471 467 271ATiplersville Voting District 105 467740791 446365 62.14663548038863166.801997121266650021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139101 34.9651091-88.9877634V2G5240Threeforks Threeforks Voting District 594 0 5 0 2 2 3 0 594 582 54.04193671 211.8224016 47 238 39.94791947615957 41.51696531 239.8736545878187 230.4520686 49 336 128 0 4 0 2 2 0 0 443.2289492623246 450 442AThreeforks Voting District 101 484035541 97600 123.14240734077006330.515068369917230021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139103 34.953541-88.9226129V2G5240Walnut Walnut Voting District 1177 5 153 0 23 3 9 1 1177 983 142.5787266 323.073663 124 363105.39451091661455 109.5341212365.85771685559246 351.4878189 49 336 128 4 104 0 13 3 3 0 878.2499550197913 886 759AWalnut Voting District 103 160975751 37241 36.1998920474991 97.160759265922990021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139102 34.9835331-88.8827247V2G5240Brownfield Brownfield Voting District 346 0 25 0 0 1 5 0 346 315 22.99656881 97.90110999 20 11016.999114671729824 17.66679375110.86597483311272 106.5114603 49 336 128 0 16 0 0 1 2 0 258.1771320618928 258 239ABrownfield Voting District 102 567042051 124750 139.7776178481468 375.16408780136740021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139104 34.9353252-88.8549379V2G5240Chalybeate Chalybeate Voting District 1336 3 20 0 28 5 6 0 1336 1274 117.282501 379.1442987 102 426 86.69548481138898 90.10064811429.35368428934555 412.4898371 49 336 128 1 13 0 14 4 5 0 996.8920474991004 973 936AChalybeate Voting District 104 617620771 247078 43.73281756027348117.379183159409860021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139507 34.8413093-88.8666184V2G5240Providence Providence Voting District 418 0 45 0 5 4 4 0 418 360 12.479471344266665 38.11616550133334 10.853333333333333 42.82666666666667 9.224852893075195 9.587180072799999 43.16381953558036 41.46846187733333 49 336 128 0 32 0 2 4 1 0 311.9018531845988 318 279AProvidence Voting District 507 172218221 236173 47.18540842029507126.645960777258010021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139106 34.8590823-88.9254115V2G5240North Falkner North Falkner Voting District 451 0 85 0 31 2 5 1 451 327 59.79107892 129.9414733 52 14644.197698136875466 45.93366374147.14938478038758 141.3697564 49 336 128 0 60 0 18 0 0 0336.52568369917236 326 248ANorth Falkner Voting District 106 859765781 717697 145.2180640518172 389.76628283555240021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139201 34.8361877-88.9791036V2G5240Falkner Falkner Voting District 1388 2 109 0 32 1 23 0 1388 1221 137.9794129 407.6246216 120 458101.99468803037892 106.0007625 461.6056042540441 443.4749892 49 336 328 1 72 0 20 1 6 01035.6932349766103 1018 918AFalkner Voting District 201 1146055191 1134985 299.5384130982368 803.96316120906810021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139202 34.7818444-88.9878252V2G5240North Ripley North Ripley Voting District 2863 7 652 0 210 1 40 4 2863 1949 525.4715974 650.5973764 457 731388.42977016483337 403.6862371 736.7547962934937 707.8170679 49 336 328 5 456 0 131 1 16 3 2136.303841309824 2106 1494ANorth Ripley Voting District 202 290960231 0 85.37315581144297 229.14213745951780021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139305 34.7184958-89.0034884V2G5240Palmer Palmer Voting District 816 0 103 0 22 2 8 1 816 680 89.68661838 296.3733602 78 333 66.29654721493527 68.90049562 335.6215419862704 322.4392389 49 336 128 0 72 0 18 2 2 0 608.8801727240015 618 524APalmer Voting District 305 383876981 135458 265.01250449802086 711.29538503058650021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139508 34.7433285-88.8754334V2G5240Ripley Ripley Voting District 2533 1 679 0 177 1 26 0 2533 1649 350.6976744 535.7860747 305 602 259.2364987559074 269.4186047 606.7392440431437 582.9081736 49 336 328 1 484 0 109 1 8 01890.0655361640877 1899 1296ARipley Voting District 508 266638861 28870 240.94899244332493 646.70875314861460021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139405 34.7162064-88.9331027V2G5240S.W. Ripley S.W. Ripley Voting District 2303 2 448 0 285 3 48 2 2303 1515 330.0007625 571.3864783 287 642243.93729552729536 253.5184903 647.0541439729948 621.6396137 49 336 328 1 289 0 161 3 12 01718.4448992443324 1684 1218AS.W. Ripley Voting District 405 848123591 278207 219.8149514213746 589.98484166966530021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139301 34.6784677 -89.069548V2G5240Blue Mountain Blue Mountain Voting District 2101 7 531 0 84 1 46 0 2101 1432 432.3354937 380.9243189 376 428319.58335582852067 332.1357225 431.3694292806337 414.4264091 11 336 128 5 362 0 49 1 18 01567.7172094278517 1561 1126ABlue Mountain Voting District 301 3304049901 6464438 972.49190938511322066.73139158576033311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590105 30.661252-88.5360434V2G5240East Central East Central Voting District 9040 18 477 1 89 33 92 0 9040 8330 362.5672347 3482.846998 414 3568 387.5553375059279 402.77745913688.4877094048984 3543.613925 15108425028 13 332 1 53 28 53 06735.7928802588995 6493 6013AEast Central Voting District 0105 1220110991 340979 35.39268121545379 75.216219892888843311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590511 30.7071796-88.7361066V2G5240Carterville Carterville Voting District 329 4 12 2 0 3 3 0 329 305 9.633428941 90.78048509 11 9310.297364043731253 10.70181655 96.14051484887219 92.36437641 31106424628 3 7 1 0 3 2 0245.14113469083827 238 222ACarterville Voting District 0511 1253642611 128474 53.03523355385629112.710019474754423311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590408 30.6682028-88.8381466V2G5240Larue Larue Voting District 493 0 10 0 1 6 6 0 493 470 20.14262415 142.5156003 23 14621.530852078317068 22.3765255150.93027061221605 145.0021393 31113424628 0 5 0 0 2 1 0 367.3391471203139 357 349ALarue Voting District 0408 111643041 316622 357.90714408454335 760.6211659077243311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590405 30.4350687-88.8031113V2G5240Gulf Hills A Gulf Hills A Voting District 3327 318 380 3 122 7 73 6 3327 2418 225.0719307 651.0815436 257 667 240.5838689211267 250.0333502 689.5239074951278 662.4412802 31112495028 229 264 3 73 6 32 32478.9804106882034 2500 1890AGulf Hills A Voting District 0405 254716541 36389 48.75476790212306130.858132421734440021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139303 34.6690087-88.9478855V2G5240New Hope New Hope Voting District 466 0 37 0 7 0 1 1 466 420 15.869235028466898 97.18320985226481 13.801393728222996 109.1933797909407711.730573728834862 12.191318820923344110.05300449346943 105.7304212283972 49 336 128 0 25 0 5 0 1 1347.71833393306946 358 326ANew Hope Voting District 303 596528421 290217 66.95933789132782179.719323497661040021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139302 34.6383251-88.9958747V2G5240Cotton Plant Cotton Plant Voting District 640 0 316 0 23 0 3 2 640 296 137.9794129 72.09081736 120 81101.99468803037892 106.0007625 81.6376723657552 78.43116621 11 336 128 0 242 0 13 0 1 0477.55307664627566 476 220ACotton Plant Voting District 302 428246801 93268 28.56234256926952 76.661523929471030021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139304 34.6402867-88.9175024V2G5240Clarysville Clarysville Voting District 273 1 3 0 3 0 0 0 273 266 9.198627526 128.1614531 8 144 6.799645867729722 7.066717499145.13363978909942 139.4331844 49 336 128 1 2 0 3 0 0 0203.70623425692696 218 212AClarysville Voting District 304 281732131 240890 46.66228859301907125.241903562432530021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139401 34.7008715-88.8462003V2G5240Mitchell Mitchell Voting District 446 1 22 0 8 0 2 0 446 413 20.622928332600537 78.7503834536193 17.935656836461128 88.4825737265415615.244514360913579 15.843277502037534 89.1791526516989 85.67643762252011 49 336 128 1 17 0 5 0 1 0332.79480028787333 337 313AMitchell Voting District 401 167327081 0 28.45771860381432 76.380712486505940021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139306 34.7420213-89.0571924V2G5240Shady Grove Shady Grove Voting District 272 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 272 272 0.36766984024794273.0787481690285348 0.3197606070321684 3.45922838516618560.27178236128013260.282457234647002233.4864611546375275 3.349522424879769118 336 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0202.96005757466713 192 192AShady Grove Voting District 306 597251821 73956 67.06396185678301 180.00013494062610021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139501 34.7461295-88.7919057V2G5240Chapman Chapman Voting District 641 1 3 1 4 2 9 0 641 621 73.58902021 305.2734612 64 343 54.39716693991336 56.53373999 345.7002669427111 332.1220989 49 336 328 1 2 1 1 2 1 0 478.2992533285354 482 474AChapman Voting District 501 343884691 18567 40.69872256207269 109.23565131342210021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139402 34.680149-88.7845161V2G5240Pine Grove Pine Grove Voting District 389 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 389 379 1.91620789265614413.427011307418264 1.6665163472378806 15.086358511837656 1.416465124239461 1.472100029163472515.205125840025907 14.60790977307779 49 336 128 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 290.2627293990644 282 276APine Grove Voting District 402 802445671 173207 92.48758546239655 248.23731558114430021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139403 34.6355681-88.8480856V2G5240Dumas Dumas Voting District 884 0 4 0 2 3 5 2 884 868 60.94090736 366.6841574 53 412 45.04765387286748 46.81700343 415.2434693503286 398.9338331 49 336 128 0 3 0 2 3 3 0 659.6201871176683 663 652ADumas Voting District 403 645076941 664936 68.42407340770062183.650683699172360021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139404 34.6529655-88.7590898V2G5240Dry Creek Dry Creek Voting District 654 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 654 649 5.02189181508832524.702093943688066 4.367514002585093 27.75484704868591 3.712193567677577 3.857998453843171327.973347034502275 26.87462989982766 49 336 128 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 487.9995501979129 495 494ADry Creek Voting District 404 629562061 0 39.23398704569989105.304291111910760021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139503 34.8067101-88.7849231V2G5240Spout Springs Spout Springs Voting District 375 0 0 0 13 1 0 0 375 361 47.14296607 109.4712412 41 123 34.84818506982958 36.21692718123.96831727648565 119.0991783 49 336 328 0 0 0 9 1 0 0279.81625584742716 290 280ASpout Springs Voting District 503 280434111 155367 29.81783015473192 80.031261245052180021110331139Tippah County 28139N28139506 34.7862444-88.8565469V2G5240Peoples Peoples Voting District 285 0 28 0 4 1 1 0 285 251 64.39039268 140.6215943 56 158 47.59752107122143 49.46702249159.24385472811642 152.9891884 49 336 328 0 23 0 3 1 0 0212.66035444404463 232 205APeoples Voting District 506 258728491 0 11.725842712718732 24.919659478191143311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590512 30.451214-88.7555278V2G5240Gulf Hills B Gulf Hills B Voting District 109 2 4 0 4 0 1 0 109 98 7.881896406 23.42722196 9 24 8.425116032193706 8.75603171924.810455438826402 23.8359681 31112495128 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 81.21697167568806 90 84AGulf Hills B Voting District 0512 8141641 1677894 48.83974854655325103.793811037603463311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590402 30.4075084-88.8349757V2G5240Ocean Springs Comm Center Ocean Springs Comm Center Voting District 454 3 14 0 20 1 3 0 454 413 65.68247005 144.4678688 75 148 70.20930026667722 72.96693099152.99780859147364 146.98847 3113495128 1 10 0 17 1 2 0338.27986367671906 387 356AOcean Springs Comm Center Voting District 0402 71350251 4004640 573.59810407537871219.00572786894653311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059403 30.4050439-88.8147523V2G5240Ocean Springs Armory Ocean Springs Armory Voting District 5332 70 444 6 213 22 82 13 5332 4482 629.6759462 1657.475954 719 1698 673.0731585653979 699.5096451 1755.339722218902 1686.394743 24112495128 60 347 6 131 18 41 63972.9256236217316 4215 3606AOcean Springs Armory Voting District 403 117555351 2133310 807.57707563650941716.25581378698053311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590506 30.4043506-88.7901971V2G5240Ocean Springs Civic Center A Ocean Springs Civic Center A Voting District 7507 289 424 2 278 15 135 14 7507 6350 682.2219223 2239.251966 779 2294 729.2405987864374 757.88318992371.4660331678415 2278.321285 24112495128 209 310 2 193 10 58 9 5593.539507976057 5712 4921AOcean Springs Civic Center A Voting District 0506 103293391 0 333.7024228885643 709.18150184723783311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059505 30.4211885-88.7498916V2G5240Ocean Springs Civic Center Ocean Springs Civic Center Voting District 3102 124 282 0 150 12 65 5 3102 2464 275.8663742 905.8525824 315 928 294.879061160457 306.4611102 959.3376105094642 921.6574334 24112495128 88 198 0 91 11 24 4 2311.330698513618 2310 1894AOcean Springs Civic Center Voting District 505 204887231222643487 645.88953804736951372.63885786293213311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059504 30.2513263-88.7169966V2G5240Gulf Park Estates Gulf Park Estates Voting District 6004 160 465 2 272 22 142 8 6004 4933 402.852483 1472.010446 460 1508 430.6170416625621 447.53051011558.9236167916365 1497.693329 24112495128 124 288 1 165 17 63 4 4473.639430649827 4318 3656AGulf Park Estates Voting District 504 15191021 0 16.5667869519145435.2075922902883963311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059513 30.3590642-88.7541904V2G5240Gulf Park Estates A Gulf Park Estates A Voting District 154 6 4 0 4 0 4 0 154 136 9.633428941 35.14083294 11 3610.297364043731253 10.70181655 37.21568316864843 35.75395216 24110495128 4 4 0 2 0 3 0114.74691411060515 103 90AGulf Park Estates A Voting District 513 724116821 1912091 745.8281424521007 1585.0275152504513311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059503 30.4049452-88.7081864V2G5240Fountainbleau Fountainbleau Voting District 6933 178 1008 8 331 38 167 6 6933 5197 446.6407964 1593.051093 510 1632477.42324187883514 496.1751308 1687.110970048372 1620.845831 40110495128 135 562 6 190 28 50 1 5165.846464472893 4735 3763AFountainbleau Voting District 503 15183051 2458642 78.31572013632328166.435890826817883311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590401 30.4223859-88.8481614V2G5240Villia Maria Villia Maria Voting District 728 1 7 0 10 1 9 0 728 700 128.7376413 283.078932 147 290137.61022848381418 143.0151847 299.7930032451745 288.0179479 3113495028 1 7 0 10 1 7 0 542.4399576137698 658 632AVillia Maria Voting District 0401 293622131 3187703 841.46368531088011788.27134347166133311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590404 30.4492445-88.8352097V2G5240Gulf Hills Gulf Hills Voting District 7822 556 1082 5 307 28 202 8 7822 5634 519.3293965 1504.222877 593 1541 555.1215341781917 576.92520111593.0379928769014 1530.467785 3113495028 387 696 4 200 23 91 6 5828.249105020477 5774 4367AGulf Hills Voting District 0404 83821621 280 601.03012143082161277.30401380416423311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590406 30.445304-88.8744806V2G5240St. Martin St. Martin Voting District 5587 399 683 8 218 15 131 5 5587 4128 373.9521962 1010.298947 427 1035 399.7249495794787 415.42506051069.9508915149956 1027.926125 3113495028 305 495 6 148 12 49 2 4162.928630752928 4265 3248ASt. Martin Voting District 0406 179018091402635114 2.2591073116247102 4.8010353123120543311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059308 30.2227146-88.5136467V2G5240Presbyterian A Presbyterian A Voting District 21 0 2 0 3 1 2 0 21 13 1.751532535 11.71361098 2 12 1.872248007688717 1.94578482712.405227719413201 11.91798405 40110155128 0 2 0 3 1 2 015.647306469627974 21 13APresbyterian A Voting District 308 88809291 5154224 141.0328421685712 299.72177592576683311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059207 30.3960117 -88.583642V2G5240Eastside Eastside Voting District 1311 12 524 0 21 0 8 1 1311 745 297.7605309 370.9310144 340 380 318.2821612204832 330.7834205392.83221116679556 377.4028283 40109155028 12 410 0 14 0 5 1 976.8389896039179 1094 652AEastside Voting District 207 61560511 49347 411.5878368702924 874.70290975742483311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059313 30.3767049-88.6431224V2G5240Gautier C Gautier C Voting District 3826 33 2186 1 190 21 106 3 3826 1286 474.6653169 744.7904315 542 763507.37920997106403 527.307688 788.7657293545217 757.7851527 40111495128 28 1353 1 117 14 32 22850.7902167998395 2590 1043AGautier C Voting District 313 37560251 1645089 23.98956811868144450.9824226021708643311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059312 30.3859041-88.6814186V2G5240Gautier B Gautier B Voting District 223 9 26 0 6 0 1 0 223 181 34.15488443 53.68738366 39 55 36.50883614367563 37.94280412 56.8572937217838 54.62409357 40110155128 5 20 0 2 0 1 0166.15949251081136 186 158AGautier B Voting District 312 355911851 1252823 911.496011971246 1937.1034381533353311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059310 30.3983318-88.6478588V2G5240Gautier Gautier Voting District 8473 137 2339 3 552 38 122 6 8473 5276 1172.651032 1840.989192 1339 18861253.4700404966627 1302.7029411949.6882903955277 1873.109827 40111155128 111 1530 3 365 26 58 3 6313.315605578944 6404 4308AGautier Voting District 310 249623131 321909 403.9499026262279 858.47083798722693311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059501 30.4479874-88.6549446V2G5240Hickory Hill Hickory Hill Voting District 3755 54 875 3 150 36 59 10 3755 2568 336.2942467 946.8502209 384 970 359.4716173954082 373.59068671002.7559075534325 963.3703776 40111155128 39 547 2 88 23 27 102797.8874187358592 2706 1970AHickory Hill Voting District 501 53792461 1021159 53.68069278574906114.081743849700713311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059502 30.4685269-88.6290108V2G5240Hickory Hills A Hickory Hills A Voting District 499 0 29 0 6 2 6 0 499 456 51.67020977 144.4678688 59 14855.231316210940726 57.40065238152.99780859147364 146.98847 40111155028 0 19 0 4 2 4 0 371.8098061116362 414 385AHickory Hills A Voting District 502 12784271 1016195 75.303577054157160.034510410401823311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590309 30.3785301-88.5552279V2G5240North Pascagoula North Pascagoula Voting District 700 3 74 3 9 1 17 0 700 593 77.06743153 330.9095102 88 339 82.37891232098382 85.61453237 350.4476831645002 336.6830495 40110155028 3 54 1 6 1 9 0 521.5768823209324 547 473ANorth Pascagoula Voting District 0309 256719381 635367 151.13453330859159 35.21172759324551131111331143Tunica County 28143N28143009 34.6579414-90.4238582V2G5240School Bus Barn School Bus Barn Voting District 504 0 230 0 13 0 4 0 504 257 80.27447392 109.2920354 123 117125.42585442112374 130.3522415105.73713856740673 101.5840708106 8141028 0 185 0 8 0 2 0 353.5668955279273 399 204ASchool Bus Barn Voting District 009 123182591 154685 358.944516607905 83.627853033958061131111331143Tunica County 28143N28143008 34.6662414-90.3793258V2G5240Courthouse Courthouse Voting District 1197 3 812 0 20 3 5 0 1197 354 21.23807699761538 44.58930277552924 22.33027820585611 51.1654635412442219.737212339746346 20.51243646153784 49.88759172314706 47.92814254581881106 8141028 3 445 0 11 3 3 0 839.7213768788272 770 305ACourthouse Voting District 008 43251971 20051 359.1980625483289 763.36461465761663311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059209 30.3741375-88.5403531V2G5240Fair Fair Voting District 3339 20 2057 1 189 10 54 0 3339 1008 594.6452955 213.7734004 679 219 635.6281984501119 660.5939486 226.3954059703682 217.503209 62109154628 15 1461 1 126 6 30 0 2487.921728670848 2549 910AFair Voting District 209 44680741 1062 245.27450811925422 521.25526247959443311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590208 30.391033-88.5174374V2G5240Jefferson Street Jefferson Street Voting District 2280 8 2012 0 66 4 26 0 2280 164 1031.652663 81.99527686 1178 841102.7540764295468 1146.067263 86.83659405671007 83.42588837 62109154628 7 1489 0 48 3 13 01698.8504167024657 1705 145AJefferson Street Voting District 0208 38995451 0 409.32269437743554 95.36509556503991131111331143Tunica County 28143N28143007 34.6924773-90.3687935V2G5240Tunica Tunica Voting District 1365 3 1122 0 21 1 7 2 1365 209 295.6450137 109.2920354 453 117 461.934244451145 480.0777676105.73713856740673 101.5840708106 8141028 3 727 0 12 0 5 0 957.5770087214696 926 179ATunica Voting District 007 99346961 0 282.17776953052515 65.742531081833361131111331143Tunica County 28143N28143006 34.6995054-90.4010216V2G5240Justice Court Building Justice Court Building Voting District 941 2 780 0 5 0 2 0 941 152 221.8969198 90.60963618 340 97 346.705613955746 360.3232693 87.66241402321178 84.21927237106 8141028 2 553 0 4 0 2 0 660.1318426424198 693 132AJustice Court Building Voting District 006 718588721 10822730 135.5412878084988 31.578771571720171131111331143Tunica County 28143N28143005 34.7180986-90.4170784V2G5240Mhoon Landing Mhoon Landing Voting District 452 1 121 0 12 1 1 0 452 316 30.67398597 119.567355 47 12847.926952518260954 49.80939311115.67823702872172 111.1347099106 24141028 1 72 0 10 1 1 0 317.087771386157 365 280AMhoon Landing Voting District 005 424700131 3010433 94.15921321209872 21.937465206902951131111331143Tunica County 28143N28143004 34.7483992 -90.399435V2G5240Watsonville Watsonville Voting District 314 4 275 0 0 0 4 0 314 31 109.6431839 6.538839725 168 7171.31336218310597 178.042086 6.326153588906905 6.077679449106 8141028 3 196 0 0 0 3 0220.27778808684357 227 25AWatsonville Voting District 004 1373832941 229092 176.62349229912786 41.15021339766191131111331143Tunica County 28143N28143003 34.7314613-90.2827755V2G5240Prichard Prichard Voting District 589 10 488 0 5 1 2 0 589 83 174.2543458 23.35299902 267 25 272.2658791632461 282.959743822.593405672437054 21.70599803106 8141028 9 338 0 3 1 0 0413.19623306735946 414 63APrichard Voting District 003 9843511 0 154.04960334507547 327.38488415385063311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059215 30.3804424-88.5138169V2G5240Chico A Chico A Voting District 1432 12 587 5 281 2 9 1 1432 535 218.0658006 249.8903676 249 256233.09487689806951 242.2502109264.64485811823664 254.2503265 62109154628 11 357 3 181 2 3 01066.9972792622505 985 428AChico A Voting District 215 17188241 0 133.93279061775067 284.63280780135753311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059212 30.3732651-88.5078007V2G5240Arlington Arlington Voting District 1245 22 673 0 297 1 22 0 1245 230 16.11147487391979105.98626642521604 19.586749390649235 115.03766895634833 18.77274640454741 19.510088922557056121.80170354264318117.01766327210281 62109154628 19 398 0 220 1 12 0 927.6617406993728 836 186AArlington Voting District 212 15809411 9683 229.46075693788126 487.64801529341013311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590214 30.3731765 -88.523504V2G5240Chico Chico Voting District 2133 31 871 0 317 5 13 0 2133 896 346.8034419 397.2866391 396 407 370.7051053818837 385.2653956 420.7439735224642 404.2182924 62110154628 29 585 0 206 5 3 0 1589.31927141507 1570 742AChico Voting District 0214 6024981 0 70.3550562763124149.517956869146843311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590217 30.3672267-88.5250233V2G5240Girl Scout A Girl Scout A Voting District 654 38 184 0 196 1 9 2 654 224 95.45852314 59.54418915 109 61102.03751635023725 106.045273 63.05990758669481 60.5830856 62110155028 27 133 0 136 1 8 1487.30183005412835 497 191AGirl Scout A Voting District 0217 875194581 439808 633.0257932826128147.484041566153281131111331143Tunica County 28143N28143002 34.8126336-90.2477642V2G5240Banks/Hambrick Banks/Hambrick Voting District 2111 16 1634 5 65 1 17 0 2111 373 343.2875877 54.17895772 526 58 536.3739792436448 557.4412931 52.41670117087915 50.35791544106 24141028 16 991 4 45 1 8 0 1480.912135832251 1386 321ABanks/Hambrick Voting District 002 1247483221 20065577 328.05789571349044 76.431805529782891131111331143Tunica County 28143N28143001 34.8239777-90.3946183V2G5240Robinsonville Robinsonville Voting District 1094 16 734 0 19 4 6 0 1094 315 110.2958219 62.58603736 169 67 172.3330845564343 179.1018603 60.55032721212378 58.17207473106 24141028 16 498 0 13 4 3 0 767.4646502133977 808 274ARobinsonville Voting District 001 1510293581 26556874 80.3651883466320218.7236964186305421131111331143Tunica County 28143N28143010 34.6168318-90.5029505V2G5240West End Store West End Store Voting District 268 5 174 0 15 0 3 0 268 71 50.25312595 25.22123894 77 27 78.51862433392357 81.60262275 24.40087813414273 23.44247788 77 24141028 4 102 0 9 0 1 0 188.0077936537391 173 57AWest End Store Voting District 010 1342020281 2925171 297.4711449248469 69.30562256448321131111331143Tunica County 28143N28143011 34.6337059-90.3123389V2G5240Evansville Evansville Voting District 992 0 804 0 65 3 17 0 992 103 197.7169672932945 35.7961305077551 302.95043731778424 38.32069970845481 308.9253452039075 321.0590941504373 34.63180457140699 33.27156129982507106 8141028 0 547 0 48 2 9 0 695.9094451660791 691 85AEvansville Voting District 011 3765482501 2652416 285.1764705882353 66.441176470588231131111331143Tunica County 28143N28143012 34.5204876-90.3602272V2G5240Two Mile Lake Two Mile Lake Voting District 951 0 720 0 5 0 4 0 951 222 240.1707838 102.7531957 368 110 375.2578409862636 389.9969503 99.41098497745894 95.50639135 77 8141028 0 521 0 2 0 4 0 667.1470588235294 709 182ATwo Mile Lake Voting District 012 7244861 0 147.70258756479652313.896261133545243311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059216 30.3640629-88.5232758V2G5240Girl Scout Girl Scout Voting District 1373 10 702 0 285 3 8 1 1373 364 186.5382149 118.112244 213 121199.39441274620168 207.226084125.08604623580499 120.1730059 62110155128 5 473 0 198 2 5 11023.0357991809148 977 293AGirl Scout Voting District 216 5840341 0 108.54472749663488 230.67831572013633311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590302 30.3593727-88.5351316V2G5240Pinecrest A Pinecrest A Voting District 1009 1 111 0 78 7 5 0 1009 807 76.19166526 393.3821021 87 403 81.4427883108851 84.64163995416.60889766803734 400.2456311 62110155128 1 75 0 47 4 2 0 751.8158203740298 757 628APinecrest A Voting District 0302 9252751 0 122.09937136638314 259.48452759400863311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059301 30.3633249-88.5419725V2G5240Pinecrest Pinecrest Voting District 1135 3 255 0 58 6 6 0 1135 807 17.404231180453813 89.67023485036627 19.87314632839021 91.8626049669465818.603729305429617 19.334433290602107 94.9647111498688 91.23475508844024 62110155028 3 167 0 38 5 2 0 845.6996591917977 852 637APinecrest Voting District 301 1684621 0 14.200103101641034 30.177936248818633311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590210 30.3599957 -88.551884V2G5240Fair A Fair A Voting District 132 0 59 0 6 0 1 0 132 66 22.76992295 8.785208235 26 9 24.33922408936904 25.29520274 9.303920791121225 8.938488039 40109155028 0 39 0 4 0 1 0 98.35449780909013 99 55AFair A Voting District 0210 2139971 0 11.2955365581235524.0051765615602733311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590211 30.3570414-88.5512936V2G5240Fair B Fair B Voting District 105 0 55 0 5 0 5 0 105 40 17.51532535 6.832939738 20 7 18.72248007688717 19.45784827 7.236382837885692 6.952157364 40109155128 0 41 0 4 0 1 0 78.23653234813987 76 30AFair B Voting District 0211 3933981 2128 16.45921041326574434.9789715611306853311113221 59Jackson County 28059N28059314 30.364476-88.5571681V2G5240Presbyterian B Presbyterian B Voting District 153 0 25 0 3 1 4 0 153 120 10.50919521 63.44872614 12 6511.233488044207887 11.67470896 67.19498349316588 64.55574695 40110155028 0 13 0 2 1 3 0 114.0018042787181 113 94APresbyterian B Voting District 314 22983961 1081303 109.94322249906922233.650385199186643311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590307 30.3518305-88.5590233V2G5240Presbyterian Presbyterian Voting District 1022 2 38 0 37 7 4 0 1022 934 79.69473033 460.7353652 91 472 85.18728433203579 88.53320961487.93895706767427 468.7740394 40110155128 2 25 0 22 7 3 0 761.5022481885615 824 765APresbyterian Voting District 0307 7449621 141074 87.7824555374173186.554514992696973311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590306 30.3468774-88.5490925V2G5240American Legion American Legion Voting District 816 1 81 0 47 4 12 0 816 671 75.7597191588243411.473762308044707 88.61487512073961 11.710224920656824 84.42291703735071 87.738820042941911.45945453274236711.009358266692423 40110155128 1 58 0 29 4 4 0 608.0096228198299 632 536AAmerican Legion Voting District 0306 27010861 548853 269.9095354698284 573.60940945671173311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590305 30.3473252-88.5380801V2G5240Eastlawn Eastlawn Voting District 2509 23 226 0 196 6 41 1 2509 2016 146.2529666 893.1628372 167 915156.33270858956755 162.473033 945.8986138004221 908.746284 62110155128 18 136 0 129 5 16 11869.4805682045994 1876 1571AEastlawn Voting District 0305 21167781 38274 230.53652232436923489.934222584987253311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590303 30.358441-88.5211488V2G5240Nazarene Nazarene Voting District 2143 19 731 0 353 3 24 1 2143 1012 204.0535403 432.427472 233 443 218.1168928519551 226.6839323 457.959656732748 439.9722446 62110155128 16 426 0 226 3 13 11596.7703697339405 1491 806ANazarene Voting District 0303 252540171 11375845 186.2149884010654 395.74248217200793311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590304 30.3380248-88.4817472V2G5240Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Voting District 1731 25 165 0 77 0 6 0 1731 1458 161.1409932 875.5924207 184 897172.24681662653654 179.012204 927.2907721952803 890.8693079 62110155128 15 108 0 44 0 2 01289.7851189964774 1330 1161ASacred Heart Voting District 0304 129651141 1301364 0.53788269324397851.14310364578858443311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590213 30.3738985 -88.462982V2G5240Arlington A Arlington A Voting District 5 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 3 0.875766267 0.976134248 1 10.9361240033632549 0.9728924131.0337689771382084 0.993165338 62109155028 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.725549159435232 4 3AArlington A Voting District 0213 56624331 102824 77.6702609044305165.064166451871593311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590114 30.4093527 -88.492508V2G5240Orange Grove A Orange Grove A Voting District 722 1 274 0 40 2 7 1 722 397 42.03678083 224.5108771 48 23044.933952176831546 46.69883584 237.7668647001526 228.4280277 62109155028 1 190 0 25 2 2 0 537.9692986224475 530 310AOrange Grove A Voting District 0114 46031591 0 289.81119511985565 615.90424435088933311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590201 30.4104752 -88.506774V2G5240Union Hall Union Hall Voting District 2694 5 2444 0 71 10 25 0 2694 139 1198.048254 80.04300836 1368 82 1280.617636616328 1330.916821 84.76905609827013 81.43955769 62109154628 5 1801 0 41 6 16 0 2007.325887103703 1990 121AUnion Hall Voting District 0201 24749011 0 255.06397313629463 542.05974883294683311113221 59Jackson County 28059N280590202 30.403457-88.5218652V2G5240Sue Ellen Sue Ellen Voting District 2371 11 2207 0 6 2 22 5 2371 118 1163.017603 39.04536993 1328 401243.1726769821455 1292.00112541.350759075119505 39.72661351 62109154628 5 1742 0 5 2 17 31766.6554114041871 1879 105ASue Ellen Voting District 0202 72392961 0 429.30546207610666 50.172663732850121101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063009 31.6954093-91.0787443V2G5240Chancery Clerk Chancery Clerk Voting District 877 0 833 0 16 0 7 0 877 21 208.505537 8.003629764 287 7 280.9895057906029 292.0260108 6.188625967263151 5.945553539 45 84503528 0 611 0 6 0 4 0 669.8391146777117 639 18AChancery Clerk Voting District 009 36360191 0 414.130468547760848.3991716282681851101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063010 31.7210744 -91.048238V2G5240City Hall City Hall Voting District 846 0 824 0 4 4 2 0 846 12 22.6779627345668629.416720111312024 25.79268292682927 31.30698065601345824.655144313226675 25.623531452649285 31.53040567132416 30.2919769294365 45 84303528 0 558 0 2 2 1 0 646.1617913538701 574 11ACity Hall Voting District 010 51888851 0 432.7320735179912 50.573129691949261101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063006 31.6986413-91.0589753V2G5240Circuit Clerk Circuit Clerk Voting District 884 0 811 0 2 0 0 0 884 71 213.5910379 3.430127042 294 3 287.8429083426993 299.14859642.6522682718329054 2.548094374 45 84503528 0 702 0 2 0 0 0 675.1856070411598 775 71ACircuit Clerk Voting District 006 743571881 61075 405.3191819829148 47.36940201915611101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063015 31.7437476-91.0915934V2G5240Fayette Manor Fayette Manor Voting District 828 0 786 0 3 0 5 0 828 34 524.533093 19.43738657 722 17 706.8795233287269 734.643832115.029520204277443 14.43920145 45 84303528 0 581 0 2 0 2 0 632.4136681335749 613 28AFayette Manor Voting District 015 318278841 0 202.6595909914574 23.684701009578051101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063011 31.6552986 -91.208233V2G5240Cannonsburg Cannonsburg Voting District 414 0 375 0 1 1 2 0 414 35 172.9070306 17.15063521 238 15233.01568773348632 242.167911413.261341359164527 12.74047187 9 93503528 0 283 0 1 1 1 0316.20683406678745 314 28ACannonsburg Voting District 011 994499351 1230 280.49262231426354 32.78099922340151101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063013 31.6838802-91.1504509V2G5240Old Hollywood Church Old Hollywood Church Voting District 573 0 479 0 0 1 0 0 573 93 386.4980685 73.17604356 532 64 520.8585961724064 541.3165079 56.58172312688394 54.35934664 9 84503528 0 336 0 0 1 0 0437.64858917939426 420 83AOld Hollywood Church Voting District 013 484371661 144285 244.757960134610428.6047113642246951101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063005 31.642678-91.0999337V2G5240Stampley Stampley Voting District 500 0 471 0 0 0 0 0 500 29 175.086531 3.430127042 241 3235.95286026955918 245.22044812.6522682718329054 2.548094374 9 84503528 0 343 0 0 0 0 0 381.8923116748641 370 27AStampley Voting District 005 83071351 0 64.61610147553715 7.551643800155321101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063004 31.704104-91.0336649V2G5240Harriston Harriston Voting District 132 0 128 0 0 0 0 0 132 4 96.62451713 11.43375681 133 10130.21464906715676 135.329127 8.840894239096057 8.493647913 45 84303528 0 102 0 0 0 0 0100.81957028216412 106 4AHarriston Voting District 004 233871241 0 131.679782552420415.3893347139528861101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063008 31.6712408-91.0364676V2G5240Hwy 33 Hwy 33 Voting District 269 0 266 0 0 0 0 0 269 3 95.898017 2.286751361 132 2129.23559149098534 134.31161471.7681788482355645 1.698729583 45 84503528 0 202 0 0 0 0 0205.45806368107688 205 3AHwy 33 Voting District 008 644362821 0 98.8822158943826111.5563033911467771101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063002 31.7007244-90.9777418V2G5240Ebenezer Ebenezer Voting District 202 0 153 0 0 0 0 2 202 47 25.74115029393579213.311942709036861 33.26634958382878 13.81093935790725331.453913172375163 32.6893374965517213.57972235934536313.046347728775267 45 84303528 0 110 0 0 0 0 2 154.2844939166451 154 42AEbenezer Voting District 002 826030541 0 117.9733367848822213.7874708775563041101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063007 31.6378362-90.9735008V2G5240McNair McNair Voting District 241 0 157 0 2 0 0 0 241 82 102.4365182 46.8784029 141 41138.04710909920394 143.4692248 36.24766637685892 34.82395644 45 84503528 0 107 0 2 0 0 0184.07209422728448 182 73AMcNair Voting District 007 3444572781 0 296.6466476831478 34.668910173440331101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063001 31.7085692-90.8270412V2G5240Union Church Union Church Voting District 606 2 309 0 0 0 0 0 606 295 132.9495236 152.0689655 183 133179.16752460422404 186.2047386117.58389333532367 112.9655172 45 84303528 2 221 0 0 0 0 0462.85348174993527 471 248AUnion Church Voting District 001 1752859771 115664 259.44343774268730.3209940460781771101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063003 31.7861566-90.9573315V2G5240Red Lick Red Lick Voting District 530 0 418 1 0 4 4 0 530 103 220.129539 65.17241379 303 57296.65442595091787 308.306206550.393097158579906 48.4137931 45 84303528 0 315 1 0 4 0 0404.80585037535593 412 92ARed Lick Voting District 003 2422344211 17679478 248.1845715764949629.0051773233238421101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063014 31.816789-91.2473281V2G5240Lorman Lorman Voting District 507 0 429 0 0 3 0 0 507 75 169.27453 78.89292196 233 69 228.1204001412913 237.080350261.002170250075054 58.6061706 45 84303528 0 338 0 0 3 0 0 387.2388040383122 412 71ALorman Voting District 014 1357635061 986368 155.17654672534318.1353870049184561101111111 63Jefferson County 28063N28063012 31.7187124-91.2462003V2G5240Church Hill Church Hill Voting District 317 0 162 0 0 0 3 0 317 152 53.76100953 128.0580762 74 112 72.4502558545164 75.29590523 99.01801547204688 95.12885662 9 93503528 0 123 0 0 0 2 0242.11972560186385 254 129AChurch Hill Voting District 012 1819432001 25812259 826.9429404414827108.845481049562681101111511 21Claiborne County 28021N28021201 32.0245125-91.056057500G5240District 2 District 2 1697 20 1508 0 8 1 4 0 1697 156 945.6279368 80.01336898 1015 63 1009.180991202456 1048.81888154.792473967004774 52.64037433 86 84303528 12 1078 0 7 1 4 01296.0740316534777 1236 134ADistrict 2 201 1124643881 0 187.6093294460641524.6938775510204071101111511 21Claiborne County 28021N28021101 31.9215368-91.055206500G5240District 1A District 1A 385 1 239 0 4 0 1 0 385 140 115.5249893 92.71390374 124 73123.28910628737108 128.131567763.489692053866364 60.9959893 86 84303528 1 183 0 4 0 0 0294.04154518950435 313 125ADistrict 1A 101 1202956721 1585551 722.661391087047 95.119533527696791101111511 21Claiborne County 28021N28021301 32.0254904-90.925716400G5240District 3A District 3A 1483 6 934 0 5 1 6 3 1483 528 441.6035882 386.0962567 474 304 471.2825514300586 489.7932507264.39542995717113 254.0106952 86 84303528 4 681 0 5 1 4 31132.6327571845065 1142 444ADistrict 3A 301 323822441 77053 524.3315285297792 69.014577259475221101111511 21Claiborne County 28021N28021102 31.896746-90.980787200G5240District 1B District 1B 1076 1 1008 0 16 2 11 0 1076 38 515.2041862 49.53208556 553 39 549.8296433831787 571.4254592 33.91915055645521 32.5868984 86 84303528 1 747 0 15 1 8 0 821.7888379841733 809 37ADistrict 1B 102 814696041 4796265 569.1628488129946 74.915451895043731101111511 21Claiborne County 28021N28021103 31.8816184 -91.16514300G5240District 1C District 1C 1168 12 1098 0 20 1 16 1 1168 20 500.297736 1.270053476 537 1 533.9213716134748 554.89235370.8697218086861588 0.835561497 9 84303528 11 1023 0 20 1 16 1 892.0533111203665 1092 20ADistrict 1C 103 445277781 0 568.1882548937942 74.787172011661811101111511 21Claiborne County 28021N28021501 31.8837724-90.937669800G5240District 5A District 5A 1166 0 1116 0 8 0 3 0 1166 39 555.2652713 43.18181818 596 34 592.5831238304098 615.858180329.570541507819993 28.40909091 86 75303528 0 784 0 7 0 2 0 890.5258225739275 829 36ADistrict 5A 501 29504471 0 86.7388588088296511.4169096209912541101111511 21Claiborne County 28021N28021403 31.9442584-90.966052700G5240District 4C District 4C 178 0 167 0 1 0 0 2 178 8 87.57539513 0 94 0 93.46109670233756 97.13199487 0 0 86 84303528 0 113 0 1 0 0 1135.94648063306954 123 8ADistrict 4C 403 1102072131 449434 348.904623073719345.9241982507288641101111511 21Claiborne County 28021N28021401 31.9684223-90.865307500G5240District 4A District 4A 716 0 651 0 7 0 3 0 716 55 380.114481 39.37165775 408 31 405.6609303680023 421.5941905 26.9613760828024 25.90240642 86 84303528 0 437 0 7 0 3 0 546.8408996251562 494 47ADistrict 4A 401 2526359021 2760009 172.5031236984589822.7055393586005821101111511 21Claiborne County 28021N28021302 32.0950555-90.792874700G5240District 3B District 3B 354 0 127 0 1 1 2 0 354 223 55.89918838 116.8449198 60 92 59.65601917006703 61.99914566 80.01440642618955 76.87165775 86 84303528 0 93 0 1 1 2 0 270.3654727197001 281 184ADistrict 3B 302 1297215441 86737 339.64598084131615 44.705539358600581101111511 21Claiborne County 28021N28021402 31.9524387-90.777925600G5240District 4B District 4B 697 0 625 0 0 0 4 0 697 68 405.2691158 60.96256684 435 48 432.5061390455294 449.4938061 41.74664683150798 40.10695187 86 84303528 0 439 0 0 0 4 0 532.3297584339858 506 63ADistrict 4B 402 1938020731 143750 333.31112036651393 43.871720116618081101111511 21Claiborne County 28021N28021502 31.8701208-90.780835400G5240District 5B District 5B 684 0 599 0 4 3 0 0 684 78 359.6181119 80.01336898 386 63 383.7870566485766 398.861170454.792473967004774 52.64037433 45 75303528 0 434 0 3 3 0 0 522.4010828821324 510 70ADistrict 5B 502 210733121 68498 0312.325883575883552201112111113Pike County 28113N28113306 31.266425-90.4185695V1G524015 Voting District 15 1239 2 244 1 27 1 16 1 1239 947 40.37082056043624243.77683769496645 47.51677852348993 243.5234899328859 47.56441144833527 49.432612411006716 239.7081944601439230.29310729697985 57 96 03628 0 148 1 16 1 7 0 902.5712058212058 867 694AVoting District 15 306 22840691 0 0 342.57536382536382201112111113Pike County 28113N28113101 31.2413148 -90.444919V1G52405 Voting District 5 1359 0 1082 0 26 0 4 0 1359 247 51.93227682214791 11.23866653291896 61.12470495672699 11.22698662470495661.185979082338186 63.5891982443745111.05109282682527910.617035900039339 57 97 03728 0 713 0 19 0 4 0 989.9873032373032 963 227AVoting District 5 101 257720721 21572 0 569.95062370062372201112111113Pike County 28113N28113302 31.2307694-90.3976453V1G52403 Voting District 3 2261 6 901 0 38 2 25 0 2261 1289 94.99789124885358172.30375010966583 111.81327738648284 172.1246815525251111.92536397481801 116.32148843758429169.42799499806287162.77332328615313 39 96 03728 3 584 0 27 1 8 01647.0649688149688 1517 894AVoting District 3 302 25624531 0 0 437.10498960498962201112111113Pike County 28113N28113103 31.2579193-90.4460673V1G524016 Voting District 16 1734 0 1648 0 3 0 6 0 1734 77 273.7042750701246511.254589225087281 322.15211970074813 11.2428927680798322.47505929110724 335.1410042247381411.06674976937579510.632077880389026 57 97 03728 0 1135 0 0 0 0 01263.1626076626076 1185 50AVoting District 16 103 10325061 0 0228.635654885654872201112111113Pike County 28113N28113206 31.2297464-90.4685064V1G52407 Voting District 7 907 0 850 0 13 0 7 0 907 37 111.283511189912123.0404138645705316 130.98158225198827 3.0372540812055253 131.112884019189 136.262642182586862.98966925998478362.8722431672507325 16 97 03728 0 549 0 6 0 4 0 660.720002970003 585 26AVoting District 7 206 14265181 0 0 327.19854469854472201112111113Pike County 28113N28113102 31.2353961-90.4552349V1G52406 Voting District 6 1298 0 966 0 25 7 16 0 1298 284 37.3137137081460717.419789095786516 43.918539325842694 17.401685393258425 43.96256521703137 45.68929543735955 17.12905226121778 16.45626958716292 16 97 03728 0 578 0 15 5 7 0 945.5507870507871 838 233AVoting District 6 102 30535531 0 0359.716735966735942201112111113Pike County 28113N28113503 31.234373-90.4725384V1G524028 Voting District 28 1427 35 663 0 14 6 17 0 1427 692 89.23353906490267172.91266976806568 105.0285888077859 172.73296836982968105.13387410945887 109.26324728658759 170.026751741483163.34856249008516 16 97 03628 30 460 0 9 3 9 01039.5230917730917 1074 563AVoting District 28 503 5288881 0 0129.316528066528062201112111113Pike County 28113N28113502 31.2432585-90.4600567V1G524027 Voting District 27 513 0 182 0 11 0 5 0 513 315 19.5800047426819431.144226819676557 23.045822102425877 31.11185983827493 23.06892425594542 23.97500897749326430.624428675264628 29.42158425040431 16 96 03628 0 129 0 6 0 2 0373.70381645381644 394 257AVoting District 27 502 11218311 0 0238.718814968814972201112111113Pike County 28113N28113403 31.2502301-90.4577754V1G524017 Voting District 17 947 10 469 0 24 3 8 0 947 433 87.61103178811152 86.2711416635455 103.11888479747502 86.1814834297738103.22225572799721 107.27654572440821 84.83127355079861 81.49933140988954 57 96 03628 7 338 0 18 3 8 0 689.8587021087021 749 375AVoting District 17 403 55185901 0 0373.833160083160072201112111113Pike County 28113N28113201 31.2196898-90.4543203V1G52408 Voting District 8 1483 2 1139 0 18 0 16 0 1483 308 125.44216780715145 33.00966624078525 147.6464342948718 32.97536057692308147.79444162721265 153.5994060894631732.45873384802856531.183842895412656 16 97 03728 2 770 0 18 0 7 01080.3172705672705 1029 232AVoting District 8 201 21911451 0 0439.877858627858642201112111113Pike County 28113N28113104 31.2682431-90.4576642V1G524024 Voting District 24 1745 0 1720 0 13 0 2 0 1745 10 296.4150855360617 2.929915124352566 348.8829251928883 2.926870177792687349.23266090715776 362.9495717957061 2.88101474660029 2.767856308196914 57 97 03728 0 1009 0 8 0 2 01271.1757499257499 1024 5AVoting District 24 104 19857771 273114 0205.192307692307682201112111113Pike County 28113N28113106 31.2660398-90.4680423V1G524026 Voting District 26 814 17 223 0 9 4 3 0 814 558 38.035296216171346139.61415955187732 44.767847699629826 139.4690639873083 44.81272496940806 46.572847156954137.28399473412088131.89185209402433 57 96 03628 14 145 0 6 4 1 0 592.9725274725274 620 450AVoting District 26 106 15619881 0 0 154.52442827442832201112111113Pike County 28113N28113105 31.2849172-90.4602667V1G524018 Voting District 18 613 1 434 0 18 0 1 0 613 159 62.58567800005294423.713898503303337 73.6638433033351 23.689253573319217 73.73768721074673 76.6339033950238223.31811277611436522.402240605944943 57 97 03728 0 292 0 11 0 0 0 446.5505643005643 437 134AVoting District 18 105 169839451 54080 0 335.76923076923082201112111113Pike County 28113N28113404 31.2947621-90.4591737V1G524019 Voting District 19 1332 6 702 0 11 1 2 1 1332 609 177.3210388723567205.52824716535034 208.70828025477707 205.31464968152866208.91749868152792 217.12321089936304202.09797412671838 194.1601143210191 57 97 03628 6 544 0 7 1 2 0 970.3186813186813 1049 489AVoting District 19 404 23329241 0 0258.128898128898132201112111113Pike County 28113N28113407 31.2493492-90.4728896V1G524025 Voting District 25 1024 27 248 0 18 1 6 1 1024 723 26.497540730152284111.54739895228427 31.18781725888325 111.4314720812182731.219081309844842 32.44528207593908109.68566927602095105.37751394111676 16 96 03628 20 186 0 16 1 6 1 745.950697950698 890 660AVoting District 25 407 180794711 0 0261.910083160083162201112111113Pike County 28113N28113402 31.2469165 -90.504245V1G524023 Voting District 23 1039 28 224 0 18 3 11 1 1039 754 45.19752721109356151.87022218264855 53.19785082174463 151.71238938053096 53.25117870968358 55.342740453002534149.33550331219004143.47001013034134 16 96 03628 18 162 0 11 3 3 0 756.8777101277101 795 598AVoting District 23 402 157291811 34942 0 265.69126819126822201112111113Pike County 28113N28113303 31.2064795-90.4164339V1G52404 Voting District 4 1054 26 300 0 12 8 3 0 1054 705 42.85395824412022 84.97421641599067 50.43945141523198 84.88590604026845 50.49001415929109 52.473124854566684 83.55599402719898 80.2741414040852 39 98 03728 16 211 0 9 6 2 0 767.8047223047223 745 501AVoting District 4 303 341809761 79695 0336.021309771309752201112111113Pike County 28113N28113202 31.1844606-90.4446055V1G52409 Voting District 9 1333 0 886 0 19 5 10 0 1333 413 62.02443546459443 40.0948069276939 73.00325636471285 40.053137951450566 73.07643806266731 75.94668217544405 39.42562330650056 37.87709184837182 39 97 03728 0 647 0 11 3 7 0 971.0471487971488 1016 348AVoting District 9 202 434649621 2190837 0 301.73856548856552201112111113Pike County 28113N28113504 31.1802927-90.5214652V1G524029 Voting District 29 1197 5 372 0 8 8 6 0 1197 798 117.4704772195582232.70111008136217 138.26369075011505 232.45927289461574 138.4022924268007 143.8383587645191228.81732107088266219.82999784993098 16 96 03728 3 277 0 8 4 5 0 871.9755717255717 931 634AVoting District 29 504 827035471 59935 0 417.44282744282742201112111113Pike County 28113N28113301 31.1399091-90.3162646V1G52402 Voting District 2 1656 0 1141 0 11 13 9 0 1656 482 269.4734576689655104.38434465517243 317.17241379310343 104.27586206896552 317.4903615185182 329.9605210551724102.64216660126553 98.61066093103447 39 97 03728 0 801 0 7 8 5 01206.3421443421444 1217 396AVoting District 2 301 514741921 158049 0289.134615384615362201112111113Pike County 28113N28113204 31.1438289-90.4068453V1G524011 Voting District 11 1147 1 554 0 9 5 8 0 1147 570 91.22221009377017109.70471551681729 107.3692704970949 109.59070367979342107.47690222338265 111.69830318440928107.87374028068632103.63675259803098 39 97 03728 0 397 0 5 5 6 0 835.5521978021978 882 469AVoting District 11 204 399003611 0 0 511.46829521829522201112111113Pike County 28113N28113203 31.1497071-90.4995508V1G524010 Voting District 10 2029 7 1403 0 19 7 4 0 2029 589 328.710518468364158.43984992862946 386.8949079089924 158.27518959913326 387.2827485592905 402.49416359951243155.79548379985206149.67626012080171 16 96 03728 7 975 0 11 4 2 01478.0605138105138 1490 491AVoting District 10 203 567050601 192092 0244.516632016632032201112111113Pike County 28113N28113505 31.0945158-90.5011598V1G524030 Voting District 30 970 0 400 0 10 2 15 0 970 543 83.95784715357324129.92722290471366 98.81905727318804 129.79219462747085 98.9181178746684 102.80335302027369127.75873342275318122.74071718955905 16 95 03728 0 273 0 7 2 9 0 706.6134541134542 724 433AVoting District 30 505 1266880051 56861 0 436.60083160083162201112111113Pike County 28113N28113501 31.0593563-90.3249236V1G52401 Voting District 1 1732 4 942 0 12 8 13 2 1732 751 120.0980203667852108.51676015163586 141.35633001422474 108.40398293029872 141.4980318714856 147.0556904508535106.70561196319095 102.5145051898293 39 97 03728 2 643 0 7 6 4 01261.7056727056727 1235 573AVoting District 1 501 249287071 10161 0148.978690228690232201112111113Pike County 28113N28113205 31.0959282-90.4082239V1G524012 Voting District 12 591 1 483 0 14 1 2 0 591 90 33.357664487009146 6.842237281767079 39.26223776223776 6.835126412049489 39.30159597858769 40.845255979962346 6.728040122666634 6.463780970680474 39 95 03728 1 330 0 13 1 1 0430.52427977427976 419 73AVoting District 12 205 850685681 69240 0 264.17879417879422201112111113Pike County 28113N28113507 31.0535406-90.4243234V1G524032 Voting District 32 1048 0 422 0 14 6 6 0 1048 600 94.25860544601926130.33317547926507 110.94313210848644 130.19772528433947111.05434640989883 115.4162596671916128.15791060133537123.12421577217849 39 97 03728 0 324 0 8 5 2 0 763.4339174339175 816 477AVoting District 32 507 1021000331 13939 0 338.54209979209982201112111113Pike County 28113N28113304 31.2155068-90.3138537V1G524013 Voting District 13 1343 7 675 0 1 6 11 0 1343 643 65.4250874170678760.904653229037116 77.00585088599131 60.841357405549985 77.08304497933418 80.1106577354062 59.88815261791391 57.53590855630224 39 98 03728 3 495 0 1 6 2 0 978.3318235818235 994 487AVoting District 13 304 1022761041 40625 0373.833160083160072201112111113Pike County 28113N28113305 31.293405-90.3293008V1G524014 Voting District 14 1483 6 307 0 8 7 9 2 1483 1144 59.00935750952067175.28572961018028 69.45448548812665 175.10356200527704 69.52410976190217 72.25482806222514 172.3602051722858165.59036420455146 39 96 03728 5 216 0 4 4 8 21080.3172705672705 1066 827AVoting District 14 305 643149541 632042 0 430.80301455301462201112111113Pike County 28113N28113405 31.3218134 -90.412437V1G524020 Voting District 20 1709 24 550 1 20 2 9 0 1709 1103 98.17013499997327 217.619001003768 115.54703367183325 217.3928380545163115.66286315771465 120.20578644251735 213.9869328624936205.58210703158738 57 52 03628 15 445 1 14 2 8 01244.9509207009207 1344 859AVoting District 20 405 430686921 40449 0422.232328482328462201112111113Pike County 28113N28113401 31.3183564-90.5172005V1G524021 Voting District 21 1675 13 148 0 18 1 5 0 1675 1490 55.527229976065975 437.7336806184634 65.35599356395817 437.2787610619469 65.42150931447007 67.9910886061947430.42789140974963 413.5218522807723 57 96 03628 8 103 0 13 1 3 01220.1830264330265 1182 1054AVoting District 21 401 274882071 73760 0213.762993762993772201112111113Pike County 28113N28113406 31.2746981-90.5223555V1G524022 Voting District 22 848 0 160 0 11 2 2 0 848 673 20.556914055543476103.80353113913043 24.195652173913043 103.69565217391305 24.21990697027663 25.171199168369565 102.0710468554639 98.06197321847826 16 96 03628 0 118 0 5 2 2 0 617.7404217404218 699 572AVoting District 22 406 517493621 271186 0215.275467775467772201112111113Pike County 28113N28113506 31.0403238-90.5062677V1G524031 Voting District 31 854 1 302 0 17 2 4 0 854 528 43.32217799493127 93.641132025 50.99054982817869 93.54381443298969 51.04166500934485 53.04644305249141 92.07825852066192 88.46167448290377 16 97 03728 1 207 0 12 2 3 0 622.1112266112266 657 432AVoting District 31 506 929420251 195537 0375.399598523602952201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147103 31.0823316-90.2114843V2G5240Lexie Lexie Voting District 1268 5 239 0 6 6 14 3 1268 995 95.82175926 483.6002822 136 529 129.5727703218205 134.662037 524.4746158650217 503.8746767 39 98 93928 5 154 0 4 4 6 3 933.4082755941204 984 808ALexie Voting District 103 442538571 468640 0 140.92287767920742201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147101 31.0403966 -90.235209V2G5240Midway Midway Voting District 476 2 92 0 12 1 6 0 476 363 4.972628363536518520.670167119934103 7.057660626029654 22.610653487095004 6.724122349686856 6.9882276221856126 22.4172283660459821.536740489950574 39 98 03728 2 64 0 10 1 3 0350.39616654795054 360 280AMidway Voting District 101 1460228571 34556 0 400.86045457488832201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147302 31.0515171 -90.001284V2G5240Dexter Dexter Voting District 1354 1 422 0 28 2 20 2 1354 879 133.8686343 396.7533506 190 434181.02078208139935 188.130787430.28730299779915 413.3867858 20 98 93928 1 296 0 22 2 12 0 996.7151460208509 1013 680ADexter Voting District 302 530657541 197178 0295.168296315482732201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147102 31.0680656 -90.11233V2G5240North Kirklin North Kirklin Voting District 997 1 566 0 10 5 1 0 997 414 203.6212384 183.7498237 289 201275.34213700603414 286.1568287199.28052515851476 191.4533271 39 98 93728 1 395 0 7 4 1 0 733.918021109888 731 323ANorth Kirklin Voting District 102 361723231 7682 0126.120054393576382201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147104 31.0315494-90.1245466V2G5240South Kirklin South Kirklin Voting District 426 0 151 0 0 4 8 0 426 263 33.11487269 124.3282389 47 136 44.77882504929106 46.53761574134.83657420553587 129.5405596 39 98 93728 0 90 0 0 2 4 0 313.5898465324095 289 193ASouth Kirklin Voting District 104 303568061 27236 0169.640354853331622201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147303 31.0993492-90.105179500G5240Dist.3 Tylertown Dist.3 Tylertown 573 1 109 0 2 5 0 0 573 456 52.13831019 247.7422996 74 271 70.50283092908049 73.27199074268.68170302780874 258.1286151 39 98 93928 1 80 0 1 4 0 0 421.8004273781001 476 390ADist.3 Tylertown 303 950111361 52438 0 521.94754905135022201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147502 31.2265656-90.2170891V2G5240Dinan Dinan Voting District 1763 0 1394 0 10 1 5 2 1763 351 367.7864583 147.1826946 522 161 497.3307803105219 516.8645833 159.6227092034644 153.3531625 39 97 93728 0 934 0 8 1 1 21297.7908437479764 1230 284ADinan Voting District 502 89671761 0 031.3819853655377832201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147201 31.1299831-90.2023274V2G5240Mesa Mesa Voting District 106 0 7 0 1 0 3 0 106 95 7.045717593 47.53726781 10 52 9.527409584750819 9.9016203751.555160731156626 49.53021397 39 98 93928 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 78.02939843294696 85 79AMesa Voting District 201 113353991 18711 0254.608560512853732201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147202 31.1364896-90.1738278V2G5240West Tylertown West Tylertown Voting District 860 2 505 0 28 1 13 0 860 311 209.2578125 129.8133083 297 142 282.9640646776836 294.078125140.78524660920226 135.2555843 39 98 93928 2 333 0 17 1 7 0 633.0687042673055 617 257AWest Tylertown Voting District 202 350599301 43475 0 268.52321440134692201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147404 31.1651311-90.150471700G5240Dist.4 Tylertown Dist.4 Tylertown 907 11 140 0 29 6 8 0 907 713 62.00231481 356.5295086 88 390 83.84120434965604 87.13425926 386.6637054056085 371.4766047 39 98 93928 9 99 0 19 4 1 0 667.6666450819141 709 577ADist.4 Tylertown 404 6218021 0 0 38.78339700835332201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147203 31.1246713-90.1416078V2G5240East Tylertown East Tylertown Voting District 131 0 3 0 9 5 1 0 131 113 6.341145833 74.96261462 9 82 8.574668626275738 8.911458333 81.29852268703556 78.10533741 39 98 93928 0 3 0 6 4 1 0 96.43255844071747 107 93AEast Tylertown Voting District 203 1123071161 47372 0496.486693000064752201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147204 31.1511162-90.0377083V2G5240North Knoxo North Knoxo Voting District 1677 0 1450 3 29 4 17 0 1677 174 445.2893519 47.53726781 632 52 602.1322857716472 625.782407451.555160731156626 49.53021397 20 98 93928 0 988 3 15 4 11 0 1234.483973321246 1163 142ANorth Knoxo Voting District 204 891262161 28864 0290.727449329793442201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147403 31.2381721-90.1083219V2G5240Varnell Varnell Voting District 982 1 246 0 16 6 3 0 982 710 93.70804398 354.7011521 133 388126.71454745697956 131.6915509 384.6808146390824 369.5715965 39 98 93928 1 174 0 11 3 0 0 722.8761251052257 693 504AVarnell Voting District 403 725209741 0 0 242.76630188434892201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147301 31.0362318-89.8836425V2G5240Improve Improve Voting District 820 0 214 0 29 0 8 0 820 569 104.9811921 318.134023 149 348141.95840280027852 147.5341435345.02299868403213 331.4714319 20 98 93928 0 160 0 12 0 6 0 603.6236482548727 638 460AImprove Voting District 301 166683231 9044 0 58.91523667681152201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147205 31.1149983-90.0559022V2G5240South Knoxo South Knoxo Voting District 199 0 73 0 0 0 0 0 199 126 25.36458333 63.07829767 36 69 34.29867450317854 35.64583333 68.40973250684861 65.72278392 20 98 93928 0 58 0 0 0 0 0146.48915366185327 154 96ASouth Knoxo Voting District 205 275434811 0 0 156.31781389626372201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147503 31.3037472-90.1528542V2G5240Hope Hope Voting District 528 0 459 0 4 0 3 0 528 62 81.4887565988571410.573124179199999 115.65714285714286 11.565714285714286110.19129713536523 114.5193121611.46677421067176511.016390447542856 1 98 93928 0 323 0 2 0 2 0 388.6747393641132 375 48AHope Voting District 503 442991201 27815 0128.784562584989972201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147401 31.3189946-90.1104318V2G5240Sartinville Sartinville Voting District 435 0 189 0 0 0 7 0 435 239 53.5474537 106.9588526 76 117 72.40831284218181 75.25231481 115.9991116112737 111.4429814 1 96 93928 0 122 0 0 0 3 0320.21498413520686 315 190ASartinville Voting District 401 461865171 0 0207.535582464547052201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147405 31.3133479-90.202775400G5240Dist.4 West Dist.4 West 701 0 118 0 9 0 6 0 701 568 39.45601852 261.454973 56 286 53.35349367268017 55.44907407 283.5533839849306 272.4161768 39 98 93928 0 89 0 8 0 2 0 516.0246066178851 539 440ADist.4 West 405 310071171 0 0 77.270737550993972201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147402 31.2787477-90.0558382V2G5240Darbun Darbun Voting District 261 0 82 0 4 1 4 0 261 170 8.38259734230769244.865054538461536 11.897435897435898 49.0769230769230811.335174482465385 11.78038936551282 48.65708954465987 46.7459711525641 1 98 93928 0 51 0 2 1 1 0192.12899048112413 194 139ADarbun Voting District 402 328697281 37365 0174.673314770446152201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147501 31.3003232-90.2366965V2G5240Enon Enon Voting District 590 0 105 0 12 1 4 4 590 464 49.06017055173867125.03723277133827 69.63119072708113 136.77555321390938 66.34048736675925 68.94616162170706 135.6054928479729130.27927720547945 39 98 93928 0 67 0 9 1 2 0 434.3145761833841 415 336AEnon Voting District 501 198726581 0 0115.165965162209422201112111147Walthall County 28147N28147504 31.1605458-90.2033472V2G5240Saint Paul Saint Paul Voting District 389 0 273 0 0 1 5 0 389 110 200.0983796 42.96637668 284 47270.57843219922563 281.2060185 46.59793373157092 44.76769339 39 98 93728 0 191 0 0 1 4 0286.35316972090914 281 85ASaint Paul Voting District 504 3707730861 23215826 247.04782545028556 97.404627324644891131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011101 33.9727657-90.9079877V2G5240Gunnison Gunnison Voting District 797 0 565 0 25 7 3 0 797 197 250.7005032 97.32365569 269 86265.04532271933886 275.4555835 86.03852978869907 82.6591699110 28381128 0 364 0 20 5 3 0 595.2582808610339 560 168AGunnison Voting District 101 1016067861 305895 731.5343388490262288.425245277493051131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011302 33.9585391-90.7365234V2G5240Shelby Shelby Voting District 2360 0 2184 0 24 0 8 0 2360 144 933.8360751 104.1136782 1002 92 987.2691950723761 1026.046449 92.04121791324997 88.42608873 55 29381128 0 1450 0 18 0 4 0 1762.621760140577 1597 125AShelby Voting District 302 835525401 319272 37.8166056523649114.9101186118026061131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011108 33.8711947-90.8276458V2G5240Winstonville Winstonville Voting District 122 0 92 0 6 1 0 0 122 23 196.6461196 6.79002249 211 6207.89800406323695 216.0636733 6.002688125591775 5.766918831110 28381128 0 77 0 5 1 0 0 91.11858251574169 100 17AWinstonville Voting District 108 1259513921 764944 362.0475032947723142.746053594962661131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011103 33.799278-90.8844762V2G5240Pace Pace Voting District 1168 3 811 0 13 5 2 6 1168 328 260.0202245 80.34859947 279 71 274.8983086779391 285.695568 71.03180948252626 68.24187283110 28241128 3 672 0 12 5 2 5 872.34839654415 994 295APace Voting District 103 415244961 1847788 422.18210572558206166.455586469468441131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011107 33.8678616-90.9746801V2G5240East Rosedale East Rosedale Voting District 1362 1 1233 0 0 1 3 0 1362 124 478.1017031 13.58004498 513 12 505.4581804940668 525.311205712.005376249101785 11.53383766110 28241128 1 811 0 0 1 1 01017.2418802167228 914 100AEast Rosedale Voting District 107 247377351 5157038 181.64369600234295 71.617454971445311131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011102 33.8423466-91.0426571V2G5240West Rosedale West Rosedale Voting District 586 0 428 0 3 0 6 0 586 149 359.7412425 115.4303823 386 102380.32525867551317 395.2634024 102.045698127774 98.03762012110 28241128 0 327 0 2 0 1 0437.66794552643137 458 128AWest Rosedale Voting District 102 705859761 10275498 127.08859276614439 50.107775662615321131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011109 33.7540547-91.1094249V2G5240Beulah Beulah Voting District 410 3 354 0 4 0 0 0 410 49 197.5780917 29.42343079 212 26208.88330270720732 217.087671826.011648543190145 24.9899816110 28241128 3 234 0 0 0 0 0306.21818714306636 281 44ABeulah Voting District 109 2214235211 2445204 58.27476936593938 22.976248352613851131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011110 33.6674168-90.8932236V2G5240Longshot Longshot Voting District 188 0 77 0 2 1 0 0 188 108 23.29930327 64.50521366 25 57 24.63246493498881 25.5999612957.025537188437895 54.78572889 93 27242128 0 62 0 2 1 0 0 140.4122419095036 154 89ALongshot Voting District 110 2086274631 15406168 276.80515448821205 109.13717967491581131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011104 33.6487565-91.0309474V2G5240Benoit Benoit Voting District 893 0 644 0 6 2 0 0 893 241 274.9317786 139.1954611 295 123290.66308630792014 302.0795433123.05510653768005 118.221836 93 28241128 0 415 0 6 2 0 0 666.958149070142 626 203ABenoit Voting District 104 1415818561 10083201 93.30162542099868 36.786440181578561131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011105 33.5674612-91.1001088V2G5240Scott Scott Voting District 301 5 156 0 16 0 0 0 301 124 83.87749177 59.978532 90 53 88.67687377173297 92.15986065 53.02374510887358 50.94111634 93 28241128 4 124 0 8 0 0 0224.80896178064137 234 98AScott Voting District 105 1179665921 439422 35.33682823253770513.9324059159466971131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011106 33.5585078 -90.94891V2G5240Stringtown Stringtown Voting District 114 3 45 0 4 2 1 0 114 59 11.18366557 38.47679411 12 3411.823583169564396 12.28798142 34.01523271272762 32.67920671 93 28242128 3 36 0 4 2 0 0 85.14359349831601 89 44AStringtown Voting District 106 399449931 0 118.09939961927076 46.563567140137651131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011504 33.550139-90.8153928V2G5240Choctaw Choctaw Voting District 381 0 307 0 13 1 1 0 381 59 162.1631508 29.42343079 174 26171.44195596830582 178.175730626.011648543190145 24.9899816 47 27242128 0 235 0 7 1 1 0 284.5588519548982 300 56AChoctaw Voting District 504 443607811 0 1144.4172792502563451.214409137501831131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011204 33.7699391 -90.784931V2G5240West Cleveland West Cleveland Voting District 3692 65 527 9 81 2 27 2 3692 2979 209.6937294 1432.694745 225 1266221.69218440527723 230.39965161266.5671941449234 1216.819873110 27242128 45 465 9 56 2 21 22757.4574315419536 3038 2438AWest Cleveland Voting District 204 1408620941 1288697 831.6553521745498327.900395372675351131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011303 33.8627498 -90.717267V2G5240Mound Bayou Mound Bayou Voting District 2683 1 2510 0 19 1 2 0 2683 150 1093.203309 56.58352075 1173 501155.7552550125502 1201.15018450.022401041393714 48.05765692 55 28381128 1 1827 0 18 1 2 0 2003.861941719139 1965 116AMound Bayou Voting District 303 250765871 0 518.2734807438864 204.34195343388491131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011202 33.7879002-90.7553264V2G5240Northwest Cleveland Northwest Cleveland Voting District 1672 38 89 1 28 4 17 4 1672 1491 80.14960325 761.6141893 86 673 84.73567938829288 88.06386685 673.3015180762816 646.8560622110 28381128 30 70 1 16 2 8 21248.7727046419682 1344 1215ANorthwest Cleveland Voting District 202 1012821691 0 174.51433592033973 68.806530970859571131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011502 33.688822-90.8155869V2G5240Skene Skene Voting District 563 0 83 0 31 0 13 0 563 436 21.43535901 199.173993 23 176 22.66186774326877 23.55196439 176.0788517090066 169.1629524110 27242128 0 59 0 25 0 9 0420.48985210133253 443 350ASkene Voting District 502 166112591 0 321.4411480451018126.736008200322161131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011505 33.7191299 -90.68657V2G5240South Cleveland South Cleveland Voting District 1037 2 923 0 20 0 4 0 1037 88 681.2716276 37.3451237 731 33 720.2532747764344 748.5428682 33.01478469023432 31.71805357 47 27381228 2 566 0 15 0 2 0 774.5079513838043 660 75ASouth Cleveland Voting District 505 3863871 0 242.39824278810954 95.571416019915061131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011201 33.7361671-90.7200599V2G5240East Central Cleveland East Central Cleveland Voting District 782 0 779 0 1 0 0 0 782 2 344.8296884 1.131670415 370 1 364.5604810455321 378.87942711.0004480204115211 0.961153138110 28381128 0 549 0 1 0 0 0 584.0551764533607 552 2AEast Central Cleveland Voting District 201 165648891 0 904.1888417044955356.498491726460661131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011402 33.7487866-90.6890226V2G5240East Cleveland East Cleveland Voting District 2917 5 2471 0 45 2 10 0 2917 384 1288.917457 127.8787569 1383 113 1362.667960624258 1416.189859113.05062631274718 108.6103046110 28381228 5 1836 0 29 0 4 0 2178.63037047884 2241 367AEast Cleveland Voting District 402 58071081 0 513.313925904232 202.38652804217311131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011403 33.7727207-90.7299009V2G5240North Cleveland North Cleveland Voting District 1656 2 1282 0 61 0 16 0 1656 295 304.7548868 143.7221427 327 127 322.1926413754408 334.8474937127.05689866928853 122.0664486110 28381128 1 873 0 39 0 7 01236.8227266071167 1151 231ANorth Cleveland Voting District 403 8192981 0 353.3682823253771139.324059159466971131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011203 33.7373029-90.7289784V2G5240West Central Cleveland West Central Cleveland Voting District 1140 13 146 0 22 0 7 0 1140 952 96.92510161 757.0875077 104 669102.47105416188363 106.495839 669.2997259446731 643.0114496110 27382128 11 86 0 16 0 3 0 851.4359349831601 891 775AWest Central Cleveland Voting District 203 619470711 80301 127.67120352867045122.143919344675482131112141 79Leake County 28079N28079103 32.7871388 -89.437818V2G5240Sunrise Sunrise Voting District 719 0 20 0 5 18 4 0 719 672 2.1954144558434727 33.84208762663598 2.837224597171983 35.11065439000329 2.682645293474413 2.788012318255508 34.5228464211945833.166882729973686 29 44371728 0 18 0 2 7 1 0 496.6400756143667 538 510ASunrise Voting District 103 860762441 142665 188.75450535601763180.582734719596712131112141 79Leake County 28079N28079101 32.8302117-89.3681583V2G5240Edinburg Edinburg Voting District 1063 6 5 0 12 21 0 0 1063 1019 13.15442062 427.958042 17 44416.073796209060966 16.70513129 436.5667367076845 419.4195804 29 44371728 5 4 0 5 12 0 0 734.2536862003781 752 726AEdinburg Voting District 101 1390768391 254244 142.05419029615626135.904221802142422131112141 79Leake County 28079N28079104 32.8842355-89.4099103V2G5240Renfroe Renfroe Voting District 800 1 96 0 16 1 2 0 800 684 54.16526138 284.3414918 70 295 66.1862197002168 68.78583474 290.0612327168217 278.6684149 29 44371728 1 70 0 14 1 0 0 552.5897920604915 612 526ARenfroe Voting District 104 516764561 41737 159.27826086956523152.382608695652182131112141 79Leake County 28079N28079501 32.7421304-89.3884261V2G5240Ebenezer Ebenezer Voting District 897 3 471 0 8 6 14 0 897 395 114.30599907752676 59.11293371290131 147.72235434007135 61.328775267538646139.67405997831943 145.16007789310345 60.30203443729105 57.93353422134364 46 44371728 3 344 0 7 3 7 0 619.591304347826 645 281AEbenezer Voting District 501 496146071 80449 383.54631379962194 366.94139886578451131111141 79Leake County 28079N28079201 32.7716074-89.5589668V2G5240North Carthage North Carthage Voting District 2160 8 590 0 197 546 39 0 2160 780 212.7920983 497.3566434 275 516 260.0172916313128 270.230065507.36134264902927 487.4335664 29 44371728 8 359 0 125 340 14 01491.9924385633271 1470 624ANorth Carthage Voting District 201 454054161 441883 297.0708254568368 284.20970384373031131111141 79Leake County 28079N28079102 32.7781098-89.4902099V2G5240East Carthage East Carthage Voting District 1673 2 356 0 203 60 6 2 1673 1044 95.17610214 511.8146853 123 531116.29864320099469 120.8665382 522.1102189735496 501.6031469 29 44371728 2 245 0 134 33 3 0 1155.603402646503 1261 844AEast Carthage Voting District 102 996088501 91104 268.48241965973534 256.85897920604911131111141 79Leake County 28079N28079203 32.8707211-89.5146487V2G5240Singleton Singleton Voting District 1512 1 456 0 61 12 4 0 1512 978 177.1977837 403.8613054 229 419216.52349018330636 225.0279451 411.9852763749938 395.8036131 29 47371728 1 308 0 37 10 2 0 1044.394706994329 1095 737ASingleton Voting District 203 672950751 916171 204.20289855072463195.362318840579721131111141 79Leake County 28079N28079401 32.6732665-89.5414584V2G5240South Carthage South Carthage Voting District 1150 1 382 0 123 17 1 0 1150 626 88.98578656 226.509324 115 235108.73450376434708 113.0052999231.06572773100498 221.9900932 84 44371728 1 332 0 72 9 0 0 794.3478260869565 922 508ASouth Carthage Voting District 401 565241011 49545 221.78210459987397212.180466288594832131112141 79Leake County 28079N28079404 32.6995738-89.4689466V2G5240Freeny Freeny Voting District 1249 6 53 0 31 503 5 0 1249 651 58.03420862 320.9685315 75 333 70.91380682166086 73.69910865 327.4250525307634 314.5646853 46 44371728 6 37 0 14 324 4 0 862.7308128544423 885 500AFreeny Voting District 404 1142755671 717827 140.10094517958413134.035538752362951131111141 79Leake County 28079N28079302 32.7419036-89.6337493V2G5240Wiggins Wiggins Voting District 789 1 540 0 2 2 3 0 789 241 193.4473621 104.0979021 250 108236.37935607220282 245.6636955106.19190891201706 102.020979 84 26351728 1 386 0 2 2 1 0 544.9916824196597 567 175AWiggins Voting District 302 875553071 76492 182.717202268431174.806805293005681131111141 79Leake County 28079N28079202 32.8577537 -89.577262V2G5240Conway Conway Voting District 1029 6 694 0 34 10 5 0 1029 280 187.2570465 82.89277389 242 86228.81521663555523 237.8024572 84.56022378177742 81.23892774 29 44371728 4 468 0 18 4 3 0 710.7686200378072 716 219AConway Voting District 202 195955291 395952 377.8641461877757 361.50522999369881131111141 79Leake County 28079N28079301 32.7223099 -89.545644V2G5240West Carthage West Carthage Voting District 2128 0 1499 0 236 2 31 0 2128 360 552.4856661 150.3636364 714 156 675.0994408960253 701.6155143153.38831294230573 147.3636364 84 26371728 0 880 0 154 2 11 01469.8888468809073 1327 280AWest Carthage Voting District 301 1459732851 244678 145.60554505356018139.301827347195971131111141 79Leake County 28079N28079303 32.87372-89.6659877V2G5240Thomastown Thomastown Voting District 820 0 459 0 3 1 7 0 820 350 208.923151 166.7494172 270 173255.28970451949075 265.3167911 170.1037060060072 163.4224942 29 26401728 0 335 0 3 1 4 0 566.4045368620037 619 276AThomastown Voting District 303 902590991 899442 130.33471959672337124.692123503465651131111141 79Leake County 28079N28079304 32.7294322-89.7003317V2G5240Ofahoma Ofahoma Voting District 734 0 643 0 0 3 4 0 734 84 249.1602024 41.44638695 322 43 304.4566106171484 316.4148398 42.28011189088871 40.61946387 84 26351728 0 464 0 0 3 1 0507.00113421550094 540 72AOfahoma Voting District 304 789010961 0 559.5159420289855 535.29275362318842131112141 79Leake County 28079N28079502 32.6107328-89.4339914V2G5240Walnut Grove Walnut Grove Voting District 3151 9 2307 0 49 10 13 0 3151 763 449.5716695 216.8706294 581 225 549.3456234713867 570.9224283221.23314361874637 212.5437063 46 44351728 5 999 0 26 7 5 0 2176.513043478261 1484 442AWalnut Grove Voting District 502 783615301 126327 141.87662255828607135.734341524889742131112141 79Leake County 28079N28079403 32.6030979-89.5466527V2G5240Lena Lena Voting District 799 0 488 0 3 2 0 0 799 306 239.874729 159.0384615 310 165 293.1104015102874 304.6229824162.23763863292967 155.8653846 84 26351728 0 366 0 1 2 0 0 551.8990548204159 614 245ALena Voting District 403 1112533041 931389 196.38991808443603187.887586641461872131112141 79Leake County 28079N28079402 32.6101212-89.6638195V2G5240Good Hope Good Hope Voting District 1106 4 268 0 8 3 2 0 1106 821 78.17754422879612239.90728451518453 101.03206291591047 248.90018148820326 95.5275759104252 99.27963977168784244.73319820179788235.12074253260738 84 44351728 4 213 0 3 3 2 0 763.9553875236295 876 651AGood Hope Voting District 402 6754411 0 194.3525552789574 76.628232537706841131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011406 33.743713-90.7259988V2G5240Cleveland Courthouse Cleveland Courthouse Voting District 627 5 62 0 8 1 5 2 627 544 69.89790981 235.3874463 75 208 73.89739481458851 76.79988388208.09318834552116 199.9198528110 28381128 4 36 0 8 1 4 1 468.289764240738 518 464ACleveland Courthouse Voting District 406 561269421 628715 992.5309122858398 391.32950651632741131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011501 33.6955469-90.7149945V2G5240Boyle Boyle Voting District 3202 20 1652 0 71 5 24 0 3202 1430 206.897813 520.5683909 222 460218.73628866580754 227.3276563460.20608961829396 442.1304437110 27241228 15 1157 0 41 3 13 02391.4893542246305 2337 1108ABoyle Voting District 501 2030752231 1076609 243.94810367550153 96.182486454825011131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011301 34.0556352-90.7356847V2G5240Duncan/Alligator Duncan/Alligator Voting District 787 1 563 0 28 0 4 0 787 191 205.0338688 80.34859947 220 71 216.7656914740875 225.2796594 71.03180948252626 68.24187283 55 29381128 1 396 0 21 0 4 0 587.7895445892517 589 167ADuncan/Alligator Voting District 301 209434161 1307080 204.27166495826623 80.539083321130481131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011401 33.8289946-90.7146648V2G5240Merigold Merigold Voting District 659 11 291 0 83 0 9 1 659 264 154.7073737 169.7505623 166 150163.55956720142564 169.983743150.06720316581647 144.1729708110 28381128 5 211 0 47 0 4 1492.18972031044075 488 220AMerigold Voting District 401 79180311 1180760 122.74898228144677 48.396778444867481131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011404 33.7805294-90.7082435V2G5240Renova Renova Voting District 396 3 362 0 1 0 1 0 396 29 181.7345655 19.23839706 195 17192.13322652947662 199.679698117.007616351159392 16.33960335110 28381228 3 263 0 1 0 0 0295.76195636257137 285 18ARenova Voting District 404 19033821 0 387.1552496705228152.645394640503721131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011405 33.7402313-90.6995826V2G5240Cleveland Eastgate Cleveland Eastgate Voting District 1249 2 1212 0 13 2 8 0 1249 12 458.5302884 2.26334083 492 2484.76690993289606 503.80723822.0008960418639252 1.922306277110 28381228 2 853 0 12 2 5 0 932.845160345585 886 12ACleveland Eastgate Voting District 405 775133441 567238 207.39911783238816198.420163831127922131112141 79Leake County 28079N28079504 32.6774394-89.3788344V2G5240Madden Madden Voting District 1168 1 160 0 20 123 10 0 1168 854 68.8672609 385.5477855 89 400 84.15105076362862 87.4562756393.30336646802294 377.8554779 46 44371728 1 115 0 12 68 4 0 806.7810964083176 887 687AMadden Voting District 504 490541231 353743 152.3531190926276145.757277882797722131112141 79Leake County 28079N28079503 32.624699-89.3556694V2G5240Salem Salem Voting District 858 0 133 0 9 12 1 0 858 703 23.52636631821942730.891104631044183 31.094158530531192 31.804070825748829.954744817829177 31.13128587870263430.61546111290243429.412968909548233 46 44331728 0 96 0 3 8 1 0 592.6525519848772 633 525ASalem Voting District 503 796250921 0 744.2431981256407 293.43602284375461131111441 11Bolivar County 28011N28011503 33.6252708-90.7348205V2G5240Shaw Shaw Voting District 2401 3 1991 0 11 1 6 0 2401 389 1000.938069 211.6223676 1074 1871058.2106935894149 1099.774337187.08377991479745 179.7356369 47 27241228 3 1446 0 8 1 4 01793.2435788548835 1807 345AShaw Voting District 503 972915881 10633280 273.37544139029285 427.28293983244480031110331137Tate County 28137S28137203 34.7084322-90.1379907V2G5240Arkabutla Arkabutla Voting District 1767 4 594 0 33 6 37 1 1767 1092 336.2560464 420.8491795 387 478367.16404203743343 381.5852489 475.1209560850003 456.4594947106 8141028 3 387 0 17 5 16 11310.7217683306792 1281 852PArkabutla Voting District 203 474554591 93549 152.0815273835076 237.70182787509520031110331137Tate County 28137N28137401 34.6028698-89.9059361V2G5240Senatobia No.4 Senatobia No.4 Voting District 983 1 186 0 25 1 17 0 983 753 164.2180692 534.4256317 189 607179.31267162333162 186.3555866 603.3439755120874 579.646262 27 728 928 1 148 0 17 1 7 0 729.1677975489856 769 595ASenatobia No.4 Voting District 401 594614371 147059 710.7452052897597 1110.8872810357960031110331137Tate County 28137N28137101 34.5806644-89.9797818V2G5240Senatobia No.1 Senatobia No.1 Voting District 4594 18 1044 1 73 8 30 5 4594 3415 477.88327 1201.797343 550 1365 521.8093619727318 542.30461721356.7784618516705 1303.487887 27 1028 928 15 703 1 45 7 12 43407.7282420549745 3404 2617ASenatobia No.1 Voting District 101 303897821 80679 609.7185141591082 952.98362528560550031110331137Tate County 28137N28137201 34.6386154-90.0104674V2G5240Senatobia No.2 Senatobia No.2 Voting District 3941 14 1382 0 100 9 47 5 3941 2384 310.1896862 768.622037 357 873 338.7017131518226 352.004997 867.7418297899959 833.6592863 27 728 928 11 990 0 67 7 20 3 2923.347192411549 3002 1904ASenatobia No.2 Voting District 201 339629891 48051 64.20532437859171100.352246763137860031110331137Tate County 28137N28137102 34.5789414-90.1904881V2G5240Sarah Sarah Voting District 415 1 16 0 18 0 2 0 415 378 18.24645213 96.84813754 21 11019.923630181439297 20.70617629109.33745845928061 105.0429799106 714 928 0 14 0 9 0 2 0307.83787994184036 295 270ASarah Voting District 102 374871931 117638 58.79041750328879 91.888804265041880031110331137Tate County 28137N28137204 34.6695581-90.2100339V2G5240Evansville Evansville Voting District 380 0 75 0 4 2 1 0 380 298 75.7383544067055413.712227412244898 116.04956268221575 14.67930029154519118.33833788052907 122.9863465495626713.26621546082122412.745154530174927106 7141028 0 57 0 3 2 1 0281.87564910337187 284 221AEvansville Voting District 204 925489471 138863 318.0871010177941497.166793602437170031110331137Tate County 28137N28137104 34.6252527-90.1355335V2G5240Strayhorn Strayhorn Voting District 2056 7 174 0 45 10 28 1 2056 1791 144.2338597 537.9473821 166 611157.49155292970218 163.6773936 607.3198831719103 583.4660068106 714 928 4 110 0 22 9 8 11525.0956172540332 1440 1286AStrayhorn Voting District 104 602455411 424829 112.47535138129197 175.79779131759330031110331137Tate County 28137N28137103 34.6031978-90.0620308V2G5240Sherrod Sherrod Voting District 727 1 54 0 17 2 2 0 727 651 18.24645213 228.9137796 21 26019.923630181439297 20.70617629 258.433992788174 248.2834071106 714 928 1 48 0 10 2 2 0 539.2726234161878 549 486ASherrod Voting District 103 746710541 105389 445.26005677490826 695.93678598629090031110331137Tate County 28137N28137202 34.7062854-89.9979186V2G5240Coldwater Coldwater Voting District 2878 5 1636 0 45 7 19 5 2878 1161 891.4695183 412.9252409 1026 469 973.4116459827205 1011.644613 466.1751639544866 447.865069 27 828 928 4 1165 0 27 6 9 12134.8371529460637 2129 917AColdwater Voting District 202 527848511 85359 225.10541438759262351.837395277989340031110331137Tate County 28137N28137302 34.6591026-89.8994776V2G5240Poagville 4 Poagville 4 Voting District 1455 2 206 0 26 2 13 0 1455 1206 116.4297422 379.4686116 134 431 127.1317354453026 132.1251249 428.4040419147854 411.5774941 27 728 928 2 152 0 18 2 4 01079.2870248563318 1121 943APoagville 4 Voting District 302 416263741 0 114.48660250640448178.941355674028960021110331137Tate County 28137N28137303 34.7500413-89.8840265V2G5240Palestine Palestine Voting District 740 1 40 0 59 6 1 0 740 633 9.324844320580112 61.19284631906077 10.732044198895027 69.5027624309392310.181965702917989 10.581885675621546 69.08414002555433 66.37070254212708 27 728 928 0 28 0 31 3 1 0 548.9157377276189 538 475APalestine Voting District 303 1291333991 113246 525.4006785293914 821.19573495811120021110331137Tate County 28137N28137504 34.7191528-89.7933355V2G5240Independence Independence Voting District 3396 3 749 1 107 7 40 1 3396 2488 455.2924245 801.1982287 524 910 497.1420103809192 516.668399 904.5189749147414 868.991925 27 728 928 3 539 1 55 6 16 1 2519.078169355397 2524 1903AIndependence Voting District 504 410934851 67816 103.50207713079161.772658035034280021110331137Tate County 28137N28137502 34.6421808-89.7700937V2G5240Thyatira Thyatira Voting District 669 3 177 0 1 0 3 0 669 485 87.75674595 153.1961448 101 174 95.82317374810724 99.58684789 172.9519797673904 166.1588955 75 728 928 2 120 0 1 0 0 0496.24949802672575 487 364AThyatira Voting District 502 746836431 76852 231.44859101294745 361.75171363290170021110331137Tate County 28137N28137402 34.5887438-89.8412178V2G5240Looxahoma Looxahoma Voting District 1496 2 629 0 20 1 13 0 1496 831 356.2402558 394.4360511 410 448 388.9851607310628 404.2634419445.30164915676863 427.8114092 54 728 928 2 448 0 8 1 9 01109.6999238385376 1104 636ALooxahoma Voting District 402 805803631 258207 113.86775600636987 177.9741051028180021110331137Tate County 28137N28137403 34.5910368-89.7419284V2G5240Tyro Tyro Voting District 736 0 289 0 5 0 5 0 736 437 173.7757346 87.16332378 200 99189.74885891666986 197.201679 98.40371265498786 94.53868195 54 1028 928 0 210 0 2 0 2 0 545.9486256317939 566 352ATyro Voting District 403 409624081 118664 73.64273350411965115.102817974105110021110331137Tate County 28137N28137503 34.6523193-89.7017594V2G5240Wyatte Wyatte Voting District 476 0 189 0 0 0 1 0 476 286 78.19908055 126.7830164 90 144 85.38698651250144 88.74075555143.13267294324703 137.5108101 75 1028 928 0 143 0 0 0 0 0 353.0863394031711 362 219AWyatte Voting District 503 299189741 3453124 73.95215675413695115.586443259710590031110331137Tate County 28137N28137304 34.6768695-90.0451628V2G5240Taylor Taylor Voting District 478 0 230 0 9 1 7 0 478 231 146.8404957 95.96769992 169 109160.33778573166464 166.6354187108.34348164841313 104.0880438 27 714 928 0 172 0 5 1 2 0 354.5698954510836 361 181ATaylor Voting District 304 194505791 0 84.62725887973413132.271515613099780021110331137Tate County 28137N28137505 34.6707948-89.8391455V2G5240Poagville 5 Poagville 5 Voting District 547 0 141 0 5 0 5 0 547 396 91.23226064 132.9460797 105 151 99.61815095530686 103.5308815150.09051124384914 144.1953634 27 728 928 0 118 0 3 0 3 0405.75257910406424 414 290APoagville 5 Voting District 505 45719171 130126 178.22779200997022278.568164508758570031110331137Tate County 28137N28137305 34.636273-89.9606763V2G5240Senatobia 3 Senatobia 3 Voting District 1152 3 912 0 47 0 15 0 1152 175 394.4709174 51.06538161 454 58430.72990971197436 447.6478113 57.65065994328113 55.38629852 27 728 928 1 620 0 30 0 4 0 854.5282835975905 797 142ASenatobia 3 Voting District 305 22008061 0 800.9494074326205308.479840331713941131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083001 33.5156905-90.1613573V2G5240East Greenwood East Greenwood Voting District 2909 6 2828 1 13 2 16 0 2909 43 1053.332511 21.45310597 1241 19 1221.560362043829 1269.53993717.281194456477316 16.60243605 68 31 52328 5 1899 1 9 2 14 02121.2827304514653 1970 40AEast Greenwood Voting District 001 10757221 0 452.92601417210756174.441160998855081131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083014 33.5089644 -90.172374V2G5240South Greenwood South Greenwood Voting District 1645 4 1610 0 13 6 8 0 1645 4 629.7926857 4.516443362 742 4 730.3769449922157 759.0641687 3.638146201637561 3.495249695 68 31 52328 4 1102 0 8 4 4 0 1199.556580128106 1126 4ASouth Greenwood Voting District 014 630943911 25564 0344.429325086410762201112111129Smith County 28129N28129303 31.8777969-89.5215763V2G5240Mize Mize Voting District 876 1 38 0 17 2 3 0 876 815 30.40650407 348.9519553 40 39238.703412270828245 40.22357724 393.958538132464 378.4849162 83 78343328 1 23 0 14 2 2 0 649.6561760960524 626 584AMize Voting District 303 739640131 84851 0 330.27469528833912211112111129Smith County 28129N28129101 31.9138627-89.4609634V2G5240Center Ridge Center Ridge Voting District 840 1 80 0 6 0 0 0 840 753 11.265922874053295 172.6366135820477 13.744740532959327 161.0098176718092614.278379838657111 14.839195838429172 156.5357293653104150.38743084992987 61 78343328 1 46 0 4 0 0 0 622.9579770784064 608 557ACenter Ridge Voting District 101 1169945321 93872 0 467.10278333636532201112111129Smith County 28129N28129103 31.9725709-89.5144409V2G5240Ag Complex Ag Complex Voting District 1188 3 144 0 14 2 4 0 1188 1021 49.41056911 421.0568236 65 473 62.89304493528486 65.36331301475.36323608573235 456.6922586 61 78343328 2 112 0 7 2 1 0 881.0405675823176 921 797AAg Complex Voting District 103 520162191 87649 0118.348432478321512211112111129Smith County 28129N28129102 31.984563 -89.394505V2G5240Sylvarena Sylvarena Voting District 301 0 20 0 0 0 1 0 301 280 10.64227642 152.2213887 14 17113.546194290941058 14.07825203171.85436233422328 165.1043895 61 78343328 0 14 0 0 0 0 0223.22660845309562 244 230ASylvarena Voting District 102 696156871 269364 0 447.83675944454552211112111129Smith County 28129N28129202 31.8326685-89.3675718V2G5240Summerland Summerland Voting District 1139 0 728 0 17 2 7 0 1139 385 342.8333333 221.6557063 451 249 436.3809732756497 453.5208333250.24407140887052 240.4151636 83 78343328 0 526 0 13 2 4 0 844.701352252744 843 298ASummerland Voting District 202 557100761 0 0 263.43338790855622211112111129Smith County 28129N28129203 32.0608041-89.3498405V2G5240Warren Hill Warren Hill Voting District 670 0 564 0 7 0 4 0 670 95 249.3333333 32.04660814 328 36 317.3679805553615 329.8333333 36.17986574197317 34.75881883 61 78343328 0 409 0 2 0 2 0 496.883148383967 478 65AWarren Hill Voting District 203 919907081 16659 0 259.50154629798072201112111129Smith County 28129N28129401 32.0317627-89.5981882V2G5240West Raleigh West Raleigh Voting District 660 0 58 0 2 0 10 0 660 590 15.20325203 300.8820431 20 33819.351706135414123 20.11178862 339.6887394622557 326.3466879 61 78343328 0 39 0 2 0 2 0489.46698199017646 502 459AWest Raleigh Voting District 401 866044711 100045 0 581.12619004305382201112111129Smith County 28129N28129501 32.0625591 -89.494589V2G5240North Raleigh North Raleigh Voting District 1478 0 475 0 17 4 6 1 1478 975 228.8089431 389.0102155 301 437291.24317730815415 302.6824187439.18337027089734 421.9334397 61 78343328 0 299 0 12 4 3 01096.1093930022437 1040 722ANorth Raleigh Voting District 501 1026026121 210211 0 395.54326602389182201112111129Smith County 28129N28129402 31.917036-89.6134142V2G5240Shady Grove Shady Grove Voting District 1006 0 45 0 10 3 4 1 1006 943 1.359837717975847211.386840654568772 1.182644009832211 12.7940579245484671.0051950567934318 1.044676389907662812.89477912340203112.388307203783263 17 78343328 0 31 0 5 2 0 1 746.0663392153295 760 721AShady Grove Voting District 402 1108267691 195387 0342.856588442180572211112111129Smith County 28129N28129201 31.9281036-89.3701705V2G5240Union-New Home Union-New Home Voting District 872 0 283 0 13 1 7 0 872 568 123.9065041 303.5525938 163 341157.71640495262812 163.9110772 342.7037283408768 329.2432562 61 78343328 0 208 0 10 1 2 0 646.6897095385361 655 434AUnion-New Home Voting District 201 650261211 143409 0 778.89782305499972211112111129Smith County 28129N28129302 31.8269544-89.4447895V2G5240Taylorsville Taylorsville Voting District 1981 0 411 0 39 3 11 0 1981 1517 73.73577236 766.4480447 97 861 93.85577475002304 97.5421748 865.3017891160938 831.3150838 83 78343328 0 250 0 24 3 1 01469.1425626099085 1466 1188ATaylorsville Voting District 302 1542775631 265034 0 192.66023891819782211112111129Smith County 28129N28129503 32.1481378-89.3766206V2G5240Clear Springs-Pineville Clear Springs-Pineville Voting District 490 0 40 0 6 0 1 0 490 443 18.24390244 220.7655227 24 248 23.22204735864812 24.13414634249.23907518538903 239.4496409 61 78343328 0 28 0 4 0 1 0363.39215329573705 391 358AClear Springs-Pineville Voting District 503 1029734081 340236 0 584.66484749257172201112111129Smith County 28129N28129301 31.8170416-89.5751566V2G5240Zion Hill-New Haven Zion Hill-New Haven Voting District 1487 1 356 2 6 0 6 0 1487 1116 120.8658537 462.8954509 159 520153.84606374863827 159.8887195 522.5980607752169 502.0718276 83 78343328 1 243 2 4 0 2 0 1102.783942756655 1054 802AZion Hill-New Haven Voting District 301 1116975691 152153 0 259.50154629798072201112111129Smith County 28129N28129403 32.0822818-89.6717151V2G5240White Oak White Oak Voting District 660 0 43 0 6 0 1 0 660 610 14.44308943 318.6857143 19 35818.384120829605624 19.10619919359.78866497276863 345.6571429 61 76343328 0 34 0 6 0 0 0489.46698199017646 517 477AWhite Oak Voting District 403 1194576411 181748 0 368.41355891092112201112111129Smith County 28129N28129404 32.1631911-89.6596539V2G5240Polkville 77 Polkville 77 Voting District 937 5 54 0 3 1 3 0 937 871 21.28455285 283.9685555 28 31927.092388591504186 28.15650407320.59381038340086 308.0017558 61 76353328 4 32 0 2 1 0 0 694.8947910981748 723 684APolkville 77 Voting District 404 802454801 31483 0251.637863076829772201112111129Smith County 28129N28129502 32.1733344-89.5623584V2G5240Burns Burns Voting District 640 1 188 0 7 0 2 0 640 442 57.77235772 184.2679968 76 207 73.53648330880043 76.42479675208.03422804496995 199.8632083 61 78343328 1 109 0 6 0 1 0474.63464920259537 455 338ABurns Voting District 502 1283471991 59709 0 261.8606512643262201112111129Smith County 28129N28129504 32.1641357-89.4927112V2G5240Lorena-Spinola Lorena-Spinola Voting District 666 0 87 0 10 0 9 0 666 560 35.72764228 247.4710295 47 278 45.47650941148774 47.26270325 279.3889632429818 268.4153232 61 78343328 0 63 0 9 0 9 0493.91668182645077 503 422ALorena-Spinola Voting District 504 311471451 342058 0 130.9303256321632201112111129Smith County 28129N28129405 32.2008039-89.6315399V2G5240Polkville 79 Polkville 79 Voting District 333 1 51 0 2 0 0 0 333 279 13.68292683 97.03000798 18 10917.416535523797126 18.10060976109.54459345980982 105.2419792 61 78353328 1 30 0 2 0 0 0246.95834091322538 233 200APolkville 79 Voting District 405 313344831 0 0104.980171002364932211112111129Smith County 28129N28129505 32.0540847 -89.419781V2G5240Cedar Grove Cedar Grove Voting District 267 0 93 0 16 0 0 0 267 158 49.7215207773257614.151313627161231 63.41549506431349 13.897098414597666 62.74661218189066 65.2111287755608813.56377014333920513.031022072509721 61 78343328 0 72 0 8 0 0 0198.01164271420774 211 131ACedar Grove Voting District 505 13425451 0 580.9796318568197 267.39655502782481101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049209 32.3557373-90.1860523V1G524040 Voting District 40 2103 0 2015 0 24 3 18 1 2103 42 723.7407329 11.22188837 995 10 966.4239266299367 1004.382435 9.371075032421661 9.003004644 8 64112628 0 1548 0 21 3 7 11545.3408320932792 1620 40AVoting District 40 209 9637131 0 587.0574026132866 270.19385612654671101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049210 32.3464654-90.2156439V1G524023 Voting District 23 2125 2 2097 0 1 1 17 1 2125 6 92.43960088890645 310.6104159173515 108.80214917825538 310.28761061946904108.91121728400155 113.18895424699748305.42631813128384 293.4300014696587 69 69112628 2 1398 0 1 0 9 11561.5070224432802 1417 6AVoting District 23 210 69520901 0 579.0457957070347266.506504678231471101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049302 32.3424967-90.2301114V1G524022 Voting District 22 2096 3 2064 0 3 7 2 0 2096 17 50.81048568445652256.57099206086957 59.80434782608695 256.30434782608694 59.86429836049506 62.215605491630434 252.2888139257693242.37959418152172 69 66112628 3 1462 0 2 6 1 01540.1970442546426 1491 17AVoting District 22 302 16893581 0 473.23733208308704 217.80803555048211101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049212 32.3525746-90.2156101V1G524027 Voting District 27 1713 0 1679 0 8 3 10 5 1713 8 65.38118542731806103.99621938032347 76.95417789757413 103.88814016172506 77.03132017628559 80.05690132250675 102.2605191437199 98.24400354959569 69 66112628 0 1342 0 8 3 5 21258.7583667978067 1368 8AVoting District 27 212 61917691 108265 1142.897164522902 526.01975660965821101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049406 32.3255863-90.3188719V2G5240Clinton 6 Clinton 6 Voting District 4137 363 1890 1 97 11 52 5 4137 1718 474.9775865 827.0531731 653 737 634.2460545120131 659.1575178 690.648229824109 663.5214422 72 66122828 288 1297 1 80 8 26 53039.9786126342824 3127 1422AClinton 6 Voting District 406 20604171 9178 577.3882218643619 265.743604378581101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049404 32.3441509-90.3032166V2G5240Clinton 4 Clinton 4 Voting District 2090 27 793 0 31 1 46 4 2090 1188 304.0438456 720.4452335 418 642 405.9951773537535 421.9415658 601.6230170348391 577.9928981 72 71122628 19 519 0 20 1 23 11535.7880832500969 1514 931AClinton 4 Voting District 404 63345371 59888 808.6197729172187372.168196179953951101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049323 32.2626809-90.3045434V1G524091 Voting District 91 2927 9 2683 0 11 1 14 1 2927 208 1036.51311 150.3733042 1425 1341384.0744681202223 1438.437156 125.5724054036401 120.6402622 80 62472828 7 1877 0 6 1 8 02150.8381433842264 2086 187AVoting District 91 323 73837571 89587 1058.6371608537008 487.23899137737731101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049320 32.2511422-90.2829546V1G524094 Voting District 94 3832 5 3474 0 41 5 23 2 3832 282 1112.160382 150.3733042 1529 1341485.0876226230778 1543.417833 125.5724054036401 120.6402622 80 62472828 5 2372 0 27 4 10 1 2815.856428236541 2687 268AVoting District 94 320 12071851 0 257.98886035213667 99.362533651019591131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083003 33.5221548-90.1695004V2G5240Central Greenwood Central Greenwood Voting District 937 2 683 0 22 0 1 0 937 229 287.7354723 46.29354446 339 41 333.6897362970936 346.7961633 37.29099857329052 35.82630938 68 31 52328 2 497 0 10 0 1 0 683.2732617507813 701 191ACentral Greenwood Voting District 003 132147901 0 609.8669430949654234.885818609400621131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083017 33.4827531-90.2041976V2G5240Southwest Greenwood Southwest Greenwood Voting District 2215 5 1950 0 69 12 25 0 2215 154 376.0083015 4.516443362 443 4436.06062893186237 453.1879067 3.638146201637561 3.495249695 68 31 52328 2 1205 0 41 8 12 01615.2084042454435 1377 109ASouthwest Greenwood Voting District 017 451484451 1160963 704.857505337748 271.47074295262551131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083018 33.5188889-90.2601981V2G5240West Greenwood West Greenwood Voting District 2560 11 2231 0 27 2 7 1 2560 281 699.3924164 132.1059683 824 117 811.0924564149898 842.9499663106.41577642001744 102.2360536 68 31 52328 11 1649 0 13 2 4 1 1866.787139895411 1913 233AWest Greenwood Voting District 018 280578131 536589 1568.5832843395117 604.12844632855771131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083008 33.5291916-90.1835631V2G5240North Greenwood North Greenwood Voting District 5697 121 1082 1 96 7 25 3 5697 4362 519.4516491 2922.138855 612 2588 602.4133293430858 626.0744896 2353.880592808198 2261.426553 52 45 51328 88 731 1 63 6 19 3 4154.330599993811 4441 3530ANorth Greenwood Voting District 008 534766631 743660 765.4311972027107 294.80025992511681131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083010 33.5522852-90.1323761V2G5240Northeast Greenwood Northeast Greenwood Voting District 2780 2 1988 0 26 1 21 1 2780 741 604.3293695 274.3739342 712 243 700.8468798868262 728.3742428221.01738177940726 212.336419 52 31 51328 0 1279 0 17 1 13 0 2027.214159730173 1956 646ANortheast Greenwood Voting District 010 2438289211 7730915 78.7457994244515330.3283720642386361131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083005 33.6270839-90.2014559V2G5240Money Money Voting District 286 0 86 0 5 0 4 0 286 191 44.13641463 111.7819732 52 9951.185446278896116 53.19587166 90.04411849963736 86.50742996 52 33 52328 0 72 0 3 0 2 0208.55512578519046 237 160AMoney Voting District 005 417011811 205092 1239.5580035275552477.406751864343851131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083016 33.4783864-90.1327258V2G5240Southeast Greenwood Southeast Greenwood Voting District 4502 11 3625 0 105 3 17 0 4502 741 931.1085932 336.4750305 1097 2981079.8160498458649 1122.228293 271.0418920454182 260.3961023 68 31 51328 7 2645 0 69 3 12 03282.9201968004454 3422 686ASoutheast Greenwood Voting District 016 163267201 0 295.4344153232045113.784416870377831131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083011 33.4684122-90.1893855V2G5240Rising Sun Rising Sun Voting District 1073 0 1058 0 1 0 0 0 1073 14 417.5983846 24.84043849 492 22 484.2930686328651 503.3147857 20.00980411681321 19.22387333 68 31 52328 0 699 0 1 0 0 0 782.446328557725 713 13ARising Sun Voting District 011 53189401 399471 342.01273620482294157.411761828077542201112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049121 32.333502-90.1493241V1G524032 Voting District 32 1238 8 162 0 16 1 2 0 1238 1049 111.34747475398075153.96228172073492 131.05686789151355 153.80227471566053 131.1882450910828 136.3409632328084151.39264630195913145.44635412782154 21 65412428 7 78 0 12 0 2 0 909.7156206046028 993 894AVoting District 32 121 25401241 162445 324.8844731638706149.528458731679482201112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049101 32.3399289-90.1315155V1G524033 Voting District 33 1176 16 3 0 15 2 3 0 1176 1137 106.9245103 757.4774652 147 675 142.7782082670011 148.3861487 632.5475646156002 607.7028134 21 65412428 14 2 0 7 2 3 0 864.1563568909636 901 873AVoting District 33 101 42073941 139039 619.3800925454063 285.07041196974952231112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049102 32.3506051-90.1287489V1G524034 Voting District 34 2242 17 51 0 23 0 9 0 2242 2142 196.3919577 1199.619867 270 1069262.24568874204147 272.5459875 1001.767920920493 962.4211964 88 63412428 16 34 0 20 0 3 0 1647.481762031922 1715 1642AVoting District 34 102 47694141 0 647.282585563732 297.91256701388181101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049218 32.3466878-90.2610835V1G524086 Voting District 86 2343 2 2243 0 22 4 13 0 2343 59 666.2779008 22.44377675 916 20 889.692780937298 924.6374982 18.74215006692509 18.00600929 69 71112628 2 1537 0 9 2 6 01721.6992722751086 1607 51AVoting District 86 218 14531771 0 587.886189534623 270.57530627637241101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049211 32.3381078-90.2678436V1G524025 Voting District 25 2128 5 2058 0 3 0 27 0 2128 35 55.065201829847716231.80943844771573 64.81218274111676 231.56852791878174 64.8771533470213 67.4253518140609227.94053146423104218.98764615888328 69 71112728 5 1426 0 3 0 10 0 1563.711502945553 1478 34AVoting District 25 211 82949621 0 898.9575473428869 413.74626251095661101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049322 32.2840098-90.2739036V1G524090 Voting District 90 3254 6 2756 0 106 1 19 0 3254 366 369.5078315 148.1289265 508 132 493.4104068382133 512.7902282123.69819042713321 118.8396613117 68122728 4 1617 0 57 1 17 0 2391.126518131969 2025 329AVoting District 90 322 1015868381 5639539 213.65993130550484 82.289568957514621131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083013 33.392646-90.2218409V2G5240Sidon Sidon Voting District 776 1 622 0 5 0 1 0 776 147 179.0919901 102.7490865 211 91207.69479159725722 215.8524792 82.76782609636224 79.51693057 68 33 52328 1 388 0 4 0 0 0 565.8698517807965 525 132ASidon Voting District 013 2305604571 9694122 137.1168115852338 52.809542965002941131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083006 33.3415781-90.3769134V2G5240Morgan City/Swiftown Morgan City/Swiftown Voting District 498 0 320 0 16 2 1 1 498 158 136.6531299 110.6528624 161 98158.47801632538707 164.7026026 89.13458195313129 85.63361754 68 33 52328 0 215 0 9 1 1 0 363.1484358077792 363 137AMorgan City/Swiftown Voting District 006 1392297461 3652026 269.00225887303895103.604264009654361131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083015 33.4632673-90.3322722V2G5240South Itta Bena South Itta Bena Voting District 977 1 844 0 23 1 3 0 977 105 199.462643 64.3593179 235 57 231.3188437585455 240.4044251.843583379840766 49.80730816 68 33 52328 1 538 0 14 1 3 0 712.4418108116471 645 88ASouth Itta Bena Voting District 015 13652481 0 454.1752328923497209.034682104490682201112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049105 32.3527742-90.1631939V1G524037 Voting District 37 1644 7 877 1 12 0 13 3 1644 731 279.3130065 253.6146772 384 226372.97164611468264 387.6209599 211.7862956761055 203.4679049 8 64412628 7 621 1 6 0 9 21208.0553152455307 1253 607AVoting District 37 105 34147351 176427 592.3063864484171 272.60970707544282231112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049103 32.3598801-90.1301415V1G524035 Voting District 35 2144 19 118 0 33 1 3 0 2144 1970 189.1181815 1198.497678 260 1068 252.532885391152 262.45169161000.8308133801954 961.5208959 30 63412428 17 84 0 20 1 2 01575.4687322910083 1617 1493AVoting District 35 103 16483351 0 787.0713129624722 362.25049228448541131111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049110 32.3627181-90.1592208V1G524042 Voting District 42 2849 14 2594 1 43 3 20 4 2849 170 712.1026909 87.53072931 979 78 950.8834415956641 988.2315619 73.09438524955813 70.22343622 30 65412528 11 1856 1 27 3 9 3 2093.521650325132 2065 155AVoting District 42 110 23318181 0 1060.2947346963736488.001891677028771131111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049111 32.3732788-90.1564774V1G524043 Voting District 43 3838 18 3448 0 116 0 36 8 3838 212 791.3868516 113.3410726 1088 101 1056.752996956088 1098.259386 94.64785782287889 90.9303469 30 65412528 17 2239 0 75 0 18 32820.2653892410867 2551 199AVoting District 43 111 10456111 0 297.5345047597692136.940603787430941101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049305 32.329104-90.2606991V1G524026 Voting District 26 1077 1 982 0 42 3 8 0 1077 41 50.32434155382867 184.7229113481227 59.232152300370174 184.5309360126917 59.29152922856569 61.62033954304601181.63988001062435 174.5055586059757 69 66112728 1 690 0 34 3 6 0 791.408500315959 774 40AVoting District 26 305 103938801 112375 660.5431763051145304.015769411093231101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049319 32.3224662-90.2787936V1G524087 Voting District 87 2391 8 2026 0 140 2 15 0 2391 200 446.6098593 81.91978512 614 73 596.3661217418285 619.7897641 68.40884773542906 65.7219339117 66122728 6 1232 0 101 1 7 01756.9709603114743 1525 178AVoting District 87 319 429809231 202670 964.4317141284628443.880824347187971101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049221 32.3820741-90.3288495V2G5240Pinehaven Pinehaven Voting District 3491 155 1400 4 60 9 20 1 3491 1842 603.7234254 1151.365747 830 1026 806.162672639241 837.826554 961.4722982490207 923.7082764 72 55122628 111 990 2 33 7 8 12565.2804778115255 2573 1421APinehaven Voting District 221 73841391 22648 890.1171535152986 409.67746091281571101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049217 32.365904-90.2623793V1G524085 Voting District 85 3222 2 3164 0 13 9 13 5 3222 16 1457.664752 17.9550214 2004 16 1946.445778663152 2022.89688514.993720051458304 14.40480743 69 71112528 2 2347 0 9 5 8 3 2367.612059441058 2390 16AVoting District 85 217 1672310771 1708056 455.83280673502253209.797582404142131101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049219 32.4217025-90.5067497V2G5240Bolton Bolton Voting District 1650 0 1151 0 2 6 12 0 1650 479 653.1851036 272.6918875 898 243 872.209735021162 906.4677657 227.7171232366349 218.7730128 14 62122528 0 853 0 1 3 4 01212.4642762500764 1272 411ABolton Voting District 219 1102028531 1101723 216.3133864688016 99.558489104511081131111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049223 32.4529019-90.4461556V2G5240Brownsville Brownsville Voting District 783 1 405 1 9 0 2 0 783 365 154.2040556 261.4699991 212 233205.91142961478909 213.9990716 218.3460482500121 209.7700082 14 55122528 1 313 1 3 0 2 0 575.3694110932181 597 277ABrownsville Voting District 223 49904561 0 773.5344599139776356.020139837332071101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049415 32.2463687-90.2476208V1G524093 Voting District 93 2800 0 2347 2 26 1 48 4 2800 372 517.8928661 193.01648 712 172 691.5515938877556 718.7138632161.18249058180103 154.8516799 82 68192828 0 1494 2 20 1 16 1 2057.515135454675 1875 341AVoting District 93 415 401549961 61723 1275.2268096296145 586.92463053183031101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049409 32.2585809-90.3195305V2G5240Spring Ridge Spring Ridge Voting District 4616 23 2655 2 19 2 36 5 4616 1874 1000.144229 1385.903214 1375 12351335.5104518468788 1387.9656771157.3277659482435 1111.871073 80 72122828 17 1829 2 17 0 25 23391.9606661638504 3442 1550ASpring Ridge Voting District 409 15487311 353 398.0939845485863183.223221966284111101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049405 32.3390632-90.3106178V2G5240Clinton 5 Clinton 5 Voting District 1441 23 272 0 24 3 11 0 1441 1108 187.6634262 723.8118001 258 645 250.5903247979507 260.4328325 604.4343395516435 580.6937995 72 71122528 14 189 0 14 0 6 01058.8854679250667 1089 866AClinton 5 Voting District 405 840506191 563340 1496.5129176264345 688.77182053529571101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049408 32.2431855-90.4034432V2G5240Raymond 2 Raymond 2 Voting District 5417 13 2649 2 59 7 30 2 5417 2655 480.7966075 1293.883729 661 1153 642.0162971734804 667.23295451080.4849507664892 1038.046435 14 72123528 13 2326 2 45 7 20 13980.5569602707055 4619 2205ARaymond 2 Voting District 408 474965801 163908 862.7671851111971 397.08960596856721101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049419 32.1990519 -90.366721V2G5240Byram 2 Byram 2 Voting District 3123 15 1063 0 15 5 9 5 3123 2011 401.5124468 1248.996176 552 1113 536.1467413319529 557.20512991043.0006512363511 1002.034417 80 72472828 11 712 0 9 4 6 3 2294.864202866054 2359 1614AByram 2 Voting District 419 955338971 579048 827.6568988458087 318.76603645140331131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083009 33.4987809 -90.396573V2G5240North Itta Bena North Itta Bena Voting District 3006 1 2569 0 179 2 10 0 3006 245 819.9187794 168.2375152 966 149 950.8680982409846 988.2156159135.52094607475325 130.1980512 68 33 52328 1 1759 0 157 2 5 02192.0164619240645 2132 208ANorth Itta Bena Voting District 009 23271711 0 705.2976700572804 324.61407750168172231112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049113 32.3736367-90.1402937V1G524045 Voting District 45 2553 38 254 0 41 3 16 0 2553 2201 229.8513282 1361.21506 316 1213 306.9245838289823 318.97974831136.7114011025792 1092.064463 30 63412428 25 194 0 31 2 12 01876.0129074342092 2060 1796AVoting District 45 113 22757601 50292 461.6343151843774212.467733452922122231112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049104 32.3661592-90.1225009V1G524036 Voting District 36 1671 6 1012 0 43 6 15 3 1671 586 304.0438456 375.9332605 418 335 405.9951773537535 421.9415658313.93101361318855 301.6006556 30 63412428 5 709 0 26 2 12 11227.8956397659865 1269 514AVoting District 36 104 59341231 321668 1102.8391299916423 507.5829993680822231112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049112 32.3780536-90.1139495V1G524044 Voting District 44 3992 42 2468 0 107 6 37 3 3992 1329 554.2617472 630.6701266 762 562 740.1156103535407 769.1853424 526.6544168295917 505.968861 88 63412428 33 1642 0 76 5 20 1 2933.428721691094 2907 1130AVoting District 44 112 15817791 0 449.75503597855555207.000281305420231131111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049208 32.3618642-90.1759688V1G524039 Voting District 39 1628 0 1596 0 2 0 11 1 1628 18 540.4415724 17.9550214 743 16 721.6612840926936 750.006180314.993720051458304 14.40480743 8 64412528 0 1137 0 2 0 6 01196.2980859000754 1163 18AVoting District 39 208 154590991 0 127.35692357869418 58.616173023217891101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049227 32.3318808-90.4010816V2G5240St. Thomas St. Thomas Voting District 461 0 435 0 0 0 1 1 461 24 248.7631464 11.22188837 342 10332.17787231036505 345.2249174 9.371075032421661 9.003004644 14 62122528 0 326 0 0 0 1 1338.75517051593044 347 19ASt. Thomas Voting District 227 1757433551 534424 913.0469250056058420.230915057993741101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049407 32.2786856-90.4814751V2G5240Raymond 1 Raymond 1 Voting District 3305 1 1549 0 30 3 15 0 3305 1707 486.6156284 1071.69034 669 955 649.7865397387271 675.3083911 894.9376655941868 859.7869435 14 62122528 1 1050 0 21 3 9 02428.6026866706075 2448 1364ARaymond 1 Voting District 407 2845634611 3638149 940.9494180239313 433.07307010212611101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049220 32.3204467-90.6205495V2G5240Edwards Edwards Voting District 3406 10 2542 0 66 9 12 0 3406 767 944.8635297 399.4992261 1299 3561261.6931471883734 1311.249029 333.6102711267318 320.5069653 14 62122528 6 1817 0 49 3 8 0 2502.820196913794 2522 639AEdwards Voting District 220 817710281 563922 275.98604480502274127.022899891962411101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049420 32.1987372-90.5512543V2G5240Learned Learned Voting District 999 2 423 0 17 3 4 0 999 550 112.0161536 310.8463079 154 277149.57717058375746 155.4521558259.57877835769375 249.3832286 14 62123528 2 304 0 9 3 0 0 734.0920072568645 750 432ALearned Voting District 420 764711531 126054 136.47357971339463 62.812124671300731101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049224 32.1698509-90.6908162V2G5240Cayuga Cayuga Voting District 494 0 312 0 5 0 1 0 494 176 143.2933913 88.65291815 197 79191.34222473278604 198.8576279 74.0314927482204 71.12373668 86 62303528 0 232 0 2 0 1 0 363.004456040932 375 140ACayuga Voting District 224 687817461 386093 337.3162769839167155.250210979065171131111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049228 32.4213575-90.3677065V2G5240Tinnin Tinnin Voting District 1221 14 261 0 27 0 1 3 1221 915 138.201748 562.2166075 190 501184.54326241602965 191.7916208 469.4908590572923 451.0505326 14 55122528 9 186 0 15 0 1 1 897.2235644250566 897 685ATinnin Voting District 228 24698451 0 800.3319037038547 368.35369468169681101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049514 32.2475968-90.2209261V1G524077 Voting District 77 2897 8 2174 0 95 10 18 0 2897 592 326.5925518 193.01648 449 172 436.1048674624707 453.2338828161.18249058180103 154.8516799 82 70192728 6 1305 0 62 10 7 02128.7933383614977 1891 501AVoting District 77 514 13739841 0 405.553066840614186.656273314715551101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049413 32.2544302-90.2363169V1G524076 Voting District 76 1468 5 1176 0 12 2 13 1 1468 259 261.8559436 127.9295275 360 114349.66091822650117 363.3946499 106.8302553263062 102.6342529 82 70192728 5 687 0 9 2 3 11078.7257924455225 933 226AVoting District 76 413 264103851 379537 362.34081133768603139.552928799084071131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083007 33.5317561-90.3514861V2G5240MVSU MVSU Voting District 1316 18 1107 0 95 1 19 5 1316 71 432.8763742 14.67844093 510 13 502.0111077538313 521.7287413 11.82397515662318 11.35956151 52 31 52328 17 1035 0 53 1 16 5 959.6452641024848 1192 65AMVSU Voting District 007 2002482361 1045963 159.6942785530835 61.505090200204231131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083012 33.6126716-90.3765806V2G5240Schlater Schlater Voting District 580 0 329 0 39 0 3 0 580 209 124.770249 132.1059683 147 117144.69731929544938 150.3806372106.41577642001744 102.2360536 52 33 52328 0 230 0 19 0 3 0422.94396138255405 414 162ASchlater Voting District 012 2969871021 2352856 154.18757929263236 59.384225020886841131111441 83Leflore County 28083N28083004 33.7501817 -90.327729V2G5240Minter City Minter City Voting District 560 0 314 0 9 0 2 0 560 235 110.3410366 163.7210719 130 145127.96361574535065 132.9896792131.88279986791127 126.7028015 52 29 52328 0 232 0 8 0 1 0 408.3596868521212 439 198AMinter City Voting District 004 787081091 40029 0 500.54557916381082201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005302 31.1873421-91.0004307V2G5240Gloster Gloster Voting District 1323 0 1000 0 16 1 5 0 1323 301 695.4229391 177.798351 773 182 720.2373176298353 748.5262843196.98264433773406 189.2457008100 95503728 0 743 0 11 1 4 0 1025.272104180946 1005 246AGloster Voting District 302 231436951 58639 0239.490061686086362201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005101 31.2124957 -90.95829V2G5240East Gloster East Gloster Voting District 633 0 201 1 11 0 3 0 633 417 67.47311828 205.1519435 75 210 69.88072293240673 72.62544803227.28766654353927 218.360424100 96503628 0 132 1 10 0 3 0 490.5496915695682 493 347AEast Gloster Voting District 101 927906231 46378 0118.799177518848522201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005304 31.3073125-90.9233602V2G5240Oneil Oneil Voting District 314 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 314 306 8.096774194 200.2673734 9 205 8.385686751311482 8.715053763221.87605545022953 213.1613663 16 96503628 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 243.3374457390907 264 257AOneil Voting District 304 1158629481 52202 0312.509938313913662201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005102 31.2201654-90.8287582V2G5240Liberty Liberty Voting District 826 0 257 0 18 1 4 0 826 546 10.174296321166718 57.32362528570998 13.44709074464878 59.0177871570696412.954335824274619 13.463146969430207 56.81212247891809 54.58069653093157 16 95 03628 0 182 0 9 1 4 0 640.1169750970985 650 454ALiberty Voting District 102 620755711 282517 0 198.62919808087732201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005202 31.1579853-90.9194135V2G5240Berwick Berwick Voting District 525 0 398 0 1 0 8 0 525 118 238.4050179 45.91495878 265 47246.91188772080406 256.6099164 50.86914442283527 48.87114252 16 95503728 0 293 0 1 0 6 0406.85400959561343 380 80ABerwick Voting District 202 490493861 27608 0152.849897189856082201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005201 31.1414626-90.9762075V2G5240Ariel Ariel Voting District 404 0 265 0 0 0 2 2 404 135 124.1505376 50.79952886 138 52 128.5805302194911 133.6308244 56.28075553696267 54.07020024 16 95503728 0 199 0 0 0 1 0 313.083847384053 297 97AAriel Voting District 201 874232011 292147 0 365.85606579849212201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005502 31.1359426-90.7939904V2G5240South Liberty South Liberty Voting District 967 1 293 0 7 0 6 0 967 660 126.8494624 285.2588928 141 292 131.3757591163886 136.5358423 316.0380888069017 303.6249706 16 95 03628 1 215 0 3 0 5 0 749.3863376742061 739 515ASouth Liberty Voting District 502 898225781 0 0195.602467443454432201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005104 31.2949237-90.8454643V2G5240Zion Hill Zion Hill Voting District 517 0 39 0 4 7 0 0 517 467 26.08960573 264.7436985 29 271 27.02054619578371 28.0818399 293.3093221525478 281.7889282 16 96 03628 0 32 0 2 5 0 0400.65432944939454 418 379AZion Hill Voting District 104 1160600751 111077 0240.625085675119952201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005103 31.2843129-90.7384183V2G5240New Zion New Zion Voting District 636 0 114 0 0 3 10 0 636 509 107.9569892 260.8360424 120 267111.80915664566481 116.2007168 288.9800332362647 277.629682 16 96 03628 0 88 0 0 1 7 0 492.8745716244003 487 391ANew Zion Voting District 103 1476765311 275723 0 333.69705277587392201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005401 31.2081009-90.6469974V2G5240East Fork East Fork Voting District 882 3 327 0 5 2 5 0 882 540 131.3476703 339.9660777 146 348136.03447394455105 141.3775388 376.6481332185122 361.854417 16 96 03628 1 259 0 2 2 2 0 683.5147361206306 704 438AEast Fork Voting District 401 257418821 14604 0149.823166552433182201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005402 31.1844357-90.7484909V2G5240East Liberty East Liberty Voting District 396 0 141 0 0 0 1 0 396 254 90.86379928 175.844523 101 180 94.10604021204881 97.80227001194.81799987959246 187.1660777 16 95 03628 0 116 0 0 0 0 0 306.8841672378341 332 216AEast Liberty Voting District 402 848306961 125311 0 303.05140507196712201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005403 31.3073814-90.6662229V2G5240Smithdale Smithdale Voting District 801 2 243 0 3 1 2 0 801 550 158.3369176 265.7206125 176 272163.98676310596724 170.427718 294.3916443295745 282.8287397 16 52 03628 0 173 0 1 1 2 0 620.7429746401644 621 444ASmithdale Voting District 403 1316130331 120088 0273.919122686771742201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005203 31.0606477 -91.009783V2G5240East Centreville East Centreville Voting District 724 0 295 0 11 0 0 0 724 418 138.5448029 199.2904594 154 204143.48841776583168 149.1242533220.79373327320292 212.1215548100 95503728 0 210 0 6 0 0 0 561.0710532328079 533 317AEast Centreville Voting District 203 1116485071 320383 0203.925976696367372201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005204 31.0496379 -90.908625V2G5240Street Street Voting District 539 0 116 0 5 3 9 0 539 406 62.07526882 182.6829211 69 187 64.29026510012348 66.81541219 202.3942554310438 194.4447585 16 95503728 0 87 0 4 3 5 0 417.7034498514965 413 314AStreet Voting District 204 1559115221 950961 0236.841672378341342201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005205 31.0839219-90.7884954V2G5240Amite River Amite River Voting District 626 0 477 0 10 0 2 0 626 137 258.1971326 57.63792697 287 59 267.4102330609396 277.9133811 63.85701108841399 61.34888104 16 95 03728 0 374 0 8 0 2 0 485.1249714416267 495 111AAmite River Voting District 205 1835593271 151789 0 340.50719671007542201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005504 31.0483427-90.6579933V2G5240Walls Walls Voting District 900 2 364 0 7 0 8 0 900 519 69.6537511050618122.09810358151854 100.64743967039435 148.7198351971748106.45551813019416 110.63680189670394152.47911307949153 146.4901474396704 16 95 03728 2 289 0 7 0 5 0 697.464016449623 735 432AWalls Voting District 504 692201901 376401 0 65.831391363947922201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005303 31.3108276-90.9950408V2G5240Homochitto Homochitto Voting District 174 2 29 0 0 0 3 0 174 140 8.096774194 77.1762073 9 79 8.385686751311482 8.715053763 85.50345552410597 82.1451119100 96503628 2 26 0 0 0 1 0134.84304318026045 145 116AHomochitto Voting District 303 465823081 428647 0126.366004112405762201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005301 31.293448-91.0492942V2G5240Crosby Crosby Voting District 334 0 198 0 0 1 0 0 334 135 102.5591398 91.82991755 114 94106.21869885186986 110.390681101.73828884567054 97.74228504100 95503628 0 140 0 0 1 0 0 258.8366461046379 251 110ACrosby Voting District 301 853013481 89912 0232.301576422206982201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005404 31.2950384-90.5829029V2G5240Tangipahoa Tangipahoa Voting District 614 2 119 0 6 2 1 0 614 484 71.07168459 346.8044759 79 355 73.6076948238029 76.49880526 384.2243887699635 369.1330978 16 96 03628 2 87 0 3 2 1 0 475.8254512222984 482 387ATangipahoa Voting District 404 720423061 69173 0 289.43111720356412201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005501 31.0872641-90.5789617V2G5240Riceville Riceville Voting District 765 0 388 0 1 0 1 2 765 373 144.8422939 171.9368669 161 176150.01061852525913 155.9026284190.48871106739767 183.0068316 16 95 03728 0 277 0 1 0 1 0 592.8444139821796 542 263ARiceville Voting District 501 618871161 44281 0 87.396847155586022201112111 5Amite County 28005N28005503 31.1419421-90.6521775V2G5240Tickfaw Tickfaw Voting District 231 0 125 0 5 0 0 0 231 101 109.7562724 58.61484099 122 60 113.6726426731505 118.1373955 64.93933330707593 62.38869258 16 95 03728 0 98 0 2 0 0 0179.01576422206992 190 90ATickfaw Voting District 503 8782341 0 407.7631652975111187.673473714250781131111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049106 32.358679-90.1667929V1G524038 Voting District 38 1476 4 1231 0 35 1 6 0 1476 199 352.0507686 92.01948466 484 82470.09967904625256 488.5639183 76.84281526502491 73.82463808 8 65412528 2 804 0 22 1 4 01084.6044071182503 1013 180AVoting District 38 106 10219541 0 359.96978616711175165.676515074301342201112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049108 32.3186925-90.1743274V1G52408 Voting District 8 1303 25 137 1 18 2 25 2 1303 1093 110.21655067614182 29.0030985244391 129.72576121794873 28.97295673076923129.85580407299938 134.95618754859777 28.5190358759145127.398885564883813 21 65192828 25 126 1 17 2 22 1 957.4793648205149 1181 987AVoting District 8 108 10634671 0 532.0812034979717244.890996188107721201111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049107 32.3088451-90.1770648V1G52405 Voting District 5 1926 13 1004 1 53 6 23 5 1926 821 73.5993856949645815.927646609567269 86.62706530291109 15.911093627065302 86.71390412993622 90.1197908893784415.66181367510337815.046660149724627 21 65192828 13 878 1 39 4 17 41415.2764824591802 1742 786AVoting District 5 107 46327261 19073 1081.566932344008 497.79244552255541101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049403 32.3523952-90.2936466V2G5240Clinton 3 Clinton 3 Voting District 3915 33 1373 0 43 14 23 1 3915 2428 552.8069919 1513.832742 760 1349 738.1730496641186 767.1664832 1264.158021378638 1214.505326 72 71122628 24 1019 0 29 8 9 12876.8470554660903 3128 2038AClinton 3 Voting District 403 104275321 5089 793.7016083331634 365.30209348309111101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049401 32.3469782-90.3444686V2G5240Clinton 1 Clinton 1 Voting District 2873 86 887 0 42 2 20 1 2873 1835 290.9510484 962.8380224 400 858 388.5121314376174 403.7718333 804.0382377243218 772.4577984 72 55122528 77 589 0 30 1 12 12111.1574943433147 2208 1498AClinton 1 Voting District 401 1181877551 575313 357.4834254031025 164.53216462482421101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049229 32.1163832-90.6544528V2G5240Utica 1 Utica 1 Voting District 1294 0 613 0 35 0 5 0 1294 641 212.3942653 387.1551489 292 345 283.6138559408009 294.7534383 323.3020885998114 310.6036602 33 62303528 0 446 0 22 0 2 0 950.8659233136963 1003 533AUtica 1 Voting District 229 517567161 133798 179.0179750086634 82.3932323623541131111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049226 32.4499794-90.3186809V2G5240Pocahontas Pocahontas Voting District 648 1 409 0 10 0 4 0 648 224 215.3037758 222.1933898 296 198 287.4989772234242 298.7911566185.54728558865568 178.2594919 48 71122528 1 334 0 6 0 1 0476.16778849093913 534 192APocahontas Voting District 226 227797741 336935 1835.7630307601362 844.91208186395421101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049402 32.3164982-90.3414269V2G5240Clinton 2 Clinton 2 Voting District 6645 335 1767 1 71 7 60 8 6645 4396 648.0934603 2564.201493 891 2285 865.4107727044056 899.40175862141.2906447480536 2057.186561 72 67122828 233 1171 1 39 4 31 2 4882.924312534399 4888 3407AClinton 2 Voting District 402 734683691 345892 361.6273600097845166.439415373952761101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049527 32.096014-90.5926066V2G5240Utica 2 Utica 2 Voting District 1309 0 1034 1 52 1 7 2 1309 212 410.2409782 129.0517163 564 115 547.8021052760436 569.3182849107.76736286660379 103.5345534 33 62303528 0 747 1 41 1 3 0 961.8883258250606 970 177AUtica 2 Voting District 527 76462961 391039 721.8734084840085 332.2430804981961101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049417 32.2281525-90.2510835V1G524096 Voting District 96 2613 3 1985 0 20 3 12 0 2613 590 665.5505232 414.087681 915 369 888.7215005925871 923.6280686345.79266863015914 332.2108713 82 72472828 3 1327 0 12 2 9 01920.1025174796664 1892 539AVoting District 96 417 43273551 0 242.2820433373423111.510593799050081101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049416 32.2394206-90.2811193V1G524095 Voting District 95 877 1 556 0 9 1 3 0 877 307 189.8455591 185.1611582 261 165 253.504165735863 263.4611212154.62273800789444 148.5495766 80 70472828 1 364 0 6 1 1 0 644.4431334977679 646 273AVoting District 95 416 150276901 283591 2325.57610126995131070.34912041095051101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049418 32.2006595-90.2683829V2G5240Byram 1 Byram 1 Voting District 8418 92 5197 1 91 10 71 6 8418 2950 1379.107969 1587.897205 1896 14151841.5475031663354 1913.878491326.0071169565135 1273.925157 80 72472828 75 3427 1 59 6 30 1 6185.772289377663 5886 2287AByram 1 Voting District 418 193053571 519245 334.2773916056832153.851560429704221101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049522 32.241798 -90.207681V1G524097 Voting District 97 1210 0 869 0 37 2 9 2 1210 291 160.7504542 115.5854502 221 103214.65295262096748 223.0839379 96.52207283061229 92.73094783 82 70192828 0 531 0 33 1 2 2 889.1404692500561 825 256AVoting District 97 522 429438871 837334 1093.7224738569419 503.38704771999921101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049503 32.1757218-90.2663069V2G5240Old Byram Old Byram Voting District 3959 10 1496 1 43 14 31 0 3959 2364 408.0588454 1103.111627 561 983 544.8882643381313 566.2899962 921.1766756816367 884.9953565 80 72472828 10 987 1 27 11 17 02909.1794361660927 2936 1883AOld Byram Voting District 503 1401015461 535935 382.34703304319464175.975669119595581101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049523 32.1240074-90.5025112V2G5240Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Voting District 1384 5 618 0 18 0 4 4 1384 735 16.319756294322396186.24171187066096 23.033761293390395 198.74845458868285 22.85886375065836 23.756697865791725201.05665223991878193.15969273114598 33 62472828 5 452 0 15 0 2 21017.0003383818823 1068 592AChapel Hill Voting District 523 70379301 218186 492.0231689667122226.454238946531581201111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049515 32.2868501-90.1903277V1G524047 Voting District 47 1781 3 1434 0 97 3 20 0 1781 224 304.7712232 29.17690977 419 26 406.9664576022438 422.9509953 24.36479507971643 23.40781207 92 69192828 2 1099 0 71 3 14 01308.7265915159917 1401 212AVoting District 47 515 24277801 185147 541.7503842468965249.341247936074352201112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049109 32.3167751-90.1618884V1G52409 Voting District 9 1961 23 84 0 33 3 28 4 1961 1786 91.2452497719952658.984183334739484 107.3963883955003 58.92288336293665107.50404729249107 111.72651443814388 57.99973541188867 55.72166325180581 21 65192828 22 78 0 30 3 19 41440.9954216523636 1696 1540AVoting District 9 109 36568511 704755 95.31049595368653 43.866767229956991201111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049501 32.3005691-90.1691108V1G52401 Voting District 1 345 4 172 0 3 2 6 0 345 158 23.92252715158250421.615636404338552 28.157005689900426 21.5931721194879128.185231521745113 29.2922709038940321.25487074324531320.420037119221195 21 69192828 4 159 0 3 2 3 0253.51525776137962 328 157AVoting District 1 501 7613541 0 127.35692357869418 58.616173023217891101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049502 32.3085398-90.1892156V1G52402 Voting District 2 461 0 437 0 3 1 7 0 461 13 75.0164637592953529.058685317653673 88.29497751124438 29.02848575712144 88.38348832127834 91.8549518154797728.57369492945858327.451397759182907 92 69192728 0 370 0 2 1 7 0338.75517051593044 389 9AVoting District 2 502 11156281 0 451.4126098212284207.763181605071651101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049316 32.3221419-90.2329288V1G524061 Voting District 61 1634 0 1569 0 11 1 23 0 1634 30 427.6980411 4.488755349 588 4 571.1128331642251 593.54459493.7484300123441345 3.601201857 69 67112628 0 1093 0 8 0 10 01200.7070469046212 1137 26AVoting District 61 316 10093281 0 224.04873106794136 103.11869050288441101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049301 32.3344484-90.2353955V1G524021 Voting District 21 811 3 777 0 5 0 2 0 811 24 26.885124483934028211.94150148153662 31.644006436041835 211.721238938053131.675727793453866 32.91986439380531 208.4041910049594200.21864011922767 69 66112628 3 557 0 5 0 1 0 595.9445624477648 587 21AVoting District 21 301 6355111 0 225.43004260350205103.754440752593921101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049315 32.3246559-90.2392571V1G524060 Voting District 60 816 5 683 0 2 2 0 0 816 124 52.37118871 1.122188837 72 1 69.93218365492231 72.678929990.9371075028258128 0.900300464 69 67112628 3 472 0 2 1 0 0 599.6186966182196 599 121AVoting District 60 315 9617621 0 207.74925494832542 95.616837556312051101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049516 32.3027055-90.1974359V1G524050 Voting District 50 752 0 674 0 2 4 5 0 752 67 197.8467129 6.733133024 272 6264.18824933524274 274.5648466 5.622645019036644 5.401802786 92 68192728 0 498 0 2 4 5 0 552.5897792363985 571 62AVoting District 50 516 5329741 0 282.61634017571396 130.07450109056811101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049512 32.3155642-90.1972281V1G524019 Voting District 19 1023 0 1000 0 5 0 6 0 1023 12 136.1857528276433157.84939703464968 160.29171974522293 157.68535031847134 160.452403266669 166.75453810063695155.21488553425894 149.1184661789809 92 69112728 0 710 0 4 0 4 0 751.7278512750474 730 12AVoting District 19 512 5697141 0 237.86184642354812109.476192999979621101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049504 32.3154003-90.1883416V1G52404 Voting District 4 861 0 854 0 2 3 1 0 861 1 35.006886193726295 69.41442156941932 41.20338488473884 69.3422818791946341.244688985910464 42.864668405865196 68.25589265409708 65.57498647904873 92 69112628 0 639 0 0 3 1 0 632.6859041523126 643 0AVoting District 4 504 12734731 0 529.3185804268504243.619495688688661101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049506 32.3205286-90.1819978V1G52406 Voting District 6 1916 22 1103 0 25 1 22 1 1916 742 55.07941098983657 25.71364861905005 64.82890704800818 25.686925434116446 64.89389441897696 67.4427504298774225.284487005002514 24.29138099306946 8 65112628 21 842 0 24 1 15 11407.9282141182705 1594 690AVoting District 6 506 25805391 0 372.4015899871578171.398267321687032201112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049204 32.3367817 -90.16578V1G524014 Voting District 14 1348 50 100 0 20 0 5 2 1348 1171 53.637635821196135 159.3291729700088 63.13192612137203 159.1635883905013363.195212379665634 65.67734877132806 156.6699639731903 150.5163930868074 8 64412628 48 79 0 16 0 4 2 990.5465723546079 1136 987AVoting District 14 204 23644941 0 341.4602115905987157.157461728193741101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049303 32.3338513-90.2490646V1G524024 Voting District 24 1236 9 1159 0 18 4 10 3 1236 33 209.953607863938262.0752865866474335 247.11707480711172 2.073129822207313247.36479592048545 257.0806136042939 2.0406499867037011.9604987948030863 69 66112628 6 772 0 10 3 5 1 908.2459669364209 829 32AVoting District 24 303 14070801 0 289.24663554640523133.126102289173821101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049513 32.3197191-90.2062604V1G524020 Voting District 20 1047 1 1022 0 12 1 2 3 1047 6 60.14285040665419 133.3218806617584 70.78861571352218 133.18332442544093 70.8595773704665 73.64274921317477131.09673417614442125.94761033474079 92 66112728 1 779 0 7 1 2 2 769.3636952932303 798 6AVoting District 20 513 1636261861 1016677 1823.054964632978 839.06317956662661101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049507 32.1001803-90.3097186V2G5240Terry Terry Voting District 6599 8 2653 0 37 7 41 5 6599 3848 1093.248564 2262.332696 1503 20161459.8343332757086 1517.1726631889.2087262963873 1815.005736 33 72472828 3 1946 0 27 6 21 24849.1222781662145 5045 3040ATerry Voting District 507 6395771 0 610.539698717818281.001610371608541101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049526 32.2983833-90.2111441V2G5240Jackson State Jackson State Voting District 2210 9 2117 0 36 1 31 1 2210 15 838.666397 4.488755349 1153 41119.8862184000968 1163.8723093.7484300123441345 3.601201857 92 68112728 9 2088 0 36 1 31 11623.9673033410115 2181 15AJackson State Voting District 526 6505601 0 328.47588315632834151.181409380924241101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049520 32.2932917-90.2079769V1G524063 Voting District 63 1189 19 1111 0 28 1 14 0 1189 16 440.7908383 4.488755349 606 4 588.5958790803611 611.71432743.7484300123441345 3.601201857 92 66192728 19 940 0 20 1 12 0 873.709105734146 1006 14AVoting District 63 520 986907121 357602 351.1293923395234 161.60771347616041101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049524 32.1053376-90.4043421V2G5240Dry Grove Dry Grove Voting District 1271 1 407 0 13 1 14 0 1271 835 193.4824472 621.6926159 266 554 258.3605673631974 268.5082691 519.1575568194758 498.7664573 33 72472828 1 318 0 4 1 5 0 933.9649061296043 1011 682ADry Grove Voting District 524 4502661 0 85.3650528976496839.2893654320484341101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049519 32.2996575 -90.203256V1G524053 Voting District 53 309 0 303 0 2 0 1 1 309 2 106.9245103 4.488755349 147 4 142.7782082670011 148.38614873.7484300123441345 3.601201857 92 68192728 0 229 0 2 0 1 1227.06149173410523 235 2AVoting District 53 519 46246331 0 508.046382779216233.828941843162031131111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049119 32.378335-90.1770667V1G524082 Voting District 82 1839 0 1777 0 9 3 10 0 1839 40 725.9228657 20.19939907 998 18 969.3377678565112 1007.41072416.867935059191694 16.20540836 30 64412528 0 1344 0 5 2 8 0 1351.346547893267 1398 39AVoting District 82 119 46553031 0 1140.963328373117 525.12970626006481131111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049117 32.391372-90.1579521V1G524080 Voting District 80 4130 1 3946 0 44 9 22 6 4130 102 1090.339054 34.78785396 1499 311455.9492122817474 1513.13494529.050332593845496 27.90931439 30 65412528 0 2657 0 31 6 11 5 3034.834824795646 2796 86AVoting District 80 117 8246041 0 162.71849888904742 74.891379415781641101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049313 32.3170854-90.2151794V1G524056 Voting District 56 589 0 550 1 11 0 10 2 589 15 205.1204891 6.733133024 282 6 273.9010526861321 284.6591425 5.622645019036644 5.401802786 92 67112628 0 415 1 8 0 4 1432.81300527957274 444 15AVoting District 56 313 15095261 22374 383.4520822716432 176.48426931936321101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049312 32.3174188-90.2258348V1G524055 Voting District 55 1388 0 1337 0 12 0 15 0 1388 24 396.4208034 5.610944186 545 5 529.3477790151965 550.1391228 4.685537516210831 4.501502322 92 67112628 0 940 0 6 0 10 01019.9396457182461 979 23AVoting District 55 312 12458771 0 461.6343151843774212.467733452922121101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049525 32.3004657-90.2216002V1G524058 Voting District 58 1671 0 1634 0 6 4 6 1 1671 20 701.9194043 6.733133024 965 6 937.285517058372 974.0995478 5.622645019036644 5.401802786 92 68112728 0 1286 0 6 3 6 11227.8956397659865 1322 20AVoting District 58 525 5266381 0 169.62505656685082 78.070130664329261101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049517 32.3039317-90.2082239V1G524051 Voting District 51 614 0 599 0 2 0 1 0 614 12 211.6668877 8.977510698 291 8282.64257559608984 293.7440087 7.496860025729152 7.202403715 92 68112728 0 451 0 1 0 1 0451.18367613184665 465 12AVoting District 51 517 1596796831 119975 0 156.49857080987442221112441103Noxubee County 28103N28103103 33.1480993-88.3829923V2G5240Prairie Point Prairie Point Voting District 898 1 679 0 3 1 1 0 898 213 381.0310139 45.19344262 441 40415.05368284827495 431.3558648 36.17495228471 34.75409836 85 41441528 1 486 0 3 1 1 0 654.618276310091 633 141APrairie Point Voting District 103 1239918311 2227530 0 113.27847553053272221112441103Noxubee County 28103N28103101 33.2450932-88.3961635V2G5240Cliftonville Cliftonville Voting District 650 0 566 0 2 0 0 0 650 82 349.9264414 45.19344262 405 40381.17174960952144 396.1431412 36.17495228471 34.75409836 85 41441528 0 407 0 2 0 0 0 473.832828064097 475 66ACliftonville Voting District 101 3445532281 7166699 0 400.48297964486792221112441103Noxubee County 28103N28103501 33.2498348-88.6521768V2G5240Brooksville Brooksville Voting District 2298 7 1580 0 23 2 23 0 2298 663 864.0159046 395.442623 1000 350 941.1648137164365 978.1312127 316.5308325432567 304.0983607 85 41441528 4 1113 0 15 2 12 01675.1812906019923 1687 541ABrooksville Voting District 501 2248025321 499436 052.6309224772628852221112441103Noxubee County 28103N28103203 33.0198349-88.4054271V2G5240Savannah Savannah Voting District 302 0 141 0 3 0 1 0 302 157 10.298804294040997 82.69522726866765 9.948755490483162 99.26647144948755 9.674695535983389 10.054691313572473101.40633724346395 97.42337159560762 85 41441528 0 114 0 3 0 1 0220.15002165439583 230 112ASavannah Voting District 203 1087803071 165473 0 140.1167605023822221112441103Noxubee County 28103N28103104 33.1722577-88.5074029V2G5240Noxubee Cnty Vo-Tech Cen. Noxubee Cnty Vo-Tech Cen. Voting District 804 0 461 0 25 0 2 0 804 316 145.154672 49.71278689 168 44158.11568867203118 164.326043739.792447517344534 38.2295082 85 41441528 0 337 0 15 0 0 0 586.0947596362062 562 210ANoxubee Cnty Vo-Tech Cen. Voting District 104 645730581 489280 0 345.23793850151582221112441103Noxubee County 28103N28103202 33.0522807-88.5301759V2G5240Earl Nash Gym Earl Nash Gym Voting District 1981 5 1496 0 3 2 4 0 1981 471 717.1332008 341.2104918 830 302 781.1667954414124 811.8489066 273.1208897308247 262.3934426 85 41443128 2 1049 0 1 1 3 01444.0966652230402 1446 390AEarl Nash Gym Voting District 202 2005612151 338354 0 209.82659159809442221112441103Noxubee County 28103N28103404 32.9723738 -88.558018V2G5240Shuqualak Shuqualak Voting District 1204 1 917 1 6 4 3 0 1204 272 510.6333996 238.3954098 591 211 556.2284049009294 578.0755467190.82287335493032 183.3278689 85 41443128 1 662 1 4 4 3 0 877.6841922910351 895 220AShuqualak Voting District 404 1339873041 34677 045.8342139454309252231112441103Noxubee County 28103N28103403 32.9791018-88.7322637V2G5240Sommerville Sommerville Voting District 263 0 49 0 1 0 1 0 263 212 25.92047714 88.12721311 30 7828.234944410530886 29.34393638 70.54115695310274 67.7704918 85 41443128 0 45 0 1 0 1 0191.72005197055003 215 168ASommerville Voting District 403 2514283631 324348 0109.095885664789952221112441103Noxubee County 28103N28103401 33.0901447-88.7393375V2G5240Mashulaville Mashulaville Voting District 626 0 369 0 9 10 6 0 626 232 193.5395626 125.4118033 224 111210.82091832559558 219.1013917100.38549259111115 96.44262295 85 41443128 0 268 0 5 10 3 0 456.3374621048073 469 183AMashulaville Voting District 401 1880713541 1145087 0 438.9976613252492221112441103Noxubee County 28103N28103302 33.1013242-88.590823900G5240Central District 3 Central District 3 2519 8 1991 0 17 1 6 1 2519 495 1086.932008 324.2629508 1258 2871183.9853360626757 1230.489066259.55528260844517 249.3606557 85 41443128 5 1383 0 14 1 4 11836.2844521437853 1804 396ACentral District 3 302 26760451 0 982.6650263978637 452.27272764335372131112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049116 32.3902344-90.1382186V1G524079 Voting District 79 3557 32 2465 0 414 0 51 4 3557 591 633.5459079 377.0554493 871 336 845.9851660988476 879.2131669314.86812104939787 302.500956 30 65412428 28 1657 0 311 0 21 42613.7790488615283 2572 551AVoting District 79 116 15244651 0 620.761404080967 285.7061622194592131112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049114 32.391856-90.1257067V1G524046 Voting District 46 2247 25 1223 0 85 3 23 0 2247 888 621.9078659 1522.810252 855 1357 830.4446808721334 863.0622936 1271.654881701019 1221.70773 88 63412428 22 841 0 67 3 14 01651.1558962023769 1746 799AVoting District 46 114 58161111 322700 1113.0608353547914 512.28755121593252231112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049115 32.395961-90.0928936V1G524078 Voting District 78 4029 54 1534 3 143 11 14 1 4029 2269 357.1424119 628.4257489 491 560 476.8986412667882 495.6299253 524.7802017489964 504.16826 88 63412428 47 1154 3 100 9 10 12960.6173145524594 3333 2009AVoting District 78 115 20024651 0 635.4033063579102 292.44511486637991101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049304 32.3017745-90.2382326V1G524059 Voting District 59 2300 1 2246 0 12 1 12 0 2300 28 623.3626212 11.22188837 857 10 832.3872415615555 865.0811528 9.371075032421661 9.003004644117 67112728 1 1480 0 9 1 12 01690.1017184091975 1531 28AVoting District 59 304 10513751 0 43.6494445237173120.0897078908208831101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049505 32.2925956-90.2232504V1G524066 Voting District 66 158 1 153 0 1 2 1 0 158 0 45.0974125 1.122188837 62 1 60.21938037138739 62.584634160.9371075028258128 0.900300464 92 68192728 1 105 0 1 2 0 0116.10263978637096 109 0AVoting District 66 505 32388431 0 525.4509081272805 241.8393949895021131111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049118 32.3926892-90.1821292V1G524081 Voting District 81 1902 2 1810 0 13 6 12 0 1902 59 1072.154613 61.72038605 1474 551431.6672046261792 1487.899206 51.54091267623737 49.51652554 30 71 12528 2 1498 0 11 4 11 01397.6406384409972 1584 58AVoting District 81 118 109346361 1586602 1032.6685039851602 475.28688668283831131111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049120 32.3748795-90.2110355V1G524083 Voting District 83 3738 2 3692 0 6 2 13 0 3738 23 1557.315487 38.15442047 2141 34 2079.511183771705 2161.18873831.861655110650002 30.61021579 69 71112528 2 2616 0 0 2 8 02746.7827058319913 2650 22AVoting District 83 120 30572211 0 437.8757567727338201.532829157918341101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049306 32.2915854-90.2437575V1G524067 Voting District 67 1585 3 1481 0 2 2 18 0 1585 79 306.9533561 44.88755349 422 40409.88029863637684 425.9792841 37.48430012344134 36.01201857117 68112728 3 928 0 2 2 5 01164.7005320341643 1014 74AVoting District 67 306 28264031 0 562.1937949731945 258.75035163177531101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049317 32.2861256-90.2565587V1G524089 Voting District 89 2035 6 1778 0 39 1 2 3 2035 206 330.2294399 53.86506419 454 48440.96126918602573 458.2810308 44.98116015437491 43.21442229117 68122728 4 1188 0 19 1 2 21495.3726073750943 1412 196AVoting District 89 317 14020101 0 700.8774731434861322.579676702611271131111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049216 32.3659684-90.1863467V1G524041 Voting District 41 2537 1 2498 0 10 1 7 0 2537 20 1014.691781 12.34407721 1395 111354.9360587410993 1408.15426910.308182535247473 9.903305108 8 64112528 1 1839 0 7 1 4 0 1864.255678088754 1872 20AVoting District 41 216 56309901 29839 81.7736429051919237.6364147828036761101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049222 32.3673298-90.2338668V1G524084 Voting District 84 296 3 275 0 0 0 3 0 296 15 155.6588109 4.488755349 214 4 207.8539903042111 216.01793083.7484300123441345 3.601201857 69 71112528 3 224 0 0 0 1 0 217.5087428909228 237 9AVoting District 84 222 464267661 329515 304.9935870517969140.373655135862351131111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049225 32.4121106-90.2689006V2G5240Cynthia Cynthia Voting District 1104 0 750 0 12 1 7 0 1104 334 300.4069575 59.47600838 413 53401.13877563019844 416.8944178 49.66669766850398 47.71592461 69 71122528 0 558 0 8 1 6 0 811.2488248364148 817 244ACynthia Voting District 225 29320491 0 695.6284893083556320.163825753715061101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049318 32.3147301-90.2453875V1G524062 Voting District 62 2518 0 2381 0 9 6 24 0 2518 98 663.3683903 44.88755349 912 40 885.807659558454 920.5997798 37.48430012344134 36.01201857117 67112628 0 1576 0 4 6 13 01850.2939682410258 1686 87AVoting District 62 318 14500311 0 465.2257251768351214.120684102166881101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049508 32.2857866-90.2256685V1G524070 Voting District 70 1684 19 1486 0 22 3 28 5 1684 121 186.9360486 34.78785396 257 31249.61904445323967 259.423402929.050332593845496 27.90931439 92 69192728 16 755 0 12 2 8 1 1237.448388609169 894 100AVoting District 70 508 794811281 75853 177.31207469536318 332.92886532679220021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117101 34.7187058-88.4668164V2G5240Tuscumbia-New Chandler Tuscumbia-New Chandler Voting District 1354 2 6 0 10 0 9 1 1354 1326 148.7235099 341.2016098 135 402121.16640907169901 125.9254967384.32137585956036 369.2262755 96 225 428 2 6 0 7 0 3 0 1038.748773540117 1025 1007ATuscumbia-New Chandler Voting District 101 7971021 0 269.63201174144365124.098448743298621101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049214 32.3528718-90.1988186V1G524029 Voting District 29 976 0 948 1 1 0 14 0 976 12 95.78211008044178189.73791431863782 112.73630924988495 189.54072710538426112.84932114332287 117.28173613548091186.57118242705218179.24317285006902 8 66112628 0 741 1 1 0 9 0 717.1909900727725 764 12AVoting District 29 214 9498981 0 220.45732107548363101.465739853639651101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049202 32.3368906-90.1891107V1G524012 Voting District 12 798 2 778 0 4 1 8 0 798 5 45.04131346976869 9.238756938832706 53.01398601398601 9.22915545992469 53.06712959545343 55.151462389187735 9.084561789996572 8.727744863964498 8 64112628 2 576 0 4 1 4 0 586.3918136045825 591 4AVoting District 12 202 16367581 0 182.0568603868969 83.791882911714951101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049201 32.3330155-90.1966812V1G524011 Voting District 11 659 0 642 0 2 7 5 0 659 3 52.41101695884441463.029997842704965 61.68818592640413 62.96449322143318 61.75002490428001 64.175398255035561.97802514818856459.543696566785016 8 69112628 0 498 0 0 4 4 0 484.2508836659396 508 2AVoting District 11 201 12434381 0 554.4584503740547255.190150233401971101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049308 32.27556-90.2323528V1G524069 Voting District 69 2007 0 1814 0 19 2 17 1 2007 154 376.7816077 84.1641628 518 75503.12321018910274 522.8845241 70.28306274316246 67.52253483 82 69192728 0 1111 0 14 1 7 01474.7974560205475 1276 143AVoting District 69 308 26911021 0 1143.7259514442383 526.40120675948391101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049307 32.2759969-90.2447483V1G524068 Voting District 68 4140 12 3737 0 15 8 33 0 4140 335 1021.23818 196.3830465 1404 1751363.6775814586154 1417.239135163.99381309860556 157.5525813117 68192728 10 2407 0 8 6 22 03042.1830931365553 2774 321AVoting District 68 307 8310191 0 383.7283445787553176.611419369305081101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049412 32.2631353-90.2391935V1G524075 Voting District 75 1389 2 1179 0 15 0 21 4 1389 168 292.4058036 83.04197396 402 74390.45469203081876 405.7906924 69.34595523409133 66.62223436 82 70192728 1 712 0 9 0 10 21020.6744725523371 882 148AVoting District 75 412 635622301 1245 104.76341193226776196.708339927203670021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117501 34.7186785-88.3632151V2G5240Odom Hill Odom Hill Voting District 800 1 1 0 2 0 7 0 800 789 82.62417219 211.3412956 75 249 67.31467169901562 69.95860927 238.0498074221941 228.6998572113 225 428 1 1 0 2 0 2 0 613.7363506884001 640 634AOdom Hill Voting District 501 387413131 15040 125.97800284855198236.541778762462430021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117103 34.7290163-88.5523266V2G5240Thrasher Thrasher Voting District 962 1 191 0 15 0 6 0 962 749 194.9930464 263.9644294 177 311158.86262523161517 165.1023179 297.3232534787674 285.6452032 96 225 428 1 143 0 7 0 2 0 738.0179617028011 745 592AThrasher Voting District 103 6725201 0 187.58210652913957 86.334883910553031101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049510 32.3216759-90.1913281V1G524010 Voting District 10 679 0 670 0 0 1 7 0 679 1 110.0021892755146253.021517053494044 129.47345612134345 52.96641386782232129.60324606789464 134.69370975065004 52.136586249433 50.08880267226436 8 69112628 0 489 0 0 0 2 0498.94742034775874 492 1AVoting District 10 510 6712901 0 256.09515869294904 117.86809629614531101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049511 32.3233823-90.1986674V1G524018 Voting District 18 927 0 891 0 16 2 3 0 927 15 94.64424715505558 35.8609851754685 111.39703546850185 35.823716251985175 111.508704803201 115.88846402477535.262464181823844 33.87745031274219 8 69112628 0 671 0 10 1 1 0 681.1844752023156 697 14AVoting District 18 511 10818351 0 474.0661190044234 218.18948570030781101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049411 32.2636446-90.2476991V1G524074 Voting District 74 1716 1 1451 0 12 3 22 0 1716 227 333.866328 121.1963944 459 108 445.8176708133601 463.3281787101.20761034474135 97.23245015117 70472728 0 842 0 3 1 8 01260.9628473000796 1060 206AVoting District 74 411 18097191 0 592.3063864484171 272.60970707544281101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049310 32.2763055-90.2210894V1G524071 Voting District 71 2144 4 1796 0 32 1 18 1 2144 292 164.3873423 57.2316307 226 51219.50935424830183 228.1310858 47.79248266077059 45.91532368 92 70192728 4 1065 0 19 1 7 11575.4687322910083 1360 263AVoting District 71 310 17870941 0 598.3841572048841275.407008174164731101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049410 32.2630517-90.2277954V1G524073 Voting District 73 2166 4 1859 3 40 3 35 0 2166 222 381.1458734 104.3635619 524 93 508.9508921611481 528.9411016 87.15099779194531 83.72794318 82 70192728 3 1135 2 23 2 12 01591.6349226410093 1385 208AVoting District 73 410 121818041 74730 266.49192910270614500.376839689824350021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117504 34.6659607-88.5287375V2G5240North Booneville North Booneville Voting District 2035 2 950 0 31 1 36 0 2035 1015 522.1847682 195.2148514 474 230 425.4287251508647 442.1384106219.88536430604404 211.2488641 96 225 428 1 747 0 26 1 15 01561.1918420636177 1607 817ANorth Booneville Voting District 504 727225121 105354 377.67210001582527 709.13356543756920021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117104 34.6182471 -88.556062V2G5240Booneville Booneville Voting District 2884 1 301 0 53 4 12 4 2884 2509 199.3996689 694.2858627 181 818162.45274102887745 168.8334437 782.0270782312359 751.3111775 96 225 428 1 262 0 30 2 6 1 2212.519544231682 2284 1982ABooneville Voting District 104 1165495691 212833 245.53924671625256461.035171704383630021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117302 34.5692132-88.6105643V2G5240Wheeler Wheeler Voting District 1875 3 259 0 25 1 14 0 1875 1573 176.2649007 443.9015968 160 523143.60463294891937 149.2450331 500.0001978645624 480.3615474 96 1736 428 3 184 0 15 0 7 01438.4445719259377 1405 1196AWheeler Voting District 302 574110251 647497 430.05380598195916 807.48773540117110021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117205 34.6906406-88.5960743V2G5240West Booneville West Booneville Voting District 3284 6 245 0 58 6 29 0 3284 2940 394.3927152 1139.03622 358 1342 321.3153662604926 333.93576161282.9832991876112 1232.591198 96 236 428 4 176 0 38 5 9 02519.3877195758823 2551 2319AWest Booneville Voting District 205 156554021 650 328.95711346732077 617.66418737141950021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117405 34.6306463-88.5175408V2G5240East Booneville East Booneville Voting District 2512 6 308 2 41 3 40 9 2512 2103 214.8228477 544.0553031 195 641175.01814641551618 181.8923841 612.8109500736848 588.7413995 96 225 428 6 234 1 29 3 10 1 1927.132141161576 1908 1624AEast Booneville Voting District 405 749717401 430244 183.72883367621458344.977251147333450021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117202 34.7143792-88.6724256V2G5240Crossroads Crossroads Voting District 1403 1 31 0 14 1 19 0 1403 1337 18.39722213767423234.36417260330546 24.025886101154917 262.049780963759524.108736727754795 25.055662460505776 274.4856544197547 263.7046030367583 49 236 428 0 16 0 9 1 5 01076.3401250197817 1055 1024ACrossroads Voting District 202 684394031 204232 87.47744896344358164.251463839215060021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117203 34.6430179 -88.672629V2G5240Blackland Blackland Voting District 668 0 44 0 1 0 3 2 668 618 88.13245033 241.8966636 80 285 71.80231648408176 74.62251656272.46664705451553 261.7648968 96 236 428 0 34 0 0 0 2 0 512.4698528248141 514 478ABlackland Voting District 203 608539531 146223 348.46929893970565 654.30111568286120021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117304 34.5159653-88.6010682V2G5240Baldwyn Baldwyn Voting District 2661 3 1086 0 29 8 35 0 2661 1500 648.8751656 476.1544853 589 561 528.6445550438108 549.4082781 536.3290842009509 515.2635337 96 17 3 428 3 744 0 18 4 10 02041.4405364772906 1969 1190ABaldwyn Voting District 304 339751571 47576 77.26301630004748 145.07240069631270021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117303 34.5310069-88.7091567V2G5240Ingram Ingram Voting District 590 1 43 0 3 0 4 0 590 539 31.94801325 183.3322082 29 21626.028339722593017 27.05066225206.50103779392887 198.3902376 96 1736 428 1 34 0 3 0 2 0452.63055863269506 449 409AIngram Voting District 303 1019420681 119924 166.8357335021364313.258031334071860021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117404 34.505538-88.4505626V2G5240Marietta Marietta Voting District 1274 1 3 0 9 3 8 1 1274 1249 159.7400662 427.7751525 145 504130.14169866107545 135.2533113481.83575474841234 462.9105543 91 2 3 428 0 3 0 6 3 5 0 977.3751384712771 989 972AMarietta Voting District 404 1294283031 5892259 142.08537743313815266.785686026269960021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117402 34.5500533-88.3901376V2G5240New Site New Site Voting District 1085 4 2 0 3 0 3 0 1085 1073 133.3003311 336.1090484 121 396108.60100368506029 112.8665563 378.5852358514479 363.7154355 91 2 3 428 3 2 0 2 0 1 0 832.3799256211425 840 832ANew Site Voting District 402 1488815651 360895 247.37260642506726464.477567653109650021110331117Prentiss County 28117N28117502 34.6329666-88.4195683V2G5240Hills Chapel-New Hope Hills Chapel-New Hope Voting District 1889 1 11 0 13 2 9 1 1889 1852 137.7069536 619.594963 125 730112.19111948232258 116.5976821 697.8970257504109 670.4855251113 225 428 1 8 0 7 1 3 01449.1849580629846 1410 1390AHills Chapel-New Hope Voting District 502 12027241 0 407.2106406832868187.419173614366971101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049309 32.3304309-90.2088107V1G524031 Voting District 31 1474 0 1426 0 22 3 13 0 1474 10 74.77387630506873161.62415527500002 88.0094501718213 161.45618556701032 88.09767473509872 91.5579122475086 158.9266429267631152.68443581709622 8 66112628 0 1102 0 17 3 9 01083.1347534500683 1140 9AVoting District 31 309 13530751 0 514.124153535683236.626242941883931101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049213 32.3415721-90.2060556V1G524028 Voting District 28 1861 0 1836 0 3 0 5 0 1861 17 116.37254113509734225.50138643193432 136.9714111922141 225.26703163017032137.10871739152273 142.4939756134124221.73776103076372213.02850370991484 8 69112628 0 1514 0 3 0 3 01367.5127382432681 1535 15AVoting District 28 213 18941691 0 650.3214709419655299.311217563242741101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049509 32.265838-90.2143249V1G524072 Voting District 72 2354 2 2095 0 22 2 26 0 2354 207 343.3222371 74.06446326 472 66 458.4443151021618 476.450763361.849095213566606 59.41983065 82 69192728 2 1181 0 15 1 10 0 1729.782367450109 1398 189AVoting District 72 509 9399311 0 221.56237030393217101.974340053407261101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049521 32.2872089-90.2104425V1G524064 Voting District 64 802 1 775 0 11 0 5 0 802 10 258.9464331 6.733133024 356 6 345.7757969438778 359.3569316 5.622645019036644 5.401802786 92 69192728 1 604 0 10 0 2 0 589.3311209409462 626 9AVoting District 64 521 6187601 0 318.80670240740363146.731157632957581101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049314 32.3087001-90.2188887V1G524057 Voting District 57 1154 0 1127 0 1 0 5 0 1154 21 416.0599992 7.855321861 572 7 555.572347937511 577.3937216 6.559752521862456 6.30210325 92 67112628 0 808 0 1 0 0 0 847.9901665409626 828 19AVoting District 57 314 12189421 0 288.4178486250688132.744652139348121101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049203 32.3454042-90.1870347V1G524013 Voting District 13 1044 0 1015 0 11 1 14 0 1044 3 50.85911486479438 47.34509156449349 59.861584754262786 47.2958876629889759.921592671947046 62.2751501681043146.554900471408885 44.72635035947844 8 64112628 0 788 0 7 1 8 0 767.1592147909574 807 3AVoting District 13 203 6338301 0 277.0910940334713127.531500091730021101111541 49Hinds County 28049N28049215 32.3457521-90.1962237V1G524030 Voting District 30 1003 0 993 0 4 1 3 0 1003 2 86.81414504642676 134.3474273952864 102.18094272681196 134.20780537252915102.28337343122928 106.3007866797263132.10516455981593126.91643231044095 8 64112628 0 735 0 4 1 3 0 737.0313145932283 745 2AVoting District 30 215 8996021 0 353.6157531035326162.752063925637511101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049311 32.3090313-90.2289692V1G524054 Voting District 54 1280 0 1209 0 12 9 9 1 1280 40 288.0415379 6.733133024 396 6 384.6270100587734 399.7341149 5.622645019036644 5.401802786 92 67112628 0 903 0 9 9 7 1 940.5783476364229 969 40AVoting District 54 311 13068071 0 476.2762174613205219.206686099843041101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049518 32.3106183-90.2080093V1G524052 Voting District 52 1724 2 1653 0 5 0 15 0 1724 49 445.155104 13.46626605 612 12 594.4235610524065 617.7709049 11.24529003599152 10.80360557 92 68112728 2 1186 0 5 0 6 0 1266.841461972807 1243 44AVoting District 52 518 25708851 0 1141.5158529873413 525.38400635994871101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049414 32.2601586-90.2586286V1G524092 Voting District 92 4132 3 3604 0 53 4 30 2 4132 436 908.4946486 295.1356642 1249 2631213.1291299528225 1260.777549246.45927331396882 236.7790221117 68472828 3 2193 0 26 4 10 23036.3044784638278 2651 413AVoting District 92 414 18542251 0 481.8014636035632221.749687098681141101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049206 32.3368566-90.1798439V1G524016 Voting District 16 1744 7 1271 0 19 4 13 1 1744 429 275.2827310970573 11.31949458394015 324.00997506234415 11.307730673316708 324.3347770494181 337.073766648179511.13057185570437610.693393208418952 8 64112628 6 915 0 16 4 8 01281.5379986546263 1338 389AVoting District 16 206 4753311 0 122.107939743563656.2003220743217041201111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049205 32.3392842-90.1733104V1G524015 Voting District 15 442 2 25 0 8 0 2 0 442 405 14.401858505014383 86.96477987181207 16.95110258868648 86.8744007670182216.968095125233404 17.634555839923298 85.51333490829992 82.15460324880154 8 64412628 2 25 0 8 0 0 0 324.7934606682023 387 352AVoting District 15 205 8907371 0 232.88912489552968107.187492101025342201112511 49Hinds County 28049N28049207 32.3464732-90.1697267V1G524017 Voting District 17 843 2 65 1 10 1 4 0 843 760 77.98954572056813 76.79680298032615 91.79431877958969 76.71699105733825 91.88633746431007 95.49538336396633 75.51506188312908 72.54903524660706 8 65412628 2 43 1 9 1 4 0 619.4590211386754 662 602AVoting District 17 207 98169081 57129 690.9320300874493 318.00227490470271101111511 49Hinds County 28049N28049321 32.3082555 -90.290521V1G524088 Voting District 88 2501 4 2209 0 51 4 11 0 2501 222 856.8508375 86.40854047 1178 771144.1682270178721 1189.108049 72.15727775089584 69.32313576117 67122728 4 1577 0 35 4 9 01837.8019120614795 1835 206AVoting District 88 321 70574281 37798 574.78818867362881204.91516384292910021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033404 34.9309064-90.0025054V2G5240Aldens Aldens Voting District 4595 60 1084 6 342 25 78 4 4595 2996 397.9326948 656.7952603 575 800 608.1816202355146 632.0693433 820.222066068847 788.0059699 89 510 028 43 760 6 224 21 35 33294.8804665988637 3459 2367AAldens Voting District 404 330115161 274482 535.0095936794582 1121.5282167042890021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033403 34.9186574-90.0532905V2G5240Horn Lake South Horn Lake South Voting District 4277 37 799 0 140 5 48 1 4277 3247 317.6540989 1058.261363 459 1289485.48758901491976 504.55622361321.5828039519986 1269.674619 43 3910 028 30 554 0 81 5 17 13066.8560948081263 3309 2621AHorn Lake South Voting District 403 73854671 433730 580.792504899164 1217.5018728449880021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033303 34.9552503-90.0872297V2G5240Horn Lake Intermediate School Horn Lake Intermediate School Voting District 4643 45 1499 2 258 14 73 2 4643 2750 294.8162226 632.165438 426 770 450.58325250137 468.2809395 789.4637385613398 758.455746 53 3914 028 41 915 2 150 9 25 03329.2992396993527 3173 2031AHorn Lake Intermediate School Voting District 303 22166721 0 604.6846798799395 1267.5864857490140021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033304 34.9549941-90.0531303V2G5240Horn Lake West Horn Lake West Voting District 4834 22 1584 2 511 12 90 2 4834 2611 537.0361237 525.4362082 776 640 820.7807604331621 853.0188006 656.17765283426 630.4047759 53 3910 028 16 931 2 308 9 34 13466.2572743283804 3243 1942AHorn Lake West Voting District 304 75727071 36708 683.11606057599281432.00037208840830021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033307 34.9662962-90.0667199V2G5240Horn Lake North Horn Lake North Voting District 5461 61 2151 1 528 17 82 6 5461 2615 598.6291843 586.1897698 865 714 914.9166982388916 950.8521425 732.0481939292345 703.2953281 53 3914 028 43 1302 1 324 11 29 53915.8524979535136 3617 1902AHorn Lake North Voting District 307 130492561 36063 333.4897303599335 699.08679582268750021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033108 34.9514983-89.8519937V2G5240Olive Branch West Olive Branch West Voting District 2666 82 668 0 50 0 8 0 2666 1858 196.5441484 768.4504545 284 936300.38883500091333 312.187293 959.659817318246 921.9669848101 5181828 52 444 0 26 0 2 01911.6760226229753 1942 1418AOlive Branch West Voting District 108 353934461 431594 278.25077795199616453.678157037751760021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081104 34.4364156-88.6524094V2G5240Guntown Guntown Voting District 1782 5 287 0 31 3 21 2 1782 1433 153.3245154 352.5306248 182 395183.01754072240954 190.2059729 406.0941462768846 390.1438706111 17 3 528 4 190 0 17 3 14 11306.8716439512725 1278 1049AGuntown Voting District 104 268341861 46325 231.56335785791822377.555952237365830021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081101 34.4852501-88.6375163V2G5240Baldwin Baldwin Voting District 1483 2 570 0 19 10 12 3 1483 867 318.4432244 287.3793954 378 322 380.1133537266638 395.0431744331.04383571046236 318.0413325 96 17 3 528 2 427 0 15 8 3 01087.5929562175854 1177 722ABaldwin Voting District 101 634202291 135831 329.31026414184055 536.92886262212040021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081202 34.466167-88.7122195V2G5240Blair Blair Voting District 2109 17 293 0 24 1 26 1 2109 1747 165.1187089 535.4895567 196 600197.09581310047497 204.8372016 616.8518678545864 592.623601111 1736 528 12 211 0 15 1 16 11546.6847907369436 1510 1254ABlair Voting District 202 376239641 0 109.1455071764564177.957930285852140021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081102 34.4799123-88.5715311V2G5240Pratts Pratts Voting District 699 0 35 0 5 1 3 0 699 655 30.32792613 214.1958227 36 24036.201271786699145 37.62315947 246.7407471418346 237.0494404 96 17 3 528 0 22 0 2 1 1 0 512.6281027620311 527 501APratts Voting District 102 214913581 0 64.48797491255579105.145386563743810021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081103 34.4390829 -88.583194V2G5240Friendship Friendship Voting District 413 0 20 0 2 0 0 0 413 391 9.210093895851852 52.50779616152777 10.325 60.229166666666664 9.341766227912906 9.708685446055556 60.89333554867995 58.50161063023148 96 18 3 528 0 13 0 2 0 0 0302.88327101676515 315 300AFriendship Voting District 103 475751831 41282 177.068676878543 288.70428175129660021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081105 34.3967739-88.5841922V2G5240Unity Unity Voting District 1134 2 11 0 3 0 2 0 1134 1116 37.90990766 260.6049176 45 292 45.25158973577945 47.02894934300.20124236977716 288.4101525 91 18 3 528 2 7 0 3 0 2 0 831.6455916053552 790 776AUnity Voting District 105 298830211 1233936 719.51716318900011173.14755759257040021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081205 34.37554-88.7000765V2G5240Saltillo Saltillo Voting District 4608 27 367 1 45 3 45 0 4608 4120 274.6362199 1452.961664 326 1628327.82262788845026 340.69861081673.7247350771645 1607.985371111 17 3 528 16 239 1 25 1 19 0 3379.385261126523 3304 3003ASaltillo Voting District 205 335932281 737702 205.4871065010252 335.03953684718370021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081107 34.3664184-88.6502252V2G5240Fellowship Fellowship Voting District 1316 6 54 0 13 4 10 4 1316 1225 65.08589892868073313.77003512717675 77.25857519788919 351.56992084432716 77.69051884815143 80.74199152873351 361.4442705227533347.24772075831135111 17 3 528 4 33 0 6 4 5 2 965.1195754432517 948 894AFellowship Voting District 107 321703091 447346 122.73014111687372200.107200578941020021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081106 34.3488033-88.5923839V2G5240Hebron Hebron Voting District 786 2 8 0 8 1 8 0 786 759 13.732573389796379 65.59948987647059 16.300904977375566 73.5022624434389116.392041429863674 17.035876319162895 75.56667979550889 72.5986257475113 66 18 3 528 2 5 0 6 1 4 0 576.431600530696 599 581AHebron Voting District 106 967226931 5672241 374.14395480366136 784.30930469079450031110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033406 34.7996829-90.1590051V2G5240Endora Endora Voting District 2991 25 256 0 96 12 23 3 2991 2576 198.6203189 688.8140292 287 839 303.5619565021451 315.4850461 860.2078917557445 826.4212609106 2414 028 15 189 0 61 6 11 22144.7197988242006 2300 2016AEndora Voting District 406 534770981 4708231 545.64223699551021143.81718056210160021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033507 34.7974461-90.0321011V2G5240Hernando West Hernando West Voting District 4362 24 974 0 52 5 45 2 4362 3260 426.9990829 1173.200534 617 1429 652.6053211565392 678.2378866 1465.121665792483 1407.575664 43 528 028 18 717 0 30 3 20 13127.8060055069086 3158 2369AHernando West Voting District 507 84723391 109805 390.5307345025178 818.66053134224690021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033408 34.9396836-90.0506339V2G5240Horn Lake Central Horn Lake Central Voting District 3122 25 750 0 252 8 46 3 3122 2038 260.9054364 579.6218172 377 706 398.7556014428783 414.417639 723.845973267505 695.4152684 53 3910 028 22 480 0 169 6 15 22238.6543670776177 2230 1536AHorn Lake Central Voting District 408 85091591 132832 571.53585071813061198.09736313348050021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033402 34.9581164 -90.024852V2G5240Horn Lake East Horn Lake East Voting District 4569 50 1707 6 421 10 80 10 4569 2285 478.2112906 476.1765637 691 580 730.8756513598888 759.5824629 594.660997923334 571.3043282 89 3910 028 33 1055 4 275 8 31 43276.2369645027657 3143 1733AHorn Lake East Voting District 402 140545301 41136 98.21534193704017160.136678325895560021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081110 34.3235086-88.5722467V2G5240Eggville Eggville Voting District 629 2 3 3 9 2 3 0 629 607 23.58838699 243.6477483 28 27328.156544727264702 29.26245737 280.6675998165883 269.6437384 66 18 3 528 2 3 1 3 2 0 0461.29195513207094 491 480AEggville Voting District 110 350826551 594314 401.4493547219877 654.54912555783380021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081113 34.3056035-88.6234461V2G5240Auburn Auburn Voting District 2571 7 49 0 35 4 23 4 2571 2449 76.66225772 717.556006 91 804 91.50877035158268 95.10298644 826.5815028835106 794.1156253 66 18 3 528 5 32 0 18 3 13 1 1885.503365094681 1935 1863AAuburn Voting District 113 336789861 1512398 460.4722470148354 750.78388614159930021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081108 34.3120935-88.6748508V2G5240Oak Hill Oak Hill Voting District 2949 19 443 7 34 4 33 0 2949 2409 17.944580723099552118.92851873988488 20.116819441483692 136.417181837561318.201125857473468 18.916016672123213137.92150365874338132.50432139867831 66 18 3 528 16 314 7 19 2 13 0 2162.718562296466 2263 1892AOak Hill Voting District 108 56216131 0 112.58070196598722183.558895187552760021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081114 34.2663455-88.6653828V2G5240East Heights East Heights Voting District 721 2 79 0 10 0 5 0 721 625 71.60760336 273.0996739 85 306 85.47522505219582 88.83245986 314.5944525954303 302.2380365 66 15 3 528 2 52 0 6 0 2 0 528.76232058859 559 497AEast Heights Voting District 114 164572801 78294 401.7616451573996 655.05830418526110021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081508 34.2414937-88.6812044V2G5240Tupelo 5 Tupelo 5 Voting District 2573 20 1160 0 102 1 38 0 2573 1252 320.9705515 395.3697894 381 443383.13012638597934 398.1784377 455.4422957260692 437.5537587 66 1532 528 19 801 0 60 1 11 01886.9701121698226 1919 1027ATupelo 5 Voting District 508 106337091 0 767.29759980701971251.05188758895180021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081405 34.259975-88.7110475V2G5240Tupelo 4 North Tupelo 4 North Voting District 4914 9 3431 0 183 3 91 0 4914 1197 1198.795524 274.8846391 1423 3081430.9558266230263 1487.159887 316.6506254848093 304.2134485 66 1732 628 9 2222 0 118 2 38 0 3603.797563623206 3365 976ATupelo 4 North Voting District 405 19266111 92256 326.73487460620646 684.92674819537130021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033301 34.9730405-90.0229701V2G5240Cherry Valley Cherry Valley Voting District 2612 11 327 3 107 7 67 0 2612 2090 152.2525093 563.2019357 220 686232.69557643626266 241.835227 703.3404216652258 675.7151192 89 6101828 10 179 3 64 4 32 01872.9549028849256 1900 1608ACherry Valley Voting District 301 64072931 18001 442.19287202639345 926.95867338079530021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033401 34.966282-89.9981523V2G5240Southhaven South Southhaven South Voting District 3535 46 1751 1 322 7 65 11 3535 1332 332.187293 250.403193 480 305507.69943942732164 527.6404952312.70966266337643 300.427276 89 6101828 37 1082 1 228 5 37 72534.7992272964057 2451 1054ASouthhaven South Voting District 401 63335711 163235 193.0137486666832404.610249795351360021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033207 34.9523078-89.9619609V2G5240Elmore Elmore Voting District 1543 35 209 0 23 5 11 0 1543 1260 134.2590309 596.8626928 194 727205.19519015640088 213.2547002 745.3768024915337 716.1004251 19 6101828 28 138 0 15 5 7 01106.4201436261255 1242 1049AElmore Voting District 207 65924431 142334 121.94941502834399 198.83425401037270021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081109 34.293717-88.7183332V2G5240Tupelo 1 Tupelo 1 Voting District 781 1 4 0 3 0 1 0 781 772 64.86806422 391.799859 77 439 77.43049799276137 80.47175776451.32994994731115 433.6029347111 1732 528 1 4 0 3 0 1 0 572.7647328428417 598 589ATupelo 1 Voting District 109 99764611 0 959.82465323845131564.96051139790140021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081201 34.2707524-88.7398708V2G5240Tupelo 2 Tupelo 2 Voting District 6147 33 1436 0 187 8 49 2 6147 4432 706.8091673 1765.330572 839 1978 843.6907508032083 876.82863322033.5549907184916 1953.682471 56 1632 528 27 914 0 108 5 22 1 4508.047135448076 4520 3443ATupelo 2 Voting District 201 141160111 5453 121.3248341575202197.815896755518030021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081209 34.3053004-88.7400423V2G5240Flowerdale Flowerdale Voting District 777 6 42 0 0 0 5 0 777 724 52.23142833 368.5953115 62 413 62.3466347442942 64.79544131 424.599702385384 407.9225787111 1732 528 5 39 0 0 0 2 0 569.8312386925581 560 514AFlowerdale Voting District 209 90020861 0 189.5602942950187 309.07142684838980021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081208 34.324041-88.7182659V2G5240Beech Springs Beech Springs Voting District 1214 41 253 0 27 0 11 0 1214 882 143.2152067 292.734291 170 328 170.9504500851475 177.6649197 337.2123543785994 323.9675685111 1732 528 31 186 0 18 0 5 0 890.315474611024 959 719ABeech Springs Voting District 208 240421111 8407 310.7289832348329 506.63273429019420021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081112 34.2933038-88.5730528V2G5240Mooreville 1 Mooreville 1 Voting District 1990 1 22 0 60 4 22 1 1990 1880 67.3953914 397.1547546 80 445 80.44727064245481 83.60702105 457.4984686154482 439.5291707 66 18 3 528 0 17 0 31 2 11 01459.4133397660114 1391 1330AMooreville 1 Voting District 112 1059921801 461428 1034.26354248062351400.08956516229860021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071103 34.3463925-89.4347656V2G5240Oxford 1 Oxford 1 Voting District 6249 91 1232 6 222 17 49 6 6249 4626 793.0924097 1200.182915 1020 1370 992.9876371893832 1031.9894961536.5886811503779 1476.235649 13 1129 828 76 958 2 172 11 34 45092.9264218284725 5228 3971AOxford 1 Voting District 103 1562559661 1374164 160.37788008700977217.104622922430370021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071101 34.337739-89.2869014V2G5240Lafayette Springs Lafayette Springs Voting District 969 3 82 0 2 3 11 0 969 868 60.64824309 342.533956 78 391 75.93434873417101 78.91684382 438.5446527817969 421.3198093 13 1229 828 1 67 0 2 3 8 0 789.7336698274588 752 671ALafayette Springs Voting District 101 1435973631 516609 80.93372896031762109.560537264260520021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071201 34.4455898 -89.297221V2G5240Philadelphia Philadelphia Voting District 489 1 150 0 2 0 1 0 489 335 42.12742172459155 53.09578616816901 54.180281690140845 60.608450704225355 52.74544106496207 54.81713880647888 67.97829145933188 65.3082887056338 13 1251 828 1 113 0 2 0 1 0 398.5343287364575 384 267APhiladelphia Voting District 201 1813992411 798275 93.51238622204389126.588350826804070021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071504 34.2151662-89.3219722V2G5240Tula Tula Voting District 565 2 23 0 0 0 3 0 565 537 40.43216206 223.3917104 52 25550.622899152906655 52.61122921 286.0073822761515 274.7737887116 1229 828 2 14 0 0 0 2 0 460.4742244091994 443 425ATula Voting District 504 251756871 50199 1304.81296976161522735.24920000992230021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033501 34.9244794 -89.96226V2G5240DeSoto Central DeSoto Central Voting District 10431 243 2414 1 250 17 111 2 10431 7393 766.1069445 2266.764642 1107 2761 1170.881832126339 1216.8708922830.7914059183763 2719.605604 19 510 028 152 1523 1 147 11 45 0 7479.629629399946 7069 5190ADeSoto Central Voting District 501 238435971 71813 197.26680599310396413.525835338476440021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033502 34.8783929-89.9520287V2G5240Nesbit East Nesbit East Voting District 1577 10 463 0 46 0 6 0 1577 1052 218.6899679 410.4970377 316 500 334.2354642832386 347.363326 512.6387913060404 492.5037312 43 2428 028 7 356 0 27 0 4 01130.8001079056385 1214 820ANesbit East Voting District 502 238405051 378228 406.9175142013743 853.01175799369930021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033503 34.8846103 -89.910408V2G5240Bridgetown Bridgetown Voting District 3253 10 303 0 35 9 20 0 3253 2876 244.9881286 1182.231468 354 1440 374.4283365680276 389.13486521476.3997191112837 1418.410746101 518 028 9 223 0 21 6 9 02332.5889353310345 2461 2193ABridgetown Voting District 503 105675061 15751 48.40501748884333 78.922687251236280021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081509 34.2472172-88.6323102V2G5240Gilvo 5 Gilvo 5 Voting District 310 3 5 0 6 0 3 0 310 293 14.32152067 103.527981 17 116 17.09504500851475 17.76649197119.25802779215927 114.5738962 66 18 3 528 3 4 0 4 0 3 0 227.3457966469666 242 228AGilvo 5 Voting District 509 36282881 0 36.06954529007357 58.810131467856710021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081111 34.2711209-88.6282821V2G5240Gilvo 1 Gilvo 1 Voting District 231 0 10 0 21 2 3 0 231 195 20.21861742 70.50612497 24 7924.134181187925407 25.08210631 81.21882926578574 78.02877413 66 18 3 528 0 8 0 11 2 2 0169.40928717886865 189 166AGilvo 1 Voting District 111 560115891 79261 141.675402842601191.786952757069540021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071102 34.285655-89.3831954V2G5240Yocona Yocona Voting District 856 11 55 0 14 1 7 0 856 768 73.08890834 360.9309204 94 412 91.51062539068255 95.10491434462.09820195450567 443.948239 13 929 828 5 44 0 9 1 6 0 697.6388249456189 660 595AYocona Voting District 102 162134511 0 1232.3773943528121668.27762877235950021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071506 34.3016713 -89.507894V2G5240Oxford 6 Oxford 6 Voting District 7446 304 1452 3 174 10 73 5 7446 5425 520.1753157 685.067912 669 782 651.2830679722124 676.8636989 877.0893055635938 842.6396186105 1129 828 271 1239 3 159 9 61 36068.4797786741565 6783 5038AOxford 6 Voting District 506 1908817651 968018 1259.1897953580706 1704.5737576819920021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071202 34.4441733 -89.418638V2G5240Oxford 2 Oxford 2 Voting District 7608 89 2155 3 252 6 83 11 7608 5009 1344.369389 1658.354933 1729 1893 1683.211396610433 1749.323371 2123.184214312516 2039.791302 13 1151 828 75 1442 3 189 5 45 9 6200.50955629237 5876 4108AOxford 2 Voting District 202 523128011 498467 187.6868070368102254.072902367426250021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071502 34.2507643-89.4975683V2G5240Airport Grocery Airport Grocery Voting District 1134 1 49 0 22 1 9 0 1134 1052 58.31561836 284.7149251 75 325 73.01379685385855 75.88158059 364.5192126436705 350.2018875116 929 828 1 35 0 14 1 3 0 924.2084433274905 834 780AAirport Grocery Voting District 502 926750011 28023122 312.6458364131697 423.23078710058920021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071302 34.4945701-89.5155858V2G5240Abbeville Abbeville Voting District 1889 4 1036 0 10 3 16 1 1889 819 489.0736526 307.4921191 629 351 612.3423763309335 636.3935226393.68074965516416 378.2180385 13 1251 828 2 764 0 5 1 7 01539.5324069185444 1388 609AAbbeville Voting District 302 1028845741 14462203 798.9102447677981081.49021139997030021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071304 34.3934332-89.6502957V2G5240West Spring Hill - Oxford 3 West Spring Hill - Oxford 3 Voting District 4827 97 1960 0 84 12 31 3 4827 2640 816.418657 512.4868651 1050 5851022.1931557038458 1062.342128 656.1345827586069 630.3633975105 3248 828 78 1463 0 59 9 25 3 3933.998373846381 3846 2209AWest Spring Hill - Oxford 3 Voting District 304 120580271 47539 585.54592191104611227.46635080495120021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033510 34.8127383-89.9790372V2G5240Hernando Central Hernando Central Voting District 4681 26 431 0 225 16 34 6 4681 3943 275.4386305 1273.361811 398 1551 420.9674518552801 437.50191061590.2055304414803 1527.746574 43 528 028 21 296 0 154 9 13 23356.5474350705726 3320 2825AHernando Central Voting District 510 670205911 228434 944.30381638677351979.52221367796980021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033506 34.8210078-89.9291684V2G5240Hernando East Hernando East Voting District 7549 122 475 8 136 14 61 0 7549 6733 458.8336985 2555.754557 663 3113 701.2598507137991 728.8034343191.6891142017616 3066.32823 43 528 028 88 347 5 87 12 28 0 5413.069127824771 5544 4977AHernando East Voting District 506 799060731 9952952 261.8132054176072 548.83295711060950031110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033508 34.747095-89.9988574V2G5240Love Love Voting District 2093 11 211 0 30 5 17 2 2093 1817 170.2459877 687.1720411 246 837 260.1959627161244 270.4157538 858.1573366163342 824.451246 27 728 028 8 159 0 18 4 9 21500.8019187358916 1637 1437ALove Voting District 508 208005811 80167 471.4639136258775 988.31887976583230021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033206 34.9247044-89.9050182V2G5240Pleasant Hill North Pleasant Hill North Voting District 3769 139 417 4 50 3 50 2 3769 3104 242.2199012 1174.021528 350 1430 370.1975079317921 384.73786111466.1469428937908 1408.560671 19 5181828 95 286 2 31 3 23 1 2702.590746161288 2683 2242APleasant Hill North Voting District 206 219396841 238 317.7284002679037 666.04668469228280021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033504 34.9115796-89.8690189V2G5240Pleasant Hill South Pleasant Hill South Voting District 2540 19 240 0 61 3 14 2 2540 2201 128.0305192 806.216182 185 982 195.6758256527055 203.36144091006.8225860451237 967.277328101 5181828 13 166 0 30 3 4 21821.3267432341925 1767 1549APleasant Hill South Voting District 504 474395341 634447 231.54144444720066 485.37496589189590021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033505 34.8551341-89.8547562V2G5240Lewisburg West Lewisburg West Voting District 1851 6 333 0 52 2 11 0 1851 1447 179.9347837 509.0163267 260 620 275.0038630872797 285.8052683 635.6721012319807 610.7046267 27 5181828 3 248 0 23 2 7 01327.2739376875945 1317 1034ALewisburg West Voting District 505 172644011 36484 102.57373551955945215.022945451839350021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033102 34.874332-89.8138148V2G5240Lewisburg East Lewisburg East Voting District 820 6 45 0 9 0 8 1 820 751 27.68227442 265.1810863 40 32342.308286622150824 43.97004127331.16465912624534 318.1574103 67 5181828 6 25 0 7 0 3 0 587.9873738000149 609 568ALewisburg East Voting District 102 552777621 657551 191.76284945303004 401.98801875325580021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033509 34.7881703-89.8369698V2G5240Alphaba Cockrum Alphaba Cockrum Voting District 1533 2 64 0 39 0 17 0 1533 1411 85.12299384 462.2196644 123 563 130.0979813580622 135.2078769 577.231278978126 554.5592013 27 528 028 1 54 0 27 0 8 01099.2495658968571 1108 1018AAlphaba Cockrum Voting District 509 926950581 318956 304.84413836727606 639.03770495869820021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033101 34.8471769 -89.76018V2G5240Ingram's Mill Ingram's Mill Voting District 2437 22 476 1 71 4 38 1 2437 1824 272.670403 557.4549772 394 679 416.7366232190447 433.1049065 696.1634785211575 668.8200669 67 718 028 20 375 1 36 4 16 01747.4697926227273 1795 1343AIngram's Mill Voting District 101 128502271 393 422.42866445067347 885.52742291568470021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033205 34.96049-89.9127874V2G5240Plum Point Plum Point Voting District 3377 33 524 3 36 4 31 0 3377 2746 308.6573598 1180.58948 446 1438471.73739587498886 490.2659602 1474.349163867785 1416.440731101 6181828 23 373 3 19 3 13 0 2421.504099173964 2624 2190APlum Point Voting District 205 218394241 25730 150.0555542154143244.660330478832460021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081510 34.2529621-88.5813876V2G5240Mooreville 5 Mooreville 5 Voting District 961 1 13 0 27 4 10 0 961 906 40.43723484 266.8522958 48 29948.268362385472884 50.16421263 307.3978474826037 295.3240945 66 18 3 528 1 11 0 19 3 4 0 704.7719696055964 737 699AMooreville 5 Voting District 510 147651641 59011 1307.56005306959362131.93091303823440021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081303 34.2401131-88.7419581V2G5240Tupelo 3 Tupelo 3 Voting District 8374 100 2604 1 338 16 108 3 8374 5204 1143.194327 2268.690755 1357 25421364.5868286954096 1418.184095 2613.395746564256 2510.748656 56 1632 528 67 1665 1 223 13 36 3 6141.270003618381 6183 4175ATupelo 3 Voting District 303 360462561 476642 834.12775298516461360.01611385840080021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081302 34.2585366-88.7849276V2G5240Bissell Bissell Voting District 5342 59 503 1 85 6 48 0 5342 4640 409.4270027 2002.730942 486 2244 488.7171691733599 507.9126529 2307.025986046783 2216.412268 56 1632 528 37 351 1 60 6 15 0 3917.681437703534 4109 3639ABissell Voting District 302 436161731 135977 484.9870461946689 790.75440839464480021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081301 34.3212707 -88.786453V2G5240Belden Belden Voting District 3106 54 742 1 53 13 28 0 3106 2215 393.4205973 859.4607385 467 963469.61094239517547 488.0559854 990.0472477973185 951.1608795111 1632 528 34 521 1 30 8 13 0 2277.858207695091 2325 1718ABelden Voting District 301 316149071 769079 98.05919671933422 159.88208901218190021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081207 34.4611961-88.7683412V2G5240Corrona Corrona Voting District 628 0 0 3 0 1 6 0 628 618 17.69129024 182.0664493 21 204 21.11740853823197 21.94684302209.72963502892406 201.4920243111 1736 528 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 460.5585815945001 454 449ACorrona Voting District 207 686351121 44794054 191.4935059449642 259.22605647188020021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071301 34.5195952-89.6452044V2G5240Harmontown Harmontown Voting District 1157 1 22 3 16 6 10 0 1157 1099 80.08678254 241.7886748 103 276100.27228100275376 104.210704 309.5609313447719 297.4022183 54 1228 828 1 17 3 13 6 4 0 942.9534117547676 914 870AHarmontown Voting District 301 824982031 25467148 469.87905218474793 636.07845663238370021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071303 34.4629995-89.5977325V2G5240College Hill College Hill Voting District 2839 51 665 0 63 4 22 2 2839 2032 170.08194131885816 271.7363440172161 218.74321081217633 310.18504484021724 212.95029809914 221.314407730605 347.902794870753334.23811751004166105 951 828 40 472 0 46 4 14 0 2313.781102827818 2177 1601ACollege Hill Voting District 303 337775231 201132 1290.8019471605671747.36734176680530021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071406 34.3358009-89.5476072V2G5240Oxford 4 Oxford 4 Voting District 7799 341 1335 1 168 19 88 13 7799 5834 849.8529449 1342.102355 1093 15321064.0543996776744 1105.8475681718.2874890838702 1650.797821105 929 828 274 998 1 131 15 61 10 6356.174294101497 6590 5100AOxford 4 Voting District 406 751155461 94010 153.59202551160482 207.9185656057950021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071402 34.3070549-89.6177794V2G5240Taylor 3 Taylor 3 Voting District 928 0 648 0 19 0 12 1 928 248 284.5802176 78.8441331 366 90 356.3073286668436 370.3021133100.94378197247076 96.97898424105 3248 828 0 471 0 14 0 4 1 756.318726109269 687 197ATaylor 3 Voting District 402 721646721 4096866 118.17317480095457159.971827416527650021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071401 34.3392667 -89.700893V2G5240Burgess Burgess Voting District 714 0 109 0 11 1 6 1 714 586 87.86219832 223.3917104 113 255110.00745393712864 114.3282481 286.0073822761515 274.7737887105 948 828 0 79 0 8 1 4 1 581.9090198728644 561 468ABurgess Voting District 401 628352371 970660 85.73347975755527116.057992439441620031110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071403 34.2193592-89.6880219V2G5240Union West Union West Voting District 518 3 119 0 2 0 6 0 518 388 67.64611729 147.1757151 87 168 84.69600435586429 88.02263349188.42839296531636 181.0274372107 3248 828 2 90 0 2 0 2 0 422.1692889273722 395 299AUnion West Voting District 403 905981021 183614 147.4682055289223199.628709002977760021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071405 34.2305242-89.5672008V2G5240Anchor-Taylor 4 Anchor-Taylor 4 Voting District 891 4 54 0 4 4 8 0 891 817 59.09315993 325.0130376 76 371 73.98731414729603 76.893335416.11270121848054 399.7689239116 3248 828 4 41 0 3 4 3 0 726.1637769001711 710 655AAnchor-Taylor 4 Voting District 405 106431241 0 706.7580557140377 1481.5605387840150021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033105 34.9332537-89.8213763V2G5240Olive Branch South Olive Branch South Voting District 5650 43 637 0 231 7 69 12 5650 4651 413.1579457 1614.074352 597 1966 631.4511777829201 656.25286592015.6957273337457 1936.524671 67 51181828 33 394 0 153 6 30 5 4051.376417036688 4079 3458AOlive Branch South Voting District 105 156889271 0 452.2000657356188 947.93652171756010021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033104 34.9258648-89.7950054V2G5240Fairhaven Fairhaven Voting District 3615 41 1116 0 173 3 38 9 3615 2235 438.7640495 733.9687034 634 894 670.5863429327054 696.9251541 916.5981587661007 880.5966713 67 51181828 29 743 0 98 3 15 02592.1638491305534 2505 1617AFairhaven Voting District 104 512809791 56352 654.59555850470081372.21350432862850021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033103 34.9442491-89.7572967V2G5240Miller Miller Voting District 5233 81 1211 5 242 12 35 6 5233 3641 523.8870434 1139.539777 757 1388 800.6843242907676 832.133031 1423.085284862087 1367.190358 67 51181828 59 833 5 138 8 16 13752.3633257261927 3620 2560AMiller Voting District 103 164042891 111116 729.0240617170641528.23625133331690021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033107 34.978446-89.7866485V2G5240Hack's Cross Hack's Cross Voting District 5828 30 1201 2 402 11 65 3 5828 4114 466.4463239 1042.662476 674 1270 712.8946295837226 740.89519541302.1025296592038 1250.959477 67 51181828 28 791 2 226 9 14 0 4179.012700617667 4047 2977AHack's Cross Voting District 107 154103411 0 83.84998190809311136.714461464238330021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081203 34.408582-88.7274251V2G5240Euclautubba Euclautubba Voting District 537 0 5 0 14 0 0 0 537 518 20.21861742 186.5288623 24 20924.134181187925407 25.08210631214.87006725237163 206.4305543111 17 3 528 0 3 0 6 0 0 0 393.8215896755518 400 391AEuclautubba Voting District 203 398860281 128767 297.14434929441563 484.48346399710530021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081204 34.3724391-88.7628836V2G5240Birmingham Ridge Birmingham Ridge Voting District 1903 18 136 0 26 2 16 0 1903 1705 122.1541469 732.7282101 145 821 145.8106779883321 151.5377256 844.0589724432322 810.9066273111 1732 528 10 92 0 16 2 10 01395.6098419973466 1378 1248ABirmingham Ridge Voting District 204 172006751 0 51.52792184296225 84.014473525509590021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081206 34.3691006-88.8042972V2G5240Davis Box Davis Box Voting District 330 0 137 1 5 0 2 0 330 185 76.66225772 78.53846832 91 88 91.50877035158268 95.10298644 90.47160727840013 86.91812814111 1732 528 0 96 1 2 0 2 0 242.0132673983838 246 145ADavis Box Voting District 206 596018431 78204 524.8040767096852 855.67468339162950021110431 81Lee County 28081N28081404 34.1974836-88.7846351V2G5240Palmetto A & B Palmetto A & B Voting District 3361 14 1398 1 49 1 46 6 3361 1846 362.2502288 626.5227814 430 702 432.404079661098 449.3877381 721.7166853170044 693.3696131 56 1632 728 10 857 1 28 1 18 22464.8684597756605 2334 1417APalmetto A & B Voting District 404 221039161 16807 638.00935954649621040.25193583403690021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081403 34.2058387-88.7110488V2G5240Tupelo 4 South Tupelo 4 South Voting District 4086 36 3239 0 287 1 51 0 4086 472 1250.18451 135.6573544 1484 1521492.2968699580827 1550.91024156.26913980098146 150.1313122115 1532 728 26 2065 0 160 1 19 02996.5642745145337 2656 385ATupelo 4 South Voting District 403 745799081 65999 299.48652756000484488.302303702810260021110431 81Lee County 28081N28081401 34.107213-88.7755514V2G5240Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove Voting District 1918 3 898 0 27 2 23 0 1918 965 42.427681239411314113.87354980921252 51.68922018348624 124.27408256880734 53.03440384227573 55.117451257263130.22851831463194125.11349563539756115 1623 728 3 665 0 15 2 13 01406.6104450609093 1434 736APleasant Grove Voting District 401 246375861 143217 157.70666988300567 257.13520685080210021110431 81Lee County 28081N28081402 34.1395725-88.7445457V2G5240Old Union Old Union Voting District 1010 0 454 0 15 0 7 0 1010 534 161.7489394 180.2814841 192 202 193.0734495226474 200.6568505207.67346213954505 199.5166123115 1523 728 0 311 0 8 0 6 0 740.7072729465685 736 411AOld Union Voting District 402 207261711 0 211.2644795561452 344.45934145458930021110431 81Lee County 28081N28081503 34.1117235-88.6860031V2G5240Shannon Shannon Voting District 1353 5 608 0 30 4 25 0 1353 681 283.0606439 247.2176787 336 277337.87853668868814 351.1494884284.77994559534625 273.5945624115 1523 728 5 423 0 20 3 6 0 992.2543963333735 961 504AShannon Voting District 503 350697991 322401 294.17759015800266 479.64626703654570021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081505 34.216374-88.6448083V2G5240Plantersville Plantersville Voting District 1884 3 812 0 24 3 27 2 1884 1013 412.7967723 383.7675156 490 430 492.7395326549667 512.0930039 442.0771719451056 424.7135807 66 15 3 628 2 610 0 16 2 11 01381.6757447835002 1485 844APlantersville Voting District 505 207931141 90899 464.0635870220721 756.63944035701370021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081511 34.1744239-88.6883203V2G5240Verona Verona Voting District 2972 9 1679 0 132 8 33 0 2972 1111 526.5264953 424.821715 625 476 628.494301843061 653.1798519489.36914850491115 470.1480568115 1532 728 6 1120 0 86 7 10 02179.5861536605958 2172 943AVerona Voting District 511 222024521 32326 107.58405499939694175.412037148715480021110431 81Lee County 28081N28081504 34.1438711-88.6865427V2G5240Brewer Brewer Voting District 689 0 50 0 0 0 6 0 689 633 38.75235005 295.4117388 46 33146.257180615803236 48.0740371 340.2966137126679 326.9306865115 1523 628 0 33 0 0 0 1 0 505.2943673863225 540 506ABrewer Voting District 504 522681401 28160 78.28559058942788105.975734408988190021110331 71Lafayette County 28071N28071501 34.1939267-89.4652579V2G5240Paris Paris Voting District 473 0 9 0 8 0 1 0 473 455 27.21395523 197.1103327 35 225 34.07310520295762 35.41140428 252.3594549311769 242.4474606116 1229 828 0 5 0 4 0 0 0 385.4943507000908 363 354AParis Voting District 501 169557971 303535 1035.74454890481982171.20730285515860021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033106 34.9801509-89.8363639V2G5240Olive Branch North Olive Branch North Voting District 8280 130 2340 18 404 12 97 12 8280 5267 800.7097875 1833.27977 1157 22331223.7671908009381 1271.8334442289.4448414115323 2199.521663101 51181828 89 1490 9 233 9 41 2 5937.238359834297 5974 4101AOlive Branch North Voting District 106 114520121 43494 445.3201200605264 933.51425098603430021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033201 34.9759531-89.8784535V2G5240Mineral Wells Mineral Wells Voting District 3560 36 764 0 85 8 42 2 3560 2623 344.6443165 1009.001719 498 1229 526.7381684347124 547.42701381260.0661487288075 1210.574171101 5181828 29 497 0 52 6 21 02552.7256716195766 2597 1992AMineral Wells Voting District 201 260110481 96077 102.7435532505126167.519768423591840021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081502 34.1496984-88.5723659V2G5240Petersburg Petersburg Voting District 658 0 83 0 10 0 5 0 658 560 21.06105981 182.9589319 25 20525.139772077571266 26.12719408210.75772147361357 202.4797303 66 1523 628 0 61 0 6 0 3 0482.55978772162587 484 414APetersburg Voting District 502 347347201 177480 279.0315040405259 454.95110360632010021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081501 34.1041514 -88.599747V2G5240Nettleton Nettleton Voting District 1787 2 222 0 16 4 6 0 1787 1537 168.80109205940204178.62069966058223 194.0251770259638 195.43115656963022183.74970254998135 190.96689205662207 194.2127055349101 186.5845576740362115 1523 628 2 157 0 7 4 5 01310.5385116391267 1322 1147ANettleton Voting District 501 305052491 65786 146.6203594258835239.059365577131840021110431 81Lee County 28081N28081507 34.1458045-88.6372292V2G5240Kedron Kedron Voting District 939 3 227 0 14 0 12 5 939 678 106.1477415 243.6477483 126 273 126.7044512101477 131.6810581 280.6675998165883 269.6437384115 1523 628 1 178 0 11 0 0 1 688.6377517790376 703 512AKedron Voting District 507 140811581 60081 686.7436682955871439.60484211048540021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033202 34.9875977-89.9455647V2G5240Greenbrook North Greenbrook North Voting District 5490 142 1696 4 239 4 54 5 5490 3346 597.2450706 1020.495636 863 1243 912.8012838726635 948.65364041274.4200354332977 1224.364276 19 6101828 97 1135 2 143 4 18 13936.6471733683925 3900 2500AGreenbrook North Voting District 202 98255321 88567 1025.23699551013332149.18056210155560021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033204 34.974684 -89.969197V2G5240Greenbrook South Greenbrook South Voting District 8196 164 1058 5 294 25 116 14 8196 6520 589.6324451 2238.029849 852 2726 901.16650500274 936.5618792794.9066896775926 2685.130342 19 6101828 122 678 3 182 19 46 7 5877.005506908441 6011 4954AGreenbrook South Voting District 204 525842581 192857 145.9957785550597238.041008322277180021110331 81Lee County 28081N28081506 34.1944054-88.5793078V2G5240Richmond Richmond Voting District 935 1 106 0 12 4 9 0 935 803 30.152190834215055102.29002122107528 35.79139784946236 114.61290322580645 35.99150336519944 37.40515191434409117.83197240225758113.20385239462365 66 18 3 628 1 87 0 7 4 4 0 685.704257628754 706 603ARichmond Voting District 506 51458231 16004 650.84286086374121364.34681120234180021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033203 34.9844692-90.0037206V2G5240Southhaven North Southhaven North Voting District 5203 27 1169 1 508 18 64 2 5203 3414 325.2667244 1013.927683 470 1235 497.1223677886225 516.64798491266.2178144593033 1216.484216 89 6101828 18 650 1 317 17 28 0 3730.851592538387 3707 2676ASouthhaven North Voting District 203 136095611 88223 594.55239624934881246.34641430803960021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033302 34.9877522-90.0570976V2G5240Southhaven West Southhaven West Voting District 4753 27 1265 0 374 12 68 6 4753 3001 427.6911398 837.4139569 618 1020 653.6630282915428 679.33713761045.7831346307134 1004.707612 89 39101828 25 866 0 220 10 36 1 3408.175594721306 3464 2306ASouthhaven West Voting District 302 712841531 5818539 737.53017636990551546.06742241956680031110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033305 34.9696607-90.1602314V2G5240Walls Walls Voting District 5896 79 1831 1 470 17 94 5 5896 3399 456.3094627949382 799.8782430184815 659.3525603296057 974.2801648028252 697.4019276618053 724.7939822032961 998.9076119074242 959.6732325603296106 2414 028 63 1136 1 267 14 40 0 4227.772629176692 4068 2547AWalls Voting District 305 1280801711 14767112 139.97562200778904 293.42765361049780031110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033306 34.9122268-90.2144705V2G5240Lake Cormorant Lake Cormorant Voting District 1119 34 208 0 49 5 21 3 1119 799 92.7356193 196.217584 134 239 141.7327602279857 147.2996383245.04134223013133 235.4167835106 2414 028 31 140 0 22 3 8 0 802.3876479051422 800 596ALake Cormorant Voting District 306 516526071 7937187 70.67580557140377 148.15605387840150031110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033407 34.8223083-90.0897143V2G5240Oak Grove Oak Grove Voting District 565 2 50 0 7 0 4 0 565 502 10.2435817585065213.012346156173596 15.080480847595762 13.92929910350448214.227383995917267 14.78619701742053714.087014730508086 13.53371503270171106 2414 028 1 42 0 5 0 1 0 405.1376417036688 419 370AOak Grove Voting District 407 650574751 374326 343.12165430506286 719.27797484682360021110331 33DeSoto County 28033N28033405 34.8809414 -90.056368V2G5240Nesbit West Nesbit West Voting District 2743 3 423 2 466 5 13 6 2743 1825 273.3624599 675.678124 395 823 417.7943303540483 434.2041575 843.8034504322858 810.6611415 43 2414 028 2 349 2 269 4 6 21966.8894711383425 2121 1487ANesbit West Voting District 405 455041151 122896 87.40736842105264 27.446146010186761131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133502 33.8172191-90.6222069V2G5240Sunflower Plantation Sunflower Plantation Voting District 311 0 28 0 3 0 2 0 311 278 20.2825976 126.3309707 25 116 25.16310330047103 26.15144169108.98446607673219 104.7038521 52 30381228 0 20 0 3 0 2 0235.52573853989813 248 223ASunflower Plantation Voting District 502 88648011 148948 331.08 103.961131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133405 33.5767417-90.5401556V2G5240Sunflower 4 Sunflower 4 Voting District 1178 0 1013 0 18 0 2 0 1178 145 402.4067364 95.83728814 496 88499.23596954908464 518.8446032 82.67787079637257 79.43050847 47 30 51228 0 638 0 12 0 1 0 892.12 764 113ASunflower 4 Voting District 405 1143854791 1912105 436.47473684210524 137.05422750424451131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133201 33.3666741-90.7309907V2G5240Indianola 2 West Indianola 2 West Voting District 1553 12 1159 0 18 2 4 0 1553 358 278.2772391 240.6822804 343 221345.23777729516365 358.79778207.63419826098135 199.4788906 47 30 61228 10 793 0 12 2 3 01176.1140577249575 1135 315AIndianola 2 West Voting District 201 2690858151 5844594 429.4484210526316134.847945670628181131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133101 33.3416422-90.6010352V2G5240Inverness Inverness Voting District 1528 7 766 0 17 2 5 0 1528 731 307.4841796 458.4942989 379 421 381.4726461117325 396.4558561395.53845008511286 380.0027735 47 30 61228 7 543 0 9 1 3 01157.1811205432937 1154 591AInverness Voting District 101 1949444171 1141759 198.44853539462977 71.137713588283161131111541125Sharkey County 28125N28125109 33.0428421-90.8204241V2G5240Delta City Delta City Voting District 549 1 405 0 11 0 0 0 549 132 195.5112743 127.0103093 239 99214.89359542488208 223.3340325 86.994216248521 83.57731959 78 50 62128 1 286 0 5 0 0 0 408.7347436940602 391 99ADelta City Voting District 109 586618331 934500 53.49796582587469419.1773799837266061131111541125Sharkey County 28125N28125108 33.0451229-90.6899758V2G5240Straight Bayou Straight Bayou Voting District 148 0 76 0 0 0 0 0 148 72 26.17724174 56.44902635 32 44 28.77236423857281 29.9024646 38.66409610698416 37.14547537 78 50 62128 0 46 0 0 0 0 0110.18714401952808 105 59AStraight Bayou Voting District 108 1119066021 1044545 261.3447925142392 93.684092758340111131111541125Sharkey County 28125N28125107 32.97275-90.7671799V2G5240Anguilla 4 Anguilla 4 Voting District 723 1 450 0 8 1 5 1 723 257 198.7834295 248.8888889 243 194218.49014097875883 227.0718406 170.4735146871132 163.7777778 78 50 62128 1 313 0 6 1 4 1 538.2790886899919 532 206AAnguilla 4 Voting District 107 233167211 1441685 1010.1031578947368317.175076400679131131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133202 33.413826-90.6603245V2G5240Indianola 2 East Indianola 2 East Voting District 3594 1 3529 0 26 4 12 0 3594 22 1472.516586 16.33590139 1815 151826.8412999086322 1898.59466714.092818889412072 13.53929122 47 30 51228 1 2520 0 13 3 11 0 2721.799049235993 2567 19AIndianola 2 East Voting District 202 106062451 279465 355.8126315789474111.726112054329381131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133102 33.4284975-90.6231523V2G5240Indianola Southeast Indianola Southeast Voting District 1266 0 1240 0 9 2 5 1 1266 9 445.4058433 1.089060092 549 1 552.5817485626332 574.28565960.9395212586002161 0.902619414 47 30 51228 0 870 0 7 2 4 1 958.7639388794568 892 8AIndianola Southeast Voting District 102 1090315491 6089293 817.5821052631579 256.72295415959251131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133103 33.4396503-90.5146415V2G5240Moorhead Moorhead Voting District 2909 5 2350 0 27 8 6 0 2909 513 631.1944374 190.5855162 778 175 783.075774813807 813.8328655164.41622030708197 157.9583975 47 30 51228 5 1629 0 25 7 4 0 2203.036570458404 2142 472AMoorhead Voting District 103 2386961 0 59.6430024410089521.3801871440195261131111541125Sharkey County 28125N28125106 32.917028-90.8732579V2G5240Rolling Fork 4 Rolling Fork 4 Voting District 165 0 157 0 3 1 0 0 165 4 46.62821185 0 57 0 51.25077381078265 53.26376508 0 0 78 50 62128 0 106 0 2 0 0 0122.84377542717657 112 4ARolling Fork 4 Voting District 106 1374314151 637429 374.8472335231896134.371236777868181131111541125Sharkey County 28125N28125105 32.9143613-90.7665905V2G5240Rolling Fork 3 Rolling Fork 3 Voting District 1037 0 926 0 8 0 5 0 1037 98 408.2013634 35.92210767 499 28 448.6690548873413 466.2915574 24.6044247944073 23.63802978 78 50 62128 0 704 0 6 0 0 0 772.0545158665582 791 81ARolling Fork 3 Voting District 105 787215841 80343 391.47497965825875140.331773799837261131111541125Sharkey County 28125N28125104 32.8708984-90.8258841V2G5240Rolling Fork 1 Rolling Fork 1 Voting District 1083 7 554 0 3 0 10 0 1083 509 225.77871 450.3092784 276 351 248.1616415817457 257.9087572308.43403938777783 296.3195876 78 53 62128 7 392 0 2 0 4 0 806.3018714401953 832 427ARolling Fork 1 Voting District 104 2119733291 3364610 22.049837266069975 7.9041903986981291131111541125Sharkey County 28125N28125103 32.7523813-90.7645357V2G5240Spanish Fort Spanish Fort Voting District 61 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 61 48 10.63450446 55.16609393 13 4311.688772977933999 12.14787625 37.78536664929756 36.30126002 78 50 62128 0 11 0 0 0 0 045.414971521562244 55 44ASpanish Fort Voting District 103 1711601 0 27.47192839707079 9.8478437754271761131111541125Sharkey County 28125N28125102 32.9014602-90.8755155V2G5240Rolling Fork 2 Rolling Fork 2 Voting District 76 0 76 0 0 0 0 0 76 0 34.35762979 0 42 037.763728065532334 39.24698479 0 0 78 50 62128 0 57 0 0 0 0 056.582587469487386 57 0ARolling Fork 2 Voting District 102 2871976041 1603279 258.8144833197722 92.777054515866551131111541125Sharkey County 28125N28125101 32.7600742 -90.883244V2G5240Cary Cary Voting District 716 2 479 0 5 1 1 0 716 228 237.2312533 138.556701 290 108 260.749550972204 270.9910855 94.90278135729162 91.17525773 78 50 62128 2 326 0 4 1 1 0 533.0675345809601 518 184ACary Voting District 101 369030051 0 129.407241659886146.3885272579332761131111541125Sharkey County 28125N28125110 32.9708692-90.8770042V2G5240Anguilla 5 Anguilla 5 Voting District 358 0 339 0 1 0 0 0 358 18 176.6963818 7.697594502 216 6 194.2134586584768 201.8416361 5.272376741956103 5.065292096 78 50 62128 0 249 0 1 0 0 0266.53376729048006 267 17AAnguilla 5 Voting District 110 172271541 256439 736.6389473684211231.306587436332761131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133303 33.4532933-90.5989879V2G5240Indianola 3 South Indianola 3 South Voting District 2621 14 1532 0 40 8 10 2 2621 1015 486.7823424 634.9220339 600 583 603.9144793460136 627.6346007 547.7408940116562 526.2271186 47 30 51228 11 1078 0 32 6 9 21984.9291341256367 1955 817AIndianola 3 South Voting District 303 338513491 509586 222.31263157894736 69.80675721561971131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133304 33.4750073 -90.626384V2G5240Indianola 3 Northeast Indianola 3 Northeast Voting District 791 10 409 0 7 0 4 0 791 361 109.526027 247.216641 135 227135.88075779752614 141.2177851 213.2713258292368 204.8946071 47 27 51228 8 268 0 4 0 1 0 599.0381324278438 574 293AIndianola 3 Northeast Voting District 304 1234387351 1757855 81.2242105263157925.5046179966044131131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133301 33.5289871-90.5124008V2G5240Sunflower 3 Sunflower 3 Voting District 289 0 94 0 54 0 0 0 289 141 20.2825976 56.63112481 25 52 25.16310330047103 26.1514416948.855105470110665 46.93620955 47 30 51228 0 69 0 29 0 0 0218.86475382003397 206 108ASunflower 3 Voting District 301 761426191 87272 392.6305263157895123.287028862478781131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133302 33.4835724-90.6918282V2G5240Indianola 3 North Indianola 3 North Voting District 1397 14 721 0 89 5 10 1 1397 557 167.1286042 216.7229584 206 199 207.3439712674695 215.4878796186.96473058010366 179.6212635 47 27241228 8 460 0 58 3 3 01057.9725297113753 994 462AIndianola 3 North Voting District 302 1216577361 1376355 112.7021052631578935.3887606112054341131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133402 33.6503331-90.5002056V2G5240Doddsville Doddsville Voting District 401 0 264 0 9 2 2 0 401 124 106.2808114 30.49368259 131 28 131.8546613371902 137.033554526.306595259541947 25.27334361 47 30 51228 0 184 0 5 2 1 0 303.6843123938879 294 102ADoddsville Voting District 402 2216799201 1519598 206.29263157894738 64.776434634974541131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133403 33.5946716 -90.614714V2G5240Boyer-Linn Boyer-Linn Voting District 734 7 332 0 7 1 2 0 734 385 157.3929574 204.7432974 194 188195.26568159779941 202.9351875 176.6299966876207 169.6924499 47 30 51228 4 258 0 5 1 2 0 555.8710356536502 575 305ABoyer-Linn Voting District 403 696482011 54715 53.118947368421054 16.679490662139221131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133404 33.5421949-90.7288421V2G5240Fairview-Hale Fairview-Hale Voting District 189 0 51 0 2 0 0 0 189 136 20.2825976 83.85762712 25 77 25.16310330047103 26.15144169 72.34313695593373 69.50169492 47 27241228 0 38 0 2 0 0 0 143.1330050933786 143 103AFairview-Hale Voting District 404 430409091 844344 751.5347368421053 235.98390492359931131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133401 33.7091552-90.5793564V2G5240Ruleville Ruleville Voting District 2674 4 2205 10 15 3 12 3 2674 422 832.3978056 179.6949153 1026 1651032.6937594921287 1073.255167155.02100776271513 148.9322034 47 30 51228 4 1438 7 10 3 5 0 2025.066960950764 1841 374ARuleville Voting District 401 855186291 208523 238.05157894736843 74.74882852292021131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133504 33.7364415-90.5749532V2G5240Ruleville North Ruleville North Voting District 847 0 536 0 14 4 4 0 847 289 96.54516458 222.1682589 119 204119.77637176374081 124.4808625191.66233690433126 184.1343606 52 30 51228 0 404 0 9 3 4 0 641.4479117147708 666 246ARuleville North Voting District 504 2389130181 1072482 812.5231578947369 255.13443123938881131111441133Sunflower County 28133N28133503 33.8425322-90.5280914V2G5240Drew Drew Voting District 2891 5 2153 0 25 4 12 0 2891 692 718.0039551 423.644376 885 389 890.7738570040984 925.761036 365.4737697557801 351.1189522 52 29381228 5 1411 0 13 2 8 0 2189.404855687606 2018 579ADrew Voting District 503 1952624541 232806 1202.062105263158 377.45069609507641131111431133Sunflower County 28133N28133501 33.9409875-90.5553497V2G5240Rome Rome Voting District 4277 3 2980 0 24 2 35 1 4277 1232 86.80951773 104.5497689 107 96107.69808219029143 111.9281705 90.19404087350136 86.65146379 52 29381228 3 2874 0 24 2 35 13239.0468930390493 4135 1196ARome Voting District 501 1366136321 258681 1034.40335234781451159.18111711470580021110431 87Lowndes County 28087N28087101 33.6792-88.3166566V2G5240Caledonia Caledonia Voting District 5162 28 478 2 75 9 40 1 5162 4529 319.1187826 1855.790339 405 1897 394.9747667654988 410.48830341907.3915065453355 1832.474346 5 38231628 19 365 1 47 8 18 13861.9797587781663 3737 3278ACaledonia Voting District 101 435450321 265445 183.75588417337192205.921945833821240021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087102 33.5981304-88.2939043V2G5240Steens A Steens A Voting District 917 2 102 0 17 1 10 0 917 785 59.09607086 327.7225954 75 335 73.1434753351408 76.01635249 336.8350842313586 323.6051165 5 38 21628 2 80 0 8 1 6 0 686.0587831847304 697 600ASteens A Voting District 102 229503341 101511 175.94074842335937197.164087723113450021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087106 33.5888513-88.3654143V2G5240Steens C Steens C Voting District 878 11 245 0 16 0 5 0 878 601 123.707775 252.3953123 157 258153.11367499088982 159.1275645 259.4132887761719 249.224239 5 38 21628 8 173 0 9 0 3 0 656.8807106174409 663 470ASteens C Voting District 106 130873681 11832 24.2469596346543127.1718161896318120021110431 87Lowndes County 28087N28087207 33.6677664 -88.402648V2G5240Air Base D Air Base D Voting District 121 1 18 0 0 1 3 0 121 98 11.81921417 15.65242247 15 1614.628695068952577 15.203270516.087645815899307 15.45576676 5 38 21628 1 15 0 0 1 2 0 90.52684052928286 90 71AAir Base D Voting District 207 215850821 445006 136.06351728867998 152.47655531206610021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087204 33.6091786-88.4059629V2G5240Air Base A Air Base A Voting District 679 3 181 0 4 0 10 0 679 481 66.18759936 86.08832357 84 88 81.92069237651235 85.13831479 88.48205196662852 85.00671716 5 19 21628 3 121 0 2 0 5 0 507.997724953579 492 361AAir Base A Voting District 204 40944041 0 16.632211980795933 18.638518543301160021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087103 33.5734014-88.3303801V2G5240Steens B Steens B Voting District 83 0 10 0 4 0 1 0 83 68 5.51563328 31.30484493 7 32 6.826724363907524 7.094859565 32.17529162138978 30.91153351 5 38 21628 0 6 0 1 0 1 0 62.09692366884692 67 59ASteens B Voting District 103 270620281 154589 236.65834155807224265.205908429381570021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087305 33.5410901-88.3184394V2G5240Rural Hill B Rural Hill B Voting District 1181 6 255 0 14 0 3 0 1181 903 110.3126656 401.0933257 140 410136.53448727815046 141.8971913 412.2459240063977 396.0540232 5 38 21628 4 185 0 10 0 2 0 883.5718897940749 889 688ARural Hill B Voting District 305 192874801 36826 442.6573044045568 496.05406580906340021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087302 33.5092818-88.3184049V2G5240Rural Hill A Rural Hill A Voting District 2209 8 603 0 25 0 20 0 2209 1553 200.9266409 731.7507503 255 748 248.6878161721938 258.4555985 752.0974417579778 722.5570959 36 38 21628 5 388 0 19 0 5 01652.6759564395522 1623 1206ARural Hill A Voting District 302 98483321 248879 251.48706067348064 281.82338279328860021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087104 33.5247139-88.3776301V2G5240Columbus High School B Columbus High School B Voting District 1255 0 368 0 13 1 12 1 1255 860 273.4178212 281.7436044 347 288 338.410479229696 351.7023242 289.5776246029169 278.2038016 5 38 21628 0 267 0 11 1 6 0 938.9354121012395 1055 770AColumbus High School B Voting District 104 4562171 0 117.62781244249653131.816992589370840021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087108 33.4978211-88.3658544V2G5240Sale A Sale A Voting District 587 3 367 0 10 0 0 0 587 207 114.2524037 133.045591 145 136141.41071893572774 146.9649481136.74498937269115 131.3740174 36 40 21628 2 266 0 4 0 0 0 439.1673999230499 458 186ASale A Voting District 108 14801901 50258 166.72289600026764186.834306361765840021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087107 33.4929618-88.3871709V2G5240Trinity B Trinity B Voting District 832 3 476 0 1 2 2 0 832 348 166.256946 153.5893955 211 157205.77697723911908 213.8593383157.86002453468325 151.6597113 36 40 21628 3 294 0 1 1 2 0 622.4655481021764 631 330ATrinity B Voting District 107 75973111 0 113.01888623095067126.652101908697030021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087105 33.5686382-88.3796465V2G5240Dowdle Gas Training Center B Dowdle Gas Training Center B Voting District 564 4 196 0 9 1 11 1 564 342 81.15860398 166.3069887 103 170100.45037274266056 104.3957907170.93123676790805 164.2175218 5 38 21628 4 136 0 8 1 6 0421.95981866541763 437 282ADowdle Gas Training Center B Voting District 105 276206481 484864 986.10982117465991105.06204519981930021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087201 33.5488887-88.4093782V2G5240Lee Middle School Lee Middle School Voting District 4921 73 818 0 92 6 50 2 4921 3880 518.4695284 2090.576676 658 2137 641.7120902939059 666.9167992 2148.706194408355 2064.310848 5 38 21628 57 581 0 67 6 29 1 3681.674233426454 3899 3158ALee Middle School Voting District 201 15364731 0 366.9106040582813411.170210274511130021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087110 33.4988377 -88.376464V2G5240Columbus High School A Columbus High School A Voting District 1831 3 1305 0 27 6 19 0 1831 471 341.1813158 352.1795055 433 360422.28166425961723 438.8677417 361.9720307536461 347.754752 36 40 21628 3 870 0 19 4 6 01369.8730992489002 1316 414AColumbus High School A Voting District 110 10914041 11171 55.30711453855033 61.978688168085780021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087501 33.5220813-88.4011206V2G5240Hunt B Hunt B Voting District 276 0 275 0 1 0 0 0 276 0 122.9198274 1.956552808 156 2 152.1384287171068 158.11401322.0109557269874134 1.931970845 5 40 21628 0 221 0 0 0 0 0206.49097509158736 221 0AHunt B Voting District 501 25242761 16644 514.9974071162114 577.12039344920460021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087502 33.5094499-88.4090317V2G5240Hunt A Hunt A Voting District 2570 4 2438 0 15 3 43 0 2570 67 1020.392157 16.63069887 1295 171262.9440077799402 1312.5490217.093123676790803 16.42175218 95 40 21528 4 1742 0 11 3 26 01922.7601666136939 1835 49AHunt A Voting District 502 9077031 0 201.3900366349387225.683266699008020021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087301 33.489523-88.3770581V2G5240Trinity A Trinity A Voting District 1005 3 578 0 9 0 9 0 1005 406 211.1699599 194.6770044 268 199 261.3660185011389 271.6317662200.09009475457918 192.231099 36 40 21628 1 412 0 6 0 2 0 751.8964853878452 802 381ATrinity A Voting District 301 423247641 5996220 635.4306529048663 712.08123253985510021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087202 33.5614809-88.4637911V2G5240Brandon A Brandon A Voting District 3171 61 1110 0 142 3 43 4 3171 1808 364.0317965 700.4459054 462 716450.56380802751863 468.2607313 719.9221501469968 691.6455624 95 38 21628 54 839 0 110 3 27 2 2372.401746432694 2575 1540ABrandon A Voting District 202 1730670841 422180 31.21720472056959104.185701745830490031110441155Webster County 28155N28155101 33.6233731-89.4228074V2G5240Bluff Springs Bluff Springs Voting District 282 0 123 0 0 0 1 0 282 158 72.56708673 74.66994106 73 82 61.96214396823379 64.39584878 83.67554635397096 80.38899804120 34261428 0 95 0 0 0 0 0211.06680971422998 211 116ABluff Springs Voting District 101 844943781 337370 21.58636496635131 72.043304398712580031110441155Webster County 28155N28155201 33.6919581-89.4391337V2G5240Cadaretta Cadaretta Voting District 195 0 16 0 0 0 1 0 195 178 14.91104522 95.61394892 15 10512.731947388887644 13.23202372 107.1455166346866 102.9371316120 34261428 0 13 0 0 0 1 0145.95045352579731 155 141ACadaretta Voting District 201 1184412511 346903 45.60811469813713 152.21457134497220031110441155Webster County 28155N28155205 33.692907-89.3127888V2G5240Bellefontaine Bellefontaine Voting District 412 1 40 0 8 0 2 0 412 361 43.73906597 176.6581532 44 194 37.34704567856072 38.81393625197.96409745178767 190.1886051120 34261428 1 30 0 8 0 2 0308.36711206476156 329 288ABellefontaine Voting District 205 340680781 383943 64.42699697649468215.021554666926760021110441155Webster County 28155N28155202 33.603549-89.2790775V2G5240Walthall Walthall Voting District 582 1 39 0 7 1 1 0 582 533 40.75685693 278.6463654 41 306 34.80065619500995 36.1675315312.25264859123973 299.9882122120 34261428 1 25 0 6 1 1 0 435.6059689846874 448 414AWalthall Voting District 202 575355791 999279 177.34029064664 591.8634545986540031110441155Webster County 28155N28155102 33.5974399-89.2344342V2G5240Eupora 1 Eupora 1 Voting District 1602 0 786 0 46 7 12 1 1602 750 491.0704225 377.9027505 494 415 419.3054673933003 435.7746479 423.4798991543006 406.8467583120 22261428 0 570 0 32 7 3 01199.0391105042427 1215 603AEupora 1 Voting District 102 737560521 258098 48.70769530869014 162.55925095094120031110441155Webster County 28155N28155304 33.5504741-89.3692762V2G5240Grady Grady Voting District 440 0 57 0 0 0 3 4 440 376 52.68569311 172.1051081 53 189 44.98621410996889 46.75315048192.86192996325354 185.2868369120 34261428 0 39 0 0 0 2 1 329.3241002633376 330 288AGrady Voting District 304 652337441 401915 72.28664781039696241.252706524919550031110441155Webster County 28155N28155303 33.4967656-89.3825644V2G5240Tomnolen Tomnolen Voting District 653 1 66 0 3 0 5 0 653 578 53.67976279 286.8418468 54 315 45.83501060769317 47.6352854 321.4365500081481 308.8113949120 34261428 1 49 0 3 0 1 0488.74690334536234 497 443ATomnolen Voting District 303 3844261 0 100.99560046170059 113.17847404606970021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087503 33.5020649 -88.421674V2G5240Union Academy B Union Academy B Voting District 504 3 371 1 10 1 4 0 504 114 162.317208 52.82692583 206 54200.90074558154183 208.791581554.295804623455744 52.16321281 95 40 21628 3 271 1 9 1 2 0377.07047625420296 384 97AUnion Academy B Voting District 503 12959581 0 107.60840763478814120.588969370514730021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087203 33.5216548-88.4276587V2G5240Brandon B Brandon B Voting District 537 18 110 0 16 1 0 0 537 392 69.33938981 132.0673146 88 135 85.82167772181833 89.19252025135.73951153261729 130.408032 95 40 21628 14 101 0 12 1 0 0 401.759614580371 487 359ABrandon B Voting District 203 1691768611 1055881 189.16636276953446211.985078372003560021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087507 33.452722-88.5502099V2G5240West Lowndes A West Lowndes A Voting District 944 3 262 0 4 0 3 2 944 670 126.0716178 371.7450336 160 380156.03941400468034 162.1682186382.08158807556435 367.0744605 95 36 21628 3 184 0 2 0 3 1 706.258987269777 743 550AWest Lowndes A Voting District 507 18325531 29914 14.62833101925425316.3929138995299370021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087511 33.4932854-88.4518907V2G5240University B University B Voting District 73 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 73 25 11.81921417 14.67414606 15 1514.628695068952577 15.203270515.082167944598977 14.48978133 95 40 21628 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 54.61536660031115 60 24AUniversity B Voting District 511 270530101 1213410 355.2880944813396 398.1457033406380021110431 87Lowndes County 28087N28087205 33.624315-88.4731748V2G5240Air Base B Air Base B Voting District 1773 27 848 5 78 6 37 1 1773 771 171.7725793 225.003573 218 230212.60370163670387 220.9541979 231.2599085254863 222.1766471 5 35 21628 21 593 2 49 6 12 01326.4800682513926 1286 603AAir Base B Voting District 205 552501161 89867 23.025455964108065 76.846191358626740031110441155Webster County 28155N28155301 33.4850425-89.4608585V2G5240Fay Fay Voting District 208 1 4 0 5 0 1 0 208 197 15.9051149 102.8988212 16 11313.580743886611923 14.11415864115.30898459552354 110.7799607120 34261428 1 3 0 3 0 1 0155.68048376085048 161 153AFay Voting District 301 380352071 275429 85.570564712767285.587047693358040031110441155Webster County 28155N28155204 33.5286578-89.2395147V2G5240Eupora 2 Eupora 2 Voting District 773 0 121 0 9 2 7 0 773 634 56.66197183 217.6355599 57 239 48.38140008162187 50.28169014 243.8836046404181 234.3045187120 34261428 0 87 0 7 1 5 0 578.5625670535453 567 467AEupora 2 Voting District 204 74165691 76574 84.24217302253 281.15361357651420031110441155Webster County 28155N28155302 33.5213804-89.2801818V2G5240Eupora 3 Eupora 3 Voting District 761 0 267 0 10 2 13 1 761 468 93.44255004 202.1552063 94 222 79.78687031460092 82.92068199226.53623526267276 217.6385069120 34261428 0 143 0 8 2 4 1 569.581000682727 535 377AEupora 3 Voting District 302 801210011 262992 56.235248220033164187.682044279723020021110441155Webster County 28155N28155501 33.6982804-89.1936116V2G5240Fame Fame Voting District 508 0 9 0 5 0 0 0 508 494 29.82209044 195.780943 30 21525.463894777775288 26.46404744219.39320075790732 210.7760314 60 34261428 0 7 0 2 0 0 0 380.2196430313079 386 377AFame Voting District 501 546090531 228576 61.88091290354043206.524139276309370021110441155Webster County 28155N28155502 33.6400208-89.1390622V2G5240Clarkson Clarkson Voting District 559 1 5 0 3 0 4 0 559 546 12.92290586 257.7023576 13 28311.034354403061151 11.46775389288.78267826888873 277.4400786 60 34461428 1 2 0 1 0 3 0418.39130010728564 390 383AClarkson Voting District 502 510347811 147776 48.043499463571635160.342533892519270021110441155Webster County 28155N28155401 33.56331-89.1725645V2G5240Big Black Big Black Voting District 434 0 16 0 2 0 1 0 434 415 20.87546331 227.6522593 21 25017.824726346367115 18.52483321255.10837296946954 245.0884086120 34261428 0 12 0 2 0 1 0 324.8333170779284 345 330ABig Black Voting District 401 605238201 403801 62.213010826099676207.632497805520330021110441155Webster County 28155N28155503 33.631556-89.0608139V2G5240Cumberland Cumberland Voting District 562 0 111 0 1 1 5 0 562 444 68.59080801 199.4233792 69 219 58.56695799658081 60.86730912223.47493479036996 214.697446 60 34461428 0 81 0 1 1 1 0420.63669169999025 428 344ACumberland Voting District 503 156183991 147883 101.6219643031308339.157709938554550021110441155Webster County 28155N28155402 33.5455479-89.1367744V2G5240Mathiston Mathiston Voting District 918 4 101 0 2 0 8 0 918 803 83.50185322 336.0147348 84 369 71.29890538546846 74.09933284376.53995861368696 361.7504912 60 34461428 3 73 0 2 0 2 0 687.0898273675997 666 586AMathiston Voting District 402 179453711 0 271.32548219274327 304.05486876662370021110431 87Lowndes County 28087N28087206 33.6414489 -88.451374V2G5240Air Base C Air Base C Voting District 1354 46 139 20 100 2 32 3 1354 1012 130.0113559 170.2200943 165 174160.91564575847835 167.2359755174.95314823229174 168.0814635 5 19 21628 41 95 10 58 2 13 11013.0028270797437 972 752AAir Base C Voting District 206 180697301 45209 477.9256093276903 535.57670753943690021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087304 33.4584352-88.3494571V2G5240New Hope B New Hope B Voting District 2385 7 353 0 22 6 20 2 2385 1975 144.1944129 931.3191368 183 952178.47007984122143 185.4799001 957.2149259211028 919.6181221 36 38 21628 5 243 0 14 5 10 1 1784.351360845782 1708 1430ANew Hope B Voting District 304 240465761 109674 592.146824135566 663.57617223439670021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087303 33.4687277-88.3102369V2G5240New Hope A New Hope A Voting District 2955 7 249 0 47 5 8 4 2955 2635 181.2279506 1170.018579 230 1196224.30665769186592 233.11681431202.5515244157993 1155.318565 36 36 21628 7 164 0 27 4 4 0 2210.800113752321 2146 1940ANew Hope A Voting District 303 260854541 100821 230.44631057729302258.244534033690740021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087408 33.4259664-88.4061662V2G5240Fairgrounds B Fairgrounds B Voting District 1150 3 689 0 7 0 13 1 1150 437 318.330835 91.95798199 404 94 393.9995204917158 409.4747521 94.51491915279517 90.8026297 36 40 21628 3 492 0 4 0 5 0 860.3790628816139 834 330AFairgrounds B Voting District 408 1537759751 2901777 126.44488867327992141.697653021964240021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087403 33.3265586-88.4220993V2G5240Plum Grove A Plum Grove A Voting District 631 0 541 0 4 0 1 0 631 85 267.9021879 18.58725168 340 19331.58375483211125 344.607464619.104079398573806 18.35372302 36 37441528 0 410 0 3 0 1 0 472.0862510246073 479 65APlum Grove A Voting District 403 156057281 1622636 171.33182221181352191.999197042439650021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087407 33.465587 -88.409439V2G5240Fairgrounds D Fairgrounds D Voting District 855 3 607 0 2 0 7 0 855 236 250.5673404 72.39245391 318 74 310.1283353655739 322.3093345 74.40536188292106 71.48292125 36 40 21628 3 449 0 1 0 3 0 639.6731293598086 657 201AFairgrounds D Voting District 407 430571711 425632 89.11294255339901 297.40953867160832021112441155Webster County 28155N28155403 33.5763748-89.0757646V2G5240Maben Maben Voting District 805 0 240 0 3 2 8 0 805 552 81.55845028093978 133.8974956396426 82.04500330906684 147.04169424222368 69.63951106466527 72.37476201489079150.04626951033703 144.152859361681 60 34461428 0 166 0 2 1 5 0 602.5134107090607 587 413AMaben Voting District 403 779721111 727160 61.88091290354043206.524139276309370021110441155Webster County 28155N28155504 33.6953014-89.0932666V2G5240Mantee Mantee Voting District 559 2 35 0 0 0 2 0 559 520 36.78057821 254.9705305 37 28031.405470232979035 32.63899185285.72137779658595 274.4990177 60 22461428 2 30 0 0 0 1 0418.39130010728564 424 391AMantee Voting District 504 9072791 67786 110.21345288479232123.508255407417320021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087401 33.4851465-88.4052008V2G5240Coleman A Coleman A Voting District 550 0 504 0 20 0 4 0 550 22 196.1989553 8.804487638 249 9242.83633814461277 252.3742903 9.049300769882036 8.693868801 36 40 21628 0 336 0 12 0 2 0 411.4856387694675 369 19AColeman A Voting District 401 20865341 2243 490.14928319309456 549.27489586644140021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087402 33.482908-88.4234289V2G5240Mitchell A Mitchell A Voting District 2446 11 1995 0 20 12 16 2 2446 390 786.3717163 82.17521795 998 84 973.2958453184585 1011.524264 84.46014052306252 81.14277548 95 40 21528 9 1423 0 14 12 11 11829.9888589638501 1795 325AMitchell A Voting District 402 22099691 59354 350.2783920774854392.531691731209950021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087505 33.5005121-88.4279889V2G5240University A University A Voting District 1748 9 495 0 28 4 21 1 1748 1190 291.5406162 369.7884808 370 378360.84114497001644 375.0140056380.07063229132837 365.1424896 95 40 21628 8 364 0 28 2 16 01307.7761755800532 1473 1055AUniversity A Voting District 505 2635241 0 77.14941701935463 86.455778785192120021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087509 33.5031575-88.4245968V2G5240Union Academy C Union Academy C Voting District 385 0 167 0 3 0 4 1 385 210 122.9198274 40.10933257 156 41 152.1384287171068 158.1140132 41.22459240063977 39.60540232 95 38 21628 0 110 0 2 0 3 0288.03994713862727 292 177AUnion Academy C Voting District 509 1794912201 892017 306.99456330818515344.026631425751530021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087404 33.3483906-88.5980646V2G5240Crawford A Crawford A Voting District 1532 2 1253 0 4 4 10 0 1532 259 598.8401847 144.7849078 760 148 741.1872166665627 770.2990385 148.8107237658421 142.9658425 95 37441528 2 877 0 3 4 9 01146.1745428996805 1102 207ACrawford A Voting District 404 243262151 2067514 2.0038809615416784 2.2456046437712240021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087410 33.4102094-88.4223005V2G5240Plum Grove B Plum Grove B Voting District 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 5.51563328 0 7 0 6.826724363907524 7.094859565 0 0 36 36 21528 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.481557068535773 10 10APlum Grove B Voting District 410 505017391 3424257 124.0402315194299139.002927449438770021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087512 33.4937103-88.5278482V2G5240West Lowndes B West Lowndes B Voting District 619 5 138 1 4 1 2 0 619 468 83.52244682 248.4822067 106 254103.37611175645107 107.4364448255.39137731178826 245.3602973 95 38 21628 5 102 1 4 1 0 0 463.1083825423644 496 383AWest Lowndes B Voting District 512 121758351 827364 47.69236688469195 53.445390521755130021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087209 33.5037311-88.4684547V2G5240Brandon C Brandon C Voting District 238 0 69 0 6 0 6 1 238 156 28.36611401 53.80520223 36 55 35.10886815586411 36.48784919 55.30128248434725 53.12919823 95 38 21628 0 52 0 4 0 0 0 178.0610582311514 198 142ABrandon C Voting District 209 493479831 113778 120.03246959634654 134.51171816189630021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087508 33.4424186-88.6313374V2G5240Artesia Artesia Voting District 599 5 456 0 3 0 5 0 599 130 210.3820123 50.87037302 267 52260.39077222735585 270.6182149 52.28484889126391 50.23124196 95 37441528 4 325 0 3 0 4 0 448.1452684052928 430 94AArtesia Voting District 508 90598941 0 443.45885678917347496.952307666571870021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087409 33.4712654-88.3758942V2G5240Fairgrounds A Fairgrounds A Voting District 2213 5 2082 0 7 0 12 0 2213 107 496.4069952 142.828355 630 146 614.4051927997874 638.5373609 146.7997680856944 141.0338717 36 40 21628 4 1203 0 4 0 3 01655.6685792669666 1302 88AFairgrounds A Voting District 409 15665061 202674 0 00021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087411 33.4786852 -88.438617V2G5240Plum Grove C Plum Grove C Voting District 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 40 21528 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0APlum Grove C Voting District 411 18906431 84422 231.84902725037222 259.81645728433060021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087412 33.5004496-88.3985928V2G5240Propst Park Community Hut Propst Park Community Hut Voting District 1157 0 1014 0 6 2 15 0 1157 120 274.2057688 12.71759325 348 13 339.385725503479 352.715875513.071212222815978 12.55781049 36 40 21628 0 776 0 5 2 10 0 865.6161528295889 906 113APropst Park Community Hut Voting District 412 7434151 0 232.4501915388347260.490138677461970021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087504 33.5011147-88.4175923V2G5240Union Academy A Union Academy A Voting District 1160 11 980 1 7 3 7 0 1160 151 369.5474298 121.3062741 469 124 457.3905324251034 475.3555909124.67925508362846 119.7821924 95 40 21628 7 728 1 6 2 6 0 867.8606199501497 876 126AUnion Academy A Voting District 504 794261 0 28.65549775004600332.1121464059285060021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087510 33.5127995-88.4166166V2G5240Hunt C Hunt C Voting District 143 1 129 0 2 0 0 0 143 11 56.73222803 0.978276404 72 1 70.2177363213503 72.975698391.0054778629732652 0.965985422 95 38 21628 1 90 0 0 0 0 0106.98626608006155 102 11AHunt C Voting District 510 8664751 0 9.61862861540005710.7789022901018750021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087210 33.5107099-88.4338798V2G5240Brandon D Brandon D Voting District 48 0 12 0 1 0 0 0 48 35 4.727685669 8.804487638 6 9 5.851478026618824 6.081308199 9.049300769882036 8.693868801 95 40 21628 0 7 0 1 0 0 0 35.91147392897171 34 26ABrandon D Voting District 210 78322821 33263 9.01746432693755310.1052208969705080021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087208 33.6345419-88.3964043V2G5240Air Base E Air Base E Voting District 45 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 45 35 4.727685669 5.869658425 6 6 5.851478026618824 6.081308199 6.032867179921357 5.795912534 5 38 21628 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 33.66700680841098 33 27AAir Base E Voting District 208 29244081 0 461.8874281018899 429.93453848260750131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043201 33.770696-89.7948218V2G5240Grenada Box 2 Grenada Box 2 Voting District 1842 2 1188 0 8 0 9 0 1842 635 379.0176974 322.1405197 456 342461.36348416576095 479.4845894341.82038709465576 328.3946102 10 2326 728 2 844 0 7 0 6 01388.6894001643386 1386 527AGrenada Box 2 Voting District 201 131669141 0 314.9460421802246 293.15840409020360131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043101 33.7631464-89.7754986V2G5240Grenada Box 1 Grenada Box 1 Voting District 1256 20 114 0 3 1 5 3 1256 1110 44.88367469 614.1392364 54 652 54.63514944321434 56.7810698 651.6575800453652 626.0622393 10 2326 728 13 76 0 1 1 0 0 946.9022185702547 957 866AGrenada Box 1 Voting District 101 252901261 2389951 323.7224048205971301.327627134118530131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043203 33.786209 -89.751394V2G5240Futheyville Futheyville Voting District 1291 10 303 0 24 2 15 0 1291 937 167.0670113 472.8495348 201 502 203.3641673612733 211.3517598501.73635771029905 482.0295156107 2326 728 8 221 0 10 0 10 0 973.2888249794577 964 715AFutheyville Voting District 203 1325580891 1369756 162.98959189263215151.714142244134020131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043202 33.7529802-89.6538484V2G5240Gore Springs Gore Springs Voting District 650 0 188 0 3 3 4 0 650 452 75.63730364 210.9926211 91 224 92.07034442638147 95.68661762223.88235879944756 215.0888675 10 2326 728 0 146 0 3 0 2 0490.03697617091206 500 349AGore Springs Voting District 202 11036151 54438 52.50168119239198 58.834841666806070021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087111 33.5027276-88.3843919V2G5240Columbus High School C Columbus High School C Voting District 262 1 134 0 0 0 0 0 262 127 54.36838519 55.76175504 69 57 67.29199730755977 69.93504429 57.31223820613024 55.06116907 36 38 21628 1 92 0 0 0 0 0196.01679519563726 210 117AColumbus High School C Voting District 111 3923551 0 58.71371217317118 65.796216062496870021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087112 33.5052819-88.3667944V2G5240Sale B Sale B Voting District 293 0 137 0 1 0 1 0 293 154 63.03580892 73.37073031 80 75 78.01970702158431 81.08410932 75.41083974381255 72.44890667 36 38 21628 0 103 0 1 0 1 0219.20962210809816 251 146ASale B Voting District 112 146293161 0 733.7039167351411 682.94704647128640131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043501 33.7481388-89.8212955V2G5240Grenada Box 5 Grenada Box 5 Voting District 2926 5 750 0 28 6 16 0 2926 2121 226.9119109 1060.614694 273 1126276.21103331763265 287.05985291125.4086424243249 1081.205646 10 2326 728 5 527 0 21 4 7 02205.9202958093674 2258 1694AGrenada Box 5 Voting District 501 538132511 34102 497.74513831826897 463.3116497763170131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043102 33.7105219 -89.81032V2G5240Tie Plant Tie Plant Voting District 1985 11 869 0 24 1 9 0 1985 1071 370.7059057 649.9326275 446 690 451.2458639234452 468.9695765 689.63762313684 662.5505294 10 23261328 8 604 0 20 1 6 01496.4975349219392 1480 841ATie Plant Voting District 102 212899891 0 253.76225691591344236.207249155482510131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043103 33.6961257-89.7665853V2G5240Elliott Elliott Voting District 1012 0 177 0 5 0 11 0 1012 819 45.71485385 281.6374719 55 29955.646911467445925 57.83257109298.84297001902485 287.1052294 10 2326 728 0 96 0 3 0 2 0 762.949876746097 716 615AElliott Voting District 103 754171771 0 158.22528074500136147.279421163151650131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043104 33.7080121-89.9159557V2G5240Sweethome Sweethome Voting District 631 0 208 0 2 1 1 0 631 419 103.8973951 200.6313763 125 213126.47025336572007 131.4376616212.88813586776294 204.5264678 10 23261328 0 160 0 2 1 1 0 475.7128184059162 485 321ASweethome Voting District 104 1068821561 237889 93.53095042454122 87.06057701086460131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043204 33.6966672-89.6306092V2G5240Providence Providence Voting District 373 0 25 0 10 2 0 1 373 335 11.13598758710877 34.01275055501755 9.684912280701754 38.21614035087719 8.231746720375712 8.55506738553684338.516996858304964 37.00415378049123 10 3426 728 0 19 0 7 1 0 0 281.2058340180772 281 254AProvidence Voting District 204 2500743541 3034707 370.86400986031225345.208025198575740131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043502 33.7575036-90.0294347V2G5240Holcomb Holcomb Voting District 1479 0 352 0 9 1 5 1 1479 1111 168.7293697 487.9204363 203 518205.38769142898062 213.4547624 517.727954730228 497.3930061 10 23 51328 0 257 0 5 1 3 01115.0225965488908 1094 828AHolcomb Voting District 502 146402681 10950912 678.0367022733498 631.13083173559760131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043301 33.8101528-89.7747551V2G5240Grenada Box 3 Grenada Box 3 Voting District 2704 0 1986 0 21 6 28 1 2704 662 892.6864188 288.2309913 1074 3061086.6324164687235 1129.312388 305.8392937217493 293.8267565 10 23261328 0 1445 0 10 6 20 12038.5538208709943 1995 513AGrenada Box 3 Voting District 301 906310591 35298993 78.23500410846343 72.822788277184330131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043303 33.8424209-89.6268786V2G5240Mt. Nebo Mt. Nebo Voting District 312 0 39 0 0 0 2 0 312 271 11.63650825 92.30927174 14 9814.164668377730411 14.7210181 97.94853197345721 94.10137953116 2326 728 0 27 0 0 0 2 0 235.2177485620378 253 224AMt. Nebo Voting District 303 685972701 1105852 213.1402355519036198.395416780790640131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043304 33.7873257-89.5415384V2G5240Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove Voting District 850 0 428 0 3 0 4 0 850 415 18.802674167622325 50.4653375066896 22.90711009174312 55.0745412844036723.503255091728036 24.42639914946483557.713368387610615 55.44654394686545116 2326 728 0 341 0 3 0 4 0 640.8175842235004 687 339APleasant Grove Voting District 304 427103901 62181 707.1240755957272 658.20597096685840131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043401 33.7681486-89.8679461V2G5240Grenada Box 4 Grenada Box 4 Voting District 2820 5 2280 0 32 6 35 0 2820 462 1254.249354 232.657042 1509 247 1526.748897827337 1586.71545246.87027952210104 237.1738851 10 23261328 4 1668 0 27 5 16 02126.0065735414955 2088 368AGrenada Box 4 Voting District 401 1273373251 112356 264.79539852095314246.477129553546970131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043402 33.8309838-89.8860667V2G5240Geeslin Geeslin Voting District 1056 0 164 0 12 1 3 0 1056 876 84.78027441 447.4173885 102 475103.19972668330678 107.2531318474.75053765459705 456.1036253107 23261328 0 130 0 9 1 2 0 796.1216105176663 825 683AGeeslin Voting District 402 532895921 16101523 180.2915639550808167.819181959280570131110441 43Grenada County 28043N28043403 33.8568477-89.7950488V2G5240Hardy Hardy Voting District 719 7 35 0 13 3 7 0 719 654 37.40306224 248.6698749 45 26445.529291196263905 47.31755816263.86135140131427 253.4975938107 2348 728 4 28 0 8 1 4 0 542.0562859490551 546 501AHardy Voting District 403 11709461 5018 263.9111226350391 295.74613158467020021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087113 33.4940496-88.3615415V2G5240Fairgrounds C Fairgrounds C Voting District 1317 5 1063 0 11 1 8 4 1317 225 313.6031494 90.97970559 398 93 388.1480424641348 403.3934439 93.50944129190368 89.83664428 36 40 21628 3 612 0 9 0 5 0 985.3210659261614 823 194AFairgrounds C Voting District 113 56715821 292794 29.05627394235433832.5612673346827460021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087114 33.5452555-88.3551004V2G5240Columbus High School D Columbus High School D Voting District 145 2 106 0 4 0 2 0 145 31 31.51790446 33.26139774 40 3439.009853510792155 40.54205466 34.18624735358161 32.84350436 5 38 21628 2 89 0 4 0 2 0108.48257749376872 123 26AColumbus High School D Voting District 114 540872271 15259 47.025733014438835245.626361945256433311113221 39George County 28039N28039102 30.8868844-88.4571887V2G5240Shipman Shipman Voting District 743 0 30 0 24 4 3 1 743 681 43.88772846 177.8 39 22033.288472178194496 34.595953249.09818625048507 239.3142857 7108424228 0 28 0 22 4 3 0 543.5766675524848 560 503AShipman Voting District 102 1117791721 132227 156.5836655151032 817.87297369120383311113221 39George County 28039N28039101 30.9608982-88.4939963V2G5240Rocky Creek Rocky Creek Voting District 2474 2 21 0 64 3 20 0 2474 2364 114.7832898 861.5218182 102 1066 87.06215801339059 90.48172324 1206.993939417629 1159.586494 7104394228 2 15 0 42 2 17 01809.9712994950837 1800 1722ARocky Creek Voting District 101 18288421 0 43.2838287693002648.5050603054584360021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087306 33.5222069-88.3317347V2G5240Rural Hill C Rural Hill C Voting District 216 0 10 0 0 8 1 0 216 197 20.4866379 74.34900672 26 76 25.35640478297711 26.35233553 76.41631761511287 73.4148921 5 40 21628 0 7 0 0 4 1 0161.60163268037272 164 152ARural Hill C Voting District 306 65273281 0 63.923802673179544 71.634788136302050021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087115 33.5077837-88.3490249V2G5240Sale C Sale C Voting District 319 0 109 0 2 2 1 0 319 205 61.4599137 70.4359011 78 72 76.06921434893133 79.05700659 72.39440616113805 69.55095041 36 40 21628 0 79 0 2 2 1 0238.66167048629117 244 160ASale C Voting District 115 1378191 0 48.093143077000285 53.894511450509380021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087413 33.4926421-88.4142354V2G5240Mitchell B Mitchell B Voting District 240 0 217 0 0 0 10 2 240 11 75.6429707 7.826211233 96 8 93.62364842205236 97.30093118 8.04382290690877 7.727883379 36 40 21628 0 160 0 0 0 3 0179.55736964485857 173 10AMitchell B Voting District 413 149655781 24060 43.79785632031181 228.76640977943133311113221 39George County 28039N28039104 30.927662-88.5515523V2G5240Multi-Mart Multi-Mart Voting District 692 0 17 0 15 5 8 0 692 647 30.38381201 190.7309091 27 23623.045865359315766 23.95104439 267.2144179531904 256.718961 7106394228 0 7 0 8 4 4 0 506.2652139250598 468 445AMulti-Mart Voting District 104 372984751 64329 111.39339179732482 581.83364336965193311113221 39George County 28039N28039401 30.9707646-88.5920935V2G5240Lucedale City Hall Lucedale City Hall Voting District 1760 3 420 0 36 0 10 0 1760 1291 100.154047 338.6281818 89 419 75.96600061424438 78.9497389 474.418818423697 455.7849351 7106394228 2 338 0 16 0 9 01287.6109487111348 1393 1028ALucedale City Hall Voting District 401 261023631 59256 31.13951634334308162.648950305607233311113221 39George County 28039N28039103 30.8890072-88.5358823V2G5240Ward Ward Voting District 492 0 5 0 2 1 5 0 492 479 19.1305483 192.3472727 17 23814.510359672105789 15.08028721269.47894700710583 258.8945455 7106424228 0 2 0 1 1 5 0359.94578793515814 370 361AWard Voting District 103 7039661 110407 42.48227638468359 47.606818447949950021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087414 33.4861643-88.4108782V2G5240Coleman B Coleman B Voting District 212 0 203 0 2 1 0 0 212 6 81.15860398 3.913105617 103 4100.45037274266056 104.3957907 4.021911452933943 3.863941689 36 40 21528 0 146 0 1 1 0 0 158.6090098529584 152 4AColeman B Voting District 414 10741301 0 0 00021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087307 33.4577134-88.3650173V2G5240New Hope F New Hope F Voting District 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 40 21628 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0ANew Hope F Voting District 307 32170271 0 33.064035865437695 37.052476622225190021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087308 33.4806898-88.3498745V2G5240New Hope E New Hope E Voting District 165 3 48 0 0 1 8 0 165 105 10.24331895 66.52279548 13 6812.678202386677519 13.17616776 68.37249470716321 65.68700872 36 40 21628 2 36 0 0 1 4 0123.44569163084026 122 79ANew Hope E Voting District 308 17821071 0 77.34980511550879 86.680339249569240021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087309 33.4537418-88.3311347V2G5240New Hope D New Hope D Voting District 386 1 19 0 1 1 0 0 386 364 25.21432357 162.3938831 32 166 31.20788281055814 32.43364373166.90932530352438 160.3535801 36 36 21628 1 12 0 1 1 0 0288.78810284548086 297 282ANew Hope D Voting District 309 115223881 19487 33.291434139427764 173.88891841615733311113221 39George County 28039N28039201 30.9025838-88.5725637V2G5240Courthouse Courthouse Voting District 526 1 24 0 32 0 2 0 526 467 9.33268880596966519.593962623164895 9.812636872414632 22.483737529402223 8.6731609780339 9.01381919696650221.92219987165860221.061155371011434 7106424228 1 19 0 25 0 0 0 384.8200903534414 392 347ACourthouse Voting District 201 799513161 305869 127.34290016830543 665.14164230667023311113221 39George County 28039N28039203 30.8256093-88.5043453V2G5240Agricola Agricola Voting District 2012 1 8 0 43 0 15 1 2012 1944 76.52219321 601.2872727 68 744 58.04143867880108 60.32114883 842.4047753728127 809.3174026 7108424228 1 7 0 24 0 12 1 1471.973425458411 1418 1373AAgricola Voting District 203 315305391 65669 48.60802551155992253.891044379484443311113221 39George County 28039N28039202 30.85252-88.5386191V2G5240Pine Level Pine Level Voting District 768 0 7 0 28 3 6 1 768 723 37.13577023 230.3318182 33 28528.167168763944094 29.27349869 322.6953776403082 310.0207792 7108424228 0 6 0 24 3 4 1 561.8665958012224 575 537APine Level Voting District 202 169570781 55864 45.823190716626804239.345203295243153311113221 39George County 28039N28039301 30.8591715 -88.590648V2G5240Multipurpose Bldg. Multipurpose Bldg. Voting District 724 12 65 0 8 1 1 1 724 636 65.2689295 198.0045455 58 245 49.50593298196903 51.45039164277.40479833150073 266.5090909 7106424228 6 41 0 8 1 1 1 529.676322083444 542 484AMultipurpose Bldg. Voting District 301 1028931191 1815836 134.6847373549473 703.48976880148813311113221 39George County 28039N28039303 30.8085261-88.6510443V2G5240Basin School Basin School Voting District 2128 3 295 0 23 6 21 3 2128 1777 209.310705 461.4718182 186 571158.76040583214032 164.9960836 646.52301975553 621.1293506 7106424228 3 217 0 12 5 7 21556.8386925325538 1522 1276ABasin School Voting District 303 385309831 40297 47.721941713172114249.262822216316783311113221 39George County 28039N28039205 30.7494134-88.4932774V2G5240Movella Movella Voting District 754 2 5 0 8 5 8 0 754 726 27.0078329 214.1681818 24 265 20.48521364737953 21.28981723 300.0500880379486 288.2649351 7108424228 1 2 0 4 5 1 0 551.6242359819294 572 559AMovella Voting District 205 513495031 373024 85.12733634511471 444.63991496146693311113221 39George County 28039N28039304 30.7567285-88.5896663V2G5240Barton Barton Voting District 1345 3 74 0 30 2 17 0 1345 1219 51.00209560750475271.87847104243195 57.49683343888537 304.09436352121594 55.12393096958382 57.28904933787207306.58045003480777294.53880220503487 7106424228 1 58 0 15 2 9 0 983.9981397820887 973 888ABarton Voting District 304 12578301 0 33.865588250054365 37.950718479733690021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087415 33.4376905-88.3607545V2G5240Fairgrounds E Fairgrounds E Voting District 169 0 138 0 0 1 4 0 169 26 48.0648043 13.69586966 61 14 59.49002660732577 61.82663336 14.07669008370748 13.52379591 36 38 21628 0 100 0 0 1 1 0126.43831445825457 126 24AFairgrounds E Voting District 415 3277031 0 9.21785242309172 10.329781361347630021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087416 33.4036356-88.3753322V2G5240Fairgrounds G Fairgrounds G Voting District 46 0 40 0 0 2 0 0 46 4 11.81921417 3.913105617 15 414.628695068952577 15.2032705 4.021911452933943 3.863941689 36 40 21628 0 28 0 0 2 0 034.415162515264555 32 2AFaigrounds G Voting District 416 812523431 3512585 319.61901336589773 358.17394068151020021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087310 33.3760784-88.3238783V2G5240New Hope C New Hope C Voting District 1595 3 261 1 17 1 13 1 1595 1298 106.3729275 689.6848649 135 705 131.6582556205732 136.8294345 708.8618935939197 681.0197227 36 36 21628 2 200 1 12 1 8 1 1193.308352431456 1264 1039ANew Hope C Voting District 310 206812491 1364553 23.64579534619180726.4981347965004450021110441 87Lowndes County 28087N28087417 33.380831-88.3834533V2G5240Fairgrounds F Fairgrounds F Voting District 118 0 75 0 1 0 1 0 118 41 31.51790446 8.804487638 40 939.009853510792155 40.54205466 9.049300769882036 8.693868801 36 36 21628 0 48 0 1 0 0 0 88.28237340872212 82 33AFaigrounds F Voting District 417 525185241 12649 51.45615200637789 268.76747276109493311113221 39George County 28039N28039204 30.7802563-88.4445714V2G5240Howell School Howell School Voting District 813 1 7 0 8 2 0 0 813 795 32.63446475 214.9763636 29 26624.752966490984516 25.72519582 301.1823525128622 289.3527273 7108424228 1 3 0 6 2 0 0 594.7884666489504 591 579AHowell School Voting District 204 74066911 91451 38.35477013021525200.335902205686953311113221 39George County 28039N28039502 30.8799932-88.6079994V2G5240Twin Creek Twin Creek Voting District 606 0 15 0 23 1 8 0 606 559 30.38381201 172.1427273 27 21323.045865359315766 23.95104439241.17233492609014 231.6997403 7106424228 0 8 0 11 1 2 0443.34786074940206 440 418ATwin Creek Voting District 502 61379941 0 69.36770307378865362.323677916555943311113221 39George County 28039N28039501 30.9160717-88.6035074V2G5240Lucedale High School Lucedale High School Voting District 1096 2 379 0 22 2 2 2 1096 687 306.0887728 234.3727273 272 290 232.1657546959602 241.2845953328.35670011896434 315.4597403 7106424228 1 267 0 15 2 1 0 801.8304544246612 824 538ALucedale High School Voting District 501 223106381 46388 20.822969262113563 108.76322083444063311113221 39George County 28039N28039503 30.8735875-88.6975242V2G5240Central School Central School Voting District 329 3 1 0 0 5 0 0 329 320 20.25587467 111.5290909 18 13815.363910233129129 15.96736292156.25249868304306 150.1153247 7106424228 3 0 0 0 4 0 0240.69545575338825 237 230ACentral School Voting District 503 401800321 641761 40.94972982549385 213.88998139782093311113221 39George County 28039N28039302 30.8518681-88.6851146V2G5240Davis School Davis School Voting District 647 0 16 0 5 1 5 0 647 620 9.156839830254757 49.91180792499194 8.137052563689133 61.758142534666234 6.945385843047997 7.218181744920994 69.92655132814717 67.18002621557562 7106424228 0 7 0 2 1 2 0 473.3433430773319 460 448ADavis School Voting District 302 802474581 1540623 107.1528479050403 559.68429444592083311113221 39George County 28039N28039403 30.909957-88.6791908V2G5240Shady Grove Shady Grove Voting District 1693 4 6 0 26 14 18 3 1693 1622 2.28847441007267319.162943566784225 1.9902746606818424 21.5311531473762981.6916453589972957 1.75808859653446621.700657113240197 20.84831421074062 7106424228 4 5 0 20 11 7 11238.5939410045178 1222 1174AShady Grove Voting District 403 710830551 600552 65.06386748161927 339.84374169545583311113221 39George County 28039N28039402 30.9671613-88.6707974V2G5240Bexley School Bexley School Voting District 1028 9 126 0 29 4 3 0 1028 857 133.9138381 263.4672727 119 326101.57251763738603 105.5620104369.11822142402923 354.6202597 7106394228 4 82 0 23 4 1 0 752.0818495880947 764 650ABexley School Voting District 402 630652151 1767153 10.69629728053857755.8692532553813453311113221 39George County 28039N28039404 30.9672092-88.7820351V2G5240Salem School Salem School Voting District 169 0 42 0 1 0 0 0 169 126 19.1305483 50.91545455 17 6314.510359672105789 15.08028721 71.33266242958717 68.53090909108106394228 0 30 0 1 0 0 0123.63991496146691 119 88ASalem School Voting District 404 1461071961 2942876 88.29192133935689 461.16927982992293311113221 39George County 28039N28039504 30.8759402-88.8177814V2G5240Benndale Crossing Benndale Crossing Voting District 1395 1 255 0 22 7 14 0 1395 1096 181.1775457 329.7381818 161 408137.42164156600504 142.8191906461.96390909555953 443.8192208102106424228 1 170 0 12 4 9 01020.5779962795642 998 802ABenndale Crossing Voting District 504 1737926861 2223512 24.30401275577996126.945522189742223311113221 39George County 28039N28039505 30.7862633-88.7950613V2G5240Broom School Broom School Voting District 384 0 3 0 4 0 4 0 384 373 12.37859008 118.8027273 11 147 9.389056255930974 9.757832898166.44287895726512 159.9054545102106424228 0 3 0 1 0 4 0 280.9332979006112 278 270ABroom School Voting District 505 7816951 0 59.08075144972074 100.5879479436683311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047106 30.4085066-88.8913588V1G5240106 Voting District 106 524 36 250 9 85 0 6 0 524 138 179.1283024 64.53773512 176 63172.67970158065438 179.4620915 66.78200656031655 64.15899063 3114494928 26 190 9 80 0 3 0 395.5856230458833 421 113AVoting District 106 106 11386531 32135 136.08867748055906231.697811389326863311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047107 30.4053918 -88.897277V1G5240107 Voting District 107 1207 85 272 3 103 0 23 0 1207 721 169.9683324 236.6383621 167 231 163.8494895390317 170.2850527 244.8673573774185 235.2496323 3114494928 59 142 2 80 0 14 0 911.205814916758 904 607AVoting District 107 107 20799201 0 819.7921661419325297.568648923480051131111441151Washington County 28151N28151505 33.4081965-91.0388192V2G5240Greenville Ind. College Greenville Ind. College Voting District 3024 2 2920 0 12 5 7 0 3024 78 863.187481 15.83472507 981 13 1003.728168284369 1043.15188612.047643345926193 11.57444462 93 48241128 2 2147 0 7 3 4 0 2176.177718677279 2238 75AGreenville Ind. College Voting District 505 2689343781 10884761 314.47053992216985114.146703952128591131111441151Washington County 28151N28151204 33.2641892-90.9039013V2G5240Arcola City Hall Arcola City Hall Voting District 1160 1 643 0 39 0 4 0 1160 473 277.1702921 215.5958721 315 177322.29803576973796 334.9570277164.03329785255482 157.5905152109 49 62128 1 475 0 22 0 4 0 834.7771672174746 865 363AArcola City Hall Voting District 204 1447952421 2116644 61.2675362262158522.2389268044664341131111441151Washington County 28151N28151502 33.2790071-90.7847523V2G5240Darlove Baptist Church Darlove Baptist Church Voting District 226 0 74 0 9 0 2 0 226 141 30.79669912 46.28611943 35 3835.810892861165975 37.21744752 35.21618823553267 33.83299196109 33 62128 0 58 0 7 0 0 0162.63762050961142 170 105ADarlove Baptist Church Voting District 502 2180947261 24551042 865.3361753720399314.100240530340051131111441151Washington County 28151N28151304 33.4712933-91.0922317V2G5240American Legion American Legion Voting District 3192 3 2552 0 37 4 7 0 3192 589 296.35419553304814 44.88265844029253 346.64054091348146 45.80764454256934 330.2425872343426 343.21361957974335 44.82668978984514 43.06601910206154 93 49241128 3 1672 0 23 4 6 02297.0764808260165 2227 519AAmerican Legion Voting District 304 176998561 205149 1277.9432113733696463.868588302012261131111441151Washington County 28151N28151401 33.4116571 -90.998598V2G5240Elks Club Elks Club Voting District 4714 15 4264 2 39 8 15 4 4714 367 1395.530423 113.279187 1586 931622.7450312970966 1686.482051 86.18698700515752 82.80179612 93 49241128 10 2944 2 27 6 11 13392.3616950544615 3313 312AElks Club Voting District 401 20475151 67668979 232.715020977526 396.20901632773043311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047108 30.3945095-88.9114649V1G5240108 Voting District 108 2064 66 309 2 330 16 46 8 2064 1287 260.550258 479.4231752 256 468251.17047497392232 261.0357694 496.0949058974548 476.6096447 32114 44928 53 213 2 241 13 19 2 1558.18459153951 1661 1118AVoting District 108 108 60879501 3132611 387.2946206675396 659.38855188263283311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047109 30.4111811 -88.914469V1G5240109 Voting District 109 3435 166 507 13 422 18 101 6 3435 2202 132.3106779 213.0769667 130 208127.54750687230874 132.5572267220.48662488957473 211.8265088 32114 44928 159 477 13 400 18 92 6 2593.199647256888 3279 2114AVoting District 109 109 39516211 448387 505.90712166965073 861.33229470083643311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047110 30.4047458-88.9457261V1G5240110 Voting District 110 4487 132 902 7 471 13 179 3 4487 2780 324.6700481 580.8396161 319 567 312.9819590728395 325.2750408 601.0380590740754 577.4309157 32114 44928 107 593 7 291 9 59 33387.3906309291574 3156 2087AVoting District 110 110 26186561 0 289.8008682558617 105.19209183174611131111441151Washington County 28151N28151305 33.4506511-91.0018426V2G5240Metcalfe City Hall Metcalfe City Hall Voting District 1069 0 1015 1 11 0 6 0 1069 36 424.1145421 4.872223098 482 4 493.1671530852881 512.53742013.7069671829615656 3.561367575 93 49241128 0 664 1 8 0 3 0 769.2903377202417 697 21AMetcalfe City Hall Voting District 305 1562265751 1390289 712.7095253925729 258.69972818116041131111441151Washington County 28151N28151403 33.4699149-90.9116576V2G5240Leland Rotary Club Leland Rotary Club Voting District 2629 16 1657 0 30 0 17 2 2629 907 590.4167174 531.0723176 671 436 686.5459746241074 713.5116368 404.0594229688328 388.1890657 93 27242128 13 1148 0 18 0 14 2 1891.921700529949 1965 770ALeland Rotary Club Voting District 403 1644397801 106035 763.6754404834073 277.19936640788471131111441151Washington County 28151N28151402 33.4419578-90.8203626V2G5240Leland Health Dpt. Clinic Leland Health Dpt. Clinic Voting District 2817 4 1857 0 42 3 13 4 2817 894 769.0375723 641.9153931 874 527 894.2491532034749 929.3728324488.39292634868076 469.210178109 27242128 4 1283 0 24 1 5 22027.2131724582982 2057 738ALeland Health Dpt. Clinic Voting District 402 79238051170727861 572.9930894417573 975.5495256674063311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047502 30.3912006-88.9701589V1G5240502 Voting District 502 5082 149 940 14 424 11 185 7 5082 3352 530.260486 978.3101117 521 955 511.1711619894673 531.24857761012.3304169931258 972.5688263 32116 44928 124 636 12 308 8 96 33836.5765960289677 3980 2793AVoting District 502 502 70479591 15609 809.76709334330991378.66916437294573311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047503 30.3991966-88.9857893V1G5240503 Voting District 503 7182 190 1580 9 691 22 191 8 7182 4491 897.6770608 1551.978868 882 1515 865.360777096178 899.34979931605.9482528419558 1542.870965 32116 44828 171 1078 6 523 22 98 6 5421.938825793004 5671 3767AVoting District 503 503 28500861 547020 118.72525052777851 202.13570455092063311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047208 30.4177685-89.0562081V1G5240208 Voting District 208 1053 11 30 0 42 0 10 2 1053 958 82.43973008 435.3736099 81 425 79.47190810518589 82.59334892 450.5135363369438 432.8185876 44117274828 7 22 0 25 0 6 0 794.9459180673953 833 773AVoting District 208 208 84241521 3960018 535.8984954971808 912.39411560353813311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047505 30.416292 -89.005092V1G5240505 Voting District 505 4753 94 869 16 314 17 114 4 4753 3325 524.1538394 1200.606755 515 1172 505.2843540258661 525.13055181242.3573283364067 1193.560905 44116 44828 85 606 10 239 15 49 2 3588.203180032602 3685 2679AVoting District 505 505 53726401 3112466 460.5818123513535 784.16367814863323311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047510 30.4370919-88.9767145V1G5240510 Voting District 510 4085 167 540 5 157 20 85 3 4085 3108 566.9003661 1406.512862 557 1373 546.4920100597373 567.95673271455.4237302089125 1398.258637103116 44828 134 373 5 108 12 45 2 3083.907004088613 3141 2462AVoting District 510 510 138430741 5403578 710.88575933299491210.31872478020363311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047509 30.4390548-88.9400698V1G5240509 Voting District 509 6305 276 1037 6 435 30 125 13 6305 4383 543.4915538 1059.238383 534 1034 523.9259127055644 544.5043003 1096.072933409344 1053.022164103115 44828 213 713 6 307 20 67 12 4759.861361267737 4781 3443AVoting District 509 509 59237631240215800 29.87862430186259 50.869859169984773311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047101 30.2387315-88.8819025V1G5240101 Voting District 101 265 74 27 1 17 0 5 1 265 140 29.51545892 116.7825683 29 114 28.45290536588447 29.57045825120.84363087703271 116.0972211 3114494928 61 15 1 13 0 3 1200.05761470831885 222 128AVoting District 101 101 24250291 435063 181.41398679885626308.866427941530163311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047114 30.429723-88.8912245V1G5240114 Voting District 114 1609 131 173 3 114 10 57 2 1609 1119 108.9018657 351.3721134 107 343104.98140942191522 109.1047942363.59092460963745 349.3100601 3115424928 101 142 3 80 10 24 11214.6894417573021 1306 945AVoting District 114 114 324343521 1119051 493.2791747949013 839.8325806365413311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047506 30.4755239-88.9802561V1G5240506 Voting District 506 4375 73 223 6 186 13 74 4 4375 3796 259.5324836 1353.243621 255 1321250.18934028124852 260.01609841400.3020741946955 1345.30201103115 44928 60 154 4 137 12 34 33302.8379786750756 3301 2897AVoting District 506 506 430526131 1749850 1282.30035541540842183.18078618957273311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047111 30.4863839 -88.921068V1G5240111 Voting District 111 11373 987 1720 9 476 46 274 21 11373 7840 810.1484585 1978.132802 796 1931 780.983195643088 811.65809552046.9215030374585 1966.523983103115424928 689 1114 5 308 33 114 10 8585.868875764945 8358 6085AVoting District 111 111 27933271 2139820 140.9369070842575239.952165896154553311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047401 30.356716-89.0867243V1G5240401 Voting District 401 1250 18 868 2 37 2 22 0 1250 301 404.0564548 80.92827102 397 79 389.5104631769806 404.8093768 83.74251616640622 80.45333746 51119274728 13 592 1 27 2 10 0 943.6679939071644 890 245AVoting District 401 401 63100331 89356365 209.71411774137516 357.0488228534783311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047303 30.2274902-89.1235386V1G5240303 Voting District 303 1860 32 337 3 103 9 30 3 1860 1343 220.8570546 387.2264107 217 378 212.9062229218518 221.2686014400.69203938271687 384.9539438 51119274828 22 240 3 74 7 20 21404.1779749338607 1504 1136AVoting District 303 303 25241111 0 398.1185751316106 677.81687822345743311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047405 30.3673542-89.1213714V1G5240405 Voting District 405 3531 21 2671 4 103 7 62 0 3531 663 1110.39192 79.90386253 1091 781070.4179227653017 1112.461033 82.68248431277287 79.43494078 51118274728 16 1818 2 69 4 18 0 2665.673349188958 2495 568AVoting District 405 405 126934641 98099 582.4640495978194 991.67431121562753311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047404 30.3859126-89.1220184V1G5240404 Voting District 404 5166 51 2757 8 445 33 138 3 5166 1731 837.6283685 166.9785845 823 163 807.4738316717353 839.1892118 172.7851915801616 165.9986583 51120274728 42 1718 8 308 22 64 3 3899.991085219529 3462 1297AVoting District 404 404 143816941 12614 232.03852382352156 395.05724593142893311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047411 30.4209657-89.1131784V1G5240411 Voting District 411 2058 2 1919 0 41 3 19 0 2058 74 1296.644643 14.34171892 1274 14 1249.965566713569 1299.06082114.840445898822955 14.25755347 51118274728 2 1462 0 26 2 12 01553.6549851687555 1558 54AVoting District 411 411 122770821 327974 611.44067769434281041.00847652387693311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047410 30.436561-89.0690435V1G5240410 Voting District 410 5423 149 1972 8 298 12 109 11 5423 2864 784.7040974 672.011972 771 656 756.4548289997883 786.1663212 695.3808937143623 668.0682199 42118274728 124 1463 6 225 10 48 8 4094.009224766842 4286 2402AVoting District 410 410 143325961 200313 901.20695865957621534.35012960637073311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047409 30.4517006-89.0551636V1G5240409 Voting District 409 7993 206 3422 5 396 24 285 16 7993 3639 1324.124553 1057.189566 1301 10321276.4562034157611 1326.5919381093.9528690359123 1050.98537 42 94 84728 179 2203 5 268 18 106 10 6034.190620239972 5574 2785AVoting District 409 409 275657731 1828823 575.3608294807728 979.58072205446143311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047213 30.4654195-89.0329673V1G5240213 Voting District 213 5103 71 857 2 374 27 118 3 5103 3651 302.2790103 1069.482468 297 1044291.39699641134047 302.84227941106.6732521538543 1063.206131 42115 44828 56 501 1 257 20 50 2 3852.430218326608 3702 2815AVoting District 213 213 78558191 89174 662.9672109243473 1128.7349883755113311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047204 30.464571-89.0924488V1G5240204 Voting District 204 5880 136 1324 16 268 21 127 10 5880 3978 783.6863229 1292.803519 770 1262 755.4736943071146 785.1466502 1337.760194955233 1285.216606 42117274628 107 908 12 177 14 57 9 4439.014243339301 4346 3062AVoting District 204 204 25226331 884 260.56415381737526443.623564308810563311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047309 30.3576321-89.1365538V1G5240309 Voting District 309 2311 108 208 3 133 1 37 1 2311 1820 165.8972346 652.5482106 163 637 159.9249508645573 166.2063688 675.2402886202343 648.7186831 51119274728 81 120 1 89 1 15 11744.6533871355655 1678 1370AVoting District 309 309 42515751 6591 240.15648967157478408.878490687047363311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047308 30.3594637-89.1487338V1G5240308 Voting District 308 2130 90 150 0 53 12 42 0 2130 1783 178.1105279 736.5497071 175 719171.69856688798058 178.4424205 762.1629003475406 732.2272106 76119274728 76 100 0 39 8 20 01608.0102616178083 1641 1398AVoting District 308 308 66944501 33461 242.0732316079207 412.14184014323513311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047312 30.3728293-89.1643047V1G5240312 Voting District 312 2147 50 140 1 82 14 31 1 2147 1828 161.8261368 789.8189488 159 771156.00041219008284 162.1276849 817.2845565699342 785.1838378 76119274728 39 90 1 45 11 11 01620.8441463349457 1623 1426AVoting District 312 312 218269151 86336 163.82506079474092 278.92039763769013311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047313 30.4035249-89.1640704V1G5240313 Voting District 313 1453 29 121 0 107 16 27 1 1453 1152 69.20866229 336.005986 68 328 66.71715741795502 69.33762625 347.6904469092253 334.03411 76120274728 25 84 0 68 9 15 1 1096.919676117688 1087 885AVoting District 313 313 471454891 825708 920.036129446033 1566.4077389700973311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047211 30.4585262-89.1470135V1G5240211 Voting District 211 8160 218 1234 10 333 35 219 7 8160 6104 738.9042473 1966.864308 726 1920 712.3037688878958 740.28112732035.2611521062322 1955.321619 64117274828 169 822 8 209 33 88 6 6160.26466422597 6112 4777AVoting District 211 211 118564001 201503 250.1911974559739 425.96308489885363311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047203 30.4945453-89.0894119V1G5240203 Voting District 203 2219 48 332 1 50 5 54 0 2219 1729 268.6924536 660.7434786 264 645 259.0195523228712 269.1931372 683.7205434076658 656.8658565 64117 84828 39 243 1 29 4 22 01675.1994227839982 1633 1295AVoting District 203 203 619976491 1710678 685.62986558349591167.31929665161283311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047210 30.5278496-89.1603417V1G5240210 Voting District 210 6081 52 573 6 218 22 132 8 6081 5070 388.7898381 1370.658565 382 1338 374.7934431717567 389.5143122 1418.322615123568 1362.614753 64 94 84928 41 390 2 123 17 69 4 4590.756056759574 4379 3733AVoting District 210 210 600024561 1128987 271.2753587557788 461.85992891691833311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047202 30.5114061-89.2214584V1G5240202 Voting District 202 2406 16 52 2 92 3 46 0 2406 2195 147.5772946 706.8418608 145 690 142.2645268775327 147.8522913 731.4219766129908 702.6937069 64120 84628 13 29 1 80 3 26 0 1816.37215467251 1831 1679AVoting District 202 202 340382991 600240 142.40265091793378242.447668421474563311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047501 30.5222595-89.0780648V1G5240501 Voting District 501 1263 31 225 0 19 3 12 1 1263 972 157.755039 282.7367443 155 276152.07587351560844 158.049001292.56879068683156 281.0774828 64113 84928 26 158 0 14 2 6 1 953.482141043799 931 724AVoting District 501 501 1298642461 471023 381.8826434355041 650.17438871222043311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047508 30.5631226 -89.034155V1G5240508 Voting District 508 3387 30 56 2 56 9 65 0 3387 3169 146.5595201 1172.947726 144 1145 141.2833921848589 146.83262031213.7364686630235 1166.064195103113 84928 24 41 2 43 9 34 02556.9627962908526 2556 2403AVoting District 508 508 1669862721 301466 198.8901632773042338.620496512653353311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047112 30.6035216-88.9225003V1G5240112 Voting District 112 1764 43 73 0 59 8 29 0 1764 1552 80.40418118 499.911345 79 488 77.50963876794869 80.55400697 517.2955428660338 496.9775782103113424928 32 48 0 34 8 13 01331.7042730017904 1354 1219AVoting District 112 112 682555521 170179 62.46323721974292 106.34679992517573311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047113 30.6365734-89.0222307V1G5240113 Voting District 113 554 3 28 0 4 4 6 0 554 509 27.47991003 166.9785845 27 16326.490636038269322 27.53111631 172.7851915801616 165.9986583102113 84628 3 18 0 2 3 4 0 418.2336548996553 406 376AVoting District 113 113 1046307641 745265 361.1367307127014 614.85342989230653311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047507 30.6340387-89.1460203V1G5240507 Voting District 507 3203 18 207 0 46 18 54 1 3203 2859 169.9683324 747.8182006 167 730 163.8494895390317 170.2850527 773.823250654237 743.429574 64 94 84928 16 148 0 29 11 31 0 2418.054867587718 2405 2170AVoting District 507 507 28574371 58666529 215.12609497341066366.262986023890333311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047307 30.3371521-89.1714115V1G5240307 Voting District 307 1908 35 145 0 72 5 33 0 1908 1618 169.9683324 452.7885543 167 442 163.8494895390317 170.2850527468.53407778625797 450.1313311 76119274728 24 103 0 50 5 14 01440.4148258998957 1479 1283AVoting District 307 307 33028851 70716 305.43846503300284 520.02433393014623311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047310 30.3482547-89.1719916V1G5240310 Voting District 310 2709 40 309 2 83 18 25 2 2709 2230 273.7813258 801.0874423 269 782263.92522569001943 274.2914921 828.9449068766306 796.3862012 76119274728 32 240 2 49 15 10 02045.1172763956067 2065 1717AVoting District 310 310 62792491 23956 404.43254856898534 688.56673525560523311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047311 30.3600518-89.1832374V1G5240311 Voting District 311 3587 54 255 5 118 12 62 2 3587 3079 303.2967847 1368.609748 298 1336 292.3781310077935 303.86195031416.2025517910195 1360.57796 76119274728 41 146 3 73 9 30 22707.9496753159992 2650 2346AVoting District 311 311 668980501 1821158 375.6814195237968 639.61649341278963311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047314 30.3996825-89.2232932V1G5240314 Voting District 314 3332 62 113 1 94 10 68 5 3332 2979 211.6970846 973.1880693 208 950204.07601097644985 212.0915627 1007.030257724959 967.4768429 76120164528 47 80 1 67 6 37 52515.4414045589374 2577 2334AVoting District 314 314 120094971 11047069 314.68392613773017 535.76519601293393311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047302 30.3251612-89.2206367V1G5240302 Voting District 302 2791 117 951 2 86 9 60 14 2791 1552 637.1268028 643.3285342 626 628 614.1903021222557 638.3140299 665.7000019583517 639.553113 76119164728 79 648 2 61 6 25 62107.0218967959167 2140 1313AVoting District 302 302 122167761154398990 224.59705512947275 382.38777157211193311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047304 30.3087509-89.2625701V1G5240304 Voting District 304 1992 65 330 0 53 10 30 0 1992 1504 324.6700481 644.3529427 319 629 312.9819590728395 325.2750408 666.7600338328027 640.5715097 76120164528 43 244 0 35 4 17 01503.8293150904572 1566 1223AVoting District 304 304 656579841 17859418 245.11746880094066417.324806926592033311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047301 30.3856401-89.2859224V1G5240301 Voting District 301 2174 19 554 1 52 5 44 9 2174 1490 439.6785604 525.5215574 432 513 423.8501765545767 440.4978609 543.7963392068679 522.4374952 76120164528 13 420 1 39 5 29 91641.2273750033403 1635 1119AVoting District 301 301 484365341 302868 286.8347932978809 488.35064803185383311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047305 30.4482785-89.2903622V1G5240305 Voting District 305 2544 9 133 0 35 23 41 1 2544 2302 154.7017157 627.9624068 152 613149.13246953380778 154.9899881 649.7995241538513 624.2771628 35120164528 9 104 0 21 12 24 0 1920.553101199861 1900 1730AVoting District 305 305 569257331 1264193 195.507677507282 332.86164453114563311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047306 30.5432308-89.2747964V1G5240306 Voting District 306 1734 3 33 3 37 10 10 2 1734 1636 84.47527897 379.0311428 83 370 81.43417744242312 84.63269087392.21178459528534 376.8067704 35120164528 3 20 3 25 10 7 11309.0562411480184 1275 1206AVoting District 306 306 406812301 364636 183.44347826086957312.321739130434763311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047315 30.507037-89.3248795V1G5240315 Voting District 315 1627 5 46 0 33 5 29 0 1627 1509 38.67542892 344.201254 38 336 37.2831173786409 38.74749702356.17070169665686 342.1812834 35120164528 3 28 0 18 4 15 01228.2782608695652 1151 1083AVoting District 315 315 879893651 863895 365.53396221373026 622.33993746826653311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047201 30.6041685-89.2071493V1G5240201 Voting District 201 3242 23 73 2 69 28 63 5 3242 2979 128.2395801 657.6702531 126 642123.62296819783433 128.4785428 680.5404478884011 653.8106665 64 92 84628 16 38 2 39 17 38 22447.4973089976215 2325 2173AVoting District 201 201 746761661 680508 56.036514256700784 95.404981160311053311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047212 30.6040201-89.3072934V1G5240212 Voting District 212 497 5 5 0 7 5 8 0 497 467 11.1955189 135.2219212 11 13210.792481349993658 11.21638072139.92420420079796 134.4283613 35 92 84528 5 4 0 5 2 2 0 375.2023943774886 375 357AVoting District 212 212 12362441 0 82.41990326287379 140.32402661607123311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047215 30.3830749-89.0392341V1G5240215 Voting District 215 731 18 76 0 21 4 15 0 731 597 89.56415119 286.8343783 88 280 86.33985078070512 89.73104574 296.8089180805474 285.1510695 44116274828 17 56 0 16 4 10 0 551.8570428369097 618 515AVoting District 215 215 76481341211449819 186.14946687688732316.928820715640943311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047406 30.350163-89.0899807V1G5240406 Voting District 406 1651 5 1100 1 66 5 30 0 1651 444 658.5000662 94.24558144 647 92 634.7941301873017 659.7271204 97.52293022200465 93.69249426 44116 44828 5 846 1 47 5 13 01246.3966863525827 1274 357AVoting District 406 406 30536631 293808 315.5859223430694 537.30088987466933311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047504 30.4022298-89.0149514V1G5240504 Voting District 504 2799 43 340 2 300 6 46 4 2799 2058 264.6213558 809.2827102 260 790255.09501364839676 265.1144533 837.4251616640622 804.5333746 44117 44828 35 243 1 217 5 21 22113.0613719569224 2237 1713AVoting District 504 504 39755161 555604 366.0977098420673 623.29974613185113311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047214 30.4100255-89.0363956V1G5240214 Voting District 214 3247 52 298 2 114 2 44 2 3247 2733 258.5147091 1105.336765 254 1079249.20820568479547 258.99642751143.7743661983156 1098.850014 44117 44828 37 233 2 80 2 24 12451.2719809732503 2547 2168AVoting District 214 214 26304681 19063 214.111349242404364.535330429438033311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047209 30.4104133-89.0489155V1G5240209 Voting District 209 1899 26 32 0 18 4 13 0 1899 1806 148.595069 971.1392523 146 948 143.2456614739858 148.8719622 1004.910193976057 965.4400495 44117274828 21 21 0 12 2 6 01433.6204163437642 1475 1413AVoting District 209 209 22969671 11097 190.77219742925095 324.79925175703483311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047207 30.3881818-89.0515442V1G5240207 Voting District 207 1692 14 354 2 139 10 34 2 1692 1137 204.5726635 345.2256625 201 337197.20806822395403 204.9538658 357.2307335711079 343.1996801 44117274828 13 211 2 103 6 18 21277.3489965527378 1303 948AVoting District 207 207 10574441 0 99.10683306164988 168.73436305817593311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047412 30.3827398-89.0596556V1G5240412 Voting District 412 879 11 584 1 33 1 14 0 879 235 314.4923036 49.17160771 309 48303.17061243476377 315.0783311 50.88152880786022 48.88304048 44118274728 5 442 1 18 1 9 0 663.587333315518 664 188AVoting District 412 412 13304981 643 212.75835493439513362.231789636834953311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047206 30.3813438 -89.070777V1G5240206 Voting District 206 1887 92 371 2 94 3 49 1 1887 1275 246.3014158 475.3255412 242 464237.43458966137217 246.7603758491.85477850373906 472.536058 44117274828 91 233 2 61 3 22 11424.5612036022553 1523 1110AVoting District 206 206 24273891 25451 266.9908767804174 454.56538307367523311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047402 30.382183-89.0830195V1G5240402 Voting District 402 2368 5 1235 4 112 3 53 2 2368 954 496.6739293 225.3698687 488 220478.79371799721883 497.5994355 233.2070070707221 224.0472689 51118274728 5 876 4 79 2 21 01787.6846476577323 1759 772AVoting District 402 402 13881191 0 61.110242911734055104.043259132572623311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047205 30.3720039-89.0788191V1G5240205 Voting District 205 542 2 57 1 22 2 4 0 542 454 72.26198562 223.3210517 71 218 69.6605614189998 72.39663917 231.0869433218201 222.0104755 51119274828 2 43 1 13 1 1 0 409.1744421581465 466 405AVoting District 205 205 112245151 0 1260.8642079120793457.669241449439771131111541151Washington County 28151N28151102 33.3607462-91.0510553V2G5240St. James Epis. Church St. James Epis. Church Voting District 4651 44 2864 0 38 3 30 1 4651 1671 835.0304989 984.1890657 949 808 970.9867810930158 1009.124506 748.8073710102806 719.3962502109 48242128 30 1955 0 21 3 15 1 3347.024659248685 3436 1411ASt. James Epis. Church Voting District 102 14748611 7549 64.0417305790866109.034264183212633311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047403 30.3822189-89.0926515V1G5240403 Voting District 403 568 13 218 1 34 7 13 0 568 282 105.8485423 78.87945403 104 77102.03800544011457 106.0457813 81.62245246954834 78.41654411 51118274728 12 175 1 26 6 8 0 428.8027364314155 480 252AVoting District 403 403 83743121 48432 170.13903423211565 289.67025466983783311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047408 30.4009261-89.0717188V1G5240408 Voting District 408 1509 8 859 5 102 10 22 0 1509 503 295.1545892 105.5140749 290 103 284.5290536588447 295.7045825109.18328057033634 104.8948577 44118274728 8 612 2 77 9 9 01139.1960022447288 1150 433AVoting District 408 408 31058641 19230 236.88675342722001 403.31160043825663311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047407 30.4108096-89.0873394V1G5240407 Voting District 407 2101 4 1770 2 70 4 41 0 2101 210 872.2326997 23.56139536 857 23 840.8324104528783 873.85802524.380732550296745 23.42312356 51118274728 4 1197 2 46 4 24 0 1586.117164159162 1436 159AVoting District 407 407 14593211 8538 96.06259586862991163.551396274818963311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047102 30.4024695-88.8731035V1G5240102 Voting District 102 852 209 210 5 139 1 4 2 852 282 150.6306179 159.8077251 148 156145.20793085933332 150.9113042165.36496866718105 158.8698816 3114494928 167 141 5 98 1 2 2 643.2041046471232 657 241AVoting District 102 102 24614121 628594 591.529929405323214.713886227193631131111441151Washington County 28151N28151303 33.4151842-91.0590718V2G5240Extension Building Extension Building Voting District 2182 1 2114 0 17 1 16 0 2182 33 453.1514299 7.308334646 515 6 526.9317092758607 547.6281564 5.560450774962791 5.342051363 93 49241128 0 1444 0 8 1 10 0 1570.244636955629 1492 29AExtension Building Voting District 303 733429071 1112117 1170.86057062401424.999667559692571131111541151Washington County 28151N28151201 33.3346431-91.0104309V2G5240Wards Recreation Center Wards Recreation Center Voting District 4319 57 2008 0 54 7 7 1 4319 2185 551.7008671 1283.830786 627 1054 641.5265663700106 666.7239884 976.78585280145 938.4203561109 33242128 46 1322 0 36 7 7 0 3108.105676907132 3195 1777AWards Recreation Center Voting District 201 840017481 8399264 358.9301679801318130.284686235015761131111541151Washington County 28151N28151103 33.2201607-91.0437893V2G5240Swiftwater Baptist Church Swiftwater Baptist Church Voting District 1324 2 104 0 9 0 12 0 1324 1197 39.59575601 462.8611943 45 380 46.04257653166108 47.85100395352.16188235532667 338.3299196109 33 62128 2 83 0 6 0 7 0 952.79738741029 991 893ASwiftwater Baptist Church Voting District 103 575020261 1898454 1080.5858380429042 392.23169133895221131111541151Washington County 28151N28151105 33.3055921-91.0902214V2G5240Christ Wesleyan Methodist Church Christ Wesleyan Methodist Church Voting District 3986 101 1739 2 46 3 23 0 3986 2072 426.7542592 1229.018276 485 1009 496.2366582547533 515.7274871 935.0824720126489 898.3549709109 48 61128 71 1135 2 30 3 10 0 2868.467059076598 2946 1695AChrist Wesleyan Methodist Church Voting District105 36818911 2377421 475.7722392788001 172.69609089309111131111541151Washington County 28151N28151302 33.3935351 -91.076157V2G5240Brent Center Brent Center Voting District 1755 3 1709 0 12 3 18 0 1755 10 638.8115303 3.654167323 726 3 742.8202347492871 771.9961971 2.780225386960954 2.671025681 93 48241128 3 1178 0 9 2 8 01262.9602831609207 1209 9ABrent Center Voting District 302 8676971 0 78.9246679671842134.373212901846563311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047103 30.3965561 -88.883457V1G5240103 Voting District 103 700 33 368 0 67 0 7 0 700 225 285.9946192 84.0014965 281 82275.69884171344273 286.5275438 86.92261171689749 83.50852749 3114494928 25 285 0 56 0 5 0 528.4540765880121 556 185AVoting District 103 103 14760781 3209 199.67940995697603 339.96422864167183311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047104 30.405574-88.8820632V1G5240104 Voting District 104 1771 189 1137 7 186 9 24 13 1771 206 533.3138094 57.36687566 524 56 514.1145659712679 534.3075905 59.36178361610948 57.0302139 3114494928 148 802 5 136 6 11 41336.9888137676705 1279 167AVoting District 104 104 8044321 0 71.1449506961332121.127853344378823311113221 47Harrison County 28047N28047105 30.3985221-88.8930186V1G5240105 Voting District 105 631 38 114 0 97 4 9 0 631 369 116.0262868 138.2951467 114 135111.84935217441101 116.2424911143.10429982415104 137.4835514 3114494928 34 95 0 78 4 3 0 476.3636033243366 538 324AVoting District 105 105 28200351 0 992.2087725130532360.152531435164351131111441151Washington County 28151N28151202 33.3941015-91.0430922V2G5240Buster Brown Comm. Center Buster Brown Comm. Center Voting District 3660 13 2914 0 30 2 18 1 3660 682 973.1756921 395.8681267 1106 325 1131.624214766937 1176.071342 301.1910836481548 289.3611155 93 48241128 12 1878 0 21 1 7 12633.8658896689285 2505 585ABuster Brown Comm. Center Voting District 202 2871961111 3982878 810.8460214717328 294.3213720007041131111441151Washington County 28151N28151501 33.1561401-90.8198994V2G5240Hollandale City Hall Hollandale City Hall Voting District 2991 2 2498 0 5 1 13 0 2991 472 1125.399376 447.0264692 1279 367 1308.632342036535 1360.031868340.11423903021813 326.755475 78 49 62128 2 1733 0 4 1 8 02152.4297475409194 2158 410AHollandale City Hall Voting District 501 249842561 4189960 384.14203023251264139.436103017384681131111541151Washington County 28151N28151301 33.3559102-91.1025408V2G5240Tampa Drive Tampa Drive Voting District 1417 2 857 0 43 3 12 0 1417 500 294.7684058 215.5958721 335 177342.76140314921645 356.2241406164.03329785255482 157.5905152109 48241128 2 562 0 33 3 8 01019.7234878854841 997 389ATampa Drive Voting District 301 508020501 0 943.6827150595459 342.5385141873791131111441151Washington County 28151N28151504 33.3766047-90.9578923V2G5240Grace Methodist Church Grace Methodist Church Voting District 3481 24 2535 1 21 5 8 0 3481 887 667.848418 468.9514731 759 385 776.5847909398598 807.0869334 356.7955913665562 342.7816291109 27241128 18 1689 1 15 4 4 02505.0511371414045 2512 781AGrace Methodist Church Voting District 504 18205881 0 457.8799499384008166.201537047538981131111441151Washington County 28151N28151205 33.4154118-91.0433912V2G5240Potter House Church Potter House Church Voting District 1689 1 1586 0 13 7 3 0 1689 79 212.0572711 19.48889239 241 16246.58357659075443 256.268710114.827868731846262 14.2454703 93 48241128 1 1090 0 11 5 2 01215.4643408882023 1177 68APotter House Church Voting District 205 440306531 115877 109.67309200032442154.408824245045820021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095307 33.8727165-88.4276569V2G5240Athens Athens Voting District 614 3 89 0 7 1 3 0 614 511 53.06974473 182.7965436 61 20057.769471087500335 60.03849909198.75306370445352 190.9465829 12 1923 628 2 71 0 4 0 3 0463.24307226472735 436 356AAthens Voting District 307 1023287591 308348 400.824785747114 564.32150098677980021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095204 33.9253872-88.4652898V2G5240Becker Becker Voting District 2244 15 196 0 18 5 6 0 2244 2004 131.3693681 748.551846 151 819143.00311696392617 148.6198912 813.8937957911505 781.9262569 12 1923 628 9 132 0 13 4 2 01693.0251696450296 1707 1547ABecker Voting District 204 1168092861 614677 348.3103084700857 490.38633107139960021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095505 33.9533537 -88.572572V2G5240Wren Wren Voting District 1950 7 272 0 15 1 20 3 1950 1632 177.4791463 645.2717989 204 706 193.1962640032435 200.7844888 701.59831473412 674.0414375 12 2023 628 5 193 0 6 1 9 3 1471.211711589932 1470 1253AWren Voting District 505 1056202661 49070 109.85171267133472154.660304414826020021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095302 33.8484929-88.2589246V2G5240Bartahatchie Bartahatchie Voting District 615 0 2 0 3 0 7 0 615 603 31.31984935 180.9685782 36 19834.093458346721505 35.43255684196.76553299350627 189.037117 12 1923 628 0 2 0 3 0 6 0463.99753980913243 485 474ABartahatchie Voting District 302 1101662531 700835 280.7916948281922395.326826894482170021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095305 33.8188729-88.4535461V2G5240Lackey Lackey Voting District 1572 1 218 0 6 2 11 0 1572 1334 120.0594225 584.0349568 138 639130.69159030985497 135.8248012 635.0160384675512 610.0743323 12 1923 628 1 157 0 4 2 11 0 1186.022979804807 1215 1040ALackey Voting District 305 2015911981 3297868 464.5923652977912 654.0999215983130021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095304 33.7417222-88.4054953V2G5240Hamilton Hamilton Voting District 2601 3 456 0 27 2 20 1 2601 2092 285.3586274 864.6276512 328 946 310.629287139774 322.8299623 940.1019912002818 903.177337 23 1923 628 3 351 0 12 0 11 11962.3700829976478 1971 1593AHamilton Voting District 304 1165233561 1653038 41.61861634539998558.5948795587877460021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095402 33.7097309-88.5514712V2G5240Darracott Darracott Voting District 233 0 69 0 0 0 1 0 233 163 30.44985354 104.1940299 35 114 33.14641783709036 34.44831915 113.2892462563717 108.8395522 23 1923 628 0 48 0 0 0 1 0175.79093784638675 195 146ADarracott Voting District 402 115754641 367748 285.9716942874909 402.61975181810810021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095306 33.8191098 -88.525954V2G5240Aberdeen 3 Aberdeen 3 Voting District 1601 2 692 2 23 3 10 0 1601 869 268.8287069 418.6040848 309 458 292.6355174664042 304.1294462455.14451584052233 437.2676748 23 1923 628 1 473 2 16 3 7 01207.9025385925545 1269 767AAberdeen 3 Voting District 306 574070201 794119 432.44064451593715 608.83349103787610021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095401 33.7864346-88.5700704V2G5240South Aberdeen 4 South Aberdeen 4 Voting District 2421 0 2017 0 20 2 26 0 2421 356 991.7952295 170.9147683 1140 187 1079.626181364397 1122.030967 185.8341145516939 178.535055 23 3523 628 0 1393 0 13 2 10 0 1826.565925004731 1721 303ASouth Aberdeen 4 Voting District 401 176501451 74166 368.6730649652599 519.05507042634290021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095407 33.8413482-88.5825238V2G5240North Aberdeen 4 North Aberdeen 4 Voting District 2064 11 1440 0 18 1 15 1 2064 578 690.7766774 313.4960723 794 343 751.9501646856237 781.4847259 340.8615041766329 327.4733896 23 2023 628 10 1028 0 8 1 7 11557.2210116521128 1565 510ANorth Aberdeen 4 Voting District 407 1474798021 326355 189.69515261293898267.071940306577630021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095405 33.7547835-88.6702479V2G5240Prairie Prairie Voting District 1062 0 851 0 3 1 6 1 1062 200 458.4877947 56.66692852 527 62 499.0903486429721 518.693262761.613449739012644 59.19344069 23 3523 628 0 634 0 3 0 3 0 801.2445321582092 778 138APrairie Voting District 405 729244751 39086 147.0048122414772206.968179729108640021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095406 33.8557592-88.6850891V2G5240Gibson Gibson Voting District 823 0 602 0 8 1 5 0 823 207 328.8584182 50.26904949 378 55357.98131262133165 372.0418468 54.65709251091809 52.51031029 23 3523 628 0 458 0 5 1 2 0 620.9267890453918 596 130AGibson Voting District 406 1160204971 234486 222.38273540782396313.092811376355140021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095501 33.9273244 -88.665521V2G5240Willis Willis Voting District 1245 1 875 0 11 0 11 1 1245 346 560.2773051 114.2478397 644 125 609.8940882409507 633.8490724124.22066480227241 119.3416143115 2023 628 1 650 0 10 0 4 0 939.3120927843413 934 269AWillis Voting District 501 777088291 12852 149.862742977642210.991862445591920021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095502 34.0239979-88.6755824V2G5240Central Grove Central Grove Voting District 839 0 513 0 5 0 2 0 839 319 248.8188032 146.2372349 286 160270.85358581224216 281.4919794159.00245094274516 152.7572663115 3523 628 0 363 0 2 0 2 0 632.9982697558734 608 241ACentral Grove Voting District 502 1222721701 124992 0268.857109365842232211112121 61Jasper County 28061N28061102 31.9539864-89.1718186V2G5240Holders Church Holders Church Voting District 903 1 411 0 6 1 4 3 903 477 191.7170149 213.4933495 234 229228.38258772475112 237.3528358241.70563302782787 232.2120919 28 86 73328 0 316 0 4 1 2 1 684.7917594654789 688 364AHolders Church Voting District 102 850405081 38536 0 170.00820536865553211113121 61Jasper County 28061N28061101 32.0405314-89.1720568V2G5240Antioch Antioch Voting District 571 1 77 0 4 0 4 0 571 485 1.4104160868375 37.27094659282258 1.8419354838709678 41.673790322580641.8482871959352782 1.920882899605242343.65146792598696441.936956762741936 28 86 73328 1 61 0 3 0 0 0 433.0189309576837 462 397AAntioch Voting District 101 710716851 79476 0370.087914664165962211112121 61Jasper County 28061N28061301 31.9995547-89.2647621V2G5240Bay Springs Beat 3 Bay Springs Beat 3 Voting District 1243 4 599 0 4 0 20 0 1243 616 331.8179104 387.8307134 405 416395.27755573666656 410.8029851439.08097527335684 421.8350665 61 86343328 2 400 0 1 0 9 0 942.6314031180401 939 527ABay Springs Beat 3 Voting District 301 465612561 0 0 52.699566287656783211113121 61Jasper County 28061N28061104 32.1099449-89.1569552V2G5240Palestine Palestine Voting District 177 0 153 0 0 0 0 0 177 24 2.230401952354972714.636667295234806 2.5669889502762433 16.6243093922651932.4354161208330867 2.531072654844613 16.5241794385447515.875154526968231 28 86333328 0 102 0 0 0 0 0 134.228285077951 124 22APalestine Voting District 104 537451521 140266 0171.496893681866143211113121 61Jasper County 28061N28061501 31.932951-89.0596545V2G5240Philadelphia Philadelphia Voting District 576 0 447 0 0 0 0 0 576 129 49.6224844854084662.542275731830976 63.819718309859155 71.39154929577465 62.12959929124366 64.56988129352112 80.07258871283265 76.9275547943662 28 79 73328 0 343 0 0 0 0 0 436.8106904231626 455 112APhiladelphia Voting District 501 652020291 34011 0178.047122259992963211113121 61Jasper County 28061N28061502 31.8483892-89.0637505V2G5240Claiborne Claiborne Voting District 598 0 307 0 1 0 4 0 598 286 166.318607 122.1293833 203 131198.12677482268955 205.9086567138.26828790382655 132.8374849 34 86 73328 0 223 0 1 0 2 0 453.4944320712695 450 224AClaiborne Voting District 502 948078101 428493 0 401.35036924158953211113121 61Jasper County 28061N28061103 31.8744106-89.1815257V2G5240Mossville 2nd Mossville 2nd Voting District 1348 4 305 0 5 0 3 0 1348 1031 149.1132338 466.1426844 182 500177.63090158507768 184.6077612 527.7415568379546 507.0133011 34 86343328 4 214 0 5 0 0 01022.2583518930958 1018 795AMossville 2nd Voting District 103 566464981 389773 0 660.67987340288362211112121 61Jasper County 28061N28061401 31.9350198-89.2895029V2G5240Bay Springs Beat 4 Bay Springs Beat 4 Voting District 2219 5 1416 0 38 5 18 0 2219 737 488.3048756 353.3361548 596 379 581.6924029812607 604.5397015 400.0281000479878 384.3160822 61 86343328 3 996 0 28 3 6 0 1682.78285077951 1639 603ABay Springs Beat 4 Voting District 401 2226575811 454669 0 405.51869651857933211113121 61Jasper County 28061N28061201 32.0364639-88.9982139V2G5240Paulding Paulding Voting District 1362 0 1077 0 1 2 8 0 1362 274 482.5697512 162.2176542 589 174 574.86044523539 597.439403183.65406179751142 176.4406288 28 79 73328 0 774 0 0 2 5 01032.8752783964364 1003 222APaulding Voting District 201 1016064071 169860 0 533.84362911733673211113121 61Jasper County 28061N28061402 31.8446995-89.2672922V2G5240Stringer Stringer Voting District 1793 0 122 0 18 0 2 1 1793 1650 147.2861761273935 105.6061320490151 165.0907008703619 116.63124141090243151.54440348335277 157.49665626761336116.48126237278905111.90619458845624 83 86343328 0 77 0 14 0 1 01359.7249443207127 1377 1285AStringer Voting District 402 2256238501 316929 0210.798265150627122211112121 61Jasper County 28061N28061304 32.1648895-89.2271972V2G5240Montrose Montrose Voting District 708 1 327 0 5 1 3 0 708 371 133.5464677 168.7436518 163 181 159.0870162611116 165.3355224191.04244357721316 183.538815 28 86333328 1 227 0 4 1 3 0 536.913140311804 542 306AMontrose Voting District 304 456056021 220746 0165.542140429023563211113121 61Jasper County 28061N28061206 31.9466193-88.9718764V2G5240Vossburg Vossburg Voting District 556 0 502 0 0 0 0 0 556 54 276.1052736 39.15598549 337 42 328.9099660953854 341.8286567 44.33029077189007 42.58911729 28 79 73328 0 345 0 0 0 0 0 421.6436525612472 396 51AVossburg Voting District 206 1488234091 98553 0 273.62091196811633211113121 61Jasper County 28061N28061205 32.1182949-88.9775265V2G5240Rose Hill Rose Hill Voting District 919 0 337 0 23 0 9 0 919 550 161.4027861 217.2224909 197 233192.27081108175219 199.8226866245.92756547337174 236.2681983 28 86 73328 0 253 0 11 0 6 0 696.9253897550111 751 481ARose Hill Voting District 205 516174271 19854 0 59.547532528425743211113121 61Jasper County 28061N28061202 32.1940649-88.9570658V2G5240Fellowship Fellowship Voting District 200 0 41 0 0 0 1 0 200 158 9.891474001319262 47.68541567282321 11.741424802110817 53.4300791556728211.807069733761615 12.270819381266492 54.9307402010263452.773209841688654 28 83 73328 0 38 0 0 0 1 0151.67037861915367 165 126AFellowship Voting District 202 1020259751 323802 0144.402766381432433211113121 61Jasper County 28061N28061203 32.1803007 -89.067901V2G5240Midway Midway Voting District 485 0 311 0 2 1 1 0 485 170 5.066648647721032 21.06098960749588 7.191103789126854 23.03816584294344 6.851259116802784 7.12035797638660122.84108352422752521.943947768121912 28 86333328 0 224 0 2 1 1 0367.80066815144767 372 144AMidway Voting District 203 1026298951 196923 0 539.79838237017933211113121 61Jasper County 28061N28061503 31.8638098 -88.962665V2G5240Heidelberg Heidelberg Voting District 1813 0 1497 0 16 1 5 0 1813 294 770.9645771 184.592503 941 198 918.4103208274499 954.4829851208.98565647077461 200.7772672 28 79 73328 0 1135 0 10 0 5 0 1374.891982182628 1399 249AHeidelberg Voting District 503 860318661 137304 0 353.71234321884892211112121 61Jasper County 28061N28061303 32.0752019-89.2731832V2G5240Louin Louin Voting District 1188 0 731 0 4 3 9 0 1188 441 298.2264677 236.8004837 364 254355.26180317015536 369.2155224268.09271091656535 257.562757 61 86343328 0 486 0 3 3 7 0 900.9220489977728 859 360ALouin Voting District 303 561328561 7399 0 97.955691009260352211112121 61Jasper County 28061N28061504 31.9704085-89.0767126V2G5240Waldrup Waldrup Voting District 329 0 278 0 9 0 1 0 329 41 122.8955224 24.23941959 150 26 146.3990946780829 152.149253727.442560958488112 26.36469166 28 86 73328 0 204 0 7 0 1 0 249.4977728285078 245 33AWaldrup Voting District 504 133422721 0 022.0325870355175233211113121 61Jasper County 28061N28061105 31.8356403-89.0995782V2G5240Mossville 1st Mossville 1st Voting District 74 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 74 67 2.457910448 30.76541717 3 332.9279818945238647 3.042985075 34.83094274859871 33.46287787 34 86 73328 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 56.11804008908686 55 51AMossville 1st Voting District 105 690795581 3896055 374.92478845062044 527.85687636865010021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095102 34.0624832-88.3491807V2G5240Smithville Smithville Voting District 2099 2 114 0 27 2 14 0 2099 1940 120.0594225 600.4866457 138 657130.69159030985497 135.8248012 652.9038141374581 627.2595247 12 2023 628 2 88 0 15 2 6 0 1583.627375706291 1583 1470ASmithville Voting District 102 547486081 35264 37.5103409121630752.8108356538430360021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095103 34.009504-88.2679439V2G5240Williams Williams Voting District 210 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 209 20.87989957 60.32285939 24 6622.728972231147672 23.62170456 65.58851101518349 63.01237235 12 1923 628 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 158.4381843250696 166 165AWilliams Voting District 103 950566971 141961 111.99516072345833 157.67806645218850021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095104 33.99496-88.3293687V2G5240Parham Parham Voting District 627 0 57 0 0 3 1 0 627 566 40.0198075 173.6567164 46 190 43.56386344303304 45.27493374188.81541046198228 181.3992537 12 1923 628 0 41 0 0 2 1 0473.05115034199355 485 441AParham Voting District 104 880302391 1414883 497.4585687636865 700.37227283787070021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095105 34.0164533-88.4228689V2G5240Hatley Hatley Voting District 2785 7 108 1 19 2 25 0 2785 2623 164.4292091 998.9831108 189 1093178.99065631066583 186.02092341086.1854925739142 1043.523075 12 1923 628 6 88 1 11 2 12 0 2101.192111168185 2147 2027AHatley Voting District 105 150622431 2999075 244.3530779420909 344.02487225932030021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095107 33.9981375-88.4929197V2G5240Amory 1 Amory 1 Voting District 1368 2 75 0 7 0 13 0 1368 1271 64.37969033 638.8739199 74 699 70.08099771270531 72.83358906 694.6419575060254 667.3583071 12 1923 628 1 52 0 7 0 8 01032.1116007461678 1060 992AAmory 1 Voting District 107 474786131 273409 149.1482602936008209.985941766471110021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095109 34.0739505-88.5076894V2G5240Boyds Boyds Voting District 835 0 13 0 10 0 5 0 835 807 43.49979077 273.2808327 50 299 47.35202548155765 49.2118845297.13583020120666 285.4651414 12 2023 628 0 7 0 4 0 3 0 629.980399578253 649 635ABoyds Voting District 109 1881920571 135044 192.73170402011408271.347103192841130021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095202 33.90418-88.3104279V2G5240Greenwood Springs Greenwood Springs Voting District 1079 2 17 0 6 0 6 0 1079 1048 32.18984517 327.205813 37 35835.040498856352656 36.41679453 355.7679839362514 341.7943833 12 1923 628 2 11 0 5 0 2 0 814.0704804130958 788 768AGreenwood Springs Voting District 202 135035991 64281 753.24336965043661060.49187596312410021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095205 33.9781089-88.4781945V2G5240Amory 2 Amory 2 Voting District 4217 8 654 0 98 6 26 2 4217 3423 322.7684475 1136.080518 371 1243351.35202908277984 365.1521831235.2502912109828 1186.733013 12 1923 628 6 433 0 68 6 9 0 3181.589634756279 3228 2706AAmory 2 Voting District 205 90538801 16627 250.962042769472353.329638541187930021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095506 33.9578685-88.5233586V2G5240Amory 5 Amory 5 Voting District 1405 0 1343 0 1 9 12 1 1405 39 674.2467569 4.56991359 775 5 733.9563950122539 762.7842098 4.968826592090897 4.773664572 12 1923 628 0 939 0 1 6 7 11060.0268998891563 974 20AAmory 5 Voting District 506 388360991 561998 81.09378463867637114.171997080213030021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095108 34.0193471 -88.536983V2G5240Bigbee 1 Bigbee 1 Voting District 454 0 15 0 4 1 4 0 454 430 17.39991631 132.5274941 20 14518.940810192623058 19.6847538144.09597118312658 138.4362726 12 2023 628 0 13 0 2 1 2 0 342.5282651599124 356 338ABigbee 1 Voting District 108 646996781 14412 361.8854794668685 509.49882397469520021110331 95Monroe County 28095N28095503 34.0716118-88.6327197V2G5240Nettleton Nettleton Voting District 2026 6 693 1 19 15 12 3 2026 1277 191.37717544059797 202.5100937394178 219.9748229740362 221.56884343036978208.32506847580427 216.5075116433779220.18743224047444 211.5390676259638115 2023 628 5 526 1 12 9 6 01528.5512449647192 1521 962ANettleton Voting District 503 1176257351 227517 65.50930150930151143.314847314847330031110441 19Choctaw County 28019N28019001 33.1808007-89.2664121V2G5240Panhandle Panhandle Voting District 453 1 207 0 2 1 0 1 453 241 76.77313228 127.3079268 82 124 77.22454044609901 80.25771076138.31685696469106 132.8841463120 47371428 1 140 0 1 1 0 1342.91681291681294 336 192APanhandle Voting District 001 718567951 200812 86.18883818883819188.555516555516560031110441 19Choctaw County 28019N28019002 33.244962-89.2431757V2G5240East Weir East Weir Voting District 596 0 446 0 1 2 2 0 596 145 251.8533242 64.68064024 269 63 253.3341631749638 263.2844414 70.2738870258968 67.51371951120 47371428 0 319 0 1 2 0 0451.16649116649114 440 118AEast Weir Voting District 002 191649831 34679 86.04422604422605188.239148239148250031110441 19Choctaw County 28019N28019004 33.26156-89.1839779V2G5240SW Ackerman SW Ackerman Voting District 595 0 506 0 6 1 3 1 595 78 262.152159 34.9070122 280 34263.69355277328617 274.0507197 37.92558982498683 36.43597561 58 47371428 0 352 0 4 1 0 1 450.4095004095004 418 60ASW Ackerman Voting District 004 1953369451 1137199 270.5693225693226 591.92511992511990031110441 19Choctaw County 28019N28019003 33.2996473-89.146364500G5240District 5 District 5 1871 0 369 0 18 3 15 0 1871 1466 210.6579849 746.3940549 225 727 211.8966048778951 220.2193283 810.9383470890339 779.0868902 58 34371428 0 263 0 11 3 8 01416.3297063297064 1419 1134ADistrict 5 003 378328321 145100 99.2039312039312217.028665028665020031110441 19Choctaw County 28019N28019005 33.2950154-89.2559683V2G5240Fentress Fentress Voting District 686 2 168 1 3 1 10 0 686 501 80.51816313 211.4954268 86 206 80.99159119862853 84.17272104229.78445595375288 220.7591463120 34371428 2 135 1 0 1 1 0 519.2956592956593 550 410AFentress Voting District 005 873513101 227284 77.07827307827309168.624312624312640031110441 19Choctaw County 28019N28019009 33.3518485 -89.273223V2G5240Chester Chester Voting District 533 0 209 0 8 0 7 0 533 309 86.13570939 160.1615854 92 156 86.64216732742278 90.04523646174.01152981707247 167.1768293120 34261428 0 164 0 8 0 2 0403.47607347607345 425 251AChester Voting District 009 904077411 169946 59.14636714636715129.394641394641380031110441 19Choctaw County 28019N28019010 33.4079067-89.2688818V2G5240Byway Byway Voting District 409 0 92 0 1 1 13 0 409 302 72.09184373 145.7881098 77 142 72.51572700543713 75.36394791158.39511045716662 152.1737805120 34261428 0 67 0 0 1 6 0 309.6092196092196 300 226AByway Voting District 010 725614211 227901 80.69357669357669176.533520533520540031110441 19Choctaw County 28019N28019013 33.4242623-89.1423152V2G5240Reform Reform Voting District 558 0 146 0 7 0 7 0 558 398 104.8608636 186.8551829 112 182 105.4774211285586 109.6202879203.01345136651096 195.0396341120 34261428 0 112 0 6 0 6 0 422.4008424008424 434 310AReform Voting District 013 666460021 449176 98.33625833625834215.130455130455120021110441 19Choctaw County 28019N28019012 33.4963895-89.1423292V2G5240Sherwood Sherwood Voting District 680 1 7 0 0 0 2 0 680 670 11.23509253 279.2560976 12 272 11.30115225758852 11.74503084303.40471862071234 291.4878049120 34261428 1 5 0 0 0 2 0 514.7537147537148 538 530ASherwood Voting District 012 1134389141 747175 84.88732888732889 185.70820170820170031110441 19Choctaw County 28019N28019011 33.4883207-89.2562335V2G5240Hebron Hebron Voting District 587 4 52 0 7 0 10 0 587 514 10.25575137380467448.990967630392156 12.173831070889895 54.89291101055806612.241893536043229 12.722721882122928 56.4346578116586954.218057651131225120 34261428 4 34 0 4 0 6 0444.35357435357434 428 380AHebron Voting District 011 268031071 148832 71.29378729378729155.969579969579970031110441 19Choctaw County 28019N28019006 33.3037017-89.3446379V2G5240West Weir West Weir Voting District 493 0 203 0 0 1 2 0 493 287 81.45442084 127.3079268 87 124 81.9333538867609 85.15147361138.31685696469106 132.8841463120 34261428 0 146 0 0 1 1 0373.19644319644317 391 243AWest Weir Voting District 006 406646981 103586 80.83818883818884176.849888849888860031110441 19Choctaw County 28019N28019007 33.3102299-89.4129122V2G5240French Camp French Camp Voting District 559 0 147 0 16 0 5 0 559 391 70.21932831 225.8689024 75 220 70.63220162917239 73.40644277245.40087531365873 235.7621951120 34261428 0 110 0 5 0 1 0 423.1578331578332 380 264AFrench Camp Voting District 007 1433839951 526438 76.2106002106002166.726102726102740031110441 19Choctaw County 28019N28019008 33.4046163-89.3805598V2G5240Kenego Kenego Voting District 527 0 19 0 7 0 0 0 527 501 23.40644277 210.46875 25 20523.544067212931484 24.46881426 228.6689974726546 219.6875120 34261428 0 17 0 5 0 0 0 398.9341289341289 411 389AKenego Voting District 008 202759831 47528 168.28479062936563 652.3042948740913301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109520 30.6190054-89.6451202V2G5240Carriere Carriere Voting District 2299 7 174 1 78 13 53 4 2299 1969 162.5240741 555.6530395 157 667152.67509598371876 158.6717593 681.3783742616974 654.6156814 22107133928 6 119 0 49 9 35 21733.5762796862127 1645 1425ACarriere Voting District 520 302894381 156398 137.6143568435004 533.41978006232763301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109310 30.6121227-89.6730137V2G5240Ozona Ozona Voting District 1880 3 60 6 40 9 23 0 1880 1739 80.74444444 516.4990772 78 620 75.85132155632986 78.83055556 633.365205531185 608.4883396 22107133928 3 44 3 26 7 10 01417.6265358025576 1375 1282AOzona Voting District 310 11381801 0 276.71093333333334 77.742933333333341131111441 53Humphreys County 28053S28053503 33.1761501-90.5011996V2G5240Southwest Belzoni Southwest Belzoni Voting District 665 0 647 0 1 0 6 0 665 11 216.1981288 1.148426813 248 1256.29130574241503 266.35773250.9205621055345811 0.884404925 78 50 61228 0 436 0 0 0 4 0473.33813333333336 447 7PSouthwest Belzoni Voting District 503 285144131 320304 802.4001647765823 584.84564311330810021110441 25Clay County 28025N28025203 33.5825715-88.6117658V2G5240East West Point East West Point Voting District 2771 12 1071 1 31 3 11 3 2771 1639 435.5829521 926.5396328 601 953 591.8662448891721 615.1131443 953.0915901867213 915.6567398 23 36 21528 9 756 1 24 3 5 2 2058.978966753901 2146 1346AEast West Point Voting District 203 953600891 1622604 355.3031404478046 258.96990404187260021110441 25Clay County 28025N28025101 33.6435679-88.5711431V2G5240Vinton Vinton Voting District 1227 2 692 0 0 1 12 0 1227 520 245.6948765 201.252575 339 207333.84801494160274 346.9606587207.01989416363617 198.8887147 23 35231528 2 514 0 0 1 9 0 911.7167781331782 964 438AVinton Voting District 101 402226361 70168 907.8038674033149 661.6712707182320021110441 25Clay County 28025N28025102 33.6475946-88.6613781V2G5240North West Point North West Point Voting District 3135 5 2091 0 30 2 13 2 3135 992 755.9284843 563.8961039 1043 5801027.1489072365923 1067.492528 580.0557422272229 557.2727273 23 35461528 3 1368 0 22 2 5 12329.4475138121547 2184 783ANorth West Point Voting District 102 607178461 10191222 303.1804303576621220.979209072404760021110441 25Clay County 28025N28025201 33.5692651-88.5369367V2G5240Union Star Union Star Voting District 1047 2 485 0 24 6 8 3 1047 519 247.1444038 228.4751455 341 235 335.8176198091235 349.0076243 235.0225852531332 225.7915361 95 35 21528 2 365 0 12 4 4 0 777.9685955219541 824 437AUnion Star Voting District 201 93060741 83106 606.6504313269361442.169477561306560021110441 25Clay County 28025N28025302 33.5988563-88.6828821V2G5240Central West Point Central West Point Voting District 2095 6 1167 1 26 1 3 0 2095 891 355.1341873 401.5329154 490 413482.55317801327124 501.5065569 413.0396922689773 396.8166144 23 36461528 4 808 1 22 1 2 01556.6802365028593 1581 743ACentral West Point Voting District 302 536759911 229573 726.243093922652 529.33701657458560021110441 25Clay County 28025N28025403 33.6705393-88.7095501V2G5240West West Point West West Point Voting District 2508 1 1833 0 18 6 16 0 2508 634 650.1129918 314.0317958 897 323 883.3677564299466 918.0640439 323.0310426507161 310.3432602 23 35461528 1 1258 0 15 3 6 01863.5580110497237 1793 510AWest West Point Voting District 403 529309751 315133 152.0245710962489110.806193660947950021110441 25Clay County 28025N28025202 33.5320344-88.6279552V2G5240Tibbee Tibbee Voting District 525 11 323 0 0 2 0 0 525 189 152.9251296 119.5848634 211 123207.79330726909927 215.9548643123.01182120741001 118.1802508 95 36 21528 6 250 0 0 2 0 0 390.0988659494039 407 149ATibbee Voting District 202 505138031 229463 82.81719492100417 60.36299311815450021110441 25Clay County 28025N28025502 33.585008-88.8132261V2G5240Cedar Bluff Cedar Bluff Voting District 286 1 21 0 6 0 0 0 286 258 20.29338213 165.2798925 28 17027.574467317793232 28.65751754 170.016338237219 163.338558119 36461528 0 15 0 3 0 0 0212.51100126005622 212 194ACedar Bluff Voting District 502 149473741 97698 595.9363186972957434.360279150915970021110441 25Clay County 28025N28025501 33.5830211-88.6677854V2G5240South West Point South West Point Voting District 2058 2 1350 0 20 0 9 0 2058 677 498.6373894 335.4209584 688 345 677.544054028368 704.1561452 345.0331569740897 331.4811912 23 37461528 1 931 0 14 0 5 01529.1875545216633 1490 539ASouth West Point Voting District 501 1390471781 859477 457.81113695841816 333.68493748182610021110441 25Clay County 28025N28025301 33.6617328-88.7833259V2G5240Siloam Siloam Voting District 1581 1 609 0 23 0 8 0 1581 940 271.7863678 494.8674429 375 509 369.3009014985495 383.8060384509.04891854927365 489.0548589 23 35461528 0 430 0 19 0 6 01174.7548706019193 1188 733ASiloam Voting District 301 1230405341 365456 183.0086265387225133.389551226131630021110441 25Clay County 28025N28025303 33.6910469-88.8835844V2G5240Cairo Cairo Voting District 632 0 287 0 2 2 2 5 632 334 135.5308021 186.6690551 187 192184.15804953239456 191.3912778 192.0184525605926 184.476489 60 35461528 0 208 0 2 1 2 3469.60473005718717 489 273ACairo Voting District 303 1458411431 599618 234.26262479402928170.747067946108360021110441 25Clay County 28025N28025503 33.6093987-88.9575142V2G5240Pheba Pheba Voting District 809 0 441 0 3 1 0 0 809 364 229.7500762 244.0309001 317 251312.18236207241875 324.4440378251.02412291447175 241.1645768 60 22461528 0 327 0 2 1 0 0 601.1237762915576 639 309APheba Voting District 503 689849881 31781 200.96200445866046146.475235048948350021110441 25Clay County 28025N28025504 33.696435-88.9740622V2G5240Pine Bluff Pine Bluff Voting District 694 1 589 0 10 0 2 0 694 92 250.768222 57.36184505 346 59 340.7416317854841 354.1250381 59.00567032265264 56.68808777 60 35461528 1 427 0 5 0 2 0 515.6735485121644 511 76APine Bluff Voting District 504 1789531991 377423 366.5963943006688267.201221285257360021110431 25Clay County 28025N28025401 33.769943-88.8377606V2G5240Caradine Caradine Voting District 1266 1 1018 0 6 3 10 1 1266 227 503.710735 103.0568742 695 106 684.4376708722494 711.3205246 106.0101873836881 101.846395 60 35461528 1 702 0 6 3 8 1 940.6955510322769 904 183ACaradine Voting District 401 561659061 694447 592.5358933333333166.475093333333321131111441 53Humphreys County 28053S28053102 33.2321359-90.5106256V2G5240North Belzoni North Belzoni Voting District 1424 11 1197 0 18 1 12 0 1424 185 659.0555861 157.3344733 756 137 781.2751095569838 811.961475126.11700843221553 121.1634747 78 50 61228 9 819 0 12 1 6 01013.5842133333333 998 151PNorth Belzoni Voting District 102 605779711 2412733 63.24821333333333 17.769813333333331131111441 53Humphreys County 28053S28053101 33.2941054-90.5083887V2G5240Four Mile Four Mile Voting District 152 0 42 0 10 0 0 1 152 99 4.358833242 36.749658 5 32 5.167163422614096 5.37011557529.457987366697765 28.30095759 78 33 61228 0 28 0 7 0 0 0108.19157333333334 115 80PFour Mile Voting District 101 490058431 2863738 851.35424 239.191041131111441 53Humphreys County 28053S28053402 33.2171937-90.4422372V2G5240Central Belzoni Central Belzoni Voting District 2046 3 1373 0 38 4 17 0 2046 611 506.4964227 540.9090287 581 471 600.4243896933249 624.0074298433.58475162872145 416.5547196 78 50 61228 3 942 0 33 3 7 0 1456.31552 1500 512PCentral Belzoni Voting District 402 102208561 749396 199.7604148010173 774.30988286707023301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109540 30.5794006-89.6454864V2G5240Hide-A-Way North Hills Hide-A-Way North Hills Voting District 2729 9 113 3 76 2 45 6 2729 2475 179.087037 1057.990045 173 1270168.23434136258294 174.84212961297.3771141663226 1246.419663 22107133928 8 92 2 52 2 36 3 2057.820646917649 2168 1973AHide-A-Way North Hills Voting District 540 67624111 61051 196.53965325787155 761.82559014220733301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109550 30.5456799-89.6555165V2G5240Picayune 5 Picayune 5 Voting District 2685 27 291 0 89 9 66 2 2685 2201 153.2074074 860.5541077 148 1033143.92302035587315 149.57592591055.2681565432647 1013.820088 70107133928 24 191 0 61 6 28 22024.6421535265251 2075 1763APicayune 5 Voting District 550 284633171 149970 142.59189741018017 552.71368700075223301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109525 30.5578387-89.6227885V2G5240Sycamore Sycamore Voting District 1948 6 36 1 80 17 31 5 1948 1772 79.70925926 538.158716 77 646 74.87886871413707 77.81990741 659.9256818391187 634.0055925 70107133928 6 25 1 50 13 17 41468.9023892252033 1477 1361ASycamore Voting District 525 437289071 194675 269.8851774904181046.12698355840533301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109430 30.5368004-89.5837506V2G5240Salem Salem Voting District 3687 22 102 5 130 25 61 0 3687 3342 101.0975671506702132.74534122920736 133.61790501406585 136.66854211484363128.72161322067151 133.7774487584809131.56084513201782126.39349227214959 70105134628 14 71 4 76 21 33 0 2780.206934842569 2703 2484ASalem Voting District 430 112567041 91486 150.4242038901028 583.07321703621453301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109450 30.5087708-89.6545493V2G5240Picayune 4 East Picayune 4 East Voting District 2055 19 341 1 127 8 27 0 2055 1532 82.81481481 320.7292657 80 385 77.79622723109343 80.85185185393.29936146226896 377.8516302 70107133928 17 191 1 79 5 8 01549.5864526990722 1460 1159APicayune 4 East Voting District 450 283138211 531080 201.44399469857078 780.83576315506683301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109420 30.4860283-89.6777101V2G5240Nicholson Nicholson Voting District 2752 16 271 1 179 10 71 1 2752 2203 112.8351852 479.844304 109 576105.99735955846408 110.1606481 588.416707027797 565.3052961 70107133928 15 163 1 109 10 33 1 2075.163950281191 2044 1712ANicholson Voting District 420 36153431 0 218.03989333333334 61.259093333333331131111441 53Humphreys County 28053S28053202 33.1978064-90.4996762V2G5240Northwest Belzoni Northwest Belzoni Voting District 524 0 511 0 2 1 1 0 524 9 226.6593286 8.038987688 260 7 268.692497975933 279.2460099 6.443934736660301 6.190834473 78 50 61228 0 351 0 1 1 1 0 372.9762133333333 362 8PNorthwest Belzoni Voting District 202 1494964991 2981306 555.5024 156.07041131111441 53Humphreys County 28053S28053201 33.2345993-90.6210191V2G5240Isola Isola Voting District 1335 2 982 0 21 3 6 0 1335 321 482.9587232 230.8337893 554 201 572.5217072160199 595.0088057 185.0329831864287 177.7653899 78 33 62128 2 655 0 13 2 4 0 950.2352 951 275PIsola Voting District 201 1442935051 547680 126.08032 35.422721131111441 53Humphreys County 28053S28053501 33.1091365-90.6048896V2G5240Midnight Midnight Voting District 303 0 161 0 21 0 5 0 303 116 89.79196478 86.13201094 103 75106.44356646255108 110.6243808 69.04215789948034 66.33036936 78 50 62128 0 116 0 13 0 2 0 215.67136 228 97PMidnight Voting District 501 536282511 426955 35.7851733333333310.0539733333333331131111441 53Humphreys County 28053S28053203 33.1500255-90.6492671V2G5240Gooden Lake Gooden Lake Voting District 86 0 22 0 6 0 0 0 86 58 9.589433132 60.86662107 11 5311.367759534562047 11.81425427 48.78979157771955 46.87346101 78 50 62128 0 17 0 4 0 0 0 61.21365333333333 68 47PGooden Lake Voting District 203 1359987091 10856150 351.61013333333335 98.786133333333341131111441 53Humphreys County 28053S28053502 32.9714935-90.5843653V2G5240Louise Louise Voting District 845 0 616 0 15 0 3 0 845 211 378.3467254 148.1470588 434 129448.50978507328153 466.1260319118.75251158793887 114.0882353 78 50 62128 0 460 0 9 0 2 0 601.4597333333334 643 172PLouise Voting District 502 2089886071 4896014 311.2477866666667 87.446186666666661131111441 53Humphreys County 28053S28053301 33.0562668-90.5011969V2G5240Silver City Silver City Voting District 748 3 482 0 50 0 3 0 748 210 208.3522289 121.7332421 239 106246.99041161538693 256.6915245 97.5795831554391 93.74692202 78 50 62128 3 336 0 21 0 3 0 532.4164266666667 525 162PSilver City Voting District 301 9550091 12001 352.85845333333333 99.136853333333331131111441 53Humphreys County 28053S28053303 33.1726908-90.4964111V2G5240Southeast Belzoni Southeast Belzoni Voting District 848 0 817 0 9 0 4 0 848 18 327.7842598 6.890560876 376 6 388.5706893420918 403.8326912 5.523372632166603 5.306429549 78 50 61228 0 475 0 5 0 4 0 603.5950933333334 499 15PSoutheast Belzoni Voting District 303 2004719861 5610503 121.50314666666667 34.136746666666671131111441 53Humphreys County 28053S28053401 33.1621834 -90.40096V2G5240Putnam Putnam Voting District 292 1 85 0 3 1 3 0 292 199 45.33186571 186.0451436 52 162 53.7384995951866 55.84920198149.13106104455798 143.2735978 78 47 62128 1 69 0 3 1 2 0207.84170666666665 245 169PPutnam Voting District 401 196113921 1641141 44.5234133333333312.5090133333333341131111441 53Humphreys County 28053S28053302 32.9412804-90.4976712V2G5240Lake City Lake City Voting District 107 0 14 0 8 0 0 0 107 85 12.227809623846154 36.40364985504807 14.91826923076923 33.9519230769230815.497470764512085 16.10616934649038633.00847811157929431.711994696634612 78 50 62128 0 13 0 5 0 0 0 76.16117333333334 92 74PLake City Voting District 302 100384561 21331 248.87702833399004 964.69534692123083301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109160 30.520882-89.6989591V2G5240Picayune 1 South Picayune 1 South Voting District 3400 13 2395 1 48 3 55 1 3400 884 1112.824074 284.0744925 1075 3411045.3868031923005 1086.446759 348.3508630629694 334.6685868 70105134628 7 1667 1 30 3 24 1 2563.792671132285 2470 737APicayune 1 South Voting District 160 173789611 529436 86.59456603503241 335.65723394347533301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109440 30.5253725-89.7314684V2G5240Picayune 4 West Picayune 4 West Voting District 1183 6 57 0 25 3 22 0 1183 1070 48.6537037 420.696829 47 50545.705283496463245 47.50046296 515.8861754394044 495.6235669 70107133928 4 36 0 21 1 11 0 892.0490382204391 919 846APicayune 4 West Voting District 440 139909231 89604 197.34484364365798 764.9466633234233301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109270 30.5665675-89.7010096V2G5240Picayune 2 Picayune 2 Voting District 2696 9 257 3 81 11 37 1 2696 2297 145.9611111 842.2267211 141 1011137.11585050863388 142.50138891032.7939076558798 992.2285666 70107133928 7 165 3 56 11 16 1 2032.936776874306 2029 1770APicayune 2 Voting District 270 163353021 26439 144.9342694415589 561.79317261883443301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109140 30.5547915-89.6829747V2G5240Picayune 1 East Picayune 1 East Voting District 1980 4 788 1 45 5 19 4 1980 1114 472.0444444 255.7503495 456 307443.43849527015385 460.8555556 313.6179324343795 301.2998714 70105134628 4 610 1 39 4 8 0 1493.032202600566 1532 866APicayune 1 East Voting District 140 117056261 57070 69.90516531145897 270.96589891463983301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109510 30.6566198-89.6281488V2G5240McNeill 5 McNeill 5 Voting District 955 16 25 0 20 8 11 2 955 873 42.44259259 260.7487277 41 313 39.87056645292848 41.43657407 319.7472730968054 307.1884682 22105134428 10 19 0 14 5 7 0 720.1241179209801 692 637AMcNeill 5 Voting District 510 301634891 1277286 110.23788372676147427.303291900992243301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109535 30.599645-89.6039735V2G5240Anchor Lake/West Union Anchor Lake/West Union Voting District 1506 4 23 0 29 11 17 0 1506 1422 73.49814815 535.6595269 71 643 69.0441516706023 71.75601852 656.8610115079058 631.0612941 22107133928 1 16 0 20 8 10 01135.6093419780063 1142 1087AAnchor Lake/West Union Voting District 535 314476281 188937 71.7351434609736 278.05924705376653301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109320 30.6298917-89.5662048V2G5240Caesar Caesar Voting District 980 0 4 0 18 9 2 0 980 947 54.86481481 347.3872826 53 417 51.54000053999801 53.56435185425.98917853671685 409.25748 22105134628 0 2 0 11 8 1 0 738.9755346204821 706 684ACaesar Voting District 320 933519971 2369482 203.7863667299495 789.9152487731493301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109410 30.5824222-89.7630728V2G5240Pine Grove Pine Grove Voting District 2784 0 104 0 71 19 58 4 2784 2528 13.713940290886132 96.09460020527621 11.92694475760992 107.97023675310034 10.13737507938987 10.535543653447576108.82023223298748104.54606891580609 22107133928 0 76 0 48 14 37 32099.2937636565534 2125 1947APine Grove Voting District 410 427846051 107503 118.5825840885482 459.648959415413301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109210 30.6635533 -89.712629V2G5240Mill Creek Mill Creek Voting District 1620 5 35 0 72 14 24 0 1620 1470 168.95669767286654 324.31724447593 197.6258205689278 331.0010940919037188.27706106014813 195.67207291903722323.91282094576644 311.1904046373085 22105133928 3 25 0 46 11 16 01221.5718021277357 1171 1070AMill Creek Voting District 210 1191819971 2204912 117.0454024429559 453.69054697854353301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109280 30.6861376 -89.770864V2G5240Henleyfield Henleyfield Voting District 1599 2 37 2 53 12 15 2 1599 1476 74.53333333 518.9982663 72 623 70.01660451279511 72.76666667 636.4298758623979 611.432638 22107133928 2 27 2 40 8 13 1 1205.736612100154 1257 1164AHenleyfield Voting District 280 1056128861 231480 116.38661030913063451.136941648457933301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109359 30.7039868-89.6212096V2G5240McNeill 3 McNeill 3 Voting District 1590 3 59 0 49 5 16 0 1590 1458 80.74444444 470.6806107 78 565 75.85132155632986 78.83055556 577.1795824800163 554.5095353 22105134428 2 38 0 34 5 10 01198.9501020883333 1139 1050AMcNeill 3 Voting District 359 750428701 356825 107.01712218361571414.818999176129243301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109130 30.7766948 -89.658928V2G5240Derby Derby Voting District 1462 1 173 1 39 19 9 5 1462 1215 97.30740741 318.2300766 94 382 91.41056700254856 95.00092593 390.2346911310561 374.9073318 22105134428 0 145 1 31 13 5 31102.4308485868826 1178 980ADerby Voting District 130 180582201 80975 110.38428197872264427.870759752122353301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109150 30.8204326-89.5553433V2G5240Poplarville 1 Poplarville 1 Voting District 1508 11 575 1 19 7 39 3 1508 853 280.5351852 324.8945808 271 390263.53471970503654 273.8856481398.40714545171215 382.7587943 37105134628 10 345 1 10 6 12 11137.1174553139665 1047 662APoplarville 1 Voting District 150 362863111 122889 52.99616720994376205.423362109109153301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109110 30.8161314-89.6108811V2G5240Whitesand 1 Whitesand 1 Voting District 724 0 420 0 6 3 8 0 724 287 280.5351852 90.80387003 271 109263.53471970503654 273.8856481111.34968932526635 106.9761758 22105134628 0 313 0 2 2 2 0 545.9370276175807 547 228AWhitesand 1 Voting District 110 543395651 596901 26.278486227030125101.860479277859373301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109290 30.8234931-89.6712536V2G5240Whitesand 2 Whitesand 2 Voting District 359 0 2 0 10 1 0 0 359 346 15.52777778 149.118282 15 17914.586792604025877 15.15972222 182.858664136588 175.6764722 22105134428 0 2 0 5 1 0 0270.70634380485006 287 279AWhitesand 2 Voting District 290 146904091 262232 132.41721889887882 513.27467134720783301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109220 30.8598531-89.5627035V2G5240Poplarville 2 Poplarville 2 Voting District 1809 18 302 3 26 10 15 4 1809 1431 73.49814815 425.6952072 71 511 69.0441516706023 71.75601852 522.0155161018303 501.5121637 37105134428 13 283 3 22 8 6 41364.0885123759717 1518 1179APoplarville 2 Voting District 220 1068623011 586411 118.43618583658703 459.08149156427983301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109360 30.823696-89.5160952V2G5240Poplarville 3 Poplarville 3 Voting District 1618 6 76 0 50 5 31 0 1618 1450 118.0111111 528.9950226 114 635110.85962381753846 115.2138889 648.6885572913379 623.2098317 37105134428 6 56 0 34 4 18 01220.0636887917756 1226 1108APoplarville 3 Voting District 360 1563101511 535751 77.88387004334277 301.89289680123223311113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109330 30.7341263 -89.460856V2G5240Savannah Savannah Voting District 1064 0 19 0 27 7 7 2 1064 1002 36.284529035959004 291.3500722313324 35.051244509516835 349.73352855051246 34.08568228571632 35.42447535642753357.27265836770084 343.2399582043924 35105134628 0 16 0 18 7 6 2 802.3162947308092 815 766ASavannah Voting District 330 1246739811 275725 79.78704731883798 309.2699788659243311113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109340 30.688334-89.4128331V2G5240Steep Hollow Steep Hollow Voting District 1090 1 17 0 48 3 6 0 1090 1015 47.61851852 347.3872826 46 417 44.73283065427044 46.48981481425.98917853671685 409.25748 35 92134628 1 9 0 24 3 4 0 821.9217680982914 816 775ASteep Hollow Voting District 340 1025266881 938422 44.57826772217645172.793960669126343311113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109350 30.8089428-89.3815986V2G5240Progress Progress Voting District 609 1 1 0 8 4 6 0 609 589 25.87962963 197.4359376 25 23724.311321006709793 25.2662037 242.1089576230579 232.599575 35105134428 1 1 0 7 4 3 0 459.220510799871 484 468AProgress Voting District 350 1821546541 4417849 96.47644804241143 373.96131389475953301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109240 30.8091838-89.7458919V2G5240Buck Branch Buck Branch Voting District 1318 5 13 1 27 5 15 1 1318 1251 53.82962963 409.0339466 52 491 50.5675476978052 52.5537037 501.5843804563224 481.8835076 22105133928 4 8 1 20 5 9 0 993.8466883977504 1007 960ABuck Branch Voting District 240 1211650821 1078950 90.03492495611992 348.99272844503353301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109230 30.9041473-89.6000174V2G5240Oak Hill Oak Hill Voting District 1230 2 21 0 11 10 27 0 1230 1159 7.484514848902153 49.60396000341078 8.39053506714986 56.89831592411 7.591517397318537 7.889691592645491 57.5257543235857555.266298853975705 37105134428 2 19 0 8 9 13 0 927.4897016155031 933 882AOak Hill Voting District 230 1987251281 630785 123.63332378120859479.226600279399633311113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109390 30.9199341-89.4265343V2G5240Gum Pond Gum Pond Voting District 1689 3 22 0 19 14 25 1 1689 1605 66.25185185 482.3434931 64 57962.236981784874736 64.68148148 591.4813773590099 568.2495945 37105204428 3 15 0 15 9 16 11273.6017122183616 1282 1223AGum Pond Voting District 390 366677161 307509 24.594906329476665 95.334598989862813311113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109380 30.9879166-89.3820574V2G5240Hickory Grove Hickory Grove Voting District 336 0 19 0 4 0 3 0 336 310 1.0296136828417652 8.13514293649085 0.9946178686759957 9.7653390742734110.9672189715496715 1.005208707125942 9.975848368189896 9.584024124865447 37105204428 0 15 0 1 0 1 0253.36304044130816 270 253AHickory Grove Voting District 380 749114811 39243 27.962066124583586108.386359565855933301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109260 30.9805929-89.5430809V2G5240Byrd Line Byrd Line Voting District 382 1 5 0 17 0 3 0 382 356 10.35185185 139.1215256 10 167 9.724528402683918 10.10648148170.59998281173628 163.8992786 37105134428 1 2 0 16 0 1 0 288.049647168392 311 291AByrd Line Voting District 260 1264659421 1463117 22.545330802020274 87.39004907404093301113221109Pearl River County 28109N28109250 30.9580011-89.6739074V2G5240Ford's Creek Ford's Creek Voting District 308 2 16 0 15 0 5 0 308 270 21.73888889 114.9626978 21 13820.421509647560644 21.22361111140.97483606850133 135.4377272 37105133928 2 14 0 15 0 5 0232.24945373786582 252 216AFord's Creek Voting District 250 22460321 609 461.86868060880437 1423.4730838313922231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089204 32.4060456-90.0994026V2G5240Ridgeland 3 Ridgeland 3 Voting District 4333 197 2629 3 350 1 54 7 4333 1092 505.8044476 1671.051649 756 1874 760.1116956064598 789.96681962044.1193146858677 1963.831857 4 63412428 155 1871 3 244 1 31 53165.6756089619025 3210 900PRidgeland 3 Voting District 204 18241071 12387 316.3688539226705 975.04456792327972231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089205 32.4079752-90.1130593V2G5240Ridgeland 4 Ridgeland 4 Voting District 2968 153 1404 0 187 2 31 3 2968 1188 281.6715244 310.3126861 421 348 423.2897140984155 439.915385379.59099327271196 364.6816895 4 57412428 120 1050 0 133 1 9 22168.4110794827893 2392 1077PRidgeland 4 Voting District 205 35859931 9320 376.06109051185361159.01524111635132231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089304 32.4089662-90.1285899V2G5240Ridgeland 1 Ridgeland 1 Voting District 3528 81 1258 0 311 2 43 3 3528 1830 371.3246937 624.1921847 555 700 558.0185067593656 579.9359589 763.545101454895 733.5551226 4 64412428 67 838 0 213 1 19 32577.5452454229385 2709 1568PRidgeland 1 Voting District 304 36177601 4073 71.52409062739619220.436288772412642131112541 89Madison County 28089S28089305 32.4065529 -90.153513V2G5240Tougaloo Tougaloo Voting District 671 15 639 0 4 0 5 1 671 7 285.6858454 2.675109363 427 3 429.3223465711551 446.18496293.2723361487950116 3.143807668 30 64 12428 13 629 0 4 0 3 1 490.2304024032856 657 7PTougaloo Voting District 305 262423001 466717 380.538008256042361172.81304160583182231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089301 32.4258743-90.1698523V2G5240Ridgeland First Meth. Ch. Ridgeland First Meth. Ch. Voting District 3570 91 888 1 44 2 14 2 3570 2528 464.992184 1081.635886 695 1213 698.7799317968346 726.2261106 1323.114583077874 1271.146234 48 71 12428 66 661 1 24 2 9 22608.2303078684495 2697 1932PRidgeland First Meth. Ch. Voting District 301 714927421 2816240 180.35582912303184 555.85424829049512231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089303 32.4705801-90.2329274V2G5240Lorman-Cavalier Lorman-Cavalier Voting District 1692 4 673 0 15 1 14 1 1692 984 307.764611 506.4873727 460 568 462.5018254117747 480.6676416 619.5623108995874 595.2275852 48 55 12528 3 499 0 12 0 11 11236.1696585191644 1346 820PLorman-Cavalier Voting District 303 885329581 1573891 241.00740522882683 742.78159301702681131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089402 32.6004368-90.2865056V2G5240Magnolia Heights Magnolia Heights Voting District 2261 2 1827 0 19 1 6 0 2261 406 510.4878221 167.6401867 763 188 767.1497668727662 797.2813272205.06639866337213 197.0119472 48 56402028 2 1197 0 12 1 1 01651.8791949833515 1539 326PMagnolia Heights Voting District 402 1043752121 2341036 203.27338424209321 626.48584603426372231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089403 32.5370434-90.3355977V2G5240Flora Flora Voting District 1907 4 550 0 65 1 12 0 1907 1275 288.3620594 666.9939345 431 748 433.3441016492022 450.3646816 815.9024798481057 783.8560453 48 55122028 4 375 0 40 1 6 01393.2479543711859 1408 982PFlora Voting District 403 605942321 759557 59.15927019106541182.328077896704942231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089401 32.5371013 -90.395853V2G5240Smith School Smith School Voting District 555 4 24 0 2 0 3 2 555 520 20.74065856 230.0594052 31 25831.168601272729823 32.39281932 281.4209088504969 270.3674595 14 55122028 4 18 0 2 0 2 2 405.4811823156833 457 429PSmith School Voting District 401 976011731 948657 117.03942102664831360.713927082129771131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089504 32.6715816-89.8975742V2G5240Sharon Sharon Voting District 1098 1 937 0 9 2 2 0 1098 147 126.87043513203344 19.99998197649025 189.6267409470752 22.428969359331475190.65807353651886 198.146605101949924.46504240633360223.504121953760446121 26402028 1 682 0 6 2 1 0 802.1952039326492 826 134PSharon Voting District 504 776888711 602453 138.78445006985075427.731815173891561131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089507 32.6941703-89.7827575V2G5240Luther Branson School Luther Branson School Voting District 1302 0 1087 0 4 2 5 0 1302 204 423.5108668 107.8960776 633 121 636.4427292898633 661.440472131.98422465835057 126.8002426 84 26352028 0 751 0 3 2 3 0 951.2369358108463 928 169PLuther Branson School Voting District 507 482806461 166829 9.167022047624549 28.252639097507431131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089502 32.8725221-89.7795906V2G5240Couparle Couparle Voting District 86 0 68 0 0 0 0 0 86 18 19.40255156 9.808734331 29 1129.157723772194547 30.3029600111.998565876139356 11.52729478 6 26402028 0 56 0 0 0 0 062.831318340808586 72 16PCouparle Voting District 502 651089021 982332 17.268111299013686 53.220087602281441131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089501 32.8507156-89.8956612V2G5240Cameron Cameron Voting District 162 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 162 66 78.27925974 78.46987465 117 88117.63633384385687 122.2567697 95.98852704034132 92.21835827121 26402028 0 75 0 0 0 0 0118.35666943268595 133 58PCameron Voting District 501 3176808141 3029495 163.7272775017594 504.60527504385371131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089503 32.7871036-89.8669516V2G5240Camden Camden Voting District 1536 0 1307 0 2 1 7 0 1536 219 476.3660935 65.09432783 712 73 715.8723906139279 743.9899148 79.62684629636627 76.49931993121 26402028 0 929 0 2 0 3 0 1122.196569435837 1125 191PCamden Voting District 503 1873285251 2759297 43.59665136602838134.364295242796971131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089404 32.6207129-90.1658783V2G5240Virlilia Virlilia Voting District 409 5 107 0 0 0 4 0 409 293 52.18617316 164.0733743 78 184 78.42422256898595 81.50451314 200.7032838579894 192.8202037121 56402028 5 79 0 0 0 4 0298.81406048128736 342 254PVirlilia Voting District 404 1365276591 3852700 144.86026700839258 446.45740155247212131112541 89Madison County 28089S28089101 32.6141283-89.8450177V2G5240Ratliff Ferry Ratliff Ferry Voting District 1359 3 727 0 4 0 13 1 1359 611 293.0454339 247.0017645 438 277440.38217281928803 457.6791891 302.1457044623077 290.2782414121 26352028 2 521 0 1 0 5 1 992.8809491297543 1042 512PRatliff Ferry Voting District 101 838407461 1059440 305.1765595621987 940.55006669957881131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089506 32.6853715-90.048373200G5240Canton Precinct 4 Canton Precinct 4 2863 1 2557 1 66 2 11 0 2863 225 907.9056023 126.6218432 1357 1421364.3803852341532 1417.969543154.89057772489684 148.8068963121 56402028 1 1742 0 43 1 9 02091.6984233690114 1984 188PCanton Precinct 4 506 893029391 1723133 299.20733590328035 922.15299938027161131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089505 32.6676298-89.958565800G5240Canton Precinct 1 Canton Precinct 1 2807 16 2090 4 109 4 11 3 2807 570 596.7957239 296.0454362 892 332 896.8513657583231 932.0772528 362.1385338430045 347.9147153121 56402028 13 1435 1 72 4 6 22050.7850067749964 2044 511PCanton Precinct 1 505 327214951 339178 283.1117506801256 872.5466214299971131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089104 32.59993-89.965481600G5240Canton Precinct 2 Canton Precinct 2 2656 6 1512 0 144 8 9 2 2656 975 576.0550653 601.0079035 861 674 865.6827645048373 899.6844335 735.1848548555981 706.3087895121 56402028 5 1047 0 95 5 6 1 1940.464901316135 1981 822PCanton Precinct 2 104 297068491 409435 31.551610768568217 97.24164154490932131112541 89Madison County 28089S28089996 32.554339-89.9690318V2G5240Cedar Grove Cedar Grove Voting District 296 1 38 0 3 0 1 0 296 253 55.1219855808555215.688347691534549 70.30332037092433 15.406521088842357 69.56178728778889 72.2939854590487615.036988623327359 14.44637652982351121 73351928 1 27 0 1 0 1 0216.25663056836444 239 209PCedar Grove Voting District 996 192899051 174363 51.48455405817044 158.67470562902431131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089105 32.5804163-90.023568500G5240Canton Precinct 3 Canton Precinct 3 483 3 285 0 0 0 0 0 483 195 78.94831325 150.6978274 118 169118.64177263742383 123.3016994184.34160305156135 177.1011653121 56402028 3 182 0 0 0 0 0 352.8782181233785 348 163PCanton Precinct 3 105 36608491 33419 140.70312910307447 433.64515824081171131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089508 32.6325697-90.0418844V2G5240Bible Church Bible Church Voting District 1320 0 1307 0 3 1 3 4 1320 2 301.7431294 4.458515605 451 5 453.4528766545549 471.2632747 5.453893581671981 5.239679447121 56402028 0 763 0 2 0 0 1 964.3876768589225 768 2PBible Church Voting District 508 20617231 1081 233.86565549404955 720.77081604571291131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089405 32.6250755-90.059641400G5240Canton Precinct 5 Canton Precinct 5 2194 0 2122 0 35 0 7 3 2194 27 608.1696334 4.458515605 909 5 913.9438244791957 949.8410569 5.453893581671981 5.239679447121 56402028 0 1391 0 24 0 1 21602.9292144155122 1438 20PCanton Precinct 5 405 22798391 45650 222.5667678539542 685.94779576273861131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089408 32.6139039-90.0610792V2G5240Mad. Co. Bap. Fam. Lf.Ct Mad. Co. Bap. Fam. Lf.Ct Voting District 2088 0 1975 0 94 3 6 0 2088 10 602.8172054 7.133624968 901 8 905.9003145155428 941.4816197 8.726229730466992 8.383487115121 56402028 0 1178 0 66 3 6 0 1525.485961576841 1259 6PMad. Co. Bap. Fam. Lf.Ct Voting District 408 16969471 71974 50.63180782118211156.046553154837571131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089106 32.6025976-90.039642100G5240Canton Precinct 7 Canton Precinct 7 475 0 441 0 0 2 3 0 475 29 216.7733347 5.350218726 324 6 325.7621552599113 338.5572084 6.544672298630907 6.287615337121 56402028 0 354 0 0 2 0 0347.03344432423347 383 27PCanton Precinct 7 106 117342211 324438 240.79421866957975 742.12455489848011131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089406 32.5866555-90.0608784V2G5240Liberty Liberty Voting District 2259 10 1508 0 598 11 6 2 2259 124 27.825345507888155156.77248125958698 36.776002411817906 161.4057883629786 35.42838332570989 36.81991404835695155.37358920081834149.27093639633705121 56402028 8 1169 0 449 10 4 0 1650.418001533565 1762 122PLiberty Voting District 406 207028211 150441 65.76805352772497202.696259571652151131111541 89Madison County 28089S28089407 32.5750762-90.0951637V2G5240New Industrial Park New Industrial Park Voting District 617 0 432 0 16 0 2 0 617 167 194.0255156 74.01135904 290 83 291.5772377219455 303.0296001 90.5346334555467 86.97867882121 56402028 0 308 0 9 0 2 0450.77817925905697 444 125PNew Industrial Park Voting District 407 706289751 5807105 1107.8239551274644 3414.2985830278461231111541 89Madison County 28089S28089302 32.5258272-90.1519314V2G5240Gluckstadt Gluckstadt Voting District 10393 269 1547 1 112 14 66 5 10393 8379 202.0541576 1256.409697 302 1409303.64250276364544 315.568756 1536.907211143835 1476.541668 48 55 12428 188 1038 1 63 9 30 1 7593.091761814228 7163 5833PGluckstadt Voting District 302 214560561 982318 255.1843114187578 786.47462790038132231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089308 32.5428862-90.2243737V2G5240Whispering Lake Whispering Lake Voting District 2394 62 268 1 38 0 12 2 2394 2011 206.0684786 983.5485424 308 1103 309.675135236385 321.83833391203.1289241083036 1155.873286 48 55 12428 42 177 0 27 0 8 21749.0485593941366 1716 1460PWhispering Lake Voting District 308 40791371 77391 80.69111267502075248.688927869920062231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089998 32.4841908-90.1141709V2G5240SunnyBrook SunnyBrook Voting District 757 18 75 0 21 0 1 0 757 642 59.54576169 318.3380142 89 357 89.48404882674099 92.99873935389.40800171493345 374.1131125 65 73 12428 12 54 0 12 0 1 0 553.0617207440941 540 461PSunnyBrook Voting District 998 202830981 532304 263.1788073905234 811.1135573458822231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089997 32.5067957-90.0736796V2G5240Yandell Road Yandell Road Voting District 2469 51 333 0 24 3 14 5 2469 2039 211.4209067 1160.997464 316 1302 317.7186452962585 330.19777121420.1938886686328 1364.412528 65 73 12428 25 205 0 18 3 8 4 1803.843313761121 1719 1456PYandell Road Voting District 997 710972811 31755972 394.714914445973361216.50607648918622231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089107 32.5243155 -90.006636V2G5240Bear Creek Bear Creek Voting District 3703 40 1684 0 68 8 24 5 3703 1874 415.4822248 443.1764511 621 497 624.3774642481634 648.9013161 542.1170219850948 520.824137 65 56 12428 29 1214 0 44 7 12 4 2705.399672279235 2702 1392PBear Creek Voting District 107 167266721 384045 228.74917807211958 705.00190120059242231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089103 32.4777446-90.0598017V2G5240Trace Harbor Trace Harbor Voting District 2146 5 116 0 16 5 12 1 2146 1991 84.96979477 923.8044333 127 1036127.69072139464359 132.7060663 1130.046749686929 1085.661581 65 57 11928 5 71 0 10 3 4 11567.8605716206423 1600 1506PTrace Harbor Voting District 103 11058091 39140 132.60203985168533408.677709736037742231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089999 32.4571943-90.0732708V2G5240NorthBay NorthBay Voting District 1244 23 116 1 8 0 7 0 1244 1089 99.01991831 610.8166379 148 685148.80493509734254 154.649589 747.1834207525552 717.8360843 65 57 11928 17 81 1 6 0 5 0 908.8623257670451 932 822PNorthBay Voting District 999 21676921 13542 183.76681407098516 566.3668581872422231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089109 32.459112-90.0863081V2G5240Victory Baptist Church Victory Baptist Church Voting District 1724 56 103 1 22 2 11 2 1724 1527 114.4081489 917.5625115 171 1029171.93002638717542 178.68297111122.4112989076195 1078.32603 65 57 11928 37 71 1 12 1 5 01259.5487537157442 1244 1117PVictory Baptist Church Voting District 109 36462731 16179 300.3798619791393 925.76670903227842231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089201 32.4549619-90.1016409V2G5240Madison 1 Madison 1 Voting District 2818 102 261 0 25 0 11 1 2818 2418 170.608643 1099.469948 255 1233 256.3868814866334 266.4570622 1344.930157625229 1292.104952 65 57 11928 58 157 0 14 0 5 1 2058.821570748821 1964 1729PMadison 1 Voting District 201 105731031 72370 499.17632847704381538.45475457706172231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089203 32.469778-90.1220365V2G5240Madison 3 Madison 3 Voting District 4683 108 615 0 76 7 38 4 4683 3835 350.5840351 1845.82546 524 2070 526.8499054096593 547.5431395 2257.911942751829 2169.227291 65 57 11928 71 398 0 40 5 14 23421.3844626744954 3269 2739PMadison 3 Voting District 203 190831801 760040 410.490719830257431265.12689726164082231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089307 32.4573729-90.1593477V2G5240Highland Colony Bap. Ch. Highland Colony Bap. Ch. Voting District 3851 237 682 0 36 8 52 5 3851 2831 416.1512783 1619.332868 622 1816 625.3829030417304 649.94624581980.8541487067146 1903.051575 48 73 12428 170 500 0 24 6 31 5 2813.527987563417 2798 2062PHighland Colony Bap. Ch. Voting District 307 71670091 171935 369.45230717519405 1138.6470594414042231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089202 32.4387577-90.0922523V2G5240Madison 2 Madison 2 Voting District 3466 109 170 0 38 6 24 0 3466 3119 168.6014825 1580.989633 252 1773253.37056520215324 263.32227321933.9506641585192 1857.990332 4 57 11928 69 128 0 22 3 13 02532.2482484795646 2474 2239PMadison 2 Voting District 202 41239261 57268 286.94910874657313 884.37330756383732231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089214 32.437362 -90.116017V2G5240Cobblestone Cobblestone Voting District 2692 33 369 5 45 4 24 3 2692 2209 202.7232111 1037.942433 303 1164304.64794146099166 316.6136856 1269.666425540942 1219.797375 4 57 12428 24 255 3 35 4 8 11966.7663834122875 2069 1739PCobblestone Voting District 214 47022221 3477 603.21136938962011859.08935642784382231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089306 32.4181373-90.1108131V2G5240Ridgeland Tennis Center Ridgeland Tennis Center Voting District 5659 296 1338 0 162 18 65 3 5659 3777 480.3804145 2118.686615 718 2376 721.9050230866675 750.2594927 2591.69022978736 2489.895673 4 57 12428 210 928 0 112 10 38 3 4134.446866170184 4377 3076PRidgeland Tennis Center Voting District 306 40428251 5261844 182.16791487663204 561.43907229814182231112541 89Madison County 28089S28089108 32.4245198 -90.082316V2G5240Main Harbor Main Harbor Voting District 1709 23 62 0 31 3 9 0 1709 1581 693.1394282 955.9057457 1036 10721041.6345456813979 1082.547123 1169.314783455815 1123.387273 65 63 12428 18 46 0 25 3 6 01248.5898028423474 1455 1357PMain Harbor Voting District 108 62800861 111514 251.83741383408605178.930354171618721101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029404 32.0064805-90.3612771V2G5240Crystal Springs North Crystal Springs North Voting District 945 0 659 0 9 2 3 0 945 272 216.1992218 97.97373526 336 103 324.9369688423312 337.6996109100.50727072565542 96.55961797 33 75473528 0 466 0 7 2 3 0 708.0520560969812 713 235ACrystal Springs North Voting District 404 775306571 90488 212.66270501545043151.096743522700251101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029205 31.8324783-90.2930237V2G5240Shady Grove Shady Grove Voting District 798 0 133 0 33 0 16 0 798 616 1.078678428374479 9.032503819429305 0.9381211926899647 10.148765630009619 0.797361486402742 0.82867968105995510.228661769855687 9.826907702404617 18 61313528 0 92 0 23 0 7 0 597.910625148562 584 462AShady Grove Voting District 205 2114246831 788416 867.706475601888 616.50500865903771101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029101 31.9204083 -90.373269V2G5240Gallman Gallman Voting District 3256 12 1605 0 92 6 23 8 3256 1510 500.6041505 832.3011491 778 875 752.3838147868406 781.9354086 853.8239017587307 820.2880167 33 75313528 10 1099 0 60 6 15 62439.5952324357363 2431 1235AGallman Voting District 101 49003121 0 622.797921830962442.497606030765041101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029104 31.8607456-90.3823236V2G5240Hazlehurst East Hazlehurst East Voting District 2337 3 2049 0 132 10 17 2 2337 124 692.9957198 57.07207879 1077 60 1041.539034116394 1082.44786 58.54792469708297 56.24832115 18 75313528 3 1416 0 91 5 9 0 1751.02397364936 1628 104AHazlehurst East Voting District 104 20310111 14425 179.3508777887195127.428707256613121101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029304 31.8730529-90.3890548V2G5240Hazlehurst North Hazlehurst North Voting District 673 0 439 0 46 1 5 2 673 180 93.3002594 121.7537681 145 128140.22577520866201 145.733463124.90223929826323 119.9964184 33 75313528 0 276 0 34 1 3 2 504.2529457706544 480 164AHazlehurst North Voting District 304 542490781 148628 787.4915956399199 559.51237733029981101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029303 31.8635104-90.4473596V2G5240Hazlehurst West Hazlehurst West Voting District 2955 29 2203 1 137 6 19 1 2955 559 737.3937743 298.6772124 1146 3141108.2671614171325 1151.796887306.40080589565133 294.366214 33 75313528 24 1552 1 95 5 14 1 2214.067540493735 2191 499AHazlehurst West Voting District 303 387380521 41371 896.4878943257836 636.95419199293691101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029403 31.9707405-90.4317317V2G5240Crystal Springs South Crystal Springs South Voting District 3364 3 2343 0 86 1 12 0 3364 919 761.8448768 404.2605581 1184 4251145.0159853710943 1189.989105 414.7144665566305 398.4256081 33 75473528 3 1686 0 61 1 7 02520.5154674182486 2510 752ACrystal Springs South Voting District 403 1228252451 163070 1060.115589663486 753.21158613195691101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029501 31.9992633-90.2690317V2G5240Crystal Springs East Crystal Springs East Voting District 3978 18 1448 1 53 6 39 1 3978 2412 452.3453956 1166.17281 703 1226 679.8532413201011 706.55603111196.3292607916887 1149.340695 33 61473428 11 1003 1 33 6 17 12980.5619885225306 3066 1994ACrystal Springs East Voting District 501 595730711 558182 124.98597575469455 88.802472070358931101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029103 31.9105542-90.2120606V2G5240Georgetown North Georgetown North Voting District 469 0 282 0 3 2 1 0 469 181 126.1162127 88.46172213 196 93189.54656516604496 196.9914397 90.74928327787639 87.18489778 73 61313528 0 204 0 2 2 1 0 351.4036130259092 358 149AGeorgetown North Voting District 103 1892867291 421807 82.34683690447893 58.507385649767391101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029402 31.9076083-90.5989918V2G5240Dentville Dentville Voting District 309 0 72 0 0 0 2 0 309 235 27.02490272 165.5090285 42 174 40.61712110288589 42.21245136 169.7889815851097 163.1201313 33 75303528 0 49 0 0 0 2 0 231.5217834221875 252 201ADentville Voting District 402 1133961031 1263749 213.46218886889199151.664776393086361101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029201 31.8069086-90.1717143V2G5240Georgetown South Georgetown South Voting District 801 5 289 0 4 2 8 0 801 493 111.9603113 223.5323086 174 235168.27093025039443 174.8801556229.31270505923794 220.3059245 73 90313528 3 202 0 4 2 4 0 600.1584094536317 614 399AGeorgetown South Voting District 201 619753401 58272 200.93694183164115 142.76559475703761101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029206 31.8118375-90.3613891V2G5240Hazlehurst South Hazlehurst South Voting District 754 3 468 0 11 0 7 0 754 265 228.424773 147.4362036 355 155 343.3113807230914 356.7957198151.24880549782344 145.308163 18 75313528 3 341 0 6 0 1 0 564.9431220075385 571 220AHazlehurst South Voting District 206 1237321461 54990 204.13487724540732145.037726238581971101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029202 31.7702865 -90.256805V2G5240Strong Hope-Union Strong Hope-Union Voting District 766 3 44 1 12 5 3 0 766 698 27.66835279 332.9204596 43 350 41.58419541898311 43.21750973341.52956072430993 328.1152067 18 61313528 3 27 1 11 2 3 0 573.9342592278176 590 543AStrong Hope-Union Voting District 202 938673781 119172 433.5867431831302308.063160039390141101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029204 31.747787-90.3667365V2G5240Beauregard Beauregard Voting District 1627 1 311 0 43 1 5 0 1627 1266 113.8906615 466.0886435 177 490 171.172153189064 177.8953307478.14138503485157 459.3612894 18 61313528 0 217 0 24 1 1 01219.0483547828449 1171 928ABeauregard Voting District 204 63093571 4021 459.70321572888724326.618900472002451101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029203 31.6986853-90.3959628V2G5240Wesson Wesson Voting District 1725 8 331 0 57 2 15 1 1725 1311 66.27535668 490.8198776 103 516 99.60865416350858 103.5210117503.51215240532235 483.7355619 18 91313528 8 277 0 33 1 6 11292.4759754151244 1332 1006AWesson Voting District 203 4443631071 478002 441.5815817175456 313.7434887432511101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029302 31.7756007 -90.598484V2G5240Centerpoint Centerpoint Voting District 1657 3 592 0 16 0 7 0 1657 1039 258.6669261 475.6006566 402 500388.76387339684135 404.033463487.89937249303944 468.7360096 45 75313528 3 456 0 11 0 3 01241.5261978335427 1278 805ACenterpoint Voting District 302 712563881 136226 217.4596081360997 154.50494074501681101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029301 31.792688-90.4407955V2G5240Martinsville Martinsville Voting District 816 0 494 0 9 2 8 0 816 303 146.7066148 135.0705865 228 142220.49294314644692 229.1533074138.56342176054386 133.1210267 18 75313528 0 334 0 9 2 1 0 611.3973309789806 576 230AMartinsville Voting District 301 1296022011 990672 145.239566708547 103.19263812013991101111511 29Copiah County 28029N28029401 31.982017-90.6572834V2G5240Carpenter Carpenter Voting District 545 0 422 0 7 0 1 0 545 115 32.52366053239747 23.22191471028391 50.54574132492114 24.413249211356465 48.88148802822141 50.8014201835962123.822417940328723 22.88673803230284 33 75303528 0 328 0 5 0 1 0 408.347482087677 433 99ACarpenter Voting District 401 2017117311 307998 446.111990220381 316.96234167543891101111111 29Copiah County 28029N28029502 32.0134448-90.5055535V2G5240Crystal Springs West Crystal Springs West Voting District 1674 1 740 0 23 5 4 0 1674 901 254.1627756 476.5518579 395 501 381.9943532707595 396.9980545 488.8751712180406 469.6734816 33 75473528 1 534 0 17 4 3 01254.2636422289381 1287 728ACrystal Springs West Voting District 502 44120681 9524 0 922.13810488853742201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121501 32.2774505 -90.10181V2G5240South McLaurin South McLaurin Voting District 2456 10 232 0 260 4 42 3 2456 1905 96.48135263 778.0843373 126 870126.43449717194717 131.400501 911.286849558584 875.4939759 21 60192928 9 143 0 164 3 19 21839.7498040489488 1789 1449ASouth McLaurin Voting District 501 181060211 11026 01399.72754683406652201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121502 32.2622666 -90.082216V2G5240Springhill Springhill Voting District 3728 55 1630 0 102 0 41 0 3728 1900 19.238787572884043125.22686771813676 23.09217046580773 127.4687809712586721.429185274942324 22.270865500574825119.01204494690782114.33757489316154 81 60432928 37 1148 0 70 0 20 02792.5843931166455 2773 1498ASpringhill Voting District 502 1037655231 151029 0 342.04715535564232201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121313 32.1647338-89.8598112V2G5240Johns Johns Voting District 911 1 199 0 5 0 5 0 911 701 116.3902032 308.5506855 152 345 152.5241553231214 158.5148901361.37237136052823 347.1786456 94 59222928 1 146 0 5 0 4 0 682.4153385539871 693 537AJohns Voting District 313 82780531 1156907 160.42276042976752 608.50012576808363311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073006 31.3221853-89.4494251V2G5240Bellevue Bellevue Voting District 1866 18 27 0 26 7 8 0 1866 1780 91.2502423 988.3083743 120 1114 122.9625717765413 127.79220781197.4074053845497 1150.376493 59100214328 11 19 0 16 4 6 01376.2495957454455 1429 1373ABellevue Voting District 006 1316069101 583552 230.48950734844945 874.27054511480833311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073005 31.2770006-89.5600332V2G5240Midway Midway Voting District 2681 5 208 0 36 4 24 0 2681 2404 28.00759798874245116.42167657257001 39.75123558484349 127.35118066996156 37.8726302930892 39.36016440142779126.26174212052368121.30252364192751 99100214028 4 117 0 20 4 8 01977.3446764166877 1895 1742AMidway Voting District 005 1642772761 425943 354.976193898451241346.46142513205653301113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073001 31.3927391-89.5393174V2G5240Sumrall Sumrall Voting District 4129 5 328 1 47 9 28 3 4129 3708 61.65338354358713221.99664628796964 90.76538768984813 237.64028776978418 85.63082549285117 88.99417186356915 240.3309892574713230.89144040531573 99100214028 4 228 1 26 9 16 0 3045.302562075533 3000 2716ASumrall Voting District 001 608505161 141607 104.9711631751051 398.16648100901943301113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073004 31.3099849-89.5681568V2G5240Oloh Oloh Voting District 1221 1 42 0 20 1 7 0 1221 1150 38.78135298 398.3397308 51 449 52.25909300021902 54.31168831 482.6175271459784 463.6616208 99100214028 1 27 0 16 1 5 0 900.5363110424378 901 851AOloh Voting District 004 13729591 0 0 623.64470367258172201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121307 32.275348 -90.121109V2G5240Patton Place Patton Place Voting District 1661 11 197 20 149 9 13 3 1661 1259 64.32090175 550.9194848 84 616 84.28966476205399 87.60033398 645.2329876982595 619.8899875 21 60192928 11 128 14 96 6 8 21244.2281858816384 1250 985APatton Place Voting District 307 431827381 25325 0 416.01344471355842231112511121Rankin County 28121N28121401 32.2592934-89.7647328V2G5240Crossroads Crossroads Voting District 1108 0 94 0 10 2 6 2 1108 994 14.528953762325765185.08588969669455 18.974113898845083 206.9502190362405519.039544044442135 19.787365649494227 216.7712794704834208.25709206324174 94 59352928 0 60 0 7 1 3 0 829.9848464520502 812 741ACrossroads Voting District 401 286660531 31383 01187.59072710197232201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121312 32.2371051-89.9381687V2G5240East Brandon East Brandon Voting District 3163 36 327 0 49 5 12 1 3163 2733 140.8934038 1078.585875 184 1206 184.6345038020711 191.88644591263.2321153014018 1213.615787 94 73222928 23 221 0 28 5 6 1 2369.352048129815 2310 2026AEast Brandon Voting District 312 108923951 48211 01957.29069250160642231112511121Rankin County 28121N28121209 32.3691672-90.0063207V2G5240Grant's Ferry Grant's Ferry Voting District 5213 146 530 0 122 6 47 3 5213 4359 289.4440579 1554.379975 378 1738 379.3034914196208 394.20150291820.4787868501999 1748.975322 79 58431928 101 352 0 73 5 14 23904.9738308253955 3793 3246AGrant's Ferry Voting District 209 127210051 18837 0 1620.8754881123032201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121507 32.2655911-90.0459824V2G5240Park Place Park Place Voting District 4317 49 1050 7 132 12 43 7 4317 3017 211.3401058 946.2221022 276 1058276.95175565499625 287.82966881108.2086056721612 1064.68118 87 59432928 34 846 3 83 8 24 2 3233.794749217961 3319 2319APark Place Voting District 507 516186611 52057 89.23838441913112338.490423658773243301113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073003 31.3528232-89.6218212V2G5240Rocky Branch Rocky Branch Voting District 1038 1 195 1 28 2 17 0 1038 794 117.1044776 369.0630913 154 416157.80196710360593 164 447.146751258588 429.5840407 99100 94028 1 148 1 15 2 10 0 765.5664953825146 764 587ARocky Branch Voting District 003 318249591 112746 510.15469474289411935.06953178339153311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073002 31.3397489-89.4345058V2G5240Breland Breland Voting District 5934 146 1660 4 151 11 54 0 5934 3908 465.3762357 1288.172136 612 1452 627.1091159833841 651.74025971560.7141417514747 1499.413527 59100214328 99 1116 4 85 10 27 0 4376.56221926767 4275 2934ABreland Voting District 002 1481741431 96582 130.4187178842215 494.69168852635743301113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073022 31.1688519-89.5886787V2G5240Greenville Greenville Voting District 1517 0 4 0 12 6 7 0 1517 1488 23.57297926 581.9841055 31 65631.765331037462136 33.01298701 705.1160307707994 677.4209872 37 99204028 0 3 0 7 5 5 01118.8481440224227 1118 1098AGreenville Voting District 022 31682261 0 0 976.95576096090162201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121404 32.2997242-90.0307106V2G5240West Crossgates West Crossgates Voting District 2602 20 224 0 25 4 24 2 2602 2303 169.9909546 1143.873411 222 1279222.76554260879627 231.51516841339.6964143988914 1287.076776 87 58432928 9 168 0 12 4 11 21949.1160383287317 2047 1841AWest Crossgates Voting District 404 10760391 136766 0 532.40709801789332201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121406 32.2883532-90.0299502V2G5240South Crossgates South Crossgates Voting District 1418 7 68 0 37 4 3 0 1418 1299 72.74387698 651.0866639 95 728 95.32759705530121 99.07180629 762.5480764179832 732.597258 87 58432928 5 49 0 23 4 3 01062.2008233474794 1190 1106ASouth Crossgates Voting District 406 110496261 28632 01616.74539073698772231112511121Rankin County 28121N28121210 32.3536989 -89.985577V2G5240Castlewoods Castlewoods Voting District 4306 112 471 0 69 5 34 3 4306 3612 295.5698581 1498.930287 386 1676 387.3310785874686 402.54439191755.5365053251242 1686.583797 79 73431928 82 309 0 49 5 14 33225.5548274571556 3140 2678ACastlewoods Voting District 210 549797511 51014 0 845.16810834857392201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121411 32.3311913-89.9242115V2G5240Northeast Brandon Northeast Brandon Voting District 2251 6 552 0 21 6 11 0 2251 1655 284.8497078 790.6052347 372 884 373.2828010918454 387.9443362 925.9512356355385 889.5823847 94 73351928 4 385 0 8 6 4 01686.1876257793908 1613 1206ANortheast Brandon Voting District 411 436931041 484072 0 793.72962285601312201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121315 32.1962083-89.9733764V2G5240South Brandon South Brandon Voting District 2114 7 81 0 69 13 22 1 2114 1921 67.38380184 572.3838803 88 640 88.30345832673372 91.77177846 670.3719353182319 644.0415455 94 59222928 5 49 0 44 9 13 11583.5631456675399 1582 1461ASouth Brandon Voting District 315 107858761 40250 27.959068930619587 75.155740470032613311113221131Stone County 28131N28131101 30.9018207-89.1444811V2G5240Bond Bond Voting District 280 3 7 0 15 0 5 0 280 250 13.77955912 78.10487473 18 9717.380468623724273 18.06312625106.27963890811053 102.1052632102106394428 3 2 0 8 0 5 0211.81828404362983 203 185ABond Voting District 101 87103471 2188492 119.42516586078939 321.02237715056793311113221131Stone County 28131N28131102 30.8788622-89.1389413V2G5240Courthouse Courthouse Voting District 1196 5 230 0 21 8 17 0 1196 915 21.220334243231406 44.55205189601752 22.311623002676615 51.12271879308946 19.72072344054856 20.49529992314056 49.8459145370792647.888102326482276102106 84428 4 140 0 13 5 8 0 904.7666704149331 879 709ACourthouse Voting District 102 916474781 82892 170.84988192960756459.255256943663543311113221131Stone County 28131N28131203 30.8820153-89.2403997V2G5240Project Road Project Road Voting District 1711 9 1009 0 21 10 15 0 1711 647 466.9739479 149.7681103 610 186 589.0047701491602 612.1392786203.79394670464944 195.7894737102 92 84628 9 733 0 16 6 5 0 1294.361014280895 1252 483AProject Road Voting District 203 302283761 87550 75.09007084223546201.846845833801863311113221131Stone County 28131N28131402 30.7998161-89.1025734V2G5240Ten Mile Ten Mile Voting District 752 5 12 0 10 0 5 1 752 719 28.3246493 219.0157312 37 272 35.72651884353561 37.12975952 298.0212553994042 286.3157895102106 84628 4 8 0 9 0 2 0 568.883391431463 592 569ATen Mile Voting District 402 40718171 0 01450.03964213335962201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121412 32.2967308-90.0163772V2G5240East Crossgates East Crossgates Voting District 3862 51 376 0 86 0 18 1 3862 3330 235.0775814 1916.591649 307 2143 308.0586557620202 320.1583635 2244.698526636129 2156.532862 87 73431928 37 247 0 60 0 10 1 2892.961621839186 3020 2665AEast Crossgates Voting District 412 81451351 0 0 866.19405862290552231112511121Rankin County 28121N28121508 32.3447541-90.0540048V2G5240Liberty Liberty Voting District 2307 99 315 0 58 2 15 0 2307 1818 28.416587909118178160.10363623987038 37.55743141392825 164.8353934277962 36.1811776593239 37.602276099849256158.67502004705085152.44269600104008 88 60432928 68 249 0 49 2 9 01728.1363183798555 1923 1546ALiberty Voting District 508 72086831 109792 118.62633531991455 318.87507027999553311113221131Stone County 28131N28131103 30.8629959-89.1480382V2G5240Old Hospital Old Hospital Voting District 1188 7 116 0 12 3 15 0 1188 1035 60.47695391 363.1474073 79 451 76.28094563864029 79.27705411 494.1455373944395 474.7368421102106 84628 6 81 0 9 2 11 0 898.714719442258 927 818AOld Hospital Voting District 103 547161891 348308 207.99550208028788 559.10502642527833311113221131Stone County 28131N28131501 30.8704816-89.0945311V2G5240Flint Creek Flint Creek Voting District 2083 1 371 0 10 7 9 0 2083 1685 114.0641283 523.3831812 149 650143.87165697022948 149.5225451 712.1831470122713 684.2105263102106 84428 1 321 0 7 7 5 0 1575.776734510289 1683 1342AFlint Creek Voting District 501 481218041 25992 164.75879905543687442.882042055549333311113221131Stone County 28131N28131201 30.8321922-89.1792344V2G5240American Legion American Legion Voting District 1650 6 1010 0 7 5 15 0 1650 607 153.19060859321098 23.20062231406099 179.1844901338485 23.678763626328134170.70810430346654 177.4130552338898823.17169115076581722.261570024561887102 92 84628 5 626 0 3 2 11 0 1248.214888114247 1083 436AAmerican Legion Voting District 201 637319071 145299 133.90396941414596 359.94231417969193311113221131Stone County 28131N28131301 30.7781425-89.2007111V2G5240Perkinston Perkinston Voting District 1341 2 367 2 25 7 4 6 1341 928 70.42885772 191.6387648 92 238 88.83350631079549 92.32264529 260.7685984614676 250.5263158102106 84628 2 351 2 18 7 4 41014.4582817946699 1195 807APerkinston Voting District 301 380530681 7440 131.5074777915214 353.50039356797483311113221131Stone County 28131N28131403 30.7025826-89.1164302V2G5240McHenry Fire Station McHenry Fire Station Voting District 1317 6 98 3 25 7 15 0 1317 1163 53.58717435 284.2373276 70 353 67.59071132196712 70.24549098 386.7702321884598 371.5789474102106 84228 4 62 2 13 3 4 0 996.3024288766445 950 862AMcHenry Fire Station Voting District 403 850194201 335276 93.06375801191949250.161250421679973311113221131Stone County 28131N28131304 30.8327175-89.3057206V2G5240Magnolia Magnolia Voting District 932 4 11 0 20 14 21 0 932 862 41.33867735 279.4060983 54 34752.141405880794885 54.18937876380.19623388080316 365.2631579102 92 84628 4 10 0 18 8 9 0 705.0522883166535 696 647AMagnolia Voting District 304 2221788331 738129 198.209827954571 532.80051726076693311113221131Stone County 28131N28131401 30.7195951-89.0001689V2G5240Tuxachanie Tuxachanie Voting District 1985 1 32 0 26 4 17 2 1985 1903 67.36673347 566.8642455 88 704 84.97117994569139 88.30861723 771.3491315730046 741.0526316102106 84228 1 24 0 15 4 8 21501.6403350950186 1489 1435ATuxachanie Voting District 401 839826911 96263 92.96390419431013249.892837062858433311113221131Stone County 28131N28131303 30.7172283-89.2081294V2G5240McHenry Library McHenry Library Voting District 931 4 22 0 12 17 17 3 931 856 32.91783567 248.0031074 43 30841.520008381569674 43.1508016337.46524503716745 324.2105263102 92 84628 4 13 0 3 11 6 2 704.2957944450692 646 607AMcHenry Library Voting District 303 1348387001 1892304 70.79635668503317190.305071404475433311113221131Stone County 28131N28131302 30.7187206-89.2947267V2G5240Elarbee Elarbee Voting District 709 0 5 0 4 3 8 0 709 689 32.91783567 252.0291319 43 31341.520008381569674 43.1508016342.94357694286657 329.4736842 35 92 84628 0 2 0 4 3 4 0 536.354154953334 548 535AElarbee Voting District 302 1290211591 608162 127.5133250871472342.763859215113033311113221131Stone County 28131N28131502 30.8291622 -89.030869V2G5240Big Level Big Level Voting District 1277 4 66 0 30 1 8 1 1277 1167 67.36673347 419.5117499 88 521 84.97117994569139 88.30861723 570.8421839701393 548.4210526102106 84228 1 44 0 19 1 4 0 966.0426740132689 978 909ABig Level Voting District 502 1455556091 6213 43.33655684246036116.491397728550553311113221131Stone County 28131N28131503 30.8432359-88.9265036V2G5240Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill Voting District 434 0 39 0 1 0 0 0 434 394 16.84168337 140.1056516 22 17421.242794988828365 22.07715431190.64595008933617 183.1578947102106394228 0 23 0 1 0 0 0328.31834026762624 334 310APleasant Hill Voting District 503 565029051 132253 0 550.42934111017752201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121101 32.0986049-90.1917594V2G5240Clear Branch Clear Branch Voting District 1466 1 214 0 22 4 15 1 1466 1209 114.0930281 463.2732032 149 518149.51381011112332 155.3863067 542.5822851595785 521.2711259 73 61223428 1 160 0 16 4 3 1 1098.156845576449 1084 899AClear Branch Voting District 101 370354011 380414 0 294.73876723839652201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121104 32.0745991-90.1293922V2G5240Mountain Creek Mountain Creek Voting District 785 0 102 0 11 3 2 0 785 667 66.61807682 280.8258413 87 314 87.30000993556379 90.72891734 328.901230806167 315.9828833 73 61223428 0 82 0 5 1 2 0 588.0307802029417 590 500AMountain Creek Voting District 104 475158271 987324 0 967.56917601700372201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121102 32.1575751-90.1966283V2G5240Cleary Cleary Voting District 2577 2 103 2 21 1 7 0 2577 2441 122.5160033 1072.325426 160 1199160.55174239474846 166.8577791255.8999226792778 1206.571583 73 61223428 2 76 0 10 1 3 0 1930.38894341781 1944 1852ACleary Voting District 102 394349351 62486 0 1370.0659384113492201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121109 32.1293641-90.1525235V2G5240West Steens Creek West Steens Creek Voting District 3649 15 441 0 82 2 29 3 3649 3077 270.3009324 1115.254217 353 1247 354.2172817365931 368.1299751306.1778179192224 1254.874699 73 61223428 12 348 0 58 1 10 2 2733.406773198133 2705 2274AWest Steens Creek Voting District 109 274961221 183636 02095.46122287578462201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121106 32.2086668-90.1700284V2G5240South Richland South Richland Voting District 5581 49 841 2 358 7 46 2 5581 4276 287.9126078 1486.409389 376 1662377.29659467576926 392.1157807 1740.872119039993 1672.495388 81 61193428 38 490 2 228 6 21 1 4180.636667914163 3913 3127ASouth Richland Voting District 106 483721501 274872 0 580.4664129306512201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121107 32.0707483-90.0671225V2G5240Star Star Voting District 1546 2 326 0 12 3 10 5 1546 1188 151.6135541 487.4206481 198 545198.68278120147363 206.4865015 570.8636011800032 548.4416286 73 59223428 1 235 0 9 2 3 41158.0835492913986 1171 917AStar Voting District 107 328531161 49466 01624.63012208986222201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121103 32.1575796-90.1121954V2G5240East Steens Creek East Steens Creek Voting District 4327 6 762 0 53 3 26 0 4327 3477 266.4723073 1342.419069 348 1501349.20003978074345 362.91566941572.2316793631937 1510.478687 73 61223428 6 530 0 26 3 8 0 3241.28558718233 3136 2563AEast Steens Creek Voting District 103 599079821 0 01240.53106618555672201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121304 32.179064-90.0648371V2G5240Monterey Monterey Voting District 3304 6 918 0 56 4 29 1 3304 2290 395.8798358 724.4233486 517 810 518.7828176190449 539.1591984 848.4394806127415 815.115081 73 59223428 4 686 0 34 4 17 12474.9728634274134 2423 1677AMonterey Voting District 304 127742601 532882 0 1365.5603776382782231112511121Rankin County 28121N28121207 32.4071477-89.9903862V2G5240Northshore Northshore Voting District 3637 43 320 0 27 4 12 0 3637 3231 258.8150571 1575.844371 338 1762339.16555586904406 352.4870582 1845.617734470172 1773.12688 79 58351928 27 227 0 22 2 6 02724.4177676408904 2638 2354ANorthshore Voting District 207 1259047931 293872 0 633.78221541199152201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121303 32.1171145-89.9889176V2G5240Dry Creek Dry Creek Voting District 1688 8 662 0 24 4 36 0 1688 954 12.96170242181818363.757086509090904 11.272727272727273 71.63636363636364 9.58131917773662 9.957647385454546 72.20032078629944 69.36448818181817 73 59223428 4 402 0 16 4 17 0 1264.453448385434 1177 734ADry Creek Voting District 303 266944251 357653 0 916.50615392219862201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121105 32.2466714-90.1637394V2G5240North Richland North Richland Voting District 2441 68 332 8 52 7 18 4 2441 1952 169.9909546 811.1752804 222 907222.76554260879627 231.5151684 950.0427271220267 912.7276278 81 59192928 56 257 8 39 6 10 3 1828.513547102396 1879 1500ANorth Richland Voting District 105 122085251 445053 01344.53442736394642201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121110 32.2816712-90.1512773V2G5240West Pearl West Pearl Voting District 3581 52 1262 19 174 12 42 0 3581 2020 333.8561091 558.0742833 436 624437.50349804974473 454.6874478 653.6126369743091 627.9405069 21 60192928 38 835 16 119 12 22 0 2682.469075040426 2690 1648AWest Pearl Voting District 110 206200781 0 01711.36216697147942201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121310 32.2285844-90.1073782V2G5240South Pearson South Pearson Voting District 4558 3 2556 0 58 6 6 0 4558 1929 310.1186335 167.243415 405 187406.39659794272086 422.3587531195.87429987600476 188.1808891 81 70192928 3 2377 0 44 6 3 03414.3239441592464 4216 1783ASouth Pearson Voting District 310 470562811 507288 0 361.71071616558812201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001203 31.4513175-91.3940012V2G5240Beau Pre Beau Pre Voting District 1557 11 643 1 31 6 11 0 1557 854 302.5221151 426.1955528 324 400313.13745847831336 325.4366478 399.0421628097072 383.3688699100 96503628 7 457 0 29 4 6 01210.1375979193115 1149 646ABeau Pre Voting District 203 1576916621 1557786 0 281.79518221506642201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001204 31.4202136-91.3183662V2G5240Kingston Kingston Voting District 1213 1 167 0 11 5 8 1 1213 1020 113.9126483 537.0063966 122 504117.90978377295299 122.54096 502.793125167294 483.0447761100 96503628 1 118 0 10 2 6 0 942.7725794965477 983 846AKingston Voting District 204 2727586411 1488760 0 459.74663281419332201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001304 31.4574918-91.2218701V2G5240Palestine Palestine Voting District 1979 5 951 0 18 3 24 0 1979 978 24.93765798706492 163.6495173857044 28.700966850828728 185.8729281767955727.229878548749593 28.299394259533837184.75339609536758 177.4967842309047100 84503628 3 723 0 13 2 14 01538.1260798216554 1486 731APalestine Voting District 304 3243341301 47051152 0438.838498931789332201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001102 31.4749919-91.4426819V2G5240By-Pass Firestation By-Pass Firestation Voting District 1889 1 1369 0 7 3 31 3 1889 475 633.0555371 274.8961316 678 258 655.269126128445 681.0063186257.38219502735393 247.2729211100 95503628 1 937 0 6 3 12 1 1468.175929652909 1359 399ABy-Pass Firestation Voting District 102 32652011 0 0466.251385577607832201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001202 31.5458709-91.3854885V2G5240Duncan Park Duncan Park Voting District 2007 3 824 0 32 4 19 2 2007 1123 314.6603481 684.0438623 337 642 325.7016157861013 338.4942911 640.4626713205093 615.3070362 9 93503628 3 552 0 19 2 14 1 1559.888348763043 1555 964ADuncan Park Voting District 202 22471811 0 0 260.19011053658232201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001101 31.5552296-91.4026031V2G5240Courthouse Courthouse Voting District 1120 8 169 0 23 3 8 1 1120 908 19.87188491004947741.720985053126775 20.893827561034957 47.8741179333279218.467567101517048 19.192923004947684 46.67844839592707 44.84504565690648 9 96503628 7 148 0 13 3 4 1 870.4907576555098 989 813ACourthouse Voting District 101 1041714741 167215 0 716.4520543703752201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001504 31.5896449-91.2231122V2G5240Washington Washington Voting District 3084 28 398 2 1820 7 20 4 3084 805 21.304965806131708209.43326340365246 20.480354178195906 237.2307692307692319.114863736761897 19.865643694864417 256.5552661766762 246.4784717697842 9 93503628 28 308 2 1818 4 14 4 2396.958479115707 2851 673AWashington Voting District 504 199497261 809707 0 648.42528792447242201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121204 32.3200199-90.1178658V2G5240Flowood Flowood Voting District 1727 86 434 0 30 0 25 1 1727 1151 221.294531 370.2608226 289 414289.99658468247304 301.3868633 433.6468456118162 416.6143747 21 60191928 65 339 0 26 0 14 01293.6677164464718 1494 1050AFlowood Voting District 204 47174271 123557 0 667.94938460778022201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121305 32.2940865-90.1176155V2G5240North McLaurin North McLaurin Voting District 1779 17 193 0 82 3 10 5 1779 1469 71.97815196 592.953926 94 663 94.32414866413127 98.02894517 694.4634267006318 667.1867885 21 60192928 13 128 0 50 3 4 4 1332.620073861189 1350 1148ANorth McLaurin Voting District 305 6788741 0 0202.750234788196342201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121306 32.2779882-90.1318671V2G5240North Pearson North Pearson Voting District 540 0 44 0 83 2 11 1 540 399 19.14312552 94.80108018 25 106 25.08620975038221 26.07152797111.03035181473061 106.669381 21 60192928 0 35 0 65 2 4 1 404.505250075909 409 302ANorth Pearson Voting District 306 9330981 0 0 668.32484800553612201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121308 32.2711186-90.1304701V2G5240Pearl Pearl Voting District 1780 16 409 12 285 2 37 2 1780 1017 43.389269615020346207.92992688864226 63.8771735109138 222.5823159452460260.263667013426506 62.63066026111727225.10252233262221 216.2611063218646 21 60192928 14 277 10 204 1 15 0 1333.369157657626 1334 813APearl Voting District 308 31992301 30636 0 706.99757797439582201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121302 32.263122-90.1202722V2G5240Cunningham Heights Cunningham Heights Voting District 1883 31 339 0 124 3 15 0 1883 1371 138.5962288 562.5460324 181 629 181.624158590073 188.7578625 658.8499176417298 632.9720814 21 60192928 24 240 0 69 1 7 01410.5247886906234 1388 1047ACunningham Heights Voting District 302 9567351 0 0241.605102641112182201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001404 31.5622362-91.3961943V2G5240Carpenter Carpenter Voting District 1040 1 677 0 18 6 8 0 1040 330 62.063498997602515 44.31337852971609 96.45425867507886 46.586750788643535 93.27843587036747 96.94215961640379 45.4592929503520643.673775327697165 9 93503628 0 520 0 13 4 5 0 808.312846394402 830 288ACarpenter Voting District 404 84410051 183620 0443.046809351984562201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121506 32.3187456-90.0148343V2G5240Mullins Mullins Voting District 1180 6 698 0 12 2 7 2 1180 453 334.6218341 201.2287079 437 225438.50694642167053 455.7303089 235.6776334688432 226.4208558 87 58431928 6 506 0 10 0 4 1 883.9188797955047 867 340AMullins Voting District 506 444708561 13812 01743.65201917848842231112511121Rankin County 28121N28121408 32.3594519 -89.948239V2G5240Oakdale Oakdale Voting District 4644 45 709 0 50 8 35 2 4644 3795 323.1359588 1633.977108 422 1827 423.4552206503422 440.0873922 1913.702383667082 1838.537349 79 73351928 35 466 0 29 6 11 13478.7451506528173 3319 2771AOakdale Voting District 408 114308351 24644 0 976.20483416538982231112511121Rankin County 28121N28121201 32.3421957-90.0283292V2G5240Castlewoods West Castlewoods West Voting District 2600 44 260 0 44 1 13 6 2600 2232 202.1514055 1114.359867 264 1246 264.9103749994453 275.31533541305.1303616816501 1253.868384 87 58431928 34 191 0 25 1 9 21947.6178707358579 2050 1788ACastlewoods West Voting District 201 299941821 39609 02208.47570560031642201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121403 32.2777202-89.9578781V2G5240North Brandon North Brandon Voting District 5882 50 554 12 53 9 43 1 5882 5160 348.4048845 2152.7 455 2407 456.5690175012177 474.50180912521.2269504558244 2422.2 94 59432928 34 403 7 29 4 11 0 4406.11089064166 4195 3707ANorth Brandon Voting District 403 231456641 26138 0 990.09697988235872201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121505 32.299509 -90.060334V2G5240Eldorado Eldorado Voting District 2637 29 716 0 44 4 18 5 2637 1821 238.9062065 753.0425426 312 842313.07589771786985 325.3726691 881.9580774046751 847.3171583 87 60432928 21 501 0 27 2 13 21975.3339712040222 2031 1465AEldorado Voting District 505 294044941 379670 02815.60001977163762231112511121Rankin County 28121N28121205 32.3606389-90.0806419V2G5240Holbrook Holbrook Voting District 7499 244 781 0 220 5 100 3 7499 6146 537.5389647 2539.059119 702 2839 704.4207697930417 732.08850542973.7280065744435 2856.928043 88 58431928 171 534 0 148 3 36 15617.3793894800765 5634 4741AHolbrook Voting District 205 34462211 27737463 01156.80272848598682231112511121Rankin County 28121N28121206 32.393604-90.0365924V2G5240Reservoir West Reservoir West Voting District 3081 37 252 1 61 5 40 10 3081 2675 221.294531 1053.54408 289 1178289.99658468247304 301.38686331233.9033437720227 1185.43897 88 58431928 31 160 1 44 4 21 6 2307.927176821992 2459 2192AReservoir West Voting District 206 669175941 26122564 0 851.92644950818062231112511121Rankin County 28121N28121203 32.4505211-89.9589387V2G5240Fannin Fannin Voting District 2269 8 389 2 14 4 18 1 2269 1833 209.0429307 650.1923141 273 727 273.9414104429982 284.7010854 761.5006202844991 731.5909431 79 73351928 6 273 0 10 2 11 11699.6711341152545 1643 1340AFannin Voting District 203 74717471 23608 01082.46097573031492201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121202 32.2983253-90.0974893V2G5240Crest Park Crest Park Voting District 2883 15 426 2 200 5 64 1 2883 2170 146.253479 913.1311591 191 1021191.65864250177236 199.18647371069.4527280046302 1027.447528 21 60432928 12 223 2 127 3 19 12159.6085851274916 2081 1694ACrest Park Voting District 202 1631533281 11083825 0 933.4020068212152231112511121Rankin County 28121N28121409 32.5029762-89.8622527V2G5240Pisgah Pisgah Voting District 2486 4 1029 2 19 1 9 0 2486 1422 368.313735 526.7720399 481 589 482.6586756523919 501.6161982 616.9516716778348 592.7194848 84 44351928 2 741 2 7 1 5 0 1862.222317942055 1794 1036APisgah Voting District 409 1175927001 0 0510.254757550294132231112511121Rankin County 28121N28121402 32.4478756-89.8009369V2G5240Leesburg Leesburg Voting District 1359 0 104 0 11 1 4 0 1359 1239 26.80037573 423.0274616 35 473 35.12069365245951 36.50013916 495.4467584241746 475.9869547 84 73351928 0 80 0 7 1 3 01018.0048793577042 992 901ALeesburg Voting District 402 2275981781 766607 01358.42657308091542231112511121Rankin County 28121N28121405 32.3446319-89.8466389V2G5240Pelahatchie Pelahatchie Voting District 3618 15 786 1 99 3 34 2 3618 2678 354.5306847 939.9616535 463 1051464.59660457284474 482.8446981100.8764120091541 1057.636975 94 73351928 13 570 1 58 3 15 2 2710.18517550859 2695 2033APelahatchie Voting District 405 244268721 0 289.55190628481081098.30033418376523311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073013 31.261623-89.4421031V2G5240Oak Grove Oak Grove Voting District 3368 30 327 2 71 2 45 0 3368 2891 61.062625420619405 77.56740151149145 89.8956805215974 83.03341483292583 84.81031734203425 88.14143637995109 83.9735674554889 80.67531368166259 50100204328 20 202 2 43 1 25 0 2484.034640123612 2394 2101AOak Grove Voting District 013 204498781 59153 290.92744978260091103.51791296848613311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073012 31.2795893-89.3761914V2G5240Richburg Richburg Voting District 3384 70 488 1 64 4 36 5 3384 2716 199.2296957 978.5494945 262 1103268.46828168324896 279.0129871185.5838138037434 1139.0173 50103204328 48 328 1 38 3 15 32495.8352797441516 2431 1995ARichburg Voting District 012 13894451 0 0 292.94618695234852201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001301 31.5603716-91.3871154V2G5240Concord Concord Voting District 1261 0 1168 0 10 8 11 1 1261 63 607.8453608 30.89917758 651 29 629.1743378738086 653.886597928.930556806045757 27.79424307 9 93503628 0 847 0 8 2 8 1 980.0793262532123 916 50AConcord Voting District 301 14049401 0 0377.043347679351032201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001303 31.5645517-91.3657176V2G5240Maryland Maryland Voting District 1623 0 1455 0 19 0 16 0 1623 133 605.0442301 26.63722205 648 25 626.2749169566267 650.873295624.940135176907805 23.96055437 9 93503628 0 938 0 10 0 9 01261.4343747097253 1062 105AMaryland Voting District 303 26702421 0 0 225.11090813388242201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001405 31.5822294-91.3484375V2G5240Morgantown Morgantown Voting District 969 2 677 0 9 2 0 1 969 278 6.9872912872389294194.14568473679606 7.946965554948059 206.62110442864955 7.596479325406276 7.8948484117987965208.09567414727718199.92224096621104 9 93503628 2 455 0 6 1 0 1 753.1299501501687 714 249AMorgantown Voting District 405 152777901 0 0 530.13735021828652201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001503 31.5740001-91.3276391V2G5240Oakland Oakland Voting District 2282 12 1105 0 41 14 33 0 2282 1077 247.00987434689236161.55738215100362 293.0452237001209 178.80725513905682 271.1424008657036 281.79213832474168.05974183759605161.45881139555019 9 93503628 12 705 0 28 10 20 01773.6249187231012 1707 932AOakland Voting District 503 213925301 0 0 750.13738118091462201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001103 31.5060234-91.3901802V2G5240Bellemont Bellemont Voting District 3229 36 981 0 26 2 28 7 3229 2149 458.4517238 1357.432836 491 1274474.53855591277306 493.1771422 1270.949288932483 1221.029851100 96503628 30 753 0 15 1 13 7 2509.655943276465 2670 1851ABellemont Voting District 103 58420661 0 0377.740285475431162201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001501 31.5931063-91.3520794V2G5240Foster Mound Foster Mound Voting District 1626 0 1520 0 6 3 7 1 1626 89 906.632635 62.86384405 971 59 938.4459018921002 975.305509458.858719024580424 56.54690832 9 93503728 0 1140 0 5 2 6 11263.7660463820168 1231 77AFoster Mound Voting District 501 35813351 0 0 327.79307675635512201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001401 31.5725524-91.3752921V2G5240Northside School Northside School Voting District 1411 4 1389 0 6 1 6 0 1411 5 735.7636626 5.327444411 788 5 761.5812262326706 791.4940694 4.988027035381561 4.792110874 9 93503728 3 1040 0 5 1 4 01096.6629098677895 1058 5ANorthside School Voting District 401 434945591 5358303 0266.230238102610142201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001402 31.6100794-91.4746499V2G5240Thompson Thompson Voting District 1146 1 1056 0 6 3 7 0 1146 73 8.97294851741273 86.52048578110883 10.981519507186858 90.98973305954826 10.78062630326692 11.204060039219714 92.06936812988877 88.4531332825462 9 93503728 1 794 0 3 3 3 0 890.6985788153698 860 56AThompson Voting District 402 730399541 67769 0 290.85537356410812201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001502 31.6453703-91.2895335V2G5240Airport Airport Voting District 1252 1 862 0 11 1 11 0 1252 366 469.6562465 210.9667987 503 198486.13623958150043 505.2303514197.52587059028463 189.7675906 9 93503628 1 661 0 8 1 5 0 973.0843112363377 977 301AAirport Voting District 502 116597691 0 0 357.06446419172062201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001201 31.512843-91.3591602V2G5240Liberty Park Liberty Park Voting District 1537 10 276 0 18 1 15 1 1537 1216 126.0508813 720.2704843 135 676130.47394108074093 135.5986033 674.3812552202261 647.8933902100 84503628 8 176 0 10 0 5 11194.5931201040344 1172 972ALiberty Park Voting District 201 58443761 0 0208.384401027959262201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001302 31.5546504-91.3575311V2G5240Convention Center Convention Center Voting District 897 2 518 0 13 2 12 1 897 349 248.3669216 196.0499543 266 184 257.0819875090187 267.1794701183.55939494034592 176.3496802 9 93503628 2 362 0 8 2 6 1 697.1698300151717 660 279AConvention Center Voting District 302 289145591 2259 0134.040432998863142201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121314 32.1241287-89.7620637V2G5240Mayton Mayton Voting District 357 0 113 0 3 0 1 0 357 240 34.45762594 98.37847943 45 11045.155177554536806 46.92875035115.22017634866712 110.6946406 94 59222928 0 79 0 2 0 1 0 267.422915327962 264 182AMayton Voting District 314 650372301 236272 0163.702041421580732201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121311 32.1857553-89.7758025V2G5240Antioch Antioch Voting District 436 0 12 0 2 0 0 0 436 422 1.076955190650000128.459076557741938 1.4064516129032258 31.820967741935483 1.411301606703645 1.466733702675806733.331068328774634 32.02191444580645 94 59352928 0 4 0 2 0 0 0326.60053524647464 319 313AAntioch Voting District 311 313315711 59114 0170.460382581187282201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121410 32.2419882-89.8519662V2G5240Shiloh Shiloh Voting District 454 0 114 0 4 13 6 0 454 317 72.74387698 170.8208143 95 191 95.32759705530121 99.07180629 200.0641244099413 192.2061487 94 59352928 0 97 0 2 6 6 0340.08404358233827 339 228AShiloh Voting District 410 43636061 6710345 0 838.78523058672342231112511121Rankin County 28121N28121208 32.3914582-90.0056496V2G5240Reservoir East Reservoir East Voting District 2234 21 81 0 29 2 21 0 2234 2080 169.2252296 1171.598255 221 1310 221.7620942368705 230.47230731372.1675546409874 1318.272538 79 58431928 19 48 0 20 2 12 0 1673.453201239964 1782 1681AReservoir East Voting District 208 984908281 337726 258.3442631786985 979.9265155054083311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073020 31.0390414 -89.489562V2G5240Lumberton Lumberton Voting District 3005 5 1306 0 14 4 20 2 3005 1654 520.8867998 568.6765421 685 641 701.9113472003681 729.4805195 688.9929507557475 661.931178 37 92204028 2 878 0 10 4 5 2 2216.307628732617 2171 1270ALumberton Voting District 020 1364570641 36461 72.04409069675518273.270688849761033301113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073019 31.06686-89.6033903V2G5240Baxterville Baxterville Voting District 838 2 5 0 13 0 13 0 838 805 16.72921109 277.6844894 22 31322.543138159032573 23.42857143336.43493537034783 323.2206844 37 98204028 2 2 0 6 0 8 0 618.0585001257681 604 586ABaxterville Voting District 019 1179578521 2815226 259.03203492759354 982.53530489776853311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073017 31.1158704-89.4197644V2G5240South Purvis South Purvis Voting District 3013 1 71 0 66 7 24 1 3013 2843 89.72940492 1206.552414 118 1360120.91319560913182 125.6623377 1461.825917756306 1404.409364 37 99204328 1 42 0 43 6 14 02222.2079485428867 2267 2161ASouth Purvis Voting District 017 726432511 146004 333.655269682705071265.58895396888153311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073016 31.1691411-89.4458224V2G5240Purvis Purvis Voting District 3881 14 611 2 83 6 37 2 3881 3126 295.0424501 1143.563281 388 1289397.57898205823943 413.19480521385.5100059071156 1331.090934 37 99204328 10 435 2 61 3 19 0 2862.392647957167 2934 2404APurvis Voting District 016 702690211 298090 49.69150885766646 188.48503359804523311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073021 31.0481456-89.3848856V2G5240Yawn Yawn Voting District 578 0 13 0 12 1 4 0 578 548 6.163323404609992 93.92814911218228 8.105170902716916 105.8737949167397 8.305272157387188 8.631480702120946113.80077750422205 109.3309918890447 37 98204028 0 8 0 9 1 1 0426.29810629199756 442 423AYawn Voting District 021 669472501 152197 90.69989938553307344.034101117539253311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073015 31.2017294-89.4987511V2G5240Pine Grove Pine Grove Voting District 1055 1 17 0 6 0 3 0 1055 1028 5.19691343638106 36.41515920135288 4.519729425028185 40.91544532130778 3.841569938490055 3.992456377294250341.237552085417306 39.61785298354002 37 99204028 1 7 0 4 0 2 0 778.1046749793381 756 742APine Grove Voting District 015 352836331 130449 101.27439002479429384.144238025081733311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073014 31.2396353-89.3845289V2G5240Okahola Okahola Voting District 1178 19 283 2 26 1 3 0 1178 844 66.15642566 337.1249392 87 380 89.1478645331814 92.64935065408.45135930573423 392.4084987 50103204328 16 170 2 16 1 2 0 868.8220920622373 816 609AOkahola Voting District 014 995497921 8915438 0 272.96730346471812201112111 1Adams County 28001N28001403 31.6724992-91.3504301V2G5240Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Voting District 1175 0 945 0 25 2 9 0 1175 194 409.8987917 105.4833993 439 99424.28192677784205 440.9465691 98.76293530555114 94.88379531 9 93503628 0 692 0 15 2 6 0 913.2380716475215 873 158APine Ridge Voting District 403 1115698321 110934 0 666.82299441451242201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121301 32.0998991-89.8944038V2G5240Cato Cato Voting District 1776 0 384 0 16 3 10 3 1776 1360 176.1167548 515.1454923 230 576230.79312968042333 239.8580573 603.3347417343646 579.6373909 94 59222928 0 277 0 11 3 5 01330.3728224718784 1342 1046ACato Voting District 301 421368991 32439 02628.99471108694572201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121503 32.2427637-90.0259428V2G5240West Brandon West Brandon Voting District 7002 39 2345 1 158 17 97 4 7002 4341 849.9547732 1599.097466 1110 17881113.8277130439812 1157.5758421872.8515945652894 1799.291068 87 59222928 29 1515 1 91 11 33 3 5245.084742650953 4780 3097AWest Brandon Voting District 503 659257771 92066 0358.192081459146832201112511121Rankin County 28121N28121309 32.087125-89.7968913V2G5240Puckett Puckett Voting District 954 2 162 0 8 2 2 0 954 778 80.40112719 347.9020773 105 389105.36208097662265 109.5004175407.46044196244804 391.4565019 94 76222928 2 105 0 5 2 1 0 714.6259418007725 702 587APuckett Voting District 309 62742401 0 265.995723885155771008.94929749541853311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073011 31.2878503-89.3510176V2G5240Wesley Manor Wesley Manor Voting District 3094 56 1554 4 41 9 24 7 3094 1399 407.5844156 407.2114397 536 459 549.2328205633962 570.8051948 493.3662470866208 473.9881602 50101214428 37 1133 4 36 6 15 72281.9486866218695 2511 1273AWesley Manor Voting District 011 165001481 1860228 340.962844514714851293.30734126271163311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073007 31.3066934-89.4326448V2G5240Lake Serene Lake Serene Voting District 3966 64 264 0 79 2 22 2 3966 3533 190.8650901 1661.671082 251 1873 257.1967126181658 267.29870132013.2352525640306 1934.160837 59100214328 42 165 0 51 2 11 02925.0835459412842 2803 2532ALake Serene Voting District 007 35707441 102860 284.221675230874271078.08221639297133311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073010 31.3102765-89.3653477V2G5240Lamar Park Lamar Park Voting District 3306 81 1133 0 76 11 53 4 3306 1948 371.8447374 768.289993 489 866501.07248000383896 520.7532468 930.8391503569953 894.2783154 50100214328 59 814 0 52 4 20 32438.3071615940207 2613 1661ALamar Park Voting District 010 43788321 94353 308.121743504976851168.73764777749833311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073009 31.3222643-89.3668654V2G5240N E Lamar N E Lamar Voting District 3584 107 1294 2 133 12 37 2 3584 1997 305.6883117 529.6410229 402 597 411.9246154225471 428.1038961 641.6985828711975 616.4944045 59100214328 83 878 2 94 8 21 22643.3432750008983 2862 1774AN E Lamar Voting District 009 171216141 113068 259.8057781451004 985.47019296417413311113111 73Lamar County 28073N28073008 31.277991-89.4035707V2G5240Arnold Line Arnold Line Voting District 3022 29 1004 0 201 10 41 5 3022 1732 247.1360729 704.4136887 325 794333.02363187074417 346.1038961 853.4483664512877 819.9272314 59100214328 26 560 0 120 7 19 02228.8458083294404 2064 1332AArnold Line Voting District 008 600018821 641671 122.20609401316797333.244730260807440021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141202 34.8798251-88.3087133V2G5240North Burnsville North Burnsville Voting District 1202 1 1 1 23 3 9 0 1202 1164 201.6279307 296.1075372 139 344112.00100640780596 116.4001019 351.4170459013583 337.6143383113 025 328 1 1 1 17 3 2 0 923.600775787271 877 852ANorth Burnsville Voting District 202 796167811 10648512 164.09370693615065 447.46838156484460021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141103 34.8655061-88.1585279V2G5240Luka Luka Voting District 1614 0 59 0 20 4 17 0 1614 1514 240.7930683 465.6807489 166 541 133.7565976421542 139.0101937 552.6645983521955 530.9574332113 025 328 0 42 0 12 4 7 01240.1760832950545 1269 1204ALuka Voting District 103 233871611 0 80.82682590721176220.407288317256160021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141303 34.804489 -88.233084V2G5240West Iuka West Iuka Voting District 795 4 29 0 7 2 6 0 795 747 91.3853211 156.6615458 63 182 50.76304608197757 52.75688073185.92413469869825 178.6215394113 025 328 3 28 0 3 2 4 0 610.8674016230286 683 643AWest Iuka Voting District 303 396667581 42969 105.22737712448324286.945337620578750021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141203 34.8057937-88.3536235V2G5240West Burnsville West Burnsville Voting District 1035 0 5 0 17 0 6 0 1035 1007 111.6931702 321.9308689 77 37462.043722995498406 64.48063201382.06388130154807 367.0574492113 025 328 0 2 0 10 0 6 0 795.2802021129995 780 762AWest Burnsville Voting District 203 405004071 1250417 80.11514316337467218.466595212575920021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141204 34.7932905-88.2961906V2G5240Burnsville Burnsville Voting District 788 0 0 0 9 0 2 0 788 777 66.72579001 185.9279885 46 216 37.06508126528946 38.52089704220.65721490218397 211.9903985113 025 328 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 605.4886949420711 618 610ABurnsville Voting District 204 1202695501 614655 98.72056346654418269.201857806359440021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141302 34.7462847-88.2146458V2G5240Spring Hill Spring Hill Voting District 971 3 17 0 12 0 5 0 971 934 140.7043833 270.2842055 97 314 78.1589757153538 81.22884811320.77021050116855 308.1712274113 025 428 2 10 0 7 0 5 0 746.103455315674 753 729ASpring Hill Voting District 302 913719491 12643402 63.23809523809524172.444444444444460021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141401 34.6594452-88.3019914V2G5240Paden Paden Voting District 622 2 3 0 13 1 1 0 622 602 72.52803262 168.712434 50 19640.288131818882604 41.87054027200.22599130205748 192.3616579113 025 428 2 3 0 8 1 1 0477.93650793650795 488 473APaden Voting District 401 1106825851 216667 153.1134588883785417.526259378349440021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141403 34.643262-88.1641969V2G5240Tishomingo Tishomingo Voting District 1506 3 189 0 26 2 14 0 1506 1272 401.8053007 359.8050888 277 418 223.1962502806509 231.9627931427.01257320100876 410.2406785113 1825 428 2 153 0 13 1 9 01157.1903230745675 1176 998ATishomingo Voting District 403 536677911 0 84.38523962639718230.110753840657370021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141402 34.6559218-88.2422911V2G5240West Tishomingo West Tishomingo Voting District 830 0 44 0 10 0 17 1 830 758 110.2426096 218.637542 76 254 61.23796035469461 63.6432212259.47653970078903 249.2850056113 025 428 0 33 0 6 0 10 1 637.760935027816 649 599AWest Tishomingo Voting District 402 559957601 10782883 49.10610932475884133.907824222936770021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141501 34.5235644-88.2988887V2G5240Cotton Springs Cotton Springs Voting District 483 0 0 0 17 1 1 0 483 464 50.76962283 125.6735478 35 14628.201692274180033 29.30937819149.14793230174118 143.2898064 91 0 3 428 0 0 0 14 1 0 0371.13076098606643 374 359ACotton Springs Voting District 501 2202258931 653284 177.29782317888848 66.023592362884591131111431119Quitman County 28119N28119201 34.3149235-90.3394365V2G5240Belen Belen Voting District 544 1 367 0 3 2 10 0 544 161 142.0877631 89.71514243 196 88 190.8801967381862 198.3774527 76.62896825498254 73.6191904 77 8141028 1 250 0 3 2 3 0 401.5663383193482 389 130ABelen Voting District 201 997980581 208597 272.1391219749483101.341359601118811131111431119Quitman County 28119N28119101 34.4526579-90.2518947V2G5240Sledge Sledge Voting District 835 0 688 0 0 5 6 0 835 136 237.7795219 57.09145427 328 56319.43216605250086 331.9785944 48.7638888904806 46.84857571 77 8141028 0 450 0 0 3 4 0 616.3748023835583 566 109ASledge Voting District 101 154136271 0 154.483765049252157.5279095220722351131111431119Quitman County 28119N28119102 34.5031014-90.2511035V2G5240Crenshaw Crenshaw Voting District 474 0 453 1 3 0 0 0 474 17 31.125783690701860.2898850515116977 42.9358128374325150.2843431313737252441.814267363503674 43.4566182759448050.24760137255899750.2378762627870426 77 8141028 0 291 1 3 0 0 0 349.8941991973732 307 12ACrenshaw Voting District 102 390862131 330617 149.59503830718717 55.707406056183881131111431119Quitman County 28119N28119103 34.3758621-90.2529206V2G5240Darling Darling Voting District 459 0 397 0 5 0 0 0 459 57 177.6097039 33.64317841 245 33238.60024594678796 247.971815928.735863095618452 27.6071964 77 8141028 0 274 0 3 0 0 0338.82159795695003 319 42ADarling Voting District 103 969843351 332655 313.20442660829383116.633588714581051131111431119Quitman County 28119N28119301 34.3121405 -90.25016900G5240District 3 North District 3 North 961 1 553 0 8 0 5 0 961 394 195.7331431 292.5937031 270 287262.94720979927234 273.2750624249.91493054940096 240.0989505 77 8141028 1 404 0 5 0 3 0 709.3846528031132 760 347ADistrict 3 North 301 179878461 59481 301.1455673112003112.143013498723091131111431119Quitman County 28119N28119202 34.2896373-90.3143861V2G5240Northwest Marks Northwest Marks Voting District 924 0 706 0 5 7 11 0 924 195 285.6254014 147.826087 394 145 383.7081506615478 398.7791652 126.263640855762 121.3043478 77 8141028 0 519 0 4 2 7 0 682.0722364100693 707 175ANorthwest Marks Voting District 202 270430171 0 168.82403015930925 62.868053022011431131111431119Quitman County 28119N28119401 34.2357562-90.3074551V2G5240Southwest Marks Southwest Marks Voting District 518 1 422 0 0 0 7 0 518 88 184.8590796 55.05247376 255 54 248.3390314877817 258.0931145 47.02232142824757 45.17541229 77 8141028 1 330 0 0 0 7 0 382.3738295026146 414 76ASouthwest Marks Voting District 401 160931991 0 52.156178226917774 142.22508038585210021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141404 34.5586297-88.2237054V2G5240Dennis Dennis Voting District 513 0 7 0 18 0 0 0 513 488 44.96738022 130.8382141 31 15224.978641720586882 25.95973496 155.2772992985085 149.1784285 91 18 3 428 0 3 0 10 0 0 0394.18236104731284 358 345ADennis Voting District 404 474857501 28753 82.14852243148063224.011432654519470021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141503 34.5444127 -88.1812V2G5240East Belmont East Belmont Voting District 808 1 0 0 35 1 12 0 808 759 88.4841998 228.9668747 61 266 49.15152080999203 51.08205912271.73527390250024 261.06225 91 18 3 428 0 0 0 20 1 7 0 620.8564283162353 596 568AEast Belmont Voting District 503 126448841 0 77.87842596845812212.367274026438030021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141405 34.5281522-88.2105455V2G5240North Belmont North Belmont Voting District 766 0 10 0 80 0 6 0 766 670 44.96738022 185.9279885 31 21624.978641720586882 25.95973496220.65721490218397 211.9903985 91 0 3 428 0 7 0 46 0 2 0 588.5841882304904 540 485ANorth Belmont Voting District 405 395996781 0 127.69621803705405 348.2157913540550021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141502 34.5067848 -88.25865V2G5240Belmont Belmont Voting District 1256 2 8 0 140 6 6 0 1256 1094 120.3965341 399.4008641 83 464 66.87829881145502 69.50509684474.00438750211737 455.3867819 91 0 3 428 1 7 0 82 4 5 0 965.0936558975144 940 841ABelmont Voting District 502 398112501 2055 109.29413566069515 298.03501250446590021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141504 34.4795971-88.2082808V2G5240Golden Golden Voting District 1075 2 19 0 51 1 6 0 1075 996 129.0998981 336.5640903 89 391 71.71287462741165 74.52956167399.43042135124676 383.7418787 91 18 3 428 0 11 0 29 1 3 0 826.015668861328 812 768AGolden Voting District 504 1940505581 302439 320.70047427946119.425027362276541131111431119Quitman County 28119N28119402 34.1442624-90.3829392V2G5240West Lambert West Lambert Voting District 984 0 768 0 0 1 4 1 984 210 254.453086 91.75412294 351 90 341.8313728160306 355.2575812 78.37053571721557 75.29235382 77 25381028 0 506 0 0 1 4 0 726.3626413717622 684 173AWest Lambert Voting District 402 938095301 381636 245.41408245165997 91.389273987595771131111431119Quitman County 28119N28119302 34.2413907-90.199818500G5240District 3 South District 3 South 753 7 367 0 17 1 2 0 753 359 115.9900107 204.9175412 160 201 155.8205687521205 161.9407777175.02752973583378 168.1529235 77 8481028 6 237 0 14 1 1 0 555.8445822692448 560 301ADistrict 3 South 302 1130762751 923940 211.8448254894807 78.888483521829021131111431119Quitman County 28119N28119502 34.1481995-90.1779495V2G5240Crowder Crowder Voting District 650 1 100 0 7 1 10 0 650 531 42.04637888 284.4377811 58 27956.484956185874026 58.70353193242.94866078373948 233.4062969 77 25481028 1 73 0 6 1 3 0 479.8127204183388 516 432ACrowder Voting District 502 1315016761 483352 365.35084519031983136.052292350723581131111431119Quitman County 28119N28119501 34.1319913-90.2661767V2G5240Lambert Lambert Voting District 1121 0 888 0 7 1 4 0 1121 221 286.3503389 101.9490255 395 100 384.6820291579147 399.791295 87.07837301797187 83.65817091 77 29481028 0 653 0 7 1 3 0 827.4923993676274 848 184ALambert Voting District 501 1183412511 7487855 92.01041188179452 250.90389424794570021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141201 34.9282492-88.2972323V2G5240Coles Mill Coles Mill Voting District 905 0 2 0 19 3 6 0 905 875 137.803262 272.8665386 95 317 76.54745044336826 79.5540265 323.8348940515964 311.1155385113 025 328 0 2 0 9 3 4 0 695.389935180932 748 730AColes Mill Voting District 201 371641781 7659639 25.417240851324454 69.31046802429440021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141101 34.9431163-88.2034177V2G5240Hubbard-Salem Hubbard-Salem Voting District 250 0 2 0 5 1 1 0 250 241 33.36289501 77.4699952 23 90 18.53254063264473 19.26044852 91.94050619016046 88.32933269113 025 328 0 1 0 3 1 1 0192.09666717705304 208 202AHubbard-Salem Voting District 101 647850341 105287 211.57311284642475 576.94033583422650021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141102 34.8688111-88.2293303V2G5240North Iuka North Iuka Voting District 2081 2 54 0 39 2 17 0 2081 1967 366.9918451 568.1132981 253 660203.85794693984786 211.8649337 674.2303788041748 647.7484398113 025 328 1 37 0 22 2 8 01599.0126575817894 1602 1532ANorth Iuka Voting District 102 478763741 211976 212.79314040728832 580.26723829939260021110331141Tishomingo County 28141N28141301 34.7852085 -88.16301V2G5240East Iuka East Iuka Voting District 2093 1 67 0 12 5 11 0 2093 1997 391.6513761 609.4306289 270 708217.55591176615806 226.1009174 723.2653154028432 694.8574172113 025 428 1 56 0 7 5 6 0 1608.233297606288 1584 1509AEast Iuka Voting District 301 834025771 640974 1933.4084842023251851.60256699403361101111541149Warren County 28149N28149103 32.3692448-90.7880108V2G5240Culkin Culkin Voting District 9068 104 2772 2 184 25 69 2 9068 5910 777.0029555 2763.646341 991 2714 980.5473037174567 1019.060542648.9034664100436 2544.861729 98 53302228 77 1824 2 122 19 29 1 6718.310950730937 6650 4576ACulkin Voting District 103 1374612761 628546 55.43517930002255453.0896192565558851131111541149Warren County 28149N28149101 32.508091-90.6426497V2G5240Oak Ridge Oak Ridge Voting District 260 0 42 0 0 0 11 0 260 207 30.57832014 94.70121951 39 93 38.58864261149166 40.10429974 90.76935237763504 87.20417862 14 55122228 0 33 0 0 0 8 0192.62911856970044 203 162AOak Ridge Voting District 101 1294797911 1494381 426.63766838209665408.585877432185841101111541149Warren County 28149N28149102 32.3797468-90.6929366V2G5240Bovina Bovina Voting District 2001 5 380 0 18 0 15 2 2001 1581 187.3902183 782.0487805 239 768236.47911751359862 245.7673753 749.5791680009428 720.1377331 14 55122228 5 280 0 8 0 11 11482.5033317614254 1497 1192ABovina Voting District 102 533580961 0 72.91858200233736 69.833268406700431131111541149Warren County 28149N28149104 32.4902049-90.7544855V2G5240Redwood Redwood Voting District 342 0 6 0 5 0 0 0 342 331 21.16960625 110.9939024 27 10926.715214120829184 27.76451521106.38558508639038 102.2070481 78 53 62228 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 253.3813790416829 269 261ARedwood Voting District 104 1648865761 4969591 86.35095237118898 82.697291534250511131111541149Warren County 28149N28149204 32.5428403-90.7668566V1G52403-61 Store Voting District 3-61 Store 405 0 122 0 4 0 1 0 405 278 46.25950996 104.8841463 59 103 58.37769010555118 60.6706073100.52949779458505 96.58097202 78 53 62228 0 92 0 2 0 1 0 300.0568962335719 308 213AVoting District 3-61 Store 204 859036261 1123348 534.5230557890636 511.90644413917541101111541149Warren County 28149N28149505 32.2766402-90.7628342V2G5240Tingleville Tingleville Voting District 2507 4 1428 0 23 5 23 0 2507 1024 569.2271904 458.2317073 726 450 718.3424240074189 746.5569644 439.2065437627503 421.955703 86 53302228 4 1015 0 14 5 9 01857.3892317470732 1851 804ATingleville Voting District 505 66741991 0 820.2274414122568 785.52217415373261101111541149Warren County 28149N28149301 32.3334872-90.8637428V2G5240Vicksburg Jr. High School Vicksburg Jr. High School Voting District 3847 37 2701 1 45 8 26 0 3847 1029 918.1336638 428.7012195 1171 4211158.6487311255041 1204.157308410.90212211604825 394.7630022 98 54302228 27 1812 1 31 6 12 02850.1700736062985 2737 848AVicksburg Jr. High School Voting District 301 83612101 0 416.4034814344002398.784716954052441101111541149Warren County 28149N28149203 32.3598649-90.8473501V2G5240Cedar Grove Cedar Grove Voting District 1953 35 1482 0 7 2 19 0 1953 408 363.69337107909064103.51129405934788 463.8594077176189 101.65180975172001458.96679247652605 476.99376216730485 99.21364453161597 95.3168019011666 98 54 62228 26 980 0 4 2 6 01446.9410329485577 1348 330ACedar Grove Voting District 203 1193329111 5385219 507.4451028232834485.974207040780751101111541149Warren County 28149N28149202 32.423409-90.8438685V2G5240Kings Kings Voting District 2380 1 1305 0 21 0 11 2 2380 1040 530.0242158 350.2926829 676 344 668.8698052722701 695.1411955 335.7490023847155 322.561693 98 54 62228 1 899 0 11 0 6 0 1763.297316138027 1734 817AKings Voting District 202 7266081 0 143.4918294958276137.420437537161941101111541149Warren County 28149N28149201 32.3504657-90.8658121V2G5240St. Aloysius St. Aloysius Voting District 673 1 636 2 0 6 3 0 673 25 265.0121079 17.31097561 338 17 334.4349026842454 347.5705978 16.59224720881501 15.94054878 98 54302228 1 456 2 0 6 2 0 498.6130646054169 491 24ASt. Aloysius Voting District 201 156876731 101780 500.19588706866506 479.03171836876961101111541149Warren County 28149N28149502 32.3067948-90.8364952V2G5240Beechwood Beechwood Voting District 2346 42 367 0 45 4 9 0 2346 1879 232.8656688 1014.219512 297 996 293.867355319499 305.4096673 972.1104835906735 933.9286227 86 53302228 30 289 0 31 4 5 01738.1073544789126 1860 1501ABeechwood Voting District 502 56314971 0 452.86277243556884433.701351157402661101111541149Warren County 28149N28149501 32.324285 -90.853984V2G5240Plumbers Hall Plumbers Hall Voting District 2124 49 737 3 50 0 31 2 2124 1252 214.048241 654.7621951 273 643 270.1204982996857 280.7300982 627.5773502890677 602.9278156 98 53302228 39 529 2 35 0 23 21573.6317224693992 1698 1068APlumbers Hall Voting District 501 39154771 273999 554.1385807721485 530.69200172226441101111541149Warren County 28149N28149205 32.3599299-90.8702736V2G5240Auditorium Auditorium Voting District 2599 6 2275 0 12 3 14 0 2599 289 793.4682048 88.59146341 1012 871001.3258036458759 1040.655163 84.91326512746505 81.57810258 98 54302228 5 1616 0 10 2 10 01925.5503044717364 1906 263AAuditorium Voting District 205 48717861 1005687 317.47300760666764304.040165665429641101111541149Warren County 28149N28149303 32.3238277-90.8908353V2G5240No.7 Fire Station No.7 Fire Station Voting District 1489 1 894 0 17 1 5 0 1489 571 381.8369721 243.3719512 487 239 481.8633064938203 500.7895891233.26747550674045 224.1053623 98 54302228 1 634 0 16 1 4 01103.1721444241691 1123 467ANo.7 Fire Station Voting District 303 577407351 15056426 758.1826830418469 726.10263875504891101111541149Warren County 28149N28149401 32.2619152 -90.928943V2G5240Jett Jett Voting District 3556 50 2100 0 154 9 24 4 3556 1215 623.3272953 583.4817073 795 573 786.614637879244 817.5107255 559.2563323704177 537.2902618 86 54302228 37 1397 0 107 7 14 02634.5736370532877 2540 978AJett Voting District 401 2049851311 25474377 104.2607795296578 99.849322370983941131111541149Warren County 28149N28149206 32.4788268-91.0272695V2G5240Brunswick Brunswick Voting District 489 2 63 0 4 1 5 0 489 414 37.63485556 185.3292683 48 18247.493713981894025 49.35913814177.63464660930777 170.6576399 98 54 62228 2 40 0 3 1 3 0362.29091915609047 410 361ABrunswick Voting District 206 26095911 0 630.468558423718 603.79232362167591101111541149Warren County 28149N28149302 32.3396153-90.8821516V2G5240American Legion Hall American Legion Hall Voting District 2957 8 2288 1 30 8 19 1 2957 602 918.1336638 270.8658537 1171 2661158.6487311255041 1204.157308 259.6198680492348 249.4227044 98 54302228 8 1664 1 20 7 14 02190.7857831177084 2226 512AAmerican Legion Hall Voting District 302 180466621 120389 580.3636848256207 555.80747544748121101111541149Warren County 28149N28149402 32.287655 -90.877094V2G5240Elks Lodge Elks Lodge Voting District 2722 21 1209 1 47 3 8 0 2722 1433 389.677567 776.9573171 497 763 491.7578302600942 511.0727429 744.6990952924677 715.4493364 86 54302228 18 848 1 25 2 7 0 2016.67869517971 2111 1210AElks Lodge Voting District 402 2424603641 18863834 340.7131404670617 326.29696758452421101111511149Warren County 28149N28149404 32.1942389-91.0505544V2G5240Yokena Yokena Voting District 1598 14 514 0 130 8 12 0 1598 920 109.7683287 417.5 140 410138.52333243917252 143.9641529 400.1659620949502 384.4485294 86 53302228 11 301 0 98 5 5 01183.9281979783898 1132 712AYokena Voting District 404 780701861 549090 483.1389088225043462.696450905213961101111511149Warren County 28149N28149403 32.1817603-90.8761247V2G5240Goodrum Goodrum Voting District 2266 9 558 0 67 5 14 2 2266 1611 204.6395271 644.5792683 261 633258.24706983788946 268.3903137 617.8172048721177 593.5510222 86 53302228 6 343 0 34 5 9 01678.8368564574662 1637 1240AGoodrum Voting District 403 145354411 6384 288.2629323601173 276.06602013409061101111541149Warren County 28149N28149503 32.2669597-90.8436366V2G5240Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. Voting District 1352 10 578 0 14 16 25 0 1352 709 145.8350653 391.0243902 186 384184.03814168705594 191.2666603 374.7895840525155 360.0688666 86 54302228 9 373 0 6 10 11 01001.6714165624423 982 573AY.M.C.A. Voting District 503 861064721 2107522 392.09728743362103375.506960818485651101111511149Warren County 28149N28149504 32.1920278-90.7929681V2G5240Moose Lodge Moose Lodge Voting District 1839 13 379 0 19 2 11 0 1839 1415 205.4235866 797.3231707 262 783 259.2365221375403 269.418629 764.2193861263678 734.2029232 86 84302228 12 274 0 14 2 3 01362.4805732679965 1422 1117AMoose Lodge Voting District 504 590884701 243342 145.97040482518912152.797996319771021131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007404 32.97787-89.6467966V2G5240Southwest Southwest Voting District 685 1 505 0 0 0 1 0 685 178 166.6874513 60.85643846 204 64200.26807448476532 208.1340608 64.75938944047395 62.21581642 29 26372028 1 377 0 0 0 0 0 506.9224085054181 533 155ASouthwest Voting District 404 291541151 317754 409.56951543651604428.726640768758951131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007101 33.0077289-89.6047408V2G5240South Central South Central Voting District 1922 1 776 3 56 5 17 0 1922 1064 313.7646142 476.3918073 384 501 376.9751990244865 391.7817615506.94459545037387 487.0331879 29 47371328 1 547 3 30 4 12 0 1422.342874667757 1425 828ASouth Central Voting District 101 381633271 145627 484.7922204048252507.467797996319751131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007305 33.1070065-89.6253996V2G5240Northwest Northwest Voting District 2275 20 1169 0 41 7 10 0 2275 1028 242.6773188 309.0366016 297 325 291.5667555338392 303.0187062328.85627454631907 315.9396928 29 47371328 14 732 0 25 5 4 01683.5744224085054 1574 794ANorthwest Voting District 305 1502725151 650289 426.61715395624617 446.57166223676141131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007102 32.9888676-89.5336634V2G5240Williamsville Williamsville Voting District 2002 4 656 0 5 2 9 0 2002 1326 308.0449467 699.8490423 377 736 370.1032553185796 384.6399065 744.7329786383123 715.4818889 29 47371328 4 495 0 2 2 3 01481.5454917194847 1535 1029AWilliamsville Voting District 102 1078625991 30165 54.97863422612963 57.550194234307911131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007203 33.2559573-89.4712412V2G5240Berea Berea Voting District 258 0 32 0 6 0 0 0 258 220 9.805144193 104.5970036 12 110 11.7804749725221 12.24318005111.30520063008946 106.9334345120 45261428 0 26 0 2 0 0 0 190.9284399918217 189 161ABerea Voting District 203 332652391 25564 506.7410549989777 530.44326313637291131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007204 33.0958688 -89.535847V2G5240Northeast Northeast Voting District 2378 4 1721 0 57 3 22 0 2378 571 683.9088075 298.5769012 837 314 821.6881291530027 853.9618083 317.725754431266 305.2463493 29 26371328 3 1177 0 40 3 6 01759.7977918626048 1656 427ANortheast Voting District 204 133819481 0 362.4754140257616 379.42976896340221131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007504 33.0827098-89.5302158V2G5240East East Voting District 1701 16 420 0 61 7 6 1 1701 1190 132.3694466 642.7961312 162 676 159.0364120568828 165.2829306 684.0210510313624 657.154561 29 47371328 9 277 0 31 7 3 11258.7956450623594 1269 941AEast Voting District 504 1247744831 657 135.10253526886117141.421795133919431131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007503 33.0350675-89.4345888V2G5240Providence Providence Voting District 634 3 82 0 6 1 2 0 634 540 18.928193378624563 57.81255724364913 16.461754385964912 64.9571929824561413.991762522032712 14.541320971663158 65.46856838650226 62.89714074217544 29 47371328 2 63 0 4 1 2 0469.18074013494174 510 438AProvidence Voting District 503 822627081 56851 102.71202208137395107.516254344714781131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007201 33.2394164-89.3660734V2G5240McCool McCool Voting District 482 0 154 0 6 0 2 1 482 319 116.844635 157.8463873 143 166140.38399342656422 145.8978956167.96966632024456 161.3722738120 45371428 0 112 0 4 0 2 0356.69576773665915 378 260AMcCool Voting District 201 466107891 58740 155.5597014925373162.835820895522371131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007505 33.1129972-89.4681804V2G5240Ethel Ethel Voting District 730 0 247 0 8 3 3 0 730 469 106.2223954 213.9484165 130 225 127.6218121622308 132.6344505 227.6697285000399 218.7274796 29 47371428 0 176 0 4 2 2 0 540.223880597015 553 369AEthel Voting District 505 1169172141 62006 113.36679615620527118.669392762216321131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007202 33.1740736-89.5009429V2G5240Liberty Chapel Liberty Chapel Voting District 532 0 135 0 8 1 4 2 532 382 53.92829306 190.1763702 66 200 64.79261233443845 67.33749026202.37309198847007 194.4244263120 47371428 0 95 0 5 1 2 2393.69740339398896 382 277ALiberty Chapel Voting District 202 11159351 0 0 335.06624795663772201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085105 31.5700979-90.4411778V2G5240Government Complex Government Complex Voting District 975 0 903 0 10 0 5 0 975 57 414.9148047 5.559485233 517 5.988889918 494.3886583734832 513.80690286.2672705302059075 6.021109157 57 52313828 0 665 0 8 0 4 0 720.4637356964639 729 52AGovernment Complex Voting District 105 16209741 0 0296.576586652900862201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085101 31.5708101-90.4296282V2G5240Alexander Jr. High Alexander Jr. High Voting District 863 5 814 0 1 0 11 0 863 32 474.3029973 46.32904361 591 49.90741598 565.1522188150916 587.3498638 52.22725441664776 50.17590964 18 52313828 3 628 0 1 0 4 0 637.7027732369727 667 31AAlexander Jr. High Voting District 101 1362480671 95786 0 756.39057615647142201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085302 31.4462618-90.3778253V2G5240Enterprise Enterprise Voting District 2201 2 59 0 30 0 10 0 2201 2100 28.16956544880394 396.0194478382036 35.10037523452158 426.6072808931989 33.56523679368347 34.88358817827627 446.4371989100556 428.9023576415572 57 52313828 0 43 0 17 0 5 01626.4006997619663 1578 1513AEnterprise Voting District 302 675003351 55314 0 276.30078293039662201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085102 31.4700296-90.2793623V2G5240East Lincoln East Lincoln Voting District 804 0 27 0 7 0 0 0 804 770 25.68138056 314.1109157 32 338.3722803 30.60045854671929 31.80236149354.10078488325155 340.1926673 1 91313828 0 21 0 3 0 0 0 594.1054805127764 598 574AEast Lincoln Voting District 102 352741311 89358 122.10371089756696127.814966264567571131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007304 33.1142317-89.5758699V2G5240North Central North Central Voting District 573 0 86 0 30 0 0 0 573 457 19.61028839 242.474872 24 255 23.56094993542213 24.48636009258.02569235555893 247.8911436 29 47371328 0 62 0 16 0 0 0 424.0387446329994 410 332ANorth Central Voting District 304 1198523161 93323 107.82631363729298112.869760785115521131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007302 33.1659743-89.6342615V2G5240Hesterville Hesterville Voting District 506 1 38 1 6 0 3 0 506 457 12.25643024 143.5831595 15 15114.725593713247108 15.30397506 152.7916844965733 146.7904419 6 47261328 1 27 0 3 0 1 0 374.4565528521775 375 343AHesterville Voting District 302 1275722651 54747 91.63105704354938 95.916990390513191131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007301 33.2491845 -89.640999V2G5240Carmack Carmack Voting District 430 0 4 0 6 0 3 0 430 417 13.89062094 182.5693154 17 19216.689006210271135 17.34450507 194.2781683630572 186.6474493120 47261328 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 318.2140666530362 328 321ACarmack Voting District 301 1047710891 229075 89.07391126558986 93.240237170312821131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007303 33.1415956-89.7517327V2G5240Possumneck Possumneck Voting District 418 0 170 0 0 0 1 0 418 247 63.73343726 128.3690499 78 135 76.57308729733847 79.5806703136.60183714165925 131.2364878 6 47401328 0 119 0 0 0 0 0309.33367409527705 316 197APossumneck Voting District 303 1967368501 536284 124.66085667552647130.491719484767941131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007402 32.9292072-89.8049651V2G5240Newport Newport Voting District 585 0 305 0 1 1 1 0 585 277 109.4907768 135.9761047 134 143 131.5486371370347 136.7155105144.69676076707213 139.0134648 6 26402028 0 224 0 1 1 0 0432.91913719075853 461 235ANewport Voting District 402 611387871 804276 132.54538949090167138.745041913719061131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007401 33.0342091-89.7011105V2G5240McAdams McAdams Voting District 622 0 374 0 6 1 6 0 622 235 129.1010652 133.1234591 158 140155.10958708207892 161.2018706141.66116438152022 136.0970984 6 26402028 0 265 0 5 1 3 0 460.3003475771826 473 199AMcAdams Voting District 401 1508357141 551110 311.7586894295645326.340830096094861131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007403 33.0293722-89.7905637V2G5240Sallis Sallis Voting District 1463 1 1007 0 8 1 4 1 1463 441 520.4897376 227.2607624 637 239 625.3468796430412 649.9088075241.83584500064487 232.3371895 6 26402028 1 713 0 6 1 2 11082.6678593334696 1078 354ASallis Voting District 403 436553321 318256 104.84297689634022109.746882028215081131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007306 33.0588674-89.6555422V2G5240Aponaug Aponaug Voting District 492 1 125 0 9 3 1 1 492 352 48.20862562 162.6007965 59 171 57.92066859966538 60.19563523173.02899366419385 166.2328845 29 47372028 1 98 0 7 1 0 0364.09609486812514 373 266AAponaug Voting District 306 1354405351 71040 67.12507667143733 70.264772030259661131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007501 33.1114406-89.3773019V2G5240Thompson Thompson Voting District 315 0 27 0 0 0 1 0 315 287 2.46638637258726923.781808918891173 3.0184804928131417 25.010266940451746 2.963261156657138 3.079650010780287825.30702527130450724.313034017453802120 47371428 0 16 0 0 0 0 0233.11030464117766 230 214AThompson Voting District 501 1265640771 82945 119.54656511960744 125.13821304436721131111441 7Attala County 28007N28007502 32.9684945-89.3890359V2G5240Zama Zama Voting District 561 1 147 0 3 0 1 0 561 409 60.46505586 161.6499147 74 170 72.6462623129125 75.49961029172.01712823703932 165.2607624 29 47371328 1 106 0 3 0 1 0415.15835207524026 430 319AZama Voting District 502 469023091 225956 0 406.54704752072042201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085103 31.5406177-90.4048681V2G5240Forrestry Forrestry Voting District 1183 2 371 0 8 2 5 0 1183 795 155.6933697 361.3665401 194 389.2778446 185.5152799076126 192.8018165407.37258445817963 391.3720952 57 52313828 1 258 0 8 2 1 0 874.1626659783763 878 608AForrestry Voting District 103 463179271 113634 0 145.71086064986092201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085104 31.5351171-90.3221982V2G5240Fair River Fair River Voting District 424 0 6 0 2 2 3 0 424 411 14.44577657 130.647903 18 140.7389131 17.21275793433374 17.88882834147.28085747076813 141.4960652 1 91313828 0 5 0 2 2 2 0 313.3093578823597 315 304AFair River Voting District 104 1164532681 13550 0 304.13705583756352201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085304 31.3818749-90.3505397V2G5240Ruth Ruth Voting District 885 3 3 0 17 4 3 0 885 855 23.27375114 328.9362096 29 354.3426535 27.73166555766367 28.8208901370.81350631240025 356.2489584 57 52 03828 2 3 0 8 4 2 0 653.9593908629441 680 661ARuth Voting District 304 279705271 149614 0 656.0425306145862201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085306 31.5236954-90.4458137V2G5240Old Brook Old Brook Voting District 1909 9 208 0 13 0 12 4 1909 1663 170.1391462 777.4013517 212 837.4464401202.72803789967878 210.6906449 876.3733290497293 841.9517637 57 91313828 6 152 0 10 0 6 41410.6310476354354 1477 1299AOld Brook Voting District 306 939372651 1079527 0 393.14439760245492201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085202 31.6069023-90.3441937V2G5240Heucks Retreat Heucks Retreat Voting District 1144 1 178 0 15 7 15 1 1144 927 59.38819255 411.4019072 74 443.1778539 70.76356038387596 73.54296094 463.7780192165013 445.5620776 18 91313828 0 125 0 9 6 5 1 845.3441165505177 852 706AHeucks Retreat Voting District 202 480483061 10610 0 126.46602999799252201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085203 31.5731848-90.2853826V2G5240Big Springs Big Springs Voting District 368 0 84 0 2 5 0 0 368 277 38.52207084 130.647903 48 140.7389131 45.9006878152679 47.70354223147.28085747076813 141.4960652 1 91313828 0 60 0 1 2 0 0271.92887665261406 287 224ABig Springs Voting District 203 15376131 0 0404.828759069660752201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085301 31.5798243-90.4443069V2G5240City Hall City Hall Voting District 1178 3 401 1 21 0 10 2 1178 740 31.57758877224558740.960870320479394 35.91463414634146 43.592935239697226 34.33068558035582 35.679101715391084 43.9040400482504342.179608537678725 18 91313828 1 271 1 14 0 5 1 870.4679801542918 848 555ACity Hall Voting District 301 14831001 0 0 411.35825518368752201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085106 31.580711-90.4304442V2G5240High School High School Voting District 1197 6 1121 0 5 1 17 0 1197 47 435.7809264 24.09110268 543 25.95185631 519.2515309324692 539.646321527.158172293742364 26.09147301 18 52313828 2 705 0 2 1 6 0 884.5077862858126 756 40AHigh School Voting District 106 75037921 0 0365.995440075711942201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085204 31.5949281-90.4245252V2G5240New Pearlhaven New Pearlhaven Voting District 1065 5 801 0 2 0 0 0 1065 257 186.9925522 113.9694473 233 122.7722433222.80958879420191 231.5609446 128.4790458499648 123.4327377 18 52313828 2 529 0 1 0 0 0 786.9680805299837 749 217ANew Pearlhaven Voting District 204 761744021 1580760 0 209.6311910292812201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085201 31.6632423-90.2914215V2G5240Little Bahala Little Bahala Voting District 610 0 177 0 6 2 1 0 610 424 86.6746594 140.8402926 108 151.7185446103.27654756751416 107.33297158.77085342078027 152.5347653 18 91313828 0 133 0 3 2 0 0 450.7516705383005 454 316ALittle Bahala Voting District 201 360612371 402283 0 242.62232928962692201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085205 31.6588413-90.3961855V2G5240Montgomery Montgomery Voting District 706 0 313 2 0 0 3 1 706 387 93.09500454 183.4630127 116 197.6333673110.92666223065469 115.2835604206.81992751657174 198.6966022 18 91313828 0 215 2 0 0 3 0 521.6896383607216 519 299AMontgomery Voting District 205 18659631 0 0401.392182167541362201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085208 31.5988017-90.4413188V2G5240Rogers Circle Rogers Circle Voting District 1168 11 720 0 8 0 21 0 1168 408 171.7442325 165.8579761 214 178.6685492 204.6405665654639 212.6782925186.97357079994111 179.6297565 18 91313828 9 472 0 7 0 5 0 863.0786085061229 822 329ARogers Circle Voting District 208 36136541 0 0214.442398692248132201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085207 31.6245386-90.4320812V2G5240Brignal Brignal Voting District 624 0 554 0 7 1 9 0 624 53 314.5969119 3.706323489 392 3.992593278374.85561714679545 389.5789282 4.178180353123645 4.014072771 18 52313828 0 426 0 4 1 3 0 461.0967908457369 482 48ABrignal Voting District 207 606902361 429873 0 485.24465857925382201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085206 31.6594536-90.4614943V2G5240New Sight New Sight Voting District 1412 3 360 0 9 1 7 0 1412 1032 174.1518619 504.9865753 217 543.9908342 207.5093595641416 215.6597639 569.2770731664418 546.9174151 18 91313828 3 262 0 6 1 4 01043.3792767214431 1071 795ANew Sight Voting District 206 110426401 47578 0461.188620264418262201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085506 31.597893-90.4636857V2G5240Lipsey School Lipsey School Voting District 1342 18 541 0 12 7 5 2 1342 757 195.0179837 440.1259143 243 474.1204518 232.3722321231276 241.4991826496.15891697897143 476.6711416 18 91313828 15 359 0 7 3 2 0 991.6536751842611 984 598ALipsey School Voting District 506 814451201 160078 0 731.6472224612122201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085502 31.6144141-90.5502091V2G5240Loyd Star Loyd Star Voting District 2129 2 291 0 30 8 5 3 2129 1790 179.7696639 657.8724192 224 708.6853069214.20320979816884 222.6165304 741.6270127288888 712.4979169 45 91313828 2 219 0 17 4 2 01573.1972238951505 1575 1331ALoyd Star Voting District 502 478716781 0 0334.378932576213862201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085501 31.6724114-90.5354926V2G5240Old Red Star Old Red Star Voting District 973 1 185 0 12 0 3 0 973 772 62.59836512 365.9994445 78 394.2685862 74.58861770582413 77.51825613 412.5953098332279 396.3896861 45 91313828 0 143 0 8 0 2 0 718.9858613668301 725 572AOld Red Star Voting District 501 228534991 92864 0 629.92454615847882201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085405 31.5566629-90.4772628V2G5240Halbert Heights Halbert Heights Voting District 1833 34 390 0 16 3 8 0 1833 1382 143.6552225 622.6623461 179 670.7556708171.17131501044486 177.8944596 701.9342992956275 674.3642255 57 91313828 23 277 0 12 3 4 0 1354.471823109352 1385 1066AHalbert Heights Voting District 405 29677441 8305 0 375.27419771143422201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085406 31.5850916-90.4621627V2G5240Northwest Brookhaven Northwest Brookhaven Voting District 1092 1 341 0 22 1 15 0 1092 712 67.41362398 214.9667623 84 231.5704101 80.32620368393539 83.48119891 242.3344604624355 232.8162207 18 91313828 1 271 0 15 1 7 0 806.9193839800396 900 605ANorthwest Brookhaven Voting District 406 410475101 0 0158.426195187702552201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085305 31.3874992-90.4524088V2G5240Norfield Norfield Voting District 461 4 110 0 2 4 5 0 461 336 44.94241599 152.8858439 56 164.6944727 53.55080245916428 55.65413261172.34993956244702 165.5805018 57 52 03828 4 74 0 1 4 2 0340.65003298058446 347 262ANorfield Voting District 305 258904371 0 0 259.11789841979982201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085303 31.4517405-90.4661639V2G5240Bogue Chitto Bogue Chitto Voting District 754 1 329 0 9 0 4 0 754 411 17.372436126491458 23.00605293914586 20.806833114323258 24.274638633377137 19.85975326165993 20.6397904582128824.122055123510467 23.17460628032851 57 52 03828 0 244 0 7 0 1 0 557.1586222719321 552 300ABogue Chitto Voting District 303 546737971 77856 0 441.60013192233792201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085402 31.4844777-90.5012248V2G5240Johnson Grove Johnson Grove Voting District 1285 1 256 5 6 3 6 3 1285 1005 89.88483197 414.1816498 112 446.1722989107.10160489908442 111.3082652466.91165450398324 448.5726322 57 91313828 1 176 2 3 2 3 0 949.5342567896986 929 742AJohnson Grove Voting District 402 541631501 29093 0 310.32289426137832201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085404 31.3878093-90.5250587V2G5240Johnson Johnson Voting District 903 0 134 0 6 2 10 0 903 751 34.12899149609218 133.3023064738978 42.52605210420842 143.5983379442885740.666146706687044 42.26340255643287150.27319653576467144.37087330956913 57 52 03828 0 101 0 2 2 6 0 667.2602598296481 688 577AJohnson Voting District 404 978933091 87634 0441.943789612549842201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085403 31.4127565-90.5736993V2G5240Arlington Arlington Voting District 1286 1 239 0 13 3 24 0 1286 1006 16.642053564546863109.47657720709064 20.231774872590293 118.82605805450919 19.39096536244817 20.152589842898298 125.8128439805937120.87125700234878 57 52 03828 1 170 0 7 3 14 0 950.2731939545155 912 717AArlington Voting District 403 798137211 501472 0487.650262410737352201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085401 31.4790932-90.5758707V2G5240West Lincoln West Lincoln Voting District 1419 1 65 0 3 5 9 0 1419 1336 56.17801998 611.5433756 70 658.7778909 66.93850307154983 69.56766576 689.3997582497881 662.3220072 45 91 03828 1 49 0 2 4 4 01048.5518368751614 1039 979AWest Lincoln Voting District 401 619266211 15903 0249.839140784077562201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085504 31.5488857-90.5910982V2G5240Vaughn Vaughn Voting District 727 0 171 0 13 0 0 0 727 543 84.26702997 261.2958059 105 281.4778261100.40775456883647 104.3514986294.56171494153625 282.9921304 45 91313828 0 124 0 9 0 0 0 537.2073188218761 542 409AVaughn Voting District 504 327590451 92065 0384.209297656944562201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085503 31.5596813 -90.524099V2G5240Zetus Zetus Voting District 1118 3 103 0 7 2 2 0 1118 1001 55.37547684 411.4019072 69 443.1778539 65.98223873865726 68.57384196 463.7780192165013 445.5620776 45 91313828 1 79 0 5 0 1 0 826.1317502652786 831 745AZetus Voting District 503 1286664231 35809 0 285.57954056611892201112111 85Lincoln County 28085N28085505 31.6414409-90.6691925V2G5240Caseyville Caseyville Voting District 831 0 145 0 16 0 5 0 831 665 99.51534968 250.1768355 124 269.5000463 118.5767768937952 123.2341508282.02717379160845 270.949912 45 91313828 0 109 0 8 0 3 0 614.0567839628324 595 475ACaseyville Voting District 505 593321361 366136 184.94820029220347 454.59556381989643311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067309 31.6286094-89.0415298V2G5240Tuckers Tuckers Voting District 1575 4 13 0 37 1 6 0 1575 1514 39.30657924 611.9772288 47 645 47.0897375398956 48.9392946 689.0222942901214 661.959369 71 87174128 2 8 0 15 1 3 0 1171.772479744986 1162 1133ATuckers Voting District 309 646795051 1159939 232.15402665249923 570.62566963297473311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067304 31.6835611-88.9629947V2G5240Myrick Myrick Voting District 1977 1 24 0 26 0 8 2 1977 1916 37.63395885 852.0241107 45 89845.085918915853796 46.85677142 959.289953886691 921.6116486 71 87 74128 1 14 0 19 0 5 11470.8534555275157 1477 1437AMyrick Voting District 304 809648041 252497 236.96855123153438 582.45958589749263311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067406 31.4920859-89.2672722V2G5240Moselle Moselle Voting District 2018 4 263 0 107 1 20 0 2018 1623 122.1012887 540.8170859 146 570146.27875913168097 152.0241917 608.9034228102037 584.9873493 38 87174128 4 199 0 58 1 10 01501.3567391272265 1481 1209AMoselle Voting District 406 181418111 74946 91.00625728663981 223.68988060979033311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067310 31.6563561-89.0519802V2G5240Antioch Antioch Voting District 775 3 1 0 10 2 2 0 775 757 1.9143125521875002 50.5866613125 2.5 56.5625 2.508620975218635 2.6071527971875 59.24673842844115 56.919687375 71 87174128 2 1 0 6 2 0 0 576.5864582872154 582 571AAntioch Voting District 310 2491655621 118420 178.7245465680849439.298062307226873311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067306 31.5117478-89.0180691V2G5240Ovett Ovett Voting District 1522 4 32 0 38 5 20 3 1522 1420 39.30657924 501.9162078 47 529 47.0897375398956 48.9392946 565.1051064386538 542.9093119 71 87174128 3 22 0 20 5 15 11132.3414058234086 1135 1069AOvett Voting District 306 462558681 569906 128.34817963135137315.474889685807453311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067403 31.5672931 -89.115555V2G5240Johnson Johnson Voting District 1093 3 13 0 11 2 17 0 1093 1047 41.31006390390782 161.3504108261022 51.47394789579158 173.8128276557114 49.22270027730779 51.156034323567134181.89214154328994174.74791199043088 71 87174128 3 5 0 7 2 9 0 813.1729018166792 811 785AJohnson Voting District 403 485624171 161197 82.43405498738213 202.61973701686813311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067405 31.5618455-89.0778789V2G5240Landrum Comm. Ctr. Landrum Comm. Ctr. Voting District 702 1 3 0 4 0 5 1 702 688 17.56251413 292.2309868 21 30821.040095494706577 21.86649333329.02149859857207 316.0984273 71 87174128 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 522.2757338291938 537 528ALandrum Comm. Ctr. Voting District 405 780405201 404321 200.91833060314931493.849529965614473311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067402 31.5628986-89.1928782V2G5240County Barn County Barn Voting District 1711 5 384 1 18 1 6 1 1711 1295 136.3185621 428.8584611 163 452163.31121740717015 169.7256387482.84973181503284 463.8847051 38 88174128 5 319 1 12 1 4 11272.9541033928072 1400 1057ACounty Barn Voting District 402 83158981 184720 177.08056256548753435.257212851050043311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067404 31.5914655-89.2069189V2G5240Ellisville Court House Ellisville Court House Voting District 1508 4 428 0 12 2 6 0 1508 1056 162.2441782 492.4281887 194 519194.37040599321958 202.0047479 554.4225901996961 532.6463759 38 88174128 4 359 0 8 2 5 01121.9256504478979 1252 874AEllisville Court House Voting District 404 17004301 0 100.98758873098095248.223609450864073311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067504 31.6005903-89.2081909V2G5240Roosevelt Roosevelt Voting District 860 4 593 0 41 0 4 0 860 218 204.059688 5.69281143 244 6244.46587149804412 254.0678273 6.409509714229884 6.157761572 38 88174128 2 401 0 24 0 4 0 639.8249730671035 618 187ARoosevelt Voting District 504 732009501 89474 142.67432593969983350.688006375348663311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067410 31.4691142-89.3525544V2G5240Shelton Shelton Voting District 1215 6 227 0 11 2 19 0 1215 950 116.2471173 315.0022325 139 332139.26539397640087 144.7353606354.65953746798215 340.7294736 38 87174128 5 170 0 5 2 11 0 903.9387700889893 937 744AShelton Voting District 410 900760271 42510 217.82788034415077 535.41255294343353311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067408 31.5576877-89.3604893V2G5240Rainey Rainey Voting District 1855 4 16 0 67 2 3 0 1855 1763 35.12502826 716.3454383 42 75542.080190989413154 43.73298666 806.529972294126 774.8516644 38 87174128 4 14 0 35 2 2 01380.0875872552058 1380 1323ARainey Voting District 408 53295701 0 143.96602765602634 353.86295951948763311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067411 31.6099027-89.2067009V2G5240South Jones South Jones Voting District 1226 5 316 0 28 3 15 0 1226 859 28.43454669 239.0980801 34 252 34.06491651249006 35.40289396269.19940797267395 258.625986 38 88174128 3 215 0 19 2 6 0 912.1225778840336 956 711ASouth Jones Voting District 411 23130621 0 259.74947241038353 638.45421407594343311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067502 31.672486-89.1507149V2G5240National Guard Armory National Guard Armory Voting District 2212 1 1736 0 120 0 18 0 2212 337 17.366294861328 86.52529878708799 19.4656 95.558417.868376141360134 18.570197450448 95.43551906099586 91.68707094288 71 79173328 1 1162 0 101 0 10 0 1645.689349330736 1588 314ANational Guard Armory Voting District 502 3226791 0 73.86185268812444181.549593423945943311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067508 31.6827197 -89.138868V2G5240Old Health Dept. Old Health Dept. Voting District 629 1 556 0 32 0 7 0 629 33 124.6102193 1.89760381 149 2149.28448709660992 155.1479765 2.136503238423589 2.052587191 71 79174128 1 371 0 12 0 5 0 467.9650093711722 411 22AOld Health Dept. Voting District 508 1131713991 578820 172.14861055769543423.134664482519443311113121 67Jones County 28067S28067412 31.4795049-89.1762057V2G5240Union Union Voting District 1466 2 22 0 44 8 17 0 1466 1373 4.591524244043394113.30353472240931 5.222150259067358 120.58419689119171 4.99183697503649 5.187902780505182121.44475662872439116.67473626398964 38 87174128 2 17 0 26 5 11 01090.6783843213648 1073 1012PUnion Voting District 412 416194801 101075 250.47270553858414 615.65227785894553311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067104 31.7754826-89.1070756V2G5240Sharon Sharon Voting District 2133 3 247 0 29 0 0 1 2133 1853 246.4614190679665738.852424003509746 368.37325905292477 43.571030640668525 370.3767494111063 384.92414269805016 47.5263528713202 45.65964674623956 34 86 74128 0 185 0 18 0 0 1 1586.914729711781 1661 1457ASharon Voting District 104 12436541 0 98.87389501335576243.028231578636683311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067301 31.7142192-89.1241939V2G5240Kingston Church Kingston Church Voting District 842 6 739 1 38 0 3 0 842 55 204.059688 25.61765144 244 27244.46587149804412 254.067827328.842793709870943 27.70992707 34 79174128 4 440 1 32 0 1 0 626.4332875843037 524 46AKingston Church Voting District 301 31404071 0 219.94157406177595 540.60793081566093311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067101 31.71293 -89.13923V2G5240Lamar School Lamar School Voting District 1873 11 805 0 252 2 17 0 1873 786 244.2025774 385.2135734 292 406 292.5575183595827 304.0483835 433.7101573240041 416.6751997 34 88174128 7 515 0 174 2 10 01393.4792727380056 1359 651ALamar School Voting District 101 15644671 0 210.31252490370568 516.9400982866253311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067204 31.6997616-89.1325792V2G5240Laurel Courthouse Laurel Courthouse Voting District 1791 8 832 1 265 0 4 0 1791 681 214.9317206 320.6950439 257 338 257.4906924869614 267.6042279 361.0690472113568 346.8872352 34 88174128 8 540 1 199 0 1 01332.4727055385843 1301 552ALaurel Courthouse Voting District 204 35584751 39096 147.7237053762489 363.09918684789193311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067209 31.7024373-89.1520541V2G5240Cameron Center Cameron Center Voting District 1258 27 458 0 303 0 9 2 1258 459 107.8840154 197.3507962 129 208 129.2463008561918 134.3227447222.19633672943675 213.4690678 34 79174128 18 287 0 215 0 0 2 935.9300187423444 912 390ACameron Center Voting District 209 61286111 0 402.6586532075973 989.71948465931733311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067102 31.7278107-89.1402206V2G5240North Laurel North Laurel Voting District 3429 34 1182 0 214 4 24 2 3429 1969 280.1639159 1117.688644 335 1178335.63961861290636 348.8226317 1258.400406912093 1208.973855 34 88174128 22 715 0 130 2 7 02551.1160844733695 2566 1690ANorth Laurel Voting District 102 427164591 190087 656.18447189386221612.87619722259113311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067103 31.7721329-89.1534924V2G5240Shady Grove Shady Grove Voting District 5588 86 1646 0 456 6 46 2 5588 3346 7.5534524533290663.250164590189165 6.5691995297638135 71.06679491289944 5.58352880453449 5.802834658850914 71.6262681327739 68.81298275819172 34 88174128 54 1006 0 279 5 23 2 4157.374359882529 4037 2668AShady Grove Voting District 103 424759081 545481 230.8623249361727 567.45071648883573311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067211 31.7425762-89.2033949V2G5240Mauldin Comm. Center Mauldin Comm. Center Voting District 1966 24 338 0 29 2 13 0 1966 1560 189.8424147 722.0382497 227 761227.43341322255495 236.3663803 812.9394820375006 781.009426 34 88174128 14 256 0 22 2 3 01462.6696477324715 1481 1184AMauldin Comm. Center Voting District 211 341828921 53967 110.73406531780817 272.18007408391263311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067207 31.7890483-89.2215266V2G5240Matthews Matthews Voting District 943 1 109 0 0 0 5 0 943 828 41.81550983 436.4488763 50 460 50.09546546633625 52.06307936 491.3957447021107 472.0950538 34 88344128 1 73 0 0 0 5 0 701.5755227933472 710 631AMatthews Voting District 207 380531431 77667 80.90749841354172198.867519664703883311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067302 31.7494458-89.0425682V2G5240Erata Erata Voting District 689 0 320 0 7 0 5 4 689 353 178.1340719 142.3202858 213 150 213.4066829119947 221.7887181 160.2377428557471 153.9440393 34 79 73328 0 247 0 4 0 3 0 512.603960980505 524 270AErata Voting District 302 324056521 19682 45.79669721521229112.566520564926732311112121 67Jones County 28067N28067203 31.6573641-89.3352391V2G5240Centerville Centerville Voting District 390 0 7 0 3 0 0 0 390 380 3.3006170597608095 45.95622843422262 3.9466421343146276 48.4360625574977 3.954177495227101 4.109486853173873 51.741902258091649.709620796688135 83 87344128 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 290.1531854606632 293 286ACenterville Voting District 203 513183821 328668 204.08887117958707 501.64259677395553311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067210 31.750975-89.3052526V2G5240Soso Soso Voting District 1738 0 789 0 25 2 3 0 1738 919 347.0687316 413.6776306 415 436415.79236338213735 432.1235587465.75770583270054 447.4640075 83 78344128 0 553 0 18 1 1 0 1293.041631617007 1282 709ASoso Voting District 210 416166161 458377 88.65770871150072217.917238529537632311112121 67Jones County 28067N28067201 31.6906087-89.3129297V2G5240Bruce Bruce Voting District 755 0 24 0 6 3 3 0 755 719 20.90775492 352.9543087 25 37225.047732733168125 26.03153968 397.3896022156363 381.7812174 83 78344128 0 19 0 3 1 2 0 561.7068077507711 579 554ABruce Voting District 201 475693871 246569 341.9486725402518 840.49668688478623311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067202 31.6941393-89.2250733V2G5240Calhoun Calhoun Voting District 2912 1 26 0 153 8 11 3 2912 2710 64.39588515 1284.677779 77 1354 77.14701681392411 80.177142211446.4126920932185 1389.601528 83 78174128 1 24 0 92 5 3 3 2166.477118106285 2251 2123ACalhoun Voting District 202 119385771 0 15.382993167161052 37.810805625654873311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067401 31.655194-89.3855608V2G5240Blackwell Blackwell Voting District 131 0 9 0 0 0 1 0 131 121 3.345240787 40.79848192 4 43 4.007637237499341 4.165046349 45.93481961934142 44.1306246 83 87344128 0 7 0 0 0 1 0 97.46171101370994 99 91ABlackwell Voting District 401 620775541 153910 125.52992134118446 308.54771918950432311112121 67Jones County 28067N28067206 31.744226-89.3737068V2G5240Hebron Hebron Voting District 1069 0 669 0 11 7 9 0 1069 373 18.676998668819756 89.21864462843138 22.170060331825038 99.96681749622925 22.29401054519627 23.169658759777526102.77453015445167 98.73782560316742 83 78344128 0 469 0 11 3 8 0 795.3173211729461 775 284AHebron Voting District 206 128323341 8173 199.27434660055195 489.80868050943763311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067510 31.6775307-89.1670915V2G5240Stainton Stainton Voting District 1697 20 841 0 134 2 22 0 1697 678 341.2145603 276.1013544 408 291408.77899822685725 424.8347276310.86122109643225 298.6514362 71 79174128 16 558 0 103 2 8 01262.5383480172961 1248 561AStainton Voting District 510 321000101 134640 137.39009164563686 337.69956169478023311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067208 31.6552997-89.2283616V2G5240Pleasant Ridge Pleasant Ridge Voting District 1170 0 16 0 76 1 4 1 1170 1072 24.770651200171237109.41160217979451 26.044520547945204 125.5479452054794523.020144561243377 23.92431334880137122.41235004195272117.60432523458903 71 88174128 0 11 0 52 1 3 1 870.4595563819896 890 822APleasant Ridge Voting District 208 536146961 68139 159.34902082318737 391.67376514514253311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067409 31.6249842-89.2975467V2G5240Sandhill Sandhill Voting District 1357 9 13 0 11 1 1 0 1357 1322 31.350081132313537 667.7697949308701 37.48618784530387 703.8031767955802 37.55776057518374 39.03292745575276 751.8388831007393 722.3086927249309 38 87174128 6 7 0 7 1 1 01009.5842888977436 1048 1026ASandhill Voting District 409 39123691 347932 192.4635557326486 473.06801847670493311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067503 31.7043185-89.1178953V2G5240Nora Davis School Nora Davis School Voting District 1639 1 1516 0 28 1 4 0 1639 89 673.2297083 8.539217145 805 9 806.5369940118625 838.2155777 9.614264570303941 9.236642357 71 79173328 1 1118 0 17 1 4 01219.3873614616077 1227 86ANora Davis School Voting District 503 24455511 188516 123.06394533728842 302.4864450052393311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067501 31.6791245-89.1220084V2G5240Cooks Ave. Comm. Ctr. Cooks Ave. Comm. Ctr. Voting District 1048 0 998 0 8 0 9 0 1048 33 407.2830658 3.79520762 487 4487.92983357822453 507.0943929 4.273006475806295 4.105174381 71 79173328 0 699 0 6 0 3 0 779.6936881096796 737 29ACooks Ave. Comm. Ctr. Voting District 501 296260941 42288 49.67180236419179122.091379997343613311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067205 31.7822001-89.3077124V2G5240Gitano Gitano Voting District 423 0 136 3 1 0 2 0 423 281 68.57743613 160.347522 82 169 82.15656336440657 85.38345015 180.5345236056784 173.4436176 83 78344128 0 101 2 1 0 1 0314.70460884579626 330 225AGitano Voting District 205 53829381 46229 130.69672820649046321.247531766060153311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067506 31.6495918-89.1751957V2G5240Pendorf Pendorf Voting District 1113 3 101 0 396 1 8 0 1113 604 38.47026905 175.5283524 46 185 46.0878282278747 47.89803301197.62654948392236 189.8643151 71 79174128 3 59 0 250 1 7 0 828.0525523531235 762 442APendorf Voting District 506 652752341 156144 167.45151340741725411.589380322014163311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067407 31.5933206-89.2754321V2G5240Pinegrove Pinegrove Voting District 1426 1 114 0 24 1 2 0 1426 1284 28.43454669 516.1482363 34 544 34.06491651249006 35.40289396 581.128880693002 558.3037158 38 88174128 1 104 0 21 1 1 01060.9190832484762 1132 1004APinegrove Voting District 407 417652081 2744928 201.38804031817713495.004058381664953311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067305 31.7017427-89.0581397V2G5240Powers Comm. Ctr. Powers Comm. Ctr. Voting District 1715 3 368 0 35 2 10 1 1715 1296 170.6072801 635.6972764 204 670204.38949911342863 212.4173638 715.728584679339 687.6167088 71 87173328 2 263 0 22 2 2 0 1275.930033500096 1288 997APowers Comm. Ctr. Voting District 305 599942571 157176 182.83450657457828 449.4001859476693311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067308 31.7981884-89.0091326V2G5240Sandersville Civic Center Sandersville Civic Center Voting District 1557 6 148 0 17 190 16 0 1557 1180 87.81257065 534.1754725 105 563105.20047752164324 109.3324667 601.4256614429332 577.8032941 34 79 73328 4 109 0 9 113 4 0 1158.380794262186 1166 927ASandersville Civic Center Voting District 308 31313621 183524 188.35359572615516462.965894836262753311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067505 31.6667942-89.1353131V2G5240Oak Park School Oak Park School Voting District 1604 0 1581 1 5 0 4 2 1604 11 741.8071445 5.69281143 887 6 888.6935573281587 923.5990278 6.409509714229884 6.157761572 71 79173328 0 988 1 3 0 2 01193.3479730228303 1003 9AOak Park School Voting District 505 477136271 1820352 120.48054190463542296.136538716961073311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067307 31.7474198-88.9796437V2G5240Rustin Rustin Voting District 1026 3 4 0 4 23 8 0 1026 984 14.21727334 413.6776306 17 436 17.03245825624503 17.70144698465.75770583270054 447.4640075 71 87 74128 3 4 0 4 14 4 0 763.3260725195909 769 740ARustin Voting District 307 105897201 353661 33.231962338218146 81.682885435575033311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067509 31.6351748-89.1520917V2G5240Currie Currie Voting District 283 1 268 0 1 0 2 0 283 11 140.500113 0.948801905 168 1168.32076391916434 174.9319466 1.068251618691353 1.026293595 71 87174128 1 207 0 1 0 2 0210.54705509068637 219 8ACurrie Voting District 509 299931861 207653 217.4755980578799 534.54665663139563311113121 67Jones County 28067N28067303 31.6685701-89.1047466V2G5240Glade School Glade School Voting District 1852 2 145 0 62 3 14 0 1852 1626 47.66968121 764.7343355 57 806 57.10883063123844 59.35191047 861.0108049046337 827.1926378 71 87174128 2 96 0 36 3 12 01377.8556396747392 1440 1291AGlade School Voting District 303 273693611 44980 140.50799479253598 425.3748372667490021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115108 34.3633334-89.0311308V2G5240Ecru Ecru Voting District 1442 3 158 4 260 0 10 0 1442 1007 132.0187793 304.2582502 148 349133.90618899971213 139.1656606 352.8485496839586 338.9896165 63 1429 228 2 120 2 156 0 6 01053.0638581967487 1027 741AEcru Voting District 108 436656901 139952 99.87565510565143 302.36422205160730021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115405 34.2049885-88.8791432V2G5240Zion Zion Voting District 1025 0 178 0 9 1 25 1 1025 811 20.91848419267516129.18381799652576 25.521134916039376 120.4834973943254326.511992517937937 27.5533116142154117.13554124744056112.53477516502606 63 1432 228 0 136 0 4 1 6 1 748.5370698000468 770 622AZion Voting District 405 403155821 54338 41.80161564909704126.550489034282480021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115406 34.1737329-88.8787001V2G5240Woodland Woodland Voting District 429 0 16 0 3 0 2 0 429 408 11.1613849758125 58.048267688125 12.5125 66.58437511.320953989019468 11.7656103296875 67.31862509333115 64.67453224375 63 1432 228 0 12 0 2 0 0 0313.29014921387324 326 312AWoodland Voting District 406 864335021 36088 115.95319958607337351.037487064792860021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115503 34.1054403-88.8718092V2G5240Troy Troy Voting District 1190 1 137 1 30 0 6 0 1190 1015 90.98591549 330.4122545 102 379 92.28669784154968 95.91146881 383.179370592785 368.1291251 63 1432 228 1 96 1 21 0 3 0 869.0332810361518 883 761ATroy Voting District 503 1147790071 457968 114.68648396034315 347.20262376072370021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115502 34.1183933-88.9893796V2G5240Beckham Beckham Voting District 1177 1 103 0 30 0 6 0 1177 1037 81.17370892 325.1814537 91 373 82.33421082442148 85.56807512 377.1132064318374 362.3012234 63 1429 228 1 79 0 13 0 2 0 859.539640150883 858 763ABeckham Voting District 502 690370621 1184065 94.80879260273058287.024768835330630021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115203 34.2955284-89.1929385V2G5240Thaxton Thaxton Voting District 973 0 79 0 12 0 6 0 973 876 43.70892019 368.7714609 49 423 44.33380582631416 46.07511737 427.6645745438225 410.867071 63 1329 228 0 58 0 7 0 4 0 710.5625062589712 724 655AThaxton Voting District 203 2157727471 1224154 414.679802955665 428.50246305418720021110331 9Benton County 28009N28009105 34.6520564-89.1663023V2G5240Hickory Flat Hickory Flat Voting District 1978 1 338 0 15 7 22 0 1978 1595 255.0449035 653.5152426 253 773224.19944289792514 233.0053884 705.1068781819553 677.4121941118 1251 128 0 215 0 8 5 12 01489.2216748768474 1416 1176AHickory Flat Voting District 105 2326325081 1554698 334.17573605223964 345.3149272539810021110331 9Benton County 28009N28009104 34.7527641 -89.227097V2G5240Floyd Floyd Voting District 1594 0 287 0 20 6 5 0 1594 1276 290.3277952 481.8935165 288 570255.21517609373842 265.2393354 519.9365077994166 499.5148132118 1251 128 0 222 0 14 6 4 01200.1108947187536 1229 983AFloyd Voting District 104 1700582281 1267044 361.63936304273113 373.69400847748880021110331 9Benton County 28009N28009103 34.7827101-89.1306986V2G5240Ashland Ashland Voting District 1725 4 537 1 31 4 12 1 1725 1135 405.2492142 408.3413482 402 483 356.2378500002593 370.2299057 440.5777777098202 423.2730786118 1251 128 3 383 1 23 4 11 11298.7398327414367 1353 927AAshland Voting District 103 2586059951 733313 371.0734333829763 383.44254782907550021110331 9Benton County 28009N28009102 34.9393157-89.1440337V2G5240Canaan Canaan Voting District 1770 1 968 0 26 7 22 9 1770 737 597.7929951 257.8553027 593 305 525.4951369375694 546.1351594 278.2116401894154 267.2842422118 1251 128 1 717 0 12 5 13 71332.6200022912133 1367 612ACanaan Voting District 102 1760618691 499992 348.4316645663879 360.04605338526750021110331 9Benton County 28009N28009101 34.9238094-89.2874637V2G5240Lamar Lamar Voting District 1662 0 1114 0 56 1 5 0 1662 486 696.5850921 167.39459 691 198 612.3391898858466 636.390211 180.6095238101119 173.515672118 451 128 0 777 0 24 1 3 01251.3075953717494 1207 402ALamar Voting District 101 267811921 75535 89.64449043629202 271.39032613412560021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115101 34.3274316-89.0520339V2G5240Friendship Friendship Voting District 920 3 68 0 44 1 14 0 920 790 20.516431922962962116.96651929444444 23 134.1666666666666620.809745592445214 21.62709590888889135.64617119802796130.31835782037035 63 1429 228 0 46 0 34 1 8 0 671.857662649798 679 590AFriendship Voting District 101 570139671 29860 114.29672530627232 346.02266582101010021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115102 34.3402685-88.9695863V2G5240Cherry Creek Cherry Creek Voting District 1173 1 68 0 178 1 13 0 1173 912 50.84507042 334.7712553 57 384 51.57197820415687 53.59758551 388.2345074456188 372.9857099 63 1429 228 1 43 0 101 1 2 0 856.6185198784925 827 679ACherry Creek Voting District 102 208290851 34418 49.889107721066864151.034616283339460021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115103 34.3124-88.9570771V2G5240Oak Hill Oak Hill Voting District 512 1 51 0 8 0 4 0 512 448 3.115505367998294320.648152456704327 3.492645491366446 23.684502238328715 3.160046266200887 3.28416430523129423.945679848516992 23.00515854734598 63 1432 228 0 36 0 5 0 4 0 373.9033948659746 374 329AOak Hill Voting District 103 101759911 0 35.468037520445975107.376172513936640021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115107 34.2820391-88.9968477V2G5240Pontotoc 1 Pontotoc 1 Voting District 364 3 30 0 20 0 2 0 364 309 107.0422535 322.5660533 120 370108.57258566764058 112.8370221 374.0801242993194 359.3872725 63 1429 228 2 16 0 12 0 0 0265.82194478752876 266 236APontotoc 1 Voting District 107 486706371 653579 128.81523517041092 389.97609907534130021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115104 34.3168232-88.8850114V2G5240Bethel Bethel Voting District 1322 5 221 0 17 0 11 1 1322 1067 102.7821665017964 328.9627345092482 115.22421823020625 377.3373253493014104.25159421289736 108.34631383073854 381.4983610813778 366.5141410789089 63 1432 528 4 165 0 11 0 5 1 965.4302500250359 987 801ABethel Voting District 104 452523121 990075 95.1011115932837287.909737290115860021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115401 34.2583366-88.9348226V2G5240Bankhead Bankhead Voting District 976 0 260 0 55 0 1 0 976 660 327.370892 248.463041 367 285332.05115790810515 345.093226 288.1427985297624 276.8253316 63 1432 228 0 193 0 32 0 0 0 712.753346463264 731 506ABankhead Voting District 401 219164071 0 80.09540341155656242.481356611142640021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115106 34.3455235-88.8525431V2G5240Sherman Sherman Voting District 822 2 112 0 23 3 18 0 822 664 41.92488263 221.4372366 47 254 42.52426273666452 44.19450034 256.8009502087339 246.714506111 1432 528 2 66 0 13 2 10 0 600.2902159762326 620 527ASherman Voting District 106 206088691 598319 53.49437527122208161.949227225690150021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115403 34.2701823-88.8827488V2G5240Longview Longview Voting District 549 1 239 0 12 2 9 0 549 286 140.9389671 113.3340187 158 130142.95390449607066 148.5687458131.43355723688492 126.2712039 63 1432 228 1 181 0 3 1 4 0 400.923757385586 424 234ALongview Voting District 403 332956231 792898 121.60470007010048368.146877190639940021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115404 34.2512452 -88.851442V2G5240Hoyle Hoyle Voting District 1248 4 446 0 12 7 19 0 1248 760 235.4929577 261.5400432 264 300238.85968854578584 248.2414487303.30820888008725 291.3950858 56 1432 228 3 342 0 5 6 10 0 911.389524985813 955 589AHoyle Voting District 404 208149161 228167 369.29632473211603 1118.0101478786260021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115504 34.2589895-88.9888865V2G5240Pontotoc 5 Pontotoc 5 Voting District 3790 6 795 2 447 5 35 17 3790 2483 225.6807512 650.3629074 253 746228.90720151903557 237.898055 754.2264128636748 724.6024468 63 1429 228 4 544 1 306 5 20 8 2767.761458089929 2784 1896APontotoc 5 Voting District 504 66743131 251205 162.1396000934673 490.86250292085320021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115304 34.2384598-89.0180981V2G5240Pontotoc 3 Pontotoc 3 Voting District 1664 4 262 0 162 5 32 2 1664 1197 149.8591549 476.8746787 168 547152.00161999242926 157.971831 553.0319676197597 531.3103732 63 1429 228 3 153 0 108 3 15 21215.1860333144173 1208 924APontotoc 3 Voting District 304 314392241 125513 135.92833060720366411.510331475114360021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115206 34.2619696-89.0561336V2G5240Pontotoc 2 Pontotoc 2 Voting District 1395 0 164 0 165 2 33 5 1395 1026 122.2065728 458.5668757 137 526123.95370197296184 128.8222669 531.8003930043989 510.9127172 63 1429 228 0 90 0 103 2 8 11018.7406949961612 933 729APontotoc 2 Voting District 206 420014611 97391 117.21991521180358354.872350368862040021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115202 34.3373093-89.0923781V2G5240Buchanan Buchanan Voting District 1203 1 47 0 142 1 12 3 1203 997 34.78873239 310.3608512 39 35635.286090349199746 36.67203219359.92574125710826 345.7888352 63 1429 228 1 27 0 99 1 7 2 878.5269219214207 847 710ABuchanan Voting District 202 643152581 48187 83.31091230764095252.216009613779760021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115201 34.3530142-89.1801405V2G5240Hurricane Hurricane Voting District 855 0 7 0 16 5 6 0 855 821 34.78873239 335.6430554 39 38535.286090349199746 36.67203219389.24553475373256 373.9570268 13 1429 228 0 4 0 9 5 4 0 624.3894582234536 661 639AHurricane Voting District 201 325655001 82118 76.39269619788364231.271756183863540021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115205 34.2850471-89.1157354V2G5240Turnpike Turnpike Voting District 784 0 32 0 8 1 11 0 784 732 48.16901408 256.3092423 54 294 48.85766356487137 50.77665996297.24204471913964 285.5671841 63 1429 228 0 25 0 4 1 5 0 572.5395733885235 594 559ATurnpike Voting District 205 508947541 296175 45.89408151684081138.940047401275170021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115204 34.239385-89.1708898V2G5240Toccopola Toccopola Voting District 471 1 22 0 13 1 6 0 471 428 60.657277 147.3342243 68 169 61.52446523090714 63.94097921 170.8636243350886 164.152565 63 1429 228 1 17 0 5 1 2 0 343.9619120739727 348 322AToccopola Voting District 204 506511921 811084 64.11529859465233194.103081082885470021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115301 34.204399-89.2020049V2G5240North Randolph North Randolph Voting District 658 0 3 0 6 0 1 0 658 648 15.16431925 227.5398376 17 26115.381116305321267 15.9852448 263.8781417818836 253.5137247 63 1429 228 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 480.5242848082251 462 456ANorth Randolph Voting District 301 397280301 125670 108.06058684113897 327.14333878559270021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115303 34.2106903-89.0935884V2G5240Springville Springville Voting District 1109 3 115 0 36 9 6 0 1109 940 87.41784038 367.0278606 98 421 88.66761165262832 92.15023474 425.6425198235066 408.9244371 63 1429 228 1 79 0 18 7 3 0 809.8805955202457 783 675ASpringville Voting District 303 805703951 74642 44.724805554628304135.400173582134390021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115306 34.1432967-89.2130804V2G5240Robbs Robbs Voting District 459 0 32 0 1 0 4 0 459 422 21.4084507 150.8214249 24 173 21.71451714315019 22.56740443 174.9077337757203 168.0378328116 2129 228 0 20 0 1 0 3 0 335.1985512568014 350 326ARobbs Voting District 306 690860961 63836 53.981573588810626163.424174650332130021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115305 34.1209548-89.1014108V2G5240Judah Judah Voting District 554 2 2 0 17 1 4 0 554 528 21.4084507 202.2576334 24 232 21.71451714315019 22.56740443 234.5583482852593 225.3455331 63 2129 228 2 2 0 10 1 1 0404.57515772607405 404 388AJudah Voting District 305 405190881 127608 59.2433154187669 179.35360683646560021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115302 34.1577577-89.1537402V2G5240South Randolph South Randolph Voting District 608 7 8 0 1 1 6 0 608 585 29.43661972 178.7190295 33 20529.857461070628748 31.03018109207.26060940486255 199.1199753 63 2129 228 5 6 0 0 1 3 0 444.0102814033448 419 404ASouth Randolph Voting District 302 459083201 175063 85.25970557799512 258.11579931234770021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115501 34.170506-89.0453114V2G5240Algoma Algoma Voting District 875 0 140 0 50 0 21 0 875 664 109.7183099 354.8226586 123 407111.28690035503642 115.6579477411.48813678129545 395.3259998 63 1429 228 0 103 0 26 0 11 0 638.9950595854058 631 491AAlgoma Voting District 501 478299401 897749 137.3899255599693 415.93517374904030021110431115Pontotoc County 28115N28115402 34.2029935-88.9779467V2G5240Pontotoc 4 Pontotoc 4 Voting District 1410 7 301 0 72 1 19 0 1410 1010 132.0187793 314.719852 148 361133.90618899971213 139.1656606 364.9808781099421 350.64542 63 1432 228 4 219 0 41 1 7 01029.6948960176253 1002 730APontotoc 4 Voting District 402 589151451 229295 109.14034053217365 304.96557824132080021110331145Union County 28145N28145504 34.5407997-88.9087933V2G5240Keownville Keownville Voting District 1038 3 32 0 19 0 9 0 1038 975 66.57621441 384.3194444 70 441 61.87136815572774 64.30150754 429.9859011514648 413.0972222 11 1336 228 1 24 0 10 0 5 0 770.6004275079237 769 729AKeownville Voting District 504 452566591 9943 77.80717918478662217.412839979361680021110331145Union County 28145N28145404 34.4617224-88.9189754V2G5240Center Center Voting District 740 0 20 0 23 6 4 0 740 687 12.789200592731403 130.7357456660988 13.446905167518455 150.0170357751277711.885406000300643 12.352232483702442146.27031816817626140.52521713798978 11 1336 228 0 8 0 10 3 2 0 549.3683201886931 546 523ACenter Voting District 404 889479101 45125 61.19429498046731 170.99226063241690021110331145Union County 28145N28145505 34.554636 -88.833596V2G5240Pleasant Ridge Pleasant Ridge Voting District 582 0 6 0 9 0 4 0 582 563 12.321811109828769 54.42525852020548 12.955479452054794 62.4520547945205511.451046268926195 11.90081228119863360.892297200355976 58.50061306541096 11 1336 228 0 3 0 5 0 2 0 432.0707599321884 434 424APleasant Ridge Voting District 505 925849551 785975 185.7909265128621 519.14660573450280021110331145Union County 28145N28145407 34.441822-88.8350965V2G5240East Union East Union Voting District 1767 2 182 0 25 2 9 0 1767 1547 185.4623116 474.9526014 195 545 172.3559541027375 179.1256281 531.3884719641444 510.5169753111 1336 228 2 152 0 13 2 2 01311.8024618559741 1325 1154AEast Union Voting District 407 470348091 186280 73.28595120513009204.779391169750140021110331145Union County 28145N28145101 34.5147742-89.1912989V2G5240Macedonia Macedonia Voting District 697 1 5 0 6 1 1 3 697 680 52.30988275 204.7960758 55 23548.613217839392384 50.52261307229.13080897481964 220.1311728 13 1251 228 1 5 0 3 1 0 2 517.4455664479988 515 503AMacedonia Voting District 101 833837021 309720 118.0776516547505 329.93867472543670021110331145Union County 28145N28145202 34.4621597-89.1743872V2G5240West Union West Union Voting District 1123 0 10 0 15 0 3 0 1123 1095 60.86968174 438.3507496 64 503 56.56810802726918 58.78994975490.43743374932984 471.1743827 13 1351 228 0 9 0 11 0 3 0 833.7035453674357 844 821AWest Union Voting District 202 781738191 335946 246.249207636176 688.08225842116910021110331145Union County 28145N28145103 34.5555519-89.1011894V2G5240Myrtle Myrtle Voting District 2342 1 283 0 62 3 32 2 2342 1959 232.0656616 686.7204586 244 788 215.6659118329155 224.1366834 768.3194787338196 738.1419753 11 1351 228 1 208 0 36 3 16 01738.6764944350261 1737 1473AMyrtle Voting District 103 346974031 125851 206.29416967642072 576.43782708041570021110331145Union County 28145N28145105 34.5131434-89.0347099V2G5240Glenfield Glenfield Voting District 1962 2 429 4 226 2 30 2 1962 1267 197.8264657 434.8648589 208 499183.84635110065244 191.0673367 486.5373348519021 467.4274691 11 1336 228 1 268 4 135 2 10 01456.5684381219135 1424 1004AGlenfield Voting District 105 151910881 61785 290.93576324906024 812.94774084174830021110331145Union County 28145N28145503 34.4957447-88.9686676V2G5240Northeast MS Community College Northeast MS Community College Voting District 2767 4 700 0 277 2 44 7 2767 1733 432.7453936 718.0934744 455 824 402.1638930026082 417.959799 803.4203686024925 771.8641975 11 1336 228 2 493 0 163 1 18 02054.1920837325865 1999 1322ANortheast MS Community College Voting District 503 462972191 0 119.86511387926586 334.93329402225990021110331145Union County 28145N28145306 34.430199-88.9579874V2G5240Beacon Hill Beacon Hill Voting District 1140 0 100 0 20 0 6 0 1140 1014 121.7393635 423.5357143 128 486113.13621605453837 117.5798995473.86201353935024 455.25 11 1336 228 0 83 0 12 0 6 0 846.324168939338 882 781ABeacon Hill Voting District 306 450765071 132094 119.23424485884868333.170487211616430021110331145Union County 28145N28145401 34.3944517-88.8906854V2G5240Blue Springs Blue Springs Voting District 1134 1 51 0 64 2 14 0 1134 1002 88.45125628 339.8743386 93 390 82.2005319766745 85.42914573 380.2596405215262 365.3240741 11 1332 228 1 34 0 35 2 5 0 841.8698312080784 853 776ABlue Springs Voting District 401 566165451 19460 89.688545735977250.612368246480430021110331145Union County 28145N28145508 34.5351394 -88.76638V2G5240Jericho Jericho Voting District 853 2 31 0 7 0 6 1 853 806 46.60335008 227.4543651 49 261 43.30995771093383 45.01105528 254.4814517040116 244.4861111111 336 228 2 20 0 6 0 4 0 633.2583474607503 627 595AJericho Voting District 508 628829521 39694 85.79818677673767239.741726247512330021110331145Union County 28145N28145201 34.4114392-89.1781112V2G5240Pinedale Pinedale Voting District 816 0 0 0 4 3 2 0 816 807 34.23919598 257.9559083 36 29631.819560761129257 33.06934673 288.6073168483277 277.2716049 13 1329 228 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 605.7899314513157 595 591APinedale Voting District 201 283322161 80201 221.75046067664186 619.62659394118080021110331145Union County 28145N28145302 34.4730104-89.0189347V2G5240Courthouse Courthouse Voting District 2109 9 591 1 228 1 40 1 2109 1238 37.419468995798525 78.5621048902182 39.343823505556 90.14867385838268 34.77508840812451 36.14095947985238 87.89718541697337 84.44482258072836 11 1336 228 8 365 1 143 1 15 11565.6997125377754 1454 920ACourthouse Voting District 302 434165091 10565 194.62309279870274 543.82590108351140021110331145Union County 28145N28145205 34.4731033 -89.06731V2G5240Sportsplex Sportsplex Voting District 1851 17 403 0 31 1 14 0 1851 1385 298.641876 515.0403439 314 591277.53728004637566 288.438191 576.2396090763867 553.6064815 11 1336 228 8 319 0 20 1 4 01374.1631900936095 1433 1081ASportsplex Voting District 205 626475391 169811 176.32789120660425 492.70450357485070021110331145Union County 28145N28145206 34.4064809-89.0818805V2G5240Imgomar Imgomar Voting District 1677 1 185 0 51 0 2 0 1677 1438 160.7340034 486.281746 169 558149.37516029934906 155.2422111 544.0637932766962 522.6944444 11 1329 228 1 134 0 32 0 0 0 1244.987395887079 1224 1057AImgomar Voting District 206 310773631 0 86.63934547062726242.092135328370320021110331145Union County 28145N28145301 34.4016413-88.9988367V2G5240Kings Chapel Kings Chapel Voting District 824 0 55 0 21 0 3 0 824 745 57.06532663 278.8712522 60 32053.032601274963476 55.11557789312.00791012880575 299.7530864 11 1329 228 0 34 0 14 0 3 0 611.7290484263286 619 568AKings Chapel Voting District 301 58727551 0 176.53818088007665493.292105845065240021110331145Union County 28145N28145402 34.4730514-89.0034854V2G5240B.F. Ford B.F. Ford Voting District 1679 0 699 0 78 2 25 0 1679 875 366.1691792 363.4041005 385 417 340.2925248853688 353.6582915406.58530787098675 390.6157407 11 1336 228 0 503 0 60 1 5 0 1246.472175130832 1277 708AB.F. Ford Voting District 402 888530741 242208 158.76870347165917 443.63971401194070021110331145Union County 28145N28145304 34.5593861 -88.973762V2G5240Central Maintenance Central Maintenance Voting District 1510 3 127 0 40 4 17 0 1510 1319 130.2991625 590.8584656 137 678 121.0911062616593 125.8472362 661.0667596790868 635.1018519 11 1336 228 3 97 0 29 4 10 01121.0083290336847 1184 1041ACentral Maintenance Voting District 304 20796831 0 376.34942749619665 526.92849707742813311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035205 31.3316769 -89.297799V2G5240Davis School Davis School Voting District 2454 2 1825 0 206 1 22 0 2454 398 34.730888629745245189.31001027500804 30.86294743631087 234.24185746533377 26.3430863351465 27.377771255079008 265.2237356402985254.80646728442437 90102204028 2 1295 0 140 1 7 01874.2476579389863 1792 347ADavis School Voting District 205 24980061 0 571.1186911148477 799.62580404088933311113121 35Forrest County 28035N28035102 31.3294264-89.3189931V2G5240Blair High School Blair High School Voting District 3724 25 1917 4 173 7 61 4 3724 1533 577.7439339 375.5188285 657 352 721.9206024707527 750.275684397.00325182092416 381.4100418 90101214428 22 1451 2 135 7 44 42844.2128272880136 3104 1439ABlair High School Voting District 102 26413881 0 517.5954840259428 724.68772519817433311113121 35Forrest County 28035N28035504 31.3396292-89.3380985V2G5240Highland Park Highland Park Voting District 3375 30 1576 1 113 9 36 4 3375 1606 337.6768198 249.6346757 384 234421.94446175848697 438.5172948263.91693445268555 253.5509937 90101214428 27 1184 1 91 9 18 12577.6633437424935 2852 1521AHighland Park Voting District 504 29987961 0 432.32642058344675 605.30213254330483311113121 35Forrest County 28035N28035103 31.3184533-89.3164117V2G5240Woodley School Woodley School Voting District 2819 18 643 1 97 6 41 3 2819 2010 407.1467906 601.6835774 463 564508.75074422861366 528.7330924 636.107483047813 611.1229079 90101204428 16 444 1 73 4 17 22153.0171751141006 2347 1790AWoodley School Voting District 103 63006751 0 500.8790669122161 701.28299570288523311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035104 31.2981333-89.3179505V2G5240Westside Westside Voting District 3266 13 1857 0 61 7 39 0 3266 1289 366.6959215 426.7259414 417 400458.20531391980865 476.2023748 451.1400589441893 433.4205021 50101204428 11 1114 0 47 7 15 0 2494.414364640884 2384 1190AWestside Voting District 104 31665371 0 684.2995702885206 958.09085328422353311113121 35Forrest County 28035N28035506 31.3242068-89.3402747V2G5240Pinecrest Pinecrest Voting District 4462 121 1504 2 242 10 63 15 4462 2505 68.42086301954619 352.5185796496337 78.1268536716098 361.1373950330534 73.13642304918675 76.0090232093979373.33263537507895 358.6691429115598 90101214428 112 1283 2 210 10 48 133407.8618784530386 4015 2337APinecrest Voting District 506 15291321 0 145.3868204019537203.556729922331643311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035108 31.3206542-89.2978323V2G5240Camp School Camp School Voting District 948 5 362 0 31 1 7 1 948 541 164.4415763 188.8262291 187 177205.47816237578388 213.5487868 199.6294761044021 191.7885722 90102204428 5 277 0 28 1 7 1 724.036992553447 796 477ACamp School Voting District 108 9522241 0 259.6412309499026363.524835188299053311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035406 31.3113867-89.2990288V2G5240Rowan School Rowan School Voting District 1693 0 1607 1 23 4 18 0 1693 40 605.0043022 5.334074268 688 5 755.9838272691788 785.6768198 5.639250736542146 5.417756276 90102204028 0 1079 1 15 2 8 01293.0323084314196 1143 38ARowan School Voting District 406 17406801 0 186.94782074892572 261.74647022713323311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035404 31.3054467-89.3081705V2G5240Lillie Burney School Lillie Burney School Voting District 1219 1 1166 0 5 1 12 3 1219 31 387.8007228 2.133629707 441 2484.57684275565896 503.6097057 2.255700294200505 2.16710251 90102204428 1 696 0 3 1 7 1 931.0138121546961 731 22ALillie Burney School Voting District 404 951755241 695524 583.2342594816772 816.58886486775033311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035107 31.2013503 -89.297178V2G5240Dixie Dixie Voting District 3803 48 319 0 49 8 39 3 3803 3337 165.320943 1369.790272 188 1284206.57697605723166 214.69075891448.1595894804364 1391.279812 50102204428 37 208 0 32 6 22 1 2904.549243334134 2851 2545ADixie Voting District 107 225086871 86262 93.09050631222142130.336429391197583311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035110 31.2256048-89.3408855V2G5240Timberton Timberton Voting District 607 1 77 3 13 0 1 1 607 511 70.34933746 397.9219404 80 373 87.90509619968479 91.35776975420.68810495686927 404.1646182 50101204428 1 58 2 10 0 1 0 463.597525822724 461 389ATimberton Voting District 110 577410501 1110325 152.28809352229962213.219232924973973311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035109 31.1226885-89.2763804V2G5240Dantzler Dantzler Voting District 993 4 13 0 11 11 8 5 993 941 29.89846842 371.251569 34 34837.359665881257754 38.82705214 392.4918512533408 377.0758368114103204428 4 10 0 10 7 3 0 758.4058371366802 737 703ADantzler Voting District 109 21590311 79575 268.22948194411083 375.5492833693653311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035405 31.3129026-89.2843782V2G5240Walthall School Walthall School Voting District 1749 0 988 0 335 4 5 0 1749 417 359.6609878 94.94652197 409 89 449.414804275785 467.0665978100.37866311794454 96.43606172 90102204028 0 751 0 214 4 4 01335.8024261349988 1331 358AWalthall School Voting District 405 2436929741 216669 235.41009421624364 329.59871353457713311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035502 30.9997256-89.2789466V2G5240Carnes Carnes Voting District 1535 7 16 0 8 3 12 0 1535 1489 23.74290139 576.0800209 27 54029.667969966792235 30.83324729 609.0390795382247 585.1176778 37 92204428 6 13 0 8 3 5 01172.3594763391784 1122 1087ACarnes Voting District 502 880595741 168881 174.83225238209624244.783409400272233311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035501 31.0335062-89.2080027V2G5240Brooklyn Brooklyn Voting District 1140 0 30 0 3 6 9 2 1140 1090 39.57150232 397.9219404 45 373 49.44661660811303 51.38874548420.68810495686927 404.1646182102104204428 0 25 0 1 4 5 0 870.6773961085755 845 810ABrooklyn Voting District 501 53601721 36518 492.90426241759417 690.11743667760963311113121 35Forrest County 28035N28035507 31.3001926-89.3399399V2G5240Thames School Thames School Voting District 3214 47 404 0 43 3 18 8 3214 2691 379.8864223 1395.393828 432 1308474.68751943018754 493.33195661475.2279928859364 1417.285042 50101204428 38 268 0 36 3 8 62454.6992553447035 2599 2240AThames School Voting District 507 52583531 0 516.3685910267702 722.96994688659363311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035407 31.2975842-89.2915873V2G5240Salvation Army Salvation Army Voting District 3367 21 2763 0 88 2 52 1 3367 440 810.7761143 50.14029812 922 471013.1062333465534 1052.89829653.008956929325116 50.926909114102204028 21 1757 0 62 2 30 1 2571.553326927696 2290 417ASalvation Army Voting District 407 767883381 2997646 404.5679664771666 566.43739824378783311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035409 31.2474991-89.2333113V2G5240Dixie Pine-Central Dixie Pine-Central Voting District 2638 4 1764 1 247 3 19 1 2638 599 714.925142 154.6881538 813 145 893.3355401443312 928.4233351 163.5382713555587 157.114932114102204428 2 1276 0 173 2 11 12014.7780446793179 1932 467ADixie Pine-Central Voting District 409 78017251 221133 164.86374676381882230.826460618677773311113121 35Forrest County 28035N28035207 31.3575465-89.3653892V2G5240USM Golf Course USM Golf Course Voting District 1075 12 337 0 19 2 5 0 1075 700 86.17793839 320.0444561 98 300 107.6837428025173 111.9132679338.35504423416404 325.0653766 59101214028 12 305 0 17 2 4 0 821.0335094883498 961 621AUSM Golf Course Voting District 207 717954971 176347 318.99217978487735446.622361011023033311113121 35Forrest County 28035N28035201 31.3894502-89.4077103V2G5240Rawls Springs Rawls Springs Voting District 2080 9 852 11 43 0 44 0 2080 1121 300.7434177 500.3361663 342 469 375.7942862716938 390.5544657 528.9617190993112 508.1855387 59101214028 6 562 9 19 0 11 01588.6043718472256 1542 935ARawls Springs Voting District 201 352302931 80460 206.88483198548056289.660367790322143311113121 35Forrest County 28035N28035202 31.4141102-89.3410902V2G5240Eatonville Eatonville Voting District 1349 1 236 0 10 3 3 3 1349 1093 127.5081742 560.0777981 145 525159.32798688899075 165.5859577 592.121327357743 568.864409 38103214328 1 177 0 4 3 1 21030.3015853951476 1095 907AEatonville Voting District 202 378691171 457116 314.3913310379801 440.18069234259483311113121 35Forrest County 28035N28035302 31.4024751-89.2529453V2G5240Leeville Leeville Voting District 2050 7 131 0 58 7 29 0 2050 1818 97.60970573 784.1089174 111 735121.96832095000056 126.7589055 828.9698583008401 796.4101726 38103174328 7 90 0 43 5 11 01565.6918087917368 1470 1314ALeeville Voting District 302 318440911 798979 339.6959991459151 475.609870018953311113121 35Forrest County 28035N28035203 31.3844174-89.3051395V2G5240Glendale Glendale Voting District 2215 4 1225 2 78 5 15 2 2215 884 520.5850972 299.7749738 592 281 650.497711829557 676.0474961 316.9258913820107 304.4779027 38102214328 4 877 2 47 5 2 21691.7109055969254 1662 723AGlendale Voting District 203 69948141 262999 259.487869325006363.310112899351453311113121 35Forrest County 28035N28035408 31.3516169 -89.275947V2G5240West Petal West Petal Voting District 1692 1 350 0 74 3 16 3 1692 1245 96.73033901 357.3829759 110 335120.86950726855278 125.6169334 377.8297993566508 362.9896705 38103394328 1 227 0 40 2 7 1 1292.26855632957 1251 973AWest Petal Voting District 408 78379581 46590 365.00066725385005 511.03904769530523311113121 35Forrest County 28035N28035505 31.3482546-89.3212556V2G5240North Heights North Heights Voting District 2380 19 1639 5 107 10 35 3 2380 562 575.1058338 124.8173379 654 117 718.6241614264094 746.8497677131.95846727838693 126.7754969 90102214028 18 1219 4 76 8 24 11817.7300024021138 1873 523ANorth Heights Voting District 505 15225021 0 174.21880588250994 243.92452024448183311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035204 31.3237333-89.2815488V2G5240Eaton School Eaton School Voting District 1136 0 825 0 88 1 19 1 1136 202 335.0387197 51.20711297 381 48418.64802061792295 435.0913784 54.13680707122095 52.01046025 90102204028 0 594 0 66 1 11 0 867.622387701177 829 157AEaton School Voting District 204 32765821 191553 159.03600501774895 222.66701363866873311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035206 31.3407812 -89.291954V2G5240Jones School Jones School Voting District 1037 1 963 0 16 0 10 2 1037 45 453.7532266 10.66814854 516 10 566.9878704999945 589.257614911.278501471002526 10.83551255 90102394028 1 748 0 9 0 7 2 792.0109296180639 802 35AJones School Voting District 206 730879691 562463 678.9319134171404 950.57557317105723311113121 35Forrest County 28035N28035301 31.3900367-89.1850373V2G5240Barrontown-Macedonia Barrontown-Macedonia Voting District 4427 11 337 1 85 13 35 0 4427 3945 220.7210463 1561.816946 251 1464275.80223933553174 286.63500261651.1726160625701 1586.319038114103174328 10 242 1 52 11 23 03381.1305548883015 3239 2900ABarrontown-Macedonia Voting District 301 1053732231 1671162 822.47839432033531151.55563562601763311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035304 31.2910171-89.1898496V2G5240Sunrise Sunrise Voting District 5363 40 645 1 94 5 51 7 5363 4520 16.37553230415653252.42714317336402 21.162775402828018 261.889345609996720.009772891381473 20.795702451744493257.50490313889645247.39080957002628114103394328 24 455 1 46 4 25 3 4096.002522219554 3886 3328ASunrise Voting District 304 91052231 30445 388.92508073771586 544.5357247711323311113121 35Forrest County 28035N28035303 31.3608224-89.2465174V2G5240Petal Masonic Lodge Petal Masonic Lodge Voting District 2536 6 159 0 77 2 36 0 2536 2256 122.2319738 1014.540926 139 951152.73510460786267 158.73412491072.5854904075773 1030.457244 38103394328 3 94 0 35 2 10 01936.8753302906557 1889 1745APetal Masonic Lodge Voting District 303 102787261 97236 523.7299490218059 733.27661675607873311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035305 31.3255143-89.2460881V2G5240East Petal East Petal Voting District 3415 31 295 0 136 11 52 2 3415 2888 138.0605748 1104.153373 157 1035 172.5137512588055 179.28962311167.3249023268274 1121.475549114103394328 22 177 0 82 10 27 02608.2134278164785 2482 2164AEast Petal Voting District 305 1202640641 469158 123.30274641684683172.636720313876223311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035402 31.1464858-89.1950906V2G5240Mclaurin Mclaurin Voting District 804 5 64 0 3 4 8 0 804 720 36.93340217 264.5700837 42 248 46.15017550603727 47.96282912 279.7068365433156 268.7207113114103394428 5 53 0 3 1 3 0 614.0566898871007 623 558AMclaurin Voting District 402 640872581 421439 56.59043958683642 79.232524621667073311113221 35Forrest County 28035N28035503 30.958111-89.1717615V2G5240Maxie Maxie Voting District 369 0 67 0 1 0 2 0 369 299 31.65720186 129.0845973 36 121 39.55729329226367 41.11099639 136.4698678459703 131.1097019102106394428 0 58 0 1 0 2 0 281.8245255825126 295 234AMaxie Voting District 503 2099978181 232490 830.5105740181269 986.98640483383692031112441159Winston County 28159N28159102 33.2069157-89.0458404V2G5240Fairground Fairground Voting District 3741 12 1433 1 29 9 23 0 3741 2234 443.7098646 1288.446425 519 1315 494.4485210308075 513.86911671286.8397334569813 1236.296162 58 42441428 10 1007 1 24 5 7 02807.7960725075527 2884 1830AFairground Voting District 102 3179540981 2407655 451.9966663194083 537.15699552036662031112441159Winston County 28159N28159303 33.1795067-88.9110489V2G5240Mill Creek Mill Creek Voting District 2036 9 685 0 8 8 9 2 2036 1315 212.34310892713347 407.59870972407 248.3741794310722 415.9989059080963236.62475081386518 245.91872868096283407.09043422566697391.10102706269146 58 42443128 7 496 0 7 5 7 01528.1135534951557 1593 1071AMill Creek Voting District 303 507490421 343614 101.89905198458173121.097770601104292031112441159Winston County 28159N28159101 33.0492765-89.0991507V2G5240Wathall Wathall Voting District 459 0 186 0 9 1 6 0 459 257 154.7427466 30.37402219 181 31172.43773083469833 179.2106168 30.33614579593708 29.14462434 25 42371728 0 131 0 6 1 5 0 344.5010417751849 367 224AWathall Voting District 101 106203571 39883 352.7616418376914 419.22517970621942031112441159Winston County 28159N28159301 33.1162366-89.0541889V2G5240American Legion American Legion Voting District 1589 2 1368 0 18 2 4 0 1589 195 147.527198214916522.342902337601764 172.56009383193046 22.803366910445703164.39707741709594 170.8541483434248422.31504075064659521.438566526684145 58 42443128 0 957 0 12 2 2 01192.6190749036357 1133 160AAmerican Legion Voting District 301 381734901 154567 477.52692988853005 567.49739556203772031112441159Winston County 28159N28159402 33.1100146-89.1015332V2G5240County Agent County Agent Voting District 2151 9 1794 0 13 12 21 0 2151 302 613.8413926 122.4758959 718 125 684.0347554945266 710.9017838122.32316849842749 117.5186465 25 42373128 7 1183 0 7 11 9 0 1614.426450671945 1460 243ACounty Agent Voting District 402 603819191 1193658 206.68413376393374245.625325554745272031112441159Winston County 28159N28159401 33.166951-89.1637832V2G5240Zion Ridge Zion Ridge Voting District 931 0 809 0 7 0 9 0 931 106 394.9787234 55.84900855 462 57 440.1449262216118 457.4326241 55.77936485193707 53.58850282 58 42373128 0 591 0 5 0 5 0 698.7591936660069 688 87AZion Ridge Voting District 401 155422431 323040 87.24690071882488103.685019272840922031112441159Winston County 28159N28159104 33.0855245-89.0783095V2G5240New National Guard Armory New National Guard Armory Voting District 393 0 99 0 2 1 2 0 393 289 128.2398453 319.4171366 150 326142.90419687643305 148.5170858 319.0188235771319 306.4886302 25 42371728 0 54 0 2 0 0 0 294.9649442650276 285 229ANew National Guard Armory Voting District 104 1392125941 207249 251.75059902073133 299.18272736743412031112441159Winston County 28159N28159201 33.0660723-88.9042893V2G5240East Winston East Winston Voting District 1134 0 259 0 17 8 10 0 1134 840 170.131528 473.2468619 199 483189.58623446371914 197.0326671 472.6567232069933 454.0920502 85 42443128 0 186 0 15 7 1 0 851.1202208563392 889 680AEast Winston Voting District 201 2199519281 974773 468.4248359204084 556.6803833732682031112441159Winston County 28159N28159203 32.9991344-88.9209226V2G5240Nanih Waiya Nanih Waiya Voting District 2110 2 356 0 27 158 15 0 2110 1552 209.4584139 805.4014917 245 822233.41018812887188 242.5779067 804.3971562704899 772.8026196 85 42441728 0 266 0 15 83 3 01583.6540264610896 1526 1159ANanih Waiya Voting District 203 1152904071 304877 388.0600062506511 461.17408063339932031112441159Winston County 28159N28159502 32.9671782-89.0599339V2G5240Noxapater Noxapater Voting District 1748 1 594 0 28 6 17 2 1748 1100 253.9148936 541.8333637 297 553 282.950309734512 294.0638298 541.1576976285656 519.9024923 25 42371728 1 443 0 16 5 2 21311.9560370871966 1334 865ANoxapater Voting District 502 306028301 196404 197.36003750390665234.544483800395882031112441159Winston County 28159N28159204 33.0887093 -89.015244V2G5240Lovorn Tractor Lovorn Tractor Voting District 889 1 421 0 13 7 5 0 889 442 201.7640232 271.4065854 236 277224.83593636247184 233.6668816 271.0681414508048 260.4213207 25 42441728 1 290 0 7 6 4 0 667.2362225231795 680 372ALovorn Tractor Voting District 204 1728879031 697711 182.92988853005522217.395562037712272031112441159Winston County 28159N28159405 33.0772663 -89.217429V2G5240Shilioh Shilioh Voting District 824 0 230 2 4 3 0 0 824 585 122.2553191 310.5988721 143 317136.23533429523454 141.5862884310.21155539111925 298.0272876 25 42371728 0 169 2 2 1 0 0 618.4506719449943 659 485AShilioh Voting District 405 1913670831 307496 264.8487342431503 314.74867173663922031112441159Winston County 28159N28159504 32.9765828 -89.223436V2G5240Mars Hill Mars Hill Voting District 1193 1 495 0 9 0 14 0 1193 674 230.8317215 333.134437 270 340257.22755433909117 267.3307544332.71901844062876 319.6507186 25 42371728 1 372 0 8 0 2 0 895.4024898426919 911 528AMars Hill Voting District 504 1010106011 283991 188.00555852485303121.981827899518981131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163107 32.7456501 -90.399545V2G5240Robinette Robinette Voting District 798 2 59 0 3 3 6 0 798 725 27.86821452 337.7466919 34 315 35.32004939025287 36.70732505306.24688271079214 294.2183365 41 55 62028 2 52 0 1 3 5 0 596.7726349545698 622 559ARobinette Voting District 107 260217451 38886 204.0260823089257132.376269374665951131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163101 32.8221939-90.3448656V2G5240Center Ridge Center Ridge Voting District 866 9 62 0 4 1 18 0 866 772 11.614630010631137177.98012781196823 14.170172978027116 165.993454885460514.720329690806022 15.298504281047217161.38088289328434155.04227990004676 41 55 62028 6 46 0 3 1 10 0 647.6254409406735 655 589ACenter Ridge Voting District 101 235313571 209320 242.42822020309995 157.29235702832711131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163304 32.8173414-90.4156159V1G52403-4 South Voting District 3-4 South 1029 5 448 0 20 1 9 1 1029 545 172.1272073 204.7924386 210 191218.15324619146443 226.7217135185.69255424721555 178.3990548 41 50 62028 5 302 0 15 1 2 1 769.5226082308926 712 386AVoting District 3-4 South 304 32297361 0 351.74473543559594228.219134152859431131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163302 32.8474895-90.3983963V1G52403-2 East Voting District 3-2 East 1493 9 1201 0 18 4 0 0 1493 261 471.3006867 141.5319471 575 132 597.3243646612148 620.7856442128.33202705062604 123.2914934 41 50 62028 7 831 0 17 2 0 01116.5182255478353 1078 221AVoting District 3-2 East 302 58134141 0 304.8611437733832 197.80010689470871131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163204 32.8571911-90.384469900G5240Ward 2 Ward 2 1294 10 682 0 9 1 8 0 1294 584 178.6844343 401.0071834 218 374226.46384608761483 235.3587312363.60740990738157 349.3258979 41 55 62028 6 387 0 8 1 3 0 967.6989845002672 864 459AWard 2 204 755949301 240379 165.3883484767504107.307322287546771131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163205 32.8557906-90.3216793V2G5240Zion Zion Voting District 702 0 190 0 9 0 9 0 702 494 14.32661063732484 88.47516120347424 17.478865083960624 82.5165026056745718.157481704968227 18.870658295784597 80.22356093239343 77.07259723497394 41 55402128 0 129 0 8 0 4 0 524.9804382683058 515 374AZion Voting District 205 500025171 578889 140.17958311063603 90.951362907536081131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163103 32.6716754-90.3557208V2G5240East Bentonia East Bentonia Voting District 595 0 156 0 2 1 6 3 595 427 99.99771092 221.9478261 122 207126.73664781491384 131.7145193 201.2479515254029 193.3434783 41 26 62028 0 107 0 1 1 1 0 444.9620523784073 443 333AEast Bentonia Voting District 103 480347871 21573 148.6610368786745 96.454302512025651131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163102 32.7219898-90.3216372V2G5240Dover Dover Voting District 631 0 97 0 0 0 3 0 631 531 51.6381622 285.2083176 63 266 65.44597386706141 68.01651406 258.6084787219924 248.4510397 41 55402028 0 77 0 0 0 1 0 471.8841261357563 460 382ADover Voting District 102 1615891131 510233 169.8646712987707 110.21165152324961131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163104 32.711776-90.2097475V2G5240Fugates Fugates Voting District 721 0 372 0 0 0 4 0 721 345 166.3896337 216.5867675 203 202210.88147136652597 219.1643231196.38688981741967 188.6733459 41 26402028 0 279 0 0 0 0 0 539.1893105291288 572 293AFugates Voting District 104 1301598931 115167 227.35008017103152 147.50935328701231131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163201 32.7967208-90.2646459V2G5240Benton Benton Voting District 965 1 235 0 12 2 7 0 965 708 175.4058208 488.9285444 214 456 222.30854618765 231.0402224 443.328820710882 425.9160681 41 55402028 1 171 0 8 2 0 0 721.6611437733832 731 549ABenton Voting District 201 710559011 623985 204.26167824692678 132.5291288081241131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163110 32.62579 -90.401132V2G5240West Bentonia West Bentonia Voting District 867 15 551 0 8 0 4 0 867 289 267.206998 234.8143667 326 219338.65694415643105 351.9584696212.91449935393302 204.5517958 41 26 62028 9 379 0 8 0 2 0 648.373276322822 618 220AWest Bentonia Voting District 110 1906795371 1042598 160.20523784072688103.944414751469811131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163105 32.5817-90.5370752V2G5240Mechanicsburg Mechanicsburg Voting District 680 0 58 0 2 0 4 0 680 616 40.98266841 319.5190926 50 298 51.94124910557705 53.98136037 289.7192731742788 278.3398866 14 55 62228 0 53 0 2 0 2 0508.52805986103687 528 471AMechanicsburg Voting District 105 1142882931 4811745 34.86819882415820622.6231961517904881131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163108 32.6368732-90.6292744V2G5240Satartia Satartia Voting District 148 0 39 0 5 0 0 0 148 104 24.58960105 56.82722117 30 53 31.16474946142182 32.38881622 51.52725328232445 49.50340265 78 55 62228 0 32 0 5 0 0 0110.67963655799038 122 85ASatartia Voting District 108 830912251 2198241 35.81058257616248 23.234633885622661131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163109 32.7569989-90.5081401V2G5240Valley Valley Voting District 152 0 19 0 1 0 0 0 152 132 2.0022960852285716 27.06568728028571 2.442857142857143 25.2428571428571442.5377010275729193 2.637375035057142524.541416858736373 23.577496625 78 50 62228 0 13 0 1 0 0 0113.67097808658471 115 101AValley Voting District 109 2329663821 4629297 16.2561197220737610.5473009086050241131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163503 32.7495679-90.6253943V2G5240Fairview Fairview Voting District 69 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 69 460.27825870804059044 4.3679768970848710.33948339483394835 4.073800738007380.3526638315165436 0.36651550947232473.9605992910910337 3.805037702435424 78 50 62228 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 51.60064136825227 59 38AFairview Voting District 503 1525578041 6496993 72.799144842330347.2335649385355441131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163505 32.865683-90.5306249V2G5240Lake City Lake City Voting District 309 0 91 0 10 0 3 0 309 205 35.31208573615385105.12829724495192 43.08173076923077 98.04807692307692 44.754378189105 46.51220867350962 95.32354893904674 91.57949870336537 78 46 62128 0 64 0 6 0 0 0231.08113308391233 228 158ALake City Voting District 505 456447871 33602 64.5532870122929 41.883484767504011131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163404 32.8984251-90.2109041V2G5240West Midway West Midway Voting District 274 1 61 0 5 0 0 0 274 207 21.31098757 177.9871456 26 166 27.00944953259077 28.07030739161.38724612365272 155.0483932 41 46402128 1 42 0 5 0 0 0204.90689470871192 230 182AWest Midway Voting District 404 1644621131 563975 194.13105291288082125.956173169428111131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163202 32.7819059-90.1008666V2G5240Deasonville Deasonville Voting District 824 0 529 0 8 0 1 0 824 286 223.7653695 221.9478261 273 207283.59922009701415 294.7382276 201.2479515254029 193.3434783121 26402028 0 370 0 8 0 1 0 616.216354890433 618 239ADeasonville Voting District 202 896303191 409878 124.86584714056654 81.015499732763231131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163401 32.8774384-90.1523264V2G5240East Midway East Midway Voting District 530 1 415 0 3 0 3 0 530 108 175.4058208 80.41587902 214 75 222.30854618765 231.0402224 72.91592445395919 70.05198488 41 26402028 1 289 0 3 0 1 0 396.3527525387493 385 91AEast Midway Voting District 401 1025307301 524185 130.04895777659007 84.378407268840191131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163203 32.869023-90.0592458V2G5240Harttown Harttown Voting District 552 0 452 0 2 0 0 0 552 98 145.0786462 49.32173913 177 46183.87202182431315 191.0940157 44.72176699523626 42.96521739 41 26402028 0 316 0 2 0 0 0412.80513094601815 392 74AHarttown Voting District 203 329815151 688591 1648.70037413148041069.71031533939071131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163405 32.8938909-90.413927900G5240Ward 4 Ward 4 6998 59 4273 0 1085 38 68 0 6998 1475 563.9215173 571.4888469 688 533 714.711587604987 742.7835186 518.1891698063991 497.8361059 41 46 62128 52 3335 0 1079 34 59 0 5233.352004275788 5929 1370AWard 4 405 848807181 2452305 131.69812934259755 85.44842330304651131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163402 32.9512609-90.3772261V2G5240Eden Eden Voting District 559 0 121 0 35 0 4 0 559 399 50.81850883 169.4094518 62 158 64.40714888244811 66.93688685 153.6095475366032 147.5761815 41 46402128 0 88 0 26 0 4 0418.03997862105825 419 301AEden Voting District 402 947129841 9455 68.0872260823089344.1763762693746641131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163403 32.9338949-90.2736812V2G5240Free Run Free Run Voting District 289 0 61 4 1 1 2 0 289 220 21.31098757 134.026465 26 125 27.00944953259077 28.07030739121.52654072190253 116.7533081 41 46402128 0 44 3 0 1 1 0216.12442544094068 235 186AFree Run Voting District 403 490990171 1491633 16.72731159807589710.8530197755211121131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163501 32.957894-90.4182229V2G5240Carter Carter Voting District 71 0 32 0 10 0 0 0 71 29 6.557226946 22.51644612 8 21 8.310599856699888 8.637017659 20.41645885085575 19.61455577 78 46 62128 0 23 0 10 0 0 053.096312132549436 57 24ACarter Voting District 501 18846981 276364 222.8737573490112144.605024051309471131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163303 32.8420038-90.4360682V1G52403-3 Jonestown Voting District 3-3 Jonestown 946 0 920 0 8 0 7 0 946 11 334.4185742 1.07221172 408 1 423.8405926830344 440.48790060.9722123259833969 0.934026465 41 50 62028 0 562 0 3 0 1 0 707.4522715125602 576 10AVoting District 3-3 Jonestown 303 27539041 21639 344.9124532335649223.786210582576161131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163301 32.8488315-90.4277043V1G52403-1 West Voting District 3-1 West 1464 0 1386 0 10 4 7 0 1464 57 373.7619359 8.577693762 456 8 473.7041917712745 492.3100065 7.777698607867175 7.47221172 41 50 62028 0 896 0 3 3 4 01094.8309994655265 959 53AVoting District 3-1 West 301 37223791 0 797.4922501336184 517.42918225547841131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163506 32.8597711-90.418765300G5240Ward 5 Ward 5 3385 3 3175 0 25 3 23 0 3385 156 1174.563277 35.38298677 1433 331488.6361991693557 1547.105788 32.08300676265651 30.82287335 41 46 62028 2 2054 0 17 3 13 02531.4227685729556 2234 145AWard 5 506 1476016481 964117 74.9195082843399348.6092998396579361131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163504 32.8460716-90.6581562V2G5240Holly Bluff Holly Bluff Voting District 318 0 147 0 1 0 1 0 318 169 84.42429693 111.5100189 103 104106.99897319386017 111.2016024101.11008190227328 97.13875236 78 50 62128 0 104 0 1 0 0 0 237.8116515232496 239 134AHolly Bluff Voting District 504 993141711 79404 106.48936397648316 69.092463923035811131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163111 32.6847608-90.4854674V2G5240Tinsley Tinsley Voting District 452 1 38 0 5 0 3 1 452 404 25.40925441 198.3591682 31 185 32.2035744460351 33.46844343179.85928028090635 172.794896 78 55 62228 1 25 0 5 0 3 1 338.0215927311598 327 292ATinsley Voting District 111 15748541 0 19.7900587920897912.8401924104756821131111541163Yazoo County 28163N28163406 32.8835561-90.385360900G5240District 4 Ward 2 District 4 Ward 2 84 8 0 0 0 0 2 0 84 74 13.93410726 31.09413989 17 2917.660024690315396 18.3536625228.194157458722927 27.08676749 41 55 62128 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 62.81817210048103 66 61ADistrict 4 Ward 2 406 1416376701 1918581 253.7137899455343 403.35036390803493311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153105 31.4769524-88.5307466V2G5240State Line State Line Voting District 1415 0 563 0 9 1 5 0 1415 837 109.45517879925319 159.0752125039118 133.3481507823613 173.6041963015647136.81846337441155 142.1923212064367181.92222216719853174.77681112908962108104394228 0 392 0 5 1 2 01044.3868993107437 1029 629AState Line Voting District 105 526080661 193806 176.25488022364678 280.20735528028153311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153101 31.5539302-88.5142561V2G5240Buckatunna Buckatunna Voting District 983 1 537 0 8 0 9 0 983 428 211.7722365 176.8477759 258 193 264.7143086532783 275.1115681 202.2473513370184 194.3036244108104394228 1 378 0 4 0 2 0 725.5352099098665 725 340ABuckatunna Voting District 101 1270078191 1235365 106.86460693112257169.891743384585743311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153103 31.5153863-88.6217993V2G5240Chicora Chicora Voting District 596 0 99 0 0 0 2 0 596 495 47.60771208 220.8306425 58 241 59.50941822714021 61.84678663252.54721066678732 242.6278418108 85394228 0 65 0 0 0 0 0439.89723815491396 430 365AChicora Voting District 103 567986421 490231 212.65339567166336 338.07316720489713311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153203 31.6059696-88.5564117V2G5240Winchester Winchester Voting District 1186 1 805 0 19 2 6 0 1186 353 288.929563 195.1739703 352 213 361.1606071623193 375.3460154 223.2056260751035 214.438715 97 85 74228 1 536 0 10 2 2 0 875.3659806237047 839 288AWinchester Voting District 203 1062990511 0 147.9250012049935 235.16894008772353311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153204 31.636827-88.4996299V2G5240Denham Denham Voting District 825 5 163 0 7 0 10 0 825 640 75.51568123 273.0602965 92 298 94.394249609302 98.10179949312.27829376400933 300.0128501 97 85 74228 3 106 0 4 0 5 0 608.9181568419531 595 477ADenham Voting District 204 907395281 274530 331.8899117944763 527.63358557863783311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153201 31.7053717-88.5885245V2G5240Waynesboro 2 Waynesboro 2 Voting District 1851 2 1046 0 19 5 18 0 1851 761 311.9125964 371.1054366 380 405 389.8892918163978 405.2030848 424.4050636023558 407.7355848 97 85 74228 2 654 0 14 4 3 01366.1909191690365 1295 618AWaynesboro 2 Voting District 201 52125611 22549 241.87978984913482 384.5368487010173311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153102 31.6623043-88.6473573V2G5240Waynesboro 1 Waynesboro 1 Voting District 1349 2 1221 0 8 1 1 0 1349 116 450.6316195 9.163097199 549 10 563.2874242821482 585.411825210.479137369042553 10.0675453 97 85 74228 2 888 0 8 1 0 0 995.6734467633875 990 91AWaynesboro 1 Voting District 102 123148681 0 65.26630356196077103.759386899310743311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153501 31.6536954-88.6545719V2G5240Waynesboro 5 Waynesboro 5 Voting District 364 0 125 1 40 0 1 0 364 197 197.8182519 125.5344316 241 137247.27189299106362 256.9840617143.56418204956245 137.9253707 97 85 74228 0 78 1 25 0 0 0 268.6620716248132 263 159AWaynesboro 5 Voting District 501 52005641 0 216.41875933869957344.059285679857343311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153401 31.6814857-88.6627874V2G5240Waynesboro 4 Waynesboro 4 Voting District 1207 9 807 0 44 3 9 0 1207 335 233.1136247 98.96144975 284 108291.39094441723995 302.8359897113.17468364811255 108.7294893 97 85 74228 7 537 0 35 2 3 0 890.8657155251361 864 280AWaynesboro 4 Voting District 401 254878251 0 333.503639080349 530.19906492504943311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153301 31.711971-88.6382975V2G5240Waynesboro 3 Waynesboro 3 Voting District 1860 4 630 0 38 4 22 1 1860 1161 222.4429306 633.1700165 271 691278.05262653525915 288.9737789 724.1083925859671 695.6673806 97 85 74228 4 427 0 30 4 10 11372.8336626982214 1448 972AWaynesboro 3 Voting District 301 2039301581 0 97.18224321588663154.498867306116553311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153503 31.4775852-88.8280835V2G5240Corinth Corinth Voting District 542 2 7 1 5 5 0 0 542 522 18.87892031 209.8349259 23 22923.598562399919977 24.52544987239.97224588638923 230.5467875108 85394228 2 5 0 5 3 0 0 400.0407769798043 415 400ACorinth Voting District 503 2964384781 1072217 424.9481852797995 675.57622788836943311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153502 31.5737665-88.7266184V2G5240Clara Clara Voting District 2370 1 51 0 4 3 17 0 2370 2294 43.50359897 1028.099506 53 1122 54.37929597298166 56.51516711175.7592131604745 1129.578583 97 85394228 1 25 0 3 2 10 01749.2557960187014 1756 1715AClara Voting District 502 597586251 1701 89.11360678652335 141.67147057405893311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153303 31.7901346-88.6651235V2G5240Hiwannee Hiwannee Voting District 497 0 303 0 1 1 4 0 497 188 161.7020566 65.97429984 197 72202.12681711982893 210.0658098 75.44978908833286 72.48632619 97 85 74228 0 218 0 1 1 3 0 366.8270593338796 381 158AHiwannee Voting District 303 817053241 23086 46.618788258543404 74.113847785221963311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153202 31.7663151-88.5109042V2G5240Big Rock Big Rock Voting District 260 0 123 0 0 0 4 0 260 133 60.74087404 76.97001647 74 84 75.92580946354056 78.90796915 88.02475394159276 84.56738056 97 85 74228 0 87 0 0 0 2 0191.90147973200945 190 101ABig Rock Voting District 202 1576735571 205279 153.25330838123244 262.34139820879560021110431 13Calhoun County 28013N28013010 33.7667008-89.3041752V2G5240Derma 4 Derma 4 Voting District 944 1 320 0 16 2 12 0 944 593 83.26566217 264.4875756 94 286 92.74272589745391 96.38540841294.02721170539036 282.478621116 2226 728 1 188 0 9 2 6 0 708.0946397540436 661 455ADerma 4 Voting District 010 216388831 0 62.21815202197908 98.913481467200073311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153205 31.7679591-88.6003236V2G5240Diamond Diamond Voting District 347 2 291 0 6 0 8 0 347 40 146.9272494 10.07940692 179 11183.65837691633504 190.871979411.527051116355638 11.07429984 97 85 74228 2 213 0 5 0 4 0 256.1146671807972 251 27ADiamond Voting District 205 574458621 0 15.599363763435678 24.799633681978123311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153305 31.8301385-88.5668562V2G5240Matherville Matherville Voting District 87 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 87 65 19.69974293 47.64810544 24 52 24.62458685460052 25.5917737854.491514339838936 52.35123558 97 85 74228 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 64.21318744878778 67 53AMatherville Voting District 305 472834681 16492 49.48763676676146 78.674699956620233311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153304 31.8193745-88.6158713V2G5240Chaparral Chaparral Voting District 276 0 206 0 1 0 3 0 276 66 64.02416452 64.1416804 78 70 80.02990727264064 83.17326478 73.35396161452435 70.47281713 97 85 74228 0 132 0 1 0 3 0203.71080156167156 197 61AChaparral Voting District 304 1535983621 176130 193.46797127295514307.572468308671153311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153302 31.7742895-88.7459612V2G5240Yellow Creek Yellow Creek Voting District 1079 3 313 0 11 1 7 0 1079 744 149.3897172 264.8135091 182 289186.73645034773116 194.0709512302.84707010064454 290.9520593 97 85 74228 0 218 0 4 1 3 0 796.3911408878392 807 581AYellow Creek Voting District 302 345885651 1059835 102.0234250735046162.195305345351133311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153402 31.6773184 -88.711839V2G5240Mozingo Mozingo Voting District 569 0 156 0 1 8 8 1 569 395 55.8159383 247.4036244 68 270 69.76966275470146 72.51002571282.93670906823723 271.8237232 97 85 74228 0 107 0 1 2 5 0419.96900756735914 439 324AMozingo Voting District 402 1146897591 216326 225.383910926881358.311948715476943311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153403 31.6991465-88.8206585V2G5240Beat 4 School Beat 4 School Voting District 1257 1 161 0 8 1 9 1 1257 1076 50.89100257 475.5647446 62 519 63.6135160362403 66.11208226 543.8672296927115 522.5056013 97 85 74228 1 105 0 5 1 6 0 927.7698462428303 924 806ABeat 4 School Voting District 403 556832571 0 31.91593965392586850.7394804068058043311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153306 31.8430594-88.5008749V2G5240Coit Coit Voting District 178 0 36 0 3 0 0 0 178 139 2.462467866 63.22537068 3 693.0780733563439613 3.198971722 72.3060478776201 69.4660626 97 85 74228 0 22 0 3 0 0 0131.37870535499107 140 115ACoit Voting District 306 1939605021 858828 158.28599117765006 270.95642293810990021110431 13Calhoun County 28013N28013009 33.7935227-89.4476623V2G5240Calhoun City 4 Calhoun City 4 Voting District 975 1 223 1 3 2 10 0 975 735 247.1395718 711.1571525 279 769 275.2683034862613 286.0800952 790.5836566018249 759.5316767116 2226 728 1 170 0 2 2 1 0 731.3477476273225 761 585ACalhoun City 4 Voting District 009 1105404761 81194 212.50908969389118 363.77636679588290021110431 13Calhoun County 28013N28013008 33.8507721-89.2403299V2G5240Derma 5 Derma 5 Voting District 1309 1 393 1 34 2 26 0 1309 852 137.2997621 381.9348556 155 413152.92683524876279 158.9333862 424.5917427526162 407.9149317116 2226 728 1 275 0 22 1 14 0 981.881232455554 989 676ADerma 5 Voting District 008 1142565721 33267 353.42420799358376 604.99705921668230021110431 13Calhoun County 28013N28013007 33.8876436-89.1735893V2G5240Vardaman Vardaman Voting District 2177 0 445 0 532 2 9 0 2177 1189 265.741475 487.3599731 300 527 295.9874231117838 307.6130056 541.7914005594312 520.5113051 60 2146 728 0 335 0 289 2 2 01632.9682529073652 1545 917AVardaman Voting District 007 684762981 0 99.0302098649913169.521454351022580021110431 13Calhoun County 28013N28013006 33.9391001-89.2969269V2G5240Pittsboro 2 Pittsboro 2 Voting District 610 0 163 0 12 0 1 0 610 434 152.3584457 324.5983882 172 351169.69945584301206 176.3647898 360.8515780115326 346.6783076116 2229 728 0 117 0 5 0 0 0457.56115492581205 479 357APittsboro 2 Voting District 006 1153270811 102157 396.6078732789734 678.91952947466920021110431 13Calhoun County 28013N28013005 33.8656165-89.4016915V2G5240Calhoun City 1 Calhoun City 1 Voting District 2443 1 825 0 30 1 15 1 2443 1570 441.1308485 318.1249161 498 344 491.3391222731893 510.6375892 353.6551077971508 339.7644952116 2226 728 1 576 0 19 1 10 01832.4949204651784 1872 1265ACalhoun City 1 Voting District 005 1129341171 685683 118.02452880630932202.036225103595770021110431 13Calhoun County 28013N28013004 33.927276-89.4078163V2G5240Pittsboro 1 Pittsboro 1 Voting District 727 1 485 0 0 1 11 0 727 229 448.2172879 86.92948287 506 94 499.2321202395151 518.8406027 96.63831433120474 92.84262368116 2226 728 1 366 0 0 1 4 0 545.3228846410908 550 178APittsboro 1 Voting District 004 2615972211 358233 552.4586953615827 945.7073920598850021110431 13Calhoun County 28013N28013003 34.0257716-89.2461197V2G5240NE Calhoun NE Calhoun Voting District 3403 3 1013 0 134 6 25 0 3403 2222 145.2720063 548.3955675 164 593161.80645797290694 168.1617764 609.6438340539263 585.6986792116 2229 228 3 698 0 78 5 12 0 2552.59116428285 2496 1700ANE Calhoun Voting District 003 1733869911 233320 247.90021387515037 424.3594439246090021110431 13Calhoun County 28013N28013002 34.0192369-89.4331077V2G5240Bruce 3 Bruce 3 Voting District 1527 7 217 0 31 1 26 0 1527 1245 271.9421094 691.7367361 307 748 302.8937962240706 314.7906423 768.9942459586794 738.7902395116 2229 228 3 163 0 24 1 11 01145.4030878224837 1199 997ABruce 3 Voting District 002 2110654301 1032433 137.50588156663548235.384707926747750021110431 13Calhoun County 28013N28013001 34.1096843-89.4067776V2G5240Banner Banner Voting District 847 0 44 0 13 0 8 0 847 782 41.63283109 316.2753526 47 34246.371362943915926 48.1927042 351.5989734204451 337.7891202116 2229 228 0 32 0 8 0 4 0 635.3349151182997 671 627ABanner Voting District 001 786576181 359309 157.24875885670218249.991709644767923311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153404 31.7069521-88.9053873V2G5240Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove Voting District 877 1 280 0 1 2 0 0 877 593 19.399935582358562 52.06835410984328 23.63474770642202 56.82396788990825 24.24982907699469 25.20229653421254 59.5466165599229557.207787107530585 97 85 74228 0 197 0 1 2 0 0 647.2984527883549 674 474APleasant Grove Voting District 404 1026850541 26919 69.9281823878151111.170771677832953311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153405 31.7939353-88.8679533V2G5240Eucutta Eucutta Voting District 390 0 80 0 4 0 1 0 390 305 43.50359897 128.2833608 53 140 54.37929597298166 56.5151671146.70792327068403 140.9456343 97 85 74228 0 55 0 3 0 1 0 287.8522195980142 298 239AEucutta Voting District 405 1683354691 168426 68.49375813370608 108.89034559213383311113221153Wayne County 28153N28153505 31.5778595 -88.89596V2G5240Strengthford Strengthford Voting District 382 0 10 0 9 1 2 0 382 360 2.462467866 149.3584843 3 1633.0780733563439613 3.198971722170.80993922989074 164.1009885 71 85394228 0 4 0 5 1 2 0 281.9475586831831 296 284AStrengthford Voting District 505 2592689721 0 0 370.1279611257342201112111157Wilkinson County 28157N28157301 31.1432441-91.160404500G5240Centreville Third District PrecinctCentreville Third District Precinct 1746 0 1063 0 5 0 3 0 1746 675 386.6061121 422.8115385 489 422454.27611296697205 472.1188455398.42468089637663 382.775641100 95503728 0 759 0 4 0 2 01344.5861510427212 1337 572ACentreville Third District Precinct 301 1699249531 134627 0189.515691435513282201112111157Wilkinson County 28157N28157101 31.0311611-91.316114900G5240Woodville First District Precinct Woodville First District Precinct 894 0 584 0 2 0 4 0 894 304 231.647425 165.3173077 293 165 272.1940717629984 282.885116155.78216193225487 149.6634615100 95503728 0 434 0 2 0 2 0 688.4650739015996 686 248AWoodville First District Precinct 101 1326641401 34468 0 304.62421542822432201112111157Wilkinson County 28157N28157102 31.0325168-91.137001400G5240Centreville First District PrecinctCentreville First District Precinct 1437 0 1217 0 15 0 0 1 1437 204 392.9309564 81.15576923 497 81 461.7080330220048 479.8426712 76.47487951767245 73.47115385100 95503728 0 756 0 10 0 0 1 1106.62674630492 920 153ACentreville First District Precinct 102 4309579321 22248975 0161.533508807450912201112111157Wilkinson County 28157N28157202 31.1005055-91.504979400G5240Fort Adams Precinct Fort Adams Precinct 762 0 578 0 0 1 3 0 762 180 198.4419921 88.16923077 251 88233.17649149813124 242.3350311 83.08381971802025 79.82051282100 95503728 0 430 0 0 0 3 0 586.8125126543835 588 155AFort Adams Precinct 202 691490231 0 0 233.39684146588382201112111157Wilkinson County 28157N28157201 31.1009136-91.373308800G5240Woodville Second District Precinct Woodville Second District Precinct 1101 0 963 0 1 0 5 1 1101 131 530.4963214 108.2076923 671 108 623.3522940505829 647.83588101.96650601662405 97.96153846100 95503728 0 696 0 1 0 1 1 847.8747722210974 805 106AWoodville Second District Precinct 201 819046771 0 0359.740635756225972201112111157Wilkinson County 28157N28157501 31.1816882-91.275686900G5240Woodville Fifth District Precinct Woodville Fifth District Precinct 1697 1 1132 0 5 1 9 2 1697 547 127.2874929 247.475 161 247149.56739099928762 155.4419921233.20117583563754 224.0416667100 95503728 1 1040 0 5 1 7 2 1306.851488155497 1528 472AWoodville Fifth District Precinct 501 1215108601 70838 0213.682121887021652201112111157Wilkinson County 28157N28157401 31.1843318-91.353755300G5240Woodville Fourth District Precinct Woodville Fourth District Precinct 1008 0 856 0 9 8 3 0 1008 132 638.0186757 82.15769231 807 82 749.6949348899205 779.1409168 77.41901383052088 74.37820513100 95503728 0 662 0 5 8 3 0 776.255922251468 790 112AWoodville Fourth District Precinct 401 2168200161 1207187 0 82.462644259971652201112111157Wilkinson County 28157N28157402 31.2837354-91.362885900G5240Cold Springs Precinct Cold Springs Precinct 389 0 204 0 1 1 0 0 389 183 98.03508772 101.1942308 124 101115.19476070867798 119.7192982 95.35756581627625 91.61217949100 95503728 0 149 0 1 1 0 0299.56701761490183 301 150ACold Springs Precinct 402 2740866571 1322957 0 178.91637983397452201112111157Wilkinson County 28157N28157502 31.2815325-91.172228800G5240Longmire Precinct Longmire Precinct 844 0 372 0 3 1 4 0 844 464 190.5359366 266.5115385 241 266223.88659145339534 232.680249251.13972775893996 241.275641100 95503728 0 259 0 3 1 2 0 649.9603158534117 652 387ALongmire Precinct 502 1190651851 1292238 462.20119651450125 226.73598647418391131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135201 34.0161496-90.1508745V2G5240Charleston Beat 2 Charleston Beat 2 Voting District 1721 3 1250 0 6 1 4 1 1721 456 554.864799 293.741206 666 299 618.0379368740486 642.3127893279.16326784023795 268.1984925107 3248 828 2 852 0 6 1 2 01330.9827675900638 1244 381ACharleston Beat 2 Voting District 201 1308567711 1109427 164.63064117570556 80.760697099752891131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135101 34.1147174-90.0581321V2G5240Teasdale Teasdale Voting District 613 0 157 0 3 6 6 0 613 441 73.31546894 259.3567839 88 264 81.6626703319909 84.87015834246.48529330872876 236.8040201107 948 828 0 105 0 1 5 5 0 474.0804395890233 457 341ATeasdale Voting District 101 560320441 51434 161.1392898946547 79.047990635973461131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135102 34.1113643-89.9684485V2G5240Enid Enid Voting District 600 1 192 0 5 0 4 0 600 398 104.1412911 171.9221106 125 175115.99811127906011 120.5542022 163.3898724493693 156.9723618107 3248 828 1 140 0 5 0 1 0464.02653140850566 461 314AEnid Voting District 102 469750051 0 416.5450643776824 204.33905579399141131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135104 34.0354238-90.0185723V2G5240Charleston Beat 1 Charleston Beat 1 Voting District 1551 3 974 0 3 1 11 0 1551 559 437.3934227 311.4246231 525 317 487.1920673335642 506.3276492 295.9690832481586 284.3442211107 3248 828 3 617 0 0 1 9 0 1199.508583690987 1079 449ACharleston Beat 1 Voting District 104 483030381 145512 82.71816881258941 40.577968526466381131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135103 34.0339011-89.9629056V2G5240Springhill Springhill Voting District 308 0 38 0 1 0 0 0 308 269 1.5894706471159563 10.34599658186323 1.9078295341922695 10.5312190287413281.7704369808696985 1.8399749394251734 9.832540194111484 9.446344706838454107 32482328 0 30 0 1 0 0 0 238.2002861230329 241 210ASpringhill Voting District 103 315798961 20062 193.36714787358565 94.857588763168171131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135301 33.9833687-90.0274899V2G5240Charleston Beat 3 Charleston Beat 3 Voting District 720 2 428 0 3 0 5 0 720 282 184.1218027 156.2035176 221 159205.08466075138523 213.1398295 148.4513698182895 142.620603107 32482328 2 317 0 2 0 4 0 556.8318376902068 559 234ACharleston Beat 3 Voting District 301 99315941 68911 26.58798283261802513.0429184549356221131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135307 33.969063-90.1526235V2G5240Blue Cane Blue Cane Voting District 99 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 99 19 29.15956151 13.75376884 35 14 32.47947115236359 33.7551766113.071189791786013 12.55778894 52 2948 828 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 76.56437768240343 70 18ABlue Cane Voting District 307 1284161331 3617553 129.9856938483548 63.76537911301861131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135401 33.9021009 -90.185576V2G5240Tippo Tippo Voting District 484 0 342 0 2 0 2 2 484 136 136.6333739 107.0829146 164 109 152.1895220112129 158.1671133101.76854912739155 97.77135678 52 29482328 0 229 0 2 0 2 1 374.3147353361946 348 114ATippo Voting District 401 1248262601 1224012 35.1820782936662817.2588112888542081131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135202 34.0474099-90.2687713V2G5240Brazil Brazil Voting District 131 0 65 0 0 1 0 0 131 65 34.99147381 19.64824121 42 20 38.97536539053396 40.50621194 18.67312827844095 17.93969849 52 2948 828 0 44 0 0 0 0 0101.31245935752374 93 49ABrazil Voting District 202 1172924731 154235 92.54370709382151 80.3583524027461131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097303 33.5425834-89.5730751V2G5240Lodi Lodi Voting District 355 0 288 0 0 0 5 0 355 62 159.2426217 41.05633344 168 42165.74008363516873 172.2499042 41.95189189025442 40.30413546120 45261428 0 225 0 0 0 4 0 268.2402745995423 281 52ALodi Voting District 303 1013599201 177348 99.32155606407322 86.24375286041191131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097101 33.6451002-89.6552835V2G5240Mt. Pisgah Mt. Pisgah Voting District 381 0 60 0 5 0 2 0 381 314 19.90532771 140.7645718 21 14420.717510449585056 21.53123802143.83505791836558 138.1856073120 45261428 0 49 0 5 0 1 0287.88604118993135 315 260AMt. Pisgah Voting District 101 547910761 126860 470.01775743707094 408.1298855835241131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097102 33.5315227-89.7076417V2G5240North Winona North Winona Voting District 1803 14 329 0 20 1 4 0 1803 1435 114.6926025 705.7779225 121 722 119.3723221362691 124.0609429 721.1729986818758 692.847281120 45261328 10 235 0 14 1 3 0 1362.358352402746 1415 1152ANorth Winona Voting District 102 967963411 190395 252.60521739130434219.344347826086961131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097201 33.6063567-89.7558321V2G5240Duck Hill Duck Hill Voting District 969 0 404 0 3 3 10 0 969 549 191.4702951 294.2370563 202 301199.28271955167864 207.1100038300.65522518226356 288.8463041 10 45261328 0 304 0 3 3 8 0 732.1826086956522 750 432ADuck Hill Voting District 201 524653661 336646 22.4190389016018319.4670938215102961131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097301 33.6161672-89.5581988V2G5240Alva Alva Voting District 86 0 35 0 1 0 0 0 86 50 18.00958222 30.30348421 19 31 18.74441421354208 19.4806439230.964491634770003 29.74829046120 45261428 0 23 0 1 0 0 0 64.98215102974828 68 44AAlva Voting District 301 444119401 60268 267.20366132723115232.020594965675061131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097302 33.5007144-89.6396251V2G5240East Winona East Winona Voting District 1025 3 766 0 3 6 0 1 1025 246 422.7512457 183.7759687 446 188440.00046006025985 457.2824837187.78465894030327 180.4089873120 33261328 1 481 0 2 4 0 1 774.4965675057208 685 196AEast Winona Voting District 302 612037411 125527 442.6456750572082384.361922196796341131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097502 33.4323637 -89.677307V2G5240South Winona South Winona Voting District 1698 0 1198 0 5 1 6 2 1698 486 799.0567267 347.0237708 843 355 831.6600623855771 864.325412354.59337196670583 340.6659069120 33261328 0 853 0 1 1 2 01283.0196796338673 1235 378ASouth Winona Voting District 502 734466991 543235 358.9653089244851311.699862700228831131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097202 33.4767675-89.7588855V2G5240West Winona West Winona Voting District 1377 14 406 1 17 0 8 0 1377 931 150.711767 464.3275806 159 475156.86115052486497 163.0222307 474.4559201799663 455.8205796 10 45261328 14 287 1 13 0 5 0 1040.470022883295 1035 715AWest Winona Voting District 202 854786781 156556 412.1453546910755357.877620137299741131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097401 33.4400848-89.5784795V2G5240Kilmichael Kilmichael Voting District 1581 0 940 0 8 5 7 0 1581 621 260.6650057 260.0234451 275 266 271.300732119137 281.9566884265.69531532576235 255.2595246120 45261428 0 662 0 7 5 6 01194.6137299771167 1182 502AKilmichael Voting District 401 533839001 150578 53.18004576659039 46.177757437070941131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097103 33.6085502-89.6397389V2G5240North Mt. Pisgah - Sweethome North Mt. Pisgah - Sweethome Voting District 204 1 87 0 0 0 1 0 204 115 52.13300115 47.89905568 55 49 54.2601464238274 56.39133768 48.94387387196349 47.02149137120 45261428 1 63 0 0 0 1 0154.14370709382152 164 99ANorth Mt. Pisgah - Sweethome Voting District 103 281454171 55194 50.83386727688787 44.140503432494281131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097402 33.447983-89.4539473V2G5240Stewart Stewart Voting District 195 0 20 0 19 0 0 0 195 156 8.530854734 63.53956366 9 65 8.878933050646916 9.227673438 64.92554697747373 62.37544774120 45261428 0 14 0 17 0 0 0 147.3432494279176 159 128AStewart Voting District 402 1516994721 152551 137.90315789473684119.745263157894741131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097403 33.3663116-89.5082571V2G5240Nations Nations Voting District 529 1 57 0 8 0 4 2 529 457 31.27980069 235.5851514 33 241 32.55608785622085 33.83480261240.72395112767745 231.2689678120 45261428 1 47 0 4 0 1 2 399.7157894736842 409 354ANations Voting District 403 942225851 158926 214.85238652620626105.397320847964621131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135302 33.9459908-90.0881254V2G5240Paynes Paynes Voting District 800 0 345 0 6 0 5 0 800 444 145.7978076 219.0778894 175 223162.39735580992829 168.7758831 208.2053803426088 200.0276382 52 32482328 0 231 0 6 0 4 0 618.7020418780075 580 339APaynes Voting District 302 262562251 1730890 83.5238652620626940.9732084796462461131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135203 33.9653223-90.2930956V2G5240Webb Beat 2 Webb Beat 2 Voting District 311 0 263 0 13 4 7 0 311 24 104.1412911 14.7361809 125 15115.99811127906011 120.554202214.004846211432918 13.45477387 52 2938 828 0 163 0 12 2 1 0240.52041878007543 199 21AWebb Beat 2 Voting District 203 310495911 0 84.8666926778514741.6319417349460251131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135204 34.0016908 -90.335109V2G5240Sumner Beat 2 Sumner Beat 2 Voting District 316 4 63 0 0 0 2 0 316 247 31.6589525 156.2035176 38 15935.263425829988925 36.64847747 148.4513698182895 142.620603 52 29382328 4 40 0 0 0 2 0 244.387306541813 245 199ASumner Beat 2 Voting District 204 641028031 783003 85.9409546104825 42.158928339185851131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135404 33.9318545-90.3064796V2G5240Webb Beat 4 Webb Beat 4 Voting District 320 6 256 0 5 1 2 0 320 50 68.31668697 52.0678392 82 53 76.09476099598437 79.08355664 49.48378994983866 47.54020101 52 29 52328 6 174 0 3 1 1 0 247.480816751203 227 42AWebb Beat 4 Voting District 404 62672711 179355 189.33866562621927 92.881388997268831131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135501 33.9475343-90.3611946V2G5240Webb Beat 5 Webb Beat 5 Voting District 705 0 662 0 3 0 1 0 705 39 305.7588307 25.54271357 367 26340.57045465835785 353.947137624.275066765095882 23.32160804 52 29382328 0 478 0 3 0 1 0 545.2311744049941 514 32AWebb Beat 5 Voting District 501 1125314261 319649 100.4434907010014449.2732474964234651131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135502 33.967649-90.3992162V2G5240Sumner Beat 5 Sumner Beat 5 Voting District 374 0 242 0 2 0 0 0 374 130 135.8002436 49.12060302 163 50151.26153713791524 157.2026797 46.68282070130678 44.84924623 52 29382328 0 175 0 2 0 0 0 289.2432045779685 283 106ASumner Beat 5 Voting District 502 507672611 1011212 987.5152815710755 484.43243594745741131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135503 34.0355537-90.4186683V2G5240Tutwiler Tutwiler Voting District 3677 95 1972 11 801 16 46 15 3677 721 426.5627284 84.48743719 512 86 475.1282637882535 493.7900122 80.29445161082755 77.14070352 52 29382328 95 1597 11 799 16 45 15 2843.709259981792 3286 708ATutwiler Voting District 503 738777031 561765 110.64897906099623 54.279620236701781131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135305 33.9367444-89.9619813V2G5240Murphreesboro Murphreesboro Voting District 412 1 87 0 0 0 1 0 412 323 34.99147381 169.9572864 42 173 38.97536539053396 40.50621194 161.5225596725285 155.178392107 32482328 1 69 0 0 0 1 0318.63155156717386 321 250AMurphreesboro Voting District 305 500833121 250808 99.9063597346859249.0097541943035541131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135304 33.8920936-90.0372888V2G5240Cascilla Cascilla Voting District 372 1 52 0 6 0 6 0 372 307 50.82095006 162.0979899 61 165 56.60707830071738 58.83045067154.05330835698857 148.0025126107 32481328 0 44 0 2 0 4 0 287.6964494732735 305 255ACascilla Voting District 304 1025447441 682635 101.51775263363247 49.800234100663281131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135303 33.8409465-90.0870365V2G5240Leverette Leverette Voting District 378 0 154 0 4 0 2 0 378 218 75.81485993 123.7839196 91 126 84.44662500961623 87.7634592117.64070816770945 113.0201005 52 32482328 0 104 0 4 0 0 0 292.3367147873586 286 178ALeverette Voting District 303 1200140701 1126895 90.50656782416439 44.39862140720511131111441135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135402 33.7761168-90.1649799V2G5240Philipp Philipp Voting District 337 0 185 0 0 0 7 0 337 145 97.47624848 69.75125628 117 71108.57423219645831 112.8387333 66.28960539939463 63.68592965 52 29 52328 0 144 0 0 0 4 0 260.6282351411107 273 125APhilipp Voting District 402 386624951 0 56.6673169462869 27.798543373650671131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135306 33.8622664-89.9538851V2G5240Rosebloom Rosebloom Voting District 211 0 6 0 1 0 1 0 211 203 6.665042631 106.1005025 8 108 7.423879121090081 7.71546894100.83489271815347 96.87437186107 32481328 0 6 0 1 0 1 0 163.1826635453245 170 162ARosebloom Voting District 306 2047434941 3595354 251.91442320197686123.578358694238521131111431135Tallahatchie County 28135N28135403 33.8554231-90.3317884V2G5240Glendora Glendora Voting District 938 0 821 0 2 2 9 0 938 104 360.7454324 35.36683417 433 36 401.8174574506503 417.5997564 33.61163090952076 32.29145729 52 29 52328 0 558 0 2 2 6 0 725.4281441019639 652 84AGlendora Voting District 403 956579961 37749 56.0475972540045848.6677345537757451131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097501 33.3316605 -89.586332V2G5240Poplar Creek Poplar Creek Voting District 215 1 11 0 5 0 0 0 215 198 14.21809122 83.09019863 15 8514.798221751078193 15.37945573 84.90263834635049 81.56789319120 45261428 1 11 0 2 0 0 0162.45537757437071 179 165APoplar Creek Voting District 501 123788481 27921 74.55633867276887 64.739405034324951131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097203 33.6536709-89.7052779V2G5240North Duck Hill North Duck Hill Voting District 286 0 185 0 2 0 3 0 286 96 109.9532388 87.97785738 116 90114.43958149805131 118.9344576 89.89691119637628 86.36600456 10 45261328 0 136 0 2 0 1 0 216.1034324942792 215 76ANorth Duck Hill Voting District 203 160651841 57218 50.57318077803204 43.914141876430211131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097304 33.4689856-89.5826789V2G5240North Kilmicheal North Kilmicheal Voting District 194 5 162 0 0 0 0 0 194 27 108.0574933 11.73038098 114 12112.46648526200833 116.883863511.986254821326051 11.51546727120 33261328 5 115 0 0 0 0 0146.58764302059495 144 24ANorth Kilmicheal Voting District 304 94979621 0 7.0385354691075515 6.1117620137299771131111441 97Montgomery County 28097N28097503 33.43251-89.6511066V2G5240Southeast Winona Southeast Winona Voting District 27 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 27 26 12.32234573 4.887658743 13 512.825125515035216 13.32886163 4.994272843780513 4.798111364120 45261428 0 0 0 1 0 0 020.401372997711672 19 18ASoutheast Winona Voting District 503 380799371 16607 1254.1162479446293 396.03670987725131131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027014 34.1468544-90.5607965V2G5240Clarksdale 4-2 Clarksdale 4-2 Voting District 4337 0 4153 0 34 9 9 2 4337 130 1387.51415 57.96914638 1549 46 1528.715960928539 1588.75977444.515681735682946 42.7672266 55 25381028 0 2769 0 24 6 6 0 3065.967611181217 2899 94AClarksdale 4-2 Voting District 014 721205441 167039 45.6883484379182414.4278995067110251131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027013 34.0277824-90.6271167V2G5240Roundaway Roundaway Voting District 158 0 73 0 11 0 2 0 158 72 59.11938923 54.18854988 66 43 65.13573492069565 67.69408977 41.61248510300989 39.97805965 55 25381028 0 56 0 9 0 0 0111.69538449772475 115 50ARoundaway Voting District 013 920921681 22095 106.99170203816297 33.786853275209361131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027012 34.1307791-90.6581491V2G5240Bobo Bobo Voting District 370 0 196 0 3 0 0 0 370 171 84.20034224 42.84676037 94 34 92.76907700738877 96.4127945232.902895194581895 31.61055879 55 24381028 0 150 0 1 0 0 0 261.5651409123934 283 132ABobo Voting District 012 490237821 389018 1158.9803831593438 365.99380520821381131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027011 34.186171-90.6358662V2G5240Clarksdale 5-4 Clarksdale 5-4 Voting District 4008 18 3187 0 42 1 16 3 4008 741 1051.60853 415.8656154 1174 3301158.6265580247118 1204.134264319.35162990630096 306.8083648 55 25381028 11 2074 0 27 0 10 12833.3867156131696 2767 644AClarksdale 5-4 Voting District 011 879363941 8097434 105.8350349891017633.4215899965584461131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027010 34.1461217-90.8155073V2G5240Rena Lara Rena Lara Voting District 366 0 55 0 1 0 1 0 366 309 29.55969462 245.7387727 33 195 32.56786746515886 33.84704489188.70778127988103 181.2958519 55 24381028 0 44 0 1 0 1 0258.73740965928647 303 257ARena Lara Voting District 010 548227221 109290 372.7359565599786 117.70609154525641131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027009 34.1742538-90.4713191V2G5240Clarksdale 3-3 Clarksdale 3-3 Voting District 1289 1 1165 0 6 0 3 0 1289 114 446.0826642 95.77511142 498 76 491.4787271717473 510.7826774 73.54764809363998 70.65889613 77 25381028 1 800 0 6 0 3 0 911.2363963137165 904 94AClarksdale 3-3 Voting District 009 671095561 734168 0 381.68458504137982201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N2807723 31.5847554-90.1710583V2G5240West Monticello West Monticello Voting District 1040 2 446 0 15 2 10 0 1040 565 268.538075 390.2577249 301 431276.30184623284515 287.1542327430.44576609821746 413.5390249 1 90313828 2 311 0 9 2 3 0 777.2851728671977 756 429AWest Monticello Voting District 23 280548821 0 0 69.730837651790552201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N2807711 31.6038097-90.2135494V2G5240Nola Nola Voting District 190 0 83 0 10 0 0 0 190 97 57.09779668 56.13916228 64 6258.748565314140826 61.0560494861.920272629234844 59.48821241 1 90313828 0 64 0 7 0 0 0142.00402196612268 145 74ANola Voting District 11 16683971 0 0 84.411013999535922201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N280778 31.564839-90.1202386V2G5240Monticello Monticello Voting District 230 0 207 0 12 0 1 0 230 10 112.4112872 6.338292515 126 7115.66123794898441 120.2040974 6.99099852208474 6.716411078 1 90313828 0 140 0 12 0 1 0171.89960553793796 161 8AMonticello Voting District 8 123364221 118700 0105.697269703766722201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N280779 31.5934749-90.0878661V2G5240National Guard Armory National Guard Armory Voting District 288 0 31 0 34 0 3 2 288 218 2.26107274867211.265500022911999 2.5344 12.44162.3264431865785347 2.41781955955212.42560103506636811.937557157119999 1 90313828 0 13 0 34 0 3 1215.24820171707015 224 173ANational Guard Armory Voting District 9 471140431 2984657 0130.653569494933862201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N280776 31.6016732-90.0586146V2G5240Hooker Hooker Voting District 356 0 247 0 0 0 3 0 356 106 117.7642056 51.61181048 132 57121.16891590989958 125.928102 56.92670225036927 54.69077592 1 90313828 0 189 0 0 0 2 0266.07069378915617 278 87AHooker Voting District 6 122901101 0 0 81.107974321293212201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N2807712 31.6111075-89.9994688V2G5240North Silver Creek North Silver Creek Voting District 221 1 122 0 1 0 4 0 221 93 71.37224584 70.62668803 80 78 73.43570664267604 76.32006185 77.89969782286879 74.84000916 1 90 93828 1 83 0 1 0 2 0165.17309923427953 167 80ANorth Silver Creek Voting District 12 307825531 1014073 0 90.283084538634092201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N2807721 31.6509367-90.1350475V2G5240Wanilla Wanilla Voting District 246 1 86 0 1 0 3 0 246 155 51.74487824 63.38292515 58 70 53.24088731473737 55.33204484 69.9099852208474 67.16411078 1 90313828 1 67 0 1 0 2 0183.85783896666408 190 119AWanilla Voting District 21 868990581 19200 0239.286874468249662201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N2807716 31.6689074-90.1947037V2G5240Sontag Sontag Voting District 652 0 160 0 7 2 1 0 652 482 98.13683804 173.850309 110 192100.97409659158299 104.940085191.75310232360732 184.221561 1 90313828 0 111 0 4 1 1 0 487.2980122205894 508 391ASontag Voting District 16 455803301 0 0160.380926599118252201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N280775 31.658941-90.0048946V2G5240Grange Grange Voting District 437 0 108 0 14 2 5 0 437 308 22.30382683 132.1986725 25 146 22.9486583276404 23.85001933 145.8122548463711 140.0851453 1 90313828 0 72 0 8 2 5 0326.60925052208216 329 242AGrange Voting District 5 681670201 1502137 0143.131719390517452201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N2807718 31.6816779 -90.088394V2G5240Stringer Stringer Voting District 390 4 101 0 3 0 1 0 390 281 32.036591572606504 22.97065895098488 35.909299129638114 25.36875858909757 32.96280945817489 34.2574991323866225.33613626625082624.341001611543746 1 90313828 3 69 0 2 0 1 0291.48193982519916 270 195AStringer Voting District 18 640895651 281138 0402.970840745610642201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N2807710 31.7344577-90.0345495V2G5240New Hebron New Hebron Voting District 1098 1 388 0 8 2 4 2 1098 693 82.97023579 334.1185626 93 369 85.36900897150952 88.7220719368.52549347939146 354.0508125 1 90223828 1 284 0 5 2 2 0 820.6337690463299 814 520ANew Hebron Voting District 10 468304261 799076 0189.741279294609032201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N2807714 31.7186652-90.1619748V2G5240Oma Oma Voting District 517 1 428 0 1 1 5 0 517 81 246.2342482 47.98992905 276 53253.35318793407095 263.304213452.931845949358575 50.85282673 1 90313828 1 284 0 1 1 3 0 386.4004176657127 359 69AOma Voting District 14 1018731961 1119725 0283.694407920179462201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N280773 31.4440126-90.1082113V2G5240Cooper's Creek Cooper's Creek Voting District 773 0 8 0 8 1 3 0 773 753 69.5879397 375.7701991 78 415 71.59981397300085 74.4120603 414.4663409566277 398.1872282 1 52 93828 0 4 0 6 1 0 0 577.7321525253307 599 588ACooper's Creek Voting District 3 473358221 43699 0179.832160259880882201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N2807724 31.4337225-90.1896632V2G5240Topeka Topeka Voting District 490 5 11 0 7 0 3 0 490 464 27.65674526 254.437171 31 281 28.45633632704386 29.57402397 280.6386549404269 269.6159304 1 52313828 4 10 0 3 0 2 0 366.2208987547374 367 348ATopeka Voting District 24 518997291 2916 0 320.02784438084932201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N280777 31.382791-90.2027596V2G5240Jayess Jayess Voting District 872 6 51 0 23 2 5 0 872 785 35.68612292 262.5864042 40 290 36.71785331652698 38.16003092289.62708164112075 278.2513161 1 96 93828 2 33 0 12 2 2 0 651.7237218655736 640 589AJayess Voting District 7 912489741 578300 0155.242864877407382201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N2807719 31.3778596-90.0820164V2G5240Tilton Tilton Voting District 423 0 68 0 7 0 4 0 423 344 25.87243912 112.2783246 29 12426.620443657368686 27.66602242123.84054523765204 118.9764248 1 96 93828 0 45 0 5 0 3 0 316.1457962719468 313 260ATilton Voting District 19 331097711 942984 0 89.182071312553182201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N2807713 31.434013-89.9816166V2G5240Oakvale Oakvale Voting District 243 1 28 0 0 0 0 0 243 214 19.62736761 110.4673838 22 122 20.19481932793867 20.98801701121.84311708194227 117.0574502 1 96 93828 0 21 0 0 0 0 0181.61567019877793 191 170AOakvale Voting District 13 1188895471 901321 0 956.41348905561142201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N280774 31.5186224-90.1407513V2G5240Courthouse Courthouse Voting District 2606 11 416 0 110 5 10 0 2606 2054 46.23761792463298 97.07579200754319 48.61545948576527 111.39281369129694 42.97007130942271 44.657819063297914108.61074689266601104.34481159098061 1 90313828 7 253 0 104 5 6 01947.6972697037668 1964 1589ACourthouse Voting District 4 212902301 0 0 98.724185938587672201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N280772 31.4833379-90.2075873V2G5240Center Center Voting District 269 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 269 264 4.649047242492902 47.52421024889268 4.888131743327655 54.53321976149915 4.320505694703882 4.490203429886428 53.17123728005326 51.08281541908006 1 52313828 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 201.0477995204579 198 193ACenter Voting District 2 118980371 352246 0 94.320133034264062201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N2807715 31.519362-90.0839302V2G5240Peyton Town Peyton Town Voting District 257 0 217 0 1 0 1 0 257 38 154.3424816 20.82581827 173 23 158.8047155660752 165.0421337 22.97042371780045 22.06820783 1 90313828 0 170 0 1 0 1 0 192.0791244489133 200 28APeyton Town Voting District 15 646442051 1816533 0158.545904555650082201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N2807722 31.4899101-90.0264773V2G5240West Arm West Arm Voting District 432 0 261 0 4 0 6 0 432 161 132.0386548 71.53215839 148 79135.85605726730103 141.1921144 78.89841189031485 75.79949645 1 90 93828 0 185 0 4 0 2 0 322.8723025756052 320 129AWest Arm Voting District 22 254327291 2542 0139.828679712274722201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N280771 31.5060102-89.9784301V2G5240East Arm East Arm Voting District 381 0 168 0 1 0 0 0 381 212 132.9308079 98.69626917 149 109136.77400362619377 142.1461152108.85983417391712 104.5841154 1 90 93828 0 133 0 1 0 0 0284.75543352154074 295 161AEast Arm Voting District 1 368796411 0 0190.108283703302652201112111 77Lawrence County 28077N2807717 31.5720836-90.0136916V2G5240South Silver Creek South Silver Creek Voting District 518 0 326 0 2 0 1 0 518 189 165.0483185 105.0345617 185 116169.82007158412625 176.490143115.85083261481297 111.3005264 1 90 93828 0 226 0 1 0 1 0 387.1478072550081 375 147ASouth Silver Creek Voting District 17 294338591 241821 1098.8336966081604347.000114718366431131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027008 34.2269159-90.6079145V2G5240Clarksdale 2-4 Clarksdale 2-4 Voting District 3800 21 2329 0 27 5 18 0 3800 1400 633.2940634 1066.128214 707 846 697.7418877491392 725.147295 818.7014511424196 786.5450806 55 24381028 19 1470 0 19 4 7 0 2686.344690451608 2682 1163AClarksdale 2-4 Voting District 008 1210746861 1869526 17.639172498183626 5.5702649994264081131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027007 34.217222-90.7629606V2G5240Sherard Sherard Voting District 61 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 61 26 25.08095301 13.86218718 28 11 27.63334208669312 28.7187047510.645054326740421 10.22694549 55 24381028 0 32 0 0 0 0 043.122901609881076 51 19ASherard Voting District 007 1343758821 39201810 103.5217008909793232.6910634392566241131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027006 34.272774-90.7246795V2G5240Farrell Farrell Voting District 358 0 278 0 17 0 5 0 358 58 135.2579966 28.98457319 151 23149.02266630650294 154.875872122.257840867841473 21.3836133 55 24381028 0 193 0 12 0 2 0253.08194715307255 254 47AFarrell Voting District 006 753883961 842608 536.982677526672 169.57347711368591131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027005 34.2615265 -90.531816V2G5240Lyons Lyons Voting District 1857 39 761 4 26 0 4 0 1857 1023 247.2265368 654.0431951 276 519272.38580057570505 283.0843754 502.2530179208358 482.5258828 77 8381028 25 513 2 14 0 3 01312.7742342549043 1381 824ALyons Voting District 005 769758251 2629985 432.30430958663146136.517150395778371131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027004 34.2844683 -90.454763V2G5240Jonestown Jonestown Voting District 1495 1 1432 0 8 1 4 0 1495 49 703.1624325 13.86218718 785 11 774.7204835723794 805.149401110.645054326740421 10.22694549 77 25141028 0 966 0 8 1 3 01056.8645558487246 1017 39AJonestown Voting District 004 1361777321 7732022 476.2576574509579 150.3971549845131131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027003 34.3323147-90.6010444V2G5240Friar's Point Friar's Point Voting District 1647 0 1519 0 17 0 3 0 1647 108 511.4722917 57.96914638 571 46 563.5227975587893 585.656443344.515681735682946 42.7672266 77 8381028 0 1080 0 8 0 1 0 1164.318343466789 1182 93AFriar's Point Voting District 003 772843301 2438029 140.8242132232037 44.470804175748541131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027002 34.3530075-90.4833965V2G5240Coahoma Coahoma Voting District 487 0 460 0 0 0 0 0 487 27 225.7285771 25.20397669 252 20248.70007882834844 258.468342819.354644235168415 18.59444635 77 8141028 0 310 0 0 0 0 0344.27628006577186 332 22ACoahoma Voting District 002 1518156511 15438757 206.17590149516272 65.108179419525071131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027001 34.4246869 -90.52227V2G5240Lula Lula Voting District 713 13 303 0 17 0 3 0 713 377 168.4006845 175.167638 188 139185.53815397628927 192.825589134.51477740059178 129.2314021 77 24141028 10 244 0 11 0 2 0504.04309586631484 597 330ALula Voting District 001 11234131 0 168.29505563840772 53.14580704370771131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027019 34.20512-90.5702455V2G5240Clarksdale 4-3 Clarksdale 4-3 Voting District 582 5 329 0 5 0 6 1 582 236 89.57483217 142.4024683 100 113 98.69050747309414 102.5668027109.35373995212143 105.0586219 55 25381028 5 248 0 3 0 6 0411.43489732706206 461 199AClarksdale 4-3 Voting District 019 39227901 0 630.3835417383657199.068486864747061131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027018 34.2006443 -90.580062V2G5240Clarksdale 1-4 Clarksdale 1-4 Voting District 2180 12 1521 0 47 2 9 0 2180 589 419.2102146 369.2382585 468 293461.87157493944113 480.0126366 283.545538016593 272.408639 55 25381028 11 982 0 35 1 4 0 1541.113532943291 1531 498AClarksdale 1-4 Voting District 018 83967961 0 521.3676723643455 164.64242285189861131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027017 34.19015-90.5424204V2G5240Clarksdale 3-4 Clarksdale 3-4 Voting District 1803 4 1692 0 26 1 12 1 1803 67 494.4530736 10.08159068 552 8 544.7716011514101 566.1687508 7.741857694067367 7.43777854 55 25381028 2 1117 0 20 1 8 01274.5998623379603 1215 67AClarksdale 3-4 Voting District 017 1234269201 187070 49.4475163473672115.6150051623264881131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027016 34.0361369-90.5295945V2G5240Cagle Crossing Cagle Crossing Voting District 171 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 171 121 24.18520469 49.14775454 27 3926.646437018697625 27.69303673 37.74155625597621 36.25917038 55 25381028 0 42 0 0 0 0 0120.88551107032235 136 94ACagle Crossing Voting District 016 973465831 156342 135.61921150242821 42.827119421819431131111431 27Coahoma County 28027N28027015 34.1067315-90.5026442V2G5240Dublin Dublin Voting District 469 0 160 0 6 1 2 0 469 300 69.86836909 157.5248543 78 125 76.97859581361811 80.00210609120.96652648281363 116.2152897 55 25381028 0 135 0 4 1 0 0331.55148942679057 377 237ADublin Voting District 015 442626711 17072826 260.2608695652174 189.7681159420290131110331107Panola County 28107S28107101 34.4285425 -89.819077V2G5240East Sardis East Sardis Voting District 1006 0 160 0 22 4 10 0 1006 810 73.83831991 323.3485564 97 364 97.5121065619791 101.3421174379.32893201802295 364.4299213 54 928 928 0 102 0 13 4 7 0 735.1594202898551 820 694PEast Sardis Voting District 101 690539001 9547320 492.06379116604717358.786239087215850131110331107Panola County 28107S28107402 34.3661814-89.7974158V2G5240North Springport North Springport Voting District 1902 1 550 0 44 5 25 2 1902 1275 205.5293441 397.0791339 270 447271.42545119249945 282.0863061465.82426541230376 447.5279528 54 948 928 1 361 0 22 4 10 21389.9336156971217 1391 991PNorth Springport Voting District 402 983342461 69510 666.1746909845276 485.73846774425910131110331107Panola County 28107S28107204 34.4068643-89.9499879V2G5240South Sardis South Sardis Voting District 2575 4 1847 0 24 9 18 2 2575 671 721.6363636 269.1610236 948 303 953.0049174818432 990.4363636 315.7600724802998 303.357874 54 1048 928 4 1220 0 13 7 10 01881.7450370242314 1833 579PSouth Sardis Voting District 204 493679691 108691 384.95842337280664280.690811651828140131110331107Panola County 28107S28107102 34.4586951-89.9825815V2G5240West Sardis West Sardis Voting District 1488 1 1354 0 11 4 5 0 1488 113 573.198504 52.41089239 753 59 756.9754250020374 786.7073648 61.48463457921941 59.06968504 54 1028 928 1 938 0 9 3 4 01087.3928602299247 1052 97PWest Sardis Voting District 102 1728860381 382781 714.0357852882704 520.63618290258440131110331107Panola County 28107N28107103 34.506656-89.9589474V2G5240Como Como Voting District 2760 2 2026 0 6 4 11 0 2760 711 761.2197929 280.7091864 1000 3161005.2794491818448 1044.764097 329.3075343046294 316.3732283 54 1028 928 2 1455 0 6 4 7 0 2016.938369781312 2073 599AComo Voting District 103 724010581 139072 179.02636355778372130.536318321952340131110331107Panola County 28107S28107201 34.5178238-90.1133447V2G5240Longtown Longtown Voting District 692 0 386 0 10 0 5 0 692 291 143.1093211 88.832021 188 100188.99253641154738 196.4156502104.21124501071183 100.1181102 77 814 928 0 243 0 9 0 2 0 505.6961419886478 484 230PLongtown Voting District 201 1441812241 245763 127.54334860402801 92.997694989483390131110331107Panola County 28107S28107203 34.4339834-90.1124371V2G5240Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove Voting District 493 0 166 0 4 1 2 1 493 319 10.90555101722094929.269895753879972 13.28612385321101 31.943233944954127 13.63188795320226 14.167311506689604 33.47375366481416 32.15899548918196 77 1014 928 0 123 0 2 1 2 0 360.2719624283286 390 262PPleasant Grove Voting District 203 1426626511 5772381 284.06206240815976207.122655372115130121110331107Panola County 28107S28107105 34.4936958-89.7855609V2G5240Pleasant Mount Pleasant Mount Voting District 1098 0 570 0 24 7 5 3 1098 489 239.7842348 152.7910761 315 172316.66302634313905 329.1006904 179.2433414767138 172.2031496 54 1028 928 0 400 0 14 5 2 0 802.3906992825655 821 400PPleasant Mount Voting District 105 122430681 43768 93.91122828247904 68.474976229579040131110331107Panola County 28107S28107106 34.3664989-89.8464338V2G5240Cold Springs Cold Springs Voting District 363 0 273 0 0 1 14 0 363 75 137.7807825 15.10144357 181 17181.95558024706813 189.102301517.715911658066307 17.02007874 54 948 928 0 184 0 0 1 9 0265.27124211254215 251 57PCold Springs Voting District 106 500830911 574887 567.8654161984614 414.05667444607720131110331107Panola County 28107S28107504 34.344203-89.9024511V2G5240East Batesville 5 East Batesville 5 Voting District 2195 32 361 0 68 12 36 1 2195 1685 149.1990794 767.5086614 196 864197.03477193187442 204.7737629 900.3851571756704 865.0204724 54 948 928 17 254 0 44 10 12 1 1604.050623793471 1681 1343PEast Batesville 5 Voting District 504 472765621 44116 308.6393811046763 225.04310369666060131110331107Panola County 28107S28107202 34.5016158-90.1664418V2G5240Crenshaw Crenshaw Voting District 1193 0 685 0 26 0 5 2 1193 475 78.339788909298150.7296052034883024 108.06418716256749 0.7156568686262748105.24139444021073 109.37499072405518 0.6231823575166330.5987054462129574 77 814 928 0 457 0 11 0 3 0 871.8143025902556 861 390PCrenshaw Voting District 202 1222605171 135527 276.0420952545596201.274930129368730131110331107Panola County 28107S28107206 34.3351934-90.1220342V2G5240Curtis Curtis Voting District 1067 0 818 0 7 0 6 0 1067 236 311.3388953 97.7152231 409 110 411.1592945489127 427.3085155114.63236959505366 110.1299213 77 1014 928 0 574 0 6 0 4 0 779.7366813611087 778 194PCurtis Voting District 206 263104781 294131 443.4265710087302323.322615034431070131110331107Panola County 28107S28107502 34.3526876-89.9521543V2G5240North Batesville A North Batesville A Voting District 1714 2 717 0 26 2 26 0 1714 941 211.6191024 471.6980315 278 531 279.4676868090472 290.4444189 553.36171125461 531.6271654 54 1048 928 2 451 0 17 1 13 01252.5479586250613 1230 746PNorth Batesville A Voting District 502 224006021 103255 714.2944939061284 520.82481920073760131110331107Panola County 28107S28107503 34.3076542-90.0027789V2G5240North Batesville B North Batesville B Voting District 2761 4 2381 0 42 9 11 2 2761 312 808.41542 127.9181102 1062 1441067.6067750176485 1109.539471150.06419282791563 144.1700787 54 1048 928 3 1478 0 24 8 3 0 2017.669144552972 1757 241PNorth Batesville B Voting District 503 446236971 32086 92.87639381104677 67.72043103696660131110331107Panola County 28107N28107301 34.2640732-90.0954846V2G5240Enon Enon Voting District 359 0 87 0 12 1 7 0 359 252 29.85186648826133 76.08197722866176 42.36880927291886 83.22444678609062 40.36649994011283 41.951986478292945 82.51249480071571 79.27162799452054 77 1048 928 0 54 0 10 1 1 0 262.3481430259026 252 186AEnon Voting District 301 1393112941 540565 441.61561068372373 322.00216094735930131110331107Panola County 28107S28107303 34.2393231-90.0577392V2G5240Tocowa Tocowa Voting District 1707 0 483 0 19 1 5 0 1707 1199 207.0517837 517.8906824 272 583273.43601009663644 284.1758343 607.5515586560166 583.6885827107 1048 928 0 331 0 9 1 2 01247.4325352234418 1252 909PTocowa Voting District 303 791866851 30801 348.4805082548189 254.09309361223960131110331107Panola County 28107S28107304 34.190711-89.9825768V2G5240Pope Pope Voting District 1347 2 417 0 14 0 8 0 1347 906 216.947641 350.8864829 285 395286.50464287730574 297.7577675411.63441790680884 395.4665354107 948 928 1 302 0 10 0 3 0 984.3536174258795 988 672PPope Voting District 304 203818151 25790 280.1814331402887 204.29311089981850131110331107Panola County 28107S28107306 34.2882185 -89.95304V2G5240Batesville 3 Batesville 3 Voting District 1083 0 272 0 29 4 3 0 1083 775 153.7663982 399.7440945 202 450 203.0664486442852 211.0423475468.95060275637985 450.5314961107 948 928 0 198 0 18 4 2 0 791.429077707667 819 597PBatesville 3 Voting District 306 499871571 11027 675.7469098452762492.718010775924140131110331107Panola County 28107S28107305 34.2550753-89.9420471V2G5240Courtland Courtland Voting District 2612 0 1734 0 23 2 21 0 2612 832 647.0368239 298.4755906 850 336 854.4875315640164 888.0494822 350.1497833692248 336.3968504107 948 928 0 1185 0 15 1 12 01908.7837035756475 1866 653PCourtland Voting District 305 1052938371 1451473 521.8152822197251380.479413374823540131110331107Panola County 28107N28107404 34.2192518-89.8404669V2G5240Eureka Eureka Voting District 2017 4 365 0 13 2 18 1 2017 1614 164.4234753 677.7883202 216 763 217.1403609732437 225.6690449 795.1317997169332 763.9011811107 948 928 2 255 0 8 2 6 01473.9727144380097 1529 1256AEureka Voting District 404 450615131 752594 121.59305039329242 88.659060131961850131110331107Panola County 28107N28107207 34.3436152-90.0196855V2G5240Macedonia-Concord Macedonia-Concord Voting District 470 0 374 0 4 0 1 0 470 91 183.4539701 31.09120735 241 35242.27234717873466 251.7881473 36.47393576415797 35.04133858 77 1048 928 0 275 0 3 0 0 0 343.464142680151 345 67AMacedonia-Concord Voting District 207 188447621 2511 240.59901460800415 175.43175728239260131110331107Panola County 28107S28107405 34.298725-89.8945978V2G5240East Batesville 4 East Batesville 4 Voting District 930 7 191 0 4 0 15 0 930 713 89.82393556 374.8711286 118 422118.62297495919617 123.2821634439.77145410758163 422.4984252 54 948 928 5 121 0 3 0 7 0 679.620537643703 704 568PEast Batesville 4 Voting District 405 251979851 8861930 233.09646469012014 169.96130463595240121110331107Panola County 28107S28107401 34.391827-89.7410628V2G5240Coles Point Coles Point Voting District 901 2 15 0 34 1 18 0 901 831 46.43440736 223.8566929 61 25261.322046383735014 63.7306099262.61233752691857 252.2976378 54 948 928 2 7 0 17 1 7 0 658.428069265566 700 666PColes Point Voting District 401 1729026621 5524255 510.69081165182814 372.36805255423980131110331107Panola County 28107S28107403 34.2586971-89.7712458V2G5240South Springport South Springport Voting District 1974 0 569 0 28 1 11 0 1974 1365 255.7698504 500.1242782 336 563 337.7738948365768 351.0407365 586.7093095914212 563.6649606107 948 928 0 408 0 15 1 4 01442.5493992566342 1486 1058PSouth Springport Voting District 403 32373671 0 117.1669590090941 295.13554793966050021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003204 34.9315262-88.4912843V2G5240East Third Street East Third Street Voting District 1126 2 247 0 44 2 13 0 1126 818 172.9961259 257.3019898 131 322107.15702264063412 111.3658596344.65627434761257 331.1191115 2 125 328 1 148 0 31 2 10 0 851.8913025879051 835 643AEast Third Street Voting District 204 767679751 72855 348.7954232668592 878.59179102463770021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003101 34.962073-88.4211831V2G5240Five-Point Five-Point Voting District 3352 6 75 0 34 6 32 5 3352 3194 377.6861985 970.8755206 286 1215 233.9458661503474 243.13462471300.4887372751828 1249.40907113 025 328 6 45 0 19 6 21 4 2536.003238254581 2575 2474AFive-Point Voting District 101 220077731 77274 227.88245135871765 574.02029306203950021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003102 34.9778531-88.4982018V2G5240North Corinth North Corinth Voting District 2190 23 193 1 43 2 19 3 2190 1906 242.9869249 530.5854697 184 664150.51062714404372 156.422276 710.7197707658122 682.8046275 2 125 328 17 136 1 35 2 7 2 1656.875624038643 1648 1448ANorth Corinth Voting District 102 499184171 89601 361.69835658580024 911.09339665920070021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003201 34.9154285-88.4274505V2G5240Central Central Voting District 3476 14 78 0 25 9 38 0 3476 3312 324.862954 859.8041647 246 1076201.22616460566144 209.12978211151.7085441708457 1106.472559113 025 328 9 51 0 15 8 16 0 2629.817200528915 2566 2467ACentral Voting District 201 47209691 0 298.7445286990312 752.51701432927650021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003504 34.9472957-88.5046894V2G5240East Corinth East Corinth Voting District 2871 5 583 1 160 1 28 5 2871 2088 611.4290557 776.7004165 463 972 378.7305455769924 393.6060533 1040.390989716058 999.5272559 2 125 328 5 409 1 113 1 16 3 2172.095852335591 2260 1712AEast Corinth Voting District 504 106825651 132849 178.66400410178915 450.04239414955340021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003501 34.9421486-88.5572451V2G5240West Corinth West Corinth Voting District 1717 20 108 0 83 4 10 0 1717 1492 231.1016949 354.7890791 175 444143.14869428205625 148.7711864475.24032861388446 456.5741786 2 125 328 12 83 0 57 4 8 01299.0207518147718 1416 1252AWest Corinth Voting District 501 1784209741 407114 255.76943627384838 644.26569878835310021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003502 34.9377906-88.7586763V2G5240Union Center Union Center Voting District 2458 2 9 0 27 10 10 0 2458 2400 270.7191283 632.0679315 205 791167.68847048868108 174.2748184 846.6556305237087 813.4012957 49 136 328 2 7 0 16 5 6 01859.6348328251072 1865 1829AUnion Center Voting District 502 800600791 131937 212.898399762528 536.2764929702890021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003103 34.9711442-88.6070023V2G5240Wenasoga Wenasoga Voting District 2046 13 173 0 26 1 9 0 2046 1824 324.862954 442.6872744 246 554201.22616460566144 209.1297821 592.9800497418926 569.6894031 2 125 328 10 136 0 19 1 4 01547.9303775265132 1558 1388AWenasoga Voting District 103 831220221 157686 235.27042124295005 592.63008338505540021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003202 34.8471355-88.4070053V2G5240Glen Glen Voting District 2261 4 14 2 29 5 14 1 2261 2192 233.7428571 581.7262379 177 728144.78467942664506 150.4714286 779.2228811835141 748.6171217113 025 328 2 7 2 21 4 10 01710.5916830828185 1693 1647AGlen Voting District 202 198008821 764327 314.87319534770756 793.14402137248020021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003301 34.8726888-88.4830835V2G5240South Corinth South Corinth Voting District 3026 10 1395 0 198 3 37 2 3026 1381 1069.670702 310.040907 810 388 662.5739566166633 688.598063415.30010702441734 398.9882462 2 125 328 4 965 0 115 1 19 12289.3633051785087 2200 1095ASouth Corinth Voting District 301 571919981 0 68.78095906306501173.254526810049380021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003203 34.7840981-88.4250003V2G5240Jacinto Jacinto Voting District 661 0 1 0 4 0 4 0 661 652 103.0053269 189.3806571 78 237 63.80341804100383 66.3094431 253.6755807818163 243.7118926113 225 328 0 1 0 3 0 1 0500.08894405915214 507 502AJacinto Voting District 203 910178801 116937 158.5812127263405 399.45521763769330021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003302 34.8219437 -88.574777V2G5240Biggersville Biggersville Voting District 1524 4 207 0 13 2 4 2 1524 1292 249.5898305 366.7751967 189 459154.60058990929497 160.6728814 491.2957451928469 471.998982 2 125 328 0 154 0 9 2 3 01153.0038589200421 1148 980ABiggersville Voting District 302 1013921931 23883 217.58091588633727 548.0714304989610021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003303 34.7880315-88.5954055V2G5240Rienzi Rienzi Voting District 2091 1 226 0 41 0 11 2 2091 1810 319.5806295 499.4215641 242 625197.95419441270457 205.7292978 668.9756878062336 642.7001388 96 225 328 1 167 0 30 0 5 01581.9757670615538 1606 1403ARienzi Voting District 303 847709871 901293 528.39593059341021330.99317267992550021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003401 34.8825402-88.5450532V2G5240College Hill College Hill Voting District 5078 11 854 1 260 11 75 8 5078 3858 304.2184212811419486.04337968278384 391.25678918782364 554.8149551597827 380.8952496468591 395.85578106939494 622.2791096701951 597.8376754899583 2 125 328 9 582 1 171 8 34 5 3841.833067976361 3801 2991ACollege Hill Voting District 401 697587501 21069 18.834120409099494 47.441859837547560021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003503 34.8248095-88.7300881V2G5240Bethel Bethel Voting District 181 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 181 181 14.072293598203592 45.03952719075183 15.775781769793745 51.662674650698605 14.27347848149351 14.834101969261479 52.2323777274806150.180831721091145 49 236 328 0 0 0 0 0 0 0136.93812235205223 150 150ABethel Voting District 503 1032298031 521032 312.063685673422 786.0670588552770021110331 3Alcorn County 28003N28003402 34.8833514-88.6452866V2G5240Kossuth Kossuth Voting District 2999 1 46 0 23 6 10 0 2999 2913 240.3457627 950.0995835 182 1189148.87464209567563 154.72203391272.6593484272871 1222.672744 2 136 328 1 32 0 14 3 2 02268.9360714574846 2208 2156AKossuth Voting District 402 973054911 0 121.97245860165593116.446297148114070021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017116 33.7733853-89.1218458V2G5240Woodland Woodland Voting District 531 1 291 0 20 0 6 0 531 213 13.8151408441875 71.849953711875 15.4875 82.415625 14.01264934305207 14.5630281703125 83.32445203859868 80.05169375624999 60 2146 728 1 216 0 16 0 3 0391.41099356025757 410 174AWoodland Voting District 116 595481261 394033 100.38034728610856 95.832451701931920021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017115 33.7809507-88.9914073V2G5240Sparta Sparta Voting District 437 0 142 0 3 0 0 0 437 292 85.32868352 159.3244596 96 167 88.14387632457498 91.60592851157.96744481155415 151.7629124 60 2146 728 0 100 0 3 0 0 0 322.1216651333947 331 228ASparta Voting District 115 354125551 211187 132.99821757129715126.972516099356030021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017114 33.8232578-88.9524934V2G5240Pearsall Pearsall Voting District 579 0 184 0 8 3 1 0 579 383 92.43940715 160.2784983 104 168 95.48919934601003 99.23975588158.91335770210665 152.6716724 60 2146 728 0 123 0 5 2 0 0 426.7927782888684 415 285APearsall Voting District 114 1215413441 491262 300.4519319227231286.839466421343160021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017113 33.8520005 -89.051502V2G5240Anchor Anchor Voting District 1308 3 221 0 81 3 11 0 1308 989 142.2144725 525.6753129 160 551146.90646052492153 152.6765475 521.1979765682557 500.7267349 60 2146 728 2 161 0 51 1 6 0 964.1536338546458 992 771AAnchor Voting District 113 1222718391 48584 251.29542318307267 239.91007359705610021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017112 33.94988-89.0907059V2G5240Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove Voting District 1094 3 56 0 73 1 5 0 1094 956 24.20014769338685 64.95185792037461 29.482798165137616 70.8841743119266 30.25007184747114 31.438212552370032 74.28050001887766 71.36296362102446 60 2129 728 2 42 0 43 1 3 0 806.4098436062558 803 712APleasant Grove Voting District 112 645488401 37865 314.69353725850965300.435832566697340021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017111 33.9216539-88.9458075V2G5240Northwest Houston Northwest Houston Voting District 1370 4 922 0 79 2 13 0 1370 350 631.0767219 148.8300341 710 156 651.8974186454909 677.5021796 147.5624035359183 141.7665529 60 2146 728 4 659 0 43 2 6 01009.8551057957682 991 277ANorthwest Houston Voting District 111 681419121 239627 712.0802667893284 679.81830726770930021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017109 33.8593564-88.9274521V2G5240Southeast Houston Southeast Houston Voting District 3100 19 762 0 183 1 26 4 3100 2105 306.6499564 1004.60273 345 1053 316.7670555579793 329.2088056 996.0462238934707 956.9242321 60 2146 728 14 464 0 106 1 7 22285.0735970561177 2233 1639ASoutheast Houston Voting District 109 1645435511 467381 214.08348666053357204.384084636614550021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017108 33.8976136-88.8443966V2G5240Buena Vista Buena Vista Voting District 932 6 695 0 17 0 8 0 932 206 436.4206626 103.0361775 491 108450.81920079298396 468.5261552102.15858706893282 98.14607509 60 2146 728 4 477 0 11 0 2 0 686.9963201471941 654 160ABuena Vista Voting District 108 890481491 864216 178.24977000919964 170.17387304507820021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017107 33.8934047-88.7569289V2G5240Egypt Egypt Voting District 776 0 397 0 4 0 2 0 776 373 268.4298169 147.8759954 302 155277.28594423477557 288.1769834146.61649064536581 140.8577929115 2123 728 0 287 0 3 0 1 0 572.0055197792088 567 276AEgypt Voting District 107 441686581 23582 365.2282658693652 348.68100275988960021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017106 33.9628193-88.7387983V2G5240East Okolona East Okolona Voting District 1590 2 1355 0 26 1 7 0 1590 199 751.9590235 97.31194539 846 102 776.7679101157295 807.277245 96.48311000665633 92.69351536115 2123 728 2 990 0 20 0 5 01172.0216191352347 1184 167AEast Okolona Voting District 106 637996401 226568 366.60648574057035349.996780128794850021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017105 33.9840623-88.8049274V2G5240West Okolona West Okolona Voting District 1596 2 745 0 18 0 21 3 1596 807 295.0950305 381.6154721 332 400 304.8309056252949 316.8038361 378.3651372769233 363.5039818115 2123 728 2 484 0 17 0 12 0 1176.444342226311 1207 692AWest Okolona Voting District 105 959566661 370713 248.07957681692733 236.83992640294390021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017104 34.0539377-88.8226361V2G5240North Okolona North Okolona Voting District 1080 0 506 0 34 2 8 0 1080 530 299.5392328 242.3258248 337 254 309.421732507678 321.5749782240.26186212608832 230.8250284115 2123 728 0 361 0 14 2 4 0 796.0901563937442 807 426ANorth Okolona Voting District 104 1086167891 418740 210.6379369825207 201.09464121435140021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017103 33.9780239-88.9690544V2G5240Van Vleet Van Vleet Voting District 917 0 306 1 51 6 8 0 917 545 179.5457716 245.1879408 202 257185.46940639467203 192.7541412243.09960069365746 233.5513083 60 2146 728 0 213 1 30 6 5 0 675.9395124195032 689 434AVan Vleet Voting District 103 631892131 1953734 174.3448137074517166.445837166513340021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017102 34.0638063-88.9776135V2G5240North Houlka North Houlka Voting District 759 0 459 0 22 1 5 0 759 272 228.4319965 124.0250284 257 130235.96850219710691 245.2367044 122.9686696306133 118.1387941 60 2129 728 0 340 0 11 1 2 0 559.4744710211592 571 217ANorth Houlka Voting District 102 1015164941 633277 303.89748160073594290.128909843606270021110431 17Chickasaw County 28017N28017101 34.0201537-89.0732755V2G5240South Houlka South Houlka Voting District 1323 3 251 0 24 2 9 0 1323 1034 147.5475153 314.8327645 166 330 152.4154527645371 158.401918312.15123826907495 299.890785 60 2129 728 3 178 0 13 2 4 0 975.2104415823367 966 766ASouth Houlka Voting District 101 949339271 165460 0 567.60670482420282211112111 31Covington County 28031N28031005 31.4967896-89.4468935V2G5240Sanford Sanford Voting District 1828 2 67 2 43 0 14 0 1828 1700 66.40654206 668.5149375 81 732 78.4648429410403 81.54672897 745.6476906427569 716.3606735 38 89214028 1 42 2 25 0 7 0 1352.783524121014 1386 1309ASanford Voting District 005 1219352171 69126 0 431.60466067048242201112111 31Covington County 28031N28031004 31.4795739-89.5279432V2G5240Richmond Richmond Voting District 1390 3 40 0 15 2 15 0 1390 1315 44.825182095784946152.06751817892473 53.20860215053764 170.38709677419354 53.50608521671361 55.60765899565592175.17266485469307168.29235810537634 99 89214028 2 28 0 4 2 10 0 1028.648303352412 998 952ARichmond Voting District 004 249939741 19411 0274.488143908421932201112111 31Covington County 28031N28031006 31.6176112-89.4750424V2G5240South Collins South Collins Voting District 884 2 127 0 48 1 5 2 884 699 40.99169263 299.5531414 50 328 48.43508823663555 50.33748702 334.1153586953077 320.9922144 83 89344028 2 85 0 36 1 3 0 654.1907195421096 694 567ASouth Collins Voting District 006 83343771 20103 0250.889615699100572201112111 31Covington County 28031N28031003 31.6209421-89.5502855V2G5240West Collins West Collins Voting District 808 6 38 0 24 1 12 0 808 727 28.69418484 217.3586819 35 238 33.90456176179606 35.23624091242.43736393135129 232.9150824 83 89344028 4 34 0 15 1 3 0 597.9480784955028 678 621AWest Collins Voting District 003 422418551 46037 0 93.152085036794772211112111 31Covington County 28031N28031014 31.6516312 -89.442213V2G5240Mitchell Mitchell Voting District 300 0 15 0 4 0 1 0 300 280 13.871924887399466 52.9711099463807 12.064343163538874 59.5174262734584510.254157641870119 10.656913117962466 59.98597711997683 57.62989077747989 83 89344028 0 12 0 1 0 0 0222.01042518397384 235 222AMitchell Voting District 014 455919291 19499 0 197.48242027800492211112111 31Covington County 28031N28031016 31.6977589-89.4671894V2G5240Station Creek Station Creek Voting District 636 1 457 0 5 1 2 0 636 170 224.6344756 80.36791599 274 88265.42428356601397 275.8494289 89.64070598101517 86.11986239 83 78343428 1 335 0 3 1 1 0470.66210139002453 481 140AStation Creek Voting District 016 1114190851 314287 01007.28454619787412201112111 31Covington County 28031N28031007 31.6698693-89.5513489V2G5240Collins Collins Voting District 3244 1 1681 0 101 5 13 0 3244 1443 712.4356179 606.412457 869 664 841.8018335454132 874.8655244 676.3798724807448 649.8135072 83 89343428 1 1093 0 68 4 4 02400.6727309893704 2322 1152ACollins Voting District 007 767264961 272041 0430.362632869991842211112111 31Covington County 28031N28031015 31.7542304-89.4419562V2G5240Okahay Okahay Voting District 1386 1 1171 0 25 1 9 0 1386 179 568.9646937 68.49538294 694 75 672.2790246883225 698.6843198 76.39832895955482 73.39760999 83 78343428 1 790 0 19 1 5 01025.6881643499592 956 140AOkahay Voting District 015 267229591 53782 0 217.66537203597712201112111 31Covington County 28031N28031013 31.755427-89.4960559V2G5240Gilmer Gilmer Voting District 701 0 591 0 9 1 8 0 701 92 253.3286604 47.49013217 309 52 299.3288453181879 311.0856698 52.96950808584146 50.8890096 83 78343428 0 392 0 6 1 6 0 518.7643601798856 479 74AGilmer Voting District 013 420845101 24754 0 174.81541291905152201112111 31Covington County 28031N28031017 31.7453496-89.5630404V2G5240Yawn Yawn Voting District 563 3 137 0 8 0 1 0 563 414 6.003375565390009 91.49056738781769 7.894829097283085 103.1262050832603 8.089737412818316 8.407480337879052110.84747012954502 106.4936824109553 83 89343428 2 107 0 4 0 0 0 416.6395645952576 441 328AYawn Voting District 017 379315471 167155 0 163.94766966475882201112111 31Covington County 28031N28031008 31.6498136 -89.628743V2G5240Williamsburg Williamsburg Voting District 528 1 144 0 1 0 6 0 528 376 49.19003115 235.6241173 60 25858.122105880113835 60.40498442262.81025165667495 252.4877784 99 89344028 1 92 0 1 0 4 0390.73834832379396 407 309AWilliamsburg Voting District 008 1507676441 642627 01006.66353229762882211112111 31Covington County 28031N28031001 31.5806204 -89.512631V2G5240Seminary Seminary Voting District 3242 6 331 0 41 3 22 2 3242 2837 168.8857736 1102.31903 206 1207199.55256351338502 207.39044651229.5037746396347 1181.212204 99 89344028 6 221 0 20 3 8 0 2399.192661488144 2367 2109ASeminary Voting District 001 424933121 346992 0 90.357522485690922201112111 31Covington County 28031N28031002 31.5941264-89.6548633V2G5240Strahan Strahan Voting District 291 0 90 0 0 0 3 0 291 198 26.23468328 82.19445953 32 9030.998456468752575 32.21599169 91.67799475354754 88.07713199 99 89344028 0 59 0 0 0 1 0215.35011242845462 216 156AStrahan Voting District 002 374510421 77379 0 146.24877350776782201112111 31Covington County 28031N28031010 31.6155654-89.7074489V2G5240Lone Star/Black Jack Lone Star/Black Jack Voting District 471 1 162 0 2 2 1 0 471 303 61.48753894 159.8225602 75 175 72.65263235495333 75.50623053178.26276759658182 171.26109 99 89344028 1 120 0 2 2 1 0 348.5563675388389 372 246ALone Star/Black Jack Voting District 010 536541881 45952 0 236.60629599345872201112111 31Covington County 28031N28031009 31.6679418-89.7113972V2G5240Dry Creek Dry Creek Voting District 762 7 550 0 24 0 3 0 762 178 5.8511950506074974 28.78133881512279 5.088754847048686 32.338216286083586 4.325216358670205 4.495099115945713 32.5927988383650431.312642176863424 17 90343428 1 396 0 19 0 3 0 563.9064799672935 566 147ADry Creek Voting District 009 221536511 35386 0 70.485077677841372201112111 31Covington County 28031N2803112 31.7078552-89.6455405V2G5240Rock Hill Rock Hill Voting District 227 0 24 0 1 0 0 0 227 202 12.29750779 101.3731668 15 11114.530526474839494 15.10124611113.06952687554619 108.6284628 17 89343428 0 19 0 1 0 0 0167.98788838920686 179 159ARock Hill Voting District 12 1322921161 617805 0 716.33953393295182201112111 31Covington County 28031N28031011 31.7405373-89.6734118V2G5240Mt. Olive Mt. Olive Voting District 2307 8 1173 2 18 3 14 0 2307 1089 569.7845275 473.98805 695 519 673.2477265104027 699.6910696 528.6764364721485 507.9114612 17 89343428 4 800 2 13 3 8 01707.2601696647587 1704 874AMt. Olive Voting District 011 495939991 1146867 58.4375184.891666666666683311113221 41Greene County 28041N28041201 31.2258937-88.5242583V2G5240North Leakesville North Leakesville Voting District 660 0 324 0 5 0 9 0 660 322 245.5021962 103.2905297 236 117220.26512839158863 228.9165447126.53066139779536 121.5608805108104394228 0 243 0 5 0 3 0 515.35 487 236ANorth Leakesville Voting District 201 3281147901 3734763 469.71354166666671486.13680555555563311113221 41Greene County 28041N28041101 31.1735663-88.5489426V2G5240Leakesville Leakesville Voting District 5305 7 1989 1 71 14 28 2 5305 3193 141.4758419 904.0128411 136 1024126.93244685994388 131.91800881107.4136520519517 1063.91745108104394228 4 1966 1 61 13 13 0 4142.320833333333 4707 2649ALeakesville Voting District 101 3654564571 2538054 123.69270833333333 391.35402777777783311113221 41Greene County 28041N28041202 31.3442598-88.5468396V2G5240State Line State Line Voting District 1397 4 759 0 14 5 10 0 1397 605 108.0628161007468 157.0516408960882 131.6518492176387 171.3958036984353135.07801649049676 140.3835142935633 179.608017220902 172.5535018709104108104394228 1 524 0 7 3 5 01090.8241666666668 996 456AState Line Voting District 202 1109298661 23048 102.265625323.560416666666643311113221 41Greene County 28041N28041403 31.0474015-88.4933899V2G5240Maples Maples Voting District 1155 2 76 0 5 7 9 0 1155 1056 95.70424597 381.3804173 92 432 85.86606698217138 89.238653467.19013454398885 448.8401743108104394228 1 50 0 3 6 2 0 901.8625 825 763AMaples Voting District 403 2457680081 4844520 103.68229166666667 328.04263888888893311113221 41Greene County 28041N28041402 31.0600985-88.6669162V2G5240Vernal Vernal Voting District 1171 4 82 0 3 1 7 0 1171 1074 69.69765739 453.7720706 67 514 62.53289660407121 64.98901903 555.8697433468542 534.0366888108104394228 4 62 0 3 1 5 0 914.3558333333333 859 784AVernal Voting District 402 141001621 0 9.29687529.4145833333333333311113221 41Greene County 28041N28041401 31.0973407-88.6647062V2G5240Washington A Washington A Voting District 105 0 2 0 5 0 2 0 105 96 5.201317716 45.90690209 5 52 4.66663407562003 4.849926794 56.2358495205401 54.02705801108104394228 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 81.9875 75 71AWashington A Voting District 401 910017431 0 48.963541666666664154.916805555555563311113221 41Greene County 28041N28041502 31.205765-88.6629916V2G5240Jonathan Jonathan Voting District 553 0 2 0 3 1 15 0 553 532 16.64421669 248.0738363 16 28114.933229041214332 15.51976574303.88987921170263 291.9539097108104394228 0 1 0 1 1 7 0431.80083333333334 380 370AJonathan Voting District 502 1719448671 1006725 79.33333333333333251.004444444444433311113221 41Greene County 28041N28041304 31.3172343-88.7540333V2G5240Wade Wade Voting District 896 0 56 0 4 0 7 0 896 829 40.57027818 396.388443 39 449 36.39974578675717 37.82942899 485.5749314591901 466.5028663108104394228 0 38 0 4 0 2 0 699.6266666666667 646 602AWade Voting District 304 326331101 0 37.364583333333336118.218611111111123311113221 41Greene County 28041N28041302 31.4076691-88.8146181V2G5240Jones Jones Voting District 422 0 10 0 1 6 2 0 422 403 8.322108346 163.3226324 8 185 7.466614520607166 7.75988287200.06984926677703 192.2116487108104394228 0 7 0 1 5 1 0329.51166666666666 297 283AJones Voting District 302 913813301 131830 57.90625183.210833333333343311113221 41Greene County 28041N28041303 31.4070531-88.7249859V2G5240Piave Piave Voting District 654 0 3 0 1 1 4 0 654 645 13.52342606 271.9101124 13 30812.133248592378367 12.60980966333.08926252311915 320.0064205108104394228 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 510.665 462 458APiave Voting District 303 956414851 32966 38.604166666666664122.140555555555553311113221 41Greene County 28041N28041501 31.271459-88.7563424V2G5240Mutual Rights Mutual Rights Voting District 436 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 436 424 11.44289898 176.565008 11 200 10.26659496944313 10.66983895 216.2917289651882 207.796377108104394228 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 340.4433333333333 320 313AMutual Rights Voting District 501 1378981931 22354 46.927083333333336 148.47361111111113311113221 41Greene County 28041N28041505 31.1944827-88.7595765V2G5240Washington Washington Voting District 530 1 7 0 1 1 1 0 530 519 3.66135923386829 35.99209779634754 3.519645821804095 40.76923076923077 3.2849798250596 3.414004915135584 44.09023705370894 42.35849223021583108104394228 1 5 0 1 1 0 0413.84166666666664 400 392AWashington Voting District 505 753413861 1870611 78.890625 249.603753311113221 41Greene County 28041N28041504 31.1098649-88.8174606V2G5240McLain McLain Voting District 891 0 369 0 8 4 13 0 891 497 217.4150805 165.0882825 209 187 195.0653043713091 202.72694 202.2327665876554 194.2896125108104394228 0 250 0 5 3 8 0 695.7225 626 360AMcLain Voting District 504 362286651 28794 19.921875 63.031253311113221 41Greene County 28041N28041503 31.0209916-88.8007447V2G5240Leaf Leaf Voting District 225 1 56 0 0 0 0 0 225 168 58.25475842 72.39165329 56 82 52.26630164425016 54.31918009 88.67960886531833 85.19651456108104394228 1 33 0 0 0 0 0 175.6875 164 130ALeaf Voting District 503 812950241 60568 16.196569447764762 150.05725555821183211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023102 31.959979-88.6904129V2G5240Desoto Desoto Voting District 457 5 215 0 2 8 1 0 457 226 95.4335149 109.5207497 124 113 118.931389281829 123.6026914113.57091202307392 109.1101549 97 83 73228 3 164 0 0 2 0 0 344.2522113315802 350 181PDesoto Voting District 102 844677011 23005 58.19423858474779 539.15539086779823211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023101 32.0569013-88.7601269V2G5240South Quitman South Quitman Voting District 1642 3 1064 1 12 0 10 1 1642 551 384.8125601 245.210174 500 253 479.5620537544113 498.3979494 254.2782366690903 244.2908778 97 82 73228 3 712 1 6 0 4 01236.8974420272532 1178 452PSouth Quitman Voting District 101 231940231 0 10.065264164475257 93.25221133158023211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023103 31.9853473 -88.78387V2G5240Harmony Beat 1 Harmony Beat 1 Voting District 284 0 118 0 0 0 3 0 284 163 33.86350529 63.96787149 44 66 42.20146073308237 43.85901955 66.33345304592073 63.72805508 97 83 73228 0 85 0 0 0 0 0213.93354052115706 208 123PHarmony Beat 1 Voting District 103 626028041 0 22.186110447047575205.548888357638053211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023304 31.9610537-88.8431432V2G5240Harmony Beat 2 Harmony Beat 2 Voting District 626 0 286 0 8 1 2 0 626 329 87.7372637 132.7817938 114 137109.34014829141499 113.6347325137.69216766478092 132.2839931 97 83 73228 0 198 0 7 1 0 0 471.5577336839589 466 260PHarmony Beat 2 Voting District 304 713557171 90584 13.6093712646426126.087497011714083211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023305 32.0665453-88.8433834V2G5240Souinlovie Souinlovie Voting District 384 0 57 0 1 1 1 0 384 324 20.01025312 146.3507363 26 151 24.93722679638404 25.91669337151.76290013979138 145.8020654 28 83 73228 0 43 0 1 1 0 0 289.2622519722687 296 251PSouinlovie Voting District 305 406967751 745416 27.50227109729859254.801816877838863211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023104 32.0971884-88.7818683V2G5240Stonewall Beat 1 Stonewall Beat 1 Voting District 776 0 499 0 17 1 1 0 776 258 167.0086511 76.56760375 217 79 208.1299312913111 216.30471 79.3991331834439 76.28055077 28 82 73228 0 324 0 9 1 1 0 584.5508008606264 553 218PStonewall Beat 1 Voting District 104 172809661 77801 40.50914415491274 375.30731532393023211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023303 32.1472877-88.7781915V2G5240Stonewall Beat 3 Stonewall Beat 3 Voting District 1143 0 247 0 0 12 3 0 1143 881 66.95738545 394.4685408 87 407 83.4437973478792 86.72124319409.05629379011714 392.989673 28 83 73228 0 149 0 0 5 3 0 861.007171886206 881 724PStonewall Beat 3 Voting District 303 387066011 144083 13.892899832655988128.714319866124783211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023406 32.1282724-88.6850912V2G5240Rolling Creek Rolling Creek Voting District 392 0 33 0 11 1 2 0 392 345 14.62287728 186.0883534 19 192 18.22335804536181 18.93912208192.97004523774433 185.3907057 26 83 73228 0 21 0 5 1 1 0295.28854888835764 297 269PRolling Creek Voting District 406 1213007601 312186 46.53412622519723431.127300980157773211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023405 32.0875807-88.6249543V2G5240North Quitman North Quitman Voting District 1313 3 283 0 11 16 7 1 1313 992 63.87888497 417.729585 83 431 79.60730092284739 82.7340596433.17754943182416 416.1635112 26 83 73228 2 168 0 8 5 5 0 989.0659813530958 988 800PNorth Quitman Voting District 405 483599611 1934632 64.53819029404734 597.93055223523793211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023503 32.0262222-88.6611205V2G5240East Quitman East Quitman Voting District 1821 5 156 0 13 1 20 2 1821 1624 90.04613906 912.9959839 117 942112.21752061740541 116.6251202 946.7592843013089 909.5731497 97 83 73228 5 101 0 8 1 13 0 1371.735835524743 1446 1318PEast Quitman Voting District 503 1113888471 0 17.72053550083672164.176428400669383311113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023504 31.9440798-88.5677594V2G5240Carmichael Carmichael Voting District 500 2 171 0 1 1 3 0 500 322 65.41813521 167.6733601 85 173 81.52554913055226 84.72765139173.87405112734143 167.0447504 97 85 73228 2 129 0 0 1 0 0 376.6435572555582 405 273PCarmichael Voting District 504 757670391 41407 10.774085584508725 99.819268467606973311113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023105 31.8894084-88.6117617V2G5240Langsdale Langsdale Voting District 304 0 241 0 1 5 0 0 304 57 103.1297661 23.26104418 134 24128.52263036846372 133.5706504 24.12125565211583 23.17383821 97 79 73228 0 178 0 1 1 0 0 228.9992828113794 224 44PLangsdale Voting District 105 988074181 61797 27.537712168300263255.130169734640223311113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023205 31.8794706-88.7644247V2G5240Shubuta Shubuta Voting District 777 0 565 0 12 0 7 0 777 193 317.8551746 107.5823293 413 111396.11825639691006 411.6767062111.56080736891695 107.1790017 97 79 73228 0 411 0 5 0 3 0 585.3040879751375 586 167PShubuta Voting District 205 513430601 0 19.421706908917045179.937365527133643211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023204 31.9358034-88.7349226V2G5240Oak Grove Oak Grove Voting District 548 0 453 0 14 0 5 0 548 76 9.9353677940912812.620824236430318 14.626731866340668 13.51018744906275513.799303415509135 14.34130259388752813.66315765012111813.126505907823962 97 79 73228 0 304 0 10 0 1 0 412.8013387520918 384 69POak Grove Voting District 204 1132153871 26650 17.18891943581162 159.25113554864933211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023206 31.8758354-88.8590874V2G5240Beaver Dam Beaver Dam Voting District 485 0 250 0 5 0 1 0 485 229 135.4540211 69.78313253 176 72168.80584293232948 175.4360782 72.36376695634749 69.52151463 97 79 73228 0 177 0 4 0 1 0365.34425053789147 371 189PBeaver Dam Voting District 206 629525441 277497 21.33552474300741197.668419794405933211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023202 32.0246414-88.8843739V2G5240Pachuta Pachuta Voting District 602 1 383 0 0 3 0 0 602 215 168.5479013 87.22891566 219 90210.04817950863804 218.2983018 90.45470869803658 86.90189329 28 79 73228 0 278 0 0 3 0 0 453.4788429356921 455 174PPachuta Voting District 202 1639606921 905929 73.1149294764523 677.39194358116193211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023301 32.1706064-88.8545196V2G5240Enterprise Enterprise Voting District 2063 4 379 0 9 3 7 2 2063 1659 26.40336825119606371.18951426179643 32.89962476547842 399.85952770680115 31.46073762170331 32.69642999172373 418.4461341896614402.01070595844277 28 82 73228 3 303 0 4 3 3 0 1554.031317236433 1529 1213PEnterprise Voting District 301 1092011801 303940 39.87120487688262369.396963901506073211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023401 32.1873918-88.6870449V2G5240Union Union Voting District 1125 3 42 0 7 6 5 0 1125 1062 3.523509396008744 86.94848333063472 4.007448186528498 92.535621761658043.8307070920300488 3.9811668677137306 93.19601037333898 89.53552407707255 26 83 73228 2 32 0 6 3 2 0 847.448003825006 849 804PUnion Voting District 401 1165720131 0 14.778926607697825136.923141286158263211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023402 32.1718321 -88.568908V2G5240Energy Energy Voting District 417 1 35 0 2 0 1 0 417 378 13.85325216 173.4886212 18 17917.264233936698336 17.94232618179.90436508981233 172.83821 26 80 73228 0 24 0 2 0 0 0 314.1207267511355 317 291PEnergy Voting District 402 766238211 0 11.872758785560602109.998207028448483211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023403 32.1840179-88.4781457V2G5240Snell Snell Voting District 335 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 335 328 2.30887536 171.5502008 3 177 2.877372322141585 2.990387696177.89426043565535 170.9070568 26 80 73228 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 252.351183361224 263 257PSnell Voting District 403 738471921 0 9.958940951470236 92.267152761176193211113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023404 32.0951404-88.4893738V2G5240Pineridge Pineridge Voting District 281 0 147 0 1 0 2 0 281 131 70.03588593 54.27576975 91 56 87.28029378253309 90.70842679 56.28292985840655 54.07228916 26 80 73228 0 111 0 1 0 2 0 211.6736791776237 215 101PPineridge Voting District 404 647372931 17989 8.045123117379871 74.536098493903893311113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023501 32.0120414-88.5667661V2G5240Manassa Manassa Voting District 227 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 227 222 4.617750721 94.98259705 6 98 5.754744645245377 5.980775393 98.49512724180262 94.62650602 26 83 73228 0 3 0 1 0 0 0170.99617499402342 171 167PManassa Voting District 501 835004421 46270 8.151446330384891 75.521157064307913311113221 23Clarke County 28023S28023502 31.9859544-88.4981277V2G5240Springs Springs Voting District 230 0 117 0 3 0 1 0 230 109 51.56488305 65.90629183 67 68 64.261315203476 66.78532522 68.34355767926004 65.65920826 26 80 73228 0 82 0 1 0 0 0173.25603633755676 172 89PSprings Voting District 502 2924762241 150623 0228.944338179035952231112441 69Kemper County 28069S28069202 32.6677494-88.4626708V2G5240Porterville Porterville Voting District 934 0 756 0 8 2 0 0 934 168 327.8086609 123.1612403 433 113414.46037227690897 430.7392506108.74511470458066 104.4739018 85 41453128 0 527 0 6 1 0 0 715.953519510329 680 146PPorterville Voting District 202 387572811 0 021.3256503442999232221112441 69Kemper County 28069S28069102 32.8385192-88.6185645V2G5240Farmers Market Farmers Market Voting District 87 0 54 0 0 0 0 0 87 33 13.62714988 18.52868217 18 17 17.22929954477952 17.90601966 16.35988451289428 15.71731266 85 41443128 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 66.68946059678653 60 31PFarmers Market Voting District 102 4549066371 1189032 0 415.23737566947212221112441 69Kemper County 28069S28069101 32.8382204-88.4784609V2G5240City Hall And Fire Dpt. City Hall And Fire Dpt. Voting District 1694 0 1119 0 9 3 8 0 1694 555 372.47543 257.2217054 492 236470.93418742259786 489.4312039 227.1136909546857 218.1932817 85 41443128 0 857 0 9 2 8 0 1298.528117827085 1326 450PCity Hall And Fire Dpt. Voting District 101 1082220261 73010 0207.863810252486622231112441 69Kemper County 28069S28069201 32.7120636-88.6091603V2G5240Band Building Band Building Voting District 848 1 597 0 6 3 8 0 848 233 221.8197174 166.7581395 293 153 280.4547091508461 291.4702088 147.2389606785015 141.455814 85 41443128 1 406 0 5 2 3 0 650.0306044376434 616 199PBand Building Voting District 201 1202560151 62425 0 422.59104820198932231112441 69Kemper County 28069S28069501 32.8349147-88.6651301V2G5240Courthouse Courthouse Voting District 1724 2 1237 0 10 5 12 0 1724 458 30.588508557969018 64.22051627820586 32.16157028145024 73.6919458188012 28.42686221697803 29.543392196901614 71.85146878087345 69.02933813616676 85 41443128 1 895 0 6 3 4 01321.5244835501148 1328 419PCourthouse Voting District 501 1122498741 55425 0100.500191277735272231112441 69Kemper County 28069S28069403 32.8707955-88.7454615V2G5240Kellis Store Kellis Store Voting District 410 0 304 0 1 0 6 1 410 98 147.627457 43.59689922 195 40186.65074502033445 193.9818796 38.49384591146785 36.98191214 85 41443128 0 247 0 1 0 4 1 314.2836648814078 335 82PKellis Store Voting District 403 1254905651 132643 0150.995409334353472231112441 69Kemper County 28069S28069502 32.6521286-88.6597988V2G5240Mt. Nebo Fire Station Mt. Nebo Fire Station Voting District 616 0 403 0 3 0 12 0 616 198 177.1529484 135.1503876 234 124223.98089400515718 232.7782555119.33092229016033 114.6439276 85 41453128 0 287 0 3 0 6 0 472.1920428462127 469 173PMt. Nebo Fire Station Voting District 502 772803451 0 0 55.887911247130842231112441 69Kemper County 28069S28069204 32.6297678-88.5786926V2G5240Kemper Springs Kemper Springs Voting District 228 0 201 0 1 2 0 0 228 24 99.17536855 13.07906977 131 12125.39101328631868 130.3160319 11.54815377135859 11.09457364 74 41453128 0 161 0 1 1 0 0174.77237949502677 182 19PKemper Springs Voting District 204 1790061621 294974 0232.621174445294572231112441 69Kemper County 28069N28069301 32.718772-88.8209986V2G5240Satellite Satellite Voting District 949 3 573 0 3 4 0 0 949 366 279.3565725 258.3116279 369 237 353.2006405428932 367.0734029 228.0760370988293 219.1178295 0 41443128 2 444 0 1 2 0 0 727.4517023718439 757 308ASatellite Voting District 301 841597381 139005 0103.686782708492732231112441 69Kemper County 28069S28069303 32.6044537-88.7578292V2G5240Ft. Stevens Ft. Stevens Voting District 423 2 84 0 0 2 2 0 423 333 34.82493857 159.1286822 46 146 44.03043216037003 45.75982801140.50253756540795 134.9839793 0 42333128 2 64 0 0 2 1 0 324.2487566947207 355 286PFt. Stevens Voting District 303 1358537931 0 0 155.40761285386382231112441 69Kemper County 28069S28069302 32.6449749-88.8628944V2G5240Lynwood Lynwood Voting District 634 0 199 0 4 2 0 0 634 429 85.54821867 217.9844961 113 200108.16171379927158 112.4100123192.46922955733925 184.9095607 0 42333128 0 134 0 2 2 0 0 485.9898622800306 492 354PLynwood Voting District 302 1575323001 19913 0 278.9493114001532231112441 69Kemper County 28069S28069404 32.8057715-88.8242377V2G5240Lynville Lynville Voting District 1138 0 386 0 4 355 15 0 1138 378 127.1867322 221.2542636 168 203160.80679569354308 167.1228501195.35626798977012 187.6832041 85 41443128 0 287 0 2 228 4 0 872.3288064269319 836 315PLynville Voting District 404 982122181 65300 0188.989384085692422231112441 69Kemper County 28069S28069406 32.8978514-88.8549969V2G5240Preston Preston Voting District 771 2 360 0 3 7 7 0 771 392 173.367629 213.6248062 229 196 219.194977513051 227.8043612188.61984498076484 181.2113695 85 42443128 2 254 0 2 7 3 0 591.0065990818669 579 311PPreston Voting District 406 567897111 967966 109.52416326530613325.660979591836743311113221111Perry County 28111N28111103 31.1402736-88.8998974V2G5240Beaumont Library Beaumont Library Voting District 1049 0 722 0 1 0 13 1 1049 312 345.4794521 98.58101795 420 107 402.5452786112168 418.3561644 113.2914322148882 108.8416523108104394428 0 518 0 1 0 4 0 782.339918367347 754 231ABeaumont Library Voting District 103 729006491 956095 57.00685714285714169.505142857142863311113221111Perry County 28111N28111101 31.2156045-89.0198004V2G5240New Augusta Elementary New Augusta Elementary Voting District 546 1 304 0 5 0 4 0 546 232 108.5792564 90.28915663 132 98126.51423036843403 131.4833659103.76224635226615 99.68674699114104394428 1 204 0 4 0 3 0407.20457142857146 384 172ANew Augusta Elementary Voting District 101 169514591 0 39.04865306122449116.107918367346943311113221111Perry County 28111N28111503 31.1600602-88.9553121V2G5240Beaumont City Hall Beaumont City Hall Voting District 374 1 92 0 0 5 5 0 374 271 37.01565558 123.4566019 45 13443.129851282522395 44.82387476141.87898987561616 136.3063683108104394428 1 66 0 0 4 4 0278.92767346938774 304 229ABeaumont City Hall Voting District 503 2233173981 1925409 57.21567346938775170.126040816326543311113221111Perry County 28111N28111501 31.1557158-89.0813615V2G5240N.A. Courthouse N.A. Courthouse Voting District 548 0 44 0 5 2 8 0 548 489 29.61252446 242.3066142 36 263 34.50388101832026 35.8590998 278.4639876111139 267.5266781114104394428 0 28 0 4 1 2 0 408.6961632653061 426 391AN.A. Courthouse Voting District 501 475902721 0 62.54048979591837 185.95893877551023311113221111Perry County 28111N28111102 31.2796338-89.1117138V2G5240Indian Springs Indian Springs Voting District 599 0 241 0 0 5 3 0 599 350 133.2563601 146.48955 162 159155.26746458244114 161.3659491168.34895068029675 161.7366609114 87394428 0 175 0 0 5 2 0446.73175510204084 447 265AIndian Springs Voting District 102 949719681 376377 52.62171428571428 156.46628571428573311113221111Perry County 28111N28111402 31.2782002-88.9519348V2G5240Hintonville Hintonville Voting District 504 0 140 0 8 3 1 0 504 352 87.19243314 160.3093189 106 174 101.5947607868564 105.5851272184.23092720474042 176.9948365108104394428 0 93 0 6 2 0 0375.88114285714283 360 259AHintonville Voting District 402 1503816321 229723 225.52163265306123 670.56979591836743311113221111Perry County 28111N28111202 31.3819528 -89.07624V2G5240Runnelstown Runnelstown Voting District 2160 6 57 0 23 3 26 0 2160 2045 50.17677756 718.6279813 61 780 58.46490951395607 60.76125245 825.8627770852167 793.4251291114 87394328 6 37 0 12 3 15 01610.9191836734694 1598 1525ARunnelstown Voting District 202 1065874341 2236918 101.38032653061225 301.44595918367353311113221111Perry County 28111N28111403 31.2054782-88.8930536V2G5240Arlington Arlington Voting District 971 0 104 0 5 1 8 0 971 853 12.56565630729005 82.660774858542 15.27609129182362 89.7201418125415414.641234344430151 15.21630228417904 94.99554549390082 91.26437834314203108104394428 0 71 0 2 1 3 0 724.1678367346939 741 664AArlington Voting District 403 1335277761 310840 18.271428571428572 54.328571428571433311113221111Perry County 28111N28111502 31.0330927-88.8852061V2G5240Thompson Hill Thompson Hill Voting District 175 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 175 161 9.048271363 50.67248586 11 5510.542852532306515 10.95694716 58.23391377029729 55.94664372108104394428 0 0 0 7 0 4 0 130.5142857142857 134 123AThompson Hill Voting District 502 571483931 266660 73.50334693877551218.556081632653053311113221111Perry County 28111N28111201 31.2897003-89.0264831V2G5240Prospect Prospect Voting District 704 0 9 0 17 5 3 0 704 670 4.8180969534072962.445206027258315 5.857369255150554 67.778129952456425.6139436636746565 5.834444131093503 71.76337773837187 68.94470707068146114 87394428 0 6 0 9 5 0 0 525.0403265306122 508 488AProspect Voting District 201 565825511 26212 83.31771428571429247.738285714285723311113221111Perry County 28111N28111301 31.3884247-88.9725126V2G5240Holly Street Holly Street Voting District 798 0 129 0 20 2 8 11 798 628 69.09589041 265.3395623 84 288 80.50905572224336 83.67123288 304.9339484157945 292.9569707108 85394328 0 85 0 11 1 2 3 595.1451428571429 593 491AHolly Street Voting District 301 407181751 22428 101.17151020408163 300.82506122448983311113221111Perry County 28111N28111401 31.3285275-88.9621702V2G5240Richton Multi-Purpose Richton Multi-Purpose Voting District 969 3 384 0 11 0 8 0 969 563 199.06197 175.9717236 242 191 231.9427557877199 241.0528376202.23050058523148 194.2874355108104394328 2 274 0 9 0 7 0 722.6762448979592 732 440ARichton Multi-Purpose Voting District 401 1424605431 212477 163.60759183673468486.473551020408143311113221111Perry County 28111N28111302 31.3903607-88.8956967V2G5240Richton City Hall Richton City Hall Voting District 1567 1 78 0 9 0 6 0 1567 1473 45.24135682 646.7651832 55 702 52.71426267115465 54.78473581 743.2764993871039 714.0826162108 85394328 1 44 0 4 0 2 01168.6622040816326 1152 1101ARichton City Hall Voting District 302 3507353461 223277 111.19469387755102 330.62816326530613311113221111Perry County 28111N28111504 30.9971002-89.0405394V2G5240Janice Janice Voting District 1065 2 115 0 8 5 2 0 1065 933 65.80560992 361.1566265 80 392 76.67529115716839 79.68688845 415.0489854506999 398.746988102104394428 2 87 0 6 5 1 0 794.2726530612244 832 731AJanice Voting District 504 1255962571 0 23.074204081632654 68.609224489795923311113221111Perry County 28111N28111505 30.9529963-88.9101006V2G5240Deep Creek Deep Creek Voting District 221 0 30 0 0 1 8 0 221 182 5.757990868 58.96434718 7 64 6.709087976853613 6.97260274 67.76309965373702 65.10154905102104394428 0 22 0 0 1 4 0164.82089795918367 171 144ADeep Creek Voting District 505 960742691 1084763 147.50051219012497 427.25343167383733301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045027 30.5949842-89.4989196V2G5240Leetown Leetown Voting District 1683 25 25 2 54 6 26 6 1683 1539 88.09846072 551.7473886 65 571 65.01665151365859 67.57032909 591.7879085729808 568.544086 35 92164528 21 17 1 33 4 14 31280.8024994878099 1286 1193ALeetown Voting District 027 788364331 1064803 97.80782626510961 283.31243597623443311113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045026 30.6183331-89.3922586V2G5240Crane Creek Crane Creek Voting District 1116 1 1 0 14 1 10 2 1116 1087 92.16454352 584.6009985 68 605 68.0174200418015 70.68895966 627.0257175526513 602.3978495 35 92134528 1 1 0 7 1 7 1 849.3021921737349 810 792ACrane Creek Voting District 026 463892331 856549 60.034373648387174 173.89697011086073301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045025 30.5647615-89.4099621V2G5240Standard Standard Voting District 685 2 1 0 13 3 8 1 685 657 24.39649682 110.1562212 18 114 18.0046111881017 18.71178344118.15030046999688 113.5096774 35 92164528 2 1 0 8 3 5 0 521.3010767374627 494 475AStandard Voting District 025 598169221 809633 171.77718591363336 497.57381228801023301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045024 30.5059753-89.5090017V2G5240Flat Top Flat Top Voting District 1960 9 39 0 67 6 20 0 1960 1819 71.83412951 513.0960829 53 531 53.01357738184273 55.09580679 550.3316627757735 528.716129 70 92164528 9 32 0 40 4 13 01491.6060005918641 1513 1415AFlat Top Voting District 024 514128781 238520 154.424184479501447.308702679323463301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045023 30.5087503-89.4136605V2G5240Hancock North Central Hancock North Central Voting District 1762 12 8 0 43 13 53 0 1762 1633 62.34660297 283.1208141 46 293 46.01178414309452 47.81900212 303.6670003344337 291.7397849 35 92164528 8 4 0 33 10 19 01340.9233535932983 1265 1191AHancock North Central Voting District 023 517963841 188510 164.5029479387193 476.50308452275263311113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045022 30.5053017-89.3507971V2G5240Dedeaux Dedeaux Voting District 1877 4 15 1 29 5 37 1 1877 1785 107.0735138 482.1750384 79 499 79.02023799115499 82.12393843 517.1666661380075 496.8537634 35 94164528 3 10 1 18 4 22 0 1428.441052607617 1361 1303ADedeaux Voting District 022 167186511 35928 49.07919597532382 142.16394636800293301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045021 30.4675164-89.4515733V2G5240Catahoula Catahoula Voting District 560 1 17 0 4 3 10 0 560 525 17.61969214 113.0550691 13 11713.003330304656131 13.51406582 121.2595189308095 116.4967742 35 92164528 1 12 0 3 3 8 0 426.1731430262469 416 389ACatahoula Voting District 021 429088281 508087 153.63541168704046 445.02392496983773311113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045020 30.4398984-89.3797775V2G5240Fenton Fenton Voting District 1753 2 18 0 61 9 25 0 1753 1638 117.9164013 471.5459293 87 488 87.02228740274349 90.44028662505.76619862184174 485.9010753 35 92164528 1 11 0 35 6 16 01334.0741423660907 1249 1180AFenton Voting District 020 91332471 982130 235.05429215324727 680.86375742675683301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045019 30.3925594-89.3812766V2G5240Diamondhead West Diamondhead West Voting District 2682 29 102 1 102 8 32 0 2682 2408 257.5185775 913.1370968 190 945 190.0486736094198 197.5132696 979.4038067248256 940.9354839 35 94164528 21 73 1 64 8 20 02041.0649457078468 2097 1910ADiamondhead West Voting District 019 236109551 8031514 503.324683011222651457.94204284185843301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045018 30.3669114-89.3625782V2G5240Diamondhead East Diamondhead East Voting District 5743 60 135 7 176 22 54 5 5743 5284 746.8038747 2389.616974 551 2473 551.1411536212706 572.7884822563.0323958658823 2462.363441 35 94164528 48 96 5 121 20 23 54370.5577864280995 4634 4316ADiamondhead East Voting District 018 272939251 2117024 92.81226524619272268.842177149491253301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045017 30.3846632 -89.424187V2G5240Kiln East Kiln East Voting District 1059 3 11 0 18 1 17 1 1059 1008 109.7842357 429.9957757 81 445 81.02075034645763 84.20302548 461.2007343638217 443.0860215104 92164528 3 7 0 11 1 9 1 805.9238544014205 840 808AKiln East Voting District 017 114767941 1381390 196.40442532267977 568.90964966195453301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045016 30.3254145-89.3928537V2G5240Edwardsville Edwardsville Voting District 2241 18 135 0 94 8 65 2 2241 1919 233.1220807 598.1289555 172 619 172.0440624598064 178.8014862 641.5354035296295 616.3376344104121164528 13 88 0 60 7 26 01705.4535955746774 1727 1533AEdwardsville Voting District 016 154885121 669127 98.33367479341665284.835621115891573301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045015 30.3148684-89.4273443V2G5240West Shoreline Park West Shoreline Park Voting District 1122 9 67 0 43 6 26 0 1122 971 96.23062633 235.7729647 71 244 71.01818856994443 73.80759023252.88309925887668 242.9505376104121164528 7 40 0 29 5 19 0 853.8683329918732 869 769AWest Shoreline Park Voting District 015 4509421181 5568458 106.6596098249448308.952719160463463301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045014 30.3949334-89.5544381V2G5240Kiln West Kiln West Voting District 1217 4 145 0 32 8 21 0 1217 1007 147.7343418 526.6240399 109 545109.02792333993875 113.3102442 564.8413488568402 542.655914 70 92164528 3 101 0 20 5 13 0 926.1655626123973 899 757AKiln West Voting District 014 40327701 55149 68.62323294406883198.775660725261223301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045013 30.3020331-89.4365431V2G5240Bayou Phillip Bayou Phillip Voting District 783 14 128 0 57 3 22 6 783 553 32.52866242 121.7516129 24 126 24.00614825400962 24.94904459 130.5871742091591 125.4580645104121164528 7 67 0 39 3 11 2 595.8813767670559 533 404ABayou Phillip Voting District 013 30683101 637798 32.25204306949851 93.422021898973343301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045012 30.3253136 -89.362101V2G5240Courthouse Courthouse Voting District 368 0 7 0 14 0 2 0 368 345 6.52933361330197113.708323660313084 6.865114770054343 15.730067320950605 6.067914904784173 6.306246130197096515.337204472947466 14.7348007158407104121164528 0 3 0 8 0 0 0 280.0566368458194 297 286ACourthouse Voting District 012 63069081 11205991 155.5635229574996450.608937148580653301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045011 30.3366249-89.3338637V2G5240North Bay West North Bay West Voting District 1775 31 148 0 65 6 21 4 1775 1500 203.3041401 602.9603687 150 624150.03842659958772 155.9315287 646.7174342282585 621.316129104121164528 11 72 0 49 5 11 31350.8166586992647 1308 1157ANorth Bay West Voting District 011 7351591 1694233 51.971362881012546150.541464636117383301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045010 30.3169353-89.3232085V2G5240North Bay East North Bay East Voting District 593 12 27 0 27 1 14 0 593 512 243.9649682 237.70553 180 246180.04611188101697 187.1178344254.95591160078123 244.9419355104121164528 10 24 0 19 1 8 0451.28691752600787 504 442ANorth Bay East Voting District 010 29481361 3833 176.42218124701222 511.02861435498193301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045009 30.3107259-89.3383815V2G5240City Hall City Hall Voting District 2013 38 607 4 65 8 52 6 2013 1233 53.96068437905803 69.99510352727081 61.3719512195122 74.4928511354079 58.66525473111738 60.96946668343146 75.02447590588125 72.07771815479394104121164528 33 490 3 48 7 30 31531.9402444854197 1622 1008ACity Hall Voting District 009 42758371 15289159 171.2513373853263496.050627148353043301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045008 30.3015327-89.3341538V2G5240South Bay South Bay Voting District 1954 7 180 1 62 5 26 3 1954 1670 416.0958068 639.6791091 307 662 307.0786463705691 319.139862 686.1008677876496 659.1526882104121164528 4 148 1 47 4 12 11487.0398597737258 1540 1323ASouth Bay Voting District 008 49042531 45589 210.07648705866285 608.5124632930413301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045007 30.2972312-89.3780932V2G5240Waveland West Waveland West Voting District 2397 55 245 3 92 15 44 2 2397 1941 336.1295117 578.8033026 248 599248.06353196130675 257.8067941 620.807280631026 596.4236559104121164528 43 175 3 59 12 21 11824.1732568462746 1787 1473AWaveland West Voting District 007 52287271 5387 159.5073869198024462.032825696009473301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045006 30.2860979-89.3792794V2G5240Waveland East Waveland East Voting District 1820 8 355 0 59 6 54 0 1820 1338 375.4349788 467.6807988 277 484277.07096108913987 287.9535563 501.620574042121 481.9182796104121164528 7 246 0 42 6 22 01385.0627148353024 1381 1058AWaveland East Voting District 006 55520211 128884 88.6054770197364 256.65669603223383301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045005 30.2812657-89.3960314V2G5240Arlington Arlington Voting District 1011 10 104 0 26 7 23 4 1011 837 13.083294054243297 86.06595610915134 15.90538444493685 93.4161311766009315.244374791162597 15.843132450365612 98.90885323824278 95.02398198240638104121164528 8 79 0 19 7 9 3 769.3947278563136 791 666AArlington Voting District 005 36113891 382284 14.986683056750666 43.410776480229463301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045004 30.2800372-89.4057417V2G5240Clermont Harbor Clermont Harbor Voting District 171 1 0 0 5 0 4 0 171 161 69.12340764 235.7729647 51 244 51.01306503616217 53.01671975252.88309925887668 242.9505376104121164528 1 0 0 4 0 4 0130.13501331694326 142 133AClermont Harbor Voting District 004 922690451 1217770 348.81285711033711010.37947597259213301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045003 30.2688654-89.4808132V2G5240Lakeshore Lakeshore Voting District 3980 53 247 0 202 37 106 11 3980 3324 162.6433121 492.8041475 120 510120.03074122193775 124.7452229 528.5671337582617 507.8064516104121164528 39 136 0 125 22 54 3 3028.873409365112 2813 2434ALakeshore Voting District 003 213330051 1031852 123.31147988800109 357.18691524960733301113221 45Hancock County 28045N28045001 30.2351049-89.5989983V2G5240Pearlington Pearlington Voting District 1407 4 303 1 18 6 33 4 1407 1038 292.7579618 385.5467742 216 399 216.0553342764645 224.5414013413.52605174907734 397.283871104 92164528 4 243 1 12 6 13 31070.7600218534453 1108 826APearlington Voting District 001 664235231 13396 0 637.76162600443592201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127402 31.8853277-89.7957497V2G5240Magee 4-S Magee 4-S Voting District 2046 6 537 0 31 2 29 3 2046 1438 118.1914054 610.9477817 174 654164.15688863693595 170.6045256 661.4049682954309 635.4267766 17 76343828 6 334 0 20 2 9 01506.5844453332363 1496 1125AMagee 4-S Voting District 402 141310731 0 0450.111333309093542201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127101 31.9091537-89.7456023V2G5240Magee 1 Magee 1 Voting District 1444 6 1175 0 11 0 6 3 1444 243 377.6690886 91.54875016 556 98 524.5472994221616 545.1500934 99.1096129836508 95.21685643 17 76343428 4 745 0 4 0 4 21063.2981129331345 967 208AMagee 1 Voting District 101 441641221 180892 0 559.52205213976652201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127103 31.9384802-89.7923238V2G5240Weathersby Weathersby Voting District 1795 1 1369 0 4 2 17 0 1795 402 468.0107951 125.1789033 689 134 650.0235419357957 675.5547021135.51722595869307 130.1944772 17 76223428 1 964 0 4 2 10 0 1321.759080827546 1319 338AWeathersby Voting District 103 917272161 6539 0479.412209577137052201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127304 31.921048-89.7032589V2G5240Dry Creek Dry Creek Voting District 1538 0 158 0 7 4 10 0 1538 1359 11.80989237248599958.091468632098234 10.271003877638949 65.27057302886686 8.729898634691304 9.07278535475657 65.78441550315674 63.20058224149074 17 76343428 0 116 0 4 3 5 01132.5155801185326 1154 1026ADry Creek Voting District 304 288942001 12451 0 581.03014216630912201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127205 31.8428271-89.7552914V2G5240Magee 2 Magee 2 Voting District 1864 6 496 1 153 1 8 3 1864 1196 105.2854474 526.8723989 155 564146.23171114873404 151.9752958 570.3859359879356 547.9827248 17 76343828 4 322 1 98 1 4 01372.5676471657637 1343 913AMagee 2 Voting District 205 24141411 0 0342.570883176380732201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127401 31.8805857 -89.733775V2G5240Magee 4-N Magee 4-N Voting District 1099 39 320 29 31 3 4 0 1099 673 57.73718082 319.4864547 85 342 80.19158354745464 83.34129126345.87232283093516 332.2873969 17 76343828 11 191 9 17 1 0 0 809.2552812420463 733 504AMagee 4-N Voting District 401 967898751 207948 0443.253681416572762201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127501 31.9878285-89.9927493V2G5240Braxton Braxton Voting District 1422 2 60 0 15 6 19 0 1422 1320 52.98235416 583.856825 78 625 73.58757078155345 76.4778908 632.0766134315412 607.2503599 73 76223428 2 44 0 13 6 10 0 1047.098280187616 1086 1011ABraxton Voting District 501 388977801 139036 0 311.0880267607172201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127102 32.0127791-89.9289397V2G5240Jupiter Jupiter Voting District 998 1 691 0 7 0 9 0 998 290 241.8168985 108.3638267 356 116335.86122049263423 349.0529375 117.3134194555587 112.7056668 73 59223428 1 490 0 6 0 7 0 734.8833218194379 726 222AJupiter Voting District 102 270345641 0 0207.288114023924662201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127303 32.0145742-89.8776128V2G5240DLo DLo Voting District 665 0 126 4 4 0 7 0 665 524 36.68009134 244.752781 54 262 50.94524130808576 52.94623209264.96651638164525 254.5593509 94 76223428 0 90 2 1 0 7 0489.67676253499616 511 411ADLo Voting District 303 59275811 0 0 243.7583536341492201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127104 31.9575874-89.8663248V2G5240Mendenhall 1 Mendenhall 1 Voting District 782 0 509 0 7 0 5 0 782 261 184.7589786 86.87789556 272 93256.61306732106425 266.692132 94.05300007536577 90.35885355 17 76223428 0 379 0 4 0 1 0 575.8304184998 581 197AMendenhall 1 Voting District 104 702849751 116525 0365.325819001563452201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127502 31.9190865-89.8994917V2G5240Merit Merit Voting District 1172 2 89 0 7 2 10 1 1172 1061 61.81274652 521.2673734 91 558 85.85216591822709 89.22420594 564.3180004521945 542.1531213 17 76223428 2 67 0 3 2 5 0 863.0092717158128 898 819AMerit Voting District 502 715517871 35679 0 680.4660946078612201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127302 32.0024908-89.8339795V2G5240Mendenhall 3 Mendenhall 3 Voting District 2183 8 369 0 16 4 21 0 2183 1765 105.9647083 769.7568381 156 824 147.1751415631069 152.9557816 833.3298071563044 800.5988745 17 76223428 7 225 0 9 3 11 01607.4652219757845 1603 1348AMendenhall 3 Voting District 302 299844191 50187 0170.817874413700342201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127201 31.8136422-89.6803991V2G5240Saratoga Saratoga Voting District 548 0 259 0 3 0 1 1 548 284 121.5877102 111.1663395 179 119168.87404061257965 175.5069545 120.347387171385 115.6204685 17 89343428 0 194 0 3 0 1 0403.52310657019234 436 238ASaratoga Voting District 201 273838741 10507 0212.587208668145282201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127202 31.8073048-89.7206825V2G5240New Hope New Hope Voting District 682 0 360 0 10 1 4 0 682 307 23.224931951533097 142.2295045477352 20.198606271777003 159.80662020905925 17.1679212082948 17.842230549076657161.06469756340377154.73851347160277 17 89343428 0 252 0 8 1 0 0 502.1948151110788 501 240ANew Hope Voting District 202 491899991 18430 0175.181834708940842201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127203 31.7936908-89.7928855V2G5240Bowie Bowie Voting District 562 0 213 0 5 0 6 2 562 336 80.83205315 150.4015181 119 161112.26821700107594 116.6778078162.82293560930634 156.4276927 17 89343828 0 147 0 5 0 2 2 413.8320910446133 412 256ABowie Voting District 203 324208531 0 0133.100789004835832201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127204 31.8269677-89.8435642V2G5240Oak Grove Oak Grove Voting District 427 1 120 0 10 1 1 0 427 294 7.741609576782804 9.834109395904646 11.397106764466178 10.52709861450692810.752376931427738 11.1747011087408310.64629254854327910.228135077811736 17 89223828 1 93 0 5 1 1 0314.42402646983965 319 218AOak Grove Voting District 204 939787131 142429 0212.898920117805322201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127403 31.8590112-89.9599605V2G5240Pinola Pinola Voting District 683 0 176 0 2 0 9 1 683 495 90.34170646 196.1758932 133 210125.47624251363418 130.4046087 212.3777420855185 204.0361209 73 76223828 0 135 0 0 0 7 0 502.931171144966 524 382APinola Voting District 403 262333411 0 0105.670181434752582201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127206 31.7973037-89.8782689V2G5240Oak Grove A Oak Grove A Voting District 339 0 296 0 1 0 0 0 339 42 65.88831223 83.14121188 97 89 91.51274827937745 95.10712061 90.00770975290128 86.47245125 17 90223828 0 201 0 1 0 0 0249.62469548776497 236 34AOak Grove A Voting District 206 695531691 31710 0188.897138493982482201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127406 31.7888052-89.9505807V2G5240Shivers A Shivers A Voting District 606 0 385 0 0 0 1 0 606 220 98.49283787 108.3638267 145 116 136.7974071974466 142.170438 117.3134194555587 112.7056668 1 90223828 0 277 0 0 0 0 0 446.2317565356507 440 163AShivers A Voting District 406 951543691 12024 0272.747518452532462201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127301 32.0061253-89.7194157V2G5240Sumrall Sumrall Voting District 875 0 192 0 5 1 1 0 875 676 13.06532104641287 47.04457871203037 19.234612310151878 50.3597122302158318.146517875089554 18.859263836430856 50.9299141681490448.929525394684255 17 76343428 0 130 0 4 1 1 0 644.3115296513108 648 512ASumrall Voting District 301 272823921 9889 0 77.927862415009272201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127404 31.8114281-90.0039844V2G5240Shivers Shivers Voting District 250 2 20 0 0 0 2 0 250 226 42.11417895 45.77437508 62 49 58.49268446911568 60.7901183349.554806497029816 47.60842822 1 76223828 2 13 0 0 0 2 0184.08900847180308 186 169AShivers Voting District 404 1203473961 1135636 0 183.28633240010182201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127405 31.8209732-90.0927719V2G5240Bridgeport Bridgeport Voting District 588 0 364 0 2 0 5 2 588 215 150.7959311 93.417092 222 100 209.4415476608479 217.6678431101.13225814488305 97.16005758 73 90223828 0 262 0 1 0 3 2 432.9773479256808 438 170ABridgeport Voting District 405 871618511 343850 0 259.96734901647092201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127503 31.8932854-90.0582896V2G5240Fork Church Fork Church Voting District 834 0 574 0 3 1 6 0 834 250 186.1175005 86.87789556 274 93 258.49992814981 268.6531036 94.05300007536577 90.35885355 73 90223428 0 404 0 3 1 2 0 614.1209322619351 611 201AFork Church Voting District 503 1295229111 300766 0 499.98516525469952201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127504 31.9834372-90.0785094V2G5240Harrisville Harrisville Voting District 1604 2 214 0 4 1 5 0 1604 1378 81.5113141 553.0291847 120 592113.21164731922812 117.6582935 598.702968245187 575.1875409 73 76223428 2 129 0 2 1 5 01181.1150783550886 1176 1037AHarrisville Voting District 504 1159906591 589042 0 287.70966803621422201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127505 31.9905329-90.1757065V2G5240Pearl Pearl Voting District 923 0 133 0 3 3 8 0 923 776 22.49904261497965107.81984411135775 33.1228264890862 115.4176840547539831.249081265950934 32.47646034888272116.72451017584847112.13988827813539 73 76223428 0 99 0 1 3 3 0 679.656619277897 708 602APearl Voting District 505 162892241 21598 0 58.601752536086972201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127207 31.8435654-89.9082885V2G5240Oak Grove B Oak Grove B Voting District 188 0 59 0 0 0 0 0 188 129 38.7178742 49.51105876 57 5353.775532493471985 55.88768943 53.60009681949431 51.49483052 17 76223828 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 138.4349343707959 140 103AOak Grove B Voting District 207 296586431 0 0280.540304694033352201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127208 31.8583432-89.6897088V2G5240Magee 2 A Magee 2 A Voting District 900 0 160 0 40 3 3 0 900 694 55.02013701 277.4487633 81 297 76.41786196693967 79.41934814300.36280667718756 288.565371 17 76343428 0 128 0 23 3 0 0 662.720430498491 707 553AMagee 2 A Voting District 208 33108891 0 0 70.758499072828412201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127407 31.892877-89.7517385V2G5240Magee 4N A Magee 4N A Voting District 227 1 27 0 3 0 0 0 227 196 13.58521902 74.7336736 20 8018.868607892952735 19.60971559 80.90580652215175 77.72804607 17 76343428 1 17 0 1 0 0 0 167.1528196923972 171 152AMagee 4N A Voting District 407 142272961 0 0 80.73326546194962201112111127Simpson County 28127N28127105 31.9722218-89.9136703V2G5240Jupiter A Jupiter A Voting District 259 1 173 0 3 0 1 0 259 81 60.45422462 27.09095668 89 29 83.9653051279696 87.2632343829.328354863889675 28.1764167 73 76223428 1 115 0 3 0 0 0190.71621277678798 182 63AJupiter A Voting District 105 34880701 0 0 78.817933683784872231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099401 32.7582525-89.1223345V2G5240Southwest Philadelphia Southwest Philadelphia Voting District 271 7 33 0 6 13 14 0 271 198 12.52408478 77.71470337 15 8214.317234023328176 14.87957611 81.48457120788458 78.28407845 25 43331728 3 21 0 5 13 3 0193.24137350047175 204 159ASouthwest Philadelphia Voting District 401 676479251 150870 0195.445208249090172231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099406 32.5980549-89.2702114V2G5240Hays Hays Voting District 672 4 85 0 19 3 8 0 672 553 49.26140013 203.7641613 59 21556.314453816110216 58.52633269 213.6485708911958 205.257035 46 77331728 4 63 0 12 3 2 0 479.1815608572584 494 410AHays Voting District 406 563355081 35971 0 361.2246259603722231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099407 32.598697-89.1507878V2G5240Neshoba Neshoba Voting District 1242 1 256 2 9 15 13 0 1242 946 54.27103404 301.3814106 65 318 62.04134742159266 64.47816313316.00114203812024 303.589475 46 77331728 0 153 2 5 7 5 0 885.6302062272543 912 740ANeshoba Voting District 407 652325711 0 0196.608572583906182231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099303 32.6247349-89.0806008V2G5240County Line County Line Voting District 676 0 2 0 9 3 4 0 676 658 20.87347463 300.4336704 25 31723.862056699132243 24.79929351 315.0074277379607 302.6347911 0 77331728 0 1 0 4 3 3 0 482.0338320528373 532 521ACounty Line Voting District 303 995415081 562969 0302.474727052163362231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099305 32.6282467-88.9959558V2G5240House House Voting District 1040 2 27 0 11 12 6 0 1040 982 24.22607624866785 135.1645663564239 32.01894612196566 139.1592658377738330.845644515497156 32.05717769804618133.95848328538975128.69695770751926 0 43331728 2 22 0 7 7 2 0 741.590510850519 813 773AHouse Voting District 305 810335711 184786 0408.631722604124552231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099402 32.6895922-89.1536529V2G5240McDonald McDonald Voting District 1405 2 55 0 12 49 14 0 1405 1273 49.26140013 487.1385065 59 51456.314453816110216 58.52633269510.76914143446265 490.7075161 46 77331728 2 34 0 8 24 4 01001.8602574470953 1001 929AMcDonald Voting District 402 760484521 123498 0 278.62575818843512231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099502 32.9010752-89.1174264V2G5240Burnside Burnside Voting District 958 1 449 0 15 1 2 0 958 490 215.4142582 222.718967 258 235246.25642520894226 255.9287091233.52285647803203 224.3507126 25 43371728 1 321 0 7 1 0 0 683.118951341151 718 388ABurnside Voting District 502 590234721 28029 0199.516983420946222231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099306 32.6622796-88.9319815V2G5240Herbert Herbert Voting District 686 1 8 0 1 4 1 0 686 671 23.37829159 306.1201121 28 32326.725503501873465 27.77520873 320.9697134348293 308.3628944 0 43331728 0 4 0 0 3 1 0 489.1645100417846 504 496AHerbert Voting District 306 424700261 56943 0 134.95026283865752231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099204 32.7772149-88.9395046V2G5240Forestdale Forestdale Voting District 464 4 72 0 6 8 1 0 464 373 47.59152216 214.1893044 57 226 54.40548928094941 56.54238921 224.5794279847734 215.7585577 0 43441728 2 45 0 1 6 0 0 330.8634586871546 332 278AForestdale Voting District 204 323052841 45873 0 235.29043671653862231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099503 32.7746214-88.9974837V2G5240East Neshoba East Neshoba Voting District 809 1 402 0 62 6 13 0 809 325 163.6480411 99.51272993 196 105 187.0785245034922 194.4264611104.33999974724337 100.2418078 0 43331728 1 303 0 47 4 3 0 576.8718493058363 585 227AEast Neshoba Voting District 503 617609341 67171 0 875.72250303275372231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099108 32.8023129 -89.243757V2G5240Pearl River Pearl River Voting District 3011 1 47 2 46 2703 68 0 3011 144 141.1046885 136.474601 169 144161.30750325957706 167.6432241143.09485672484462 137.4744792 25 44371728 1 36 0 19 1703 28 02147.0471424720313 1905 118APearl River Voting District 108 990366661 457924 0 928.07389809947442231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099206 32.7909852-89.1004972V2G5240Northeast Philadelphia Northeast Philadelphia Voting District 3191 13 575 0 64 43 26 3 3191 2467 212.0745022 1186.570837 254 1252242.43849610013237 251.96082211244.1302821492914 1195.264222 25 43371728 8 350 0 36 30 9 12275.3993462730828 2360 1926ANortheast Philadelphia Voting District 206 408739131 153378 0218.712494945410442231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099202 32.8123922-89.0134539V2G5240Center Center Voting District 752 0 91 0 3 14 7 1 752 636 12.996593034775694132.85578478500852 13.66496308915389 152.449744463373112.078142313819031 12.55253895641113148.64226927360616142.80400444293016 25 43441728 0 60 0 3 10 3 0 536.2269847688368 535 459ACenter Voting District 202 145960481 116043 0223.365952284674482231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099205 32.8328629-88.9296042V2G5240Bogue Chitto Bogue Chitto Voting District 768 0 13 0 14 655 22 0 768 64 17.69500125350854323.433221030854142 21.193166885676742 24.72536136662286320.228501995961306 21.02302264178712224.56994474118838723.604904009671486 85 43441728 0 8 0 5 405 7 0 547.6360695511524 475 50ABogue Chitto Voting District 205 1103059181 104086 0245.760715729882752231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099201 32.8751612-88.9887054V2G5240North Bend North Bend Voting District 845 0 31 0 11 9 1 0 845 793 29.22286448 365.82775 35 386 33.40687938455839 34.71901092 383.5737131999046 368.507979 25 43441728 0 18 0 7 8 1 0 602.5422900660467 611 577ANorth Bend Voting District 201 853827681 207537 0304.219773554387362231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099403 32.666544-89.2564245V2G5240Dixon Dixon Voting District 1046 1 382 1 7 9 5 0 1046 641 132.7552987 261.5763187 159 276151.76268058377298 157.7235067 274.2651421600405 263.4927519 46 43331728 1 246 1 3 8 3 0 745.8689176438874 725 463ADixon Voting District 403 86883281 40085 0 757.05934088152042231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099301 32.7632446-89.0916543V2G5240Southeast Philadelphia Southeast Philadelphia Voting District 2603 47 602 0 71 57 46 1 2603 1779 176.1721259 859.6004385 211 907201.39575861341902 209.3060373 901.2988547354836 865.8982824 25 43331728 32 334 0 49 38 16 01856.1154805229814 1912 1443ASoutheast Philadelphia Voting District 301 130244911 63649 0 829.47877072381722231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099501 32.7720117 -89.130962V2G5240Northwest Philadelphia Northwest Philadelphia Voting District 2852 15 2407 1 35 38 24 1 2852 331 905.908799 101.4082105 1085 1071035.6132604209622 1076.289338 106.327428243474 102.1511755 25 43371728 9 1626 1 24 31 16 12033.6693624477693 1992 284ANorthwest Philadelphia Voting District 501 965544281 119758 0201.843712090578242231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099504 32.8872581-89.2368012V2G5240Fusky Fusky Voting District 694 0 14 0 0 5 3 0 694 672 15.02890173 281.4788647 18 29717.180680826069395 17.85549133 295.1331420470362 283.5411134 25 43371728 0 10 0 0 5 2 0494.86905243294245 530 513AFusky Voting District 504 322426521 79679 0 263.21118075212292231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099404 32.7231303-89.1099531V2G5240Deemer Deemer Voting District 905 0 193 0 10 43 25 0 905 634 30.05780347 244.5169935 36 258 34.36136165213879 35.71098266 256.378285069435 246.308442 25 43331728 0 115 0 6 29 4 0 645.3263579997305 682 528ADeemer Voting District 404 782194171 811789 0273.099777598059062231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099304 32.7052137-89.025402500G5240Tucker District 3 Tucker District 3 939 1 32 0 4 47 1 0 939 854 24.21323057 383.8348154 29 40527.679985779075945 28.76718048 402.4542845906697 386.6469728 0 43331728 0 22 0 1 22 1 0 669.5706631621513 692 646ATucker District 3 304 99872991 31727 0212.895673271330372231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099102 32.7092717-89.058025900G5240Tucker District 1 Tucker District 1 732 0 12 0 13 602 28 0 732 77 34.23249839 37.9096114 41 4039.133772990040825 40.67084136 39.74857131939607 38.18735534 0 43331728 0 7 0 5 364 12 0 521.9656287909422 448 60ATucker District 1 102 247352981 24033 0 216.38576627577842231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099107 32.7572476-89.1860888V2G5240Fairview Fairview Voting District 744 1 214 0 10 85 25 0 744 409 3.0003547649594093 47.09818567291513 3.660516605166052 43.92619926199262 3.802636096352296 3.95199331952767542.705592356112014 41.02823261756457 25 43371728 1 113 0 1 53 2 0 530.5224423776789 457 287AFairview Voting District 107 366375141 0 0137.567832591993522231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099104 32.8073325-89.1611552V2G5240Fork Fork Voting District 473 0 1 0 2 13 2 0 473 455 12.52408478 216.084785 15 22814.317234023328176 14.87957611 226.566856481004 217.6679254 25 43371728 0 1 0 0 4 1 0 337.2810688772072 361 355AFork Voting District 104 882728691 305222 0 179.7397897290742231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099103 32.8552565-89.2427078V2G5240Arlilngton Arlilngton Voting District 618 0 19 0 7 5 3 0 618 584 16.6987797 295.6949689 20 312 19.08964536123021 19.83943481 310.0388563412517 297.8613717 25 43371728 0 14 0 2 3 2 0 440.675899716943 473 452AArlilngton Voting District 103 393491031 0 0220.457541447634442231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099101 32.7611522 -89.280524V2G5240Zephyr Hill Zephyr Hill Voting District 758 0 50 0 18 243 13 0 758 434 52.60115607 206.6073821 63 218 60.13238288643185 62.49421965 216.6297136875859 208.1210866 25 43371728 0 39 0 9 128 2 0 540.5053915622052 517 339AZephyr Hill Voting District 101 538469161 59947 0 151.81904569348972231112141 99Neshoba County 28099N28099106 32.7043356-89.2626581V2G5240Hope Hope Voting District 522 0 97 0 4 60 7 0 522 354 80.5627480011428510.452975040799998 114.34285714285714 11.434285714285714108.93912330428154 113.21795634 11.3364699582777710.891204192457142 46 43371728 0 65 0 3 36 2 0 372.2213910230489 391 285AHope Voting District 106