vÉxALAND10N AR_RESULTNAWATER10N CD12_DEMNCD12_REPNCD_2000NCD_2010NCD_BDNCD_FVNCD_FV2NCD_FVHNCD_NOWNCD_NYTNCD_SMNCONGRESS_FNCOUNTYFP10NCOUNTY_NAMCCTYFP_FULNDISTRICTNFUNCSTAT10CGEOID10C INTPTLAT10N INTPTLON10N LSAD10NMTFCC10CNAME10C@NAMELSAD10C@POPULATIONNPOP_ASIANNPOP_BLACKNPOP_HAWAIINPOP_HISPANNPOP_INDIANNPOP_MULTINPOP_OTHERNPOP_TOTALNPOP_WHITENPRES04_DEMNPRES04_REPNPRES08_DEMNPRES08_REPNPRES12_D50NPRES12_DEMNPRES12_R50NPRES12_REPNSLDL_BDNSLDL_NOWNSLDU_BDNSLDU_NOWNSTATEFP10NVAP_ASIANNVAP_BLACKNVAP_HAWAIINVAP_HISPANNVAP_INDIANNVAP_MULTINVAP_OTHERNVAP_TOTNVAP_TOTALNVAP_WHITENVTDI10CVTDNAMEC@VTDST10C 1726433101 486119 1143.0930757894228 2856.64052571815144451114661 83Limestone County 10832N010833 34.9220735-86.84426940G5240Ardmore Town Hall-Johnson Elem--Oak Grove FD Ardmore Town Hall-Johnson Elem--Oak Grove FD 9517 51 166 1 225 60 109 7 9517 8898 684.258599 2547.283753 715 3051 709.1166768128777 736.9688549 3404.1103934071625 3270.406178 22 432 11 38 123 1 122 40 63 3 7233.917892778623 7119 6729AArdmore Town Hall-Johnson Elem--Oak Grove FD 3 20886982 145900 445.8771337288909 142.482336832496576662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010479182 32.4086216-87.00302540G5240East End Fire Station East End Fire Station 1256 0 1234 0 2 1 4 0 1256 15 585.6767482 7.552956752 733 7 736.8662729077157 765.8083798 6.739557048571703 6.474845543 86 6624221 0 875 0 1 1 1 0 923.6558649018713 892 14PEast End Fire Station 9182 670181182 382473 354.64272021907806 113.32790963030586662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010470201 32.5484564-87.05306920G5240Summerfield VFD Summerfield VFD 999 2 271 0 2 10 4 0 999 710 145.4204204 411.0966461 182 381 182.959974949693 190.1461461 366.8244621879053 352.4165931 50 66 3221 2 209 0 1 5 3 0 734.6594020994979 782 562PSummerfield VFD 0201 1412303402 777206 1353.6062984938385 432.551871291647676662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010470302 32.5021897-86.96539310G5240Valley Grande VFD Valley Grande VFD 3813 11 1559 0 17 2 38 1 3813 2185 503.3783784 1248.395852 630 1157 633.3229903659092 658.1981982 1113.9525002590785 1070.19947 50 6624221 10 1074 0 11 2 12 12804.0603605659517 2838 1728PValley Grande VFD 0302 390966691 642033 97.11758118701007 414.629787234042571131111441 61Geneva County 10616N0106117 31.0124903-85.89610870G5240Devco Voting House Devco Voting House 1236 6 85 1 28 3 16 2 1236 1095 88.12417994 366.739726 89 414 81.82412729093684 85.03795689 419.85157305460973 403.360943101 86 7281 5 61 1 18 3 8 1 959.5955207166853 955 858ADevco Voting House 17 1090492581 1056299 356.9621127286301 1523.99929078014181131111441 61Geneva County 10616S0106110 31.060159-85.83570060G5240Geneva-Courthouse-Armory-Community Center Geneva-Courthouse-Armory-Community Center 4543 15 574 0 68 19 64 3 4543 3800 445.5716963 1362.429224 450 1538 413.71749757844657 429.9671978 1559.738452319195 1498.47616 41 86 7281 11 435 0 43 12 27 3 3527.056998880179 3571 3040PGeneva-Courthouse-Armory-Community Center 10 834463171 817574 55.31616274729377 236.16453900709221131111441 61Geneva County 10612S0106112 31.0659002-85.94946580G5240Lytle Lytle 704 1 26 0 26 0 8 5 704 638 48.51780694 221.4611872 49 250 45.04923861836626 46.81865042 253.5335586375238 243.5754487101 86 7281 1 22 0 16 0 4 1 546.5657334826428 547 503PLytle 12 1207057901 902948 105.83930571108623 451.86595744680851131111441 61Geneva County 10616N010619 31.1625804-85.83136340G5240Bellwood-Chancellor Bellwood-Chancellor 1347 5 186 3 25 18 23 0 1347 1087 154.4648547 389.7716895 156 440 143.4220657912724 149.0552952 446.219063085463 428.6927896 41 86 7281 4 155 1 13 15 9 01045.7727883538635 1071 874ABellwood-Chancellor 9 1032593931 712880 253.48002986188877 1082.19716312056741131111441 61Geneva County 10616S010617 31.1360891-85.74513650G5240Hartford NG Armory-St. Paul Hartford NG Armory-St. Paul 3226 3 487 0 88 12 47 1 3226 2588 263.3823805 1050.611872 266 1186 244.55300964805804 254.158388 1202.763201517742 1155.521928 41 86 7281 3 382 0 51 10 29 02504.5753639417694 2524 2049PHartford NG Armory-St. Paul 7 1431785171 782715 239.80813736468832 1023.826950354611131111441 61Geneva County 10616N0106113 31.1448519-86.04578290G5240Piney Grove-Samson Legion Hall-Samson Comm Center Voting DistricPiney Grove-Samson Legion Hall-Samson Comm Center Voting Distric 3052 10 401 0 203 40 45 3 3052 2350 240.71952220977977 950.3465472191116 243.11190742814483 1072.8138857782756 223.51033324702948 232.28921239268385 1087.9772886749884 1045.244494214259101 86 7281 9 288 0 108 33 21 1 2369.486674132139 2315 1855APiney Grove-Samson Legion Hall-Samson Comm Center Voting Distric13 691311111 303643 59.009145203434116 251.931205673758851131111441 61Geneva County 10616N0106111 31.1590984-85.93546330G5240Coffee Springs Coffee Springs 751 0 20 0 8 0 17 0 751 706 53.46860356 276.3835616 54 312 49.64609970364034 51.59606373 316.40988109885717 303.9821599101 86 7281 0 17 0 7 0 7 0 583.0552071668533 594 563ACoffee Springs 11 769408941 1053008 38.34415826801045 163.704964539007081131111441 61Geneva County 10612S0106114 31.0424889-86.02657190G5240Gilmore Gilmore 488 8 29 0 5 8 4 0 488 434 22.77366448 162.109589 23 183 21.145560986487528 21.97610122 185.58656487228868 178.2972284101 86 7281 7 14 0 3 5 4 0378.86942889137737 362 329PGilmore 14 1141556551 1905646 56.416200074654725 240.860992907801431131111441 61Geneva County 10616S0106116 31.0317562-86.12762380G5240Hacoda-Flat Creek Hacoda-Flat Creek 718 0 26 0 5 7 10 0 718 670 25.74414246 242.7214612 26 274 23.903677631878733 24.8425492 277.87278018845166 266.9586917101 86 7281 0 15 0 5 6 7 0 557.4349384098545 570 537PHacoda-Flat Creek 16 1010423001 1117650 74.40966778648749 317.681560283687931131111441 61Geneva County 10612S0106115 31.1273297-86.14744380G5240Lowery-Revels Store Lowery-Revels Store 947 1 14 3 19 38 11 0 947 861 35.64573571 318.0182648 36 359 33.09739980242689 34.39737582 364.07419016892686 349.7743443101 86 7281 1 6 1 13 31 9 0 735.2240761478164 762 701PLowery-Revels Store 15 1118731141 55921 234.22937663307204 1000.0092198581561131111441 61Geneva County 10616N010613 31.147777-85.53388650G5240Malvery-Hughes Voting House Malvery-Hughes Voting House 2981 2 121 0 117 7 34 0 2981 2700 115.848641 1016.063927 117 1147 107.56654934345431 111.7914714 1163.2119663673739 1117.524158 79 8616281 2 93 0 67 6 19 02314.3642777155655 2306 2119AMalvery-Hughes Voting House 3 1036262181 456953 123.91134751773049 529.02198581560291131111441 61Geneva County 10616N010614 31.041679-85.55194860G5240Fadette Fadette 1577 0 22 0 88 6 8 0 1577 1453 62.38003749 527.0776256 63 595 57.92044965905811 60.19540769 603.409869446973 579.7095678 79 8616281 0 13 0 47 5 6 01224.3382978723405 1220 1149AFadette 4 989172641 371780 236.11515490854796 1008.06028368794331131111441 61Geneva County 10616N010615 31.0921326-85.60889570G5240Tate-Slocomb Community Room Tate-Slocomb Community Room 3005 4 477 0 187 22 43 0 3005 2272 364.3786317 855.7260274 368 966 338.3289757645563 351.6176195 979.6536703913638 941.1755336 79 86 7281 3 346 0 106 19 23 0 2332.997200447928 2275 1778ATate-Slocomb Community Room 5 1164344121 1371734 116.13251213139232 495.81134751773051131111441 61Geneva County 10616N010616 31.0992599-85.65783030G5240Dundee-Hurricane Creek-Sardis Voting District Dundee-Hurricane Creek-Sardis Voting District 1478 6 38 1 43 13 28 1 1478 1348 119.8092784 478.3561644 121 540 111.24403826170834 115.6134021 547.6324865612902 526.1229691 41 86 7281 3 31 1 29 11 12 11147.4774916013437 1149 1061ADundee-Hurricane Creek-Sardis Voting District 6 968536791 214333 57.909107876073165 247.234751773049651131111441 61Geneva County 10616N010618 31.0554702-85.73401170G5240Black-Kelley Cross Roads Black-Kelley Cross Roads 737 3 17 0 10 4 13 0 737 690 20.79334583 167.4246575 21 189 19.306816556226725 20.0651359 191.6713703120648 184.1430392 41 86 7281 3 13 0 4 2 4 0 572.1860022396417 578 552ABlack-Kelley Cross Roads 8 333388882 42161 34.95177664974619 14.2670050761421326662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106511B 32.8490865-87.53565210G5240Valley B Valley B 94 1 41 0 0 0 0 0 94 52 15.80228824 52.2909375 17 51 17.766067044506826 18.46386993 53.25092685099329 51.159375 50 71 3201 1 33 0 0 0 0 0 70.6491116751269 77 43AValley B 11B 187053212 6795 23.053299492385786 9.410152284263966662226772 65Hale County 10655N010651 32.8653504-87.58499410G5240Havanna Havanna 62 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 62 28 16.7318346 16.405 18 16 18.811129815792782 19.54997993 16.706173129723386 16.05 89 71 3201 0 27 0 0 0 0 046.598350253807105 52 25AHavanna 1 362331662 24585 41.27284263959391 16.847208121827416662226772 65Hale County 10655N010651B 32.8620377 -87.64140G5240Havanna-B Havanna-B 111 0 65 0 0 0 0 0 111 46 27.88639101 28.70875 30 28 31.35188302311395 32.58329988 29.235802977015922 28.0875 89 71 3201 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 83.42607868020305 89 37AHavanna-B 1B 473168692 19148 65.06979695431473 26.5609137055837586662226772 65Hale County 10655S010651A 32.9075466-87.56647050G5240Havanna-A Havanna-A 175 0 58 0 0 0 0 0 175 117 39.04094741 39.9871875 42 39 43.892636230435116 45.61661983 40.721297003700755 39.121875 89 71 3201 0 38 0 0 0 0 0131.52760152284264 124 86PHavanna-A 1A 320290802 13172 79.57106598984771 32.480203045685286662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106510A 32.8047556-87.52711210G5240Mount Herman A Mount Herman A 214 0 153 0 1 0 0 0 214 60 49.26595745 79.974375 53 78 55.38832667609239 57.56382979 81.44259400740151 78.24375 50 71 3231 0 105 0 1 0 0 0160.83946700507613 155 49AMount Herman A 10A 370618042 1050677 55.40228426395939 22.6147208121827436662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106510 32.7683756-87.50259380G5240Mount Herman Mount Herman 149 0 17 0 1 0 0 0 149 131 39.97049378 65.62 43 64 44.93769900172108 46.70272983 66.82469251889354 64.2 50 71 3231 0 16 0 1 0 0 0 111.9863578680203 127 110AMount Herman 10 86063552 99349 29.374365482233504 11.9903553299492396662226772 65Hale County 10655S0106511C 32.8303993-87.47492150G5240Valley C Valley C 79 0 27 0 2 0 0 0 79 50 12.08410277 42.0378125 13 41 13.585815978607126 14.11942995 42.809568644916176 41.128125 50 71 3201 0 19 0 2 0 0 0 59.37531725888325 62 41PValley C 11C 905990142 402854 450.28299492385787 183.80152284263966662226772 65Hale County 10652N0106542 32.7004192-87.51184850G5240National Guard Armory 2 National Guard Armory 2 1211 5 582 0 9 0 4 0 1211 611 499.166399 248.125625 537 242 561.1987060637049 583.2410678 252.68086858706621 242.75625 50 71 3231 4 399 0 4 0 4 0 910.1710025380711 918 507ANational Guard Armory 2 42 270456762 510628 52.055837563451774 21.2487309644670046662226772 65Hale County 10655N010653A 32.8024654-87.57646240G5240Bucksnort A Bucksnort A 140 0 65 0 5 0 0 0 140 70 32.53412284 55.366875 35 54 36.57719686029961 38.01384986 56.38333431281643 54.16875 50 71 3201 0 45 0 2 0 0 0105.22208121827411 102 55ABucksnort A 3A 36891512 0 2.6027918781725887 1.06243654822335026662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106511E 32.8416691-87.49033330G5240Valley E Valley E 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 1.859092734 5.1265625 2 5 2.0901255348742636 2.172219992 5.220679103038558 5.015625 50 71 3231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.261104060913706 7 7AValley E 11E 84233522 7975 79.94289340101523 32.6319796954314756662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106545A 32.7425621-87.57409750G5240National Guard Armory 5-A National Guard Armory 5-A 215 0 33 0 1 0 0 0 215 181 47.40686471 93.3034375 51 91 53.29820114314254 55.3916098 95.01635967530176 91.284375 50 71 3231 0 26 0 1 0 0 0 161.5910532994924 167 140ANational Guard Armory 5-A 45A 597397212 562340 11.526649746192893 4.705076142131986662226772 65Hale County 10655S0106511A 32.9065433-87.46500540G5240Valley A Valley A 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 31 5.577278202 18.455625 6 18 6.27037660462279 6.516659976 18.794444770938806 18.05625 50 71 3201 0 0 0 0 0 0 023.299175126903553 28 28PValley A 11A 900949592 86439 1030.7055837563453 420.72487309644676662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106512 32.9602905-87.59754530G5240Moundville City Hall Moundville City Hall 2772 9 762 0 54 15 22 3 2772 1907 457.3368125 806.9209375 492 787 514.1708815482782 534.366118 821.734890818269 789.459375104 71 3201 9 542 0 30 7 16 12083.3972081218276 2069 1464AMoundville City Hall 12 915017272 0 15.988578680203046 6.5263959390862946662226772 65Hale County 10655S0106513 32.9661619-87.48179460G5240Phipps Work Center Phipps Work Center 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 43 0.929546367 33.8353125 1 33 1.0450627674371318 1.086109996 34.45648208005448 33.103125 50 71 3201 0 0 0 0 0 0 032.318210659898476 38 38PPhipps Work Center 13 81404582 35002 8.180203045685278 3.3390862944162446662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106511D 32.8683569-87.49363840G5240Valley D Valley D 22 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 22 18 3.718185468 12.30375 4 12 4.180251069748527 4.344439984 12.529629847292538 12.0375 50 71 3201 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 16.53489847715736 18 15AValley D 11D 19346702 0 12.642131979695431 5.1604060913705586662226772 65Hale County 10655N010651C 32.9012832-87.63682360G5240Havana-C Havana-C 34 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 34 25 9.295463669 9.2278125 10 9 10.450627674371317 10.86109996 9.397222385469403 9.028125 89 71 3201 0 8 1 0 0 0 025.553934010152282 30 21AHavana-C 1C 556515442 2183030 190.747461928934 77.861421319796966662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106512A 32.9668187-87.68051550G5240Moundville City Hall A Moundville City Hall A 513 0 266 0 2 0 2 0 513 243 91.09554396 159.94875 98 156 102.41615120114125 106.4387796 162.88518801480302 156.4875 89 71 3201 0 224 0 2 0 2 0385.56376903553297 411 183AMoundville City Hall A 12A 495428322 2580302 113.40736040609137 46.291878172588836662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106516 32.9064825 -87.7229930G5240Stewart Stewart 305 0 122 0 0 0 2 0 305 181 84.58871939 74.8478125 91 73 95.10071183100574 98.83600963 76.22191490436295 73.228125 89 71 3201 0 100 0 0 0 1 0229.23381979695432 246 145AStewart 16 138029682 21048 83.66116751269035 34.14974619289346662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106516A 32.9280047-87.66503950G5240Stewart A Stewart A 225 0 35 0 0 0 2 0 225 188 27.88639101 88.176875 30 86 31.35188302311395 32.58329988 89.7956805722632 86.26875 89 71 3201 0 21 0 0 0 1 0 169.1069162436548 173 151AStewart A 16A 262279542 12418 40.15736040609137 16.3918781725888326662226772 65Hale County 10655N010652 32.8527428 -87.6899880G5240Akron City Hall Akron City Hall 108 0 33 0 5 1 1 0 108 68 37.18185468 15.3796875 40 15 41.80251069748527 43.44439984 15.662037309115673 15.046875 89 71 3201 0 24 0 3 1 1 0 81.17131979695432 87 58AAkron City Hall 2 714621652 4972536 161.001269035533 65.719289340101536662226772 65Hale County 10655N010652A 32.855365-87.77452690G5240Akron City Hall A Akron City Hall A 433 0 309 0 0 1 1 0 433 122 147.7978723 65.62 159 64 166.1649800571434 172.6914894 66.82469251889354 64.2 89 71 5231 0 234 0 0 1 1 0 325.4368654822335 348 112AAkron City Hall A 2A 355056802 64562 37.55456852791878 15.3294416243654836662226772 65Hale County 10655N010653 32.806187-87.61593730G5240Bucksnort Bucksnort 101 0 36 0 3 0 0 0 101 62 25.09775191 41.0125 27 40 28.216694718878138 29.32496989 41.76543282430846 40.125 89 71 3201 0 28 0 3 0 0 0 75.91021573604061 77 46ABucksnort 3 329051152 509363 57.26142131979695 23.3736040609137066662226772 65Hale County 10655N010652B 32.8182592 -87.7016270G5240Akron City Hall B Akron City Hall B 154 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 154 128 18.59092734 61.51875 20 60 20.901255348742634 21.72219992 62.64814923646269 60.1875 89 71 3201 0 18 0 0 0 0 0115.74428934010152 123 105AAkron City Hall B 2B 1496279902 6425146 385.9568527918782 157.544162436548226662226772 65Hale County 10655N010656 32.7184498-87.76100120G5240Sawyerville Sawyerville 1038 1 893 0 1 0 6 0 1038 137 466.6322762 68.6959375 502 67 524.6215092611377 545.227218 69.95709998071668 67.209375 89 71 5231 1 618 0 0 0 6 0 780.1465736040609 732 107ASawyerville 6 302832872 88779 173.2715736040609 70.727918781725896662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106544A 32.7527958-87.62306080G5240National Guard Armory 4-A National Guard Armory 4-A 466 0 403 0 0 0 2 0 466 61 158.0228824 47.164375 170 46 177.66067044506826 184.6386993 48.03024774795473 46.14375 89 71 3231 0 296 0 0 0 2 0350.23921319796955 347 49ANational Guard Armory 4-A 44A 658834572 592021 150.96192893401016 61.621319796954326662226772 65Hale County 10655N010656B 32.7773983 -87.7146290G5240Sawyerville B Sawyerville B 406 0 359 0 0 0 0 0 406 47 200.7820153 29.7340625 216 29 225.733557731781 234.5997591 30.279938797623636 29.090625 89 71 3231 0 276 0 0 0 0 0 305.1440355329949 314 38ASawyerville B 6B 697040292 1246146 206.36421319796955 84.236040609137056662226772 65Hale County 10652N010655 32.6302728-87.58344710G5240Newbern Newbern 555 0 375 0 7 0 0 0 555 173 203.5706544 111.7590625 219 109 228.86874604563886 237.8580891 113.81080444624057 109.340625 50 71 3231 0 278 0 6 0 0 0 417.1303934010152 424 140ANewbern 5 251301892 398888 249.496192893401 101.842131979695446662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106541 32.677536-87.63016110G5240National Guard Armory 1 National Guard Armory 1 671 0 613 0 10 0 3 0 671 45 255.6252509 35.8859375 275 35 287.39226104521117 298.6802489 36.544753721269906 35.109375 50 71 3231 0 449 0 9 0 3 0 504.3144035532995 501 40ANational Guard Armory 1 41 1455821432 5352715 215.28807106598984 87.878680203045696662226772 65Hale County 10655N010657 32.6211927-87.69789590G5240Cedarville Cedarville 579 0 365 0 2 1 0 0 579 211 182.1910879 111.7590625 196 109 204.8323024022825 212.8775592 113.81080444624057 109.340625 89 71 5231 0 289 0 2 1 0 0 435.1684644670051 484 192ACedarville 7 124200932 493114 515.3527918781726 210.362436548223346662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106543 32.7237674-87.61688050G5240National Guard Armory 3 National Guard Armory 3 1386 0 1197 0 4 4 10 0 1386 171 445.2527098 130.2146875 479 127 500.5850656177814 520.2466881 132.60524921717936 127.396875 50 71 3231 0 818 0 2 2 9 01041.6986040609138 976 145ANational Guard Armory 3 43 157812522 243651 69.90355329949239 28.5340101522842646662226772 65Hale County 10652N0106541A 32.7150884-87.65252360G5240National Guard Armory 1-A National Guard Armory 1-A 188 0 118 0 5 0 1 0 188 64 58.56142112 22.556875 63 22 65.83895435046371 68.42492975 22.970988053369656 22.06875 89 71 3231 0 83 0 4 0 1 0 141.2982233502538 138 50ANational Guard Armory 1-A 41A 82796052 9633 461.06598984771574 188.20304568527926662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106542A 32.7149559-87.57504520G5240National Guard Armory 2-A National Guard Armory 2-A 1240 19 858 0 10 1 13 0 1240 339 288.1593737 256.328125 310 250 323.9694579439991 336.6940988 261.0339551519279 250.78125 50 71 3231 14 587 0 4 1 4 0 931.9670050761422 903 293ANational Guard Armory 2-A 42A 10555622 13767 182.19543147208122 74.370558375634526662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106543A 32.7083215-87.58798680G5240National Guard Armory 3-A National Guard Armory 3-A 490 0 440 0 0 0 0 0 490 50 170.1069851 37.9365625 183 37 191.24648647178572 198.7581293 38.633025362485334 37.115625 50 71 3231 0 313 0 0 0 0 0 368.2772842639594 355 42ANational Guard Armory 3-A 43A 277213442 317936 45.734771573604064 18.6685279187817276662226772 65Hale County 10655N010655A 32.5884358-87.56745850G5240Newbern A Newbern A 123 0 47 0 3 0 3 0 123 70 42.75913288 23.5821875 46 23 48.07288730595689 49.96105982 24.015123873977366 23.071875 50 71 5231 0 35 0 3 0 1 0 92.44511421319797 89 50ANewbern A 5A 2060426232 884272 193.5634672673109 47.173871975586726662226772119Sumter County 11195S011199 32.7414934-88.29346390G5240Emelle City Hall Emelle City Hall 482 0 363 0 0 0 0 0 482 119 187.4783435 82.5418833 218 76 216.01732555583197 224.5018997 72.48057806978628 69.63373772 89 70 5231 0 296 0 0 0 0 0374.55423962798807 396 100PEmelle City Hall 9 1397553522 418954 252.997892901257 61.658795320787626662226772119Sumter County 11195S011195 32.4509149-88.13524690G5240Bellamy Community Center Bellamy Community Center 630 5 556 0 7 0 0 0 630 62 300.137348 29.32409012 349 27 345.82590195505463 359.4090046 25.749679052751784 24.73830156 89 70 5231 4 421 0 6 0 0 0 489.5625953643828 482 51PBellamy Community Center 5 1134197172 1919042 55.41858606408486 13.5062123083630026662226772119Sumter County 11195S011191 32.3434254-88.06074390G5240Whitfield Community Center Whitfield Community Center 138 0 116 0 1 0 0 0 138 21 82.55927052 3.258232236 96 3 95.12689565161132 98.86322188 2.8610754499587925 2.748700173 89 70 5231 0 84 0 1 0 0 0107.23752088934098 102 17PWhitfield Community Center 1 2250707762 198129 142.56230473007338 34.7442418077454046662226772119Sumter County 11195S011192 32.3452766 -88.2591310G5240Ward Fire Station Ward Fire Station 355 1 180 0 1 0 4 0 355 169 151.3586626 95.57481225 176 88 174.39930868179133 181.2492401 83.92487987794851 80.62853842 89 70 5231 1 142 0 1 0 2 0275.86463707040616 292 146PWard Fire Station 2 1433032092 273541 614.8250381457531 149.840659739882286662226772119Sumter County 11195S011193 32.4467521-88.36556280G5240Cuba City Hall Cuba City Hall 1531 0 1121 0 12 2 8 0 1531 388 418.8162994 279.1218949 487 257 482.57081440373 501.524886 245.0987968933347 235.4719815 89 70 5231 0 814 0 8 2 4 01189.7148150839207 1150 322PCuba City Hall 3 2320347362 299491 1242.099178958076 302.71532369396216662226772119Sumter County 11195S011194 32.4695747-88.27197060G5240York Hightower Center York Hightower Center 3093 1 2580 0 28 6 5 0 3093 473 1042.31079 311.7042172 1212 287 1200.977057375474 1248.148176 273.70955136169613 262.9589832 89 70 5231 1 1850 0 22 4 5 02403.5192181937077 2311 429PYork Hightower Center 4 2860249952 7476209 195.5713870522415 47.663227494005676662226772119Sumter County 11195N011196 32.5031806-87.97075760G5240Coatopa Fire Dept Coatopa Fire Dept 487 0 312 0 3 0 0 0 487 172 166.8385258 129.243212 194 119 192.23560161406294 199.7860942 113.48932615151317 109.0317735 89 70 5231 0 259 0 3 0 0 0 378.4396570515149 406 144ACoatopa Fire Dept 6 1670154302 85867 141.35755285911503 34.450628496694046662226772119Sumter County 11195S011198 32.6106504-88.31582690G5240Boyd Voting Trailer Boyd Voting Trailer 352 0 290 0 0 0 0 0 352 62 137.5987842 54.3038706 160 50 158.54482611809246 164.7720365 47.684590843055375 45.81166956 89 70 5231 0 222 0 0 0 0 0273.53338661629004 278 56PBoyd Voting Trailer 8 1382861912 2535278 161.43675070842113 39.3441836808835256662226772119Sumter County 11195S0111912 32.8377887-88.27866020G5240Geiger City Hall Geiger City Hall 402 0 240 0 5 0 0 0 402 157 135.8787994 33.66839977 158 31 156.56301574951974 162.712386 29.564446315199977 28.40323512 89 70 5231 0 177 0 5 0 0 0312.38756085155853 297 115PGeiger City Hall 12 1614667992 2976627 206.41415389086683 50.3057472934679956662226772119Sumter County 11195S0111913 32.9562248-88.24115970G5240Panola Community Center Panola Community Center 514 1 466 0 0 0 0 0 514 47 105.81262965117087 16.94582189235039 123.03902862098873 15.602775368603643 121.92000871352624 126.70869569002602 14.880239188431307 14.29578378721596 89 7023231 1 358 0 0 0 0 0 399.4209111385599 402 43PPanola Community Center 13 1392565002 4363986 299.9832158686333 73.109714451791046662226772119Sumter County 11195S0111911 32.7952591-88.18247320G5240Gainesville City Hall Gainesville City Hall 747 0 678 0 0 0 5 0 747 64 304.43731 31.49624495 354 29 350.7804277321554 364.5581307 27.65706268397588 26.57076834 89 70 5231 0 469 0 0 0 5 0 580.481363074911 532 58PGainesville City Hall 11 2513318602 1142673 1807.12780643755 440.41996657705446662226772119Sumter County 11192S011197 32.6118606-88.13866810G5240Livingston Community Center Livingston Community Center 4500 25 2914 1 26 2 22 0 4500 1510 1117.130129 750.4794916 1299 691 1287.1858067245248 1337.742971 659.0010454310403 633.1172733 89 70 5231 20 2254 1 23 2 17 03496.8756811741628 3645 1328PLivingston Community Center 7 1380523812 1859065 213.64266511661702 52.067427159776216662226772119Sumter County 11195S0111910 32.6950494-88.14196290G5240Epes Community Center Epes Community Center 532 0 467 0 3 1 1 0 532 60 245.0978343 41.27094165 285 38 282.40797150781765 293.50019 36.24028903489314 34.81686886 89 70 5231 0 346 0 3 1 1 0413.40841386325656 402 51PEpes Community Center 10 1264128942 511292 272.28324965769053 87.009516202647196662226112 47Dallas County 10475S010470101 32.6306798-86.98181520G5240Plantersville VFD Plantersville VFD 767 0 255 1 1 0 5 0 767 505 113.4598885 210.4037952 142 195 142.748991521454 148.3557844 187.74480352789595 180.3706973 1 6624221 0 180 1 1 0 1 0 564.0478092195344 557 374PPlantersville VFD 0101 4101939822 8396138 729.520310360566 233.121976266544956662226772 47Dallas County 10475S010470401 32.2670059-87.21396080G5240Orrville High School Orrville High School 2055 0 1693 0 10 2 3 0 2055 347 713.518876 246.0105914 893 228 897.7102070055545 932.969827 219.51700099515662 210.8949691 6 66 5221 0 1223 0 7 2 3 01511.2363076220904 1542 307POrrville High School 0401 881824132 278800 188.88832487309645 77.1025380710666662226772 65Hale County 10655N010659 32.5131603-87.57513550G5240Laneville Laneville 508 0 369 0 6 0 3 4 508 126 210.0774789 48.1896875 226 47 236.18418544464058 245.4608591 49.074383568562446 47.146875 50 71 5231 0 274 0 4 0 1 1 381.8058375634518 368 88ALaneville 9 1172197442 3640210 208.5951776649746 85.146700507614216662226772 65Hale County 10655N010658 32.5250857-87.70277960G5240Gallion Gallion 561 0 323 0 8 0 0 0 561 230 160.8115215 155.8475 173 152 180.79585875892613 187.8970293 158.70864473237216 152.475 89 71 5231 0 240 0 6 0 0 0 421.6399111675127 426 180AGallion 8 30574302 71040 96.6751269035533 39.461928934010156662226772 65Hale County 10655N010652C 32.8816322-87.72802120G5240Akron City Hall C Akron City Hall C 260 0 212 0 1 0 0 0 260 47 81.80008029 46.1390625 88 45 91.965523536392 95.57767965 46.986111927347025 45.140625 89 71 3201 0 148 0 1 0 0 0195.41243654822335 192 43AAkron City Hall C 2C 199197972 3486 28.258883248730964 11.535025380710666662226772 65Hale County 10655N0106511 32.8590418-87.44290050G5240Valley Valley 76 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 76 63 11.1545564 37.9365625 12 37 12.540753207321165 13.03331995 38.633025362485334 37.115625 50 71 3201 0 7 0 0 0 0 057.120558375634516 56 49AValley 11 83971772 146160 5.5774111675126905 2.27664974619289366662226772 65Hale County 10652N010657B 32.6264445-87.66473790G5240Cedarville B Cedarville B 15 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 15 10 4.647731835 3.0759375 5 3 5.2253138371856584 5.43054998 3.1324074618231346 3.009375 89 71 5231 0 5 0 0 0 0 011.273794416243655 12 7ACedarville B 7B 354589712 458290 80.2294842537654 25.6377453217708836662226772 47Dallas County 10475S010470402 32.3183696-87.15633890G5240Beloit Community Center Beloit Community Center 226 0 203 0 2 3 0 0 226 18 107.8667954 6.47396293 135 6 135.71206932288595 141.042471 5.776763184192635 5.549867608 6 66 5221 0 163 0 2 2 0 0166.19922409858512 180 13PBeloit Community Center 0402 726576482 2184487 1681.2691921497033 537.25823824737566662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010470501 32.3499444-86.99723480G5240Tipton School Tipton School 4736 4 4398 0 46 7 19 1 4736 261 1506.939082 98.18843778 1886 91 1895.9478723411546 1970.415558 87.61424163247301 84.17299206 86 6624221 3 3106 0 35 7 11 13482.8297581013235 3369 206PTipton School 0501 253370842 1195290 346.1227749885897 110.60531720675496662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010470502 32.3534186-86.94413660G5240Selmont Water Works Selmont Water Works 975 1 788 0 12 1 7 0 975 166 308.4191334 92.79346867 386 86 388.0359909436816 403.2769913 82.80027230537327 79.54810238 86 6824221 1 527 0 10 1 2 0 717.0099269739845 693 152PSelmont Water Works 0502 1303072802 3247798 184.24381560931081 58.8760611592886662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010470601 32.3170691-86.86601180G5240Tyler Community Center Tyler Community Center 519 0 131 0 5 1 5 0 519 377 75.10725011 228.7466902 94 212 94.49581126323615 98.20735021 204.11229922754453 196.0953222 86 6824221 0 96 0 5 1 4 0381.66989958922863 433 327PTyler Community Center 0601 1133309812 307084 47.924691921497036 15.3145823824737556662226772 47Dallas County 10475S010470701 32.1755882-86.95587030G5240Good Hope Church Good Hope Church 135 0 56 0 0 0 0 0 135 79 22.37237237 58.26566637 28 54 28.14768845749972 29.25325325 51.99086865565196 49.94880847 6 66 5221 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 99.27829758101323 109 64PGood Hope Church 0701 1277935982 5400064 726.6803286170698 232.214445458694666662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010470801 32.4277418-86.91853030G5240Mt. Zion Church Mt. Zion Church 2047 0 961 0 22 2 14 0 2047 1048 357.1589447 427.2815534 447 396 449.35774077518334 467.007293 381.2663701275692 366.2912621 86 6824221 0 720 0 12 2 6 01505.3531492469192 1577 837PMt. Zion Church 0801 2077723732 3529187 381.9775445002282 122.06289365586496662226772 47Dallas County 10475S010471301 32.2592775-87.03219020G5240Shiloh School, Voc Ag Bldg Shiloh School, Voc Ag Bldg 1076 2 790 0 16 0 2 0 1076 266 274.40209949794615 180.110908261068 343.4261980830671 166.92487448653583 345.23762974502813 358.7976266544957 160.71424491344214 154.40182565038796 6 66 5221 2 616 0 9 0 2 0 791.2848014605203 856 227PShiloh School, Voc Ag Bldg 1301 1159086842 3566529 1309.9415791875856 418.598585120949346662226772 47Dallas County 10475S010470901 32.3961533-87.11097970G5240Old NG Armory Old NG Armory 3690 42 2016 0 23 8 18 2 3690 1581 481.006006 868.5900265 602 805 605.1753018602991 628.9449449 775.0490605389061 744.6072374 50 66 5221 30 1291 0 17 5 9 0 2713.606800547695 2662 1310POld NG Armory 0901 682291672 680768 658.8757644911 210.547147421268826662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010471001 32.4724233-87.07935610G5240New NG Armory, Union New NG Armory, Union 1856 1 481 0 11 6 20 1 1856 1336 473.3181195801004 310.6745778183478 592.3782747603834 287.92989502510267 595.5028260285987 618.8925604746692 277.21713620757305 266.32879963486994 50 66 3221 1 341 0 4 4 4 1 1364.892743039708 1405 1050PNew NG Armory, Union 1001 1782270272 818232 126.37918758557736 40.38512094933826662226772 47Dallas County 10475S010471101 32.283363-87.37216180G5240Safford Community Center Safford Community Center 356 0 273 0 11 0 1 0 356 71 88.69047619 52.87069726 111 49 111.58547928518671 115.968254 47.176899338961036 45.3239188 6 66 5221 0 196 0 6 0 1 0 261.8005476951164 264 61PSafford Community Center 1101 1793006482 1087910 198.44372432679143 63.413715198539486662226772 47Dallas County 10475S010471201 32.4255271-87.25619240G5240Marion Jct Exp Marion Jct Exp 559 0 395 0 6 5 2 0 559 151 194.959245 106.8203883 244 99 245.28699942222758 254.9212069 95.31659253709672 91.57281553 50 66 5221 0 295 0 5 5 2 0411.08569146508444 439 132PMarion Jct Exp 1201 1328131882 1233488 58.57462345960749 18.7178229119123686662226772 47Dallas County 10475S010471401 32.4160714-87.37679580G5240New Friendship Church New Friendship Church 165 0 109 0 0 0 1 0 165 55 35.95559846 31.29082083 45 29 45.23735645058405 47.01415701 27.921022061788527 26.82436011 50 66 5221 0 85 0 0 0 1 0121.34014148790507 132 46PNew Friendship Church 1401 3695487012 4434486 205.54367868553172 65.682542218165226662226772 47Dallas County 10475S010471501 32.1093125 -87.0715640G5240Carlowville Minter VFD Carlowville Minter VFD 579 0 436 0 2 1 4 0 579 136 174.9839125 74.4505737 219 69 220.15513474349547 228.8022308 66.43277661613354 63.82347749 6 66 5221 0 312 0 1 1 2 0425.79358740301234 424 108PCarlowville Minter VFD 1501 99103032 317901 911.9891373801917 291.43083067092656662226172 47Dallas County 10472S010479512 32.4015518-87.06094680G5240Memorial Station Memorial Station 2569 22 829 0 10 2 21 4 2569 1681 276.4586015 1347.663283 346 1249 347.8250074192219 361.4866295 1202.5295357611349 1155.29744 50 66 5221 19 552 0 5 2 14 1 1889.229233226837 2013 1420PMemorial Station 9512 52184202 9010 767.1500684618895 245.14675947056146662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010479521 32.428251-87.03826510G5240Cahaba Rd Fire Station Cahaba Rd Fire Station 2161 24 1514 0 12 3 16 1 2161 591 532.9418704 337.7250662 667 313 670.5181501597117 696.8542829 301.35447949339937 289.5180936 50 66 5221 21 1084 0 7 3 14 1 1589.188156093108 1646 516PCahaba Rd Fire Station 9521 19537312 0 843.1195801004108 269.423208580556836662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010479343 32.4339006-87.02882730G5240Woodrow Ave Fire Station Woodrow Ave Fire Station 2375 5 2084 2 17 6 11 0 2375 250 822.983698 180.1919682 1030 167 1035.4328254180648 1076.101816 160.78657530446444 154.4713151 50 66 5221 5 1465 2 10 6 7 01746.5626426289366 1727 232PWoodrow Ave Fire Station 9343 7372062 0 291.09812870835236 93.021907804655416662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010479544 32.4359202-87.03804490G5240Queen of Peace School Queen of Peace School 820 0 710 0 5 0 5 0 820 100 275.6595882 73.37157988 345 68 346.81973277818906 360.4418704 65.46998275695888 62.89849956 50 6624221 0 475 0 5 0 2 0 603.0237334550434 571 89PQueen of Peace School 9544 19688442 131689 921.9290734824281 294.607188498402546662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010479530 32.4167314-87.02779930G5240Byrd School Byrd School 2597 10 2185 2 27 9 22 5 2597 337 690.3474903 181.270962 864 168 868.5572439551322 902.6718147 161.7493691324126 155.396293 50 66 5221 10 1555 2 16 8 17 0 1909.820287539936 1913 305PByrd School 9530 7089912 43964 209.4486535828389 66.930397078959376662226172 47Dallas County 10472S010479131 32.4082458-87.02408680G5240Dallas County Courthouse Dallas County Courthouse 590 0 353 0 4 0 8 0 590 225 169.3908194 159.6910856 212 148 213.11821264114815 221.4889175 142.49349184483125 136.8967343 50 66 5221 0 260 0 3 0 2 0433.88293016887263 467 202PDallas County Courthouse 9131 9689782 61099 403.6324052943861 128.982816065723436662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010479183 32.4099615-87.01558130G5240Carver Neighbor Center Carver Neighbor Center 1137 0 1115 0 4 2 7 0 1137 9 394.7125697 7.552956752 494 7 496.6056464019904 516.1109681 6.739557048571703 6.474845543 86 6624221 0 670 0 4 2 5 0 836.1438840712003 688 7PCarver Neighbor Center 9183 4785002 0 227.90853491556368 72.82934732998636662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010479372 32.417215-87.01947910G5240Broad St Fire Station Broad St Fire Station 642 0 601 0 19 2 7 0 642 13 300.4290004 1.078993822 376 1 377.9832450144563 392.8294008 0.962793864379067 0.924977935 50 6624221 0 440 0 15 1 4 0 472.1234596074852 466 6PBroad St Fire Station 9372 15931232 0 582.9062528525787 186.270698311273386662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010479352 32.425733-87.01717620G5240Rangedale Center Rangedale Center 1642 16 1597 1 8 0 10 0 1642 10 686.3524239 15.1059135 859 14 863.5308709424093 897.4480194 13.479114101306937 12.94969109 50 6624221 9 1158 1 7 0 3 01207.5182565038795 1187 9PRangedale Center 9352 27329362 2737 638.995892286627 204.194431766316746662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010479342 32.4386763-87.01641940G5240Selma Mall Selma Mall 1800 4 1669 0 5 2 18 0 1800 102 350.7668383 59.34466019 439 55 441.3155440318031 458.6492206 52.95366252523544 50.87378641 50 6624221 2 1055 0 1 1 6 01323.7106344135098 1160 95PSelma Mall 9342 49069452 211760 595.6861706983112 190.354586946599746662226172 47Dallas County 10475S010479363 32.4214935-86.98715680G5240Broad Street Fire Station Broad Street Fire Station 1678 0 1608 0 10 3 6 0 1678 51 726.3030888 22.65887026 909 21 913.7946003960942 949.6859717 20.218671146755987 19.42453663 86 6624221 0 1174 0 9 2 3 01233.9924691921497 1233 45PBroad Street Fire Station 9363 834840492 518326 110.65162557276894 257.919528692995875562225772 7Bibb County 10074N010072 33.1037807-87.23361180G5240Alternative School-2 Alternative School-2 1022 0 135 0 46 0 2 0 1022 839 102.6781209 241.1804535 113 276 104.14186514218436 108.2322749 281.31967433348115 270.2702012 88 48 3131 0 99 0 35 0 1 0 790.0374427231071 758 623AAlternative School-2 2 612290592 629762 339.20894610517126 790.66720488762815562225772 7Bibb County 10074N010079 32.9748905-87.17355110G5240Brent National Guard Armory Brent National Guard Armory 3133 7 705 5 75 10 28 4 3133 2299 268.0535015 851.1223251 295 974 271.87478065112094 282.553284 992.7730536517706 953.7796231 88 48 3231 6 476 5 50 7 19 32421.9053894828717 2388 1822ABrent National Guard Armory 9 521297362 495732 63.8791184813441 148.896792493999565562225772 7Bibb County 10072N010074 32.9118126-87.22688120G5240Brent City Hall-4 Brent City Hall-4 590 0 337 0 2 0 2 0 590 249 81.77903436 36.70137336 90 42 82.94484834043755 86.20269682 42.80951566396837 41.1280741 50 71 3231 0 248 0 0 0 2 0456.08815186559025 451 201ABrent City Hall-4 4 2479543892 277029 53.91830678594807 125.678987562731835562225772 7Bibb County 10074N010073 32.9268202 -87.3225570G5240Eoline Fire Dept-3 Eoline Fire Dept-3 498 3 9 0 7 1 4 0 498 474 23.62505437 173.8946024 26 199 23.96184507270522 24.9030013 202.83556226552446 194.868732 50 71 3231 1 7 0 6 1 2 0 384.9693214051931 373 356AEoline Fire Dept-3 3 257883542 666503 393.66860135282565 917.60802967488545562225772 7Bibb County 10074N0100713 32.9255491-87.16450250G5240Brent City Hall-13 Brent City Hall-13 3636 0 2430 2 77 2 16 0 3636 1109 578.8138321 260.4049824 637 298 587.065204425609 610.123532 303.74370633802766 291.8134781 88 71 3231 0 2096 0 72 2 15 0 2810.739864717434 3185 1000ABrent City Hall-13 13 32400282 48128 50.99502509273402 118.865066550294575562225772 7Bibb County 10074N0100714 32.937909-87.12329340G5240Rock Building -14 Rock Building -14 471 3 241 0 3 1 1 1 471 221 49.06742062 143.3101246 54 164 49.76690900233811 51.72161809 167.16096596562443 160.595337 1 48 3231 1 173 0 2 1 0 0 364.0974907265983 351 174ARock Building -14 14 647041262 234136 22.736635391664848 52.9971634300676445562225772 7Bibb County 10072N010078 32.8585192-87.02157010G5240Lawley Comm Center-8 Lawley Comm Center-8 210 1 17 0 1 0 3 0 210 188 15.44715094 62.91664005 17 72 15.66736024058588 16.28273162 73.38774113228358 70.50526988 1 71 3131 0 13 0 1 0 2 0162.33646083351516 169 153ALawley Comm Center-8 8 1384695162 269655 93.4367444905084 217.79310495308755502225772 7Bibb County 10074N010077 32.8904105-86.94117770G5240Lawley Comm Center-7 Lawley Comm Center-7 863 0 94 0 8 4 3 2 863 752 61.78860374 256.9096135 68 294 62.669440971965585 65.13092649 299.66660964777856 287.8965187 1 48 3131 0 69 0 4 3 2 1 667.1255509491599 691 612ALawley Comm Center-7 7 1480272572 2652812 98.41715033820641 229.402007418721355562225772 7Bibb County 10074N0100710.01 33.0727664-86.98074860G5240Six Mile Comm Center-10.01 Six Mile Comm Center-10.01 909 0 167 0 9 12 28 0 909 693 71.78381905 228.0728202 79 261 72.8071446610126 75.66681166 266.0305615889148 255.5816033 83 48 3131 0 132 0 4 8 15 0 702.6849661793585 719 560ASix Mile Comm Center-10.01 10.01 189372602 87958 73.40685140737509 171.105127645646955562225772 7Bibb County 10074N0100711.01 33.187956-87.17493640G5240Greenpond Fire Dept-11.01 Greenpond Fire Dept-11.01 678 0 31 0 6 1 1 0 678 639 24.53371031 199.2360268 27 228 24.883454505980094 25.86080905 232.39451363413923 223.266688 88 48 3131 0 15 0 2 1 1 0 524.1148592624918 501 482AGreenpond Fire Dept-11.01 11.01 698727371 26545320 91.83469929585594 312.306129516333842211112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190131 34.1725961-85.51660370G5240Ebenezer Methodist Church Ebenezer Methodist Church 1107 0 203 0 18 4 12 1 1107 869 263.6600173 189.1009866 200 233 177.92069142676385 184.9089332 249.43796982698888 239.6407235 64 3820121 0 156 0 9 4 9 1 869.9165416137597 872 693AEbenezer Methodist Church 0131 910455781 9357 105.1080072338297 357.445226826734372211112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190181 34.0581306-85.47724640G5240McCord's Crossroad Volunteer Fire Dept./ Rock Run Church McCord's Crossroad Volunteer Fire Dept./ Rock Run Church 1267 2 13 0 8 6 15 0 1267 1223 88.32610581 267.0138394 67 329 59.60343163566354 61.94449263 352.2106956073573 338.3768156 64 3820121 2 8 0 3 5 9 0 995.6497364269499 966 939AMcCord's Crossroad Volunteer Fire Dept./ Rock Run Church 0181 544259441 3718566 107.34787794836276 365.062449497864462211112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190171 34.1104042-85.53148250G5240Spring Creek Volunteer Fire Dept. Spring Creek Volunteer Fire Dept. 1294 1 10 0 10 13 10 0 1294 1250 114.6921075 292.9847904 87 361 77.39550077833992 80.43538595 386.4682708674801 371.2888463 64 3820121 1 6 0 6 9 7 01016.8672130516757 1030 1001ASpring Creek Volunteer Fire Dept. 0171 483086271 3583605 63.04821270537535 214.410712224402632251112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190041 34.2884013-85.62278920G5240Unity Missionary Baptist Church Unity Missionary Baptist Church 760 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 760 756 52.73200347 186.6662099 40 230 35.58413828535277 36.98178664 246.22632212358306 236.5552206 64 3813 91 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 597.2326753626535 585 581AUnity Missionary Baptist Church 0041 1815105822 9600532 672.2096185737977 96.451962410171366662226772 63Greene County 10632S010633-1-6 32.6267826-87.83657140G5240Forkland City Hall Forkland City Hall 1336 0 1026 0 7 2 8 0 1336 293 542.2277677 139.9817352 635 128 626.6646703994238 651.2783575 122.2823717113798 117.4794521 89 70 5231 0 772 0 6 2 5 01011.9332227750139 1035 250PForkland City Hall 3-1-6 1514960412 2772235 78.99469320066335 11.3345494748479826662226772 63Greene County 10635S010635-7 32.9665203-88.12194430G5240West Greene Fire Dept. West Greene Fire Dept. 157 0 74 0 6 0 1 0 157 76 74.28947368 3.280821918 87 3 85.85799421841722 89.23026316 2.8659930863674394 2.753424658 89 7023231 0 60 0 6 0 1 0118.91730237700386 132 65PWest Greene Fire Dept. 5-7 990835672 190057 99.62388059701493 14.2945273631840796662226772 63Greene County 10632S010631-2 32.9536594-87.96489240G5240Eatman School Eatman School 198 0 153 0 0 0 0 0 198 45 102.4682396 34.99543379 120 32 118.42481956515856 123.076225 30.5705929122317 29.36986301 89 7023231 0 126 0 0 0 0 0149.97213930348258 167 41PEatman School 1-2 269117651 14949565 27.873946669744893 94.792104351841162251112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190071 34.2147544-85.66329630G5240Daniel's Chapel (Little River ) Daniel's Chapel (Little River ) 336 0 0 0 3 1 3 0 336 329 56.68690373 81.97081392 43 101 38.25294865867864 39.75542064 108.12547191801539 103.8785969 64 3820 91 0 0 0 3 1 2 0 264.0397091076994 287 281ADaniel's Chapel (Little River ) 0071 355508301 17292957 234.27388510523684 796.70506752856982211112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190081 34.2282381-85.59691140G5240Cedar Bluff First Baptist Church Cedar Bluff First Baptist Church 2824 10 193 0 34 16 52 4 2824 2515 375.7155247 598.9550562 285 738 253.53698527351642 263.4952298 790.0653293129775 759.0337079 64 3820 91 7 144 0 17 15 22 1 2219.190888452807 2223 2017ACedar Bluff First Baptist Church 0081 472778981 15910789 190.3890107353111 647.4639270460582251112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190111 34.1727442 -85.7779390G5240Leesburg Volunteer Fire Dept. Leesburg Volunteer Fire Dept. 2295 2 45 1 15 16 31 4 2295 2181 299.2541197 508.0567279 227 626 201.9399847866967 209.8716392 670.1638158505035 643.8416004 64 3820 91 1 35 1 7 13 17 31803.4855131016968 1814 1737ALeesburg Volunteer Fire Dept. 0111 827646691 37868 177.281619146562 602.88906845203732251112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190101 34.2231019-85.78620510G5240Sand Rock Town Hall Sand Rock Town Hall 2137 7 6 0 99 17 34 0 2137 1974 197.745013 465.0423404 150 573 133.4405185700729 138.6816999 613.4247068747165 589.3310496 64 3820 91 7 5 0 62 13 22 01679.3239832236716 1608 1499ASand Rock Town Hall 0101 325399181 0 36.75047135326484 124.978875678171532251112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190061 34.2943036-85.70510080G5240Tucker's Chapel VFW Tucker's Chapel VFW 443 2 0 0 7 0 4 0 443 430 48.77710321 96.57947383 37 119 32.915327921648974 34.20815265 127.39535793027376 122.3916141 64 3813 91 0 0 0 4 0 3 0348.12378313902036 335 328ATucker's Chapel VFW 0061 986225901 24908852 486.46673592673824 1654.34791642618032211112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190121 34.1586464 -85.6575930G5240Recreational Outreach Center Recreational Outreach Center 5864 15 373 0 49 19 74 6 5864 5328 711.8820468 1499.822417 540 1848 480.3858669099948 499.2541197 1978.3749713501588 1900.669773 64 3820 91 6 267 0 23 11 44 04608.1215899034205 4683 4332ARecreational Outreach Center 0121 506788421 6907439 60.55946746700527 205.947131478702522211112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190091 34.238951-85.48844580G5240New Hope Methodist Church New Hope Methodist Church 730 0 86 0 2 5 11 0 730 626 126.5568083 172.05755 96 212 85.40193188869549 88.75628794 226.9564360072364 218.0422033 64 3813 91 0 63 0 1 5 6 0 573.6577013351803 614 539ANew Hope Methodist Church 0091 593484481 0 64.62441802300974 219.77098003001272351112921 19Cherokee County 10193N010190021 34.3658705-85.54872210G5240Broomtown Volunteer Fire Dept. Broomtown Volunteer Fire Dept. 779 0 3 0 1 0 7 0 779 768 59.3235039 163.1300356 45 201 40.03215557102187 41.60450997 215.18039456686606 206.7286928 64 3813 91 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 612.1634922467198 613 609ABroomtown Volunteer Fire Dept. 0021 574247371 0 29.78198468582862 101.280849590211252251112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190031 34.3358913-85.63324780G5240Valley Church Valley Church 359 0 0 0 2 2 5 0 359 350 34.27580225 95.76788161 26 118 23.129689889328127 24.03816132 126.32480876519736 121.3631132 64 3813 91 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 282.1138558620955 290 284AValley Church 0031 985717961 2346943 79.55688945323021 270.552464504213332211112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190051 34.2886686-85.53107990G5240Gaylesville Town Hall Gaylesville Town Hall 959 0 7 0 9 5 22 0 959 916 58.00520382 206.9560153 44 255 39.14255211966129 40.67996531 272.9900528118178 262.2677446 64 3813 91 0 7 0 3 5 10 0 753.6133364115587 738 713AGaylesville Town Hall 0051 1074548661 20478 65.78583246758244 223.720651044672732351112921 19Cherokee County 10193N010190011 34.4597219-85.52622620G5240Friendship Baptist Church/Mt. Calvery Baptist Church Friendship Baptist Church/Mt. Calvery Baptist Church 793 2 2 0 4 5 6 0 793 774 80.41630529 155.8257057 61 192 54.265810889011796 56.39722463 205.54545156073686 197.4721842 64 3813 91 2 2 0 4 5 4 0 623.1651467928739 630 613AFriendship Baptist Church/Mt. Calvery Baptist Church 0011 441374481 1611294 29.035361114317595 98.741775366501222211112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190141 34.1303177-85.75542210G5240Shady Grove Fellowship Hall Shady Grove Fellowship Hall 350 0 71 0 3 1 3 0 350 272 77.77970512 94.95628939 59 117 52.486603976668576 54.5481353 125.25425949603263 120.3346122 64 3820 91 0 55 0 1 1 1 0 275.0413636538536 277 219AShady Grove Fellowship Hall 0141 1280111241 448756 100.29643310631421 341.08230405171422211112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190201 33.9887704-85.50290510G5240Spring Garden Volunteer Fire Dept. Spring Garden Volunteer Fire Dept. 1209 7 9 0 16 1 14 0 1209 1162 112.0555074 314.086188 85 387 75.61629386599671 78.58629662 414.30255072079126 398.0298712 64 3820121 5 6 0 3 1 9 0 950.0714533071684 902 878ASpring Garden Volunteer Fire Dept. 0201 757000561 49814 38.74146754396091 131.74974027473162211112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190161 34.0605325-85.56633470G5240Ellisville Volunteer Fire Dept. Ellisville Volunteer Fire Dept. 467 0 53 0 15 1 5 0 467 393 38.23070252 104.695396 29 129 25.798500262654002 26.81179532 138.10085020556764 132.6766237 64 3820121 0 48 0 11 1 5 0366.98376236099887 375 310AEllisville Volunteer Fire Dept. 0161 1353554551 1394762 99.96460040786486 339.953826618954172211112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190151 34.0714517-85.69430070G5240Mt. Weisner Volunteer Fire Dept./Melrose Baptist Church Mt. Weisner Volunteer Fire Dept./Melrose Baptist Church 1205 0 127 0 21 3 16 0 1205 1038 181.925412 222.3762675 138 274 122.7652770767694 127.5871639 293.3304880932409 281.8092628 64 3820 91 0 104 0 7 2 12 0 946.9281234368386 945 820AMt. Weisner Volunteer Fire Dept./Melrose Baptist Church 0151 901261201 69024 67.27907961060448 228.79879949209282211112921 19Cherokee County 10197N010190191 34.0052394-85.63139050G5240Goshen United Methodist Church Goshen United Methodist Church 811 1 5 0 3 7 20 0 811 775 61.96010408 206.9560153 47 255 41.81136249298716 43.45359931 272.9900528118178 262.2677446 64 3820 91 1 2 0 3 6 12 0 637.3101312093578 636 612AGoshen United Methodist Church 0191 933817452 30379 197.73830845771144 28.372470978441136662226772 63Greene County 10635S010631-3-4 33.0645381-87.95837180G5240Lewiston Comm. Center Lewiston Comm. Center 393 2 348 0 6 1 0 0 393 36 204.0825771 25.15296804 239 23 235.86276573817992 245.1268149 21.972613657292914 21.10958904 89 7023231 2 289 0 4 1 0 0 297.6719734660033 329 33PLewiston Comm. Center 1-3-4 1015809672 103519 224.9084577114428 32.2709784411276966662226772 63Greene County 10635S010631-6-7 32.986901-87.90949150G5240Union City Hall Union City Hall 447 0 363 0 5 3 0 0 447 76 220.3067151 52.49315068 258 48 254.61336211320125 264.6138838 45.85588937355197 44.05479452 89 7023231 0 293 0 2 3 0 0338.57346600331675 367 69PUnion City Hall 1-6-7 687612642 89644 118.24046434494196 16.96572692095086662226772 63Greene County 10632S010631-5 33.0958105 -87.875710G5240Jena Clubhouse Jena Clubhouse 235 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 235 95 59.77313975 49.21232877 70 45 69.08114477200135 71.79446461 42.98989628510276 41.30136986 89 7023231 0 91 0 0 0 0 0177.99723604201216 173 82PJena Clubhouse 1-5 985537452 2538651 185.66268656716417 26.6398009950248746662226772 63Greene County 10635S010631-8 32.9864492-87.79028110G5240Montgomery Rec. Center Montgomery Rec. Center 369 0 286 0 0 0 0 0 369 83 126.3774955 34.99543379 148 32 146.0572775278427 151.7940109 30.5705929122317 29.36986301 89 7023231 0 225 0 0 0 0 0279.49353233830846 294 69PMontgomery Rec. Center 1-8 664578132 177735 124.27827529021559 17.832061912658936662226772 63Greene County 10635S010635-6 32.958621 -88.050990G5240Clinton Rec Center Clinton Rec Center 247 0 217 0 0 0 1 0 247 29 111.0072595 38.27625571 130 35 128.29355454495857 133.3325771 33.43658600068091 32.12328767 89 7023231 0 156 0 0 0 0 0187.08645660585958 180 24PClinton Rec Center 5-6 1135194492 2177335 238.9966832504146 34.2924267551133256662226772 63Greene County 10632S010635-4-5 32.8669227-88.10574360G5240Mt. Hebron Pre-School Mt. Hebron Pre-School 475 0 454 0 0 0 0 0 475 21 187.8584392 7.655251142 220 7 217.11216926693785 225.6397459 6.687317200136181 6.424657534 89 7023231 0 313 0 0 0 0 0 359.7816473189608 332 19PMt. Hebron Pre-School 5-4-5 1570327412 3714844 246.04079601990048 35.303150912106136662226772 63Greene County 10635S010634-5-6 32.6575556-87.97904730G5240Tishabee Rec Center Tishabee Rec Center 489 0 424 0 2 1 5 0 489 57 220.3067151 12.02968037 258 11 254.61336211320125 264.6138838 10.508641313904924 10.09589041 89 70 5231 0 298 0 2 1 2 0370.38573797678276 349 46PTishabee Rec Center 4-5-6 1803025272 3029497 417.1121061359867 59.849309010503046662226772 63Greene County 10632S010635-1-3 32.7616055-88.02819260G5240Boligee City Hall Boligee City Hall 829 0 745 0 2 1 5 0 829 76 274.1025408 52.49315068 321 48 316.78639245707507 329.228902 45.85588937355197 44.05479452 89 70 5231 0 530 0 1 1 3 0 627.9136539524599 601 66PBoligee City Hall 5-1-3 393766262 1788681 140.88225538971807 20.2144831398562746662226772 63Greene County 10635S010633-8 32.793772-87.85850020G5240Carver School Carver School 280 2 254 0 0 0 5 0 280 19 146.8711434 8.748858447 172 8 169.7422414408744 176.4092559 7.642648228578366 7.342465753 89 70 5231 2 184 0 0 0 4 0212.08181315644003 201 11PCarver School 3-8 849863432 3998048 123.77512437810945 17.7598673300165836662226772 63Greene County 10635S010632-8 32.8947963-87.83422740G5240South Fork South Fork 246 0 185 0 0 0 2 0 246 59 66.60435572 12.02968037 78 11 76.97613274621928 79.99954628 10.508641313904924 10.09589041 89 7023231 0 125 0 0 0 0 0 186.3290215588723 175 50PSouth Fork 2-8 919751771 137746 255.61889315635509 614.80627251198981131111441 45Dale County 10452N010451400 31.4194447-85.58788420G5240Ewell Ewell 2405 22 366 1 43 21 33 0 2405 1919 203.3540797 862.2251908 239 879 230.66569439259175 239.7256167 863.6744814900551 829.7516924 66 9216301 14 260 1 22 16 18 01807.8539730552625 1848 1517AEwell 1400 693708161 178911 1424.6634693836938 3426.5543770273231131111441 45Dale County 10456N010450101 31.4276333-85.63901970G5240Ozark Civic Center (Combined 0101, 02, 03 Precincts) Ozark Civic Center (Combined 0101, 02, 03 Precincts) 13404 118 4230 5 440 71 300 9 13404 8231 1196.0664663389782 3633.278621320969 1405.724861196792 3703.964975821377 1356.7050260693632 1409.9927165628544 3639.3856993911586 3496.440508646594 65 92 7301 93 2931 5 293 59 149 5 10075.87303735249 10277 6742AOzark Civic Center (Combined 0101, 02, 03 Precincts) 0101 931016951 46399 670.3485900778094 1612.30069053352171131111441 45Dale County 10456N010450300 31.32668-85.68356650G5240Daleville Daleville 6307 155 1269 11 632 57 213 9 6307 3961 608.3605313 1239.877863 715 1264 690.0668263269725 717.170778 1241.9619395377222 1193.181046 41 88 7281 142 918 11 421 46 115 4 4741.012477363634 4939 3282ADaleville 0300 1177607431 2688825 425.9960597799049 1024.5919086187341131111441 45Dale County 10456N010450702 31.4059674-85.74480740G5240Fort Rucker Fort Rucker 4008 50 434 9 533 29 150 4 4008 2799 132.7332068 284.4656489 156 290 150.56003484372317 156.4736243 284.9437993250494 273.7519804 65 88 7281 36 222 6 261 18 64 13012.8393862808703 2307 1699AFort Rucker 0702 661229971 413858 231.17301148235856 556.00983065013631131111441 45Dale County 10456N010451500 31.4785156-85.65046040G5240Marley Hill Marley Hill 2175 7 404 0 56 15 26 2 2175 1665 199.0998102 765.1145038 234 780 225.84005221747435 234.7104364 766.4005637628743 736.2984301 65 88 7301 7 282 0 36 9 15 2 1634.961493303616 1662 1311AMarley Hill 1500 630530331 0 28.697339356430717 69.021910011741061131111441 45Dale County 10456N010451000 31.5902525-85.46295050G5240Clopton Clopton 270 0 18 0 5 2 1 0 270 244 9.359392789 136.3473282 11 139 10.616412708281697 11.03339658 136.57651068728288 131.2121561 66 8816301 0 14 0 3 2 1 0 202.9607370997592 213 193AClopton 1000 476082801 0 51.12377863127102 122.961254502397961131111441 45Dale County 10456N010451300 31.5233483-85.45189250G5240Bertha Bertha 481 1 28 0 0 0 4 2 481 446 22.12220114 227.5725191 26 232 25.093339137413167 26.07893738 227.95503943922185 219.0015843 66 8816301 1 25 0 0 0 3 2 361.5707946110525 384 353ABertha 1300 903392851 18387 109.7938946488627 264.072714970846331131111441 45Dale County 10452N010451100 31.5506705-85.53348220G5240Skipperville Skipperville 1033 2 107 0 16 5 9 1 1033 893 100.400759 426.6984733 118 435 113.88515458224894 118.3582543 427.41569898757416 410.6279706 66 8816301 2 94 0 12 5 5 1 776.5127460150047 826 707ASkipperville 1100 1615832831 359115 164.63769875226365 395.981254104395931131111441 45Dale County 10456N010450900 31.4334367-85.50298240G5240Echo Echo 1549 2 9 0 21 20 11 2 1549 1484 46.79696395 791.5992366 55 807 53.082063560652635 55.16698292 792.92981399533 761.7856834 66 9216301 2 7 0 18 14 9 21164.3932658056556 1192 1140AEcho 0900 464404651 0 28.591052914369865 68.766273307993871131111441 45Dale County 10456N010450500 31.5665108-85.59947120G5240Arguta Arguta 269 4 13 0 2 3 3 0 269 244 24.67476281 127.519084 29 130 27.98872442323946 29.08804554 127.73342727646433 122.716405 65 88 7301 2 9 0 1 2 1 0 202.2090306660564 198 183AArguta 0500 1136610391 68610 136.4717916061372 328.23752761139081131111441 45Dale County 10456N010450701 31.5277844-85.73981180G5240Rocky Head Rocky Head 1284 8 59 0 23 18 16 0 1284 1160 58.70891841 561.0839695 69 572 66.59386156438269 69.20948767 562.0270801205313 539.9521821 65 88 7301 6 47 0 18 13 11 0 965.1910608744105 1010 915ARocky Head 0701 1138207731 0 131.47632882927704 316.22260253527291131111441 45Dale County 10456N010451200 31.572636-85.67852090G5240Ariton Ariton 1237 2 153 0 48 6 18 3 1237 1007 96.14648956 484.5725191 113 494 109.05951240713155 113.343074 485.38702365056446 466.322339 65 88 7301 2 117 0 29 6 7 0 929.8608584903783 948 787AAriton 1200 2500296821 159181 54.317793213999465 297.647608869890462211112221 29Cleburne County 10297N010290020 33.8432947-85.48486480G5240Oak Level Oak Level 867 0 7 0 11 2 15 0 867 832 70.26455479 221.1809816 59 264 47.19510573329294 49.04880137 277.7433610562623 266.8343558 27 3828121 0 4 0 3 2 6 0 661.3683542612878 652 637AOak Level 0020 911206341 104525 21.36374565856265 117.06786000534332211112221 29Cleburne County 10292N010290010 33.9274741-85.42802710G5240Borden Springs Borden Springs 341 0 0 0 4 4 2 0 341 331 21.43664384 76.24041411 18 91 14.398506837800044 14.9640411 95.73729492484277 91.97699387 27 3828121 0 0 0 3 1 2 0260.12296286401283 272 266ABorden Springs 0010 740570421 19003 36.901015228426395 202.208121827411162211112221 29Cleburne County 10297N010290110 33.5260054-85.54841620G5240Bud Blake's/Guy Cavender's Bud Blake's/Guy Cavender's 589 0 3 0 20 1 2 2 589 561 34.53681507 185.9930982 29 222 23.197594346581607 24.10873288 233.5569172944385 224.3834356 27 3828121 0 2 0 12 1 2 1 449.3032994923858 457 439ABud Blake's/Guy Cavender's 0110 617013901 110361 20.236040609137056 110.888324873096452211112221 29Cleburne County 10292N010290100 33.5813439-85.51901980G5240Beason's Mill Beason's Mill 323 2 1 0 4 0 5 0 323 311 48.82791096 108.0770706 41 129 32.79659889549289 34.08476027 135.7155059588454 130.3849693 27 3828121 1 1 0 1 0 3 0246.39213197969542 241 235ABeason's Mill 0100 2222920991 433804 118.91023243387657 651.59764894469672211112221 29Cleburne County 10297N010290120 33.5341285-85.72065190G5240Chulafinnee/Abel Chulafinnee/Abel 1898 3 134 0 122 7 23 0 1898 1609 220.3210616 604.0586656 185 721 147.98465353053876 153.797089 758.5339520079558 728.7407975 27 3828121 3 100 0 79 7 13 01447.8398343574672 1481 1279AChulafinnee/Abel 0120 1712531361 886122 228.04702110606465 1249.6393267432542211112221 29Cleburne County 10297N010290060 33.6844821-85.59112990G5240Heflin Recreation Center Voting District Heflin Recreation Center Voting District 3640 5 335 0 84 17 47 1 3640 3151 513.2885274 1043.069402 431 1245 344.7642469804727 358.3056507 1309.8124410491678 1258.366564 27 3828121 5 259 0 46 11 8 12776.6791343841837 2804 2474AHeflin Recreation Center Voting District 0060 769167321 26584 38.96847448570665 213.537269569863752211112221 29Cleburne County 10297N010290070 33.5963619-85.47037920G5240Bells Mill Bells Mill 622 7 4 0 11 3 7 0 622 590 69.07363014 192.6955521 58 230 46.39518868354114 48.21746575 241.9733828125338 232.4693252 27 3828121 2 1 0 7 3 4 0474.47648944696766 488 471ABells Mill 0070 836280271 0 79.18995458188618 433.940689286668432211112221 29Cleburne County 10297N010290090 33.5333004-85.41595430G5240Hightower Voting District Hightower Voting District 1264 2 2 0 11 0 2 1 1264 1246 63.11900685 384.5532975 53 459 42.395603454026265 44.06078767 482.8947073312174 463.9279141 27 3828121 2 2 0 10 0 2 1 964.209457654288 960 943AHightower Voting District 0090 1427134481 183562 64.15388725621159 351.5468875233772211112221 29Cleburne County 10297N010290040 33.7316285 -85.5297130G5240Edwardsville City Hall Voting District Edwardsville City Hall Voting District 1024 0 5 1 5 1 3 0 1024 1009 65.50085616 315.0153374 55 376 43.9954375439078 45.7234589 395.57387789324343 380.0368098 27 3828121 0 5 0 4 1 3 0 781.1317125300561 788 775AEdwardsville City Hall Voting District 0040 662854981 34076 44.920251135452844 246.15148276783332211112221 29Cleburne County 10292N010290150 33.7163449 -85.4621890G5240Fruithurst City Hall Voting District Fruithurst City Hall Voting District 717 1 0 0 5 4 10 0 717 697 58.35530822 185.9930982 49 222 39.195935274263185 40.73544521 233.5569172944385 224.3834356 27 3828121 0 0 0 2 3 7 0 546.9447635586428 533 521AFruithurst City Hall Voting District 0150 481747941 52577 41.34918514560513 226.582954849051562211112221 29Cleburne County 10297N010290030 33.7403655-85.37658540G5240Muscadine Muscadine 660 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 660 656 53.59160959 109.752684 45 131 35.99626708487804 37.41010274 137.81962233836921 132.4064417 27 3828121 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 503.4637990916377 493 489AMuscadine 0030 835922051 0 67.47435212396474 369.74218541277052211112221 29Cleburne County 10297N010290080 33.6249108-85.38448960G5240Hopewell Voting District Hopewell Voting District 1077 2 0 0 13 3 5 0 1077 1054 52.40068493 284.8542945 44 340 35.19635003512624 36.57876712 357.69978316590283 343.6503067 27 3828121 2 0 0 7 3 1 0 821.5613812449907 778 765AHopewell Voting District 0080 531657551 345102 103.12236174191824 565.08415709324072211112221 29Cleburne County 10297N010290140 33.5416718 -85.3436150G5240Ranburne Fire Dept. Voting District Ranburne Fire Dept. Voting District 1646 1 3 0 15 8 10 0 1646 1609 83.36472603 546.25 70 652 55.9941932420745 58.19349315 685.9419372266486 659 27 3828121 1 3 0 10 8 4 01255.6082019770238 1253 1227ARanburne Fire Dept. Voting District 0140 257330441 0 19.04568527918782 104.365482233502532211112221 29Cleburne County 10297N010290050 33.6725609-85.39855190G5240Plainview Fire Department Voting District Plainview Fire Department Voting District 304 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 304 300 36.91866438 112.2661043 31 134 24.79742843646314 25.77140411 140.97579690765497 135.4386503 27 3828121 0 0 0 1 0 1 0231.89847715736042 221 219APlainview Fire Department Voting District 0050 776733841 28981 204.28254164096236 491.333744602097451131111441 45Dale County 10456N010450400 31.3078437-85.61709810G5240Newton Newton 1922 8 217 3 27 14 35 0 1922 1618 141.2417457 772.9618321 166 788 160.21131909773723 166.5039848 774.2610822924418 743.8502088 41 92 7281 8 162 3 21 11 20 01444.7797655768045 1519 1294ANewton 0400 764003071 0 121.4854032755567 292.192752383037151131111441 45Dale County 10456N010450200 31.2324179-85.73821140G5240Clayhatchee Clayhatchee 1143 4 46 3 35 9 25 5 1143 1016 53.60379507 402.1755725 63 410 60.803090992730105 63.19127135 402.85157841353237 387.028662 41 92 7281 4 33 1 19 8 13 2 859.200453722314 884 804AClayhatchee 0200 440739251 0 550.9889156434698 1325.22067222542841131111441 45Dale County 10456N010451600 31.3065927-85.76709970G5240Level Plains Level Plains 5184 96 826 7 733 29 179 18 5184 3296 394.7962049 1087.835878 464 1109 447.8195908295638 465.4087287 1089.664391270863 1046.865332 41 92 7281 89 612 5 478 24 75 8 3896.846152315377 3887 2596ALevel Plains 1600 738243541 38902 261.2520745855804 628.35501781059091131111441 45Dale County 10456N010450600 31.3032351-85.53681820G5240Pinckard Pinckard 2458 18 228 1 34 16 37 6 2458 2118 148.0485769 856.3396947 174 873 167.93234650094848 174.5282732 857.7790925148132 824.0878583 66 9216281 16 169 1 21 13 23 31847.6944140415117 1899 1653APinckard 0600 287496191 0 236.16847425921873 568.02475572625421131111441 45Dale County 10456N010450801 31.3139343-85.49585780G5240Midland City Midland City 2222 9 518 0 57 11 70 4 2222 1553 297.7988615 590.5114504 350 602 337.79494994892053 351.0626186 591.5040247885638 568.2713524 66 9216301 8 352 0 30 11 29 1 1670.291695687648 1603 1172AMidland City 0801 411478371 14144 270.92414081311813 651.61795785158511131111441 45Dale County 10456N010450802 31.3147105 -85.4447130G5240Grimes Grimes 2549 18 604 2 111 11 73 1 2549 1729 170.170778 516.9427481 200 527 193.0256856576058 200.6072106 517.8116629623503 497.4734265 66 9216301 12 396 2 69 9 38 01916.0996995084674 1911 1385AGrimes 0802 366641881 22579 37.30654116335993 89.728483015263381131111441 45Dale County 10456N010450803 31.3721737-85.46048820G5240Sylvan Grove Sylvan Grove 351 3 17 0 5 0 4 0 351 322 12.76280835 162.8320611 15 166 14.47692642913147 15.0455408 163.1057610238269 156.6994095 66 9216301 3 12 0 4 0 1 0263.84895822968696 267 247ASylvan Grove 0803 32819162 1446 209.8139303482587 30.105140961857386662226772 63Greene County 10635S010632-1-2 32.8389528-87.87520580G5240Law Library Law Library 417 1 346 0 13 1 0 0 417 56 122.1079855 18.5913242 143 17 141.12290998983235 146.6658348 16.240627490803334 15.60273973 89 70 5231 1 253 0 4 1 0 0 315.8504145936982 309 50PLaw Library 2-1-2 555937642 572434 478.4965174129353 68.657048092868996662226772 63Greene County 10632S010634-1-2 32.7798776-87.93663630G5240Eutaw Activity center Eutaw Activity center 951 4 925 0 7 0 8 0 951 7 498.6787659 27.34018265 584 25 576.3341221082867 598.9709619 23.88327571625905 22.94520548 89 70 5231 2 668 0 2 0 1 0 720.3207296849088 680 7PEutaw Activity center 4-1-2 982215602 753457 384.4072968490879 55.156661138750696662226772 63Greene County 10635S010632-3-4 32.8856825-87.97101340G5240Eutaw Pre-School Eutaw Pre-School 764 4 594 0 14 1 1 0 764 150 304.8430127 227.4703196 357 208 352.3138383266226 366.1517695 198.70885396593695 190.9041096 89 7023231 4 455 0 9 1 0 0 578.6803758982863 603 134PEutaw Pre-School 2-3-4 1875642 0 68.93167495854063 9.8906578220011066662226772 63Greene County 10635S010634-3-4B32.8209954-87.89792890G5240Morrow Brown Rec Center-Sanders-Black Morrow Brown Rec Center-Sanders-Black 137 0 137 0 0 0 0 0 137 0 64.89655172 3.280821918 76 3 75.00238575025928 77.94827586 2.8659930863674394 2.753424658 89 70 5231 0 89 0 0 0 0 0103.76860143725816 89 0PMorrow Brown Rec Center-Sanders-Black 4-3-4B 582029742 1637345 73.46003316749585 10.54040906578226662226772 63Greene County 10635S010633-7 32.7343391-87.86566950G5240Dollarhide Rec Center Dollarhide Rec Center 146 0 109 0 4 0 0 0 146 33 57.21143376 14.21689498 67 13 66.12052427806135 68.71755898 12.41930337287106 11.93150685 89 70 5231 0 83 0 2 0 0 0110.58551686014373 109 24PDollarhide Rec Center 3-7 81209672 1284764 670.7536025110572 431.8767299186766662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910101 32.5298318 -87.832450G5240Civic Center Civic Center 2079 21 1344 0 77 1 16 0 2079 620 649.3871077 280.0888325 764 294 765.0225284243874 795.0705366 296.03348299541017 284.4060914 89 70 5231 16 1001 0 52 0 10 01565.7508917106577 1550 471PCivic Center 0101 409763332 1536041 979.835830123175 630.88486231987446662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910201 32.4969673 -87.9155310G5240Westside School Westside School 3037 16 637 1 59 4 13 1 3037 2306 245.6451232 1137.503626 289 1194 289.3867941011609 300.7531218 1202.258430481705 1155.036983 89 70 5231 11 450 1 43 4 8 12287.2464926047464 2275 1757PWestside School 0201 345040152 1410330 806.9046464070005 519.54001997431876662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910102 32.5038292-87.77261510G5240National Guard Armory National Guard Armory 2501 2 1830 0 50 1 17 0 2501 601 212.89227485173194 239.7733146485594 231.5590806086112 280.78562641631595 223.82584660094625 232.6171182546455 294.26095839720955 282.70318675629653 89 70 5231 2 1251 0 30 1 10 01883.5704570314358 1762 468PNational Guard Armory 0102 322218642 18819 113.24411470965902 72.914253103153096662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910204 32.4571408-87.75044010G5240Springhill Voting Booth Springhill Voting Booth 351 1 69 0 7 0 0 0 351 274 44.19912251 94.31562727 52 99 52.06959618087224 54.11474857 99.68474425888246 95.76939811 89 70 5231 1 49 0 4 0 0 0 264.3475531459552 250 196PSpringhill Voting Booth 0204 778788562 127050 193.25705045893375 124.432015979454996662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910202 32.4542163-87.85950630G5240Demopolis High School Demopolis High School 599 3 178 0 23 0 5 0 599 390 135.1473169 512.5435098 159 538 159.21280367303552 165.4662504 541.721135540219 520.4437999 89 70 5231 3 134 0 10 0 3 0451.12303229181526 461 311PDemopolis High School 0202 2238750522 3534468 231.00508869548676 148.736767013839346662226772 91Marengo County 10915N010910501 32.3772828-87.96856280G5240Jefferson Jefferson 716 1 545 0 3 0 6 0 716 161 226.0955113 83.83611313 266 88 266.35601123255327 276.8177523 88.60866156807724 85.12835388 89 70 5231 1 411 0 3 0 3 0 539.238883340467 556 138AJefferson 0501 644818002 39440 111.30831787701527 71.66785561421036662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910306 32.3888479-87.83049810G5240Rangeline Rangeline 345 0 75 0 9 0 3 0 345 258 26.34947688 144.8078318 31 152 31.04149002738885 32.26071549 153.05132455317406 147.039884 89 70 5231 0 60 0 8 0 1 0259.82879155371666 274 205PRangeline 0306 1440390572 496601 427.48846720882676 275.24611214153236662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910301 32.3801476-87.75996060G5240VFW VFW 1325 0 623 3 26 5 9 0 1325 659 312.7937901 381.0732415 368 400 368.49252676370867 382.9659129 402.7666435007227 386.9470631 89 70 5221 0 462 1 18 3 5 0 997.8931849526799 1027 538PVFW 0301 1330449272 486567 204.87183145479622 131.910400913111726662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910302 32.4445302-87.61076060G5240Faunsdale Faunsdale 635 0 419 0 5 0 4 0 635 207 180.1964225 120.0380711 212 126 212.28373823071402 220.6216672 126.87149272718841 121.8883249 50 71 5221 0 306 0 5 0 0 0 478.2356018452466 475 164PFaunsdale 0302 1061346542 83264 67.43025633709041 43.416179198173786662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910303 32.3639766-87.62582860G5240Dayton Dayton 209 0 146 0 3 0 3 0 209 57 50.14900439 39.06000725 59 41 59.078964895492675 61.39942626 41.28358096116607 39.66207397 50 71 5221 0 99 0 1 0 2 0 157.4035287963095 142 40PDayton 0303 505192002 70186 65.49445950444667 42.169781709230996662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910402 32.2961214-87.51723870G5240Taylorville Voting Booth Taylorville Voting Booth 203 0 165 0 10 0 1 0 203 27 90.09821127 13.33756345 106 14 106.14186911535701 110.3108336 14.09683252408662 13.54314721 50 71 5221 0 137 0 6 0 1 0152.88476720407095 165 21PTaylorville Voting Booth 0402 1986306172 265077 248.74989299472108 160.162077329148256662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910401 32.2699497-87.61525330G5240Thomaston Thomaston 771 3 428 0 6 6 7 0 771 321 256.6949038 244.8395577 302 257 302.40419320170594 314.281809 258.77756840575745 248.613488 6 71 5221 3 310 0 6 2 4 0 580.6608646026538 583 258PThomaston 0401 478975562 189587 587.1917059019356 378.07390497931236662226772 91Marengo County 10915N010910305 32.3041422-87.75799460G5240Cornerstone Church Cornerstone Church 1820 5 903 0 30 1 16 0 1820 865 435.1913601 443.9503263 512 466 512.685254640319 532.8221397 469.22313966637176 450.7933285 89 70 5231 5 669 0 20 1 8 01370.6910163123603 1446 743ACornerstone Church 0305 4089012 1190 107.17114427860696 15.3774461028192376662226772 63Greene County 10632S010634-3-4A32.8264974-87.88547360G5240Morrow-Brown Rec Center-King Village Morrow-Brown Rec Center-King Village 213 0 213 0 0 0 0 0 213 0 84.53629764 4.374429224 99 4 97.70047621342135 101.5378857 3.821324114809625 3.671232877 89 70 5231 0 115 0 0 0 0 0 161.3336650082919 115 0PMorrow-Brown Rec Center-King Village 4-3-4A 1089479122 134850 216.8092452560993 139.596518761592256662226772 91Marengo County 10915N010910502 32.1965962-87.82735060G5240Old Linden Courthouse Old Linden Courthouse 672 0 204 4 13 2 3 0 672 446 94.3481269 307.7166425 111 323 111.14856104749872 115.5141748 325.2340645714066 312.4597534 89 70 5231 0 157 1 7 1 1 0506.10129833071767 532 365AOld Linden Courthouse 0502 545090632 67074 71.62448280781852 46.116707090883156662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910403 32.1700105-87.54592920G5240Flatwoods Voting Booth Flatwoods Voting Booth 222 0 209 0 0 0 0 0 222 13 96.04809315 0 113 0 113.15123783959952 117.5955113 0 0 6 71 5221 0 157 0 0 0 0 0167.19417891282637 167 10PFlatwoods Voting Booth 0403 1031614622 0 125.50416131640272 80.808103866457426662226772 91Marengo County 10912S010910405 32.1449372-87.63014530G5240Magnolia Magnolia 389 0 184 0 2 1 4 0 389 198 100.71684205961539 42.75612029079671 121.02815934065934 43.54876373626374 122.91822037844354 127.74611439938187 40.742867925398876 39.14259867445055 6 71 5221 0 129 0 2 1 1 0292.96637656346604 281 148PMagnolia 0405 1171844702 334426 80.98083416559662 52.140961620773296662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910409 32.2191859-87.73878570G5240Octagon Octagon 251 0 78 0 1 0 1 0 251 171 84.1483294 85.74147933 99 90 99.1325003911145 103.0261559 90.62249479026481 87.0630892 12 71 5221 0 64 0 1 0 1 0189.03485994197936 205 139POctagon 0409 1401497252 0 254.55728349265232 163.90126979597666662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910407 32.0916301-87.69532270G5240Surginer Surginer 789 0 421 0 0 1 1 0 789 366 139.3972325 232.4546773 164 244 164.2194956051772 170.6695916 245.6876525448088 236.0377085 6 71 5221 0 319 0 0 1 0 0 594.2171493793694 604 284PSurginer 0407 1713924342 134944 519.7614495648452 334.657725781138546662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910408 32.0539504-87.77084670G5240Dixon's Mill Dixon's Mill 1611 1 1238 0 6 2 17 0 1611 347 560.9888626 135.2810007 660 142 660.8833361011311 686.8410395 142.9821584422361 137.3662074 12 71 5231 0 866 0 6 2 7 01213.2874875160508 1153 272PDixon's Mill 0408 1178690172 0 264.5589004613116 170.340990155514336662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910504 32.1103896-87.86225070G5240Sweet Water Sweet Water 820 0 287 0 3 2 2 0 820 526 203.1459669 255.3190718 239 268 239.31987477974403 248.7197098 269.8536511694245 259.2545323 12 67 5231 0 213 0 3 2 1 0 617.5640842726019 605 386PSweet Water 0504 747948692 22839 95.82194321586532 61.6966757026679966662226772 91Marengo County 10912S010910505 32.0342863-87.90904790G5240Hoboken Hoboken 297 0 91 1 1 0 2 0 297 202 65.44870064 100.0317259 77 105 77.103055880069 80.13145461 105.72624395667172 101.5736041 12 67 5231 0 79 1 1 0 0 0223.67869881580825 245 164PHoboken 0505 2209298162 2341842 173.25381652161508 111.552575260379516662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910511 32.2269077-87.92522190G5240Myrtlewood Myrtlewood 537 0 219 0 11 0 1 0 537 306 96.04809315 158.1453952 113 166 113.15123783959952 117.5955113 167.14815706685184 160.5830312 12 67 5231 0 165 0 8 0 1 0 404.4291625053503 425 251PMyrtlewood 0511 1207882012 943599 113.24411470965902 72.914253103153096662226772 91Marengo County 10915N010910508 32.1085755-87.99225870G5240Nanafalia Nanafalia 351 0 192 0 7 0 2 0 351 150 100.2980088 91.45757796 118 96 118.15792977174121 122.7988525 96.66399443600992 92.86729514 12 67 5231 0 149 0 3 0 1 0 264.3475531459552 279 126ANanafalia 0508 230766502 36387 65.81709230988729 42.377514624054796662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910509 32.1074405-87.91494270G5240Aimwell Aimwell 204 0 135 0 0 0 0 0 204 69 70.54859939 82.88343002 83 87 83.11108620826109 86.37546406 87.60174495698344 84.16098622 12 67 5231 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 153.6378941361107 154 58PAimwell 0509 1149838862 1436387 94.53141199410283 60.865744043372816662226772 91Marengo County 10915S010910507 32.0372333-88.04243880G5240Putnam Putnam 293 0 218 0 0 5 3 0 293 67 95.19811002 42.87073967 112 45 112.14989949165947 116.5548431 45.311247395132405 43.5315446 12 67 5231 0 163 0 0 2 1 0220.66619108764922 220 54PPutnam 0507 46546952 33720 288.80862354892207 41.439690436705366662226772 63Greene County 10635S010632-5-7 32.8490059-87.90403690G5240National Guard Armory National Guard Armory 574 2 248 0 3 1 3 0 574 317 48.86052209711881 55.029941066882486 53.14470702492716 64.44260278407252 51.369866433004056 53.38753533713175 67.53530192722842 64.88269859980576 89 70 5231 2 199 0 3 1 2 0434.76771697070205 489 282PNational Guard Armory 2-5-7 194120822 20440 71.4474295190713 10.2516307352128246662226772 63Greene County 10635S010631-1 32.8738978-87.88747530G5240Greene County Courthouse Greene County Courthouse 142 0 108 0 0 0 0 0 142 34 47.8185118 7.655251142 56 7 55.2649158195255 57.43557169 6.687317200136181 6.424657534 89 70 5231 0 91 0 0 0 0 0107.55577667219458 122 31PGreene County Courthouse 1-1 902538172 646734 364.8688631900502 850.47828933013315562225772 7Bibb County 10074N010071 33.2082672-87.07826970G5240Green Pond Fire Dept.-1 Green Pond Fire Dept.-1 3370 4 93 0 58 5 35 5 3370 3170 120.8512397 967.3433408 133 1107 122.57405371146108 127.3884298 1128.3365194873027 1084.018524 88 48 3131 4 52 0 46 5 27 02605.1136809949817 2436 2302AGreen Pond Fire Dept.-1 1 788910272 237240 56.083700632773294 130.726336460833525562225772 7Bibb County 10072N0100710 33.1147468-87.06893280G5240Alternative School-10 Alternative School-10 518 0 25 0 1 2 6 0 518 484 54.51935624 127.5809645 60 146 55.29656556349905 57.46846455 148.81403065132702 142.9690195 83 48 3131 0 22 0 1 2 5 0400.42993672267073 402 372AAlternative School-10 10 945983422 348988 313.98210778965745 731.86559022474365562225772 7Bibb County 10074N0100711 33.1235834-87.16088160G5240Alternative School-11 Alternative School-11 2900 2 303 0 28 10 13 5 2900 2539 289.861244 679.8492494 319 778 293.99340695349713 305.5406699 792.995313955977 761.8486107 88 48 3131 1 237 0 20 9 8 2 2241.789221034257 2137 1860AAlternative School-11 11 1227543172 147261 139.9927121972507 326.31110626227365562225772 7Bibb County 10074N010076 32.9995929-86.97553810G5240Six Mile Comm Center-6 Six Mile Comm Center-6 1293 0 102 0 17 4 13 0 1293 1157 95.40887342 302.3494091 105 346 96.76898977220611 100.569813 352.6688671414579 338.8169914 1 48 3131 0 77 0 15 2 8 0 999.5287802749291 954 852ASix Mile Comm Center-6 6 2539031012 1797595 203.65529129391228 474.7031638664635562225772 7Bibb County 10074N010075 32.9371183-87.09219550G5240Rock Building-5 Rock Building-5 1881 2 193 0 55 12 17 3 1881 1599 204.4475859 602.9511338 225 690 207.3621208992042 215.5067421 703.2991858337031 675.675503 1 48 3131 1 145 0 41 6 9 21454.0708706087717 1474 1270ARock Building-5 5 1281174112 230103 102.09831987780929 237.982500545494225562225772 7Bibb County 10074N0100712 33.0069703-87.24794050G5240Eoline Fire Dept.-12 Eoline Fire Dept.-12 943 0 142 0 13 0 9 0 943 779 46.34145281 338.1769403 51 387 47.00208073137971 48.84819487 394.4591085808199 378.9658256 88 71 3131 0 102 0 11 0 4 0 728.9680122190705 725 608AEoline Fire Dept.-12 12 554318262 3138367 153.57857754927164 43.706769494430166662226772131Wilcox County 11312S011315003B 31.9465072-87.47715640G5240Yellow Bluff Yellow Bluff 362 0 344 0 0 2 0 0 362 16 26.226300698352944 0.8362614937176471 31.51529411764706 0.851764705882353 32.007459168783555 33.2646252770353 0.7968845482690847 0.7655850864470588 6 68 5221 0 232 0 0 2 0 0 264.2879177377892 246 12PYellow Bluff 5003B 1222576882 753860 664.8000856898029 189.194772922022286662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011316002-331.9593428 -87.5627760G5240Pine Hill 6002 6003 Pine Hill 6002 6003 1567 1 920 0 11 4 2 1 1567 628 349.5143105 408.4282655 420 416 426.55901609103836 443.3130963 389.19665217889013 373.9100642 6 68 5221 1 647 0 8 3 0 1 1144.030848329049 1148 488PPine Hill 6002 6003 6002-3 194497442 0 101.82005141388174 28.976863753213376662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011316005 31.969973-87.65236930G5240Sunny South Sunny South 240 0 112 0 0 0 2 0 240 126 73.23156982 37.30835118 88 38 89.37427002987485 92.88464874 35.55161726734177 34.15524625 6 68 5221 0 82 0 0 0 1 0 175.2185089974293 186 103PSunny South 6005 430198062 782611 246.91362467866324 70.268894601542416662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011315004 31.9811347-87.37243020G5240Canton Bend Canton Bend 582 0 507 0 4 0 0 0 582 71 253.8139636 51.05353319 305 52 309.76309501505574 321.9297485 48.64958152756568 46.73875803 6 68 5221 0 369 0 4 0 0 0424.90488431876605 425 52PCanton Bend 5004 1215981442 64634 68.72853470437018 19.5593830334190246662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011313005 31.9170162-87.28897640G5240Camden Crthse Annex/Pebble Hill 3005/09 11 Camden Crthse Annex/Pebble Hill 3005/09 11 162 0 126 0 2 0 0 0 162 34 50.76279271 13.74518201 61 14 61.952619003011144 64.3859497 13.097964260223906 12.58351178 6 68 5221 0 99 0 2 0 0 0118.27249357326478 126 25PCamden Crthse Annex/Pebble Hill 3005/09 11 3005 309083992 90281 452.67497857754927 128.826306769494446662226772131Wilcox County 11312S011313001 31.9687397-87.34915430G5240Magnolia Magnolia 1067 0 932 0 7 0 8 0 1067 120 276.25930714038464 117.27707030920331 331.97184065934067 119.45123626373626 337.1561468992268 350.3987251006181 111.75485880822775 107.36543132554944 6 68 5221 0 609 0 3 0 6 0 778.9922879177378 709 91PMagnolia 3001 1349416882 20773 37.758269065981146 10.7455869751499576662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011311050 31.9075265-87.19141460G5240Courthouse Annex Courthouse Annex 89 0 55 0 1 0 1 0 89 32 9.153946227 11.78158458 11 12 11.171783751328837 11.61058109 11.226826508763349 10.78586724 6 68 5221 0 42 0 1 0 1 0 64.97686375321337 76 32PCourthouse Annex 1050 118954272 34892 497.64550128534705 141.624421593830336662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011311001 31.9988157-87.28977450G5240National Guard Armory 1001 1002 1003 National Guard Armory 1001 1002 1003 1173 0 404 0 10 0 3 1 1173 755 218.0303556 404.5010707 262 412 266.0915767030351 276.5429315 385.4543767592396 370.3147752 6 68 5221 0 285 0 4 0 2 0 856.3804627249357 892 601PNational Guard Armory 1001 1002 1003 1001 943806772 18072 106.91105398457583 30.4257069408740366662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011312003 32.0043625-87.04873370G5240Snow Hill Snow Hill 252 0 232 0 1 0 0 0 252 19 89.04293148 7.854389722 107 8 108.67098741416007 112.9392888 7.484551003760466 7.190578158 6 68 5221 0 168 0 1 0 0 0183.97943444730078 183 14PSnow Hill 2003 1835320622 213491 288.91439588688945 82.221850899742936662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011312004 31.9840374-87.14533680G5240Shady Acres Shady Acres 681 0 507 0 2 1 8 0 681 163 213.037294 88.36188437 256 90 259.9978765047785 270.2098873 84.20119879490746 80.89400428 6 68 5221 0 366 0 2 1 5 0497.18251928020567 508 134PShady Acres 2004 598019342 5050042 89.09254498714652 25.3547557840616986662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011312007 32.0386743-87.23255680G5240Bridgeport Bridgeport 210 0 90 0 0 0 3 0 210 117 46.60190807 107.9978587 56 110 56.87453547880512 59.10841284 102.91257630951303 98.87044968 6 68 5221 0 64 0 0 0 2 0153.31619537275066 157 91PBridgeport 2007 1065722042 77981 79.33479005998286 22.5778063410454176662226772131Wilcox County 11312S011311004 31.867344-87.07452470G5240E M Jones Store E M Jones Store 187 1 157 0 2 0 0 0 187 27 66.57415438 15.70877944 80 16 81.24933639691845 84.44058977 14.969102011684464 14.38115632 6 6818221 1 120 0 2 0 0 0136.52442159383034 150 27PE M Jones Store 1004 1350147732 110518 61.94053127677806 17.6275921165381326662226772131Wilcox County 11312S011312002 31.9988514-86.92261080G5240Furman Furman 146 0 117 0 7 0 0 0 146 22 104.0221162 19.6359743 125 20 126.9520881051506 131.9384215 18.71137751460558 17.9764454 6 6827221 0 93 0 3 0 0 0106.59125964010283 118 22PFurman 2002 1120750882 2479037 539.2341965702783 740.21085433360430622220772 25Clarke County 10255N010250030 31.4896906-87.86414110G5240Jackson City Hall Jackson City Hall 2747 6 1846 0 40 24 12 0 2747 819 721.3550896 370.4835253 922 411 950.1588646126116 987.4785255 428.03213866469565 411.2201982 12 67 5211 3 1298 0 25 10 8 02067.6138272751905 2013 669AJackson City Hall 0030 2506133802 4946439 314.86408856888477 432.2163124685486622226772 25Clarke County 10255N010250010 31.4399488-87.70116880G5240Goodhope AME Church/0012 Alma Volunteer Fire Dept. Goodhope AME Church/0012 Alma Volunteer Fire Dept. 1604 0 1297 0 12 6 6 0 1604 283 543.75465 110.8746317 695 123 716.226042238156 744.3574569 128.09720934873522 123.0658987100 67 5221 0 896 0 10 4 3 01207.2998103201332 1138 225AGoodhope AME Church/0012 Alma Volunteer Fire Dept. 0010 922385872 0 128.37974683544303 176.227848101265836622226772 25Clarke County 10255N010250040 31.5448205-87.77488040G5240OVERSTREET GROCERY OVERSTREET GROCERY 654 0 334 0 10 8 2 0 654 300 172.1237741 141.5229038 220 157 226.7190349613922 235.6239432 163.50619415000162 157.0841147 12 67 5211 0 242 0 6 6 2 0 492.253164556962 485 229AOVERSTREET GROCERY 0040 1271672042 206739 50.84152053574885 69.790539232764296622226772 25Clarke County 10255N010250050 31.5537771-87.65838630G5240Morning Star Church Morning Star Church 259 0 242 0 2 0 4 0 259 11 70.41427122 35.15537102 90 39 92.74869611357165 96.39161312 40.61618834074948 39.02089472 6 67 5221 0 176 0 1 0 2 0194.94429605543297 190 11AMorning Star Church 0050 3169155452 15962992 84.21240274068053 115.599001277435836622226772 25Clarke County 10255N010250020 31.3118065-87.85383050G5240Saltworks Voting House Saltworks Voting House 429 1 322 0 4 1 0 0 429 101 77.45569834 52.28234664 99 58 102.0235656941382 106.0307744 60.40356214884885 58.0310742100 64 5211 1 237 0 4 1 0 0 322.9000116130531 321 78ASaltworks Voting House 0020 732704172 185250 198.0660008516239 271.886695312197566662226772 25Clarke County 10252N010251200 31.6970473-87.73090030G5240Whatley Timber Company/Grove Hill National Guard Whatley Timber Company/Grove Hill National Guard 1009 1 610 0 32 1 1 2 1009 362 327.8175516 164.9598178 419 183 431.7967074911525 448.75651 190.58365302995617 183.0980445 12 67 5211 1 443 0 27 1 1 2 759.4548058684628 752 277AWhatley Timber Company/Grove Hill National Guard 1200 2774282982 98407 707.8553013587272 971.67831842991520062220772 25Clarke County 10251N010251000 31.6649369-87.82926330G5240Old Engineers Building/Antioch Fire Station/Hellwestern Fire DepOld Engineers Building/Antioch Fire Station/Hellwestern Fire Dep 3606 5 1061 0 17 12 22 0 3606 2489 645.8778306816862 939.4332830101033 825.5287423063523 1042.1707118801532 850.7412717145374 884.156079433283 1085.3590235875108 1042.7290674718383 12 64 5211 5 784 0 8 6 12 02714.1665311810475 2749 1934AOld Engineers Building/Antioch Fire Station/Hellwestern Fire Dep1000 1345178862 870485 831.9164634382379 1141.97801261951760022220772 25Clarke County 10251N010250070 31.5866471-87.91384730G5240Skipper Fire Station-Jackson National Guard-Jackson Fire Dept. Skipper Fire Station-Jackson National Guard-Jackson Fire Dept. 4238 12 975 0 51 18 39 0 4238 3143 331.7294555 1573.878918 424 1746 436.9494128136895 454.1115996 1818.3555092707586 1746.935441 12 64 5211 7 672 0 35 12 22 0 3189.860720783494 3188 2440ASkipper Fire Station-Jackson National Guard-Jackson Fire Dept. 0070 1236596362 49074 109.3387140479232 150.090078581659136662226772 25Clarke County 10255N010250090 31.6994331-87.92761680G5240Winn Fire Dept. Winn Fire Dept. 557 0 404 0 3 2 0 0 557 148 157.2585391 66.70506295 201 74 207.13875462028687 215.2746026 77.06661378329599 74.0396464 12 64 5211 0 305 0 2 2 0 0 419.2431386211435 436 127AWinn Fire Dept. 0090 76582182 312623 23.3337617823479 6.6405312767780646662226772131Wilcox County 11312S011313002 32.0275083-87.30773690G5240Holy Cross Lutheran Church Holy Cross Lutheran Church 55 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 55 5 45.76973114 2.945396146 55 3 55.85891876626626 58.05290546 2.806706626149954 2.696466809 6 68 5221 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 40.15424164524421 49 5PHoly Cross Lutheran Church 3002 1013656462 14565134 208.73110539845757 59.40257069408746662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011314001 32.0953028-87.31646630G5240Boykin Boykin 492 0 457 0 4 0 1 0 492 30 193.0650477 8.836188437 232 9 235.62307551931065 244.8777103 8.420119879490745 8.089400428 6 68 5221 0 326 0 4 0 0 0 359.1979434447301 360 30PBoykin 4001 407660442 23678 225.27686375321338 64.111311053984586662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011314002-432.2333363 -87.43530G5240Alberta Alberta 531 0 511 0 6 0 0 0 531 14 322.8846487 2.945396146 388 3 394.0592815399687 409.5368604 2.806706626149954 2.696466809 6 68 5221 0 338 0 6 0 0 0387.67095115681235 355 11PAlberta 4002-4 76171372 0 201.09460154241646 57.22930591259646662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011315006 32.0225313-87.32880650G5240Whiskey Run Whiskey Run 474 0 443 0 0 2 4 0 474 25 283.772333 15.70877944 341 16 346.3252963970367 359.9280139 14.969102011684464 14.38115632 6 68 5221 0 288 0 0 1 1 0346.05655526992285 306 16PWhiskey Run 5006 609443832 98448 196.42784918594688 55.901199657240796662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011316001-6 32.070701-87.58204890G5240Lamison/Arlington 6001 6006 Lamison/Arlington 6001 6006 463 0 268 0 4 0 1 0 463 190 128.9874241 92.28907923 155 94 157.420589288875 163.6036427 87.94347429782857 84.48929336 6 68 5221 0 178 0 3 0 0 0338.02570694087404 328 147PLamison/Arlington 6001 6006 6001-6 1294509962 15190163 131.09331619537275 37.307712082262216662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011314006 32.0482775-87.37494480G5240Millers Ferry Millers Ferry 309 0 112 0 0 0 0 0 309 197 14.14700781 128.6156317 17 131 17.265483988073722 17.94362533 122.55952264780473 117.7457173 6 68 5221 0 86 0 0 0 0 0225.59383033419024 256 170PMillers Ferry 4006 2189584542 0 38.867262803391014 53.353385204970390662220772 25Clarke County 10255N010251500 31.828736-87.91397680G5240Hopewell Baptist Church Voting District Hopewell Baptist Church Voting District 198 0 8 0 0 0 2 0 198 188 2.347142374 123.4945084 3 137 3.0916232041064573 3.213053771 142.67737955489855 137.0733994 12 64 5211 0 6 0 0 0 2 0149.03077459063988 167 159AHopewell Baptist Church Voting District 1500 1951530132 3408015 70.86404985870786 97.275616459567226662226772 25Clarke County 10255N010251800 31.910985-88.03390970G5240Fulton City Hall Fulton City Hall 361 0 259 0 3 2 0 0 361 97 33.08222145139093 93.38339270988287 42.28404099560761 103.59590043923865 43.57544077186024 45.28696579487555 107.88898985599704 103.6514032114202 12 67 5211 0 181 0 3 2 0 0271.71772539000506 269 83AFulton City Hall 1800 3221654742 898065 134.26872604807804 184.311694344443146662226772 25Clarke County 10255N010251100 31.7283488-87.60746110G5240Morning Star Church/Nettlesboro Fire Dept Morning Star Church/Nettlesboro Fire Dept 684 0 412 2 3 0 9 0 684 258 195.5951978 99.15617466 250 110 257.63526699283466 267.7544809 114.55847990875795 110.0589338 6 67 5221 0 314 1 2 0 4 0 514.8335849494832 530 209AMorning Star Church/Nettlesboro Fire Dept 1100 445618922 608021 42.008051716796345 57.6647698679982956622226772 25Clarke County 10252N010250060 31.5963159-87.58404870G5240Tri-Community Fire Dept. Tri-Community Fire Dept. 214 0 179 0 2 0 3 0 214 30 5.172395300599251 56.513980328089886 4.808988764044944 60.91385767790262 4.671938174353688 4.855439223333334 61.279703880996856 58.87280346329588 6 67 5221 0 144 0 2 0 0 0 161.0736654666512 175 29ATri-Community Fire Dept. 0060 786824352 49974 310.15290519877675 425.74923547400616662226772 25Clarke County 10255N010251400 31.8658807-87.68673190G5240Thomasville National Guard Amory Thomasville National Guard Amory 1580 17 1150 0 11 1 6 2 1580 393 461.6046669 331.7224752 590 368 608.0192300799969 631.9005749 383.25018748819616 368.1971605 12 67 5221 10 823 0 7 1 4 01189.2354740061162 1165 320AThomasville National Guard Amory 1400 537579842 27230 36.51167111833701 50.119846707699450662220772 25Clarke County 10252N010251900 31.9726217-87.87091780G5240Walnut Grove Church Walnut Grove Church 186 0 49 0 0 0 0 0 186 137 17.9947582 82.02919904 23 91 23.702444560646608 24.63341224 94.77110613188506 91.04875435 12 67 5211 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 139.9986064336314 148 111AWalnut Grove Church 1900 3123405622 4340056 226.9219989935354 311.49754190376656662226772 25Clarke County 10255N010251300 31.7747335-88.06312170G5240Coffeeville High School Gym Coffeeville High School Gym 1156 2 416 0 3 5 14 0 1156 716 186.9890091 344.342352 239 382 246.2993152062768 255.9732837 397.8303575902712 382.2046611 12 64 5211 1 314 0 1 5 3 0 870.0988657918167 912 588ACoffeeville High School Gym 1300 898849642 2298796 69.48995470909303 95.389385669492510022220772 25Clarke County 10251N010250080 31.6235873-88.05625430G5240Salitpa Fire Dept. Salitpa Fire Dept. 354 0 131 0 1 3 0 0 354 219 75.10855597 95.55049558 96 106 98.93194255834844 102.8177207 110.3927170521903 106.0567908 12 64 5211 0 99 0 1 1 0 0 266.4489606317501 269 168ASalitpa Fire Dept. 0080 159790142 0 72.63074362249836 99.700770332520426662226772 25Clarke County 10255N010252100 31.7730955-87.70591040G5240Thomasville Fire Dept#3/Thomasville City Hall/Springfield MethodThomasville Fire Dept#3/Thomasville City Hall/Springfield Method 370 0 209 0 2 0 1 0 370 158 66.27143576046143 96.39221151240662 84.7048349010955 106.93376688731468 87.29181101896252 90.72039639221151 111.3651799022127 106.99105794913483 6 67 5211 0 163 0 2 0 0 0 278.4918515077614 289 124AThomasville Fire Dept#3/Thomasville City Hall/Springfield Method2100 773901672 0 47.111833701080016 64.670769945418660662220772 25Clarke County 10255N010251600 31.9143252-87.89707510G5240Opine-Tallahatta Fire Dept Opine-Tallahatta Fire Dept 240 1 7 0 0 0 1 2 240 229 1.564761583 118.9874096 2 132 2.061082135750236 2.142035847 137.47017593214483 132.0707206 12 64 5211 0 6 0 0 0 1 2180.64336314016955 184 175AOpine-Tallahatta Fire Dept 1600 2239355672 67406 860.1835636588859 1180.78047458676886662226772 25Clarke County 10255N010252000 31.9036759-87.76244390G5240BASHI METHODIST CHURCH BASHI METHODIST CHURCH 4382 27 1277 2 62 9 26 3 4382 2976 515.5889415 1299.847308 659 1442 679.1265637426925 705.8008116 1501.757528008086 1442.772569 12 67 5211 22 881 1 39 8 14 33298.2467386675958 3274 2306ABASHI METHODIST CHURCH 2000 669138082 46671 197.28080362327256 270.80884914644060662220772 25Clarke County 10255N010252200 31.7980792-87.73279730G5240Fulton City Hall Fulton City Hall 1005 2 92 0 13 4 8 0 1005 886 92.09870514860908 259.97315699011716 117.71595900439239 288.4040995607613 121.31113012664694 126.07590200512446 300.3557750838699 288.5586155885798 12 64 5211 1 68 0 8 4 6 0 756.44408314946 790 703AFulton City Hall 2200 22709362 0 14.00025706940874 3.9843187660668386662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011315002 31.958816-87.63105340G5240Pine Hill Pine Hill 33 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 33 4 0.3247786440788436 0.3831724289369251 0.3902759526938239 0.3902759526938239 0.3963707770953885 0.41193914522601843 0.36513003419605067 0.3507887176399474 6 68 5221 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 24.09254498714653 25 2PPine Hill 5002 501235972 601905 129.39631533847472 36.8247643530419856662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011315005 31.9097869-87.57621150G5240Lower Peachtree Lower Peachtree 305 0 284 0 0 1 1 0 305 19 56.95825166722441 0.5894657639271654 68.44488188976378 0.6003937007874016 69.51376540350572 72.24407740551182 0.5617096596412109 0.5396472290354332 6 68 5221 0 195 0 0 1 1 0222.67352185089973 216 19PLower Peachtree 5005 744871772 0 86.12279348757498 24.5095972579263066662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011316004 31.8804483-87.61434710G5240Lower Peachtree Lower Peachtree 203 0 193 0 2 1 0 0 203 7 37.90991832277559 0.39233295107283467 45.55511811023622 0.39960629921259844 46.26653894069397 48.08376299448819 0.3738592160890682 0.3591750409645669 6 68 5221 0 131 0 2 1 0 0148.20565552699227 140 6PLower Peachtree 6004 186948532 239210 26.727763496143957 7.6064267352185096662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011315003A 31.9854015-87.48954020G5240Yellow Bluff Yellow Bluff 63 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 63 57 4.564245701647058 0.14553722128235297 5.484705882352941 0.14823529411764705 5.570358916114265 5.789147492964706 0.13868432746119433 0.1332371835529412 6 68 5221 0 2 0 0 2 0 045.994858611825194 51 47PYellow Bluff 5003A 302750572 14403 151.03307626392458 42.982347900599836662226772131Wilcox County 11312S011315001 32.0436624-87.53317790G5240Annemanie Annemanie 356 0 339 0 5 0 1 0 356 11 148.9596704 3.927194861 179 4 181.79539017812212 188.9358196 3.742275501880233 3.595289079 6 68 5221 0 211 0 4 0 1 0259.90745501285346 226 10PAnnemanie 5001 98279691 0 38.43854481342522 173.109429256388473351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109528-1 34.2725932-86.29915110G5240Lattiwood Comm Center Lattiwood Comm Center 617 1 0 0 73 2 13 0 617 528 17.75723693576035 53.09200184679739 14.786492374727668 59.95250544662309 12.73374281456091 13.233889665119825 62.743132128266645 60.27875222165578 98 26 4 81 1 0 0 36 2 13 0 462.7218095227857 462 410PLattiwood Comm Center 28-1 649282991 2325266 101.54753329964846 457.323127533084633351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109527-2 34.4124087 -86.4382540G5240Union Grove Comm Center Union Grove Comm Center 1630 2 8 0 29 11 14 0 1672 1608 8.195200762769138 24.173031959808615 6.824162679425838 27.29665071770335 5.876791485592449 6.107615901925837 28.567235849117022 27.445192373983254 51 26 4 81 2 3 0 20 9 7 0 1222.425525967813 1317 1276PUnion Grove Comm Center 27-2 547617421 379037 151.5737107472667 682.61789526870863351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109521 34.3507123-86.54824760G5240Ruth Fire Dept Ruth Fire Dept 2433 6 2 0 94 23 35 0 2433 2273 93.67092924 421.5302212 78 476 67.17157216043121 69.80988917 498.15651021873464 478.5902748 99 26 4 81 6 1 0 51 22 19 01824.6388372268032 1865 1766PRuth Fire Dept 21 156918291 224614 217.11236414065942 977.77368064588953351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109526-2 34.3300783-86.51851620G5240Arab Comm Center Arab Comm Center 3485 27 5 6 82 18 43 1 3485 3303 243.91756462006748 901.3444524156282 203.11072170301142 1017.8154205607476 174.91367306220755 181.7838073169782 1065.1919704862864 1023.3541214706646 99 26 4 81 19 3 3 42 15 22 12613.5907717778086 2659 2554PArab Comm Center 26-2 549523831 348706 270.378094797837 1217.65789784882673351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109525 34.3360492-86.44476590G5240Grassy School Gym Grassy School Gym 4340 19 12 0 61 46 64 0 4340 4138 262.9991475 777.5284332 219 878 188.5971064278666 196.0046888 918.8685209286903 882.7778598 51 26 4 81 12 7 0 33 36 40 03254.8017071781032 3276 3148PGrassy School Gym 25 578029081 444638 47.87314807399696 138.450448466405051131111441 31Coffee County 10316S010311 31.3008397-86.17112860G5240Perry's Store Perry's Store 479 1 5 0 4 16 11 0 479 442 15.87714117 140.4959448 18 161 16.794577843119107 17.45422327 164.740273954679 158.2697232101 90 7301 1 5 0 4 8 6 0 363.1147593497237 384 360PPerry's Store 1 491144021 0 47.773204132297586 138.161407864178761131111441 31Coffee County 10316S0103120 31.345127-86.13271890G5240Basin Basin 478 0 21 0 6 1 7 0 478 443 42.33904312 157.0762115 48 180 44.785540918191636 46.54459539 184.18167272238023 176.9475166101 90 7301 0 16 0 4 1 5 0 362.3566909585969 367 341PBasin 20 461875471 162164 81.05453671818691 234.411928405541771131111441 31Coffee County 10316S0103118 31.222603-86.15958430G5240Kinston Kinston 811 3 3 0 8 34 19 0 811 744 21.16952156 224.2699243 24 257 22.392770463906857 23.2722977 262.97049935110135 252.641732101 90 7301 2 3 0 5 25 10 0 614.7934652038119 621 576PKinston 18 784986201 201611 186.3954512693201 539.06072315207811131111441 31Coffee County 10316S010316-1 31.4278547-86.06885340G5240Elba National Guard Armory Elba National Guard Armory 1865 4 455 0 29 30 35 0 1865 1312 162.2996653 425.8510624 184 488 171.677906857879 178.420949 499.33697934135307 479.7243783101 90 7301 2 352 0 10 20 24 01413.7975494514294 1463 1055PElba National Guard Armory 6-1 932940711 84283 60.16625290301914 174.002442540241841131111441 31Coffee County 10316N0103110-1 31.4984846-85.94211620G5240Victoria Victoria 602 0 5 0 6 19 11 0 602 561 18.52333136 232.1237348 21 266 19.593674148701947 20.36326048 272.17958295599385 261.4891078 65 90 7301 0 3 0 2 15 8 0456.35717145831666 451 423AVictoria 10-1 447197941 44390 26.385200608632978 76.306718987747261131111441 31Coffee County 10312S0103121 31.4816701 -86.0011810G5240Wise Mill Wise Mill 264 0 9 0 2 9 2 0 264 242 5.29238039 102.0995375 6 117 5.598192615014507 5.818074424 119.718087279956 115.0158858101 90 7301 0 3 0 2 7 2 0200.13005525746777 200 186PWise Mill 21 789225301 10573 100.14382958276607 289.6186834307681131111441 31Coffee County 10316N0103115 31.584312-85.99086550G5240Zion Chapel Zion Chapel 1002 2 27 0 15 28 21 0 1002 909 28.22602875 330.7326899 32 379 29.85702727879443 31.02973026 387.8047442124617 372.5728266 65 90 7301 1 16 0 11 19 14 0 759.5845279090254 720 659AZion Chapel 15 375130471 0 33.88099623608553 97.98476415472091131111441 31Coffee County 10316S0103110-2 31.5804335-85.91962130G5240Chestnut Grove Chestnut Grove 339 0 0 0 0 6 4 0 339 329 9.702697381 129.1515517 11 148 10.263353130092481 10.66646978 151.43826422221 145.4901803 65 90 7301 0 0 0 0 5 4 0256.98518459197567 278 269PChestnut Grove 10-2 1180739691 0 66.46272123007928 192.21200048049971131111441 31Coffee County 10316S0103112 31.4925761-85.83782260G5240Eanon Eanon 665 3 14 0 3 11 14 1 665 619 43.22110652 344.6950198 49 395 45.71857302005259 47.51427446 404.17644841050264 388.3014947 65 90 7301 1 8 0 1 8 7 1 504.1154800993033 534 508PEanon 12 2302502871 322519 251.31951779145572 235.393888625851331131111441 5Barbour County 10056N010050010 31.834866-85.32565330G5240Baker Hill Town Hall Baker Hill Town Hall 1198 1 475 0 56 6 15 1 1198 644 314.6694752 412.3065121 371 410 370.4509221107639 385.0012287 403.77248637848606 387.9133992 69 8312271 1 361 0 36 5 10 0 935.5543577229851 925 512ABaker Hill Town Hall 0010 1981683741 28114 189.01409476636195 177.036639108424081131111441 5Barbour County 10056N010050100 31.6893584-85.47376270G5240Blue Springs City Hall Blue Springs City Hall 901 1 207 0 5 0 3 0 901 685 86.51290153 302.6933174 102 301 101.84904056735007 105.8493944 296.4280937340064 284.7852029 66 8316271 1 168 0 2 0 0 0 703.6180937465856 740 569ABlue Springs City Hall 0100 988826421 4576165 159.85431766034162 149.724660378045681131111441 5Barbour County 10056N010050070 32.0439229-85.14859470G5240Cowikee Volunteer Fire Department Cowikee Volunteer Fire Department 762 2 561 0 3 0 4 0 762 192 180.6592944 84.4725537 213 84 212.68476123570082 221.0384413 82.72411916681716 79.47494033 69 8312271 2 410 0 2 0 1 0 595.0687984849037 576 161ACowikee Volunteer Fire Department 0070 1608255761 287192 143.91084240812907 134.791492151363941131111441 5Barbour County 10056N010050020 31.6879699 -85.6548850G5240Sutton's Restaurant/Elamville Volunteer Fire Department Sutton's Restaurant/Elamville Volunteer Fire Department 686 1 181 3 41 4 4 0 686 452 86.51290153 159.8944766 102 159 101.84904056735007 105.8493944 156.58493987043428 150.4347085 65 83 7271 1 149 2 26 2 3 0 535.718104672761 560 377ASutton's Restaurant/Elamville Volunteer Fire Department 0020 1853113031 230539 583.4053246895145 546.43606366318241131111441 5Barbour County 10056N010050090 31.8271036-85.48019810G5240Louisville City Hall Louisville City Hall 2781 0 1441 0 64 6 7 0 2781 1263 346.0516061 370.0702353 408 368 407.396162365621 423.3975777 362.4104268627349 348.1759291 69 8312271 0 1327 0 51 5 7 02171.7668354153766 2565 1175ALouisville City Hall 0090 1619805261 517126 723.9596459919146 678.08373092471871131111441 5Barbour County 10056N010050030 31.7648134-85.58835120G5240Clio City Hall Clio City Hall 3451 7 1812 2 534 6 43 3 3451 1044 262.0832017 332.8620866 309 331 308.5426817357171 320.6614007 325.9724219446732 313.1691101 65 83 7271 3 1549 2 360 3 38 1 2694.990057180318 2914 958AClio City Hall 0030 2922417751 265574 140.76410387150818 131.844156317150461131111441 5Barbour County 10056N010050080 31.9116566-85.55775180G5240Green's Cross Roads/ Mt. Andrew Community Ctr. Green's Cross Roads/ Mt. Andrew Community Ctr. 671 3 451 0 8 0 2 2 671 205 215.4340881 139.7819639 254 139 253.62408147130003 263.5857469 136.88872095923477 131.5121036 69 8312271 3 326 0 4 0 2 2 524.0041519466803 513 176AGreen's Cross Roads/ Mt. Andrew Community Ctr. 0080 1392844561 2584105 345.5118913209746 323.6174745966421131111441 5Barbour County 10056N010050040 31.7501163-85.24962380G5240White Oak Methodist Church White Oak Methodist Church 1647 4 384 0 89 10 22 3 1647 1135 181.5074601 344.9295943 214 343 213.68328118277597 222.0761804 337.79015324975757 324.522673 69 8316271 3 276 0 60 8 12 01286.1920093236697 1289 930AWhite Oak Methodist Church 0040 1549579721 41114078 2760.738609462068 2585.79597188330851131111441 5Barbour County 10056N010050050 31.9064931-85.15013430G5240Bevill Center/Chatthoochee Cts Com Ctr/Eufaula Com Ctr/Eufaula WBevill Center/Chatthoochee Cts Com Ctr/Eufaula Com Ctr/Eufaula W 13160 85 5838 19 566 23 93 4 13160 6532 2315.95294460429 2827.360600211239 2730.5430309210765 2811.5438685945296 2726.5018428898984 2833.5914338784282 2768.8391671479894 2660.0866809920967 69 8312271 63 3972 17 370 19 50 2 10277.04119168154 9726 5233ABevill Center/Chatthoochee Cts Com Ctr/Eufaula Com Ctr/Eufaula W0050 3557843681 717107 367.5390610773209 344.24882543613651131111441 5Barbour County 10056N010050060 31.9387178 -85.3467820G5240Clayton Courthouse Clayton Courthouse 1752 2 1168 0 19 4 15 0 1752 544 541.9778831 303.6989431 639 302 638.0542837071025 663.1153239 297.41290463272657 285.7313331 69 8312271 2 824 0 12 4 11 01368.1896784062353 1280 427AClayton Courthouse 0060 3141316701 222158 93.98259096041082 88.027096915176461131111441 5Barbour County 10052N010051100 32.0471774-85.31281640G5240Springhill Volunteer Fire Department Springhill Volunteer Fire Department 448 1 302 0 2 1 1 0 448 141 190.8372828 88.49505626 225 88 224.66700127414768 233.4913112 86.66336293864823 83.2594613 69 8312271 1 243 0 2 1 1 0 349.856721418946 354 106ASpringhill Volunteer Fire Department 1100 601117432 0 78.48628963153385 22.3363324764353066662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011313004 31.8674949-87.34159360G5240Sedan Sedan 185 0 118 0 0 0 1 0 185 66 35.78360798 51.05353319 43 52 43.67151831202063 45.386817 48.64958152756568 46.73875803 6 68 5221 0 81 0 0 0 1 0135.06426735218508 142 60PSedan 3004 1381400362 2235440 275.76263924592973 78.47900599828626662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011313003 31.8696938-87.45161580G5240Coy 3003 3010 Coy 3003 3010 650 0 543 0 2 0 2 0 650 103 169.7640937 47.12633833 204 48 207.18580779915223 215.3235039 44.90730602464456 43.14346895 6 68 5221 0 414 0 2 0 2 0474.55012853470436 496 78PCoy 3003 3010 3003 1341168641 685772 212.24250288350635 447.020544982698942211112811123Tallapoosa County11237N01123303 33.0469464-85.94509390G5240Hackneyville Volunteer Fire Department Hackneyville Volunteer Fire Department 1491 4 38 0 21 6 2 0 1491 1420 42.25581395 574.4385483 47 608 47.133230764115574 48.98449612 598.1163575702989 574.6239707 16 8030261 1 30 0 13 2 2 01160.7056660899655 1151 1103AHackneyville Volunteer Fire Department 303 1098835241 1504865 128.68358323721645 271.030565167243372211112811123Tallapoosa County11237N01123401 33.0294947-85.85311670G5240Cowpens Voting House Cowpens Voting House 904 0 121 0 4 0 5 0 904 774 70.12666997 342.0176883 78 362 78.22110638145031 81.2934191 356.1153312976949 342.1280878 16 8030261 0 86 0 3 0 4 0 703.7410611303345 684 591ACowpens Voting House 401 222052771 270474 137.2245290272972 289.019319492502862211112811123Tallapoosa County11237S01123301 32.9898281-85.90635090G5240Hillabee Baptist Church Hillabee Baptist Church 964 6 27 0 16 0 2 0 964 913 54.84265215 576.3281488 61 610 61.172916529576376 63.57562263 600.0838456615527 576.5141812 16 8030261 5 23 0 11 0 0 0 750.449538638985 753 714PHillabee Baptist Church 301 327584261 4351171 291.38860053825454 613.71633506343712211112811123Tallapoosa County11232S01123203 32.9007221-85.91431270G5240Alex City Fire Station Lakehill Alex City Fire Station Lakehill 2047 21 186 0 100 6 9 0 2047 1725 149.2439386 715.2137847 166 757 166.47055971761105 173.0090714 744.6942150081477 715.4446478 16 8030261 13 132 0 77 6 5 0 1593.537557670127 1622 1389PAlex City Fire Station Lakehill 203 1107211421 10391091 328.54171472510575 691.9674163783162211112811123Tallapoosa County11237N011231801 32.9293786-85.83823210G5240Jackson's Gap Vol. Fire Dept. Jackson's Gap Vol. Fire Dept. 2308 8 339 0 26 5 24 1 2308 1905 247.2414646 846.5410186 275 896 275.7795417356403 286.6114135 881.4346321979049 846.8142726 16 8030261 7 240 0 13 5 18 01796.7194348327566 1810 1527AJackson's Gap Vol. Fire Dept. 1801 473774831 22117475 239.43118031526336 504.284746251441732211112811123Tallapoosa County11232N01123801 32.8242451-85.85641280G5240Manoy Voting House Manoy Voting House 1682 3 73 0 20 3 22 2 1682 1559 138.4552202 722.7721866 154 765 154.43654341044683 160.5023916 752.5641670608974 723.0054895 16 8030261 2 51 0 15 3 13 1 1309.394319492503 1448 1363AManoy Voting House 801 457742761 25149307 245.55219146482122 517.17668685121112211112811123Tallapoosa County11237N01123901 32.7667069-85.83953790G5240New Paces Point Vol. Fire Dept 901 New Paces Point Vol. Fire Dept 901 1725 2 43 0 14 1 11 0 1725 1654 130.3636813 692.5385788 145 733 145.4110311319633 151.1223817 721.0843587458105 692.7621226 73 8030261 2 38 0 13 1 6 01342.8687283737024 1531 1471ANew Paces Point Vol. Fire Dept 901 901 789154841 15882090 156.2993079584775 329.194204152249142211112811123Tallapoosa County11237S011231001 32.6835994-85.85765550G5240Union Community Building Union Community Building 1098 3 10 0 8 4 10 2 1098 1061 53.04453241 497.9097286 59 527 59.167247138634295 61.49117599 518.433092841043 498.0704483 73 8030261 2 5 0 5 4 8 2 854.7651384083046 963 937PUnion Community Building 1001 589104061 1415742 68.3275663206459 143.910034602076142211112811123Tallapoosa County11237S011231101 32.7004586 -85.7779470G5240Sardis Community Bldg Sardis Community Bldg 480 4 96 0 0 1 0 4 480 375 92.60316675 167.2296432 103 177 103.29197376822638 107.3490021 174.12268967451678 167.2836231 73 8030261 3 79 0 0 1 0 3373.66782006920414 395 309PSardis Community Bldg 1101 510807071 517201 233.73721645520953 492.29224336793542231112841123Tallapoosa County11237N011231204 32.5216298-85.83197670G5240Wall Street Community Center Wall Street Community Center 1642 1 862 0 18 4 24 2 1642 731 343.4408709 237.1448612 382 251 383.08285430499495 398.1293089 246.91974634460567 237.221409 73 8030261 1 578 0 15 4 14 01278.2553344867358 1188 576AWall Street Community Center 1204 240905801 20165410 61.30231458089207 276.077274535313351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010958 34.478661-86.21084990G5240Prospect Cemetery Prospect Cemetery 984 0 4 0 37 6 11 0 984 926 166.9263995 305.5208536 139 345 119.70318629046095 124.4048025 361.0588152267784 346.8774051 37 2613 81 0 1 0 23 6 7 0 737.955041443146 829 792PProspect Cemetery 8 969638471 2642030 199.54401788881842 898.65397391930683351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109512 34.4427969 -86.5235020G5240Oleander Meth Church Oleander Meth Church 3203 22 12 2 28 38 38 1 3203 3062 279.8118784 958.1842422 233 1082 200.65354244950709 208.5346689 1132.3641686113835 1087.887978 51 2614 81 15 8 2 22 32 26 12402.1036562422732 2510 2404POleander Meth Church 12 562592651 4554248 34.38910330147604 154.872617422247063351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109511 34.45931-86.39427920G5240Hebron Rec Center Hebron Rec Center 552 1 0 0 11 1 7 0 552 532 100.8763853 193.9393244 84 219 72.33861617795318 75.17988065 229.19385661497495 220.1917441 51 26 4 81 0 0 0 6 0 5 0413.97477934615506 416 405PHebron Rec Center 11 728107731 2458334 113.44666143476064 510.91129769186943351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109519 34.494883-86.31785710G5240Bucksnort Comm Ctr Bucksnort Comm Ctr 1821 6 7 0 29 10 28 0 1821 1741 192.1454959 519.8282349 160 587 137.78784037103202 143.1997727 614.3232594819033 590.1943095 51 2613 81 4 4 0 14 8 20 0 1365.666799256066 1404 1354PBucksnort Comm Ctr 19 443165731 473591 18.876627355701523 85.011599780689963351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010959 34.5676654-86.28042340G5240Kennamer Cove Cir Kennamer Cove Cir 303 0 0 0 13 1 3 0 303 286 31.22364308 106.268123 26 120 22.390524056684423 23.26996306 125.5856748931672 120.6530105 37 2613 81 0 0 0 6 1 3 0227.23615605413949 231 221PKennamer Cove Cir 9 41120721 0 53.452627957729064 240.725916210666643351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109530-1 34.5204831 -86.2478370G5240Grant City Hall Grant City Hall 858 4 0 0 12 0 9 0 838 813 12.832574190857143 64.01389311428571 10.685714285714285 72.28571428571429 9.202259339443364 9.563699105714287 75.65041842846786 72.67907535428571 37 2613 81 4 0 0 4 0 5 0 643.4607983315236 597 584PGrant City Hall 30-1 536013421 215612 144.40931422612584 650.35276663907373351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109530-2 34.5072867-86.23330650G5240Mt Shade Church Mt Shade Church 2318 0 7 0 19 27 31 2 2338 2252 181.3373117 496.8034749 151 561 130.0372743639932 135.1447855 587.1130299303911 564.0528239 37 2613 81 0 6 0 9 22 16 21738.3940915296876 1764 1709PMt Shade Church 30-2 497036271 83200 98.49487739064062 443.57537707350113351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109523 34.5787048-86.19473750G5240Swearengin Comm Center Swearengin Comm Center 1581 8 1 0 21 12 27 0 1581 1512 168.1273089 294.8940413 140 333 120.56436031262541 125.2998011 348.50024768541755 334.812104 37 2613 81 8 0 0 14 12 15 01185.6777647577376 1188 1139PSwearengin Comm Center 23 709703381 23875816 35.51048710478504 159.92281146862473351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109517 34.4694821-86.14898840G5240Wakefield Comm Center Wakefield Comm Center 570 1 0 0 6 12 9 0 570 542 85.2645638 202.7950014 71 229 61.143354149610964 63.54489912 239.65932947936875 230.2461616 26 2613 81 1 0 0 4 7 8 0427.47395693352973 488 468PWakefield Comm Center 17 166966411 116313 262.8399036755932 1183.70937120373263351113961 95Marshall County 10952S0109526-1 34.3324837-86.48678020G5240Arab Comm Center Arab Comm Center 4219 22 1 0 53 24 39 0 4219 4080 295.2907331799325 1091.1828535843717 245.88927829698858 1232.1845794392523 211.75345384489341 220.07055468302178 1289.5394328498257 1238.8898245293353 51 26 4 81 15 1 0 37 15 26 03164.0572356185294 3230 3136PArab Comm Center 26-1 806708042 371276 404.65957154627847 547.06495468277943342223572 75Lamar County 10753N010759N 33.85432-88.18288320G5240Sulligent-Moscow-City Hall Sulligent-Moscow-City Hall 1979 0 328 0 18 2 25 0 1979 1606 335.6951673 605.0894999 277 670 271.81576030990635 282.4919455 702.282014921498 674.6982838 32 1523 51 0 238 0 8 2 12 0 1540.505561658885 1517 1257ASulligent-Moscow-City Hall 9N 646882082 453573 60.116176874485035 81.271903323262833342223572 75Lamar County 10753N0107510 33.7869319-88.20392670G5240Bedford-Military Bedford-Military 294 0 18 0 3 0 0 0 294 273 50.89962825 91.21498431 42 101 41.213941988632136 42.83271375 105.8663933441608 101.7082488 77 1523 51 0 16 0 2 0 0 0 228.8573194177424 228 210ABedford-Military 10 885891522 116082 459.86830541060147 621.7024169184293342223572 75Lamar County 10753N010751W 33.7532533-88.15849860G5240Vernon West Vernon West 2249 1 348 0 22 5 16 3 2249 1854 334.4832714 705.3356708 276 781 270.834475994026 281.472119 818.6302293434976 786.4766562 77 1523 51 1 244 0 14 5 9 0 1750.680650920077 1748 1475AVernon West 1W 565884912 126494 90.99217248008789 123.013595166163143342223572 75Lamar County 10753S0107511 33.7073952-88.22635120G5240Molloy-Betts Molloy-Betts 445 1 7 0 4 0 0 0 445 433 31.50929368 195.0736298 26 216 25.513392665127743 26.51548947 226.40733615566063 217.5146706 77 1523 51 1 7 0 4 0 0 0 346.3996841527053 363 351PMolloy-Betts 11 272766462 0 34.55657786322439 46.717522658610273342223572 75Lamar County 10753N0107523 33.658181-88.18576380G5240Star Star 169 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 169 164 13.33085502 69.54013656 11 77 10.794127667125823 11.2180917 80.71002261162396 77.53995202 77 1523 51 0 4 0 0 0 1 0131.55403735237573 133 128AStar 23 956545932 40829 88.1294973908267 119.143504531722063342223572 75Lamar County 10753N0107517 33.5969698-88.17031930G5240Fernbank-Wilson Fernbank-Wilson 431 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 431 424 25.44981413 174.3019007 21 193 20.606970999127103 21.41635688 202.29914755172533 194.3533862 77 1523 51 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 335.5017165613842 352 346AFernbank-Wilson 17 421392162 28358 44.37146388354848 59.986404833836863342223572 75Lamar County 10752N0107512 33.6284834-88.22245520G5240Trull Trull 217 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 217 216 4.847583643 111.0835948 4 123 3.925137332800512 4.079306072 128.92639979867687 123.8625208 77 1523 51 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 168.9184976654765 182 181ATrull 12 774060281 93618 89.9495475294306 260.13654200368381131111441 31Coffee County 10316S0103111 31.5702675-85.84677440G5240Frisco Frisco 900 2 134 0 16 16 15 0 900 717 84.67808624 238.2322542 96 273 89.57108184600536 93.08919079 279.3422036532306 268.3704002 65 90 7301 2 119 0 6 12 8 0 682.2615520140946 718 571PFrisco 11 175191181 22709 318.2215103707856 920.30527748858811131111441 31Coffee County 10312N0103117-4 31.2994985-85.86911030G5240Enterprise Civic Center Enterprise Civic Center 3184 33 663 2 141 31 69 6 3184 2239 255.7983855 642.2671761 290 736 270.57930973211586 281.2069305 753.0983950875619 723.5187345101 90 7301 29 507 2 83 25 26 22413.6897573476417 2460 1786AEnterprise Civic Center 17-4 509664581 200677 36.97925842876592 106.945022823736691131111441 31Coffee County 10316N0103114-1 31.2676113-86.07964460G5240Ino Community Ino Community 370 4 2 0 4 18 5 0 370 337 11.46682418 139.6232991 13 160 12.129417333814374 12.60582792 163.7170423967628 157.2866814101 90 7301 2 2 0 1 10 3 0 280.4853047169056 287 269AIno Community 14-1 1047711151 26612 113.13654200368383 327.1939617201891131111441 31Coffee County 10316N0103116 31.3490529-86.02697150G5240Damascus Damascus 1132 5 37 0 24 31 32 0 1132 1003 52.0417405 448.5398485 59 514 55.04889404828412 57.21106517 525.9409987022027 505.283464101 90 7301 5 28 0 15 21 19 0 858.1334187555058 891 803ADamascus 16 357722191 397556 23.28693841595259 67.346460318731471131111441 31Coffee County 10316N0103114-2 31.2116957-86.09017090G5240Holly's Store Holly's Store 233 0 1 0 9 7 15 0 233 201 3.528253593 54.97667404 4 63 3.7321284103304073 3.878716283 64.46358545283309 61.93163081101 90 7301 0 1 0 6 5 9 0176.62993513253784 164 143AHolly's Store 14-2 259138541 98571 11.493553295427244 33.239669256026271131111441 31Coffee County 10316N0103123 31.2165879-86.02844310G5240Fairview Fairview 115 0 10 0 4 0 0 0 115 101 6.174443788 51.48609156 7 59 6.53122471783766 6.787753495 60.370659387709594 57.99946377101 90 7301 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 87.17786497957876 95 84AFairview 23 225207351 21511 35.180267478177306 101.742291983663011131111441 31Coffee County 10316N0103122 31.5239109 -86.0292280G5240Wise Mill School Wise Mill School 352 0 7 0 0 5 16 0 352 324 24.69777515 104.7174744 28 120 26.12489887135064 27.15101398 122.78778184961625 117.9650111 65 90 7301 0 7 0 0 5 8 0266.84007367662366 264 244AWise Mill School 22 455864171 4919 17.889965564186753 51.738267798510451131111441 31Coffee County 10312N010315 31.5813338 -86.063930G5240Bluff Springs Bluff Springs 179 3 1 0 0 16 1 0 179 158 7.056507186 56.72196528 8 65 7.464256819698607 7.757432565 66.510048474986 63.89771432 52 90 7301 1 1 0 0 13 1 0135.69424201169215 125 109ABluff Springs 5 723651531 84690 108.9388964523104 315.054256426683761131111441 31Coffee County 10316N010317-1 31.2513686 -85.9826480G5240Goodman Goodman 1090 1 58 0 14 35 12 1 1090 969 55.56999409 385.7093639 63 442 58.78102245572791 61.08978145 452.2683296548859 434.5044574101 90 7301 1 46 0 10 24 4 0 826.2945463281814 835 750AGoodman 7-1 409788151 123208 122.23144069832625 353.496656522783671131111441 31Coffee County 10316S010319-5 31.3839396-85.97942230G5240Old Nat'l Guard Armory/N.B. City Hall Old Nat'l Guard Armory/N.B. City Hall 1223 13 294 0 28 40 17 3 1223 828 172.0023627 239.1048998 195 274 181.94126000721562 189.0874188 280.36543510705854 269.3534419101 90 7301 10 228 0 17 34 13 0 927.117642348042 915 613POld Nat'l Guard Armory/N.B. City Hall 9-5 314356471 0 76.35717145831664 220.827020100904951131111441 31Coffee County 10316S010317-2 31.3149415-85.94685530G5240Pleasant Ridge Pleasant Ridge 764 1 15 0 2 17 15 0 764 714 29.10809214 250.4492928 33 287 30.79005938065537 31.99940933 293.6674448395275 282.1329848101 90 7301 1 13 0 1 14 9 0 579.1642508208537 614 576PPleasant Ridge 7-2 490755001 20793 134.52454552734844 389.048650596620461131111441 31Coffee County 10316N010318-2 31.23966-85.81154860G5240Cool Springs Volunteer Fire Dept. Cool Springs Volunteer Fire Dept. 1346 10 100 1 39 8 17 0 1346 1171 82.03189604 440.6860379 93 505 86.77198553080045 90.18015357 516.7319150973102 496.4360882 41 90 7301 9 75 1 28 6 12 01020.3600544566349 1030 899ACool Springs Volunteer Fire Dept. 8-2 991878751 347625 182.3976936013454 527.49909906302561131111441 31Coffee County 10316N010318-1 31.2331376 -85.8932030G5240Mt Pleasant Mt Pleasant 1825 11 38 1 49 13 23 0 1825 1690 80.26776925 698.1164957 91 800 84.90592132707856 88.24079543 818.5852120879023 786.4334071101 90 7301 11 30 1 32 11 14 01383.4748138063587 1448 1349AMt Pleasant 8-1 750783331 544877 48.37286778249379 139.895651477536631131111441 31Coffee County 10316S0103119 31.4877663-86.16434050G5240Pine Level Pine Level 484 0 8 0 7 4 1 0 484 464 34.40047253 152.7129834 39 175 36.38825200144313 37.81748376 179.0655151409759 172.0323078101 90 7301 0 7 0 2 4 1 0366.90510130535756 393 379PPine Level 19 1149148021 123181 73.5944828911957 155.00309976931952211112811123Tallapoosa County11237S011231401 32.744026-85.67705610G5240Mary's Cross Road Voting House Mary's Cross Road Voting House 517 1 278 0 9 2 3 2 517 222 133.9599208 123.768832 149 131 149.4223698368709 155.2912749 128.87046524109581 123.8087832 73 80 8261 0 225 0 8 2 1 0402.47138119953865 414 178PMary's Cross Road Voting House 1401 593259031 231549 28.61216839677047 60.2623269896193752231112811123Tallapoosa County11232S011231301 32.6500135-85.72942370G5240Churchhill Voting House Churchhill Voting House 201 0 18 0 3 5 0 0 201 175 44.95299357 68.97041781 50 73 50.14173486015076 52.11116609 71.81331267650624 68.9926807 73 8030261 0 16 0 2 5 0 0156.47339965397924 165 142PChurchhill Voting House 1301 155907361 194307 110.03585159554018 231.75511822376012211112811123Tallapoosa County11237S011231502 32.789673-85.64567630G5240Mt. Lovely Baptist Church 1502 Mt. Lovely Baptist Church 1502 773 1 685 0 1 1 6 2 773 77 363.220188 52.90881366 404 56 405.1452176630903 421.058222 55.08966451497127 52.92589204 48 80 8261 0 517 0 1 1 4 0 601.7608852364475 595 72PMt. Lovely Baptist Church 1502 1502 774310981 330583 484.6986735870819 1020.86180795847752211112811123Tallapoosa County11237S01123701 32.8398894-85.74735080G5240Dadeville National Guard Armory Dadeville National Guard Armory 3405 19 1557 0 29 10 32 1 3405 1757 697.6704602 752.0609942 776 796 778.1997250133749 808.7652977 783.0602312783134 752.3037511 48 8030261 15 1146 0 17 8 10 12650.7060986159167 2612 1415PDadeville National Guard Armory 701 679368741 779805 78.00730488273742 164.29728950403692211112811123Tallapoosa County11237S01123601 32.9293226-85.72351660G5240Eagle Creek Voting House Eagle Creek Voting House 548 1 42 0 4 6 3 0 548 492 44.0539337 179.5120464 49 190 49.138900164679725 51.06894277 186.9113617992681 179.5699909 48 80 8261 1 30 0 1 5 2 0426.60409457900806 399 360PEagle Creek Voting House 601 1019749321 769065 55.80084582852749 117.526528258362162211112811123Tallapoosa County11237S011231601 32.9346093-85.64842130G5240Buttston Vol. Fire Department Buttston Vol. Fire Department 392 0 43 0 21 5 1 0 392 322 26.07273627 106.7624276 29 113 29.08220621677059 30.22447633 111.16307304434287 106.7968893 48 80 8261 0 33 0 15 3 1 0 305.1620530565167 312 260PButtston Vol. Fire Department 1601 1549060381 1750571 76.44146482122261 160.999351211072682211112811123Tallapoosa County11237N011231701 33.039844-85.66023670G5240Daviston Community Center Daviston Community Center 537 2 111 0 4 0 2 0 537 418 73.72290945 190.8496493 82 202 82.23244517295655 85.46231239 198.71628982634843 190.9112534 48 80 8261 1 91 0 2 0 2 0 418.0408737024221 437 341ADaviston Community Center 1701 1147550531 645590 151.74413687043446 319.60020184544412211112811123Tallapoosa County11237N01123501 33.0387082-85.76283970G5240New Site Town Hall New Site Town Hall 1066 1 81 0 8 3 6 0 1066 967 83.61256804 484.6825252 93 513 93.26362684238217 96.92676893 504.66067672270907 484.8389753 48 8030261 1 70 0 4 3 5 0 829.8539504036909 825 742ANew Site Town Hall 501 1014870141 2554752 323.1324490580546 680.5745386389852231112811123Tallapoosa County11232N011231201 32.6012714-85.81891530G5240Reeltown Vol Fire Department Reeltown Vol Fire Department 2270 2 236 0 48 4 33 0 2270 1947 126.7674419 816.3074108 141 864 141.399692330835 146.9534884 849.9548239869063 816.5709058 73 8030261 2 160 0 31 4 18 0 1767.137399077278 1701 1486AReeltown Vol Fire Department 1201 82874671 619343 243.2746059207997 512.37968569780862231112841123Tallapoosa County11237N011231203 32.5451451-85.86943830G5240Tallassee Community Library Tallassee Community Library 1709 3 184 0 38 8 16 2 1709 1458 102.4928253 567.8249466 114 601 114.32315549538441 118.8134587 591.2301495111319 568.0082342 73 8030261 2 118 0 23 5 9 21330.4131343713957 1262 1103ATallassee Community Library 1203 814241491 156622 100.07141484044598 210.7682381776242211112811123Tallapoosa County11237S011231501 32.8461971-85.63145940G5240Mt. Lovely Baptist Church 1501 Mt. Lovely Baptist Church 1501 703 0 584 0 8 1 5 0 703 105 346.1380505 51.01921317 385 54 386.0913584298964 401.2559789 53.122176496579435 51.03568161 48 80 8261 0 463 0 3 1 5 0 547.2676614763552 568 96PMt. Lovely Baptist Church 1501 1501 456922661 966371 44.69761630142253 94.14114763552482211112811123Tallapoosa County11237S01123902 32.7559521-85.74729030G5240New Paces Point Vol. Fire 902 New Paces Point Vol. Fire 902 314 0 44 0 3 0 6 0 314 261 20.67837704 112.431229 23 119 23.06519803432226 23.9711364 117.06553710992719 112.4675206 73 8030261 0 34 0 3 0 0 0244.44103229527104 248 211PNew Paces Point Vol. Fire 902 902 102516421 304344 31.585643793203538 142.2471323063033351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109529 34.3895194-86.38887150G5240Grant City Hall Grant City Hall 507 2 5 0 2 2 2 0 507 494 7.582884749142857 37.82639138571428 6.314285714285714 42.714285714285715 5.437698700580168 5.651276744285714 44.70251998045828 42.94672634571428 51 26 4 81 1 3 0 2 2 1 0380.22683537771854 393 384PGrant City Hall 29 852863541 24288504 159.48569647061353 718.24981992926183351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109514 34.3433194-86.38535050G5240Warrenton Comm Center Warrenton Comm Center 2560 6 25 0 46 19 16 0 2560 2448 306.2318841 845.7171454 255 955 219.5993705522426 228.2246377 999.4526623488316 960.1968749 51 26 4 81 6 18 0 25 17 11 01919.8830346488353 2012 1935PWarrenton Comm Center 14 112840251 7853146 175.30966791730722 789.51366925036833351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010951-3 34.3266287-86.33515850G5240Guntersville Rec Center Guntersville Rec Center 2814 15 484 0 68 10 59 8 2814 2170 107.38732820474684 213.9087357727848 89.42167721518987 241.5498417721519 77.00762365099082 80.03227406202532 252.79333239273097 242.86429653267408 51 26 4 81 13 365 0 44 6 17 5 2110.371429492899 2167 1717PGuntersville Rec Center 1-3 461436242 0 79.13251853886295 106.980362537764353362223572 75Lamar County 10753N0107513 33.5495057-88.20006910G5240Vails Vails 387 0 5 0 3 1 1 0 387 377 10.9070632 169.7863074 9 188 8.831558998801151 9.178438662 197.05823701280593 189.3183244 77 1523 51 0 5 0 2 1 0 0 301.2509612743752 304 296AVails 13 436262102 35345 238.82889316121944 322.87613293051363342223572 75Lamar County 10752N0107514 33.5550672-88.08818580G5240Millport-Library Millport-Library 1168 0 356 1 10 1 14 0 1168 786 309.0334572 316.0915298 255 350 250.2275049756547 260.0557621 366.8637391815956 352.4543274 77 1523 51 0 270 1 9 1 5 0 909.2018676187861 901 615AMillport-Library 14 298378272 47267 30.2625652293326 40.912386706948643342223572 75Lamar County 10752N0107520 33.6112838-88.06516230G5240Mt. Pleasant-Curry Mt. Pleasant-Curry 148 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 148 142 3.635687732 79.47444178 3 88 2.9438529996003844 3.059479554 92.240025838882 88.61708802 77 1523 51 0 4 0 1 0 1 0115.20708596539413 130 124AMt. Pleasant-Curry 20 1138285662 110399 212.86034056577864 287.768882175226573342223572 75Lamar County 10753N0107515 33.585725-87.99211950G5240Kennedy-Steens Kennedy-Steens 1041 1 92 0 6 0 26 0 1041 916 113.9182156 438.0125484 94 485 92.24072731888762 95.86369269 508.3683242528614 488.4009965 77 1523 51 1 72 0 3 0 19 0 810.3417330403735 814 719AKennedy-Steens 15 745093062 0 49.68786047789069 67.17371601208463342223572 75Lamar County 10753N0107516 33.6776685-88.00780410G5240Strickland-Kingville Strickland-Kingville 243 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 243 238 21.81412639 93.02122163 18 103 17.663117993753474 18.35687732 107.9627575389109 103.7222735 77 1523 51 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 189.1575803350728 204 199AStrickland-Kingville 16 429390832 44704 60.116176874485035 81.271903323262833342223572 75Lamar County 10753N0107521 33.6666864-88.09805570G5240Mt. Olive-Guin Mt. Olive-Guin 294 0 5 0 2 1 18 0 294 268 27.87360595 95.7305776 23 106 22.569539659754117 23.45600991 111.10730388308022 106.7433106 77 1523 51 0 4 0 2 1 6 0 228.8573194177424 230 217AMt. Olive-Guin 21 348886272 0 89.96978851963746 121.631419939577043342223572 75Lamar County 10753S0107518 33.6973954-88.10690450G5240Hightogy-Ridge Hightogy-Ridge 440 0 12 0 1 0 5 0 440 422 30.29739777 129.1459679 25 143 24.5321083300032 25.49566295 149.89004195435456 144.002768 77 1523 51 0 12 0 1 0 3 0342.50755287009065 348 332PHightogy-Ridge 18 692132592 123387 97.94438341115078 132.412386706948643342223572 75Lamar County 10753N010752 33.7380316 -87.9975450G5240Crossville-Lawrence Crossville-Lawrence 479 0 23 0 13 1 2 0 479 440 66.65427509 158.9488836 55 176 53.97063832600705 56.09045849 184.48005163612868 177.234176 77 1523 51 0 18 0 9 1 1 0 372.866176874485 375 346ACrossville-Lawrence 2 518862082 0 163.37695687997802 220.871601208459233342223572 75Lamar County 10753N010759S 33.8500228-88.11062350G5240Moscow South Moscow South 799 0 157 0 8 1 21 1 799 611 176.936803 261.0012918 146 289 143.2675126202769 148.8946716 302.9246303569667 291.0265732 77 1523 51 0 126 0 5 1 11 0 621.9625789618236 636 493AMoscow South 9S 654642002 20479 282.58692666849765 382.033232628398763342223572 75Lamar County 10753S010751E 33.7815222-88.08292770G5240Vernon-National Guard Armory Vernon-National Guard Armory 1382 0 173 0 22 10 8 0 1382 1169 149.063197 452.4624469 123 501 120.69797297014485 125.4386617 525.1392380190389 504.5131943 77 1523 51 0 106 0 11 8 6 01075.7850865146938 1023 892PVernon-National Guard Armory 1E 707167742 0 32.10285635814337 43.400302114803623342223572 75Lamar County 10753N010753 33.8508492-88.00926720G5240Fairview-Sizemore Fairview-Sizemore 157 0 20 0 1 0 5 0 157 131 46.05204461 39.73722089 38 44 37.28880465775604 38.75340768 46.120012919441 44.30854401 32 1523 51 0 17 0 1 0 4 0122.21292227410052 132 110AFairview-Sizemore 3 435372802 10879 33.94314748695413 45.888217522658613342223572 75Lamar County 10753N0107522 33.7889531-87.99867810G5240Blooming Grove Blooming Grove 166 0 0 0 38 0 1 0 166 127 3.635687732 48.76840746 3 54 2.9438529996003844 3.059479554 56.60183403891516 54.37866765 77 1523 51 0 0 0 22 0 1 0 129.2187585828069 115 92ABlooming Grove 22 503948581 180432 33.68110835268679 97.406682950268281131111441 31Coffee County 10312S010312 31.4089456-86.17075630G5240Danley's Cross Roads Danley's Cross Roads 337 0 145 0 0 6 6 0 337 180 71.44713526 71.55694081 81 82 75.57560030846908 78.54400473 83.90498423094314 80.60942422101 90 7301 0 117 0 0 3 2 0 255.4690478097221 277 155PDanley's Cross Roads 2 357241711 35390 27.88435973412349 80.642328021141991131111441 31Coffee County 10316S010313 31.5039549-86.09075510G5240Lee Community Lee Community 279 0 43 0 1 6 11 0 279 218 28.22602875 90.75514445 32 104 29.85702727879443 31.02973026 106.41607754748699 102.2363429101 90 7301 0 34 0 1 4 4 0211.50108112436934 213 170PLee Community 3 525920661 6006 22.287498998958917 64.456054296468321131111441 31Coffee County 10316S010314 31.5731537-86.12184640G5240Newbia Newbia 223 0 1 0 1 5 5 0 223 211 11.46682418 61.08519338 13 70 12.129417333814374 12.60582792 71.62620605639034 68.81292312 52 90 7301 0 1 0 1 4 3 0 169.0492512212701 182 173PNewbia 4 782311521 24483 564.7832145431248 1633.36844318090811131111441 31Coffee County 10316N0103117-2 31.4241842-85.83323360G5240Heritage Church Heritage Church 5651 156 713 19 759 26 170 6 5651 3802 411.0415436 946.8204974 466 1085 434.792959736619 451.8704469 1110.2061934993326 1066.600308 65 90 7301 134 514 14 519 23 72 6 4283.844478257388 4265 2983AHeritage Church 17-2 263038621 0 493.72307199487466 1427.8605749979981131111441 31Coffee County 10316N0103117-5 31.3078542-85.84540510G5240John's Chapel Church John's Chapel Church 4940 59 2338 4 466 40 106 1 4940 1926 1048.773381 582.9272739 1189 668 1109.3751698535648 1152.948415 683.5186520637333 656.6718949 41 90 7301 46 1710 4 306 26 42 0 3744.857852166253 3684 1550AJohn's Chapel Church 17-5 474325421 519283 265.15127732842154 766.82471770641461131111441 31Coffee County 10316S010316-3 31.3729121-86.07551090G5240Elba Rec Center Elba Rec Center 2653 8 992 0 33 29 26 7 2653 1558 396.9285292 562.8564247 450 645 419.864446126088 436.3555818 659.9843271684556 634.0619344101 90 7301 8 699 0 18 21 12 02011.1554416593258 2065 1307PElba Rec Center 6-3 389265861 37094 68.8613758308641 199.14897493393131131111441 31Coffee County 10316N010319-1 31.3955111-85.93529170G5240N. Brockton Community Rm N. Brockton Community Rm 689 3 159 0 14 25 18 0 689 470 76.73951565 246.9587104 87 283 81.17379291963476 84.36207915 289.57451871195104 278.2008177101 90 7301 3 118 0 9 19 12 0 522.3091214863458 530 369AN. Brockton Community Rm 9-1 408523381 14247 676.920317129815 1957.6719988788341131111441 31Coffee County 10316N0103117-7 31.3537789-85.86955670G5240Enterprise Rec Center Enterprise Rec Center 6773 97 595 15 779 33 131 9 6773 5114 490.4272495 2181.614049 556 2500 518.7658490003249 539.1415633 2558.0787875795295 2457.604397101 90 7301 72 427 11 436 23 70 3 5134.397213101625 5059 4017AEnterprise Rec Center 17-7 354083651 151495 869.6122367261952 2514.942279971171131111441 31Coffee County 10316N0103117-6 31.3679639-85.83283030G5240YMCA YMCA 8701 210 1364 9 717 37 208 18 8701 6138 699.4762749 2284.586232 793 2618 739.8944573434327 768.9555031 2678.820106833755 2573.603325 65 90 7301 176 925 7 476 24 103 96595.9530711940415 6332 4612AYMCA 17-6 1106407741 34852337 205.97914263744713 433.8287918108422211112811123Tallapoosa County11237N01123201 32.8203216-85.94948640G5240Ourtown VFD Ourtown VFD 1447 3 108 0 22 9 6 0 1447 1299 96.19940623 594.2793535 107 629 107.30331256935469 111.5178954 618.7749817478 594.4711802 16 8030261 1 73 0 15 7 5 01126.4527825836217 1173 1072AOurtown VFD 201 174209901 61763 86.69059976931949 182.58585640138412211112811123Tallapoosa County11237N01123302 32.983638-85.99394610G5240Cooper Community Center 302 Cooper Community Center 302 609 0 125 0 0 1 2 0 609 481 22.47649678 189.904849 25 201 25.070867425264346 26.05558304 197.73254583276577 189.9661482 16 8030261 0 90 0 0 1 1 0 474.0910467128028 479 387ACooper Community Center 302 302 154958761 47633 528.2574971164937 1112.6044550173012211112811123Tallapoosa County11237S01123102 32.9694091-85.95320790G5240Cooper Community Center 102 Cooper Community Center 102 3711 3 2327 1 126 2 21 0 3711 1231 1108.540821 445.9457152 1233 472 1236.4951818635807 1285.061356 464.32717236128974 446.0896615 16 8030261 1 1688 1 91 1 13 02888.9193339100348 2754 959PCooper Community Center 102 102 255195791 498456 314.3068050749712 661.98615916955022211112811123Tallapoosa County11237S01123101 32.9183092-85.99104570G5240Alex City Housing Authority Y&A Service Alex City Housing Authority Y&A Service 2208 40 1157 0 29 8 23 2 2208 949 362.3211282 398.705703 403 422 404.1423829868634 420.0159987 415.13997184944986 398.8344007 16 8030261 28 765 0 14 6 6 11718.8719723183392 1593 773PAlex City Housing Authority Y&A Service 101 291363581 1815743 366.975970780469 772.91681084198392211112811123Tallapoosa County11237S01123103 32.9554958-85.89212020G5240Cooper Community Center 103 Cooper Community Center 103 2578 7 826 0 104 8 26 0 2578 1607 156.4364176 507.357731 174 537 174.4932373198677 181.346858 528.2705329850463 507.5215005 16 8030261 7 594 0 70 7 11 0 2006.907583621684 1978 1289PCooper Community Center 103 103 220961591 126320 610.2505767012688 1285.29649653979232211112811123Tallapoosa County11237S01123202 32.9272869-85.95340760G5240Alex City Natl Guard Armory Alex City Natl Guard Armory 4287 62 849 1 358 16 46 2 4287 2953 320.0653142 1376.573955 356 1457 357.009152241992 371.0315026 1433.3150211330237 1377.018298 16 8030261 39 582 1 256 11 23 13337.3207179930796 3337 2424PAlex City Natl Guard Armory 202 31920061 4971091 66.97153269762092 301.608811103107943351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010951-1 34.3579609-86.31120980G5240Guntersville Rec Center Guntersville Rec Center 1075 18 43 1 25 5 18 0 1075 965 41.0239437882384 81.71708989187763 34.16073312236287 92.27650316455696 29.418335261128334 30.57380761075949 96.57172435045692 92.77864917292986 51 26 4 81 13 38 1 12 5 8 0 806.2008836904288 865 788PGuntersville Rec Center 1-1 14406371 26078 2.616562207721003 11.783786108214453351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109527-1 34.4061718-86.45166730G5240Union Grove Comm Center Union Grove Comm Center 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.21116468223086127 0.6228634001913875 0.17583732057416268 0.7033492822966507 0.15142652907661522 0.15737415207416267 0.73608828568277 0.7071767360167465 51 26 4 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 031.498081037207452 0 0PUnion Grove Comm Center 27-1 410352511 24324017 111.1415947279588 500.53034326320433351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010957 34.4154136-86.28681870G5240Henryvill Methodist Church Henryvill Methodist Church 1784 11 11 0 17 7 11 0 1784 1727 198.1500426 363.9683212 165 411 142.09371038563367 147.6747656 430.13093633995413 413.2365608 51 2613 81 9 10 0 14 5 6 0 1337.918489770907 1512 1468PHenryvill Methodist Church 7 353746951 22897840 90.20909706619078 406.260054397488663351113961 95Marshall County 10952S010951-4 34.3798554-86.21793240G5240Guntersville Rec Center Guntersville Rec Center 1448 3 38 0 62 2 23 4 1446 1314 55.25829823755274 110.07101968691983 46.01371308016878 124.29430379746836 39.625813449408206 41.18220783291139 130.07986684601082 124.9706827929325 98 26 4 81 3 32 0 35 2 10 41085.9338414732474 1161 1075PGuntersville Rec Center 1-4 426130841 1437069 142.85183672153002 643.3386082413273351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109524-1 34.3409257-86.25103770G5240Brasher's Chapel Church Brasher's Chapel Church 2293 18 26 0 143 5 35 0 2297 2070 11.276351913419328 34.92443984058968 9.38984438984439 39.437346437346434 8.086289871869814 8.403897386880836 41.27304805475437 39.65195476755938 98 25 4 81 8 16 0 75 3 21 0 1719.645233769445 1745 1622PBrasher's Chapel Church 24-1 1568183441 97224 264.7976258019465 614.55562344520582211112821111Randolph County 11117N011114 33.3669931-85.35273540G5240Bethel, Moore's Store, Woodland Bethel, Moore's Store, Woodland 2047 0 112 0 23 2 19 1 2047 1890 251.66495002836817 547.3734997599616 273.731418845197 640.9996508532274 264.58978151257423 274.98214987125215 671.7622052932232 645.3772094444201 48 3628121 0 90 0 13 2 7 1 1558.053506742897 1566 1453ABethel, Moore's Store, Woodland 4 516595381 0 70.62994806441758 163.921529262863882211112821111Randolph County 11112N011111 33.4521658-85.33559350G5240Graham Graham 546 0 68 1 8 0 7 0 546 462 39.53361619 162.2480836 43 190 41.56395584452519 43.1964752 199.1183908635402 191.297561 48 3628121 0 52 0 6 0 4 0 415.5824204600009 425 363AGraham 1 565843202 29392 87.92502059873661 118.867069486404833342223572 75Lamar County 10753N010755 33.9314017-88.06147170G5240Crews-Goode-Methodist Church Crews-Goode-Methodist Church 430 0 9 0 6 0 2 0 430 413 37.56877323 153.5301716 31 170 30.419814331128382 31.61462206 178.19095905187837 171.1921019 32 1523 51 0 6 0 5 0 2 0 334.7232903048613 315 302ACrews-Goode-Methodist Church 5 587231462 14690 80.35937929140346 108.638972809667683342223572 75Lamar County 10753N010754S 33.9160146-87.99149130G5240Beaverton South City Hall Beaverton South City Hall 393 0 12 0 8 1 0 0 393 372 33.9330855 125.5334933 28 139 27.475961325754756 28.5551425 145.69731356485434 139.9747186 32 1511 51 0 11 0 7 1 0 0305.92151881351276 323 304ABeaverton South City Hall 4S 375277762 0 18.402911288107664 24.879154078549853342223572 75Lamar County 10753N010754N 33.9683631-88.00025840G5240Beaverton-City Hall Beaverton-City Hall 90 0 1 0 1 0 6 0 90 82 18.17843866 37.02786492 15 41 14.71926499800192 15.29739777 42.975466585680515 41.28750692 32 1511 51 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 70.058363087064 75 71ABeaverton-City Hall 4N 854318632 0 37.62372974457567 50.864048338368583342223572 75Lamar County 10752N010756 34.0153117-88.03446390G5240Henson Springs-Fire Station Henson Springs-Fire Station 184 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 184 181 10.9070632 50.57464477 9 56 8.831558998801151 9.178438662 58.69819826489176 56.39269238 32 1511 51 0 0 0 0 0 2 0143.23043120021973 147 145AHenson Springs-Fire Station 6 996975842 27525 69.31763251853886 93.711480362537773342223572 75Lamar County 10752N010758 33.9588605 -88.1779180G5240Pine Springs-Behind Church Pine Springs-Behind Church 339 1 5 0 1 1 4 0 339 327 27.87360595 110.1804761 23 122 22.569539659754117 23.45600991 127.87821764925768 122.8555084 32 1523 51 1 5 0 0 1 3 0263.88650096127435 258 248APine Springs-Behind Church 8 863818672 0 130.8651469376545 176.918429003021153342223572 75Lamar County 10752N010757 34.0224446-88.15116170G5240Detroit-Millville-City Hall Detroit-Millville-City Hall 640 0 46 0 9 0 15 0 640 570 71.50185874 183.3330873 59 203 57.89577565688314 60.16976456 212.7809687336525 204.4235099 32 1531 51 0 35 0 7 0 3 0 498.1928041746773 484 439ADetroit-Millville-City Hall 7 984995782 2563352 0 340.32725279887260022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530220 31.076769 -87.157060G5240McCall School McCall School 1350 10 16 0 13 28 32 1 1350 1250 45.57979954 501.24544 62 552 63.1180419147129 65.59714726 569.1741765673543 546.81856 29 6518211 8 10 0 11 22 13 01044.2339309480935 1032 968AMcCall School 0220 299384092 452573 0 264.698974399123130022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530010 31.1057153-87.11431090G5240Alco-JD Museum Alco-JD Museum 1050 2 375 1 58 15 16 0 1050 583 181.5840401 231.5536 247 255 251.45413469029012 261.3305705 262.93372287078864 252.6064 29 6518211 2 250 1 40 12 9 0 812.1819462929617 804 490AAlco-JD Museum 0010 1824656062 3048876 0 58.485868629139590022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530090 31.0483795-86.88817010G5240Bethel-Roberts VFD Bethel-Roberts VFD 232 0 5 0 5 0 8 0 232 214 10.2922128 85.35701333 14 94 14.252461078757374 14.81225906 96.92458803517404 93.11765333 29 9118211 0 5 0 2 0 3 0179.45353479996868 185 175ABethel-Roberts VFD 0090 1175838062 201688 0 45.881155562514680032220732 53Escambia County 10532N010530100 31.0407 -86.7610470G5240Bradley -Rock Creek Vol. Fire Dept. Bradley -Rock Creek Vol. Fire Dept. 182 0 7 0 6 4 2 0 182 163 15.4383192 55.39125333 21 61 21.37869161813606 22.21838859 62.89787095777787 60.42741333 29 9118211 0 5 0 3 4 2 0140.77820402411336 136 122ABradley -Rock Creek Vol. Fire Dept. 0100 1056173102 1049638 0 27.226180223909810032220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530110 31.1296306 -86.753350G5240Dixie Vol. Fire Dept. Dixie Vol. Fire Dept. 108 0 19 0 1 0 2 0 108 86 5.146106399 38.13824 7 42 7.126230539378687 7.40612953 43.306730825776945 41.60576 29 9118211 0 13 0 1 0 2 0 83.53871447584748 85 69ADixie Vol. Fire Dept. 0110 2399713042 1836995 0 160.079855946136380022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530120 31.1863271-86.86102530G5240Damascus-Boykin School Damascus-Boykin School 635 2 204 0 6 5 21 0 635 397 116.154973 148.9207467 158 164 160.84920362511224 167.1669237 169.102472782968 162.4605867 29 9118211 2 178 0 6 4 14 0491.17670085336255 520 316ADamascus-Boykin School 0120 771369942 472989 0 156.55053628748140022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530080 31.1243492-86.97039880G5240Rock Hill-Ridge Road Volunteer Fire Dept. Rock Hill-Ridge Road Volunteer Fire Dept. 621 0 131 0 1 1 7 0 621 481 66.89938319 163.4496 91 180 92.64099701192292 96.27968389 185.6002749676155 178.3104 29 9118211 0 90 0 0 0 1 0480.34760823612305 465 374ARock Hill-Ridge Road Volunteer Fire Dept. 0080 1961267252 1688078 0 1589.45431770140140022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530030 31.1926438-87.03998520G5240Brewton- Community Center Brewton- Community Center 6305 30 2388 3 89 29 39 5 6305 3722 923.3585197 1530.97792 1256 1686 1278.649364982988 1328.871241 1738.4559088633318 1670.17408 29 6518211 22 1808 2 61 24 19 2 4876.959210835355 4891 2953ABrewton- Community Center 0030 1036105022 138935 0 320.411806153605260022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530040 31.216067-87.13053260G5240Appleton VFD Appleton VFD 1271 1 28 0 9 8 13 0 1271 1212 47.05011565 386.83072 64 426 65.15410778448138 67.71318427 439.2539840900234 422.00128 29 6318211 1 21 0 6 4 6 0 983.1269083222422 947 909AAppleton VFD 0040 374072032 563254 0 270.74923667110310022220732 53Escambia County 10532N010530150 31.0175231-87.31865390G5240Flomaton Town Hall Flomaton Town Hall 1074 1 83 1 12 26 9 0 1074 942 38.96337702 337.79584 53 372 53.955745505565716 56.07498072 383.5739015997387 368.50816100 6518211 1 54 0 9 17 7 0 830.7461050653723 809 721AFlomaton Town Hall 0150 272985552 345254 0 276.295310420418050022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530140 31.0125287-87.22012630G5240Flomaton Community House Flomaton Community House 1096 1 324 0 24 19 11 0 1096 717 92.62991519 274.2321067 126 302 128.27214967032808 133.3103315 311.39601692480653 299.1652267100 6518211 1 214 0 14 12 6 0 847.7632506067486 813 566AFlomaton Community House 0140 752716552 656246 0 204.700540201988560022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530160 31.05234-87.27553050G5240Little Escambia Little Escambia 812 0 1 0 0 10 22 0 812 779 13.23284503 250.62272 18 276 18.32459281829436 19.04433308 284.58708828367713 273.40928100 6518211 0 1 0 0 7 17 0 628.0873717998904 619 594ALittle Escambia 0160 607845872 1195687 0 213.5238393486260022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530270 31.0373537-87.38970450G5240Canoe- Civic Club Canoe- Civic Club 847 0 66 0 17 32 11 0 847 721 33.08211257 275.14016 45 303 45.81148203611382 47.61083269 312.4271295288194 300.15584100 6518211 0 46 0 10 19 5 0 655.1601033429891 626 546ACanoe- Civic Club 0270 542788432 560514 0 58.9900571518045850022220732 53Escambia County 10532N010530280 31.1114262-87.39192670G5240Little Rock Store Little Rock Store 234 0 6 0 7 14 2 0 234 205 6.616422513 79.90869333 9 88 9.162296407222765 9.522166538 90.73791220292019 87.17397333100 6518211 0 6 0 5 11 0 0 181.0005480310029 190 168ALittle Rock Store 0280 1285208442 241936 0 114.954983167619190022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530170 31.1349978-87.28279580G5240Pineview Pineview 456 0 11 0 11 12 4 0 456 418 13.96800308 152.55296 19 168 19.342625748367567 20.10235158 173.22692330310778 166.42304100 6518211 0 6 0 7 6 3 0 352.7190166758005 337 315APineview 0170 989618922 325151 0 63.5277538557895550022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530180 31.2244634-87.32899610G5240Barnett Crossroads Vol Fire Dept Barnett Crossroads Vol Fire Dept 252 0 0 0 0 4 5 4 252 239 2.205474171 121.6791467 3 134 3.0540988027283236 3.174055513 138.16909362169875 132.7421867100 6318211 0 0 0 0 4 2 2194.92366711031082 180 172ABarnett Crossroads Vol Fire Dept 0180 989665852 123223 0 51.931417834494640022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530210 31.2043155-87.21656180G5240Wallace -Methodist Church Wallace -Methodist Church 206 0 3 0 2 4 3 0 206 194 13.96800308 53.57514667 19 59 19.342625748367567 20.10235158 60.83564568729914 58.44618667100 6318211 0 2 0 2 3 2 0159.34236279652393 162 153AWallace -Methodist Church 0210 203252982 164941 0 152.517028106161430022220732 53Escambia County 10532N010530230 31.0298075-87.19547290G5240Pollard Town Hall Pollard Town Hall 605 5 41 0 33 12 4 1 605 509 46.31495759 214.3005867 63 236 64.13607485440818 66.65516577 243.3425827700142 233.7847467100 6518211 2 37 0 20 10 2 1 467.9715023878494 489 417APollard Town Hall 0230 4787411 1089624 15.761672346509853 70.983282985196573351113961 95Marshall County 10952S010951-2 34.3599545-86.28985030G5240Guntersville Rec Center Guntersville Rec Center 253 0 20 0 5 0 3 0 253 225 9.654937468301686 19.232022086181434 8.0396888185654 21.717167721518987 6.923570996339971 7.195510070253165 22.728043033177304 21.83534720069884 51 26 4 81 0 20 0 5 0 2 0189.73844053365443 240 213PGuntersville Rec Center 1-2 355529451 43980 46.101334136036726 207.619088573302243351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109518-2 34.3938818-86.14660460G5240Childress Store Childress Store 740 0 0 0 29 5 8 0 740 698 120.0909349 131.0640183 100 148 86.11740020543431 89.49985791 154.88899901755818 148.8053796 26 2613 81 0 0 0 18 4 6 0 554.9661897031789 557 529PChildress Store 18-2 321349931 98786 64.79106419118675 291.78898934626263351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109518-3 34.3463625-86.14624330G5240Asbury Fire Dept Asbury Fire Dept 1040 8 0 0 115 16 7 0 1040 894 111.6845695 197.4815952 93 223 80.08918219461407 83.23486786 233.38004576073246 224.2135111 26 2513 81 8 0 0 55 13 3 0 779.9524828260893 761 682PAsbury Fire Dept 18-3 121732711 0 17.069953450370356 76.87517603930383351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109518-1 34.3521578-86.18290340G5240Martline Comm Center Martline Comm Center 274 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 274 258 44.43364592 63.76087379 37 72 31.86343807918598 33.11494743 75.35140490467383 72.39180627 26 2613 81 0 0 0 5 0 0 0205.48748105225815 211 206PMartline Comm Center 18-1 69113811 1555667 124.22440576656382 559.44927380427663351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010951-5 34.3105037-86.30885170G5240Guntersville Rec Center Guntersville Rec Center 1994 74 46 0 149 16 31 0 1992 1676 76.09464550116034 151.5756997622363 63.36418776371308 171.1621835443038 54.567591172734794 56.71085802405064 179.12931939982428 172.09360600076477 98 26 4 81 54 32 0 92 14 14 01495.4088949569443 1535 1329PGuntersville Rec Center 1-5 297963681 90840 96.93739988604479 436.56121867575443351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010952-1 34.2777742-86.33364150G5240Tom Lawson's Store Tom Lawson's Store 1556 6 9 0 27 9 35 0 1556 1470 118.8900256 293.1229059 99 331 85.25622621213606 88.60485934 346.40715311253877 332.8012205 98 26 4 81 4 6 0 11 9 23 01166.9289069974952 1192 1139PTom Lawson's Store 2-1 315207631 18300 103.41650630516347 465.740117610380653351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109522-3 34.2298356-86.34670830G5240Liberty Hill Church Liberty Hill Church 1660 2 7 0 322 27 9 1 1660 1292 135.7027565 425.9580596 113 481 97.31266219528824 101.1348394 503.3892467029757 483.6174836 9 26 4 81 2 6 0 176 18 8 0 1244.924155280104 1177 967PLiberty Hill Church 22-3 109793811 0 47.22271793934573 212.669282619679853351113961 95Marshall County 10952S0109513 34.2460417-86.30554370G5240Rock Springs Church Rock Springs Church 758 1 2 0 235 8 3 4 758 505 42.03182722 154.0887783 35 174 30.141090073345318 31.32495027 182.09922856907036 174.9468652 98 26 4 81 1 2 0 130 4 1 0 568.4653672905536 511 373PRock Springs Church 13 247729901 239125 61.17771638052441 275.516141863490253351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109522-2 34.2101459 -86.3534890G5240Nixon Chapel Fire Dept Nixon Chapel Fire Dept 982 1 3 0 181 8 9 4 982 776 69.65274226 169.1434291 58 191 49.94809212126876 51.90991759 199.89053249058398 192.039375 9 25 4 81 0 2 0 89 4 5 0 736.4551328223266 672 572PNixon Chapel Fire Dept 22-2 774252581 0 94.17326408589011 218.562039017151852211112821111Randolph County 11117N0111114 33.4606613-85.42374710G5240Pine Hill Pine Hill 728 2 46 0 13 8 19 1 728 639 7.164813723921157 8.453016008063075 8.609724047306177 8.609724047306177 8.74417956743766 9.087627203773982 8.054989845294694 7.738611710360051 27 3628121 2 30 0 6 7 12 0 554.1098939466679 547 490APine Hill 14 2564086821 2424939 457.6717147470868 1062.18749181687262211112821111Randolph County 11117N011116 33.2874008-85.50355540G5240Midwaym New Hope,Wedowee Midwaym New Hope,Wedowee 3538 5 750 1 26 11 29 2 3538 2714 434.97342120193775 946.071051368219 473.112730764195 1107.8928992275128 457.31248021079017 475.27447300659014 1161.062375343148 1115.4589970758957 48 3628121 3 561 1 14 9 18 1 2692.913193383669 2833 2226AMidwaym New Hope,Wedowee 6 1671117011 1752780 991.1477327281456 2300.30541613930972211112821111Randolph County 11117N0111110 33.1593823-85.41477640G5240National Guard Armory National Guard Armory 7662 33 2751 0 98 19 87 1 7662 4673 652.2113594218193 734.5634293631596 709.3985108449336 860.2077047588216 685.7071717938625 712.6398880716089 901.4903891401118 866.0822938531563 48 3628121 26 1889 0 64 15 40 1 5831.854405795836 5636 3601ANational Guard Armory 10 1507750841 293136 197.1429319600227 457.539213546894762211112821111Randolph County 11117N011115 33.2629876 -85.3459360G5240Omaha,Potash ,Wehadkee Omaha,Potash ,Wehadkee 1524 3 63 0 21 11 6 0 1524 1420 187.3656003142321 407.52184349495917 203.79417797756733 477.22690175882684 196.98819102352863 204.72535242002357 500.1297512783939 480.4860123074237 48 3628121 3 46 0 11 9 5 01159.9773054597827 1137 1063AOmaha,Potash ,Wehadkee 5 563563011 25746 122.11478200148387 283.410116527735342211112821111Randolph County 11112N0111111 33.1844783-85.28753760G5240Rock Mills, Wilson's Store Rock Mills, Wilson's Store 944 0 74 0 12 3 2 0 944 853 116.05848208440624 252.42822851656265 126.23471391786322 295.60511500021823 122.01893197257941 126.81150438615633 309.791656959845 297.6238816392441 48 3628121 0 56 0 8 3 1 0 718.5161262165583 732 664ARock Mills, Wilson's Store 11 500712751 89909 94.30262296512896 218.862261598219362211112821111Randolph County 11117N0111112 33.1285076-85.26757890G5240Bacon Level Bacon Level 729 3 67 2 7 2 4 0 729 644 68.0345953 180.1807666 74 211 71.52866818636652 74.3381201 221.12621297326737 212.4409756 48 36 8121 3 51 2 5 2 0 0 554.8710339108803 560 497ABacon Level 12 1054481021 912907 96.50172391218959 223.966045476367132211112821111Randolph County 11117N011119 33.1646732-85.51442080G5240Level Road Level Road 746 0 125 0 52 4 10 0 746 555 82.74477807 216.0461324 90 253 86.9943261739082 90.41122715 265.14185729681003 254.7278049 48 3628121 0 107 0 27 4 5 0 567.8104133024921 562 419ALevel Road 9 1119301781 361617 141.90669052502946 329.34417143106532211112821111Randolph County 11117N011113 33.3837522-85.52505480G5240Cavers Grove, Swagg Cavers Grove, Swagg 1097 6 66 0 93 7 4 2 1097 919 134.86880810020511 293.3408545367259 146.69436564395758 343.51568978309257 141.79530548084705 147.3646401606075 360.00153356456565 345.8616505913673 48 3628121 3 41 0 50 5 3 2 834.970540741064 860 756ACavers Grove, Swagg 3 675425341 1543734 58.72893117444246 136.30105180465242211112821111Randolph County 11117N0111113 33.3994873-85.61662260G5240Wesley Chapel Wesley Chapel 454 0 14 0 25 8 6 1 454 400 26.66220627 119.5512195 29 140 28.03150510422345 29.13250653 146.71881434241664 140.9560976 48 3628121 0 13 0 12 5 4 0345.55754375245493 345 311AWesley Chapel 13 437809521 194668 61.574826517697375 142.905948588137732211112821111Randolph County 11117N011117 33.3051122-85.62544290G5240Ophelia Ophelia 476 1 23 0 3 0 4 0 476 445 44.1305483 118.6972822 48 139 46.39697396262506 48.21932115 145.6708227786859 139.9492683 48 3628121 1 13 0 2 0 1 0 362.302622965129 373 356AOphelia 7 997258371 170192 172.823462663117 401.09736830620172211112821111Randolph County 11117N011112 33.4649407-85.53529360G5240Cedron , Corinth Cedron , Corinth 1336 1 114 0 230 8 16 0 1336 967 164.2522585431851 357.25012001920305 178.6542137651115 418.35639156810544 172.68781050356577 179.47051891939074 438.4339551889333 421.21345960808276 27 3628121 1 90 0 125 6 11 0 1016.882992187841 1001 768ACedron , Corinth 2 1085628491 1418420 140.483742853402 326.04172303932272211112821111Randolph County 11117N011118 33.1623579-85.61672790G5240Wadley Wadley 1086 0 331 1 38 1 16 0 1086 699 116.7620757 258.7429965 127 303 122.75866026709146 127.5802872 317.5414338179336 305.0692683 48 3628121 0 258 1 29 1 3 0 826.598001134727 863 571AWadley 8 1587115612 1241251 0 407.132232051984660022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530190 31.199606-87.43765280G5240Huxford-Masonic Lodge Huxford-Masonic Lodge 1615 2 718 0 26 44 15 0 1615 810 14.70316114 206.1281067 20 227 20.360658678440778 21.16037008 234.06256902163344 224.8692267100 6318211 2 714 0 16 34 7 01249.2131840601269 1470 697AHuxford-Masonic Lodge 0190 1459471972 301518 0 720.485398888280022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530300 31.1781334 -87.5481720G5240McCullough Vol. Fire Dept. McCullough Vol. Fire Dept. 2858 3 1319 1 54 186 55 1 2858 1239 57.34232845 208.8522667 78 230 79.40656886323876 82.52544333 237.15590693776036 227.8410667100 6318211 3 1286 1 41 134 40 1 2210.68190714789 2619 1113AMcCullough Vol. Fire Dept. 0300 325498302 1180098 0 776.95451342675960022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530050 31.0852984-87.03922740G5240East Brewton Sail Center East Brewton Sail Center 3082 2 886 0 82 14 31 2 3082 2065 294.7983809 682.8561067 401 752 408.2312065951095 424.2654202 775.3967043438453 744.9412267 29 6518211 2 578 0 60 10 7 1 2383.947389023722 2258 1600AEast Brewton Sail Center 0050 927473202 496843 0 671.07492366711030022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530320 31.0701271-87.48243810G5240New Order Bapt Church New Order Bapt Church 2662 0 1467 0 39 115 47 0 2662 994 478.5878951 315.0945067 651 347 662.7394401718399 688.7700463 357.79608566671044 343.7428267100 6518211 0 1084 0 29 93 22 02059.0746105065373 1979 751ANew Order Bapt Church 0320 57240102 13827 0 223.859704063258450022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530240 31.0346497-87.51182660G5240Atmore-County Road Dept Atmore-County Road Dept 888 0 341 0 82 40 16 0 888 409 83.8080185 118.0469333 114 130 116.05575450944954 120.6141095 134.04464299747065 128.7797333100 6518211 0 219 0 57 29 9 0 686.8738745791904 660 346AAtmore-County Road Dept 0240 47608862 41413 0 673.34377201910270022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530310 31.0336232-87.48505270G5240Atmore City Hall Atmore City Hall 2671 2 2365 3 25 11 30 0 2671 235 687.3727833 22.70133333 935 25 951.8607934672802 989.2473015 25.777815964254767 24.76533333100 6518211 1 1640 1 20 10 15 02066.0361700461913 1872 185AAtmore City Hall 0310 506073842 62489 0 236.716511391215850022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530330 31.0259393-87.57687740G5240Nokomis Vol Fire Dept Nokomis Vol Fire Dept 939 1 123 0 17 58 6 1 939 733 39.69853508 287.8529067 54 317 54.973778445261004 57.13299923 326.86270650544117 314.0244267100 6518211 0 82 0 10 42 1 1 726.3227119705629 707 571ANokomis Vol Fire Dept 0330 194856712 167361 0 710.401628434980022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530260 31.0068616-87.46382120G5240Atmore Public Library Atmore Public Library 2818 15 744 2 47 107 50 5 2818 1848 244.807633 875.3634133 333 964 339.0049670614691 352.3201619 993.9925836807557 954.9512533100 6518211 11 489 1 31 77 26 1 2179.741642527206 2158 1522AAtmore Public Library 0260 251332961 334131 39.55992861673422 178.15962330276613351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010953 34.2576809-86.39596780G5240Valley Store Hwy 70 Valley Store Hwy 70 635 1 7 0 198 19 8 0 635 402 34.82637113 117.780503 29 133 24.974046065445414 25.9549588 139.1907896689233 133.7237533 9 26 4 81 1 5 0 112 13 7 0 476.2209871101603 451 313PValley Store Hwy 70 3 30988611 0 20.683301261032693 93.148023522076133351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010954-8-1 34.2940436-86.27677520G5240Marshall Co Gas Marshall Co Gas 332 1 14 0 14 1 2 0 332 300 14.191084717322035 27.158409849288137 11.816949152542373 30.667796610169493 10.176449393172003 10.576152700203389 32.09529945523409 30.83468321898305 98 26 4 81 1 8 0 10 1 0 0248.98483105602082 256 236PMarshall Co Gas 4-8-1 97169101 0 23.237564368569863 104.651243294380723351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010954-5 34.2175533-86.23385980G5240Albertville Rec Center Albertville Rec Center 373 0 0 0 44 0 3 0 373 326 9.475127238329618 25.544214772687983 7.889960423963972 28.845016603739253 6.7946287946574735 7.06150336891689 30.18767395991027 29.00198407464859 98 25 4 81 0 0 0 26 0 3 0 279.7329577828186 277 248PAlbertville Rec Center 4-5 436905271 154513 125.28349046968899 564.21890151474433351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109516-2 34.1939501-86.25585970G5240Pine Grove School A-D Pine Grove School A-D 2011 3 12 0 418 8 26 0 2011 1544 140.5063939 439.241575 117 496 100.75735828394612 104.7148338 519.0874560516106 498.6991099 98 25 4 81 2 6 0 228 5 14 01508.1581182339091 1437 1182PPine Grove School A-D 16-2 431611541 61527 116.49931734376848 524.65904815145293351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010955 34.2914543-86.14276190G5240Dist. 4 County Shop Dist. 4 County Shop 1870 1 6 0 282 16 8 0 1870 1557 156.1182154 398.5054612 130 450 111.95262028342212 116.3498153 470.9462806672225 452.4487892 26 2513 81 1 2 0 163 13 8 01402.4145604661414 1391 1204PDist. 4 County Shop 5 182487941 96761 352.6129070404971 1588.00546124985233351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010954-2 34.2887322-86.22080980G5240Albertville Rec Center Albertville Rec Center 5660 22 63 2 1436 48 71 7 5660 4011 143.7780701580312 387.6146263094209 119.72433243870263 437.70186052859026 103.10348251410537 107.15310742109811 458.0756960136518 440.0837261729518 98 25 4 81 15 40 2 838 41 28 2 4244.741396918909 4094 3128PAlbertville Rec Center 4-2 52967732 41772 0 330.999765129570160022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530250 31.0104299-87.50418310G5240Rachel Patterson Elementary School Rachel Patterson Elementary School 1313 6 301 1 13 43 18 0 1313 931 110.2737086 433.14144 150 477 152.70494008830582 158.7027756 491.8407286641811 472.52256100 6518211 6 186 1 7 33 9 01015.6141861739607 1018 776ARachel Patterson Elementary School 0250 724643532 175502 0 268.48038831911060022220732 53Escambia County 10531N010530290 31.0979114-87.55893460G5240Poarch Sail Center Poarch Sail Center 1065 0 176 0 30 421 44 0 1065 394 91.89475713 177.0704 125 195 127.25411674025484 132.252313 201.06696454825013 193.1696100 6318211 0 129 0 18 316 12 0 823.7845455257183 788 313APoarch Sail Center 0290 1066864052 1521605 0 270.24504814843810022220732 53Escambia County 10532N010530070 31.0225059-87.05178160G5240Riverview Town Hall Riverview Town Hall 1072 3 14 0 9 12 16 0 1072 1018 38.22821897 284.2206933 52 313 52.93771257549251 55.01696222 322.73825588121304 310.0619733 29 6518211 1 10 0 7 9 8 0 829.1990918343381 821 786ARiverview Town Hall 0070 30313701 26471 11.089239832722347 49.940807791956483351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010954-6-B 34.2995502-86.18024870G5240Albertville Rec Center Albertville Rec Center 178 10 0 0 11 0 0 0 178 157 4.521642489068826 12.190000615384616 3.7651821862348176 13.765182186234817 3.242477011927695 3.369832706882591 14.405914114916966 13.840088914979757 98 25 4 81 6 0 0 7 0 0 0133.49186725292682 132 119PAlbertville Rec Center 4-6-B 38344211 0 29.03138068566637 130.743912533998443351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010954-6-A 34.3027834-86.20754830G5240Albertville Rec Center Albertville Rec Center 466 0 6 0 95 1 8 0 466 356 11.837558426438612 31.913147678478825 9.857162352727107 36.03693763362598 8.488731952574751 8.82214630004094 37.71435942444554 36.23304176618296 98 25 4 81 0 5 0 63 0 3 0 349.4787086509208 325 254PAlbertville Rec Center 4-6-A 204372271 93040 365.1973252776315 1644.67986110364543351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010954-1 34.2466645-86.22800610G5240Albertville Rec Center Albertville Rec Center 5862 47 103 12 1252 22 70 13 5861 4342 148.90937230854752 401.44822251339673 123.99717963881182 453.323022335441 106.78314743775364 110.97729959407724 474.42398057102946 455.78989449219847 98 25 4 81 41 80 5 736 20 31 7 4396.232167621669 4246 3326PAlbertville Rec Center 4-1 26991511 0 52.829636955890734 237.920252851567973351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010954-8-2 34.2841943-86.24813830G5240Marshall Co Gas Marshall Co Gas 848 3 24 0 269 4 52 1 848 495 36.247107952677965 69.36846853071187 30.183050847457626 78.33220338983051 25.99285869099355 27.01378761979661 81.97835523505576 78.75846798101695 98 25 4 81 3 14 0 141 4 31 1 635.9612552274267 574 380PMarshall Co Gas 4-8-2 192041351 116288 104.53789010847247 470.79031165675833351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109528-2 34.2558623-86.25935530G5240Lattiwood Comm Center Lattiwood Comm Center 1678 8 13 0 170 6 11 5 1679 1466 48.292777274239654 144.3895933532026 40.21350762527233 163.0474945533769 34.63082729794686 35.991032184880176 170.63691363246585 163.93475887834424 98 25 4 81 5 9 0 94 5 9 21258.4233328674786 1237 1113PLattiwood Comm Center 28-2 9220621 0 4.983928014706673 22.445306872789433351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010954-6-1 34.2903055-86.26454920G5240Albertville Rec Center Albertville Rec Center 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 80 2.0321988714916075 5.4786519619706135 1.692216712914525 6.186598735386435 1.457293039068627 1.514531553655097 6.474568141535715 6.220264680889779 98 25 4 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59.9963448327761 65 65PAlbertville Rec Center 4-6-1 5920851 0 3.5510487104785042 15.9922811468624693351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010954-6-2 34.2851341-86.25437970G5240Albertville Rec Center Albertville Rec Center 57 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 57 46 1.4479416959377702 3.903539522904062 1.205704407951599 4.407951598962835 1.0383212903363968 1.0791037319792567 4.613129800844197 4.431938585133967 98 25 4 81 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 42.74739569335297 36 30PAlbertville Rec Center 4-6-2 15073451 0 1.9577086402634545 2.4100875292486352501112811 37Coosa County 10374N010370108 32.836037-86.09910590G5240Pct. 0108 Equality Fire Department Pct. 0108 Equality Fire Department 10 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 10 6 0.904091509 4.471982759 1 5 0.9274948491172161 0.963924329 4.885548726601746 4.693657635 16 3030101 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 7.946095848860386 10 6APct. 0108 Equality Fire Department 0108 1386951221 5910672 158.1828581332871 194.73507236328972501112811 37Coosa County 10374N010370111 32.7963473-86.09283440G5240Pct. 0111 Equality Fire Department Pct. 0111 Equality Fire Department 808 1 83 0 3 1 2 0 808 718 84.08051034 279.9461207 93 313 86.25702097078772 89.6449626 305.83535033627254 293.822968 16 3030101 1 66 0 3 1 2 0 642.0445445879192 687 614APct. 0111 Equality Fire Department 0111 801320771 1253334 210.84522055637404 259.5664269000782501112811 37Coosa County 10374N010371707 32.8683613-86.04137520G5240Pct. 1707 Ray Fire Dept. Pct. 1707 Ray Fire Dept. 1077 7 403 0 114 2 4 0 1077 547 185.3387593 190.5064655 205 213 190.1364441219507 197.6044875 208.12437580423764 199.9498153 16 3030101 6 301 0 83 2 3 0 855.7945229222636 837 442APct. 1707 Ray Fire Dept. 1707 2169446991 855184 170.90796429499957 210.400641303405852501112811 37Coosa County 10374N010370712 32.8447563-86.24488490G5240Pct. 0712 Court House Pct. 0712 Court House 873 0 221 0 11 2 2 0 873 637 207.9410471 341.6594828 230 382 213.3238153258259 221.7025957 373.255922697801 358.5954433 16 3030101 0 182 0 10 1 1 0 693.6941676055118 734 540APct. 0712 Court House 0712 390794151 32846 93.38270214056678 114.96117514515992501112811 37Coosa County 10374N010371909 32.8697729-86.12362150G5240Pct. 1909 Cottage Grove Day Care Center Pct. 1909 Cottage Grove Day Care Center 477 0 405 0 9 0 3 0 477 60 217.8860537 1.788793103 241 2 223.52625864783334 232.3057633 1.954219490640698 1.877463054 16 3030101 0 311 0 4 0 3 0379.02877199064045 361 43APct. 1909 Cottage Grove Day Care Center 1909 1105553611 9096930 55.598925383482104 68.446485830661235501115811 37Coosa County 10374N010371318 33.070255-86.45760520G5240Pct. 1318 Marble Valley Fire Dept. Pct. 1318 Marble Valley Fire Dept. 284 0 13 0 1 1 1 0 284 268 9.945006599 36.67025862 11 41 10.202443341251584 10.60316762 40.06149956125696 38.48799261 19 3219101 0 10 0 1 1 1 0 225.669122107635 224 211APct. 1318 Marble Valley Fire Dept. 1318 3563779621 13372842 171.10373515902592 210.641650056330725501115811 37Coosa County 10374N010371117 32.9745899-86.38456140G5240Pct. 1117 Weogufka Voting House Pct. 1117 Weogufka Voting House 874 1 5 0 13 2 9 1 874 843 33.45138583 319.299569 37 357 34.31730942407245 35.66520018 348.8281791428585 335.1271552 19 3219101 1 5 0 11 1 7 0 694.4887771903977 692 667APct. 1117 Weogufka Voting House 1117 437867491 261832 240.7981627524049 296.44076609758215501115811 37Coosa County 10374N010371216 33.0705033-86.27709560G5240Pct. 1216 West Coosa Senior Center Pct. 1216 West Coosa Senior Center 1230 0 45 0 3 11 9 0 1230 1162 43.39639243 422.1551724 48 472 44.51975276532403 46.2683678 461.1957998494942 443.0812808 16 3230101 0 33 0 3 8 8 0 977.3697894098275 993 941APct. 1216 West Coosa Senior Center 1216 372676481 0 2.9365629603951815 3.61513129387295255501115811 37Coosa County 10374N010371519 32.9198887-86.31605270G5240Pct. 1519 Richville Fire Dept. Pct. 1519 Richville Fire Dept. 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 15 1.808183018 13.41594828 2 15 1.8549896982344323 1.927848658 14.656646185009652 14.08097291 16 3030101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11.91914377329058 15 15APct. 1519 Richville Fire Dept. 1519 352272481 58395 44.048444405927725 54.226969408094295501115811 37Coosa County 10374N010371215 33.0576935 -86.1921720G5240Pct. 1215 West Coosa Senior Center Pct. 1215 West Coosa Senior Center 225 0 16 0 0 0 1 0 225 208 8.136823581 79.6012931 9 89 8.347453643017152 8.675318962 86.96276734079726 83.54710591 16 3230101 0 11 0 0 0 1 0 178.7871565993587 186 174APct. 1215 West Coosa Senior Center 1215 113260611 33342 45.02729872605945 55.4320131727186052501112811 37Coosa County 10372N010371205 33.0941084-86.18652610G5240Pct. 1205 West Coosa Senior Center Pct. 1205 West Coosa Senior Center 230 0 0 0 1 2 4 0 230 223 7.232732072 74.23491379 8 83 7.419958793899936 7.711394633 81.10010887095692 77.91471675 16 3230101 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 182.7602045237889 174 168APct. 1205 West Coosa Senior Center 1205 676596161 190193 26.820608371609325 33.01819915070632501112811 37Coosa County 10374N010370614 32.9799131-86.23936320G5240Pct. 0614 Hanover Pct. 0614 Hanover 137 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 137 131 15.36955565 63.50215517 17 71 15.767412432106052 16.38671359 69.37479192086744 66.64993842 16 3030101 0 4 0 0 0 0 0108.86151312938729 101 97APct. 0614 Hanover 0614 418550211 205754 101.01776583759424 124.360516509229572511112811 37Coosa County 10374N010370420 33.0799348-86.12839690G5240Pct. 0420 Mt. Olive Community Center Pct. 0420 Mt. Olive Community Center 516 1 115 0 3 3 7 1 516 386 49.725033 59.92456897 55 67 51.012216706257924 53.0158381 65.46635294791311 62.89501232 16 3030101 1 79 0 1 3 5 1410.01854580119596 390 300APct. 0420 Mt. Olive Community Center 0420 478178521 213765 40.32879798942716 49.6478031025218842501112811 37Coosa County 10374N010371513 32.8137092-86.32201730G5240Pct. 1513 Marble Valley Fire Dept. Pct. 1513 Marble Valley Fire Dept. 206 0 9 0 0 0 1 0 206 196 7.232732072 25.04310345 8 28 7.419958793899936 7.711394633 27.359072873133307 26.28448276 58 3030101 0 9 0 0 0 1 0163.68957448652395 157 147APct. 1513 Marble Valley Fire Dept. 1513 1662680942 3864274 263.0660220795151 191.967097193159676662226772 23Choctaw County 10235S010231 32.2594097-88.04938870G5240Pennington-Pelham Pennington-Pelham 872 0 595 0 0 0 1 0 872 276 355.1905941 159.6450391 391 173 391.74373261588505 407.130363 177.04526146062054 170.0914042 12 67 5231 0 448 0 0 0 1 0 674.3701565769536 692 243PPennington-Pelham 1 1832450822 117376 179.8020059167328 131.20686918248076662226772 23Choctaw County 10235S010232 32.2431833-88.19985590G5240Crossroads-Intersection-Halsell Voting District Crossroads-Intersection-Halsell Voting District 596 0 467 0 4 1 1 0 596 123 224.3787129 62.7506512 247 68 247.46982601903667 257.189769 69.59004497656632 66.85673692 12 67 5231 0 358 0 3 1 1 0460.92272169709213 469 106PCrossroads-Intersection-Halsell Voting District 2 1906263362 0 576.5128075618732 420.69853524785346662226772 23Choctaw County 10235S0102310 31.7550138-88.35513290G5240Silas-Souwilpa-Isney-Toomey Voting District Silas-Souwilpa-Isney-Toomey Voting District 1911 0 846 0 6 0 6 0 1911 1053 198.0346535 413.4160549 218 448 218.41466420167248 226.9933993 458.4755904069082 440.4679138 12 64 5211 0 593 0 3 0 1 01477.8914784616495 1423 826PSilas-Souwilpa-Isney-Toomey Voting District 10 2465711492 96569 350.85525651201385 256.029511508766866662226772 23Choctaw County 10235S010237 31.834337-88.39109780G5240Toxey-Gilbertown-Melvin-Hurricane Voting District Toxey-Gilbertown-Melvin-Hurricane Voting District 1163 1 380 0 3 0 8 0 1163 771 320.6707921 545.3769832 353 591 353.67145175649375 367.5627063 604.8193614673048 581.0636988 12 64 5211 0 285 0 3 0 4 0 899.4179955263728 901 609PToxey-Gilbertown-Melvin-Hurricane Voting District 7 1087249442 675141 274.22822714481566 200.112490078649246662226772 23Choctaw County 10235S010238 31.8770784-88.24208190G5240Barrytown-Womack Hill-Chappell Hill Barrytown-Womack Hill-Chappell Hill 909 0 21 0 8 0 1 0 909 879 36.33663366 465.0930618 40 504 40.07608518503537 41.65016502 515.7850391817497 495.526403 12 64 5211 0 19 0 5 0 1 0 702.9844866151959 679 654PBarrytown-Womack Hill-Chappell Hill 8 1950351712 6851253 133.34309834764414 97.304423118551136662226772 23Choctaw County 10232S010239 31.7536896-88.20062780G5240Branch-Bladon Springs-Cullomburg Branch-Bladon Springs-Cullomburg 442 0 336 0 0 2 2 0 442 102 492.3613861 138.4205541 542 150 543.0309542370228 564.359736 153.50745210520768 147.4780961 12 64 5211 0 236 0 0 2 2 0 341.8252399162999 327 87PBranch-Bladon Springs-Cullomburg 9 2576367152 4883476 261.8592972075907 191.086514178512156662226772 23Choctaw County 10235S0102311 31.9384298-88.18277960G5240Lusk-Pleasant Valley-Ararat Voting District Lusk-Pleasant Valley-Ararat Voting District 868 1 72 0 9 0 2 0 868 784 44.51237624 459.5562396 49 498 49.09320435214942 51.02145215 509.6447411433402 489.6272792 12 64 5211 1 60 0 6 0 1 0 671.2767154917382 664 596PLusk-Pleasant Valley-Ararat Voting District 11 2170909212 0 418.13016812179814 305.122014575366176662226772 23Choctaw County 10235S010236 31.9807616-88.37248720G5240Bogueloosa Bogueloosa 1386 4 280 0 10 2 2 0 1386 1088 30.88613861 290.6831636 34 315 34.06467240054461 35.40264026 322.3656495146156 309.7040019 12 64 5211 4 206 0 8 2 2 01071.8773360271305 1044 822PBogueloosa 6 3189091142 2250133 955.4244173461288 697.20160184717516662226772 23Choctaw County 10235S010235 32.1224881-88.16401240G5240Butler-Lavaca-Mt. Sterling Voting District Butler-Lavaca-Mt. Sterling Voting District 3167 4 1111 0 23 9 19 10 3167 1991 662.2351485 1178.420317 729 1277 730.3866524111519 759.0742574 1306.860109479554 1255.530192 12 64 5211 3 865 0 17 8 8 52449.2319792192798 2521 1615PButler-Lavaca-Mt. Sterling Voting District 5 1607910672 100179 309.8266108665849 226.089689010751136662226772 23Choctaw County 10235S010234 32.1810406-88.34682880G5240Lisman-Pushmataha Lisman-Pushmataha 1027 0 876 0 3 4 8 0 1027 136 459.6584158 50.75420317 506 55 506.96247758781067 526.8745875 56.286065789257535 54.07530192 12 67 5231 0 685 0 3 3 6 0 794.2409986290497 804 107PLisman-Pushmataha 4 1918407432 95686 217.21047694638864 158.504942636553866662226772 23Choctaw County 10235S0102314 32.0922949 -88.3454580G5240Riderwood-Rock Springs Riderwood-Rock Springs 720 2 335 0 3 0 1 0 720 379 120.8193069 92.28036941 133 100 133.25298324842134 138.4867987 102.33830143122866 98.31873076 12 64 5211 1 257 0 3 0 0 0 556.819395338769 559 298PRiderwood-Rock Springs 14 1292155022 125160 240.74161194891406 175.676311422180536662226772 23Choctaw County 10235S010233 32.2712752-88.32182060G5240Yantley-Cromwell Yantley-Cromwell 798 0 671 0 4 0 5 0 798 118 357.9158416 40.60336254 394 44 394.7494390273746 410.2541254 45.02885262516073 43.26024153 12 67 5231 0 531 0 4 0 5 0 617.141496500469 635 95PYantley-Cromwell 3 14272641 0 9.282565927391179 41.804384050570313351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109524-1-A 34.295135-86.24807020G5240Brasher's Chapel Church Brasher's Chapel Church 149 3 0 0 18 0 6 0 151 124 0.7327415765806715 2.269403199410319 0.6101556101556102 2.5626535626535625 0.5254501486736164 0.5460884041191646 2.681938142240907 2.5765988924406225 98 25 4 81 3 0 0 11 0 5 0111.74319225104549 127 108PBrasher's Chapel Church 24-1-A 3522811 0 1.9935712058826691 8.9781227491157733351113961 95Marshall County 10952S010954-6-3 34.2994395-86.26197470G5240Albertville Rec Center Albertville Rec Center 32 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 30 20 0.8128795485966429 2.1914607847882452 0.67688668516581 2.474639494154574 0.5829172156274508 0.6058126214620388 2.589827256614286 2.488105872355911 98 25 4 81 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 23.99853793311044 22 15PAlbertville Rec Center 4-6-3 8041391 0 0.7475892022060009 3.36679603091841443351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010954-7-B 34.2912513-86.16618650G52401st Baptist Church 1st Baptist Church 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0.026345360489945160.038854889572212066 0.0219378427787934180.0438756855575868350.018892299860141626 0.01963433811334552 0.04591797984363786 0.04411444624497258 98 25 4 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.999451724916415 8 8P1st Baptist Church 4-7-B 1180607051 594476 237.47005806395703 292.343617297859452511112811 37Coosa County 10374N010370302 32.9755816-86.09673450G5240Pct. 0302 Kellyton Fire Dept. Pct. 0302 Kellyton Fire Dept. 1213 0 347 0 44 3 24 0 1213 795 218.7901452 273.6853448 242 306 224.45375346904657 233.2696876 298.9955821075804 287.2518473 16 3030101 0 258 0 27 3 10 0 963.8614264667649 944 646APct. 0302 Kellyton Fire Dept. 0302 209813141 24576 33.085276020452376 40.730479244301932501112811 37Coosa County 10374N010370710 32.8827479-86.18023210G5240Pct. 0710 Hanover Pct. 0710 Hanover 169 0 67 0 3 0 0 0 169 99 21.69819622 92.12284483 24 103 22.259876382662014 23.1341839 100.6423037773639 96.68934729 16 3030101 0 62 0 3 0 0 0134.28901984574054 146 81APct. 0710 Hanover 0710 424934871 34710 87.31380535575006 107.489903804489122501112811 37Coosa County 10374N010370306 32.928869 -86.0744840G5240Pct. 0306 Kellyton Fire Dept. Pct. 0306 Kellyton Fire Dept. 446 2 300 0 4 0 0 0 446 140 83.17641883 103.75 92 116 85.32952613033036 88.68103828 113.34473042385224 108.8928571 16 3030101 1 237 0 2 0 0 0354.39587485917326 359 119APct. 0306 Kellyton Fire Dept. 0306 437943471 415630 51.29196637490251 63.1442932663142362501112811 37Coosa County 10372N010370603 32.9999982-86.15767550G5240Pct. 0603 Mt. Olive Community Center Pct. 0603 Mt. Olive Community Center 262 1 21 0 0 0 5 0 262 235 26.21865376 32.19827586 29 36 26.89735062343706 27.95380554 35.17595083985963 33.79433498 16 3030101 1 20 0 0 0 3 0208.18771124014214 208 184APct. 0603 Mt. Olive Community Center 0603 529286821 356395 284.2592945662536 349.94470924690182511112811 37Coosa County 10374N010370404 33.0615355-86.07609750G5240Pct. 0404 Old Railroad Depot Pct. 0404 Old Railroad Depot 1452 0 1169 0 13 4 7 0 1452 259 558.7285526 173.512931 618 194 573.1918168294917 595.7052354 189.55929065668246 182.1139163 16 3030101 0 885 0 11 4 4 01153.7731172545282 1139 235APct. 0404 Old Railroad Depot 0404 288230131 124879 123.33564433659762 151.8355143426642511112811 37Coosa County 10374N010370401 33.0505517-86.03089450G5240Pct. 0401 Old Railroad Depot Pct. 0401 Old Railroad Depot 630 0 312 0 5 8 4 5 630 296 231.4474263 72.44612069 256 81 237.43868135091435 246.7646282 79.14588937407092 76.03725369 16 3030101 0 232 0 3 6 2 0500.60403847820436 472 229APct. 0401 Old Railroad Depot 0401 12732441 15952 10.767397521448999 13.2554814108674935501115811 37Coosa County 10374N010371224 33.0988949-86.22730040G5240Pct. 1224 West Coosa Senior Center Pct. 1224 West Coosa Senior Center 55 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 55 52 1.808183018 16.09913793 2 18 1.8549896982344323 1.927848658 17.587975419929816 16.89716749 16 3230101 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 43.70352716873212 38 37APct. 1224 West Coosa Senior Center 1224 96519901 21184 110.33170642556897 496.8829808963763351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010954-3 34.2712815-86.18102360G5240Albertville Rec Center Albertville Rec Center 1771 4 91 1 281 16 18 1 1771 1359 44.987802517645456 121.28365780812446 37.461447482145296 136.9558295046172 32.260824652381736 33.52794226903971 143.33075223324687 137.70110937319745 98 25 4 81 3 71 1 178 10 8 0 1328.169083735581 1334 1063PAlbertville Rec Center 4-3 171575321 47723 467.49244777948593 2105.36978466764873351113961 95Marshall County 10953S010954-4 34.2460064-86.18425890G5240Albertville Rec Center Albertville Rec Center 7504 18 97 8 2876 19 75 8 7504 4403 190.62025414591275 513.8975540328436 158.72992767138243 580.3029613792476 136.69408706463722 142.0630597328481 607.31449167605 583.4608270674612 98 25 4 81 14 64 4 1760 16 35 1 5627.657145314398 5253 3359PAlbertville Rec Center 4-4 21427971 0 33.330018598350875 150.102989711779323351113961 95Marshall County 10952S010954-7-A 34.2498568 -86.1632560G52401st Baptist Church 1st Baptist Church 535 0 7 0 256 2 6 0 535 264 1.174563988510055 1.732280493427788 0.9780621572212066 1.9561243144424132 0.8422817020979808 0.8753642408866545 2.0471766013621875 1.9667690617550273 98 25 4 81 0 7 0 152 1 3 0 401.2255560691902 361 198P1st Baptist Church 4-7-A 274946291 132006 500.57326997710146 2254.35050903578853351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109520-1 34.2062807-86.15469040G5240Boaz Rec Center Boaz Rec Center 8035 65 132 30 1256 19 96 3 8035 6434 1.0139021350441315 3.7383295166575605 0.8442786592413576 4.221393296206788 0.7270708317467178 0.7556282003010403 4.417887715835717 4.244365079217715 98 25 4 81 51 102 20 755 19 38 0 6025.88288414195 5982 4997PBoaz Rec Center 20-1 2771971 0 0.6852901020221676 3.08622969500854663351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109520-3A 34.2184027-86.13563320G5240Boaz Rec Center Boaz Rec Center 11 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 11 7 0.0013880427486602920.0051178126550383530.00115582641588735950.005779132079436798 0.000995367660138630.00103446299978984970.0060481350185678770.005810580693390774 26 25 4 81 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 8.249497414506713 8 4PBoaz Rec Center 20-3A 200909461 74641 89.7107042647201 404.01552371020973351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109520-3 34.2368063-86.12894480G5240Boaz Rec Center Boaz Rec Center 1440 2 11 0 167 6 20 0 1440 1234 0.1817074143700746 0.6699682021141117 0.15130818535252705 0.7565409267626353 0.13030267550905708 0.13542061088158033 0.7917558569761585 0.7606578362257014 26 25 4 81 2 9 0 94 3 10 01079.9342069899699 1085 967PBoaz Rec Center 20-3 210732101 38391 43.23557552758039 194.71303712144833351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109522-1 34.1851087-86.34672950G5240Douglas City Hall Douglas City Hall 694 2 15 0 15 4 8 0 694 650 9.247501675076283 28.981768721137314 7.7004160887656035 32.72676837725381 6.63139814268351 6.891861460041609 34.25011076939264 32.9048593942025 9 25 4 81 1 10 0 9 4 4 0 520.4682914243326 539 511PDouglas City Hall 22-1 22552491 0 0.9788543201317272 1.20504376462431755501115811 37Coosa County 10374N010370625 33.0658898-86.16130040G5240Pct. 0625 Hanover Pct. 0625 Hanover 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0.904091509 2.683189655 1 3 0.9274948491172161 0.963924329 2.9313292359610474 2.816194581 16 3230101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.973047924430193 5 5APct. 0625 Hanover 0625 134245431 9501 10.571626657422653 13.014472657942635501115811 37Coosa County 10374N010371223 33.0191098-86.25194130G5240Pct. 1223 West Coosa Senior Center Pct. 1223 West Coosa Senior Center 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 54 1.808183018 19.67672414 2 22 1.8549896982344323 1.927848658 21.496414403292977 20.6520936 16 3230101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42.90891758384609 47 47APct. 1223 West Coosa Senior Center 1223 207951481 62954 6.460438512869399 7.9532888465204962501112811 37Coosa County 10374N010370721 32.9241161-86.17033130G5240Pct. 0721 Court House Pct. 0721 Court House 33 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 33 20 7.232732072 11.62715517 8 13 7.419958793899936 7.711394633 12.702426688123655 12.20350985 16 3030101 0 7 0 0 0 1 026.222116301239275 25 17APct. 0721 Court House 0721 1128292501 6822385 50.50888291879712 62.1802582546147855501115811 37Coosa County 10374N010371522 32.8315068-86.37684180G5240Pct. 1522 Richville Fire Dept. Pct. 1522 Richville Fire Dept. 258 1 3 0 0 1 4 0 258 249 30.73911131 194.9784483 34 218 31.534824873834175 32.77342719 213.00992449440847 204.6434729 58 3030101 1 3 0 0 1 4 0205.00927290059798 225 216APct. 1522 Richville Fire Dept. 1522 78695321 21418 33.20542039798321 149.541857039959583351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109522-4 34.1720603 -86.3214240G5240Douglas City Hall Douglas City Hall 533 0 5 1 13 2 13 0 533 499 7.102187885901526 22.258332461622746 5.914008321775312 25.134535367545077 5.092990216210823 5.293029046400832 26.304479884850544 25.27131132148405 9 25 4 81 0 2 1 11 2 7 0399.72564744837075 419 396PDouglas City Hall 22-4 58644781 0 13.394306539524184 60.321762220621593351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109522-0 34.1547582-86.33812770G5240Douglas City Hall Douglas City Hall 215 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 215 207 2.864860029022191 8.978501837239945 2.3855755894590844 10.13869625520111 2.054395678208868 2.1350867635575588 10.61062509426429 10.193868544313453 9 25 4 81 0 0 0 4 0 3 0161.24017673808578 164 157PDouglas City Hall 22-0 513236541 184552 81.79871854137326 368.383599049656543351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109516-1 34.1499376 -86.2793810G5240Mt Hebron Fire Dept Mt Hebron Fire Dept 1313 1 5 0 128 7 16 0 1313 1156 100.8763853 276.2971198 84 312 72.33861617795318 75.17988065 326.5227546181464 313.6978272 9 25 4 81 1 2 0 74 7 11 0 984.6900095679378 970 875PMt Hebron Fire Dept 16-1 1111051 0 0 03351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109522-1A 34.1833156-86.31979920G5240Douglas City Hall Douglas City Hall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19.21454959 60.21860302 16 68 13.778784037103202 14.31997727 71.16521574850748 68.37003926 9 25 4 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PDouglas City Hall 22-1A 6616871 00.06229910018383341 0.28056633590986793351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109520-2A 34.2021936-86.13623010G5240Boaz Rec Center Boaz Rec Center 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10.00012618570442366290.0004652556959125770.00010507512871703270.0005253756435851630.0000904879691035120.00009404209088998630.000549830456233443 0.00052823460849007 26 25 4 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.7499543104097013 1 1PBoaz Rec Center 20-2A 708451 0 0.4983928014706673 2.24453068727894323351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109520-2B 34.1879532-86.13888750G5240Boaz Rec Center Boaz Rec Center 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 80.0010094856353893033 0.003722045567300620.00084060102973626150.0042030051486813070.0007239037528280950.00075233672711989070.0043986436498675470.004225876867920563 26 25 4 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.99963448327761 5 5PBoaz Rec Center 20-2B 7975551 0 1.3705802040443351 6.1724593900170933351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109520-2C 34.1891382-86.12304820G5240Boaz Rec Center Boaz Rec Center 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 22 0.0027760854973205840.010235625310076706 0.0023116528317747190.0115582641588735950.0019907353202772610.00206892599957969950.0120962700371357540.011621161386781547 26 25 4 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 016.498994829013427 14 14PBoaz Rec Center 20-2C 962281 0 0 03351113961 95Marshall County 10953S0109520-2D 34.1916763-86.10722180G5240Boaz Rec Center Boaz Rec Center 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.200909349 4.427838458 1 5 0.8611740019581224 0.894998579 5.232736451973681 5.027208769 26 25 4 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PBoaz Rec Center 20-2D 3060339582 4941715 204.4886032562125 58.1952013710368456662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011314003 32.1463369-87.48025860G5240Prairie Bluff Prairie Bluff 482 1 388 0 2 0 9 0 482 82 153.952732 37.30835118 185 38 187.8890903763787 195.2688638 35.55161726734177 34.15524625 6 68 5221 1 269 0 2 0 8 0 351.8971722365039 349 69PPrairie Bluff 4003 1073856902 406905 52.6070265638389 14.9713796058269066662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011312001 31.924842-86.99470390G5240Allenton Allenton 124 0 112 0 0 0 0 0 124 12 19.97224631 32.3993576 24 33 24.374800918113326 25.33217693 30.873772888690375 29.6611349 6 6818221 0 86 0 0 0 0 0 90.52956298200515 95 9PAllenton 2001 470701092 0 96.30479862896316 27.4072836332476446662226772131Wilcox County 11315S011311006 31.8579585-86.95457330G5240Pine Apple Pine Apple 227 1 66 1 0 1 0 0 227 158 43.27320035 69.70770878 52 71 52.81206865751589 54.88638335 66.42539016644098 63.81638116 6 6818221 1 51 0 0 1 0 0165.72750642673523 202 149PPine Apple 1006 40418751 0 415.8930817610063 353.37650858405572231112841113Russell County 11137N011134-2 32.4499507-85.00519750G5240Spencer Recreation Center Voting District Spencer Recreation Center Voting District 2229 3 2013 0 28 4 21 0 2229 160 723.3143282 54.59035037 871 57 872.569676112207 906.8418443 56.420046966179854 54.20402068 44 8212271 1 1438 0 19 3 9 0 1660.709615275653 1592 122ASpencer Recreation Center Voting District 4-2 54598541 6893 502.2809224318658 426.778627684288042231112841113Russell County 11137N011136-1A 32.4324167 -85.0345250G5240CVCC Voting District CVCC Voting District 2692 9 1719 7 285 5 42 0 2692 625 661.8616758 280.6135554 797 293 798.4363167254601 829.7967278 290.01883786201034 278.6276852 44 7912261 7 1128 6 173 4 16 02005.6663455908738 1828 494ACVCC Voting District 6-1A 122400881 199220 509.37106918238993 432.80299167091622231112841113Russell County 11137N011135-1A 32.4310031-84.99791990G5240Claude Parkman Building Voting District Claude Parkman Building Voting District 2730 1 2333 3 25 15 27 2 2730 324 730.7882995 118.7579552 880 124 881.5858954905802 916.2121963 122.73834781492803 117.9175187 44 8212271 1 1764 2 18 7 17 02033.9781290724686 2103 294AClaude Parkman Building Voting District 5-1A 868976501 698071 488.47379454926624 415.04697149980172231112841113Russell County 11137S011135-1B 32.385382-85.02221980G5240Spencer Recreation Center-B Spencer Recreation Center-B 2618 20 1596 13 157 7 56 5 2618 764 876.9459593 66.08305572 1056 69 1057.9030750120673 1099.454636 68.29795158570828 65.61539345 44 8212271 18 1209 9 97 3 22 01950.5328724951366 1929 571PSpencer Recreation Center-B 5-1B 915616111 5812854 618.5220125786163 525.54648988611262231112841113Russell County 11137N011135-2 32.2829588-84.98649590G5240Fort Mitchell Community Center Voting District Fort Mitchell Community Center Voting District 3315 20 973 42 268 14 115 14 3315 1869 504.0778384 556.4384836 607 581 608.0939074554109 631.9781854 575.0885488555983 552.5006318 69 8312271 18 649 26 147 7 45 52469.8305853022835 2198 1301AFort Mitchell Community Center Voting District 5-2 2363412431 5121871 299.6519916142558 254.608646382231292231112841113Russell County 11137N011137-1 32.1751327 -85.0662480G5240Cottonton Fire Dept Cottonton Fire Dept 1606 6 514 10 73 2 20 0 1606 981 92.17897868 109.1807007 111 114 111.20003912823069 115.5676748 112.84009397399504 108.4080414 69 8312271 6 429 5 38 2 11 01196.5453755642434 1293 802ACottonton Fire Dept 7-1 1487095801 804206 417.57232704402514 354.80333163352032231112841113Russell County 11137N011137-3 32.2884139-85.14364210G5240Seale Courthouse Voting District Seale Courthouse Voting District 2238 10 700 1 36 12 39 0 2238 1440 391.9682697 405.1178633 472 423 472.85061668359185 491.4229053 418.6961380023158 402.2508903 69 8212271 8 551 1 23 8 22 01667.4150376791886 1676 1063ASeale Courthouse Voting District 7-3 1391544601 20434769 710.2142857142857 1774.8571428571434441114661 83Limestone County 10835S0108310 34.7451763-87.05786060G5240Reid Elem School-Blackburn Club House Reid Elem School-Blackburn Club House 5913 15 772 3 578 45 108 10 5913 4382 704.3557047 1034.442665 736 1239 729.9438799129258 758.614094 1382.396846454857 1328.100051 34 325 11 9 601 2 343 40 63 5 4494.5 4440 3377PReid Elem School-Blackburn Club House 10 1633368921 1068878 3080.9583363533134 7699.4521514338874441114661 83Limestone County 10835S010831 34.8160524 -86.9427260G5240Athens Recreation Center Athens Recreation Center 25651 209 4044 6 2397 127 390 29 25651 18449 3494.982383 6415.381304 3652 7684 3621.9497952387906 3764.210151 8573.315066573552 8236.578524 34 432 11 157 3024 2 1408 96 200 1119497.449602570607 19716 14818PAthens Recreation Center 1 985175431 1362945 785.2834432606122 1962.4583121934724441114661 83Limestone County 10835N010838 34.8660306-87.04409570G5240Owens Community Building Owens Community Building 6538 18 255 3 299 35 93 14 6538 5821 491.9005872 1640.580981 514 1965 509.7705900531151 529.792995 2192.421148120959 2106.308797 34 425 11 14 187 3 158 28 36 5 4969.565533570099 4820 4389AOwens Community Building 8 1174058161 632938 387.2367422869706 967.72187190452034441114661 83Limestone County 10835N010834 34.9505328-86.97968740G5240Elkmont FD Elkmont FD 3224 4 129 1 68 14 13 1 3224 2994 250.7353188 765.604458 262 917 259.8441528525381 270.0501258 1023.1298692618985 982.9441054 34 432 11 2 100 0 36 12 10 1 2450.578048368003 2403 2242AElkmont FD 4 617564432 157093 98.16843917755494 89.02987946925963662223772107Pickens County 11072N011071300 33.4488863-88.22415580G5240Forest Comm Center Forest Comm Center 401 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 401 388 28.97474967 185.5263158 34 195 31.725187621853372 32.97126687 191.39299540124836 183.8755981 77 6023201 0 12 0 0 0 0 0307.56330396029574 341 329AForest Comm Center 1300 1100305542 243735 143.45811809986833 130.103514635875633662223772107Pickens County 11075N011071100 33.4930274 -88.1821860G5240Liberty School Liberty School 586 0 182 0 1 2 1 0 586 400 100.5594253 211.2145749 118 222 110.10506292120486 114.4296909 217.89356399686875 209.3352963 77 6023201 0 147 0 0 2 0 0 449.4565988048212 478 329ALiberty School 1100 697114582 62235 63.16074141598298 57.2810695837131553662223772107Pickens County 11075N011071200 33.4957369-88.06584230G5240Bethlehem Voting District Bethlehem Voting District 258 1 6 0 2 1 3 0 258 245 6.817588158 111.3157895 8 117 7.464750028784582 7.757945146 114.83579728238435 110.3253589 77 6023201 1 3 0 2 1 3 0 197.8836219993923 213 203ABethlehem Voting District 1200 556323452 760558 69.52577737263243 63.053580471994333662223772107Pickens County 11075N011071400 33.3892903-88.14370710G5240McShan Comm Center McShan Comm Center 284 8 47 0 0 0 2 0 284 227 32.38354375 104.6558704 38 110 35.45756263335904 36.85023944 107.9652794944795 103.7246964 77 6023201 6 31 0 0 0 1 0 217.8253823559202 214 176AMcShan Comm Center 1400 481065292 0 38.829592251029524 95.71260367728093342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010571901 33.7535695-87.72113790G5240Fords Fords 299 0 1 0 0 3 5 0 299 290 21.73721163 95.94900561 18 102 15.782319935827974 16.40220662 109.25609679393119 104.9648139 23 1511 51 0 1 0 0 3 4 0232.45728206020533 225 217AFords 1901 574266062 161841 36.10243025346558 88.990313786903313342223572 57Fayette County 10572N010571501 33.7477984-87.64896620G5240Clear Creek Clear Creek 278 0 0 0 7 0 5 0 278 266 26.56770311 104.4150943 22 111 19.28950213951327 20.04714142 118.89634060113704 114.2264151 23 1511 51 0 0 0 2 0 2 0216.13085087871934 211 207AClear Creek 1501 1275414132 5112 47.011078243721364 115.879473348413673342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010570301 33.8228593-87.60232920G5240North River North River 362 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 362 357 41.05917753 122.2879483 34 130 29.8110487698133 30.98194584 139.2479664163494 133.7786843 23 1511 51 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 281.4365756046633 294 289ANorth River 0301 822403622 171770 96.48958877095296 237.841018502407053342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010571801 33.6495673-87.68275530G5240Bylar Bylar 743 0 9 0 3 0 4 0 743 727 85.74122367 280.3216046 71 298 62.25248419239057 64.69759278 319.1991846713001 306.6619072 23 1511 51 0 8 0 3 0 1 0 577.644684183052 588 576ABylar 1801 1031087152 802019 53.11472652398353 130.924598341163523342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010570701 33.5726629-87.84531750G5240Hico Hico 409 0 126 0 3 1 4 0 409 275 103.8555667 99.71171171 86 106 75.4044174658325 78.36609829 113.54064959713381 109.0810811 77 1523 51 0 108 0 3 1 3 0 317.9766834870367 335 220AHico 0701 604134452 221903 40.12824082129807 98.913694101270223342223572 57Fayette County 10572N010570201 33.5385046-87.72152820G5240Ridge Ridge 309 0 36 0 0 0 3 0 309 270 44.68204614 110.99983 37 118 32.44143542257727 33.71564694 126.39430800674158 121.4298827 23 1523 51 0 29 0 0 0 3 0240.23177309900817 240 208ARidge 0201 1219469031 242365 71.46121593291404 60.7192475494362262231112841113Russell County 11137N011137-4 32.2763126-85.27323620G5240Hatchechubbee Fire Dept Hatchechubbee Fire Dept 383 4 229 0 3 0 3 0 383 144 118.7530987 88.11074095 143 92 143.25770801842205 148.8844819 91.06393545108064 87.48719127 69 8212271 2 180 0 2 0 1 0285.35297561712656 302 117AHatchechubbee Fire Dept 7-4 923494081 637435 126.12997903563941 107.170264604226872231112841113Russell County 11137N011136-3 32.4114405-85.31735880G5240Dixie V F D Voting District Dixie V F D Voting District 676 1 183 2 2 2 7 2 676 477 94.67030243 239.4313613 114 250 114.20544552354127 118.6911254 247.45634633558967 237.7369328 69 8212271 1 161 1 1 2 7 1 503.651727198897 537 363ADixie V F D Voting District 6-3 3122448451 559865 215.12997903563942 182.79188622584852231112841113Russell County 11132N011137-5B 32.2691221-85.37494840G5240Hurtsboro Fire Dept Voting District Hurtsboro Fire Dept Voting District 1153 0 849 0 22 1 14 0 981 95 381.1725335 114.9270534 459 120 459.8271886819171 477.8879524 118.77904619528418 114.1137277 69 8212271 0 693 0 19 1 12 0 859.0391145862844 813 88AHurtsboro Fire Dept Voting District 7-5B 2185944361 237348 136.57861635220127 116.048274689784122231112841113Russell County 11137N011137-2 32.1466048-85.20638960G5240Pittsview Fire Dept Pittsview Fire Dept 732 2 508 0 13 1 7 0 732 201 260.7585523 90.98391729 314 95 314.5658763999547 326.9211701 94.03341160336053 90.34003446 69 8212271 2 408 0 8 1 6 0 545.374355487563 593 168APittsview Fire Dept 7-2 26745481 0 71.0880503144654 60.4021757606663242231112841113Russell County 11137N011137-5A 32.2400898-85.41467030G5240Hurtsboro City Hall Voting District Hurtsboro City Hall Voting District 381 0 374 0 12 3 1 2 553 161 203.4581061 61.29442849 245 64 245.44152776827949 255.0818047 63.34882466524178 60.8606548 69 8212271 0 285 0 8 1 1 0 283.8628817496742 433 138AHurtsboro City Hall Voting District 7-5A 1119610182 300412 438.20824470778894 397.41517269320376662226772107Pickens County 11075N011071500 33.3881728-88.05210690G5240Reform Bill's Dollar Store Reform Bill's Dollar Store 1790 0 774 0 3 2 6 0 1790 1005 437.1778407 391.9838057 513 412 478.67709560807947 497.4782325 404.379046618122 388.4961354 77 6023201 0 559 0 3 2 0 0 1372.913501468652 1363 799AReform Bill's Dollar Store 1500 975303092 37984 105.51271143522739 95.690468955737873662223772107Pickens County 11075N011073100 33.4866801-87.96814940G5240Palmetto Community Center Palmetto Community Center 431 0 56 0 2 0 2 0 431 371 44.31432303 184.5748988 52 194 48.52087518806199 50.42664345 190.41149284524934 182.9326463 77 6023201 0 40 0 2 0 1 0 330.5730274485972 353 310APalmetto Community Center 3100 446276382 0 68.54654107160944 62.1655018737972263662223772107Pickens County 11075N011071800 33.4160061-88.20888290G5240Ethelsville City Hall Ethelsville City Hall 280 0 71 0 4 1 0 1 280 203 33.23574227 112.2672065 39 118 36.39065639345201 37.81998259 115.81729973429508 111.2683106 77 6023201 0 66 0 2 1 0 1214.75741922414667 238 168AEthelsville City Hall 1800 217137872 41103 12.974880988554643 11.7670414261116186662226772107Pickens County 11075N011071600 33.3541108-88.20213560G5240Pine Grove 1 Community Center Pine Grove 1 Community Center 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 53 6.817588158 27.59109312 8 29 7.464750028784582 7.757945146 28.463573676391913 27.34560177 77 6023201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40.65051149599919 49 49APine Grove 1 Community Center 1600 1517099292 213570 406.13825584928594 368.330598602248536662226772107Pickens County 11075N011074200 33.2803517-88.13276840G5240Carrollton 4 Service Center Carrollton 4 Service Center 1659 0 851 0 61 1 16 0 1659 730 370.7063561 364.3927126 435 383 405.89578280193126 421.8382673 375.9154730145919 361.1505337 77 6023201 0 618 0 61 1 5 0 1272.437708903069 1291 606ACarrollton 4 Service Center 4200 676699102 88482 331.4714878962828 300.614605489719453662223772107Pickens County 11075N011073300 33.3804319-87.98244630G5240Reform 3 Bill's Dollar Reform 3 Bill's Dollar 1354 0 356 0 14 3 11 2 1354 968 167.0309099 412.9149798 196 434 182.88637572735303 190.0696561 425.97210253783555 409.2410747 77 6023201 0 269 0 8 3 1 21038.5055201053378 1071 788AReform 3 Bill's Dollar 3300 289144772 0 35.49731591208346 32.192849184644993662223772107Pickens County 11075N011071700 33.2916807-88.04494850G5240Carrollton 1 Service Center Carrollton 1 Service Center 145 0 52 0 0 0 5 4 145 84 1.70439704 35.20242915 2 37 1.866187506715042 1.939486286 36.315593999478125 34.88921605 77 6023201 0 35 0 0 0 2 1111.21366352679024 97 59ACarrollton 1 Service Center 1700 518089242 1303415 46.51372429859212 42.18373341436246662226772107Pickens County 11075N011074300 33.3362311-88.25683330G5240Pine Grove 4 Comm Center Pine Grove 4 Comm Center 190 0 49 0 2 0 2 0 190 137 21.304963 85.62753036 25 90 23.327343838749062 24.24357858 88.33522864512867 84.86566066 77 6023201 0 39 0 2 0 2 0145.72824875924238 151 108APine Grove 4 Comm Center 4300 388971942 34382 86.41760356527904 78.372936290894366662226772107Pickens County 11075N011074100 33.3875358-88.26860530G5240Macedonia Masonic Hall Macedonia Masonic Hall 353 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 353 53 167.0309099 37.10526316 196 39 182.88637572735303 190.0696561 38.27859908024967 36.77511962 77 6023201 0 223 0 0 0 0 0270.74774637901345 265 42AMacedonia Masonic Hall 4100 632589662 140379 542.9865289172491 492.43958270029373662223772107Pickens County 11072N011075100 33.2769267-87.95028240G5240Gordo 5 City Hall Gordo 5 City Hall 2218 3 692 1 26 4 34 2 2218 1456 313.6090553 626.9838057 368 659 343.37850130869543 356.8654767 646.8101742027013 621.4052264 77 6023201 3 494 1 14 3 8 01701.1855565684189 1649 1126AGordo 5 City Hall 5100 1783002682 6251689 100.86133900536818 91.472095614301646662226772107Pickens County 11075N011072100 33.0790021-88.27985620G5240Cochrane-Dancy Cochrane-Dancy 412 0 292 0 11 0 0 0 412 109 132.0907706 64.69635628 155 68 144.629531804093 150.3101872 66.74217274623277 64.12072138 89 6023201 0 219 0 6 0 0 0316.00020257267295 312 87ACochrane-Dancy 2100 498277182 6222177 162.06360781930516 146.97700800162066662226772107Pickens County 11072N011074500 33.2571518-88.25558630G5240Pickensville City Hall Pickensville City Hall 662 0 432 0 0 2 0 0 662 228 236.9111885 110.3643725 278 116 259.4000634776524 269.5885938 113.85429472638532 109.3824071 77 6023201 0 315 0 0 1 0 0 507.7478983085182 515 199APickensville City Hall 4500 2851944022 4787690 764.7835510989568 693.58938519193766662226772107Pickens County 11075N011072200 33.1206538-88.17532330G5240Aliceville 2 Nat'l Guard Armory Aliceville 2 Nat'l Guard Armory 3124 1 2479 0 38 0 43 1 3124 562 1082.29212 313.0161943 1270 329 1185.0290671393122 1231.573792 322.91433582335117 310.2311373 77 6023201 1 1776 0 32 0 25 0 2396.079205915122 2332 498AAliceville 2 Nat'l Guard Armory 2200 264832752 61953 2.937708903068976 2.66423579459130986662226772107Pickens County 11072N011075500B 33.0567769-88.06787990G5240Aliceville 5 National Guard Aliceville 5 National Guard 12 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 12 6 3.408794079 4.75708502 4 5 3.732375014392291 3.878972573 4.907512701928879 4.714758925 89 6023201 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 9.203889395320571 12 6AAliceville 5 National Guard 5500B 629887572 213156 208.82214119315304 189.382761065532266662226772107Pickens County 11075N011074600 33.215533-88.20536640G5240Sapps Community Center Sapps Community Center 853 0 723 0 6 1 5 4 853 114 333.2096212 46.6194332 391 49 364.83965764650276 379.169569 48.09362448410744 46.20463747 77 6023201 0 523 0 5 1 5 0 654.243137850704 622 88ASapps Community Center 4600 365451582 173766 200.74344170971335 182.056112630406156662226772107Pickens County 11075N011075500A 33.1405217-88.08320220G5240Aliceville 5 Nat'l Guard Armory Aliceville 5 Nat'l Guard Armory 820 1 437 0 12 2 4 1 820 363 178.1094906 252.1255061 209 265 195.01659446423056 202.6763169 260.09817317620855 249.882223 77 6023201 1 300 0 10 2 4 0 628.9324420135723 640 323AAliceville 5 Nat'l Guard Armory 5500A 1749426392 156645 367.45842195887775 333.251493973462973662223772107Pickens County 11075N011073200 33.4216972-87.89416650G5240Fairview-Zion Community Center Fairview-Zion Community Center 1501 4 37 0 24 2 7 2 1501 1425 51.13191119 678.3603239 60 713 55.98562521107333 58.18458859 699.8113112898537 672.3246227 77 6023201 3 29 0 14 2 4 01151.2531651980148 1122 1070AFairview-Zion Community Center 3200 390721822 48486 168.4286437759546 152.749518889901763662223772107Pickens County 11075N011073400B 33.2968426 -87.8595930G5240Gordo 3 City Hall Gordo 3 City Hall 688 14 55 0 3 2 5 0 688 609 40.90552895 228.340081 48 240 44.78850017655632 46.54767088 235.5606096925862 226.3084284 77 6023201 7 37 0 2 2 3 0 527.6896586650461 518 467AGordo 3 City Hall 3400B 367595432 9784 126.81110098247747 115.006178466524873662223772107Pickens County 11072N011073400A 33.3360409-87.96276550G5240Gordo City Hall Gordo City Hall 518 0 103 0 5 3 0 0 518 407 32.38354375 177.9149798 38 187 35.45756263335904 36.85023944 183.5409750573445 176.3319838 77 6023201 0 74 0 5 3 0 0 397.3012255646713 405 323AGordo City Hall 3400A 1118301722 209213 101.59576623113541 92.138154562949453662223772107Pickens County 11075N011075300 33.1819742 -87.9198870G5240Kirk Fire Dept Kirk Fire Dept 415 0 29 0 1 0 4 0 415 381 8.521985198 171.2550607 10 180 9.330937535499624 9.697431432 176.67045726943965 169.7313213 77 6023201 0 17 0 0 0 3 0 318.3011749215031 311 291AKirk Fire Dept 5300 260068302 122222 26.194571052365035 23.756102501772516662226772107Pickens County 11072N011074400 33.3039576 -88.2272130G5240Spring Hill Comm Center Spring Hill Comm Center 107 0 57 0 0 0 1 0 107 49 30.67914671 20.93117409 36 22 33.59137513241724 34.91075316 21.59305588848707 20.74493927 77 6023201 0 36 0 0 0 1 0 82.06801377494176 70 33ASpring Hill Comm Center 4400 932258062 218249 127.05591005773321 115.228198116074146662226772107Pickens County 11075N011075200 33.2285973 -88.043880G5240Speeds Mill Speeds Mill 519 0 62 0 95 0 3 1 519 358 40.90552895 167.4493927 48 176 44.78850017655632 46.54767088 172.74444714953188 165.9595142 77 6023201 0 56 0 73 0 1 1 398.0682163476147 421 290ASpeeds Mill 5200 895505871 28175253 205.86965765504578 514.4774467879494441114661 83Limestone County 10835N0108314 34.6833241-86.96074070G5240Tanner Fire Dept Tanner Fire Dept 1714 5 497 0 206 12 33 2 1714 959 373.2319631 255.4797864 390 306 386.7909145639747 401.9830117 341.41520171277756 328.0053394 54 325 11 3 388 0 115 10 14 01302.8197192626417 1331 801ATanner Fire Dept 14 1000791401 25021395 435.28100311661956 1087.7866202797714441114661 83Limestone County 10835N010839 34.7834409-87.17303140G5240Clements Bapt-Ripley WOW Hall Clements Bapt-Ripley WOW Hall 3624 11 237 0 89 10 68 0 3624 3209 421.0822148 1001.046614 440 1199 436.3794934011046 453.5192953 1337.7674082748458 1285.223536 97 325 11 6 192 0 53 10 49 02754.6199898528666 2865 2555AClements Bapt-Ripley WOW Hall 9 1263015401 34091955 180.52631006740594 451.143292020004374441114661 83Limestone County 10835N0108311 34.6223705-86.86206120G5240Belmore Baptist Church Belmore Baptist Church 1503 9 662 0 39 16 39 1 1503 737 361.7479027 222.9186372 378 267 374.8896557046447 389.6143037 297.9014996173768 286.2007374 54 3 2 21 8 517 0 33 8 20 0 1142.437595129376 1171 585ABelmore Baptist Church 11 1348744381 1132595 2163.07273320287 5405.6151337247234451114661 83Limestone County 10835S010832 34.7847122-86.83967060G5240Isom's UMC-Creekside Elem Isom's UMC-Creekside Elem 18009 177 3043 10 540 137 258 13 18009 13831 1583.843331 3979.97432 1655 4767 1641.38195839284 1705.850986 5318.713289768324 5109.80867 54 2432 11 130 2505 5 344 96 137 413688.728310502283 13841 10620PIsom's UMC-Creekside Elem 2 681869961 587295 421.1079461718731 1052.3675195090724451114661 83Limestone County 10835N0108313 34.691612-86.83912130G5240Lamb of God Lutheran Church Lamb of God Lutheran Church 3506 409 501 2 121 14 77 6 3506 2376 409.5981544 743.8970252 428 891 424.478234445554 441.1505872 994.1207344969354 955.0743707 54 332 21 251 349 2 82 12 34 52664.9276171148317 2485 1750ALamb of God Lutheran Church 13 713509471 1765926 81.79535406247734 204.410234108864244441114661 83Limestone County 10835N010835 34.9569019-87.07568420G5240Leggtown Store Leggtown Store 681 0 22 0 7 2 11 0 681 639 67.94735738 207.8904144 71 249 70.41578188906765 73.18152265 277.81825238432765 266.9063056 34 425 11 0 18 0 4 2 9 0 517.6314053779807 524 491ALeggtown Store 5 907543531 861302 187.25250658355682 467.952356792539434441114661 83Limestone County 10832N010836 34.9502009 -87.1611080G5240Goodsprings Center-W. Limestone FD- Lester PO Goodsprings Center-W. Limestone FD- Lester PO 1559 1 15 0 12 4 11 0 1559 1516 177.0459312 454.186287 185 544 183.47774158191586 190.6842492 606.9603586236242 583.1206034 34 425 11 1 8 0 6 4 9 0 1185.003466937257 1170 1142AGoodsprings Center-W. Limestone FD- Lester PO 6 780791841 6753187 161.30860573554637 403.117392669904064441114661 83Limestone County 10835N010837 34.8658733 -87.1642050G5240Pleasant Grove FD Pleasant Grove FD 1343 2 7 0 10 11 12 0 1343 1301 105.2705537 433.3137554 110 519 109.09487332622096 113.3798238 579.0669598391833 556.3227816 34 425 11 2 6 0 4 10 10 01020.8208185354304 1038 1006APleasant Grove FD 7 1864942422 662833 27.663425503899525 25.0882203990681673662223772107Pickens County 11075N011075400 33.1520244-87.97937820G5240Benevola Community Center Benevola Community Center 113 0 9 0 3 2 3 0 113 96 12.7829778 42.81376518 15 45 13.99640630517385 14.54614715 44.16761432256433 42.43283033 77 6023201 0 7 0 1 2 3 0 86.66995847260205 92 79ABenevola Community Center 5400 1261209501 25295 963.56536816553 1796.67483527915851131111441 67Henry County 10676N01067P-1 31.3460523-85.33206250G5240Headland Armory Headland Armory 5587 15 1272 0 68 19 59 4 5587 4150 621.5308151 1700.702954 765 1946 751.9419062543844 781.4761431 2041.1536046462704 1960.982632 66 8416271 10 917 0 39 15 28 1 4321.83608831349 4157 3147AHeadland Armory P-1 1249543831 61238 131.5912611258814 245.366547219974561131111441 67Henry County 10676N01067P-6 31.4785301-85.34864390G5240Capps Post Office Capps Post Office 763 0 290 0 45 5 5 0 763 418 164.9290921 187.8988362 203 215 199.53491105406744 207.3721007 225.51285975062922 216.6553268 66 8416271 0 234 0 31 4 1 0 590.220321350133 597 327ACapps Post Office P-6 1307629911 100480 244.38377066235117 455.68073055138131131111441 67Henry County 10676N01067P-7 31.4321491 -85.32640G5240Newville Vt. House Newville Vt. House 1417 0 488 0 67 3 18 0 1417 841 297.359841 409.0076992 366 468 359.7525983271637 373.8827038 490.8838062494036 471.6032229 66 8416271 0 392 0 44 2 3 01096.1234539359612 1076 635ANewville Vt. House P-7 820178441 0 128.14194890764074 238.93492081840251131111441 67Henry County 10676S01067P-2 31.4149569-85.23267340G5240Tumbleton-Hebron-Browns Tumbleton-Hebron-Browns 743 7 56 1 40 3 6 1 743 629 38.99801193 273.5457475 48 313 47.18066863338613 49.03379722 328.3047678608413 315.4098478 66 8416271 5 48 1 23 3 3 1 574.7492775401688 588 504PTumbleton-Hebron-Browns P-2 1385213101 228964 548.78557392209 1023.27176049011681131111441 67Henry County 10676N01067P-10 31.5656596-85.27179940G5240Abbevile Armory Abbevile Armory 3182 21 1485 0 83 2 33 0 3182 1558 610.156395 698.2845121 751 799 738.180877988777 767.174619 838.0687205084562 805.1516562 66 8416271 12 1072 0 48 2 13 02461.4430701652986 2471 1324AAbbevile Armory P-10 642629301 92714 110.72292220552538 206.455207490463521131111441 67Henry County 10676N0106711B 31.5655495-85.16948920G5240Wills Cross Roads Wills Cross Roads 642 0 124 0 7 0 2 0 642 509 61.74685222 172.1677708 76 197 74.7027253281763 77.63684559 206.632713352418 198.5167413 66 8416271 0 88 0 3 0 2 0496.62050629984975 499 406AWills Cross Roads 11B 446565301 0 9.313142989249798 17.3653912842445951131111441 67Henry County 10676N01067P-9 31.5832941-85.38652910G5240Edwin Clubhouse Edwin Clubhouse 54 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 54 24 7.880848244000001 11.01174575 9.7 12.6 9.534426786129654 9.908913188 13.21610247874786 12.69700985 66 8416271 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 41.77181828690325 47 20AEdwin Clubhouse P-9 697713951 177457 83.81828690324818 156.288521558201351131111441 67Henry County 10676N01067P-14 31.6573682-85.37994890G5240Edwin Clubhouse Edwin Clubhouse 486 0 251 0 3 1 3 0 486 228 70.92763419600001 99.10571175000001 87.3 113.4 85.80984107516687 89.180218692 118.94492230873075 114.27308865 66 8416271 0 194 0 3 1 1 0 375.9463645821292 387 188AEdwin Clubhouse P-14 1140832581 136668 96.06334527800254 179.120795283782231131111441 67Henry County 10676N01067P-13 31.662205-85.28616540G5240Lawrenceville Lawrenceville 557 0 238 0 10 3 1 0 557 305 120.2438701 131.0922113 148 150 145.47372825901135 151.1875414 157.33455324903468 151.1548791 66 8416271 0 196 0 5 1 0 0 430.868570107502 448 246ALawrenceville P-13 718610051 66290 65.70939775748468 122.522482949947991131111441 67Henry County 10676N01067P-11A 31.5813189-85.07758720G5240Shorterville House Shorterville House 381 0 173 1 16 0 4 0 381 187 130.8058317 92.63849597 161 106 158.25182606480357 164.4675282 111.18308433345632 106.8161146 66 8416271 0 141 1 10 0 3 0 294.7233845798174 318 163AShorterville House P-11A 1405052561 305561 95.02855161253035 177.19130736331061131111441 67Henry County 10676N01067P-5 31.4948752-85.13144670G5240Union Voting House Union Voting House 551 0 179 0 19 0 4 0 551 349 68.24652087 170.4198747 84 195 82.5661701036147 85.80914513 204.53491929660692 196.5013429 66 8416271 0 134 0 9 0 2 0 426.2272569645128 431 286AUnion Voting House P-5 1540545181 15643156 312.50768697260435 582.70535198242981131111441 67Henry County 10676N01067P-12 31.6770886-85.15894680G5240Judson Com. Judson Com. 1812 2 242 0 19 12 20 0 1812 1517 182.8031809 492.0327663 225 563 221.15938424906645 229.8459245 590.5290233799874 567.3346464 66 8416271 2 186 0 12 10 13 01401.6765691827534 1499 1276AJudson Com. P-12 747839391 24917 79.33418101953531 147.927407236157681131111441 67Henry County 10676N01067P-4 31.4150552-85.13028460G5240Haleburg Hall Haleburg Hall 460 0 51 0 4 1 1 0 460 403 37.37309476 174.789615 46 200 45.214807434715496 46.99072233 209.77940443613457 201.5398389 66 8416271 0 40 0 3 1 1 0 355.8340076291758 360 315AHaleburg Hall P-4 1185699671 124083 115.03456247832621 214.494740492428631131111441 67Henry County 10676N01067P-3 31.3436998-85.16776710G5240Douglas Crossroads Douglas Crossroads 667 0 36 0 8 5 5 0 667 613 29.24850895 255.192838 36 292 35.38550147022856 36.77534791 306.2779303789135 294.2481647 66 8416271 0 29 0 4 4 1 0 515.9593110623049 506 468ADouglas Crossroads P-3 933849272 349447 98.0356737320212 217.500883169316183342223552 59Franklin County 10593N010591 34.3811482-87.55237090G5240Union Community Center Union Community Center 941 0 2 0 13 12 10 2 941 902 97.59296627 308.6319583 75 323 65.96624602888318 68.5572211 316.1114520145452 303.6954523 24 1711 51 0 2 0 8 9 7 0 707.5011670451678 724 698AUnion Community Center 1 1006763262 1926921 145.959595003785 323.82437547312643342223552 59Franklin County 10593N0105919 34.3780774-87.63199360G5240Trapptown Trapptown 1401 0 1 0 78 7 6 0 1401 1309 160.0524647 431.8936382 123 452 108.18464348351958 112.4338426 442.36029817483075 424.9855865 24 1731 51 0 1 0 39 7 5 01053.3572104466314 1049 997ATrapptown 19 1732047412 11569732 116.89269492808478 259.336866010598043342223552 59Franklin County 10593N010597 34.4672846-87.87618630G5240Belgreen Fire Station Belgreen Fire Station 1122 1 5 0 22 2 5 0 1122 1087 187.3784952 408.0057157 144 427 126.6551923639092 131.6298645 417.8934674832683 401.4797465 32 1731 51 1 4 0 12 2 5 0 843.5880015140045 891 867ABelgreen Fire Station 7 566641072 528623 123.45618849356548 273.89856169568513342223552 59Franklin County 10593N0105910 34.4525158-87.77019630G5240Rockwood Rockwood 1185 2 19 0 205 1 12 0 1185 946 169.1611415 265.6336978 130 278 114.3414931423897 118.8325166 272.0711568738211 261.3849404 24 1731 51 2 15 0 121 1 6 0 890.9552422407268 892 747ARockwood 10 324501332 281763 969.4175813777441 2150.73933888468353342223552 59Franklin County 10593N010592 34.504112-87.73008720G5240Russellville Russellville 9305 20 877 1 2534 26 103 20 9305 5724 1653.875468 1878.546223 1271 1966 1117.9079831120655 1161.816374 1924.0715618372913 1848.499254 24 1731 51 13 661 1 1517 18 41 6 6996.066269240474 6785 4528ARussellville 2 433980232 95359 156.48202119606358 347.16931617461523342223552 59Franklin County 10593N0105916 34.452321-87.68494110G5240Waco Waco 1502 3 40 0 873 11 3 3 1502 569 118.4127991 149.0606362 91 156 80.03904518042864 83.1827616 152.673023307173 146.6764414 24 1731 51 3 35 0 526 7 2 3 1129.29516780217 1008 432AWaco 16 619405992 181830 149.39761544284633 331.45193035579113342223552 59Franklin County 10593N0105918 34.4078048-87.74565620G5240Spruce Pine Spruce Pine 1434 2 16 0 127 3 23 0 1434 1263 196.4871721 345.8971173 151 362 132.8120420227793 138.0285385 354.27970778929426 340.3645626 24 1731 51 2 9 0 73 2 14 01078.1686222558667 1053 953ASpruce Pine 18 341106122 125384 121.47672218016655 269.506939187484253342223552 59Franklin County 10593N0105911 34.5379135-87.68926450G5240Mount Star Hills Mount Star Hills 1166 1 17 0 84 8 7 0 1166 1049 105.4004036 226.457505 81 237 71.24354571311824 74.04179879 231.9455545396587 222.8353628 24 1731 51 1 7 0 44 5 3 0 876.6698839263184 895 835AMount Star Hills 11 421571602 217606 107.51627554882664 238.53444360333083342223552 59Franklin County 10593N0105917 34.5426688 -87.7680680G5240Jonesboro Community Center Jonesboro Community Center 1032 5 16 0 53 5 21 0 1032 932 140.5338714 206.3916501 108 216 94.991394287365 98.72239839 211.39341686283456 203.0904573 24 1731 51 3 10 0 30 2 17 0 775.9205147615443 786 724AJonesboro Community Center 17 560712912 320522 150.7519871309614 334.456724703507463342223552 59Franklin County 10593N0105913 34.5184631-87.61955610G5240Tharptown School Tharptown School 1447 0 70 0 319 4 15 0 1447 1039 200.3908907 255.1230119 154 267 135.45069182159753 140.7708273 261.3057513695336 251.0423708 24 1731 51 0 54 0 196 4 10 01087.9428147867777 1074 810ATharptown School 13 352598232 89679 58.02961771385314 128.743880898309363342223552 59Franklin County 10593N0105912 34.549141-87.60161180G5240St Cross Road St Cross Road 557 8 6 0 10 5 8 0 557 520 79.37561257 131.861332 61 138 53.65254676887537 55.75987316 135.05690520924804 129.7522366 24 1731 51 7 4 0 4 4 5 0418.78655690133735 417 393ASt Cross Road 12 608180862 109404 52.924678274034825 117.41811758768613342223552 59Franklin County 10593N0105920 34.4658552-87.58506550G5240Newburg Masonic Lodge Newburg Masonic Lodge 508 0 81 0 93 1 2 1 508 330 118.4127991 62.10859841 91 65 80.03904518042864 83.1827616 63.61375969397403 61.1151839 24 1731 51 0 73 0 51 1 2 0381.94536966944236 399 272ANewburg Masonic Lodge 20 1221043712 2277076 36.15130582891749 80.20489528135253342223552 59Franklin County 10592N010594 34.5571654-88.04504680G5240Pleasant Site Pleasant Site 347 0 0 0 9 0 1 0 347 337 41.63966561 105.1068588 32 110 28.14559830309093 29.251081 107.65405483469812 103.4256958 71 1731 51 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 260.8957544789301 296 289APleasant Site 4 1444838292 2990458 107.41209311127933 238.30330557658343342223552 59Franklin County 10593N0105914 34.462264-88.02707960G5240Halltown Community Center Halltown Community Center 1031 0 8 0 8 5 2 0 1031 1008 119.7140386 330.6088469 92 346 80.91859512619747 84.09685788 338.62093614669436 325.320825 32 1731 51 0 8 0 4 3 2 0 775.168653797628 824 807AHalltown Community Center 14 595371402 1701629 54.59159727479182 121.116326015644723342223552 59Franklin County 10593N010598 34.3483709-87.94080510G5240Hodges Community Center Hodges Community Center 524 1 2 0 7 8 0 1 524 505 79.37561257 162.4378728 61 170 53.65254676887537 55.75987316 166.37444839035967 159.8397117 32 1731 51 1 0 0 1 5 0 0393.97514509210197 418 411AHodges Community Center 8 1550228672 379722 122.93527630582892 272.7428715619483342223552 59Franklin County 10593N010596 34.3661413-88.07891340G5240Vina FD Vina FD 1180 2 5 0 23 5 15 0 1180 1130 122.3165177 328.6978131 94 344 82.6776950273572 85.92505045 336.6635897954576 323.4403579 32 1731 51 2 2 0 17 5 9 0 887.1959374211456 898 863AVina FD 6 729002332 671178 358.0750378501136 794.42139793086053342223552 59Franklin County 10593N010595 34.4318939-88.12147340G5240Red Bay Red Bay 3437 4 42 1 169 8 53 5 3437 3155 409.8904583 1087.378231 315 1138 277.05823330206516 287.9403286 1113.7301312063328 1069.985835 32 1731 51 4 27 1 107 7 25 12584.1461329800654 2628 2456ARed Bay 5 1366505022 1491434 92.61818697956093 205.481705778450673342223552 59Franklin County 10593N0105915 34.3626674-87.84603850G5240Lawlers Fire Dept Lawlers Fire Dept 889 0 1 0 11 1 13 0 889 863 136.6301528 282.833002 105 296 92.35274444043644 95.98010954 289.6872748676578 278.3091451 32 1731 51 0 1 0 5 1 10 0 668.4043969215242 695 678ALawlers Fire Dept 15 316626842 55310 60.92265341748355 187.300344657804033342223552127Walker County 11273N0112736 33.7877499-87.32079790G5240McCollum National Guard Armory McCollum National Guard Armory 591 1 3 0 10 3 5 0 591 569 64.4 154.4681498 53 167 45.06565759551504 46.83571429 181.6204314166737 174.4868739 23 1311 41 1 3 0 8 3 4 0 457.7884606776778 460 441AMcCollum National Guard Armory 36 234071772 50261 526.656237411038 1619.14967996061053342223552127Walker County 11273N011271 33.8603004-87.24860640G5240Jasper Mall Voting District Jasper Mall Voting District 5109 58 251 0 129 8 49 7 5109 4607 609.9773585 1799.045218 502 1945 426.8483039492719 443.6137466 2115.279874293814 2032.197423 23 1211 41 42 168 0 78 7 25 2 3957.430195604494 4114 3792AJasper Mall Voting District 1 555676122 508871 86.17823732151649 264.94600361070083342223552127Walker County 11273N0112740 33.7691628 -87.4009370G5240Walker Co Emergency Management Voting District Walker Co Emergency Management Voting District 836 0 18 0 2 1 12 0 836 803 102.0679245 216.4404015 84 234 71.42481580595013 74.23018868 254.48611340288878 244.4905897 23 1311 41 0 13 0 2 1 6 0 647.5654029213852 651 629AWalker Co Emergency Management Voting District 40 360087742 372979 43.707622756367215 134.3745281470543342223552127Walker County 11272N0112729 33.8385615-87.38702510G5240Macedonia Church Of Christ Macedonia Church Of Christ 424 0 3 0 3 0 8 1 424 409 61.96981132 153.5431908 51 166 43.36506673795229 45.06832884 180.53288390259232 173.4420423 23 1311 41 0 3 0 2 0 5 0 328.4303000462528 346 336AMacedonia Church Of Christ 29 226425672 63725 91.22935410232309 280.475135401280173342223552127Walker County 11273N011273 33.8709751-87.36682930G5240Redmill Community Center Voting District Redmill Community Center Voting District 885 2 5 0 9 8 1 0 885 860 116.6490566 251.5888428 96 272 81.62836092246044 84.83450135 295.81291820936246 284.1941898 23 1311 41 2 2 0 5 4 1 0 685.5207913701266 667 653ARedmill Community Center Voting District 3 438853132 526789 473.25871715679693 1454.98457246020033342223552127Walker County 11273N011272 33.8993962-87.25907310G5240Farmstead School Voting District Farmstead School Voting District 4591 32 30 16 182 18 13 2 4591 4298 455.6603774 1530.807113 375 1655 318.86078485486456 331.3847709 1799.8911014555165 1729.196265 21 1211 41 25 20 10 124 14 7 03556.1875177177985 3552 3352AFarmstead School Voting District 2 363333662 238378 286.470480282888 880.72361726571483342223552127Walker County 11273N0112714 33.8112142-87.18406110G5240Valley Jr High School Voting District Valley Jr High School Voting District 2779 2 54 2 149 8 56 0 2779 2508 296.4830189 708.5185793 244 766 207.47208404533183 215.6210243 833.0613798608141 800.3409903 57 1211 41 1 37 0 107 7 22 02152.6127448786237 2106 1932AValley Jr High School Voting District 14 261183562 624258 219.87820598898887 675.99261447562783342223552127Walker County 11273N011274 33.8099128-87.24966780G5240Meadow Smith Library/Frisco Voting District Meadow Smith Library/Frisco Voting District 2133 3 574 1 129 8 38 2 2133 1378 566.2339623 387.557813 466 419 396.23766860936297 411.8008086 455.6823996566738 437.784432 23 1211 41 3 439 1 86 7 18 01652.2212971666443 1658 1104AMeadow Smith Library/Frisco Voting District 4 1344364082 7462468 56.902376796025244 174.940423436730673342223752127Walker County 11272N0112710 33.5791533 -87.2818310G5240Tutwiler Fire Dept Tutwiler Fire Dept 552 4 1 0 3 0 2 1 552 541 65.61509434 178.5170833 54 193 45.915953019485386 47.71940701 209.8966661582593 201.6524949 23 1311 41 4 0 0 0 0 2 0427.57906987153666 451 445ATutwiler Fire Dept 10 519953892 240869 17.42119869298599 53.559658624651243342223552127Walker County 11273N0112720 33.6362372-87.38814440G5240Liberty Hill Church Voting District Liberty Hill Church Voting District 169 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 169 164 14.58113208 42.54811312 12 46 10.203545116510316 10.60431267 50.027184690130326 48.06225268 23 1311 41 0 0 0 2 0 1 0130.90736015994509 124 121ALiberty Hill Church Voting District 20 943550461 47148 330.9921120269432 782.06985927698511131111441 69Houston County 10696N010690010 31.2349562-85.62526610G5240Wicksburg Wicksburg 2744 11 47 0 71 40 70 4 2744 2501 56.84613497 881.8978601 76 960 73.97715919620802 76.88278119 999.7942609131289 960.5250564 41 86 7281 7 37 0 42 32 42 0 2070.450372733808 2047 1887AWicksburg 0010 748987292 140743 227.22189629068887 504.1120363361093342223552 59Franklin County 10593N010599 34.3425721-87.70796270G5240Phil Campbell Senior Center Phil Campbell Senior Center 2181 2 3 0 67 9 22 0 2181 2078 307.0925339 602.931163 236 631 207.5737875093508 215.7267224 617.5428056141528 593.2874006 24 1731 51 1 3 0 33 7 12 01639.8087623012868 1706 1650APhil Campbell Senior Center 9 858472502 7456325 53.65395533686601 119.0360837749183342223552 59Franklin County 10593N010593 34.5519945-87.87291840G5240Frankfort Community Center Frankfort Community Center 515 0 0 0 5 0 7 0 515 503 70.26693572 120.3951292 54 126 47.49569713887147 49.36119919 123.31282647729807 118.4694334 71 1731 51 0 0 0 4 0 5 0 387.2083964168559 399 390AFrankfort Community Center 3 649937452 3161443 111.12456917774496 341.64089939274583342223552127Walker County 11273N0112711 33.6713774-87.22416480G5240Union Hall/Goodsprings Voting District Union Hall/Goodsprings Voting District 1078 1 22 0 5 1 14 0 1078 1035 111.7886792 309.8612586 92 335 78.22717921695703 81.29973046 364.32841024334044 350.0185793 23 1311 41 1 8 0 3 1 4 0 835.0185458723125 846 829AUnion Hall/Goodsprings Voting District 11 508662212 3572290 59.891813258135265 184.131134088298043342223552127Walker County 11273N0112719 33.6312028-87.17602240G5240Copeland Ferry Fire Dept Copeland Ferry Fire Dept 581 1 1 0 2 8 2 0 581 567 44.95849057 158.1679857 37 171 31.460930773501293 32.69663073 185.97062136891083 178.6662002 23 1311 41 1 1 0 2 4 2 0 450.0424630350775 467 457ACopeland Ferry Fire Dept 19 867935322 449759 268.94619757396714 826.8470375841133342223552127Walker County 11273N0112722 33.7369407-87.27968030G5240Parrish HS Old Gym Parrish HS Old Gym 2609 7 284 0 36 6 41 2 2609 2233 521.2754717 727.0177589 429 786 364.7767378647279 379.1041779 854.8123297260881 821.2376219 23 1311 41 4 211 0 21 4 20 02020.9307849544186 2008 1748AParrish HS Old Gym 22 856459852 2015473 357.28919923011506 1098.44838339077643342223552127Walker County 11273N0112712 33.7299617-87.18712190G5240Cordova VFW Cordova VFW 3466 6 312 0 25 21 38 1 3466 3063 524.9207547 907.3847602 432 981 367.3276241751272 381.7552561 1066.88409091251 1024.97978 57 1311 41 3 214 0 17 17 19 02684.7627829252647 2720 2450ACordova VFW 12 314152992 114895 369.35002909448997 1135.52814705399653342223552127Walker County 11272N0112737 33.7492694-87.04690340G5240Bevill St Tech Voting District Bevill St Tech Voting District 3583 8 111 1 25 11 45 0 3583 3382 353.5924528 1241.294952 291 1342 247.4359690296703 257.1545822 1459.4887355851713 1402.16398 57 1211 41 5 78 1 16 10 20 0 2775.390955343688 2744 2614ABevill St Tech Voting District 37 479581162 959852 240.70117720782417 740.01066797964883342223552127Walker County 11273N0112713 33.7183504-87.11260770G5240Dora Civic Center Dora Civic Center 2335 5 246 2 18 13 36 1 2335 2014 445.9396226 830.6131648 367 898 312.0584214246136 324.3152291 976.6176489091698 938.2587588 57 1211 41 3 176 2 9 12 19 11808.6904495471704 1791 1569ADora Civic Center 13 300526312 578400 93.08486638915 286.179714426390943342223552127Walker County 11273N0112721 33.6692875-87.09159870G5240Twilly Town Church Twilly Town Church 903 0 132 0 5 17 9 0 903 740 202.9207547 288.587202 167 312 141.99933614944163 147.5766846 339.3148178358223 325.9874529 57 1311 41 0 100 0 4 13 6 0 699.4635871268072 733 610ATwilly Town Church 21 152603922 398616 94.11570654849828 289.348924995896943342223552127Walker County 11273N0112715 33.814829-87.10234070G5240Sipsey School Voting District Sipsey School Voting District 913 2 191 0 10 2 16 0 913 692 277.0415094 286.737284 228 310 193.86735718482979 201.4819407 337.13972291174787 323.8977898 57 1211 41 1 140 0 3 2 9 0 707.2095847694076 683 528ASipsey School Voting District 15 282497932 315122 221.73371827581576 681.69719350073853342223552127Walker County 11273N0112728 33.877663-87.17004480G5240Boldo Comm Bldg Boldo Comm Bldg 2151 8 16 0 57 7 10 0 2151 2053 201.7056604 683.5446868 166 739 141.14904074471545 146.6929919 803.6975975010587 772.1305376 57 1211 41 6 12 0 34 6 7 0 1666.164092923325 1636 1571ABoldo Comm Bldg 28 358603002 281893 63.91208987959357 196.49105530937143342223552127Walker County 11273N0112730 33.9024956-87.18709220G5240Abundant Life Church Abundant Life Church 620 2 5 0 5 2 8 0 620 598 65.61509434 191.466509 54 207 45.915953019485386 47.71940701 225.1223311472218 216.2801371 57 1211 41 2 5 0 5 2 5 0 480.2518538412187 473 454AAbundant Life Church 30 329883832 546083 50.2019157602614 154.340554734941753342223552127Walker County 11273N0112727 33.8605302-87.06177460G5240Rice's Chapel Church Rice's Chapel Church 487 2 1 0 3 3 2 0 487 476 48.60377358 129.4942573 40 140 34.011817045412315 35.34770889 152.25664905691838 146.2764212 57 1211 41 1 1 0 1 3 1 0 377.2300851946347 376 369ARice's Chapel Church 27 684422062 478234 223.27997851483818 686.45100935499753342223552127Walker County 11273N0112716 33.8109448-87.03342680G5240Empire Union Bldg Empire Union Bldg 2166 1 59 0 20 3 37 0 2166 2046 212.6415094 524.4517421 175 567 148.80169957969267 154.6462264 616.6394286180665 592.4195058 57 12 9 41 0 41 0 8 3 21 01677.7830893872253 1650 1577AEmpire Union Bldg 16 735849642 6273110 244.20603374960834 750.78598391596923342223552127Walker County 11273N0112717 33.963723-87.17216680G5240Curry Smith Lake Curry Smith Lake 2369 1 12 0 34 12 19 0 2369 2291 230.8679245 861.1368111 190 931 161.5561310354685 167.9016173 1012.5067161452367 972.7382009 21 1211 41 1 10 0 19 12 15 01835.0268415320113 1889 1832ACurry Smith Lake 17 505301552 520618 164.10975336824671 504.53832266535373342223552127Walker County 11273N0112739 33.9733627-87.29251080G5240New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Voting District New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Voting District 1592 0 3 0 5 3 13 0 1592 1568 159.1773585 456.9297365 131 494 111.38870080953278 115.7637466 537.2484616514515 516.1468005 21 1311 41 0 1 0 5 3 6 0 1233.162824701968 1212 1197ANew Hope Missionary Baptist Church Voting District 39 609222912 164046 60.81956940154872 186.983423600853433342223552127Walker County 11273N011276 33.8309907-87.49274730G5240Townley Odd Fellows Lodge Voting District Townley Odd Fellows Lodge Voting District 590 1 1 0 3 1 5 0 590 579 93.56226415 126.7193804 77 137 65.4727478189136 68.04433962 148.99400661876263 143.1419265 23 1311 41 1 1 0 3 1 2 0 457.0138609134178 480 472ATownley Odd Fellows Lodge Voting District 6 1162838922 334708 35.873237545320265 110.288527818808483342223552127Walker County 11273N0112718 33.7426069-87.48554050G5240Corona Baptist Church Corona Baptist Church 348 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 348 340 43.74339623 81.39639031 36 88 30.61063534953095 31.81293801 95.70417940720584 91.94517904 23 1311 41 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 269.5607179624905 284 278ACorona Baptist Church 18 568051852 341302 176.99525536010026 544.15345478417863342223552127Walker County 11273N011279 33.7164428-87.35152420G5240Oakman Senior Citizens Voting District Oakman Senior Citizens Voting District 1717 0 154 0 4 3 13 2 1717 1541 332.9358491 487.4533829 274 527 232.98094676444208 242.1318059 573.1375288875183 550.6262426 23 1311 41 0 117 0 3 3 7 01329.9877952344718 1314 1184AOakman Senior Citizens Voting District 9 385629361 286323 377.1910839315785 891.22902695303651131111441 69Houston County 10696N010690801 31.2019022-85.29096610G5240Cowarts Cowarts 3127 2 389 0 54 21 63 7 3127 2591 152.5869939 922.3181787 204 1004 198.57026945735663 206.3695706 1045.6181640334858 1004.549121 96 8516281 2 282 0 30 15 29 5 2359.438161639438 2403 2040ACowarts 0801 788723551 340362 394.92280421873613 933.12562655716071131111441 69Houston County 10696N010691000 31.1970589-85.22101710G5240Ashford Ashford 3274 11 535 0 27 6 27 0 3274 2668 310.409816 932.4232584 415 1015 403.9542245398833 419.8204499 1057.0741406983257 1015.555138 96 8516281 7 420 0 17 6 13 02470.3551458930347 2522 2059AAshford 1000 649568041 61503 252.58654613134806 596.81278619752421131111441 69Houston County 10696N010690802 31.2702459-85.27018710G5240Webb Webb 2094 4 420 1 95 7 26 3 2094 1538 139.871411 564.047173 187 614 182.02274692239297 189.1721063 639.4517460189355 614.3358173 96 8516281 4 285 1 61 7 15 01580.0011226328695 1589 1216AWebb 0802 1284047621 371671 221.46556766817335 523.27997872906141131111441 69Houston County 10696N010691300 31.2532842-85.15876860G5240Columbia Columbia 1836 2 337 2 27 5 21 0 1836 1442 153.3349693 602.6302044 205 656 199.54365309060356 207.3811861 683.1927449156694 656.3587885 96 8516281 1 248 2 16 5 11 01385.3304972081894 1427 1144AColumbia 1300 551060051 39123 91.67420012408047 216.60827006213871131111441 69Houston County 10692N010691201 31.1279245-85.15621210G5240Pansey Pansey 760 0 70 0 13 10 11 0 760 656 48.61840491 234.2541191 65 255 63.26993877825435 65.75501022 265.57035054854435 255.1394681 96 8516281 0 46 0 6 8 6 0 573.4483539641742 596 530APansey 1201 446024271 12612 75.02809536470797 177.27676839296091131111441 69Houston County 10696N010691400 31.1114773 -85.221910G5240Dupree Dupree 622 0 16 0 6 2 4 0 622 594 18.6993865 187.4032953 25 204 24.33459184149093 25.29038855 212.45628045965313 204.1115745 96 8516281 0 16 0 2 2 4 0469.32220548120574 475 451ADupree 1400 364284271 194452 113.98963041744217 269.335283169369861131111441 69Houston County 10696N0106907-1A 31.1477427-85.28709420G5240Enterprise Church Enterprise Church 945 0 49 0 17 1 5 0 945 873 24.68319018 333.4676284 33 363 32.12166122499478 33.38331288 378.0472049585199 363.198537 96 8516281 0 27 0 14 1 4 0 713.0377559159798 738 692AEnterprise Church 07-1A 656491931 230625 61.880085083754324 146.210582291943641131111441 69Houston County 10696N010691101 31.0446877-85.18234930G5240Harmon Harmon 513 0 51 0 12 4 4 0 513 442 22.4392638 141.4711151 30 154 29.201510209789117 30.34846626 160.38366269075 154.0842278 96 8516281 0 42 0 10 3 2 0 387.0776389258176 391 334AHarmon 1101 1372927771 411852 353.42816626783656 835.08188326587691131111441 69Houston County 10696N010690060 31.0480727-85.29070280G5240Cotton Wood Cotton Wood 2930 2 394 0 31 22 42 1 2930 2438 201.9533742 805.650441 270 877 262.8135918496138 273.1361963 913.3537154396491 877.4796609 96 8516281 2 289 0 25 16 23 1 2210.794311993461 2272 1916ACotton Wood 0060 1517466791 293255 74.06310378445448 174.996681339675231131111441 69Houston County 10696N010691102 31.0512183-85.08259880G5240Lucy Lucy 614 1 261 0 8 3 3 0 614 338 106.2125153 110.2372325 142 120 138.22048169430795 143.649407 124.97428266618527 120.0656321 96 8516281 1 203 0 5 2 0 0463.28590701842495 494 283ALucy 1102 377995961 0 58.14074271027209 137.375244960461661131111441 69Houston County 10692N010691202 31.1563885-85.11175710G5240Gordon Gordon 482 0 277 0 5 1 7 0 482 192 131.643681 61.54912149 176 67 171.3155265717938 178.0443354 69.77730779159435 67.03664456 96 8516281 0 214 0 4 1 4 0363.68698238254206 390 167AGordon 1202 206079291 98988 81.54178853141894 192.667356002639171131111441 69Houston County 10696N0106907-1B 31.1113885-85.29570850G5240Lovetown Lovetown 676 0 21 3 1 9 1 0 676 641 23.18723926 245.2778423 31 267 30.17489388152434 31.3600818 278.0677788047541 267.1460313 96 8516281 0 17 3 1 7 1 0 510.067220104976 553 524ALovetown 07-1B 405016701 89063 1748.3234955242401 4130.9477187903141131111441 69Houston County 10696N0106903-4A 31.2454962-85.46917140G5240Westgate Recreational Center Westgate Recreational Center 14494 343 1198 10 363 31 192 19 14494 12338 860.1717791 5459.49894 1150 5943 1119.3912244199205 1163.357873 6189.351346177795 5946.250427 79 8616281 254 868 5 245 26 89 10 10936.26373994308 11032 9535AWestgate Recreational Center 03-4A 1821217092 0 0 273.620556615224530062220732 99Monroe County 10991N010995 31.6353866-87.24893470G5240Philadelphia Bapt.Church/Tunnel Springs/Peterman Water Dept.VotiPhiladelphia Bapt.Church/Tunnel Springs/Peterman Water Dept.Voti 1003 0 690 0 3 4 5 0 1003 301 159.39821397607074 253.5327293220045 218.48773192301024 268.48989942777877 205.58655400210222 213.66143575515866 259.82472613153254 249.61951621293568 6 6718221 0 517 0 3 4 3 0 749.0324692214323 771 244APhiladelphia Bapt.Church/Tunnel Springs/Peterman Water Dept.Voti5 1609623932 1161005 0 250.70517600138720062220772 99Monroe County 10991N0109910 31.735079-87.20623130G5240Beatrice T Hall Voting District Beatrice T Hall Voting District 919 2 764 0 3 5 2 0 919 143 311.518806 84.98623482 427 90 401.786671441517 417.5677612 87.09536337299492 83.67449393 6 6718221 2 569 0 3 5 0 0 686.3019334142535 702 123ABeatrice T Hall Voting District 10 2657684642 4275109 0 191.50710941564070062220772 99Monroe County 10991N010997 31.6619131-87.44669860G5240Franklin Fire/Wainwright/Finchburg FD Voting District Franklin Fire/Wainwright/Finchburg FD Voting District 702 0 228 0 0 5 5 0 702 464 104.3259701 222.8527935 143 236 134.55619204461573 139.841194 228.38339727206994 219.4131174 6 67 5221 0 170 0 0 5 5 0 524.2480492457083 561 381AFranklin Fire/Wainwright/Finchburg FD Voting District 7 617207932 1000057 167.92386195783536 516.26440177252583342223552127Walker County 11273N0112733 33.9532324 -87.3969390G5240Crossroads Church of Christ Voting District Crossroads Church of Christ Voting District 1629 7 3 0 21 1 11 0 1629 1586 125.154717 474.5039571 103 513 87.58042889987492 91.0203504 557.9118640026442 535.9986005 21 1311 41 6 3 0 13 1 2 01261.8230159795892 1261 1236ACrossroads Church of Christ Voting District 33 593621782 30931 48.65565552123898 149.586738880682763342223552127Walker County 11273N0112725 33.9263944-87.61312750G5240Eldridge City Hall Eldridge City Hall 472 0 3 0 8 1 3 0 472 457 43.74339623 171.1174114 36 185 30.61063534953095 31.81293801 201.19628625378502 193.2938423 23 1311 41 0 2 0 5 1 3 0365.61108873073425 376 365AEldridge City Hall 25 370096382 202655 58.654805066917326 180.328081404890873342223552127Walker County 11273N0112735 33.9636497-87.57185140G5240New Bethany Church Of God New Bethany Church Of God 569 0 0 0 1 2 4 0 569 562 80.19622642 192.391468 66 208 56.119498135995705 58.32371968 226.20987855721486 217.3249686 21 1311 41 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 440.7472658639571 451 447ANew Bethany Church Of God 35 116244412 115408 36.80099368873372 113.140817331363863342223552127Walker County 11273N0112726 33.9095653-87.56620140G5240Kansas City Hall Kansas City Hall 357 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 357 356 48.60377358 121.1696265 40 131 34.011817045412315 35.34770889 142.46872163836272 136.872937 23 1311 41 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 276.5321158408308 288 287AKansas City Hall 26 560422082 382709 253.38051116780807 778.99195798457243342223552127Walker County 11273N011275 33.8862425-87.53173810G5240Carbon Hill Community Center Voting District Carbon Hill Community Center Voting District 2458 2 166 0 24 3 30 1 2458 2232 442.2943396 580.8742399 364 628 309.50753511421425 321.6641509 682.97982572797 656.1542322 23 1311 41 2 119 0 19 3 13 0 1903.966220551154 1874 1718ACarbon Hill Community Center Voting District 5 705051242 149661 182.45870820464617 560.95027080256033342223552127Walker County 11273N0112732 33.9255253-87.45017040G5240Prospect Methodist Church Voting District Prospect Methodist Church Voting District 1770 0 5 1 14 3 27 0 1770 1720 199.2754717 416.2315414 164 450 139.44844993526303 144.9256065 489.3963719686663 470.174211 21 1311 41 0 2 1 5 3 16 01371.0415827402533 1368 1341AProspect Methodist Church Voting District 32 1015581921 703184 307.0902109028268 1467.93698036916985211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150010 33.7790004-86.32298110G5240Ash Civic Center/Friendship Fire Dept. Voting District Ash Civic Center/Friendship Fire Dept. Voting District 4348 14 378 0 108 20 54 1 4348 3773 426.3759645 1250.262216 476 1471 436.20414019887204 453.3370547 1607.671012150988 1544.526059 63 29 0111 9 280 0 66 14 29 03316.7719306640506 3269 2871AAsh Civic Center/Friendship Fire Dept. Voting District 0010 340381342 108193 78.34385211046954 240.860003282455273342223552127Walker County 11273N0112734 33.9746238-87.51674050G5240Nauvoo City Hall Nauvoo City Hall 760 2 3 0 8 0 10 0 760 737 142.1660377 145.21856 117 157 99.48456485470385 103.3920485 170.74495648403666 164.0385581 21 1311 41 2 3 0 5 0 6 0 588.6958208376229 570 554ANauvoo City Hall 34 838170171 517829 98.6672089768282 471.643965403801763211113221115St. Clair County 11157N011150060 33.8882157-86.21905460G5240Steele Community Center Voting District Steele Community Center Voting District 1397 9 6 1 74 4 15 0 1397 1288 66.28533902 452.168252 74 532 67.81324867869779 70.476769 581.4282654120523 558.5913415 59 29 4111 0 4 1 41 4 11 01065.6693622671755 1088 1027ASteele Community Center Voting District 0060 428849152 862071 24.018575712815004 73.842606269489583342223552127Walker County 11273N0112741 33.6681668 -87.3116960G5240Pleasant Field Baptist Church Pleasant Field Baptist Church 233 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 233 231 40.09811321 91.5709391 33 99 28.059749067997853 29.16185984 107.66720181228891 103.4383264 23 1311 41 0 0 0 0 1 0 0180.48174507258702 191 190APleasant Field Baptist Church 41 130977142 247961 79.47777628575265 244.346134908911863342223552127Walker County 11273N0112738 33.7959486-87.06261830G5240Dillworth Community Building Dillworth Community Building 771 2 8 0 20 12 8 0 771 721 59.53962264 229.3898272 49 248 41.66447589001161 43.3009434 269.71177828776297 259.1182318 57 1211 41 2 8 0 11 9 3 0 597.2164182444833 577 544ADillworth Community Building 38 1004351911 5399777 147.40047611642123 704.59624609716133211113221115St. Clair County 11157N011150080 33.8483016-86.17165360G5240Poplar Springs/Gum Springs Church/Oldham Chapel Voting District Poplar Springs/Gum Springs Church/Oldham Chapel Voting District 2087 8 209 1 32 4 24 0 2087 1809 194.377278 713.9498716 217 840 198.85776982342978 206.6683632 918.044629510324 881.9863286 59 29 0111 6 153 0 20 4 15 01592.0200136375056 1621 1423APoplar Springs/Gum Springs Church/Oldham Chapel Voting District 0080 422636062 742566 97.41439505841278 299.49039881831613342223552127Walker County 11273N0112742 33.7657596-87.10212290G5240Argo Fire Department Argo Fire Department 945 0 73 0 16 4 15 1 945 836 130.0150943 171.1174114 107 185 90.98161060537836 94.55512129 201.19628625378502 193.2938423 57 1211 41 0 62 0 8 2 5 1 731.9967772257285 723 645AArgo Fire Department 42 243745242 133577 87.41524551273443 268.7490562941083342223552127Walker County 11272N0112745 33.9535231-87.23651650G5240Old Herman Church Old Herman Church 848 3 0 0 12 1 18 0 848 814 88.70188679 296.9118328 73 321 62.071566113410164 64.50956873 349.1027453584663 335.3909372 21 1211 41 1 0 0 9 1 10 0 656.8606000925056 674 653AOld Herman Church 45 287152662 214933 130.60744818942752 401.538979156408973342223552127Walker County 11273N0112731 33.9657568 -87.3555220G5240Thach School Thach School 1267 1 1 0 22 3 17 0 1267 1223 125.154717 374.6083872 103 405 87.58042889987492 91.0203504 440.45673477179963 423.1567899 21 1311 41 1 1 0 12 3 15 0 981.4179013174581 934 902AThach School 31 1209480551 416714 340.7797303601976 1628.9779048484925211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150030 33.6669618-86.41148730G5240Branchville Church/ Odenville Civic Center Voting District Branchville Church/ Odenville Civic Center Voting District 4825 22 128 5 123 15 48 3 4825 4481 194.377278 1479.746103 217 1741 198.85776982342978 206.6683632 1902.756785275329 1828.021664 63 49 0161 19 88 3 73 15 18 0 3680.640424437453 3644 3428ABranchville Church/ Odenville Civic Center Voting District 0030 235492882 33585 102.05317577548006 313.751846381093063342223552127Walker County 11273N0112723 33.8856504-87.40472630G5240Saragoosa Community Center Saragoosa Community Center 990 0 0 0 8 1 12 0 990 969 83.84150943 287.662243 69 311 58.670384407906724 60.97479784 338.22727042582926 324.9426214 23 1311 41 0 0 0 5 1 7 0 766.8537666174299 755 742ASaragoosa Community Center 23 384265831 0 181.418417087654 428.65636601770611131111441 69Houston County 10692N010690020 31.2253295-85.53420340G5240Bay Springs Bay Springs 1504 0 183 0 104 4 21 0 1504 1192 80.03337423 482.2878923 107 525 104.15205308735443 108.242863 546.7624864173508 525.2871402 79 8616281 0 134 0 61 4 11 01134.8241110027868 1104 894ABay Springs 0020 320036501 146841 988.6338739696889 2335.94918609116941131111441 69Houston County 10696N0106903-3A 31.1908279-85.43123810G5240Water & Electric Water & Electric 8196 131 901 9 244 31 144 8 8198 6730 472.7204908 2851.469748 632 3104 615.1784817105536 639.3410225 3232.6681099110656 3105.697682 79 8616281 92 565 7 160 26 64 2 6184.18777511891 6336 5420AWater & Electric 03-3A 338557011 0 269.9563945759107 637.85435315666631131111441 69Houston County 10696N010690090 31.293559-85.33193510G5240Kinsey Kinsey 2238 3 1006 0 89 4 23 5 2238 1108 240.8480982 415.2269091 322 452 313.4295428953102 325.7402045 470.73646456010465 452.2472141 66 8416281 3 649 0 50 4 17 11688.6544949629235 1568 844AKinsey 0090 311020641 0 600.3453868651955 1418.4991580253481131111441 69Houston County 10696N010690301 31.2483934-85.35769740G5240Johnson Homes Johnson Homes 4977 6 4403 2 74 5 54 7 4977 426 1344.859877 93.70164764 1798 102 1750.1438447435287 1818.884744 106.22814017778242 102.0557872 96 8416301 4 3322 2 57 3 24 2 3755.332181157494 3775 361AJohnson Homes 0301 136653881 106212 254.99902508198176 602.51300383073851131111441 69Houston County 10696S0106903-1A 31.2210496-85.33894110G5240Lincoln Community Center Lincoln Community Center 2114 9 1156 0 37 5 25 2 2114 880 325.3693252 215.881247 435 235 423.4218979745877 440.0527607 244.74130342016542 235.1285294 96 8416301 9 870 0 30 4 10 21595.0918687898215 1652 727PLincoln Community Center 03-1A 158299841 103595 1279.096339625986 3022.25538913015631131111441 69Houston County 10696N0106903-2A 31.1881752-85.39083640G5240Wiregrass Park Wiregrass Park 10604 50 4658 1 565 42 191 12 10604 5085 1164.597791 1523.111096 1557 1658 1515.5583799900492 1575.085399 1726.728004621444 1658.906816 96 8416281 39 3030 1 377 34 77 6 8001.113612415926 7751 4187AWiregrass Park 03-2A 358741051 0 970.5402818399361 2293.19755384206341131111441 69Houston County 10696N010690304 31.2739058-85.39913740G5240Library Library 8046 44 3135 0 249 36 134 9 8046 4439 1001.539141 1846.473645 1339 2010 1303.3607392823524 1354.553211 2093.3192339560073 2011.099337 66 8416301 36 2257 0 167 22 71 7 6071.007178941771 6110 3550ALibrary 0304 610958741 455644 376.5879641939201 889.8039725447331131111441 69Houston County 10696N010690701 31.1193435-85.36615550G5240Hodgesville Hodgesville 3122 17 207 0 66 16 28 0 3122 2788 130.8957055 1011.426608 175 1101 170.34214284232615 177.0327198 1146.639042923593 1101.602174 96 8516281 12 178 0 39 9 16 02355.6654751001997 2444 2190AHodgesville 0701 338128021 441534 444.4992466542586 1050.2650989197121131111441 69Houston County 10696N010690401 31.1619927-85.45124490G5240Taylor Taylor 3685 9 234 0 160 22 48 1 3683 3209 124.9119018 1130.850277 167 1231 162.55507348768853 168.9397955 1282.0278486855702 1231.673275 79 8516281 8 147 0 94 17 22 02780.4699794183975 2573 2285ATaylor 0401 98420961 543 931.4581228396703 2200.85402818399371131111441 69Houston County 10696N010690303 31.2125439-85.41170240G5240Doug Tew Community Center Doug Tew Community Center 7722 53 2290 6 235 28 123 8 7722 4979 687.3894479 2084.402338 919 2269 894.5395959989103 929.674683 2363.0553940967684 2270.240993 79 8516281 46 1435 3 145 26 53 35826.5370911991495 5871 4160ADoug Tew Community Center 0303 1149709132 102880 0 153.860412692907910062220772 99Monroe County 10991N010999 31.7967175-87.28727880G5240Buena Vista-Vredenburgh FDVoting District Buena Vista-Vredenburgh FDVoting District 564 0 490 0 4 1 0 0 564 69 143.721791 25.49587045 197 27 185.36762123926886 192.6483582 26.12860901293936 25.10234818 6 67 5221 0 363 0 3 1 0 0 421.1907404196289 425 58ABuena Vista-Vredenburgh FDVoting District 9 1005799922 88416 0 21.2785677128489680062220772 99Monroe County 10992N0109912B 31.7691112-87.10691340G5240Bursonville/McWilliams Voting District Bursonville/McWilliams Voting District 78 0 67 0 0 0 0 0 78 11 19.69791045 4.72145749 27 5 25.40571458770451 26.40358209 4.8386312983840645 4.648582996 6 6718221 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 58.24978324952315 61 11ABursonville/McWilliams Voting District 12B 1529796502 67927 0 21.005765562684240062220772 99Monroe County 10991N0109911 31.7841908-86.97159460G5240Old Texas/Simpkinsville Voting District Old Texas/Simpkinsville Voting District 77 1 19 0 5 0 0 0 77 52 0.729552239 29.27303644 1 31 0.9409523923510278 0.977910448 29.999514044568606 28.82121457 6 6718221 1 14 0 3 0 0 0 57.50299115658054 59 41AOld Texas/Simpkinsville Voting District 11 656719572 22844 0 18.8233483613663960062220732 99Monroe County 10991N0109912A 31.6871013-87.12049070G5240McClammy/Midway/Lonesta McClammy/Midway/Lonesta 69 0 19 0 1 1 0 0 69 48 1.459104478 22.66299595 2 24 1.8819047847020556 1.955820896 23.2254302314108 22.31319838 6 6718221 0 16 0 1 1 0 0 51.52865441303971 59 41AMcClammy/Midway/Lonesta 12A 941764372 14429 0 99.027180509797120062220732 99Monroe County 10991N010994A 31.5633872-87.18029260G5240Burnt Corn FD Burnt Corn FD 363 0 290 0 0 0 12 0 363 61 94.84179104 33.99449393 130 36 122.32381096714532 127.1283582 34.8381453471162 33.46979757 6 6718221 0 221 0 0 0 6 0 271.0855297381654 279 52ABurnt Corn FD 4A 251751052 118933 0 77.475810646783430022220732 99Monroe County 10991N0109913B 31.320372-87.38992210G5240Goodway Fire Dept. Goodway Fire Dept. 284 0 5 0 1 4 3 0 284 271 6.565970149 101.9834818 9 108 8.468571529234836 8.80119403 104.51443603093978 100.4093927100 6318211 0 2 0 0 3 2 0212.08895439569966 186 179AGoodway Fire Dept. 13B 173102702 338262 84.0134729868851 258.29066141473823342223552127Walker County 11273N0112744 33.8921242-87.32001590G5240Manchester Community Manchester Community 815 1 19 0 28 7 9 0 815 751 97.20754717 235.8645401 80 255 68.0236341004467 70.69541779 277.3246107822442 266.4320529 21 1211 41 1 14 0 20 5 5 0 631.2988078719245 614 569AManchester Community 44 1899292301 1296069 723.3005634443075 3457.48450229086175211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150040 33.7695821-86.46415940G5240Springville Me C Voting District Springville Me C Voting District 10241 39 1233 10 107 28 85 2 10241 8737 466.6846166 3215.324243 521 3783 477.44192649772674 496.1945493 4134.479563747735 3972.08843 63 4926161 24 1169 7 70 23 50 0 7812.111624179058 8065 6722ASpringville Me C Voting District 0040 198496512 47100 313.1692404100085 962.80617101591993342223552127Walker County 11273N011277 33.8486152-87.30929530G5240Memorial Park Memorial Park 3038 22 270 3 178 11 46 8 3038 2500 322 758.4663643 265 820 225.32828792946486 234.1785714 891.7889444762363 856.7618956 23 1211 41 16 200 3 138 10 22 12353.2340838219716 2414 2024AMemorial Park 7 592568491 1030580 103.11676815044322 492.913521467108475211115221115St. Clair County 11157S011150180 33.834835-86.32622140G5240Pinedale Fire Dept. Voting District Pinedale Fire Dept. Voting District 1460 0 31 0 66 18 28 0 1460 1317 65.3895912 488.7156859 73 575 66.896853426543 69.52438023 628.4234071040422 603.7406416 63 29 4111 0 21 0 35 14 18 01113.7274652183796 1096 1008PPinedale Fire Dept. Voting District 0180 148991492 159919 231.21744774181997 710.85393074019363342223552127Walker County 11273N011278 33.8276134 -87.3160180G5240Westside Baptist Church Westside Baptist Church 2243 2 818 0 46 7 37 6 2243 1327 556.5132075 326.5105202 458 353 389.435305179112 404.7312668 383.9042650804518 368.8255477 23 1211 41 2 589 0 36 2 18 01737.4272712352476 1697 1050AWestside Baptist Church 8 640769561 73907 37.29154355029728 178.259136530570745211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150210 33.7453067-86.23732750G5240Fairview Church Fairview Church 528 1 8 1 13 1 7 0 528 497 28.66393039 107.9424211 32 127 29.324648078574995 30.47644065 138.7996046846576 133.347933 63 29 0111 1 6 0 4 1 2 0402.77267235294823 373 359AFairview Church 0210 334654412 297823 58.75788908285215 180.645002461841473342223552127Walker County 11273N0112724 33.8664374-87.46790720G5240Pocahontas Methodist Church Pocahontas Methodist Church 570 1 6 0 4 0 5 1 570 553 91.13207547 149.8433549 75 162 63.77215697097292 66.27695418 176.1826939503552 169.262716 23 1311 41 1 5 0 4 0 4 0 441.5218656282172 431 417APocahontas Methodist Church 24 597591982 541577 176.3767512644913 542.2519284424753342223552127Walker County 11273N0112743 33.8597747-87.11088580G5240Pineywoods Fire Dept Pineywoods Fire Dept 1711 0 21 0 19 5 9 0 1711 1657 115.4339623 428.2560081 95 463 80.77806549849011 83.95080863 503.53448933945907 483.7570215 57 1211 41 0 16 0 13 5 2 01325.3401966489116 1283 1247APineywoods Fire Dept 43 562389841 2941291 140.40831170074048 671.17265799767935211115221115St. Clair County 11152N011150100 33.6823028-86.23166740G5240Coal City Fire Dept. Coal City Fire Dept. 1988 2 12 0 50 3 21 1 1988 1899 90.47053029 454.718073 101 535 92.55592049649887 96.1912658 584.7069961551528 561.7412926 63 35 0111 1 6 0 26 3 8 01516.5001375713277 1474 1430ACoal City Fire Dept. 0100 993692661 309432 687.3509504384339 3285.63999377938355211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150150 33.6125217-86.30251330G5240Eden Old City Hall/Pell City Comm Center Voting District Eden Old City Hall/Pell City Comm Center Voting District 9732 33 1091 11 229 37 158 12 9732 8161 713.0152684 2151.198958 796 2531 729.450620984622 758.1014612 2766.1559017761156 2657.508807 63 35 0111 25 781 7 132 22 72 47423.8326654145685 7205 6162AEden Old City Hall/Pell City Comm Center Voting District 0150 444015301 14133463 347.91315062265977 1663.07671694998385211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150120 33.5224018-86.29227950G5240Coosa Valley School Voting District Coosa Valley School Voting District 4926 24 544 0 86 11 46 6 4926 4209 386.0673124 1601.287569 431 1884 394.9663538037966 410.47956 2059.0429547558956 1978.169337 3 49 0111 17 409 0 50 11 33 4 3757.685954565574 3961 3437ACoosa Valley School Voting District 0120 411151521 6398785 354.34029165121484 1693.7994090414275211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150190 33.5538844-86.22805050G5240Cropwell PC Voting District Cropwell PC Voting District 5017 56 554 6 92 7 49 5 5017 4248 436.2291906 1538.391985 487 1810 446.2844879052201 463.8133311 1978.1675941361411 1900.470541 3 35 0111 40 428 3 65 7 26 33827.1032143839793 3863 3291ACropwell PC Voting District 0190 510640521 6041746 127.7659134138026 610.74010981780775211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150130 33.4612293-86.35574770G5240New London Fire Dept. New London Fire Dept. 1809 11 210 0 48 8 13 1 1809 1518 159.4431128 554.1610908 178 652 163.11835492203892 169.5252011 712.5774981546322 684.5893884 3 49 0111 11 153 0 34 8 9 11379.9540990274306 1408 1192ANew London Fire Dept. 0130 421391801 157053 50.78147691792375 242.74302872250075211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150140 33.52373-86.38135810G5240Wolf Creek Fire Dept. Wolf Creek Fire Dept. 719 1 8 0 15 6 7 0 719 682 29.55967821 198.8860357 33 234 30.241043330729774 31.42882942 255.7410038948705 245.6961915 3 49 0111 1 7 0 12 3 5 0 548.4726352685034 532 504AWolf Creek Fire Dept. 0140 432229961 310788 146.41168518895122 699.8696780830935211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150230 33.5485255-86.45721420G5240Prescott Community Center Prescott Community Center 2073 8 27 2 61 6 18 0 2073 1951 68.9725825 538.862165 77 634 70.56243443516212 73.33393531 692.9051132796761 665.6896814 70 4926161 4 17 2 35 4 11 01581.3404352039047 1581 1508APrescott Community Center 0230 686874531 256142 167.03503881903987 798.45238237651485211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150160 33.5801034-86.40032470G5240Cook Springs Fire Dept. Cook Springs Fire Dept. 2365 5 27 0 40 11 20 2 2365 2260 120.9259563 667.2031538 135 785 123.71335908900551 128.572484 857.9345645336674 824.2372238 63 49 0161 5 24 0 31 9 9 11804.0859282475806 1892 1813ACook Springs Fire Dept. 0160 594099331 525218 908.0632110344168 4340.67749691959855211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150170 33.5987871-86.47087580G5240Moody Civic Center Moody Civic Center 12857 170 895 0 273 34 159 11 12857 11315 709.4322771 3428.659264 792 4034 725.7850399567587 754.2919061 4408.800042478038 4235.634345 70 4926161 129 615 0 172 29 88 2 9807.667137200484 9893 8858AMoody Civic Center 0170 616947001 598002 412.4670726017729 1971.65408586843395211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150260 33.6354523 -86.5125450G5240Whites Chapel Voting District Whites Chapel Voting District 5840 39 610 4 98 12 68 2 5840 5007 372.6310951 1389.652429 416 1635 381.2204250695853 396.1937285 1786.908297145523 1716.72339 63 4926161 34 415 4 54 9 38 14454.9098608735185 4256 3701AWhites Chapel Voting District 0260 587537491 2995356 62.78822389434522 300.13706889332845211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150020 33.8094121-86.17320670G5240Greensport Comm Center Voting District Greensport Comm Center Voting District 889 15 4 0 16 4 9 0 889 841 51.05762601 309.3782777 57 364 52.23452939206654 54.28615991 397.81933942671685 382.1940757 40 29 0111 14 4 0 10 4 4 0 678.1532305336572 697 661AGreensport Comm Center Voting District 0020 1114549731 5497177 146.1998014187791 698.85684208007845211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150090 33.7621751-86.12965180G5240Ragland Town Hall Voting District Ragland Town Hall Voting District 2070 2 261 0 18 1 21 12 2070 1755 244.5391561 805.7434265 273 948 250.1759039248533 260.0021343 1036.0789390723253 995.3845709 40 29 0111 2 203 0 11 1 11 31579.0519541109902 1609 1378ARagland Town Hall Voting District 0090 100717201 0 432.9193476912169 1022.9040542802841131111441 69Houston County 10696N0106903-4B 31.2755042-85.43483180G5240Vaughn Blumberg Center Vaughn Blumberg Center 3589 42 1552 3 182 10 54 3 3589 1743 465.9887117 556.6980242 623 606 606.4180286264484 630.2364826 631.1201272508546 606.3314419 66 8416301 35 1020 3 121 10 26 1 2708.034397865028 2617 1401AVaughn Blumberg Center 03-4B 586962971 181062 348.2413365239741 822.82641535446631131111441 69Houston County 10696N010690402 31.1077219 -85.4456430G5240Rehobeth Rehobeth 2887 10 75 0 60 8 21 0 2887 2713 83.77325153 1083.999453 112 1180 109.01897144603053 113.3009407 1228.9137792212089 1180.645382 79 8516281 7 53 0 43 7 10 02178.3492077560145 2116 1996ARehobeth 0402 1055467061 460069 204.09571922361073 482.238411769919371131111441 69Houston County 10696N010690050 31.0370202-85.43009070G5240Madrid Madrid 1692 4 226 0 27 10 26 0 1692 1399 94.24490798 435.4370684 126 474 122.64634288881194 127.4635583 493.64841632845963 474.2592466 79 8516281 4 170 0 12 8 12 01276.6771248781351 1266 1060AMadrid 0050 270320811 363535 730.9811220420102 1727.16594286389551131111441 69Houston County 10696N010690302 31.1821867-85.35308110G5240Farm Center Farm Center 6060 52 1947 6 173 10 77 7 6060 3788 676.169816 1660.907637 904 1808 879.938840922882 914.5004499 1882.9458578240651 1808.988856 96 8516281 39 1338 6 111 10 36 4 4572.496085556442 4509 2965AFarm Center 0302 169114062 16868 0 108.029651465233230022220732 99Monroe County 10992N0109913A 31.3293661-87.44438880G5240Goodway FD Goodway FD 396 1 13 0 0 9 9 3 396 361 10.21373134 148.2537652 14 157 13.173333490989975 13.69074627 151.93302279590623 145.9655061100 6318211 1 9 0 0 6 4 0 295.7296688052714 272 252AGoodway FD 13A 2025137422 374833 0 309.35763828680420022220732 99Monroe County 10991N0109913C 31.3172942-87.52052940G5240Uriah FD Uriah FD 1134 2 77 0 12 58 28 0 1134 957 59.82328358 456.0927935 82 483 77.15809615738897 80.18865672 467.4117834097446 449.0531174100 6318211 2 62 0 5 45 21 0 846.8622333969134 851 716AUriah FD 13C 446007352 35292 0 58.1068579850875650022220732 99Monroe County 10991N0109914E 31.3843393-87.45382640G5240Megargel Assembly of God Voting District Megargel Assembly of God Voting District 213 0 7 0 0 8 6 0 213 192 6.565970149 84.98623482 9 90 8.468571529234836 8.80119403 87.09536337299492 83.67449393100 6318211 0 5 0 0 8 6 0159.06671579677476 166 147AMegargel Assembly of God Voting District 14E 257652692 49723 0 389.83427258539970022220732 99Monroe County 10991N0109914B 31.4133763-87.40629610G5240Frisco City FD Frisco City FD 1429 3 650 0 26 19 48 0 1429 683 305.6823881 327.6691498 419 347 394.2590522873134 409.7444776 335.8010120845383 322.6116599100 6318221 3 472 0 17 13 16 01067.1659008149818 1074 553AFrisco City FD 14B 2517166542 5173895 0 203.783206173053570022220732 99Monroe County 10991N010991 31.3249928-87.65207630G5240Chrysler/Eliska/McGill Chrysler/Eliska/McGill 747 1 129 0 2 38 13 0 747 564 78.79164179 204.9112551 108 217 101.62285838930632 105.6143284 209.99659832238908 201.748502100 6318211 1 90 0 2 25 8 0 557.8536934281256 585 459AChrysler/Eliska/McGill 1 312115791 143541 320.86265596401614 1533.77132056511915211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150250 33.6861518-86.47081710G5240Margaret Town Hall Voting District Margaret Town Hall Voting District 4543 35 646 0 70 11 58 6 4543 3717 387.8588081 996.9799993 433 1173 396.7991442696179 412.3843375 1281.983750633806 1231.630909 63 4926161 21 458 0 44 10 29 2 3465.523201703492 3210 2646AMargaret Town Hall Voting District 0250 1148192831 1408782 134.96996159965548 645.17653392030433211113221115St. Clair County 11157S011150270 33.9340433-86.27430330G5240Chandler Mt.Comm/Gallant Fire Dept./Slate Union Voting District Chandler Mt.Comm/Gallant Fire Dept./Slate Union Voting District 1911 4 13 0 78 8 35 0 1911 1773 68.9725825 527.8129408 77 621 70.56243443516212 73.33393531 678.6972796432209 652.0398929 59 29 4111 4 10 0 53 8 21 01457.7624561865227 1510 1414PChandler Mt.Comm/Gallant Fire Dept./Slate Union Voting District 0270 330209841 5138757 138.9957532329262 664.42041797758195211115221115St. Clair County 11157N011150200 33.6280936-86.19573090G5240Riverside Town Hall Voting District Riverside Town Hall Voting District 1968 14 203 0 19 3 20 0 1968 1709 174.6708258 628.9558393 195 740 178.69707421829222 185.7158102 808.7536022421888 776.9879562 40 35 0111 9 154 0 15 3 12 01501.2435969518979 1520 1327ARiverside Town Hall Voting District 0200 1670160182 98941 170.41939179834822 196.216642001241241162221472 13Butler County 10136N010130010 31.6958626-86.84570620G5240PROVIDENCE PROVIDENCE 825 0 204 0 7 0 7 0 825 607 109.2029608 304.0957156 134 335 134.66212662198802 139.9512894 323.3939223814613 310.691887 6 8918291 0 166 0 4 0 3 0 625.8688595025541 672 499APROVIDENCE 0010 1164531072 0 68.37432567909485 78.724495154437391162221472 13Butler County 10136N010131100 31.8221395-86.85549610G5240FOREST HOME FOREST HOME 331 3 110 0 1 0 3 0 331 214 39.93242598 104.3910665 49 115 49.2421209331007 51.17621777 111.01582410575934 106.6554239 6 8927291 2 83 0 1 0 3 0251.10617272163077 264 175AFOREST HOME 1100 739405312 26756 474.48890055855253 546.31469900224371162221472 13Butler County 10136N010131405 31.6341286-86.70518990G5240GEORGIANA NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY GEORGIANA NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY 2297 2 1327 2 11 5 17 0 2297 933 526.4560649 337.6824066 646 372 649.1920432470902 674.6905444 359.1120570503036 345.0071103 52 8927291 1 1011 2 8 3 6 01742.5706306392324 1805 774AGEORGIANA NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY 1405 1513990642 95307 109.27497971069843 125.816489234735291162221472 13Butler County 10136N010131300 31.5801573-86.81091720G5240GARLAND GARLAND 529 2 164 0 1 0 5 0 529 357 85.56948424 171.5644485 105 189 105.51883057780297 109.6633238 182.45209354753212 175.2858706 6 8918291 2 128 0 1 0 4 0401.31469900224374 414 279AGARLAND 1300 526844142 65831 24.788275170668832 28.5406024729078141162221472 13Butler County 10136N010131000 31.9222559-86.89068830G5240MONTEREY SCHOOL HOUSE MONTEREY SCHOOL HOUSE 120 0 81 0 0 0 0 0 120 39 41.56232092 17.24721969 51 19 51.25200341525681 53.26504298 18.341744846825197 17.6213309 6 8927291 0 65 0 0 0 0 0 91.03547047309877 99 34AMONTEREY SCHOOL HOUSE 1000 196551892 47899 678.9921707165704 781.77466940373321132221472 13Butler County 10136N010131203 31.8597686-86.61496680G5240Office of the Butler County Health Department Office of the Butler County Health Department 3287 40 1252 0 48 2 14 0 3287 1931 335.7583572 881.423701 412 971 414.03579232485504 430.2979943 937.3596973417896 900.542753 52 8927291 24 859 0 29 2 10 02493.6132620422973 2476 1552AOffice of the Butler County Health Department 1203 1471690892 3889 685.3958084689932 789.14765837590111162221472 13Butler County 10136N010131202 31.8807574-86.65861520G5240GREENVILLE NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY GREENVILLE NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY 3318 53 1920 1 27 4 22 0 3318 1291 642.993553 637.2393801 789 702 792.8986410917022 824.0415473 677.6792044118124 651.0618049 52 8927291 35 1328 0 18 3 11 0 2517.130758581181 2427 1032AGREENVILLE NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY 1202 360687092 339855 567.8580703680718 653.81763498352981132221472 13Butler County 10136N0101312-4B 31.8230627-86.59253010G5240DUNBAR COMMUNITY CENTER DUNBAR COMMUNITY CENTER 2749 8 2107 4 33 7 11 1 2749 578 675.5914518 201.5201459 829 222 833.096290831045 865.8180516 214.30880822123004 205.89134 52 8927291 6 1405 1 26 5 5 0 2085.470902754571 1888 440ADUNBAR COMMUNITY CENTER 12-4B 342636872 9587 42.55320570964816 48.9947009118250851162221472 13Butler County 10136N010132000 31.7419101-86.69539370G5240BOILING BOILING 206 4 51 0 0 0 1 0 206 150 36.6726361 72.61987238 45 80 45.2223559591664 46.99856734 77.22839936162745 74.19507748 52 8927291 2 47 0 0 0 1 0156.27755764548624 165 115ABOILING 2000 1295808142 19223 122.082255215544 140.562467179070981162221472 13Butler County 10136N010131600 31.7522131-86.75300610G5240ROCKY CREEK ROCKY CREEK 591 0 67 0 0 2 7 0 591 515 56.23137536 252.3540565 69 278 69.34094579315013 72.06446991 268.3686878409858 257.8278943 6 8927291 0 39 0 0 1 1 0448.34969208001144 451 410AROCKY CREEK 1600 1943804382 194063 142.53258223134577 164.108464219219941162221472 13Butler County 10136N010130090 31.9039941-86.76075010G5240MANNINGHAM MANNINGHAM 690 47 307 0 2 0 2 2 690 330 114.0926457 106.2065634 140 117 140.69177403959017 146.217765 112.94653405128734 108.5103008 6 8927291 36 237 0 2 0 1 1 523.453955220318 532 255AMANNINGHAM 0090 1881037362 5048148 0 144.585139587307080022220732 99Monroe County 10991N010992A 31.5260114-87.52359590G5240Perdue Hill Masonic Lodge Perdue Hill Masonic Lodge 530 1 306 0 4 7 14 0 530 198 104.3259701 79.32048583 143 84 134.55619204461573 139.841194 81.2890058099378 78.09619433 6 6718221 1 227 0 2 7 9 0395.79980925958034 394 148APerdue Hill Masonic Lodge 2A 453026322 59062 0 30.8266429686145320022220732 99Monroe County 10991N0109913D 31.4117999-87.49850510G5240Shiloh/Grimes Shiloh/Grimes 113 0 65 0 2 0 1 0 113 45 35.7480597 23.60728745 49 25 46.10666721365388 47.91761194 24.19315649192032 23.24291498100 6318221 0 56 0 2 0 0 0 84.3875065025143 97 39AShiloh/Grimes 13D 420132702 35559 0 37.373894572568060022220732 99Monroe County 10991N010992B 31.4679816-87.47836690G5240Purdue Hill Purdue Hill 137 0 41 0 5 0 6 0 137 85 24.80477612 18.88582996 34 20 31.992381328388458 33.24895522 19.354525189372726 18.59433198 6 6318221 0 27 0 2 0 2 0102.31051673313681 95 64APurdue Hill 2B 536548082 30785 101.42535923998663 116.778631784981141132221472 13Butler County 10132N010130080 31.921546-86.57438420G5240SEARCY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. SEARCY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. 491 5 195 0 3 1 3 0 491 284 52.97158548 137.9777575 65 152 65.32118081921583 67.88681948 146.73395877460158 140.9706472 52 8927291 3 122 0 2 1 3 0 372.4868000190958 361 230ASEARCY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. 0080 847686142 97505 62.17725688642765 71.589344536210431132221472 13Butler County 10136N010131500 31.6925006-86.58322670G5240FRIENDSHIP SCHOOL HOUSE FRIENDSHIP SCHOOL HOUSE 301 0 4 0 4 6 0 0 301 287 5.704632283 138.8855059 7 153 7.034588703903922 7.310888252 147.69931379940974 141.8980857 52 8927291 0 2 0 3 6 0 0 228.3473051033561 241 230AFRIENDSHIP SCHOOL HOUSE 1500 665172922 522998 193.55511529097245 222.854537642621861132221472 13Butler County 10136N0101312-4A 31.784867-86.53653790G5240CENTRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. CENTRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. 937 2 396 0 15 5 4 0 937 515 215.9610793 223.3061076 265 246 266.30942953517496 276.769341 237.47732808800768 228.1498633 52 8927291 1 312 0 11 3 1 0 710.8352986107795 719 391ACENTRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. 12-4A 819111622 161029 214.83171814579654 247.35188809853441132221472 13Butler County 10136N010131800 31.7684043 -86.6177660G5240MCLAIN'S MCLAIN'S 1040 3 190 0 8 3 7 0 1040 829 105.943171 381.25433 130 420 130.64236167691993 135.773639 405.44909667977066 389.5241568 52 8927291 2 141 0 7 1 3 0 788.9740774335227 785 631AMCLAIN'S 1800 816124392 630988 103.49104883754237 119.157015324390131132221472 13Butler County 10136N010130070 31.863836 -86.502550G5240HARRISON'S HARRISON'S 501 3 49 0 6 0 1 0 501 442 33.41284623 178.8264357 41 197 41.2025909852321 42.82091691 190.1749334337325 182.7053783 52 8927291 2 37 0 4 0 1 0 380.0730892251874 398 354AHARRISON'S 0070 499310602 43121 194.5879600897503 224.043729412326341162221472 13Butler County 10136N010131900 31.54817-86.71067230G5240MCKENZIE CITY HALL MCKENZIE CITY HALL 942 0 185 0 12 3 27 0 942 715 108.3880134 255.9850501 133 282 133.657185385721 138.9068768 272.2301077320418 261.5376481 29 8927291 0 143 0 6 3 7 0 714.6284432138253 743 584AMCKENZIE CITY HALL 1900 670133142 114829 87.79180789611877 101.081300424881851162221472 13Butler County 10136N010131401 31.6794345-86.68628860G5240CHAPMAN POST OFFICE CHAPMAN POST OFFICE 425 0 46 0 2 3 1 0 425 373 39.11747851 119.8227894 48 132 48.2371796872116 50.13180516 127.42685890296822 122.4218778 52 8927291 0 37 0 2 3 1 0 322.4172912588915 343 300ACHAPMAN POST OFFICE 1401 1738629602 0 52.67508473767126 60.648780254929111132221472 13Butler County 10136N010131700 31.6059315-86.53748220G5240CENTRAL HILL CENTRAL HILL 255 0 128 0 9 1 2 0 255 115 78.23495702 44.47967183 96 49 96.47435935517906 100.2636103 47.30239461263991 45.44448496 52 8927291 0 102 0 5 1 1 0 193.4503747553349 209 100ACENTRAL HILL 1700 825493232 166420 57.83930873156061 66.594739103451571132221472 13Butler County 10136N010130020 31.5914108-86.63359770G5240INDUSTRY SCHOOL HOUSE INDUSTRY SCHOOL HOUSE 280 0 28 0 0 0 2 0 280 250 11.40926457 116.1917958 14 128 14.069177403959015 14.6217765 123.56543901191219 118.712124 52 8927291 0 21 0 0 0 2 0 212.4160977705638 232 209AINDUSTRY SCHOOL HOUSE 0020 708262432 58449 65.6889292022724 75.632596553205721132221472 13Butler County 10136S010130050 31.9292101-86.48067310G5240STEINER'S STORE STEINER'S STORE 318 2 69 0 0 0 0 0 318 247 26.07831901 131.6235187 32 145 32.158119791474405 33.42120344 139.97647380912107 134.4785779 52 8927291 1 51 0 0 0 0 0241.24399675371174 261 209PSTEINER'S STORE 0050 767179572 0 106.17644531436483 122.24891392562181132221472 13Butler County 10136S010130060 31.7547875-86.47396220G5240MIDWAY MIDWAY 514 0 167 0 2 17 6 0 514 322 25.093059167311097 57.48908448481961 30.791014295439073 63.33151803948264 30.94316019417908 32.1585235278693 61.13739709218729 58.73608609884275 52 8927291 0 132 0 1 11 3 0389.93526519310643 406 259PMIDWAY 0060 904069392 47559 82.98364364016008 204.549678092918043342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010571001 33.6004114-87.90630040G5240Lee Lee 639 1 19 0 8 4 5 5 639 597 30.19057172 280.3216046 25 298 21.919888801899315 22.78084253 319.1991846713001 306.6619072 77 1523 51 1 14 0 8 4 4 2 496.7899773795024 521 488ALee 1001 1252966822 679344 770.747926454382 1899.8471666376663342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010570101 33.6821126-87.83190180G5240Town Town 5935 26 1346 0 80 11 52 1 5935 4419 1119.466399 1654.650008 927 1759 812.7894766662744 844.7136409 1884.1321002045818 1810.128506 77 1523 51 18 991 0 49 8 23 04614.1604315294935 4591 3502ATown 0101 688622322 142343 72.72431993503857 179.261063743402363342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010570801 33.7285454 -87.9079540G5240Collins Collins 560 3 8 0 14 4 10 0 560 521 35.02106319 227.6437192 29 242 25.427071005584608 26.42577733 259.2154452182871 249.0341662 77 1523 51 3 5 0 10 4 3 0435.37149817295983 446 421ACollins 0801 947360182 113825 83.63296792529435 206.15022330491273342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010571401 33.8043665-87.80597470G5240Gilpin Gilpin 644 2 7 0 4 0 3 0 644 628 65.2116349 293.491076 54 312 47.34695980748393 49.20661986 334.1951194825092 321.0688424 77 1511 51 2 7 0 3 0 2 0 500.6772228989038 503 489AGilpin 1401 712714492 466831 102.98283162229569 253.846470622353683342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010570401 33.6979864-87.75431060G5240Stough Stough 793 1 35 0 16 7 14 1 793 719 53.13540622 257.745368 44 274 38.57900428864861 40.09428285 293.4918677479962 281.9643039 77 1511 51 1 27 0 11 7 7 1 616.5171393770663 613 559AStough 0401 713172872 1046124 33.50513311292848 82.588132938924663342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010571701 33.6097054 -87.7528540G5240Stonewall Stonewall 258 0 145 0 13 0 6 0 258 94 140.0842528 45.15247323 116 48 101.70828400309429 105.7031093 51.41463377374599 49.39520653 77 1523 51 0 126 0 7 0 5 0200.58186880111361 213 75AStonewall 1701 671709452 53114 62.98445565802448 155.25288556348243342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010570601 33.8248745-87.69135650G5240Cole Cole 485 0 15 0 1 0 1 0 485 468 62.79638917 166.499745 52 177 45.593368705641275 47.38415246 189.59146206215655 182.1448241 23 1511 51 0 15 0 1 0 0 0 377.0628153819384 379 363ACole 0601 145284262 0 0 27.0074128663083070022220732 99Monroe County 10991N0109914D 31.4432211-87.42100610G5240Oak Grove Bapt Oak Grove Bapt 99 1 9 0 6 3 4 0 99 76 5.83641791 33.99449393 8 36 7.527619136883808 7.823283582 34.8381453471162 33.46979757 6 6318221 1 6 0 3 3 2 0 73.93241720131785 77 62AOak Grove Bapt 14D 82144212 12734 0 69.291746141841510022220732 99Monroe County 10991N0109914A 31.468468-87.37461880G5240Oak Grove Bapt Church Oak Grove Bapt Church 254 1 35 1 10 4 3 0 254 200 13.86149254 84.98623482 19 90 17.87809545274511 18.58029851 87.09536337299492 83.67449393 6 6318221 1 24 1 6 1 2 0189.68519160742153 196 161AOak Grove Bapt Church 14A 1096977592 129545 0 968.99323738512230022220732 99Monroe County 10992N0109914C 31.3930908-87.35311470G5240Excel/Coleman Excel/Coleman 3552 6 343 3 39 38 58 0 3552 3065 142.9922388 1267.23919 196 1342 184.4266688931038 191.6704478 1298.6886403547153 1247.679676 6 6318221 4 212 2 18 24 29 02652.6055141321312 2496 2207AExcel/Coleman 14C 229191682 29074 0 196.417548118605850022220732 99Monroe County 10991N010993I 31.4881182-87.37617520G5240Mexia Fire Dept Mexia Fire Dept 720 11 235 0 2 13 6 0 720 453 56.90507463 244.571498 78 259 73.39428658990927 76.27701493 250.6411012637889 240.7965992 6 6318221 8 169 0 0 10 1 0 537.6903069186752 544 356AMexia Fire Dept 3I 834848302 84204 133.89066759468707 330.03242271329973342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010571101 33.8841953-87.72316840G5240Browns Browns 1031 3 67 0 6 2 7 1 1031 945 158.1985958 274.6775455 131 292 114.86021726691416 119.3716148 312.77235546649615 300.4875064 32 1511 51 1 56 0 5 1 6 1 801.5500261005742 775 705ABrowns 1101 568471562 20031 171.68134098950176 423.184154051389163342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010570501 33.8664569-87.80926010G5240Russell Russell 1322 0 42 0 21 3 6 3 1322 1247 103.8555667 447.7620262 86 476 75.4044174658325 78.36609829 509.8617849342573 489.8357981 32 1511 51 0 34 0 16 3 5 01027.7877153297372 1017 959ARussell 0501 524158762 96294 35.193376254277595 86.749550490110783342223572 57Fayette County 10572N010571601 33.7959136-87.90717990G5240Thompson Thompson 271 0 3 0 5 4 0 0 271 259 14.447434434894435 59.69414065854127 11.963531669865644 63.45873320537428 10.489571356459416 10.901573244203455 67.97307347311877 65.30327566775432 77 1511 51 0 2 0 3 4 0 0210.68870715155734 216 207AThompson 1601 803973802 29464 48.439591671016764 119.400672814801923342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010571201 33.8624664-87.91767480G5240Webster Webster 373 0 4 0 6 0 2 0 373 361 26.56770311 144.8641849 22 154 19.28950213951327 20.04714142 164.9552833396533 158.4762876 32 1511 51 0 4 0 4 0 2 0289.98851574734647 306 296AWebster 1201 237469482 28293 28.440403688881155 70.103880285366273342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010572201 33.8995518-87.86478340G5240Sugar Creek Sugar Creek 219 0 1 0 6 0 5 0 219 207 1.7869554613963967 12.21820162828829 1.4797297297297298 12.98873873873874 1.2974204451750475 1.3483795982657658 13.912734279220912 13.366279844436937 32 1511 51 0 1 0 3 0 3 0 170.2613537497825 169 162ASugar Creek 2201 720130102 102913 185.5768806913752 457.435821588074933342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010570901 33.6476543-87.61435410G5240Berry Berry 1429 1 89 0 11 2 14 0 1429 1312 160.6138415 443.9993201 133 472 116.61380836875679 121.1940822 505.5772321310547 485.7195309 23 1511 51 1 67 0 3 2 1 01110.9747694449277 1076 1002ABerry 0901 1309160782 46808 67.91932022504496 167.417029174641843342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010571301 33.6486761-87.49531030G5240Boley Boley 523 0 2 0 0 4 4 0 523 513 61.5887663 163.6777155 51 174 44.716573154719946 46.47291876 186.37804745975458 179.0576237 23 1511 51 0 2 0 0 2 4 0406.60588132938926 402 394ABoley 1301 1015692472 229154 0 64.108505288711640062220732 99Monroe County 10991N010996A 31.6091929-87.39922170G5240Antioch Bapt. Church Antioch Bapt. Church 235 0 173 0 0 0 0 0 235 62 45.23223881 16.05295547 62 17 58.33904831036841 60.63044776 16.451346418253 15.80518219 6 6718221 0 126 0 0 0 0 0175.49614184151204 175 49AAntioch Bapt. Church 6A 316291172 0 0 436.48344026356860022220732 99Monroe County 10991N010993A 31.5483889-87.36570270G5240Bethel Bapt House Bethel Bapt House 1600 2 1266 0 5 5 20 0 1600 302 402.7128358 1.888582996 552 2 519.4057204853955 539.8065672 1.9354525189372727 1.859433198 6 6718221 1 878 0 1 5 7 01194.8673487081671 1149 257ABethel Bapt House 3A 268860362 0 0 225.880180336396730022220732 99Monroe County 10991N010993D 31.5166787-87.39682590G5240Mexia Fire Station Mexia Fire Station 828 1 111 0 11 10 7 0 828 688 66.38925373 285.1760324 91 302 85.6266676866238 88.98985075 292.2533304656982 280.774413 6 6318221 1 70 0 9 6 3 0 618.3438529564766 634 545AMexia Fire Station 3D 631926362 174760 0 225.6073781862320022220732 99Monroe County 10992N010993B 31.4631764-87.27631530G5240Days Inn/ Ollie Days Inn/ Ollie 827 17 283 0 24 4 2 0 827 497 71.4961194 204.9112551 98 217 92.21333442730776 95.83522388 209.99659832238908 201.748502 6 6718221 16 214 0 18 3 1 0 617.5970608635339 630 378ADays Inn/ Ollie 3B 120228332 18229 0 755.93475810646780022220732 99Monroe County 10992N010993C 31.5076461-87.33775830G5240Monroeville Armory Monroeville Armory 2771 11 1076 0 23 12 28 0 2771 1621 404.1719403 943.3472065 554 999 521.2876252739463 541.7623881 966.7585334163034 928.7868826 6 6318221 10 763 0 15 12 13 0 2069.360889543957 2173 1360AMonroeville Armory 3C 142827852 0 0 482.041399341078550022220732 99Monroe County 10991N010993G 31.5135489-87.30590620G5240Monroeville Housing Auth Monroeville Housing Auth 1767 5 1240 0 11 6 13 5 1767 487 378.6376119 250.237247 519 265 488.3542915224162 507.5355224 256.447458826846 246.3748988 6 6718221 3 837 0 7 5 5 1 1319.581628229582 1272 414AMonroeville Housing Auth 3G 186750082 21982 0 141.584315935495060062220732 99Monroe County 10991N010993F 31.5415041-87.28876580G5240Monroeville Fire Station Monroeville Fire Station 519 1 158 0 7 1 4 0 519 348 121.8352239 260.6244534 167 276 157.1390495072263 163.3110448 267.0924476924507 256.6017814 6 6718221 0 111 0 7 1 4 0 387.5850962372117 398 275AMonroeville Fire Station 3F 367073372 27456 0 57.8340558349228360062220432 99Monroe County 10991N010994B 31.4947455-87.23344210G5240Monroe Beulah Church Monroe Beulah Church 212 0 70 0 3 1 2 0 212 136 27.72298507 69.87757085 38 74 35.75619089586815 37.16059701 71.61174321525145 68.79902834 6 6718221 0 46 0 3 1 1 0158.31992370383216 160 109AMonroe Beulah Church 4B 104074661 54473 1614.874213836478 1372.1281659017512231112841113Russell County 11132N011131 32.4958516-85.01367030G5240Roy Martin Center Roy Martin Center 8655 70 1923 9 304 22 158 8 8655 6161 562.2087258 1935.563125 677 2021 678.2200582188563 704.858701 2000.437104031715 1921.865365 44 7912261 66 1299 9 198 21 87 6 6448.381211400079 6700 5014ARoy Martin Center 1 579736322 11090 46.6214836726408 114.919146221216863342223572 57Fayette County 10573N010572001 33.7390194-87.57332870G5240George's Creek George's Creek 359 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 359 357 28.98294885 130.7540371 24 139 21.04309325097799 21.86960883 148.88821032764355 143.0402856 23 1511 51 0 1 0 0 0 0 0279.10422829302246 284 283AGeorge's Creek 2001 2663472 0 0 31.372247268943990022220732 99Monroe County 10992N010993E 31.5279505-87.32819030G5240Monroeville FD Monroeville FD 115 0 52 0 0 0 1 0 115 62 34.28895522 73.65473684 47 78 44.224762425102995 45.96179104 75.48264825728953 72.51789474 6 6718221 0 50 0 0 0 1 0 85.88109068839951 112 61AMonroeville FD 3E 206520842 23275 0 46.103563377839430062220732 99Monroe County 10991N010996B 31.5809924-87.32021110G5240Antioch Bapt. Antioch Bapt. 169 0 138 0 1 0 0 0 169 30 31.37074627 11.33149798 43 12 40.46095285762329 42.05014925 11.6127151157054 11.15659919 6 6718221 0 101 0 1 0 0 0126.20786370730016 123 21AAntioch Bapt. 6B 4676502 0 0 28.644225767296690022220732 99Monroe County 10992N010993H 31.5128185-87.31908240G5240Monroeville Housing Authority Monroeville Housing Authority 105 0 52 0 5 0 9 0 105 39 24.07522388 16.05295547 33 17 31.051428943735086 32.27104478 16.451346418253 15.80518219 6 6318221 0 40 0 4 0 4 0 78.41316975897347 82 34AMonroeville Housing Authority 3H 67454792 0 0 18.0049419108722050062220732 99Monroe County 10991N010996C 31.6071602-87.32273010G5240Antioch Antioch 66 0 54 0 1 0 0 0 66 11 10.21373134 3.777165992 14 4 13.173333490989975 13.69074627 3.8709050389154283 3.718866397 6 6718221 0 34 0 1 0 0 0 49.28827813421189 39 4AAntioch 6C 1887284012 5298542 0 128.4898127275880062220772 99Monroe County 10991N010998 31.7820879-87.41715960G5240Tinela/Hybart/Pine Flat Bapt.Church Tinela/Hybart/Pine Flat Bapt.Church 471 0 426 0 4 0 2 0 471 39 169.9856716 11.33149798 233 12 219.24190733696406 227.8531343 11.6127151157054 11.15659919 6 67 5221 0 290 0 4 0 2 0 351.7390757759667 330 34ATinela/Hybart/Pine Flat Bapt.Church 8 31081431 2802 540.5303983228512 459.2784860332032231112841113Russell County 11137N011134-1 32.4687445-85.00843860G5240Russell County Courthouse Russell County Courthouse 2897 3 2047 3 143 9 57 8 2897 627 541.4476946 99.6034463 652 104 653.1750044434976 678.8299455 102.94184007060906 98.89856404 44 8212271 2 1304 2 87 5 18 5 2158.400967004741 1900 477ARussell County Courthouse 4-1 141268901 0 1486.3186582809224 1262.89693467051962231112841113Russell County 11137N011133-1A 32.4743666-85.03026250G5240National Guard Armory Voting District National Guard Armory Voting District 7966 29 3797 12 221 30 124 5 7966 3748 958.3292018 1472.981735 1154 1538 1156.0796852726369 1201.487357 1522.3514430878895 1462.557611 44 7912261 26 2513 8 138 22 57 2 5935.043874062742 5844 3078ANational Guard Armory Voting District 3-1A 241660161 180326 174.26834381551362 148.072525355544232231112841113Russell County 11137N011136-1B 32.4213721-85.06490750G5240Austin Sumbry Park Voting District Austin Sumbry Park Voting District 934 3 323 1 23 8 9 0 934 567 151.1403074 95.77254451 182 100 182.32799202344623 189.4893406 98.98253853423587 95.09477312 44 7912261 3 231 1 14 8 8 0 695.8738361002512 715 450AAustin Sumbry Park Voting District 6-1B 426226501 221049 1392.8406708595387 1183.4704515836592231112841113Russell County 11137N011132 32.4550831-85.08241370G5240Ladonia Fire Dept Ladonia Fire Dept 7465 30 964 9 232 41 146 5 7465 6038 634.4571145 1500.755773 764 1567 765.3768457034986 795.4387705 1551.0563790496453 1490.135095 44 7912261 26 629 6 137 37 72 0 5561.775360265926 5678 4771ALadonia Fire Dept 2 2315150491 856514 730.4716981132076 620.66802651708312231112841113Russell County 11137N011136-2 32.3910789-85.19243520G5240Crawford Fire Dept Crawford Fire Dept 3915 8 791 0 98 13 51 4 3915 2950 438.4729797 972.0913268 528 1015 528.9515373135923 549.7273178 1004.6727661558024 965.2119472 31 7912261 7 614 0 68 13 27 02916.8587455379907 3016 2287ACrawford Fire Dept 6-2 15760521 0 67.54297693920336 57.389993767352262231112841113Russell County 11137S011133-1B 32.5015391-85.05225690G5240Central Activities Center-B Central Activities Center-B 362 4 90 0 1 0 8 0 362 259 48.99603371 74.70258472 59 78 59.10632708304346 61.42786316 77.2063800529568 74.17392303 44 7912261 3 72 0 0 0 4 0 269.7069900088768 298 219PCentral Activities Center-B 3-1B 50189102 0 0 969.21107914923290022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109732 30.747532-88.08090720G5240Vigor High School Vigor High School 3913 0 3712 0 30 3 41 2 3913 125 1523.872671 14.07673714 1965 15 1812.0300900260997 1883.201713 15.110686953864837 14.51718019 87 9710321 0 2669 0 25 3 23 2 2931.594904986053 2823 101AVigor High School 32 17868822 8995 0 411.908516387726650022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109735 30.7342519 -88.0746250G5240Whitley School Whitley School 1663 5 1626 0 10 2 5 0 1663 15 622.7326998 6.569143999 803 7 740.4886323616721 769.5730157 7.051653910068786 6.774684087 87 9710321 5 1142 0 9 2 4 0 1245.909104776848 1174 12AWhitley School 35 35955792 65837 0 474.821783472803360022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109734 30.7219772-88.06837240G5240Plateau Community Center Plateau Community Center 1917 0 1877 0 7 3 12 0 1917 18 753.0179969 5.630694857 971 6 895.4102889436367 930.5795744 6.0442747794641685 5.806872074103 9710321 0 1264 0 3 3 10 01436.2043017782428 1297 17APlateau Community Center 34 30462472 0 0 713.3472803347280022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109736 30.7295354-88.08726060G5240100 Black Men of Greater Mobile 100 Black Men of Greater Mobile 2880 0 2848 0 13 3 6 0 2880 10 1381.179251 13.138288 1781 14 1642.353990606192 1706.861197 14.103307815974038 13.54936817 87 9710321 0 2128 0 11 3 5 02157.6778242677824 2155 8A100 Black Men of Greater Mobile 36 22986812 0 0 670.49690550906550022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109731 30.7390588-88.10038880G5240Prichard Community Center Prichard Community Center 2707 1 2650 0 10 15 20 0 2707 11 1044.6089 11.26138971 1347 12 1242.139711078728 1290.927587 12.088549561010105 11.61374415 87 9710321 1 1885 0 8 13 11 0 2028.067316073919 1926 8APrichard Community Center 31 70307672 1328549 0 1717.73034344490930022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109771 30.6583307-88.06010180G5240Rock of Faith Baptist Church Rock of Faith Baptist Church 6935 3 6737 0 52 9 48 3 6935 83 2583.216218 15.95363543 3331 17 3071.690702654444 3192.338375 17.125445208828772 16.45280421 76 9610341 3 4521 0 35 6 28 3 5195.658233089261 4667 71ARock of Faith Baptist Church 71 38100442 2988 0 1339.2599808228730022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109772 30.6524897-88.08500290G5240Mae Eanes School Mae Eanes School 5407 12 5102 1 34 7 42 0 5407 209 2081.462723 51.61470285 2684 55 2475.0578947222243 2572.27145 55.40585214682302 53.22966068 7610210341 8 3303 1 30 5 18 04050.8902763249653 3542 177AMae Eanes School 72 127131472 71162064 0 1038.56428695955380022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109770 30.61273-88.05548120G5240Elk's Lodge #108 Elk's Lodge #108 4193 30 2805 1 157 27 80 5 4193 1088 1084.935301 303.1190731 1399 323 1290.0916520099615 1340.76295 325.3834589781555 312.60328 76 9610341 18 1850 1 96 24 38 23141.3691379009765 2915 886AElk's Lodge #108 70 42033042 397150 0 614.51895920502090022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109774 30.6266968-88.08558850G5240Palmer Pillans School Palmer Pillans School 2481 35 1062 0 31 8 33 8 2481 1304 372.243706 533.9775622 480 569 442.6333044786615 460.0187391 573.1987249007964 550.685035 67 9610341 30 682 0 23 8 14 21858.7495423640166 1860 1101APalmer Pillans School 74 178562192 12768927 0 386.64413354253830022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109733 30.7190286-88.03527720G5240Bishop St Community College Bishop St Community College 1561 0 1531 1 9 0 10 1 1561 9 859.2625546 5.630694857 1108 6 1021.7452107650445 1061.876589 6.0442747794641685 5.806872074103 9610321 0 1170 1 7 0 10 11169.4913485006973 1196 7ABishop St Community College 33 29079402 133487 0 343.793758716875860022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109737 30.7089845-88.06332780G5240Thomas Sullivan Comm Center Thomas Sullivan Comm Center 1388 0 1326 0 27 7 12 3 1388 13 622.7326998 3.753796571 803 4 740.4886323616721 769.5730157 4.029516519295818 3.871248049 76 9610321 0 1015 0 17 4 12 1 1039.880840306834 1062 13AThomas Sullivan Comm Center 37 33312142 28837 0 1248.110050557880022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109738 30.7115764-88.07895080G5240Figures Recreation Center Figures Recreation Center 5039 1 4938 0 24 4 32 0 5039 40 1975.993673 11.26138971 2548 12 2349.6451248745743 2441.932807 12.088549561010105 11.61374415 87 9610321 1 3456 0 16 4 18 0 3775.186998779637 3530 35AFigures Recreation Center 38 22907732 15917 0 606.59287831241280022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109740 30.7027509-88.09141850G5240Carver Campus-Bishop State Carver Campus-Bishop State 2449 7 2349 0 9 8 10 0 2449 66 1067.098624 16.89208457 1376 18 1268.8821391013694 1318.720385 18.13282433631074 17.42061622 87 9810321 7 1749 0 7 4 7 01834.7753443165968 1822 48ACarver Campus-Bishop State 40 25921462 0 0 937.25906555090660022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109742 30.6878037-88.07755750G5240VIA Senior Center VIA Senior Center 3784 23 841 1 74 10 33 4 3784 2798 590.1613755 943.1413885 761 1005 701.7582181921258 729.321376 1012.4160255654526 972.6510724 76 9610321 18 626 1 59 10 25 22834.9489191073917 3013 2272AVIA Senior Center 42 139265122 12685 0 1754.88384762900980022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109781 30.6030331-88.19463170G5240Tillman's Corner Community Center Tillman's Corner Community Center 7085 69 638 14 323 30 110 14 7085 5887 409.4680766 2009.219615 528 2141 486.8966349169056 506.020613 2156.7987167165456 2072.085518 8110317341 61 384 7 228 28 61 4 5308.037286436541 5291 4518ATillman's Corner Community Center 81 37158472 0 0 941.71748605299870022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109741 30.6923556-88.05352350G5240Springhill Avenue Recreational Center Springhill Avenue Recreational Center 3802 47 1814 1 75 17 46 4 3802 1798 708.0385491 368.8105131 913 393 841.9254312626022 874.9939767 395.8999981100698 380.3501209 76 9610321 34 1468 1 64 16 33 12848.4344055090655 3096 1479ASpringhill Avenue Recreational Center 41 1972251622 521023 0 1105.93597454672250022220732 97Mobile County 10971N010976 30.9717488-88.11989140G5240Turnerville Community Turnerville Community 4465 13 182 0 27 65 31 5 4465 4142 187.6728684 1787.745617 242 1905 223.16095767826678 231.9261143 1919.0572430055197 1843.681884 1710122331 10 126 0 17 44 18 33345.1498213040445 3389 3171ATurnerville Community 6 1186760592 398627 0 358.407470362622060022220732 97Mobile County 10971N010975 30.9442244-88.20308010G5240Chunchula Baptist Church Chunchula Baptist Church 1447 1 200 0 37 34 21 0 1447 1154 127.1832662 410.1022754 164 437 151.23304570409255 157.1730692 440.2246797817294 422.9338494 1710122331 0 158 0 24 25 10 01084.0832679567643 1083 866AChunchula Baptist Church 5 998584252 224520 0 892.4271705020920022220732 97Mobile County 10971N010978 30.9218861-88.27594910G5240Georgetown Baptist Church Georgetown Baptist Church 3603 1 242 0 38 102 81 0 3603 3139 128.7342816 1063.262879 166 1133 153.07735109491824 159.0898139 1141.360554216227 1096.53101 1710122331 1 167 0 17 76 40 0 2699.344861401674 2611 2310AGeorgetown Baptist Church 8 23845212 0 0 899.11480125523010022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109768 30.6773099-88.05662410G5240St Joan Of Arc Catholic Church St Joan Of Arc Catholic Church 3630 20 2297 0 33 14 36 7 3630 1223 1073.302686 330.3340983 1384 352 1276.2593608571135 1326.387364 354.5974537896297 340.6698284 76 9610321 15 1653 0 29 10 21 6 2719.573091004184 2777 1043ASt Joan Of Arc Catholic Church 68 268063012 42052849 0 619.4727597629010022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109790 30.5447143-88.08234730G5240Hollingers Island School Hollingers Island School 2501 31 124 31 28 30 30 0 2501 2227 155.1015442 875.5730502 200 933 184.43054350872046 191.6744746 939.884728199392 902.9686075 8110217341 24 70 22 25 19 18 0 1873.733416143654 2006 1828AHollingers Island School 90 162839502 5151 0 1413.56698919107380022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109787 30.5443514-88.20633550G5240Callahan Boys and Girls Club Callahan Boys and Girls Club 5707 87 1052 2 194 61 128 2 5707 4181 359.8355824 1392.658528 464 1484 427.8788610633939 444.6847812 1494.9506284724305 1436.233026 8110417341 54 593 2 116 41 60 0 4275.648383019526 4070 3204ACallahan Boys and Girls Club 87 546481212 75152443 0 943.20362622036260022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109791 30.4768757-88.09921340G5240St Philip Neri Church St Philip Neri Church 3808 37 365 0 66 25 34 3 3808 3278 285.3868412 1346.67452 368 1435 339.35220009068513 352.6810333 1445.5890517358469 1388.810238 8110417341 26 286 0 46 23 23 3 2852.929567642957 3034 2627ASt Philip Neri Church 91 97282572 4452549 0 863.94281729428180022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109789 30.5863828-88.08711580G5240St. Andrews Episcopal Church St. Andrews Episcopal Church 3488 30 1514 0 60 21 67 5 3488 1791 552.9370049 775.1589919 713 826 657.4948877538817 683.3195021 832.0951613194184 799.4127222 8110217341 23 933 0 38 13 28 5 2613.187587168759 2554 1514ASt. Andrews Episcopal Church 89 724072962261975039 0 443.117459902370970022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109798 30.3392379-88.12823420G5240St. Michael Catholic Church St. Michael Catholic Church 1789 11 53 0 14 4 31 9 1789 1667 110.8976041 544.3005028 143 580 131.86783866742977 137.0472494 584.2798953967775 561.3309672 8110417341 9 43 0 10 4 24 71340.3075095885636 1400 1303ASt. Michael Catholic Church 98 915088142 55942118 0 1783.8635808926080022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109794 30.334881-88.26499110G5240Odd Fellows Hall Odd Fellows Hall 7202 657 854 2 206 19 105 8 7202 5351 366.8151519 1490.257239 473 1588 436.1782354664406 453.3101325 1599.7180587298028 1536.885476 710417341 457 573 2 130 14 43 4 5395.69294804742 5198 3975AOdd Fellows Hall 94 390653892 80413 0 1224.57949790794990022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109793 30.4908016-88.23601910G5240First Baptist Church of Irvington First Baptist Church of Irvington 4944 368 527 0 254 28 74 2 4944 3691 355.1825361 1037.924752 458 1106 422.3459446984755 438.9345469 1114.1613180552524 1070.400086 710417341 254 376 0 153 23 39 1 3704.01359832636 3582 2736AFirst Baptist Church of Irvington 93 88016562 38339 0 1845.53839783821470022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109748 30.6876588 -88.1463770G5240E.R. Dickson Elementary School E.R. Dickson Elementary School 7451 188 768 1 238 20 66 16 7451 6154 573.1002056 2542.258728 739 2709 681.4708584119398 708.2371838 2728.9900625002692 2621.802741 6710010331 140 624 1 186 17 42 10 5582.242176603905 6145 5125AE.R. Dickson Elementary School 48 45192092 180008 0 777.00361750348680022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109750 30.6979635 -88.1622620G5240Mobile Museum of Art Mobile Museum of Art 3137 34 235 1 40 7 35 5 3137 2780 333.4683199 1153.353996 430 1229 396.52566864959175 412.1001205 1238.0689504961313 1189.440963 6010010331 26 163 1 25 6 15 12350.2206023361227 2413 2176AMobile Museum of Art 50 29192812 562679 0 422.063807531380750022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109777 30.6053748-88.09847550G5240Riverside Church of the Nazarene Riverside Church of the Nazarene 1704 3 733 0 18 1 20 2 1704 927 281.5093026 372.5643097 363 397 334.7414365655105 347.8891715 399.92951457836244 384.2213689 8110217341 3 489 0 13 1 7 11276.6260460251046 1300 786ARiverside Church of the Nazarene 77 162646982352120052 0 306.39256450488150022220332 97Mobile County 10971S0109799 30.2390373 -88.2505440G5240Dauphin Isl. Baptist Resort Dauphin Isl. Baptist Resort 1237 2 5 0 9 12 12 1 1237 1196 130.2852971 594.9767565 168 634 154.92165658196464 161.0065587 638.6783683432568 613.5928158 8110417341 2 2 0 8 9 8 1 926.7525932705719 1078 1048PDauphin Isl. Baptist Resort 99 382920752 382673 0 342.80299860529990022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109797 30.3851428-88.18411240G5240Coden Community House Coden Community House 1384 98 37 0 73 3 7 3 1384 1163 100.8160037 356.6106743 130 380 119.87985329029037 124.5884085 382.80406937994246 367.7685647 710417341 79 31 0 52 3 5 01036.8840655509066 1066 896ACoden Community House 97 103130352 368670 0 458.226551603905140022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109796 30.4023147-88.25119180G5240Charles Haynes Lodge #627 Charles Haynes Lodge #627 1850 483 254 0 44 2 53 0 1850 1014 160.5300982 393.2101908 207 419 190.88561252094138 198.3830812 422.0918554662363 405.5132332 710417341 329 156 0 37 2 16 01386.0083246164575 1310 770ACharles Haynes Lodge #627 96 940887442132590983 0 1214.91958682008360022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109795 30.367225-88.36603770G5240Friendship Baptist Church Friendship Baptist Church 4905 59 564 6 96 35 82 3 4905 4060 222.38324292772577 972.8255687372115 286.75825781935106 1036.6311020169542 264.4349067951638 274.8211920953669 1044.2805377120737 1003.264033009354 710417331 48 429 4 60 23 44 1 3674.795044456067 3629 3020AFriendship Baptist Church 95 63413772 6715 0 883.26263947001390022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109751 30.7026405-88.18498930G5240University Church of Christ University Church of Christ 3566 87 1507 0 93 10 61 8 3566 1800 659.9570704 507.7009862 851 541 784.7519627999162 815.5748896 544.9921093104837 523.5862987 6010022321 80 1154 0 70 9 54 82671.6246949093443 3026 1651AUniversity Church of Christ 51 155282062 18539 0 1473.50797594142250022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109728 30.7343988-88.18726510G5240Moffett Road Assembly of God Moffett Road Assembly of God 5949 47 3814 0 73 12 80 5 5949 1918 1575.831689 958.1565748 2032 1021 1873.814322110181 1947.412662 1028.5340916467994 988.1360646 95 9822321 35 2656 0 49 8 46 4 4456.953255753138 4417 1619AMoffett Road Assembly of God 28 58515692 75799 0 929.58067468619240022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109715 30.8247136 -88.0746870G5240Shelton Beach Rd. Baptist Church Shelton Beach Rd. Baptist Church 3753 20 619 0 155 46 43 0 3753 2870 368.3661674 1113.939132 475 1187 438.02254095348695 455.2268773 1195.7590275790594 1148.792859103 9522321 15 421 0 112 27 27 0 2811.723914748954 2862 2260AShelton Beach Rd. Baptist Church 15 844395892 9685694 0 1046.98574790794990022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109714 30.8157147-88.02268160G5240Satsuma City Hall Satsuma City Hall 4227 21 568 1 23 48 46 1 4227 3519 421.8762001 1925.697641 544 2052 501.6510784283938 521.354571 2067.141974256154 1985.950249103 9522211 9 413 1 15 30 25 0 3166.84172332636 3241 2748ASatsuma City Hall 14 1769798272 9263786 0 903.57322175732210022220732 97Mobile County 10971N010977 30.9376765-88.02005850G5240First Baptist Church of Axis First Baptist Church of Axis 3648 4 515 4 71 80 60 1 3648 2913 370.6926905 1035.109404 478 1103 440.78899908783586 458.1019944 1111.1391807040332 1067.49665 1710122211 4 400 4 61 62 30 12733.0585774058577 2747 2185AFirst Baptist Church of Axis 7 98003792 537925 0 1512.3953103207810022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109717 30.7727191-88.08396650G5240Chickasaw Auditorium Chickasaw Auditorium 6106 33 2036 1 142 46 63 3 6106 3782 714.2426108 1659.178084 921 1768 849.3026530183463 882.6609557 1781.0463018847338 1711.091638 87 9522321 25 1188 1 89 34 36 2 4574.576664923292 4463 3088AChickasaw Auditorium 17 97543522 248474 0 1007.60303347280330022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109716 30.8030189-88.08819540G5240Saraland Civic Center Saraland Civic Center 4068 24 455 0 147 24 75 5 4068 3338 279.1827795 1457.411519 360 1553 331.97497833494094 345.0140543 1564.45978859136 1503.012055103 9522321 20 316 0 110 22 43 03047.7199267782426 3216 2705ASaraland Civic Center 16 430299542 193906 0 1029.15206589958170022220732 97Mobile County 10972N0109712 30.8374038-88.14052280G5240Kali Oka Civic Club Kali Oka Civic Club 4155 26 177 0 29 33 49 0 4155 3841 210.1625923 1890.036574 271 2014 249.90338647067375 259.7189131 2028.8615678073745 1949.173393 17 9722331 18 123 0 21 25 26 0 3112.899777719665 3233 3020AKali Oka Civic Club 12 88194712 78394 0 383.671853207810330022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109718 30.7708066-88.11170760G5240Whistler United Methodist Church Whistler United Methodist Church 1549 0 1279 0 3 3 13 9 1549 242 622.7326998 104.1678548 803 111 740.4886323616721 769.5730157 111.8190834523545 107.4271334 87 9722321 0 912 0 3 3 10 4 1160.501024232915 1159 227AWhistler United Methodist Church 18 556188062 366843 0 876.57500871687590022220732 97Mobile County 10971N0109711 30.8199656-88.18180460G5240College Park Baptist Church College Park Baptist Church 3539 8 1081 0 49 24 37 2 3539 2338 545.9574354 754.5131108 704 804 649.1955132546144 674.6941507 809.9328204315445 778.1208579 95 9722331 7 820 0 41 18 24 2 2651.396465306834 2897 1985ACollege Park Baptist Church 11 114743662 48792 0 473.33564330543930022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109723 30.783936-88.23918880G5240River of Life Ministries River of Life Ministries 1911 4 155 0 15 11 11 1 1911 1714 89.18338789 664.4219931 115 708 106.04756252232531 110.2128229 713.2244240475519 685.2109048 9510122331 3 106 0 9 9 4 01431.7091396443514 1486 1355ARiver of Life Ministries 23 514635702 4200651 0 226.140995467224540022220732 97Mobile County 10971N010971 31.1130462-87.98647190G5240Mt. Vernon Community Center Mt. Vernon Community Center 913 3 824 0 7 3 0 0 913 76 437.3863545 27.21502514 564 29 520.0941328177541 540.5220185 29.213994769838873 28.06654836 17101 5211 2 625 0 5 3 0 0 684.0138380404463 703 68AMt. Vernon Community Center 1 78714712 6266030 0 687.58751743375170022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109769 30.6670405-88.03566680G5240Mobile Civic Center Mobile Civic Center 2776 8 2110 0 25 1 14 0 2776 618 624.2837152 86.33732114 805 92 742.3329377524979 771.4897604 92.6788799573353 89.03870514 76 9610321 8 1845 0 23 1 14 0 2079.761680613668 2497 606AMobile Civic Center 69 202301532 99232 0 1258.26534170153420022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109720 30.7708159-88.15135770G5240Indian Springs Elementary School Indian Springs Elementary School 5080 4 3895 0 68 32 63 7 5080 1011 1613.056059 315.318912 2080 336 1918.077652644646 1993.414536 338.4793877082829 325.1848362 87 9722321 4 2809 0 53 25 33 3 3805.903940027894 3773 846AIndian Springs Elementary School 20 48987962 0 0 1230.52405857740590022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109749 30.7145997-88.17537810G5240St. John United Methodist Church St. John United Methodist Church 4968 33 2761 0 88 10 34 14 4968 2028 1032.976284 1025.724913 1332 1093 1228.3074199258801 1276.552001 1101.0653895333016 1057.81853 60 9822321 25 1756 0 60 9 21 33721.9942468619247 3612 1738ASt. John United Methodist Church 49 20792622 0 0 394.570214435146450022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109752 30.7099647-88.20279740G5240Hillsdale Community Center Hillsdale Community Center 1593 1 1355 0 18 7 29 1 1593 182 478.4882637 66.62988914 617 71 568.9682267811728 591.3157542 71.52391822816982 68.71465288 60 9822321 1 910 0 12 4 14 01193.4655465481171 1097 156AHillsdale Community Center 52 53569882 7066 0 847.09989539748950022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109719 30.7503663-88.11667090G5240Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church 3420 0 3217 0 15 9 20 3 3420 156 1361.01605 39.414864 1755 42 1618.3780196594716 1681.943515 42.30992345833094 40.64810452 87 9710321 0 2315 0 14 8 14 22562.2424163179917 2483 130AMt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church 19 48056432 0 0 648.70018305439330022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109730 30.7217587-88.11180750G5240Joseph Dotch Comm. Center Joseph Dotch Comm. Center 2619 0 2541 1 29 3 25 0 2619 20 1257.098015 6.569143999 1621 7 1494.8095554913093 1553.521617 7.051653910068786 6.774684087 87 9810321 0 1972 1 20 2 15 01962.1382714435147 2028 18AJoseph Dotch Comm. Center 30 70480492 2011 0 1903.25017433751740022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109755 30.6704395-88.19090810G5240Hillcrest Baptist Church Hillcrest Baptist Church 7684 272 1225 2 292 26 138 12 7684 5717 798.7729524 2256.970188 1030 2405 949.8172992719739 987.1235444 2422.7468077873864 2327.58789 6010022331 214 919 2 204 23 75 8 5756.804306136681 6215 4770AHillcrest Baptist Church 55 25947702 0 0 295.246513249651340022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109753 30.6995029-88.21593560G5240Friendship Missionary Baptist Church Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 1192 2 797 0 9 6 15 2 1192 361 299.3459802 37.53796571 386 40 355.95094899299903 369.931736 40.29516519295818 38.71248049 60 9822321 2 608 0 8 6 12 2 893.0388772663878 944 306AFriendship Missionary Baptist Church 53 684544752 495284 0 615.7574093444910022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109759 30.6320981-88.34376570G5240Seven Hills Central Fire Station Seven Hills Central Fire Station 2486 41 124 2 44 10 19 0 2486 2246 105.46905 767.6513988 136 818 125.41276965520882 130.3386428 824.0361282787451 791.6702261 43 9917331 26 89 1 32 9 9 01862.4955108089262 1803 1637ASeven Hills Central Fire Station 59 171829012 80512 0 1235.2301691073920022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109729 30.7370253-88.13921490G5240Little Welcome Baptist Church Little Welcome Baptist Church 4987 29 3513 1 79 12 45 8 4987 1300 1280.363247 566.8232822 1651 604 1522.474136834798 1582.272788 608.4569945187977 584.5584555 87 9810321 19 2242 1 62 11 23 1 3736.22892695258 3476 1117ALittle Welcome Baptist Church 29 23118442 0 0 663.80927475592750022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109745 30.7044985-88.10910380G5240Boys and Girls Club Of Mobile Boys and Girls Club Of Mobile 2680 8 2416 0 19 5 21 2 2680 209 1035.302807 39.414864 1335 42 1231.0738779640085 1279.427118 42.30992345833094 40.64810452 87 9810321 5 1840 0 17 5 14 12007.8390864714086 2084 202ABoys and Girls Club Of Mobile 45 300951422 669938 0 770.31598675034870022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109792 30.5239101-88.15588980G5240Mt. Ararat Baptist Church Mt. Ararat Baptist Church 3110 73 1727 0 44 18 53 0 3110 1195 792.5688906 298.4268274 1022 318 942.4400775162297 979.4565654 320.34656328870153 307.7642199 8110217341 52 1260 0 25 12 18 02329.9923727336122 2262 895AMt. Ararat Baptist Church 92 288241692 34720 0 907.53626220362620022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109786 30.5178609-88.25789550G5240St. Elmo Seventh Day Adventist St. Elmo Seventh Day Adventist 3664 295 386 0 93 43 60 4 3664 2783 238.0808703 761.0822548 307 811 283.10088437152234 294.2203186 816.9844743551447 784.895542 710417341 206 272 0 62 33 24 42745.0456764295677 2686 2085ASt. Elmo Seventh Day Adventist 86 477518642 386227 0 1035.34431659693150022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109785 30.4973529-88.36236270G5240Grand Bay Middle School Grand Bay Middle School 4180 17 288 2 90 36 67 5 4180 3675 236.5298548 1158.984691 305 1235 281.2565788844759 292.3035738 1244.11322519857 1195.247835 710417331 14 224 2 55 20 36 3 3131.629619944212 3053 2699AGrand Bay Middle School 85 224568222 201599 0 2351.32143479776870022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109761 30.623364-88.23866790G5240Creekwood Church of Christ Creekwood Church of Christ 9493 376 1498 5 267 32 110 9 9493 7196 833.6707998 3124.097196 1075 3329 991.3141713834276 1030.250301 3353.5651234126785 3221.846189 43 9917331 254 958 4 178 24 48 1 7112.095689504881 6926 5459ACreekwood Church of Christ 61 59769122 21490 0 2005.29846582984670022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109764 30.6695122-88.14800310G5240Bay of the Holy Spirit Church Bay of the Holy Spirit Church 8096 472 3424 12 507 36 175 24 8096 3446 954.6500043 1139.277259 1231 1214 1135.1699951393346 1179.756391 1222.9582637400342 1174.923783 6710010341 376 2410 12 389 29 95 13 6065.472105997211 6297 2973ABay of the Holy Spirit Church 64 85715352 30000 0 1948.0820693863320022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109762 30.6429955-88.19370350G5240Our Savior Catholic Church Our Savior Catholic Church 7865 240 1267 7 204 22 105 13 7865 6007 829.7932612 2438.090873 1070 2598 986.7034076658116 1025.458439 2617.170979464268 2514.375608 60 9917331 184 959 7 158 21 73 8 5892.408363842399 6335 4925AOur Savior Catholic Church 62 198618172 691102 0 551.35800209205020022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109788 30.5846595-88.15282850G5240Cypress Shores Baptist Church Cypress Shores Baptist Church 2226 11 120 0 26 22 30 5 2226 2012 132.6118203 892.4651348 171 951 157.68811471631352 163.8816758 958.0175526189734 920.3892238 8110317341 9 80 0 16 15 11 1 1667.70515167364 1737 1605ACypress Shores Baptist Church 88 235070252 65841 0 2118.74049860529980022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109760 30.6221141-88.27317470G5240Causey Middle School Causey Middle School 8554 259 1326 3 296 26 122 11 8554 6511 622.7326998 2378.030128 803 2534 740.4886323616721 769.5730157 2552.6987149307038 2452.435639 43 9917331 169 857 2 199 21 50 7 6408.602815550907 5953 4648ACausey Middle School 60 140635682 72746 0 949.39587691771270022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109758 30.665635 -88.2836970G5240Sonrise Baptist Church Sonrise Baptist Church 3833 77 370 0 87 12 45 3 3833 3239 293.9174262 1402.981468 379 1495 349.4958799807781 363.2231294 1506.031798760235 1446.878958 43 9917331 55 267 0 52 11 19 32871.6594098675037 2751 2344ASonrise Baptist Church 58 136308122 55718 0 1362.79053347280340022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109757 30.6678455-88.25897520G5240Seven Hills Baptist Church Seven Hills Baptist Church 5502 176 1026 0 271 19 81 10 5502 3919 519.5901729 1468.672908 670 1565 617.8423208408122 642.10949 1576.5483379962375 1514.625799 43 9922331 123 688 0 184 13 43 4 4122.063676778243 3980 2925ASeven Hills Baptist Church 57 109698782 63960 0 2017.43527719665280022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109756 30.664729-88.22029050G5240Covenant Church Covenant Church 8145 262 1404 1 261 19 137 13 8145 6048 739.8343656 2549.766321 954 2717 879.7336926886253 914.287244 2737.0490964777377 2629.545238 43 9922331 182 887 1 182 16 71 7 6102.182596757322 6067 4721ACovenant Church 56 29448442 0 0 1108.90825488145040022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109763 30.6548278-88.17002110G5240The Mug Cafe The Mug Cafe 4477 153 1434 3 187 13 45 12 4477 2630 712.6915954 966.6026171 919 1030 847.4583475312999 880.7442109 1037.600503804546 996.8463727 6010017331 127 1042 3 144 11 23 6 3354.140145571827 3571 2215AThe Mug Cafe 63 44164942 0 0 1716.49189330543940022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109754 30.6841127-88.18684770G5240Providence Church of God Providence Church of God 6930 494 1920 5 371 37 148 2 6930 3953 667.7121476 1366.381952 861 1456 793.973489946486 825.1586133 1466.7440131943827 1409.13429 6010022331 453 1302 5 281 22 91 1 5191.912264644351 5508 3353AProvidence Church of God 54 83826022 4979 0 1677.85224895397480022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109779 30.6303446-88.17052950G5240Dodge School Dodge School 6774 99 1489 3 156 24 63 4 6774 4936 890.2828634 2298.261951 1148 2449 1058.6313195437651 1100.211484 2467.0714889386045 2370.171618 6710317341 79 1077 2 125 19 30 25075.0380491631795 5444 4110ADodge School 79 69148342 78095 0 1709.06119246861930022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109780 30.6318978-88.19201280G5240Cranford Burns School Cranford Burns School 6900 160 1690 5 186 18 103 11 6900 4727 1054.6905 2111.510571 1360 2250 1254.1276965520883 1303.386428 2266.6030425592844 2177.577028 8110317341 116 1239 4 122 14 47 3 5169.436453974896 5272 3727ACranford Burns School 80 127131332 80219 0 1244.1470101115760022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109782 30.5945582-88.21227550G5240Travis Road Baptist Church Travis Road Baptist Church 5023 225 289 0 177 36 78 10 5023 4208 288.4888721 1677.947067 372 1788 343.04081096855714 356.5145228 1801.1938842261964 1730.447878 710317331 144 193 0 105 27 35 23763.1998997559276 3789 3283ATravis Road Baptist Church 82 401285232 337009 0 1905.23169456066940022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109783 30.571452-88.25224140G5240Meadowlake Elementary Meadowlake Elementary 7692 112 645 3 205 33 94 7 7692 6593 379.2232755 2020.481004 489 2153 450.93267897792884 468.6440905 2168.8872671623067 2083.699263 710317341 81 432 3 141 29 45 3 5762.797855648536 5760 5026AMeadowlake Elementary 83 960315502 337041 0 1194.36131450488140022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109784 30.5407759-88.36730690G5240Union Baptist Church Union Baptist Church 4822 18 383 1 127 24 35 6 4822 4228 275.3052409 1408.612163 355 1501 327.3642148097664 340.2221925 1512.0760745035568 1452.685831 710317331 13 281 1 78 23 19 23612.6119682705717 3537 3120AUnion Baptist Church 84 21376142 0 0 872.61196827057190022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109743 30.6824346-88.09241790G5240Murphy High School Library Murphy High School Library 3523 20 531 0 54 12 45 4 3523 2857 490.1208795 961.9103713 632 1025 582.8005175491379 605.6913398 1032.5636082191804 992.0073127 76 9610321 17 353 0 41 12 25 1 2639.409366283124 2832 2383AMurphy High School Library 43 34646862 6432 0 1641.44181485355650022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109765 30.6577803-88.14917970G5240Community of Christ Church Community of Christ Church 6627 265 4156 1 238 20 126 6 6627 1815 968.6091432 736.6825771 1249 785 1151.7687443303107 1197.007094 790.7926169989782 759.7324297 6710210341 209 2483 1 170 17 69 3 4964.906576882845 4512 1560ACommunity of Christ Church 65 32725552 1599 0 756.19765516039050022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109773 30.6524674-88.10301250G5240Eichold Mertz Elementary School Eichold Mertz Elementary School 3053 10 2104 0 77 16 31 2 3053 813 679.3447634 245.8736754 876 262 807.8057807144511 839.5341989 263.9333320039877 253.5667472 6710210341 10 1393 0 48 5 13 1 2287.288332461646 2191 721AEichold Mertz Elementary School 73 31009042 0 0 574.64086471408640022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109744 30.6930909-88.09631790G5240Augusta Evans School Augusta Evans School 2320 12 578 0 34 7 22 0 2320 1667 388.5293681 705.7137554 501 752 461.99851161154504 480.144559 757.5491057192115 727.7946333 76 9610321 10 446 0 25 5 15 0 1738.129358437936 1886 1385AAugusta Evans School 44 51035852 0 0 1370.22123430962350022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109746 30.6866922-88.11598950G5240Sage Avenue Baptist Church Sage Avenue Baptist Church 5532 61 2857 6 217 15 90 4 5532 2282 1022.894684 875.5730502 1319 933 1216.31943445252 1264.09316 939.884728199392 902.9686075 67 9810321 49 1874 4 162 10 46 2 4144.539487447699 4053 1906ASage Avenue Baptist Church 46 25160002 0 0 1081.41466178521610022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109739 30.7165665-88.09496550G5240Toulminville Branch Library Toulminville Branch Library 4366 2 4258 0 45 5 39 0 4366 17 1939.54481 9.384491428 2501 10 2306.3039466987498 2396.889305 10.073791299800869 9.678120124 87 9810321 1 3353 0 31 3 23 03270.9796460948396 3424 13AToulminville Branch Library 39 28840492 23431 0 611.05129881450490022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109747 30.7028882-88.13552270G5240St Ignatious Catholic Church St Ignatious Catholic Church 2467 35 301 0 56 6 8 3 2467 2058 222.5707159 1068.893574 287 1139 264.657829982162 275.0528711 1147.404828918666 1102.337882 8710010331 27 230 0 30 6 7 21848.2608307182707 1867 1565ASt Ignatious Catholic Church 47 47878762 0 0 951.87277719665270022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109766 30.6672874-88.11548670G5240Pleasant Valley Methodist Church Pleasant Valley Methodist Church 3843 135 1535 2 212 21 69 4 3843 1865 538.2023582 761.0822548 694 811 639.9739861080445 665.110427 816.9844743551447 784.895542 6710010321 109 1021 2 153 14 38 12879.1513467573222 2874 1536APleasant Valley Methodist Church 66 41770812 20624 0 736.63014295676430022220332 97Mobile County 10972N0109776 30.6483278-88.14093320G5240Kate Shepard School Kate Shepard School 2974 61 477 1 76 3 32 0 2974 2324 341.2233971 1251.891156 440 1334 405.7471957961616 421.6838442 1343.8437588296938 1291.061224 6710310341 42 345 1 55 3 15 02228.1020310320782 2344 1883AKate Shepard School 76 147459212 983608 0 1305.57413702928870022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109778 30.6226408-88.13488690G5240First Independent Methodist First Independent Methodist 5271 103 1229 1 86 11 53 1 5271 3787 542.8554045 1859.067752 700 1981 645.5069023767422 670.8606612 1995.618055903078 1917.235596 6710317341 77 827 1 55 9 32 1 3948.999934623431 4148 3146AFirst Independent Methodist 78 103710162 1256678 0 1280.80513423988850022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109775 30.6278069-88.11382730G5240Morningside Elementary School Morningside Elementary School 5171 36 3730 0 89 16 75 0 5171 1225 1223.751183 515.2085794 1578 549 1455.1569886744605 1512.311605 553.0511423511571 531.3287948 6710210341 22 2337 0 55 14 29 0 3874.080565725244 3495 1038AMorningside Elementary School 75 45278442 0 0 1666.95388772663890022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109767 30.6705824-88.08633560G5240Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church 6730 25 5162 0 98 11 66 6 6730 1362 2050.442414 383.8256994 2644 409 2438.171785943504 2533.936555 412.01806419141667 395.8351131 7610210321 22 3685 0 69 10 44 15042.0735268479775 5020 1189ACorinthian Missionary Baptist Church 67 1704960852 997795 0 438.163659344490950022220732 97Mobile County 10972N010974 30.9975631-88.32408960G5240Fellowship Baptist Church Fellowship Baptist Church 1769 7 264 0 14 58 30 0 1769 1396 86.081357 440.132648 111 469 102.35895164445323 106.3793334 472.46081194442297 453.9038338 1710122331 5 170 0 10 40 19 01325.3236358089262 1281 1037AFellowship Baptist Church 4 2306760442 1914013 0 1182.47219316596940022220732 97Mobile County 10971N010973 31.0901549-88.28309740G5240Old Citronelle Senior Center Old Citronelle Senior Center 4774 16 820 0 124 236 75 5 4774 3498 529.6717733 1428.319595 683 1522 629.8303062179515 654.5683309 1533.2310359620926 1473.009883 1710122211 11 595 0 86 148 39 2 3576.650671199442 3515 2634AOld Citronelle Senior Center 3 1977577472 5565491 0 795.58036959553690022220732 97Mobile County 10971N010972 31.0798023-88.06043140G5240Mt. Vernon Civic Center Mt. Vernon Civic Center 3212 0 969 0 34 1217 73 8 3212 911 587.8348523 357.5491234 758 381 698.9917600577769 726.4462589 383.8114484970156 368.7363767 1710122211 0 706 0 21 845 43 5 2406.410129009763 2363 743AMt. Vernon Civic Center 2 309492682 98310 0 1783.8635808926080022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109724 30.7505257-88.24600740G5240Semmes First Baptist Semmes First Baptist 7202 49 1169 1 320 61 73 14 7202 5515 425.7537387 1887.221226 549 2011 506.26184204978915 526.1464329 2025.839430456155 1946.269957 9510122331 39 731 1 214 40 37 5 5395.69294804742 5224 4157ASemmes First Baptist 24 1938762892 2845326 0 997.44774232914930022220732 97Mobile County 10971N010979 30.8742453-88.36986630G5240First Baptist Ch/Wilmer Off Campus Site First Baptist Ch/Wilmer Off Campus Site 4027 2 298 2 65 25 44 0 4027 3591 241.1829012 1007.894379 311 1074 286.7894952493944 298.0538081 1081.9251852680288 1039.430101 9510122331 1 217 1 32 20 21 0 3017.002985529986 2838 2546AFirst Baptist Ch/Wilmer Off Campus Site 9 392811042 37917 0 1051.6918584379360022220732 97Mobile County 10971N0109710 30.8417916-88.27959220G5240Havenwood Baptist Church Havenwood Baptist Church 4246 6 106 10 73 43 62 6 4246 3940 113.999635 958.1565748 147 1021 135.55644954530183 140.8807389 1028.5340916467994 988.1360646 9510122331 4 80 2 51 32 41 2 3181.076403417015 3086 2874AHavenwood Baptist Church 10 511555582 2910442 0 1897.80099372384940022220732 97Mobile County 10971N0109725 30.7871212-88.29953280G5240Semmes Community Center Semmes Community Center 7662 18 212 4 358 57 70 4 7662 6939 283.0603181 2231.632062 365 2378 336.5857419563362 349.8059162 2395.5475705855283 2301.456965 9510122331 14 138 1 247 39 38 3 5740.32204497908 5610 5130ASemmes Community Center 25 932090542 4226101 0 489.43549511854950022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109726 30.7076165-88.37839980G5240Tanner Williams Hist. Society Tanner Williams Hist. Society 1976 4 8 1 14 13 11 0 1976 1925 46.53046325 818.3276525 60 872 55.32916306223821 57.50234239 878.4346013293126 843.9320748 4310122331 2 8 1 7 7 5 01480.4067294281729 1497 1467ATanner Williams Hist. Society 26 67368472 2993 0 534.2673901673640022220732 97Mobile County 10971N0109713 30.8516896-88.06948630G5240Howard Blackwell Lodge Howard Blackwell Lodge 2157 21 203 2 44 33 20 0 2157 1834 157.4280673 835.2197371 203 890 187.19700173929004 194.5495918 896.5674256448057 861.352691 17 9522211 12 143 0 29 21 12 01616.0107871338912 1619 1402AHoward Blackwell Lodge 13 207404852 21277 0 535.7535303347280022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109721 30.7842307-88.19932480G5240Indian Springs Baptist Church Indian Springs Baptist Church 2163 3 380 1 48 24 20 3 2163 1684 200.8564997 536.7929097 259 572 238.83755393327823 248.2184447 576.2208623561041 553.5884711 95 9722331 3 269 1 35 19 15 21620.5059492677824 1691 1347AIndian Springs Baptist Church 21 73916542 11202 0 661.82775453277540022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109722 30.7629569-88.20679320G5240Azalea City Church of Christ Azalea City Church of Christ 2672 12 967 1 31 8 36 0 2672 1617 388.5293681 782.6665851 501 834 461.99851161154504 480.144559 840.1541943600918 807.1552183 95 9722331 11 660 1 18 7 17 02001.8455369595538 2051 1337AAzalea City Church of Christ 22 676342652 5183946 0 1893.34257322175720022220332 97Mobile County 10971N0109727 30.7129836-88.28944620G5240John Archer Agricultural Center John Archer Agricultural Center 7644 54 426 0 121 56 112 10 7644 6865 345.8764435 2449.352263 446 2610 411.2801120648593 427.4340784 2629.2595288691455 2525.989352 43 9922331 42 281 0 79 39 57 3 5726.836558577405 5586 5085AJohn Archer Agricultural Center 27 1646312772 804857 436.9460463976474 2643.4754942002943342223552133Winston County 11333S011332 34.2325297-87.57329970G5240Haleyville-City Hall-VFW-National Guard Arm Haleyville-City Hall-VFW-National Guard Arm 7849 35 52 5 453 40 105 3 7849 7156 752.1206602 2467.193632 591 2459 416.2222117068163 432.5702903 2625.5492272953643 2522.424781 21 1611 51 25 42 3 270 34 58 3 6150.264049991832 6073 5638PHaleyville-City Hall-VFW-National Guard Arm 2 1487182652 537916 84.56122365626531 511.586097042966863342223552133Winston County 11333S0113311 34.2640708-87.45924690G5240Ashridge Fire Dept Ashridge Fire Dept 1519 2 11 0 25 22 33 1 1519 1425 117.0813887 478.5894113 92 477 64.79262854762837 67.33750711 509.3074344521684 489.303221 21 611 31 2 8 0 14 16 24 01190.2473043620323 1191 1127PAshridge Fire Dept 11 1758473782 1208862 24.438694657735663 147.851413167783053342223552133Winston County 11332S011338 34.2545723-87.29093440G5240Moreland Cemetery Moreland Cemetery 439 0 0 0 1 8 10 0 439 420 24.17985202 139.4631618 19 139 13.381086333312336 13.90665908 148.41453546487858 142.5852154 21 611 31 0 0 0 1 6 6 0343.98852311713773 315 302PMoreland Cemetery 8 1854499612 2687363 148.4135762130371 897.88580297337033342223552133Winston County 11333S011337 34.2130215-87.16937850G5240Addison Community Center Addison Community Center 2666 4 10 0 33 3 15 0 2672 2607 273.614115 851.8289522 215 849 151.41755584656988 157.3648264 906.5031695954781 870.8981859 21 611 31 3 7 0 18 3 12 0 2089.005472961934 2046 2003PAddison Community Center 7 949079072 147176 53.219571965365134 321.972553504329373342223552133Winston County 11333S0113310 34.1270174-87.57714670G5240Delmar-Natural Bridges Delmar-Natural Bridges 956 0 2 0 23 16 19 0 956 896 73.81217985 332.1029248 58 331 40.84752669662604 42.45190666 353.4187858110601 339.5374553 21 1611 51 0 2 0 10 10 12 0 749.0957359908512 728 694PDelmar-Natural Bridges 10 2155984142 402612 104.10104558078746 629.79986930240163342223552133Winston County 11333S011333 34.0543928-87.52451340G5240Lynn Town Hall Lynn Town Hall 1870 0 17 0 23 3 22 0 1870 1805 157.80535 556.8493151 124 555 87.32919500525263 90.75924872 592.5904111975906 569.3150685 21 1311 41 0 5 0 16 2 17 01465.2814082666232 1466 1426PLynn Town Hall 3 1848796192 10604108 77.49125959810489 468.81359255023693342223552133Winston County 11333S011334 34.0262024 -87.3327110G5240Black Pond Sportsman Club Black Pond Sportsman Club 1392 4 5 1 17 4 11 0 1392 1350 90.35628913 323.0729359 71 322 50.00300682093796 51.96698919 343.8092115191596 330.305319 21 1311 41 3 5 1 10 4 5 01090.7335402711976 1083 1055PBlack Pond Sportsman Club 4 1798246392 2704875 167.7863911125633 1015.08920111092963342223552133Winston County 11333S011331 34.1478328-87.41051240G5240Double Springs Community Center Double Springs Community Center 3014 9 8 0 32 18 19 0 3014 2928 323.2464428 1059.518697 254 1056 178.88399622912775 185.910074 1127.5233774764843 1083.23732 21 1611 31 6 7 0 18 13 11 02361.6888580297336 2360 2305PDouble Springs Community Center 1 683125822 7010937 49.71242444045091 300.754696944943653342223552133Winston County 11332S011336 34.134965-87.28064430G5240Houston Fire Dept Houston Fire Dept 893 2 0 0 14 11 11 0 893 855 68.72168469 305.0129582 54 304 38.03045589062576 39.52418896 324.59006303944676 311.8410465 21 611 31 2 0 0 8 9 7 0 699.7306404182323 747 721PHouston Fire Dept 6 1106631372 17907078 155.0938572128737 938.30076784839083342223552133Winston County 11333S011335 34.0558394-87.18625030G5240Arley Fire Department Arley Fire Department 2786 3 6 2 17 9 29 0 2780 2714 243.071144 1121.725287 191 1118 134.51513101056827 139.7985202 1193.7226658169814 1146.83648 21 1311 41 3 4 2 10 8 22 0 2183.034226433589 2311 2262PArley Fire Department 5 587747892 4906947 61.23590916516909 370.470511354353853342223552133Winston County 11333S011339 34.1061253-87.13977820G5240Helicon Fire Station Helicon Fire Station 1100 0 4 0 1 5 9 0 1100 1081 111.9908936 494.6427249 88 493 61.975557741628094 64.40978941 526.3911220243871 505.7159077 21 611 31 0 1 0 1 3 6 0 861.9302401568372 865 854PHelicon Fire Station 9 1898788292 33614134 127.52930476960388 182.129969868450084342224552 33Colbert County 10333S010336 34.8086291-88.03659470G5240Margerum Margerum 745 0 66 0 9 6 3 0 745 661 78.64124498 161.9531854 72 181 65.44476047577716 68.01525301 178.1355646085177 171.1388832 71 1731 51 0 56 0 7 4 2 0 580.2809215844786 628 559PMargerum 6 1890726002 4274812 420.24757477768793 600.17325641214094342224552 33Colbert County 10333S010334 34.7338283-87.95955580G5240Cherokee Cherokee 2455 5 323 0 28 12 33 0 2455 2054 386.6527878 470.6484836 354 526 321.7700723400396 334.4083273 517.6757292553467 497.3428319 71 1731 51 2 265 0 15 9 13 0 1912.200889248181 1930 1626PCherokee 4 168568262 568406 1547.298504446241 2209.76214448445674342224552 33Colbert County 10333S0103316 34.7554939-87.70126480G5240Sheffield Sheffield 9039 31 2409 1 211 24 140 3 9039 6220 2242.367721 1802.959495 2053 2015 1866.0846284923546 1939.379367 1983.1113962631766 1905.220164 71 231 01 25 1751 1 127 22 71 0 7040.482215036378 7068 5071PSheffield 16 363596322 1347728 49.64227970897332 70.896229881678554342224552 33Colbert County 10333S0103315 34.7064953-88.09619330G5240Allsboro-Harris Store Allsboro-Harris Store 290 1 15 0 14 0 2 1 290 257 22.93702978 76.05536332 21 85 19.08805514077294 19.83778213 83.65482317370557 80.36908881 71 1731 51 1 9 0 8 0 1 1225.88116410670978 219 199PAllsboro-Harris Store 15 1400788502 237856 29.785367825383993 42.537737929007134342224552 33Colbert County 10333S010337 34.6257109-88.05293280G5240Rock Creek Rock Creek 174 0 3 0 2 0 4 0 174 165 16.3835927 56.37044576 15 63 13.634325101926681 14.16984438 62.002986589039494 59.56767759 71 1731 51 0 3 0 1 0 0 0135.52869846402587 135 131PRock Creek 7 500484522 2621269 111.6095392077607 159.39428235467044342224552 33Colbert County 10333S010333 34.7149165-87.87365850G5240Barton Barton 652 1 159 0 6 0 7 1 652 478 267.5986808 280.0626908 245 313 222.69397662631417 231.4407915 308.0465841997848 295.9473506 71 1731 51 1 141 0 3 0 4 0507.84316895715443 526 377PBarton 3 554736962 4386761 225.9579628132579 322.700080840743744342224552 33Colbert County 10333S0103313 34.703112-87.80145690G5240Locust Shores Locust Shores 1320 2 40 0 15 1 15 0 1320 1247 271.9676389 496.596784 249 555 226.32979668428524 235.2194167 546.216786610294 524.762874 71 1731 51 2 31 0 8 1 9 0 1028.148746968472 1031 980PLocust Shores 13 947056522 341708 221.50727566693612 316.34386712721394342224552 33Colbert County 10333S010339 34.6312942-87.80938010G5240New Bethel Fire Dept. New Bethel Fire Dept. 1294 3 1 0 20 10 14 0 1294 1246 171.4816036 322.1168329 157 360 142.7059360244955 148.3110378 354.3027805236669 340.3867291 71 1731 51 3 1 0 9 7 10 01007.8973322554567 980 950PNew Bethel Fire Dept. 9 1150384982 225001 52.209983831851254 74.563276254868814342224552 33Colbert County 10333S010338 34.6182004-87.94694660G5240Hwy. 247 Fire Dept. Hwy. 247 Fire Dept. 305 0 4 0 3 0 3 0 305 295 45.87405957 84.10828414 42 94 38.17611028154588 39.67556426 92.51239268939945 88.87875704 71 1731 51 0 4 0 1 0 1 0237.56467259498788 250 244PHwy. 247 Fire Dept. 8 524524312 102734 367.5240501212611 524.87657088263394342224552 33Colbert County 10333S0103318 34.6660123-87.69803990G5240Colbert Heights Colbert Heights 2147 1 75 0 27 11 34 0 2147 1999 291.6279501 682.7087319 267 763 242.69098675271366 252.2232299 750.9250597763022 721.4307619 24 1731 51 1 61 0 17 10 21 01672.2995149555377 1653 1543PColbert Heights 18 311297522 21638 2144.717663702506 3062.9616006467264342224552 33Colbert County 10333S0103317 34.747152-87.64263430G5240Muscle Shoals Muscle Shoals 12529 100 1994 6 339 32 164 14 12529 9880 2373.436463 3805.452473 2173 4253 1975.1592292692799 2052.738122 4185.693682297817 4021.290997 24 231 01 75 1470 3 210 29 86 5 9758.845189975747 9596 7718PMuscle Shoals 17 346621712 1005756 1602.2473726758287 2288.2369368707284342224552 33Colbert County 10333S010332 34.7180147-87.71324410G5240Tuscumbia Tuscumbia 9360 29 1833 0 122 37 157 7 9360 7175 1804.379676 1947.017301 1652 2176 1501.5936708560378 1560.572194 2141.563473729833 2057.448674 71 231 01 19 1383 0 77 32 67 0 7290.509296685529 7325 5747PTuscumbia 2 1506807592 844175 482.21483427647536 688.67130888513274342224552 33Colbert County 10333S0103311 34.7061211-87.49855490G5240Leighton Leighton 2817 1 1158 0 53 23 49 1 2817 1532 724.1547975 331.0645227 663 370 602.6371694127874 626.3071215 364.1445244068627 349.841916 97 225 01 1 913 0 27 14 25 02194.1628940986257 2204 1224PLeighton 11 859706302 311073 265.3294260307195 378.92812522966124342224552 33Colbert County 10333S0103310 34.6095534-87.55512330G5240Lagrange Fire Dept. Lagrange Fire Dept. 1550 1 14 0 56 40 16 0 1550 1423 139.8066577 265.7463871 128 297 116.34624089286731 120.9160054 292.29979392421853 280.8190515 24 225 01 1 12 0 29 28 10 01207.2958771220694 1230 1150PLagrange Fire Dept. 10 922383492 440518 461.84438156831044 659.57940765782314342224552 33Colbert County 10333S0103312 34.6090535-87.71208750G5240Littleville School Littleville School 2698 7 9 0 34 31 19 1 2698 2597 243.5694115 480.4909424 223 537 202.69696649991468 210.6583531 528.5016476413592 507.7435376 24 1731 51 5 7 0 23 13 8 02101.4737267582864 2074 2018PLittleville School 12 895346502 25492107 649.6291430881164 927.76273241713824342224552 33Colbert County 10332S010331 34.8017107-87.51371770G5240Hatton Hatton 3795 23 280 0 85 20 70 3 3795 3314 987.3845203 1096.98677 904 1226 821.6953259811305 853.9692878 1206.5978022240238 1159.205916 97 225 01 16 210 0 48 16 31 1 2955.927647534357 3054 2732PHatton 1 1106965792 593840 557.7053354890865 796.48247225692664342224552 33Colbert County 10332S0103314 34.6823816-87.61216820G5240Spring Valley Fire Dept. Spring Valley Fire Dept. 3258 19 319 7 69 15 34 4 3258 2791 529.7361641 827.6613067 485 925 440.84317827638523 458.1583016 910.3613110171566 874.60479 24 231 01 11 248 3 33 15 15 22537.6580436540016 2491 2164PSpring Valley Fire Dept. 14 40466612 1293501 153.82614417154753 276.53090854178134442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107710-1 34.7864998 -87.6826050G5240Grady Richards Center Grady Richards Center 1108 0 202 0 33 5 10 0 1108 858 199.7371146 225.5877098 182 245 164.37448638796928 170.83067 253.35283125660644 243.4018198 71 031 01 0 161 0 27 4 7 0 869.1876301114239 917 718AGrady Richards Center 10-1 156994502 14596605 348.7466373275518 626.93650023190844442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107711 34.8251345-87.61582610G5240Lauderdale Co Bd of Education Lauderdale Co Bd of Education 2512 7 85 1 48 11 24 2 2512 2334 397.2793158 888.5393469 362 965 326.9426596520037 339.7840798 997.899927332465 958.7051271 97 025 01 3 64 1 25 6 12 01970.5770097833004 2004 1893ALauderdale Co Bd of Education 11 2064642042 24310238 332.3644306378022 597.48645762547324442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107715 34.8067956-87.81805110G5240Oakland Fire Station Oakland Fire Station 2394 2 399 0 50 7 38 0 2394 1898 428.0081026 593.8941748 390 645 352.2310422324425 366.0657214 666.9901068774363 640.7925461 71 031 01 1 328 0 32 6 22 01878.0100961071741 1922 1533AOakland Fire Station 15 694264281 288530 490.0756807632249 798.30105456801222211112841 81Lee County 10817N010810130 32.7050417-85.25137440G5240Pine Grove United Meth Church Voting District Pine Grove United Meth Church Voting District 3396 20 662 0 39 8 41 0 3396 2626 238.5213508 694.3096494 316 800 302.4026566531616 314.2802121 831.7763392541744 799.1064226 75 37 8121 15 461 0 24 6 12 0 2631.042204111318 2410 1892APine Grove United Meth Church Voting District 0130 445231491 4190449 295.8348485172588 481.89551291649732211112841 81Lee County 10817N010810010 32.7156033-85.16241280G5240Opelika A School Voting District Opelika A School Voting District 2050 7 70 1 27 2 20 0 2050 1923 73.21699693 719.4783742 97 829 92.82613195396925 96.47209043 861.9282315321012 828.0740304 31 37 8121 6 49 1 19 1 10 01588.2321903498828 1566 1480AOpelika A School Voting District 0010 988293701 5945274 373.90638658937445 609.06891413007052231112841 81Lee County 10817N010810110 32.6387256-85.15124520G5240Lee County Vol FD Voting District Lee County Vol FD Voting District 2591 9 165 1 33 5 20 0 2591 2358 141.1502931 946.8647844 187 1091 178.95347085444217 185.9822774 1134.3349828444586 1089.781384 31 37 8121 9 119 1 20 4 14 02007.3705391202664 2048 1881ALee County Vol FD Voting District 0110 944529081 985933 247.92403402568326 403.85194692221582211112841 81Lee County 10817N010810030 32.6817359-85.51357470G5240Farmville Farmville 1718 126 183 1 52 3 19 10 1718 1324 95.86142897 278.5917468 127 321 121.53524490154942 126.3088194 333.75025615878553 320.6414521 73 80 8261 78 141 0 38 1 9 41331.0160502541944 1205 934AFarmville 0030 2618257201 2907166 4320.487575491811 7037.7901274180552231112841 81Lee County 10812N010810020 32.6528617-85.37243420G5240Opelika B Voting District Opelika B Voting District 29939 492 12084 20 1250 67 314 25 29939 15687 4696.455205 5820.050636 6222 6706 5954.2700307376535 6188.137594 6972.365163335445 6698.509587 75 82 8261 362 8460 16 831 48 139 8 23195.16270579763 22346 12482AOpelika B Voting District 0020 592065561 1491451 1068.468887035017 1740.4655500652422231112841 81Lee County 10817N010810160 32.5514891-85.06723760G5240Glenwood Elem School Voting District Glenwood Elem School Voting District 7404 100 924 12 195 16 113 6 7404 6038 520.8219369 1876.371827 690 2162 660.3095984582667 686.244767 2247.8755567547787 2159.585107 31 7912121 82 665 9 137 13 54 6 5736.22982309782 5581 4615AGlenwood Elem School Voting District 0160 824677881 230888 303.77188103845356 494.82441692157412231112841 81Lee County 10817N010810090 32.5186341-85.26814720G5240Lee County Snacks Voting District Lee County Snacks Voting District 2105 1 699 0 21 1 22 2 2105 1359 350.2338822 374.0593236 464 431 444.0342806382235 461.4747418 448.11950279842796 430.5185852 31 7812261 1 570 0 14 1 11 01630.8432978958551 1597 1000ALee County Snacks Voting District 0090 1357858061 1464760 690.6661390261468 1125.04971942358842231112841 81Lee County 10817N010810070 32.504567-85.39684480G5240Beuaregard School Beuaregard School 4786 23 1059 0 92 22 49 15 4786 3526 569.1300586 1259.304127 754 1451 721.5557061092787 749.8964555 1508.634335331887 1449.379274 69 8212271 21 745 0 69 14 27 3 3707.941103909531 3482 2603ABeuaregard School 0070 1518989111 2268953 7774.972748080173 12664.9192923912812231112841 81Lee County 10817N010810060 32.582177-85.49093680G5240Auburn Auburn 53877 2699 9061 13 1728 142 747 78 53877 39409 6741.247418 10805.19392 8931 12450 8546.702932799424 8882.394223 12944.519277860578 12436.0937102 78 8261 2128 6890 13 1361 112 500 4841741.066204624694 44842 33790AAuburn 0060 1323023331 884732 479.97400300897704 781.84608583427812231112841 81Lee County 10817S010810050 32.5998918-85.64176150G5240Loachapoka Loachapoka 3326 23 1709 2 125 11 52 0 3326 1404 716.3188669 427.0004344 949 492 908.1649404561801 943.835194 511.54244864235824 491.4504499 73 81 8271 15 1251 2 87 10 29 02576.8098854164436 2593 1199PLoachapoka 0050 1001431001 143262 67.68124095346069 110.248290516018172211112841 81Lee County 10817N010810040 32.681553-85.62049910G5240Waverly Waverly 469 1 223 0 12 0 3 0 469 230 121.5251186 106.7501086 161 123 154.0722396723358 160.123779 127.88561218661162 122.8626125 73 80 8261 1 181 0 8 0 3 0363.35653525565607 382 189AWaverly 0040 679552341 213138 95.67731930094762 155.852061006652552231112841 81Lee County 10817N010810100 32.4466374-85.38255460G5240Marvyn Marvyn 663 0 287 0 4 2 10 0 663 360 128.3184482 102.4106733 170 118 162.6849735652697 169.0747977 122.68701000512117 117.8681973 69 8212271 0 224 0 1 1 5 0 513.6575327814498 494 263AMarvyn 0100 1303065841 71283 279.96078347486934 456.037704906343832231112841 81Lee County 10817N010810080 32.6190381-85.23538410G5240Old Salem School Old Salem School 1940 3 283 3 37 14 27 0 1940 1573 169.0784259 498.1671734 224 574 214.36137692287318 222.7809099 596.7995233987365 573.3588582 31 78 8121 2 231 2 16 12 20 01503.0099752579379 1431 1148AOld Salem School 0080 856937501 57938 993.572161971379 1618.46371045369962231112841 81Lee County 10817N010810120 32.5147596-85.17632420G5240Smiths Station Sr. Center Voting District Smiths Station Sr. Center Voting District 6885 13 1202 0 201 32 72 8 6885 5357 484.5908457 1207.230903 642 1391 614.3750176959525 638.5060006 1446.2511095703549 1389.446292 31 3712121 11 873 0 113 18 32 3 5334.135917345826 4881 3831ASmiths Station Sr. Center Voting District 0120 587345551 345161 2756.026310723224 4489.3856125264712231112841 81Lee County 10817S010810140 32.5280563-85.11381380G5240Smiths High School Smiths High School 19098 98 3063 13 755 72 351 20 19098 14726 1180.529724 2856.21632 1564 3291 1496.7017559922272 1555.488138 3421.7199156373063 3287.324046 31 3712121 80 2144 9 444 50 169 414796.126034781493 13798 10898PSmiths High School 0140 836343211 353354 304.4028121838038 1286.71595547957143541113551 9Blount County 10094N010091 33.8702666-86.89343410G5240Mt. High Mt. High 3922 0 9 0 29 9 49 0 3922 3826 185.6070415 1202.327726 166 1410 134.69260433996126 139.9829642 1494.1345667846258 1435.449017 57 33 9161 0 8 0 18 8 33 02956.8604026377307 2928 2861AMt. High 1 382898291 459040 48.12079131921426 203.407417745368263541113921 9Blount County 10094N010093 33.9321805 -86.8193820G5240Blount Springs Blount Springs 620 1 5 0 1 7 1 0 620 605 48.07893242 214.0313895 43 251 34.89025293815961 36.26064736 265.97714617651803 255.5302859 20 33 9161 0 3 0 1 5 1 0 467.4282125536443 463 453ABlount Springs 3 599110451 330606 97.71625204982381 413.04828861519143551113921 9Blount County 10094N0100924 34.1478041 -86.5463480G5240Rock Springs Rock Springs 1259 8 2 0 55 5 23 0 1259 1166 46.75617241218351 179.62235720798412 59.978826643140714 209.9258932509925 62.25198532082692 64.69707431411557 222.54329698789317 213.80240040136746 9 10 4 81 7 2 0 28 5 15 0 949.1808380726422 957 900ARock Springs 24 3666770951 698844 1590.1967402157252 4042.91812569435663351113961 49DeKalb County 10493N010494 34.5137732-85.80809720G5240District Four District Four 17185 29 69 7 1005 194 264 11 17185 15606 1621.959703 4368.851367 1294 4641 1152.891126216649 1198.17356 4931.35064460644 4737.660578 26 2313 71 24 59 6 564 134 178 512746.466059148632 12968 11998ADistrict Four 4 5749654891 1436415 1601.9485578478111 4072.7959611300963351113961 49DeKalb County 10493N010491 34.6381945-85.62859720G5240District One District One 17312 60 111 6 1717 180 318 3 17312 14917 1972.924708 4399.916244 1574 4674 1402.3575204559074 1457.438317 4966.415193916626 4771.347887 33 2313 71 41 74 3 941 132 213 112840.664557229044 12979 11574ADistrict One 1 5499501901 368614 1723.3531620469982 4381.45517445049153351113961 49DeKalb County 10493N010492 34.3481653-86.00127730G5240District Two District Two 18624 17 45 14 3653 365 396 11 18624 14123 1594.383881 3981.952442 1272 4230 1133.2901946015268 1177.802757 4494.637626773242 4318.100462 26 2813 71 14 30 4 1898 235 279 313813.801797240856 13395 10932ADistrict Two 2 5210716681 1617629 1664.5015398894654 4231.8307387250563351113961 49DeKalb County 10493N010493 34.34147-85.78177340G5240District Three District Three 17988 60 804 8 3315 126 308 16 17988 13351 1902.731707 4153.279947 1518 4412 1352.4642419929387 1405.585366 4688.023926663777 4503.891073 64 2313 71 49 611 6 1883 100 182 2 13342.06758638147 13401 10568ADistrict Three 3 804971851 353940 85.99651093820871 363.50874009978723551113921 9Blount County 10094N0100910 34.138835-86.46862690G5240Brooksville Brooksville 1108 0 5 0 33 5 23 0 1108 1042 88.3310619 278.8377066 79 327 64.10069726026943 66.61839864 346.5120590322874 332.902006 9 10 4 81 0 2 0 16 4 15 0 835.3394508216741 850 813ABrooksville 10 613985051 297738 97.09533861344684 410.423676773315663351113921 9Blount County 10093N010098 34.2208482-86.47643670G5240Summit Summit 1251 0 4 0 104 1 5 0 1251 1137 117.4020443 226.82211 105 266 85.19712926961297 88.54344123 281.8721948390604 270.8010202 9 10 4 81 0 3 0 58 1 3 0 943.1495062977565 916 851ASummit 8 629363011 107017 163.06739122849865 689.28868497261093551113921 9Blount County 10094N0100912 34.0671751-86.42561540G5240Susan Moore Susan Moore 2101 2 3 1 266 19 25 0 2101 1785 156.5360591 636.1251655 140 746 113.59617232099568 118.0579216 790.5137493341208 759.4645152 9 33 4 81 2 0 0 146 12 15 01583.9785073793657 1540 1365ASusan Moore 12 421837811 52668 66.20489515369317 279.84923763999863551113921 9Blount County 10092N010099 34.0682683-86.51322710G5240Royal Royal 853 0 4 1 20 4 8 0 853 816 67.08688245 287.3648536 60 337 48.68407386697569 50.59625213 357.1087581059529 343.0824955 9 33 4161 0 0 1 14 4 4 0 643.0907504971913 657 634ARoyal 9 1008664431 353813 210.41204075224172 889.41533791563453351113921 9Blount County 10093N0100911 34.1255393-86.37541470G5240Snead Snead 2711 4 10 0 192 23 22 0 2711 2460 194.5519591 752.9470793 174 883 141.18381423636026 146.7291312 935.6885263831172 898.9372211 9 33 4 81 4 4 0 112 18 17 0 2043.867555214403 2041 1886ASnead 11 792581211 465779 161.6703359966505 683.38330832839053551113921 9Blount County 10094N0100913 34.0162525 -86.3945790G5240Murphree Valley Murphree Valley 2083 2 2 1 620 13 21 2 2083 1422 83.85860307 462.1713669 75 542 60.85509233131409 63.24531516 574.341088647698 551.7825298 9 33 4161 1 2 1 353 8 12 21570.4080108858727 1515 1136AMurphree Valley 13 914596991 282286 130.77989253689682 552.80886919507353551113921 9Blount County 10094S0100923 33.9920428-86.50770080G5240Rosa Rosa 1685 1 3 0 185 3 15 0 1685 1478 126.346962 544.8846927 113 639 91.68833911790159 95.28960818 677.1290694020324 650.5332777 9 33 4161 1 1 0 103 2 9 01270.3492550853075 1285 1169PRosa 23 1236037421 1777613 287.40530686298456 1214.86720630822383511113921 9Blount County 10094N0100914 33.9282417-86.39348890G5240Straight Mountain Straight Mountain 3703 3 23 1 389 19 25 5 3703 3238 143.1186826 1220.234734 128 1431 103.85935757261792 107.9386712 1516.3876348913677 1456.828045 9 33 4161 3 15 1 225 10 17 2 2791.752695300234 2847 2574AStraight Mountain 14 394463311 149959 509.6923170859356 2154.47824569973143551113921 9Blount County 10094N0100922 33.9467738-86.49051730G5240Oneonta Oneonta 6567 30 382 2 1046 26 64 9 6567 5008 651.8608745 1711.398401 583 2007 473.04691771207456 491.6269165 2126.75750028544 2043.224239 9 33 4161 18 293 0 648 17 34 4 4950.969470709326 5055 4041AOneonta 22 394181371 2262637 61.39281602177174 259.50849586546183511113921 9Blount County 10092N0100915 33.8364485-86.46236310G5240Holly Springs Holly Springs 791 0 1 0 21 2 3 2 791 762 25.71663827 252.4035509 23 296 18.662228312627022 19.39522998 313.6622919559686 301.3424886 63 33 4161 0 1 0 11 2 2 0 596.3479292418268 600 584AHolly Springs 15 766644561 2836479 104.08061477268762 439.95055999441753511113921 9Blount County 10092N0100921 33.8861851-86.50706960G5240Allgood Allgood 1341 7 3 0 344 8 10 0 1341 969 52.55139125 395.6596204 47 464 38.13585785749288 39.63373083 491.68683608128384 472.3747119 20 33 4161 5 2 0 192 7 9 01011.0019887652211 983 768AAllgood 21 362444901 1035997 56.81357942849168 240.151983531628333511113921 9Blount County 10094N0100920 33.8158086-86.54861810G5240Pine Mountain Pine Mountain 732 0 8 0 3 3 3 0 732 715 57.02385009 312.9462946 51 367 41.38146278644823 43.00681431 388.8988552228611 373.6239639 20 33 9161 0 3 0 3 3 1 0 551.8668574020446 581 571APine Mountain 20 699589681 507723 214.6032064477862 907.13146784829563551113921 9Blount County 10094S0100916 33.9872557-86.57120140G5240Cleveland Cleveland 2765 8 16 0 354 12 26 2 2765 2347 243.7490062 827.9859728 218 971 176.88546837789247 183.8330494 1028.9394780231967 988.5255285 9 10 4161 8 11 0 210 7 10 02084.5790446948818 2092 1846PCleveland 16 678850861 276071 235.4038065664143 995.05596455113223551113921 9Blount County 10094N0100917 33.9059046 -86.6236160G5240Locust Fork Locust Fork 3033 1 23 0 67 6 15 0 3033 2921 210.205565 1059.071656 188 1242 152.5434314107274 158.5349233 1316.1100219306927 1264.416793 20 33 9161 1 12 0 41 4 10 02286.6286591535536 2293 2225ALocust Fork 17 796970041 141749 187.903928683577 794.27315864763973551113921 9Blount County 10094N010096 33.9924621-86.65376740G5240Nectar Nectar 2421 6 12 1 107 12 31 0 2421 2252 168.8353208 755.5052234 151 886 122.52158590448909 127.3339012 938.8675360531727 901.9913679 20 33 9161 5 8 1 54 8 19 0 1825.231778374795 1760 1665ANectar 6 1276715181 1418775 313.4836711908168 1325.10090366700393551113921 9Blount County 10094N010097 34.062471-86.61043940G5240Blountsville Blountsville 4039 10 14 8 502 28 36 6 4039 3435 341.0249858 1116.203541 305 1309 247.4773754960726 257.197615 1387.1079060885604 1332.626073 9 10 4 81 8 5 7 300 21 25 53045.0686298454348 2993 2622ABlountsville 7 496433551 456359 168.50038379679705 712.25403858902343511113921 9Blount County 10094N0100919 33.8002751-86.61781090G5240Remlap Remlap 2171 4 20 0 53 6 17 0 2171 2071 124.1107325 786.2029526 111 922 90.06553665342392 93.60306644 977.01565261428 938.64113 20 33 9161 4 15 0 35 6 7 01636.7526604096158 1614 1547ARemlap 19 926247981 219257 261.55978507379365 1105.6177383901473541113921 9Blount County 10094N0100918 33.8451553-86.69531280G5240Dallas /Selfville Dallas /Selfville 3370 11 18 1 124 30 36 2 3370 3148 212.4417944 966.9784688 190 1134 154.16623393293747 160.2214651 1201.6656725596351 1154.467507 20 33 9161 9 16 1 80 23 24 2 2540.698510170615 2636 2481ADallas /Selfville 18 915021831 681755 422.6092076340672 1786.37643487666173541113921 9Blount County 10094N010094 33.8948732-86.75215390G5240Hayden Hayden 5445 11 127 2 63 23 70 2 5445 5147 330.9619534 1762.561283 296 2067 240.1747644347893 249.6081772 2190.3376936865498 2104.307175 20 33 9161 8 97 2 41 19 44 1 4105.075189281602 3982 3770AHayden 4 474432671 196755 86.38458183594432 365.14912250095953541113921 9Blount County 10092N010095 33.9670854-86.71077410G5240Sugar Creek Sugar Creek 1113 5 9 0 33 10 20 2 1113 1034 9.081650358603605 62.09524389171171 7.52027027027027 66.01126126126127 6.5937395227389395 6.852723711734234 70.70718380261587 67.92999756556307 20 33 9161 5 6 0 24 9 9 0 839.1090331809777 871 818ASugar Creek 5 278032661 60089 173.70053382645406 734.23516276473253541113921 9Blount County 10094N010092 33.884618-86.81619870G5240Smoke Rise Smoke Rise 2238 1 21 0 15 11 19 3 2238 2168 171.0715503 897.0558635 153 1052 124.14438833047848 129.0204429 1114.77274005149 1070.987493 20 33 9161 0 15 0 11 9 16 1 1687.265064024284 1757 1705ASmoke Rise 2 57642231 0 1197.8300815737498 770.73775194778581101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010303 32.3982665-86.26100540G52403C Coliseum Blvd Public Library Voting District 3C Coliseum Blvd Public Library Voting District 4513 57 611 2 90 15 69 1 4513 3668 305.1056848 2053.194761 420 1957 410.1011982973511 426.2088601 1857.7382504347372 1784.771335 56 7330241 47 415 2 65 11 33 03407.8449793558684 3575 3002A3C Coliseum Blvd Public Library Voting District 0303 20534731 0 848.5403879440014 545.98905228829411101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010302 32.4029634 -86.2806410G52403B Highland Gardens Community Center Voting District 3B Highland Gardens Community Center Voting District 3197 22 1497 1 207 19 42 5 3197 1404 290.5768426 623.1975923 400 594 390.57256981158304 405.9132001 563.8714977376499 541.724156 56 7330241 15 902 1 137 18 16 02414.1104362953047 2268 1179A3B Highland Gardens Community Center Voting District 0302 69153841 38551 856.2375012534716 550.94172120176311101111811101Montgomery County11012N011010411 32.4152767-86.26290520G52404K Chisholm Community Center Voting District 4K Chisholm Community Center Voting District 3226 119 1953 0 185 16 51 2 3226 900 449.667664 316.8445671 619 302 604.4110518269647 628.1506772 286.68214190256504 275.4220456 56 7330241 92 1200 0 127 10 14 0 2436.008841879466 2188 745A4K Chisholm Community Center Voting District 0411 93869501 169270 1686.198650174614 1084.9760554230631101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010304 32.4006913 -86.2294750G52403D Lagoon Park Fire Station Voting District 3D Lagoon Park Fire Station Voting District 6353 94 1413 0 486 20 99 13 6353 4228 610.9378117 2396.268183 841 2284 821.1788281152114 853.4325033 2168.1523579223563 2082.993219 56 7330241 77 880 0 317 14 43 7 4797.261057799209 4794 3456A3D Lagoon Park Fire Station Voting District 0304 463451501 2723866 417.236624913347 268.468811447356361101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010410 32.4471477 -86.2233420G52404J Union Chapel AME Zion Church Voting District 4J Union Chapel AME Zion Church Voting District 1572 14 1018 0 19 2 3 0 1572 516 371.9383586 165.7663629 512 158 499.9328894281052 519.5688962 149.9860212609717 144.0949775 13 7630251 14 850 0 13 2 1 01187.0446061483326 1323 443A4J Union Chapel AME Zion Church Voting District 0410 56577521 154660 1363.9815619781743 877.64708780404861101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010415 32.4043224-86.19096650G52404O Wares Ferry Road Elementary School 4O Wares Ferry Road Elementary School 5139 104 3470 3 135 21 101 4 5139 1301 1251.65975 794.2097262 1723 757 1682.3913450111304 1748.47111 718.6039120323616 690.3791011 13 7421241 72 2257 2 88 17 47 2 3880.548493000179 3529 1044A4O Wares Ferry Road Elementary School 0415 264727431 1014180 917.2835723285796 590.22150913617282231112841101Montgomery County11017N011010511 32.4095012-86.15196860G52405K Lakeview Baptist Church Voting Center 5K Lakeview Baptist Church Voting Center 3456 136 711 0 44 16 27 1 3456 2521 472.1873693 1719.563727 650 1639 634.6804259799052 659.6089502 1555.8676507409334 1494.757393 30 7421241 106 538 0 32 12 16 0 2609.685851684884 2868 2164A5K Lakeview Baptist Church Voting Center 0511 26464841 274175 422.5449789198781 271.88444518078331101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010404 32.3765288-86.31265870G52404D Hamner Hall Fire Station Voting District 4D Hamner Hall Fire Station Voting District 1592 6 1192 0 34 2 14 1 1592 343 348.6922112 56.65432657 480 54 468.6870838508762 487.0958402 51.26104524319972 49.24765054 80 7624251 6 1067 0 25 1 11 11202.1469548270645 1438 327A4D Hamner Hall Fire Station Voting District 0404 165678691 1552709 1272.9432907661653 819.06896927577681101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010408 32.4345286-86.28020650G52404H North Montgomery Community Center Voting District 4H North Montgomery Community Center Voting District 4796 15 4085 0 58 5 57 4 4796 572 1664.278866 189.8969094 2291 181 2237.004394006945 2324.867854 171.81942946598826 165.0708287 80 7630251 13 3013 0 44 4 28 33621.5432131599255 3586 481A4H North Montgomery Community Center Voting District 0408 220027191 2468589 82.81032250188565 53.2838862414600461101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010409 32.4572477-86.28512920G52404I Union Academy Baptist Church Voting District 4I Union Academy Baptist Church Voting District 312 0 148 0 2 2 3 0 312 157 58.84181064 80.78487307 81 77 79.09094539622708 82.19742303 73.09445340658097 70.2235017 80 7630251 0 118 0 2 1 2 0235.59663938821868 249 126A4I Union Academy Baptist Church Voting District 0409 884643771 959617 119.43796514695046 76.851759002105842131112441101Montgomery County11016N011010506 32.1440918-86.19008350G52405F Davis Crossroads Substation 5F Davis Crossroads Substation 450 1 132 0 2 0 5 0 450 310 50.85094746 165.7663629 70 158 68.35019971943255 71.03481002 149.9860212609717 144.0949775 72 7527251 1 102 0 1 0 5 0339.80284527146927 376 267A5F Davis Crossroads Substation 0506 2038736512 3314440 614.1765585556519 395.188822957495352132222442101Montgomery County11016N011010213 32.143563-86.34738210G52402M Pintala Volunteer Fire Dept Voting District 2M Pintala Volunteer Fire Dept Voting District 2314 10 784 1 33 19 15 0 2314 1452 366.1268217 866.6013657 504 826 492.1214380337979 511.4506322 784.1041365433231 753.3066546 52 7727251 7 637 1 28 16 9 01747.3417421292886 1901 1203A2M Pintala Volunteer Fire Dept Voting District 0213 56775781 54225 996.3780470258935 641.1144517642342631112441101Montgomery County11015N011010514 32.3016834-86.25631430G52405N Peter Crump School Voting District 5N Peter Crump School Voting District 3754 13 3517 0 14 11 28 2 3754 169 1442.714024 110.1611905 1986 105 1939.192809598981 2015.359039 99.67425464533768 95.7593205 35 7521251 13 2469 0 10 9 19 02834.7108469979903 2682 162A5N Peter Crump School Voting District 0514 142182581 68986 2021.1557879867285 1300.5025440023022131112441101Montgomery County11016N011010308 32.3663892-86.16898030G52403H Auburn University at Montgomery 3H Auburn University at Montgomery 7615 567 2223 7 146 13 89 2 7615 4568 916.0434964 2381.580024 1261 2270 1231.2800260276797 1279.641363 2154.862457719331 2070.22531 30 7421241 400 1744 4 102 11 46 2 5750.219259427196 6085 3776A3H Auburn University at Montgomery 0308 2795943851 1954318 1106.5263926614145 711.98885173284272231112441101Montgomery County11012N011010509 32.2520546-86.06113410G52405I Pike Road Volunteer Fire Protection Authority 5I Pike Road Volunteer Fire Protection Authority 4169 139 941 1 67 5 34 6 4169 2976 389.3729691 1534.912588 536 1463 523.367243611027 543.9236882 1388.7946144127734 1334.246532 72 7521251 93 678 0 37 5 18 23148.0845820816785 3020 2187A5I Pike Road Volunteer Fire Protection Authority 0509 2272199621 894201 237.54884179226815 152.849609570854942131112441101Montgomery County11016N011010508 32.0675279 -86.0584190G52405H South Montgomery Volunteer Fire Station 5H South Montgomery Volunteer Fire Station 895 2 280 1 3 2 15 0 895 592 112.5985265 342.0242678 155 326 151.34687086092362 157.2913651 309.464828693512 297.3098903 72 7521251 2 215 1 3 2 10 0 675.8301033732555 732 499A5H South Montgomery Volunteer Fire Station 0508 1105023011 2469479 2043.4508748141593 1314.84820568269522231112841101Montgomery County11017N011010510 32.3618961-86.05499870G52405J Georgia Washington Jr. High School Voting District 5J Georgia Washington Jr. High School Voting District 7699 120 3478 0 166 10 80 0 7699 3845 1048.25596 1490.848112 1443 1421 1408.9905462103768 1464.33187 1348.924912762815 1295.942804 72 7521251 85 2749 0 122 9 48 0 5813.649123877871 5987 2974A5J Georgia Washington Jr. High School Voting District 0510 1021646701 849831 214.72291956418428 138.162384517119162131112441101Montgomery County11016N011010504 32.0535016 -86.2470480G52405D Ramer Library Voting District 5D Ramer Library Voting District 809 2 330 0 6 13 19 0 809 439 121.3158318 325.2378007 167 310 163.06404795238447 169.4687611 294.2763709022729 282.7179939 52 7527251 1 281 0 6 7 11 0 610.890004054708 696 390A5D Ramer Library Voting District 0504 1078426461 444301 223.2162859746341 143.627398490602252131112441101Montgomery County11012N011010507 32.0284076-86.14813880G52405G South Montgomery Volunteer Fire Dept Voting District 5G South Montgomery Volunteer Fire Dept Voting District 841 1 308 0 3 0 10 0 841 519 96.61680018 295.8614832 133 282 129.86537943035796 134.966139 267.6965696635162 257.1821751 72 7527251 1 250 0 3 0 4 0 635.0537619406792 683 425A5G South Montgomery Volunteer Fire Dept Voting District 0507 678031192 357509 153.4114307887497 98.711814896038162132222442101Montgomery County11012N011010503 32.0240347-86.27362050G52405C Strata Church of Christ 5C Strata Church of Christ 578 0 210 0 4 0 9 0 578 355 60.29469485 150.02905 83 143 81.0438082448039 84.22698903 135.74684205566297 130.4150746 52 7727251 0 157 0 2 0 5 0 436.4578768153538 449 285A5C Strata Church of Christ 0503 246821931 292167 2303.825638834511 1482.38504030728592231112441101Montgomery County11017N011010512 32.3343991 -86.1274760G52405L Saint James United Methodist Church 5L Saint James United Methodist Church 8680 909 1060 2 175 23 95 12 8680 6404 661.062317 3264.967857 910 3112 888.5525963911115 923.4525303 2954.1550520538935 2838.123861 30 7421241 586 771 2 97 17 35 6 6554.419326569673 6200 4686A5L Saint James United Methodist Church 0512 176938191 154331 2598.439286196989 1671.95271251248032131112441101Montgomery County11016N011010513 32.3326362-86.18813340G52405M Bell Road YMCA Voting District 5M Bell Road YMCA Voting District 9790 1097 2728 1 195 37 119 12 9790 5601 998.8578966 2763.472152 1375 2634 1342.5932083965579 1395.326625 2500.3998734068155 2402.190954 30 7221241 753 1995 1 132 31 74 8 7392.599678239298 7503 4509A5M Bell Road YMCA Voting District 0513 93215471 100888 1509.1650440568008 971.0646704132752201112841101Montgomery County11017N011010309 32.3931543-86.18224450G52403I Eastdale Baptist Church Voting District 3I Eastdale Baptist Church Voting District 5686 184 3103 0 203 5 70 3 5686 2118 945.1011807 1101.611905 1301 1050 1270.3372829992159 1320.232683 996.7425464533768 957.593205 30 7421241 142 2168 0 144 5 30 1 4293.597729363498 4313 1823A3I Eastdale Baptist Church Voting District 0309 56049861 1943 1684.0753085720016 1083.60980192969211101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010104 32.3370043-86.25909560G52401D Whitfield Memorial United Methodist Church 1D Whitfield Memorial United Methodist Church 6345 40 3359 1 130 9 43 3 6345 2760 1127.438149 1663.958554 1552 1586 1515.421571457813 1574.943217 1505.5558841252991 1446.421736 35 7221241 33 2352 1 84 9 23 1 4791.220118327717 4749 2246A1D Whitfield Memorial United Methodist Church 0104 74738471 7720 2062.2955315373447 1326.97370543636071101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010101 32.3493017-86.28518620G52401A Cloverdale Community Center Voting District 1A Cloverdale Community Center Voting District 7770 53 1797 1 173 13 70 9 7750 5634 1074.407876 2537.903999 1479 2419 1444.1420774847595 1500.864058 2296.3049717069293 2206.112346 78 7627241 40 1334 1 118 9 48 7 5867.262461687369 6228 4671A1A Cloverdale Community Center Voting District 0101 27043831 0 844.2937047387766 543.25654530155262601112411101Montgomery County11015N011010405 32.3600205-86.31357390G52404E Cleveland Avenue YMCA Voting District 4E Cleveland Avenue YMCA Voting District 3181 4 2871 1 49 5 26 0 3181 225 1004.669433 81.83402727 1383 78 1350.4046597908655 1403.444889 74.04373202373783 71.13549523 78 7627251 3 2125 1 36 5 17 02402.0285573523192 2371 184A4E Cleveland Avenue YMCA Voting District 0405 22750261 0 914.629395325314 588.51369226945932601112811101Montgomery County11015N011010403 32.362725-86.29212240G52404C Alabama State University Voting District 4C Alabama State University Voting District 3446 6 2891 1 89 7 29 1 3446 422 1775.424509 108.0628822 2444 103 2386.398401923071 2480.129653 97.77569741102396 93.93533344 78 7627251 6 2496 1 49 7 17 1 2602.134677345518 2961 384A4C Alabama State University Voting District 0403 24836221 0 947.2757724654805 609.5198397300351101111811101Montgomery County11012N011010301 32.38238 -86.2684370G52403A Capitol Heights Baptist Church Voting District 3A Capitol Heights Baptist Church Voting District 3569 61 1107 1 141 9 57 4 3569 2189 353.0508638 913.8133045 486 871 474.5456723966067 493.1845382 826.8216742633375 794.3463634 56 7327241 41 770 1 89 8 29 12695.0141217197192 2747 1808A3A Capitol Heights Baptist Church Voting District 0301 17207371 0 635.9408099824296 409.19292126454572101112811101Montgomery County11012N011010414 32.3716961-86.27709570G52404N Highland Avenue Baptist Church 4N Highland Avenue Baptist Church 2396 0 1340 0 238 8 30 5 2396 775 288.3975163 326.2869549 397 311 387.6432755387178 402.8688511 295.22564948820326 283.6299874 56 7627241 0 884 0 154 5 12 11809.2613717120896 1710 654A4N Highland Avenue Baptist Church 0414 25437341 0 392.0219433823241 252.24455121357852101112811101Montgomery County11016N011010402 32.3727846-86.29464640G52404B Houston Hills Community Center Voting District 4B Houston Hills Community Center Voting District 1477 4 1311 0 7 4 15 1 1477 135 566.6248432 11.54069615 780 11 761.6165112336188 791.5307403 10.442064767907782 10.03192881 80 7627251 4 999 0 5 3 6 11115.3084499243557 1151 133A4B Houston Hills Community Center Voting District 0402 109994411 1106 2614.629765916909 1682.37039539943231101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010102 32.3516459-86.24186350G52401B Vaughn Park Church Of Christ Voting District 1B Vaughn Park Church Of Christ Voting District 9851 260 4296 1 195 17 97 10 9871 4995 1520.443329 2767.668768 2093 2638 2043.6709719978403 2123.94082 2504.196987750537 2405.838928 35 7221241 189 3060 1 118 11 50 5 7438.66184170943 7584 4150A1B Vaughn Park Church Of Christ Voting District 0102 55715231 4085 1678.7669545654705 1080.19416819626531101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010305 32.3732999-86.25511970G52403E Flowers Elementary School Voting District 3E Flowers Elementary School Voting District 6325 36 1082 0 128 26 80 5 6325 4968 411.8926745 2570.427779 567 2450 553.6366177639675 575.3819612 2325.7326083912126 2234.384145 56 7327241 32 702 0 78 21 40 3 4776.117769648984 4902 4026A3E Flowers Elementary School Voting District 0305 110123191 8760 2006.557814468768 1291.1095512353781101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010306 32.3788725-86.22254230G52403F Goodwyn Community Center Voting District 3F Goodwyn Community Center Voting District 7560 109 1641 3 132 13 68 5 7560 5589 751.1411382 3294.344175 1034 3140 1009.6300927142117 1049.285622 2980.734853500827 2863.65968 56 7321241 80 1200 3 99 6 47 1 5708.687800560683 6168 4732A3F Goodwyn Community Center Voting District 0306 58422331 82587 1971.5226780256623 1268.56636859476021131111441101Montgomery County11016N011010103 32.3476937-86.20811920G52401C Montgomery Museum Of Fine Arts Voting District 1C Montgomery Museum Of Fine Arts Voting District 7428 190 3959 1 173 23 123 11 7428 2948 1209.526108 1422.653089 1665 1356 1625.7583224024027 1689.613696 1287.2218031160166 1236.663225 30 7221241 150 3062 1 128 15 71 8 5609.012299281052 5988 2553A1C Montgomery Museum Of Fine Arts Voting District 0103 68656881 25599 2023.5445472896674 1302.03957918234411131111441101Montgomery County11016N011010105 32.3239908 -86.2164740G52401E Aldersgate United Methodist Church Voting District 1E Aldersgate United Methodist Church Voting District 7624 122 5839 2 233 7 93 5 7624 1323 1799.397098 798.4063429 2477 761 2418.620638924588 2513.617492 722.4010265842597 694.0270753 35 7221251 89 4075 2 153 7 49 4 5757.015316332626 5591 1212A1E Aldersgate United Methodist Church Voting District 0105 1442927401 1866462 2810.5080287579076 1808.40728016288592131112441101Montgomery County11016N011010505 32.2282681-86.16954670G52405E Fitzpatrick Elementary School Voting District 5E Fitzpatrick Elementary School Voting District 10589 99 7083 12 1719 17 91 11 10589 1557 2170.609015 773.2266422 2988 737 2917.5770967359636 3032.171605 699.6183397933128 672.1392306 72 7521251 72 4644 8 1071 11 47 5 7995.938507954639 7176 1318A5E Fitzpatrick Elementary School Voting District 0505 59245331 11762 2426.4486163853803 1561.28617954944781631111441101Montgomery County11015N011010106 32.3159867-86.24604210G52401F Al. Industrial Development Training 1F Al. Industrial Development Training 9142 11 8518 13 159 11 59 4 9142 367 2563.614194 177.3070591 3529 169 3445.826497275991 3581.169208 160.42808601847065 154.1269063 35 7521251 11 5799 11 104 5 32 3 6903.283581048382 6305 340A1F Al. Industrial Development Training 0106 36900661 13893 959.2195689801755 617.20501563024551101111811101Montgomery County11012N011010307 32.3716245-86.20013670G52403G Alcazar Shrine Temple Voting District 3G Alcazar Shrine Temple Voting District 3614 79 2344 2 113 3 48 0 3614 1025 647.259917 611.6568961 891 583 870.0003993296317 904.1716533 553.4294329801509 531.6922272 30 7321241 67 1741 2 79 3 29 0 2728.994406246866 2815 894A3G Alcazar Shrine Temple Voting District 0307 48216101 11915 1631.2571862070167 1049.62424628209441101111411101Montgomery County11016N011010201 32.3349259-86.28796970G52402A St. Paul AME Church 2A St. Paul AME Church 6146 15 5312 0 98 13 27 8 6146 673 1805.935077 326.2869549 2486 311 2427.4085217431843 2522.750539 295.22564948820326 283.6299874 78 7627251 8 3733 0 68 6 16 5 4640.951748974333 4431 595A2A St. Paul AME Church 0201 47225421 100230 1394.2391798154017 897.1162000845822601112411101Montgomery County11012N011010202 32.3343583-86.31709480G52402B Beulah Baptist Church Voting District 2B Beulah Baptist Church Voting District 5253 1 5105 0 34 9 36 2 5253 66 2297.009941 24.1305465 3162 23 3087.4761645621466 3208.743847 21.833408163381254 20.97585116 78 7727251 1 3930 0 24 7 25 1 3966.631880468951 4045 57A2B Beulah Baptist Church Voting District 0202 71941311 464527 363.88766714770907 234.141692426415772601112411101Montgomery County11015N011010208 32.3166379-86.32208570G52402H Harrison Elementary School Voting District 2H Harrison Elementary School Voting District 1371 0 1300 0 22 5 7 1 1371 36 532.4820642 28.32716328 733 27 715.7242342920636 743.8359393 25.63052262159986 24.62382527 78 7727251 0 989 0 16 4 3 01035.2660019270763 1048 36A2H Harrison Elementary School Voting District 0208 35971131 57096 522.6074519429899 336.26914105588092601112411101Montgomery County11015N011010203 32.3396625-86.33574130G52402C Carver High School Voting District 2C Carver High School Voting District 1969 0 1899 1 16 2 8 8 1969 35 738.0651803 15.73731294 1016 15 992.0543270770204 1031.019528 14.239179236535216 13.67990293 78 7727251 0 1479 1 8 2 6 3 1486.826227421162 1533 34A2C Carver High School Voting District 0203 12286361 0 367.6035149522809 236.53263603981462601112411101Montgomery County11015N011010412 32.34784-86.31471370G52404L Bellingrath Community Center Voting District 4L Bellingrath Community Center Voting District 1385 0 1337 3 11 4 6 2 1385 22 556.4546537 5.245770979 766 5 747.946471293581 777.3237783 4.746393078498111 4.559967643 78 7527251 0 1038 1 7 4 2 21045.8376460021886 1072 18A4L Bellingrath Community Center Voting District 0412 157630371 197866 687.9626792464347 442.66613185212961601111411101Montgomery County11015N011010207 32.340383-86.36482570G52402G Hayneville Road Community Center Voting District 2G Hayneville Road Community Center Voting District 2592 1 2406 0 12 8 25 0 2592 140 770.7550751 44.06447622 1061 42 1035.9937411699987 1076.684763 39.86970185813507 38.3037282 78 7724251 1 1500 0 9 3 12 01957.2643887636627 1641 116A2G Hayneville Road Community Center Voting District 0207 22051031 0 744.2312317156646 478.8718494264552601112411101Montgomery County11015N011010413 32.3573346-86.32946570G52404M McIntyre Community Center Voting District 4M McIntyre Community Center Voting District 2804 1 2720 0 16 0 15 0 2804 52 888.4386964 8.393233566 1223 8 1194.1756319047201 1241.079609 7.5942289258051545 7.295948229 78 7724251 1 1918 0 13 0 10 02117.3492847582215 1987 45A4M McIntyre Community Center Voting District 0413 32222791 6703 386.4481716754664 248.65813579348021601111811101Montgomery County11015N011010401 32.3615776-86.33618550G52404A Franklin Boys-Girls Club Voting District 4A Franklin Boys-Girls Club Voting District 1456 1 1372 0 13 3 13 0 1456 54 624.7402117 6.294925174 860 6 839.7310251766912 872.7133803 5.695671694614087 5.471961172 80 7724251 1 988 0 9 1 4 01099.4509838116871 1054 51A4A Franklin Boys-Girls Club Voting District 0401 294933381 7755201 1138.1110990002746 732.31187244673291101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010204 32.3961839-86.36079750G52402D Montgomery Boys Club Voting District 2D Montgomery Boys Club Voting District 4288 39 2081 7 242 3 76 5 4288 1835 408.2604639 148.9798958 562 142 548.7544606425255 570.3080462 134.7975634697326 129.5030811 80 7724251 29 1727 7 189 3 31 13237.9435567201335 3498 1511A2D Montgomery Boys Club Voting District 0204 321628741 2602636 373.97353976011823 240.631396519926941101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010210 32.394014-86.41292880G52402J Hunter Station Community Center Voting District 2J Hunter Station Community Center Voting District 1409 0 518 0 419 3 19 1 1409 449 282.5859795 148.9798958 389 142 379.8318241444106 394.7505871 134.7975634697326 129.5030811 80 7724251 0 378 0 275 2 10 0 1063.960464416667 1052 387A2J Hunter Station Community Center Voting District 0210 541312382 1243043 193.75492123838632 124.67063127008282632222442101Montgomery County11012N011010212 32.2536494-86.40908170G52402L First Southern Baptist Church Voting District 2L First Southern Baptist Church Voting District 730 5 186 1 19 4 4 2 730 509 90.80526333 230.8139231 125 220 122.05392803605073 126.847875 208.84129546224395 200.6385763 78 7727251 3 142 1 14 3 3 0 551.2357267737168 579 413A2L First Southern Baptist Church Voting District 0212 506897902 642209 760.6871291359112 489.46031400007851602221412101Montgomery County11015N011010206 32.3001277-86.39703680G52402F Fire Station No. 14 Voting District 2F Fire Station No. 14 Voting District 2866 11 2440 0 118 4 24 2 2866 267 1095.474697 126.9476577 1508 121 1472.458588789123 1530.292765 114.86271254066509 110.351217 78 7727251 9 1917 0 84 4 12 1 2164.166565662291 2255 228A2F Fire Station No. 14 Voting District 0206 469561172 2849301 498.4544412132733 320.72800756878831102221412101Montgomery County11016N011010211 32.3363242-86.44992340G52402K Catoma School Voting District 2K Catoma School Voting District 1878 3 492 0 19 7 22 2 1878 1333 228.1028215 652.5739097 314 622 306.5994673227802 318.6418621 590.4512989764065 567.2599748 86 7724251 3 373 0 10 6 11 01418.1105409329316 1531 1128A2K Catoma School Voting District 0211 117500321 32701 1598.3453913665237 1028.44731713484752601112441101Montgomery County11015N011010501 32.3087254-86.28135210G52405A Seth Johnson Elementary School Voting District 5A Seth Johnson Elementary School Voting District 6022 13 5330 2 90 2 47 9 6022 529 1739.828845 229.7647689 2395 219 2338.5532621329394 2430.405286 207.89201687631356 199.7265828 78 7527251 12 3645 2 68 1 27 3 4547.317187166195 4265 507A5A Seth Johnson Elementary School Voting District 0501 902172891 1633697 201.717452248183 129.794081870223182131112441101Montgomery County11016N011010502 32.2146524-86.27722190G52405B Snowdoun Womens Club Voting District 5B Snowdoun Womens Club Voting District 760 1 205 1 4 4 2 0 760 543 98.7961265 342.0242678 136 326 132.7946737032232 138.010488 309.464828693512 297.3098903 78 7527251 1 154 1 2 4 2 0 573.8892497918147 597 433A5B Snowdoun Womens Club Voting District 0502 409009781 424431 1181.6396018538298 760.32006906083372601112411101Montgomery County11012N011010209 32.2634783-86.32543630G52402I Southlawn Elementary School Voting District 2I Southlawn Elementary School Voting District 4452 4 4250 5 26 3 33 0 4452 131 1693.336551 78.68656468 2331 75 2276.0616509784813 2365.459174 71.19589617226725 68.39951464 78 7727251 4 3064 2 20 3 20 03361.7828158857355 3229 116A2I Southlawn Elementary School Voting District 0209 64959681 112992 634.8791391811234 408.50979451786031101111811101Montgomery County11016N011010406 32.4059989-86.29593930G52404F Newtown Community Center Voting District 4F Newtown Community Center Voting District 2392 5 2032 0 38 3 28 0 2392 286 520.1325483 60.85094335 716 58 699.1249000791606 726.5846283 55.05815971182715 52.89562466 80 7624251 3 1407 0 33 2 14 01806.2409019763431 1688 229A4F Newtown Community Center Voting District 0406 38650361 0 1018.4077161529976 655.28933175795581101111811101Montgomery County11012N011010407 32.3878486-86.28666130G52404G King Hill Community Center Voting District 4G King Hill Community Center Voting District 3837 6 1313 6 1161 15 64 3 3837 1269 491.8013062 370.3514311 677 353 661.0440744356921 687.0080912 335.09535134633836 321.9337156 56 7327251 6 910 6 740 13 35 22897.3855940147278 2800 1088A4G King Hill Community Center Voting District 0407 38173581 603818 80.9920431761724 236.921755797384721101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510231 32.4741468-86.35090820G5240Millbrook Civic Center Millbrook Civic Center 722 3 561 0 6 1 3 0 722 148 34.87644720226954 37.96613628667602 44.73951294147648 44.37128649751371 46.43511148805268 48.258956613897745 47.03818208041843 45.190649978809134 80 8724291 3 410 0 3 1 2 0 551.6854595664729 533 114AMillbrook Civic Center 0231 72603381 135319 259.12966722570394 758.01835996116171101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510241 32.4751533-86.36578390G5240Millbrook Civic Center Millbrook Civic Center 2310 8 278 1 64 12 49 1 2310 1897 111.58530891584853 121.47060224684432 143.14165497896212 141.96353436185134 148.56663093822948 154.40192490042077 150.4961227226684 144.58504356100983 80 8724291 5 178 1 38 10 26 1 1765.087827698826 1730 1471AMillbrook Civic Center 0241 115546641 9058 329.5770399606572 964.0943469982221101111811 51Elmore County 10516N01051022A 32.5274109-86.40279450G5240Victory Baptist School Victory Baptist School 2938 29 623 2 107 12 56 1 2938 2108 42.58662120825644 154.70893845274404 54.63012558107264 180.809408173177 56.70057193213239 58.92761647745785 191.676792228411 184.1482481581905 58 8724241 27 390 2 61 10 23 12244.9472025017967 2016 1502AVictory Baptist School 022A 47780231 792733 0.3365320353580571 0.98443942852098911101111811 51Elmore County 10512S01051027A 32.513841-86.25028150G5240Wetumpka Natl Guard Armory Wetumpka Natl Guard Armory 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0.24479527886712987 0.8343694437789239 0.3140234291262626 0.9751333493058271 0.32592471360517095 0.33872615159577824 1.0337428471130143 0.9931402342912626 13 7430241 0 0 0 0 0 0 02.2923218541543195 2 2PWetumpka Natl Guard Armory 027A 26681841 191735 95.57509804168821 279.58079769996091101111811 51Elmore County 10512S010510261 32.5478461-86.20319120G5240Wetumpka Fain Park Wetumpka Fain Park 852 3 519 0 21 3 3 0 852 303 197.2247922 119.7905109 253 140 262.58853603122054 272.9023009 148.4145718957857 142.5852504 13 3030291 2 372 0 16 3 2 0 651.0194065798268 624 229PWetumpka Fain Park 0261 1116582922 267918 380.2615603663075 683.59039575445754442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N010773 34.9593505-87.37282960G5240Lexington Fire Station Lexington Fire Station 2739 5 5 0 18 15 15 0 2739 2681 377.5250957 658.3478062 344 715 310.68584230635616 322.8887388 739.3766301084794 710.3359232 97 125 01 5 5 0 11 11 10 02148.6506488043233 2085 2043ALexington Fire Station 3 1078793932 149473 306.95812704268195 551.81393392227294442224562 77Lauderdale County10775N010771 34.9489104-87.25892510G5240Anderson Town Hall Anderson Town Hall 2211 2 6 0 14 10 19 2 2211 2158 311.6776953 449.3338873 284 488 256.4964512824918 266.5709356 504.6374762719849 484.8166861 97 125 01 1 3 0 7 8 15 21734.4529333721646 1697 1661AAnderson Town Hall 1 1146172012 16989611 645.0146803438716 1159.5330334703214442224562 77Lauderdale County10772N010772 34.8256876-87.27422070G5240Rogersville Sen Citizens Center Rogersville Sen Citizens Center 4646 17 308 1 39 30 38 4 4646 4209 650.7918073 1199.75831 593 1303 535.5718154595203 556.6076225 1347.4234254157823 1294.500291 97 125 01 9 227 1 24 23 19 0 3644.626109654942 3660 3357ARogersville Sen Citizens Center 2 907980182 11687377 442.874909663571 796.14945690278184442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N010774 34.8560669-87.36584250G5240Elgin Senior Citizens Center Elgin Senior Citizens Center 3190 7 62 0 37 12 19 0 3190 3053 420.3259059 750.4244225 383 815 345.9089465873329 359.495311 842.785949039709 809.6836048 97 125 01 6 54 0 29 6 14 0 2502.444530735959 2528 2419AElgin Senior Citizens Center 4 12823822 1340 247.3990874672362 444.745558683622964442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107710-4 34.808917-87.67205850G5240Florence Middle School Florence Middle School 1782 90 206 1 76 13 26 1 1782 1369 253.5124916 269.7844856 231 293 208.62915580751647 216.8235427 302.9893043769049 291.088707 38 031 01 88 155 1 49 9 22 11397.9172895835356 1522 1197AFlorence Middle School 10-4 44536762 1058 392.4787992535784 705.55313939315494442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107710-6 34.8091802-87.65141750G5240Central Baptist Church Central Baptist Church 2827 19 626 0 237 25 89 2 2827 1829 415.9360792 229.2707745 379 249 342.2963205319047 355.7407908 257.4892040513274 247.3757271 38 025 01 15 428 0 140 16 46 12217.6836013763495 1999 1353ACentral Baptist Church 10-6 12421152 0 356.9377406724266 641.6615215351264442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107710-2-134.8058429-87.68070150G5240First Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church 2571 157 752 0 34 5 52 2 2571 1569 406.0589692 225.5877098 370 245 334.1679118590809 347.2931203 253.35283125660644 243.4018198 71 031 01 153 679 0 32 5 36 22016.8604666213637 2354 1447AFirst Presbyterian Church 10-2-1 35691712 132173 274.74904270351317 493.912155238434254442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107710-2-234.7994202-87.68588260G5240Handy Recreation Center Handy Recreation Center 1979 4 1557 3 54 5 38 2 1979 316 861.5034886 34.06834801 785 37 708.9778669860601 736.824593 38.26144799206434 36.75864218 71 031 01 2 1137 1 37 3 13 01552.4569675004584 1466 273AHandy Recreation Center 10-2-2 22718182 0 335.5575726197025 603.22672016740564442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107710-3 34.8314268-87.67629650G5240Sherrod Ave Church of Christ Sherrod Ave Church of Christ 2417 16 803 0 52 12 47 0 2417 1487 733.1010578 311.2189629 668 338 603.3085543355713 627.0048766 349.52349787514055 335.7951637 38 031 01 13 615 0 24 10 16 01896.0527996203173 1909 1231ASherrod Ave Church of Christ 10-3 73736162 176406 291.2700816533454 523.61177447712744442224552 77Lauderdale County10772N0107710-7 34.8161365-87.70544350G5240Hibbett School Hibbett School 2098 21 308 0 61 5 45 2 2098 1656 368.7454423 496.2929616 336 539 303.4605901954998 315.3796984 557.3762289102579 535.4840037 38 031 01 18 227 0 38 4 17 21645.8083465467214 1653 1347AHibbett School 10-7 24782632 0 273.2218878426043 491.166812283597044442224552 77Lauderdale County10772N0107710-8 34.8308519-87.68881370G5240Harlan School Harlan School 1968 10 413 2 47 3 24 0 1968 1469 456.5419761 435.5223949 416 473 375.7131116889465 390.4701028 489.12607836984745 469.9145338 38 031 01 7 283 2 29 1 7 01543.8278484289551 1573 1244AHarlan School 10-8 52542252 4967 576.4315438630554 1036.2421771349064442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107710-11 34.8493279-87.68708780G5240Forest Hills School Forest Hills School 4152 24 324 2 72 12 40 1 4152 3677 745.1730813 1401.406099 679 1522 613.2432760361093 637.3298072 1573.8898331423932 1512.071713 38 031 01 23 242 1 45 11 20 03257.1002168074297 3289 2947AForest Hills School 10-11 140187892 14602 659.1755708722993 1184.98984996062954442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107710-12334.8582668-87.65457850G5240Mars Hill School 10-12-3 Mars Hill School 10-12-3 4748 83 257 2 76 16 44 2 4748 4268 749.5629079 1603.053889 683 1741 616.8559020915375 641.0843274 1800.3562419098873 1729.643136 38 025 01 66 196 2 50 13 25 23724.6415774088814 3906 3552AMars Hill School 10-12-3 10-123 48881942 16915 406.7785220420887 731.25953251572134442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107710-12234.8394036-87.64463980G5240Florence High School 10-12-2 Florence High School 10-12-2 2930 22 430 2 58 11 46 0 2930 2361 549.8257934 752.2659548 501 817 452.4814157035682 470.2536574 844.8541353850253 811.6705584 38 031 01 16 303 2 39 7 21 02298.4835345004262 2452 2064AFlorence High School 10-12-2 10-122 40104302 0 650.2903062270115 1169.01694549612224442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107710-10034.8222793-87.66511410G5240Highland Baptist Church 10-10-O Highland Baptist Church 10-10-O 4684 36 923 2 122 13 90 10 4684 3488 732.0036012 881.1732176 667 957 602.405397773604 626.0662465 989.6271818471114 950.7573126 38 031 01 28 626 2 71 13 36 4 3674.435793720135 3705 2925AHighland Baptist Church 10-10-O 10-100 13513852 0 180.34310584732873 324.2000453030454442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107710-12134.8313701-87.64591250G5240East Campus Woodmont Baptist Church 10-12-1 East Campus Woodmont Baptist Church 10-12-1 1299 6 91 0 254 4 13 0 1299 931 248.0252082 435.5223949 226 473 204.11337319012088 212.1303924 489.12607836984745 469.9145338 38 025 01 6 61 0 146 4 5 01019.0205158075267 986 764AEast Campus Woodmont Baptist Church 10-12-1 10-121 33124432 0 339.86137268226383 610.96359576740124442224552 77Lauderdale County10772N0107710-9-234.8172351-87.63614820G5240Broadway Rec Center Broadway Rec Center 2448 10 519 1 165 8 47 0 2448 1698 493.855503 377.5141266 450 410 406.4204332563069 422.3835246 423.97820745149994 407.3254944 38 025 01 10 342 1 102 7 17 0 1920.371226094554 1836 1357ABroadway Rec Center 10-9-2 277182802 180834 648.4854868459373 1165.77244927676934442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107712 34.8798717-87.69762620G5240Underwood Comm Center Underwood Comm Center 4671 28 283 0 55 8 47 2 4671 4248 539.9486833 1017.44661 492 1105 444.3530070307444 461.8059869 1142.6729734822864 1097.791881 38 031 01 24 207 0 31 8 25 23664.2377439083584 3643 3346AUnderwood Comm Center 12 52317712 0 251.42522300963228 451.98328101910284442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107710-9-134.8171015-87.62453850G5240Florance Blvd Church of Christ Florance Blvd Church of Christ 1811 31 95 1 65 9 12 0 1811 1598 317.1649786 685.0500249 289 744 261.0122338036667 271.2640858 769.3653326360078 739.1467509 38 025 01 18 77 1 39 6 5 01420.6667853174988 1466 1320AFlorance Blvd Church of Christ 10-9-1 15415492 0 7.358109784379079 13.2275615096700434442224552 77Lauderdale County10775S0107711-A 34.8372254-87.61927950G5240Lauderdale Co. Bd. of Ed Cont. Lauderdale Co. Bd. of Ed Cont. 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 53 9.877110061 21.17762174 9 23 8.128408666088346 8.447670493 23.784143345855735 22.84996676 38 025 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41.5766646172432 48 48PLauderdale Co. Bd. of Ed Cont. 11-A 508390092 1603871 310.7065980649128 558.55250299323694442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N010779 34.8853705-87.61592880G5240St Florian Senior Center St Florian Senior Center 2238 6 53 0 37 3 28 1 2238 2110 314.9700653 738.4544624 287 802 259.2059207759526 269.3868257 829.3427375869761 796.7684062 38 125 01 5 46 0 16 3 15 11755.6334983658544 1795 1709ASt Florian Senior Center 9 1320267132 485925 512.4298719649656 921.18734966400254442224552 77Lauderdale County10772N0107713 34.9503702-87.74309970G5240Cloverdale Community Center Cloverdale Community Center 3691 1 55 1 9 9 24 0 3691 3592 386.304749 819.4818847 352 890 317.9110945134333 330.3977793 920.3429382381311 884.194366 38 131 01 1 46 1 7 9 9 02895.4616811744277 2800 2727ACloverdale Community Center 13 48550431 362994 108.02678334993632 316.00505655523751101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510271 32.5346024 -86.1959930G5240Wetumpka Civic Center Wetumpka Civic Center 963 24 164 3 21 7 23 3 963 718 1.7792146165871001 6.8351771971660735 2.2823768410360588 7.988318943626206 2.3688774435929725 2.4619205189893347 8.46844954587748 8.135831836287455 13 3030241 20 115 3 18 7 13 0 735.8353151835365 739 563AWetumpka Civic Center 0271 18271281 0 55.079076453602006 161.119919801268571101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510322 32.5176313-86.20550620G5240Wetumpka Civic Center Wetumpka Civic Center 491 3 13 0 2 1 12 0 491 460 0.9071592697240561 3.485017657122058 1.1637040799051972 4.072964279668191 1.2078077100769984 1.2552471181970544 4.317766071677926 4.148175941450821 13 3030241 2 9 0 2 1 7 0 375.1766767965903 399 378AWetumpka Civic Center 0322 899091692 713035 330.69844351681064 594.49153803837824442224552 77Lauderdale County10772N010778 34.9595291-87.64395710G5240Zip City Community Center Zip City Community Center 2382 4 9 1 29 7 21 2 2382 2309 279.8514517 534.0443743 255 580 230.30491223630634 239.350664 599.7740496137725 576.2165531 38 125 01 3 6 0 20 5 9 0 1868.596511665534 1821 1778AZip City Community Center 8 1624678972 10709097 355.54941807160037 639.16575521254674442224552 77Lauderdale County10772N0107716 34.9398715-87.91578450G5240Stewartville Church of Christ Stewartville Church of Christ 2561 4 31 0 45 7 22 1 2561 2451 218.393878 511.0252202 199 555 179.72814717164945 186.7873809 573.9217198809652 551.3796327 71 131 01 4 23 0 28 3 11 0 2009.015812919997 1964 1895AStewartville Church of Christ 16 800735272 238920 457.17463245208125 821.85585002534814442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N0107714 34.8917336-87.80859040G5240Central Community Center Central Community Center 3293 4 78 1 73 12 59 0 3293 3066 374.2327256 883.0147499 341 959 307.9763728128954 320.0728487 991.6953681924276 952.7442662 71 131 01 2 64 0 35 11 37 0 2583.244463860035 2515 2366ACentral Community Center 14 1963086902 35270268 113.9812855278344 204.90241508375674442224552 77Lauderdale County10772N0107717 34.9580692-88.06781550G5240Waterloo Sr Citizens Bldg Waterloo Sr Citizens Bldg 821 0 3 0 1 4 8 0 821 805 80.11433716 170.3417401 73 185 65.93042584833705 68.519994 191.30723996032168 183.7932109 71 131 01 0 2 0 1 3 7 0 644.0460688822013 655 642AWaterloo Sr Citizens Bldg 17 703486722 9996963 661.8133838138692 1189.731805973534442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N010776 34.852601-87.44435510G5240Center Star First Baptist Church Center Star First Baptist Church 4767 23 200 0 74 20 60 2 4767 4388 689.2027909 1367.337751 628 1485 567.1822935888481 589.4596744 1535.6283853376879 1475.313071 97 125 01 12 157 0 38 18 28 0 3739.546419441478 3600 3347ACenter Star First Baptist Church 6 1632269712 1364510 979.0450981026653 1760.01441068288954442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N010775 34.953631-87.50923450G5240Greenhill Fire Department Greenhill Fire Department 7052 8 38 1 79 12 55 0 7052 6859 932.8381724 1646.329899 850 1788 767.6830407235407 797.8355466 1848.9586214411743 1776.336546 97 125 01 4 24 1 48 12 29 0 5532.049790203756 5361 5243AGreenhill Fire Department 5 429726752 7815165 647.7913255455242 1164.52456611547974442224552 77Lauderdale County10775N010777 34.8641802 -87.5296220G5240Killen First Baptist Church Killen First Baptist Church 4666 28 69 1 68 10 48 2 4666 4440 685.9104209 1548.728685 625 1682 564.4728239991665 586.6437842 1739.344743890349 1671.028004 97 125 01 23 55 1 42 10 30 0 3660.315417057675 3596 3435AKillen First Baptist Church 7 492375221 63462 138.65119856751951 405.589044550647541101111841 51Elmore County 10516S010510031 32.5119017-85.97937210G5240Friendship Fire Dept. Friendship Fire Dept. 1236 6 310 0 27 0 16 0 1236 877 130.9634984 350.8150677 168 410 174.36709110091002 181.2157571 434.64267488226744 417.5710905 13 3030101 4 226 0 11 0 11 0 944.4366039115796 898 646PFriendship Fire Dept. 0031 14169261 86920.112177345119352360.328146476173663051101111811 51Elmore County 10512S01051032B 32.5138328-86.22387350G5240Wetumpka National Guard Army. Wetumpka National Guard Army. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0.08159842628904329 0.27812314792630793 0.10467447637542085 0.325044449768609 0.10864157120172366 0.11290871719859275 0.34458094903767145 0.33104674476375423 13 7430241 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.7641072847181065 1 1PWetumpka National Guard Army. 032B 321440461 927699 164.1154559096125 480.0782946420691101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510321 32.4972919-86.19716660G5240Blue Ridge Baptist Church Blue Ridge Baptist Church 1463 19 88 2 21 16 18 4 1463 1295 130.9634984 715.3204795 168 836 174.36709110091002 181.2157571 886.247015135949 851.4376382 13 7430241 14 72 2 21 13 7 21117.8889575425899 1193 1062ABlue Ridge Baptist Church 0321 705631521 1045163 473.5005737487863 1385.10627592903171101111841 51Elmore County 10516N010510331 32.4836865 -86.1113820G5240Mulder Memorial Methodist Church Mulder Memorial Methodist Church 4221 33 525 3 59 11 57 4 4221 3529 116.8326091924064 606.168043010279 149.87289273459646 708.4327912874833 155.552978245546 161.66267696473219 751.0124962514006 721.514764107713 13 3030241 27 380 2 39 9 27 03225.2968487951275 3143 2659AMulder Memorial Methodist Church 0331 45159791 22132 17.163133803260912 50.206410854570441101111811 51Elmore County 10516N01051029A 32.5109591-86.17332160G5240Wetumpka Civic Center Wetumpka Civic Center 153 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 153 148 0.2826789577755206 1.0859627322600305 0.36262061960385983 1.2691721686135093 0.37636370599140684 0.3911462506805485 1.3454546007468895 1.2926087964195023 13 7430241 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 116.9084145618703 129 124AWetumpka Civic Center 029A 4144091 0 0 01101111811 51Elmore County 10516N01051032A 32.5089764-86.21148650G5240Blue Ridge Blue Ridge 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 3030241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0ABlue Ridge 032A 339998511 663091 278.42417058623255 814.45955386303171101111841 51Elmore County 10516N01051033A 32.4629634-86.14783460G5240Mulder Memorial Methodist Church Mulder Memorial Methodist Church 2482 40 286 2 73 8 28 10 2482 2035 68.69901350759362 356.434276889721 88.12710726540355 416.5672087125168 91.46706752083516 95.05964563526778 441.60459978582713 424.259569892287 13 7430241 26 204 1 47 5 16 21896.5142806703404 1843 1542AMulder Memorial Methodist Church 033A 2864221 121172 0 01101111811 51Elmore County 10516S010510271-132.5621035-86.20391560G5240Wetumpka Civic Center Wetumpka Civic Center 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.91362486 41.92667882 14 49 14.530590923472158 15.10131309 51.945100173933824 49.90483765 13 3030241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0PWetumpka Civic Center 0271-1 979602311 2935352 435.5846310984452 1274.19276698233351131111841 51Elmore County 10516N010510011 32.5166552-85.92993730G5240Tallassee National Guard Armory Tallassee National Guard Armory 3883 37 748 14 94 13 36 2 3883 2939 151.72448455493338 39.758680382151724 194.6321968841725 46.46624520207722 202.00863104703558 209.9429816990969 49.25905635454231 47.324294340261915 73 3030101 26 501 10 56 11 17 02967.0285865604073 2968 2347ATallassee National Guard Armory 0011 671750861 2556265 193.7302750211215 566.7089643519161101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510041 32.6103024-85.95547020G5240Asbury-Kent Community Center Asbury-Kent Community Center 1727 9 120 0 24 1 14 5 1727 1554 74.83628478 647.7244055 96 757 99.6383377719486 103.5518612 802.4987923906135 770.9788183 13 3030101 5 88 0 12 1 3 0 1319.61328070817 1306 1197AAsbury-Kent Community Center 0041 1171244441 1613761 113.07476388030717 330.771647983052331131111841 51Elmore County 10516N010510341 32.4835521-86.03410640G5240Rock Springs Rock Springs 1008 2 216 0 37 0 6 2 1008 745 37.434647967816495 143.81202229201588 48.021173356859286 168.0741067490075 49.8411447207256 51.79876958588443 178.1760471515459 171.17777569863253 13 3021241 1 149 0 27 0 4 1 770.2201429958513 750 568ARock Springs 0341 21096731 1103 61.24883043516639 179.167975990820031131111841 51Elmore County 10516S010510021 32.5296228-85.90054710G5240Tallassee National Guard Armory Tallassee National Guard Armory 546 0 401 0 22 2 9 3 546 109 21.334424045066605 5.590584467848273 27.3678031158275 6.533754797922781 28.405025122761113 29.52069740090314 6.926460151836235 6.65440759973809 73 3030101 0 256 0 15 1 4 0417.20257745608615 363 87PTallassee National Guard Armory 0021 881583411 572589 253.96950935021374 742.92362205717311101111811 51Elmore County 10516S010510311 32.5865768-86.05751180G5240Pleasant Hill Community Center Pleasant Hill Community Center 2264 5 104 3 21 16 29 0 2264 2086 85.74990965 808.5859487 110 945 114.16892870504283 118.6531743 1001.7983604006419 962.4504403 13 3030241 3 71 2 13 10 10 01729.9388926017932 1715 1606PPleasant Hill Community Center 0311 435800431 443460 181.83947643847017 531.92543787750781101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510061 32.6502692-86.02578770G5240Eclectic Methodist Church Eclectic Methodist Church 1621 2 245 1 17 5 26 1 1621 1324 215.1543188 557.0258758 276 651 286.46022114246256 297.711601 690.1277593570389 663.0214144 13 3030101 0 189 1 10 4 15 01238.6179085280507 1208 989AEclectic Methodist Church 0061 447953491 9392783 93.78026051977857 274.33045408118231101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510052 32.6626947-85.94058220G5240Redhill Voting House Redhill Voting House 836 0 64 0 1 7 6 0 836 758 34.29996386 378.1957559 44 442 45.6675714916392 47.46126973 468.5660056250958 450.1620049 16 3030101 0 47 0 1 7 5 0 638.793690024337 701 641ARedhill Voting House 0052 587249151 29733259 133.49104069202932 390.4943066466591101111811 51Elmore County 10512N010510051 32.723422-85.96663930G5240Kowaliga Fire Dept. Kowaliga Fire Dept. 1190 6 89 1 5 0 13 0 1190 1076 83.41127575 481.7289832 107 563 111.05523070980738 115.4171787 596.8385999183492 573.3963999 16 3030101 6 66 1 4 0 7 0 909.2876688145467 1028 944AKowaliga Fire Dept. 0051 819962151 6800929 193.16938829552475 565.06823197104781101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510071 32.7161201-86.08465770G5240Seman Fire Station Seman Fire Station 1722 2 74 0 9 6 21 0 1722 1610 59.24539212 575.8500989 76 673 78.88035075216276 81.9785568 713.4500492947775 685.4276681 16 3030101 1 45 0 7 5 7 01315.7927442845794 1359 1294ASeman Fire Station 0071 209734221 190929 59.45399291325675 173.917632372041421101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510081 32.646495-86.10307570G5240Santuck Community Center Santuck Community Center 530 3 65 0 0 4 2 0 530 456 28.606076941805437 87.43942387554777 36.69588080631026 102.19106047326906 38.086630908605805 39.582570380192806 108.33316068274671 104.0781282138475 13 3030241 2 50 0 0 3 0 0 404.9768609005964 387 332ASantuck Community Center 0081 333677761 433470 121.936774144736 356.695219600771741101111811 51Elmore County 10516S010510091 32.6560191-86.14935020G5240Santuck Comm Center Santuck Comm Center 1087 1 270 0 6 13 8 0 1087 789 105.2385255 319.156147 135 373 140.1164124797751 145.6198048 395.41882378893837 379.8878458 13 3030241 1 191 0 3 10 8 0 830.5846184885818 811 598PSantuck Comm Center 0091 730793951 299284 97.59429025383655 285.487434271086841101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510111 32.6994014-86.19235560G5240Weoka Community Center Weoka Community Center 870 1 25 0 6 0 16 0 870 822 26.50451753 323.4343795 34 378 35.28857797212421 36.67461752 400.71934413943904 384.9801761 13 3030241 1 15 0 5 0 8 0 664.7733377047526 625 596AWeoka Community Center 0111 182385021 131179 68.54035786792429 200.49749694210811101111811 51Elmore County 10516S010510301 32.6105704-86.13340210G5240Santuck Community Center Santuck Community Center 611 0 126 7 10 1 11 0 611 456 32.97794907819457 100.80280752445223 42.30411919368974 117.80893952673094 43.90741789652481 45.63198207980718 124.88973807010987 119.98440818615249 13 3030241 0 93 5 5 1 6 0466.86955096276307 477 367PSantuck Community Center 0301 668348861 540434 482.36258401321516 1411.02984754675121101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510291 32.560895-86.16090460G5240Wetumpka Civic Center Wetumpka Civic Center 4300 24 1069 0 206 23 51 0 4300 2927 7.944572015913323 30.520521233451838 10.191298459454885 35.669544608092096 10.57754206381078 10.992999202133062 37.81342995563153 36.328221075842215 13 3030241 18 880 0 145 19 31 0 3285.661324287858 3504 2411AWetumpka Civic Center 0291 262450031 805826 190.81366404801835 558.17715597140081101111811 51Elmore County 10516S010510281 32.5973339 -86.2112970G5240Wallsboro Community Center Wallsboro Community Center 1701 13 182 0 25 1 19 0 1701 1461 109.39941100402551 107.31730605567955 140.33758469509766 125.42247907532882 145.65628824405434 151.37727184567558 132.960882455132 127.73853992977283 13 3030241 11 127 0 16 1 10 01299.7464913054991 1289 1124PWallsboro Community Center 0281 250145851 1575509 90.6392948564367 265.142352748319751101111811 51Elmore County 10516S010510101 32.6347863-86.22448790G5240Wallsboro Community Center Wallsboro Community Center 808 1 428 0 37 1 6 0 808 335 51.9663280959745 50.97729764432045 66.66241530490235 59.577520924671184 69.18887766090293 71.90642895432443 63.15837332377816 60.677683870227185 13 3030241 1 321 0 31 1 3 0 617.39868605223 596 239PWallsboro Community Center 0101 863398511 4389128 184.64391006645397 540.12909978184941101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510121 32.6919133-86.25799330G5240Buyck Fire Department Buyck Fire Department 1646 7 86 0 13 0 16 0 1646 1524 108.356704 646.0131125 139 755 144.26800990297644 149.9344657 800.378584271231 768.9418862 58 3030241 7 62 0 6 0 12 01257.7205906460033 1345 1258ABuyck Fire Department 0121 733206881 7118004 635.7090147913698 1859.60608047614851101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510151 32.6240216-86.33771510G5240Cains Chapel Life Center Cains Chapel Life Center 5667 8 611 0 255 19 71 5 5667 4698 176.9566317 1304.005276 227 1524 235.6031529247431 244.8570052 1615.5986252740522 1552.142297 58 7430241 8 549 0 220 14 52 3 4330.195982497509 4504 3658ACains Chapel Life Center 0151 513501121 4302021 74.48575715924997 217.889260179312261101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510131 32.7316953 -86.3108660G5240Titus Community Center Titus Community Center 664 0 89 0 5 0 2 0 664 568 61.58402602 231.8802033 79 271 81.99404880513062 85.21455246 287.28820709821713 276.0043062 58 3030241 0 65 0 0 0 1 0 507.3672370528227 516 450ATitus Community Center 0131 537574501 3739556 157.272637857332 460.06135959547561101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510141 32.6958269-86.36743480G5240New Hope Baptist Church New Hope Baptist Church 1402 3 10 1 14 9 19 0 1402 1346 45.99313336 525.366955 59 614 61.236061766100654 63.64124804 650.9039082637098 625.3381697 58 3030241 2 5 1 8 8 11 01071.2784131747853 1097 1062ANew Hope Baptist Church 0141 217905241 2681538 141.79216423086137 414.777145883510061101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510171 32.5900627-86.27483940G5240Crenshaw Park Crenshaw Park 1264 4 832 0 10 1 9 0 1264 408 344.5587279 124.92439 442 146 458.7515135798823 476.7700277 154.7751964621102 148.6960469 58 7430291 4 628 0 8 1 5 0 965.8316078836866 959 313ACrenshaw Park 0171 158263901 216463 190.58930935777965 557.52086301905351101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510181 32.56503-86.29157770G5240Fitzpatrick Community House Fitzpatrick Community House 1699 7 195 1 29 8 13 1 1699 1445 60.80448139 178.8301199 78 209 80.95614945414134 84.13588724 221.5617538360314 212.8594096 58 7430241 6 122 1 16 7 3 0 1298.218276736063 1213 1058AFitzpatrick Community House 0181 294962471 2172460 389.59191959951073 1139.65271175113181101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510191 32.5318011 -86.3062990G5240Fitzpatrick Comm House Fitzpatrick Comm House 3473 1 2087 0 36 3 18 2 3473 1326 163.704373 485.1515692 210 567 217.9588639001927 226.5196964 601.0790162612027 577.4702642 58 7430291 1 2013 0 32 3 13 2 2653.744599825984 3293 1229AFitzpatrick Comm House 0191 224875171 94985 50.92851468418597 148.978500182843021101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510161 32.6057294-86.38914850G5240Deatsville Volunteer Fire Department Deatsville Volunteer Fire Department 454 0 26 0 3 0 9 0 454 416 24.16588363 213.9116266 31 250 32.17487990953426 33.43862185 265.026021272214 254.6165186 58 7424241 0 15 0 3 0 6 0346.90470726202034 359 335ADeatsville Volunteer Fire Department 0161 379224521 472823 1287.2350352445683 3765.48081409278351101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510221 32.542534-86.37077620G5240Victory Baptist School Victory Baptist School 11475 80 1890 0 314 36 192 11 11475 8952 166.33134049174356 604.2495128472559 213.36987441892737 706.190591826823 221.45645436392755 230.15466272254216 748.6355312528988 719.2311598418096 58 7424241 60 1232 0 189 24 96 8 8768.131092140273 8268 6659AVictory Baptist School 0221 40161521 167080 139.21208529311627 407.229776931515861101111811 51Elmore County 10516S010510272 32.5515505-86.21654980G5240Fain Park Community Center Fain Park Community Center 1241 13 182 0 30 5 17 0 1241 994 180.0748103 330.2795515 231 386 239.75475034794442 249.1716661 409.2001768251462 393.1279047 13 3030291 9 120 0 17 4 9 0 948.2571403351702 980 821PFain Park Community Center 0272 230166521 1216937 131.808380515239 385.57210950405411101111811 51Elmore County 10512S01051026A 32.539353-86.24905490G5240Fair Park Fair Park 1175 29 315 0 19 0 31 2 1175 779 152.0112035 290.0641657 195 339 202.39037363535334 210.3397181 359.37528482263906 345.2599992 13 7430291 21 234 0 11 0 13 0 897.8260595437752 848 569PFair Park 026A 202942441 327552 103.31533485492352 302.222904555943671101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510201 32.5036409-86.32207230G5240Coosada City Hall-A Coosada City Hall-A 921 0 448 0 38 2 6 0 921 427 145.7748464 200.2212825 187 234 194.08717878895075 201.7103963 248.06435590079982 238.3210614 58 8730291 0 313 0 26 1 4 0 703.742809225376 674 330ACoosada City Hall-A 0201 31899691 11888 88.95663467964641 260.22015560571481101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510211 32.5010604-86.34746780G5240Coosada City Hall-B Coosada City Hall-B 793 2 116 0 20 3 3 0 793 649 123.9475967 170.2736548 159 199 165.02599692276226 171.5077701 210.9607129268534 202.6747488 80 8724291 2 82 0 12 2 1 0 605.9370767814585 575 476ACoosada City Hall-B 0211 126781441 3490142 8.862010264428836 25.923571617719381101111811 51Elmore County 10516N010510251 32.5019667-86.28217110G5240Coosada City Hall Coosada City Hall 79 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 79 62 12.47271413 16.25728362 16 19 16.606389635072816 17.25864354 20.141977612941087 19.35085541 80 8730291 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 60.36447549273041 56 46ACoosada City Hall 0251 516679911 6485032 539.6852073692041 1578.71269687149291101111811 51Elmore County 10516N01051024A 32.4593483-86.35475810G5240Millbrook Civic Center Millbrook Civic Center 4811 85 1317 7 422 19 58 17 4811 2886 232.39693558188193 252.9848776664797 298.1188320795614 295.66517914063496 309.41734261637316 321.5704158856815 313.4358642505444 301.12495436018105 80 8724291 72 914 3 268 17 30 123676.1201467788105 3572 2256AMillbrook Civic Center 024A 37693701 1175996 478.52503138337937 1264.79203280609254441114661103Morgan County 11035N011033-5 34.5971902-86.96386950G5240Somerville Rd Elem School Somerville Rd Elem School 4318 14 891 6 830 34 107 3 4318 2433 569.511335 615.9213361 560 683 521.1527027638792 541.6221662 698.6249935494037 671.1849003 54 7 2 21 9 565 3 472 25 38 03283.6169386559545 3123 2011ASomerville Rd Elem School 3-5 27670441 7088 341.10700477027365 901.58172231985944441114661103Morgan County 11035N011033-6 34.5856306-87.00629460G5240Woodmeade Elem School Woodmeade Elem School 3078 24 733 3 408 20 57 3 3078 1830 582.7321339 787.2610929 573 873 533.2508905880561 554.195538 892.9716243303881 857.898123 46 725 21 20 509 2 248 14 13 12340.6607080090384 2343 1536AWoodmeade Elem School 3-6 59324631 108378 784.5017825759478 2073.52079671939054441114651103Morgan County 11035N011033-8 34.5652461-86.99813830G5240Austinville Elem School Austinville Elem School 7079 37 1213 1 1947 31 105 5 7079 3740 771.8912558 1230.940884 759 1365 706.348038317203 734.0914718 1396.2271096493087 1341.387099 4 7 2 21 31 795 0 1256 27 47 1 5383.215448991547 5342 3185AAustinville Elem School 3-8 30021161 0 306.6416771277931 810.48623315758644441114661103Morgan County 11032N011033-4 34.5955219 -86.9795040G5240Decatur High School Decatur High School 2767 9 399 1 314 16 48 6 2767 1974 336.6218784 548.2872216 331 608 308.0384725055448 320.1373875 621.9092182493379 597.4823124 54 7 2 21 8 327 1 176 15 20 32104.1612017742073 2263 1713ADecatur High School 3-4 17593281 0 292.45659050966606 772.99355594610434441114661103Morgan County 11035N011033-3 34.5897239 -86.9923930G5240Aquadome Rec Center Aquadome Rec Center 2639 9 846 1 899 15 58 7 2639 804 470.8638359 267.8310935 463 297 430.8816096502074 447.8054696 303.7944701008264 291.862248 54 7 2 21 9 535 1 536 12 13 0 2006.823784417106 1778 672AAquadome Rec Center 3-3 14598961 0 149.82997740396686 396.016403046284441114661103Morgan County 11035N011033-2 34.5938117-87.00195460G5240West Decatur Elem School West Decatur Elem School 1352 5 738 0 201 5 22 1 1352 380 470.8638359 123.5449825 463 137 430.8816096502074 447.8054696 140.13414948150367 134.6300605 54 725 21 3 497 0 133 3 9 11028.1264708343795 929 283AWest Decatur Elem School 3-2 42255801 73903 108.38292744162692 286.467486818980664441114651103Morgan County 11035N011033-13 34.5712507-86.97061490G5240Morgan Co Dept Of Human Resources Morgan Co Dept Of Human Resources 978 10 89 0 76 8 20 0 978 775 113.902267 348.9920309 112 387 104.23054051428757 108.3244332 395.853400481723 380.3053535 54 3 2 21 5 53 0 39 6 11 0 743.7187044940999 759 645AMorgan Co Dept Of Human Resources 3-13 14831991 0 196.15315089128796 518.45342706502643441113651103Morgan County 11035N011034-2 34.5788376-86.96507250G5240Walter Jackson Elem School Walter Jackson Elem School 1770 12 162 0 163 11 34 9 1770 1379 240.0083483 487.8674127 236 541 219.62863906453256 228.2550558 553.3764590062602 531.6413339 54 3 2 21 9 117 0 104 7 16 31345.9939743911625 1419 1163AWalter Jackson Elem School 4-2 65185991 3058026 361.94135074064775 956.64909197422383441113651103Morgan County 11035N011034-3 34.5790583-86.94188250G5240Eastwood Elem School Eastwood Elem School 3266 27 63 1 45 12 19 1 3258 3090 381.3691976 1443.762898 375 1601 348.98618491917256 362.6934149 1637.626083018196 1573.304576 54 3 2 21 23 38 1 27 9 10 02483.6250397522804 2443 2335AEastwood Elem School 4-3 83627401 63716 520.1937233241275 1374.92677211482124441114651103Morgan County 11035N011033-15 34.5328261-86.99381730G5240Frances Nungester Elem School Frances Nungester Elem School 4694 42 1294 8 477 18 112 0 4694 2743 723.0759986 915.3150164 711 1015 661.677806558256 687.6667146 1038.220158769443 997.4416893 4 7 2 21 35 817 3 322 14 37 0 3569.545602142439 3547 2319AFrances Nungester Elem School 3-15 18260771 0 178.42179261862918 471.58758055067374441114661103Morgan County 11035N011033-7 34.5819271-86.99447250G5240Decatur Utilities Auditorium Decatur Utilities Auditorium 1610 12 230 8 229 9 32 1 1610 1089 202.3799208 355.3045482 199 394 185.19533545710294 192.4693055 403.0135395055656 387.1842617 54 7 2 21 11 168 5 128 6 14 11224.3222026947863 1294 961ADecatur Utilities Auditorium 3-7 183006261 4953914 226.7397439116244 599.29701230228473441113651103Morgan County 11035S011034-1 34.5457096-86.95025230G5240Decatur Fire & Rescue Station Decatur Fire & Rescue Station 2046 19 24 0 18 12 17 0 2036 1946 274.5858222 1033.44927 270 1146 251.2700531148625 261.1392587 1172.2170464684264 1126.175543 54 3 2 21 15 18 0 11 9 12 01555.8777805674115 1655 1590PDecatur Fire & Rescue Station 4-1 556514771 2304146 333.5711775043937 881.66373755125953451113661103Morgan County 11035S011038-1 34.5400965-86.59514650G5240Lacey's Spring School Lacey's Spring School 3010 13 34 0 333 30 88 3 3010 2509 189.159122 716.0198256 186 794 173.0971477291468 179.8959338 812.1643410018281 780.2647304 51 814 21 9 25 0 199 21 54 22288.9502050380784 2283 1973PLacey's Spring School 8-1 669351 0 0 03441113651103Morgan County 11035N011033-17 34.5204223-86.96592580G5240Decatur Fire & Rescue Decatur Fire & Rescue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0ADecatur Fire & Rescue 3-17 951879771 302044 152.25768016078095 422.19308067757682211112821 27Clay County 10272S010270301 33.3756753-85.70134580G5240Barfield Volunteer Fire Dept. Barfield Volunteer Fire Dept. 1229 0 74 0 42 1 18 1 1229 1093 101.1034091 436.9791332 94 471 91.3211092790831 94.90795455 473.82880718384854 455.2180979 0 3628121 0 62 0 23 1 7 0 951.6546080964686 916 823PBarfield Volunteer Fire Dept. 0301 648063691 205978 45.46669537754809 126.073930519666962211112821 27Clay County 10277S010270101 33.4131495-85.75784730G5240Highland-Coppermine Highland-Coppermine 367 0 9 0 1 4 0 0 367 353 15.05795455 167.9261637 14 181 13.601016272332522 14.13522727 182.08707875745205 174.9351926 0 3628121 0 6 0 1 2 0 0284.18001722652883 289 280PHighland-Coppermine 0101 1668497631 377522 50.91774332472007 141.189061154177442211112221 27Clay County 10277N010270601 33.4143499-85.83093920G5240Highland-Coppermine Fire Dept. Highland-Coppermine Fire Dept. 411 0 5 0 2 2 29 0 411 373 34.41818182 196.6869984 32 212 31.08803720077582 32.30909091 213.27326353714324 204.8964687 0 3628121 0 4 0 0 2 16 0318.25064599483204 317 295AHighland-Coppermine Fire Dept. 0601 770390951 558800 53.64326729830606 148.746626471432682211112821 27Clay County 10277S010270201 33.4609149-85.67481620G5240Delta Community Center Delta Community Center 433 0 7 0 5 6 8 0 433 407 36.56931818 192.0481541 34 207 33.031039524020166 34.32840909 208.24323372053647 200.0640048 0 3628121 0 4 0 4 6 6 0335.28596037898365 350 330PDelta Community Center 0201 504041041 137844 137.39118575940282 380.969997128911872211112821 27Clay County 10277N010270401 33.3003255-85.68617590G5240Lineville National Guard Voting District Lineville National Guard Voting District 1109 1 105 0 86 3 14 0 1109 900 91.42329545 331.2134831 85 357 82.57759881486145 85.82102273 359.1441276982973 345.0379213 48 3628121 0 82 0 53 3 3 0 858.7347114556417 873 732ALineville National Guard Voting District 0401 329992981 93360 80.77461958082114 223.978753947746182211112821 27Clay County 10277N010272201 33.2901712-85.85968330G5240Ashland National Guard Ashland National Guard 652 0 320 0 26 2 7 0 652 297 253.8340909 88.13804173 236 95 229.2742743930072 238.2795455 95.57056620326327 91.8168138 0 3628121 0 228 0 19 1 3 0504.86477174849267 487 236AAshland National Guard 2201 629993551 229308 55.62546655182314 154.243037611254662211112821 27Clay County 10277S010271201 33.2420162-85.70646590G5240Cragford Fire Dept. Cragford Fire Dept. 449 0 1 0 8 2 3 1 449 434 18.28465909 175.3483146 17 189 16.51551976682112 17.16420455 190.13512642238751 182.6671348 48 3628121 0 1 0 7 0 3 1 347.6752799310939 341 329PCragford Fire Dept. 1201 237694901 99721 70.86362331323572 196.496698248636222211112821 27Clay County 10277N010271301 33.2930404-85.76374880G5240Lineville Nat'l Guard Armory Lineville Nat'l Guard Armory 572 1 37 0 11 4 16 0 572 503 83.89431818 242.1476726 78 261 75.77709067388416 78.75340909 262.5675556149834 252.2546148 0 3628121 1 28 0 9 4 7 0442.91817398794143 462 413ALineville Nat'l Guard Armory 1301 1071882421 320942 68.88142405971864 191.000287108814232211112821 27Clay County 10277N010270602 33.3309217-85.93675670G5240Idaho Fire Dept. Idaho Fire Dept. 556 1 10 0 12 5 7 0 556 521 24.73806818 217.0979133 23 234 22.344526736554172 23.22215909 235.4053946677599 226.1593098 0 36 0121 1 6 0 5 3 6 0 430.5288544358312 432 411AIdaho Fire Dept. 0602 519372521 139511 23.786391042204997 65.956933677863922211112821 27Clay County 10277N010270701 33.261685-85.93329320G5240Hipine Fire Dept. Hipine Fire Dept. 192 0 1 0 0 1 5 1 192 184 11.83125 83.49919743 11 90 10.686512787465997 11.10625 90.54053640747418 86.98434992 0 3628121 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 148.671834625323 155 151AHipine Fire Dept. 0701 339616901 664728 169.35414872236578 469.59962675854152211112821 27Clay County 10277S010272101 33.3279866-85.76789820G5240Lineville Guard Armory Lineville Guard Armory 1367 1 813 0 29 0 36 2 1367 486 545.3130682 132.670947 507 143 492.55108939468016 511.8971591 143.85885229696441 138.2084671 0 3628121 1 592 0 20 0 7 01058.5124892334195 1006 386PLineville Guard Armory 2101 1155924411 409201 86.10178007464829 238.75035888601782211112821 27Clay County 10277N010270801 33.229849-86.00311990G5240Millerville Fire Dept. Millerville Fire Dept. 695 3 15 0 4 5 2 0 695 666 25.81363636 178.1316212 24 192 23.316027898176348 24.23181818 193.15314437480455 185.5666132 16 36 0121 3 9 0 2 5 0 0 538.161068044789 542 523AMillerville Fire Dept. 0801 402531761 198833 20.813092161929372 57.712316968130922211112821 27Clay County 10277N010272301 33.1552973-85.91747460G5240Millerville F.D. Millerville F.D. 168 0 23 0 4 0 3 0 168 138 114.0102273 74.22150883 106 80 102.979123189683 107.0238636 80.48047680548717 77.31942215 16 3628121 0 20 0 1 0 2 0130.08785529715763 141 118AMillerville F.D. 2301 1505132751 442045 39.64398507034166 109.928222796439852211112821 27Clay County 10277N010270901 33.1775031-86.06223760G5240Tri-Community Fire Dept. Tri-Community Fire Dept. 320 0 14 0 3 2 0 0 320 301 7.734422879400748 84.50688647191011 7.191011235955056 91.08614232209737 6.986075774734486 7.260469866666667 91.63320206504203 88.03409863670412 16 36 0121 0 11 0 3 2 0 0 247.786391042205 248 232ATri-Community Fire Dept. 0901 162850801 112609 47.572782084409994 131.913867355727832211112821 27Clay County 10277N010272401 33.1295763-85.97117470G5240Tri-Community F.D. Tri-Community F.D. 384 0 150 0 0 0 2 0 384 232 89.27215909 75.14927769 83 81 80.6345964916171 83.80170455 81.48648276880853 78.28591493 16 3630121 0 116 0 0 0 1 0 297.343669250646 281 164ATri-Community F.D. 2401 754913141 83442 71.85472293999426 199.244903818547242211112821 27Clay County 10277N010271001 33.1436274-86.12577330G5240Hollins Community Center Hollins Community Center 580 0 42 0 4 3 9 0 580 522 81.74318182 198.5425361 76 214 73.83408835063982 76.73409091 215.28527550542125 206.8294543 16 3630121 0 27 0 4 3 4 0449.11283376399655 437 399AHollins Community Center 1001 790526411 44659 63.18260120585702 175.198105081826012211112821 27Clay County 10277N010271102 33.1681544-85.73043990G5240Mellow Valley H.S. Mellow Valley H.S. 510 0 1 0 10 0 3 0 510 496 23.6625 241.2199037 22 260 21.373025574931994 22.2125 261.56154963084435 251.288122 48 3628121 0 1 0 3 0 3 0394.90956072351423 385 378AMellow Valley H.S. 1102 440773051 17702 23.290841228825727 64.582830892908422211112821 27Clay County 10272N010271101 33.1295471-85.68404330G5240Mellow Valley High School Gym Mellow Valley High School Gym 188 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 188 183 12.90681818 72.36597111 12 78 11.658013949088174 12.11590909 78.4684648892533 75.3864366 48 3628121 0 4 0 1 0 0 0145.57450473729543 151 146AMellow Valley High School Gym 1101 1138596311 341946 98.49052540913006 273.102928509905272211112821 27Clay County 10277N010271401 33.160667-85.80809960G5240Bluff Springs Fire Dept. Bluff Springs Fire Dept. 795 0 3 0 8 8 7 0 795 769 39.79602273 335.8523274 37 362 35.945543008886695 37.35738636 364.1741575149041 349.8703852 48 3628121 0 2 0 4 8 2 0 615.594315245478 633 617ABluff Springs Fire Dept. 1401 501548561 188269 241.0849842090152 668.50100488084982211112821 27Clay County 10277N010271601 33.2750415-85.80054570G5240Ashland Nat'l Guard Armory Ashland Nat'l Guard Armory 1946 15 235 0 133 7 30 0 1946 1526 206.5090909 611.399679 192 659 186.5282232431432 193.8545455 662.9579277261853 636.91874 0 3628121 11 181 0 95 5 18 0 1506.850990525409 1559 1249AAshland Nat'l Guard Armory 1601 502264441 121483 24.034165948894632 66.643985070341662211112821 27Clay County 10277N010271801 33.1457052-85.89067870G5240Ashland Guard Armory Ashland Guard Armory 194 0 0 0 3 0 7 0 194 184 9.680113636 99.27126806 9 107 8.743510462297232 9.086931818 107.64263770066646 103.4147271 16 3628121 0 0 0 2 0 6 0150.22049956933677 158 150AAshland Guard Armory 1801 336066221 127106 73.46525983347689 203.71073786965262211112821 27Clay County 10277N010271701 33.2360926-85.83966040G5240Ashland National Guard Armory Ashland National Guard Armory 593 1 51 0 4 0 8 0 593 529 45.17386364 224.5200642 42 242 40.80304882661964 42.40568182 243.4534423326954 233.891252 0 3628121 1 39 0 3 0 1 0459.17915590008613 458 414AAshland National Guard Armory 1701 279968741 67552 27.503014642549527 76.262704565030152211112821 27Clay County 10277N010270802 33.1981052-85.97333070G5240Coleta Fire Department Coleta Fire Department 222 0 128 0 3 0 2 0 222 89 15.05795455 108.5489567 14 117 13.601016272332522 14.13522727 117.70269733387995 113.0796549 16 36 0121 0 92 0 2 0 0 0 171.9018087855297 167 73AColeta Fire Department 0802 1231888001 7130369 429.61237559392885 635.60292134012232201112221121Talladega County 11217N0112115 33.1273576-86.36750450G5240Fayettville -Co Line Fayettville -Co Line 2672 4 205 0 38 9 30 5 2672 2381 173.3463967 763.7916667 210 838 203.91123377751742 211.9203135 834.7014747352575 801.9166667 19 3219101 4 158 0 24 8 21 2 2045.813418235287 2016 1799AFayettville -Co Line 15 1266696191 3100193 437.6515293288452 647.49668858076832201112221121Talladega County 11217N0112110 33.2044807-86.38466050G5240Lay Lake Vol Fire-St. Andrew's Church Lay Lake Vol Fire-St. Andrew's Church 2722 0 238 0 28 7 40 2 2722 2407 206.364758 930.5862669 250 1021 242.75146878275888 252.2860875 1016.9811523531148 977.0368934 19 32 0101 0 174 0 16 6 23 2 2084.095854953762 2103 1882ALay Lake Vol Fire-St. Andrew's Church 10 1222405491 4547440 1796.9116428284988 2658.4948536291942201112221121Talladega County 11217N0112112 33.2528549 -86.3308460G5240Limbaugh Comm Center-Bon Air- Oak Grove Limbaugh Comm Center-Bon Air- Oak Grove 11176 50 3436 0 218 31 143 7 11176 7291 1399.978518 2367.936456 1696 2598 1646.825964607119 1711.508818 2587.773784445988 2486.133055 19 32 0101 40 2366 0 141 25 65 3 8556.890255313461 8397 5757ALimbaugh Comm Center-Bon Air- Oak Grove 12 1131992731 1352148 2350.6485520895358 3477.73754116489042201112221121Talladega County 11217N0112111 33.1631098-86.23110860G5240Craig Smith Comm Center Craig Smith Comm Center 14620 51 4583 0 334 47 150 12 14620 9443 2019.898251 3366.881165 2447 3694 2376.0513769748577 2469.376225 3679.4597225903217 3534.940533 16 32 0101 37 3282 0 227 38 75 111193.784496481996 11132 7472ACraig Smith Comm Center 11 1656574561 1303985 582.1955134826409 861.34662356758342211112221121Talladega County 11217N011219 33.3208178-86.21142980G5240Winterboro Vol Fire-Gable's Corner Vol Fire Winterboro Vol Fire-Gable's Corner Vol Fire 3621 1 1498 0 22 8 33 0 3621 2059 723.9275709 680.8500895 877 747 851.5721525380284 885.019595 744.0596678170314 714.8350239 3 31 0101 1 1155 0 15 6 17 02772.4140671519363 2802 1608AWinterboro Vol Fire-Gable's Corner Vol Fire 9 1367370401 1844581 187.4730650982489 277.36265205186472211112221121Talladega County 11217N0112113 33.2689154-86.16051130G5240Sycamore Nutrition Sycamore Nutrition 1166 5 300 1 7 2 17 0 1166 834 139.5025764 259.7620823 169 285 164.09999294525534 170.5453952 283.87818654789 272.728222 3 34 0101 5 234 1 5 2 5 0 892.7464242748296 885 633ASycamore Nutrition 13 1236179981 3901182 321.7269324713517 475.988564970652932211112221121Talladega County 11217N011218 33.382776-86.30321240G5240Bethel Bapt Bethel Bapt 2001 2 1428 0 16 1 13 0 2001 541 467.209812 107.5506165 566 118 549.5893254203868 571.1757022 117.53552984886373 112.9190533 3 32 0101 1 1181 0 15 1 11 01532.0631174733567 1686 477ABethel Bapt 8 1329771581 1254624 165.60656693927646 245.01160515730762211112221121Talladega County 11217N0112114 33.3579191 -86.0525230G5240Waldo City Hall Waldo City Hall 1030 0 157 0 0 0 10 0 1030 863 77.59314899 248.8247315 94 273 91.2745522719394 94.85956891 271.9254207546785 261.2449284 0 34 0101 0 117 0 0 0 5 0 788.6181964005784 796 674AWaldo City Hall 14 937616181 421423 1636.4501342795688 2421.09525950592211112221121Talladega County 11217N011215 33.4748918-86.09744510G5240Talladega National Guard Armory-Spring St Comm Center-Bemiston Talladega National Guard Armory-Spring St Comm Center-Bemiston 10178 65 3220 0 199 12 114 17 10178 6551 1172.151825 2710.640115 1420 2974 1378.8283426860703 1432.984977 2962.293778120281 2845.94292 3 34 0101 52 2173 0 127 10 41 12 7792.772818412706 7665 5250ATalladega National Guard Armory-Spring St Comm Center-Bemiston 5 1153127271 2444425 256.1274379944344 378.93542428698162211112221121Talladega County 11217N011214 33.4449411-86.00214070G5240Ironaton Vol Fire Dept Ironaton Vol Fire Dept 1593 3 199 0 10 1 17 0 1593 1363 96.57870673 435.6711416 117 478 113.6076874384415 118.069889 476.11850229206067 457.41786 0 34 0101 1 157 0 6 1 10 01219.6784338506034 1262 1087AIronaton Vol Fire Dept 4 2351497601 14310767 1383.056008555006 2046.20371608073792211112221121Talladega County 11217N011212 33.6038459-86.08942030G5240Eastaboga Comm Center/Old Lincoln High Gym Eastaboga Comm Center/Old Lincoln High Gym 8602 33 1767 0 152 37 125 9 8602 6479 952.5797228 2067.159308 1154 2268 1120.5407799974357 1164.55258 2259.072726173555 2170.342482 40 32 0101 26 1308 0 97 26 66 2 6586.110413046385 6582 5057AEastaboga Comm Center/Old Lincoln High Gym 2 1319773281 16729239 753.5902711110571 1114.9217411381562211112221121Talladega County 11217N0112117 33.4860149-86.20665360G5240Renfroe Fire Hall -Stemley Fire Hall Renfroe Fire Hall -Stemley Fire Hall 4687 9 1169 0 55 22 65 2 4687 3365 586.0759126 1280.581494 710 1405 689.4141714392558 716.4924886 1399.4696560704697 1344.502287 3 32 0101 8 878 0 33 21 36 03588.5956179898167 3795 2819ARenfroe Fire Hall -Stemley Fire Hall 17 1080598621 339678 1421.1615972585093 2102.58017280142211112221121Talladega County 11217N011217 33.4480502-86.16857420G5240Mabra-Kingston Bapt-Talla Co Central High Mabra-Kingston Bapt-Talla Co Central High 8839 11 6073 2 417 26 83 3 8839 2224 2428.500472 528.6386237 2942 580 2856.6992849241683 2968.902678 577.7170111180052 555.0258552 3 31 0101 11 4640 2 377 23 49 3 6767.569163091955 7005 1900AMabra-Kingston Bapt-Talla Co Central High 7 742457091 1382788 550.6820308417689 814.7230559842512211112221121Talladega County 11217N0112118 33.5160949-85.95385350G5240Old Mumford High Old Mumford High 3425 3 734 2 38 12 51 1 3425 2584 414.380434 1038.136883 502 1139 487.44494931577975 506.5904637 1134.5166825142433 1089.955947 0 34 0101 3 537 2 28 10 26 02622.3469152155158 2528 1922AOld Mumford High 18 1054494491 876285 958.1063421273286 1417.49917974019042211112221121Talladega County 11217N011213 33.5393413-85.86699180G5240Old Silver Run School Old Silver Run School 5959 92 946 1 137 15 72 2 5959 4694 515.9118949 1543.98936 625 1694 606.8786720050075 630.7152188 1687.332098368509 1621.058274 0 3428101 68 674 1 83 10 29 1 4562.500808107812 4352 3486AOld Silver Run School 3 109661901 7586566 56.961988450916394 150.556531927357954441114661103Morgan County 11035N011033-12 34.655563-87.07670720G5240Turner Surles Community Resource Center Turner Surles Community Resource Center 514 1 435 0 8 1 3 1 514 65 332.5539403 5.410729161 327 6 304.3159532564464 316.2686578 6.13726202296438 5.896207031 54 725 21 1 352 0 5 1 2 0390.87056657460874 417 56ATurner Surles Community Resource Center 3-12 248849501 3934577 216.32257092643735 571.76332747510254441114661103Morgan County 11035N011031-1 34.6280868-87.04480280G5240Macedonia Cumberland Pres. Church Macedonia Cumberland Pres. Church 1952 0 557 13 662 3 17 0 1952 700 105.7663908 69.4376909 104 77 96.78550191986999 100.5869737 78.76152929349519 75.66799023 46 325 21 0 531 5 373 3 7 01484.3956146957905 1547 628AMacedonia Cumberland Pres. Church 1-1 47006601 24631 393.41451167461713 1039.83596953719984441114661103Morgan County 11035N011033-11 34.6021521-87.00626930G5240Benjamin Davis Elem School Benjamin Davis Elem School 3550 0 2750 13 438 7 37 2 3550 303 1434.965167 55.910868 1411 62 1313.1186846763326 1364.694422 63.41837423348202 60.92747265 54 725 21 0 2038 8 267 5 18 12699.5924345133485 2590 253ABenjamin Davis Elem School 3-11 271386121 120926 355.51373336680894 939.66022261277094441114651103Morgan County 11035N0110316-1 34.5993397-87.07551760G5240Trinity Municipal Building Trinity Municipal Building 3208 10 279 1 173 42 65 1 3208 2637 341.706801 929.7436275 336 1031 312.6916216390834 324.9732997 1054.5861907793312 1013.164908 46 325 21 8 207 1 106 30 41 12439.5190225123442 2403 2009ATrinity Municipal Building 16-1 824911581 345939 154.26281697213156 407.73286467486823451113961103Morgan County 11035N0110310-1 34.3577918-86.61860340G5240Ryan School Ryan School 1392 0 1 0 47 21 15 0 1392 1308 90.51162289 374.2421003 89 415 82.82605455774254 86.07923714 424.4939565770934 407.8209863 99 10 2 21 0 1 0 32 15 10 01058.5444137584734 1086 1028ARyan School 10-1 255541931 130861 60.064976148631686 158.758055067369673451113651103Morgan County 11035N0110327-1 34.3375998-86.68433040G5240Gum Pond Fire Station Gum Pond Fire Station 542 2 2 0 3 11 2 0 542 522 60.00208708 144.286111 59 160 54.90715975651107 57.06376394 163.6603206193227 157.2321875 99 10 2 21 0 0 0 1 8 1 0 412.1631266214746 393 383AGum Pond Fire Station 27-1 485183371 60711 118.13517449158925 312.243702401874663451113651103Morgan County 11035N0110323-1 34.3809442-86.72085790G5240Oden Ridge Volunteer Fire Dept Oden Ridge Volunteer Fire Dept 1066 2 2 0 8 4 17 0 1066 1033 74.23987046 346.2866663 73 384 67.93597733041909 70.6043181 392.7847694863745 377.35725 99 10 2 21 2 2 0 2 4 12 0 810.6381789271069 799 777AOden Ridge Volunteer Fire Dept 23-1 561406361 166930 89.3217172985187 236.086701816051543451113661103Morgan County 11035S0110324-1 34.4171644-86.69539260G5240Brewer High School Brewer High School 806 4 6 0 13 11 13 0 806 759 93.56257647 238.9738713 92 265 85.61794402824361 88.98078445 271.0624059769618 260.4158105 99 8 2 21 4 3 0 4 8 9 0 612.9215499204954 603 575PBrewer High School 24-1 822337651 473195 425.4417775546071 1124.48740480374933451113661103Morgan County 11035S011039-1 34.4433514-86.60579360G5240Union Hill Jr High School Union Hill Jr High School 3839 7 10 0 41 53 49 4 3839 3675 327.4690176 1329.235797 322 1474 299.6628041229078 311.4327456 1507.7207033477066 1448.501527 99 814 21 5 8 0 25 42 33 0 2919.362072139928 2999 2886PUnion Hill Jr High School 9-1 1047695871 5794956 270.2923926688426 714.41124780316343451113661103Morgan County 11035S011037-1 34.5126926 -86.6920380G5240Cotaco School Cotaco School 2439 4 110 0 25 23 44 0 2439 2233 243.0593019 616.8231243 239 684 222.42052852541158 231.1566031 699.6478705825493 672.1676015 99 814 21 4 87 0 15 17 36 01854.7340697966356 1926 1767PCotaco School 7-1 814395871 176775 310.4095907607331 820.44522554188633451113661103Morgan County 11035N0110313-1 34.4545267-86.78267670G5240SAVES Fire Dept #1 SAVES Fire Dept #1 2801 9 78 0 15 35 50 0 2801 2614 218.6516733 872.9309713 215 968 200.0854126459381 207.9442245 990.1449396688361 951.2547343 99 8 2 21 6 62 0 9 28 39 0 2130.016453259687 2178 2034ASAVES Fire Dept #1 13-1 402031271 3353690 131.98779814210394 348.85764499121273451113661103Morgan County 11035N011036-1 34.5265962-86.74936160G5240Center Springs Methodist Church Center Springs Methodist Church 1191 1 59 0 8 21 16 0 1191 1086 121.0211587 368.8313711 119 409 110.74494932048572 115.0947103 418.35669458639643 401.9247793 99 814 21 1 49 0 6 16 10 0 905.6942505649008 914 832ACenter Springs Methodist Church 6-1 501478851 64893 111.15345217172985 293.790275336848253441113651103Morgan County 11032N0110322-1 34.3815656-86.83287850G5240Dist No 3 Shop Building Dist No 3 Shop Building 1003 4 1 0 10 2 24 0 1003 962 71.18891688 329.1526906 70 365 65.14408785029593 67.70277078 373.3501063770495 358.6859277 99 8 2 21 4 0 0 2 1 16 0 762.7299188216588 786 763ADist No 3 Shop Building 22-1 678773561 268431 390.53316595531004 1032.22026947861743441113651103Morgan County 11032N0110314-1 34.4443215-86.86944140G5240Sparkman Elem School Sparkman Elem School 3524 10 33 3 66 41 46 0 3524 3325 213.5667506 1100.181596 210 1220 195.43226351239954 203.1083123 1247.9099450476115 1198.89543 4 8 2 21 8 27 1 42 29 28 0 2679.820771612687 2689 2554ASparkman Elem School 14-1 991513461 11056873 734.2998744664826 1940.83186877562983441113651103Morgan County 11035S011035-1 34.5207383 -86.8803170G5240Priceville Fire Station Priceville Fire Station 6626 36 105 0 116 43 71 2 6644 6271 528.8319539 2199.461404 520 2439 483.9275097917913 502.9348687 2494.797012229371 2396.808158 54 3 2 21 29 81 0 76 34 42 0 5038.732245376182 5056 4794PPriceville Fire Station 5-1 254598781 145161 978.3276926939493 2585.82308142940844441114651103Morgan County 11035N0110315-1 34.4255628-86.94022380G5240John J Sparkman Civic Center John J Sparkman Civic Center 8828 37 283 0 168 66 135 2 8828 8137 835.961281 3053.454823 822 3386 764.9777173805448 795.0239655 3463.461535138944 3327.426168 4 8 2 21 29 214 0 99 46 60 0 6713.240003347561 6509 6061AJohn J Sparkman Civic Center 15-1 283047871 563458 667.1423550087874 1763.3274751025194441114651103Morgan County 11035N0110315-2 34.4666628-86.96066650G5240American Legion Bldg American Legion Bldg 6020 28 321 3 197 48 95 3 6020 5325 588.834041 1883.835536 579 2089 538.834669509814 559.9986326 2136.7900610372403 2052.862748 4 8 2 21 18 241 3 121 36 44 2 4577.900410076157 4601 4136AAmerican Legion Bldg 15-2 813713731 336139 278.4931458699473 736.08670181605163441113651103Morgan County 11035N0110321-1 34.3502159-86.94773790G5240Falkville Municipal Building Falkville Municipal Building 2513 2 49 2 60 25 43 0 2513 2332 165.7684779 532.0550342 163 590 151.69266173411347 157.6507377 603.4974321731586 579.7936913 4 8 2 21 2 44 2 42 18 28 01911.0072642062098 1969 1833AFalkville Municipal Building 21-1 418214941 544101 141.29676123524982 373.46221441124783441113651103Morgan County 11035N0110328-1 34.3899391-86.97674870G5240Lebanon Baptist Church Lebanon Baptist Church 1275 2 17 0 16 13 13 3 1275 1211 101.6984527 422.9386627 100 469 93.06298264190534 96.71824397 479.72931480563136 460.8868496 4 8 2 21 2 15 0 9 11 11 0 969.5719307054984 975 927ALebanon Baptist Church 28-1 656047691 226747 114.25643986944515 301.991798476859973441113651103Morgan County 11035N0110319-1 34.4262014-87.05629870G5240Danville Volunteer Fire Station Danville Volunteer Fire Station 1031 0 43 0 12 14 21 0 1031 941 83.3927312 349.8938191 82 388 76.31164577078853 79.30896006 396.8762774107803 381.2880546 4 3 2 21 0 34 0 7 12 13 0 784.0224788685246 774 708ADanville Volunteer Fire Station 19-1 605017621 815295 432.97760482048704 1144.40538957234913441113651103Morgan County 11035N0110318-1 34.4755609-87.04430350G5240Neel Fire Dept Neel Fire Dept 3907 1 33 2 66 54 65 1 3907 3685 245.093271 1145.271006 241 1270 224.28178819807115 233.090968 1299.0537946231257 1248.030488 4 3 2 21 0 20 0 36 44 41 1 2971.072575110888 2914 2772ANeel Fire Dept 18-1 176672251 333000 181.1923173487321 478.91036906854134441114651103Morgan County 11035N011032-1 34.5026726-87.01188160G5240Decatur Fire and Rescue- 4119 Old Highway 31 Decatur Fire and Rescue- 4119 Old Highway 31 1635 18 136 0 72 18 27 0 1635 1364 184.0741994 483.3584717 181 536 168.4439985956082 175.0600216 548.262074048709 526.7278281 4 3 2 21 16 96 0 44 17 9 0 1243.333417022345 1308 1126ADecatur Fire and Rescue- 4119 Old Highway 31 2-1 136150121 101472 904.0776299271905 2389.57234915055644441114651103Morgan County 11035N011033-10 34.5758414-87.04075210G5240Julian Harris Elem School Julian Harris Elem School 8158 161 1418 0 357 58 129 13 8158 6022 1028.171357 2295.050952 1011 2545 940.8667545705706 977.8214466 2603.2219744119793 2500.974482 46 725 21 110 1006 0 239 43 51 4 6203.739459368985 6206 4753AJulian Harris Elem School 3-10 342563901 310749 201.4725583730856 532.51318101933213441113651103Morgan County 11035N0110317-1 34.5427852-87.08074130G5240West Morgan/ East Law. Water Authority West Morgan/ East Law. Water Authority 1818 3 14 0 156 32 51 4 1818 1558 122.0381432 573.5372911 120 636 111.67557920492585 116.0618928 650.5497743447083 624.9979452 46 325 21 2 11 0 74 23 34 21382.4955059000754 1370 1224AWest Morgan/ East Law. Water Authority 17-1 183699381 111350 311.40697966357016 823.08142940831874441114651103Morgan County 11035N011033-16 34.5290223-87.03826140G5240Cedar Ridge Middle School Cedar Ridge Middle School 2810 31 178 0 80 18 27 1 2810 2475 345.7747391 1248.07486 340 1384 316.4141409844026 328.8420295 1415.6617734872518 1360.058422 46 7 2 21 22 129 0 43 10 18 0 2136.860490417608 2115 1893ACedar Ridge Middle School 3-16 773656931 199947 135.6448907858398 358.52372583479793441113651103Morgan County 11035N0110320-1 34.3481663 -87.0637280G5240Massey FD Massey FD 1224 0 39 2 4 11 19 4 1224 1145 93.56257647 355.3045482 92 394 85.61794402824361 88.98078445 403.0135395055656 387.1842617 4 8 2 21 0 32 0 2 7 14 2 930.7890534772785 927 870AMassey FD 20-1 58189301 70385 226.96138589003263 599.88283538371414441114651103Morgan County 11035N011033-14 34.5304688-87.00910770G5240Chestnut Grove Elem School Chestnut Grove Elem School 2048 29 107 0 34 8 38 0 2048 1832 261.3650234 945.0740268 257 1048 239.17186538690632 248.565887 1071.9750999264534 1029.870828 4 7 2 21 21 81 0 15 8 24 01557.3986777136163 1569 1420AChestnut Grove Elem School 3-14 70379001 1225365 96.19261862917399 254.247217340363223441113651103Morgan County 11035S011033-9 34.5391513-86.97021630G5240American Legion Building American Legion Building 868 5 197 1 226 1 13 0 868 425 95.59654552 136.1700172 94 151 87.47920368165904 90.91514933 154.45442752918888 148.3878769 4 3 2 21 5 120 1 132 1 10 0 660.0693614528412 616 347PAmerican Legion Building 3-9 569535901 189322 192.82852121516444 509.666080843585233441113651103Morgan County 11032N0110326-1 34.3342907-86.84374290G5240Ebenezer Volunteer Fire Dept Ebenezer Volunteer Fire Dept 1740 5 7 0 30 5 50 0 1740 1643 99.66448363 455.4030377 98 505 91.2017229884899 94.78387909 516.5528868539017 496.2640917 99 8 2 21 5 4 0 18 5 33 01323.1805171980918 1317 1252AEbenezer Volunteer Fire Dept 26-1 438680891 273817 158.47401456188803 418.863503222026963451113651103Morgan County 11032N0110325-1 34.3313083-86.74887830G5240Eva Volunteer FD Eva Volunteer FD 1430 3 0 0 15 6 24 0 1430 1382 141.3608492 475.242378 139 527 129.35754585464002 134.4383591 539.0561809585752 517.8835175 99 10 2 21 3 0 0 10 5 16 01087.4414595363628 1099 1065AEva Volunteer FD 25-1 11754261 254664 124.67361285463218 329.525483304042154441114661103Morgan County 11035N011033-1 34.6105357-86.98090570G5240Morgan Co Courthouse Morgan Co Courthouse 1125 17 73 0 90 12 10 0 1125 923 154.5816481 266.9293053 152 296 141.4557335825962 147.0117308 302.7715930676808 290.8795468 54 725 21 14 72 0 84 11 6 0 855.5046447401456 1033 846AMorgan Co Courthouse 3-1 228060131 0 79.86792417382156 174.660923967159534451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107139 34.6241163-85.82258160G5240Dean's Chapel Community Center Dean's Chapel Community Center 689 2 0 0 28 8 23 0 689 628 116.5061186 162.1623234 86 198 75.5835277019721 78.55224349 211.3046569129522 203.0051836 33 2213 71 1 0 0 15 4 17 0 533.8594698179495 530 493ADean's Chapel Community Center 39 281919731 21805230 33.50047908016608 73.261258383902914451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107112 34.5374576-86.07845230G5240Langston City Hall Langston City Hall 289 0 3 0 0 0 12 0 289 274 59.60778161 74.52914862 44 91 38.67064207515583 40.18951992 97.11476654060618 93.30036214 26 2213 71 0 3 0 0 0 8 0 223.9265410412009 233 222ALangston City Hall 12 3910028111 18609362 526.2705018129897 1150.88620436996264451114961 71Jackson County 10715N010713 34.8971624-85.87834940G5240Stevenson City Park Stevenson City Park 4540 9 435 1 225 47 121 5 4540 3697 960.4981174 660.934318 709 807 623.1246644243739 647.5993097 861.2265560228772 827.3999148 33 2213 71 5 336 0 137 38 63 23517.7387416160973 3511 2930AStevenson City Park 3 951167481 5182231 407.5698423732316 891.30306047682564451114961 71Jackson County 10715N010711 34.9488965-85.75375970G5240Bridgeport Community Center Bridgeport Community Center 3516 4 224 0 72 57 127 5 3516 3027 806.0597741 712.5314209 595 870 522.9325463398052 543.4719172 928.4598559308004 891.9924732 33 2213 71 4 155 0 43 47 72 22724.3104439476206 2681 2358ABridgeport Community Center 1 310743061 1446965 26.197606477915343 57.290811054539994451114961 71Jackson County 10715S010712 34.9574597-85.67666380G5240Long Island Community Center Long Island Community Center 226 0 0 0 0 1 7 0 226 218 23.03027926 49.14009799 17 60 14.940929892673845 15.52776906 64.03171420248309 61.51672229 33 2213 71 0 0 0 0 1 3 0175.11210475886298 180 176PLong Island Community Center 2 1323229701 23335116 1652.7675803633495 3614.3910797151824451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107121 34.6484541-86.03906850G5240Scottsboro Armory-City Hall Scottsboro Armory-City Hall 14258 100 665 26 517 95 241 6 14258 12608 2334.186539 3601.969183 1723 4398 1514.307188399234 1573.785064 4693.524651190857 4509.175744 37 2213 71 78 496 22 313 75 146 511047.559246247205 11141 10006AScottsboro Armory-City Hall 21 1061298291 10484722 230.21436488999944 503.44933962086914451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107110 34.764095-85.97995640G5240Hollywood City Hall Hollywood City Hall 1986 4 234 0 62 22 55 1 1986 1608 441.6394729 367.7317333 326 449 286.5143026669896 297.7678067 479.1706613129682 460.3501385 37 2213 71 3 175 0 32 19 23 1 1538.816991376557 1510 1257AHollywood City Hall 10 781954861 0 66.18952787119319 144.748022620098824451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107113 34.7530302 -86.0518880G5240Tupelo-Pikeville Store Tupelo-Pikeville Store 571 1 22 0 1 5 8 0 571 534 66.38139316 179.3613577 49 219 43.06503322968197 44.75651083 233.71575688225994 224.5360364 37 2113 71 1 19 0 0 5 4 0442.42925582880866 460 431ATupelo-Pikeville Store 13 642668801 8237 37.78946775132921 82.640727450354154451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107135 34.8571497-86.01788760G5240Crow Fire Hall Crow Fire Hall 326 0 0 0 9 8 10 0 326 299 50.12472545 84.35716822 37 103 32.51849447229013 33.79573266 109.92110938318456 105.6037066 37 2113 71 0 0 0 8 4 5 0252.59533695305015 243 226ACrow Fire Hall 35 1237118881 9662585 133.77007909519605 292.53803520769534451114961 71Jackson County 10715N010716 34.8265649-85.92101450G5240Flackler Fire Hall Flackler Fire Hall 1154 4 64 0 36 11 40 0 1154 999 170.695011 226.8634524 126 277 110.73865687082674 115.0881707 295.6130805277093 284.0022012 33 2213 71 3 56 0 24 10 23 0 894.1564995209199 931 815AFlackler Fire Hall 6 1032658121 2915474 339.5256166982922 742.49905123339664451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107128 34.6126865-85.90450380G5240Dutton City Hall Dutton City Hall 2929 3 30 0 98 36 95 0 2929 2667 421.3186382 522.523042 311 638 273.33112923227736 284.066834 680.8705610367381 654.1278137 33 2213 71 3 23 0 53 31 69 0 2269.483870967742 2238 2059ADutton City Hall 28 1081292941 7371852 268.8152629304676 587.86456121893024451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107111 34.6927036-85.85305320G5240Pisgah Fire Hall Pisgah Fire Hall 2319 3 2 0 25 33 61 0 2319 2195 470.0886414 455.364908 347 556 304.97074549483085 316.9491685 593.3605516228612 570.0549599 33 2213 71 2 2 0 13 24 43 01796.8361545832004 1781 1697APisgah Fire Hall 11 599198351 70564 178.2828263851053 389.88171416762174451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107138 34.7154985-85.76333740G5240Rosalie School Rosalie School 1538 7 0 0 4 41 49 0 1538 1437 330.5522435 283.3745651 244 346 214.44628785207456 222.8691559 369.2495519297836 354.7464319 33 2213 71 4 0 0 2 33 35 01191.6921111465986 1198 1124ARosalie School 38 162906441 12691369 50.076840701147916 109.511638829917154451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107115 34.5656768-86.12093220G5240Mink Creek-Lakeview Store Mink Creek-Lakeview Store 432 1 3 0 9 1 8 0 432 410 82.63806087 141.6872825 61 173 53.611571977451746 55.71728899 184.62477591284764 177.3732159 37 2213 71 1 2 0 6 1 7 0 334.7275630788885 358 341AMink Creek-Lakeview Store 15 665093631 6265149 240.8788772615402 526.77126270501814451114961 71Jackson County 10715S0107124 34.5699175-85.97161490G5240Section City Hall Section City Hall 2078 5 10 0 43 30 53 0 2078 1937 321.0691873 433.2518639 237 529 208.29414030694127 216.4753687 564.5462802634908 542.3724349 26 2213 71 2 8 0 21 30 36 01610.1015649952092 1563 1466PSection City Hall 24 725191111 324847 164.25667424427454 359.20831532868664451114961 71Jackson County 10715S0107130 34.5134828-86.01884270G5240Macedonia School Macedonia School 1417 1 0 0 16 45 26 1 1417 1328 233.0122372 361.1797202 172 441 151.16705542318834 157.104487 470.6330993554629 452.1479088 26 2213 71 1 0 0 10 41 23 11097.9374001916322 1144 1068PMacedonia School 30 860989421 2729728 162.0542206023259 354.39183121348194451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107114 34.6983219-86.12182210G5240Larkinsville Old School Larkinsville Old School 1398 6 17 1 32 7 36 0 1398 1299 165.2761217 205.5694099 122 251 107.22314397414763 111.434578 267.866004400016 257.3449549 37 2113 71 3 13 1 10 6 26 01083.2155860747364 1097 1038ALarkinsville Old School 14 980195051 246763 187.44039679110227 409.90814812031494451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107122 34.8168467-86.13580450G5240Skyline City Hall Skyline City Hall 1617 0 4 0 20 26 23 1 1617 1543 169.3402887 455.364908 125 556 109.8597786226018 114.1747725 593.3605516228612 570.0549599 37 2113 71 0 2 0 11 23 15 01252.9038645800065 1279 1228ASkyline City Hall 22 510813501 785725 52.742968794033104 115.34211960095444451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107136 34.6199755-86.17031180G5240Aspel Water Board Bldg. Aspel Water Board Bldg. 455 1 0 0 5 10 4 0 455 435 65.02667085 86.81417312 48 106 42.18615500070116 43.84311265 113.12269507821591 108.6795427 37 2113 71 1 0 0 3 7 3 0 352.5487064835516 368 354AAspel Water Board Bldg. 36 510477851 0 46.1356078681872 100.892667255340334451114961 71Jackson County 10715S0107132 34.6909624-86.19551890G5240Limrock Fire Dept. Limrock Fire Dept. 398 0 0 0 0 4 12 0 398 382 77.21917163 82.71916495 57 101 50.096059061528486 52.06369627 107.78671891983032 103.5531492 37 2113 71 0 0 0 0 3 9 0 308.3832641328649 327 315PLimrock Fire Dept. 32 220537341 1879 48.222142897401696 105.455652206586884451114961 71Jackson County 10712N0107137 34.7464372-86.16655220G5240Letcher Fire Hall Letcher Fire Hall 416 0 3 0 6 5 10 0 416 392 47.41528083 113.0222254 35 138 30.7607380143285 31.9689363 147.27294270006027 141.4884613 37 2113 71 0 2 0 4 4 9 0322.33024592781857 333 314ALetcher Fire Hall 37 872390591 434129 153.7080804854679 336.13989140849574451114961 71Jackson County 10715S0107116 34.649972-86.27416020G5240Woodville City Hall Woodville City Hall 1326 2 7 0 23 23 37 0 1326 1234 157.1477879 319.4106369 116 390 101.9498745810186 105.9541889 416.20614233175337 399.8586949 37 2113 71 2 4 0 12 18 22 01027.4276588949217 1011 953PWoodville City Hall 16 289334631 151973 57.61155052886693 125.989084487196354451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107123 34.660764-86.34554360G5240Paint Rock Senior Citizen Center Paint Rock Senior Citizen Center 497 0 9 0 1 6 10 0 497 471 71.8002824 126.1262515 53 154 46.58054614560523 48.41010355 164.34806640689413 157.8929205 37 2115 71 0 6 0 0 6 10 0 385.0916640051102 376 354APaint Rock Senior Citizen Center 23 543713371 223133 34.08007214383677 74.528754203693614451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107126 34.7352813-86.32042210G5240Garth-Johnson's Store Garth-Johnson's Store 294 0 0 0 3 9 6 0 294 276 33.86805773 65.52013065 25 80 21.971955724520356 22.8349545 85.37561894011372 82.02229639 37 2115 71 0 0 0 1 8 5 0227.80070265091024 230 216AGarth-Johnson's Store 26 513378881 343983 25.38617618877637 55.5163169068334451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107117 34.7637775-86.24251750G5240Trenton Fire Hall Trenton Fire Hall 219 0 5 0 2 2 0 0 219 210 32.51333543 31.94106369 24 39 21.093077495539543 21.92155632 41.62061423317533 39.98586949 37 2115 71 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 169.6882785052699 150 148ATrenton Fire Hall 17 333567221 180884 63.17564394010559 138.157044357187154451114961 71Jackson County 10715S0107131 34.7121771 -86.2495720G5240Holly Spring Baptist Church Holly Spring Baptist Church 545 0 0 1 3 12 11 0 545 518 40.64166928 165.4383299 30 202 26.36634686942443 27.4019454 215.57343783966064 207.1062984 37 2115 71 0 0 0 1 9 8 0 422.28361545832 404 386PHolly Spring Baptist Church 31 379267891 300188 14.721663817235614 32.194393822683984451114961 71Jackson County 10715S0107134 34.8583743-86.23028390G5240Princeton Fire Hall Princeton Fire Hall 127 0 0 0 3 1 2 0 127 121 23.03027926 41.76908329 17 51 14.940929892673845 15.52776906 54.42695707575372 52.28921395 37 2115 71 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 98.40370488661769 104 99PPrinceton Fire Hall 34 1065294681 507772 14.14207075356492 30.9268980028932674451114961 71Jackson County 10712N0107118 34.9544435-86.13062450G5240Estill Fork Estill Fork 122 0 0 0 1 3 3 0 122 115 9.483056166 54.05410779 7 66 6.152147603827907 6.393787261 70.43488562377229 67.66839452 37 2113 71 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 94.52954327690834 104 98AEstill Fork 18 733163641 9147 58.53889943074004 128.01707779886154451114961 71Jackson County 10715S0107125 34.9157997-86.08052780G5240Hytop Fire Hall Hytop Fire Hall 505 1 3 0 18 20 2 0 505 461 39.28694697 111.3842221 29 136 25.487468640443616 26.48854722 145.13855223670603 139.4379039 37 2113 71 1 1 0 10 15 2 0 391.2903225806452 374 345PHytop Fire Hall 25 1058707741 170357 28.1682228943957 61.6002968418283964451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107119 34.9480522-86.25300660G5240Bishop-Hall's Store Bishop-Hall's Store 243 0 6 0 1 4 2 0 243 230 37.93222466 27.02705389 28 33 24.6085904114628 25.57514904 35.217442811886144 33.83419726 37 2115 71 0 4 0 1 2 2 0 188.2842542318748 202 193ABishop-Hall's Store 19 702189241 186193 284.9279501005129 623.10094500911194451114961 71Jackson County 10715N010714 34.9175448-85.63276810G5240Bryant School Bryant School 2458 2 11 0 41 41 41 3 2458 2319 205.917791 516.7900305 152 631 133.58949084357207 138.8365234 673.4001943109099 646.9508627 33 2213 71 2 5 0 23 35 30 31904.5378473331205 1894 1796ABryant School 4 688340141 48845 78.59281943374603 171.872433163619974451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107120 34.8136023-85.75195970G5240Christain Home Christain Home 678 1 0 0 19 14 28 0 678 616 85.34750549 137.5922744 63 168 55.36932843541337 57.54408535 179.28879975446208 172.2468224 33 2213 71 1 0 0 7 12 23 0 525.336314276589 513 470AChristain Home 20 670566831 0 245.747458996374 537.41822759126014451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107129 34.8448819-85.64722230G5240Higdon Rescue Squad Bldg. Higdon Rescue Squad Bldg. 2120 4 1 0 10 25 69 0 2120 2011 284.491685 366.09373 210 447 184.564428085971 191.8136178 477.03627084961397 458.2995811 33 2213 71 3 1 0 7 14 47 0 1642.644522516768 1606 1534AHigdon Rescue Squad Bldg. 29 678445081 0 146.28928927048304 319.915944915174634451114961 71Jackson County 10715N010715 34.7804624-85.70087190G5240Flat Rock Ruritan Bldg. Flat Rock Ruritan Bldg. 1262 3 12 0 5 22 43 2 1262 1175 159.8572325 239.1484769 118 292 103.70763107746852 107.7809853 311.6210091069544 299.3813818 33 2213 71 3 4 0 2 16 26 0 977.838390290642 953 902AFlat Rock Ruritan Bldg. 5 693792141 137989 28.1682228943957 61.6002968418283964451114961 71Jackson County 10715N0107127 34.8111574-86.27646020G5240Hollytree-Morris's Store Hollytree-Morris's Store 243 1 1 0 1 6 6 0 243 228 33.86805773 58.96811759 25 72 21.971955724520356 22.8349545 76.83805704506148 73.82006675 37 2115 71 1 0 0 0 5 5 0 188.2842542318748 184 173AHollytree-Morris's Store 27 616954831 24760 4.173070058428992 9.1259699024930954451114961 71Jackson County 10712N0107133 34.867493-86.29984290G5240Hambrick Community Center Hambrick Community Center 36 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 36 35 8.128333856 12.2850245 6 15 5.273269374847093 5.480389081 16.007928548018565 15.37918057 37 2115 71 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 27.89396358990738 31 30AHambrick Community Center 33 1321497402 7578399 164.80746053204408 489.42116719748875502225112 21Chilton County 10214N01021120 32.9480642-86.55955750G5240Cane Creek Fire Station Cane Creek Fire Station 1692 1 13 0 52 21 15 0 1692 1590 88.43440392 525.6581662 86 572 76.51091764260961 79.51605879 594.1909287835808 570.8527221 19 4119131 1 9 0 24 9 6 01267.0906216346264 1264 1215ACane Creek Fire Station 120 724684212 3033322 126.81992530302684 376.611323694521455502225112 21Chilton County 10214N01021110 32.8410835-86.51051390G5240Providence , East Chilton Fire Station Providence , East Chilton Fire Station 1302 1 7 0 19 3 4 0 1302 1268 112.7089338496437 382.7270810897509 109.60630570767363 416.4681621336755 97.51254685197136 101.34257498338795 432.6251819073014 415.6328391723759 19 4119131 1 4 0 11 3 3 0 975.0307265769998 1005 983AProvidence , East Chilton Fire Station 110 1497656652 4099354 234.45127511857572 696.23921361959545502225112 21Chilton County 10214N0102190 32.7673979-86.46199290G5240Verbena Fire Station Verbena Fire Station 2407 3 212 0 83 6 10 0 2407 2093 220.0577028 783.8923352 214 853 190.38763223475837 197.8655416 886.0924164179833 851.2891117 58 4124131 3 141 0 57 5 8 01802.5337625736086 1825 1611AVerbena Fire Station 90 343204002 248947 282.86103155145156 839.99945008363315502225112 21Chilton County 10214S01021250 32.8164661-86.59265830G5240Clanton Library Clanton Library 2904 19 215 5 207 6 19 2 2904 2431 137.793141 912.5499284 134 993 119.21468566878956 123.8971149 1031.5237627103736 991.0083095 1 4124131 17 159 4 151 5 4 22174.7229108906354 2260 1918PClanton Library 250 455259052 255821 397.50546479389595 1180.45377265540865502225112 21Chilton County 10214N01021260 32.8673441-86.61643990G5240Clanton Facility Bldg. Clanton Facility Bldg. 4081 29 335 0 126 10 52 2 4081 3527 281.7561241 1436.370129 274 1563 243.76734223140053 253.3418617 1623.6371007701816 1559.865043 1 4119131 23 217 0 90 6 26 1 3056.144696744037 3203 2840AClanton Facility Bldg. 260 244458582 120706 79.8712279174209 237.18992736521325502225112 21Chilton County 10214N01021210 32.9282843-86.68081180G5240Collins Chapel Fire Station Collins Chapel Fire Station 820 4 13 0 34 0 8 0 820 761 65.81164943 291.3175501 64 317 56.93835732012956 59.17474143 329.2981196214306 316.3641834 1 4119131 2 9 0 18 0 5 0 614.0746511468047 646 612ACollins Chapel Fire Station 210 1598094182 1732181 260.0685104140412 772.31354398185275502225112 21Chilton County 10212N01021140 32.9990521-86.65719860G5240Union Grove Fire Station Union Grove Fire Station 2670 5 16 2 309 7 16 0 2670 2315 160.4158955 828.9224928 156 902 138.78724593353718 144.2384322 936.9933875890933 900.1908309 19 4119131 5 11 2 211 7 10 01999.4869738560594 2056 1810AUnion Grove Fire Station 140 1156458652 779380 416.49923240840457 1236.85869440689235502225112 21Chilton County 10214N01021170 33.027394-86.80903980G5240Providence, North Chilton Fire Station Providence, North Chilton Fire Station 4276 17 156 2 580 18 35 7 4276 3461 370.1562220745595 1256.9439314437595 359.9666384070756 1367.755653827647 320.2485793694544 332.82707421579636 1420.8181857416441 1365.0123043787091 1 4119131 9 107 2 328 14 17 1 3202.17464427285 3109 2631AProvidence, North Chilton Fire Station 170 645365952 295338 386.88843571706803 1148.9248676763745502225112 21Chilton County 10214N01021160 32.9722361-86.74548390G5240City of Jemison City of Jemison 3972 2 555 0 451 7 34 1 3972 2922 470.9646162 1137.700716 458 1238 407.46511951594823 423.4692433 1286.028618045483 1235.516905 1 4119131 1 379 0 265 7 13 0 2974.517700433059 2937 2272ACity of Jemison 160 480575022 104416 291.6273858350709 866.03249089201025502225112 21Chilton County 10214N01021200 32.9105594-86.73974180G5240Thorsby Town Hall Thorsby Town Hall 2994 11 189 1 177 4 20 2 2994 2590 218.0010887 937.3624642 212 1020 188.60830863555816 196.016331 1059.5712368567772 1017.954155 1 4119131 7 141 0 115 4 8 12242.1213482116264 2227 1951AThorsby Town Hall 200 823438662 181885 197.04816350846642 585.16490617051995502225112 21Chilton County 10214N01021180 32.9483802-86.83435630G5240Mars Hill, West Chilton Fire Station Mars Hill, West Chilton Fire Station 2023 5 53 0 289 16 15 2 2023 1643 175.12302087390876 594.6673464243979 170.3022706963316 647.0930046055496 151.51143032376197 157.4623880118232 672.197191243065 645.7951103269711 1 4119131 4 44 0 155 11 10 21514.9670966707147 1499 1273AMars Hill, West Chilton Fire Station 180 1272443342 376331 128.96281190568934 382.974955892124745502225112 21Chilton County 10212N01021220 32.8513534 -86.7874940G5240Isabella Fire Station Isabella Fire Station 1324 4 114 0 59 4 20 0 1324 1123 130.5949918 433.7598854 127 472 112.98705278292657 117.4248775 490.3113957175876 471.0532951 1 4124131 3 90 0 36 4 12 0 991.5059001443531 1004 859AIsabella Fire Station 220 1845485802 462513 143.67080631487295 426.65261324840185502225112 21Chilton County 10212N0102120 32.7977892-86.92808640G5240Maplesville Fire Station Maplesville Fire Station 1475 0 473 0 10 1 13 3 1475 975 327.0016331 371.2690544 318 404 282.9124629533372 294.0244965 419.6733132951652 403.1896848 1 4124131 0 346 0 7 1 5 21104.5855005384599 1083 722AMaplesville Fire Station 20 2568646242 788238 148.34619526613662 440.536901679536245502225112 21Chilton County 10214N0102130 32.7155046-86.87322880G5240So. Chilton Fire Station So. Chilton Fire Station 1523 3 83 0 39 1 8 0 1523 1389 103.8590093 585.3920487 101 637 89.85584513695912 93.38513881 661.7126252244321 635.7223496 1 4124131 3 58 0 25 1 7 01140.5313337763216 1152 1058ASo. Chilton Fire Station 30 276439972 84210 277.79602685424925 824.95813761657095502225112 21Chilton County 10214N01021270 32.8557185-86.67455210G5240Chilton County Courthouse Chilton County Courthouse 2852 15 276 0 317 10 24 6 2852 2204 183.03865 790.3252149 178 860 158.35980629450552 164.5797496 893.3639837430115 858.2750716 1 4119131 11 187 0 185 8 6 32135.7815915496185 2051 1651AChilton County Courthouse 270 1198289852 124403 163.24899754828954 484.79307105377725502225112 21Chilton County 10214N0102150 32.7592653-86.73363950G5240Fairview Fire Station Fairview Fire Station 1676 4 110 0 119 4 7 3 1676 1429 119.2836146 510.9544413 116 556 103.20077260244241 107.2542188 577.5702035138395 554.8848138 1 4124131 2 90 0 82 4 4 11255.1086772220058 1270 1087AFairview Fire Station 50 1152522182 236230 258.70485530325595 768.26395985610525502225112 21Chilton County 10214N0102170 32.7462131-86.61583810G5240Enterprise Fire Station Enterprise Fire Station 2656 1 304 1 277 13 23 5 2656 2032 172.7555797 709.4547278 168 772 149.46318791362145 155.3336962 801.9499947073905 770.4515759 58 4124131 1 204 1 170 13 9 11989.0027724950164 1909 1510AEnterprise Fire Station 70 340317052 84601 291.82219370804023 866.61100290997415502225112 21Chilton County 10214N01021240 32.8127094-86.65898350G5240Douglas Glass Amer. Legion Post 6 Douglas Glass Amer. Legion Post 6 2996 1 1047 0 272 3 30 1 2996 1642 679.7109418 605.6096705 661 659 588.0664716664431 611.1641263 684.5661224573153 657.6782235 1 4124131 1 757 0 168 3 11 02243.6190912632037 2183 1243ADouglas Glass Amer. Legion Post 6 240 186749301 246683 92.05148869487351 521.87139019476163341113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430360 34.1453334-86.79188860G5240Bolte-White Grove Church Bolte-White Grove Church 1449 21 3 0 70 7 13 1 1449 1334 107.010573 377.7313815 78 407 64.65953061318382 67.19918145 425.149471524768 408.4507544 92 11 2 31 14 1 0 40 6 11 0 1113.06973360197 1072 1000ABolte-White Grove Church 0360 412715971 487729 878.6502002338134 4981.3686665174243341113951 43Cullman County 10432S010430010 34.1768698-86.84065560G5240Cullman (1-1,1-2,1-3,1-4,1-5,1-6,1-7) Cullman (1-1,1-2,1-3,1-4,1-5,1-6,1-7) 13831 119 109 3 1219 44 114 10 13831 12213 1383.856863915628 4613.0855657537995 1008.6931821008383 4970.531751361838 836.1747138921186 869.0173867621819 5192.184146049424 4988.249247568589 92 10 2 31 91 74 2 764 32 70 310624.477215630674 10744 9708PCullman (1-1,1-2,1-3,1-4,1-5,1-6,1-7) 0010 282415261 187943 166.25172250827052 942.53790761883443341113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430021 34.1106347-86.84947780G5240Good Hope Town Hall Good Hope Town Hall 2617 10 13 0 209 8 13 0 2617 2364 257.9229195 969.8508444 188 1045 155.84604809278576 161.9672578 1091.5999945117492 1048.72491 92 11 2 31 7 10 0 123 7 10 02010.2853642762977 1927 1770AGood Hope Town Hall 0021 266533551 243592 71.02385394124816 402.658532945302573341113951 43Cullman County 10433S010430340 34.1668178-86.88364390G5240Cullman County Health Dept. Cullman County Health Dept. 1118 4 7 0 31 3 8 0 1118 1065 60.36493861 374.9471207 44 404 36.47460701108492 37.90723056 422.01569165862884 405.4400609 92 11 2 31 4 7 0 14 3 5 0 858.8074273064199 843 810PCullman County Health Dept. 0340 476136151 377635 212.75392383652962 1206.17480038803073341113551 43Cullman County 10433S010430181 34.2653538-86.87201930G5240Vinemont Fire Dept./ Vinemont Town Hall Vinemont Fire Dept./ Vinemont Town Hall 3349 20 8 1 273 16 34 1 3349 2996 314.1720668 1010.686669 229 1089 189.83375012062538 197.2899045 1137.562099215123 1092.881748 92 8 2 31 17 3 1 160 12 27 1 2572.581461582469 2564 2343PVinemont Fire Dept./ Vinemont Town Hall 0181 74841691 686586 18.486530855906274 104.806469666442813341113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430352 34.1801422-86.79274380G5240East Point Community Center East Point Community Center 291 7 0 0 9 0 3 1 291 271 20.04510894190795 77.97095195372384 14.610878661087867 84.01255230125523 12.111955847439006 12.587680593841004 87.7589489352201 84.31201565271967 92 10 2 31 5 0 0 9 0 1 1 223.5357436012238 232 216AEast Point Community Center 0352 600944101 370080 35.25781658085217 199.888627714349673341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430070 33.910931-86.98391620G5240Arkedelphia Community Center Arkedelphia Community Center 555 1 0 0 10 1 7 0 555 536 61.73686903 183.7612126 45 198 37.30357535487014 38.76875853 206.8294726224181 198.7057724 57 11 9 31 1 0 0 9 1 3 0 426.3310573837773 424 410AArkedelphia Community Center 0070 831097131 1249337 103.1052906499515 584.5391761808823341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430100 33.9699438-86.94430320G5240Bremen Fire Dept. Bremen Fire Dept. 1623 4 13 0 13 2 14 1 1623 1576 113.8702251 529.9376384 83 571 68.8043723128658 71.50682128 596.4627721227661 573.0353336 92 11 9 31 3 11 0 4 2 12 01246.7302813222893 1261 1229ABremen Fire Dept. 0100 553851591 3403363 70.76974355147625 401.2178941870013341113551 43Cullman County 10432N010430090 33.9660711-87.05109170G5240Cold Springs Fire Dept. Cold Springs Fire Dept. 1114 1 0 0 9 1 7 0 1114 1096 164.6316508 355.4572951 120 383 99.47620096556452 103.3833561 400.0792324915667 384.3652063 57 1111 31 1 0 0 7 1 6 0 855.7347710369872 841 826ACold Springs Fire Dept. 0090 361479081 4900015 66.64044971768276 377.80751436459973341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430260 34.0174345-87.01654440G5240Brushy Pond Community Center Brushy Pond Community Center 1049 1 6 1 5 3 2 0 1049 1031 80.94389495 405.5739895 59 437 48.90913212937496 50.83015007 456.4872703943358 438.5576896 92 1111 31 1 4 1 5 3 1 0 805.804106658707 830 815ABrushy Pond Community Center 0260 538363091 624014 93.25851304629008 528.71442429669423341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430022 34.0540011-86.87883560G5240Dodge City Town Hall Dodge City Town Hall 1468 2 4 0 20 9 22 1 1468 1410 116.6140859 505.8073782 85 545 70.46230900043624 73.22987722 569.3033464080505 546.9426564 92 11 9 31 2 4 0 14 8 13 0 1127.664850881775 1144 1103ADodge City Town Hall 0022 421127531 58520 24.07695943088824 136.500522349078443341113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430050 34.0095697-86.82712330G5240Stouts Mountain Church Stouts Mountain Church 379 0 1 0 9 2 6 0 379 361 48.0175648 132.7164313 35 143 29.01389193626206 30.15347885 149.3768413268477 143.5097245 92 11 9 31 0 1 0 4 2 3 0291.13418152874164 310 300AStouts Mountain Church 0050 346094411 327014 37.41775489391339 212.134057159913453341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430062 33.9499352-86.89141960G5240Colony Town Hall Colony Town Hall 589 1 329 0 5 0 10 0 589 244 359.4457708 77.03121539 262 83 217.1897053596949 225.7203274 86.70124358771211 83.2958541 57 11 9 31 1 279 0 2 0 2 0 452.4486356739547 475 191AColony Town Hall 0062 1222669441 17738071 129.34218839390095 733.28512797552423341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430120 34.0660477 -87.0665210G5240Crane Hill Fire Dept. Crane Hill Fire Dept. 2036 5 1 0 24 19 17 0 2036 1970 226.3685198 759.1751107 165 818 136.77977629156842 142.1521146 854.4773163084764 820.9157669 21 1111 31 3 0 0 10 14 13 01563.9820411412084 1630 1590ACrane Hill Fire Dept. 0120 295272221 4317595 60.60532796059996 343.59234385493623341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430111 34.0851405-86.98195810G5240Trimble Fire Station Trimble Fire Station 954 1 0 1 12 4 3 1 954 932 74.08424284 366.5943383 54 395 44.76429042007092 46.52251023 412.6143519561232 396.4079803 92 1111 31 1 0 1 10 4 2 0 732.8285202596821 757 739ATrimble Fire Station 0111 982430851 312951 123.5480052608505 141.234838521116472211112841 17Chambers County 10177N010172 33.0599615-85.40406690G5240Mt.Olive Voting District Mt.Olive Voting District 635 1 291 0 11 0 7 0 635 325 62.91513458 69.91793728 80 74 77.79173522490254 80.84718341 72.81458937723092 69.95462997 48 36 8121 1 217 0 6 0 1 0 492.0391641093088 498 273AMt.Olive Voting District 2 1297030411 6239539 260.9100394563788 298.26128890837352211112841 17Chambers County 10177N010171 33.051092-85.30681130G5240Stroud/Standing Rock Voting District Stroud/Standing Rock Voting District 1341 2 283 0 15 5 9 0 1341 1027 110.1014855 259.8301723 140 275 136.13553667485118 141.482571 270.59475782712025 259.9665303 48 36 8121 2 215 0 11 5 3 01039.0937308198158 1083 847AStroud/Standing Rock Voting District 1 919124431 4979167 114.5980710214818 131.003653368405682211112841 17Chambers County 10177N010176 32.9692751-85.26718870G5240Fredonia Voting District Fredonia Voting District 589 1 132 0 2 3 4 0 589 447 82.57611413 222.0366927 105 235 102.10165245802803 106.1119282 231.23552032310116 222.1532168 48 36 8121 1 111 0 2 3 3 0 456.3953821423352 487 367AFredonia Voting District 6 1511014941 501706 240.09171416045595 274.462662574894072211112841 17Chambers County 10177N010175 32.9767498-85.41962790G5240Buffalo-Lebanon /Five Points /Penton Voting District Buffalo-Lebanon /Five Points /Penton Voting District 1234 0 504 0 20 1 12 1 1234 696 294.9146933 318.4100657 375 337 364.6487588336548 378.9711722 331.6015759323278 318.5771662 48 36 8121 0 374 0 15 0 3 1 956.183194505334 957 564ABuffalo-Lebanon /Five Points /Penton Voting District 5 1199680401 252925 143.0043840420868 163.47654537483562211112841 17Chambers County 10177N0101710 32.7893132-85.53955120G5240Culebra Voting District Culebra Voting District 735 0 417 0 2 1 4 0 735 311 213.1250184 139.8358746 271 148 263.5195030730343 273.8698338 145.6291787128265 139.9092599 48 37 8121 0 341 0 2 1 2 0 569.5256466462077 623 277ACulebra Voting District 10 1052697881 177761 144.95002192021045 165.70071606020752211112841 17Chambers County 10177N010179 32.8797548 -85.5314310G5240Ridgegrove Ridgegrove 745 0 360 0 15 0 3 0 745 367 123.4709516 161.5671253 157 171 152.66628033833828 158.6625974 168.2607403166706 161.6519152 48 36 8121 0 288 0 12 0 1 0 577.2742948998977 607 306ARidgegrove 9 1218428291 446326 116.93283647523016 133.672658190851962211112841 17Chambers County 10177N0101711 32.7865697-85.43165670G5240Sturkie Voting District Sturkie Voting District 601 1 304 0 3 0 8 0 601 285 161.2200324 163.4567993 205 173 199.34132152523898 207.1709075 170.22870221789364 163.5425809 75 37 8121 1 231 0 2 0 4 0 465.6937600467631 478 240ASturkie Voting District 11 1233073571 616880 681.5569487067075 779.12699108578112211112841 17Chambers County 10177N010178 32.8928372-85.39412880G5240LaFayette LaFayette 3503 12 2265 0 71 2 16 0 3503 1137 831.2662156 457.3011033 1057 484 1027.823301847016 1068.193411 476.24677374658694 457.5410933 48 37 8121 6 1690 0 54 2 10 0 2714.351483267573 2738 976ALaFayette 8 1319990551 806217 142.61525646646209 163.031711237761212211112841 17Chambers County 10177N0101712 32.7895092-85.32904290G5240Cusseta Cusseta 733 3 237 0 2 0 6 0 733 485 81.78967495 182.3535391 104 193 101.12925576062047 105.1013384 189.90832091785904 182.4492376 75 37 8121 3 181 0 2 0 5 0 567.9759169954698 576 385ACusseta 12 436798791 308078 54.506678606074175 309.01701365569733341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430141 34.1556843-87.00672520G5240Logan Fire Dept. Logan Fire Dept. 858 0 2 0 22 7 6 0 858 821 78.20003411 289.5631229 57 312 47.25119544180452 49.10709413 325.91310836841103 313.1121262 92 11 2 31 0 1 0 14 5 6 0 659.084769793299 635 609ALogan Fire Dept. 0141 382534191 176602 63.84523543019178 361.960488023281873341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430130 34.1589207-86.95717340G5240Bethsadia Fire Dept. Bethsadia Fire Dept. 1005 3 2 0 75 16 16 0 1005 893 98.77899045 339.6798173 72 366 59.685720560094566 62.03001364 382.3211463752684 367.3046096 92 11 2 31 2 2 0 42 10 6 0 772.0048876949481 745 683ABethsadia Fire Dept. 0130 226205891 2120448 126.7375568987389 718.51858070293263341113951 43Cullman County 10433S010430300 34.2236803-86.81933120G5240Kelley Community Center Kelley Community Center 1995 21 11 2 48 6 16 0 1995 1891 192.0702592 696.9932863 140 751 116.05556774504824 120.6139154 784.4895654442612 753.6769449 92 10 2 31 15 11 2 27 4 9 0 1532.487314379524 1574 1506PKelley Community Center 0300 340648631 5673193 103.54998383205233 587.06029400790993341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430112 34.0626773-86.94472870G5240Valley Grove Community Center Valley Grove Community Center 1630 3 11 0 30 17 22 3 1630 1544 182.4667462 619.0339839 133 667 110.25278932892962 114.5832196 696.7437285678361 669.3775263 92 11 9 31 3 7 0 21 12 13 11252.1074297937964 1277 1220AValley Grove Community Center 0112 192948821 139833 48.47155684899137 274.80184314603393341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430142 34.1849974-87.00638280G5240Bethel Community Center Bethel Community Center 763 1 1 1 27 7 4 1 763 721 86.43161664 271.0013843 63 292 52.22500549489378 54.27626194 305.021242490062 293.0408361 92 11 2 31 1 0 1 16 6 4 1 586.109183394274 577 548ABethel Community Center 0142 581292781 242222 198.26963161953088 1124.05839116483843341113551 43Cullman County 10433S010430171 34.2333815-86.95138340G5240West Point Community Center Box 1 West Point Community Center Box 1 3121 8 2 0 86 32 19 2 3121 2972 268.8983629 962.4261489 196 1037 162.47779488155584 168.8594816 1083.243248202045 1040.696394 92 11 2 31 7 0 0 54 20 15 1 2397.440054224809 2380 2283PWest Point Community Center Box 1 0171 683292661 196357 60.79591075292888 344.67282292366243341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430160 34.2857434-87.06191380G5240Battleground Fire Dept. Battleground Fire Dept. 957 1 1 0 6 12 9 0 957 928 127.5895293 322.9742525 93 348 77.0940557218518 80.12210095 363.51846707434544 349.2404485 4 11 2 31 1 1 0 6 10 9 0 735.1330124617566 753 726ABattleground Fire Dept. 0160 509616841 251537 150.6874611347412 854.29878367286033341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430172 34.2847392-86.94583150G5240Friendship Methodist Church Friendship Methodist Church 2372 9 1 0 45 15 10 0 2372 2292 193.4421896 782.3772841 141 843 116.88453611769968 121.4754434 880.592148734479 846.0048796 4 8 2 31 6 1 0 25 9 10 01822.0851677735493 1812 1761AFriendship Methodist Church 0172 371258641 326362 115.7472825411039 656.21095440638763341113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430182 34.2748398-86.82092240G5240Providence Fire Dept. Providence Fire Dept. 1822 3 1 0 23 8 9 0 1822 1778 163.2597203 597.6879845 119 644 98.64723259291307 102.5218281 672.7180827192595 646.2955426 99 10 2 31 3 1 0 15 6 8 01399.5949307265628 1369 1336AProvidence Fire Dept. 0182 497818421 258424 124.51409098823471 705.91299156779353351113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430190 34.2677282-86.75611240G5240Gold Ridge Community Center Gold Ridge Community Center 1960 5 6 1 83 5 18 0 1960 1842 166.0035812 684.9281561 121 738 100.30516924199523 104.244884 770.9098525869034 740.6306063 99 10 2 31 4 5 1 52 5 13 01505.6015720219884 1505 1425AGold Ridge Community Center 0190 127952111 133570 57.42894808845111 325.584359376165933341113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430351 34.2132811-86.78522860G5240East Point Community Center East Point Community Center 904 4 0 1 29 0 12 0 904 858 62.27071643809205 242.21903974627614 45.38912133891213 260.98744769874475 37.626144625721174 39.10399744615899 272.6257382729862 261.91773934728036 92 10 2 31 3 0 1 18 0 6 0 694.4203168917743 679 651AEast Point Community Center 0351 504518561 378326 137.34666567171604 778.66524886202523351113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430281 34.2676819 -86.6841190G5240Fairview Fire Dept./0282 Fairview Town Hall Fairview Fire Dept./0282 Fairview Town Hall 2162 3 11 0 109 14 11 3 2162 2011 244.2036153 722.0516334 178 778 147.55636475115423 153.3519782 812.6935844476899 780.7731866 99 10 2 31 1 8 0 61 9 7 01660.7707136283361 1597 1511AFairview Fire Dept./0282 Fairview Town Hall 0281 324015261 214719 97.70544486729845 553.92560256697273351113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430320 34.2114862-86.72896490G5240Simcoe Community Center Simcoe Community Center 1538 5 14 0 63 4 34 0 1538 1418 107.010573 487.2456395 78 525 64.65953061318382 67.19918145 548.4114805297014 526.8713663 99 10 2 31 4 10 0 31 3 20 0 1181.436335596846 1125 1057ASimcoe Community Center 0320 311445271 357847 132.58209586349278 751.65327214386993341113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430270 34.1104461-86.78081310G5240White City Community Center White City Community Center 2087 4 3 0 142 11 25 0 2087 1902 159.1439291 621.8182447 116 670 96.16032757117948 99.9372442 699.8775084339752 672.3882198 92 11 9 31 4 2 0 80 11 15 01603.1584085764744 1585 1473AWhite City Community Center 0270 467092651 406055 97.0701688928687 550.32400567121853351113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430201 34.2752628-86.62206780G5240Baileytown Town Hall Baileytown Town Hall 1528 3 11 2 23 15 15 0 1528 1459 216.7650068 549.427464 158 592 130.9769978754498 136.1214188 618.3992313939166 594.1101883 99 10 4 31 1 5 2 17 12 10 01173.7546949232644 1182 1135ABaileytown Town Hall 0201 433660921 337439 79.02833121906325 448.03865383180363351113961 43Cullman County 10432N010430211 34.2637203-86.54739560G5240Joppa Volunteer Fire Dept Joppa Volunteer Fire Dept 1244 0 0 0 103 8 25 2 1244 1106 127.5895293 349.8887735 93 377 77.0940557218518 80.12210095 393.81167265520014 378.3438192 99 10 4 31 0 0 0 47 8 15 1 955.5960997935478 946 875AJoppa Volunteer Fire Dept 0211 299330051 152761 67.97452926398527 385.370867845683163351113951 43Cullman County 10432N010430202 34.2277028-86.60770190G5240Brooklyn Community Center Brooklyn Community Center 1070 1 1 3 25 1 17 0 1070 1022 108.3825034 305.3406008 79 329 65.48849894734698 68.06070941 343.67119448470936 330.1727229 99 10 4 31 0 1 3 18 1 12 0 821.9355520732283 827 792ABrooklyn Community Center 0202 214948821 229556 49.04330522597816 278.043280352212553341113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430290 34.1105705-86.91515130G5240Grandview Community Center Grandview Community Center 772 5 1 0 10 2 5 0 772 749 58.99300819 273.7856451 43 295 35.64563866729969 37.04570259 308.1550223562011 296.0515296 92 11 2 31 5 1 0 10 2 3 0 593.0226600004975 578 557AGrandview Community Center 0290 257561001 239900 102.7876526627366 582.7383777330053351113961 43Cullman County 10433N010430212 34.2795687-86.49117260G5240New Canaan New Canaan 1618 9 5 0 20 9 21 0 1618 1554 93.29126876 417.6391196 68 450 56.36984719457574 58.58390177 470.0669832516936 451.6040282 9 10 4 31 6 5 0 13 8 12 01242.8894609854985 1249 1205ANew Canaan 0212 450493661 545747 89.82802278436932 509.26580105962243351113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430240 34.1280384-86.67497390G5240Walter Community Center Walter Community Center 1414 1 2 0 45 5 11 0 1414 1350 113.8702251 455.6906838 83 491 68.8043723128658 71.50682128 512.8953084011931 492.750173 9 10 4 31 1 2 0 32 5 9 01086.1839912444345 1102 1053AWalter Community Center 0240 341397201 788304 118.86013481580977 673.85877919558243351113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430230 34.1759667 -86.7317490G5240Berlin Community Center Berlin Community Center 1871 2 0 0 145 10 19 0 1871 1695 152.2842769 578.1981589 111 623 92.0154858714975 95.62960437 650.7816235521974 625.220688 99 10 2 31 0 0 0 79 6 15 01437.2349700271125 1352 1252ABerlin Community Center 0230 183504721 147428 43.452876650996195 246.34922766957693351113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430250 34.1466136 -86.7385840G5240Welti Fire Station Welti Fire Station 684 5 9 0 16 6 8 0 684 640 71.34038199 249.6553848 52 269 43.10635374212255 44.7994543 280.99559664148546 269.9588524 92 11 2 31 3 4 0 8 6 5 0 525.4242220729797 534 508AWelti Fire Station 0250 1489254291 416313 2810.4739149495836 3212.81455501972822211112841 17Chambers County 10177N0101713 32.7896415-85.22841150G5240Fairfax/Langsdale/Riverview/Shawmut/ Hughley Voting District Fairfax/Langsdale/Riverview/Shawmut/ Hughley Voting District 14445 122 4423 7 204 27 142 6 14445 9514 1697.922194 3631.008553 2159 3843 2099.404454115165 2181.863362 3781.438742665183 3632.914094 75 37 8121 107 3226 3 112 23 69 111192.922402455064 10963 7422AFairfax/Langsdale/Riverview/Shawmut/ Hughley Voting District 13 1032423891 212389 1698.9309951775538 1942.14584246675442211112841 17Chambers County 10177N010177 32.8894943-85.26375050G5240Lakeview/Lanett/Huguley Rescue Voting District Lakeview/Lanett/Huguley Rescue Voting District 8732 24 3752 0 183 18 108 16 8732 4631 1610.627445 1703.541093 2048 1803 1991.4684214726917 2069.687895 1774.1176304806497 1704.435106 75 37 8121 15 2698 0 142 14 49 8 6766.119655122023 6752 3826ALakeview/Lanett/Huguley Rescue Voting District 7 1174902671 1800031 110.12310390179746 125.888060792050272211112841 17Chambers County 10177N010173 33.0645254-85.52162390G5240Milltown-Sparkling Springs Voting District Milltown-Sparkling Springs Voting District 566 0 157 0 3 0 2 0 566 404 54.26430357 149.2842445 69 158 67.09537163039596 69.73069569 155.46898811485337 149.3625883 48 36 8121 0 129 0 2 0 1 0438.57349115884847 456 324AMilltown-Sparkling Springs Voting District 3 1020040851 285921 69.26470846120122 79.18047639924012211112841 17Chambers County 10177N010174 32.9775534-85.54060750G5240Union Hill Union Hill 356 0 81 0 5 0 6 0 356 264 22.80673628 163.4567993 29 173 28.199504022755725 29.30710399 170.22870221789364 163.5425809 48 36 8121 0 60 0 2 0 2 0 275.8518778313605 294 230AUnion Hill 4 180827321 411901 45.676342561500384 258.95481680471613351113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430310 34.0997415-86.72127160G5240Center Hill Community Center Center Hill Community Center 719 8 7 0 22 4 3 0 719 675 78.20003411 274.713732 57 296 47.25119544180452 49.10709413 309.19961564491416 297.0550941 92 11 9 31 8 0 0 12 4 2 0 552.3099644305152 572 546ACenter Hill Community Center 0310 448204771 192871 228.12760241773003 1293.33344526527873341113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430031 34.0617724-86.78848510G5240Hanceville City Hall Hanceville City Hall 3591 14 158 0 139 12 51 5 3591 3212 332.0071623 955.0014535 242 1029 200.61033858021116 208.4897681 1074.8865018923407 1032.667878 92 11 9 31 11 130 0 92 11 35 12758.4771658831432 2905 2625AHanceville City Hall 0031 204487981 201704 123.94234261124792 702.67155436161483341113951 43Cullman County 10432N010430032 34.0617112 -86.7270060G5240Steppville Fire Station Steppville Fire Station 1951 11 31 1 43 7 25 3 1951 1830 190.6983288 648.7327658 139 699 115.2265993723968 119.7523874 730.17071401483 701.4915905 20 11 9 31 9 16 1 21 6 11 0 1498.688095415765 1439 1375ASteppville Fire Station 0032 415371941 561879 69.88035718727458 396.17565853294533341113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430040 34.0003293-86.76608360G5240Garden City Town Hall Garden City Town Hall 1100 3 10 0 23 7 18 2 1100 1037 91.91933834 361.0258167 67 389 55.5408788604126 57.72237381 406.34679222384494 390.3865933 20 11 9 31 1 6 0 15 6 9 1 844.980474093973 871 833AGarden City Town Hall 0040 199462101 105217 67.52983608188444 382.84975001865533341113951 43Cullman County 10432N010430330 34.1692098-86.91526960G5240Baldwin Community Center Baldwin Community Center 1063 3 2 0 28 5 12 4 1063 1009 100.1509209 327.6146872 73 353 60.51468890387978 62.89154161 368.7414335179106 354.258271 92 11 2 31 3 1 0 17 2 9 0 816.5584036017212 806 774ABaldwin Community Center 0330 161267131 215421 14.547819814441707 82.47656891276773341113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430061 33.9527124-86.82974940G5240Moody Town Union Hill Church Moody Town Union Hill Church 229 0 11 0 4 0 5 0 229 209 30.1824693 77.03121539 22 83 18.23730350554246 18.95361528 86.70124358771211 83.2958541 20 11 9 31 0 11 0 4 0 4 0175.90957142501804 197 178AMoody Town Union Hill Church 0061 465437241 160390 27.825087680023877 157.749944034027323341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430080 33.9036349-87.03695110G5240Beat 8 Community Center Beat 8 Community Center 438 5 4 0 2 1 3 0 438 423 50.76142565 160.5590393 37 173 30.671828623832504 31.87653479 180.71464019641553 173.6166597 57 1111 31 2 2 0 2 1 3 0 336.4558615028729 332 322ABeat 8 Community Center 0080 974401711 728934 144.5888117802154 819.72345347362143341113551 43Cullman County 10433N010430150 34.1953366-87.06024890G5240Jones Chapel Fire Dept. Jones Chapel Fire Dept. 2276 1 1 0 42 12 23 0 2276 2197 166.0035812 746.1818937 121 804 100.30516924199523 104.244884 839.8530101624056 806.8658638 21 11 2 31 1 1 0 24 10 17 01748.3414173071662 1733 1680AJones Chapel Fire Dept. 0150 975677811 697592 205.9564709101311 1167.63771360346233351113951 43Cullman County 10433N010430220 34.178946-86.61949070G5240Holly Pond Fire Dept. Holly Pond Fire Dept. 3242 1 8 1 58 20 23 0 3242 3131 226.3685198 1200.944491 165 1294 136.77977629156842 142.1521146 1351.7037249626208 1298.612472 9 10 4 31 0 2 1 31 16 19 0 2490.387906375146 2473 2404AHolly Pond Fire Dept. 0220 278440422 407395 199.1481405981537 350.2659658114684342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010793-18-134.5697273-87.27638520G5240Aycock Building Aycock Building 1371 2 6 0 17 90 47 1 1371 1208 132.3015105 336.6303762 111 404 104.84014211812202 108.9579783 402.2491859737611 386.4499299 46 625 31 2 6 0 14 59 31 01053.0337225894755 1014 902AAycock Building 3-18-1 325208002 41677 123.46894201927837 217.159789161012274342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010791-1-1 34.6201643-87.18520960G5240Hillsboro City Hall Hillsboro City Hall 850 2 568 2 10 20 20 0 850 228 525.6303253 67.49272394 441 81 416.5270511413493 432.887103 80.64897045879383 77.48129783 46 625 31 1 456 2 7 8 10 0 652.8655464632051 671 187AHillsboro City Hall 1-1-1 582122162 299706 106.76432045196424 187.779347098051774342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010791-6-1 34.6414029-87.30498290G5240Courtland-McCarley Center Courtland-McCarley Center 735 2 122 0 15 14 28 0 735 554 176.4020139 166.6487011 148 200 139.786856157496 145.2773044 199.13326039850872 191.3118465 97 625 31 2 95 0 7 12 18 0 564.5366784123008 588 454ACourtland-McCarley Center 1-6-1 330022272 190467 146.27438189813333 257.27047962957574342224552 79Lawrence County 10792N010791-2-1 34.669328-87.29576850G5240Sr. Citizens Center-N. Courtland Sr. Citizens Center-N. Courtland 1007 1 848 0 1 2 16 1 1007 138 624.5584818 34.16298372 524 41 494.9210313097344 514.3601859 40.82231837909208 39.21892853 97 625 31 0 637 0 1 2 10 0 773.4536532805265 767 117ASr. Citizens Center-N. Courtland 1-2-1 122121642 135191 109.66947202888844 192.888989195957954342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010794-29-134.4889386-87.13410150G5240Kitchens Mill Masonic Hall A Kitchens Mill Masonic Hall A 755 2 25 0 19 13 16 0 755 680 73.89814098 194.1457368 62 233 58.55935866759417 60.85941131 231.99024839288694 222.8783012 46 625 31 2 17 0 7 8 12 0 579.8982206820234 566 520AKitchens Mill Masonic Hall A 4-29-1 307285932 212139 429.2361454905501 754.94961996563684342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010795-34-134.5720263-87.17579880G5240Caddo Sr. Citizen Center Caddo Sr. Citizen Center 2955 1 60 0 52 179 104 3 2955 2556 263.4111154 653.2629083 221 784 208.73577845919777 216.9343532 780.6023807829719 749.9424383 46 625 31 1 51 0 25 125 71 02269.6678703514954 2236 1963ACaddo Sr. Citizen Center 5-34-1 557457272 277508 273.66527854625934 481.32828562276134342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010793-17-134.5606025-87.23071350G5240Chaleybeate Fire Station Chaleybeate Fire Station 1884 6 7 1 13 116 60 1 1884 1680 156.1396204 518.2774604 131 622 123.73025785148877 128.5900465 619.3044398237489 594.9798426 46 625 31 5 5 1 8 81 39 0 1447.057281807857 1445 1306AChaleybeate Fire Station 3-17-1 1589315172 40630193 119.25647223273829 209.750808119048324342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010791-4-1 34.6857904 -87.1939170G5240Hillsboro Volunteer Fire Station Hillsboro Volunteer Fire Station 821 0 340 0 3 10 15 1 821 452 272.9463594 146.650857 229 176 216.2918247717886 224.7871805 175.23726912987001 168.3544249 46 625 31 0 277 0 2 10 13 1 630.5913101721076 667 364AHillsboro Volunteer Fire Station 1-4-1 387660702 242594 362.8534319578322 638.19429802848074342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010795-33-134.5668573-87.13090150G5240Caddo Fire Station Caddo Fire Station 2498 2 29 0 52 97 100 4 2498 2214 241.9568164 712.4231972 203 855 191.73467437614426 199.2654919 851.2946882166358 817.8581438 46 625 31 2 26 0 29 72 63 01918.6566294883369 1936 1744ACaddo Fire Station 5-33-1 122441522 94560 115.47977518273683 203.10827339177034342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010795-35-134.5116051 -87.1340950G5240Masonic Hall-Kitchens Mill B Masonic Hall-Kitchens Mill B 795 1 8 0 17 50 43 3 795 673 78.66576297 206.6443894 66 248 62.337381804645446 64.78582494 246.92524293578614 237.2266897 46 625 31 1 5 0 8 30 28 0 610.6213052214683 600 528AMasonic Hall-Kitchens Mill B 5-35-1 208968632 108137 184.3318675558403 324.206791112146564342224552 79Lawrence County 10792N010795-36-134.5119248-87.17085570G5240Faith Bapt. Center Faith Bapt. Center 1269 1 16 0 19 70 75 1 1269 1087 114.422928 336.6303762 96 404 90.67255535658524 94.23392719 402.2491859737611 386.4499299 46 625 31 1 8 0 7 50 52 0 974.6898570138909 975 857AFaith Bapt. Center 5-36-1 417982062 104985 319.71193104050786 562.31611287457414342224552 79Lawrence County 10793S0107919-1 34.4823369-87.25660420G5240Moulton Armory Moulton Armory 2201 7 161 0 38 98 106 0 2201 1791 284.8654144 450.7847364 239 541 225.736882638472 234.6032146 538.6554693961815 517.4985448 46 625 31 6 137 0 22 66 57 0 1690.537726782958 1742 1454PMoulton Armory 19-1 144686032 71629 57.37674364425289 100.915431433646874342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010794-30-134.4838237-87.19350450G5240Fairfield Church of Christ B Fairfield Church of Christ B 395 0 24 0 9 20 18 0 395 324 51.25193648 95.82300313 43 115 40.61374874976196 42.20894655 114.5016246901094 110.0043117 46 625 31 0 18 0 5 14 13 0303.39045982701884 300 250AFairfield Church of Christ B 4-30-1 1137660932 533960 267.4192026558723 470.3425551122634342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010794-28-134.4227549-87.16196050G5240Speake Vol Fire Dept Speake Vol Fire Dept 1841 0 121 0 31 131 96 3 1841 1459 284.8654144 383.2920125 239 460 225.736882638472 234.6032146 458.0064989686142 440.017247 46 625 31 0 104 0 15 100 69 01414.0299659279535 1421 1133ASpeake Vol Fire Dept 4-28-1 509343152 583397 130.29604822505024 229.167448091091764342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010792-10-134.6044476-87.46892390G5240Wolf Springs Community Church Wolf Springs Community Church 897 0 2 0 7 85 40 0 897 763 175.2101084 251.6395386 147 302 138.84235038044977 144.295701 300.69122318613495 288.8808882 24 625 31 0 2 0 2 58 26 0 688.9651707970529 686 598AWolf Springs Community Church 2-10-1 707918152 385760 259.7205509770232 456.80200355281174342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010792-13-134.5553471-87.40966480G5240Hattan Masonic Hall Hattan Masonic Hall 1788 0 10 0 3 206 93 0 1788 1476 290.8249419 427.4539183 244 513 230.45941152370332 239.5112316 510.7768129507991 490.7148863 24 625 31 0 6 0 3 141 61 0 1373.321878913189 1392 1181AHattan Masonic Hall 2-13-1 303195382 100483 89.04289583272664 156.610530300824144342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010791-7-1 34.6655216-87.39630260G5240Donald Church-Town Creek Donald Church-Town Creek 613 0 132 0 50 8 15 1 613 407 101.3119675 106.6551687 85 128 80.28299172247766 83.4362897 127.4452866966809 122.4395818 97 625 31 0 88 0 30 7 9 0 470.8312705669938 449 315ADonald Church-Town Creek 1-7-1 266880552 275751 99.64669908849996 175.260723958181674342224552 79Lawrence County 10792N010792-16-134.5808828-87.37037350G5240Loosier Church of Christ Loosier Church of Christ 686 0 2 0 3 56 35 0 686 590 125.1500775 154.983292 105 186 99.17310745584442 103.0683579 185.19393212377335 177.9200172 46 625 31 0 1 0 2 34 25 0 526.9008998514809 526 464ALoosier Church of Christ 2-16-1 292312342 225660 127.24563906927983 223.80232388829034342224552 79Lawrence County 10792N010793-21-134.5608322-87.31349830G5240Mt Moriah Fellowship Hall B Mt Moriah Fellowship Hall B 876 2 8 0 13 33 56 0 876 764 115.6148335 199.1451978 97 239 91.61706114325357 95.2155306 237.9642462100466 228.6176566 46 625 31 2 7 0 7 24 36 0 672.8355514138443 663 587AMt Moriah Fellowship Hall B 3-21-1 936759842 1357712 118.0944116019686 207.706951279885864342224552 79Lawrence County 10793S010792-12-134.4293612-87.40143850G5240Landersville Methodist Church Landersville Methodist Church 813 1 36 1 11 100 46 0 813 618 128.725794 183.3135712 108 220 102.00662478698322 106.0131681 219.04658649040374 210.4430312 24 625 51 1 28 1 6 65 27 0 624.4466932642185 622 494PLandersville Methodist Church 2-12-1 124023302 37072 26.43687935001019 46.497743090946154342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010793-22-134.4806539-87.22194760G5240Fairfield Church A Fairfield Church A 182 0 0 0 28 5 6 0 182 143 21.45429899 39.16244476 18 47 17.00110413116387 17.66886135 46.79631619625176 44.95828393 46 625 31 0 0 0 15 3 4 0 139.7900346544745 122 100AFairfield Church A 3-22-1 280551242 291105 65.51116805964064 115.222429307784154342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010792-15-1 34.529776-87.32186510G5240Mt Moriah Fellowship Hall A Mt Moriah Fellowship Hall A 451 0 2 0 12 28 28 0 451 381 59.59527498 101.6557077 50 122 47.22528924681826 49.08017041 121.47128887952123 116.7002264 46 625 31 0 2 0 7 20 18 0 346.4027781822418 340 293AMt Moriah Fellowship Hall A 2-15-1 537653562 156533 360.67456827513905 634.36206645505114342224552 79Lawrence County 10792S010794-25-134.4556821-87.33224860G5240Moulton Board of Education Moulton Board of Education 2483 9 84 0 38 131 111 3 2483 2107 327.7740124 711.5899536 275 854 259.7390909007997 269.9409373 850.2990219484719 816.9015846 46 625 31 5 65 0 22 92 73 1 1907.135472786045 1925 1667PMoulton Board of Education 4-25-1 247138972 62951 85.99248667695623 151.245406098022674342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010794-24-134.5051519-87.35597230G5240Moulton City Hall Moulton City Hall 592 0 2 0 11 59 32 0 592 488 50.06003098 144.9843699 42 174 39.66924296309362 41.22734314 173.24593659354232 166.4413065 46 625 31 0 2 0 4 47 18 0 454.7016511837852 436 365AMoulton City Hall 4-24-1 172124682 51369 57.37674364425289 100.915431433646874342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010793-20-134.4370447-87.24721660G5240Pleasant Grove Church B Pleasant Grove Church B 395 0 12 0 1 31 15 0 395 336 47.67621998 127.4862563 40 153 37.78023139937902 39.26413633 152.33694423348345 146.3535626 46 625 31 0 8 0 1 23 11 0303.39045982701884 319 276APleasant Grove Church B 3-20-1 447180242 629654 146.12912431928711 257.01499752468044342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010791-5-1 34.7150659-87.37873820G5240Town Creek Depot Town Creek Depot 1006 1 459 1 58 15 37 1 1006 434 381.4097599 114.9876038 320 138 302.2418511565439 314.1130906 137.40194969058427 132.0051741 97 625 31 1 343 1 32 7 19 0 772.6855761670404 752 349ATown Creek Depot 1-5-1 769607622 19643493 96.45103235388333 169.640117650484884342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010791-3-1 34.7511337-87.34843240G5240Red Bank Fire Station Red Bank Fire Station 664 0 446 0 3 2 8 0 664 205 426.7021689 49.16136682 358 59 338.13307097296416 351.4140201 58.74431182016228 56.43699472 97 625 31 0 349 0 1 2 5 0 510.0032033547861 531 174ARed Bank Fire Station 1-3-1 193467502 86113 40.38160691924634 71.024025160895774342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010794-27-134.4003318 -87.2430580G5240Pinhook Community Center Pinhook Community Center 278 0 1 0 2 34 4 0 278 237 32.18144849 87.49056807 27 105 25.501656191934767 26.50329202 104.54496169620603 100.4387194 46 625 31 0 1 0 0 24 3 0213.52543754914237 220 192APinhook Community Center 4-27-1 815308102 153849 56.069425434637004 98.61609248958914342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010794-23-134.3582715-87.29131220G5240Pleasant Grove Church C Pleasant Grove Church C 386 0 0 0 1 32 19 0 386 334 45.29240899 120.8203083 38 145 35.891219826042345 37.30092951 144.3716137759078 138.7010887 21 625 31 0 0 0 1 23 14 0296.47776580564374 303 265APleasant Grove Church C 4-23-1 510242352 87248 34.57130376539794 60.804740965083434342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010794-32-134.3281807-87.14846980G5240Piney Grove Church Piney Grove Church 238 0 2 0 4 18 9 0 238 205 22.35448829371739 52.63783739717391 15.263043478260869 55.87826086956522 12.703570831717537 13.202532608695652 59.14471932409538 56.82167530413044 21 6 2 31 0 2 0 2 15 7 0182.80235300969744 188 162APiney Grove Church 4-32-1 719375442 100241 16.414106409621713 28.8694778531698654342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010794-31-134.3286865-87.25792280G5240Lindsay Hall Church Lindsay Hall Church 113 0 12 0 0 15 0 0 113 86 14.302866 23.33081815 12 28 11.334069420775913 11.7792409 27.87865645579122 26.78365851 21 611 31 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 86.79271382393198 90 73ALindsay Hall Church 4-31-1 581783782 17537 7.117621363464282 12.5186231398701194342224552 79Lawrence County 10792N010792-14-1 34.349341-87.35342880G5240Pleasant Grove Church A Pleasant Grove Church A 49 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 49 43 5.959527498 16.66487011 5 20 4.722528924681826 4.908017041 19.913326039850872 19.13118465 21 611 31 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 37.63577856082006 41 37APleasant Grove Church A 2-14-1 14866332 0 60.862925536561924 107.047001951134284342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010794-26-134.4718342-87.27810490G5240Freeman Tabernacle Bapt.Church Freeman Tabernacle Bapt.Church 419 0 294 0 3 1 12 0 419 109 256.2596824 4.166217527 215 5 203.06874379692016 211.0447328 4.97833151048316 4.782796163 46 625 31 0 229 0 2 1 9 0 321.8243105506858 312 71AFreeman Tabernacle Bapt.Church 4-26-1 438858832 214768 60.28189522117709 106.025073531553054342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010792-11-134.5431661-87.47076970G5240Flat Rock Community Church Flat Rock Community Church 415 0 4 0 9 29 38 0 415 335 56.01955848 116.6540908 47 140 44.391771896435316 46.13536019 139.39328233100025 133.9182926 24 625 31 0 3 0 2 18 25 0 318.7520020967413 308 260AFlat Rock Community Church 2-11-1 2255545132 624747 167.77250356737238 295.08183115408144342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010792-9-1 34.4086164-87.46375380G5240Mt. Hope Fire Station Mt. Hope Fire Station 1155 1 40 0 10 105 42 2 1155 955 103.6957785 299.967662 87 360 82.17200328619226 85.39949651 358.43986871731573 344.3613237 24 625 51 1 34 0 6 60 25 0 887.1290660764728 853 727AMt. Hope Fire Station 2-9-1 252967042 251771 67.25425900579516 118.288214566527864342224552 79Lawrence County 10793N010792-8-1 34.6330049-87.42779410G5240Donald Church (Town Creek) Donald Church (Town Creek) 463 0 33 0 11 20 39 0 463 360 83.43338497 87.49056807 70 105 66.11540494169672 68.71223857 104.54496169620603 100.4387194 97 625 31 0 21 0 5 16 19 0355.61970354407526 369 308ADonald Church (Town Creek) 2-8-1 419832911 423783 837.5041999797592 1725.62244037378132211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N010155 33.7906095 -85.8171090G5240Weaver First United Methodist/Angel Fire Dept. Voting District Weaver First United Methodist/Angel Fire Dept. Voting District 6698 50 726 15 173 37 129 4 6698 5564 617.7621526 2102.316496 669 2281 611.2824523669542 635.2919677 2222.3219535906624 2135.03518 85 3528111 44 479 12 110 31 55 2 5165.682522011942 4968 4235AWeaver First United Methodist/Angel Fire Dept. Voting District 5 584027381 105768 1770.0372431940086 3647.04557568397242211112221 15Calhoun County 10152N010151 33.817885-85.75541440G5240Jacksonville Jacksonville 14156 182 3504 21 338 64 250 12 14156 9785 2065.671054 2767.758192 2237 3003 2044.0042536011915 2124.287192 2925.7487183793914 2810.833251 85 3928111 144 2875 15 237 48 129 1010917.498026515535 11627 8169AJacksonville 1 302816171 145504 242.19851229632627 499.034139594507962211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N010156 33.8479752-85.80725790G5240Friendship Baptist Church Friendship Baptist Church 1937 8 37 1 27 8 19 1 1937 1836 87.81984537227419 384.1718912627887 113.24174218064893 409.3688979830459 104.42618031849788 108.52775720463315 412.38968431157735 396.19213699064596 85 3920111 6 26 1 21 5 9 01493.8678777451676 1467 1399AFriendship Baptist Church 6 1164279021 385739 310.71930978645884 640.2167459433932211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N010158 33.906338-85.73842460G5240Asberry Baptist Church Asberry Baptist Church 2485 7 38 0 17 16 31 0 2485 2376 150.5160402 789.8663905 163 857 148.9372790847789 154.7871311 834.9539298883528 802.1592061 85 3920111 5 25 0 10 16 24 01916.5006072259894 1924 1844AAsberry Baptist Church 8 1049767231 330379 145.91928954559256 300.65711972472422211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N0101510 33.8254405-85.66022180G5240White Plains Fire Dept.Voting District White Plains Fire Dept.Voting District 1167 5 4 3 5 3 13 0 1167 1134 73.87290315 385.2557191 80 418 73.09805110556914 75.96914412 407.247074362326 391.2515148 27 3928111 2 4 3 4 3 6 0 900.0226191681004 906 884AWhite Plains Fire Dept.Voting District 10 190657171 132361 168.92627264446918 348.06149849880242211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N010153 33.7631952 -85.76680G5240Four Mile Methodist Church Four Mile Methodist Church 1351 11 163 1 25 14 34 4 1351 1099 84.03042733 309.6792383 91 336 83.14903312633055 86.41490143 327.3564999723632 314.4988253 85 3928111 8 103 1 17 11 18 01041.9284991397633 1001 843AFour Mile Methodist Church 3 586192491 410324 696.5864284991397 1435.27062038255242211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N010159 33.9375098-85.64613420G5240Piedmont Piedmont 5571 7 565 1 80 21 97 4 5571 4796 531.8849027 1578.811117 576 1713 526.3059678985167 546.9778376 1668.9335846963293 1603.382404 27 3920111 5 404 1 46 18 48 14296.5090071855075 4259 3736APiedmont 9 1059529461 1417081 220.31687076206862 453.948453260466242211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N0101511 33.7382668-85.68129340G5240White Plains High School White Plains High School 1762 8 41 0 18 11 15 1 1762 1668 123.7371128 647.930073 134 703 122.4392356008661 127.2483164 684.9155340980456 658.0139112 27 3928111 8 33 0 14 9 11 01358.9030462503795 1340 1265AWhite Plains High School 11 599302271 631065 570.2980973585669 1175.0618021117972211112221 15Calhoun County 10152N0101512 33.6505055-85.70254440G5240DeArmanville United Methodist/Choccolocco Voting District DeArmanville United Methodist/Choccolocco Voting District 4561 42 299 0 204 16 73 1 4561 3926 363.824048 1389.869915 394 1508 360.0079017035879 374.1480348 1469.2071484612018 1411.50068 27 3928111 27 225 0 130 14 46 03517.5691225584455 3373 2931ADeArmanville United Methodist/Choccolocco Voting District 12 727448411 145606 1353.5358263333671 2788.87174037715482211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N0101522 33.721775 -85.7329030G52401st Presby/Mental Health/Golden Springs/Donoho Voting District 1st Presby/Mental Health/Golden Springs/Donoho Voting District 10825 171 2452 5 368 25 96 9 10825 7699 1746.170748 3237.807036 1891 3513 1727.8551828765494 1795.720644 3422.6291197049445 3288.197539 27 3528111 119 1789 5 245 25 50 4 8348.538862463314 8866 6629A1st Presby/Mental Health/Golden Springs/Donoho Voting District 22 360784191 1179365 379.1150693249671 781.14171979894072211112221 15Calhoun County 10152N0101520 33.5896413-85.76940250G5240Friendship Community Center Friendship Community Center 3032 32 284 1 111 9 23 2 3032 2570 220.6952982 1095.858971 239 1189 218.3804276215987 226.957818 1158.4133289146807 1112.913998 0 3428111 24 211 1 68 9 13 02338.3621090982692 2316 1990AFriendship Community Center 20 156497361 444302 470.76788786560064 969.98633741524132211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N0101513 33.6002636-85.81925730G5240Oxford Lake Park/Cheaha Club Voting District Oxford Lake Park/Cheaha Club Voting District 3765 47 677 1 535 15 53 6 3765 2431 348.1260561 896.7794609 377 973 344.47456577197005 358.0045916 947.969864401382 910.7361815 0 3428101 34 429 1 357 13 26 32903.6719461592957 2848 1985AOxford Lake Park/Cheaha Club Voting District 13 2585901391 865247 1984.4773302297338 4088.8853017575822211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N010154 33.6660654-85.94677560G5240Eulaton/Bynum/West Park Heights Bapt. Voting District Eulaton/Bynum/West Park Heights Bapt. Voting District 15871 50 1245 8 762 75 204 12 15871 13515 1149.647055 4598.18369 1245 4989 1137.5884199768086 1182.269805 4860.659458724275 4669.74595 40 31 0111 45 874 5 441 67 102 412240.153375164457 12073 10535AEulaton/Bynum/West Park Heights Bapt. Voting District 4 717407241 2668471 162.6743750632527 335.17987383193332211112221 15Calhoun County 10152N0101514 33.7049361-86.08348460G5240Boiling Springs Baptist Voting District Boiling Springs Baptist Voting District 1301 0 16 0 15 3 6 0 1301 1261 70.17925799 401.8456782 76 436 69.44314854644186 72.17068691 424.78402966036793 408.0996661 40 35 0111 0 12 0 10 3 4 01003.3671187126808 992 963ABoiling Springs Baptist Voting District 14 1054129201 4955611 414.375771683028 853.79408292008242211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N0101517 33.8081293-86.00343610G5240Ohatchee First Baptist Voting District Ohatchee First Baptist Voting District 3314 3 144 2 42 20 61 2 3314 3040 286.2574997 1041.480772 310 1130 283.25494806775765 294.3804335 1100.9310864737015 1057.689502 40 39 0111 3 121 2 32 12 40 22555.8482947070133 2562 2350AOhatchee First Baptist Voting District 17 299035111 98120 1154.725483250683 2379.2360759707182211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N0101519 33.7317299 -85.8562360G5240Saks High/ Leatherwood Civil Defence Voting District Saks High/ Leatherwood Civil Defence Voting District 9235 69 1506 5 322 35 153 11 9235 7134 1059.152749 2847.021331 1147 3089 1048.0433078988137 1089.207604 3009.536393819478 2891.329974 40 3528111 66 1049 4 191 27 63 4 7122.286964882097 7123 5719ASaks High/ Leatherwood Civil Defence Voting District 19 911121611 139520 2513.7629794555205 5179.4436460547182211112221 15Calhoun County 10157S0101515 33.6791496-85.81854840G5240Anniston Anniston 20104 96 11836 7 732 67 316 25 20104 7025 5297.610567 1612.912699 5737 1750 5242.04398922929 5447.937247 1704.9817705809664 1638.014715 27 3128101 80 8500 5 468 65 175 815504.759842121242 15181 5880PAnniston 15 444506931 370859 112.28408055864791 231.35397901696862211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N0101516 33.9266587-85.56435410G5240Bethel United Methodist Church Bethel United Methodist Church 898 0 23 0 16 2 7 0 898 850 50.78762091 207.3744899 55 225 50.25491013267327 52.22878658 219.211941902099 210.6018919 27 3920111 0 17 0 7 2 4 0 692.5623924703978 682 652ABethel United Methodist Church 16 385942311 610373 224.19304726242282 461.935060553925042211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N0101521 33.7923607-85.93013930G5240Mt. View Baptist Church Voting District Mt. View Baptist Church Voting District 1793 4 118 5 15 15 26 8 1793 1602 122.8137015 498.6204402 133 541 121.52550996348981 126.2987021 527.0829358952259 506.380549 85 3920111 4 81 4 10 13 13 11382.8111021151706 1330 1204AMt. View Baptist Church Voting District 21 633361481 641871 228.06922376277706 469.921667847383842211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N0101518 33.8848702-85.93382490G5240Oak Grove Baptist Voting District Oak Grove Baptist Voting District 1824 8 46 6 16 6 27 2 1824 1713 76.64313701 552.0769754 83 599 75.83922801769806 78.81798702 583.5909031517405 560.6690367 85 3920111 6 26 4 10 6 12 21406.7191579799614 1376 1310AOak Grove Baptist Voting District 18 842265431 294108 266.5809128630705 549.27247579529742211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N010157 33.9015773-85.85635780G5240Webster's Chapel Webster's Chapel 2132 4 11 2 18 10 30 0 2132 2057 106.1922983 564.980277 115 613 105.07844849071633 109.2056447 597.2307572955705 573.7731544 85 3920111 4 8 1 15 7 16 01644.2572614107885 1639 1588AWebster's Chapel 7 617047041 233740 598.9317882805384 1234.05964308605732211112221 15Calhoun County 10157N010152 33.7913821-85.88771270G5240Alexandria Civitan Club Alexandria Civitan Club 4790 26 442 10 54 8 41 5 4790 4204 412.7648463 1650.70094 447 1791 408.43536058075273 424.4775928 1744.9270580361683 1676.39106 85 3928111 19 330 4 30 5 21 13694.1802449144825 3593 3183AAlexandria Civitan Club 2 1651429652 56535 49.915935893559116 42.86180828545511162221432 35Conecuh County 10352N010351-1 31.6336997-86.93853590G5240Annex Annex 192 0 127 0 0 0 0 0 192 65 75.32954214 33.93544669 95 36 94.76856180246759 98.49081365 37.13702780966658 35.67838617 6 8918221 0 101 0 0 0 0 0147.84638645297852 160 59AAnnex 1-1 758319332 141256 112.83081342606592 96.885545811914131162221432 35Conecuh County 10352S0103510-1 31.5021376 -86.8936640G5240Brownville Fire Dept. Brownville Fire Dept. 434 0 181 0 3 10 7 0 434 233 51.54126568 123.4873199 65 131 64.84164754449894 67.38845144 135.1375178551467 129.829683 29 8918221 0 144 0 2 8 3 0334.19443604475356 356 199PBrownville Fire Dept. 10-1 1288221012 362108 142.2084215300877 122.111505896583011162221432 35Conecuh County 10356S010352-1 31.5781586-86.98796920G5240Lyeffion Fire Dept. Lyeffion Fire Dept. 547 1 139 0 7 1 4 0 547 395 40.44006999 206.440634 51 219 50.875754231811236 52.87401575 225.91691920930032 217.0435159 6 8918221 1 102 0 4 1 4 0421.20819473843363 438 326PLyeffion Fire Dept. 2-1 494321252 12468 30.67750226791654 26.3421530087692771162221432 35Conecuh County 10356N010352-2 31.6509323-87.04953040G5240Skinnerton FD Skinnerton FD 118 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 118 87 16.65179353 36.76340058 21 39 20.948839973842595 21.77165354 40.23178011933216 38.65158501 6 8918221 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 90.86392500755973 92 72ASkinnerton FD 2-2 1234113642 479144 63.43483519806471 54.4702146960991841162221432 35Conecuh County 10356N0103516-1 31.3733641-86.85520510G5240Little Zion Church Little Zion Church 244 1 127 0 1 1 1 0 244 113 94.36016331 53.73112392 119 57 118.71009319152277 123.3727034 58.800294029369866 56.4907781 29 8918221 1 104 0 1 0 1 0 187.8881161173269 206 99ALittle Zion Church 16-1 181063832 16058 43.67644390686423 37.5040822497732051162221432 35Conecuh County 10356N0103514-2 31.5211968-86.88512440G5240Second Mount Zion Church Second Mount Zion Church 168 0 121 0 0 0 2 1 168 44 109.4260717 26.39423631 138 28 137.66380552315007 143.0708661 28.884354963074 27.74985591 29 8918221 0 94 0 0 0 1 1 129.3655881463562 130 34ASecond Mount Zion Church 14-2 278981952 28188 63.43483519806471 54.4702146960991841162221432 35Conecuh County 10356N0103514-1 31.4857354-86.98348380G5240Wooten Center 1 Wooten Center 1 244 0 122 0 0 0 0 1 244 121 57.09186352 53.73112392 72 57 71.82459420565384 74.64566929 58.800294029369866 56.4907781 6 8918221 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 187.8881161173269 172 88AWooten Center 1 14-1 501506692 26467 42.89650740852736 36.834366495312971162221472 35Conecuh County 10352N0103510-2 31.4869308-86.84544150G5240Flat Rock Fire Dept. Flat Rock Fire Dept. 165 0 2 0 0 3 4 0 165 156 4.757655293 79.18270893 6 84 5.985382850631521 6.220472441 86.65306487881317 83.24956772 29 8918221 0 2 0 0 3 0 0127.05548835802843 137 132AFlat Rock Fire Dept. 10-2 1483553602 233505 121.67009374055034 104.47565769579681132221472 35Conecuh County 10356N010358-1 31.4560225-86.73705940G5240Beat 8 FD Beat 8 FD 468 2 36 0 7 0 13 0 468 410 26.16710411 210.2112392 33 223 32.919605682803294 34.21259843 230.04325560137013 221.007781 29 8918211 2 24 0 6 0 7 0360.37556697913516 390 351ABeat 8 FD 8-1 823640822 25461 61.35500453583308 52.684306017538551162221472 35Conecuh County 10356N010359-2 31.3905958-86.76635540G5240Herbert FD Herbert FD 236 0 43 0 4 0 0 0 236 189 29.33887431 104.6342939 37 111 36.909860909501454 38.35958005 114.50583568662115 110.0083573 29 8918211 0 36 0 0 0 0 0181.72785001511946 198 162AHerbert FD 9-2 275173092 127643 209.0229815542788 179.48382219534321162221432 35Conecuh County 10356N0103511-4 31.4297728-86.98364910G5240Health Dept. Health Dept. 804 2 614 0 35 0 6 0 804 147 221.2309711 96.15043228 279 102 278.32030254811133 289.2519685 105.22157877844204 101.0887608 29 6718221 2 403 0 24 0 4 0 619.1067432718476 558 125AHealth Dept. 11-4 83293082 105400 263.09857877230115 225.917447837919551162221432 35Conecuh County 10356N0103511-1 31.4535205-86.95799990G5240David Burt Building -1 David Burt Building -1 1012 3 333 0 22 3 4 0 1012 647 130.042578 406.2827089 164 431 163.60046456404262 170.0262467 444.612749550324 427.1495677 29 8918221 3 236 0 19 3 3 0 779.273661929241 806 542ADavid Burt Building -1 11-1 208125632 267964 472.6415179921379 405.847747202902951162221432 35Conecuh County 10356N0103511-3 31.423451-86.93230190G5240Carver Rec Center Carver Rec Center 1818 0 1509 0 31 3 8 1 1818 266 494.7961505 116.8887608 624 124 622.4798165003176 646.9291339 127.91642909095836 122.892219 29 6718221 0 950 0 23 3 5 01399.9204717266405 1206 225ACarver Rec Center 11-3 1205633592 583022 120.89015724221349 103.805941941336561162221432 35Conecuh County 10352N0103512-1 31.3318447-86.93850250G5240Nazarene Baptist Church Nazarene Baptist Church 465 0 330 0 0 0 1 0 465 134 164.9320502 66.92824207 208 71 207.49327213469897 215.6430446 73.24247150570244 70.36570605 29 6318221 0 262 0 0 0 1 0 358.0654671908074 377 114ANazarene Baptist Church 12-1 357914262 205148 42.37654974296946 36.3878893256728161122221432 35Conecuh County 10356N010356-2 31.3411108-87.03874570G5240Castleberry Fire Dept. -2 Castleberry Fire Dept. -2 163 0 103 0 0 2 0 0 163 58 26.16710411 42.41930836 33 45 32.919605682803294 34.21259843 46.421284759481004 44.59798271 29 6318221 0 83 0 0 1 0 0125.51542183247656 129 45ACastleberry Fire Dept. -2 6-2 404810122 476205 114.39068642273965 98.22497732083461162221432 35Conecuh County 10356N010354-2 31.3952183-87.02036240G5240Old Field Church Old Field Church 440 0 249 0 4 1 1 0 440 185 147.4873141 98.97838617 186 105 185.54686839748115 192.8346457 108.31633115056061 104.0619597 29 6718221 0 199 0 4 0 1 0338.81463562140914 356 152AOld Field Church 4-2 374469902 20141 57.71530087692773 49.558965830057451162221432 35Conecuh County 10356N010354-3 31.4831725-87.02702740G5240Wooten -2 Wooten -2 222 0 120 0 9 0 0 0 222 93 54.71303587 50.90317003 69 54 68.83190278081918 71.53543307 55.70554170929544 53.51757925 6 6718221 0 79 0 6 0 0 0170.94738433625642 165 80AWooten -2 4-3 1015472642 1297954 249.83965830057454 214.532280012095551122221432 35Conecuh County 10356N010356-1 31.2945145-87.01747130G5240Castleberry Fire Dept. -1 Castleberry Fire Dept. -1 961 0 242 0 4 3 14 1 961 697 156.2096821 254.5158501 197 270 196.5200702179797 204.2388451 278.5277085985214 267.5878963 29 6318211 0 201 0 2 3 11 0 740.0019655276686 766 549ACastleberry Fire Dept. -1 6-1 1213995622 105677 97.7520411248866 83.937707892349561122221432 35Conecuh County 10356N010355-1 31.2909582-87.29585090G5240Range Fire Dept. Range Fire Dept. 376 0 14 0 0 5 4 1 376 352 13.48002333 98.97838617 17 105 16.958584747144435 17.62467192 108.31633115056061 104.0619597100 6318211 0 7 0 0 3 0 0289.53250680374964 291 281ARange Fire Dept. 5-1 1764192002 442945 216.04241003931057 185.511263985485331122221432 35Conecuh County 10356N0103513-1 31.3671995-87.24908550G5240Repton City Hall Repton City Hall 831 2 344 0 1 0 19 0 831 465 160.9673374 160.2507205 203 170 202.50545312538142 210.4593176 175.36929796407006 168.481268 6 6718221 2 236 0 1 0 10 0 639.8976413667978 632 383ARepton City Hall 13-1 1074405392 301563 112.31085576050802 96.439068642273971162221432 35Conecuh County 10356N0103515-2 31.4959696-87.13260790G5240Bermuda Community House Bermuda Community House 432 0 139 0 3 4 7 0 432 279 20.61650627 148.9389049 26 158 25.936659021648406 26.95538058 162.99028868377238 156.5884726 6 6718221 0 106 0 2 3 5 0 332.6543695192017 354 238ABermuda Community House 15-2 465547692 44689 73.054052010886 62.730042334442091122221432 35Conecuh County 10352N010355-2 31.3343567-87.17305610G5240Lenox Community House Lenox Community House 281 1 10 0 1 1 2 1 281 265 12.68708078 150.8242075 16 160 15.961020935658858 16.58792651 165.0534569318514 158.5706052 6 6318211 1 7 0 1 1 0 1216.37934684003628 215 204ALenox Community House 5-2 1102852852 79096 85.27305715149683 73.22225582098581162221432 35Conecuh County 10356N010353-2 31.5802901-87.10580160G5240Robinson's Mill Robinson's Mill 328 0 192 0 3 2 6 0 328 125 116.5625547 65.04293948 147 69 146.64187983614232 152.4015748 71.17930329925872 68.38357349 6 6718221 0 135 0 1 2 3 0 252.570910190505 238 97ARobinson's Mill 3-2 1306535092 316020 200.70365890535228 172.340187481100681162221432 35Conecuh County 10356N010354-1 31.4146125-87.09859870G5240Belleville Bapt Church Belleville Bapt Church 772 0 553 0 18 1 5 0 772 195 275.1510645 83.89596542 347 89 346.1546415559332 359.7506562 91.81098541574015 88.20489914 6 6718221 0 426 0 12 1 4 0 594.4656788630178 606 163ABelleville Bapt Church 4-1 455708122 55258 73.31403084366495 62.953280919262171162221432 35Conecuh County 10356N010357-3 31.2833435-86.82731710G5240Johnsonville Fire Dept. Johnsonville Fire Dept. 282 0 217 0 0 2 0 0 282 63 88.80956547 3.770605187 112 4 111.72714657847824 116.1154856 4.126336423296285 3.96426513 29 8918221 0 174 0 0 1 0 0217.14938010281222 226 51AJohnsonville Fire Dept. 7-3 633986742 177372 109.45108859993952 93.98344420925311122221432 35Conecuh County 10356N010355-3 31.2923017-87.15267240G5240Sandcutt Fire Dept. Sandcutt Fire Dept. 421 1 7 0 2 2 3 0 421 406 6.343540391 209.2685879 8 222 7.980510467829429 8.293963255 229.0116714773306 220.0167147 29 6318211 1 4 0 1 1 3 0324.18400362866646 337 327ASandcutt Fire Dept. 5-3 766378422 478916 28.857650438463864 24.7794829150287261132221432 35Conecuh County 10356N010357-1 31.2480426-86.73392130G5240Brooklyn Fire Dept. Brooklyn Fire Dept. 111 0 52 0 1 0 0 0 111 58 34.88947215 44.30461095 44 47 43.89280757065635 45.6167979 48.48445296592473 46.58011527 29 8918211 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 85.47369216812821 100 55ABrooklyn Fire Dept. 7-1 521210782 112370 67.33451768974902 57.8187934684003651132221432 35Conecuh County 10356N010357-2 31.3301294-86.75345280G5240Paul Fire Dept. Paul Fire Dept. 259 0 80 0 2 0 0 0 259 177 34.88947215 74.46945245 44 79 43.89280757065635 45.6167979 81.49514435229501 78.29423631 29 8918211 0 68 0 2 0 0 0199.43861505896584 209 139APaul Fire Dept. 7-2 94104752 64905 112.83081342606592 96.885545811914131162221432 35Conecuh County 10356N0103511-2 31.44886-86.93590050G5240David Burt Building -2 David Burt Building -2 434 4 85 0 3 0 3 0 434 339 53.92009332 169.6772334 68 180 67.8343389693336 70.49868766 185.6851389962887 178.3919308 29 8918221 4 59 0 2 0 1 0334.19443604475356 336 270ADavid Burt Building -2 11-2 627024702 10767 86.63454623903351 174.775780238745851132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416N010412 31.9030228-86.41483130G5240Danielsville School Danielsville School 582 0 41 0 0 5 8 1 582 527 33.29411765 213.3799491 38 244 38.67695272015137 40.19607843 254.68111763995972 244.6779347 52 8927291 0 27 0 0 3 5 0 443.5521357687329 429 394ADanielsville School 2 931116492 198804 95.11937293254711 191.89299582913851132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416N010411 31.9943324 -86.3585260G5240Panola Community Center Panola Community Center 639 1 169 0 1 0 12 0 639 456 131.54527304882916 21.06688752764961 152.96097137901128 19.39722463139636 151.56981628004525 157.52306720997396 18.49897439962569 17.772384902784044 52 8927291 1 116 0 1 0 6 0486.99280885948514 488 364APanola Community Center 1 849065892 284541 181.60506256292248 366.368474039982741132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416N0104113 31.9314091-86.32802840G5240Highland Home Volunteer Fire Dept. Highland Home Volunteer Fire Dept. 1220 0 148 0 19 3 17 0 1220 1033 63.95975232 394.4031026 73 451 74.30046180728665 77.21878225 470.74255757727906 452.2530678 52 8927291 0 112 0 13 3 13 0 929.7828275564505 910 769AHighland Home Volunteer Fire Dept. 13 793225902 834058 208.39925212138644 420.42283906227531132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416S010419 31.5874658-86.24835040G5240Brantley Community Center Brantley Community Center 1400 4 332 0 38 9 29 0 1400 988 191.003096 361.171799 218 413 221.88357086469182 230.5985552 431.07910482409994 414.1474878 52 8927291 4 252 0 18 9 9 01066.9639004746152 1058 766PBrantley Community Center 9 658132762 537164 71.45117215590393 144.14497339278011132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416N0104110 31.670381-86.19088880G5240Glenwood Town Hall Glenwood Town Hall 480 0 78 0 13 0 0 0 480 389 53.44582043 197.6388053 61 226 62.086687265600226 64.5252838 235.8931663139089 226.6279231 52 8927291 0 66 0 10 0 0 0365.81619444843955 386 310AGlenwood Town Hall 10 458857862 119397 405.33654537609664 817.72242197612541132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416S0104114 31.6948544-86.25287860G5240Crenshaw County Courthouse Crenshaw County Courthouse 2723 154 770 1 53 7 20 1 2723 1717 203.2693498 662.0025469 232 757 236.13297447260416 245.4076367 790.1377297037894 759.1032646 52 8927291 110 534 1 40 7 12 12075.2447864231267 2079 1374PCrenshaw County Courthouse 14 538136532 48912 40.935567380986626 82.583057672946941132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416N010417 31.7530805-86.17804950G5240Vidette Community Center Vidette Community Center 275 4 4 0 2 0 2 0 275 263 6.133126935 100.5684186 7 115 7.124701817427057 7.404540764 120.03413331007611 115.3195184 52 8927291 2 3 0 2 0 1 0209.58219473608514 208 200AVidette Community Center 7 1399097032 242361 83.80627067452897 169.070041708614981132221472 41Crenshaw County 10412N0104111 31.523063-86.21001820G5240Weeds Store Weeds Store 563 3 21 0 3 4 2 0 563 530 27.16099071 163.5329937 31 187 31.55225090657314 32.79153767 195.18593851019102 187.5195647 52 8927291 3 19 0 2 2 1 0429.07191140514885 446 419AWeeds Store 11 1538476912 234641 37.95843520782396 76.577017114914431132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416N0104112 31.6285275-86.44687160G5240Pleasant Home School Pleasant Home School 255 4 66 0 1 2 3 0 255 179 49.94117647 56.84301922 57 65 58.015429085038086 60.29411765 67.84537970062 65.18059736 52 8927291 3 53 0 1 2 0 0 194.3398533007335 194 135APleasant Home School 12 913950342 136261 136.35265353085 275.076657557888671132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416N010416 31.6974323-86.35098480G5240Rutledge Community Center Rutledge Community Center 916 10 226 0 18 2 15 0 916 645 131.4241486 240.4896967 150 275 152.6721818432458 158.6687307 287.03814493527926 275.7640658 52 8927291 6 172 0 18 0 11 0 698.0992377391054 711 504ARutledge Community Center 6 1040172912 370369 80.82913850136632 163.064001150582471132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416S0104117 31.6190393-86.30947820G5240Lillery Shows Store Lillery Shows Store 543 0 71 0 17 3 11 0 543 441 25.40866873 155.6624219 29 178 29.516621811481038 30.67595459 185.7919628471656 178.4945589 52 8927291 0 53 0 12 2 4 0 413.8295699697972 405 334PLillery Shows Store 17 1094983592 118553 56.56551129009061 114.114770602617571132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416N010418 31.5319577-86.36784260G5240Bush's Grocery Bush's Grocery 380 1 88 0 4 4 3 0 380 280 55.19814241 111.9370225 63 128 64.12231635107027 66.64086687 133.60320927934484 128.3556379 52 8927291 0 69 0 3 4 3 0 289.6044872716813 300 221ABush's Grocery 8 1391877612 912352 130.24953257586654 262.764274413922071132221442 41Crenshaw County 10416N010413 31.9040336-86.23262990G5240Petrey Community Center Petrey Community Center 875 2 608 0 5 0 11 0 875 249 334.6934985 111.9370225 382 128 388.80515631584996 404.0763674 133.60320927934484 128.3556379 52 8927291 2 454 0 5 0 1 0 666.8524377966345 657 195APetrey Community Center 3 1315590972 299465 155.2574428304329 313.215015101395071132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416N010414 31.8231933-86.35546040G5240Honoraville Volunteer Fire Station Honoraville Volunteer Fire Station 1043 1 70 0 10 10 18 0 1043 934 50.81733746 334.9365594 58 383 59.033243622962075 61.35190918 399.76585268340745 384.0641352 52 8927291 1 50 0 8 6 8 0 794.8881058535884 809 736AHonoraville Volunteer Fire Station 4 475599812 47895 99.43621458363296 200.601754638285631132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416N0104116 31.7557316-86.27427280G5240Harbin Farm Center Harbin Farm Center 668 0 366 0 9 1 17 0 668 275 311.9133127 97.07038666 356 111 362.3419781181409 376.5737874 115.85903300383278 111.3084047 52 8927291 0 282 0 8 1 6 0 509.094203940745 510 213AHarbin Farm Center 16 270960942 620563 57.905220768013805 116.81748885373221132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416N0104115 31.4967668-86.34173740G5240Dozier Town Hall Dozier Town Hall 389 1 127 0 0 1 16 0 389 244 56.07430341 74.33317898 64 85 65.1401308986163 67.69865841 88.72088114856597 85.23616578 52 8927291 1 90 0 0 1 7 0 296.4635409175895 292 193ADozier Town Hall 15 797991022 260784 62.3709190277578 125.826549690780961132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416N010415 31.8056556 -86.2650990G5240Patsburg Depot Building Patsburg Depot Building 419 4 13 0 7 1 7 0 419 387 7.009287926 152.1643899 8 174 8.142516362086488 8.462332301 181.6168625409223 174.4834452 52 8927291 2 9 0 6 1 4 0 319.327053070617 304 282APatsburg Depot Building 5 674618562 99501 79.78714224075938 160.96188695527111132221472 41Crenshaw County 10416N0104118 31.7864909-86.40483610G5240Chapel Hill Community Center Chapel Hill Community Center 536 0 43 0 4 4 2 0 536 483 21.90402477 166.1565177 25 190 25.445363630918894 26.44478844 198.31726376589558 190.5279 52 8927291 0 34 0 2 2 2 0 408.4947504674241 412 372AChapel Hill Community Center 18 132389281 0 42.08273484630853 94.979258833668483351113921 55Etowah County 10553S010552602 34.059957-86.10009890G5240Ridgeville Town Hall Ridgeville Town Hall 342 2 94 0 16 1 7 0 342 222 95.3954212 52.06540284 84 59 76.66945008848984 79.68081796 58.47146561176873 56.17486517 59 2720 91 1 85 0 5 1 5 0263.44774490089054 279 182PRidgeville Town Hall 2602 132731331 0 439.89993296945323 992.83874365603753311113921 55Etowah County 10553S010550101 34.049323-86.01987610G5240Noccalula Kiwanis Pavilion Noccalula Kiwanis Pavilion 3575 15 109 0 23 7 34 0 3575 3387 457.6708898 1392.52891 403 1578 367.830814139301 382.27821 1563.863944451014 1502.439614 36 2820 91 14 77 0 14 5 25 0 2753.876280762233 2863 2728PNoccalula Kiwanis Pavilion 0101 813724361 42903 150.11969740496025 338.814899932969473351113921 55Etowah County 10553N010551201 34.166064-85.99884740G5240Duck Springs School Duck Springs School 1220 1 10 0 29 3 11 0 1220 1166 109.0233385 362.692891 96 411 87.62222866843607 91.06379195 407.31817573107776 391.3198235 36 2820 91 0 7 0 13 3 9 0 939.7843531552236 913 881ADuck Springs School 1201 688901621 67724 309.83721152925403 699.29173609116153351113921 55Etowah County 10553N010551001 34.1057268-85.95409920G5240Lookout Mountain Community CTR Lookout Mountain Community CTR 2518 1 41 0 24 16 42 1 2518 2393 173.7559458 778.3336493 153 882 139.64792692077515 145.1329184 874.0988588339627 839.7666285 36 2820 91 1 8 0 13 13 23 1 1939.653279708896 1931 1872ALookout Mountain Community CTR 1001 17181281 0 211.0289188930384 476.28487982380543311113921 55Etowah County 10553N010550105 34.0199545-86.02098080G524012th Street Baptist Church 12th Street Baptist Church 1715 27 783 1 204 8 32 2 1715 658 288.4575832 42.35829384 254 48 231.83381335090147 240.9396162 47.570005928672224 45.70158523 36 2820 91 26 678 1 146 7 21 2 1321.090299722302 1486 605A12th Street Baptist Church 0105 109058971 717 550.6439720386862 1242.78416163937573311113921 55Etowah County 10553N010550102 34.0302544 -86.0529760G5240Elliott Community Center Elliott Community Center 4475 17 818 0 268 18 98 10 4475 3246 498.5546418 739.5052133 439 838 400.6891499080059 416.427132 830.4930200599413 797.8735087 36 2820 91 13 513 0 153 17 36 4 3447.159819975103 3360 2624AElliott Community Center 0102 136561031 28398 378.12936895528105 853.42474384755343311113921 55Etowah County 10553S010551401 34.0200237-86.09154930G52401st United Methodist Church 1st United Methodist Church 3073 2 716 0 143 12 68 7 3073 2125 710.9230199 598.3109005 626 678 571.3699494350775 593.81181 671.92633366573 645.5348913 59 2720 91 1 535 0 83 9 39 42367.1781288901657 2323 1652P1st United Methodist Church 1401 803515861 2156096 1040.99396725079 2349.48692904337853311113221 55Etowah County 10553N010552301 33.9473619-86.08986360G5240Rainbow City Community Center Rainbow City Community Center 8460 222 672 3 232 38 98 16 8460 7179 830.1672964 2556.499526 731 2897 667.2067620938002 693.4128325 2871.0480662551076 2758.281092 59 2920 91 156 434 3 147 31 46 3 6516.865268600976 6445 5625ARainbow City Community Center 2301 29749201 1994226 151.59628459255003 342.14750550608063311113221 55Etowah County 10552S010550108 33.9943638-86.02735260G5240Tabernacle Church Activity CTR Tabernacle Church Activity CTR 1232 0 107 0 39 2 24 0 1232 1060 155.5853893 217.0862559 137 246 125.04422219883122 129.9556198 243.79628038054182 234.2206243 36 2720 91 0 90 0 20 2 13 0 949.0281336780619 1013 888PTabernacle Church Activity CTR 0108 161322231 0 288.0575505123049 650.13580388777173311113221 55Etowah County 10553S010550106 33.9936939-86.07185070G5240Walnut Park Recreation Center Walnut Park Recreation Center 2341 1 215 0 130 3 54 1 2341 1937 288.4575832 453.5867299 254 514 231.83381335090147 240.9396162 509.39548014809435 489.3878085 59 2720 91 1 174 0 77 3 20 01803.3075169970316 1808 1533PWalnut Park Recreation Center 0106 54362431 205997 499.20951833764246 1126.69840084266983311113221 55Etowah County 10553S010550107 34.0076117-86.01358530G5240Gadsden Convention Center Gadsden Convention Center 4057 13 1408 7 288 12 51 3 4057 2275 1015.27984 611.5478673 894 693 815.9820045379558 848.0315626 686.7919605347039 659.8166367 36 2820 91 11 1022 3 150 11 27 1 3125.168131762903 3204 1979PGadsden Convention Center 0107 70688031 1025501 345.5214018960069 779.8297041080153311113221 55Etowah County 10553S010550110 33.9692213-86.01551030G5240Meadowbrook Baptist Church Meadowbrook Baptist Church 2808 56 111 4 31 8 2 8 2808 2588 169.91145050670488 541.5206525368001 235.9881257037568 589.5391544682158 220.75004224227166 229.42050465038386 634.7535667346867 609.8221697442931 59 2720 91 44 82 3 18 5 1 5 2163.044642344154 2256 2098PMeadowbrook Baptist Church 0110 117580521 390827 602.4475725366274 1359.70307382935953311113221 55Etowah County 10553S010550111 33.9979473-85.96228620G5240East Gadsden Rec Center East Gadsden Rec Center 4896 21 2785 14 559 5 76 6 4896 1430 1617.179521 319.4521327 1424 362 1299.7297256413697 1350.779581 358.75712800073177 344.6661219 36 2720 91 13 1995 10 346 5 29 1 3771.462453318012 3630 1231PEast Gadsden Rec Center 0111 112894531 439546 656.7121516805515 1482.17632864119513311113221 55Etowah County 10553S010550109 33.9853119 -85.9788110G5240Wallace Hall Wallace Hall 5337 37 3082 0 280 17 106 3 5337 1812 1728.474179 430.642654 1522 488 1389.1774171354416 1443.740535 483.62839353357094 464.6327831 36 2720 91 26 2329 0 169 13 52 24111.1713875323185 4164 1573PWallace Hall 0109 134615131 2800814 201.554151106004 454.90066072967543311113221 55Etowah County 10553S010552401 33.9510663-85.98577610G5240Whorton Bend Fire Station Whorton Bend Fire Station 1638 37 24 0 24 3 7 0 1638 1543 129.4652145 689.2047393 114 781 104.05139650467817 108.1382529 774.0036380827466 743.6028763 36 2920 91 24 16 0 9 3 7 01261.7760413674232 1278 1219PWhorton Bend Fire Station 2401 506570461 3619522 622.9967442305851 1406.08183472182333311113221 55Etowah County 10553N010550401 33.9403953-85.93768630G5240George Wallace Senior Citizens George Wallace Senior Citizens 5063 34 72 0 49 15 64 4 5063 4825 566.6942283 1956.423697 499 2217 455.4530427596267 473.3420019 2197.1396490276657 2110.841968 36 2920 91 22 53 0 27 14 41 3 3900.105065594178 3987 3827AGeorge Wallace Senior Citizens 0401 63080101 596678 121.69539404385714 274.662242650579343311113921 55Etowah County 10553N010550301 34.0067579-85.93108660G5240Tillison Bend Water Authority Tillison Bend Water Authority 989 0 16 0 0 2 3 0 989 968 118.1086167 433.2900474 104 491 94.92408105827425 98.65244128 486.6015189281834 467.4891322 36 2720 91 0 10 0 0 1 3 0 761.841578090587 826 812ATillison Bend Water Authority 0301 95712721 332807 390.6803600497941 881.75189121899843311113921 55Etowah County 10553N010550104 34.0351769-85.96854120G5240North Gadsden Recreation Center North Gadsden Recreation Center 3175 14 1172 0 78 8 59 2 3175 1842 754.0780914 463.2938389 664 525 606.0537482699702 629.8578943 520.2969397895555 499.8610884 36 2820 91 14 832 0 52 7 26 0 2445.750263334291 2484 1553ANorth Gadsden Recreation Center 0104 1078030511 3209883 464.50971942928277 1048.38216987455713311113921 55Etowah County 10553N010550801 34.0726595-85.89919440G5240NE Etowah Community Center NE Etowah Community Center 3775 6 363 0 31 25 59 8 3775 3283 481.5197451 1066.899526 424 1209 386.99817667104554 402.1984145 1198.1695243485988 1151.108678 36 2820 91 6 278 0 20 19 31 3 2907.939289476204 2933 2576ANE Etowah Community Center 0801 37030741 0 386.4966963516231 872.309508761853311113921 55Etowah County 10553N010550103 34.025727-86.00793240G5240Carver Community Center Carver Community Center 3141 3 2710 0 80 7 38 4 3141 299 1534.276358 27.3563981 1351 31 1233.100322715197 1281.533156 30.722295497986167 29.51560713 36 2820 91 3 1955 0 38 5 7 2 2419.559551852916 2236 226ACarver Community Center 0103 452618221 82048 513.9753902135402 1160.02445657378143311113221 55Etowah County 10553N010551402 33.990443-86.13646860G5240Attalla Recreation Center Attalla Recreation Center 4177 27 132 1 188 30 62 1 4177 3736 417.9227977 1116.317536 368 1265 335.8852099518004 349.0778692 1253.6678644928934 1204.427194 59 27 4 91 17 93 1 110 23 33 1 3217.605936991286 3277 2999AAttalla Recreation Center 1402 422111301 0 73.70631044718951 166.352561524466153351113921 55Etowah County 10552N010550901 34.1707126-85.88550960G5240Black Creek Baptist Church Black Creek Baptist Church 599 0 1 0 15 4 3 0 599 576 34.06979329 207.3791469 30 235 27.38194646429869 28.45743499 232.89482063499233 223.7473443 64 2820 91 0 1 0 8 4 0 0 461.4187110983434 432 419ABlack Creek Baptist Church 0901 193841881 964024 64.47764052475343 145.52377669252133311113921 55Etowah County 10553S010550502 34.0354837-85.89042330G5240Liberty Methodist Church Liberty Methodist Church 524 1 0 0 8 0 6 0 524 509 61.32562792 218.8511848 54 248 49.28750362419116 51.22338297 245.778363942254 236.124857 36 2720 91 1 0 0 5 0 5 0 403.6450828306042 416 405PLiberty Methodist Church 0502 192148141 0 95.48597146413866 215.508493727855983351113921 55Etowah County 10553N010551301 34.0860159-86.07883860G5240Cave Springs Community Center Cave Springs Community Center 776 0 17 0 87 2 8 0 776 662 49.96903015 208.2616114 44 236 40.160188139298945 41.73757131 233.8858624678926 224.6994607 59 2720 91 0 13 0 46 2 6 0 597.7644738102078 573 506ACave Springs Community Center 1301 472916261 55928 274.76826582399696 620.14235372977113351113921 55Etowah County 10553N010551602 34.1690042-86.05849950G5240Dist. 3 Maintenance Shop Dist. 3 Maintenance Shop 2233 7 15 0 28 14 19 0 2233 2150 186.2482033 578.014218 164 655 149.68797402535992 155.5673113 649.1323725499074 623.6362151 26 2820 91 6 4 0 9 11 6 0 1720.113492291487 1671 1635ADist. 3 Maintenance Shop 1602 225383021 50933 229.48625873791056 517.94244948769513351113921 55Etowah County 10553N010551601 34.1724125 -86.1191040G5240Sardis City Hall Sardis City Hall 1865 8 6 0 14 3 17 1 1865 1816 172.620286 616.842654 152 699 138.7351954357916 144.1843373 692.7382113239287 665.5293349 26 28 4 91 6 3 0 11 3 10 11436.6375562577803 1413 1379ASardis City Hall 1601 236575021 0 117.01953461648951 264.108991669060633351113921 55Etowah County 10553S010552601 34.0422719-86.14617240G5240Ivalee Volunteer Fire Dept. Ivalee Volunteer Fire Dept. 951 0 27 0 12 4 1 3 951 904 103.3450396 303.5677725 91 344 83.05857092598997 86.32088612 340.9183758412338 327.5280275 59 27 4 91 0 15 0 7 4 1 3 732.5696064349324 738 708PIvalee Volunteer Fire Dept. 2601 430271201 101873 76.90558268696735 173.57320693287373351113921 55Etowah County 10553N010552101 33.9865711-86.31929520G5240West Etowah Vol. Fire Dept. West Etowah Vol. Fire Dept. 625 1 0 0 12 3 2 0 625 607 27.25583463 163.2559242 24 185 21.905557169514537 22.76594799 183.34273117583442 176.1415264 9 29 4 91 1 0 0 8 3 1 0481.44690223115964 476 463AWest Etowah Vol. Fire Dept. 2101 528567381 31781 171.40716269271283 386.85996361198893351113921 55Etowah County 10553S010551801 34.0609296-86.22575140G5240Morton Chapel Church Morton Chapel Church 1393 0 2 0 17 8 20 0 1393 1346 98.80240053 322.9819905 87 366 79.40764473588192 82.52656146 362.72129522824446 348.4745874 59 27 4 91 0 0 0 8 7 15 01073.0488556928085 1046 1016PMorton Chapel Church 1801 336720681 5933 92.77889495355741 209.398716843818823351113921 55Etowah County 10553N010551101 34.0852614-86.03338510G5240Reece City Town Hall Reece City Town Hall 754 6 16 0 11 7 10 2 754 702 67.0039268 277.9763033 59 315 53.85116136663726 55.9662888 312.178163832098 299.916653 36 2820 91 5 12 0 4 2 2 0 580.817542851671 589 564AReece City Town Hall 1101 594316401 351618 327.43320884803217 739.0052858374033351113921 55Etowah County 10553N010551501 34.1224-86.14014450G5240Mountainboro City Hall Mountainboro City Hall 2661 3 6 0 70 18 25 0 2661 2539 187.3838631 663.6132701 165 752 150.6007055103435 156.5158924 745.2634261776991 715.9915019 59 27 4 91 3 6 0 27 17 12 0 2049.808330939385 2034 1969AMountainboro City Hall 1501 350424671 120856 109.26745188164321 246.612812410226953351113921 55Etowah County 10553N010551901 34.0703476-86.28600530G5240Walnut Grove Vol. Fire Dept. Walnut Grove Vol. Fire Dept. 888 1 3 0 14 7 8 0 888 855 63.59694747 311.5099526 56 353 51.11296672886725 53.12054531 349.8377519209828 336.0970747 9 29 4 91 1 2 0 11 6 8 0 684.0397586900316 685 657AWalnut Grove Vol. Fire Dept. 1901 660814351 64728 338.9998084841521 765.11069616010733351113921 55Etowah County 10553S010551603 34.1252816-86.23096910G5240New Union Community Center New Union Community Center 2755 1 17 0 209 11 20 0 2755 2497 160.1280285 664.4957346 141 753 128.69514833120687 133.7499444 746.254467906511 716.9436182 98 29 4 91 1 12 0 114 8 13 02122.2179450349518 2026 1878PNew Union Community Center 1603 528457161 8011726 1023.6440677966102 2310.3288135593223311113221 55Etowah County 10553N010550201 33.8994352-86.02762040G5240Southside H S Old Lunchroom Southside H S Old Lunchroom 8319 55 111 0 108 15 50 0 8319 7980 755.2137512 3127.454028 665 3544 606.9664798511745 630.8064755 3512.2521042459016 3374.300376 59 2920 91 40 75 0 70 15 27 0 6408.250847457627 6281 6054ASouthside H S Old Lunchroom 0201 172118411 4310757 146.42822943598583 330.48338600019153311113221 55Etowah County 10553N010552501 33.8918039-86.08804720G5240Rainbow City Fire Station #2 Rainbow City Fire Station #2 1190 9 3 0 8 4 16 2 1190 1148 110.1589983 515.3592417 97 584 88.53496022077412 92.01237312 578.7684054325507 556.0359536 59 2920 91 7 1 0 4 4 11 2 916.6749018481279 988 959ARainbow City Fire Station #2 2501 133253811 276462 113.57416451211338 256.332911998467863351113921 55Etowah County 10553N010552001 34.0402696-86.31270560G5240Altoona City Hall Altoona City Hall 923 2 16 0 16 2 15 2 923 870 69.27524635 210.9090047 61 239 55.67662447131336 57.86345114 236.85898786250502 227.5558098 9 29 4 91 2 15 0 7 2 9 1 711.0007852149765 702 666AAltoona City Hall 2001 231562091 0 117.88087714258354 266.05301158670883351113921 55Etowah County 10553N010551701 34.0813227-86.16693710G5240Eqypt Community Center Eqypt Community Center 958 5 8 0 31 5 14 0 958 895 77.22486478 217.0862559 68 246 62.065745308813476 64.5035193 243.79628038054182 234.2206243 59 27 4 91 2 5 0 16 5 6 0 737.9618117399215 718 684AEqypt Community Center 1701 525641991 130033 123.66417696064349 279.10571674806093351113921 55Etowah County 10553N010552201 34.0015618-86.21770260G5240Gallant Community Center Gallant Community Center 1005 0 2 0 15 5 14 0 1005 969 65.86826702 347.6909953 58 394 52.938429823921275 55.01770764 390.47046530039165 375.1338454 59 29 4 91 0 2 0 9 5 9 0 774.1666187877047 782 757AGallant Community Center 2201 741487951 1172546 701.2558651728431 1582.70993009671543311113221 55Etowah County 10553S010550501 33.9872618-85.85741390G5240Hokes Bluff Community Center Hokes Bluff Community Center 5699 17 16 0 29 8 48 1 5699 5580 551.9306513 1982.015166 486 2246 443.5875326850749 461.0104468 2225.8798605163597 2138.453342 85 2720 91 14 13 0 19 7 39 0 4390.025433304606 4428 4336PHokes Bluff Community Center 0501 651496371 1672464 105.20683711577134 237.44814708417123311113921 55Etowah County 10553N010550701 34.0747421-85.79978760G5240Union #3 Baptist Church Union #3 Baptist Church 855 1 2 0 13 2 11 0 855 826 54.51166926 232.9706161 48 264 43.811114339029075 45.53189598 261.63503254003984 251.3587187 64 2720 91 1 2 0 7 2 7 0 658.6193622522263 642 623AUnion #3 Baptist Church 0701 488632351 121196 178.42095183376424 402.689840084266963311113221 55Etowah County 10552N010550601 33.9762171 -85.7714640G5240Fords Valley Water Co-Op Fords Valley Water Co-Op 1450 4 8 0 14 10 30 0 1450 1384 110.1589983 356.5156398 97 404 88.53496022077412 92.01237312 400.38088321304093 384.655009 85 2720 91 4 7 0 11 7 19 01116.9568131762903 1108 1060AFords Valley Water Co-Op 0601 150516112 144538 1027.6740628835803 269.971107544141266662226772105Perry County 11055N011054 32.624952-87.31221830G5240UCH-Airport-Armory UCH-Airport-Armory 2304 21 1189 1 63 6 2 1 2304 1021 900.1245232 276.3823705 1065 267 1050.2716275518694 1091.523446 249.28002414954025 239.4889815 50 71 3231 16 861 1 49 6 1 11748.6122179208762 1880 945AUCH-Airport-Armory 4 2632231912 2208231 907.689547729204 238.451043338683776662226772105Perry County 11055N011051 32.6576926-87.37612280G5240National Guard Armory National Guard Armory 2035 0 1641 3 14 0 12 0 2035 365 173.22502172062156 195.09743914826805 188.41372612495954 228.46811265781807 182.12139057693946 189.27462440951763 239.432647076498 230.02838266655877 50 71 3231 0 1170 0 7 0 5 01544.4556699084128 1495 313ANational Guard Armory 1 4141345022 3152899 1039.271079218204 273.017656500802566662226772105Perry County 11055N011052 32.5380317-87.38016710G5240Uniontown City Hall-Airport Uniontown City Hall-Airport 2330 2 1940 1 12 3 7 0 2330 365 857.8651559 232.906492 1015 225 1000.963100635524 1040.278214 210.0674361395498 201.8165575 50 71 3221 2 1311 1 11 3 5 01768.3448210744973 1641 308AUniontown City Hall-Airport 2 1064368022 94510 82.0711925219526 21.560192616372396662226772105Perry County 11055N011056 32.7603154-87.42938040G5240North Perry Fire Station North Perry Fire Station 184 0 44 0 0 0 1 0 184 139 60.00830155 161.4818344 71 156 70.01810851949476 72.76822975 145.6467556887251 139.9261465 50 71 3231 0 37 0 0 0 0 0139.64611462562553 153 116ANorth Perry Fire Station 6 2321135522 1387348 288.14125200642053 75.695024077046556662226772105Perry County 11052N011057 32.7834844-87.33051410G5240Heiberger Grocery-Armory Heiberger Grocery-Armory 646 0 159 0 3 4 6 0 646 474 71.84092439 242.2227516 85 234 83.82449611380392 87.11689477 218.47013358513183 209.8892198 50 71 3231 0 123 0 3 4 6 0 490.2792937399679 534 398AHeiberger Grocery-Armory 7 1537570062 1521271 65.56774619960343 17.2247191011235976662226772105Perry County 11052N011058 32.7805942-87.17752340G5240Severe Severe 147 0 17 0 1 0 0 0 147 129 18.59412161 65.21381775 22 63 21.695751939412713 22.54790218 58.81888210866512 56.50863609 50 71 3231 0 16 0 0 0 0 0111.56510244547258 126 110ASevere 8 955796202 1292610 56.64696440373903 14.8812199036918146662226772105Perry County 11055N0110513 32.6367053-87.18408580G5240Radforville Radforville 127 1 39 0 3 2 0 0 127 82 16.05855957 21.73793925 19 21 18.737240305187843 19.47318824 19.606294036221705 18.83621203 50 71 3231 1 29 0 2 2 0 0 96.38617694268719 101 67ARadforville 13 2386001382 720629 211.8685676517798 55.658105939004816662226772105Perry County 11055N0110511 32.5775958-87.10517090G5240Ocmulgee Fire Station Ocmulgee Fire Station 475 0 263 0 2 0 1 0 475 209 123.3973525 120.0762359 146 116 143.9808992307854 149.6360781 108.30143371992607 104.0476474 50 71 3231 0 188 0 2 0 0 0 360.4994806911529 380 190AOcmulgee Fire Station 11 1940537882 122398 136.48796147672553 35.855537720706266662226772105Perry County 11055N011059 32.7504884 -87.0980430G5240Pinetucky Pinetucky 306 6 90 0 1 0 4 0 306 205 42.25936729 55.89755807 50 54 49.308527128031024 51.24523222 50.41618466308312 48.43597379 50 71 3231 3 77 0 1 0 1 0232.23756019261637 258 176APinetucky 9 1509701972 274047 908.5816259087904 238.685393258426966662226772105Perry County 11055N011053 32.3877458-87.47426950G5240Community Life Bldg Community Life Bldg 2037 0 1862 0 15 2 2 3 2037 153 960.1328248 68.31923764 1136 66 1120.2897363119162 1164.291676 61.619781264131674 59.19952353 50 71 5221 0 1337 0 11 0 1 01545.9735624586913 1470 121ACommunity Life Bldg 3 1568669381 130009 333.99624335715595 108.765347260399481131111441 11Bullock County 10116S010111-1 32.0817285-85.47785280G5240Midway Midway 955 0 874 0 7 0 5 1 955 68 46.62231810268891 106.81337681518039 57.208985704560924 117.66848196051735 57.49166923237552 59.74978593213069 113.59185646505615 109.13027670115724 69 8312271 0 642 0 7 0 4 1 742.3694337548103 712 58PMidway 1-1 1188122961 469792 134.2979659153381 43.733919736118741131111441 11Bullock County 10116S010115 32.0203843-85.62267520G5240Indian Creek Indian Creek 384 1 306 0 2 0 2 0 384 73 77.62902019 50.48023005 97 47 94.49756686785261 98.20917477 43.9977004571827 42.26959022 69 8312271 1 218 0 2 0 2 0 298.502473886751 288 65PIndian Creek 5 639342581 26227 64.00137438152831 20.841946124244091131111441 11Bullock County 10112S010111-2 32.1042833-85.56957140G5240Three Notch Three Notch 183 0 159 0 1 4 0 1 183 18 60.82273747 17.18475917 76 16 74.03933073686284 76.94739466 14.977940586926657 14.38964774 69 8312271 0 119 0 0 4 0 1142.25508521165474 138 14PThree Notch 1-2 1428825311 230769 72.7447315374748 23.6892065237309881131111441 11Bullock County 10116S010112-1 32.1799744-85.52465530G5240Guerryton Guerryton 208 0 198 0 2 0 0 0 208 8 64.02393418 3.222142344 80 3 77.9361376207889 80.99725754 2.8083638587476445 2.69805895 69 8312271 0 154 0 2 0 0 0 161.6888400219901 164 8PGuerryton 2-1 750072431 244186 114.71284588601796 37.3560564412680951131111441 11Bullock County 10116S010112-2 32.1888219-85.62418830G5240Peachburg Peachburg 328 0 296 0 1 4 2 0 328 25 81.63051608 23.62904385 102 22 99.36857550162641 103.2715034 20.594668304421948 19.78576564 69 8312271 0 210 0 1 4 1 0254.97086311159978 239 23PPeachburg 2-2 1723174691 1174174 2206.8233461608943 718.6485248304931131111441 11Bullock County 10116S010113 32.1438481-85.69303040G5240Union Springs Armory Union Springs Armory 6310 19 4418 4 706 4 20 3 6310 1136 1668.623785 473.6549245 2085 441 2031.2105870918133 2110.991025 412.82948728794787 396.6146657 72 8321271 16 3405 3 424 4 11 0 4905.079714128642 4928 1065PUnion Springs Armory 3 938439901 191914 137.44557449147882 44.758933479934031131111441 11Bullock County 10116S0101110 32.0274822-85.83856150G5240Post Oak Post Oak 393 0 124 0 2 6 16 0 393 245 59.22213912 236.2904385 74 220 72.09092730452187 74.92246323 205.94668304421944 197.8576564 72 8121271 0 88 0 2 4 8 0 305.4986256184717 294 192PPost Oak 10 2103002221 1252509 152.4841487997068 49.6562213670514941131111441 11Bullock County 10116S010119 32.1081399-85.88198130G5240Cornerstone Cornerstone 436 0 260 0 12 0 4 0 436 160 164.8616305 64.44284687 206 60 200.68555440672753 208.5679382 56.16727718536172 53.96117901 72 8121271 0 201 0 12 0 2 0 338.9246838922485 356 141PCornerstone 9 371663211 332268 79.03994868975627 25.7392340113615531131111441 11Bullock County 10116S010114-2 32.0792557-85.75682680G5240Sardis Sardis 226 0 181 0 15 0 0 0 226 30 136.8511593 28.99928109 171 27 166.58849417237448 173.131638 25.2752747287288 24.28253055 72 8121271 0 133 0 11 0 0 0175.68114348543156 168 24PSardis 4-2 418717151 219725 76.2420743998534 24.8281106835257471131111441 11Bullock County 10116S010117 32.0043284-85.77550490G5240Inverness Inverness 218 0 102 0 9 1 4 0 218 102 28.0104712 79.47951114 35 74 34.09706020548687 35.43630017 69.27297519632033 66.55212078 72 8121271 0 73 0 6 1 2 0169.46234194612424 153 71PInverness 7 962216041 306323 87.43357155946491 28.4726039948689761131111441 11Bullock County 10116S010118-2 32.2063844-85.82803860G5240Thompson Thompson 250 0 216 0 3 0 1 0 250 30 13.327891545105567 55.06839544145874 11.036468330134356 58.54126679462572 9.676726343597249 10.056801885796546 62.70578733682543 60.24287423224568 72 8121271 0 173 0 3 0 1 0 194.3375481033535 205 28PThompson 8-2 922160581 327070 139.543980208906 45.442275975810891131111441 11Bullock County 10116S010114-1 32.0074679-85.71941720G5240Aberfoil Aberfoil 399 0 284 0 11 1 0 0 399 103 101.6379955 74.1092739 127 69 123.72361842994361 128.5831463 64.59236876160465 62.05535586 72 8112271 0 225 0 10 1 0 0310.16272677295217 327 91PAberfoil 4-1 453654941 133748 35.323162910023825 11.5029320139270671131111441 11Bullock County 10112S010116-2 31.9161952-85.76350440G5240Corinth Corinth 101 0 30 0 0 0 3 0 101 68 12.80478684 42.96189792 16 40 15.587227526082193 16.19945151 37.44485145690781 35.97411934 72 8121271 0 24 0 0 0 3 0 78.51236943375481 83 56PCorinth 6-2 938694131 0 62.602437236576876 20.3863844603261871131111441 11Bullock County 10116S010116-1 31.9288626-85.67706530G5240Perote Perote 179 0 59 0 1 0 1 0 179 118 65.62453254 93.44212797 82 87 79.88454106275192 83.02218898 81.44255191409052 78.24370956 72 8112271 0 49 0 1 0 1 0 139.1456844420011 152 101PPerote 6-1 1723829021 1016306 120.30859446582372 39.178303096939711131111441 11Bullock County 10116S010118-1 32.2142813-85.93293720G5240Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick 344 0 130 0 5 0 1 0 344 208 107.2400898 220.1797268 134 205 130.54303053454663 135.6704064 191.90486369843708 184.3673616 72 8121271 0 107 0 4 0 1 0 267.4084661902144 277 165PFitzpatrick 8-1 1506951402 37327 332.05127371978165 1219.16558357161423342223552 93Marion County 10933N010931N 34.1773538-87.95775590G5240Neighborhood Facilities Bldg Neighborhood Facilities Bldg 3995 10 127 1 181 7 34 3 3995 3632 436.4553846 1254.756292 298 1332 248.0281284164421 257.77 1409.8643171397794 1354.488674 32 1631 51 10 101 1 103 7 20 03129.8234013517026 3079 2837ANeighborhood Facilities Bldg 1N 1034377262 0 42.80510787626722 157.164023914738753342223552 93Marion County 10933N0109310 34.1708085-87.82250440G5240Sullins Church Sullins Church 515 3 3 0 7 2 3 0 515 497 68.83692308 154.4895134 47 164 39.11853032071402 40.655 173.58689792922968 166.7688758 32 1611 51 3 2 0 4 2 1 0 403.4690992981544 408 396ASullins Church 10 1000244742 196562 151.52177021055368 556.33012737197823342223552 93Marion County 10933N010937 34.2647074-87.82519160G5240Hackleburg City Hall Hackleburg City Hall 1823 0 8 0 26 3 23 7 1823 1756 278.2769231 533.1772232 190 566 158.13873959437583 164.35 599.0864893115626 575.5559983 32 1631 51 0 5 0 14 2 20 41428.2022680010398 1418 1373AHackleburg City Hall 7 1348869292 1705395 249.01767611125553 914.29789446321813342223552 93Marion County 10933N010938 34.2555856-87.71251560G5240Bear Creek City Hall Bear Creek City Hall 2996 3 33 0 77 16 19 0 2996 2848 310.4984615 707.4489304 212 751 176.44954102109304 183.38 794.9009778610255 763.6794253 32 1611 51 3 17 0 41 14 12 0 2347.17169222771 2313 2226ABear Creek City Hall 8 1174644622 340223 56.685599168182996 208.127891863789963342223552 93Marion County 10932N0109312 34.0854942-87.70776210G5240Piney Grove Church Piney Grove Church 682 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 682 679 64.05781939628261 150.83615590282608 43.73695652173913 160.12173913043478 36.402669358114956 37.83246739130434 169.48192680265984 162.82513679586955 32 1611 51 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 534.302768390954 551 549APiney Grove Church 12 810877042 0 29.007733298674292 106.505328827657923342223552 93Marion County 10933N0109311 34.0872562-87.84560150G5240Pea Ridge Fire Station Pea Ridge Fire Station 349 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 349 347 20.50461538 134.7073196 14 143 11.65232818063822 12.11 151.35930741308485 145.4143247 32 1611 51 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 273.4188653496231 273 271APea Ridge Fire Station 11 1199580262 18575 266.0566025474396 976.85833116714323342223552 93Marion County 10933N0109315 33.9785231-87.89185990G5240City Hall-Guin City Hall-Guin 3201 3 277 0 47 8 38 4 3201 2824 480.3938462 990.0516988 328 1051 272.99740308923833 283.72 1112.4379862605365 1068.744442 32 1611 51 3 201 0 31 5 15 02507.7758968027033 2489 2234ACity Hall-Guin 15 622519702 199193 18.950610865609566 69.579412529243573342223552 93Marion County 10933N0109316 34.0487125 -87.9425490G5240Pikeville Liberty Church Pikeville Liberty Church 228 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 228 214 23.43384615 70.65069211 16 75 13.316946492157966 13.84 79.38425211549107 76.26625419 32 1611 51 0 0 0 3 7 0 0 178.6232128931635 167 157APikeville Liberty Church 16 1155945122 0 354.6590200155966 1302.1726020275543342223552 93Marion County 10933N010931S 34.1024762-87.99427180G5240Hamilton Neighborhood Facilities Bldg Hamilton Neighborhood Facilities Bldg 4267 15 418 0 83 17 34 3 4267 3697 445.2430769 1250.046246 304 1327 253.02198335100132 262.96 1404.5720346500887 1349.404258 32 1631 51 11 377 0 49 14 20 13342.9177605926698 3501 3029AHamilton Neighborhood Facilities Bldg 1S 1455110192 112293 44.1349753054328 162.046789706264633342223552 93Marion County 10932N0109313 33.9918294-87.69337180G5240Baccus Baccus 531 2 4 0 2 1 2 0 531 520 35.15076923 161.083578 24 171 19.97541973823695 20.76 180.99609487203293 173.8870596 32 1611 51 2 4 0 2 1 1 0416.00406160644656 424 414ABaccus 13 888197462 51339 142.2126982063946 522.15076683129713342223552 93Marion County 10933N0109318 34.0051004 -87.7897170G5240Brilliant Community Center Brilliant Community Center 1711 1 9 0 23 5 19 1 1711 1653 219.6923077 416.3680789 150 442 124.84637336398093 129.75 467.83785921056966 449.4624581 32 1611 51 1 3 0 14 2 13 11340.4575318429945 1326 1292ABrilliant Community Center 18 512612992 257756 40.2284897322589 147.70366519365743342223552 93Marion County 10933N010939S 34.1519808-87.69441990G5240Kimbrough Craft Comm Building Kimbrough Craft Comm Building 484 0 3 0 9 2 3 0 484 467 49.79692308 134.7073196 34 143 28.298511295835677 29.41 151.35930741308485 145.4143247 32 1611 51 0 0 0 3 2 3 0 379.1826098258383 391 383AKimbrough Craft Comm Building 9S 611183672 207095 391.5628411749415 1437.66935274239683342223552 93Marion County 10933N0109314 33.9372502-87.79991030G5240Winfield Community Center Winfield Community Center 4711 11 191 0 99 11 45 3 4711 4351 585.8461538 1500.620701 400 1593 332.92366230394913 346 1686.12151493761 1619.895239 32 1611 51 10 151 0 57 10 26 23690.7629646477776 3701 3445AWinfield Community Center 14 483010512 0 36.40512087340785 133.665713543020533342223552 93Marion County 10933N010932 34.0892709-88.10800110G5240Byrd FD Byrd FD 438 0 11 0 4 0 10 0 438 413 84.94769231 127.1712458 58 135 48.273931034072625 50.17 142.89165386825513 137.2792576 32 1631 51 0 8 0 2 0 5 0 343.1445931894983 341 326AByrd FD 2 451134492 0 51.53236288016636 189.207174421627233342223552 93Marion County 10933N0109317 34.1438919-88.07716610G5240Barnsville Church Barnsville Church 620 0 15 0 10 2 4 1 620 588 101.0584615 197.8219379 69 210 57.42933174743123 59.685 222.27590589006672 213.5455117 32 1631 51 0 11 0 4 2 1 1485.72978944632183 480 461ABarnsville Church 17 1067432332 60583 49.12197816480374 180.35716142448663342223552 93Marion County 10933N010934 34.1942679 -88.1422110G5240Old Bexar Post Office Old Bexar Post Office 591 0 70 0 4 0 3 0 591 514 144.9969231 216.6621225 99 230 82.39860642022742 85.635 243.44503980418514 233.8831795 32 1631 51 0 52 0 4 0 1 0463.01017026254226 455 398AOld Bexar Post Office 4 955525262 93989 69.23622303093319 254.20899402131533342223552 93Marion County 10933N010936 34.27205-87.95697740G5240Shiloh Community Center Shiloh Community Center 833 1 0 0 11 0 10 0 833 811 108.3815385 231.7342701 74 246 61.59087752623059 64.01 260.38034699793286 250.1533138 32 1631 51 1 0 0 2 0 7 0 652.6014751754614 648 638AShiloh Community Center 6 230960032 2331 21.02852872368079 77.208734078502733342223552 93Marion County 10933N0109319 34.2857939-87.89121590G5240Wiginton Community Bldg Wiginton Community Bldg 253 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 253 250 49.79692308 90.43288591 34 96 28.298511295835677 29.41 101.61184271490657 97.62080537 32 1631 51 0 0 0 0 0 3 0198.20909149987003 216 213AWiginton Community Bldg 19 1563850642 0 80.78944632180921 296.628021835196253342223552 93Marion County 10933N010935 34.2682031-88.08314850G5240Shottsville Fire Dept Shottsville Fire Dept 972 0 5 6 5 9 10 0 972 937 82.01846154 271.2986577 56 288 46.60931272255288 48.44 304.8355281343109 292.8624161 32 1631 51 0 4 2 5 9 9 0 761.4989602287496 755 726AShottsville Fire Dept 5 531927342 0 10.888289576293216 39.977644918118023342223552 93Marion County 10933N010933 34.099883-88.17294610G5240Kemp Pleasent Site Church Kemp Pleasent Site Church 131 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 131 129 7.323076923 47.10046141 5 50 4.161545778799365 4.325 52.922834743660715 50.84416946 32 1631 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 102.6300038991422 99 97AKemp Pleasent Site Church 3 620313892 30483 120.10365219651676 440.974785547179643342223552 93Marion County 10933N010939N 34.186731-87.70589770G5240Craft Comm Building Craft Comm Building 1445 4 2 0 36 4 17 0 1445 1382 188.9353846 289.1968331 129 307 107.3678810930236 111.585 324.94620534231456 312.1832005 32 1611 51 4 2 0 22 2 10 01132.0637834676372 1076 1036ACraft Comm Building 9N 36621572 41715 915.5455778398816 1131.29282426434326662226772125Tuscaloosa County11252S0112511 33.1974967-87.53592730G5240Forest Lake Methodist Church Forest Lake Methodist Church 5268 150 524 1 204 5 49 2 5268 4333 303.2099036 465.551393 376 493 353.5382954738097 367.42432 517.031844718643 496.7242374 8 62 3231 146 453 1 168 5 38 2 4137.140185763604 5030 4217PForest Lake Methodist Church 11 37703642 81568 1027.2949716422818 1269.37583223738286662226772125Tuscaloosa County11252S011251 33.2061269-87.56454240G5240County Courthouse County Courthouse 5911 240 854 3 112 10 44 8 5911 4640 666.9005062 969.8200418 827 1027 777.5961978230667 808.1380656 1077.062280572498 1034.758198 11 6923201 230 798 3 101 10 40 8 4642.110030001644 5734 4544PCounty Courthouse 1 180177272 683333 1015.1294077757685 1254.34346745027126662226772125Tuscaloosa County11252S0112514 33.2306838-87.48618720G5240Holt Armory Holt Armory 5841 50 2819 3 333 18 53 5 5841 2560 966.8847725 413.6136108 1199 438 1127.3734473710547 1171.653616 459.3508072485729 441.3087545 8 62 3201 35 1944 3 225 16 25 24587.1366410488245 4521 2271PHolt Armory 14 64712162 25063 1196.222515617294 1478.11095470984726662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S0112513 33.209639 -87.5016260G5240Jayces Park Jayces Park 6883 22 3850 3 459 23 77 6 6883 2443 1498.308513 1005.704328 1858 1065 1747.005726509001 1815.623369 1116.914633824478 1073.045259 8 62 3201 20 2687 3 330 19 42 2 5405.454802317935 5341 2238PJayces Park 13 10876342 0 98.54106731875719 121.762154775604156662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S0112510A 33.201864-87.48126130G5240University Mall University Mall 567 1 181 0 94 3 17 1 567 270 61.30136514878453 89.23855301950276 76.01767955801105 94.5 71.47649164751594 74.28389420834255 99.10650979541546 95.21387512657459 8 62 3201 1 130 0 67 3 6 1 445.2844505178366 442 234PUniversity Mall 10A 58011122 8671 845.1591011836265 1044.31985656748326662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S0112510 33.19586-87.51081890G5240University Mall University Mall 4863 80 1317 1 238 16 60 2 4863 3149 525.7646185512154 765.3740446804973 651.9823204419889 810.5 613.0338251884833 637.1121296916575 850.0087427426904 816.6227067734255 8 62 3231 57 946 1 179 14 46 1 3819.079863965149 4109 2865PUniversity Mall 10 105483122 95687 705.9502917968108 872.30665378924875362225772125Tuscaloosa County11253S011258 33.2827988-87.56409750G5240Vestavia Hills Elementary School Vestavia Hills Elementary School 4062 93 412 1 96 9 33 3 4062 3415 474.1686791 1534.525383 588 1625 552.8737174185553 574.5890962 1704.2124695237962 1637.27563 11 6023 41 73 297 1 61 6 16 2 3190.027227519316 3223 2767PVestavia Hills Elementary School 8 1629909842 1046892 450.8210381390761 557.05648939667925342225772125Tuscaloosa County11253S0112532 33.5090917-87.62229220G5240Samantha Fire Dept-New Lexington Voting Blg Samantha Fire Dept-New Lexington Voting Blg 2594 6 102 1 29 9 19 2 2594 2426 96.76911819 703.5208677 120 745 112.83137094298344 117.2630809 781.3158708353803 750.6279044 23 1323 41 4 74 1 15 9 11 0 2037.156727765905 1863 1749PSamantha Fire Dept-New Lexington Voting Blg 32 741925462 3050181 308.4839409008713 381.17782138747335362225772125Tuscaloosa County11253S0112529 33.3922215-87.66853840G5240Old Samantha School Old Samantha School 1775 0 162 0 27 8 10 2 1775 1566 99.99475546 312.5710164 124 331 116.5924165801431 121.1718502 347.1349708161942 333.5004515 23 1323 41 0 121 0 21 8 9 01393.9680770179189 1288 1129POld Samantha School 29 2475866552 2841574 285.71695709353935 353.045824428735845362225772125Tuscaloosa County11253S0112534 33.3538947-87.79644360G5240Echola Community Center Echola Community Center 1644 7 81 0 39 3 22 0 1644 1492 59.67428955 489.1594758 74 518 69.57934539399196 72.3122332 543.2504981519797 521.9130933 77 1523201 5 46 0 22 3 14 0 1291.089306263357 1245 1155PEchola Community Center 34 1448764832 1226248 141.29433462107514 174.590179598882125362225772125Tuscaloosa County11252S0112528 33.4333608-87.73324210G5240Montgomery Fire Station Montgomery Fire Station 813 1 7 0 16 1 7 0 813 781 83.06015978 556.206431 103 589 96.84692672044791 100.6508111 617.7114737402783 593.4494439 77 1323201 1 3 0 8 1 4 0 638.4766459806017 602 585PMontgomery Fire Station 28 4786927232 12565235 386.8649309551208 478.029200230149575362225772125Tuscaloosa County11253S0112533 33.5129962-87.45830180G5240Windham Springs Baptist Church Windham Springs Baptist Church 2226 1 51 1 12 4 3 3 2226 2151 24.19227955 169.0338729 30 179 28.207842730934825 29.31577022 187.72555822462715 180.3522079 23 1311 41 1 40 0 9 4 2 31748.1537686996548 1783 1724PWindham Springs Baptist Church 33 2654738092 5490402 527.6378842676311 651.97513562386986662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S0112525 33.0736336-87.73397160G5240Fosters-Ralph Fire Dept Fosters-Ralph Fire Dept 3036 5 1023 0 10 5 29 0 3036 1964 422.5584827 814.0066953 524 862 492.69698626179365 512.0487864 904.019168682729 868.5117498104 7023201 4 753 0 10 5 12 0 2384.274412296564 2328 1544PFosters-Ralph Fire Dept 25 1311514432 3005230 887.7385747164228 1096.93313332237386662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S0112526 33.0490787-87.55812330G5240Frierson-Big Sandy Baptist Church Frierson-Big Sandy Baptist Church 5108 16 1733 0 82 22 33 2 5108 3220 754.7991218 1293.722938 936 1370 880.0846930473645 914.6520307 1436.7822057320036 1380.349301104 61 3201 8 1247 0 52 19 15 04011.4867253000166 3706 2365PFrierson-Big Sandy Baptist Church 26 2320527822 695735 810.9217285878678 1002.01448709518336662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S0112527 33.0636946 -87.414750G5240Duncanville Fire Dept Duncanville Fire Dept 4666 8 460 0 104 12 37 4 4666 4041 307.2419502 1263.504592 381 1338 358.2396025924248 372.3102817 1403.222328871017 1348.107565 88 61 3201 7 306 0 69 12 24 0 3664.369040769357 3515 3097PDuncanville Fire Dept 27 561046112 1898161 1764.3543481834622 2180.122390267966662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S0112524 33.1284815-87.57606590G5240Hillcrest High School Hillcrest High School 10152 202 2689 0 118 14 70 5 10152 7054 1218.48448 2777.254862 1511 2941 1420.7350124578682 1476.537627 3084.3623846142095 2963.217003104 61 3201 150 1800 0 80 11 29 1 7972.712066414598 7285 5214PHillcrest High School 24 176787232 416799 1109.4994246260069 1370.951668584586662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S011256 33.1518084-87.52597230G5240Skyland Oaks Retirement Center Skyland Oaks Retirement Center 6384 52 3723 0 196 10 62 12 6384 2329 1541.854616 821.5612818 1912 870 1797.77984304365 1868.391755 912.4091377938873 876.5721837104 69 3231 46 2701 0 150 7 37 6 5013.573072497124 5021 2074PSkyland Oaks Retirement Center 6 301825472 320313 2855.9530145487424 3528.9550078086476662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S0112516 33.1691261-87.48591090G5240McFaland Mall McFaland Mall 16433 175 7705 1 527 32 187 21 16433 7785 2884.526131 2802.751591 3577 2968 3363.315114408469 3495.417002 3112.6785299350045 2990.420967 88 62 3231 132 5460 1 354 27 109 1212905.395723738287 12771 6676PMcFaland Mall 16 177349502 444948 821.6969422982081 1015.32886733519656662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S011253 33.1738226-87.59597280G5240McDonald Hughes Center McDonald Hughes Center 4728 2 4577 0 29 18 29 0 4728 73 1864.418344 33.05131593 2312 35 2173.884412532859 2259.268691 36.7061147338096 35.26439819104 6923231 2 3394 0 18 11 21 03713.0597566989973 3510 64PMcDonald Hughes Center 3 91227912 236785 1232.3716196777905 1522.77855293440736662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S011252 33.1959187-87.59547020G5240Stillman College Stillman College 7091 4 6706 0 30 10 38 3 7091 300 2574.864953 70.82424843 3193 75 3002.2547272754573 3120.175143 78.65596015428653 75.56656756 11 6923231 4 5003 0 22 9 17 35568.8043009205985 5333 275PStillman College 2 1942117772 11375153 184.74277700147954 228.277196695709365362225772125Tuscaloosa County11253S0112531 33.3514666-87.46147550G5240Yellow Creek Fire Dept Yellow Creek Fire Dept 1063 5 9 0 23 2 8 0 1063 1016 58.06147091 399.4487611 72 423 67.69882254654593 70.35784852 443.61961523020614 426.195441 23 6223 41 4 6 0 11 2 1 0 834.8101779549564 793 769PYellow Creek Fire Dept 31 275272562 4129637 1025.383240177544 1267.01360348512255362225772125Tuscaloosa County11253S0112512-2 33.2747539-87.50500770G5240Wood Village Comm Center Wood Village Comm Center 5900 249 433 0 285 14 64 3 5900 4852 474.9750884 1901.867151 589 2014 553.8139789000107 575.5662886 2112.1747171505285 2029.214228 8 6223 41 176 289 0 169 10 29 14633.4713545947725 4254 3580PWood Village Comm Center 12-2 391662641 22421 499.4072464208638 673.36475272804651131111441109Pike County 11092N011090220 31.8012657-86.01683960G5240First Baptist Church- Troy First Baptist Church- Troy 2789 23 685 1 42 15 53 0 2789 1970 234.4296649 905.9254123 318 969 314.1011300740301 326.4381698 1003.4491140217189 964.0363568 72 8827291 14 503 1 26 10 19 0 2222.536034529925 2171 1598AFirst Baptist Church- Troy 0220 410225301 141612 832.285722970303 1122.1941092434421131111441109Pike County 11096N011090010 31.8525209-85.95961380G5240Academy Street School Academy Street School 4648 81 3134 2 65 27 61 5 4648 1273 911.1794523 263.643928 1236 282 1220.8459020912821 1268.797415 292.02543879969556 280.5554723 72 8827291 77 2245 2 49 22 43 4 3703.961093042342 3583 1141AAcademy Street School 0010 788809651 116013 195.89513359068664 264.130885437247341131111441109Pike County 11096N011090020 31.9015684-85.99840740G5240Meeksville VFD Meeksville VFD 1094 2 484 0 18 4 13 1 1094 572 173.242048 167.3484508 235 179 232.11875963440465 241.2357544 185.36366507327014 178.0830835 72 8827291 2 355 0 7 3 8 0 871.8015137238214 849 474AMeeksville VFD 0020 249964261 0 17.190066567372867 23.1778473509833131131111441109Pike County 11096N011090050 31.9134015-85.92433070G5240Needsmore Childs Grocery Needsmore Childs Grocery 96 0 26 0 3 4 0 0 96 63 5.160401429 42.07083958 7 45 6.914175818180623 7.185745875 46.59980405270798 44.76949025 72 8821291 0 20 0 1 3 0 0 76.50177816954923 74 50ANeedsmore Childs Grocery 0050 923234881 165519 182.4653940849266 246.023192194291621131111441109Pike County 11096N011090120 31.8086367 -85.8556810G5240Banks City Hall Banks City Hall 1019 1 341 0 20 13 18 0 1019 626 76.66882123 280.4722639 104 300 102.72489787011212 106.759653 310.66536042077877 298.4632684 72 88 7291 1 248 0 15 11 12 0 812.034499528861 778 491ABanks City Hall 0120 364461901 131591 1123.0843490683608 1514.28602693090971131111441109Pike County 11096N011090060 31.8012611 -85.9224370G5240Troy Adams Armory Troy Adams Armory 6272 417 1687 1 168 23 67 2 6272 3907 528.5725464 1405.166042 717 1503 708.20915163816 736.0256846 1556.4334560370207 1495.300975 72 8827291 392 1485 1 116 18 56 2 4998.116173743882 5544 3474ATroy Adams Armory 0060 249913421 180631 396.9830997902672 535.26341226177091131111441109Pike County 11096N011090210 31.7651161-85.99048390G5240Pike County Courthouse Pike County Courthouse 2217 18 989 0 44 7 35 1 2217 1123 537.4189488 378.6375562 729 405 720.0620244693268 748.3441061 419.398236526416 402.9254123 72 8827291 16 725 0 29 7 21 01766.7129396030275 1757 959APike County Courthouse 0210 442892691 12360 63.746496854007724 85.951183926563121131111441109Pike County 11096N011090110 31.761366-85.78841580G5240M Pillar Church M Pillar Church 356 1 162 0 11 12 11 0 356 159 75.93162102 62.6388056 103 67 101.73715849157006 105.7331179 69.38193048425902 66.6567966 65 88 7291 1 128 0 5 7 4 0 283.6940940454117 272 127AM Pillar Church 0110 160327802 531246 1520.347895775111 1878.61610225217835362225772125Tuscaloosa County11253S0112512-1 33.2406761-87.54037410G5240Tuscaloosa Academy-Wood Village Tuscaloosa Academy-Wood Village 8748 205 1282 0 150 11 73 2 8748 7025 928.9835346 2670.546327 1152 2828 1083.1811604368283 1125.725576 2965.854070749954 2849.363374 8 6223 41 151 854 0 96 6 41 1 6870.102950846622 6946 5797PTuscaloosa Academy-Wood Village 12-1 422765262 1552343 452.21138829524904 558.77447394377776662226772125Tuscaloosa County11252S0112515 33.2419868-87.42613480G5240Peterson Methodist Church Peterson Methodist Church 2602 5 474 0 72 8 12 1 2602 2030 121.767807 396.6157912 151 420 141.97947503990883 147.5560434 440.4733768265328 423.1727783 88 61 3201 4 259 0 52 6 6 02043.4394007890844 1967 1640PPeterson Methodist Church 15 515618992 347816 782.2457566168009 966.58105581127736662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S0112517 33.1683407-87.41317710G5240Cottondale Methodist Cottondale Methodist 4501 20 610 0 242 7 44 2 4501 3576 550.7775643 1784.77106 683 1890 642.1985527684632 667.4223686 1982.1301953550885 1904.277502 88 61 3201 17 413 0 146 5 23 0 3534.788909666283 3436 2832PCottondale Methodist 17 908767242 862108 551.1000431530495 680.96612485615656662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S0112518 33.1649011-87.34899770G5240Coaling Community Center Coaling Community Center 3171 4 360 0 31 8 28 0 3171 2740 279.0176241 1191.73602 346 1262 325.33045276211897 338.1085498 1323.517622367057 1271.533443 88 61 3201 4 248 0 17 7 17 0 2490.294519562716 2350 2057PCoaling Community Center 18 1089599372 322859 487.1439359690942 601.93883568962686662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S0112519 33.1845177-87.25144280G5240Vance Community Center Vance Community Center 2803 9 188 0 88 4 35 1 2803 2478 153.2177705 704.4651911 190 746 178.649670603595 185.6665447 782.364616935242 751.6354586 88 61 3201 5 140 0 61 3 7 12201.2915604964655 1994 1777PVance Community Center 19 466894202 1863180 161.97579319414763 200.145199736971886662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S0112523 33.1740747-87.65549380G5240Goodrich Union Hall Goodrich Union Hall 932 0 658 4 10 2 7 0 932 251 289.5009452 98.20962449 359 104 337.55385134749486 350.8120503 109.06959802870529 104.7856403104 6923231 0 488 1 8 2 7 0 731.9314072003946 708 202PGoodrich Union Hall 23 1438028022 2196567 1742.1087456846951 2152.63463751438446662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S0112520 33.2656129-87.15754630G5240Abernant Masonic Lodge-Bucksville Abernant Masonic Lodge-Bucksville 10024 26 517 4 124 22 104 7 10024 9220 448.3635809 3194.645766 556 3383 522.7853518401745 543.3189413 3547.908175949964 3408.555974 88 6133201 21 388 3 84 18 60 3 7872.189298043729 7582 7005PAbernant Masonic Lodge-Bucksville 20 3720870442 8860035 536.8489540522768 663.35678324839725362225772125Tuscaloosa County11253S0112521 33.3287247-87.29288380G5240Brookwood City Hall-Kellerman Brookwood City Hall-Kellerman 3089 7 163 0 73 12 38 3 3089 2793 179.0228686 889.5525603 222 942 208.7380361819759 216.9366996 987.9188594820475 949.1160885 88 61 3201 4 99 0 41 11 18 12425.8971210751274 2258 2084PBrookwood City Hall-Kellerman 21 27039572 73118 388.25528111129375 479.74718477724816662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S011257 33.2294511-87.56703160G5240Reg Education Center Reg Education Center 2234 6 1286 11 150 7 9 0 2234 765 473.3622698 217.1943619 587 230 551.9334560333206 573.6119039 241.21161108707398 231.7374738 11 6923201 6 881 5 104 7 4 01754.4364417228342 1717 710PReg Education Center 7 147326872 633781 813.8762226697353 1005.66520425776756662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S0112537 33.2188153-87.59842390G5240Northport Community Center Northport Community Center 4683 23 1808 28 258 8 50 8 4683 2500 620.935175 875.3877106 770 927 724.0012966516103 752.4381022 972.1876674636809 934.002775 11 6023201 19 1233 15 186 7 24 33677.7197209436135 3727 2240PNorthport Community Center 37 142515372 59178 680.5764014466546 840.95343580470166662226772125Tuscaloosa County11252S0112539 33.250318-87.62089310G5240Flatwoods Elementary School Flatwoods Elementary School 3916 35 937 2 322 21 37 6 3916 2556 510.4570984 1157.740381 633 1226 595.185481582312 618.5627516 1285.76276193933 1235.261491 11 6023201 27 648 2 222 11 23 33075.3684448462927 3054 2118PFlatwoods Elementary School 39 759803872 1329598 355.75584621075126 439.58929598882135362225772125Tuscaloosa County11253S0112535 33.288371-87.67855230G5240Mt Olive Fire Station Mt Olive Fire Station 2047 11 49 3 42 4 4 0 2047 1934 131.4447189 818.7283119 163 867 153.26261214382927 159.2823515 909.262899390214 873.549521 11 1523201 7 30 3 25 4 3 01607.5789598060167 1569 1497PMt Olive Fire Station 35 55528292 0 1174.1507068880487 1450.8379500246596662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S011255 33.1791934-87.54123650G5240Bama Mall Bama Mall 6756 73 3312 0 386 8 74 9 6756 2894 1309.608733 790.3986125 1624 837 1526.9845529344427 1586.960361 877.8005153534806 843.322894104 69 3231 66 2298 0 303 8 50 6 5305.717368074963 5419 2688PBama Mall 5 545542461 62612 54.07708440986048 72.913644791635011131111441109Pike County 11096N011090100 31.8005229-85.70938380G5240Enon-County Bldg Enon-County Bldg 302 0 22 0 2 2 1 0 302 275 11.05800306 150.5201149 15 161 14.816091043769513 15.39802688 166.72374345218697 160.1752874 65 88 7291 0 21 0 1 2 1 0240.66184382504028 253 228AEnon-County Bldg 0100 730320291 13870 68.22307668926108 91.987081674215021131111441109Pike County 11096N011090090 31.8501188 -85.7475410G5240Josie-County Bldg Josie-County Bldg 381 6 68 0 1 0 8 0 381 298 37.59721041 119.6681659 51 128 50.37470953726986 52.35329138 132.5505537267942 127.3443278 72 8812291 4 51 0 1 0 4 0 303.6164321103985 297 237AJosie-County Bldg 0090 1543230371 74436 274.68293869114564 370.362685795920871131111441109Pike County 11096N011090140 31.7311896-85.79595980G5240Brundidge-Haisten Building Brundidge-Haisten Building 1534 9 494 0 44 10 21 0 1534 956 190.1976527 427.2527486 258 457 254.8367659181962 264.8460623 473.2468990104537 454.6590455 65 88 7291 8 351 0 33 7 12 01222.4346636675887 1213 802ABrundidge-Haisten Building 0140 825033431 5750 62.31399130672665 84.01969664731451131111441109Pike County 11096N011090080 31.8973017-85.83326980G5240Ebernezer County Bldg Ebernezer County Bldg 348 0 67 0 1 0 7 0 348 273 36.86001021 129.9521489 50 139 49.386970129861595 51.32675625 143.94161696859177 138.287981 72 8821291 0 54 0 1 0 2 0277.31894586461596 277 220AEbernezer County Bldg 0080 383318251 74899 685.0957779871728 923.73379130064751131111441109Pike County 11092N011090130 31.7558333 -85.9492230G5240Park Memorial Church Park Memorial Church 3826 69 1146 0 159 6 36 5 3826 2405 328.0540908 977.9132934 445 1046 439.54403413171303 456.8081306 1083.1865565061253 1040.641929 65 88 7291 64 788 0 97 5 21 33048.9146174655766 2938 1960APark Memorial Church 0130 372470491 147849 107.79604243290069 145.344417763457871131111441109Pike County 11096N011090200 31.7006227-85.94339860G5240Springhill Housing Authority Springhill Housing Authority 602 7 321 2 45 2 4 0 602 221 109.8428304 68.24825087 149 73 147.17317096293235 152.9537336 75.59523769475635 72.62606197 65 88 7291 6 226 2 18 2 2 0 479.7299006048816 418 162ASpringhill Housing Authority 0200 286749951 0 33.30575397428493 44.9070792425301661131111441109Pike County 11096N011090150 31.6483629-85.75172230G5240Tennville Holder's Grocery Tennville Holder's Grocery 186 1 29 0 7 2 2 0 186 145 13.26960367 62.6388056 18 67 17.779309246750174 18.47763225 69.38193048425902 66.6567966 65 88 7291 0 20 0 5 2 2 0148.22219520350163 150 121ATennville Holder's Grocery 0150 179281181 11472 22.20383598285662 29.9380528283534451131111441109Pike County 11096N011090280 31.8763654-85.93341770G5240Dunn Voting Center Dunn Voting Center 124 0 30 0 0 0 6 0 124 88 0.737200204 30.85194903 1 33 0.9877394025972319 1.026535125 34.17318964212213 32.83095952 72 8827291 0 21 0 0 0 3 0 98.81479680233441 95 71ADunn Voting Center 0280 629134011 0 126.7767409343749 170.936624213501941131111441109Pike County 11096N011090160 31.6529373-85.87224950G5240Tarentum Community Clubhouse Tarentum Community Clubhouse 708 2 139 0 13 10 5 0 708 539 52.34121449 262.7090205 71 281 70.1294975892145 72.88399388 290.9898875580455 279.5605947 65 88 7291 2 92 0 8 7 4 0 564.2006140004255 570 457ATarentum Community Clubhouse 0160 237567371 83710 240.66093194322016 324.48986291376641131111441109Pike County 11096N011090190 31.7240502-85.82217910G5240Galloway Road Community Center Galloway Road Community Center 1344 2 1038 0 39 6 13 0 1344 246 549.9513523 103.7747376 746 111 736.8535943856454 765.7952033 114.94618334736107 110.4314093 65 88 7291 2 816 0 32 4 8 01071.0248943736892 1067 205AGalloway Road Community Center 0190 686188501 26344 106.90072646585003 144.137238213927471131111441109Pike County 11096N011090170 31.6516792-85.95948270G5240Springhill Fire Department Springhill Fire Department 597 4 65 0 6 13 17 0 597 492 32.43680898 229.9872564 44 246 43.460533714278206 45.1675455 254.74559555752916 244.7398801 65 88 7291 2 48 0 2 11 12 0475.74543299188423 468 393ASpringhill Fire Department 0170 759165211 156684 111.01917991428311 149.690264141767221131111441109Pike County 11092N011090180 31.6892653-86.03784220G5240Little Oak- County Bldg Little Oak- County Bldg 620 0 73 0 9 7 5 0 620 526 17.6928049 173.8928036 24 186 23.705745662333563 24.636843 192.61252345255576 185.0472264 52 88 7291 0 55 0 5 5 3 0 494.0739840116721 475 407ALittle Oak- County Bldg 0180 914028251 297315 142.5343019544667 192.182984285236641131111441109Pike County 11096N011090240 31.7473469-86.09668980G5240Goshen Town Hall Goshen Town Hall 796 2 152 0 3 2 14 0 796 623 58.97601633 288.8864318 80 309 79.01915220777855 82.12281 319.9853211792762 307.4171664 52 8827291 1 112 0 3 2 11 0 634.327243989179 606 477AGoshen Town Hall 0240 817181921 112183 79.86218426091979 107.680415818109981131111441109Pike County 11096N011090230 31.6656119-86.09773080G5240Henderson Fire Dept. Henderson Fire Dept. 446 0 71 0 7 5 9 0 446 354 33.91120939 186.0466017 46 199 45.43601251947266 47.22061575 206.0746890735652 197.9806347 52 8827291 0 60 0 4 5 5 0 355.4145110793641 345 271AHenderson Fire Dept. 0230 1431842741 273147 124.98610900027356 168.522265114441151131111441109Pike County 11092N011090260 31.8908716-86.07946310G5240Shellhorn School Shellhorn School 698 0 128 0 6 2 8 0 698 554 50.86681408 205.6796602 69 220 68.15401878402004 70.83092363 227.8212643155103 218.8730635 52 8827291 0 89 0 4 2 6 0 556.2316787744309 558 457AShellhorn School 0260 1114003381 53226 56.58396911760236 76.293747530320081131111441109Pike County 11096N011090030 31.9678046-85.93189380G5240China Grove-County Bldg China Grove-County Bldg 316 0 157 0 0 1 2 0 316 156 56.76441572 73.85769615 77 79 76.05593400479789 79.04320463 81.8085449052537 78.59532734 72 8821291 0 117 0 0 1 2 0251.81835314143288 238 118AChina Grove-County Bldg 0030 885283621 69325 147.36900817654032 198.701753852700681131111441109Pike County 11096N011090250 31.8145139-86.12169330G5240Rural Home- County Bldg Rural Home- County Bldg 823 0 281 0 1 4 23 0 823 514 112.054431 234.6617941 152 251 150.13638919477924 156.033339 259.9233515576029 249.7142679 52 8827291 0 215 0 1 3 14 0 655.8433690993647 629 396ARural Home- County Bldg 0250 562138131 48143 43.154229611842304 58.186054287364361131111441109Pike County 11096N011090270 31.9349981 -86.1521030G5240Oak Bowery Church of Christ Oak Bowery Church of Christ 241 0 98 0 0 3 0 0 241 140 46.44361286 71.98788106 63 77 62.22758236843664 64.67171288 79.73744249481537 76.60557221 52 8827291 0 77 0 0 1 0 0192.05133894647253 186 108AOak Bowery Church of Christ 0270 304549061 0 70.72996139700295 95.367184412900091131111441109Pike County 11096N011090040 31.6444364-85.80416560G5240Hamilton X Roads Hwy 231 S Hamilton X Roads Hwy 231 S 395 0 40 0 16 5 3 0 395 331 19.90440551 163.6088206 27 175 26.668963874936296 27.71644838 181.22146021075815 174.1035732 65 88 7291 0 29 0 12 3 3 0 314.7729414267911 316 269AHamilton X Roads Hwy 231 S 0040 379220851 55822 21.66664640262622 29.213745098635221131111441109Pike County 11096N011090070 31.9530874-85.86038240G5240Saco VFD Saco VFD 121 0 63 0 0 0 0 0 121 58 32.43680898 14.95852074 44 16 43.460533714278206 45.1675455 16.56881922105369 15.91804098 72 8821291 0 47 0 0 0 0 0 96.424116234536 90 43ASaco VFD 0070 49182732 12208 710.9903111129377 878.53434777248076662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S011254 33.1834928-87.55614680G5240Southside Community Center Southside Community Center 4091 11 2781 2 76 8 41 0 4091 1172 858.8259239 153.9246999 1065 163 1001.3784171310057 1040.709843 170.94562010639876 164.2313402104 6923231 11 2032 2 60 8 31 0 3212.801917228341 3284 1140PSouthside Community Center 4 1665024912 1275504 592.4629602991945 732.0761651323365362225772125Tuscaloosa County11253S0112522 33.2005768-87.73773490G5240Coker-Buhl-Romulas Masonic Lodge Coker-Buhl-Romulas Masonic Lodge 3409 3 214 0 191 9 22 0 3409 2970 155.6369984 1045.365907 193 1107 181.47045485551996 188.5981217 1160.9619716840814 1115.362537 11 6023201 3 124 0 112 8 10 02677.2040420023013 2558 2301PCoker-Buhl-Romulas Masonic Lodge 22 435373662 5738043 867.4047036823936 1071.80760932105865362225772125Tuscaloosa County11253S0112530 33.3240372-87.56625540G5240Carrolls Creek Fire Station Carrolls Creek Fire Station 4991 42 138 0 94 13 43 2 4991 4659 431.4289852 2602.555049 535 2756 503.0398619804792 522.7979022 2890.3443488536172 2776.819469 23 6223 41 31 93 0 63 6 17 23919.6026323360184 3778 3566PCarrolls Creek Fire Station 30 165658172 348547 1017.0411392405064 1256.70569620253175362225772125Tuscaloosa County11253S0112538 33.2660029-87.58499010G5240Northport Civic Center Northport Civic Center 5852 32 1071 0 169 22 51 2 5852 4505 717.7042932 2083.177227 890 2206 836.8326675945938 869.7011831 2313.533974152916 2222.66464 11 6023201 19 776 0 112 19 25 1 4595.775316455696 4408 3456PNorthport Civic Center 38 617798592 232362 732.8883260726615 905.59260438928165362225772125Tuscaloosa County11252S0112536 33.3338898-87.64811490G5240Chapel Hill Baptist Church Chapel Hill Baptist Church 4217 16 414 5 122 16 39 0 4217 3605 258.8573911 1179.459817 321 1249 301.82391716904345 313.6787413 1309.8839226525017 1258.435238 11 1523201 9 284 2 67 12 16 0 3311.754017343416 3042 2652PChapel Hill Baptist Church 36 56212072 434626 1665.2918995561402 2057.7159912871946662226772125Tuscaloosa County11255S011259 33.214963-87.53988030G5240Clara Verner Towers Clara Verner Towers 9582 396 1721 2 286 17 73 9 9582 7078 1003.173192 1278.613765 1244 1354 1169.6852121121356 1215.627272 1420.0022673015103 1364.228433 8 6223201 387 1599 2 280 17 61 9 7525.071613513069 9376 7021PClara Verner Towers 9 474916822 10115223 218.83233974934004 613.94654125124945502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111741 33.0649539-86.54932570G5240Bay Springs Baptist Church Bay Springs Baptist Church 1789 1 16 0 32 8 15 0 1789 1717 61.2 532.7584709 85 580 79.51143107040181 82.63442424 624.4828115061532 599.9548219 19 4019141 1 11 0 19 7 13 01330.8303918804625 1485 1434ABay Springs Baptist Church 41 1142798352 2080716 896.3685777994208 2514.8128866904175502225112117Shelby County 11172N0111734 33.1082028-86.72588690G5240Calera Community Center Calera Community Center 7328 27 1510 1 488 6 117 13 7328 5166 608.4 1804.030408 845 1964 790.4371676851608 821.4833939 2114.628003581824 2031.571156 61 4019131 24 1029 1 286 5 50 55451.2717225824645 5383 3983ACalera Community Center 34 414642312 1540703 347.2694312735474 974.28408642386655502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111747 33.3001829-86.62492490G5240Chelsea Liberty Baptist Church Chelsea Liberty Baptist Church 2839 25 70 10 107 8 12 1 2839 2606 123.12 1132.571025 171 1233 159.95829076381926 166.2410182 1327.564321732921 1275.421199 53 4019141 19 47 6 59 6 6 12111.9214547504935 2056 1912AChelsea Liberty Baptist Church 47 1064516282 5337797 238.64834815593204 669.54147679216755502225112117Shelby County 11174N011175 33.3142914-86.43552240G5240Harpersville City Hall Harpersville City Hall 1951 11 440 0 49 6 23 0 1951 1422 248.4 540.1068636 345 588 322.72286733895294 335.3985455 633.0963675032388 608.2300608 19 49 0141 8 330 0 27 6 10 0 1451.341584437553 1507 1126AHarpersville City Hall 5 1064511532 2411236 309.1052669349258 867.21235871543175512225212117Shelby County 11174N011174 33.4162959-86.41185250G5240Vincent City Hall Vincent City Hall 2527 3 594 0 24 6 28 0 2527 1872 303.12 707.2827976 421 770 393.8154409369232 409.2834424 829.0547669833967 796.4917463 3 49 0141 3 447 0 18 5 13 01879.8258246405412 1971 1485AVincent City Hall 4 553491422 1531255 65.07479303893174 182.571022887459325512225212117Shelby County 11174N011173 33.4311156-86.47686250G5240Turner Hollis American Legion Post #195 Turner Hollis American Legion Post #195 532 0 4 0 2 2 5 0 532 519 24.48 232.3929192 34 253 31.804572432009554 33.0537697 272.4037091234349 261.7044309 70 49 0141 0 3 0 2 2 3 0395.75280518748235 433 423ATurner Hollis American Legion Post #195 3 82248032 62233 502.61715149806497 1410.12092677550825502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111743 33.3800273-86.71619450G5240Faith Presbyterian Church Faith Presbyterian Church 4109 67 69 1 276 4 25 1 4109 3666 244.08 1736.976325 339 1891 317.11029571632406 329.5655273 2036.029304028503 1956.0596 53 42 6151 52 45 1 165 3 14 0 3056.669692698055 2861 2581AFaith Presbyterian Church 43 1109329392 946207 98.34611579567881 275.91560601788965562225112117Shelby County 11174N0111731 33.1628445-86.94584550G5240Pea Ridge Community Center Pea Ridge Community Center 804 0 1 0 28 2 6 0 804 767 49.68 283.8316681 69 309 64.54457345816851 67.07970909 332.69860131120976 319.6311034 83 48 3131 0 1 0 18 2 5 0 598.092585283338 641 615APea Ridge Community Center 31 424453732 402931 652.8273880616142 1831.54426532024515502225112117Shelby County 11172N0111733 33.0954152-86.86024870G5240Montevallo Parks & Rec. Bldg. (Orr Park) Montevallo Parks & Rec. Bldg. (Orr Park) 5337 24 1685 1 557 14 73 5 5337 2978 731.52 625.5319288 1016 681 950.3954584489801 987.7244121 733.2289562686111 704.4297133 83 4119131 19 1319 1 358 12 48 33970.1742881308146 4297 2537AMontevallo Parks & Rec. Bldg. (Orr Park) 33 791708072 2138455 450.87535176974137 1264.9563728631115562225172117Shelby County 11174N0111722 33.2533809 -86.9475580G5240Southcrest Baptist Church Southcrest Baptist Church 3686 83 267 1 85 12 39 3 3686 3196 226.08 1443.959166 314 1572 293.72458062203714 305.2612848 1692.5637577469586 1626.084448 83 4233131 57 167 1 49 10 19 0 2742.001578798985 2566 2263ASouthcrest Baptist Church 22 386916502 1538509 113.88088781813056 319.49929005305385512225212117Shelby County 11174N011171 33.5086734-86.52984350G5240Dunnavant Community Center Dunnavant Community Center 931 0 4 0 23 7 11 0 931 886 34.56 326.0849262 48 355 44.9005728366999 46.66414545 382.2265484245616 367.2137272 70 4726141 0 4 0 11 6 8 0 692.5674090780942 689 660ADunnavant Community Center 1 591640072 1715415 157.1825358177205 440.984519568393245512225212117Shelby County 11174N011172 33.4709301 -86.5030170G5240Vandiver Volunteer Fire Department Vandiver Volunteer Fire Department 1285 1 9 0 16 2 6 1 1285 1250 44.64 451.0076021 62 491 57.996573251012315 60.27452121 528.6570007913678 507.8927889 70 4726141 1 7 0 12 2 4 1 955.9066817028474 1032 1005AVandiver Volunteer Fire Department 2 1081013912 1316137 487.4493425942538 1367.56677858369435502225112117Shelby County 11174N011176 33.3472339 -86.5383650G5240New Life Assembly of God New Life Assembly of God 3985 38 128 3 103 17 45 3 3985 3648 179.28 1365.882493 249 1487 232.92172156933245 242.0702545 1601.0447256032014 1538.160035 70 4019141 29 87 3 64 11 23 22964.4265576543557 2986 2767ANew Life Assembly of God 6 753421092 7316449 377.97201219981037 1060.42191865084445502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111739 33.2352524-86.50575420G5240Wilsonville United Methodist Church Wilsonville United Methodist Church 3090 4 183 0 67 11 26 5 3090 2794 159.84 1137.163771 222 1238 207.66514936372323 215.8216727 1332.9477939058236 1280.593223 19 4919141 3 148 0 42 10 12 02298.6394135889486 2399 2184AWilsonville United Methodist Church 39 491224612 484539 150.08791552400237 421.08015993028685502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111738 33.2694536-86.55883770G5240Fourmile Volunteer Fire & Rescue Dept. Fourmile Volunteer Fire & Rescue Dept. 1227 3 32 1 44 10 15 2 1227 1120 39.6 488.6681147 55 532 51.4485730438561 53.46933333 572.8014754195522 550.3033884 19 4019141 3 15 0 23 8 7 1 912.7606991824076 888 831AFourmile Volunteer Fire & Rescue Dept. 38 491856882 747879 553.6250249891073 1553.22640900120455502225112117Shelby County 11174N011177 33.3047689-86.68504660G5240Chelsea City Hall Chelsea City Hall 4526 24 239 0 150 16 38 2 4526 4057 210.24 1721.36099 292 1874 273.1451514352853 283.8735515 2017.7254982242814 1938.474718 53 4019141 18 159 0 88 13 20 1 3366.87442909501 3064 2765AChelsea City Hall 7 149789632 308258 155.22539918497066 435.49366173719155502225112117Shelby County 11172N011178 33.3566846-86.67548870G5240North Shelby Baptist Church North Shelby Baptist Church 1269 39 70 1 48 5 12 0 1269 1094 101.52 499.6907037 141 544 131.8954327468956 137.0759273 585.7218093631362 562.7162467 53 4019141 31 52 0 32 4 6 0 944.0043416972089 1056 931ANorth Shelby Baptist Church 8 336385542 621117 636.6810108414281 1786.24468821283045502225112117Shelby County 11174N011179 33.3505185-86.70232160G5240Asbury United Methodist Church Asbury United Methodist Church 5205 223 311 1 146 5 36 3 5205 4480 370.08 2001.518462 514 2179 480.81030079900853 499.6952242 2346.1173215889926 2253.968202 53 4219151 142 216 1 92 5 14 03871.9799830842967 3585 3115AAsbury United Methodist Church 9 762900702 1224806 1016.6101596739883 2852.15746469487665502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111710 33.3967682-86.60445420G5240Sports Blast Shelby County Sports Blast Shelby County 8311 233 609 3 204 25 94 22 8311 7121 601.92 2965.076455 836 3228 782.0183103474382 812.7338667 3475.5698540358 3339.058905 53 4019141 172 417 1 126 19 54 12 6182.521736678884 5998 5197ASports Blast Shelby County 10 259444932 1943236 198.7716892636543 557.66524848143115502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111711 33.4446313 -86.598520G5240Shoal Creek Town Hall Shoal Creek Town Hall 1625 33 69 0 24 2 3 0 1625 1494 102.96 571.3375326 143 622 133.76628995443858 139.0202667 669.7039805689182 643.3998262 70 4726141 21 51 0 14 2 1 0 1208.831406822667 1207 1118AShoal Creek Town Hall 11 30156752 138542 264.21344542122665 741.26580721224085502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111712 33.429735 -86.631320G5240Greystone Farms Clubhouse Greystone Farms Clubhouse 2160 110 90 0 33 6 29 0 2160 1892 138.24 939.6757168 192 1023 179.6022913467996 186.6565818 1101.458475898655 1058.196177 70 4726141 75 55 0 23 6 16 01606.8159007612066 1567 1392AGreystone Farms Clubhouse 12 85804812 149308 425.06561242535304 1192.54568521413745502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111713 33.432921-86.64392460G5240Hoover Fire Station #8 (Greystone) Hoover Fire Station #8 (Greystone) 3475 120 276 0 68 9 41 0 3475 2961 254.16 1319.955039 353 1437 330.2062960729041 343.175903 1547.2099997106445 1486.439791 53 4719141 86 200 0 46 7 25 02585.0394699746266 2660 2296AHoover Fire Station #8 (Greystone) 13 201804632 3045090 805.4840454161007 2259.8311761539845502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111714 33.4635591-86.65362930G5240The Church at Brook Hills The Church at Brook Hills 6585 272 595 0 261 8 66 3 6585 5380 513.36 2293.617072 713 2497 666.9605923722085 693.1569939 2688.5061732277804 2582.908949 70 4726151 209 437 0 184 8 29 2 4898.556808570623 4887 4018AThe Church at Brook Hills 14 70106212 128476 851.4767562857216 2388.8663351872265502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111715 33.417009 -86.6972840G5240Meadowbrook Baptist Church Meadowbrook Baptist Church 6961 258 1047 0 510 8 85 17 6961 5036 421.2085494932951 1342.4235264632 585.0118742962433 1461.4608455317841 547.2368390485943 568.7308165496161 1573.5468582764083 1511.7422092557067 53 42 1151 192 869 0 383 7 64 15 5178.261798703129 5692 4162AMeadowbrook Baptist Church 15 231813022 492457 485.24756388241025 1361.38956352359225502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111716 33.3504509-86.75304440G5240New Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Church New Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Church 3967 92 128 1 119 5 25 1 3967 3596 260.64 1733.302129 362 1887 338.62515350684737 351.9254303 2031.7225264983576 1951.921981 53 42 6151 61 82 1 75 3 12 02951.0364251480123 2907 2673ANew Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Church 16 537463832 345608 1480.4515416356974 4153.4907706896995502225112117Shelby County 11172N0111720 33.2917065 -86.7689090G5240Pelham Civic Complex Pelham Civic Complex 12103 214 732 8 1965 25 144 20 12106 8998 810 3823.001303 1125 4162 1052.3571758751882 1093.690909 4481.202520260553 4305.19305 39 4019141 167 517 5 1214 23 78 10 9003.376318015224 8994 6980APelham Civic Complex 20 79746142 297518 611.3605556552272 1715.20671502165715502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111744 33.3587889-86.80113690G5240Riverchase United Methodist Church Riverchase United Methodist Church 4998 406 796 1 207 5 51 15 4998 3517 532.08 1452.226108 739 1581 691.2817360702669 718.4334061 1702.2540084908894 1635.394092 39 42 6151 280 577 1 166 4 41 123717.9934592613477 3981 2900ARiverchase United Methodist Church 44 74300742 618094 628.4855011917882 1763.25172104467295502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111717 33.4091857-86.71763680G5240First Christian Church First Christian Church 5138 242 531 6 229 4 50 14 5138 4062 404.64 1523.872937 562 1659 525.7108736838188 546.3593697 1786.2361802171129 1716.077672 53 42 6151 177 420 5 172 4 32 53822.1389343106853 4074 3259AFirst Christian Church 17 95386952 637307 627.9962170336007 1761.87900658687255502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111718 33.3780848-86.75931410G5240Valleydale Baptist Church Valleydale Baptist Church 5134 104 204 0 82 16 37 2 5134 4689 357.12 2244.015421 496 2443 463.97258602734263 482.1961697 2630.364669805078 2527.051086 5 42 6151 79 155 0 61 9 19 23819.1633493092754 3883 3558AValleydale Baptist Church 18 60158142 196957 407.20674065151087 1142.44160750442125502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111742 33.4026104-86.74253180G5240Christ Church United Methodist Christ Church United Methodist 3329 121 159 1 57 5 30 2 3329 2954 275.76 1499.99066 383 1633 358.2691540898277 372.3409939 1758.2421226280774 1689.183145 5 42 6151 80 117 1 39 3 22 22476.4306174231747 2638 2374AChrist Church United Methodist 42 60657432 184225 488.91719506881617 1371.68492195709565502225172117Shelby County 11174N0111719 33.3417972-86.81400990G5240Riverchase Church of Christ Riverchase Church of Christ 3997 148 191 0 107 10 24 2 3997 3515 330.48 1785.659427 459 1944 429.3617277840187 446.2258909 2093.094112808448 2010.883058 39 42 6151 101 129 0 53 7 15 2 2973.353312658585 3119 2812ARiverchase Church of Christ 19 606110932 486484 1670.7830791706178 4687.4766947740735502225172117Shelby County 11174N0111721 33.2724954-86.87186740G5240Helena United Methodist Church Helena United Methodist Church 13659 190 1384 4 483 27 152 19 13562 11303 1056.24 4579.885752 1467 4986 1372.273757017944 1426.172945 5368.398790354386 5157.542659 39 4233131 121 905 4 289 17 64 610160.878883563575 9339 7933AHelena United Methodist Church 21 178652402 244429 219.44394494707436 615.66243432350015502225172117Shelby County 11174N0111723 33.2261223-86.88154020G5240Maylene Pentecostal Lighthouse Church Maylene Pentecostal Lighthouse Church 1794 4 102 0 206 9 32 0 1794 1441 90 417.9398349 125 455 116.92857508655196 121.5212121 489.89599864835066 470.6542137 83 4833131 2 73 0 126 8 12 01334.5498731322243 1335 1114AMaylene Pentecostal Lighthouse Church 23 83766872 87083 660.5336135530666 1853.1645180306025502225172117Shelby County 11174N0111724 33.2326683-86.82424790G5240Siluria Baptist Church Siluria Baptist Church 5400 35 499 0 437 19 64 21 5400 4325 358.56 1801.274761 498 1961 465.84344323488557 484.1405091 2111.397919653553 2028.467941 61 4819131 23 332 0 262 15 23 64017.0397519030166 3825 3164ASiluria Baptist Church 24 43555772 42459 229.35194915037036 643.4599020939595502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111725 33.2444087 -86.8051730G5240Alabaster Liberty Baptist Church Alabaster Liberty Baptist Church 1875 14 918 1 213 4 23 14 1875 688 434.88 206.6735447 604 225 564.9988749460002 587.190497 242.25626308159164 232.7410947 61 4819141 10 716 1 149 4 12 131394.8054694107698 1476 571AAlabaster Liberty Baptist Church 25 114881562 57622 950.4344772791347 2666.4978342773665502225172117Shelby County 11174N0111726 33.2359087-86.84534630G5240Evangel Presbyterian Church Evangel Presbyterian Church 7770 111 1016 0 455 17 118 7 7770 6046 635.76 2404.761512 883 2618 825.9834545322562 858.4258424 2818.786207306378 2708.071937 61 4819131 80 681 0 281 14 53 5 5780.07386523823 5483 4369AEvangel Presbyterian Church 26 203365352 257409 739.7976471794346 2075.5442601942745502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111727 33.2057158-86.83815730G5240First Presbyterian Church of Alabaster First Presbyterian Church of Alabaster 6048 31 625 1 965 15 35 11 6048 4365 377.28 1781.066681 524 1939 490.1645868367233 509.4169212 2087.7106406355456 2005.711034 61 4019131 27 418 1 575 13 19 5 4499.084522131378 4277 3219AFirst Presbyterian Church of Alabaster 27 262302042 407384 567.8142655765436 1593.03512827741755502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111728 33.1732825-86.84254940G5240Southside Baptist Church Southside Baptist Church 4642 26 537 1 304 13 44 9 4642 3708 347.04 1463.248697 482 1593 450.87658557454193 468.5857939 1715.1743421222084 1647.80695 61 4019131 17 362 1 193 9 20 33453.1663941358893 3359 2754ASouthside Baptist Church 28 190213702 448443 246.5992157264782 691.84808673142485502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111729 33.1299917-86.83697330G5240University Baptist Church University Baptist Church 2016 8 188 0 59 2 27 1 2016 1731 246.96 618.1835361 343 673 320.85201013141 333.4542061 724.6154002715257 696.1544744 61 4019131 4 142 0 39 2 18 01499.6948407104596 1664 1459AUniversity Baptist Church 29 265412882 256676 105.80769920803752 296.849501499346455502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111730 33.1455298-86.89074660G5240Underwood Baptist Church Underwood Baptist Church 865 1 43 0 71 4 9 0 865 737 23.76 236.9856646 33 258 30.86914382823808 32.0816 277.7871817126906 266.8764553 83 4019131 1 27 0 54 4 4 0 643.470256554835 681 591AUnderwood Baptist Church 30 139745792 223155 92.96399005561678 260.81574698208475502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111732 33.0710928-86.89176610G5240Wilton Municipal Annex Wilton Municipal Annex 760 1 159 0 33 0 15 2 760 550 108.72 188.302563 151 205 141.2497186883897 146.7976242 220.72237303683383 212.0529974 1 4119131 1 105 0 22 0 6 0 565.3611502678319 550 416AWilton Municipal Annex 32 101962692 168721 699.3093830894226 1961.95213881128735502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111745 33.2610981-86.82150580G5240First United Methodist Church of Alabaster First United Methodist Church of Alabaster 5717 75 706 5 386 21 75 5 5716 4443 434.88 1768.206994 604 1925 564.9988749460002 587.190497 2072.6369177187125 1991.229366 61 4819131 50 469 3 237 16 33 1 4252.854863264731 4185 3376AFirst United Methodist Church of Alabaster 45 397322412 284413 858.5713765794397 2408.77069482533265502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111735 33.1733673-86.71448760G5240Concord Baptist Church Concord Baptist Church 7019 54 1349 2 245 18 92 1 7019 5258 658.8 1909.663553 915 2079 855.9171697567228 889.5352727 2238.4478708447623 2150.527715 61 4019131 42 937 1 159 12 47 0 5221.407781223569 5242 4044AConcord Baptist Church 35 938696872 2555054 276.6901914550068 776.27002588615225502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111736 33.2171646-86.73342510G5240Camp Branch Civic Center Camp Branch Civic Center 2262 7 92 0 223 9 12 1 2262 1918 109.44 871.7030843 152 949 142.18514729216116 147.7697939 1021.7830829516365 981.6502172 61 4019131 4 61 0 148 8 7 01682.6933182971525 1668 1440ACamp Branch Civic Center 36 1710124302 1538994 774.9037855293847 2174.0365225414565502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111737 33.1861905 -86.625170G5240Columbiana Recreation Building Columbiana Recreation Building 6335 12 1201 3 251 10 83 13 6335 4762 401.76 1580.82298 558 1721 521.9691592687329 542.4706909 1852.991238700106 1780.210773 19 4019141 10 989 3 191 10 40 34712.5827459825205 4980 3734AColumbiana Recreation Building 37 1024958272 6295788 241.95101622369737 678.80729938232055502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111740 33.1152525-86.56447080G5240Old Shelby Elementary School Old Shelby Elementary School 1978 6 64 1 35 5 21 0 1978 1846 95.76 620.0206342 133 675 124.41200391672379 129.2985697 726.7687892447749 698.2232841 19 4019141 6 54 1 21 4 10 01471.4267831970678 1548 1452AOld Shelby Elementary School 40 114519842 266559 824.6884486249584 2313.71021862265165502225112117Shelby County 11174N0111746 33.2916829-86.81296550G5240Covenant Life Church Covenant Life Church 6742 198 664 4 1090 16 59 9 6837 4797 537.84 1919.767593 747 2090 698.765164804218 726.2107636 2250.291510874207 2161.906169 39 4819131 138 463 2 669 13 35 1 5015.348519875952 5005 3684ACovenant Life Church 46 1243734922 468844 0 122.562311586371650062220732129Washington County11291N011293 31.6732987-88.19681470G5240Frankville/Koenton Voting District Frankville/Koenton Voting District 371 0 178 0 2 3 2 0 371 186 94.33974568 81.43968872 92 91 85.89651478512538 89.27029671 96.51290867755742 92.72214362 12 64 5211 0 121 0 2 2 2 0276.37716853421307 272 145AFrankville/Koenton Voting District 3 1085119832 78982 0 129.169444286445580022220732129Washington County11291S011291 31.4887252-88.15092830G5240Hobson Fire House Voting District Hobson Fire House Voting District 391 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 391 385 25.63580046 173.618677 25 194 23.341444233519603 24.2582328 205.75279432152507 197.6713831 17 64 5211 0 2 0 1 0 1 0291.27620726921106 285 281PHobson Fire House Voting District 1 666607232 3186667 0 264.615664637961460022220732129Washington County11291N0112916 31.2786558-87.99577860G5240McIntosh Community Center Voting District McIntosh Community Center Voting District 801 0 754 0 5 10 5 0 801 27 434.7831757 9.844357977 424 11 395.87089421203893 411.4196283 11.666395557747117 11.20817121 17 64 5211 0 529 0 5 5 1 0 596.7065013366703 566 26AMcIntosh Community Center Voting District 16 473161642 1565145 0 192.267561572151750022220732129Washington County11291N0112915 31.197708-87.97602320G5240Malcolm Voting House Voting District Malcolm Voting House Voting District 582 1 360 0 4 20 15 0 582 182 206.1118357 76.96498054 201 86 187.66521162595112 195.0361917 91.21000160301541 87.62752034 17 64 5211 1 261 0 4 13 11 0 433.5620271884421 438 148AMalcolm Voting House Voting District 15 2222441172 1098182 0 314.499516523519730022220732129Washington County11292N0112911 31.1952331-88.36665260G5240Deer Park/Epworth Fire House Deer Park/Epworth Fire House 952 2 311 0 4 14 9 0 952 612 226.620476 287.2762646 221 321 206.33836707049923 214.442778 340.44663389831317 327.0748143 17 64 5211 0 227 0 1 8 8 0 709.1942437859052 735 491ADeer Park/Epworth Fire House 11 1311461782 78218 0 646.83829133723910022220732129Washington County11291N0112917 31.2693965-88.07098830G5240McIntosh Voting House Voting District McIntosh Voting House Voting District 1958 2 441 5 40 934 52 0 1958 484 457.3426801 287.2762646 446 321 416.4113651721757 432.7668732 340.44663389831317 327.0748143 17 64 5211 2 317 3 25 619 24 0 1458.615892156305 1383 393AMcIntosh Voting House Voting District 17 1309042442 31894 0 137.428360161538020022220732129Washington County11291N011292 31.5828535-88.20482190G5240Springfield Bapt/Bigbee Voting District Springfield Bapt/Bigbee Voting District 416 0 64 0 3 0 4 0 416 345 55.37332899 204.0466926 54 228 50.41751954632676 52.39778285 241.81256242424718 232.3148214 12 64 5211 0 45 0 2 0 2 0 309.9000056879586 321 272ASpringfield Bapt/Bigbee Voting District 2 808361232 64927 0 304.25846083840510022220732129Washington County11291N011294 31.6498724-88.31105850G5240Millry Fire House/Millry City Hall Voting District Millry Fire House/Millry City Hall Voting District 921 5 375 0 6 3 7 0 921 525 229.6967721 308.7548638 224 345 209.13934034388214 217.3537659 365.9005878103159 351.529006 12 64 5211 2 270 0 5 2 4 0 686.1007337466583 705 422AMillry Fire House/Millry City Hall Voting District 4 1905065122 474397 0 231.2496445025880022220732129Washington County11291N0112910 31.3443032-88.34823820G5240Fruitdale Fire House Voting District Fruitdale Fire House Voting District 700 1 65 0 8 3 6 0 700 617 62.55135311 239.844358 61 268 56.953123927863416 59.19008803 284.2358189789479 273.0718076 17 64 5211 0 45 0 6 1 4 0 521.4663557249303 504 448AFruitdale Fire House Voting District 10 881547482 274377 0 112.651612536260740022220732129Washington County11291N011299 31.402182-88.40250490G5240Yellow Pine Voting House District Yellow Pine Voting House District 341 0 21 0 6 2 0 0 341 312 20.50864037 115.4474708 20 129 18.673155386815683 19.40658624 136.8150023941143 131.4412805 17 64 5211 0 17 0 6 2 0 0254.02861043171606 253 228AYellow Pine Voting House District 9 855932032 185905 0 157.910471531767260022220732129Washington County11291S011298 31.4974182-88.38686430G5240Laton Hill Fire House Voting District Laton Hill Fire House Voting District 478 0 19 0 7 5 3 0 478 444 18.45777633 216.5758755 18 242 16.80583985198294 17.46592762 256.66070214553065 246.5797665 17 64 5211 0 12 0 7 5 3 0 356.0870257664524 386 359PLaton Hill Fire House Voting District 8 996641362 41397 0 286.088845913201740022220732129Washington County11291N0112914 31.1787046-88.07565910G5240Fairford Fire House Voting District Fairford Fire House Voting District 866 0 111 3 11 273 20 2 866 446 142.5350505 214.7859922 139 240 129.77842996915962 134.8757744 254.53953932820443 244.5419172 17 64 5211 0 86 1 9 187 7 0 645.1283772254138 642 352AFairford Fire House Voting District 14 2472766502 333331 0 258.99960184289860022220732129Washington County11291N0112912 31.2264505 -88.2091020G5240Dees Comm/SimsChapel/Charity Chapel Voting District Dees Comm/SimsChapel/Charity Chapel Voting District 784 1 3 0 5 94 8 2 784 671 57.42419302 277.4319066 56 310 52.28483508115949 54.33844147 328.78023835097486 315.8666431 17 64 5211 1 3 0 5 56 6 2 584.042318411922 563 490ADees Comm/SimsChapel/Charity Chapel Voting District 12 1550085282 76799 0 555.32950344121490022220732129Washington County11291S0112925 31.4281353-88.28349690G5240Chatom Courthouse Chatom Courthouse 1681 1 405 0 9 1 10 0 1681 1255 209.1881317 479.688716 204 536 190.46618499555473 197.9471797 568.4716378538076 546.1436151 17 64 5211 1 273 0 6 1 6 01252.2642056765826 1249 962PChatom Courthouse 25 717715382 0 0 183.017575792048230022220732129Washington County11291S011297 31.5300081-88.30214040G5240Yarbo Fire House Voting District Yarbo Fire House Voting District 554 0 131 0 1 3 13 0 554 406 77.93283339 188.8326848 76 211 70.95799046797518 73.74502771 223.782678320842 214.9931022 12 64 5211 0 95 0 1 3 9 0412.70337295944483 418 310PYarbo Fire House Voting District 7 868242182 76690 0 218.365735737443830062220772129Washington County11291N011295 31.6632035-88.41647280G5240Red Creek Fire House Voting District Red Creek Fire House Voting District 661 0 9 0 7 1 1 0 661 643 35.89012064 312.3346304 35 349 32.67802192692744 33.96152592 370.1429134449683 355.6047046 12 64 5211 0 8 0 3 1 1 0 492.4132301916842 514 501ARed Creek Fire House Voting District 5 1171785632 364640 0 285.758489278198060022220732129Washington County11292S011296 31.5574885-88.37944060G5240Copeland Fire House Voting District Copeland Fire House Voting District 865 0 27 0 4 2 4 0 865 828 42.04271275 312.3346304 41 349 38.27996854104774 39.78350179 370.1429134449683 355.6047046 12 64 5211 0 24 0 2 2 3 0 644.383425288664 674 643PCopeland Fire House Voting District 6 1461310852 6561819 0 164.51760423184120022220732129Washington County11291N0112919 31.374972-87.96891270G5240Cortelyou Cortelyou 498 0 272 0 3 9 2 0 498 212 181.5014672 83.22957198 177 93 165.2574251502258 171.7482882 98.63407150529245 94.75999293 17 64 5211 0 201 0 1 6 1 0 370.9860645014504 375 166ACortelyou 19 660356902 2861913 0 188.30328195210740022220732129Washington County11291N0112921 31.4721729-87.96349530G5240Carson/Preswick Carson/Preswick 570 0 263 1 1 2 5 4 570 294 163.0436909 118.1322957 159 132 148.45158531748703 154.2823606 139.99674667214776 134.4980545 12 64 5211 0 201 1 0 2 5 1 424.6226039474433 420 210ACarson/Preswick 21 783488482 2104536 0 208.78539332233660022220732129Washington County11292N0112922 31.5429228-88.04351310G5240St. Stephens Fire House St. Stephens Fire House 632 0 190 0 3 0 0 0 632 439 109.721226 194.2023346 107 217 99.90138133485921 103.8252364 230.1461668769089 221.1066502 12 64 5211 0 128 0 2 0 0 0470.80962402593707 481 351ASt. Stephens Fire House 22 315652752 93080 0 267.2585177179910022220732129Washington County11291N0112920 31.4952535-88.00834990G5240Leroy Fire House Leroy Fire House 809 3 127 0 7 7 8 0 809 657 86.13628953 243.4241245 84 272 78.42725262655028 81.50766221 288.47814461360036 277.1475062 12 64 5211 3 84 0 5 6 4 0 602.6661168306695 614 512ALeroy Fire House 20 311783782 1218716 0 92.169501166031510022220732129Washington County11291N0112924 31.6246643-88.09538890G5240Old Franklin School Site Old Franklin School Site 279 0 148 0 4 0 0 0 279 127 94.33974568 73.38521401 92 82 85.89651478512538 89.27029671 86.96767594754535 83.55182172 12 64 5211 0 106 0 1 0 0 0207.84159035322222 211 104AOld Franklin School Site 24 845258952 61481 0 94.48199761105740022220732129Washington County11291N0112923 31.56885-88.12849190G5240Midway Methodist Church or Assembly Midway Methodist Church or Assembly 286 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 286 283 5.127160091 106.4980545 5 119 4.668288846703921 4.85164656 126.20918830748326 121.252034 12 64 5211 0 2 0 0 0 1 0213.05625391047153 205 202AMidway Methodist Church or Assembly 23 1607227382 69025 0 161.544394516807930022220732129Washington County11292N0112918 31.3993949-88.10333630G5240Wagarville Fire House Wagarville Fire House 489 0 69 0 3 4 5 0 489 408 58.44962504 177.1984436 57 198 53.21849285819793 55.30877079 209.9951199561775 201.7470817 17 64 5211 0 47 0 2 1 0 0364.28149707070133 361 311AWagarville Fire House 18 1452432092 279872 0 229.928217962573230022220732129Washington County11291S0112913 31.3673186-88.19500220G5240Tibbie Fire House Tibbie Fire House 696 2 11 0 7 4 5 0 696 667 50.24616889 277.4319066 49 310 45.749230699622835 47.54613629 328.78023835097486 315.8666431 17 64 5211 2 9 0 7 3 2 0 518.4865479779307 522 499PTibbie Fire House 13 1766136652 1564486 46.49018932874355 171.438024625976421132221472 39Covington County 10396N010392 31.2398412-86.63123830G5240Fairfield-Shady Bend Fairfield-Shady Bend 549 0 8 0 8 3 7 0 549 523 22.18611111 192.1074413 21 215 19.694954183857252 20.46851852 218.55658516864972 209.9722758 29 9118301 0 8 0 4 1 4 0 425.098848139812 438 421AFairfield-Shady Bend 2 1108599432 1183054 890.5115318416523 3283.8656957500331132221472 39Covington County 10392N010391 31.2985018-86.48733970G5240Andalusia Andalusia 10516 87 2391 0 189 47 146 7 10516 7649 1288.907407 2791.365799 1220 3124 1144.183052705123 1189.123457 3175.678009471944 3050.945998 29 9118301 61 1676 0 125 41 48 0 8142.694876208129 8020 6069AAndalusia 1 914635342 2008565 100.09363166953528 369.107003839533951132221472 39Covington County 10396N0103918 31.3565639-86.56450730G5240River Falls City Hall River Falls City Hall 1182 2 278 0 23 6 22 0 1182 851 179.6018519 229.6354066 170 257 159.4353434160398 165.6975309 261.25135992109057 250.9901157 29 9118301 1 213 0 19 6 8 0 915.2401429895406 934 687ARiver Falls City Hall 18 917271242 8413332 177.407917383821 654.21249834502851132221472 39Covington County 10396N0103916 31.3911655-86.44188460G5240Straughn School -Heath Health Straughn School -Heath Health 2095 8 67 0 23 11 15 3 2095 1968 107.7611111 755.0269206 102 845 95.66120603037976 99.41851852 858.9782067675275 825.2398746 29 9127301 7 56 0 14 6 4 01622.1895935389912 1620 1533AStraughn School -Heath Health 16 972353042 918914 87.98416523235801 324.451926386866151132221472 39Covington County 10396N0103920 31.2543283-86.38339890G5240Sanford-Oakey Ridge Sanford-Oakey Ridge 1039 0 4 0 17 12 24 0 1039 982 43.31574074 368.131469 41 412 38.45205340474566 39.96234568 418.8154096696315 402.3654773101 9118301 0 3 0 13 10 14 0 804.5131206143254 811 771ASanford-Oakey Ridge 20 1104383082 701748 82.98795180722891 306.027803521779451132221472 39Covington County 10396N0103921 31.1682341-86.52801740G5240Carolina City Hall Carolina City Hall 980 1 8 0 11 1 16 0 980 943 44.37222222 364.557377 42 408 39.389908367714504 40.93703704 414.74924069019875 398.4590164 29 9118301 1 7 0 8 1 8 0 758.8285449490269 747 722ACarolina City Hall 21 2936609752 5038924 54.78898450946644 202.040804978154371132221472 39Covington County 10396N0103910 31.0791545-86.62051240G5240Wing Fire Dept.-Catoe's Store Wing Fire Dept.-Catoe's Store 647 0 27 0 3 8 6 0 647 603 32.75092593 167.9823208 31 188 29.07350379430146 30.2154321 191.10994421919193 183.6036644 29 9118301 0 21 0 3 4 4 0 500.9817026347147 523 491AWing Fire Dept.-Catoe's Store 10 628764972 84176 69.86230636833047 257.62544684231431132221472 39Covington County 10396N0103912 31.4158277-86.64179210G5240Red Level City Hall Red Level City Hall 825 0 48 0 5 5 2 0 825 765 47.54166667 299.3301993 45 335 42.20347324699894 43.86111111 340.5416559047791 327.1661041 29 9118301 0 31 0 4 2 2 0 638.8097444723951 640 601ARed Level City Hall 12 1587071562 514855 77.65301204819278 286.35458758109361132221472 39Covington County 10396N0103911 31.484361-86.60203830G5240Buck Creek-Brooks Buck Creek-Brooks 917 4 8 0 6 0 2 0 917 897 36.97685185 312.733044 35 350 32.82492363655473 34.11419753 355.7897898118504 341.8153327 29 9127301 3 6 0 4 0 2 0 710.0467099165894 735 720ABuck Creek-Brooks 11 927902872 2227970 101.7025817555938 375.04019594862971132221472 39Covington County 10396N0103915 31.4350783-86.49125340G5240Gantt City Hall Gantt City Hall 1201 1 60 0 1 2 11 0 1201 1126 141.5685185 405.6594343 134 454 125.67256480689419 130.608642 461.51018452616063 443.3833173 29 9127301 1 52 0 1 2 8 0 929.9521249834503 1012 948AGantt City Hall 15 857845862 232227 51.65576592082616 190.48669402886271132221472 39Covington County 10392N010396 31.3329897-86.64290190G5240Loango Loango 610 0 65 0 4 3 8 1 610 529 52.82407407 176.9175506 50 198 46.892748052221044 48.7345679 201.27536682390615 193.3698168 29 9118301 0 51 0 1 3 4 0 472.33205348868 476 417ALoango 6 1302105462 597244 72.57211703958691 267.61819144710711132221472 39Covington County 10392N0103923 31.1728123-86.23863360G5240Beulah BC Beulah BC 857 1 2 0 11 6 19 0 857 818 19.01666667 228.7418836 18 256 16.881389294950747 17.54444444 260.2348177022545 250.0135005101 91 7301 1 2 0 6 5 14 0 663.5878194095062 664 636ABeulah BC 23 1052694302 962952 52.92598967297762 195.170793062359341132221472 39Covington County 10396N0103913 31.1786201-86.33133310G5240Blue Springs Blue Springs 625 0 3 0 16 17 1 0 625 588 24.29907407 270.7374638 23 303 21.57066410017285 22.41790123 308.01230375705245 295.9144166101 91 7301 0 1 0 10 10 1 0 483.9467761154508 474 452ABlue Springs 13 1950706682 2373004 205.60688468158347 758.19949688865351132221472 39Covington County 10396N010399 31.0544559-86.28231950G5240Florala -Boles Mill Florala -Boles Mill 2428 8 315 0 57 12 61 0 2428 1975 268.3462963 569.1741401 254 637 238.21516007449227 247.5716049 647.5374174429954 622.1039055101 9118301 8 244 0 40 12 29 01880.0364358533034 1899 1566AFlorala -Boles Mill 9 1623388172 1827878 45.98209982788296 169.56438501257781132221472 39Covington County 10392N0103919 31.1349453-86.43255540G5240Stanley-Enon-McAdams Stanley-Enon-McAdams 543 0 2 0 10 0 2 0 543 529 31.69444444 204.6167631 30 229 28.135648831332624 29.24074074 232.78817675279666 223.6448891 29 9118301 0 2 0 9 0 0 0 420.4529590891037 429 418AStanley-Enon-McAdams 19 642728422 512452 81.80240963855422 301.65597775718261132221472 39Covington County 10396N010398 31.3274866 -86.321690G5240Babbie-Cedar Grove Babbie-Cedar Grove 966 10 2 0 1 2 16 0 966 935 40.1462963 369.9185149 38 414 35.638488515839164 37.0382716 420.848494211392 404.3187078101 9127301 6 2 0 1 2 11 0 747.9881371640407 770 748ABabbie-Cedar Grove 8 985083722 2589230 617.5827882960413 2277.40895008605871132221472 39Covington County 10396S010393 31.2878616-86.24383220G5240Opp Opp 7293 20 1144 0 67 42 86 2 7293 5932 764.8925926 2064.038091 724 2310 679.0069918038582 705.6765432 2348.212612945572 2255.981196101 91 7301 14 756 0 43 30 39 1 5647.078141135972 5569 4686POpp 3 1028788102 363955 71.04784853700517 261.997272606911171132221472 39Covington County 10396N0103914 31.3835741-86.24360350G5240Valley Grove-Friendship Valley Grove-Friendship 839 0 28 0 4 4 5 0 839 798 50.71111111 243.0382514 48 272 45.01703813590544 46.78518519 276.4994938281619 265.6393443101 91 7301 0 22 0 2 2 5 0 649.6501522573811 665 634AValley Grove-Friendship 14 532951602 355939 79.17728055077453 291.975506421289541132221472 39Covington County 10396N010394 31.3520688 -86.3634740G5240Harmony Masonic Lodge #743-Rodgers Harmony Masonic Lodge #743-Rodgers 935 2 17 0 8 7 8 0 935 893 29.58148148 295.7561074 28 331 26.259938905394954 27.29135802 336.4754869253464 323.2596432101 9127301 2 8 0 5 5 7 0 723.9843770687144 697 670AHarmony Masonic Lodge #743-Rodgers 4 1283103702 689798 75.45129087779691 278.23548258969951132221472 39Covington County 10396N0103917 31.4438865-86.32426730G5240Wiggins Store Wiggins Store 891 2 39 0 5 1 8 0 891 836 47.54166667 246.6123433 45 276 42.20347324699894 43.86111111 280.56566280759466 269.5458052 52 9127301 2 26 0 3 1 5 0 689.9145240301867 663 626AWiggins Store 17 510542332 43271 23.20275387263339 85.562875678538331132221472 39Covington County 10396N010395 31.4883702-86.43818710G5240Marvin Adams Marvin Adams 274 0 14 0 1 3 2 0 274 254 23.24259259 73.2688846 22 82 20.632809146826087 21.44320988 83.35646503598302 80.08244937 52 9127301 0 7 0 1 3 2 0212.16226664901365 237 224AMarvin Adams 5 1711320202 1078762 96.87573149741824 357.24061962134251132221472 39Covington County 10396N010397 31.0376005-86.43044490G5240Lockhart-Damacus Lockhart-Damacus 1144 1 154 1 7 1 10 0 1144 970 103.5351852 299.3301993 98 335 91.90978618812647 95.51975309 340.5416559047791 327.1661041101 9118301 1 122 1 5 1 4 0 885.8161790017211 883 749ALockhart-Damacus 7 343711102 243292 34.63476764199656 127.719766980007951132221472 39Covington County 10396N0103922 31.239895-86.45680290G5240Libertyville Libertyville 409 1 1 0 6 3 11 0 409 387 22.18611111 190.3203954 21 213 19.694954183857252 20.46851852 216.5235006268892 208.0190453 29 9118301 1 1 0 4 3 6 0 316.694770289951 336 321ALibertyville 22 40659551 0 539.5265209327054 840.33443345648744451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108922 34.6658596-86.56176320G5240Whitesburg Baptist Church Whitesburg Baptist Church 3033 87 89 0 78 11 53 1 3033 2714 373.5829811 1183.795573 455 1334 423.45134391786996 440.0833632 1451.1112278219314 1394.115518 90 914 81 68 65 0 50 10 37 12312.9126372789424 2458 2227AWhitesburg Baptist Church 22 67539261 0 918.6003805131851 1430.75734070863864451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108919 34.6364224-86.53885630G5240Weatherly Heights Bapt Church Weatherly Heights Bapt Church 5164 194 78 8 120 30 73 11 5164 4650 730.7447323 2003.755925 890 2258 828.2894420042234 860.8224028 2456.2287495700602 2359.754752 90 1914 81 163 61 4 78 24 43 43937.9758849022282 4069 3692AWeatherly Heights Bapt Church 19 30171641 21802 466.7713784792017 727.01534895806894451114661 89Madison County 10892S0108947 34.7170007 -86.6067090G5240West Huntsville Elementary School West Huntsville Elementary School 2624 10 946 5 377 13 71 3 2624 1199 370.2987351 177.4805956 451 200 419.72869477081076 436.2144985 217.55790512767092 209.0128212 42 2014 61 8 633 2 264 10 34 12001.0164062710007 1996 1044PWest Huntsville Elementary School 47 4345581 16520 247.08286764771768 384.84158525257534451114661 89Madison County 10892N0108916 34.7217357-86.59946230G5240Westside Neighborhood Center Westside Neighborhood Center 1389 0 1097 0 44 7 36 3 1389 202 234.0025266 9.76143276 285 11 265.238753868876 275.6566121 11.965684786185435 11.49570517 42 2014 61 0 594 0 27 7 8 11059.2270534719587 815 178AWestside Neighborhood Center 16 26479191 0 385.2998497659874 600.12013942194264451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108918 34.6765018-86.57164780G5240Whitesburg Middle School Whitesburg Middle School 2166 85 186 10 59 4 29 9 2166 1784 320.2139838 700.1609498 390 789 362.95829477299986 377.2143113 858.2659359014484 824.5555798 90 914 81 71 156 5 44 3 17 3 1651.753634139858 1860 1561AWhitesburg Middle School 18 1990787892 289404 395.19125586335076 104.69333569342421662221472 85Lowndes County 10855N010850031 32.2048871-86.82425950G5240Old Bethel Church Voting District Old Bethel Church Voting District 786 0 651 0 5 0 0 0 786 130 313.843274 66.14814815 404 67 409.9909958503137 426.0943292 67.69595019529424 65.03703704 86 6824221 0 474 0 4 0 0 0 595.9520311531994 576 98AOld Bethel Church Voting District 0031 1456181742 8351432 747.6455438534383 198.064872997610421662221472 85Lowndes County 10855N010850011 32.307447-86.73274870G5240White Hall Town Hall White Hall Town Hall 1487 1 1282 0 10 2 11 0 1487 181 682.0653331 83.91929243 878 85 891.0200355779956 926.0168838 85.88292188256139 82.50967385 86 6824221 1 950 0 5 2 7 01127.4563235684575 1123 158AWhite Hall Town Hall 0011 1582744482 5381464 268.9915036728914 71.260731038144971662221472 85Lowndes County 10855N010850021 32.3261208-86.63822590G5240Lowndesboro CME Church Voting District Lowndesboro CME Church Voting District 535 0 100 0 2 2 5 3 535 423 77.68397871 298.1603096 100 302 101.48291979732026 105.4688934 305.1369695342015 293.1520177 86 6824221 0 74 0 2 2 4 0405.64164970351356 428 346ALowndesboro CME Church Voting District 0021 1010147302 902150 652.6186388175945 172.890521285069471662221472 85Lowndes County 10852N010850061 32.2222631-86.60807160G5240Hayneville Courthouse Annex Voting District Hayneville Courthouse Annex Voting District 1298 0 1078 0 4 0 3 1 1298 212 553.1099284 160.9275843 712 163 722.5583887567811 750.9385208 164.69313256902103 158.2244334 86 6827221 0 830 0 3 0 1 0 984.1548809629171 1006 172AHayneville Courthouse Annex Voting District 0061 746649462 9589 240.33259580493848 63.6684662359500851632221472 85Lowndes County 10855S010850131 31.9765209 -86.6161430G5240Fort Deposit National Guard Armory Voting District Fort Deposit National Guard Armory Voting District 478 1 188 0 1 0 4 0 478 284 102.18655290104239 50.17662211202224 131.54134815844336 50.8227936066713 133.49200083149114 138.7352042448923 51.35070602698371 49.333789691591384 52 6827221 1 150 0 1 0 3 0 362.4237543145411 393 238PFort Deposit National Guard Armory Voting District 0131 215908552 52525 483.1791308965395 128.002920612443571632221472 85Lowndes County 10852S010850121 32.0208735-86.58519750G5240Fort Deposit National Guard Armory Voting District Fort Deposit National Guard Armory Voting District 961 1 895 0 5 1 4 0 961 55 205.44200279895762 100.87810428797775 264.4586518415566 102.1772063933287 268.38036150431583 278.9216135551077 103.23855333040032 99.18362320840863 52 6827221 1 582 0 3 0 1 0 728.6385520842553 631 44PFort Deposit National Guard Armory Voting District 0121 4476594832 911579 485.19028232586953 128.53571112487831662221472 85Lowndes County 10855N010850051 32.0632369 -86.7733940G5240New Salem Church Voting District New Salem Church Voting District 965 4 754 0 12 1 4 0 965 190 325.4958708 119.461581 419 121 425.21343381028964 441.9146632 122.25686528832217 117.4549475 6 6827221 2 525 0 8 1 1 0 731.6713868483937 679 142ANew Salem Church Voting District 0051 535940202 327322 199.1039915036729 52.746260731038141662221472 85Lowndes County 10855N010850091 32.0938751-86.58971510G5240New Hope Church Voting District New Hope Church Voting District 396 0 386 0 1 0 0 0 396 9 46.947329784578315 1.5701412619518071 60.433734939759034 1.5903614457831325 61.32991874107769 63.73879146216868 1.606881033437639 1.5437671085060243 52 6827221 0 307 0 1 0 0 0300.25064164970354 314 6ANew Hope Church Voting District 0091 228166792 206020 51.28436144791574 13.5861580670855831662221472 85Lowndes County 10855S010850092 32.1001153-86.54846290G5240New Hope Church Voting District New Hope Church Voting District 102 0 95 0 2 0 0 0 102 5 12.092494035421687 0.40443032504819276 15.566265060240964 0.40963855421686746 15.79710028179274 16.417567497831328 0.41389359952181615 0.39763698249397594 52 6827291 0 78 0 2 0 0 0 77.33728648552969 85 5PNew Hope Church Voting District 0092 1239100122 962624 731.0535445614656 193.66935127002391662221472 85Lowndes County 10855N010850041 32.1652476-86.67979830G5240Mosses Town Hall Mosses Town Hall 1454 0 1387 0 19 0 1 0 1454 47 769.848229 15.79657269 991 16 1005.6957346198927 1045.196733 16.166197065757405 15.53123273 86 6827221 0 1045 0 8 0 1 01102.4354367643155 1087 33AMosses Town Hall 0041 416330792 458013 308.71174440215947 81.783343658730861632221472 85Lowndes County 10852N010850151 32.2315518-86.44272050G5240New Pleasant Valley Church New Pleasant Valley Church 614 4 282 0 4 9 1 0 614 314 24.660989659243377 48.15912869825977 31.745271122320304 48.77931904161412 32.21602802207601 33.48138614870114 49.28600526092643 47.35018476675914 78 6827291 4 216 0 3 7 1 0465.54013629524735 505 274ANew Pleasant Valley Church 0151 786972672 1403565 460.05088945924416 121.87582971944421602221472 85Lowndes County 10855N010850071 32.2430085 -86.5179150G5240Burkville Volunteer Fire Dept. Burkville Volunteer Fire Dept. 915 1 572 0 14 4 2 0 915 322 280.4391631 155.0038695 361 157 366.35334039712285 380.7427051 158.63080864203883 152.4002211 86 6827291 1 419 0 11 2 2 0 693.7609522966634 690 255ABurkville Volunteer Fire Dept. 0071 324714092 1422279 53.29551287724578 14.1189485795203121602221472 85Lowndes County 10855N010850022 32.3075945-86.52926530G5240Lowndesboro CME Church Lowndesboro CME Church 106 1 26 0 0 4 5 0 106 70 14.75995596 57.26257601 19 58 19.281754755717607 20.03908974 58.60246434645625 56.30071863 86 6824291 1 20 0 0 2 3 0 80.37012124966812 83 57ALowndesboro CME Church 0022 344181532 272008 89.99902646251881 23.8423754314541121632221472 85Lowndes County 10855N0108510A1 32.2076861-86.48187130G5240New Pleasant Valley Church New Pleasant Valley Church 179 0 40 0 1 0 0 0 179 138 7.189441610756621 14.039876281740227 9.254728877679698 14.220680958385877 9.391969081354405 9.760860131298866 14.368395670530669 13.804044093240858 52 6827291 0 35 0 1 0 0 0135.71935569519425 147 111ANew Pleasant Valley Church 10A1 23127271 0 390.8142982160084 608.70911648661484451114661 89Madison County 10892N0108917 34.6986398-86.57683580G5240Trinity United Meth Church Trinity United Meth Church 2197 17 264 2 44 13 27 0 2197 1830 278.3398475 662.8900247 339 747 315.49451778716787 327.886286 812.5787758787635 780.6628874 90 1914 61 17 199 2 37 9 14 0 1675.393690768822 1882 1604ATrinity United Meth Church 17 72999671 218265 618.5076535717166 963.35075012469724451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108925 34.6788151-86.59247680G5240Airport Road Fire Station #6 Airport Road Fire Station #6 3477 51 1304 2 650 17 131 4 3477 1318 545.184834 259.1216696 664 292 617.9597635115184 642.2315455 317.63454153636195 305.158719 25 914 61 45 1006 2 396 15 71 3 2651.499254803456 2657 1119AAirport Road Fire Station #6 25 57332431 227456 609.6133818781342 949.49756131070974451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108948 34.6969988-86.59408620G5240Senior Center Senior Center 3427 15 1036 0 1330 11 50 10 3427 975 353.8775052 115.3623872 431 130 401.1154488430735 416.8701748 141.41263835380377 135.8583338 25 2014 61 13 860 0 906 9 33 72613.3701312083535 2696 868ASenior Center 48 1751439302 1228663 289.1030179661917 76.588636162492251632221472 85Lowndes County 10855N010850141 32.0401597-86.45973920G5240Community Center Community Center 575 0 266 0 6 0 4 0 575 299 143.7153606 191.5334439 185 194 187.74340153844383 195.1174527 196.0151393689633 188.3161968 52 6827291 0 206 0 2 0 4 0435.96999734489776 469 257ACommunity Center 0141 779591762 714380 146.81405434109215 38.89370740773521632221472 85Lowndes County 10852N010850081 32.1537175-86.50203940G5240Lily Baptist Church Lily Baptist Church 292 1 156 0 1 2 0 0 292 132 2.7918426806646153 19.514842878153846 3.5938461538461537 19.766153846153845 3.647140009082266 3.790389768061539 19.971471140805637 19.18704596923077 52 6827291 1 123 0 1 2 0 0 221.3969377821046 235 108ALily Baptist Church 0081 234872652 90379 41.2286043012656 10.922205504911941632221472 85Lowndes County 10852S010850111 32.0330913-86.54034440G5240New Hope Church New Hope Church 82 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 82 2 13.983116166666665 0.6581905286666666 18 0.6666666666666666 18.266925558385875 18.984400806666667 0.6735915439728574 0.6471346966666667 52 6827221 0 56 0 0 0 0 062.173112664837596 58 2PNew Hope Church 0111 133170952 238014 20.6143021506328 5.461102752455971632221472 85Lowndes County 10855S010850112 32.0752471-86.51785450G5240New Hope Church New Hope Church 41 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 6.991558083333333 0.3290952643333333 9 0.3333333333333333 9.133462779192937 9.492200403333333 0.3367957719864287 0.32356734833333334 52 6827291 0 30 0 0 0 0 031.086556332418798 30 0PNew Hope Church 0112 288525882 499646 16.59199929197274 4.3955217275865121632221472 85Lowndes County 10855N010850101 32.0884525-86.49619820G5240Lily Baptist Church Lily Baptist Church 33 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 33 28 0.31551646733538463 2.205444571846154 0.40615384615384614 2.233846153846154 0.4121767818483382 0.4283659669384616 2.2570498207074863 2.1683990307692307 52 6827291 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 25.02088680414196 28 23ALily Baptist Church 0101 53811161 21296 620.820164212048 966.9525792163344451114661 89Madison County 10892N0108926 34.6538498-86.57566350G5240Chaffee School Chaffee School 3490 72 226 0 100 20 84 1 3490 2987 445.8363928 1188.232588 543 1339 505.3496258267165 525.1983873 1456.5501748984552 1399.340838 25 914 61 67 166 0 63 18 57 1 2661.412826938183 2837 2465AChaffee School 26 110414381 0 1109.4714510574622 1728.04677265681244451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108920 34.6067348-86.53782480G5240Aldersgate United Meth Church Aldersgate United Meth Church 6237 311 104 3 163 35 121 16 6237 5484 790.6822216 2319.671385 963 2614 896.2277894432118 931.4291841 2843.481820972108 2731.797574 51 1914 81 247 77 1 114 28 71 7 4756.226877253137 4743 4198AAldersgate United Meth Church 20 77389031 0 1148.428361075353 1788.7237396620784451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108923 34.6170222-86.55861110G5240Hillwood Baptist Church Hillwood Baptist Church 6456 251 372 2 290 43 157 8 6456 5333 759.4818847 1833.374553 925 2066 860.8626223055979 894.6749692 2247.3731610138875 2159.102444 25 914 81 185 252 2 202 33 78 3 4923.232438599687 5045 4290AHillwood Baptist Church 23 17741771 5619 258.6454208493747 402.85073071075924451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108941 34.7310141-86.60343150G5240Terry Heights School Terry Heights School 1454 30 1136 0 73 12 45 4 1454 154 412.1728715 17.74805956 502 20 467.19247175664276 485.5425238 21.755790512767096 20.90128212 42 2015 61 16 785 0 49 10 17 21108.7949141455927 1009 130ATerry Heights School 41 38275671 2443 580.7959415909274 904.61322955338984451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108931 34.7528393-86.60053510G5240Fire and Rescue Academy Fire and Rescue Academy 3265 13 1767 5 102 8 55 5 3265 1310 783.2926681 260.0090726 954 293 887.8518288382735 922.7242385 318.72233105575503 306.2037831 42 1815 61 13 1324 2 67 7 33 4 2489.83177076022 2679 1229AFire and Rescue Academy 31 29409391 0 349.3669921239147 544.15325661343264451114661 89Madison County 10895N010894 34.7524656-86.57732950G5240Lee High School Lee High School 1964 15 161 0 73 13 36 0 1964 1666 276.6977245 503.1574886 337 567 313.6331931655279 325.9518536 616.7766611389536 592.5513482 42 2015 61 12 104 0 47 12 16 01497.7119748156422 1679 1488ALee High School 4 1867730981 13259371 416.0740298257823 648.05217271833964451114661 89Madison County 10895S0108959 34.613898-86.63312140G5240Whitesburg Boat Harbor Whitesburg Boat Harbor 2339 39 379 7 223 22 70 6 2339 1593 91.95888766 152.6333123 112 172 104.2341769836429 108.3282125 187.09979848057705 179.7510263 25 914 21 34 262 5 157 17 34 2 1783.680401778914 1776 1265PWhitesburg Boat Harbor 59 144681001 419790 1061.0866130443742 1652.68542550871984451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108921 34.5946868-86.56580590G5240The Dwelling Place The Dwelling Place 5965 259 236 3 141 50 144 10 5965 5122 648.6385826 1956.723567 790 2205 735.2232125579787 764.1007845 2398.5759043136104 2304.366354 25 914 21 208 171 3 107 43 78 5 4548.804444895777 4633 4018AThe Dwelling Place 21 55019731 14592 695.3541610042681 1083.042301477554451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108930 34.7627268-86.63500620G5240Ed White Middle School Ed White Middle School 3909 12 2655 9 124 11 72 8 3909 1018 1303.845657 340.7627436 1588 384 1477.8917230251927 1535.939298 417.71117794505295 401.3046168 15 1815 61 12 1911 9 90 8 43 22980.9348826651453 3014 939AEd White Middle School 30 41946731 60012 227.1596990540932 353.81044230924314451114661 89Madison County 10895S0108927 34.7584251-86.65249750G5240Oakwood College Oakwood College 1277 4 1146 0 51 7 32 5 1277 32 617.4382457 6.211820847 752 7 699.8580454203648 727.3465696 7.614526681550249 7.315448744 15 1814 11 4 1024 0 50 3 32 5 973.8178166189283 1137 19POakwood College 27 70405021 6456 1379.145768806879 2148.0754574969164451114661 89Madison County 10895S0108950 34.7441354-86.64257290G5240St.Luke Missionary Bapt Church St.Luke Missionary Bapt Church 7753 157 5101 16 370 18 179 14 7753 1898 1662.649531 417.0793998 2025 470 1884.591145733186 1958.61277 511.2610771332973 491.1801299 15 514 11 139 3963 10 275 15 118 10 5912.301904656657 6288 1758PSt.Luke Missionary Bapt Church 50 161458471 79845 93.74562365035796 146.012610099429224451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108929 34.5901917-86.51376890G5240Madison County Nature Trail Madison County Nature Trail 527 4 4 0 15 1 9 1 527 493 106.7379946 262.6712816 130 296 120.98609828974018 125.7381038 321.9856996139342 309.3389754 51 914 81 3 4 0 9 1 3 0 401.8809626923847 417 397AMadison County Nature Trail 29 664252531 691954 586.8440463425634 914.03339794690134451114661 89Madison County 10895S0108975 34.5973489-86.45030250G5240Owens Cross Roads City Hall Owens Cross Roads City Hall 3299 7 62 0 54 52 82 1 3299 3041 237.2867726 843.0328293 289 950 268.9614031121559 279.5254769 1033.4000495646135 992.8109009 51 2114 81 7 47 0 27 39 44 0 2515.75957480489 2567 2403POwens Cross Roads City Hall 75 26004311 0 442.4010740387861 689.05761160774284451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108933 34.7475019-86.62757230G5240Highlands School Highlands School 2487 29 1402 1 132 10 56 7 2487 850 691.3337804 289.2933709 842 326 783.6176518546306 814.396026 354.61938540390247 340.6908986 15 1815 61 29 1073 1 90 9 35 41896.5426076204187 2005 764AHighlands School 33 153054611 9786 442.5789594726577 689.33467538402264451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108984 34.7925559-86.67560130G5240Blackburn Chapel CP Church Blackburn Chapel CP Church 2488 81 964 6 69 12 46 5 2488 1305 497.5632672 416.1919968 606 469 563.9813503499465 586.1330068 510.1732876139043 490.1350658 15 532 11 59 748 4 46 12 25 21897.3051900923208 1909 1013ABlackburn Chapel CP Church 84 317339221 98246 160.80843221996886 250.465653756895684451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108940 34.8181985-86.64628980G5240Lewis Chapel CP Church Lewis Chapel CP Church 904 3 659 1 20 1 23 1 904 196 351.4143207 70.99223826 428 80 398.32346200683435 413.9685263 87.02316207188603 83.6051285 15 515 61 3 503 1 8 1 15 1 689.3745545994606 690 158ALewis Chapel CP Church 40 23134701 0 493.0984226922055 768.02078784747224451114661 89Madison County 10892N0108937 34.7679018-86.63249720G5240New Shiloh Church Ministries New Shiloh Church Ministries 2772 6 2254 4 96 15 50 0 2772 347 1032.074302 110.9253723 1257 125 1169.8425041094674 1215.790742 135.97369075683847 130.6330133 15 1815 61 6 1647 4 59 9 21 02113.8786121125054 2069 323ANew Shiloh Church Ministries 37 9021681 0 250.46269089127895 390.10579700189064451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108939 34.7398692 -86.611410G5240Calvary Friendship Center Calvary Friendship Center 1408 0 1298 0 39 5 29 0 1408 37 421.2045479 7.986626804 513 9 477.42975698322095 496.1819018 9.790105732826959 9.405576956 42 1815 61 0 799 0 20 3 10 0 1073.716120438098 859 27ACalvary Friendship Center 39 240989091 298523 1188.4525836964735 1851.06308932502224451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108954 34.7227438-86.67871780G5240Sherwood Baptist Church Sherwood Baptist Church 6681 405 1932 28 234 23 161 24 6681 3874 1103.506652 1194.444409 1344 1346 1250.8101238037148 1299.93855 1464.1647018464714 1406.656287 15 514 11 347 1457 18 176 20 105 15 5094.813494777651 5533 3395ASherwood Baptist Church 54 52011001 1838 1055.21639372661 1643.5423208914884451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108932 34.7295765 -86.62870G5240University Place School University Place School 5932 326 1975 11 717 39 163 11 5932 2690 1003.337149 641.5923532 1222 723 1137.2693241929758 1181.938176 786.4718272051534 755.5813488 15 514 61 294 1569 8 488 36 112 3 4523.639223323009 4998 2488AUniversity Place School 32 21208841 0 321.4389790060661 500.65424373751164451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108934 34.7750812-86.63078320G5240West Mastin Lake School West Mastin Lake School 1807 6 1317 0 84 6 35 2 1807 357 628.9331067 149.0837003 766 168 712.8873174831823 740.8875961 182.7486402989165 175.5707698 15 1815 61 6 978 0 54 6 21 1 1377.986526727019 1389 323AWest Mastin Lake School 34 45049101 2577 910.7734214228326 1418.56653455232964451114661 89Madison County 10892N0108935 34.7710248-86.60065480G5240First Missionary Baptist Church First Missionary Baptist Church 5120 35 3871 7 306 11 88 12 5120 790 1632.270256 224.5129535 1988 253 1850.1566415799373 1922.825772 275.2107500718561 264.4012189 42 1815 61 23 2822 6 198 10 50 53904.4222561385377 3797 683AFirst Missionary Baptist Church 35 209610361 28117 692.33010862845 1078.33221728079434451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108938 34.8151933 -86.6004720G5240Johnson High School Johnson High School 3892 21 3268 0 59 10 75 2 3892 457 1586.290812 189.9042373 1932 214 1798.0395523664606 1868.661665 232.786958503262 223.6437187 14 1815 61 19 2427 0 36 7 49 22967.9709806428104 2952 412AJohnson High School 38 303546611 149529 859.8981873355416 1339.32629453632064451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108993 34.850047-86.75790910G5240Harvest Bapt Church Harvest Bapt Church 4834 56 1660 1 171 37 136 9 4834 2764 774.2609916 933.5479331 943 1052 877.6145436116952 912.0848605 1144.3545814795 1099.40744 22 532 11 41 1164 1 104 23 59 2 3686.323669174549 3481 2087AHarvest Bapt Church 93 355400241 128524 326.41977115447224 508.412029473344664451114661 89Madison County 10895S0108957 34.6916296 -86.4833590G5240Big Cove Fire Station Big Cove Fire Station 1835 16 237 0 18 25 12 3 1617 1306 247.9605721 438.3770712 302 494 281.06001286415335 292.0992872 537.3680258069073 516.2616685 90 1915 61 13 190 0 11 14 8 01399.3388359402768 1282 1046PBig Cove Fire Station 57 171901051 3884 598.2287141103488 931.76547962880554451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108976 34.8433972-86.59820920G5240Meridianville 1st Bapt Church Meridianville 1st Bapt Church 3363 55 942 2 117 16 76 2 3363 2153 501.6685746 780.0272178 611 879 568.6346619040464 590.9690878 956.1669932713532 918.6113494 14 2015 61 34 684 2 73 13 40 22564.5648530066214 2461 1613AMeridianville 1st Bapt Church 76 890204541 321222 1226.1642956772628 1909.80060989632974451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108965 34.9101347 -86.7065630G5240Toney United Methodist Church Toney United Methodist Church 6893 48 1182 8 205 71 172 13 6893 5194 749.6291467 1544.081182 913 1740 849.6946747681998 883.068375 1892.7537751936316 1818.411545 22 532 11 33 865 5 118 50 102 7 5256.480978820887 5060 3880AToney United Methodist Church 65 591455101 260095 752.6332707109384 1172.256837439634451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108983 34.8774654-86.56290520G5240Church Of Christ Meridianville Church Of Christ Meridianville 4231 47 540 10 110 29 76 2 4231 3417 427.7730399 1245.026378 521 1403 484.87505537356 503.9196313 1526.1687047641406 1466.224941 14 2015 61 40 407 9 73 23 40 2 3226.486438617608 3202 2608AChurch Of Christ Meridianville 83 534535711 123490 1737.0512617566328 2705.5277753717774451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108964 34.844283-86.70163940G5240Pineview Bapt Church Pineview Bapt Church 9765 150 2790 9 312 48 216 22 9756 6209 1527.995446 2229.156281 1861 2512 1731.9625294528912 1799.989316 2732.52728916131 2625.201035 22 532 11 111 1993 7 190 39 102 8 7446.617838123598 7022 4572APineview Bapt Church 64 131379701 46179 481.35798405667674 749.73457861300864451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108966 34.8356412-86.54489950G5240Mary Kelly Johnston Gym Mary Kelly Johnston Gym 2706 24 439 2 110 49 66 1 2706 2015 308.7191229 598.9970103 376 675 349.9290227101824 363.6732848 734.2579299620219 705.4182717 14 2015 61 18 326 1 70 35 28 02063.5481689669696 2045 1567AMary Kelly Johnston Gym 66 68613331 5135 141.77469079570264 220.819829694962244451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108944 34.8121617-86.55916620G5240Pleasant Springs Baptist Church Pleasant Springs Baptist Church 797 9 512 0 23 1 24 0 797 228 173.2439759 79.86626804 211 90 196.36974411906763 204.0826146 97.90105732826959 94.05576956 14 2015 61 8 367 0 16 1 17 0 607.7782301059403 606 197APleasant Springs Baptist Church 44 39507781 8353 561.9400856005328 875.24446926773614451114661 89Madison County 10895N010891 34.7824673-86.56434270G5240A&M University New Gym A&M University New Gym 3159 3 2974 3 64 0 39 4 3159 72 2330.99359 26.62208935 2839 30 2642.150253462182 2745.926743 32.63368577955947 31.35192319 42 1815 61 3 2846 3 60 0 36 2 2408.998028738602 3017 67AA&M University New Gym 1 149744141 370653 666.5367207170613 1038.15796972023034451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108987 34.8192006-86.52156860G5240Chase Valley United Meth Chase Valley United Meth 3747 74 1031 0 56 30 83 3 3747 2470 750.4502082 980.5802909 914 1105 850.6253370790197 884.0355912 1202.007425695067 1154.795837 14 2015 61 53 765 0 38 26 42 2 2857.396522217012 2902 1976AChase Valley United Meth 87 47894481 31885 920.7350057196448 1434.08210602399574451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108949 34.7038608-86.62408230G5240Ridgecrest School Ridgecrest School 5176 74 1341 22 848 33 125 4 5176 2729 702.0075799 691.28692 855 779 795.7162617028487 826.9698364 847.3880407075178 814.1049388 25 2014 61 65 921 12 537 27 57 0 3947.126874565053 3960 2341ARidgecrest School 49 15688671 0 373.73729656433034 582.11099396375874451114661 89Madison County 10892N0108946 34.7165467-86.62983790G5240Westlawn Middle School Westlawn Middle School 2101 36 468 0 471 16 40 3 2101 1067 206.0864357 228.9499684 251 258 233.59623587832138 242.7712619 280.64969766882143 269.6265394 25 514 11 32 376 0 307 13 27 21602.1857734662242 1709 952AWestlawn Middle School 46 26638641 25132 843.8884982870933 1314.39055467114284451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108952 34.6875573-86.61438070G5240McDonnell School McDonnell School 4744 103 1505 3 1185 35 134 4 4744 1775 553.3954489 420.6290117 674 474 627.2663864272765 651.9037073 515.6122353149578 495.3603864 25 2014 61 79 1065 3 869 27 70 1 3617.691246703364 3665 1551AMcDonnell School 52 58402631 23854 828.5903509741316 1290.5630699110844451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108991 34.7440252-86.74549490G5240Discovery Middle School Discovery Middle School 4658 315 497 6 180 24 90 5 4655 3538 625.6488607 1477.525959 762 1665 709.1646683361231 737.0187314 1811.169560718711 1740.031737 2 2432 11 231 372 2 110 19 43 2 3552.109154119787 3277 2498ADiscovery Middle School 91 35421621 0 610.6806944813641 951.15994396838814451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108945 34.7720081-86.58318090G5240Lakewood Community Center Lakewood Community Center 3433 14 2241 0 179 25 75 3 3433 896 894.9570317 246.6980279 1090 278 1014.4219005118299 1054.265639 302.40548816077086 290.5278215 42 1815 61 10 1603 0 97 15 46 32617.9456260397656 2582 808ALakewood Community Center 45 49811261 2066 698.0224425123428 1087.19825812174624451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108936 34.7845077-86.60259330G5240Dr.Richard Showers Center Dr.Richard Showers Center 3924 13 3283 1 223 25 59 3 3924 317 1348.182978 94.06471569 1642 106 1528.1474870397053 1588.168972 115.30568978428211 110.7767953 42 1815 61 13 2358 1 128 18 27 12992.3736197436765 2838 292ADr.Richard Showers Center 36 478895641 412254 772.9122101723061 1203.84210793552194451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108977 34.7294534 -86.4633260G5240Brownsboro Bapt Church Brownsboro Bapt Church 4345 40 490 0 96 64 87 2 4345 3566 485.2473447 1293.833542 591 1458 550.0214159763092 571.6247641 1585.9971288512002 1523.703467 90 2115 61 32 363 0 67 44 47 1 3313.420840414443 3317 2763ABrownsboro Bapt Church 77 108674441 1515 261.3137023574494 407.00668735495554451114661 89Madison County 10895S0108910 34.7351011-86.54366810G5240Monte Sano Fire Station #4 Monte Sano Fire Station #4 1469 10 16 0 33 11 18 2 1469 1379 323.4982298 416.1919968 394 469 366.68094401627974 381.0831761 510.1732876139043 490.1350658 90 1915 61 9 14 0 27 8 8 21120.2336512241234 1203 1135PMonte Sano Fire Station #4 10 101037311 20632 756.368864822243 1178.0751767415054451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108958 34.7824091-86.70074110G5240Little Indian Creek PB Church Little Indian Creek PB Church 4252 126 856 1 81 27 77 8 4252 3076 743.0606547 1527.220525 905 1721 842.2493763778607 875.3306455 1872.0857742210753 1798.555327 15 2432 11 91 679 1 49 15 30 43242.5006705275514 3217 2348ALittle Indian Creek PB Church 58 130205911 78848 1113.7407014703817 1734.69630328752654451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108951 34.7612017-86.73581270G5240Grace United Meth Church Grace United Meth Church 6261 245 1773 5 189 39 179 16 6069 3623 816.9561895 971.7062611 995 1095 926.0089829083472 962.380102 1191.1295305011365 1144.345196 2 2432 11 201 1398 5 136 30 110 11 4774.528856578786 4992 3101AGrace United Meth Church 51 50522241 13727 802.9748484966145 1250.66588612684451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108969 34.7162859-86.73413260G5240Madison Church Of Christ Madison Church Of Christ 4514 232 509 8 180 16 105 17 4514 3447 616.6171842 1280.522498 751 1443 698.9273831095448 726.3793534 1569.6802855398628 1508.027505 2 2414 11 175 357 4 116 13 51 53442.2972781658905 3361 2640AMadison Church Of Christ 69 249403011 123700 1850.364283132872 2882.0174008619794451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108978 34.780032-86.75859950G5240Monrovia Church of Christ Monrovia Church of Christ 10402 184 1883 3 349 75 244 28 10643 7877 1453.27885 3042.017409 1770 3428 1647.2722612851298 1711.972644 3728.942494546118 3582.479756 2 2432 11 135 1333 3 213 49 122 13 7932.382872725209 7575 5707AMonrovia Church of Christ 78 310799511 3574927 158.85169244738077 247.417952217818424451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108960 34.603705-86.74508510G5240Triana City Hall Triana City Hall 893 1 620 0 27 4 8 0 963 303 385.0778421 45.25755189 469 51 436.48061607690806 453.6243898 55.477265822128444 53.29826942 54 914 21 1 503 0 19 3 4 0 680.9861474085379 784 254ATriana City Hall 60 410414901 413137 1113.9185869042535 1734.9733670638064451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108953 34.643005 -86.7663230G5240J.E. Williams Elem School J.E. Williams Elem School 6262 356 1657 12 338 29 205 5 6192 3590 863.7566948 1045.360708 1052 1178 979.0567332779955 1017.511424 1281.4160613393783 1231.085517 54 914 21 295 1195 9 222 22 107 44775.2914390506885 4859 3005AJ.E. Williams Elem School 53 29386261 0 493.0984226922055 768.02078784747224451114661 89Madison County 10895S010899 34.7215906-86.55855610G5240Blossomwood School Blossomwood School 2772 24 4 0 33 7 37 2 2772 2665 474.5735452 1242.364169 578 1400 537.9228061280911 559.0509537 1522.9053365182262 1463.089749 90 1915 61 19 4 0 24 7 17 12113.8786121125054 2060 1988PBlossomwood School 9 34176941 0 503.23789242288933 783.8134230954184451114661 89Madison County 10895S010898 34.7383337 -86.5581810G5240Mountainview Baptist Church Mountainview Baptist Church 2829 17 141 2 62 18 51 2 2829 2536 497.5632672 917.5746795 606 1034 563.9813503499465 586.1330068 1124.7743699222483 1080.596286 42 1915 61 15 107 2 40 16 31 22157.3458130109225 2292 2079PMountainview Baptist Church 8 188521851 41464 689.1281708187604 1073.34506930775864451114661 89Madison County 10895S010895 34.7632184-86.53723680G5240Chapman Middle School Chapman Middle School 3874 34 309 0 66 47 66 4 3874 3348 606.7644462 1442.02984 739 1625 687.7594355721467 714.7727592 1767.6579799429885 1698.229173 14 2015 61 25 218 0 48 34 46 32954.2444961485735 3276 2902PChapman Middle School 5 467156221 359018 2095.8461818757446 3264.36541212803654451114661 89Madison County 10895S0108911 34.6678728-86.47288130G5240Cove United Meth Church Cove United Meth Church 11782 356 292 14 289 58 190 16 12000 10785 986.0948578 3965.80391 1201 4469 1117.7254158581977 1161.626636 4861.331391416383 4670.391491 90 1915 61 237 209 3 165 37 74 6 8984.74668395005 8277 7546PCove United Meth Church 11 68612441 120549 886.5810024162886 1380.88586097828334451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108963 34.6859474-86.72634010G5240Mad Mission 7th Day Advent Church Mad Mission 7th Day Advent Church 4984 349 930 9 232 11 141 2 4984 3310 702.8286414 1124.339573 856 1267 796.6469240136687 827.9370526 1378.2293297103317 1324.096223 2 914 21 252 666 6 143 8 71 13800.7110399598578 3836 2689AMad Mission 7th Day Advent Church 63 1170664551 663615 981.0381678021331 1528.00672618283154451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108956 34.782744-86.40576610G5240Maysville Church of Christ Maysville Church of Christ 5515 31 447 13 91 73 100 14 5515 4746 450.7627618 1632.82148 549 1840 510.93359959541556 531.0016844 2001.5327271329372 1922.917955 37 2115 71 17 326 9 55 45 53 10 4205.642332539851 4110 3595AMaysville Church of Christ 56 1144581301 185972 442.4010740387861 689.05761160774284451114961 89Madison County 10895N0108955 34.917936-86.34904020G5240New Market Fire Station New Market Fire Station 2487 4 173 1 83 61 42 0 2487 2123 224.9708502 713.4719945 274 804 255.0014686422978 265.0172341 874.5827787964325 840.2315414 37 2115 71 3 131 1 49 46 29 01896.5426076204187 1891 1632ANew Market Fire Station 55 302131951 423074 764.3737093464671 1190.54304667409384451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108972 34.8498256-86.48581360G5240Locust Grove Baptist Church Locust Grove Baptist Church 4297 31 731 3 109 33 85 2 4297 3303 490.9947752 1116.352947 598 1258 556.5360520558283 578.3952774 1368.439223931706 1314.690646 14 2115 61 25 524 2 64 30 43 1 3276.816881763144 3096 2407ALocust Grove Baptist Church 72 750279051 430043 826.6336112015435 1287.51536837200684451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108980 34.9363966-86.50502810G5240County Commission Dist 1 Office County Commission Dist 1 Office 4647 15 378 1 100 77 126 0 4647 3950 370.2987351 1123.45217 451 1266 419.72869477081076 436.2144985 1377.141540295027 1323.051159 14 2115 71 12 284 1 54 45 82 0 3543.720746928864 3446 2968ACounty Commission Dist 1 Office 80 951874341 139260 234.98665814444567 366.00124846555224451114961 89Madison County 10895N0108973 34.9626074-86.37205560G5240Plevna /New Market Fire Dept #2 Plevna /New Market Fire Dept #2 1321 0 43 0 88 26 17 0 1321 1147 78.82190371 360.2856092 96 406 89.34358026069725 92.85275356 441.6425474757885 424.2960271 37 2115 71 0 36 0 58 22 13 01007.3714453826188 1007 878APlevna /New Market Fire Dept #2 73 440806471 452012 119.36112612787512 185.90979388371354451114961 89Madison County 10895N0108979 34.8361687-86.38294410G5240Hurricane Creek Community Center Hurricane Creek Community Center 671 4 16 0 9 14 6 0 671 622 68.14810425 235.1617892 83 265 77.24497043172323 80.27894318 288.26422440866116 276.9419882 37 2115 71 3 10 0 3 8 1 0 511.692838646281 516 491AHurricane Creek Community Center 79 437533221 397672 288.70805917368307 449.674508902037254451114661 89Madison County 10895S0108970 34.6630744-86.40669630G5240Gurley City Hall Gurley City Hall 1623 10 187 1 49 26 43 3 1623 1304 171.6018529 430.3904444 209 485 194.5084194974277 202.1481822 527.5779200282815 506.8560915 37 2115 71 8 146 1 34 20 23 01237.6713518970405 1272 1040PGurley City Hall 70 31926481 7621 154.04878573284628 239.937230258265124451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108961 34.7350301 -86.7091260G5240Haven Bapt Church Haven Bapt Church 866 44 56 0 102 6 22 4 877 643 57.47430479 267.9956994 70 302 65.14636060274923 67.7051328 328.5124368343808 315.6093601 2 2414 11 27 42 0 60 6 12 0 660.3964206671824 672 525AHaven Bapt Church 61 211440141 40494 171.12578738452441 266.53535278112134451114661 89Madison County 10895S0108962 34.6346956-86.38048290G5240Keel Mt Volunteer Fire Dept Keel Mt Volunteer Fire Dept 962 5 9 0 15 14 23 3 962 893 68.96916574 216.5263267 84 244 78.17563272329906 81.24615936 265.42064429323034 254.9956419 37 2115 71 5 9 0 6 10 13 3 733.60433796978 731 685PKeel Mt Volunteer Fire Dept 62 449415651 409308 136.79389864729654 213.062043959129174451114961 89Madison County 10892S0108968 34.5563827-86.32483670G5240Bethel Primitive Bapt Church Bethel Primitive Bapt Church 769 1 6 0 10 2 15 0 769 735 74.71659622 243.148416 91 274 84.69026879319607 88.01667265 298.05433008319864 286.3475651 51 2115 81 1 6 0 8 2 9 0 586.4259208926827 598 572PBethel Primitive Bapt Church 68 53986451 9402 877.5088452888346 1366.75560838801584451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108971 34.7053835-86.74976210G5240Madison City Hall Madison City Hall 4933 329 523 1 200 40 84 12 4933 3744 643.7122136 1420.732168 784 1601 729.6392387892796 758.2974874 1741.5510308530254 1673.147634 2 914 11 237 368 1 133 32 43 8 3761.819333892853 3605 2783AMadison City Hall 71 94224961 17227 1259.784642679004 1962.16566361320274451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108915 34.6580632-86.53733090G5240Willowbrook Bapt Church Willowbrook Bapt Church 7082 242 352 5 153 43 119 1 7082 6167 984.4527348 2805.080814 1199 3161 1115.8640906592336 1159.692203 3438.502691515024 3303.44764 90 1914 81 196 247 5 103 37 60 1 5400.609066010376 5694 5045AWillowbrook Bapt Church 15 29036351 23401 482.78106752764995 751.95108882324664451114661 89Madison County 10892S010892 34.7431958-86.59155850G5240Charles Stone Agricultural Center Charles Stone Agricultural Center 2714 11 1806 2 80 12 71 0 2714 732 384.2567806 48.8071638 468 55 435.5499537660881 452.6571736 59.82842392051834 57.47852584 42 2015 61 9 1262 2 68 12 37 02069.6488287421857 2074 684PCharles Stone Agricultural Center 2 842288161 428683 1117.8320664494297 1741.06877014196064451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108981 34.9625384-86.71222550G5240Bobo Volunteer Fire Dept Bobo Volunteer Fire Dept 6284 29 530 1 138 84 160 3 6284 5339 472.9314222 1372.812407 576 1547 536.0614816026718 557.1165214 1682.8103961812706 1616.714172 22 532 11 23 390 1 82 60 92 1 4792.068253432533 4688 4039ABobo Volunteer Fire Dept 81 488953651 93241 655.1520529492759 1020.42588803832614451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108985 34.9686061-86.58351870G5240Harold Harbin Gym Harold Harbin Gym 3683 28 203 5 61 48 75 3 3683 3260 268.4871095 1109.253723 327 1250 304.3265702497697 316.2796918 1359.7369075683848 1306.330133 14 515 61 22 141 3 35 33 38 1 2808.59124401528 2690 2417AHarold Harbin Gym 85 343414611 16420 726.128341064063 1130.9743347739474451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108967 34.9228417-86.59729410G5240Plainview Church of Christ Plainview Church of Christ 4082 12 198 3 86 53 97 2 4082 3631 265.2028635 1197.106618 323 1349 300.60392110271056 312.4108271 1467.4280700923857 1409.791479 14 2115 61 10 134 2 44 38 53 03112.8616503042012 2997 2716APlainview Church of Christ 67 400504701 1914241 73.4666841889902 114.427339603537524451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108974 34.5151008-86.47623720G5240New Hope Volunteer FD New Hope Volunteer FD 413 0 1 0 10 8 5 0 413 389 27.0950294 108.2631633 33 122 30.71185571822296 31.91813404 132.71032219865933 127.497821 51 2114 81 0 1 0 6 8 4 0 314.94656089555 327 308ANew Hope Volunteer FD 74 800835131 546377 698.0224425123428 1087.19825812174624451114661 89Madison County 10895S0108982 34.5455657-86.40871070G5240New Hope City Hall New Hope City Hall 3924 14 8 1 53 83 93 0 3924 3672 302.1506309 1024.95044 368 1155 342.48372431984336 355.9355553 1256.396902705603 1207.049043 51 2114 81 13 8 0 36 54 53 02992.3736197436765 3027 2863PNew Hope City Hall 82 182191061 198897 954.5332381552578 1486.72422351714844451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108986 34.7953545-86.50994750G5240Mad Co Teacher Resource Center Mad Co Teacher Resource Center 5366 71 777 0 153 40 96 3 5366 4226 681.4810425 1521.896108 830 1715 772.4497043172324 802.7894318 1865.5590366883637 1792.284942 14 2015 61 46 569 0 91 25 43 0 4092.017544226444 3877 3103AMad Co Teacher Resource Center 86 117926861 53165 960.0476866052788 1495.31320058182094451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108992 34.7978675 -86.7271470G5240Monrovia Comm Center Monrovia Comm Center 5397 163 990 13 170 26 123 1 5406 3920 618.2593072 1682.516047 753 1896 700.7887076349641 728.3137857 2062.4489406353014 1981.441545 15 2432 11 118 691 8 103 22 52 0 4115.657600855408 3749 2755AMonrovia Comm Center 92 165101731 93947 1252.8471107580096 1951.36017633829244451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108989 34.6872662-86.77426820G5240Madison Bapt Church Madison Bapt Church 7043 502 1053 5 287 40 129 16 7043 5011 904.8097696 1782.792583 1102 2009 1025.5898488189937 1065.872234 2185.369157055335 2099.533789 54 914 21 346 778 3 183 29 67 9 5370.868349606196 5020 3605AMadison Bapt Church 89 91856011 28840 1011.6344624280564 1575.6616957029494451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108990 34.7382465-86.72442920G5240St. John's Catholic Church St. John's Catholic Church 5687 282 320 3 144 33 129 14 5679 4754 622.3646147 2185.673535 758 2463 705.4420191890639 733.1498667 2679.2256026069617 2573.992894 2 2432 11 193 211 2 96 22 59 5 4336.806517707005 4098 3510ASt. John's Catholic Church 90 104537891 1610 1326.1359095131284 2065.51045216555034451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108988 34.7135325-86.77798920G5240Asbury Meth Church Asbury Meth Church 7455 487 1890 6 494 24 182 5 7406 4318 963.1051359 1441.142437 1173 1624 1091.666871732563 1134.544583 1766.570190527684 1697.184109 2 2432 21 321 1217 4 331 18 79 5 5685.052328029844 5106 3131AAsbury Meth Church 88 7224861 15158 116.51495918592877 181.476773463237464451114661 89Madison County 10895S0108912 34.7319472-86.58636960G5240Eastside Community Center Eastside Community Center 655 3 142 0 31 8 8 1 655 462 100.1695026 109.1505663 122 123 113.54079989940115 118.0003743 133.79811171805238 128.5428851 42 2015 61 3 142 0 31 6 8 1 499.4915190958481 627 436PEastside Community Center 12 18537921 0 400.77588251282066 624.22468795828094451114661 89Madison County 10895N010893 34.7436844-86.57373880G5240Jackson Way Bapt Church Jackson Way Bapt Church 2253 17 77 2 64 24 71 5 2253 1993 404.783318 418.8542057 493 472 458.81651115170445 476.8375782 513.4366561720834 493.2702581 42 2015 61 13 59 1 46 22 49 31718.0983091953372 1950 1757AJackson Way Bapt Church 3 13759391 0 231.60683490088437 360.73703671623694451114661 89Madison County 10892N010896 34.7319605-86.57744460G5240Huntsville Middle School Huntsville Middle School 1302 10 14 3 15 7 14 0 1302 1239 323.4982298 553.7394584 394 624 366.68094401627974 381.0831761 678.780664160711 652.1200023 42 2015 61 8 12 3 10 6 9 0 992.8823784164797 1093 1045AHuntsville Middle School 6 10606351 16015 23.12510640331411 36.018290916367744451114661 89Madison County 10895N010897 34.7228051-86.58927910G5240Phillips CME Church Phillips CME Church 130 0 28 0 3 0 0 0 130 99 101.8116256 3.549611913 124 4 115.40212452104109 119.9348067 4.351158103594301 4.180256425 42 2015 61 0 28 0 2 0 0 0 99.13572134726756 129 99APhillips CME Church 7 27933701 0 382.45368282404104 595.68711900146654451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108924 34.7134213-86.58149880G5240Southside Bapt Church Southside Bapt Church 2150 20 68 0 44 8 36 1 2150 1973 318.5718608 725.8956362 388 818 361.0969702475806 375.279879 889.8118321720236 854.8624389 42 1915 61 15 42 0 26 8 21 11639.5523145894251 1773 1660ASouthside Bapt Church 24 62538811 0 574.3920659715482 894.63893360731884451114661 89Madison County 10895S0108913 34.7081369-86.54793560G5240Covenant Presbyterian Church Covenant Presbyterian Church 3229 168 49 0 51 8 26 9 3229 2918 450.7627618 1281.409901 549 1444 510.93359959541556 531.0016844 1570.7680749551675 1509.072569 90 1915 61 131 37 0 32 7 16 32462.3788017717457 2543 2317PCovenant Presbyterian Church 13 164601021 8256 527.07454056169 820.93996911690484451114661 89Madison County 10895N0108914 34.682595-86.54075380G5240Southwood Presbyterian Church Southwood Presbyterian Church 2963 78 31 1 27 14 41 0 2963 2771 380.1514731 1201.543632 463 1354 430.896642308209 447.8210927 1472.8670182097926 1415.0168 90 1914 61 56 24 1 23 11 24 02259.5318642457983 2299 2160ASouthwood Presbyterian Church 14 1765675202 6643262 74.19545179674186 206.158215902219131162221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010110 32.44151-86.80140210G5240Mulberry/Statesville Mulberry/Statesville 652 1 403 0 20 1 2 0 652 225 227.2407681 114.3869448 291 131 292.41005251754507 303.8951256 136.16763662401294 130.8193415 86 6824221 1 323 0 18 1 1 0 477.4077073903722 532 188AMulberry/Statesville 0110 2013084722 1378254 102.75842480438328 285.522805152920061162221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010010 32.584832 -86.8474650G5240Jones Community Center Jones Community Center 903 0 296 0 10 6 11 0 903 580 107.7636632 164.1583635 138 188 138.66868469705807 144.1152142 195.41615030453676 187.7407344 1 6824221 0 229 0 8 5 4 0 661.1950303274633 681 435AJones Community Center 0010 703737152 392919 683.8044016052482 1900.00723827674031102221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010220 32.5161948-86.48920630G5240Upper Kingston Community Center Upper Kingston Community Center 6009 32 659 3 92 35 70 5 6009 5113 330.3190547 1661.666839 423 1903 425.04966394598745 441.7444609 1978.0687976795193 1900.375625 58 8724291 23 441 1 59 28 44 1 4399.912444338568 4384 3787AUpper Kingston Community Center 0220 160586432 67003 1329.1455168496088 3693.1410456103061102221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010100 32.4799083-86.43191950G5240Trinity Methodist Church Trinity Methodist Church 11680 280 1456 7 386 46 181 9 11680 9315 672.351551 3245.62041 861 3717 865.1720109191831 899.1536189 3863.626757790568 3711.873987 80 8724291 195 942 5 225 32 88 5 8552.334390060654 8355 6863ATrinity Methodist Church 0100 1421915202 177871 109.13104029612798 303.22964578255851102221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010080 32.5519609-86.72324850G5240Independence Voting Center Independence Voting Center 959 3 452 0 11 5 14 0 959 474 213.1846381 213.0565994 273 244 274.3228327116979 285.0974889 253.6252163017598 243.6635063 86 6824221 1 337 0 5 5 8 0 702.1993732935075 721 365AIndependence Voting Center 0080 1643544872 6673990 176.38489307507652 490.10005314177861102221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010140 32.4315076-86.66837530G5240Autaugaville Autaugaville 1550 0 871 0 9 9 13 2 1550 646 390.4480551 309.1067057 500 354 502.42277055645 522.1565731 367.96445313778094 353.5118083 86 6824291 0 640 0 8 4 8 21134.9416356672957 1199 537AAutaugaville 0140 226035532 820421 341.50391233439007 948.89694159901771102221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010150 32.4303479-86.43697680G5240Prattmont Baptist Church Prattmont Baptist Church 3001 13 441 1 99 7 42 2 3001 2396 184.291482 812.9331724 236 931 237.14354769956537 246.4579025 967.72572278933 929.7160834 86 8724291 12 291 1 67 7 24 02197.3934507339063 2286 1884APrattmont Baptist Church 0150 31519552 0 234.42121273203716 651.35878030455741102221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010130 32.4752405-86.47352250G5240Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce 2060 5 1207 0 74 5 24 3 2060 742 503.6779911 275.9257599 645 316 648.1253740187827 673.5819793 328.465444086824 315.5642131 86 8724291 5 851 0 60 2 6 31508.3740448223416 1483 556AChamber of Commerce 0130 1369117852 8074847 830.3745579153763 2307.2645727584251102221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010160 32.4141535-86.52650730G5240Safe Harbor Ministries Safe Harbor Ministries 7297 23 1064 0 249 40 115 2 7297 5804 545.8463811 2043.247716 699 2340 702.3870332438829 729.9748892 2432.3074019737014 2336.77297 86 8724291 18 719 0 157 31 63 0 5343.012332557586 5329 4341ASafe Harbor Ministries 0160 50413192 9054 383.60869326198895 1065.88856718770031102221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010170 32.4740243-86.45970330G5240Camelia Baptist Church Camelia Baptist Church 3371 17 647 5 87 9 63 7 3371 2536 364.6784835 980.5842671 467 1123 469.26286772339466 487.6942393 1167.2996629943634 1121.451301 86 8724291 15 435 5 52 7 33 42468.3150024738416 2477 1926ACamelia Baptist Church 0170 774761122 634185 180.82296457825586 502.431602865991071102221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010090 32.49455 -86.5721980G5240Booth Volunteer Fire Department Booth Volunteer Fire Department 1589 1 359 0 15 15 12 1 1589 1186 138.9995076 426.9863817 178 489 178.86250629538816 185.88774 508.2898801827321 488.3256335 86 8724291 1 265 0 11 10 6 1 1163.498231661505 1189 895ABooth Volunteer Fire Department 0090 73165842 0 490.8051895695516 1363.7429220648331102221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010020 32.4491058-86.42549510G5240Church of the Living Water Church of the Living Water 4313 59 229 2 78 10 71 4 4313 3860 267.8473658 1665.15957 343 1907 344.6620206531066 358.1994092 1982.2265884127223 1904.370109 80 8724291 44 157 2 48 8 29 2 3158.066628795514 3223 2933AChurch of the Living Water 0020 871410252 181495 220.31042128603104 612.1507760532151102221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010180 32.5592148-86.61135720G5240Old Kingston Vote Site Old Kingston Vote Site 1936 1 737 0 23 6 20 0 1936 1149 331.0999508 321.3312647 424 368 426.0545094426464 442.788774 382.5167196631088 367.4925013 86 6824291 1 553 0 14 6 10 01417.5787139689578 1438 854AOld Kingston Vote Site 0180 1244509012 189158 592.0842572062085 1645.15521064301561102221112 1Autauga County 10012N010010070 32.5864668-86.47335270G5240Pine Level Fire Station Pine Level Fire Station 5203 21 359 4 79 11 75 5 5203 4649 245.9822747 1837.176579 315 2104 316.5263454957873 328.9586411 2186.9977664097296 2101.098431 58 8724291 16 245 1 48 11 29 2 3809.742793791574 3702 3350APine Level Fire Station 0070 989887612 174135 119.8279305858423 332.95184255373731102221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010030 32.6517052-86.68329490G5240Billingsley Government Center Billingsley Government Center 1053 0 86 0 16 4 4 1 1053 942 38.2639094 332.6826409 49 381 49.23743152049779 51.17134417 396.02953850513586 380.4745733 1 6824291 0 56 0 10 4 3 0 771.0280918436532 755 682ABillingsley Government Center 0030 1084311262 117243 126.08674937237727 350.34248960070371102221112 1Autauga County 10012N010010050 32.6498861 -86.5937230G5240White City Fire Station White City Fire Station 1108 3 226 0 5 6 14 3 1108 851 108.5445593 293.3894156 139 336 139.67353019371703 145.1595273 349.25439619151496 335.5366316 58 6824291 3 178 0 3 6 12 2 811.3002143995895 844 640AWhite City Fire Station 0050 972169672 239725 214.73438273075442 596.65729050228141102221112 1Autauga County 10016N010010060 32.672811-86.48757630G5240Marbury Community Center Marbury Community Center 1887 8 103 0 57 2 30 1 1887 1686 87.46036435 498.58737 112 571 112.54270062927732 116.9630724 593.5245840721859 570.2125496 58 8724291 6 76 0 35 2 16 01381.6999138736692 1360 1225AMarbury Community Center 0060 89258611 15020 1231.0805265571798 1007.81925262655935501115111 73Jefferson County 10732N010734802 33.4314208 -86.7621560G5240Mountain Chapel United Methodist Church Mountain Chapel United Methodist Church 4946 81 60 0 55 11 23 10 4946 4706 441.9593549 2788.947512 555 2635 513.9493070914531 534.1358407 2592.016932794612 2490.209544 5 47 6151 59 45 0 37 9 7 93785.2787357281927 3596 3430AMountain Chapel United Methodist Church 4802 30971431 4072 867.1824817074837 709.91554309561925501115111 73Jefferson County 10734N010734706 33.4155526 -86.7922710G5240Mountaintop Community Church Mountaintop Community Church 3484 169 616 0 286 2 41 4 3484 2366 439.5703854 1210.837174 552 1144 511.1712027870491 531.24862 1125.3386607334817 1081.138413 5 46 6151 126 412 0 189 1 22 2 2666.379117524671 2627 1875AMountaintop Community Church 4706 77267061 7137 1019.2629915591693 834.41565699671665501115111 73Jefferson County 10734N010734804 33.4641814-86.74451570G5240Mountain Brook Fire Station #2 Mountain Brook Fire Station #2 4095 33 10 0 23 0 33 2 4095 3994 489.7387446 2142.250385 615 2024 569.5113944304017 591.880256 1990.9837842945537 1912.783346 5 47 1151 24 9 0 17 0 13 23133.9903806726543 2974 2909AMountain Brook Fire Station #2 4804 91207052 14358 1310.9787976903895 1073.2276594387566662226172 73Jefferson County 10735N010735604 33.3695814-86.96458960G5240Jonesboro Elementary School Jonesboro Elementary School 5267 5 2732 0 247 10 32 0 5267 2241 1172.187695 900.718912 1472 851 1363.1232077528666 1416.662987 837.1181820376687 804.2384523 18 5533181 4 1892 0 152 10 19 0 4030.946846154547 3958 1881AJonesboro Elementary School 5604 22482242 0 607.8242308638563 497.59292658998346662226172 73Jefferson County 10735N010735605 33.3890989-86.96192140G5240Fire Department Admin Building Fire Department Admin Building 2442 1 2084 0 109 11 9 5 2442 223 880.7334172 65.62229441 1106 62 1024.194475302809 1064.422054 60.98863370118101 58.59316573 18 5533181 1 1579 0 55 8 8 21868.9144101593704 1867 214AFire Department Admin Building 5605 64769942 88665 1253.9797195299377 1026.5655872892455502225112 73Jefferson County 10734N010734805 33.4600083-86.72410960G5240New Merkle-Cahaba Heights Center New Merkle-Cahaba Heights Center 5038 93 115 4 167 21 53 4 5038 4581 576.5379693 2298.897153 724 2172 670.4491862739346 696.7826103 2136.5695551651743 2052.650903 94 47 1151 72 97 3 104 11 29 23855.6882876260884 4104 3786ANew Merkle-Cahaba Heights Center 4805 48169621 0 483.123190870903 395.50690848122766611116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735912 33.5623563-86.74292230G5240Calvary Resurrection Christian Church Calvary Resurrection Christian Church 1941 5 1690 2 71 2 13 2 1941 156 594.853402 57.15490158 747 54 691.7479863259146 718.9179694 53.11913257979105 51.03275725 10 58 1191 5 1196 0 45 2 9 11485.4884808023496 1405 147ACalvary Resurrection Christian Church 5912 51423491 7748 286.2399121594737 234.32918328357125501115211 73Jefferson County 10734N010734607 33.4820685-86.75360050G5240Mountain Brook Elementary School Community Room Mountain Brook Elementary School Community Room 1150 13 6 0 12 7 6 0 1150 1106 125.0227364 602.2433148 157 569 145.38746167620357 151.0978865 559.7182674254021 537.7340533 47 45 1151 8 5 0 5 5 2 0 880.1193987237002 864 839AMountain Brook Elementary School Community Room 4607 51944602 0 788.7776362029323 645.7297233266416662226172 73Jefferson County 10735N010735607 33.3953982-86.97198610G5240Bessemer City Hall Bessemer City Hall 3169 3 2098 0 195 8 27 6 3169 832 830.565058 197.9253073 1043 187 965.8542836594565 1003.790418 183.94958879576092 176.7245483 18 5533181 2 1549 0 123 8 11 2 2425.302934396005 2474 779ABessemer City Hall 5607 876784612 697698 370.36955590721465 303.20158671822085562225772 73Jefferson County 10734N010735612 33.4112286-87.11603930G5240Johns Community Center Johns Community Center 1488 1 158 0 22 19 12 3 1488 1273 132.9859681 492.1672081 167 465 154.64780954999154 160.7219557 457.41475278487957 439.448743 68 5533 41 1 124 0 12 16 4 1 1138.79796982684 1110 952AJohns Community Center 5612 2155342722 7170270 570.9863986902892 467.435779523923775542225772 73Jefferson County 10734N010731510 33.4227647-87.20972990G5240Oak Grove First Baptist Church Oak Grove First Baptist Church 2294 0 20 0 7 11 20 0 2294 2236 74.85437723 1048.898286 94 991 87.04727003285107 90.4662505 974.834451661993 936.5456007 23 1411 41 0 11 0 7 8 14 01755.6468701497115 1762 1722AOak Grove First Baptist Church 1510 354425872 5682 1712.4613875279817 1401.89980955736526662226172 73Jefferson County 10735N010735611 33.3632102-87.00888050G5240Lawson State Community College Lawson State Community College 6880 20 4300 0 207 16 59 2 6880 2276 1620.517635 1118.754277 2035 1057 1884.4807930856177 1958.498083 1039.7578359550955 998.9189707 68 5533181 19 3006 0 125 13 38 1 5265.409968016572 5122 1920ALawson State Community College 5611 145911902 155558 355.9331081635195 291.38324530044076662226172 73Jefferson County 10735N010735603 33.3647732-86.94579070G5240Muscoda Community Center Muscoda Community Center 1430 3 550 0 68 7 8 4 1430 790 230.48807588441426 218.48264909780335 289.44037656903765 206.4225941422594 268.0318576181263 278.55942138232217 203.05535454148122 195.07989143200837 18 5533181 3 446 0 40 7 6 2 1094.409339282514 1201 697AMuscoda Community Center 5603 1490618132 1850575 2780.26071201854 2276.0495454586876662226172 73Jefferson County 10735N010731511 33.3012503-87.04848340G5240Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church 11170 91 1888 3 164 22 88 14 11170 8900 964.3473492 4627.43018 1211 4372 1121.4281274002585 1165.47478 4300.682363547413 4131.763235 83 1433131 65 1301 3 112 20 46 7 8548.637985864114 8659 7105APleasant Hill United Methodist Church 1511 148977852 215768 119.97185883553593 98.21449247189685602225172 73Jefferson County 10735N010735602 33.37447-86.88414710G5240Muscoda Community Center Muscoda Community Center 482 1 21 0 17 5 0 0 482 438 77.68898781558578 73.64240340219665 97.55962343096235 69.57740585774059 90.3436051552006 93.89205671767782 68.44243418810767 65.75420116799164 18 5533151 1 17 0 9 5 0 0 368.8848262476726 440 408AMuscoda Community Center 5602 145285322 182707 2443.24432848469 2000.15240270568265502225172 73Jefferson County 10734N010734602 33.3694446-86.84532440G5240Prince of Peace Catholic Church Prince of Peace Catholic Church 9816 770 1227 1 255 12 145 6 9816 7400 1039.201726 3772.223504 1305 3564 1208.475397914213 1255.941031 3505.8627507866504 3368.161979 45 45 6151 554 875 1 189 9 69 6 7512.393059018993 7400 5697APrince of Peace Catholic Church 4602 181410852 207886 2768.562211260718 2266.4726136201415502225172 73Jefferson County 10732N010734601 33.3382412-86.86681390G5240Hunter Street Baptist Church Hunter Street Baptist Church 11123 556 1164 0 262 8 107 22 11123 9004 1064.684068 4348.006217 1337 4108 1238.1085106869634 1286.738052 4040.988826375002 3882.269755 18 4533131 382 753 0 161 8 50 11 8512.667888698885 7697 6332AHunter Street Baptist Church 4601 388435182 328779 1263.9358903876587 1034.7161675773695562225172 73Jefferson County 10734N010735601 33.3165777-86.93443190G5240Canaan Baptist Church Canaan Baptist Church 5078 82 955 0 214 6 67 8 5078 3746 551.0556281 1877.644359 692 1774 640.8160730200807 665.9855888 1745.0618742511176 1676.520581 83 5533131 57 669 0 137 6 39 43886.3011362773477 3929 3017ACanaan Baptist Church 5601 1476838872 4521439 508.7603308295341 416.494652723147455542225572 73Jefferson County 10732N010731503 33.6241423-87.07798020G5240Masonic Lodge West Jefferson Masonic Lodge West Jefferson 2044 0 15 0 20 7 22 0 2044 1980 65.29849929 718.6699662 82 679 75.9348525843055 78.91736746 667.923907844514 641.6896699 57 1411 41 0 13 0 10 5 13 0 1564.316566079342 1592 1551AMasonic Lodge West Jefferson 1503 60758301 0 1061.0789091615968 868.64809420683836611116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735806 33.5956555-86.70680070G5240Martha Gaskins Middle School Martha Gaskins Middle School 4263 12 2950 0 189 4 42 4 4263 1062 1012.126739 512.277266 1271 484 1176.990215412752 1223.219196 476.1048179065454 457.4047131 28 5726191 8 1908 0 120 3 20 0 3262.564345007943 3010 951AMartha Gaskins Middle School 5806 321243671 148346 1184.037619254449 969.30776076517245541115951 73Jefferson County 10734N010735901 33.6321999 -86.7532470G5240Jefferson County Rehabilitation Center Jefferson County Rehabilitation Center 4757 8 2026 12 657 19 41 6 4757 1988 772.4334672 735.6047518 970 695 898.2537439498747 933.5347126 683.6629101289292 656.8104869 82 58 9161 8 1399 6 402 18 28 5 3640.633025850993 3604 1738AJefferson County Rehabilitation Center 5901 170239651 0 971.9711799849954 795.70040062812655541115951 73Jefferson County 10734N010736003 33.6089819-86.83439710G5240Fultondale First Baptist Church Fultondale First Baptist Church 3905 52 986 0 93 19 62 2 3905 2691 397.3652579 1308.212192 499 1236 462.0913590174846 480.2410532 1215.8379230882072 1168.08311 82 59 9161 40 683 0 55 14 30 02988.5793495791736 3043 2221AFultondale First Baptist Church 6003 15405631 0 391.2775147084284 320.31780532328176661116951 73Jefferson County 10735N010735514 33.4926829-86.86898190G5240Five Points West Public Library Five Points West Public Library 1572 1 1493 0 15 0 4 0 1572 59 698.3754131 24.34375438 877 23 812.1325087813789 844.0308691 22.624815734404958 21.73617439 84 5434171 1 1184 0 13 0 3 0 1203.084951994484 1259 58AFive Points West Public Library 5514 15264201 0 902.2779839809497 738.64633861125716661116551 73Jefferson County 10735N010735513 33.492488-86.88109170G5240Central Park Elementary School Central Park Elementary School 3625 6 3271 0 216 2 9 7 3625 114 1090.166409 42.33696413 1369 40 1267.7416244219207 1317.535074 39.34750561735862 37.80204241 74 5434181 4 2290 0 155 1 6 32774.2894090203595 2567 108ACentral Park Elementary School 5513 24392201 0 1067.7993244905583 874.14973590132226661116511 73Jefferson County 10735N010735204 33.4738733 -86.8678230G5240Harrison Park Recreation Center Harrison Park Recreation Center 4290 1 4193 0 28 2 31 6 4290 29 2021.068185 29.63587489 2538 28 2350.2762913680826 2442.588764 27.543253935273682 26.46142969 84 5134171 1 3229 0 22 2 20 53283.2280178475426 3306 27AHarrison Park Recreation Center 5204 55900461 0 403.9716325520224 330.70979519064016611116921 73Jefferson County 10732N010735807 33.5971463-86.73390250G5240Birmingham Fire Station #29 Birmingham Fire Station #29 1623 0 1566 0 11 1 12 1 1623 32 992.2186599 4.233696413 1246 4 1153.839345728282 1199.159023 3.934750561735862 3.780204241 10 57 9191 0 1267 0 7 1 7 01242.1163340248395 1308 26ABirmingham Fire Station #29 5807 66435951 0 1502.1372781586292 1229.7188009707416611116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735809 33.6154766-86.70470970G5240L.M. Smith Middle School L.M. Smith Middle School 6035 11 4619 0 105 17 70 4 6035 1209 1784.560206 631.8791897 2241 597 2075.2439587853023 2156.753908 587.2615213710845 564.195483 28 5726191 7 3144 0 74 9 33 0 4618.713540258723 4339 1072AL.M. Smith Middle School 5809 14673531 0 520.7077358587991 426.27534906889656661116551 73Jefferson County 10735S010735202 33.4824722-86.87441790G5240Lee Elementary School Lee Elementary School 2092 0 1991 0 58 4 13 5 2092 21 977.884843 12.70108924 1228 12 1137.1707191320927 1181.835698 11.804251682084937 11.34061272 74 5134171 0 1516 0 40 4 7 4 1601.051984460853 1591 20PLee Elementary School 5202 28518951 0 422.39054863880597 345.788368723669866661116551 73Jefferson County 10735N010735716 33.4583997-86.89109150G5240Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church 1697 0 1622 2 19 0 15 0 1697 39 953.198825 13.75951334 1197 13 1108.4636412236976 1152.001084 12.787939322258682 12.28566378 74 5634181 0 1324 2 14 0 5 0 1298.750104029669 1377 32AMount Zion Missionary Baptist Church 5716 23046201 0 376.84106696473316 308.499463905501566601116111 73Jefferson County 10735N010735207 33.4660419-86.85672920G5240Henry Crumpton Recreation Center Henry Crumpton Recreation Center 1514 2 1474 0 19 0 10 2 1514 7 789.9525767 6.35054462 992 6 918.6265093299406 954.7076649 5.902125842083351 5.670306361 84 5134171 2 1214 0 8 0 8 21158.6963214501584 1241 7AHenry Crumpton Recreation Center 5207 22725531 0 656.3605637952453 537.32700549458896661116551 73Jefferson County 10735N010735203 33.4690796-86.87835890G5240Wiggins Library and Recreation Center Wiggins Library and Recreation Center 2637 1 2548 1 5 7 16 0 2637 59 1142.723738 20.11005796 1435 19 1328.8599206583394 1381.053931 18.690065163301153 17.95597014 74 5134171 1 1915 1 4 6 11 02018.1520473342587 1995 57AWiggins Library and Recreation Center 5203 74881771 0 1094.6809858064046 896.15630267925766611116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735808 33.6248095 -86.7208230G5240Sun Valley Elementary School Sun Valley Elementary School 4398 16 3877 0 21 2 35 4 4398 443 1625.295574 266.722874 2041 252 1890.0370013095428 1964.272524 247.88928540705433 238.1528672 82 57 9191 12 2805 0 16 2 16 13365.8827092059423 3270 418ASun Valley Elementary School 5808 453955612 325943 201.61245986884668 165.049250834515365542225572 73Jefferson County 10732N010735502 33.550188-87.05891450G5240Sylvan Springs Town Hall Sylvan Springs Town Hall 810 0 5 0 1 7 6 0 810 791 27.07498751 477.3492706 34 451 31.485182780501173 32.72183529 443.6431258640825 426.2180282 68 5411 41 0 4 0 0 6 5 0 619.9101851879975 649 634ASylvan Springs Town Hall 5502 22689641 0 447.52988005455103 366.36858395118356661116511 73Jefferson County 10735N010735206 33.4760006-86.85252880G5240Jackson Elementary School Jackson Elementary School 1798 0 1781 0 0 3 6 0 1798 8 1111.667134 10.58424103 1396 10 1292.7445638351014 1343.520061 9.836876403819213 9.450510602 84 5134171 0 1473 0 0 2 3 01376.0475468740983 1486 8AJackson Elementary School 5206 53196502 0 488.5990848426494 399.98972763969596662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010735704 33.4746506-86.95982350G5240New Bethlehem Baptist Church New Bethlehem Baptist Church 1963 1 1774 0 13 2 14 0 1963 159 995.4039525 62.4470221 1250 59 1157.5434842234963 1203.00865 58.03757078065977 55.75801255 68 5633181 1 1397 0 8 2 12 01502.3255475605422 1566 146ANew Bethlehem Baptist Church 5704 56283121 0 1496.9102884583258 1225.4397463194766611116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010734406 33.6504149-86.69447030G5240Hilldale Baptist Church Hilldale Baptist Church 6014 20 4387 2 195 7 79 11 6014 1313 1415.066259 719.7283903 1777 680 1645.5638173260757 1710.197097 668.907595526323 642.634721 82 43 9191 16 2889 2 120 5 40 6 4602.641794716811 4269 1191AHilldale Baptist Church 4406 136521492 10985 835.0738306913341 683.62992166641866662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010735508 33.5193616-86.92418510G5240Birmingham Fire Station #17 Birmingham Fire Station #17 3355 9 2618 0 35 13 42 0 3355 638 979.4774893 247.6712402 1230 234 1139.0227888608033 1183.760512 230.18290786310925 221.1419481 62 5434181 7 1848 0 14 12 15 0 2567.65268062436 2452 556ABirmingham Fire Station #17 5508 130300812 626114 585.9206549768705 479.66164995611016662226572 73Jefferson County 10735N010735507 33.5300993-86.95278970G5240Minor Fire Station Minor Fire Station 2354 1 1075 0 36 3 17 2 2354 1220 489.7387446 544.0299891 615 514 569.5113944304017 591.880256 505.6154472158461 485.756245 62 5434181 1 773 0 21 2 15 11801.5661431266003 1795 982AMinor Fire Station 5507 5500022 0 6.720415328961556 5.5016416944838465542225572 73Jefferson County 10734N010735503 33.5425215-87.00843690G5240Booker Heights Development Corporation Booker Heights Development Corporation 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59.72423715 0 75 0 69.45260907265393 72.18051902 0 0 62 5434 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.66367283959992 0 0ABooker Heights Development Corporation 5503 63758171 8666 1987.7495117439626 1627.26335452399966611116221 73Jefferson County 10735N010734405 33.6554054-86.67541420G5240Center Point Courthouse Annex Center Point Courthouse Annex 7986 19 5009 2 301 19 71 3 7986 2562 1505.050776 1384.418727 1890 1308 1750.2057483383678 1818.949079 1286.6634338885171 1236.126787 91 4326191 16 3109 2 179 16 34 1 6111.855233223887 5548 2191ACenter Point Courthouse Annex 4405 168114771 71377 1671.8899912827694 1368.6861948832595511115221 73Jefferson County 10734N010735108 33.6874696-86.67439440G5240Pinson United Methodist Church Pinson United Methodist Church 6717 41 3030 2 221 14 67 1 6717 3341 947.6245628 1637.382088 1190 1547 1101.98139717321 1145.264235 1521.764779536142 1461.99399 82 50 9161 32 1875 2 122 14 26 1 5140.66260976269 4710 2638APinson United Methodist Church 5108 91512891 70529 1427.714900997166 1168.79321331701255511115221 73Jefferson County 10734N010734404 33.6657458-86.65175150G5240Clearview Baptist Church Clearview Baptist Church 5736 29 1420 2 125 15 63 14 5736 4068 565.389445 2090.387604 710 1975 657.4846992313874 683.3089134 1942.7830898635875 1866.475844 91 4326141 20 837 2 75 11 30 4 4389.882496590561 4244 3265AClearview Baptist Church 4404 260790751 461050 741.7347289002014 607.21823146525415541115551 73Jefferson County 10734N010735506 33.5805319-86.93462330G5240Adamsville Senior Citizens Building Adamsville Senior Citizens Building 2980 9 1603 0 77 21 22 1 2980 1247 817.0275642 655.16452 1026 619 950.1116921200638 987.4295002 608.9026494340892 584.9866063 62 5434181 9 1123 0 46 20 13 0 2280.657224518806 2314 1103AAdamsville Senior Citizens Building 5506 85427212 378486 322.8288400615977 264.28256584242775542225572 73Jefferson County 10734N010735504 33.5603921-86.98491550G5240Mulga Town Hall Mulga Town Hall 1297 0 302 0 21 3 18 4 1297 949 210.2293148 410.6685521 264 388 244.47318388724656 254.0754269 381.6708045123189 366.6798114 62 5434181 0 221 0 13 3 12 3 992.6216175170775 1008 756AMulga Town Hall 5504 95027492 0 94.3347188769048 77.226748229976955542225572 73Jefferson County 10734N010735501 33.5494453-87.00793810G5240Maytown Baptist Church Maytown Baptist Church 379 0 71 0 0 1 4 0 406 330 15.13014008 182.0489458 19 172 17.594660960197142 18.28573148 169.19427419315474 162.5487824 62 5434 41 0 63 0 0 1 4 0 290.0567409706803 337 269AMaytown Baptist Church 5501 37554231 9366 1289.3241260748466 1055.5001473120866611116221 73Jefferson County 10735N010735810 33.6134813-86.67558760G5240Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church 5180 34 3678 2 408 1 36 4 5180 1017 1130.77889 641.4050066 1420 606 1314.969398655216 1366.617827 596.114710091013 572.7009425 28 5726191 28 2481 2 316 1 16 13964.3639003380586 3769 924AOur Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church 5810 667614851 1046942 2112.948360279802 1729.75690164716185511115221 73Jefferson County 10734N010735109 33.719652-86.57802610G5240Clay Community Center Clay Community Center 8489 45 709 3 145 22 67 6 8489 7492 410.1064284 4080.224918 515 3855 476.9079155963012 495.6395639 3792.115853598404 3643.171837 91 5026141 29 441 3 71 17 38 3 6496.811805013471 6360 5758AClay Community Center 5109 89691841 15187 1747.3079855300045 1430.42684056585611115221 73Jefferson County 10732N010734506 33.6219905-86.65321770G5240Brewster Road Baptist Church Brewster Road Baptist Church 7020 51 3981 0 181 17 83 6 7020 2701 1439.752277 1490.261138 1808 1408 1674.2708961966778 1740.031712 1385.0321979058917 1330.631893 28 4426141 38 2653 0 111 13 36 3 5372.554938295979 5155 2301ABrewster Road Baptist Church 4506 215534341 25907 342.49227750559635 280.3799619114735511115921 73Jefferson County 10734N010734407 33.6841787-86.72225250G5240Jefferson State Junior College Jefferson State Junior College 1376 0 66 0 288 13 14 0 1376 995 61.31688348 359.8641951 77 340 71.30467864741152 74.10533286 334.4537977631615 321.3173605 82 43 9161 0 50 0 163 10 6 01053.0819936033145 1024 795AJefferson State Junior College 4407 426628972 311329 956.7880194269711 783.27076568873715542225572 73Jefferson County 10734N010735505 33.6056294-86.99380830G5240Adamsville Baptist Church Adamsville Baptist Church 3844 8 1240 1 55 20 43 2 3844 2475 471.4233119 1252.115714 592 1183 548.212594282201 569.7448968 1163.7024783463578 1117.995404 62 5434 41 7 790 1 30 16 31 1 2941.894755386003 2897 2021AAdamsville Baptist Church 5505 205850731 0 537.6332263169245 440.13133555870776541116551 73Jefferson County 10734N010736001 33.629674-86.95483460G5240Maurice L West Community Center Maurice L West Community Center 2160 4 522 1 35 3 29 1 2160 1565 332.8630817 727.137359 418 687 387.08254125904614 402.2860927 675.7934089867216 649.2500784 62 5934181 4 398 1 16 3 20 11653.0938271679936 1719 1276AMaurice L West Community Center 6001 126721031 0 1618.37557292252 1324.87682583459136641116551 73Jefferson County 10735N010736005 33.5802574-86.90052640G5240Forestdale Square Forestdale Square 6502 12 4833 0 72 7 53 3 6502 1522 2040.976264 828.7460729 2563 783 2373.4271610525525 2466.648937 770.2274224850364 739.9749802 62 5934191 10 3544 0 44 4 24 0 4976.118548262173 4998 1372AForestdale Square 6005 254053311 27676 412.1854735096421 337.43402392834256541116551 73Jefferson County 10734N010736002 33.6382636-86.89817930G5240Brookside City Hall Brookside City Hall 1656 1 279 0 9 4 19 3 1656 1341 135.3749375 537.6794445 170 508 157.4259138543955 163.6091764 499.7133213331683 480.0859386 62 59 9181 1 176 0 8 1 12 01267.3719341621284 1244 1046ABrookside City Hall 6002 698654692 624197 1112.8509976217451 911.03111170508425542225552 73Jefferson County 10734N010731502 33.727028-86.99704950G5240Bagley Junior High School Bagley Junior High School 4471 4 16 1 15 24 19 0 4471 4392 159.2646324 1892.462297 200 1788 185.20695757198015 192.4813841 1758.8335013800913 1689.751296 57 14 9161 4 13 1 13 16 14 03421.7511579944903 3414 3353ABagley Junior High School 1502 753704161 348615 937.8712947973016 767.78466314130125541115551 73Jefferson County 10734N010733401 33.7902885-86.91792790G5240Corner School Corner School 3768 3 4 2 29 10 23 0 3768 3697 100.3367184 1704.062806 126 1610 116.68038328670501 121.263272 1583.7371010960821 1521.532207 57 33 9161 3 0 1 21 8 14 0 2883.730342948611 2837 2790ACorner School 3401 1387379851 450311 1651.7287452958847 1352.18126979980755541115551 73Jefferson County 10734N010731501 33.7011299-86.89290030G5240Mount Olive Elementary School Mount Olive Elementary School 6636 38 69 1 50 23 36 1 6636 6418 263.5829666 3628.277826 331 3428 306.51751469935846 318.5566906 3372.0812308486793 3239.635034 57 14 9161 27 47 0 35 17 21 0 5078.671591243891 5110 4963AMount Olive Elementary School 1501 44873841 0 694.1940130545844 568.29921058946095511115211 73Jefferson County 10734N010734502 33.5096803-86.71564840G5240Cherokee Bend Elementary School Cherokee Bend Elementary School 2789 39 134 0 41 0 11 4 2789 2560 286.6763383 1343.140187 360 1269 333.37252355258767 346.4664913 1248.2996152347584 1199.269795 94 44 1141 31 79 0 23 0 8 22134.4808722090434 2016 1873ACherokee Bend Elementary School 4502 150290851 81808 1192.5003644835117 976.23575401007795541115951 73Jefferson County 10732N010735902 33.6085616-86.79550260G5240Fultondale Senior Citizen's Center Fultondale Senior Citizen's Center 4791 35 455 5 822 15 65 1 4791 3393 254.0270887 1494.494834 319 1412 295.4050972893011 307.0078076 1388.9669482167747 1334.412097 82 58 9161 29 325 4 493 15 35 03666.6539472045633 3688 2787AFultondale Senior Citizen's Center 5902 307846991 28998 692.4516831544832 566.87285903903925541115951 73Jefferson County 10734N010735102 33.7412494-86.77614720G5240Morris Town Hall Morris Town Hall 2782 7 39 0 22 4 14 0 2782 2696 100.3367184 1414.054602 126 1336 116.68038328670501 121.263272 1314.2066871055818 1262.588216 82 50 9161 6 27 0 15 3 11 0 2129.123623695073 2155 2093AMorris Town Hall 5102 899564901 20405 3575.012050736105 2926.6696169582035541115951 73Jefferson County 10734N010735101 33.6786848-86.80127460G5240Gardendale Civic Center Gardendale Civic Center 14363 143 1128 3 216 44 127 5 14363 12697 946.0319165 7248.08826 1188 6848 1100.129327444499 1143.339421 6736.292961075594 6471.70966 82 50 9161 121 770 3 138 33 65 410992.308629450876 11288 10154AGardendale Civic Center 5101 449833381 982922 930.9019751968971 762.07925693961425511115221 73Jefferson County 10734N010735107 33.7434588-86.64594780G5240Palmerdale United Methodist Church Palmerdale United Methodist Church 3740 16 393 0 59 4 30 1 3740 3237 244.4712107 1851.183757 307 1749 284.2926797830232 295.4589245 1720.4696827263324 1652.894304 20 50 9161 11 254 0 34 4 18 02862.3013488927295 2894 2573APalmerdale United Methodist Church 5107 546440151 61166 950.8143169123387 778.38041751586265541115951 73Jefferson County 10732N010735104 33.8190665-86.81520920G5240Warrior City Hall Warrior City Hall 3820 14 461 4 28 10 70 0 3820 3233 318.5292648 1336.789643 400 1263 370.4139150477396 384.9627681 1242.3974897684338 1193.599489 20 50 9161 10 342 3 14 7 36 02923.5270461952477 2994 2582AWarrior City Hall 5104 291991601 0 840.3008203916376 687.90897631768385541115951 73Jefferson County 10734N010735103 33.7832047-86.78608210G5240Kimberly Town Hall Kimberly Town Hall 3376 14 54 0 23 15 17 2 3376 3251 104.3183342 1447.924173 131 1368 121.31055722359899 126.0753066 1345.6846916744123 1292.82985 20 50 9161 8 34 0 13 10 8 02583.7244261662713 2400 2327AKimberly Town Hall 5103 581967231 28242 1027.476832516789 841.13988573441915541115951 73Jefferson County 10734N010735106 33.7470434-86.71230510G5240Kermit A Johnson Elementary School Kermit A Johnson Elementary School 4128 9 373 1 215 14 55 0 4128 3461 220.5815159 1455.333142 277 1375 256.5116361616592 266.5867169 1352.5705057593407 1299.445208 20 50 9161 7 242 1 108 11 36 0 3159.245980809943 3142 2737AKermit A Johnson Elementary School 5106 249235801 32046 283.0041566307144 231.680244689930845541115951 73Jefferson County 10734N010735105 33.8040134-86.72987380G5240Trafford Town Hall Trafford Town Hall 1137 0 53 1 9 1 8 0 1137 1065 63.70585296 524.9783553 80 496 74.08278300954791 76.99255362 487.909069671901 468.7453259 20 50 9161 0 31 1 5 1 6 0 870.170222912041 890 846ATrafford Town Hall 5105 82363071 39652 1240.2899846005716 1015.35853939307425511115221 73Jefferson County 10734N010734505 33.5971987-86.66903290G5240Huffman Middle School Huffman Middle School 4983 32 2880 0 139 11 52 7 4983 1862 973.106904 957.8738135 1222 905 1131.6145109081676 1176.061257 890.2373145654157 855.2712095 28 4426191 23 1958 0 85 10 33 2 3813.595620730607 3779 1668AHuffman Middle School 4505 49336611 0 839.3052033058655 687.09391828887146611116221 73Jefferson County 10735N010735805 33.5787311-86.69699370G5240Don Hawkins Park and Recreation Center Don Hawkins Park and Recreation Center 3372 34 1745 0 46 14 26 0 3372 1507 872.7701856 767.3574749 1096 725 1014.9341276214624 1054.797985 713.1735393341415 685.1620187 28 5726191 29 1225 0 37 14 19 02580.6631413011455 2683 1359ADon Hawkins Park and Recreation Center 5805 91670391 8176 2335.7176832213054 1912.12613559394125501115111 73Jefferson County 10734N010734705 33.4333752-86.80410730G5240Vestavia Hills Civic Center Vestavia Hills Civic Center 9384 660 810 1 301 11 97 4 9384 7500 1042.387019 3490.682693 1309 3298 1212.1795373716345 1259.790659 3244.201838458799 3116.778397 45 46 6151 446 593 1 191 9 56 2 7181.774293585394 7245 5947AVestavia Hills Civic Center 4705 63808782 224816 2889.7785914534693 2365.70592862805375502225112 73Jefferson County 10734N010734701 33.3736079-86.80311960G5240Hoover Park and Recreation Center Hoover Park and Recreation Center 11610 886 4466 2 1887 47 213 19 11610 4090 1354.545699 1000.210778 1701 945 1575.1851734083104 1637.054171 929.5848201723653 893.0732519 39 46 6151 632 3052 2 1310 30 115 14 8885.379321027965 8704 3549AHoover Park and Recreation Center 4701 45678851 18994 884.6057807084952 724.17905859983665501115171 73Jefferson County 10734N010734702 33.3941256-86.82376230G5240Oakmont Presbyterian Church Oakmont Presbyterian Church 3554 66 219 0 76 4 48 9 3554 3132 365.5123314 1785.561462 459 1687 425.0499675223327 441.7447764 1659.481049784996 1594.301139 45 46 6151 55 143 0 48 4 33 72719.9516026643746 2775 2485AOakmont Presbyterian Church 4702 68821351 37706 1377.934046708562 1128.04031187639165501115171 73Jefferson County 10734N010734604 33.4233753-86.83801230G5240Bluff Park United Methodist Church Bluff Park United Methodist Church 5536 240 776 0 201 9 111 22 5536 4177 740.5805407 2018.414765 930 1907 861.2123524547227 895.0384358 1875.8923304150433 1802.212372 45 45 6151 170 552 0 134 6 51 10 4236.818253334265 4149 3226ABluff Park United Methodist Church 4604 50625481 0 1398.0952926954467 1144.54523695984316611116221 73Jefferson County 10735N010735804 33.5642685-86.70975260G5240Robinson Elementary School Robinson Elementary School 5617 25 4255 4 90 6 72 7 5617 1158 1559.997074 354.5720746 1959 335 1814.1021491678525 1885.355157 329.5353595622928 316.5921052 28 57 1191 21 2943 4 58 4 33 2 4298.809271853064 4128 1063ARobinson Elementary School 5804 185595901 59183 215.3021947982128 176.256298730686185511115211 73Jefferson County 10734N010734504 33.568925 -86.6624340G5240Birmingham Fire Station #31 Birmingham Fire Station #31 865 4 217 0 33 0 14 0 865 597 125.8190596 239.2038474 158 226 146.31349644433823 152.0602934 222.31340672090164 213.5815396 28 4426141 4 170 0 20 0 4 0 662.0028520834788 692 494ABirmingham Fire Station #31 4504 21542631 0 533.1529494309501 436.46357442905186611116221 73Jefferson County 10735N010735803 33.5507926-86.71547230G5240Oporto Armory Oporto Armory 2142 2 1916 0 49 8 12 3 2142 152 606.7982495 46.57066055 762 44 705.6385081365966 733.3540732 43.2822561780536 41.58224665 94 57 1191 2 1426 0 33 4 6 21639.3180452749268 1619 146AOporto Armory 5803 20453011 0 563.5192705469987 461.32284430783066611116221 73Jefferson County 10732N010735801 33.5424821-86.73055490G5240Gate City Elementary School Gate City Elementary School 2264 5 2174 0 21 3 6 0 2264 55 897.4562036 16.93478565 1127 16 1043.6412055298574 1084.632599 15.739002242779916 15.12081696 94 57 1191 5 1494 0 14 3 4 01732.6872336612673 1563 43AGate City Elementary School 5801 242632871 50808 820.886287219082 672.01534475584165661115171 73Jefferson County 10735N010735210 33.4074612-86.89451830G5240Ross Bridge Welcome Center Town Hall Ross Bridge Welcome Center Town Hall 3298 189 853 0 59 3 25 0 3298 2169 355.9564534 874.2583094 447 826 413.9375501122754 430.1958934 812.5259909292367 780.6121757 18 5133171 124 643 0 38 3 19 0 2524.029371296316 2478 1651ARoss Bridge Welcome Center Town Hall 5210 119811401 337552 496.06621298594007 406.102662855789055511115211 73Jefferson County 10734N010734808 33.5132013-86.67531930G5240Birmingham Korean United Methodist Church Birmingham Korean United Methodist Church 1993 41 264 0 46 0 33 8 1993 1601 332.0667586 886.9593986 417 838 386.15650639469084 401.3236857 824.3302426945924 791.9527885 94 47 1141 32 188 0 31 0 15 31525.2851840489866 1635 1366ABirmingham Korean United Methodist Church 4808 27945041 0 870.418237236243 712.56448168925956661116221 73Jefferson County 10735N010735413 33.5353215-86.73743290G5240Birmingham Fire Station #12 Birmingham Fire Station #12 3497 10 2036 0 44 11 30 2 3497 1364 1067.073037 365.1563157 1340 345 1240.8866152800297 1289.625273 339.37223596403027 326.0426158 10 53 1171 9 1481 0 34 10 15 12676.3282933363303 2733 1183ABirmingham Fire Station #12 5413 44920501 0 1085.7204320344558 888.82078041994585561115221 73Jefferson County 10734N010735414 33.5252921-86.74499680G5240Crestwood Community Educational Center Crestwood Community Educational Center 4362 79 1018 1 67 10 35 3 4362 3149 1059.109806 1073.242041 1330 1014 1231.626267598683 1280.001204 997.4592674068068 958.2817751 10 53 1171 63 736 1 56 8 21 3 3338.331145419809 3720 2832ACrestwood Community Educational Center 5414 15680691 9763 248.40646290013456 203.35697818869925501115211 73Jefferson County 10734N010735216 33.4909507-86.77992730G5240Birmingham Botanical Gardens Birmingham Botanical Gardens 998 7 12 0 4 0 8 0 998 967 186.3396199 332.3451685 234 314 216.69214026588267 225.2032193 308.8779190770088 296.7460329 47 51 1171 7 9 0 4 0 4 0 763.7905738489155 807 783ABirmingham Botanical Gardens 5216 82635001 33032 398.24683430883294 326.023211524968646601116111 73Jefferson County 10732N010735208 33.4410514-86.85779180G5240Shady Grove Baptist Church-Sand Ridge Shady Grove Baptist Church-Sand Ridge 1600 157 718 0 42 9 21 3 1600 650 295.4358931 168.2894324 371 159 343.5589061945103 357.0529674 156.40633485007842 150.2631186 45 51 6171 136 572 0 30 5 17 11224.5139460503656 1378 617AShady Grove Baptist Church-Sand Ridge 5208 27454931 55018 533.1529494309501 436.46357442905186501116171 73Jefferson County 10734N010735211 33.4298799-86.84372990G5240Election Systems and Software Election Systems and Software 2142 245 377 0 52 3 38 5 2142 1422 293.8432468 383.1495254 369 362 341.706836658241 355.1281536 356.0949258261662 342.1084838 45 51 6171 217 333 0 43 2 30 41639.3180452749268 1944 1315AElection Systems and Software 5211 59266941 20135 1335.1225120203626 1092.99281663745735501115171 73Jefferson County 10734N010734704 33.4133702-86.82514030G5240Saint Mark United Methodist Church Saint Mark United Methodist Church 5364 223 303 2 115 8 33 8 5364 4672 528.7585796 2434.375438 664 2300 614.8870990312068 639.0381951 2262.481573440496 2173.617439 45 46 6151 166 221 2 81 6 23 4 4105.183004133851 4155 3652ASaint Mark United Methodist Church 4704 28466121 2875 980.4339252140581 802.62839387303225501115111 73Jefferson County 10734N010735214 33.475252 -86.7841850G5240Shades Cahaba Elementary School Shades Cahaba Elementary School 3939 44 168 0 79 6 38 2 3939 3602 495.3130068 1261.641531 622 1192 575.993637903565 598.6171044 1172.5556675867276 1126.500864 47 51 1151 33 139 0 60 5 20 23014.6002709327436 3139 2880AShades Cahaba Elementary School 5214 24547001 1999 494.32388308583893 404.676311305367345501115221 73Jefferson County 10734N010735410 33.5155338-86.76060290G5240Avondale Elementary School Avondale Elementary School 1986 14 55 0 13 0 21 2 1986 1881 641.0401454 572.6074399 805 541 745.4580040323731 774.7375708 532.1750134797195 511.2726236 10 53 1171 10 43 0 10 0 8 11519.9279355350163 1703 1631AAvondale Elementary School 5410 27143421 0 1022.4987470879286 837.06459559035696601116111 73Jefferson County 10735N010735307 33.481413-86.81524590G5240Green Springs Baptist Church Green Springs Baptist Church 4108 68 1844 2 916 15 39 7 4108 1217 691.2085046 415.9606726 868 393 803.7981956757257 835.3692068 386.5892427131877 371.4050667 47 52 1171 62 1418 2 713 13 26 33143.9395564843135 3387 1150AGreen Springs Baptist Church 5307 19282111 0 940.1114332402888 769.61854370612916601116111 73Jefferson County 10735N010735213 33.4792946-86.80244440G5240Homewood Exceptional Foundation Homewood Exceptional Foundation 3777 55 1132 4 578 6 47 4 3777 1951 668.9114561 710.2025734 840 671 777.869221590631 808.421813 660.0544067023063 634.1292614 47 51 1171 42 764 4 363 6 22 12890.6182338951444 2757 1555AHomewood Exceptional Foundation 5213 23506421 0 601.1038155348947 492.091284895499545511115211 73Jefferson County 10734N010734501 33.5148422-86.73375010G5240Mcelwain Baptist Church Mcelwain Baptist Church 2415 27 183 0 46 6 12 1 2415 2140 161.8300291910324 484.76541777694047 203.22155237377544 458.00678221552374 188.19022710160874 195.58182835832707 450.53561090744523 432.8397951412961 94 44 1141 25 122 0 32 4 9 11848.2507373197705 2094 1901AMcelwain Baptist Church 4501 45700211 18719 1220.128738613687 998.85361430962275501115211 73Jefferson County 10734N010734609 33.4947146-86.76360420G5240Mountain Brook City Hall Mountain Brook City Hall 4902 51 69 0 61 4 23 0 4902 4694 469.8306656 2348.643085 590 2219 546.3605247459317 567.820083 2182.802874440699 2097.068303 94 45 1141 35 56 0 33 2 10 03751.6046022118076 3436 3300AMountain Brook City Hall 4609 95980181 254174 120.96747592130801 99.029550500709225511115211 73Jefferson County 10734N010734510 33.5822796-86.57512310G5240Sulpher Springs Baptist Church Sulpher Springs Baptist Church 486 6 55 0 6 1 4 1 486 413 31.85292648 134.4198611 40 127 37.041391504773955 38.49627681 124.92833028124791 120.0214846 70 4426141 4 46 0 6 1 2 1 371.9461111127985 413 353ASulpher Springs Baptist Church 4510 248731511 196803 1777.42540237461 1455.08234593737575511115211 73Jefferson County 10734N010734503 33.5378284-86.65739310G5240Irondale Senior Citizens Building Irondale Senior Citizens Building 7141 74 3208 1 761 12 79 3 7141 3003 1577.516184 1211.895598 1981 1145 1834.4749142592566 1906.528109 1126.3223483112026 1082.083464 94 4426141 63 2230 1 479 12 39 2 5465.158805466038 5443 2617AIrondale Senior Citizens Building 4503 28724441 4749 1166.1165117105515 954.63671624654885501115111 73Jefferson County 10734N010734605 33.4611092-86.81322650G5240Edgewood Elementary School Edgewood Elementary School 4685 88 554 3 444 4 43 2 4685 3547 654.5776392 1534.71495 822 1450 761.2005954755451 791.0984885 1426.34707825193 1370.324037 47 45 6171 71 387 3 311 4 16 23585.5298982787267 3489 2695AEdgewood Elementary School 4605 5394211 0 76.66251560445035 62.7594682185564646601116111 73Jefferson County 10732N010735215 33.4840403-86.79099040G5240Afton Lee Community Center Afton Lee Community Center 308 0 255 0 27 3 3 0 308 20 150.5050776 6.35054462 189 6 175.02057483383678 181.8949079 5.902125842083351 5.670306361 47 51 1171 0 197 0 17 1 1 0235.71893461469537 232 16AAfton Lee Community Center 5215 65130031 112798 1814.51213881962 1485.44325751063845501115111 73Jefferson County 10734N010734606 33.4607863 -86.7984460G5240Homewood Public Library Homewood Public Library 7290 141 566 0 242 14 68 12 7290 6247 855.251076 2162.360443 1074 2043 994.5613615678515 1033.625032 2009.6738493121313 1930.739316 47 45 1151 111 413 0 180 13 40 9 5579.191666691978 5974 5208AHomewood Public Library 4606 19524911 0 1185.5310448831071 970.53034780839115601115211 73Jefferson County 10735N010735310 33.5053913-86.78273120G5240Birmingham Fire Station #22 Birmingham Fire Station #22 4763 82 563 0 165 6 57 4 4763 3886 1099.722287 847.7977068 1381 801 1278.8540418319783 1329.083957 787.9337999248932 756.9858992 47 52 1171 75 503 0 141 6 52 2 3645.224953148682 4456 3677ABirmingham Fire Station #22 5310 39536051 0 692.2027788830403 566.66909453183615501115211 73Jefferson County 10734N010734608 33.4951963-86.74875370G5240Saint. Luke's Episcopal Church Saint. Luke's Episcopal Church 2781 2 11 0 10 0 13 0 2781 2745 277.1204604 1410.87933 348 1333 322.2601060463097 334.9176082 1311.2556243724196 1259.753063 94 45 1141 2 6 0 3 0 5 02128.3583024787918 1867 1851ASaint. Luke's Episcopal Church 4608 106410701 62533 1309.9831806046175 1072.41260140994385501115211 73Jefferson County 10734N010734806 33.4878137-86.71796640G5240Brookwood Baptist Church Brookwood Baptist Church 5263 80 80 0 56 8 20 1 5263 5018 662.5408708 2602.66487 832 2459 770.4609433493331 800.7225577 2418.8879076660446 2323.880557 94 47 1141 63 59 0 39 7 10 04027.8855612894213 3836 3658ABrookwood Baptist Church 4806 132624092 337397 1331.3889479487173 1089.93634902941085502225112 73Jefferson County 10734N010734803 33.4347169-86.72375420G5240St. Thomas Episcopal Church St. Thomas Episcopal Church 5349 190 609 1 358 16 66 5 5349 4104 540.703427 1816.255761 679 1716 628.7776208418888 653.4742989 1688.0079905797813 1621.707619 5 47 1151 172 490 1 287 13 43 54093.7031858896285 4631 3620ASt. Thomas Episcopal Church 4803 190396912 305205 1145.9552657236668 938.13179116309725512225212 73Jefferson County 10734N010734807 33.4818954-86.68194210G5240Liberty Park Baptist Church Liberty Park Baptist Church 4604 150 157 0 114 9 48 0 4604 4126 347.1968986 1794.028855 436 1695 403.7511673741321 419.6094172 1667.3505504067623 1601.861547 94 47 1141 105 113 0 57 3 20 03523.5388797599267 2977 2679ALiberty Park Baptist Church 4807 660333082 2207884 1636.7944890093033 1339.9553993676215512225212 73Jefferson County 10734N010734509 33.5062987-86.60075280G5240Leeds First United Methodist Church Leeds First United Methodist Church 6576 50 571 4 530 23 96 5 6576 5297 508.8505005 2513.757245 639 2375 591.7362292505162 614.978022 2336.258145933085 2244.496268 70 4426141 38 433 4 333 15 52 1 5032.752318267002 5230 4354ALeeds First United Methodist Church 4509 514175511 1241496 2500.243406645142 2046.81447485519385511115221 73Jefferson County 10734N010734401 33.614077-86.57660350G5240Trussville City Hall Trussville City Hall 10045 178 823 4 195 16 81 5 10045 8743 619.5394201 4290.851315 778 4054 720.4550648116339 748.752584 3987.8696940554323 3831.236998 70 4326141 117 542 1 119 9 34 3 7687.651617547451 7268 6443ATrussville City Hall 4401 223133671 345054 1027.725736788232 841.34365024162225511115211 73Jefferson County 10734N010734508 33.5564348-86.57422730G5240Leeds Civic Center Leeds Civic Center 4129 17 1068 0 229 11 72 5 4129 2727 617.9467737 904.9526084 776 855 718.6029951791438 746.8277701 841.0529325567284 808.0186565 70 4426141 13 784 0 130 9 32 03160.0113020262247 3147 2179ALeeds Civic Center 4508 26152141 0 1402.3266653099781 1148.00923358229586661116111 73Jefferson County 10732N010735308 33.4966084-86.79589980G5240Ramsey Alternative High School Ramsey Alternative High School 5634 392 1262 0 247 19 60 5 5634 3649 1256.59795 762.0653544 1578 720 1461.2828947146716 1518.67812 708.2551011332729 680.4367634 47 52 1171 378 1198 0 212 18 58 4 4311.81973252985 5362 3494ARamsey Alternative High School 5308 76093671 23165 1834.1755762636187 1501.54065357968375501115111 73Jefferson County 10734N010734703 33.3997355-86.79278060G5240Saint Peter The Apostle Catholic Church Saint Peter The Apostle Catholic Church 7369 212 1239 4 1200 13 76 14 7369 4611 105.28640191275478 273.2166864068473 132.21567191504943 258.13535945319177 122.43631168192367 127.24527763745881 253.92456266080737 243.951095146674 5 46 6151 159 855 3 882 10 35 7 5639.652042778215 5773 3822ASaint Peter The Apostle Catholic Church 4703 50038291 0 348.2170757487858 285.066545577144446511116211 73Jefferson County 10734N010735415 33.5422714-86.70015110G5240Irondale City Hall Irondale City Hall 1399 8 181 0 57 3 20 0 1399 1130 178.3763883 467.8234537 224 442 207.43179239209468 215.5791501 434.7899370400658 417.7125686 94 53 1141 8 129 0 38 2 11 01070.6843815777884 1161 973AIrondale City Hall 5415 19384512 0 632.9635622796014 518.1731418174976662226552 73Jefferson County 10735S010735707 33.4604791-86.93267290G5240Glen Oaks Elementary School Glen Oaks Elementary School 2543 0 2396 0 2 1 12 0 2543 132 1208.81856 79.38180775 1518 75 1405.7208076643851 1460.933705 73.7765730338485 70.87882952 74 5634181 0 1875 0 2 1 7 01946.2118530037997 2015 130PGlen Oaks Elementary School 5707 74277092 0 676.5218097821299 553.83193057804046662226152 73Jefferson County 10735N010735609 33.4206423-86.95543780G5240Dunbar-Abrams Community Center Dunbar-Abrams Community Center 2718 1 2607 0 60 0 19 0 2718 31 1339.415559 10.58424103 1682 10 1557.5905129099729 1618.76844 9.836876403819213 9.450510602 18 5533181 1 1911 0 38 0 13 02080.1430658530585 1990 27ADunbar-Abrams Community Center 5609 253711862 450695 791.0177746459194 647.56360389146895562225772 73Jefferson County 10734N010731509 33.4165144-87.05073260G5240Valley Creek Baptist Church Valley Creek Baptist Church 3178 15 430 1 8 10 11 1 3178 2702 247.6565034 1580.227186 311 1493 287.9968189517825 299.3085522 1468.645647216572 1410.961233 68 1433 41 10 306 1 5 9 7 12432.1908253425386 2506 2167AValley Creek Baptist Church 1509 125049162 48760 524.1923956590014 429.128052169746562226152 73Jefferson County 10734N010735610 33.3946804 -86.9947240G5240Bessemer Fire Station #5 Bessemer Fire Station #5 2106 7 1603 0 103 13 13 1 2106 366 734.2099554 118.5434996 922 112 853.8040742134248 887.3391805 110.17301567864176 105.8457187 18 5533181 6 1118 0 61 10 11 01611.7664814887937 1519 313ABessemer Fire Station #5 5610 85226802 0 1160.391713467362 949.95013258087745562225172 73Jefferson County 10734N010735702 33.4395287-86.99175550G5240Hueytown City Hall Hueytown City Hall 4662 25 1242 0 84 8 36 4 4662 3263 559.0188597 1737.932378 702 1642 650.0764208938687 675.609658 1615.2151056649127 1551.773841 68 5633181 18 860 0 46 6 21 2 3567.927510304253 3661 2708AHueytown City Hall 5702 61798911 120920 926.4216983109227 758.41149580995835501115111 73Jefferson County 10734N010734708 33.4501287-86.77873480G5240Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church 3722 38 48 2 53 5 21 0 3722 3555 414.0880443 1855.417453 520 1753 481.5380895331952 500.4515985 1724.4044340780986 1656.674509 5 46 6151 26 42 2 32 3 16 02848.5255669996627 2819 2698AVestavia Hills United Methodist Church 4708 44547531 0 876.3919397508755 717.45482986213415501115111 73Jefferson County 10734N010734707 33.4254479-86.78016890G5240Town Village-Vestavia Hills Town Village-Vestavia Hills 3521 86 33 0 32 0 18 0 3521 3352 358.3454229 1913.630779 450 1808 416.7156544166794 433.0831141 1778.5072539753896 1708.652317 5 46 6151 62 25 0 18 0 9 02694.6960025270855 2714 2600ATown Village-Vestavia Hills 4707 65195432 0 1057.8431536328376 865.99915561319795562225772 73Jefferson County 10732N010735701 33.4533539-87.00368310G5240Hueytown Council of Clubs Hueytown Council of Clubs 4250 7 880 0 123 11 54 4 4250 3171 323.3072038 1259.524683 406 1190 375.97012375276825 390.7372096 1170.5882924312862 1124.610762 68 5633181 7 584 0 83 7 30 23252.6151691962837 3316 2603AHueytown Council of Clubs 5701 90752982 98676 1071.7817928336467 877.40996801657185562225152 73Jefferson County 10734N010735703 33.4437259-86.97574960G5240Brooklane Community Center Brooklane Community Center 4306 23 1963 0 126 11 42 4 4306 2137 916.5679595 981.1591438 1151 927 1065.8660403499719 1107.730365 911.8784426284203 876.0623328 68 5633181 17 1404 0 72 7 21 1 3295.473157308046 3248 1726ABrooklane Community Center 5703 324744792 0 2413.3758159115278 1975.700661841315562225572 73Jefferson County 10732N010731506 33.4994802-86.97840240G5240Pleasant Grove First Baptist Church Pleasant Grove First Baptist Church 9696 18 4075 1 59 35 66 7 9696 5435 1458.864033 3289.582113 1832 3108 1696.4957310167924 1763.129478 3057.3011862012577 2937.218695 68 1434 41 14 2744 1 35 22 32 5 7420.554513065215 7370 4517APleasant Grove First Baptist Church 1506 113731362 46853 85.37416510495606 69.891225970665155562225752 73Jefferson County 10734N010731508 33.4215666-87.01425110G5240Hueytown Community School Hueytown Community School 343 4 47 0 2 2 2 0 343 286 29.463957 190.5163386 37 180 34.263287142637566 35.60905605 177.06377523127404 170.1091908 68 1433 41 4 36 0 2 1 1 0 262.5051771845471 288 244AHueytown Community School 1508 310902322 0 295.2004659314224 241.6647055428835562225572 73Jefferson County 10734N010731505 33.5044574-87.05199310G5240Sylvan Springs Community Center Sylvan Springs Community Center 1186 1 23 0 7 5 6 0 1186 1144 50.96468237 590.6006497 64 558 59.26622641148715 61.5940429 548.8977033418555 527.3384916 68 1433 41 1 14 0 6 5 3 0 907.6709625098334 914 885ASylvan Springs Community Center 1505 468854042 101347 993.8747558719813 813.63167726199985562225772 73Jefferson County 10734N010731507 33.4541841-87.06238420G5240Concord Highland Baptist Church Concord Highland Baptist Church 3993 7 22 3 12 13 29 0 3993 3907 106.7073037 1966.551984 134 1858 124.08866152800296 128.9625273 1827.691635984077 1755.90487 68 1433 41 6 13 3 9 11 13 03055.9276166119434 3123 3068AConcord Highland Baptist Church 1507 850062732 3162181 981.9273508427162 803.85098091625085542225772 73Jefferson County 10734N010731504 33.5317236-87.15069080G5240Alliance Community Center Alliance Community Center 3945 5 1170 1 22 11 16 1 3945 2719 95.55877944 1119.812701 120 1058 111.12417448545565 115.4888304 1040.7415235328162 999.8640217 68 1411 41 1 1163 1 14 8 10 03019.1921982304325 3382 2185AAlliance Community Center 1504 80407232 156717 0 1916.61707404054530022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030480 30.6395535 -87.8844990G5240Daphne High School Daphne High School 5051 58 327 0 155 22 64 5 5051 4420 510.9545548 1601.121118 635 1852 580.6815220404636 603.4891159 2077.0031785931474 1995.424132103 9518311 47 233 0 101 17 27 23889.9059995062134 3880 3453ADaphne High School 0480 615401262 24386160 0 2273.30288865113970022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030450 30.7226367-87.91685770G5240Spanish Fort Eastpointe Baptist Church Spanish Fort Eastpointe Baptist Church 5991 56 162 14 112 25 58 12 5991 5552 421.6380893 2254.710516 524 2608 479.1765630815817 497.9973177 2924.851128484948 2809.970916103 9518311 39 121 8 62 19 26 7 4613.824360134969 4349 4067ASpanish Fort Eastpointe Baptist Church 0450 115449122 4413002 0 1166.43850437549710022220332 3Baldwin County 10032N010030460 30.6674348-87.90619290G5240Spanish Fort Fire Department Spanish Fort Fire Department 3074 53 88 0 67 11 12 1 3074 2842 211.6236975 1295.939825 263 1499 240.50274062054172 249.9490354 1681.11650368217 1615.086811103 9518311 39 66 0 36 6 8 1 2367.367064439141 2341 2185ASpanish Fort Fire Department 0460 530851722 93305194 0 6843.0552986036820022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030490 30.589038-87.91446970G5240Daphne Civic Center Daphne Civic Center 18034 249 2898 10 482 64 188 31 18034 14112 2267.511709 5005.664833 2818 5790 2576.945714738107 2678.161147 6493.43866352343 6238.39402 93 9529311 178 2211 7 311 45 96 1813888.450761254218 13776 10910ADaphne Civic Center 0490 348105872212008001 0 205.66352289249170022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030400 30.2302073-87.96627810G5240Fort Morgan VFD Station #2 Fort Morgan VFD Station #2 542 0 2 0 3 8 11 0 542 518 74.83271433 267.1416984 93 309 85.04469535016945 88.38502012 346.5410271201411 332.9298363 55 9429311 0 2 0 3 7 10 0417.40824623487777 485 463AFort Morgan VFD Station #2 0400 562733292178556947 0 1074.9903327572490022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030370 30.3586 -87.8314630G5240Bon Secour Morgan's Chapel Bon Secour Morgan's Chapel 2833 10 41 1 339 20 34 1 2833 2387 172.1957082 727.0749784 214 841 195.6942451835364 203.3805839 943.174769594187 906.129425 55 9429311 9 25 1 202 13 17 12181.7667187885772 2183 1915ABon Secour Morgan's Chapel 0370 571483212110200294 0 1332.2594628699970022220332 3Baldwin County 10032N010030440 30.4162856-87.90820290G5240Barnwell Community Center Barnwell Community Center 3511 5 32 0 102 11 39 7 3511 3315 218.8655731 1237.15136 272 1431 248.73287238640967 258.5024244 1604.8550477120843 1541.820698 93 9429311 4 20 0 68 9 20 32703.9120895399556 2723 2599ABarnwell Community Center 0440 841371072133250885 0 4681.3115902669190022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030390 30.2525276 -87.73730G5240Gulf Shores Adult Activity Center Gulf Shores Adult Activity Center 12337 99 221 11 561 68 225 42 12337 11110 812.6993707 3140.860162 1010 3633 923.6036806515277 959.880326 4074.3804257532765 3914.349823 55 9429311 76 157 11 398 57 147 31 9501.043420294625 10004 9127AGulf Shores Adult Activity Center 0390 425430882103369714 0 2203.10408471182060022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030410 30.2568236-87.63293430G5240Orange Beach Community Center Orange Beach Community Center 5806 42 14 2 132 39 89 5 5806 5483 519.8057361 2799.368347 646 3238 590.7405719658333 613.943258 3631.391087075076 3488.759903 55 9429311 32 10 1 95 35 60 54471.3510657559045 4751 4513AOrange Beach Community Center 0410 413982572 9005495 0 1191.86185499135880022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030330 30.3240195-87.61578080G5240Miflin Community Center Miflin Community Center 3141 29 48 2 79 15 32 0 3141 2936 267.1447436 1239.744969 332 1434 303.6004178450053 315.5250181 1608.2195242158991 1545.053027 55 9429311 25 30 1 55 11 15 02418.9655007818287 2635 2498AMiflin Community Center 0330 725368832 189933 0 5386.714706608510022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030380 30.4008365-87.67967750G5240Foley Civic Center Foley Civic Center 14196 133 1907 11 1919 74 194 36 14196 9922 1138.583772 2616.086664 1415 3026 1293.9596120400001 1344.782833 3393.634783903078 3260.342022 55 9429311 97 1315 11 1242 65 80 1810932.707497325324 10974 8146AFoley Civic Center 0380 917638572 42886003 0 2709.29437906345170022220332 3Baldwin County 10032N010030360 30.4027698-87.81651780G5240Magnolia Springs Wesleyan Church Magnolia Springs Wesleyan Church 7140 27 874 3 461 51 107 25 7140 5592 612.340813 1581.236784 761 1829 695.9033673399393 723.2365625 2051.2088628941 1970.642947 55 9429311 22 605 1 298 34 61 155498.6990371162865 5455 4419AMagnolia Springs Wesleyan Church 0360 423346622 11896560 0 234.122497462485940022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030340 30.3402941-87.54655030G5240Josephine Fire House Josephine Fire House 617 2 4 0 26 4 5 0 617 576 73.22340865 340.6272788 91 394 83.21577717142362 86.484267 441.867846926616 424.5124774 49 9429311 2 2 0 17 2 4 0475.16768990206566 515 488AJosephine Fire House 0340 1157989302 519632 0 1881.7073985680190022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030320 30.4279761-87.59375690G5240Elberta Civic Center Elberta Civic Center 4959 27 68 2 276 38 78 4 4959 4466 230.9353657 1032.256271 287 1194 262.44975872700337 272.7580728 1339.061444505164 1286.466746 49 9429311 19 41 2 162 28 43 4 3819.054415274463 3828 3529AElberta Civic Center 0320 197189072 2508724 0 342.646053822730660022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030290 30.3793654-87.52212210G5240Perdido Beach Fire House Perdido Beach Fire House 903 1 3 1 20 4 19 0 903 855 103.8002167 382.9895546 129 443 117.96522258683856 122.5985763 496.8209547244363 477.3071763 49 9429311 1 3 1 15 4 10 0 695.4237017529422 754 720APerdido Beach Fire House 0290 1429311412 30220799 0 1881.7073985680190022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030280 30.4358525-87.47247210G5240Lillian Community Club Lillian Community Club 4959 25 119 0 95 32 61 6 4959 4621 624.4106056 1933.103034 776 2236 709.6202536805331 737.4922109 2507.6561055057937 2409.162181 49 9429311 18 94 0 70 28 40 1 3819.054415274463 4322 4071ALillian Community Club 0280 1212250002 657559 0 1534.50790881408940022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030310 30.4896994-87.67672990G5240Summerdale Community Center Summerdale Community Center 4044 8 150 2 312 41 68 4 4044 3459 200.3585577 1124.761649 249 1301 227.70031331158847 236.6437635 1459.0610887795422 1401.75313 49 9429311 5 98 2 186 34 36 3 3114.389202534771 3039 2675ASummerdale Community Center 0310 333487652 213867 0 1730.68510684991630022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030240 30.5637612 -87.7465580G5240Silverhill Town Hall Silverhill Town Hall 4561 15 177 1 298 19 51 1 4561 3999 267.9493965 1372.019014 333 1587 304.5148768766458 316.4753946 1779.8077998883714 1709.901781 49 9329311 15 108 1 186 13 26 1 3512.544300880586 3404 3054ASilverhill Town Hall 0240 977973302 56603502 0 8312.6767453981850022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N01003042A 30.5082557-87.89137460G5240Fairhope Civic Center Fairhope Civic Center 21907 129 1647 8 657 46 157 2 21907 19261 2370.507273 7618.293352 2946 8812 2693.9964784857466 2799.809347 9882.587478754756 9494.42627 93 9329311 81 1157 6 436 40 80 1 16871.1484322278 16717 14916AFairhope Civic Center 042A 690713162 483725 0 1660.10684991633070022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030300 30.4861534-87.77339090G5240Marlow Volunteer Fire Department Marlow Volunteer Fire Department 4375 12 319 2 317 24 58 9 4375 3634 334.7355824 1177.49836 416 1362 380.41498131384196 395.3566491 1527.4721006149434 1467.477143 93 9329311 8 237 2 196 16 24 5 3369.30088058596 3344 2856AMarlow Volunteer Fire Department 0300 243729472 69390 0 596.87955998134590022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030080 30.6035892-87.79961080G5240Loxley Ellisville Community Center Loxley Ellisville Community Center 1573 2 685 0 22 6 16 2 1573 840 169.7817497 210.9468427 211 244 192.95086789617352 200.5294542 273.64404734160513 262.896052 49 6529211 2 593 0 16 5 4 11211.4080651798206 1331 710ALoxley Ellisville Community Center 0080 415546872 79916 0 739.55388582558360022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030230 30.5726621-87.82447220G5240Belforest Community Center Belforest Community Center 1949 32 84 0 53 2 14 0 1949 1764 111.0420922 666.5574415 138 771 126.19535435270652 131.1519653 864.6703298086662 830.7084265 93 9329311 20 47 0 40 2 8 01500.9754094313225 1390 1273ABelforest Community Center 0230 515956342 227033 0 2690.3217293501220022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030250 30.5657293-87.69627190G5240Robertsdale City Hall Robertsdale City Hall 7090 32 415 1 580 46 85 29 7090 5902 405.5450325 1767.976612 504 2045 460.8873811979027 478.9897864 2293.4511336969667 2203.370599 49 9329311 23 257 1 355 30 48 12 5460.192741338162 5149 4423ARobertsdale City Hall 0250 1188155212 655321 0 912.96390420541520022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030260 30.5541904-87.54226760G5240Elsanor Community Center Elsanor Community Center 2406 8 16 0 108 23 43 0 2406 2208 87.70715981 636.2986731 109 736 99.67604079938025 103.5910451 825.4181098638618 792.9979272 49 9329311 7 14 0 74 18 27 01852.9229528433873 1844 1704AElsanor Community Center 0260 636918002 2179813 0 495.186157517899740022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030270 30.5428836-87.46941390G5240Seminole Fire House Seminole Fire House 1305 11 12 0 16 32 32 0 1305 1202 70.00479728 380.3959459 87 440 79.55794081393195 82.68276076 493.45647874106317 474.0748478 49 9329311 9 6 0 12 27 16 01005.0143198090692 1031 961ASeminole Fire House 0270 1429714562 1195633 0 101.693402463446080022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030210 30.6358213-87.45821560G5240Clear Springs Fellowship Hall Clear Springs Fellowship Hall 268 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 268 261 6.437222738 99.42166767 8 115 7.315672717869947 7.603012483 128.97157964020633 123.9059261 49 6518311 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 206.3937453707514 217 210AClear Springs Fellowship Hall 0210 2876340332 833760 0 173.789471374098160022220332 3Baldwin County 10032N010030190 30.7201772-87.59158450G5240Gateswood Fire Station Gateswood Fire Station 458 0 3 0 3 6 3 0 458 443 22.53027958 152.1583784 28 176 25.604854512063714 26.61054369 197.3825914756076 189.6299391 49 6518311 0 3 0 3 6 3 0352.71766932762733 351 336AGateswood Fire Station 0190 598273162 75565 0 2582.1776259841440022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N01003007A 30.6684835-87.82893580G5240Rockwell Elementary School Rockwell Elementary School 6805 137 689 1 186 39 88 5 6805 5660 458.6521201 1630.51535 570 1886 521.2416811350034 541.7146394 2115.1339070986314 2032.057189103 9518211 102 503 1 128 26 48 4 5240.706855402847 4941 4129ARockwell Elementary School 007A 568026462 168731 0 988.85450305873310022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030090 30.6366775-87.74703030G5240Loxley Town Hall Loxley Town Hall 2606 9 268 1 120 20 24 0 2606 2164 130.3537604 749.5529206 162 867 148.1423725553889 153.9610028 972.3335614847838 934.1429387 49 6529311 5 167 1 84 20 15 02006.9481359558883 1965 1673ALoxley Town Hall 0090 1401394392 1283936 0 1172.1302992894960022220332 3Baldwin County 10032N010030220 30.6301591-87.65223870G5240Rosinton United Methodist Church Rosinton United Methodist Church 3089 5 50 4 76 40 40 1 3089 2873 128.7444548 893.0659366 160 1033 146.31345439588725 152.0602497 1158.5012335709519 1112.99845 49 6529311 5 34 2 49 29 26 12378.9189531725783 2338 2192ARosinton United Methodist Church 0220 1147706592 30191080 0 483.42311469563550022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030060 30.7544801-87.94832530G5240Bromley Crossroads Vol. Fire Dept. Substation Bromley Crossroads Vol. Fire Dept. Substation 1274 4 225 0 34 11 32 4 1274 964 176.2189725 345.8144963 219 400 200.26654063040098 208.1324667 448.5967988933623 430.9771344103 9518211 4 186 0 24 9 16 2 981.1404164266315 946 705ABromley Crossroads Vol. Fire Dept. Substation 0060 528154792 32380 0 696.6756974734590022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030170 30.8251629-87.81877280G5240White House Fork Vol. Fire Dept. White House Fork Vol. Fire Dept. 1836 4 161 0 41 22 19 1 1836 1588 108.6281337 583.5619624 135 675 123.45197716156433 128.3008357 757.0070980284605 727.2739142103 6318311 4 106 0 29 20 11 01413.9511809727594 1379 1209AWhite House Fork Vol. Fire Dept. 0170 1101749742 954946 0 734.24154390585140022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030180 30.7345754-87.76095130G5240Stapleton Community Hall Stapleton Community Hall 1935 5 44 0 44 14 47 0 1935 1781 92.53507686 687.3063113 115 795 105.16279527788531 109.2933044 891.5861377797398 856.5670546 49 6518311 4 34 0 24 12 32 01490.1936466134475 1451 1345AStapleton Community Hall 0180 1152800452 16694751 0 433.714772446712230022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030040 30.8726688-87.90722950G5240Crossroads Durant Chapel Church Crossroads Durant Chapel Church 1143 2 297 1 9 11 8 0 1143 815 126.3304962 333.7109889 157 386 143.57007710852434 149.20912 432.89591093625813 415.8929347103 9518211 2 216 1 6 9 2 0 880.2539214879433 907 671ACrossroads Durant Chapel Church 0040 92876442 0 0 650.76188516720160022220332 3Baldwin County 10032N010030050 30.8543518-87.79012490G5240Bay Minette Douglasville Community Center Bay Minette Douglasville Community Center 1715 4 1327 0 16 9 11 1 1715 347 403.131074 26.80062346 501 31 458.1440040067605 476.1386568 34.766251907990274 33.40072791103 6318211 4 974 0 9 9 9 01320.7659451896964 1341 336ABay Minette Douglasville Community Center 0050 1243564662 111583 0 952.42701560914050022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N010030160 30.8067025-87.72066750G5240Pine Grove Volunteer Fire Dept. #1 Pine Grove Volunteer Fire Dept. #1 2510 2 378 0 49 26 59 0 2510 1996 165.7584855 603.446296 206 698 188.37857244930893 195.7775714 782.8014140397723 752.0550995100 6518311 2 264 0 37 16 21 0 1933.016048061888 1849 1509APine Grove Volunteer Fire Dept. #1 0160 1167588152 212314 0 600.67408992401170022220732 3Baldwin County 10031N010030140 30.9511607-87.64644950G5240Perdido Elementary School Perdido Elementary School 1583 1 112 0 26 60 26 3 1583 1355 88.51181265 414.9773955 110 480 100.59049983102074 104.5414216 538.3161585887641 517.1725612100 6518311 1 81 0 17 38 16 11219.1093243354455 1179 1025APerdido Elementary School 0140 2442151202 2884660 0 3464.7852906482320022220732 3Baldwin County 10031N010030150 30.9078206-87.76225510G5240Bay Minette City Hall & Civic Center Bay Minette City Hall & Civic Center 9131 88 1877 1 163 95 139 6 9131 6762 705.6805427 2465.657358 877 2852 801.9806217456859 833.4802435 3198.4951758265524 3072.866968100 6318311 72 1257 1 114 66 76 2 7032.019735001234 6950 5362ABay Minette City Hall & Civic Center 0150 974744462 10442905 0 305.459660384604830022220732 3Baldwin County 10031N010030030 30.9708659-87.90495080G5240Vaughn Community Center Vaughn Community Center 805 1 438 0 1 13 16 0 805 336 204.3818219 129.6804361 254 150 232.27260875845303 241.3956463 168.22379958501085 161.6164254100 6318211 1 325 0 1 10 7 0 619.9513620278167 608 264AVaughn Community Center 0030 1256317142 467359 0 254.612959152881790022220732 3Baldwin County 10031N010030120 31.0354932-87.82363220G5240Stockton Fire House Stockton Fire House 671 2 41 0 1 5 1 0 671 621 32.18611369 343.2208875 40 397 36.57836359416077 38.01506242 445.23232290998914 427.7448059100 6318311 2 34 0 1 4 1 0 516.7544893424409 559 517AStockton Fire House 0120 1322465412 211630 0 466.34772995363890022220732 3Baldwin County 10031N010030130 31.0027005-87.72353110G5240Rabun Fire House Rabun Fire House 1229 2 5 0 5 11 2 0 1229 1204 49.88847622 380.3959459 62 440 56.69646356998699 58.92334675 493.45647874106317 474.0748478100 6318311 0 3 0 2 8 2 0 946.4847502263189 878 863ARabun Fire House 0130 1500452572 88478 0 162.405881546100460022220732 3Baldwin County 10031N010030110 31.1108618-87.69129450G5240Lottie Fire Department Lottie Fire Department 428 1 22 0 4 19 12 0 428 370 15.288404 108.9315663 19 126 17.374722707707473 18.05715465 141.3079916139373 135.7577973100 6318211 1 8 0 1 12 10 0 329.6138918607522 307 275ALottie Fire Department 0110 148264192 22942219 0 684.53320165692810022220332 3Baldwin County 10031N01003042B 30.4838683-87.93505130G5240Point Clear St. Francis Church Point Clear St. Francis Church 1804 8 400 0 17 1 18 2 1804 1358 260.7075209 495.3792659 324 573 296.2847451107778 307.9220056 642.6149143855966 617.374745 93 9329311 7 305 0 16 1 6 21389.3071516747593 1442 1105APoint Clear St. Francis Church 042B 2536355012 4047442 0 117.250975228376260022220732 3Baldwin County 10031N010030010 31.2215843 -87.7278450G5240Little River Ferguson Store Little River Ferguson Store 309 0 48 0 0 15 5 0 309 241 44.25590632 91.64084151 55 106 50.29524993475451 52.27071082 118.87815169008688 114.2089406100 6318211 0 41 0 0 12 3 0 237.9689079088141 253 197ALittle River Ferguson Store 0010 2116935322 22163680 0 137.361983924505520022220732 3Baldwin County 10031N010030020 31.1665386-87.90294390G5240Tensaw Volunteer Fire Dept Tensaw Volunteer Fire Dept 362 0 268 0 5 1 3 0 362 85 100.5816053 25.93608722 125 30 114.30738626783518 118.7970701 33.64475991700217 32.32328508100 6318211 0 200 0 5 1 3 0 278.7855814336269 282 73ATensaw Volunteer Fire Dept 0020 8375711 0 688.1426440425136 140.125489464851772231112841 87Macon County 10877N010870104 32.4303842-85.70443510G5240Tuskegee Univ: Thompkins Hall Student Bldg- B Tuskegee Univ: Thompkins Hall Student Bldg- B 1762 0 1664 0 47 2 21 0 1762 28 848.5079365 8.99713467 1028 8 946.756819316599 983.9428571 7.939343003942882 7.627507163 73 8112271 0 1649 0 46 2 21 01398.9550624650383 1745 27ATuskegee Univ: Thompkins Hall Student Bldg- B 0104 19730111 44840 42.96009696065635 8.7479022934924482231112841 87Macon County 10877N010870414 32.4377109-85.71146170G5240Tuskegee Univ: Thompkins Hall Student Bldg-A Tuskegee Univ: Thompkins Hall Student Bldg-A 110 30 74 0 0 0 4 0 110 2 52 0 63 0 58.021089124069746 60.3 0 0 73 8112271 29 72 0 0 0 4 0 87.33544657840761 107 2ATuskegee Univ: Thompkins Hall Student Bldg-A 0414 624185311 205935 402.65327242215176 81.991702405370132231112841 87Macon County 10877N010870409 32.5407335-85.76613080G5240Woodland Community Center Woodland Community Center 1031 4 429 0 14 4 12 4 1031 564 165.9047619 241.7979943 201 215 185.11490340958738 192.3857143 213.36984322511 204.989255 73 8130271 3 318 0 8 4 3 2 818.5713220212567 797 459AWoodland Community Center 0409 1518875791 1615764 540.516129032258 110.064516129032262231112841 87Macon County 10877N010870408 32.4334043-85.85986950G5240Franklin Town Hall Franklin Town Hall 1384 10 1022 0 5 1 13 0 1384 333 454.7936508 145.0787966 551 129 507.45428743219713 527.3857143 128.021905935066 122.993553 73 8121271 8 788 0 3 1 7 01098.8387096774193 1076 269AFranklin Town Hall 0408 1510008891 2231977 619.7970352414693 126.208372179750142231112841 87Macon County 10877N010870307 32.385048-85.93611810G5240Old Prairie Farms Rec Center Old Prairie Farms Rec Center 1587 7 1211 0 8 0 12 0 1587 349 555.4920635 177.6934097 673 158 619.8125870332842 644.1571429 156.80202435987908 150.6432665 72 8121271 6 924 0 6 0 10 01260.0123065448443 1224 278AOld Prairie Farms Rec Center 0307 1391960291 519106 289.7853813164274 59.008577288830882231112841 87Macon County 10877N010870306 32.300788 -85.8509220G5240Hardaway Volunteer Fire Station Hardaway Volunteer Fire Station 742 0 604 0 7 0 7 3 742 121 241.8412698 57.35673352 293 51 269.8441128691187 280.4428571 50.61331165625106 48.62535817 72 8121271 0 442 0 5 0 4 0 589.1172851016222 551 100AHardaway Volunteer Fire Station 0306 1820529501 680924 261.2754987879918 53.2031512213313462231112841 87Macon County 10872N010870205 32.2903171-85.73575140G5240Ft Davis Old District 2 Shop Ft Davis Old District 2 Shop 669 0 604 0 0 0 4 0 669 61 234.4126984 34.86389685 284 31 261.55538586514024 271.8285714 30.76495414379165 29.55659026 72 8121271 0 460 0 0 0 4 0 531.1583069177699 512 48AFt Davis Old District 2 Shop 0205 2756111611 968833 290.17592765243336 59.088103673317172231112841 87Macon County 10877N010870204 32.2845417-85.55258130G5240Warrior Stand District 2 Recreation Center Warrior Stand District 2 Recreation Center 743 0 699 0 5 1 4 1 743 33 325.2063492 13.49570201 394 12 362.8620494288491 377.1142857 11.909014501230349 11.44126074 69 8112271 0 551 0 3 0 1 0 589.9112437068804 587 32AWarrior Stand District 2 Recreation Center 0204 1212433371 783084 722.9012679470445 147.2033376841322231112841 87Macon County 10877N010870410 32.5219335-85.67229870G5240Notasulga Town Hall Notasulga Town Hall 1851 2 824 1 20 4 12 0 1851 988 394.5396825 493.717765 478 439 440.2235015942755 457.5142857 435.6714473729824 418.5594556 73 8112271 2 614 1 15 4 5 01469.6173783330225 1451 810ANotasulga Town Hall 0410 314296391 515290 190.5866119709118 38.808875629311952231112841 87Macon County 10872N010870413 32.463899 -85.7321940G5240Chehaw Fire Station Chehaw Fire Station 488 0 474 0 0 0 5 0 488 9 266.6031746 5.623209169 323 5 297.4732030106744 309.1571429 4.9620893775944115 4.767191977 73 8112271 0 375 0 0 0 5 0 387.4517993660265 387 7AChehaw Fire Station 0413 458254131 320270 1408.3100876375163 286.77214245757972231112841 87Macon County 10877N010870312 32.3882124-85.73588090G5240SEASHA Office Building SEASHA Office Building 3606 6 3488 0 29 1 32 1 3606 49 1273.587302 30.36532951 1543 27 1421.0561991177653 1476.871429 26.79528264338153 25.74283668 73 8121271 4 2565 0 22 1 20 1 2863.014730561253 2658 45ASEASHA Office Building 0312 1023567001 1693976 1304.0342159239233 265.538597799738972231112841 87Macon County 10877N010870211 32.3677882-85.63046820G5240Tuskegee Municipal Complex Tuskegee Municipal Complex 3339 7 3144 1 45 5 33 0 3339 104 1361.904762 60.73065903 1650 54 1519.5999529745295 1579.285714 53.59056527635423 51.48567335 73 8112271 5 2451 1 34 5 20 0 2651.0277829573 2600 84ATuskegee Municipal Complex 0211 1639310341 655043 338.6036733171732 68.949375349617752231112841 87Macon County 10872N010870103 32.4137235-85.49884310G5240Brownville VFD Brownville VFD 867 2 617 0 6 2 3 0 867 237 251.7460317 87.72206304 305 78 280.89574890649686 291.9285714 77.40859428922376 74.36819484 69 8112271 0 487 0 6 2 1 0 688.3621107589036 695 199ABrownville VFD 0103 513962891 573402 1043.9303561439492 212.57402573186652231112841 87Macon County 10872N010870101 32.4607516-85.64651860G5240National Guard Armory National Guard Armory 2673 8 2511 0 20 3 33 2 2673 96 227.53340690870832 256.2631227731305 247.48397539656847 300.09595338297186 239.21890762268265 248.61477692709613 314.49801751129195 302.1453891241826 73 8112271 8 2003 0 15 3 27 2 2122.251351855305 2143 85ANational Guard Armory 0101 958449581 385695 234.3278016035801 47.715830691776992231112841 87Macon County 10877N010870102 32.46957-85.56734860G5240Little Texas Voting Center Little Texas Voting Center 600 0 266 0 26 5 9 1 600 293 100.6984127 173.1948424 122 154 112.35829960108701 116.7714286 152.83235283865127 146.8295129 69 8112271 0 210 0 22 5 5 0 476.3751631549506 499 257ALittle Texas Voting Center 0102 45663921 82926 414.92342049551536 339.67543350757676611116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735913 33.5796095-86.73063980G5240Shepherd Center East Shepherd Center East 1667 4 1338 0 42 2 21 4 1667 256 766.859205 114.3098032 963 108 891.7715004767114 926.7978642 106.2382651595821 102.0655145 10 58 1191 3 936 0 27 2 13 01275.7904675412246 1198 217AShepherd Center East 5913 33879161 12555 1011.2980548729927 827.89519276621736611116221 73Jefferson County 10735N010734507 33.6297585-86.68755550G5240First United Methodist Church of Center Point First United Methodist Church of Center Point 4063 8 2804 0 177 13 32 8 4063 1021 807.4716863 562.0231989 1014 531 938.9992746137858 975.8806171 522.3381370779821 501.822113 28 4426191 7 1749 0 121 7 15 3 3109.500101751647 2828 926AFirst United Methodist Church of Center Point 4507 193728911 1421 1855.3324393362755 1518.86063669194755511115221 73Jefferson County 10734N010734403 33.6697319-86.62490850G5240Mountain View Baptist Church Mountain View Baptist Church 7454 71 1841 1 146 12 124 4 7454 5255 767.6555282 2684.163526 964 2536 892.6975352448459 927.7602711 2494.6318563549585 2396.649489 91 4326141 55 1189 1 86 10 49 1 5704.704346162141 5616 4225AMountain View Baptist Church 4403 439849821 223625 2512.937524488736 2057.2064647225525511115221 73Jefferson County 10734N010734402 33.655317-86.58407230G5240Trussville First Baptist Church Trussville First Baptist Church 10096 179 713 8 130 24 65 14 10096 8963 555.8335671 5004.229161 698 4728 646.3722817251094 671.7600303 4650.87516411543 4468.201413 91 4326141 129 491 5 84 16 37 6 7726.682999577806 7793 7025ATrussville First Baptist Church 4402 17845961 0 389.78408907977024 319.09521828006315511115211 73Jefferson County 10734N010735416 33.5274749 -86.7175130G5240Mcelwain Baptist Church Mcelwain Baptist Church 1566 27 165 0 43 2 26 0 1566 1303 104.9382301089676 314.3447802230595 131.77844762622456 296.99321778447626 122.031426766509 126.82448994167294 292.1485576319086 280.67375535870383 94 53 1141 21 122 0 29 2 24 01198.4930246967954 1407 1209AMcelwain Baptist Church 5416 34091822 0 858.470832206978 702.78378534351056662226152 73Jefferson County 10735N010735608 33.4078321-86.93464180G5240Southside Homes Community Center Southside Homes Community Center 3449 1 3306 0 50 8 32 0 3449 52 1464.438295 16.93478565 1839 16 1702.9779741050727 1769.866326 15.739002242779916 15.12081696 18 5533181 1 2196 0 28 4 20 02639.5928749548193 2292 43ASouthside Homes Community Center 5608 10429671 0 164.02791488095056 134.280810246846476661116551 73Jefferson County 10735N010735714 33.4408683-86.89505370G5240Mount Olive Baptist Church Mount Olive Baptist Church 659 0 628 0 16 0 3 0 659 12 304.1954479 1.058424103 382 1 353.74528883643296 367.6394435 0.9836876401737448 0.94505106 74 5633181 0 524 0 14 0 1 0504.34668152949433 551 12AMount Olive Baptist Church 5714 28835601 0 1121.0648385793647 917.75534044278676661116111 73Jefferson County 10732N010735306 33.4939663-86.81318390G5240Glen Iris Elementary School Glen Iris Elementary School 4504 299 1109 1 670 14 87 3 4504 2321 875.9554782 406.4348557 1100 384 1018.6382661166767 1058.647612 377.736053889171 362.8996071 47 52 1171 282 924 1 464 14 67 1 3447.006758131779 3875 2122AGlen Iris Elementary School 5306 22799681 0 799.9783284178682 654.89912615078076661116511 73Jefferson County 10735N010735305 33.4878038-86.83015510G5240Center Street Middle School Center Street Middle School 3214 3 3078 0 55 2 21 3 3214 52 1676.260256 21.16848207 2105 20 1949.3032278172507 2025.866567 19.673752803474894 18.9010212 84 5234171 3 2589 0 43 2 17 12459.7423891286717 2703 48ACenter Street Middle School 5305 52216841 0 763.1404962443012 624.74197908472126661116551 73Jefferson County 10735N010736007 33.5379339-86.89132590G5240South Hampton Elementary School South Hampton Elementary School 3066 6 2838 0 29 1 15 0 3066 177 1315.525864 32.8111472 1652 31 1529.809468903726 1589.896232 30.49431685579492 29.29658287 62 5934191 5 2059 0 17 1 10 0 2346.474849119013 2257 165ASouth Hampton Elementary School 6007 17007601 0 214.80438625532676 175.848769716279956661116951 73Jefferson County 10735N010736010 33.5240983-86.88139370G5240Lively Hope Baptist Church Lively Hope Baptist Church 863 0 844 0 11 1 0 1 863 6 535.925488 3.17527231 673 3 623.2214120406394 647.6998573 2.951062921562117 2.835153181 62 5934191 0 707 0 8 1 0 0 660.4722096509159 720 4ALively Hope Baptist Church 6010 243902671 0 696.6830557690147 570.3368556614926641116551 73Jefferson County 10735N010736004 33.5923526-86.86987970G5240Hillview Fire Station #1 Hillview Fire Station #1 2799 9 1774 0 76 5 33 4 2799 898 856.0473992 314.3519587 1075 297 995.4873964322068 1034.587439 292.15522921487286 280.6801649 62 5934191 6 1368 0 40 4 20 0 2142.134084371858 2188 750AHillview Fire Station #1 6004 30263071 0 600.1081984491227 491.27622686668716661116951 73Jefferson County 10732N010735907 33.5516781-86.80261190G5240Hudson Middle School Hudson Middle School 2411 1 2366 0 12 1 18 1 2411 12 1040.794373 1.058424103 1307 1 1210.327467642924 1257.865845 0.9836876401737448 0.94505106 10 58 1191 1 1536 0 6 1 6 11845.1894524546447 1558 7AHudson Middle School 5907 14940851 0 119.47405029264989 97.80696345749066661116951 73Jefferson County 10735N010735908 33.5602707-86.79383920G5240Harriman Park Recreation Center Harriman Park Recreation Center 480 0 474 0 0 0 0 0 480 6 261.9903203 2.116848207 329 2 304.6654451630891 316.6318768 1.9673752803474895 1.89010212 10 58 9191 0 378 0 0 0 0 0367.35418381510965 382 4AHarriman Park Recreation Center 5908 20236571 0 554.5587167750499 453.98732204851886661116511 73Jefferson County 10735N010735304 33.498236-86.82713470G5240Memorial Recreation Center Memorial Recreation Center 2228 1 2164 0 32 4 10 0 2228 17 922.9385448 8.467392827 1159 8 1073.274319264815 1115.429621 7.869501123471724 7.560408482 84 5234171 1 1606 0 22 2 9 0 1705.135669875134 1656 16AMemorial Recreation Center 5304 20899621 0 669.0546816388394 547.71899536194736661116951 73Jefferson County 10735N010735302 33.4989637-86.84912120G5240New Era Family Life Center New Era Family Life Center 2688 4 2556 0 15 7 22 2 2688 82 1132.371536 32.8111472 1422 31 1316.821468383927 1368.542641 30.49431685579492 29.29658287 84 5234171 4 1975 0 12 6 19 12057.1834293646143 2096 79ANew Era Family Life Center 5302 23389031 0 444.5430287972348 363.923409864746256661116511 73Jefferson County 10735N010735205 33.4901035-86.84614060G5240Hemphill School Recreation Building Hemphill School Recreation Building 1786 5 1693 2 5 4 7 1 1786 69 625.9100054 20.11005796 786 19 727.8633430529318 756.4518393 18.690065163301153 17.95597014 84 5134171 5 1270 2 4 4 4 11366.8636922787205 1356 66AHemphill School Recreation Building 5205 29352422 0 1105.6327737498975 905.12194099619426662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010735201 33.4750972-86.89234870G5240Central Park Recreation Center Central Park Recreation Center 4442 3 4089 0 62 5 17 0 4442 266 1646.796299 98.43344161 2068 93 1915.0399407227235 1990.257511 91.48295055697592 87.8897486 74 5134181 3 2960 0 43 5 11 03399.5568427223275 3278 256ACentral Park Recreation Center 5201 44838591 701 529.9171939021909 433.81463583541146661116951 73Jefferson County 10735N010735905 33.5677705 -86.8028220G5240North Birmingham Recreation Center North Birmingham Recreation Center 2129 0 2031 1 27 5 9 3 2129 53 809.0643326 11.64266514 1016 11 940.8513442462759 977.805431 10.820564041911192 10.39556166 10 5834191 0 1438 1 20 4 4 01629.3688694632676 1515 48ANorth Birmingham Recreation Center 5905 76690291 3862 928.4129324824668 760.04161186758316661116551 73Jefferson County 10735N010736008 33.5438724-86.86132260G5240Bethel Baptist Church Bethel Baptist Church 3730 7 3647 0 31 2 19 0 3730 24 1810.83887 26.46060258 2274 25 2105.803107384615 2188.513337 24.592191014752448 23.62627651 62 5934191 5 2817 0 25 2 11 02854.6481367299148 2880 20ABethel Baptist Church 6008 49647801 0 467.44222176999267 382.669744527431936661116951 73Jefferson County 10735N010735904 33.5482173 -86.8389140G5240Wright's Chapel United Methodist Church Wright's Chapel United Methodist Church 1878 0 1811 0 36 0 10 1 1878 20 918.956929 8.467392827 1154 8 1068.644144943038 1110.617586 7.869501123471724 7.560408482 10 5834191 0 1471 0 22 0 5 11437.2732441766166 1516 17AWright's Chapel United Methodist Church 5904 135667471 0 460.97071071247416 377.37186734015126661116951 73Jefferson County 10735N010735903 33.5760303-86.83022850G5240Hooper City Recreation Center Hooper City Recreation Center 1852 0 1599 5 53 0 11 1 1852 183 878.3444477 40.22011593 1103 38 1021.4163707097429 1061.534833 37.380130337011124 35.91194029 10 5834191 0 1251 2 33 0 5 11417.3748925532982 1451 159AHooper City Recreation Center 5903 18579331 0 634.4569879082595 519.39572886071566611116221 73Jefferson County 10735N010735802 33.5522519-86.72943280G5240Barrett Elementary School Barrett Elementary School 2549 5 2294 0 47 7 14 4 2549 178 916.5679595 49.74593286 1151 47 1065.8660403499719 1107.730365 46.23331909857483 44.41739983 10 57 1191 5 1642 0 34 7 8 21950.8037803014886 1846 148ABarrett Elementary School 5802 58105511 0 313.1215734753199 256.33575006150666661116921 73Jefferson County 10732N010735911 33.5636997-86.76110450G5240Mountain Park First Baptist Church Mountain Park First Baptist Church 1258 3 1143 0 44 1 10 0 1258 57 497.7019763 11.64266514 625 11 578.7717423041896 601.5043252 10.820564041911192 10.39556166 10 58 1191 1 835 0 29 1 7 0 962.7740900820999 929 56AMountain Park First Baptist Church 5911 89398091 9377 1341.345118806438 1098.0869293175355661115951 73Jefferson County 10735N010735910 33.588848-86.75850690G5240Tarrant City Hall Tarrant City Hall 5389 17 3174 12 404 18 69 3 5389 1692 1001.774538 819.220256 1258 774 1164.9517631383394 1210.707906 761.3742336610197 731.4695206 10 58 9161 14 1934 7 273 14 37 0 4124.316034540888 3758 1479ATarrant City Hall 5910 54154742 0 727.5471854279492 595.60365455467716662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010735711 33.4408981-86.94951310G5240Brighton Senior Citizens Building Brighton Senior Citizens Building 2923 0 2368 0 407 7 14 3 2923 124 1326.674388 26.46060258 1666 25 1542.7739560424939 1603.369929 24.592191014752448 23.62627651 18 5633181 0 1850 0 272 7 10 02237.0339151907615 2248 109ABrighton Senior Citizens Building 5711 23728662 0 314.86390337542105 257.762101611928366662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010735712 33.4410637-86.92395820G5240Roosevelt First Baptist Church Roosevelt First Baptist Church 1265 0 1203 1 23 2 15 0 1265 21 711.9129069 12.70108924 894 12 827.8751001283301 860.3917867 11.804251682084937 11.34061272 74 5633181 0 982 1 18 1 8 0 968.1313385960702 1029 19ARoosevelt First Baptist Church 5712 74682312 0 1423.9813369255207 1165.7367457089666662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010735709 33.4558504-86.92262090G5240Midfield Community Center Midfield Community Center 5721 10 4727 0 77 3 50 6 5721 848 1731.206554 427.6033378 2174 404 2013.1996286467354 2092.272645 397.4098066926459 381.8006283 74 5634181 8 3290 0 55 2 28 2 4378.402678346339 4155 770AMidfield Community Center 5709 12152771 0 265.0830490868169 217.009200171307246661116551 73Jefferson County 10735N010735713 33.4462373-86.89950920G5240Bryant Chapel AME Church Bryant Chapel AME Church 1065 1 1026 0 11 0 3 0 1065 24 565.389445 8.467392827 710 8 657.4846992313874 683.3089134 7.869501123471724 7.560408482 74 5634181 0 826 0 11 0 2 0 815.0670953397746 858 19ABryant Chapel AME Church 5713 10792601 0 209.32849228358032 171.365950557811636661116551 73Jefferson County 10735N010735615 33.4384696-86.90584940G5240New Bethel Baptist Church New Bethel Baptist Church 841 0 827 0 6 0 3 1 841 4 445.1446476 0 559 0 517.6534462602124 537.9854684 0 0 74 5533181 0 641 0 2 0 2 0 643.6351428927234 648 3ANew Bethel Baptist Church 5615 28779021 0 289.973476231119 237.38565089161786661116551 73Jefferson County 10735N010735614 33.4282001-86.91774190G5240Lipscomb Fire Station Lipscomb Fire Station 1165 0 841 0 87 9 11 0 1165 217 370.2902703 93.1413211 465 88 430.60617622736135 447.5192179 86.5645123561072 83.1644933 18 5533181 0 612 0 49 7 4 0 891.5992169679224 861 189ALipscomb Fire Station 5614 25724482 0 643.9153502230943 527.13878013443376662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010735613 33.4278945 -86.9337580G5240Lipscomb City Hall Lipscomb City Hall 2587 2 1846 0 427 11 21 2 2587 278 756.5070039 64.56387031 950 61 879.7330482022987 914.2865742 60.00494606100726 57.64811467 18 5533181 1 1402 0 265 11 9 01979.8859865201848 1926 238ALipscomb City Hall 5613 15378672 0 494.0749788143959 404.47254679816426662226152 73Jefferson County 10732N010735606 33.3960352-86.94559120G5240Thompson Manor Community Center Thompson Manor Community Center 1985 0 1531 0 64 10 14 0 1985 366 613.1688348 154.5299191 770 146 713.0467864741152 741.0533286 143.61839550700205 137.9774548 18 5533181 0 1126 0 44 7 7 01519.1626143187348 1516 332AThompson Manor Community Center 5606 25458132 0 927.6662196681377 759.43031834597386662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010735511 33.4774261-86.91504940G5240Fairfield Fire Station #1 Fairfield Fire Station #1 3727 1 3616 0 57 2 13 3 3727 35 1504.254453 12.70108924 1889 12 1749.2797134740126 1817.986672 11.804251682084937 11.34061272 74 5434181 1 2843 0 31 2 10 12852.3521730810703 2918 30AFairfield Fire Station #1 5511 90446902 0 610.3132735782865 499.630571662014466662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010735706 33.4767204-86.93394220G5240Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church 2452 0 2296 0 19 0 11 0 2452 126 1031.238495 39.16169182 1295 37 1199.2150502328666 1246.316962 36.39644269683738 34.96688923 74 5634181 0 1796 0 11 0 5 01876.5676223221851 1933 121AMt. Pilgrim Baptist Church 5706 21802682 0 1123.304977022352 919.58922100761476662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010735512 33.4869045 -86.8974550G5240Charles A. Brown Elementary School Charles A. Brown Elementary School 4513 1 4288 0 39 6 7 1 4513 171 1776.596974 87.84920058 2231 83 2065.983611103956 2147.129839 81.64607415523848 78.439238 74 5434181 0 3246 0 28 5 4 13453.8946490783123 3433 149ACharles A. Brown Elementary School 5512 31322072 0 486.60785067110527 398.359611582071076662226952 73Jefferson County 10735N010736012 33.5142438-86.88904850G5240East Ensley Public Library East Ensley Public Library 1955 0 1899 0 8 9 13 0 1955 26 906.2157584 5.292120517 1138 5 1053.8275880755593 1095.219075 4.9184382019096065 4.725255301 62 5934191 0 1458 0 8 8 10 01496.2029778302904 1504 20AEast Ensley Public Library 6012 4138342 0 93.09019751968971 76.207925693961416662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010735705 33.4900955-86.91461060G5240Fairfield City Hall Fairfield City Hall 374 0 338 0 12 0 0 0 374 24 128.2080291 11.64266514 161 11 149.0916008449629 154.9475142 10.820564041911192 10.39556166 74 5634181 0 225 0 11 0 0 0286.23013488927296 252 16AFairfield City Hall 5705 13891932 0 415.9190375812874 340.490491536389136662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010735510 33.4919082-86.90963670G5240C.J. Donald Elementary School C.J. Donald Elementary School 1671 0 1525 2 32 0 12 2 1671 98 496.1093299 48.68750875 623 46 576.9196726716996 599.5795113 45.24963145840109 43.47234877 74 5434181 0 996 2 22 0 6 21278.8517524063504 1106 78AC.J. Donald Elementary School 5510 35999552 0 1346.8210127781845 1102.56974847600336662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010735509 33.5021696-86.89793280G5240Ensley Park Recreation Center Ensley Park Recreation Center 5411 7 4964 0 166 11 42 4 5411 217 1997.974814 83.61550417 2509 79 2323.4212822261907 2414.678963 77.7113235945435 74.65903376 74 5434181 7 3604 0 105 10 21 2 4141.15310129908 3954 205AEnsley Park Recreation Center 5509 13455392 0 54.75893971746453 44.828191584683196662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010736011 33.5229435-86.90336280G5240Morningstar Baptist Church Morningstar Baptist Church 220 0 210 0 0 0 2 0 220 8 153.6903703 0 193 0 178.72471400259613 185.7445356 0 0 62 5934191 0 178 0 0 0 2 0168.37066758192526 188 8AMorningstar Baptist Church 6011 81040591 0 515.9785547013817 422.40382343203755541115551 73Jefferson County 10734N010736006 33.556759-86.91036120G5240Sandusky Community Senior Citizen's Park Sandusky Community Senior Citizen's Park 2073 3 939 0 42 12 37 2 2073 1038 358.3454229 536.6210204 450 507 416.7156544166794 433.0831141 498.7296336513592 479.1408875 62 5934181 3 651 0 23 10 15 01586.5108813515048 1607 905ASandusky Community Senior Citizen's Park 6006 55752421 80966 387.7928549082261 317.46510222243826661116951 73Jefferson County 10735N010736009 33.5298417-86.85189650G5240Mount Hebron Baptist Church Mount Hebron Baptist Church 1558 0 1239 0 266 0 11 0 1558 42 589.2791399 26.46060258 740 25 685.2657428527513 712.181121 24.592191014752448 23.62627651 84 5934191 0 973 0 200 0 10 01192.3704549665435 1223 40AMount Hebron Baptist Church 6009 9889171 0 225.0094613844906 184.203114511607286661116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735402 33.5281064-86.82953720G5240Carrie A Tuggle Elementary School Carrie A Tuggle Elementary School 904 1 829 0 52 1 3 0 904 18 476.2012509 4.233696413 598 4 553.7688029872296 575.5193383 3.934750561735862 3.780204241 84 5334171 1 687 0 24 1 2 0 691.8503795184565 731 16ACarrie A Tuggle Elementary School 5402 23378501 0 248.15755862869153 203.153213681496086661116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735403 33.5423764-86.81973870G5240Lewis Elementary School Lewis Elementary School 997 0 966 0 10 0 16 0 997 5 422.0512759 0 530 0 490.79843740698317 510.0756677 0 0 10 5334191 0 769 0 9 0 9 0 763.0252526326341 792 5ALewis Elementary School 5403 21388461 0 684.2378421968637 560.14863030133686661116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735404 33.5255971-86.82052840G5240Mt. Zion Community Church Mt. Zion Community Church 2749 1 2480 9 93 1 15 1 2749 149 809.0643326 8.467392827 1016 8 940.8513442462759 977.805431 7.869501123471724 7.560408482 84 5334171 1 1995 3 67 1 13 02103.8680235577845 2219 139AMt. Zion Community Church 5404 28748301 0 544.353641645886 445.63297725319156661116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735906 33.5361509 -86.799430G5240Norwood Community Center Norwood Community Center 2187 1 2034 0 36 3 9 1 2187 103 950.0135323 13.75951334 1193 13 1104.7595017662761 1148.151456 12.787939322258682 12.28566378 10 58 1171 1 1573 0 24 3 9 11673.7575000075933 1711 100ANorwood Community Center 5906 38581411 0 1170.5967885965258 958.30447737620476661116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735406 33.5250482-86.80546210G5240Jefferson County Courthouse Jefferson County Courthouse 4703 24 3203 1 99 16 40 4 4703 1316 890.2892952 157.7051914 1118 149 1035.3068927128663 1075.970937 146.56945844834095 140.812608 10 53 1171 19 2705 1 88 16 39 4 3599.305680171793 4156 1284AJefferson County Courthouse 5406 6845732 0 117.2339118496627 95.973082892662656662226552 73Jefferson County 10735N010735708 33.4696301-86.90946360G5240St. Mary's Catholic Church St. Mary's Catholic Church 471 2 432 0 5 0 0 0 471 32 279.5094299 19.05163386 351 18 325.03821044693433 337.804829 17.706377523127408 17.01091908 74 5634181 2 377 0 5 0 0 0 360.4662928685764 416 32ASt. Mary's Catholic Church 5708 18222521 0 263.3407191867158 215.58284862088556661116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735412 33.5468243-86.77079280G5240North Avondale Branch Library North Avondale Branch Library 1058 0 992 1 31 3 13 0 1058 18 452.311556 3.17527231 568 3 525.9877593658658 546.6471307 2.951062921562117 2.835153181 10 53 1171 0 785 1 22 3 8 0 809.7098468258042 833 14ANorth Avondale Branch Library 5412 25840351 0 522.2011614874572 427.497936112115166661116951 73Jefferson County 10735N010735909 33.5637824-86.78204850G5240Inglenook Elementary School Inglenook Elementary School 2098 7 1783 0 118 5 12 0 2098 173 630.6879443 58.21332568 792 55 733.4195517579604 762.2262808 54.10282021996479 51.97780831 10 58 1191 4 1277 0 73 5 5 0 1605.643911758542 1520 156AInglenook Elementary School 5909 46882571 0 428.36425115343843 350.67871689654446661116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735408 33.5376965-86.78147410G5240Morton Simpson Community Center Morton Simpson Community Center 1721 0 1561 0 38 3 17 0 1721 102 653.781316 6.35054462 821 6 760.2745606111897 790.1360815 5.902125842083351 5.670306361 10 53 1171 0 1204 0 22 3 10 01317.1178132204245 1339 100AMorton Simpson Community Center 5408 48134621 0 1188.0200875975372 972.5679928804226661116221 73Jefferson County 10735N010735411 33.53811 -86.7601590G5240Willow Wood Recreation Center Willow Wood Recreation Center 4773 35 3414 0 741 4 35 4 4773 540 1089.370086 83.61550417 1368 79 1266.8155895575655 1316.572667 77.7113235945435 74.65903376 10 53 1171 26 2347 0 476 4 14 13652.8781653114966 3340 472AWillow Wood Recreation Center 5411 12161361 0 317.8507546327373 260.20727569836566661116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735401 33.5264965-86.84074450G5240Wilkerson Middle School Wilkerson Middle School 1277 4 1102 0 160 1 4 0 1277 6 554.2409208 7.408968724 696 7 644.5202121888401 669.8352165 6.885813483297979 6.615357422 84 5334191 4 863 0 105 1 3 0 977.315193191448 981 5AWilkerson Middle School 5401 28712431 0 682.4955122967625 558.7222787509156661116951 73Jefferson County 10735N010736013 33.5158524-86.86100490G5240Woodrow Wilson Elementary School Woodrow Wilson Elementary School 2742 46 1435 1 84 7 43 3 2742 1123 732.6173091 67.73914262 920 64 851.9520045809347 885.4143666 62.95600898152849 60.48326785 84 5934191 46 1142 1 82 7 43 32098.5107750438137 2422 1098AWoodrow Wilson Elementary School 6013 23807311 0 459.97509362670206 376.55680931133886661116511 73Jefferson County 10735N010735715 33.4544893-86.87559610G5240Wenonah Elementary School Wenonah Elementary School 1848 0 1802 0 12 1 15 0 1848 18 671.3004256 1.058424103 843 1 780.6473259912556 811.3090338 0.9836876401737448 0.94505106 74 5634171 0 1182 0 8 0 10 01414.3136076881722 1214 14AWenonah Elementary School 5715 80103131 39413 107.52664526338489 88.026267111741536661116151 73Jefferson County 10735N010735209 33.4198518-86.87400740G5240Macedonia Christian Church Macedonia Christian Church 432 0 389 0 1 0 0 0 432 42 185.5432968 9.52581693 233 9 215.76610549774801 224.2408124 8.85318876364547 8.505459542 45 51 6171 0 267 0 1 0 0 0 330.6187654335987 306 38AMacedonia Christian Church 5209 55575592 230334 1045.6468443321296 856.01469476024585502225112 73Jefferson County 10734N010734801 33.3927028 -86.7735980G5240Hoover Public Library Hoover Public Library 4201 109 1487 1 445 12 67 11 4201 2069 470.6269888 893.3099432 591 844 547.2865595140663 568.7824899 830.2323684731819 797.6230948 5 47 6151 89 898 1 317 9 37 6 3215.114429598491 3171 1814AHoover Public Library 4801 10839312 36699 205.09711966904896 167.901953935358855502225112 73Jefferson County 10734N010734301 33.3954632-86.76153660G5240Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church 824 19 54 0 25 2 4 0 824 720 11.773102887245209 30.551031293152693 14.784328084950568 28.86464054680825 13.69080212049194 14.228539662541195 28.393790152328034 27.27855915332601 5 42 6151 17 43 0 17 1 2 0 630.6246822159383 688 608ASaint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church 4301 39576521 0 1209.67475921308 990.29550500709236661116951 73Jefferson County 10735N010735301 33.5087951-86.85012620G5240Legion Field Lobby Legion Field Lobby 4860 1 4667 0 108 6 15 2 4860 61 2068.051252 23.28533027 2597 22 2404.9123435540137 2499.370772 21.641128083822384 20.79112332 84 5234171 1 3610 0 72 6 9 13719.4611111279855 3756 57ALegion Field Lobby 5301 21613661 0 868.924811607585 711.34189464604096661116951 73Jefferson County 10735N010736014 33.5055497 -86.8747390G5240Minor Elementary School Minor Elementary School 3491 2 3252 2 89 5 29 0 3491 112 1454.086094 33.86957131 1826 32 1690.93952183066 1757.355036 31.478004495968662 30.24163393 84 5934171 2 2433 2 68 3 14 02671.7363660386413 2619 97AMinor Elementary School 6014 35643811 0 580.4447610051241 475.17883079764186661116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735303 33.5116047-86.82547940G5240Hill Elementary School Hill Elementary School 2332 1 2141 0 45 4 11 1 2332 129 818.6202106 16.93478565 1028 16 951.9637616563332 989.354314 15.739002242779916 15.12081696 84 5234171 1 1776 0 32 4 11 11784.7290763684077 1935 110AHill Elementary School 5303 52523461 31272 776.0835183593382 635.33773345928265501115171 73Jefferson County 10734N010734603 33.3951979-86.85107980G5240Shades Crest Baptist Church Shades Crest Baptist Church 3118 55 87 0 93 7 28 1 3118 2847 347.9932218 1647.966329 437 1557 404.67720223848744 420.5718242 1531.6016563542328 1471.444501 45 45 6151 41 56 0 54 6 13 12386.2715523656498 2393 2222AShades Crest Baptist Church 4603 85530571 7058 2017.618024317125 1651.71509538837246601116111 73Jefferson County 10735N010735212 33.4582768-86.83278630G5240Homewood Satellite Courthouse Homewood Satellite Courthouse 8106 219 4158 6 1239 18 90 11 8106 2365 1200.855328 1034.080349 1508 977 1396.4604599830386 1451.309636 961.0628246371075 923.3148858 45 51 6171 164 3090 5 938 13 59 96203.6937791776645 6258 1980AHomewood Satellite Courthouse 5212 30305521 5771 646.4043929375244 529.17642520646476661116221 73Jefferson County 10732N010735409 33.5108808-86.77447120G5240Avondale Public Library Avondale Public Library 2597 41 761 0 72 4 41 1 2597 1677 691.2085046 488.9919358 868 462 803.7981956757257 835.3692068 454.4636898435407 436.6135898 10 53 1171 41 640 0 58 4 34 11987.5391986829995 2319 1541AAvondale Public Library 5409 25649231 0 327.55802121901513 268.15409147928676661116921 73Jefferson County 10735N010735407 33.512417-86.79627030G5240Southtown Housing Community Center Southtown Housing Community Center 1316 50 970 0 25 6 19 0 1316 246 286.6763383 34.92799541 360 33 333.37252355258767 346.4664913 32.46169213614241 31.18668499 47 53 1171 48 574 0 19 5 10 01007.1627206264257 894 238ASouthtown Housing Community Center 5407 8006871 0 260.60277220084254 213.341439041651345661115211 73Jefferson County 10735N010735309 33.5032469-86.79697220G5240Southside Branch Public Library Southside Branch Public Library 1047 75 232 1 28 4 15 2 1047 690 186.3396199 145.0041022 234 137 216.69214026588267 225.2032193 134.76520678707368 129.4719953 47 52 1171 72 223 1 27 4 14 2 801.2913134467079 1027 684ASouthside Branch Public Library 5309